Vagabond: Episode 16 (Final)

Things looks pretty bad for our hero, but yet again he manages to run a terrible situation into an opportunity. Unfortunately, it means finding new allies and letting go of the old ones, and starting from scratch with a brand-new plan. Meanwhile, the friends he left behind find their own motivation in their grief, and the cycle of revenge begins all over again.


Having been impeached, President Jung holds a televised press conference where he presents himself as a selfless man who thinks only of his country, then voluntarily steps down.

Meanwhile, the site of the warehouse fire set by Edward Park is investigated for evidence, and one examiner finds the necklace that Dal-geon made of the bullet Hae-ri gave him. Hae-ri is worried, since she hasn’t been able to reach Dal-geon for days, and she asks HS to find out where his phone was used last.

She goes to his apartment and finds the place being searched by the police. She’s asked how she knows Dal-geon, and informed that his fingerprints were found in the ward Kim Woo-gi was abducted from. In flashback, we see again the shifty cop who’d insisted on getting Dal-geon’s fingerprint, then had called someone right after Dal-geon left the station.

Just then, Hae-ri gets a call that Woo-gi has been found and is at the morgue, his badly-burned body having been identified through DNA. Hae-ri asks about the second body found at the site, and Tae-woong says his DNA wasn’t in the system, but his blood type is O — the same as Dal-geon.

Hae-ri doesn’t believe the police’s theory that Dal-geon kidnapped Woo-gi, but Tae-woong tells her that the destroyed warehouse is the last place Dal-geon’s phone was used. Hae-ri yells that call histories can be faked, but Tae-woong has one more piece of evidence… Dal-geon’s bullet necklace. Hae-ri is forced to accept that Dal-geon died in the explosion, and she succumbs to tears.

The news broadcasts the official story that Dal-geon kidnapped Woo-gi, then in his grief over the loss of his nephew, set fire to the warehouse in a murder/suicide. Hae-ri visits the site where Dal-geon’s ashed were interred, and she sobs uncontrollably.

Nearby, Dal-geon watches her and cries himself, unable to go to her and reveal that he is very much alive. We go back to the night when Edward left Dal-geon and Woo-gi hanging from the warehouse ceiling and set a fire intending to kill them both. While the fire had raged, Dal-geon had flipped himself upside-down and unhooked himself from his chains.

He’d tried to run, but a small explosion had knocked him to the ground, which is when he lost his necklace. Thankfully, mercenaries Lily, Do-su, and a minion had been following Edward (on Jessica’s request to watch Edward/Samael).

Lily had seen Dal-geon trying to escape the building and had decided to rescue Woo-gi and Dal-geon. She’d driven their SUV into the building, directed her minion to save Woo-gi, and had Do-su carry Dal-geon outside. Unfortunately, another explosion had killed Woo-gi and Lily’s minion, who was then erroneously identified as Dal-geon.

Prime Minister Hong also holds a press conference as acting president, in which he promises to investigate former President Jung’s corruption scandal. Afterward he receives a request from “Samael” to meet, and the twin expressions of shock and surprise on his and Lawyer Hong’s faces when they realize that Edward Park is Samael are priceless.

Edward gives Prime Minister Hong a list of government ministries and financial institutions that he wants Prime Minister Hong to do something with — honestly, I have no idea what he’s asking, but Prime Minister Hong says it can only be done by the president then belatedly realizes that Edward intends to make him president.

Edward says that this is being done to amass power, because the person who holds the debts owed by other countries runs the world. He makes it clear that Prime Minister Hong can be replaced if he can’t handle the job, and he gives Prime Minister Hong a flash drive with information on trade negotiations with other countries to study.

Prime Minister Hong says he’s not certain he’ll be elected the next president because his approval ratings are low, but Edward just smiles smugly. He tells Hong to get the oil drilling project in the Kingdom of Kiria, bring money into the country, and it will increase his approval rating. He also instructs Hong to wrap up all ongoing plane crash investigations.

Hae-ri bursts into Chief Kang’s office insisting that Dal-geon was murdered, and wouldn’t have killed himself and Woo-gi after risking his life to get Woo-gi to trial. But Tae-woong interrupts, informing her that the task force team has been officially disbanded and investigations into the B357 crash are being wrapped up. He and Chief Kang know this is Prime Minister Hong’s doing, but it doesn’t make them feel any better.

Elsewhere, Dal-geon continues to follow the clues, which all lead to Black Sun, the organization Jerome and Micky belong to and that’s most likely run by Edward Park. He’s staying with Lily and Do-su, which is somehow adorable, especially seeing the way Lily has gone from trying to kill Dal-geon to defending his right to sponge off them after almost getting murdered.

She asks Dal-geon why he’s not contacting Hae-ri when they seemed so close, but Dal-geon doesn’t tell her about Edward’s threat to kill Hae-ri. He says that he plans to infiltrate Black Sun, and he asks for Lily’s help. She reminds him she doesn’t work for free, so he asks what her services cost.

Former president Jung at first assumes that Dal-geon’s call is a prank, since he’s supposed to be dead. But Dal-geon is at his door, and he reminds Jung that he still owes him a favor. He asks for money, explaining that he needs it to “enter the tiger’s den to hunt the tiger.”

Jung tells him how to get ahold of his secret slush fund, and says he considers this a good investment because Dal-geon seems to be immortal. Dal-geon just growls that he can’t die until he makes “them” pay.

Jessica calls Lily, who says she’s going back to America soon, thanks to her new “client” (Dal-geon). Jessica asks her for one more favor — for Lily to meet with her American boss and request he recall her to the States. Lily agrees, then takes great delight in informing Jessica that Samael is none other than Edward Park.

The news puts Jessica on the alert, so she notices when one of the prison guards looks exactly like the terrorist from Hoon’s airplane video. She hurries away from Jerome and back to her cell, and starts formulating a plan. She sends a note to Hae-ri by way of Chief Kang, saying that Samael is watching her and asking for protection in exchange for his identity.

Hae-ri asks to be sent to prison, willing to continue pursuing the issue unofficially if it means catching Samael. Chief Kang warns her that her life will be in danger, but Tae-woong approves it, saying that Hae-ri has completed more dangerous missions than this (aww, he finally trusts her!).

So Chief Kang arranges for Hae-ri to be jailed for accepting bribes from a Moroccan drug cartel (funnily enough, the very thing she was in Morocco to investigate in the first place). When Micky reports this to Edward, they suspect she’s working undercover with Jessica, but Edward decides to sit back and see how much Hae-ri knows.

Tae-woong had briefed Hae-ri that Samael has his men on staff at the prison and is probably watching her on the CCTV cameras, so she can’t ever let her guard down. At first, she and Jessica ignore each other, but they find a moment to speak privately in the laundry room. Jerome spots them and sends in a female guard, so they pretend to be fighting about Dal-geon’s death.

Jessica knocks out the guard for a moment, and she quickly tells Hae-ri that Edward Park is Samael, and that Jerome is a guard here. Hae-ri says incredulously that Dal-geon was killed by Edward, then they resume their fight when the guard regains consciousness. It gets them both sent to solitary confinement, where Hae-ri spends her time angrily cursing out Edward.

Eventually Hae-ri gets a visitor, and she’s surprised to see it’s Edward. He pretends to be worried about her, but she guesses his real reason for coming, so she says she came here voluntarily because she thinks Jessica killed Dal-geon. She tells him that all the clues they got from Oh Sang-mi about Black Sun and the tattoo were fake, and that Jessica murdered Dal-geon when he found out, so she’s here to make Jessica pay for Dal-geon’s death even if it can’t be done legally.

Edward meets with Jerome and watches Hae-ri and Jessica on CCTV as they’re being treated for their injuries. Edward thinks their insults are all for show, but Micky catches it when Hae-ri surreptitiously grabs a scalpel. She attacks Jessica and stabs her in the stomach, getting tossed into solitary again.

Later, Jessica calls Edward from the infirmary and asks him to visit her. When he does, she gives him the password to her email account, saying that it contains proof of all her illegal activities on behalf of John & Mark. She tells him to expose the crimes, bankrupt John & Mark, and take over, since the company refuses to recall her and has abandoned her.

She gets up to leave, and Edward asks why she’s not begging him to help her recall go through. Shaking with fury, Jessica snarls, “I hate you. Even if it costs my life, I’ll never ask you for help.” After she’s gone, Edward makes a call to have her recalled anyway… and in the hall, Jessica wipes away her tears with a triumphant smile, thinking, “Go burn in Hell, Edward.”

Eventually Hae-ri is released, and Jessica is there to pick her up. She explains that she bailed herself out as soon as she got to America, and she asks Hae-ri what she thinks of her proposal to come to America and train to become a lobbyist. After that, she says they’ll go to the Kingdom of Kiria, where Prime Minister Hong is working with Edward Park on a drilling project, and snatch it away from them. Hae-ri thinks about it for about three seconds, then agrees.

Meanwhile, Dal-geon has successfully infiltrated Black Sun, and is currently on a covert mission in North Africa to steal a biochemical weapon. The weapon is successfully retrieved, and the team relaxes as they wait for an appointed person to come take possession of the canisters.

Dal-geon is secretly in contact with Lily and Do-su, and Lily says that the person he’s waiting for is Jerome. She tells him to make an excuse and get out of there before Jerome recognizes him, but Dal-geon has other plans. He shoots the rest of his team then hides, so when Jerome arrives, all he finds is a room full of bodies and the biochemical weapon sitting on the table.

Jerome takes one of the canisters out of the safe to verify it, and that’s when Dal-geon pops up and shoots him in the knee. He tells Jerome who he is, without taking off his gas mask, then he activates a device he planted on the canister that causes it to explode in Jerome’s face, infecting him with the biochemical weapon.

As Jerome writhes in agony, his skin bubbling with angry pustules, Dal-geon growls, “Your fear, your pain… they’re nothing compared to what my nephew suffered in the crash.” Jerome begs Dal-geon to kill him, but instead, Dal-geon holds up the antidote and says that Jerome has two minutes to save himself.

He asks who Jerome is working for, and Jerome gasps, “Axis.” Dal-geon remembers that Jerome had said Wheels turn on their axis when they first fought in Morocco. He asks what Axis is, and Jerome says it’s a secret organization engaged in global finance.

Dal-geon asks why Edward wants a biochemical weapon, and Jerome yells, “Kiria!” Dal-geon drops the antidote and crushes it under his boot, and he tells Jerome, “When you’re in Hell, remember my nephew’s name. It’s Hoon. Cha Hoon.” He walks away, tossing a grenade over his shoulder just to make sure Jerome is dead.

Prime Minister Hong and Edward discuss the oil drilling venture in Kiria, which is crucial to Prime Minister Hong’s presidential bid. He’s concerned because the other candidate has sent a lobbyist to Kiria to make an offer, but Edward tells him to let him handle it. Edward meets up with Secretary Yoon and Chief Min, and along with Micky, the four head to Kiria.

The lobbyist sent by Prime Minister Hong’s opposition turns out to be Hae-ri, who startles her escorts by calling them out on their sexist comments in their own language. Dal-geon is also in Kiria on a mission for Black Sun (on Edward’s orders, naturally), and he and his racist-as-hell Russian partner set up for a sniper attack on the lobbyist.

They shoot out a tire on the limo, and Dal-geon zeroes in on his target. But he freezes when he sees that it’s Hae-ri, and after a moment of indecision, he turns and kills his partner instead. Hae-ri’s escort hurries her into the second vehicle and takes off, leaving Dal-geon fighting back tears.


AND THAT’S IT. SHOW’S OVER. I… are they serious right now? A cliffhanger ending with no promise of a second season? Again?? Okay, I know that these Netflix collaborations mean that we’ll probably get more of this in the future, and I don’t mind multiple seasons if the shows are good. My issue is that they aren’t transparent about it, and they let people watch the whole show all the way to the final scene before realizing that oh, we aren’t going to get the end of the story like we’re used to with Korean dramas. For a lot of us, one of the reasons we love k-dramas is the closure — we get a complete story, it ends, and the actors move on to other projects. But Netflix getting involved seems to be leading to series that hint at a second season, but without lining up the actors, writers, crew, or even budget for it. So instead of delivering a full story like we expect, we’re left with no ending and no promise of one in the future. I’ve been a loyal Netflix customer since back when they only mailed out DVDs, so I say this with all the love in my heart, but maybe Netflix needs to leave Korean dramas alone?

Okay, rant over. Well, rant about that topic over, anyway — now I’m going to rant about Vagabond itself. I think I was spot-on earlier when I labeled the show “bananapants.” It was nuts, though nuts in a fun way… I guess I just wish it had known it was nuts and taken itself a bit less seriously. The show somehow managed to be entertaining despite the lack of logic, comprehensive storytelling, or proper utilization of its fantastic cast. It was a mess almost from the beginning, and while the action scenes were exciting and well choreographed, everything else was mostly confusing to the point that, for the first time in my almost six years of recapping (holy crap), I had to watch each episode 2-3 times to understand what was going on. The show had a solid premise, but they tried to cram too many political misdirections into the plot, so instead of being a straightforward, exciting show about a man trying to get revenge, most of the time I had zero idea what was going on. They literally could have cut out everything regarding President Jung and Secretary Yoon/Shadow, for example, and the story would have been much more streamlined.

Having gotten all that off my chest, I don’t want to end this on a sour note, and there was a lot I liked about Vagabond. The production value was quite high, the acting top-notch, and I did enjoy the story even when it went completely off the rails. Mostly I loved the characters, who never acted predictably and surprised me in a lot of ways. Good guys turned out to be bad, bad guys ended up on the side of good, and even now I still don’t know what side some characters will land on, if we’re allowed to conclude the story. Tae-woong was a lot of fun, seeming evil at first but turning out to just have a giant stick up his… spine. I was touched by the way Tae-woong’s attitude towards Hae-ri turned around so completely that he barely let her buy groceries in Morocco, but by the end, he was sending her alone on life-threatening missions, fully confident in her capability.

I especially love Lily and Do-su, who were the actual worse mercenaries ever and couldn’t hit an elephant with a basketball from five feet away, but who somehow became crucial to getting Dal-geon as far as he’s gotten. They’re just so lovable, I couldn’t help but like them, especially Lily who was quirky and endearing even when she was trying to kill Dal-geon. Jessica also turned out to be surprisingly useful several times over, helping Dal-geon and eventually bringing Hae-ri in on her plans to take down Edward. Most of the NIS team were great as well, Chief Kang in particular, who turned out to be much more competent than he wanted anyone to know.

Mostly, I love Dal-geon and Hae-ri, who make a great bicker-ey team. I didn’t even hate the romantic interest they showed in each other, which wasn’t necessary to the story but was mostly light-handed and didn’t take over the plot, and seemed to know when to come forward and give us a break from the seriousness and when to fade into the background. I also appreciate how the situation made them both go a little dark, which was interesting in the type of drama where usually protagonists tend to keep an iron grip on their moral values. I hope we get a second season, because I want to see more of Dal-geon and Hae-ri working on the wrong side of the law. I also want a second season because so much is still unexplained, like how Edward Park became Samael, who was running Black Sun and was already feared worldwide before he ever planned the plane crash, so clearly he’s been orchestrating things like this for a long time. I want to know what Axis is and how it enters into the events of the plane crash. I don’t hold out a lot of hope, but if we do get a conclusion, I’d be tuning in at least long enough to get some answers.


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*Gets to end*

*Realises there's no end*

*Realises show never made sense*

*Anticipates global internet meltdown*

*laughs some more*
*still laughing*



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Apathy is a great antidote. 10/10 recommend.


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I imagine if I had cared about this drama I would have been outraged. As it was, the whole thing was such a farce I just had to laugh.
May not stop for days.


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I hear there may be a second season...

*Waits for hysterical laughter*


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I suspect STRANGE WIND blew away the plots for this one too. Wooooo...


Rope let it happen


Oooo... STRANGE WIND and ROPE collaboration in this one too! 😎


I read many are clamoring for a 3rd. Seriously.


10/10 of the apathetic wouldn't bother to recommend it ...


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... I recommend apathy 10/10, not the show. lol.


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It had everything. Action! Terrorism! Bombing! Eye candy! Immortality! Nonsense!


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Chicken-loving aliens! Singing royalty!


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Magic (NIS going *poof*)


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Many Different Ways to do high five.


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Ships crashing, dreams dying *CRIES* *WIPES TEARS* *FLOATS AWAY*


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I came here to check out the snarky comments, and here I am, howling, from your very first post. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


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*Gets to end*
*Realizes the joke is on me*


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I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. I didn't go in expecting much in the first place. Atleast it was fun at times. I am going to pretend it is the end. If it does end up having a second season I'll see, if it doesn't then no problem. But atleast I'll try to do a better job of picking shows to live watch thanks to this. Silver lining you know...


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Oh this is the recap that is supposed to remind me to finish slash actually start that final sh🐔tpost drawing I have planned and change the logo on my display name already because THE CHICKEN SHOW IS OVER SIC. YOU ARE FREE. YOU DON'T HAVE TO SH☠️TPOST ANYMORE.
Did it make sense? No.
Did you expect it to? Also no.
Do you have anything wise and analytical to say on the last recap? ... No.
I don't even feel like doing a funny summary to be honest. I'm like burnt out from watching kdramas. How does that even happen. Oh dear.
However, I started this year sh☠️tposting Memories of Alhambra and I said during that that it could in any way and I would have the same reaction: "I don't hate it, I don't love it, oh well, that was fun" (both sarcastically and not.)
In a beautiful feat of symbolism that is all I have to say about this bleeping show's finale also.
But! please keep an eye out for my VERY LATE but hopefully hilariously epic final sh☠️tpost/s as one last and obligatory farewell to this show, to my sanity but also to this whole year.

Oh but they did clearly forget that there are in fact, 7, yes, seven years between 2012 and 2019...


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I loved your sh*tposts, sic, they cracked me up.


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Thank you YY *sobs hysterically into you shoulder*


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[Hands over Potion made from Lazer Unicorn Tears in Melona flavor to recharge]


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*starts crying harder* t-thank you Ms. Rabbit. If Dal Geon won't take the damn health potion I WILL INSTEAD.


There, there. Let me blow away your tears *WOO WOO* Be thankful it's OVER.


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Ahh crap so did i.. it took him 7 years to get accepted by Black Sun?? Prolly not surprising considering who his trainers are.


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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 LMAO so much for being good at stuff huh, Jessica. GOOD AT STUFF THEY ONLY SUCCESSFUL THING THEY DID ALL SHOW WAS SAVE DAL GEON'S ASS.


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Despite their intention to kill him! 😂😂


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MOA is one on the most interesting and original shows. Not perfect but light years ahead of Vagabond.


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Mmm it was truly a milestone occasion.


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Ugh, had the same reaction when Arthdal ended. This one felt even worse though, because I’d known about that one beforehand at least. In episode 15 I held out hope they’d give us at least a rushed conclusion, but when it ended where it did, I knew this was our fate.

I actually enjoyed the show for the most part. Definitely had to suspend disbelief like nobodies business (guns may as well be shooting nothing, and cars are all unstoppable bullet sponges) but I like Lee Seung-gi and Suzy so their dynamic really worked for me. I hope this doesn’t become a trend though, one of my favourite parts about Kdramas was there was usually an end (to varying degrees of success, of course, but an end nonetheless). Now it’s two big Netflix kdramas in a row to buck that...and the horrible splitting of seasons compounds the problem further, for shows like Chief of Staff and My First First Love.

I’ll watch more Vagabond if it ever arrives, but I also won’t be shy about telling people to stay away until we get a conclusion.


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This was super frustrating to find out the "ending" of this show. I tried to believe a lot of things, but some things were amazingly impossible to believe, like how Jessica could just get sent back to America and suddenly be free. I'm not sure how Chief Min and Secretary Yoon were able to get out, I suppose Prime Minister Hong pardoned them, but I would have thought the public outcry . . .

Anyway, like the recapper, I had to keep watching this crazy show in spite of the fact that it rarely made sense. I like how the writer tried at times to make things work, but then at other times, just decided to throw something up there to solve a problem and hope it stuck. I just hope that there is a second season that finishes the show. I agree with Lollypip in that I watch K dramas because they always have concrete endings. Sure, sometimes the endings have a sort of Porky Pig wrap up, but at least they're wrapped up. Now we may never know what will happen, especially since the actors may be too busy to do a second season.


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Too many twists at the end. Drama for the sake of drama.

And as I said before, NERS - Netflix Ending Rage Scale. Ending was not as bad as Arsedal, but saying a stubbed toe isn't as bad as a heart attack doesn't make a stubbed toe good.

AND IT DOESN'T MEAN I WANT A SECOND STUBBED TOE. I think the only things that will cure the Netflix Never-Ending Story (NNES) will be audience rage when sequels don't happen, or audience mass boycott when sequels do happen. I vote for the former so I can watch the cast in other shows.


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I think I'm honestly numb to stubbed toes now. I'm numb to everything. I don't care anymore. *sad mime face*


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I would gladly join the angrry NNES mob. I had drop Vagabond but here for the recap just to know how they wrap up the show, only to find out that they don't!

I would hate Netflix less if they're being upfront in the possibility of muti season drama before the drama start.


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I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for either one to have a sequel.


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I still disagree @lordcobol. Arthdal ended before something we all waited for happened. Vagabond just chased it's tail.


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Upon reflection and leaving logic out of the picture I’m not even enraged at the show anymore. Not sure if it makes sense but that’s ok cause Vagabond didn’t either 🤷🏻‍♀️


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I'd let this one go somewhere around episode 7 or so, but decided to watch the last minutes to see if SSR survived, and how they wrapped it all up.

I laughed. I think the highlight was the Russian sniper calling LSG "Monkey." Oh, wait. Maybe, it was the montage of Suzy and LSG suiting up with their weapons for this final showdown, and once again a woman is using her looks, and the man gets to use bullets. I love that type of cliché.

Anyways, I hope to see everyone in a better drama soon. One that has, you know, an actual ending.


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Yeah the Monkey name made me smile too -- I'm sure it's a reference to a Korean Odyssey. To be fair about what Suzy was doing to suit up though, she's not really out to kill folks -- she's supposed to be a lobbyist in that last scene, like well, Jessica allegedly was a lobbyist when she was more like a dirty tricks expert, LOL.


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It's more that they were showing her using her face and body as the tools of her trade. Her weapons, if you will.


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I watched this drama until the part Suzy was made to buy takeaway, and Cold Brooding Second Lead was diminished, very firmly and brutally, into an Extra, whose sole purpose was to bring the two leads together. That was it. I stopped. But I will be eternally grateful; my last random post on the show propelled me to the rooftop. So, I will always have fond thoughts of the show.


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I'm here to say...Ki Tae Woong you'll be missed. To me, his lack of airtime and storyline was dissapointing to say the least.

Also, I don't blame Netflix for this ending or for the lack of writing, character development, plot continuation etc2. It's all on the writers. This is not a Netflix original.


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Glad you didn't have a meltdown. 👍😉


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Yeah. I was worried about her.


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If Ki Tae Wong had died... but otherwise Katak had resigned herself to the sheer illogical messiness that this was.


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Thank you for worrying about me rabbit and YY. Egads is right, I have resigned myself to this illogical mess. If KTW died, it would be another story. I'm glad he's alive at the end and if a 2nd season is in plans, I suggest he decline unless it's a KTW-chicken ahjumma spinoff.


I don't agree about the great casting and the top-notch acting... SSR was good at usual. But Lee Seung-Gi had better role, I think he's better with more humor. Suzy is Suzy, I never could take her seriously in her role as an pro... but the writer is in fault too. And the actress who played Lily is always the same in every role... It was pretty tiring to see her overdone acting in My Strange Hero and Vagabond and now Never Twice...

I stopped watching this drama and reading this end confirms my choice! They really should have assumed the fact there will be several seasons from the beginning.


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So happy that I chose to watch this as a comedy. My abs are more toned and I didn't waste any time trying to figure out the plot.


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I didn't try to figure out the plot. I was busy trying to find KTW in each ep. Can't say I wasted my time much, because I did utilize my ffwd button a lot after ep 6 or so. And making spinoffs was a whole lot of fun. Ahahaha 😆


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I love your spinoffs!


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Honestly, the Beanie versions of Vagabond were 100x better plotted than the real thing.


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The comments were so hilarious. I remember laughing through each post, it was so crazy funny.


I read somewhere, in a different forum, that Beanies, according to the poster, are sooo cruel and sarcastic. 😂 I'd say, just well-informed, more creative, and mostly possess critical minds. I'm glad to be here.



For some reasons, I read "...and mostly possess criminal minds." Me ---> *nods. Lol.


Comment was deleted


Sarcastic, criminal critical thinkers made Vagabond much more interesting.


@egads I think Vagabond made the sarcastic criminal critical thinker. [Surrendering self as Exhibit A]


@lookie they can take ourr lives but they WILL


Thank you rabbit 🌻. All that is left is for a kdrama scriptwriter read them and turn it into an actual kdrama or movie. Heh


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Your spinoffs and your sun...still smiling as I type this...made me laugh so hard. He was such a pwetty pwetty sun.


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My sunflower rock. He deserves sunshine and rainbows~ 🌻🌈


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@lookie I think I know what forum you're talking about. Hahahahahaha. I'm glad you enjoy your time on DB~ 🌻


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Yes I really enjoy all comments here. And I forgot to mention the incredible humor!


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The ending for me was like... Huh???! Whattt!???? Somehow it reminded me of a school project that needed to be submitted... finished or unfinished, pass your papers.


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I will never not love this drama. Everything was bad except the production. It was badly written, the acting was so-so, the characters were ridiculous, and the action was fantastical. Yet and still I enjoyed the heck out of it, and I cannot wait for a season 2, it would genuinely break my heart if there was no season 2. So here is hoping and praying. This is my favorite it was so bad it was good shows.


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Made my day with your hilarious post. So bad that it was so good. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


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I didn’t watch this post ep 1 coz life got in the way. I guess the fates intervened. Why would you spend all that money and not bother to finish your story????


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So you can hopefully make more money from part two. Presumably.


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Which goes to show why the old saying “hope is not a strategy” exists.


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Can we start a petition? Netflix leave Kdramas alone?


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I just submit a list. They need to have an ending or be upfront that it aspires to be a multi-season drama. They should have accurate subtitles and not Americanize the relationship nouns or the other language. They should not just stop mid-drama to pretend it has two seasons.


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Still laughing at them turning Hong Gil Dong into Doctor Stranger


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Oh,and also hate to maximum(guess OCD) now that u mentioned when they change their names...Koreans say the family name first and after their surname...I hate it when they change it soooo mucu to match their culture...Extra work for me to re-make all teh subtiles with the corect name...


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That too.


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To be fair, in this case, Dal-geon actually did call her "Hae-ri Go" in that order, I guess just to tease her.


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I don't mind that when it matches what he actually says,i can't stand it when they reverse it in their normal ways just to match their cultural standard...


Ahhh...he was teasing her. So he meant Haeri...go. As in Haeri go away?

*Slides away*
*sorry...can't resist*


They should also air immediately after airing in South Korea so the international audience can enjoy them together. *side eyes Netflix over My Country scare/delay in last 4 episodes*


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Could say much more but will resume not to tire anyone else with

OST - does anyone know if the BGM played when Dalgeon tells Jerome to remember Hoon's name is?


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I’m an average entertainment consumer (I’ve only watched one other k-drama ever) and tbh I loved this! There was definitely a bit too much going on and it did get confusing at times (plus soooo many characters constantly meant it wasn’t easy to keep track of names or who did what), but the show did often keep me at the edge of my seat as I binge watched all night.

I thought the show was ending so perfectly until I realized there were about 3 more hours left lol, so at that point I expected ongoing drama with cliffhanger end rather than a complete conclusion.

I’d watch a second season! The show was well-produced and I especially loved how the characters had depth (not just purely good or bad). It kept me entertained enough to come here for some spoilers when it was like 5 am and I couldn’t physically watch any more of it, so reading had to calm the suspense in me. Loved it.


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When you drop at episode eight, read the final episode recap, and realize you actually ARE making good life choices.

*tears gather in my eyes* You did well, I tell myself in my best deep voice impersonation of Bang Won’s last scene of My Country. *is it spoilers if I put it in a different show’s recap? Yes no? Ignore me?


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You did well, indeed!


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*smiles maniacally from my throne*

Ahem. I’ll save the rest of these thought for the actual My Country recap.


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*looks up at the throne* I dropped it at episode 3, so did I do better than you? *chuckles like Bang Gan*


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You are indeed wise, *opens fan* Hyungnim.


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*dies laughing, maybe literally*
See you in the My Country recap!


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(Can one die in My Country?)


when the next season start, I can't wait to get it.
this season is very interesting, I'm expecting next season.


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Thank you @regals and @lollypip for your recaps! I don’t know why, but I had fun watching it and wouldn’t mind a seeing a second season. Maybe because I like watching lots of nonsensical action movies that as soon as I started watching Vagabond and got a similar vibe from it, I knew everything and nothing was going to get solved and that it wouldn’t make a lot of sense, but still I kept tuning in each week. Of course, I couldn’t help but be mad at the second season fishing, but I was entertained even until the end.


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But... but... where's the ending?
Why... why are you doing this to us, Netflix? I'm used to dramas going batshit crazy in the final two episodes but I figured that wasn't going to happen here since the show was batshit to begin with.

And still you somehow found a way to deliver a disappointing ending. Well played, Netflix, well played.


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Thank you for your comments about Netflix and the ending. I agree. Maybe leave Kdramas and their complete wrap up alone. Arthdahl chronicles was the same. Not a whole ending and no promise of anything in the future.
I switched to KDramas for a reason!!!


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...and I was still waiting for the next episode to come out until... I learned just now that last episode Was the finale! Plop!


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LollyPip--So disappointed in the abrupt end of Vagabond. If season two comes out, I won't trust it enough to watch, in case it turns into a 'series machine'. If this is the dawn of a new age in K-Dramas, I'm out. Aarthdaal Chronicles left me cold (and most of the characters dead) Such a cheerless series with no follow up...some called it a Korean Game of Thrones. So sad. I don't think that Netflix 'gets' the kdrama audience. The majority of us left American tv series precisely because of the neverending push that scriptwriters keep making to reach the lucrative seven seasons that would guarantee the production company more money for "reruns". Which means the characters never get any resolution, they just slowly morph into different people as the plot's destination becomes simply to 'never-end'. So now Netflix is banking on the idea that if they make their foreign 'Originals' with both an american 'look' and a multi-season format then american audiences will go for it. I'm thinking that it will just disappoint those, like me, who first used their streaming service to get access the 'real thing'. I also have issues with the Netflix subtitles. First of all, korean names are americanized by moving their family names to the end like americans do. So Lee Min-ho becomes Min-ho Lee, eventhough we keep hearing names in that order. Quite distracting and actually belittles the viewer's intelligence by assuming no one is smart enough to understand 'the korean way'. I also found that throughout Vagabond the subtitles were lazy, often skipping chunks of dialogue, but then giving is a 'precis' of what was said. Not just practical synthethis here and there, but BIG GAPS of dialogue. That's why I so appreciate my Viki App where volunteers actually translate as close as possible to 100% and never assume the role of editing down the movie into spoon-sized pieces to feed to the viewer. Netflix subbers are paid either individually or as staff and seem to do less than the viki volunteers. And finally, my re-curring pet peeve about Netflix subtitlers is the americanization that wrings the korean flavour out of every drama by inserting american slang or needless phrases. The President told the Prime Minister to do something and his reply in Korean was a simple polite "yes" but our subtitler thought the drama scriptwriter needed help and translated "yes" into "You got it"...something that would sound weird in the rigid formality of the Blue House. Why not just translate what was said? The same happens going-down in speech, where we get a swear word inserted or 'dude' to make it feel like we're not watching another country's art form. I enjoy hearing different sentence orders and hearing unique ways of expressing thoughts or emotion from different countries. Unfortunately Netflix Originals and the subtitlers are painting away their unique cultural colours so that we can see through only one lens now. Ours. Sorry...I'll get off...


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Lee Seung Gi really impressed me in this show. He showed us a different side to him than I saw before. I'm torn on this drama, on one half it was an entertaining spectacle and on the other half it began to lose a bit of momentum towards the middle half. For me, I feel like once K-drama action stories get away from their "exotic" locale, it wasn't as thrilling as the scenes in Morocco were like Terius Behind Me (Poland scenes were thrilling as well).

The first 6 episodes were super strong, I was emotionally connected to Lee's character and his quest for vengeance on those who took down his nephew. If anything, it did show how charismatic Lee Seung Gi is and I came away from this show more of a fan. Might be looked at one of those dramas, that started the trend or a harbinger lol. Should be interesting where the landscape will change in 3-5 years...


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