Yoon Shi-yoon goes from lily-livered fool to cold murderer in Psychopath Diary
by tineybeanie
tvN’s Psychopath Diary has released new stills of its main character, played by Yoon Shi-yoon (Nokdu Flower). He’s a coward who runs away after witnessing the scene of a murder, but somehow he loses his memory and begins to think he’s the psychopath who committed the crime because of a diary he finds in his posession with detailed records of various murders.
Before his amnesia, he was a weak-hearted fool who was always being taken advantage of, but after he begins thinking he’s a predatory murderer, his perspective on the world changes, and his disposition changes accordingly. Apparently, this will lead to many opportunities for awkward comic moments and laughs.
The recently released stills are from the first day of filming for Yoon Shi-yoon. And the following were reports of that day: “From the first day of filming, Yoon Shi-yoon melted into his character Yook Dong-shik so well and elicited much laughter and tears with his acting. From his gaze to his gestures to his tone of voice, his perfect acting showed his careful analysis of the role. Going between weak-hearted to cold, Yoon Shi-yoon’s character reversals will grab the attention of the audience. It’s anticipated to be another amazing character for Yoon Shi-yoon’s acting career.”
Wednesday-Thursday drama Psychopath Diary, directed by Lee Jong-jae and co-written by Ryu Yong-jae, Kim Hwan-chae, and Choi Sung-joon, will begin airing on tvN this November.
Via Newsen
Tags: Psychopath Diary, Yoon Shi-yoon
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1 another woodalchi nicole recruit
October 2, 2019 at 11:31 AM
"after he begins thinking he’s a predatory murderer...his disposition changes accordingly. Apparently, this will lead to many opportunities for awkward comic moments and laughs."
I feel like they're going to have to get the tone 100% perfect in order for this work
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another woodalchi nicole recruit
October 2, 2019 at 11:32 AM
ahem: in order for this TO work
(typo; sorry!)
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Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
October 2, 2019 at 11:43 AM
Don't worry, we read what you meant, not what you said :)
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October 2, 2019 at 1:43 PM
Actually you were correct on both wordings (at least in my opinion)
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Ms. Rabbit 🐇
October 2, 2019 at 11:37 AM
I've seen a few episodes of Your Honor where YSY played dual role. I don't think he will have a problem in this area. Although I can't help but think the other way around might be more interesting (aka a cold psychopathic killer ala Lee Dong Wook in Hell turning into Enrique). 😈
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October 2, 2019 at 11:49 AM
Indeed,i also imagined this scenario various times,how would it be if a psycho gone amnesic and lived a nice life,it would be quite a nice exploration done right
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May 13, 2020 at 11:49 AM
Wait, what does this have to do with Lee Dong Wook?
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October 2, 2019 at 12:45 PM
yea they will, hopefully it will be done right!
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October 2, 2019 at 4:58 PM
I can just imagine what happens when the bullies in his life suddenly realize that the 98-pound weakling into whose face they've been kicking sand all this time suddenly turns out to be a great white shark.
But it will be even more interesting when he meets Jack the Ripper. Will he somehow know how to defend against him?
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2 Mel
October 2, 2019 at 11:35 AM
I’m so looking forward to this! Been looking forward to it since the last time DB announced it.
I just hope that YSY’s character will not kill anyone while he believes himself to be a psychopath. It will be terrible....when he remembers....
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October 2, 2019 at 1:45 PM
Comment was deleted
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October 2, 2019 at 1:47 PM
He was chilling in Nokdu flower when his character went from a sweet innocent man to a cold-hearted killer, and then back when he felt so guilty for everything he'd done. That was the first time I saw him in anything other then a fluffy role.
So I'm looking forward to this show.
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October 2, 2019 at 5:22 PM
Agreed! The transformation YSY portrayed in Yi-hyun was palpable, and you could see it in his eyes and body language.
There were a few hints of steeliness in GRAND PRINCE when Lee Hwi wanted to stand up to his bullying brother, but knew that there was no one in his corner who had any power.
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October 2, 2019 at 6:35 PM
Yes, and even though he was horrible - I still felt so horrible for him when it was all over and he regretted all the evil he had done.
It was a standout role for YSY in my opinion.
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October 2, 2019 at 5:03 PM
@gmelenco Mel,
I'm with you! Just because he believes himself to be a serial killer doesn't mean he's actually wired that way. But he may be good at emitting the vibe, which could end up being protective coloration against the real killer.
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3 Ayan
October 2, 2019 at 12:01 PM
Ooh will try to check this out, I think YSY would be very good as a villain. I wonder if he and the actual serial killer will display a lot of the characteristic traits.
WIll he still feel remorse or have a desire to do good?
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4 amara
October 2, 2019 at 12:44 PM
this is a wild theme lmao totally bizarre
think @anothernicole is very right
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another woodalchi nicole recruit
October 2, 2019 at 12:55 PM
srsly wild.
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5 kiara
October 2, 2019 at 12:47 PM
He did a fantastic job in NOKDU FLOWER and I had hoped that he would take another psychological role since he was so good at it.
This is exciting.
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October 2, 2019 at 5:31 PM
I'm glad this won't be premiering until November so I can get my brain totally into the MY COUNTRY groove before then.
I was impressed out of my shoes with YSY's performance in NOKDU FLOWER, which was already epic in every way. I'm not sure what to expect from this show, but I know he's going to pull out all the stops.
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6 frabbycrabsis loves KBS Drama Specials
October 2, 2019 at 12:51 PM
My love, I will watch anything for you~
I'm optimistic about this, but I watched Grand Prince for this man, so even if its bad it will take a lot to keep me away.
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October 3, 2019 at 11:03 AM
I watched "The Prime Minister and I" for him. (So I'm pretty sure I can sit through any K-Drama just to see Yoon Shi-Yoon.)
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7 WishfulToki
October 2, 2019 at 1:12 PM
I'm going to try this for the comedy, and hope the murder angle isn't too gory or creepy. Fighting Yoon Shi Yoon!
For now, I can't stop laughing at his hair hahaha.
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October 2, 2019 at 3:13 PM
Honestly, what that heck did they do to his hair?! It looks as if a small furry creature has taken up residence on his noggin. I've got to hand it to YSY, he goes for broke when playing his characters. ;-)
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October 2, 2019 at 4:26 PM
I think it's because the Hair will signify changes in the character: from hapless mushroom hair to slick serial-killer hair. ;)
I don't know what I'm expecting from this show but I'll give it a try for YSY. I've been working my way through his filmography over the years. I loved him in FLOWER BOY NEXT DOOR, THE BEST HIT, and more recently NOKDU FLOWER (his best performance imo). He did well in GRAND PRINCE too. I tried to watch YOUR HONOR and ME TOO, FLOWER but couldn't get past the first episode... And I've been eyeing KING OF BAKING KIM TAK GOO for like forever because it's such a famous show, but I'm wary of the makjang. MIRROR OF THE WITCH is always highly recommended by beanies but so far fantasy kdramas haven't been my cup of tea (sorry, Arang). So psychopath diaries it is!
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October 2, 2019 at 6:00 PM
But of course, it's the Tonsorial Indicator Of Evil making a special psychopathic cameo!
RE: YOUR HONOR, it nearly derailed me at the start, but settled down. YSY did a good job portraying the brothers, but the real judge got short shrift in the story. It wasn't recapped as I recall, so I felt I missed stuff. The music was lovely.
I took a peek at ME TOO, FLOWER, but have been holding that in reserve for a rainy day.
KING OF BAKING is old school, with its share of makjang and screechy chaebol women. But it's also got Joo Won, who is all kinds of awesome as Kim Tak-gu's rival. He and YSY sing OSTs. Kyuhyun's "Love is a Dream that Doesn't Sleep" is simply gorgeous. There's enough heart-warming stuff to make up for the angst.
KBS World TV has it as BREAD, LOVE AND DREAMS with good subtitles on YouTube in the US.
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October 2, 2019 at 7:02 PM
Do NOT watch Me Too, Flower. I sat through the entire thing and the best thing I can ever do for you is to prevent the same horrible fate from happening again.
October 2, 2019 at 7:19 PM
@crysta Jig October 2, 2019 at 7:02 PM
Thanks for taking the bullet for fellow Beanies. ;-)
October 2, 2019 at 7:25 PM
Great news to hear BAKING KING on KBS WORLD! It just bumped up a bit higher on my list. Yes, another reason to try it is Joo Won.
As for YOUR HONOR, maybe I’ll give it a second try. And I’ll check it recaps for MIRROR OF THE WITCH as you suggested below, thanks.
All of this will have to wait though. I’m finishing my “homework” this week (MUSA: THE WARRIOR and WAR OF THE ARROWS) to get into the mood for MY COUNTRY.
May 13, 2020 at 11:57 AM
Baker King is an amazing show and the amazing performance of YSY and Joo Won really enhanced the experience. (two of my favorite actors playing rivals, what more can I ask for?)
October 2, 2019 at 3:46 PM
@wishfultoki, @pakalanapikake,
I am thinking it may be the “Eunseom” effect in kdrama land.
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October 2, 2019 at 4:27 PM
*runs away screaming*
Perfect for shampoo PPL though
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October 2, 2019 at 6:16 PM
Dang it, @marcusnyc20 bong-soo! If I had been drinking something I'd have baptized my keyboard!
"Eunseom Effect" FTW!
*sends @wishfultoki a bottle of Lee Gun's finest shampoo*
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October 2, 2019 at 7:29 PM
Lee Gun’s shampoo? Ok, I’d buy that. I’ll knock everyone dead with my fabulous hair *laughs like Lee Gun*
(Good thing you didn’t mention Tagon’s Defined Curls Shampoo).
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October 2, 2019 at 7:33 PM
Or does Tagon model for Waves Definition Shampoo?
(I give up. I have boring straight hair. *grabs the Lee Gun shampoo*)
October 2, 2019 at 6:20 PM
LOL it's never going to end.
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May 13, 2020 at 11:58 AM
what's the Eunseom Effect?
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May 13, 2020 at 5:10 PM
Hi @sugalex,
Eunseom was one of two characters (twins) played by Song Joong-ki in ARTHDAL CHRONICLES. Eunseom’s hair was rather wild.
You can check it out.
For some reason when I saw the stills of Dong-sik’s (YSY) hair they reminded me of Eunseom’s hair.
Btw. I did enjoy PSYCHOPATH DIARY and eagerly await Yoon Shi-yoon’s upcoming OCN drama TRAIN which has been picked up by Viki.
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8 mango
October 2, 2019 at 1:36 PM
I like murder stories, I like comedy, I like YSY's action in Nokdu Flower. I don't know how everything will turn out but let's see!
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9 Kairoskat 💐
October 2, 2019 at 3:29 PM
He is a mushroom. *sigh*
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October 3, 2019 at 8:47 PM
That is me right now, thanks to a communication gap with the lady cutting my hair.
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10 Nonso
October 2, 2019 at 4:02 PM
Yoon shi yoon🤦🏾🤦🏾i thought after flower boy next door I'd follow his career, but zilch. I'm not even motivated
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11 PakalanaPikake
October 2, 2019 at 4:35 PM
Thanks for your update on PSYCHOPATH DIARY, @tineybeanie. I've been wondering when we'd start getting stills and posters for the show.
I've been curious to see which role Yoon Si-yoon would take after his tour de force as Baek Yi-hyun in NOKDU FLOWER, and it looks as if he's continuing to go whole-hog into psychological studies of complex characters under duress, but this time with a comic element, as was the case with YOUR HONOR. I just realized that he's consistently been playing dual characters (or ones who embark on drastically transformative arcs) since ROMANCE FULL OF LIFE and THE BEST HIT, both in 2017. His comeback from military service was also his first foray into sageuks in the fantasy MIRROR OF THE WITCH (2016). In it, he warmly portrayed the early years of renowned Joseon physician and medical writer Heo Joon. I can't wait to see how PSYCHOPATH DIARY unfolds, and how YSY continues to expand his acting range.
I'm tickled to see a couple of my faves in the supporting cast:
Lee Han Wie as Yook Jong-chul, probably the protagonist's dad. One of my top character actors, I'm already chuckling at the thought of him and YSY together in the same drama.
Musical actor Choi Dae Chul as Dong Chan-suk. I've loved him since Secretary Tak's bromance with Lee Gun (Jang Hyuk) in FATED TO LOVE YOU. He's great in warm, touching roles such as LOVE IN THE MOONLIGHT and MARRY ME NOW?. I didn't even recognize him at first as Park Won-jong, who led the uprising against Yeonsangun in REBEL. What a chameleon.
Kim Ki-doo made his TV drama debut in 1998, so he's been acting for over 20 years. He's got great comic timing and facial expressions. KKD first caught my eye in OH HAE-YOUNG AGAIN as one of Eric's foley crew. He did a great job as a cop in GOD'S QUIZ: REBOOT with the inimitable Ryu Deok-hwan.
Speaking of whom, Ryu Deok-hwan has accepted a role in another serial killer drama. No idea as to which character he's portraying. He played a serial killer in the movie OUR TOWN alongside Oh Man-seok and Lee Sun-kyun. What is Kdramaland coming to?!
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October 2, 2019 at 5:10 PM
@pakalanapikake I should have scrolled down before replying to your comment above. So, his character in MIRROR OF THE WITCH is based on history? Oh noes, maybe I have to watch this and fast-forward any "magic". I've had my fill of shamans and mystical dancing after ARTHDAL.
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October 2, 2019 at 7:02 PM
You might want to check the MIRROR OF THE WITCH recaps to see if it could somehow be your cup of tea after all. I live-watched it when it aired, and there was enjoyable avid discussion in the recap threads. The drama reminded me a bit of MOON EMBRACING THE SUN, but had a distinct black magic component that was creepy as all get out -- which is what necessitated the "mirror of the witch" to ward off the evil. Mirror in the title also referred to the classic text Mirror of Eastern Medicine that Heo Joon went on to compile to document native Korean flora and fauna used in medicine. This was explained in the recaps.
MOTW was my first DB sageuk live watch and followed on the heels of OH HAE-YOUNG AGAIN. Come to think of it, it was my intro to YSY, too. It was his comeback project from the Marines. It was also my introduction to Lee Yi-kyung as Taoist master Yo Kwang. The ending scene is one of the most touching and beautiful ones I've seen in a Kdrama.
I hope that helps somewhat. As I recall, the shamanic stuff is interwoven throughout the story. As a "consolation prize," you can look forward to YSY cross-dressing as Joseon Avon Lady.
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October 2, 2019 at 8:22 PM
"I'm already chuckling at the thought of him and YSY together in the same drama."
This is funny because this is the second time they work together, first one was in Baker King, so you might have missed them already :)
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October 2, 2019 at 8:39 PM
@yunrac rachel,
LOL! I had forgotten that Lee Han-wi was one of Pal-bong's bakers. For some reason, I keep thinking of his character the butcher in COFFEE PRINCE. I've seen him in so many roles -- such as the wonderful Daddy Oh in OH HAE-YOUNG AGAIN -- that I get them confused. I just know that if Lee Han-wi is in a drama, it will be fun. I love Park Chul-min for the same reason. I've seen both of them in numerous sageuks, which was all I watched when I first went down the Kdramaland rabbit hole.
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12 theimprintonmynose
October 2, 2019 at 5:34 PM
Oh a psychopath?
*puts drama in my radar*
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13 Slice-of-Life Dramatics
October 3, 2019 at 4:07 AM
Hmm I wonder if this drama is going to be the rom-com type of light and funny, or if it will be taking on a more serious tone...
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14 Hiu
October 5, 2019 at 4:46 AM
YSY is back!
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October 5, 2019 at 4:47 AM
This is going to be funny!
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