Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
So, what are we all watching this week?
What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…
Vagabond: The show’s really benefited from the move back to Korea from Morocco for several reasons. The best thing is that we finally get Shin Sung-rok. Another plus is that we don’t have to deal with any more stilted English scenes. Now that we’re in Korea, it’s become obvious that Suzy isn’t actually considered a badass agent by her peers–she’s seen as a bit of a screw up. She’s much more believable as a passionate agent who wants to prove herself and follow her conscious. Though I still see Vagabond’s weaknesses, the show’s oddly entertaining. I may roll my eyes at some scenes, but I can’t seem to stop watching.
Melting Me Softly: I think a generous description of this show would be to call it madcap. If I were being less generous, I’d call it inconsistent and so all over the place that it was whiplash-inducing. Ji Chang-wook is magnetic and it’s great to be watching him again, but I was disappointed by the premiere. All the little sound effects and gags…it felt more suited to a web drama than a cable show. Sparingly, over the top gags are fun, but the show is so heavy-handed in every way. I don’t know if the show knows what kind of story they want to tell, but I hope that’s figured out soon because I’m curious to see how Ji Chang-wook and Won Jin-ah adjust to living in 2019 after the deep freeze.
Tale of Nokdu: I haven’t seen much of Kim So-hyun’s character yet as I only had time to watch the first episode before this post. 🙁 But from what I’ve seen of the first hour, the show is bright, zippy, and funny. Normally, the heroine cross-dressing in sageuk comes with life-threatening consequences (as they’re supposed to stay at home or get married and not meddle with Men’s Business). I was curious how they’d up the stakes for Nokdu who’s already an expert swordsman and can take care of himself. I mean, sure, he can be kicked out, but that’s probably it? Enter the strong, loud guards with no respect for their fellow widow’s personal space. LOL It’s hilarious how Nokdu got his ass kicked and is now doubly terrified of being caught, not just because he’ll fail his mission, but because he really is scared of the trio. I’m hoping they won’t be in on his secret yet after the first episode’s cliffhanger. Am I a terrible person for enjoying Nokdu quaking in his skirts too much? (Yes. I don’t care. Give me more widow guard shenanigans!)
When the Camellia Blooms: I can’t help but be delighted at Yong-shik’s tiny mannerisms and expressions that all add up to this adorkable buffoon-in-love. I know Kang Ha-neul is actually a bit dorky offscreen, but contrast Yong-shik with the perfectionist worker Baek-ki in Misaeng and angry jock Hyun-jae in To the Beautiful You–not to mention a ton of other characters he’s played–and it makes his current performance all the more amazing for how it’s uniquely Yong-shik. Storywise, the appearance of Dong-baek’s mom is totally unexpected. (Also, yay Lee Jung-eun!) I thought dealing with the whole town, Joker, and the romance would be plot enough. But this new twist helps me understand the depth of Dong-baek’s self-hate and why, when faced with another chance at happiness, she’d push it away. Her mother’s abandonment plus years of society making her feel inadequate for being an orphan really did a number on her. I can see why she gave up on herself and just want to be the best mother to Pil-gu. But that lack of self-love is also causing some emotional damage to her son, so I’m glad that Dong-baek’s character is slowly learning to fight for things that matter to her. Gooooo hippo!!!
Be Melodramatic: What a weird way to end a show. But it’s so in keeping with Be Melo’s sorta meta, sorta sitcom vibe. I’m trying to figure out why I’m not as devastated as when Age of Youth ended… and I think it’s because these characters are much more mature/seasoned? We’ve seen them grow from and figure out a lot of day to day problems contrasted with their tumultuous twenties. So when the credits rolled around, I’m not worried about their futures anymore. Though I’m still curious where they’ll be ten years from now and wouldn’t say no to another season.
Graceful Family: Still my crackjang. I’m just entertained by this “normal” family’s squabbles heightened by having their own elite spy agency to handle affairs and a crazy heiress to mix things up further. Also, Im Soo-hyang and Lee Jang-woo have the most perfect, slow burning chemistry (respect is sexy, y’all). I don’t know how I’ll handle the squeeing once they fall in love in earnest. Maybe spend my whole day liking gifs and watching YouTube MVs of them. I mean, more than what I’m doing now…
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (September 28, 2019)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (September 21, 2019)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (September 14, 2019)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (September 7, 2019)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (August 31, 2019)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (August 24, 2019)
Tags: Be Melodramatic, Graceful Family, Melting Me Softly, Tale of Nokdu, Vagabond, What We're Watching, When the Camellia Blooms
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1 Radily
October 5, 2019 at 4:20 AM
Also watching: Pegasus Market & Tale of Nokdu
Be Melodramatic
If there was one thing I really had to grumble about the drama, it would be that the main theme was all about the leads living their lives after a relationship gone sour whether it be by quarrel, by death, by escape or by a total breakdown of communication … but we really never got to see Bum Soo’s ex! However, I speculate that the last minute switch for Hyo Bong’s actor due to the scandal caused some rewriting of his arcs and hence we never saw much of Sol Bi. I can’t help feeling that we might have seen more of the male x2 couple plus some social critique, but maybe a bullet was dodged?
Extraordinary You
Filling in the meta-gap that Melo left behind is this show about a comic-book extra that has become aware of her character status. I loved how Dan Oh navigated the whole new world by poking fun at the cliches as well as having the heart to ignore how Baek Kyung was a jerk and help out Joo Da of her own will. So far, I’m suspicious of Jinmiche’s character as being the all-knowing writer who is trying to keep his story under control: unlike what he claimed, Ha Roo changed Dan Oh’s fate. Is his self-awareness is flying under the radar like the unknown blackhole between the books?
Melting Me Softly
There is a clear lack of subtlety in how the show chose to approach the setup: the 2 leads are rather stereotypical with the male being the asshole whose also good at work and the female being the nice person who struggles in poverty. I’ll also add the random science for the freezing that just so happens to have a killing mob chasing after it: I’m pretty sure it’ll rear its ugly head in the future when the novelty and slapstick dies down. Maybe it’s meant to be campy if I just see scenes like the hospital one riddled with over-the-top reactions: I won’t mind a fun drama certainly! But no angst then?
Hell Is Other People
Going into finale week, I must say that this show was a disappointment as a whole. I certainly liked how Jong Woo just became more psychologically unstable as the plot progressed, but everything else fell really flat. Killing Ki Hyuk right in the first week would have worked if the writer didn’t wait till this week to start his history (which now seems like a rush to wrap up next week), Hee Joong being alive felt really random and purposeless, while Seok Yoon could be killed with little development. I just want some decent answers next week and hopefully they’ll be good enough to clear the haze.
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MikeyD signed up
October 5, 2019 at 2:39 PM
We kind'a did see Beom-soo's ex, though. She was the songwriter who wrote the fart song, still working through old relationship issue 3(?) years after their breakup. And she's never dated again.
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October 5, 2019 at 5:16 PM
Melting Me Softly - What a hot mess.
Won Jin-A & Chae Seo-Jin look a class apart here and I feel like they are in a totally different drama to everyone else.
I thought Ji Chang-Wook was stranded by K2 script. However, to me, the same issues are appearing again here.
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October 6, 2019 at 8:37 AM
I am willing to cut Melting a bit more slack, for a few more episodes. Some of my favorite shows - Coffee Prince and City Hall come to mind - started out with a lot of slapstick and some very broadly written characters, but then settled into their groove and really delivered in the end. My biggest worry righ tnow is the lack of strong supporting characters.
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October 6, 2019 at 1:48 PM
Love Alarm. I got quite a ways but didn't finish this. My favorite part was how they dealt with LGBT characters and the crises they faced being outed by Love Alarm. Unexpectedly empathetic and sensitively handled. I wish the rest lived up to those scenes. Vagabond. They had me at Lee Seung Gi with blonde hair. Plus: his interaction with his adorable nephew; his breakdown when he learns his adorable nephew is dead (in all it's snotty, sniffling, screaming glory); his parkour through the rooftops of some city in Morocco (Rabat? Tangier?); and finally, his stuntman training giving him the skills that have the bad guys initially mistaking him for a top class operative. It's got jarring shifts in tone (comedy-drama-action whiplash) and the plot is full of holes (too numerous to go into), but if, like me, you're just waiting for the next scene with Lee Seung Gi or Shin Sung Rok (what do we have to do to get this man a shower scene?) and take all the shortcomings as comedy, it's great. Newbie here: What happens in 8 weeks?
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2 mindy
October 5, 2019 at 4:20 AM
Hey, Beanies!
Long time no see. It’s been... many, many months since I last made a WWW comment... because it’s been many, many months since I last regularly watched things.
But I’m back! Kind of! Sort of! Here’s a quick update of what I’ve been watching!
First of all, I’m rewatching My Ajusshi, but this rewatch will be chronicled on my fan wall soon rather than here. I have too much to say and too many quotes and moments to share. It’s just as awesome the second time around. Check out my wall soon and get your fill of Relatively Sane Mindy before I go off-the-wall bonkers starting next Saturday for 8 weeks straight. You all know why.
Love Alarm (8/8): This was the first kdrama I’d watched in weeks. I started it on a whim during a long car ride and... okay, I would not classify this as a great show. I would not recommend this show to people. Nevertheless, I found certain lines and moments in the show really resonating with me. I was in a pretty bad mental space at the time, and I found parts of this show to be oddly healing. Kim So-hyun never disappoints with her performances.
Pegasus Market (1/12): After one episode, this has been dropped. While I did find some parts of the premiere episode to be very amusing, the bits with the “tribe” were a huge turn-off for me. I’m going to pass.
When the Camellia Blooms (1/20): Another one dropped after the premiere. I am always wary of rom-coms mixed with thriller elements, and this one just did not mesh with me. While I enjoyed the small-town setting (but seriously, why are small towns almost always the abode of serial killers and cults in Korean dramas and movies?!), nothing else about this premiere drew me in. I have liked Kang Ha-neul ever since Misaeng, but this character is not for me, and I’m in the minority who doesn’t fall in love with every character Gong Hyo-jin plays. And if I can’t care about the characters, I can’t care about the drama.
Melting Me Softly (1/16): Okay, I made it 12 minutes into this premiere before going NOPE and actually closing my laptop. Won Jin-ah, honey, I’m so sorry that this has to be your first rom-com experience. This might be, objectively speaking, the worst first episode I’ve ever seen (although, subjectively, nothing will ever cause me more pain than Beauty Inside).
Tale of Nokdu (2/16): I’m normally not one for sageuks and I decided to just stop trying with them after The Crowned Clown earlier this year, but I’m basically turning into Kim So-hyun trash and I had to check it out and... I like it? Crossdressing dramas are a dime a dozen but a male character masquerading as female is a rare sight, and I find most of the show to be utterly delightful. The “reverse” crossdressing puts fresh spins on old tropes and I’m SO here for it. Also, due to the nature of the premise, unlike most sageuks, there are SO. MANY. WOMEN! I’m LIVING for it. Sageuks are notorious for not being able...
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October 5, 2019 at 4:23 AM
Sageuks are notorious for not being able to hold my attention, though, so let’s see how long this lasts.
Extraordinary You (1/16): I’m actually currently only 20 minutes into the first episode because the Viki subs were, quite frankly, appalling, and I had to stop. I’ll continue it soon on another website, but so far I’m enjoying it. It’s hilariously meta and the webtoon premise means that literally EVERYONE is overacting their little hearts out, especially Kim Hye-yoon, who is the whole reason I started this. I know no one else in the cast but my trash daughter Yeh-suh from SKY Castle has my whole heart and I had to see her next project.
Oh, and I’m watching Vagabond with @saturtledaisy and have absolutely nothing noteworthy to say about it besides: this drama is ridiculous, Suzy is gorgeous, and the writing and directing/editing are pretty crap. But it’s such fun to watch with someone!
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October 6, 2019 at 8:40 AM
Is there any place to watch Love Alarm where it hasn't been horribly dubbed? The only place I have seen it is on Netflix, where KSH has been dubbed by some brain-dead valley girl. I DETEST dubbing.
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October 6, 2019 at 8:44 AM
Just change the settings back to korean and subtitles.
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October 6, 2019 at 10:40 AM
Thank you so much, it worked! I have two shows I can watch now, lol
LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
October 5, 2019 at 4:27 AM
Why are you going bonkers starting from next Saturday??
*whistles innocently*
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October 5, 2019 at 4:32 AM
You’re SO funny, LT
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October 5, 2019 at 5:15 AM
Hey where are you watching My Ajusshi ? I remember it being only on DF.
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October 5, 2019 at 5:55 AM
I downloaded it. In beautiful 4K.
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October 5, 2019 at 11:54 AM
Where do you download them from? Please help a noob out ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ
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October 5, 2019 at 3:13 PM
Uhhh, I don't think I'm allowed to mention specific sites, but... torrents.
October 5, 2019 at 7:47 AM
Ohhhh, My Ajusshi😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
There is nothing else I could say. Welcome back, Mindy😘
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October 5, 2019 at 3:18 PM
There's nothing else that you need to say.
Thanks, javinne!
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Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
October 5, 2019 at 8:11 AM
"why are small towns almost always the abode of serial killers and cults"
Because everybody who isn't a misfit loser moved to Seoul?
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October 5, 2019 at 10:19 AM
Also, see Miss Marple, Hercule Poirot, Midsomer Murders, etc. PBS was built on murdery British villages.
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mugyuljoie is preciousss
October 5, 2019 at 11:03 AM
Yay for the use of "murdery".
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October 5, 2019 at 11:57 AM
For more contemporary work see Simon Pegg’s small town England movies like Hot Fuzz, or The World’s End.
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
October 5, 2019 at 12:57 PM
You mean Edgar Wright's Cornetto Trilogy :P
October 5, 2019 at 4:10 PM
@sicarius I think Shaun of the Dead was in London. Didn’t fit the small town bit...
I thought the trilogy was hilarious.
💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
October 5, 2019 at 4:43 PM
Oh was it London? I always got the impression from how it was directed that it was in some kind of backwater medium sized town where nothing happens. Backwater suburb of London where nothing happens then... And props to the director for that one haha
I like the trilogy too, although I'm kinda weird in that The World's End was my favourite pffft.
MikeyD signed up
October 5, 2019 at 2:41 PM
I grew up in a small town. That's not far off.
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October 5, 2019 at 4:52 PM
Heh. At this point there shouldn't be anyone left to be murdered in Midsomer.
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October 5, 2019 at 4:55 PM
To be fair, I've lived in many small towns, and would not be shocked to discover either serial killers or cults in any of them.
Note: I am not a serial killer. I'm too lazy.
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October 5, 2019 at 5:04 PM
But are you in a cult?
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October 5, 2019 at 6:51 PM
Does Dramabeans count?
October 5, 2019 at 6:52 PM
Normally cults mean interaction with real people, so you know, that's not really my thing.
October 5, 2019 at 8:39 AM
check subscene for subs! usually someone will rip it from the on demand sites people in south asia get. i compare them with viki's to see if i miss stuff.
i used to be the same about sageuks. i'll get that out of the way first. but the history embedded in it is soooooooo frickin fascinating (if done well...there's also the propaganda aspect as a trauma response!)
i am not a period piece person but maybe bc the times up to the occupation are just full of such interesting stuff that mirrors the start of so many nations. ANYWAY maybe when u have like lots of time to spare u can give 'rebel thief' a try. it's kinda ridiculous but that was the first sageuk i watched where i was like oh worm cool
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October 5, 2019 at 8:40 AM
oh but yea im fascinated in tale of nokdu's premise. i laugh at him being a "woman" is implausible but never the other way around. says a lot about what we think about performing and looking for gender
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October 5, 2019 at 3:27 PM
Yeah, whenever I'm really into a drama I always go for the subs from Viu! They're out so much faster than Viki subs.
Rebel Thief is on my list! I've heard many good things about it. When I'll actually get around to watching it, however... we'll see, lol!
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October 6, 2019 at 1:50 PM
yea after i wrote my comment i was like 'they probs know about this site already' but i hadnt learned of it til this year so i meant to apologize for assuming cos it can be annoying
i'm glad people can get subs but since it's geo restricted im like ;-; when confession was airing it was TORTUROUS
everyone would love to know what u think if u ever start! it's long but a lot of fun also yoon kyun sang is literally 6'3 and it's weird (but HOT)
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October 5, 2019 at 9:54 AM
Awww, I’m gonna start rewatching My Ahjussi soon. I can’t wait to see posts about it here on DB
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October 5, 2019 at 3:28 PM
It's a great thing to watch when the weather gets colder. I'll try to start my posts soon!
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October 5, 2019 at 10:15 AM
Ha! I need a GIF to mirror this. Nothing says "nope" like a closed laptop.
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October 5, 2019 at 3:30 PM
Not drama-related, but I do enjoy the gif of Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec throwing a computer in the dumpster
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October 5, 2019 at 3:41 PM
So good! Also, I was eating when I saw this and nearly choked from laughter.😂
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October 6, 2019 at 10:47 AM
Hahaha... I totally understand you when you said you can't feel for any character Gong Hyo-jin plays. I think I'm, too, in the minority. I couldn't finish It's OK That's Love because nothing drew me in the show, and while watching When the Camellia Blooms, I many times thought about who would have been the better leading actress.
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October 6, 2019 at 11:00 AM
IOTL is actually one of the things I’ve enjoyed her in, although I never finished the drama. Some day I’ll get back to it...
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3 LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
October 5, 2019 at 4:22 AM
Thawed Salted Caramel Icecream: This is the newest contender for worst drama of the year. Judgement pending.
Graceless Crossdessing Fish: Mad makjang cannot excuse a tone deaf and almost offensive plotline. Give me nookie and I may forgive you. (Kiss next week - spoiler!)
Dadabond: Dad loves it but to So Ji Sub he remains true. He now refers to SSR as “His Royal Hotness” and I felt that beanies needed to know this important information.
K2: This just got added to Netflix and, it turns out, if you watch this as a series of action sequences disconnected from the rest of the drama, it’s loads of fun. Also, Wookie in a naked shower fight will never age.
The Good Place: Yes this isn’t a kdrama but as it enters its final season I have to recommend people watch it. This is a great show and I’m sad it’s ending.
Technically watching but on hold for this week:
Dream High: Last I saw, Kim Soo-hyun was stealing this show with a performance I didn’t know he had in him. Rethinking everything
Moon Embracing the Sun: We haven’t reached the point of every sageuk where I stop watching for some reason so I will start again next week
Healer: Melt Me -> K2 leads naturally to Healer and I think this would be my 5th rewatch but I don’t care. My affection for this show only grows with time.
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LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
October 5, 2019 at 4:23 AM
For reference, I enclose herewithin a guide to my ongoing record of That Licking Show; the support of which falls firmly within two opposing camps; each as firm in their beliefs as the other. The main camp recite often, “This is terrible”, while their opposition intone in refutation, “It has our Wookie, we don’t care that it is terrible”.
The volumes of the record are numbered as such:
Whereby I admit I will be watching a show that I already know will be bad and so accept the responsibility of co-Shitposter; @sicarius is revealed as being in an advanced state of mental decline and Ji Chang-wook’s icecream flavour is decided
Whereby I am reminded to just get on with it already; Sicarius’ mental health remains precarious and Ren and I are united as one
Whereby I express my desire to perform hari kari than continue to watch this show and the first of soldiers is lost. RIP @maybemaknae
Whereby I bring chaos to order and thereby become a propagandist; I do not give up drinking and thankfully do not knit
Whereby I admit defeat and resort to soliciting bribes; my second fellow in arms is lost and I am rendered speechless, RIP @coffeprince4va. Wookie gifs offered as solace; please do not lick the screen.
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LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
October 5, 2019 at 4:24 AM
#OctobINAR! Rumours of its demise have (hopefully) been exaggerated.
The time slot is officially 0830 AEDT Saturday and Sunday. I’ll be trying for Kast so feel free to drop on in starting next Saturday (my time). If Kast is a bust I'll try discord.
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October 5, 2019 at 4:44 AM
No fun nickname for K2?
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LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
October 5, 2019 at 12:36 PM
I know, I couldn't think of anything! I failed. I thought "Wookie's abs" could refer to anything
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October 5, 2019 at 4:53 AM
Haha, your names are funny 😀😀
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October 5, 2019 at 5:05 AM
I started watching the good place at beanies recommendation and it is quite a smart and thoughtful show. I even recommended it to other people and that's huge coming from someone who would never watch hence recommend a series.
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October 5, 2019 at 10:23 AM
Yaaas! It's one of the best U.S. shows in years and recommend to anyone and everyone. Am waiting until next week because I want to binge the first three episodes.
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October 6, 2019 at 5:51 AM
You know a show is good when it appears on a Korean drama site and has nothing to do with kdramas.
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October 5, 2019 at 8:36 AM
im bad at watching regular tv but i liked the first three seasons of TGP i saw. anyways the nigerian dude >>>>
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October 5, 2019 at 10:25 AM
The Good Place—An extraordinarily warm heart (and "surprisingly jacked" torso) hides below Chidi Anagonye's sweater vests.
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LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
October 5, 2019 at 12:44 PM
Chidi is my perfect man, for future reference, and since he's so neurotic it may be a factor in why I'm still single.
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October 5, 2019 at 1:21 PM
literally his existential crisis is how i'm questioning if i too will end up in TGP
October 5, 2019 at 1:21 PM
have yall seen midsommar? it's night and day i love it. william jackson harper is a man of Multitudes
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October 5, 2019 at 3:24 PM
Didn't know he was in Midsommar. I don't normally do horror films but I can handle deeply uncomfortable ones (said @tsutsuloo, peeking through her fingers)
ar_arguably romantic
October 5, 2019 at 9:24 AM
Wish I can give multiple thumbs up for The Good Place mention. I love that show so much! I've rewatched the series at least 3 times while waiting for season 4. While I'm going to be sad that season 4 will be the last, I'm relieved that it won't be dragged into 10+ seasons.
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October 5, 2019 at 10:27 AM
I don't normally pay attention to television awards but it feels criminal to not give The Good Place all the writing and acting awards. Maybe its final season will finally bring them some bling.
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mugyuljoie is preciousss
October 5, 2019 at 11:05 AM
Starts mental list of all the reasons Melt Me will never be as bad as Arthdal.
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Ms. Rabbit 🐇
October 5, 2019 at 2:30 PM
There won't be season 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 ....
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mugyuljoie is preciousss
October 5, 2019 at 10:05 PM
Each episode isn't the length of a movie.
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Ms. Rabbit 🐇
October 5, 2019 at 10:23 PM
ML is shot gorgeously and with proper lighting, and mud free!
mugyuljoie is preciousss
October 5, 2019 at 11:09 AM
As a proud member of camp one (Caramel Man) I'm now repeating, "It's better than Arthdal."
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
October 5, 2019 at 12:58 PM
Is it though? :P
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mugyuljoie is preciousss
October 5, 2019 at 1:15 PM
I'm certain it is. JCW, not too dark to see, no dancing bits that repeat endlessly, clothing makes sense, no misplaced internal dialogue, no genocidal group rampaging... It's only been 2 hours so all of this could change.
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
October 5, 2019 at 1:41 PM
I wouldn't frakking know I'm not watching it lol! But the lack of rampaging genocidal group is indeed promising... ;)
October 7, 2019 at 8:36 AM
There's still time... I'm now picturing Melting adding in each of those plot elements... I'm especially hoping for a dance number.
4 cat-cric-kat
October 5, 2019 at 4:25 AM
Fujoshi Ukkari Gay ni Kokuru - 6.5/10 2nd episode - popular but for me an easy time pass
Movies -
The Forest of Wool and Steel - 6.5/10 - from a popular novel. Kento. But scriptwriter has no idea what to do with the source. A very slow and long movie with tasteless outcome. Theme and purpose is there but writer goes around doing nothing worth of it.
Ai Uta - My promise to Nakuhito - 15min pending. so no rating. This middle schooler is too young to be in this kind of romantic movies.
Lights of Kyoto - 15min pending so no rating. Slow slice of life with sprinkle of love. I liked it but still it could have been more smooth a story. Sometimes its actions as well as emotions lack that punch.
Masquerade Hotel - 7/10 fun watch. Takuya and Nagasawa Masami. better as 5-8 episodes drama.
Exit - 6/10 September saw many korean movies raws as well as translation. Another typical Kland action comedy. Easy watch. Lacks logic. you can skip scenes. timepass.
Omok Girl - 6.5/10 Actress that gets side role in dramas being the main lead in a movie. Enjoyable watch so far. 15min left.
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October 5, 2019 at 4:42 AM
Yoo Na's Street - After thinking about the show for a while i've decided to formly rate it as 8 out of 10. Such a good rating.
Be Melo - Kdrama land produces so much trash that even a mediocre piece starts to look like a gem. This show at best is -
Let's Eat, Let's Drink, Let's Rant and Let's shout. Scriptwriter is credible but script isn't. Scriptwriter if wises to rant should join a few anonymous boards. Fun watch. easy watch. timepass. That's it.
Wagebond - 4/10 - the most funny show of the 2019. scriptwriter openly declares everyone is highly inept and incompetent in this show. No logic, no sense - complete mockery of everyone. Ratings demands attention. ahem.
Hero deserves his labour. As said earlier this guy and that other guy who does action-romance always choose worst dramas. Maybe both think the action is only skill they have. Can't say much about their non-acting.
20 - 3/10 atrocious 1st 2 episodes marked to drop it at ep 3.
Ordinary - 35minutes - dropped - 3/10 - headache - trash
Toll - 35min - dropped - 3/10 trash
My - 4/10 - 1st ep was below average. same old nonsense of friend to foe. annoying characters. Ruining historical events.
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October 5, 2019 at 4:51 AM
Miss lee - Dropped 4/10
Human rights - dropped 6/10 - Why do we need to watch a fictional show on real life events of people when we can watch all of it in news or documentaries. Main theme is attractive. Music is good but script totally lacks the feel and reality.
Chinese - The world owes me - another boss-slave trash. porn 2/10
The Sand Princes - 4/10 trash has its own moments. jib-jab between 1st and 2nd female.
9KM - Unexpected - Can't Sleep - all 3 3/10 usual chinese romance trash.
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October 5, 2019 at 10:34 AM
I don't always agree with you but your critiques never fail to make laugh.
Did you see Longest Day in Chang'an? Every aspect of production makes it compelling and something to savor.
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5 Dorotka
October 5, 2019 at 4:25 AM
Be Melodramatic ended. And I'm sad. But also happy that this show was made and I was able to watch it. It was funny and awesome till the end (that whispering debate was gold 😄😄😄 ).
And although I liked all main characters and their stories the one of Eun Jung touched me the most, perhaps because I also lost a family member (to the same disease). I'm happy Eun Jung managed to find herself again and has new projects... and a new muse 😊 (honestly, how can Son Seok Ko be simultaneously so quirky and sexy??? Now I need to find time to finish Designated Survivor...).
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October 5, 2019 at 4:27 AM
The rest: I had to pause Avatar to be able to check some new arrivals:
Tale of Nokdu surprised me with the palace intrigues, birth secret story and secret female ninja assassin organization... I honestly admit I'm not a saguk person and speeded through some of those scenes... and stayed mainly with lady Nokdu and Dong Joo... and I'm having so much fun with those two 🙂 It's called Joseon romcom after all 😊 and that's the reason I'm here. (Plus *cough* Jang Dong Yoon *cough*).
Melt Me surprised me by how it all strangely worked for me (that doesn't mean I'm not using ff time to time 😆 ). Yes, I know, I'm very likely in the minority here... but so far I like the show and I think that despite its ridiculous setup (and humour 😆) there are some serious and emotional beats when the show grabs my heart. Right now I'm here for PD
NaMa... his 90's love story... and for Mi Ran's brother.The biggest surprise though was Extraordinary You. It is definitely the winner for me. The 2 episodes flew so fast! And I enjoyed EVERYTHING! It is funny and I like the directing. And the drama watcher in me was giggling with all the classic scenes (and haha, so obvious who the main manhwa heroine was 😆). I have no idea where the show is heading to... but I will be watching and keeping my fingers crossed for this "extra" to find her way to independence! 🙂
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October 5, 2019 at 10:37 AM
Okay, I'm adding Extraordinary You to my watchlist. I need something fun and snarky and you (along with our fellow Beanies) make it sound delightful.
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6 💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
October 5, 2019 at 4:28 AM
💮🌺🌸 Currently Watching 🌸🌺💮
Tree With Deep Roots:
Kinda had a lame personal week, and this is quite a heavy and serious watch so haven’t finished this yet, because I actually have to pay attention when watching it.
Yay I can finally tick a well known drama off my not watched list!
Binged this last weekend. That was fun. Review is here:
Tales of Nokdu:
Nokdu and Dong Ju? Hilarious AF.
Secret Widow Shrine and Assassin Society? Intriguing.
Palace shenanigans and birth secrets and literally everything else? Boooorinngg *yawns*
Overall first week thoughts? It will probably drag by episode 10 and I may drop it by then too since I’m not watching it seriously…
Extraordinary You:
Weirdly Hopeful Writer Sic who just wants a smart story for once:
Superb writing meta, visual storytelling, directing and acting. Hye Yoon is fantastic and I can’t wait to see where this goes!!
Cynical Sic who wouldn’t trust a kdrama writer with her lyfe:
The problem with this show is that it needs to be careful it doesn’t unironically become the very thing it mocks.
I’m nervous about my new pick ups, I need to just finish TWDR already, and I’m supposed to be starting My Country this week too. Ahh.
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Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
October 5, 2019 at 8:20 AM
Don't laugh. We had a nut break into the White House a few years ago. No, not that one. The one earlier.
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October 5, 2019 at 10:40 AM
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October 5, 2019 at 10:39 AM
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7 Kairoskat 💐
October 5, 2019 at 4:29 AM
Vagabond: Dalgun drives the drama but Ki Tae Woong has my heart 💜~ sail my Rock Candy ship!!! Sail!! 🍬🚢
Extraordinary You: tbh, I thought it was cheesy and I might like it better if it was aired circa BoF in 2010 (also a younger me). But Dan Oh is an interesting character. I'm staying for her drama trope comments. She's the voice of drama watchers. Haha.
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8 Globe
October 5, 2019 at 4:36 AM
Tale of Nokdu - KSH and JDY are the heart of this drama and they sure as hell are having fun with their characters. This was the best drama that aired this week and I loved every minute of it.
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9 mango
October 5, 2019 at 4:41 AM
- Completed -
Melo Suits Me: Time went too fast while following each character's story. I don't think any words could express my feelings about this drama. So, I will simply say it will stay with in my memory for a long time and thanks to everyone involved in creating this wonderful story.
Walk Into Your Memory: They could have shown the angst earlier and let the lead couple be happy for the whole last episode instead of giving a happy ending in the last 15 minutes. The drama was still fun and I liked seeing Eden being a CEO helplessly in love with a girl with weird fashion taste (she's the lead of Where The Lost Ones Go).
- Currently watching -
Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life: Drama posters were a lie! I sensed death flag as soon as the happy family came on screen. To not go any further, I will just complain about the mom's decision because the situation got worse. As in, unnecessary making her daughter's and even the other mother's life miserable! The decision was as incomprehensible as the stolen identity one made in Father is Strange. Except that major event, I still enjoyed the premiere. Only this plotline (hopefully) will infuriate me in the future.
Extraordinary You: Dan Oh may be an extra but Kim Hye Yoon is this show's star! I found the first episode too confusing, I was more confused than Dan Oh, and if I hadn't read the synopsis, I would've stopped watching. Thankfully, the 2nd one worked better me. I love her reactions to the leads, the A3, the cliché plots, basically everything. lt's nice to see actors from webdramas appearing in TV series recently. Joo Da, Nam Joo, Sae Mi and Do Hwa, fighting! I hope they'll have more exposure through this drama!
Graceful Family: So... about Wan Joon being "transgender"... The writer needed more research on that matter. At least, not link his unconsumed marriage to him being dressed as a woman. About Wan Soo, I want him to stay as free spirited as he's now because he's a decent person (don't make him a jerk show!).
The Great Show: I kind of want to drop it since the politic aspects, the market place, Sol Hyun's sister's death and Da Jung's pregnancy don't interest me anymore. I'm mostly hanging there for Im Joo Hwan's character.
Hell is Other People: I really thought Jong Woo was going to officially join Eden's crazy residents in their insanity this week. The new resident is asking for to be killed... The scene with him surrounded by everyone and eating (human!) meat was dangerous. I hope he is still alive.
Melting Me Softly: ep 1. I snorted at the geeeenius PD. I don't know if I will keep watching because I want to watch FL's interactions with her brother 20 years later. Actually, I might skip the second episode and just watch after they wake up. Or just wait until it's completed before picking up again since there are too many dramas at the moment.
My Country: First of all, it...
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October 5, 2019 at 4:42 AM
My Country: First of all, it was nice to see Yu Oh Sung's cameo as Hwi's father (be in a sageuk for your next project please!). Hwi's backstory got me but I sense a death flag for his sister. I want her to be old enough to wear the flowered shoes! Sun Ho and his father are the exact opposite and I don't want SH to be shaken by greed. I hope the ten to their confrontation in the opening scene will be full of heartbreaks. I love broken friendships a bit too much, especially in historical dramas. There are also a lot of action scenes so I expect epic battle scenes later.
Natsuzora (Summer Sky): Episodes after the 15th week aren't subbed and since the whole drama is already aired in Japan, I don't think they will be subbed anytime soon. So I have to drop it.
Pegasus Market: Why is a comedy drama making me emotional? I'm a sucker for parents-children relationships so among all the weirdness going, the show managed to make me feel emotional during the singer and his son's scene and the little girl's story. It even has its own Yeo Jin Goo and IU 😂😂
The Running Mates: I liked that there was more background story on both Inspector Han and the ex prosecutor. The episodic cases tied with their story so that was good too. I hope to have more episodes related to each HRC member. So, I wonder if the show will go further with Inspector Han's father or just keep it low-key. I wasn't surprised to see that the ex prosecutor has had the type of case he would want to undo the wrong.
Saka no Tochu no Ie (A House On the Slope): I watched the first episode and it got me thinking if the drama wants to show why a mother could think of murdering her child and thus sympathising with her (through the female lead) or take a neutral side and present us multiple factors that could influence this act.
Secret Boutique: I need more Hyun Ji and Jenny bonding scenes. It was a fresh breath of air to see Jenny spending relaxed moments with Sun Woo. Speaking of Sun Woo, I ship him with Hyun Ji. I might be in the minority but I only see him as a little brother to Jenny. With Jung Hyuk's return from his "business trip", I wonder what they will do with their marriage since Jenny will "part" from DEO Group. Ye Nam knows her brother's secret and Yeo Ok has her plans too. Speaking from Yi Nam, her affair with Tae Sung will surely be used against her sooner or later.
Tale of Nokdu: Everything about the widows village and the cross-dressing was great (except the scene when Nok Du felt something more for Dong Ju when she asks "her" permission to call her Unni, weird timing imo). The politic parts made me confused since it wasn't that well incorporated at times and compared to the village or the family scenes aren't that interesting. Song Gun Hee (the actor playing Nok Du's brother) tends to play characters with a tragic life so prepare yourself!
When The Camellia Blooms: The last scene of Yong...
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October 5, 2019 at 4:45 AM
When The Camellia Blooms: The last scene of Yong Sik and Dong Baek crying made me laugh. The actors expressions just looked funny to me but their words before was touching since Dong Baek stood up. And not other than for Yong Sik! Lee Jung Eun has been really active lately, I love that! Life isn't easy for Dong Baek with her mother's return in her life. About the murder mystery, I think the culprit will kidnap Dong Baek and kill her friend. The cops will find DB's ID card and mistake the corpse as hers.
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October 5, 2019 at 7:15 AM
I hope you're right about the mistaken identity, but wouldn't the hair be enough to tell whether it was DB or HM?
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October 5, 2019 at 7:53 AM
I don't (want to) believe that DB was killed so I'm trying to think of other potential victims 😅 HM could die her hair later in the series.
October 5, 2019 at 8:00 AM
Also, the note said she was warned 5 years ago -- if Joker is referring to DB, then the murder is in 2018, which leaves open whatever happened after that until today. If the murder is in today's time, then maybe the Joker warned someone else in 2014?
October 5, 2019 at 8:04 AM
@lindag It could be collateral damage, as in Joker didn't plan to kill an other person beside DB but there happened to be a witness. Like DB years ago.
October 5, 2019 at 6:56 AM
"Speaking of Sun Woo, I ship him with Hyun Ji. I might be in the minority but I only see him as a little brother to Jenny".
Same @mango SAME!!
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October 5, 2019 at 7:43 AM
I agree! I want Sun Woo and Hyun Ji. I love their scenes together :)
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October 5, 2019 at 7:55 AM
Glad to know l'm not alone :D I actually shipped Jenny and Jung Hyuk but my ship sank quickly haha. I just want her and SW to be happy.
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Ms. Rabbit 🐇
October 5, 2019 at 11:54 AM
I think Jenny saw him as the lil bro substitute and nothing more. But I am not shipping him with other ppl yet. He is just in too deep. Sigh...
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October 5, 2019 at 12:12 PM
Broken friendships in saeguks are AMAZING I love them so much too
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October 5, 2019 at 12:59 PM
Yeah. I don't know what kind of magic they're using but they are more epic than in modern ones.
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MikeyD signed up
October 5, 2019 at 2:45 PM
One think I'll remember about Melo Suits Me is they had a lot of posters for the earlier series Radiant (Dazzling) on the office walls and hanging as banner from rooftops.
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10 sorrynotsorry
October 5, 2019 at 4:46 AM
Tale of NokDu: I like these fun fusion stories though oddly Moonlight, which was so popular did nothing for me. I think I'm sticking with this one.
When the Camellia Blooms: In the same episode, I can find myself really liking 15 minutes or so, disliking 10 minutes and being ambivalent about the rest. I'm invested enough to keep watching and, oddly, I thought I would really dislike the serial killer story, but it's actually handled better than I thought.
C-drama- Love and Destiny: Excellent pacing and still enjoying. Anyone who has experienced c-dramas knows that they can have a lot of filler, and I'm very pleased that this drama at around the halfway point hasn't gone there.....yet.
T-drama: Hello Again: I'm about half way through and a little disappointed. I'm already skipping scenes. I've heard the 2nd half is so much better so I'm waiting for Viki to finish subbing. It's almost like a throwback to a 2012 k-drama, but the drama so far doesn't have the depth of many of the k-dramas. The lead dude has adorable dimples though.
I think Grateful Family is next in line for me to start. I find myself getting more hesitant to jump into dramas like I used to. Usually Melting Me Softly would have been on my immediate watch list because of the actors, but then I heard about the writer and decided to wait. I guess a certain # of years of k-drama watching makes one a bit more tentative.
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11 cheekbones
October 5, 2019 at 4:47 AM
Secret Boutique :
Is this drama a makjang ? I'm enjoying it. The characters, the plots, the chemistries. I just wish Ye-nam was a stronger enemy for Jenny, although Jenny's ultimate nemesis is Chairman Kim. I'm expecting that Sun-woo would eventually be torn between Jenny and Hyun-ji and he would have to make sone kind of a choice. In the meantime, I'll just fangirl over Kim Jae-young.
Miss Lee :
I like the drama overall, one thing because it hits so close to home (the company I'm working at is struggling rn), but I can't bring myself to really like Hyeri as Miss Lee.
The Great Show :
I like it better when Daehan has to deal with raising 4 kids rather than with the whole modern vs traditional market thing.
Lawless Attorney :
Lee Jun-ki + Seo Ye-ji = ❤
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October 5, 2019 at 7:01 AM
"I'm expecting that Sun-woo would eventually be torn between Jenny and Hyun-ji and he would have to make sone kind of a choice."
I, too am expecting that this will happen eventually and I think that he'll either be able to find a way where he doesn't have to choose or that he'll choose Hyun Ji!
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mugyuljoie is preciousss
October 5, 2019 at 11:16 AM
The couple in Lawless Attorney is one of my favorite drama couples.
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12 miss h
October 5, 2019 at 4:53 AM
When the Camellia Blooms: I find everyone but Pil Gu really annoying, but nonetheless, I am still watching and rather enjoying this drama.
My Country: First episode was 1 hour 23 minutes. Stop it, cable! The cinematography was beautiful. Story, typical. The younger guys don't do much for me physically but Jang Hyuk looked hot in his 30 seconds.
Extraordinary You: Great first week. I LOVE Dan-Oh.
Tales of Nokdu: The leads are cute but the palace stuff didn’t gel very well with the rest. If I continue there will be a lot of fast forwarding.
Pegasus Market: More weird than fun for me but Kim Byung-chul ...
Melting Me Softly: Even dumber than I had imagined.
Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life: Not what I was expecting from the teasers. Those were some heavy and disturbing first episodes and the inevitable loveline is going to be complicated. I see it’s from the writer of Should We Kiss First and the tone did remind me of that drama.
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October 5, 2019 at 7:50 AM
So SWKF's writer did Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life, I kind of see the mix of tragedy and lighter moments. The lovelines will be a total once the mothers find out their kids like each other (maybe around half the drama?).
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13 wapz
October 5, 2019 at 5:12 AM
For Tale of Nokdu and Extraordinary you, I had to shift back to less than legal sites after sticking to Netflix and Viki for cable shows *curses unavailability in my region*. So what ad blockers do you use? I have wrecked my computers with those sites. The anti virus softwares don't do a good job.
Vagabond's hero is more like steelman rather than stunt man. His numerous resurrection while falling from literally everywhere didn't make me continue that show. Plus wasn't in a mood for an intense show so that is skipped. I am so glad Nokdu and ExtraYou came to fill me Be Melo hole.
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October 5, 2019 at 5:19 AM
Ublock origine... I think...
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October 5, 2019 at 5:31 AM
Re adblockers. On my iPad I use AdBlocker plus, which kind of sort of works, (recently read how Apple, behind the scenes, has purposely forced ap makers to water down ad blockers, you bastards !
Sort of works, as it will try to redirect I just close that out. I will get what I call a Post pop up, a pop up that appears after you minimize your browser, that you can just close out.
On my Mac Mini, running Firefox with NoScript and Ghostery = Zero ads ! Yay ! But I’m lazy and want to lay in bed with my IPad instead of sitting in front of the computer. Re ads, never ever click on anything that says update your flash player or similar bs.
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October 5, 2019 at 6:51 AM
I'm using Adblock Browser on my android phone and tablet. It works majority of the time. Perhaps they have something for ipad as well?
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October 5, 2019 at 7:35 AM
Apple does have the AdBlock browser at their app store but the reviews are horrible. With the recent release of IOS13, folks says the app crashes constantly. Re the ios13, Apple had 3 updates within as many days. The big tech companies are evil benevolent overlords, 🔪😟☠️
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Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
October 5, 2019 at 8:37 AM
I have used Adblock and Adblock Plus with Chrome on Windows 10. Both have optional filter lists that are worth testing, but some of those filters break to "Follow" button on DB. Both have options to permit some not-so-evil ads but I set them to permit nothing. Either + security settings in Chrome + my security software = zero ads.
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Kafiyah Bello
October 5, 2019 at 11:25 AM
I recommend downloading Opera which has adblock built in. It is just as fast as Chrome and better at handling those viruses.
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14 DongniPongni
October 5, 2019 at 5:17 AM
So looks like I'm the only one watching Joseon Flower Crew? And I'm still thoroughly enjoying it. Even though the plot slowed down this week, I love the chemistry between all the characters. Also, it's so awesome seeing Kim Min Jae get his first well deserved (and long over due) lead role. That voice and dimple *melts*
I also binged watched the Japanese drama Ossan's Love and I loved it!! The lead actor is hilarious and the story thoroughly entertaining but thoughtful in it's own wacky way. Glad to see it was a big hit, we need more LGBT stories going mainstream!!
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October 5, 2019 at 8:06 AM
Ossan's Love is getting a second season :D I only watched the first episode since the subs took a long time to come out. Thanks to your review, I will pick it up again.
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mugyuljoie is preciousss
October 5, 2019 at 11:19 AM
I'm watching and loving Flower Crew. It's my favorite right now. Agree totally about Kim Min Jae.
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Kafiyah Bello
October 5, 2019 at 11:27 AM
I'm watching Joseon Flower Crew and I just love it too I'm not sure why, it's not particularly innovative, but the leads are cute and the chemistry is there, so I am happy.
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15 outofthisworld 不愧是我 🏍
October 5, 2019 at 5:36 AM
I shouldn't be watching saeguks, not when I just completed C-drama, The Untamed. It's hard not to compare the aesthetics like sets, costumes and cinematography. So I am clear that it's the story or entertainment that I should be going for.
Tale of Nokdu Jang Dong Yoon needs to stay as a hissy, prissy, prudish widow for as long as he can. The politics were meh. We were shown the initial attraction Nokdu towards Dongju and I don't think I can get into the pairing.
Extraordinary You Ep1. My son enjoyed it so maybe I'll watch this with him. I just wonder if I can or should want to care for characters who aren't real? The revelation at the end was great.
The Untamed 2nd watch - surprisingly more gut wrenching than 1st watch.
To watch:
My Country- I need to check out the hype. Hopefully it won't disappoint.
Longest Day in Changan - when am I ever going to get back to this.
C drama recommendations which I kept and not able to get down to.
With less than a quarter of a year to go, I feel that this year isn't quite a great year for kdramas as I thought it would be at the beginning. Riding on the high of Sky Castle at end of 2018 and going into 2019, it looked like 2019 would be a year where I'd see exciting new shows. There's one silver lining though - I am seeing more new faces or up and coming actors in interesting dramas. The popular ones are/were all in duds.
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October 6, 2019 at 11:32 PM
Comment was deleted
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outofthisworld 不愧是我 🏍
October 6, 2019 at 11:38 PM
I am watching ep 2 now. I think it's going to be my pick out of the lot.
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16 coolgirl
October 5, 2019 at 5:36 AM
I'm finishing what i had on hold: mostly jdramas, because the kdramas airing currently don't interest me.
Lupin's Daugther (2019): 11 episodes
It ended like it started: all fun and light but with no real plot and by making very little sense.
I started to get a little bored around episode 7 when the angst between the main couple overshadowed everything and made the heroine act more foolishly than she already was.
It didn't help that she was played by an actress (Fukada Kyoko) who was the weakest link of the cast (but she looked the part, so i guess we're not supposed to ask for too much).
But i also think the fault is on the scriptwriter who reduced her personality to the minimum required, and seemed to view women as 2 types: the clingy kind and the rigid ones.
Sadly the heroine fell in the first category. It's more frustrating for me because I never shipped the main couple. To me the actors didn't have romantic chemistry and the male lead was so indecisive: he abandoned few times the heroine and once when she was at her lowest level.
I felt bad for the second leads who gave a lot of support (the second male lead especially to the heroine) and a nice spirit of sacrifice in order to make their loved ones (the main leads) happy: they deserved better.
Overall, it's a 7/10: the best things were the main theme of the ost, which reminded of one of my favourites 80's anime, and the chemistry between the ensemble cast who was on on fire when everyone gathered.
And, Live on (2019): 6 episodes
This drama has so many twists and turns: each episode felt like a roller coaster, but it managed to stayed remarkably consistent and never left the impression to sacrifice character development to the plot.
I think 2 points saved the drama:
- the amazing cinematography/solid directing
- and the fact that the story stayed simple: at heart it was a true slice of life drama that dealt with universal themes like loss and learning to move on with one's life.
It stayed also true to its characters: following their path and choices rather than trying to impose on them romance tropes and stereotypes for the sake of romance.
I really appreciated too that the romance, family and professional life were equally important in the lives of the characters.
The final twist was totally unexpected and very bold for a romantic drama but it was also consistent with all the choices made by the heroine, so it was totally satisfying.
But the thing that will stay the most with me is the bittersweet tone of the drama: what happened during the childbirth scene in ep 5 was very powerful and meaningful. It's rare to have a drama that embraces the contradictions of life in all its consequences, even the painful ones, and doesn't try to tone down it, and on the contrary shows that acceptation is the only the way to live fully.
The only disappointment was the cast: the main actress was picked for her looks obviously and the male lead faded...
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October 5, 2019 at 5:37 AM
The only disappointment was the cast: the main actress was picked for her looks obviously and the male lead faded away in the second half of the drama. The seconds leads weren't better.
Despite this flaw, it's a strong 8.5.
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October 5, 2019 at 8:01 AM
It's nice to read your on And, Live :D I agree about everything you wrote. The directing was really good and the male lead was the best actor in this cast and should've have more scenes. It looked the story was more focused on the female lead's story which wasn't bad but there was enough material for the male lead too.
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October 8, 2019 at 11:10 AM
I'm late to the party but i needed to take time with this drama to appreciate it fully.
I don't regret it :)
I felt the male lead got a better ending than the female lead. She wanted a life consistent to her choices but it wasn't clear if she was really happy except for the fact that she loved her daughter.
But i think each of them got in the end what was the most important for them: a family for her and a satisfying professional life for him.
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October 8, 2019 at 12:54 PM
I agree about the male lead getting a better ending. It seems like it isn't the end for her with her husband but it looked like they could lead a quiet life now. It was satisfying enough from my pov.
17 john
October 5, 2019 at 5:49 AM
My Oshin marathon continues, Ep 242 of 297, light at the end of the tunnel.
I will pick Sagideka back up, perhaps catch up 2 eps today. Doubt if I’ll resume Hell iop
Did dip into a few dramas:
I did watch the first 2 eps of Tale of Nokdu, probably would have watched it 5 years ago
I did watch the first 15 minutes of The Extra Ordinary You Feels like a J drama, liked it, may come back to that.
I watched the first 15 minutes of T drama, Yong-jiu Grocery Store, may come back to that.
After Oshin I plan on watching King’s Daughter, Soo Baek Hyang, so other dramas will suffer due to lack of time, 😦🤔
My wife is watching C drama, Love & Destiny
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18 Kurama
October 5, 2019 at 5:49 AM
Tale of Nokdu It was a nice introduction. I'm curious how long he will be able to keep his cover!
Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency I'm watching it just for the typical cold ML falling for the FL.
When the Camellia Blooms I have to watch the last episodes.
Extraordinary You The reason I'm behind for WTCB! The first 2 episodes were really great! The paralel between the typical Candy story and the story of our spunky FL is really nice. Two stories in one. The casting is great. KHJ is incredible, she has so much energy. I love how she can switch from her real character to the fake one. She's really the only 22 years old actress who can scare Ask Us Anything's cast. All the actors are good for my eyes :D
Secret Boutique I love Kim Sun Ah but I'm kinda rooting for Lee Hyun-J and Yoon Sun-Woo's characters.
Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life The title is pretty exaggerated for now...
Vagabond It's sad how all the preproduced dramas are disapointing.
My Country It was a beautiful first episode. I'm already frustrated and sad at the idea they will be ennemies :(
Melting Me SoftlyI'm not sure that JCW will be able to make me watch all the episodes...
Be Melodramatic The end was great like all the drama. I want a spin-of about Eun Jung travelling in Europe and Morocco (and of course yelling PD).
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October 5, 2019 at 8:08 AM
After watching last week's episodes, I thought Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life was just the writer's sarcasm.
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October 5, 2019 at 1:28 PM
Yeah or maybe the title of the last episode :p
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19 welh
October 5, 2019 at 5:53 AM
CAMELLIA BLOOMS: Scary Lawyer Wife seems to be the prime serial killer suspect because her husband is such a selfish idiot who gets himself into trouble flirting with women. Unless she is covering up all his crimes. But the mystery is really not interesting to me. If you take out the killer story line, the show would be a better rom-com now that DB's mother has suddenly shown up to add angst, tension and town gossip.
PEGASUS MARKET: The more the market President tries to screw things up, the employees rise to the occasion to make things even better for the market. I guess the formula of sabotaging the business turning into gold will continue indefinitely. It is still a fun nonsense show.
BEAUTIFUL LOVE, WONDERFUL LIFE. This show started off extremely dark for a KBS weekend drama. The multiple coverups of crimes, anger of the mothers, and corresponding guilt story lines will probably run out in standard fashion. This is actress Seol In-ah's break out lead role.
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20 frabbycrabsis loves KBS Drama Specials
October 5, 2019 at 6:28 AM
Tale of Nokdu: I'm pretty neutral to the plot for the time being, but everything else is just perfect - the aesthetic, the action, the adorable chemistry between the leads. I often describe fusion sageuks as 'easy on the brain', and there is no better example than this right now.
When the Camellia Blooms: It would be an insult to this show to call it a rom-com. Sometimes it's a horror, and I fear for all the characters. Sometimes it's a tragedy, when Dong-baek can so cynically say that that she's cursed for a life without love. This show depresses me probably more than it should, but that's all a part of why I like it. I was particularly struck this week by how much I like the supporting cast. Hyang-mi clinging to Gyu-tae feels like poetic justice; she's right, he can't brazenly flirt with women and then panic when he registers it as an affair. It's a good thing I love Oh Jun-se, because this man is such a piece of shit. His wife, by the way, is possibly my favourite character, she's such a legend.
Day Found by Chance: I've mentioned this on the recap already, but these two episodes charmed the pants off me.
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