Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
So, what are we all watching this week?
What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…
Currently weecapping: Forest & Hyena
Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 2: This show is determined to make things hellacious for our dear characters! While it’s all a bit over the top, I love the world of Doldam so much that I don’t mind. Things are arcing nicely for our characters as they come full circle, and our dear little fledglings are slowly becoming whole. Woo-jin has found a place where his unwavering principles are actually championed instead of used to vilify him, and it’s been great watching him in an environment where his skills can shine (and to have those obnoxious gangsters dealt with once and for all). Also, his affection for Teacher Kim is ADORBS. Eun-jae has also come a long way from where she started, and I like how her progression was all about looking inward and being honest with herself (and her horrid mother), and taking ownership of her story instead of being steamrolled by family pressure. There’s one more week to go and lots of loose ends to tie up, sadness to cope with, baddies to take down, and medical mysteries to solve. As much as I trust things to come together, I’m also worried about Teacher Kim… and even more worried about how I’ll say goodbye to this little world.
(P.S. Hello, Yang Se-jong! May his cameo be as long as his haircut was bad — and can we have some Thirty But Seventeen meta too, while we’re at it?)
Crash Landing on You: I’m stalled in Episode 14 somewhere, and can’t seem to get going again. As much as I want a happy ending for our couple, I’m also dragging my feet (and the episodes are sooo long!). However, I also want more Kim Jung-hyun on my screen, so that might be the deciding factor for pressing play again.
Itaewon Class: We got an openly trans character in a drama! I’m pleasantly surprised by how well they’re handling Hyun-yi so far, but I’m bracing for it to go wrong. Hopefully, it won’t. I like chosen family stuff, so I’m enjoying our little restaurant crew. I was wondering how Sae-ro-yi was going to take down a corporation with a dinky restaurant, but it’s starting to make a lot more sense now that we know he’s had other financial things in motion for years. Soo-ah is really starting to annoy me, which is a shame since I liked her at first. Just pick a side and get on with it! Her feeling conflicted about her job and Sae-ro-yi could be compelling, but for some reason, it’s coming off as irritating instead. I don’t know if it’s the actress or the character, but I’m not feeling it.
Stove League: The finale was a little disappointing—there wasn’t much to the selling the team thing. I thought there’d be more excitement there, but it was ridiculously resolved with a touching PowerPoint. Seriously, that’s all they could come up with? And did we really need to give everyone a redemption arc? Turning most of the baddies good felt forced to me. Overall, it was a fun drama and different from the usual fare. My main gripe is that I had a hard time connecting to any of the characters on a deeper level since we stayed so focused on the procedural work problems. It would have been nice to see more of their personal lives.
No Second Chances: They went all out this week, making everyone and their mother fall apart. While I’m frustrated Hae-jun didn’t just give Bak-ha the USB—seeing as it’s hers in the first place—I understand him wanting to give his mom a chance to do the right thing. Of course, she’s evil so that’s guaranteed to backfire. I get that Hae-jun loves his mom, but after the horrible things she’s done and the way she’s treated him, how did he not predict she’d try to swipe the evidence? I mean, really. Now, she’s even roped Poong-ki into her evil schemes, which he is going to majorly regret once he realizes he essentially backstabbed Bak-ha for a payout.
The Cursed: I’m still enjoying it, but I found this week slower than last week. One issue I’m having is that we already have so much information. Not only do we know the identity of our Big Bad, but so do our good guys. It’s only on its second week, and we’ve already got our duo attacking the CEO. It might not turn out to be a problem, but it does make me wonder whether we’ll have enough material for the entirety of the show. Obviously, they haven’t gotten him yet, so things could still go in an interesting direction. I just hope we don’t get a tiresome back and forth with the cursing.
Crash Landing on You: It wasn’t the perfect drama, but it more than served its purpose as a romantic comedy. I laughed and cried with our couple and although I had some complaints (Seung-joon’s scene in the warehouse was a bit too contrived for my liking), I’m generally satisfied. I was happy to see how Se-ri’s crash landing changed herself and those around her, and the NIS guys were such an unexpectedly welcome breath of fresh air late into the story. Finale week brought on the angst, but it also gave us the most beautiful ending I’ve seen in a while. (Have you guys seen the ending’s still cuts? Ugh, the way they look at each other makes my heart melt!) I’ll miss my weekly dose of the jealous Captain Ri, his faithful ducklings, and our Picky Princess. Now, please excuse me while I book a trip to Switzerland where I’ll hopefully meet my very own Hyun Bin.
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (February 15, 2020)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (February 8, 2020)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (February 1, 2020)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (January 25, 2020)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (January 18, 2020)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (January 11, 2020)
Tags: Crash Landing on You, Itaewon Class, No Second Chances, Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 2, Stove League, The Cursed, What We're Watching
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1 liar song #PuppyNotPuppyLeeJaeWookIsBack
February 22, 2020 at 6:03 AM
Diary of a Prosecutor ended last week, but I was only able to watch the finale this week. I really love how this show was consistently able to humanize prosecutors (something that we rarely see in dramas) and how it consistently dealt with real life cases that were really hard to watch, especially when you know how justice is not really that fair and prosecutors can only do so much. I think the ending really fits with the tone of the show as well. And Prosecutor Kim and Mi-ran's love line is the cutest thing!
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liar song #PuppyNotPuppyLeeJaeWookIsBack
February 22, 2020 at 6:04 AM
Stove League's finale was slow, but it really warmed my heart. Funny how the finale has Lee Je-hoon in for a cameo, not only because he is a favorite of mine and I appreciate him on my screen (despite a lot of hit and miss projects), but also because him and PEB were spouses in Secret Door (I still ship Se-young with Jae-hee lmao). I didn't want Seung-soo to go and leave Dreams, but I am really happy to know that he was able to protect the team and is leaving them on a good note while carrying his fond memories of everyone in Dreams once he becomes a GM for a new team (and a new sport). In this show everything is excellent: screenplay, acting, directing, cinematography, the pace, the focus on baseball, musical score, OST, and even the colors! It was also delightful to see that CEO Kwon finally made a choice not just for himself, but for the team, and his little call with Seung-soo at the end was surprising because he even recommended Seung-soo. And although it was not really heavily implied, but I can see that Se-young took Seung-soo's spot and is finally the first female baseball team GM! As a big fan, I really hope that PEB's next project will be as good (and even better) as this show.
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February 22, 2020 at 8:20 PM
Since you commented on the two shows I just finished, I had to respond with my own thoughts.
I appreciated Diary of a Prosecutor for some of the reasons you mentioned, including its portrayal of real issues and its unwillingness to idealize how much prosecutors can actually accomplish. Few shows have believable conflict and character growth while managing to retain each character's fundamental personality. Often, it felt as if a character was on the verge of becoming a caricature, but the show would offer a twist to subvert expectations, as if to imply that life is too unpredictable to follow the typical script. The bittersweet ending was both disappointing and fitting because it was ultimately true to the characters and conditions we had come to know. On a side note, although I was not that invested in Kim's love story, I enjoyed the comedic side of it.
I enjoyed Stove League for the characters and the office/sports camaraderie. Even though I am in my thirties, I still have a soft spot for sports anime and the like, which Stove League strongly resembled. If I have any criticism, I wish the show was a little less over-the-top. At times, some of the plot developments and character motivations did not make a lot of sense to me, mostly because the drama's focus on creating dramatic tension made the antagonists resort to irrational villainy and cartoon confrontations with the protagonist enlightening everyone. Part of me enjoys this kind of thing, but the plot felt a bit convoluted with the player trading and owner mismanagement. The cast is great, but the antagonists had the potential to be more interesting and complex from the beginning.
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liar song #PuppyNotPuppyLeeJaeWookIsBack
February 24, 2020 at 11:55 PM
The realness of Diary of a Prosecutor was really good and I agree with you that the ending was hilariously disappointing but in a satisfying way.
On Stove League, I do think it's because the show made Seung-soo's effort to reformat the team be the focus, so we lost some time in diving deep into the characters (which are A LOT). Shows like this own could honestly use some more episodes or some added time, because focusing on one thing on the plot (the action) means (sadly) losing the other (backstories of everyone; villain arc). But I do believe that if a show was able to make a person like me who has the attention span of a bird focus on something that I have 0 interest in, then that's show is a good show. And the resemblance to a sports anime made me love the show more, even though I am already in my 20s!
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2 TurtuallySarcastic
February 22, 2020 at 6:05 AM
Coffee Prince: (8/18) After this weekend I am probably halfway. Is it me, or is the pace slow? I quite like it, but I am used to lots of drama and conflict halfway the show, and here it only seems to start now. Mr. Voice plays an okay guy, but he is not the best romantic partner. I dislike the second female lead Yoo-Joo for the same reason. They have relationship issues they keep dancing around and our leads get dragged into the mess and are the ones getting hurt. Yoo-Joo keeps telling Han Kyul to back off and tries to diffuse tensions between the leads, but somehow it feels insincere. Is it the writing or the portrayal? No idea, but it is a shame, because I admire her confidence in herself, her job and her beliefs. If only I could believe her confidence in her love.
No Second Chances: (30) PoongKi, you wanted to take revenge on the toxic family, so for your sake I hope you did not simply hand over the usb and laptop to them. There better be some plotting behind it! Makjangs are not known for their logic, but even I have limits.
Itaewon Class: Currently following the recaps, because I lack the time to press play for now. Unpopular opinion, but I think everyone would enjoy this K-drama a lot more if they could look at things from a non-romantic angle.
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MikeyD signed up
February 22, 2020 at 7:52 AM
Older dramas are soooo much slower than newer ones. Watching the 2006 series 'Goong' (Princess Hours) was like watching paint dry.
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February 22, 2020 at 1:33 PM
Ah, so it is really like that! Thank you for reassuring me, and congratulations for surviving Goong! ;)
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February 22, 2020 at 9:41 AM
I also hope PoongKi took a look to the USB before handling it to InSook, so that way he would really have his revenge as he would have the money in exchange of nothing. But even so, I don’t think PoongKi is that clever, that’s the little faith I have in his character.
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February 22, 2020 at 1:34 PM
I am silly for getting worked up over it, I am aware. But, in my defense, this is my first makjang, I am used to less (obvious) stupid logic :p
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February 22, 2020 at 3:24 PM
Most (not all) dramas have gotten better over the past few years about not having totally stupid logic fails and just plain stupid tropes.
One favorite is how some evil CEO can just tell the whole internet to not post those XXX video of him, worldwide. It's like those writers have never heard of YouiTube, Facebook, Twitter, Weibo.
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February 22, 2020 at 2:13 PM
I second Mike's comment; older dramas have a slower pace, and this is true not just for Korean dramas. As for Coffee Prince in particular, it takes it's time in developing the characters so that you can fully understand why they do what they do, which isn't a bad intent. For this reason, I think being patient with older dramas reaps rich rewards because you can fully empathize with the characters. Yoo Joo, in particular, is a flawed character; you realize, after awhile, that she strings the male leads along in order to give herself a feeling of importance and self-worth, and that she has to do just as much growing up as Eun Chan, if not more. One of my favorite scenes, by the way, was Eun Chan crying on the bus... because of all the background story and lead up, I felt so much for her, I understood her feelings completely. Ugh.
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February 23, 2020 at 2:37 AM
Thank you for your insight! The pace never bothered me, but I could not make sense of it, which is why I asked :) My opinion on Yoo Joo is based on the first half of the show, but I have a feeling she will change for the better, so I'll just give her the time she needs to grow (on me). ;)
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3 Dorotka
February 22, 2020 at 6:07 AM
Something unexpected happened, I postponed watching last two episodes of Crash Landing... and postponed... and postponed... all thanks to the Japanese series Bokura wa Kiseki de Dekiteiru (Miracles) which I got recommended last week after my praise of actor Takahashi Issei. And... IT IS SOOO GOOOD! It's not only Takahashi Issei as a very unique university lecturer of biology, but there are other interesting (and well acted) characters... and stories (my heart aches for the Dentist who lives according to the expectations of others... and mainly those of her own). The writing is great, among others using parallels between the lessons / talks about animals and our main characters' situations, being it a new interpretation of an Ezop's fable, or squirrels crossing a bridge. And maybe it's also because I have scientific background and because I have people on the spectrum in the family that I love every second of the series! 💕
Crash Landing... was a bit too long and sometimes repetitive in the final stretch... and awesome Dan didn't deserve being left alone (I was truly heartbroken for her... when she finally found someone who loved her and admired her, she lost him so terribly. Also, why couldn't they at least hint at a friendship being formed with the village women for example?? Did they really have to leave Dan so alone??). That said, I still enjoyed the series till the end. It had many memorable characters... and a good combination of cheesiness and comedy. 🙂
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February 22, 2020 at 6:14 AM
Its bad that I've never completed the show and moved to next one. Only if Blankat Cats also gets all episodes translated.
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February 22, 2020 at 6:29 AM
I still have 3 eps to watch... but hopefully it stays good till the end.
I really really like it... though yeah, it's very personal...
* What has subbing of Blanket Cats to do with you not watching Miracles?
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February 22, 2020 at 6:41 AM
Blanket Cats took the place of Miracles in watchlist and has only 3 episodes translated. At that time even miracles was getting slow translation updates so i joined them together and that's how i still remember the show. Used a memorisation trick - showed respect in my own way.
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February 22, 2020 at 6:44 AM
Ditch the watchlist... and watch Miracles! 😁
February 22, 2020 at 6:47 AM
I'm so glad you're enjoying Miracles. It's such a quirky gem, but I'm still perplexed by Japanese squirrels that won't cross the path without a bridge. Maybe the squirrels in my neighborhood should acquire this fear so that less of them get TODed.
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February 22, 2020 at 1:57 PM
Haha, Japanese squirrels 😂
Though Kazuki does say that it is a mystery 😀
Thanks again, I do love the show... a lot. It touches my soul and I'm often moved... sometimes even to tears...
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February 22, 2020 at 9:49 PM
Takahashi also starred in Quarter, one of my favorite Japanese dramas.
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February 22, 2020 at 9:51 PM
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4 cat-cric-kat
February 22, 2020 at 6:10 AM
CRICKET - not for a week. come 21st 4-5 matches altogether.
This Guy is the Biggest Mistake in my life - 4.5/10 my current comment at MDL. If you drool over plastic face oppas then you mustn't have any problem with hero too. heh
Kotaki Brothers and Shikuhakku - 7.5 out of 10 - Writer is clever. want benefits but doesn't want to poke. stands and look serious but then just float the paper boat. Still this ensemble of brothers is entertaining. Tsukkomi and boke
No Need to Know - 7 out of 10 - then why you so desire it? ahh the Curiosity. The best thing about Yuriko is she look like bold but she always plays its safe. Her self-awareness has helped her get good scripts. Scripts that are good for her career. Not necessarily well written stories. This is why you get the feeling she's typecast now when just yuriko playing to her strenghts and acknowledging her limitations. Saw someone call her shows trash - I accept the view but clearly disagree with it.
Aoihachi is doing such a spectacular job fast translating the chapters. I'm behind 2 episodes so can't comment on story.
Rare for me to write about actors as i always consider them secondary to story+plot.
Yuru Camp - slice of life manga to anime to live-action. Cute girls doing cute stuff. so it had to be made live-action. we need sofskin teenage idols on our screen time to time. naah. yaah. heh. I posted gif showing good acting and bam spam system took it for a bike ride.
Love Lasts Forever - I call it fluff with some substance. 6/10 .
Sato Takeru's Ruruouni teaser is awesome.
Alive - is good if you can get over few things 7/10 need to play catchup
4-Gatsu no Kimi Spica - 6/10 typical shoujo trash. Still it has more value than your casual shoujo trash - more easily visible through both guys.
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February 22, 2020 at 6:16 AM
Itaewon - 4.5/10 is illegitimate child of Gangnam. Class is right in your face. That's how you manipulate someone's feelings to make profit. Writer knows what clicks and what stings. more like lollipop bait. Have no clear insight - no clear information - saw just a glimpse of an event - and made a judgement. Such a cheap trick and audience still fell on its face. All those comments towards the 2nd female made me chuckle. Such reaction against a fictional character? Result - not make your desperate attempts make a fool out of you. Who is more human among all fictional characters? - Its the one who is confused about her own place. And the one who is ruling the Class.
These kind of typical soap operas add some tools to make them look progressive - Cook is the cheap plot tool for you. You can find them in N number of stories. Hero with money - is such a nice wish fulfillment.
Lame Game - 7/10 not droped. picked up with skip scenes. Big disappointment but Still far better watch of the season.
2 liars - trying to oneup each other and nonsense at full display - 1st episode TRASH. 4/10
Thailand -
Jao Sao Chang Yon - 3/10 rich boy poor girl trash.
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February 22, 2020 at 6:24 AM
Let me guess 2 liars is Hyena?
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February 22, 2020 at 4:22 PM
****Yuru Camp****
Such a treat in how much it captures the reality of this type of camping. Sure the acting is mixed and often over the top, but the camping scenes so capture the physicality of camping: the cold, the repeated process of setting up, how much you notice going to the toilet, even the hyper awareness of keeping track of costs.
I personally love how her kit really is about what she could actually carry on her bike and the simplicity of just being outside. There is nothing over the top or extreme...just camping. For all its weaknesses, its strengths shine through and in the early eps Fukuhara Haruka is holding the cast together.
P.S. off-season camping really is the best.
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February 22, 2020 at 6:28 AM
Perfect Partner - 7/10 - used complete name - 6 episodes watched. Public relations and marketing. I define things in 2
Mind and Heart and this hero is exactly that. Mind is realist and practical. Heart is humanity. morals, principles, ethics and much more on emotional side.
Assistant is attractive. herione will become. -ve characters are still wearing face masks. Overall good 6 episodes.
Sweet Tai Chi - 4/10 idol romance trash. bad bad translations. Beautiful scenery. watch it for locations and set.
Foursome - saliva exchange program in full action mode. You can't even sympathise with actors for being so dumb to chose this script. Everyone who gave approval to whole project needs to be fired. More capable people are out there struggling and these incompetent idiots are wasting resources.
Guy - had controversy in a show, movie did average. one other show not in sight, picked this trash - seems like desperate attempt. how many commercials he has?
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5 Kafiyah Bello
February 22, 2020 at 6:13 AM
Romantic Doctor Kim 2: I too love the world of Doldam. Also this"May his cameo be as long as his haircut was bad"😂😂😂😂. Facts. That being said character growth requires strife and this show has it in droves. I am so proud of the growth of the characters. I will be sad when it ends next week, but I am sure the end will be great.
Itaewon Class: Continues to be fabulous and dark. I can't wait to watch the next episode.
Hyena: I just started it, but so far so good. I love a good story on how terrible lawyers can be, even though it is bad law that good lawyers manipulate. I digress though, lol.
Tell Me what you saw: Continues to be fine, nothing has jumped out to make it spectacular yet, but I am enjoying it. Plus I like the visibility of more disabled characters in dramas, so this is great.
Hi-Bye Mama: I am actually really looking forward to this, so HUZZAH.
Arthdal Chronicles: THIS IS GETTING A SECOND SEASON. YASSSSSSS. Now all I need to hear is the 2nd season of Vagabond and I will be so happy for my terrible but great dramas.
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February 22, 2020 at 10:00 AM
How do you know?!
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February 22, 2020 at 10:18 AM
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February 22, 2020 at 6:30 PM
Thanks. Good to hear. The ending of season 1 really left bitter taste. It's not open ended, it's very obviously an unfinished story. I genuinely hope the crew learned the good and bad pf past season and do a better job in this coming one.
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February 22, 2020 at 6:46 PM
Kim Won-seok has parted ways with Studio Dragon and won't be returning to direct season 2.
Good news for SIGNAL 2.
Kim Kyu-tae and Hong Jong-chan are the said directors for ARTHDAL season 2.
February 22, 2020 at 9:54 PM
KWS left Studio Dragon and went to KakaoM who are rivals to Studio Dragon. So maybe not very good news. If at all a new season of Signal happens it'll be under Mega Monster who currently have a deal with KBS to air all their dramas on KBS channel for the next 3 years.
February 23, 2020 at 1:39 AM
I adore KWS for giving us My Mister, Misaeng and Signal. He definitely has the gift of extracting the details from everyday somewhat mundane life and turning it into something heartfelt and meaningful.
That level of detail unfortunately works against him in Arthdal. I felt theres too much details in creating that fictional world that it became a distraction to the storyline.
February 23, 2020 at 3:11 AM
Details posted on Feb. 15:
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6 Radily
February 22, 2020 at 6:28 AM
Itaewon Class (Episode 5-6)
Despite the twist that Soo Ah didn’t actually report the pub to the police, her inability to draw the line towards working for her guardian’s murderer will be the reason why I personally can’t endear myself to her (also her self-serving traits). With the introduction of Ho Jin in the present time, I’m wondering how the cop is doing now and if he’s gathering all the evidence against Jangga silently (I’m pretty sure they have skeletons given Geun Won). The preview shows us Sae-Ro attempting to divide and conquer through Min Jung, yet somehow I don’t think she’s the lynchpin taking down Jangga.
Crash Landing on You (Episode 15-16)
The show may have broken rating records with the wonderful Switzerland landscape (it does look fantastic!), but it did not break the trend of terrible writing. I feel like the writer waddled between giving happy endings and bittersweet ones while coming up with a final product that is even worse. We had all the leads as damsels in distress at some point and somehow it turns out that in all the gunfights, the second male lead is the one who dies (and no, Dan smiling curiously is pure baiting just like how her uncle appeared to be villainy once). Hyun Bin needs to find a good drama stat.
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February 22, 2020 at 10:38 AM
Yeah, I think the Crash Landing on You writer killed the wrong guy. I'm okay with bittersweet endings and thought Man-bok taking a bullet would've made sense.
Can our dear fan fiction-writing Beanies give Dan and Seung-jun the ending they deserve? Archive of Our Own has several CLOY stories/videos so far. I Carried You for Aching by beriallen is a "post-canon-fix-it" for Dan and Seung-jun.
Gu Seung Jun's death baffled me and it took a while for me to register that he'd really died. When TV doctors are straddling their patients to do CPR, why the hell would the NK first responder just shrug and sit back? WTF? I was further confused by Dan's coy "He went somewhere very far away and is never coming back" line. Huh? That's like telling your kid their pet rabbit "went away to a nice farm."
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February 23, 2020 at 10:42 AM
I kind of think that his death was faked, though, and that he is back in Europe somewhere under a witness protection program. And just because "he's never coming back" doesn't mean that she can't go to him (in Russia, perhaps, when she does her little concert?). I could see Capt Ri's father helping him out as well (after Dan's mother broke off the engagement). But who knows, maybe he did die. My hubby thinks that he had to, to atone for all his sins.
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February 22, 2020 at 9:30 PM
Itaewon Class - I've watched episode 7, but I won't comment on it here. I want to like Soo Ah, actually, but I can't relate to her decision to work for Jangga or her inner turmoil. It just makes no sense to me because the show has not fully fleshed out her world view. We know she is someone who despises handouts and cherishes her own independence to the extent that she exaggerates darker aspects of her nature to push people away, so why work for a domineering boss who hurt people she actually respected? Does she truly embrace a darker world view, is she pragmatically self-serving, or has she prematurely abandoned the possibility of living humanely and ethically? The show makes it seem as if the big baddie behind Jangga (I can't recall his name) has control over everything and offers the only path to success, but I have trouble buying it and her constant angst. She can accept his scholarship, use the experience she gained at Jangga, and move on to work elsewhere. Why suffer for a boss whose respect for her talents will always be overshadowed by his own manipulative and predatory nature? Similarly, I'm a bit tired of the way every character becomes putty in his hands. It's nice to see the protagonist conquer his anger management issues, but I want him to be smarter, particularly if he's going to openly confront the primary antagonist. Can't they give him something profound to say at least? The main protagonist and antagonist are too philosophically simplistic.
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7 hazelnuts
February 22, 2020 at 6:28 AM
Crash Landing on You.
There are a lot of great scenes! I cried (of joy!) when Manbok came home, the unnies seeing how Seri still remembers them thru her beauty products and of course our OTPs reunion! On the other hand, I am rooting for Seo Dan! I still cant get over the fact that Jung Hyun has to die though realistically, it wouldn’t be easy as well for them both to have a happy ending. Oh well, overall, it gave us a satisfying ending, tying up all loose ends, kudos to all the actors!
Romantic Doctor Kim 2.
Still in episode 12 but damn! Nasty people just wont go away right?! These people just wont back down! I love that ep 11 dealt on how people in Doldam and Master Kim himself felt about this impending doom (thanks to this Dr Park, oh how I hate him geeez!) and it was Master Kim who affirmed that these people who believes in him are his strength not his burden (I cried a little!) so I am hyped again when they power struggle to give back the utmost service to patients who needs Doldam Hospital! I am a little behind in watching because I am so scared to let go of this drama. Being in the medical field, there are a lot of scenes that are echoed in my daily routine as seen in this drama. So. Lets do this Doldam, fighting with you til the end! 💙
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February 22, 2020 at 6:46 AM
I'm always glad to see medical Beanies in DB. Just for the record, I despise Dr.Yang far more than Dr.Park; let's just go with I just hate them both.
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February 22, 2020 at 1:03 PM
DB, since I was a dreamer, was always (has always been) my partner in keeping me sane (keeps me away from the toxic world). Forever grateful for this community!
Ps. Dr Yang, yes, that one is a meanie! Why is he even practicing med?! Dang! 😂
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Diana Hansen
February 22, 2020 at 12:43 PM
i worked in labor and delivery for 21 years til spinal meningitis tried to kill me. i made it thru recovery but have lots of little things to deal with but it makes me love medical dramas also. they talk to me in my language and i so understand the happenings positive and negative that affect that discipline. i love how principled Dr. Kim is and how he stands his ground and also takes misfits under his wing and grows em up right. CLOY was also my Hyun bin crack. i am sad to see them both go.
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February 22, 2020 at 1:10 PM
Hi @diana-hansen! So proud of what you’ve become! The road or journey of recovering may have been difficult but I knew you’ve overcome this with faith 💙
I agree on how Master Kim was portrayed in this drama, He is one dignified man! You and I know that we need this kind of person in the field and I love how this imperfect/hurt people come together with this one goal (Master kim reminding them on what this is) - that is to save lives! How I love this writer!
And Hyun Bin?! We hope to see him sooon in the dramaland! 🙏🏻
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Diana Hansen
February 22, 2020 at 7:14 PM
agree with every word and thank you.
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February 23, 2020 at 10:46 AM
These were the two I watched live this session as well. I'm back on board with RDK2 even though the first 2/3's irked me to no end. I really liked eps 13-14 though! I'm glad I've stuck with it. In whole, I liked the first season better!
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8 Maq
February 22, 2020 at 6:30 AM
Poong-ki is a loathsome idiot.
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February 22, 2020 at 9:45 AM
Perfect definition 👌🏻
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9 mmmmm
February 22, 2020 at 6:53 AM
Romantic Doctor 2: This is the only drama I'm watching these days. I'd say that for me, the cast and crew team has done a terrific job producing the SS2 of this show. I love the stories in the show no matter how unbelievable some of them are. I love how Kim Sabu took care of the hospital; it'd surely be nice to have such a mentor in a place where everything can function the way it's supposed to. This is such an ideal hospital where goodness triumphs the evils, and that's the reason I love the show. I also love how Dr.Seo Woo Jin and Dr. Cha complemented one another despite being a bit bored by the crossing/not crossing the line thing. In all, I think the show has done a great job and portraying difficult situations happening in reality in medical field (e.g. politics, difficult decisions doctors have to make on the daily basis.)
I'm looking forward to this week episodes. And no, I am not ready to say goodbye to the show either.
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10 Lixie
February 22, 2020 at 7:16 AM
Itaewon Class Ep1-2 - I was mildly interested in the woman from the first 5 minutes but the first 2 eps were corny. I'm tired of these silly, underdog revenge plots with nice heroes and cardboard villains. Where is that girl?
A House on the Slope - Where are all the psychologists in Japan? It's like Freud never existed. This drama makes a nice job of showing how raising kids still seems to be like a woman's responsibility but when it ignores mental issues it might send a disturbing message.
Someday or One Day - It was a good show but could have been so much better. The first 2 eps were repetitive, then from 3 to 8 it became very good, but after that, eps 9 to 11 had many problems. Some important moments were skipped to keep the mystery and there were too many twists, an awkward villain and plot holes. When ep 12 got back on track it seemed it would have a nice last ep but 13 managed to be rushed, ridiculous and brave at the same time. I would never have imagined it was planned to be 13 eps from the start, show spends the first 2 hours telling me a hundred times how the FL missed her boyfriend and then just ends without any explanation about major facts about the characters.
This Guy is the Biggest Mistake Ep1-3 - Is this a kinky You're My Pet? I think I should be offended because it's not consensual kinkiness but I'm busy laughing and wondering where it will go.
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February 22, 2020 at 7:41 AM
In asian societies visiting a psy is like killing all of your social value. That's why power of magical love is considered such an excellent cure in these fictional asian dramas.
As soon as you knock the door of a psy, you loose the trust of society. Can you be relied upon, your action, decisions and views start to get big question marks.
Kono Otoko hero is no way different from other 100s heros in asian dramas. Its just section of audience apply selective amnesia.
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February 22, 2020 at 8:37 AM
I know mental issue is still a big taboo for them, which is why it's frustrating when a drama like House on the Slope, which was praised, and did such a great job showing the prejudice society still imposes on the women's role in the family, made such terrible choice ignoring the value or the existence of mental health issues.
The ML from Kono Otoko is different because it's all about the kinks ehehheheh! That is not love! I'm so curious to know if drama will have the courage to say it though I think it won't.
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February 22, 2020 at 8:09 AM
I have already lined up THIS GUY IS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE and am about to start watching it. It sounds like fun.
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February 22, 2020 at 9:48 AM
Ignore the naysayers!!
THIS GUY is hellaciously fun!
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February 22, 2020 at 9:27 AM
I generally abhor the overbearing lover but I'm deeply enjoying This Guy is the Biggest Mistake in My Life. As @catocat has noted, Japanese dramas are live-action manga. It's over the top, perverse and hella funny. As a westerner who's watching this as a satire, I feel like the show wants its cake and eat it too. (He's so creepy! But he's kind of adorable too!) Chacun à son goût.
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February 22, 2020 at 10:55 AM
He's not a lover kkk. He's more of a stalker with romantic delusions and the way he tries to fulfill his fantasy while putting her on a dominant position is what makes it funny.
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February 22, 2020 at 1:12 PM
Someone at MDL called it "topping from the bottom." 😂
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February 22, 2020 at 4:34 PM
I tend to like the Japanese shows that are made from Manga- but to do so one has to accept that "over the top" is part of the genre- and even part of the point.
11 Kurama
February 22, 2020 at 7:20 AM
Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 2 I need more Areum and Nurse Park scenes !
Money Game It's very interesting to see the characters changed their mind regarding the situation. They are very well written and the actors are doing a great job.
Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life Why is it so sloooow >_<
No Second Chances The title doesn't make sense now.
Itaewon Class I'm surprised the "hate" get the women in this drama when some male characters can be worse but they're still forgiven.
Crash Landing on You I prefered the stories about the ajummas or the ducklings than the main couple or the second leads.
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Linda Palapala
February 22, 2020 at 9:30 AM
Itaewon: I like that the characters are complicated. This is why I'm not reading any other comments for the reason you state about the "hate".
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February 22, 2020 at 10:50 AM
Some people here are quite biased towards female characters. I am surprised to read such gender disparities here in this day and age.
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February 22, 2020 at 10:53 AM
Towards or against?
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February 22, 2020 at 11:04 AM
against. Female viewers against female characters in particular.
LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
February 22, 2020 at 11:44 AM
This continues a broader conversation we've been having for a while which boils down to: why are men in dramas forgiven for being horrible but women aren't? I think we all know the answer.
Linda Palapala
February 22, 2020 at 11:47 AM
@leetennant We all know the answer? I don't know the answer. Don't blame the writer, blame the viewer who has pre-set opinions.
February 22, 2020 at 10:57 AM
I find I can be harder on female characters than male ones.
In real life though I am a bit the opposite. I never understand when people (mostly women) speak about how it is harder to work with women or be friends with other women. I love working in a predominantly female job and I've only ever had women as close friends.
I'm not a parent but I've also had mom's tell me that boys are so much easier than girls and it always makes me a little sad.
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Linda Palapala
February 22, 2020 at 11:12 AM
If this is what people are taking away from this drama then you're missing the point.
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Fly Colours
February 22, 2020 at 11:32 AM
Not watching this (yet), but chimming in just to say that comments about FLs on Viki are very often mean and judgy. Definitely agree that viewers cut MLs a lot of slack for bad behaviour and FLs don't get that benefit
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Linda Palapala
February 22, 2020 at 11:36 AM
I would have liked if this conversation were in another thread, since I stated in my comment I didn't read other comments in other places for this exact reason. I'm trying to avoid judgments and opinions and just enjoy my drama.
But oh well...
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Fly Colours
February 22, 2020 at 11:44 AM
I don't really understand what you're talking about because I'm not watching IC. I was talking in general terms about the comments I see on Viki, sorry if I upset you
Linda Palapala
February 22, 2020 at 11:49 AM
@flyingcolours No worries - you didn't upset me in the least! In fact I agree with you about the comments in general terms which is why I've mostly stopped reading reviews/comments on dramas. My response was really more to the other comments than yours.
miss h
February 22, 2020 at 11:38 AM
There are just some dramas where I avoid comments. I like that the characters are complicated too.
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Linda Palapala
February 22, 2020 at 11:44 AM
Thank you! That was the point I was trying to get across - that the characters are complicated which makes them more interesting.
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February 24, 2020 at 5:12 AM
@linda-palapala I too am just enjoying the show and don't understand the comments. I see the young girl as someone who has met an adult that she respects. Whether it is truly love or just infatuation - I don't care - because she is learning from him despite herself.
This show is well done and I'm enjoying it with you!
February 22, 2020 at 9:48 AM
No Second Chances The title doesn't make sense now.
It hasn’t made sense for me from the beginning 🤣🤣🤣
Although I like the show.
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February 22, 2020 at 10:49 AM
This reminds me of an old Historical Romance novel Flowers From the Storm. I wanted to do a re read a few years ago and convinced a friend to read it with me. She really enjoyed the book, but got caught up on the title, what it meant, and how it pertains to the story. It made me realize I rarely think about it, but she could not let it go.🤣
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February 22, 2020 at 12:39 PM
I dunno, I think Money Game is really hammy. The actors over-act, the plot doesn't completely make sense, and the whole thing feels like a gangster plot or a sageuk royal intrigue story was transmuted into a weird economics thriller (in other words, the tenor of the plot doesn't fit its setting).
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February 22, 2020 at 12:45 PM
I know it's a weird mix and the acting felt over the top which is why I couldn't continue past the first half of ep 3.
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February 23, 2020 at 5:39 AM
I don't think the actors overact at all. I found them pretty good in their role. Some characters are more extravagant, but it's different. The world of finance is a pretty dark one, so I don't care about the crazy things. For me the most interesting part are the characters and their motivations.
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February 23, 2020 at 6:59 AM
I dunno. I think some of the actors (especially, but not exclusively, Lee Sungmin as Heo Jae) are way too theatrical for their roles. It's weird for me.
I think part of my problem is that I've worked in finance before and I have friends who continue to work in this area (in a variety of roles). Although I firmly believe the world of finance is populated by more than a few evil people and has dark aspects, I think the way it's portrayed in this show is too out there.
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February 22, 2020 at 1:47 PM
I think in general I notice that Kdrama views are not fans of the gray type of character. If a character made any kind of mistakes or have flaws People are quick in jump to judge and
criticize. God forbids if it's a woman.
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February 22, 2020 at 1:51 PM
Me on the other hand started watching kdramas cause I was tired of mortally grey character. Not cause I don't like them, I do but even good characters (and evil for that matter) can be complex. But a lot of people don't think that.
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February 22, 2020 at 1:52 PM
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February 22, 2020 at 2:11 PM
I always come back to kdrama when I get tired of the western glorification of gray characters. But I also like gray characters. But more than that I want human characters, who can make mistakes, be selfish sometimes, jealous. You can be all that and still have a good moral character. But for kdrama viewers they're not acceptable of the characters flaws.
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February 22, 2020 at 2:13 PM
yes exactly
12 PurpleTeapot
February 22, 2020 at 7:27 AM
After a busy second half of the year last year, I’m finally easing back into some dramas I missed.
My ID is Gangnam Beauty: This was such a lovely, calming watch. I loved that above the romance, the show focused on Mi-rae’s growth away from her traumatic past of being bullied and resultant over-emphasis on looks, towards standing up for herself rather than shying away or relying on others to help her.
And the show gave an incredibly nuanced portrayal of how the culture of lookism shackles everyone, whether they’re good-looking or not.
Extraordinary You: Just finished the first episode. The blatant spoof of BOF is HILARIOUS.
I’m not sold on Dan-oh yet—the actor is portraying her alternate ditzy delusions (about being the female lead) and freak-outs excellently, but the character’s mannerisms itself doesn’t quite sit well with me. But the intriguing premise has me curious to find out more. Hopefully, she turns into someone I’ll root for as more of the storyworld’s mysteries and rules unfold.
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February 22, 2020 at 9:41 AM
Extraordinary You: Recently I finished that show as well. I loved Dan oh most of the time, but the actress needs to grow, definitive. And her character, to my dismay, lost her sparkle in the last episodes (I hope this is not a spoiler. It is also my impression, you will have yours). But even so, I enjoyed this drama overall.
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February 22, 2020 at 6:52 PM
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I don’t mind that she might have lost her sparkle, as long as she’s good for most of the show (:
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February 22, 2020 at 5:40 PM
My ID is Gangnam is on my wait-list. Thanks for the reminder I will get right to it !
Extraordinary You was quite good, story-wise is intriguing all the way to the end, although it does get a little draggy in the middle, the cast was excellent and held on right to the end.
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February 22, 2020 at 6:54 PM
Thanks for sharing your impressions! I hope you’ll enjoy Gangnam Beauty. I really enjoyed how the show could’ve let the male lead “protect” the female lead in many instances, but it instead chose to let her stand up for herself. Keep a lookout for those (:
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13 Nino
February 22, 2020 at 7:28 AM
Nothing good is on air this year. All the good dramas from 2019 have ended. 2019 was the peak drama year. LMH and KSH need to make their comebacks quickly.
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14 Edgar Pordwed
February 22, 2020 at 7:45 AM
I caved and watched 9 episodes of My Holo Love in one night. I'm doubly ashamed, not only for giving in but also because I could have spent that time watching a better drama. 😑🙄
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February 22, 2020 at 9:43 AM
Oh no...I have just started watching it, not having great expectations, but... It is a bummer if is worst than what I would like to put up with. 😒😑😒
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Edgar Pordwed
February 22, 2020 at 11:20 AM
Do share what you think of it!
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February 22, 2020 at 12:32 PM
🤔 not sure.
I like it so far, but I don't love it.
It feels a little bit all over the place, and the hologram too much human for me to believe it, but it is a fantasy drama anyways. I am only in ep 3.
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February 22, 2020 at 10:05 AM
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rank this? I finished My Holo Love over the course of three days. If I'd played k-drama trope bingo, I would've been too drunk to go to work.
As a lifelong sci-fi fan, I somewhat liked this. I'd give this a 6.5 out of 10. F/X were solid (even if the technology behind it was never explained) and the healthy sibling, mother/child bonds were enjoyable.
In the latter part of the series, the scenes where everyone is walking around with their AI brought back an uncomfortable memory. I thought back to my first (and only) time at SXSW Interactive. And while I did have great conversations with creatives of all sorts, more often than not, I was surrounded by a sea of people staring into their f*cking screens.
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Fly Colours
February 22, 2020 at 11:24 AM
Watched MHL over a couple of days and liked it too! Found it cute and most of the tropes didn't bother me... but I guess that not having great expectations enhanced the experience. The fact that so many of us binge-watched it must mean something: I felt like it's like delicious fast-food, not the best, but yummy all the same
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February 22, 2020 at 12:06 PM
Haven't watched it yet, but agree that sometimes you just really need those french fries.
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Linda Palapala
February 22, 2020 at 11:37 AM
" a lifelong sci-fi fan..." Yay. What other sci fi (film, tv, books, etc. have you been a fan of??) Thanks!
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February 22, 2020 at 10:41 AM
Well, I watched it in two days, and even it's not the best drama EVER I did enjoy it a lot.
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Edgar Pordwed
February 22, 2020 at 11:06 AM
I enjoyed it too! I also liked all those parts that you've mentioned Tsutsuloo. But maybe it was the use of all those tropes only that brought it down for me. Nothing made sense, but still I was glued to the screen. A 6.5/10 for me too.
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15 welh
February 22, 2020 at 7:46 AM
CRASH LANDING ON US: It is clear that the ending was shot first in Switzerland so the direction of the show was set in stone from the beginning. The end was not happy, but cruel. The idea that JH and Seri would only see each other twice a year is not a relationship but a holiday reunion. In addition, poor Dan is off to live another 10 years pining for a lost love. Overall, if you erased the logic, premise and impossible events, it was enjoyable, entertaining series based on the strength of the ensemble cast even though the 3 1/2 hour finale was way too long.
BEAUTIFUL LOVE, WONDERFUL LIFE: FL lead suspension unwarranted but gives her free time to find the nasty truth about Judge Hong's real crimes.
FUN RESTAURANT: The change in best dish with one on one battles makes the show even more fun. The quirky real life scenes with the celebrities are just as entertaining as the food porn.
I expect to watch the pilot of HI BYE, MAMA to see if it is original or a rehash of the sad ghost mom coming back to shock her family.
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February 22, 2020 at 9:51 AM
Love your Crash Landing on Us. That is indeed hilarious.
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16 Bob
February 22, 2020 at 7:48 AM
Having recently upped my Viki subscription level I was finally able to catch up with 'Go-Back Couple'. Imagine my surprise when I recognized the male lead's father as the basement dweller in 'Parasite'. Not only that, the male lead had an allergy to peaches! I think we know what Bong Joon-ho was watching circa 2017.
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February 23, 2020 at 7:53 AM
It would have been cool if the inspiration came from a K-drama.
I wish he'd do a Korean drama series instead of that English HBO one.
And why peaches?
When I was in college, I went on this training trip — just going to drink, really — and one of my friends said he was severely allergic to peaches. I thought he was kidding. And then some other kid went to a nearby grocery store and tossed it at him as a joke. Even though it didn’t hit him directly, he turned bright red and had an attack. It was a really traumatic event. Those kinds of memories always bubble up when you’re writing a script. Peaches are so pretty to look at, but you can attack someone with them. I felt that was very cinematic.
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17 Karmen ~ 🍜🏢🎭 ~ 📚☔🦋 ~ 🪂🌱💘 ~ ✨🍊💫 ~
February 22, 2020 at 7:51 AM
- CRASH LANDING ON YOU: 10/10. I loved this very much! It was full of heart. The epilogue was a little too long, I would have preferred if it had been devoted to the OTP only. I will rewatch surely.
- A GIFT TO THE PEOPLE YOU HATE: 4,5/10. A Thai drama. The premise was good: there is a shop in which people can buy gifts for the ones they hate. Gifts have 4 levels, the last makes the person die. The drama shows how hate is something that hurts not only people that are hated, but people that hate, too.
However, the writing isn't good, lots of things are ridiculous and some episodes are boring.
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Karmen ~ 🍜🏢🎭 ~ 📚☔🦋 ~ 🪂🌱💘 ~ ✨🍊💫 ~
February 22, 2020 at 8:01 AM
- PRETTY NOONA WHO BUYS ME FOOD (rewatch): I watched some videos on YouTube, got nostalgic and planned to rewatch the first half. Then my sister said she wanted to watch it, too. I warned her about the second half, but she didn't change her mind.
Now we are at ep.9. The situation at the workplace is frustrating as I remembered, but otherwise I'm enjoying it. Jin-a is flawed and lovely.
- FIND YOURSELF: a Beanie wrote about this cdrama on the fanwall (thank you) and, since I can't resist noona romances, I binge-watched 4 episodes yesterday. So far it's good. I didn't like Victoria Song's acting in The love knot, but here it seems she is improved.
- THE GAME: TOWARDS ZERO: I am two episodes behind and I don't know if to drop it or not. It's perfect after a very tiring day, when I can't use my brain, but otherwise it isn't enough engaging.
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18 OldLawyer
February 22, 2020 at 8:06 AM
STOVE LEAGUE has ended- and I am sad. Now my wife and I will need to find a new favorite show. I agree with Quirkycase that the last episode was a bit flat. And if there were going to be so many redemption stories then why not add one more: Show our General Manager getting back together with his ex-wife. But over all this show was great.
We are back to watching REVOLUTIONARY LOVE now that Viki has finished the subtitles. It is still a fun show.
We are still watching FOREST and I cannot honestly say why we have not yet dropped it. Or perhaps I can: The secondary romance is actually beginning and it is far more natural and has far more real chemistry than our supposed OTP.
HOW IS THIS BREAD? Has ended after 5 episodes. It was a fun web drama until the final episode- at which point it became a total train wreck.
We also continued to watch CINDERELLA AND FOUR KNIGHTS and started the new T-drama comedy BETWEEN (Viki’s title) which is also titled THE SANDWICH GIRL (If you have ever been a supervisor you will know EXACTLY why that last is a perfect description of the situation). So far it is entertaining.
I am considering starting NO SECOND CHANCES even though it is a weekend drama. Those are a serious time commitment.
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February 22, 2020 at 3:33 PM
I am watching (sort of) Forest as a hate-fest. Still rooting for the clams..
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19 Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
February 22, 2020 at 8:07 AM
Crash Landing on You: 8.5 Day 16 - almost 2 hours of show-it-all-and-feel-good-itis because they can't just hint at things and let us figure it out. Or because they wanted to milk their last day of good ratings for all they could. The (relatively) good parts were Dan deciding to get revenge and Se-ri's creative packaging.
Forest: Haven't officially dropped it, but didn't watch enough this week to give a rating. FWIW, I don't hate is as much as a lot of people seem to.
Tell Me What You Saw: 7.0 Day 6 -- I did not see THAT coming!!
The Cursed: 7.5
Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 2: 6.8
The Game: Towards Zero: 6.5
Hyena: 7.0
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Linda Palapala
February 22, 2020 at 9:31 AM
I so agree with you about the last episode of Crash.
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February 22, 2020 at 5:48 PM
Basically from the moment the bad guy died, they could have wrapped it up in the next half hour. The rest were really fan- service ( which I don't really mind) and flash backs ( too many which I always think as poor directing ).
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20 peach&mango
February 22, 2020 at 8:26 AM
@Selena's last line is me
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21 amruta1009
February 22, 2020 at 8:45 AM
Didn't see last four episodes of Crash Landing on You yet. No idea why but wasn't in the mood.
1. Itaewon Class: Eps 6-7 The more I watch the more I love it. But I do think the hate the Fls get is extreme especially Soo Ah. Despite my own unwillingness to like the FLs just cause they are different from most kdrama FLs, it's not untrue that Male characters do tend to get away with worse. Might be cause we are used to it. Anyway, so I am liking the twists. During Ep 7 I got emotional at parts, won't deny.
2. Hyena: I am not bothered by this being just another Lawyer Drama cause I haven't seen that many to begin with. So far so good. Felt a bit bad for the ML, but so far both the leads are unlikable, heh. The last minutes, the woman can take care of herself. I am liking this.
When the Devil calls your Name: Watched ep 12-13. Only three episodes left. FL finally sold her soul. Wanted to finish this today itself but was too tired. Listened to the ost, liked the ones by Sondia, You bring no Sadness being my favorite.
Can't believe I watched all this today itself after not being able to watch anything all week.
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Fly Colours
February 22, 2020 at 11:36 AM
I'm in the same CLOY situation: stuck on episode 12 for over a week now... I was really enjoying it, but my interested started dwindling when they left NK
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22 Linda Palapala
February 22, 2020 at 9:25 AM
ITAEWON: Should be called Itaewon Misfits. The revenge plot (bad CEO vs good guy) is just the excuse for the excellent ensemble of misfit characters, exploring a couple of social issues - racism, prejudice, etc. I love the complicated characters who are neither entirely good or entirely bad but all have their own raison d'etre.
Most excellent k-drama. The rest of the k-drama pack I mostly ff thru.
EVERYONE WANTS TO MEET YOU: modern c-drama, cliched writing, typical modern c-drama that I usually don't like, but I've discovered Zhang Zhe Han. Now I really want to watch Legend of Yun Xi.
SOME DAY OR ONE DAY: Taiwan. If you haven't watched it, WATCH IT NOW! Best t-drama or any drama since Untamed (imo...)
THE NOVELIST: j-drama. Only 6 episodes of about 20 minutes each, which has allowed me to watch it 4 times now. I love the OST, I love the clever understated humor. It got low ratings for some reason - I can guess why but it'd be a guess. Maybe they didn't get the humor, maybe because it was BL, I dunno.
That about covers Asian drama...
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February 22, 2020 at 3:37 PM
Nearly all modern (mainland) C-drama pretty much sucks. I have started about 10 and cannot recall making it past around EP3 before dropping it in the past couple years.
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LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
February 22, 2020 at 3:44 PM
Thank God someone else said it.
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February 23, 2020 at 3:29 AM
The only modern c drama i Actually ever managed to watch till ep30 or so (had only 34 or so episodes ) was The first half of my life. I recommend it. Else I agree they are mostly unwatchable.
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Linda Palapala
February 22, 2020 at 6:10 PM
I agree, esp about the modern c-dramas, which all have the same message. But I at least discovered Zhang Zhe Han (Yunxi and Decoded).
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February 22, 2020 at 7:58 PM
Legend of Yunxi have two endings. You need to pick one that you like the most. I saw both endings. For me, it seems really sad. The OTP of Legend of Yunxi will be in another drama. They need one more drama for the Three loves lives.
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Linda Palapala
February 22, 2020 at 9:44 PM
I've noticed in the Wuxia/xianxia I've watched that when one of the OTP sacrifices themselves for the other, they get to come back, so I'll go with the happy ending (reincarnation)_.
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23 blessingwind
February 22, 2020 at 9:26 AM
Stove League : I was expecting a good ending, but man they ruined the ending. I still cant hide my disappointment even though a week has passed since the finale episode.
I wanted Baek Seung Soo watching the finals with his team and cheering and holding the championship trophy. I wanted to watch the whole Dreams Squad on the field giving their best and celebrating their win. This is what i wanted all till the end of the show.But none of this happened. Sad! I wish we could have got one more episode to make this all happen.
Forest: I cannot deny i am loving this show which is unexpected.The show has potential to do well both in the story and character development.
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24 yongsital 🐧 ❄️
February 22, 2020 at 9:35 AM
Just realized I'm not watching any airing dramas. I'm just waiting on Chae Soo Bin's new drama to air. Meanwhile I'll keep myself entertained with Cunning Single Lady.
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25 john
February 22, 2020 at 9:40 AM
Finished Diary of a Prosecutor. Would like to see a spin off of Prosecutor Cha
Tried watching Tell Me What You Saw , not really feeling it
Watching J drama Manpuku . Half way though 151 episodes and he still hasn’t got around to making ramen noodles yet. The guy went through hell though . In WW2 his business partner lied, said he was profiting from the black market. Japanese Army nearly beat him to death. A silver lining was he was beaten to the point where he couldn’t be drafted. Occupying Army (US) has arrested him twice . Pretty interesting story
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26 loveblossom🌸
February 22, 2020 at 9:42 AM
Romantic Docter Teacher Kim 2 EP 13-14 - I adore this show even though this season seemed more dramatic or higher stakes. Cha Eun Jae grew on me. I’m happy with her growth and confidence. I love Kim Sabu. He is one of the main draws, but I’m really shocked and disappointed at his latest medical decision. It seemed unbelievable... Don't know what the writer is thinking. Not sure how she is going to resolve the issue.
Tell Me What You Saw EP 5-6 (last week) - So excited for this drama. It’s nothing spectacular yet, but I can’t wait to see Jang Hyuk do more with his role. Things become very interesting in EP 6.
Itaewon Class EP 7 – I enjoy watching this drama and get immersed during the watch, but it’s also competing for my attention with my other weekend drama (TMWYS). Well, the only overlapping day is Saturday so I usually watch TMWYS first then IC. XD Another thing is I'd rather not watch TMWYS too late at night and with earbuds on. Anyway, I don’t like the villain, but I’d like to see him be a formidable one against Sae Ro Yi. And it looks like he will be. I’m glad that Kim To Ni’s scene last week wasn’t just a short side moment. The Danbam crew has a lot more to understand about him.
Black Dog EP 12 - Still watching at a snail's pace. I like the story and the gradual growth of the characters, but it's just not thrilling. It's a quieter, contemplative drama.
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February 22, 2020 at 9:58 AM
My exact thoughts about RDTK. I love the way EunJae has grown from the beginning of the show. She’s become a self confident woman who’s not afraid to face anyone who bullies her (I loved the way she m fought back Dr. Yang).
I’m also utterly disappointed by writer and how she handled the situation with Director Yeon. So NOT Kim Sabu. I would drop the drama if there were not more than two episodes left.
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February 22, 2020 at 6:42 PM
I was also very dissapointed with Kim Sabu latest medical decision. The only (slight) redemption is his very obvious remorse afterward.
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27 Fly Colours
February 22, 2020 at 10:34 AM
Just finished SOMEDAY OR ONE DAY. Do you know that feeling when you finish something and just can't say goodbye to that world and feel like watching it all over again from the start?
It's beautifully written, shot and acted. This world has an internal logic that you discover little by little, and it all fits together and is super clever. The love story is compelling, but at it's heart it's a drama about friendship and carrying on through the pain. It's almost flawless and fresh and it broke my heart and mended it several times until it's very satisfying end
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Linda Palapala
February 22, 2020 at 10:51 AM
Wasn't it wonderful! I just watched the youtube extended scene that was an epilogue.
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Fly Colours
February 22, 2020 at 11:37 AM
Been looking for it! Which one is it? The 26 second long birthday scene?
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Linda Palapala
February 22, 2020 at 11:43 AM
On youtube it's the full 4 minute version. They just posted it today. Sorry, I don't have the link.
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28 Beanies206
February 22, 2020 at 10:50 AM
I have watched/ watching both seasons of Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim. However, I only started working in Emergency Department after season 1. Even before, I already know that medical dramas tend to exaggerate like all dramas. But watching season 2, there are a few things that is bugging me.
1) The amount of trauma cases is really unrealistic even if it was explained that the hospital is near 4 major highways. But I get it is suppose to be a drama hence a lot of tension needed.
2) What is the Cardiac Surgeon and General Surgeon doing in Emergency Department? It is unrealistic that the doctors follow through the patient from ED to recovery. ED are open 24 hours and 365 days. It is impossible for the doctors to cover the ED. Forget about social lives, do these doctors even have time to sleep?
3) Being in the administrative department, I wish the show also showcase our role in the hospital. We do the paperwork about organ donor and industrial accident. If that is not considered good drama material, imagine the tension of having to register 3 different critical patients without identification. Without patient's registration, doctors cannot proceed to order medication or tests.
4) Does Teacher Kim thinks he is the only doctor in the hospital? Yes, he may be highly capable doctor but I really thinks he is a little controlling if not arrogant. Especially during the bus accident. He is injured yet he was so desperate to save the pregnant lady. Teacher Kim needs to learn how to let others take control.
5) Totally understand President Park. He really should not beat himself over that accident. He is probably disoriented after the accident. Nobody should judge him on that decision.
6) Korea really needs to get over the seniority bullying/bias.
7) How hopeless it seems that even doctors have problems paying off their debt?
After all that being said, it is a drama and hence details tend to be exaggerate. Plus, I have no idea how Korean hospital operates so it could be different from where I came from.
I do enjoy the show. I ugly-cried during the organ donor part. I actually did a research on my country regarding it. Apparently in Singapore, all Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents 21 years old and above, who are not mentally disordered, are considered donors unless they have opted out. So, no action is needed for my part.
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February 22, 2020 at 10:58 AM
Oh, need to add about Stove League.
The tension & pacing is ruined by the 1 week gap of the finale. The last episode is about tying up the loose ends. I was hoping for a twist that maybe Namgoong Min was part of Lee Je Hoon's business partners.
Hoping for a season 2 on a new sports. Then maybe we can see more on the bromance between the Namgoong Min and Oh Jung Se (he is really awesome at playing these kind of character like in When Camellia Blooms). But they may have to rename the show if they going for a second season.
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February 22, 2020 at 10:59 AM
Points all valid. It must be a very very small hospital for surgeons to moonlight in ER. Head Nurse in ER also assists in OR? Or simply only one head nurse for the whole hospital?
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February 22, 2020 at 1:40 PM
That's something I've also found odd. Head Nurse and Nurse Park are everywhere: ER, OR... even in a very small hospital that would never happen, specially when being in OR requires a special qualification. I know it's kdrama, but it just doesn't make any sense.
Still loving the show, though.
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29 Eazal
February 22, 2020 at 10:55 AM
Stove League. I concur with the other beanies comments that it could have been a better ending for the show, because it felt a bit forced. But even so, I loved the show, and enjoyed it a lot. Nangung Min was fantastic. I still don't understand a word about baseball.
No Second Chances. I really hope PoongKi did checked what was inside the USB and made a copy. Although maybe that is too much for such a stupid and inconsistent character.
RDTK2. I already posted about my disappointment about Kim Sabu's reaction to President Yeo condition. It was so not Kim Sabu's way. If it were more than 2 episodes I would drop the drama, but there's only one week to go, and besides we have Yang Sejong cameo. And yes, he needs a haircut.
Tell me what you saw. I'm some episodes behind by so far I'm liking it. I've heard there's an interesting twist in ep. 6 so I will wait until there to decide, because although it's interesting it feels like something I've seen many times before. I'm still hanging for Jang Hyuk, an actor I find as attractive as annoying...
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February 22, 2020 at 10:59 AM
Oh, and Crash Landing on you, of course.
I will only say that my favourite couple was Dan and SeungJung.
Just imagine how I feel.
Best part: duckling and NIS interactions, SeRi's older brother and his wife and of course, Dan's mum. She was the best character in all the show.
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30 nightmoon
February 22, 2020 at 11:18 AM
Completed Dramas
CRASH LANDING ON YOU: I’m quite surprised my overall rating of this ended up being so low, to be honest. I think the main issue for me, was that I didn’t really get into this drama until about the midway point.
Overall, it was an amazing love story. The chemistry was incredible and all of the side characters were so interesting to watch.
Now the ending… was a disappointment overall. They went with killing off a certain character and it just didn’t sit well with me, mainly because I didn’t expect the writers to actually go there. I kept waiting for him to pop up somewhere, alive and on-the-run. Let’s just say I was a little heartbroken. And then the whole way Jung-hyuk and Se-ri ended. It’s not necessarily an ideal situation. And I don’t know, somehow their relationship just seemed to lack impact during this last episode (or really the last few).
I’m probably just more disappointed that Se-ri didn’t really get to say goodbye to the ducklings or the neighborhood ladies. I was secretly hoping she would get to see everyone at the end.
I would have preferred if the drama had more episodes and didn’t last an hour and a half per episode. My attention was kind of not there at times. And I loved the side characters so much. I wanted to see them for hours more on my screen.
Overall, I do quite recommend this drama. Jung-hyuk’s character was probably the swooniest I’ve encountered so far in K-dramaland. The love story truly felt epic at times, and the chemistry was to die for. (ep. 15-16) *3.75 out of five stars*
MY HOLO LOVE: What a great little drama this turned out to be!
*whisper* Overall, I enjoyed this drama more than CRASH LANDING ON YOU. It touched on some topics that I don’t know that I’ve seen in a K-drama (while still somehow being incredibly trope-y overall), like loneliness and feeling undeserving of being loved.
While I quite disagree with Nan-do’s actions at the beginning, I really grew to like his relationship with So-yun. (It also helped that this drama was fast-paced. It made it easier to forget the male lead’s earlier actions). And Holo was absolutely precious. I love that he wanted his two friends to be happy at the end, even if he wasn’t necessarily going to be there together.
AI’s have always creeped me out in general, but it was nice to see a portrayal where they aren’t considered evil (yet while also exploring the very real privacy concerns behind them).
I definitely recommend this! Don’t expect a masterpiece, but it was so fun. While I most likely won’t rewatch the entire drama again, I will go back and watch pieces occasionally (and I already have). (ep. 4-12) *3.75 our of fi