Hotel del Luna: Episode 16 (Final)

If there’s one message that Hotel del Luna has taught us, it’s that parting is inevitable, but that goodbye is never forever. Life and death are a circle, and every ending is also a beginning. It’s time for our beloved hotel owner to rejoin the cycle of life and death, but she can finally do so happily and with a smile, all thanks to one man’s love.


Mago and Reaper meet in an ancient forest, where a young girl lies unconscious beside her dead parents. They’re surprised to see her still alive, and Mago asks Reaper not to take her yet as he’d planned. Reaper says the girl won’t last long, but Mago replies that you never know what might happen in that short amount of time.

Sure enough, soon a man (awww, it’s Oh Ji-ho again!) and his young son happen by, and the boy realizes that the girl is still alive. He gives her water and tells her that her parents have gone to the Guest House of the Moon, a place he heard about from a grandmother who sells medicine.

He asks the girl her name, so she traces a circle with a line through it on the palm of his hand and tells him, “Man-wol. The moon.”

Present Man-wol wonders out loud to Chan-sung if they met in a past life, considering how long she’s been alive. Chan-sung says that sometimes it takes that long for people to meet, just like it takes millennia for the light from Orion to reach their eyes. Man-wol asks where Orion is in the sky, but Chan-sung says it can only be seen in winter.

This reminds Man-wol that Mago told her that after the next full moon, the energy of the moon will be withdrawn from Hotel del Luna. There will be no more new guests, and the hotel will cease to exist.

Man-wol asks Chan-sung to show her a different constellation, but he admits that he doesn’t know that much about stars. She snaps at him for ruining the mood, sneering that he could have pointed at any star and lied and she would have pretended to be impressed. LOL, Chan-sung’s face.

He calls himself her dazzling star, and they both laugh at the cheesy line. Man-wol looks up at Chan-sung adoringly as she says he’s the only star she needs, then squishes his face and coos at him. Chan-sung returns the gesture (that would have gotten him killed not that long ago) and calls her his lucky charm.

Man-wol mentions his fear that she’ll be reincarnated as chicken soup, looking genuinely concerned about it now. Chan-sung says he’ll just be her side salad, which cheers her up, and they snuggle as they look up at the stars.

Bartender Kim stands at the entrance to the afterlife tunnel, wracked with shame after learning that a book may be published that says he was ostracized after writing salacious stories. He wonders if he should leave first, but he remembers his promise to say goodbye to Hyun-joong and Seo-hee, and he’s tortured by indecision.

Concerned, Seo-hee tells Man-wol that Bartender Kim is missing. When she mentions Bartender Kim’s full name, Man-wol’s expression darkens and she demands to know which guest spoke ill of him. She meets with the newly-deceased writer, who explains that his book is fiction, but is based on a real person.

Chan-sung and Man-wol head to the publisher’s office, prepared to buy the only copy of the manuscript from him. Chan-sung is worried that Bartender Kim will do something to harm a human, but Man-wol is certain Bartender Kim is too gentle to ever do that.

Bartender Kim is already in the office, and he follows the editor into the men’s room. He shows himself to the editor and snarls that he’s not salacious, sending the editor screaming back to his office. Aww, Bartender Kim feels bad for scaring him a little too much.

Unfortunately, the editor’s team interpret his vision of Bartender Kim as a sign that the book will be a hit. Bartender Kim gives up, and when he runs into Chan-sung and Man-wol, he tells them he’s too humiliated to go back to the hotel. Man-wol says that he’s a dignified crane, and while she tries to forcibly hold his head up, Chan-sung gets the manuscript.

They take Bartender Kim to stay in Chan-sung’s room at Sanchez’s house until he feels he can return to the hotel. Chan-sung claimed to be Bartender Kim’s descendant and Man-wol paid a fortune for the manuscript, and Chan-sung assures Bartender Kim that the editor didn’t even finish reading it. Bartender Kim whines that he’ll never clear his name, so Man-wol tells him to prove his innocence if the story isn’t true.

Bartender Kim reluctantly tells them the true story of his past — he was considered a genius because he passed the state exam at a young age, but he failed the civil service exam every year. He moved to Hanyang at the age of forty to focus on studying, and while watching others living their lives gave him joy, it also made him lonely.

Whenever he got bored with studying, Bartender Kim would write stories about the people he saw every day. The stories he wrote weren’t salacious, but the fact that he wrote them in Hangul instead of Chinese hanja was considered unconventional. Chan-sung and Man-wol recognize some of the stories he wrote, such as the stories of Chun-hyang and Shim-cheong, realizing that Bartender Kim is, as Chan-sung calls him, “the Shakespeare of the Joseon Dynasty.”

Bartender Kim wails that those stories ruined his life — he finally passed the exam and got an appointment, but his appointment was revoked after he was shamed for writing lowly stories that upset the social order. His father was so ashamed that he starved himself to death, and Bartender Kim was too humiliated to go home and face his wife, so he died alone.

Chan-sung and Man-wol return to the hotel, where Seo-hee and Hyun-joong are impressed to learn that Bartender Kim wrote some of their culture’s most famous stories. Man-wol says that they only have Bartender Kim’s word for it because there’s no proof, which is how his past got twisted by the misunderstanding that he wrote naughty stories.

Chan-sung belatedly realizes that he forgot to tell Sanchez about the ghost in his room, which is how Sanchez gets blindsided by both Bartender Kim and Reaper. He seems okay with letting Bartender Kim stay, but the idea of the Grim Reaper rattles poor Sanchez, even when Reaper promises (with a really unsettling wink) to repay him for the dates he picked from the yard.

The book’s author feels bad when he hears the truth about Bartender Kim, and he offers to get rid of the manuscript. But Man-wol stops him, and she and Chan-sung suggest the author change the story to the truth which, while it can’t be published as historical fact, would still make a great novel.

The author loves the idea, but just as he’s about to start writing, he passes out. LOL, he has the same problem as the accountant who died from overwork… he passes out within thirty seconds of picking up a pen. They decide they need another writer to help, and luckily, they have the perfect ghost at the hotel already.

Man-wol tells Bartender Kim of their plan, adding that having his legacy rewritten as a loving husband and noble scholar in a novel is better than how history currently remembers him. She even offers to have him described physically however he wants, and Bartender Kim says he’s always thought he resembled So Ji-sub, PFFT.

Bartender Kim tells the writers his story as the famous author dictates and the coffee-drinking writer types it all up. Man-wol and Chan-sung enjoy reading the (quite embellished) novel-in-progress, and when it’s finished, the author makes a dream-call to his editor to tell him where to find the new manuscript. Awww, he even lets the inexperienced author take the credit, fulfilling his last wish.

To celebrate, Bartender Kim makes everyone a Tears cocktail, and tells them they’re his “tears of regretful parting.” He says that he’s finally erased his shame, and he’s ready to move on to his afterlife. They all gather to see him off, each in their own way, and Bartender Kim has a huge smile on his face as the limo carries him through the tunnel.

Man-wol had refused to drink her Tears, nor did she cry when Bartender Kim left, but she finds another cocktail on her desk along with a note from Bartender Kim. He thanks her for making it possible for him to be remembered as an honorable person, and wishes for her “cold and icy moon” to set in warmth. She drinks her Tears and complains that it still tastes terrible as she finally lets herself cry.

Hyun-joong runs into Yoo-na outside his sister’s hospital room and asks her why she doesn’t come to the hotel anymore, and she says there’s no point since it will be gone soon. She says that she came to see if Hyun-mi had died, since Hyun-joong will be leaving soon after.

She’s sad to hear that Bartender Kim left, and she tells Hyun-joong that the way he feels now is how she’ll feel when he goes. She begs him to stay, but Hyun-joong says that they sent Bartender Kim off with joy, because nothing is sadder than staying in this world.

He asks Yoo-na if she wants to grow old and die like Hyun-mi, while he stays as he is. Yoo-na tells him angrily to go, but says that she won’t stay and watch, and will go study abroad instead.

Seo-hee watches the mother of the baby, the last in her husband’s family line. The mother asks if she’s a relative of her baby’s father, so Seo-hee says she used to be their daughter-in-law. The baby’s mother tells her that her baby will have her name, and when Seo-hee says that only boys carry on the family line, the mother tells her that way of thinking is old-fashioned.

She says that if the grandparents want to see the baby, she’ll allow it, but boy or girl, the baby will be hers alone. Seo-hee thinks about how her daughter was left to die because she wasn’t born a boy, and she asks why she never thought of claiming her child as her own. She tells the mother that she wishes a good, healthy life for her unborn child.

Chan-sung takes Man-wol to eat at another restaurant that featured on Kim Joon-hyun’s show, and she takes copious pictures for her social media followers — all three of them, Hyun-joong, Yoo-na, and Sanchez, lol. Chan-sung gets all sanctimonious about his dislike for social media, but Man-wol cuts him off when her picture gets a “like” from Kim Joon-hyun himself.

A little jealous, Chan-sung asks why she likes Kim Joon-hyun so much. She says he reminds her of someone who showed up just when she was having a hard time due to an undesirable hobby and saved her with a game of Go, then suggested she start going on gourmet trips instead. Chan-sung blurts out, “That was me!” but Man-wol insists that the guy looked exactly like Kim Joon-hyun.

She says there’s one more thing Chan-sung needs to eat for her, and gives him the medicine from Mago that will take away his ability to see ghosts. She tells him that he must eat it later, and they both understand that she means after she’s gone.

Hyun-joong dresses in his old school uniform and tells Seo-hee that he heard from Tae-seok, and it’s time for him to get Hyun-mi. He’s there when his sister finally passes, and her spirit comes running when she hears her beloved brother’s voice. She runs into his arms, the same age she was the last time they saw each other in life.

Yoo-na is there, and she sees the joy on Hyun-joong’s face when he finally reunites with Hyun-mi. He cries when he sees Yoo-na, and she runs around a corner so Hyun-joong can’t see her, but he can still hear her sobbing.

He takes Hyun-mi to the hotel to meet Man-wol, and Chan-sung asks Hyun-joong if Yoo-na knows he’s leaving. He says he saw her at the hospital, and he asks Chan-sung to give her the antique watch and a message: “Please tell her that each second and minute of time left to her is precious, so she should be a good student and be happy.”

When it’s time for him to go, Hyun-joong lingers a bit, disappointed that Yoo-na hasn’t come to say goodbye. But as he’s about to leave, she runs up with an armful of white lilies, saying they’re because he left flowers on her grave, too.

She tells him that she went to Pink Mago and bought the lilies in exchange for a promise to live a very good life, so Hyun-joong doesn’t have to worry about her. Crying again, he thanks Yoo-na for sending him off without worries, and as he leaves, Yoo-na sobs her heart out.

Young-soo and Mi-ra tell Sanchez that they’re getting married, and they want Mi-ra’s parents to meet Young-soo at Sanchez’s restaurant. They ask Sanchez to stand in as Young-soo’s hyung in case Mi-ra’s parents don’t like him, since Young-soo doesn’t have any family.

Mi-ra threatens to just tell her parents she’s pregnant, but Young-soo says that if they don’t like him, then he’ll just convince them. They simper at each other until Sanchez gets uncomfortable, then go shopping for a PPL refrigerator. They have a minor spat and Mi-ra wanders off, and she runs into Man-wol unexpectedly.

She says she wants to give Mi-ra an early wedding gift, then uses a rotating television to hypnotize her. She tells Mi-ra, “Song-hwa-yah, you’d better be good to Yeon-woo. If you ever make him cry, I’ll turn your life upside-down just like that TV.”

Later, Chan-sung is surprised that Man-wol got Mi-ra and Young-soo a gift, but she says she won’t be around for their winter wedding. Taking Chan-sung’s hand, she tells him that Seo-hee is leaving today, and they both look up at the sky, aware that the next full moon is rapidly approaching. Chan-sung says cutely that Yeon-woo is no longer the person that loves Man-wol the most, and she replies that she knows… “It’s Seo-hee now,” LOL.

Seo-hee wanders through the empty halls of Hotel del Luna, noting that the rooms are all empty. She meets Man-wol and Chan-sung at the tunnel entrance and thanks Man-wol for letting her stay all these years, then confesses that it was her idea to send Chan-sung into Room 13. She orders him sternly never to wear that tiger print suit again, hee.

Before leaving, Seo-hee recalls the day she came to the hotel — Man-wol had caught her stealing a knife and asked if she planned on killing her husband’s family with it. Rather than stop her, she’d offered Seo-hee a sword instead, though she’d said that the person Seo-hee really wanted to kill was herself for failing to protect her baby.

Man-wol had known that Seo-hee hated herself too much to go to the afterlife and be reincarnated, so she’d offered her a job where she could suffer perpetual death. Seo-hee had seen that same desire in Man-wol, so she’d stayed. Before she goes, Man-wol asks if she can hug Seo-hee, and they both cry as they say their final goodbyes.

Now that only Man-wol remains behind, Chan-sung goes to see herbalist Mago to ask how much time he and Man-wol have left. Mago says that all the energy around the hotel will be gathered together at the full moon, then it will all disappear, and Man-wol will have to go. Chan-sung asks why Mago chose him, and she points to his chest and says that the moon flower must not have shown him the last dream yet.

Man-wol stands in the hotel lobby for a long time, looking at the large portrait of herself with her friends. She imagines Hyun-joong popping up behind the desk to welcome a new ghostly guest, then fading away. She sees Seo-hee bringing snacks to a guest, and Bartender Kim offering her a new cocktail he’s created, but they also soon disappear.

Eventually Chan-sung arrives, and Man-wol says to him, “Gu Chan-sung, you came to send off one last guest. I keep feeling sleepy. Am I this sleepy so that I can leave as if I’m dreaming?” She lays her head on Chan-sung’s chest, and he promises to stay by her side even if she falls asleep.

He carries her up to her room where he tucks them both into bed. They drift off to sleep together, and Chan-sung has one last dream – that he’s the little boy who found Man-wol after the accident that killed her parents, and who told her about the House of the Moon.

Pink Mago lets herself into the hotel and runs into Chan-sung in the hallway. She says she’s here for the scissors she lent the bride who visited the hotel, and Chan-sung remembers her saying that letting go requires a bigger love (than holding on). He returns her scissors, and in exchange, Pink Mago offers to cut the ties between him and the one who broke his heart.

Instead, he asks to travel back in time just for a moment, so that he can see winter with Man-wol. He takes Man-wol to the Moon Tree, and snowflakes start to fall around them. Man-wol smiles, wondering if she’s still dreaming, but Chan-sung says that it’s a moment borrowed either from their past, or from a time they’ll spend together in the future.

Man-wol tells Chan-sung that she saw him in her dreams, and awww, she was also dreaming of when they met as children, all those years ago. Chan-sung draws the symbol that means her name in her palm, the same way she did when they were children, and tells her it’s pretty.

Looking awed, Man-wol says that they did meet again after a long passage of time. She asks if they saw this snow together in the past, and Chan-sung says that he hopes they see it together in the future. They stay like that for a long time, just watching the snow fall and appreciating being together.

Man-wol decides to make her journey to the afterlife without Reaper’s help, so only Chan-sung accompanies her to the tunnel’s entrance. She says she’s thought a lot about what to say in this moment, but now that it’s time, her mind is blank. Her voice falters as she admits, “I keep wanting to stay with you… I keep wanting to see you, and I don’t want to leave you behind.”

She says that she’s always pretended to be strong when she felt the most weak around him, and that she made it impossible for him to stop her from leaving. She caresses his cheek as she says simply, “I’m sorry.” Chan-sung cries, but he wipes away Man-wol’s tears as he renews his promise not to be lonely as he sees her off.

Man-wol cries that when she asked for that promise, she didn’t know she’d care about Chan-sung this much, or that she’d fall in love again. Chan-sung hugs her tightly as she says she’s never thought about the future… “But the only think I can tell you now is this — let’s meet in our next lives, no matter what. Okay?”

Chan-sung nods, and Man-wol lets out a shaky sigh. She says, “Chan-sung, you looked into me, took care of me, and protected me. Thank you.” Chan-sung can only say, “Goodbye. Goodbye, Jang Man-wol.” Man-wol cries even harder, but she gives Chan-sung one last lovely smile before letting go of his hand, and walking into the tunnel.

Chan-sung stifles his sobs and watches until she disappears into the mist. Moments after Man-wol is gone, the Hotel del Luna fades away, bit by bit. In the morning, Chan-sung is still standing at the tunnel, and he cries again, thinking, “My dear moon disappeared after swallowing up my night and dream. Goodbye.”

We see Man-wol walking along the bridge, as Mago narrates, “Feeling sad and disappointed is only natural when witnessing disappearances. When a flower withers away, just like it dreams of a new blossom, you’ll live, meet, and love again. I hope that is the answer you two arrogant, foolish, self-pitying yet beautiful lovers, have chosen.”

Before reaching the end of the bridge, Man-wol stops and looks around, smiling brightly. Then she turns and continues on her journey.

Eventually winter comes, and Christmastime. Chan-sung is packing up his room at Sanchez’s house, planning to move to New York. But first he meets with Yoo-na, who still carries the watch she gave to Hyun-joong, and she tells him excitedly that she’s decided to study hotel management like him. She thanks him for giving her the medicine to stop seeing ghosts, which has helped her concentrate on her studies. She assumes that Chan-sung also took the medicine, but he just smiles.

Next he visits the painting of Mount Baekdu. He remembers asked Man-wol what the tiger saw when he returned to the painting, and she’d said that he lived a dream by seeing what others couldn’t, which made him lucky. He spots Mago nearby with her basket of white lilies, and watches as she offers one to a reluctant ghost. He thinks to himself that he still remembers that secretive world; “It is where you are. And I still remember my promise to you.”

Some time later we see Bartender Kim jogging in the park (the Hong sisters and their tacky track suits!). He passes Seo-hee, who’s playing with a fluffy little dog. A basketball rolls near and Hyun-joong picks it up, stopping to pet the dog before returning to his friends.

Nearby, Chan-sung sits on a bench reading a battered copy of “Existence and Time.” He looks up to see Man-wol standing over him, and he puts his book away so she can sit and lay her head on his shoulder. He says she’s early, and she tells him she hurried so he wouldn’t have to wait. They relax, and we hear their voices:

Someday… someday… if we reunite in some life far down the road, when that day comes, I hope to always be with you. We’ll dream together, hold each other in our gazes, embrace each other, and laugh together as we live happily ever after side by side.


Mago frowns at her four sisters, wondering where the rest are — apparently there are twelve Magos in total! She announces that she’s chosen a new owner for the Guest House of the Moon, so that wandering souls will continue to have a place to stay and tell their stories.

The hotel’s new name is Hotel Blue Moon, and we see the elevator doors open to dramatically reveal the new owner. It’s a man this time, and he confidently strides past a new group of ghostly employees, drink in hand, through the ballroom and up the stairs.

He turns and finally reveals his face — it’s Kim Soo-hyun! The new owner announces, “The moon has ascended. Let’s open our doors.”


HA! What a great cameo by Kim Soo-hyun, and it leaves open the possibility for a second season, if the writers so choose. They’ve said they hadn’t planned on it, but also that it’s not completely out of the question. I know I’d love to see the hotel under new management and with a new story to tell.

One of the primary concerns that’s always raised by viewers whenever a Hong sisters drama is announced, is whether the ending will be logical according to the lore of the fictional universe, and at the same time emotionally satisfying for the audience. I think that Hotel del Luna kept its promise to deliver a great ending very well, and I’m happy that it didn’t pull any punches or introduce last-minute rescues that would have felt disingenuous. We’ve known from the beginning that Chan-sung and Man-wol would have to part eventually, and what’s more, they have known it, and I love how that knowledge enabled them to able to accept it without unnecessary drama or angst. Chan-sung simply let Man-wol go to find the peace she’d earned, and without guilt for leaving Chan-sung behind. Death is a part of life, and not every love is meant for a happily ever after… some loves are all the more meaningful for the fact that they were never meant to last a lifetime.

That last scene of everyone together at the park could be interpreted many ways, but in my headcanon, it was a glimpse into the future where they’ve all been reincarnated. We got to see them enjoying normal, happy lives after letting go of the old, painful ones, which gave me the warm fuzzies. And Chan-sung and Man-wol were able to keep their promise to meet in their next lives and love each other again, this time without the burden of the past or the knowledge that one of them would be leaving soon. It was a simple epilogue, but one that left my romantic, “I just want them to be happy and in love” heart very satisfied.

The biggest mystery has always been whether Chan-sung was the reincarnation of someone Man-wol knew when she was alive. I actually think that the answer was quite poetic, and brought things around full-circle in a lovely way. He was the boy who told Man-wol about the House of the Moon in the first place, and he heard about it from Mago. There was a plan from the beginning, and a reason why Chan-sung was chosen to be the one to see Man-wol off to the afterlife. And it was so sweet that they shared the same dream, so that they both knew before Man-wol left that they were always meant for each other.

Another thing I appreciated about Hotel del Luna is that the characters never underwent a huge personality change, as so often happens in dramas. The characters tempered each other and brought out the best in each other as they grew closer, but they remained their fundamental selves. Chan-sung was always the gentle soul who asked for flowers for his birthday as a child, and was content just to be by Man-wol’s side without asking anything of her. Man-wol changed the most, but she was bossy and short-tempered even to the end. We had seen glimpses of her softer side when she was with Chung-myung in the past, so it’s not that she changed, she just found a safe place where she could let that softer side show.

The subject of death is not an easy one to talk about, much less create lovely stories around, but I loved the tales of the hotel’s guests and the lessons they taught. For me, Hotel del Luna wasn’t so much about death as it was about concepts like peace, forgiveness, kindness, good and evil, and appreciating life while you can. Even though it took Man-wol thirteen hundred years to learn how to understand and forgive, she was eventually about to heal once she was willing to let herself be vulnerable, and by healing she enabled herself to move on and be happy. It’s a simple lesson, but an important one, and seeing her become capable of letting go is a help to me as I let her go, along with the rest of these characters I’ve grown to love.


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I don't usually cry in dramas but I cried buckets, in a good way, in this last episode. All the characters were well fleshed out in my opinion and I feel so attached to them! I am a glass-half-full type of person so I want to think that the last few minutes of the show before Kim So Hyun turned up, really does happen some time in the future. Good-bye to the Del Luna crew *waves goodbye fondly*

I think this might actually tip You're Beautiful as my all time favourite Hong sisters drama! *gasp*


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You are not the only one who cried a lot.


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Indeed, I found myself alternately crying and laughing through the last two episodes. This was an amazing drama, and I think I will have to watch it again very soon, hopefully with my husband.


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I cried a lot with ep15 but I came fully prepared for the 16 so all I did was smiling. It's a relief to know our beloved characters have gone well to a better place.


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I've already forgotten everything that happened in the finale thanks to Kim Soo-hyun. I missed him.


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He looks refreshingly good! Hahahaha i missed him on my screen.xD


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I want to be reincarnated as that whisky glass he was holding!


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I want to be his human manager working for him all my life and eating lunch with him every day.


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I enjoyed the whole show but the last two eps were just fillers! Also that Kim Soo-hyun cameo! Gosh I missed that guy! It's a pity we didn't see the reunion of IU and KSH after Producers.

All in all, a good show which kept me coming back for more! 💙


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I agree - I really enjoyed the show, but found myself fast forwarding through the goodbyes in this episode - for me they were all diluted by having so many of them.


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what was the point of burning screen time to look at snow??
we could've had more scenes with Sanchez
or since they showed the new owner anyway, a brief scene with Kim Soo-hyun and Chan sung.
i'm glad we got Yuna at least. geez


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A teary episode indeed, and Hong Sisters intentionally make it worse for us, by having not one, but 4 farewells in the same episode. Gosh! I wonder how many boxes of tissue I would’ve used, if I wasn’t in the room alone and just let the tear flow…


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Hotel Blue Moon
In the epilogue, we see the new owner of Guesthouse of the Moon, who is none other than Kim soo-hyun and he looks more charming than usual. Classy, elegant, his outfit and all his staffs look as though they are from the top-notch hotel in the world… “The moon has ascended. Let us open the doors to welcome our guests”, that was like soooo cool!.
But one thing caught my eye. The ominous, eerie feel of the place, shrouded in blue and purple lightings. Instead of the warm feeling of warm yellow lights within Hotel del Luna, I had goosebumps regarding the Hotel Blue Moon. And Sweet/Florist Mago said that she found an unbelievable person to be the new owner, perhaps Kim Soo-hyun (I am using his real name, as his character’s name was never revealed) is very different than Jang Man-wol. Perhaps, Hotel Blue Moon is the place for vengeful spirit to go for cleaning? That would be a story fit to a sequel… Also, every plot in this drama links to one another. Why was there a mention of the total of 12 Mago(s), unless there will be more introduction on the sequel. There wasn’t a filler plot in this entire drama so far.
I do hope the Hong Sisters have a sequel in planned, because I would definitely want to watch it. And speaking of this… Someone mentioned on another forum that Hotel Blue Moon could be the place for ghost aliens to go to since the owner is Do Min-joon (linking to My Love From Another Star). Ha! That would definitely spook out Mr Second Choice (the astronaut) by seeing so many aliens, especially ghost aliens, heading to Earth from outer space. Pity him to still have the “ghost eyes” then.


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Oooh I'm with you on the hotel for aliens one. I thought Hotel Blue Moon looked like something Dracula would live in but Kim Soohyun looked like a much nicer person than Manwol so perhaps the blue is just a reflection of the name.


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On the Ending Scene
I originally think that the Goo Chan-sung waiting at the bench is the reincarnation of him, but then something strikes me… not the book he is reading, but more of the watch he is wearing. In the early episodes, he was wearing a metallic band Tag Heuer watch, but later in the series, he changed to a black striped watch, which the post-scene Chan-sung wore something of similar. The scene is too short to get a clear view, but I’d loved to think it is the same Chan-sung.
I’d like to think that time flows differently than normal, and that Man-wol who had walked across the Sanzu River, had reincarnated as a different person around the time Chan-sung was born. Though their fateful encounter did not happen until much later after the events of Hotel del Luna, and subsequently Chan-sung moved to New York (near the ending). I’d like to think that somewhere down the road, Chan-sung bumped into the reincarnated Man-wol, and again go after her, without ever mentioning about her past life (as Jang Man-wol).
This goes side by side, with what Love Mago said, when talking about severing the ties between Chan-sung and the one who broke his heart (Man-wol). Perhaps she ain’t talking about the next life (since Yeong-soo and Mi-ra wasn’t fated to meet each other until Mago’s interference), but talking about the fateful encounter down the life of Chan-Sung. I may be biased and hopeful in this, but I’d like to believe it happened as this.
Give some comments, beanies!! Support me and tell me what I think is true… I needed some hope!


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My reply @Horizon is that Man Wol's reincarnation meets up with Hotel Manager Kim soo-hyun's reincarnation and they put on fashion shows just by walking down the street together. Now that brings a smile to my face.


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Too bad Yeo Jin-goo ain't dating IU...
Else they could just put that they've all been reincarnated in present day:
Ku Chan-sung as Yeo Jin-goo
Jang Man-wol as IU
Kim Shi-ik (or Kim Seon-bi) as Shin Jung-geun
Choi Seo-hee as Bae Hae-sun
Ji Hyun-joong as Pyo Ji-hoon
All met together and make a film about their past life.
And as promised in the past life, Yeo Jin-goo is now dating IU in present life. LOL!


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You just need to search SNS with a little imagination. They have reincarnated and are on their honeymoon in Thailand, where Man Wol stopped and looked at small octopus 🐙 wondering why she craves it.🤣🤣🤣


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Then I wonder if the reincarnations of Kim Seon-bi and Choi Seo-hee are in Thailand to celebrate their wedding anniversary with their son, Ji Hyun-joong and his girlfriend Kim Yoo-na?
Why then did Ko Chung-myung go as well? Man-wol's stalker maybe...


Hotel CEO Kim Soo-hyun (Hotel Manager would be human). If he has reincarnated, then is Hotel Blue Moon closed?


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I was looking toward the future and making reference to who I thought made a better couple, (at least from a visual viewpoint) to be honest. :-)


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The Producers ending we never got. 😉


As the Magos were again incomplete in numbers, causing Sweet Mago to again jumped at their attendance. While Love Mago asked what the meeting is about, Sweet Mago exclaimed that another new owner for Guesthouse of the Moon had been sourced.
Beggar Mago claimed that she never met the past owner (Kim Soo-hyun) as he was only there for a brief moment of time before reincarnated again, but Dark Mago stepped into the conversation.
"This new owner" she proudly say, "is nothing like what you've seen before. This is the first time I have been given the privilege to choose, and I daresay he will manage this hotel better than all the predecessors"
The scene changes into the hotel, this time with dark reddish lighting surrounding the area. Eerie music started playing in the background...
An old man, dressed smartly in a jacket atop a vest, carefully decant a bottle of Chateau 1928 into the decanter.
He slowly swirls the decanter thereafter, to oxidize the wine.
Then, he pour a little into a Chateau XL glass for tasting. Another young man took the glass to taste, and with his face still behind shadow, he can be seen to nod towards the old man, as agreement to the taste of the wine.
The old man then continue to fill up the glass until it reaches a standard portion.
The young man then took the glass, stand up and turn to face the lobby. At the lobby, there were many employees who were queuing 2 straight lines, anxiously waiting for the young man's announcement.
From here, we see the face of the young man. It's fellow beanie, Horizon.
Raising up his glass, he said, "The moon is looking beautiful tonight. Prepare for business. Hotel Blood Moon is now open. Hotel Team to standby to welcome the guests, and Security Team prepare to leave with me to find ourselves vengeful spirits. It's another bloody night tonight."
Horizon then take a sip from his wine glass, and eerie laughter can be heard throughout the hotel lobby with some piercing cries echo-ing in the background.
--- The End ---


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Ooh I like the idea of time flowing differently. I thought of that possibility too. ^^


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Great minds think alike!
^ ^


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speaking of "Ending Scene"...




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Hahaha! Only a guy can notice other guys' watches. That detail totally flew over my head.


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I was looking to see if that is Ku Chan-sung or his reincarnation...
Hoping for a happy ending deep inside...


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The book "Existence and Time"... does the book really exist? If yes, what's the Korean title and who's the author?
I may want to look for the translated journal, and try to discover more on the concept of the drama.


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A belated comment. The book is Martin Heidegger's . The original German title is . It was the book Chan-sung's ghost mother was guarding in the library, and is identified there.


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Sorry -- my script was rejected. The book is usually known as Being and Time in English. The German title is Sein und Zeit.


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I agree with u for most part.. but i think that man wol was just his imagination.. theyll meet in another life without the heavy god buisness and live happily.. but for now she is just what he wanted to see like the tiger in the painting.. he will see that and leave..just like the baekdu tiger.. sad but so according to the theme that its almost beautiful.. but just cuz its beautiful doesnt mean that i accept it happily.. i cant count the buckets ive cried since sunday😭


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This drama could've been a great one if only its potential has been used properly. There are definitely flaws in the writing and inconsistencies here and there but I think what really stood out was its strength in the amazing fashion show and performance by IU. Individually, IU and Yeo Jin-goo did great in showcasing their characters despite limitations from the script and there is definitely chemistry between the actors onscreen although it was underutilized, but their chemistry off-screen is the one that amuses me the most.

I'm a cry baby, so although I did not like how they tied things up in the last hour, I still cried because I am emotional. But I had a good laugh when I saw Man-wol going on a long walk to the afterlife wearing high heels.

I also know Kim Soo-hyun's cameo is also for the buzz but I didn't hate it. It was fun to see him again on my screen and I can't wait to see him in a new project (preferably with IU, please)!

I asked this before but I am asking this again, if you have to think of why KSH had to be the next hotel owner, what sin do you think he committed to get this punishment? I'm looking forward to see your answers. Hehe


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being too handsome... breaks too many girls' heart (since ultimately he should only be able to choose 1 as wife)
I'm a guy, and I am straight.
I still think Kim Soo-hyun is very very very good looking...


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Yup. He's too handsome for our hearts to handle!


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really? I didn't find many flaws with this show, the ending hit all the right notes for me.

My only criticism would be the long drawn out scenes, I feel as if shown could have reduced the final episode by like 20 minutes. But it's not a biggie.


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I can list the flaws here but the show is already over. I just hope the next Hong Sisters drama would stick to the theme throughout the show like HDL but be exciting like Hwayugi. And I agree with the long drawn out scenes, the previous episodes could be shortened to an hour if every episode didn't drag.


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I think it's his character from Real (well, one of...)


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These boots were made for walking, baby.
I will always love Man Weol for being the beyotch who defied the deities then faced eternal damnation with champagne, hot red lipstick, designer outfits, and foodie trips.
May we all walk down the bridge to the afterlife with enough memories to make us smile THAT way.


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"if you have to think of why KSH had to be the next hotel owner, what sin do you think he committed to get this punishment?"

Although MW and her staff seemed to think she was being punished for her sins, I never believed it. My impression was that her hurt, anger and hatred were so deep that Mago didn't have the heart to let her pass like that, and gave her time, but let her believe whatever she wanted.


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Yeah.. mago knew she her heart was in the right place.. cuz if ahe died then then she wouldve faced punishment like mira did..


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Thank you!
I really love reading your review about Hotel Del Luna 💜
Yes, the writer said that their love would never mean to last forever as Man Wol should leave this world and Chan Sung is a normal human being
Their bitter-sweet relationships were wrapped beautifully till the end


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well... aside from what the writers (who is off-screen) would say...
Sweet Mago did mentioned albeit accidentally, that there are still connections between Jang Man-wol and Ku Chan-sung (when she offered to cut off the ties between him and the one who broke his heart).
Maybe not this lifetime, but they are definitely still connected.
Imagine a love which transcends life, death and reincarnation. That is just simply beautiful.


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I was worried the show was going to end with them miraculously finding a way to stay together, but I'm glad it ended with them letting go. That speaks so much more volume AND it sends a good message to the viewers.


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half of me wanted them to stay together in this life...
the other half of me wanted Man-wol to move on and make this a great drama...
I'm torn apart before this... but now it's "Que sera, sera"...
"What will be, will be"


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Bye bye the only show i stuck to in the first half of this year.
It was a fun watch


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If we're going with theories on that park bench scene:
The obvious answer to me was Chan-sung was sitting on a park bench, reading a book about time while waiting for his girlfriend to arrive and he basically *daydreamed* the entire story using random passers-by as characters. Girlfriend Man-wol's arrival snapped him out of his reverie and they're back to the real world where ghosts don't exist.


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The opposite-but equally as valid theory is the Hotel Del Luna events were real and this scene is of Chan-sung finding solace in *dreaming* of his departed friends as though they were alive and happy. The third option that they all reincarnated is the least plausible of the bunch.


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This episode was heavy with emotion having to say goodbye to our lovely ghosts at the hotel. It didn't hit me until it was only Man-wol and Chan-sung left at the hotel. I hated how lonely the hotel looked with everyone gone only because that meant we were nearing the end of this amazing drama. By no means was this drama perfect, in fact there are so many things i could nitpick on, but at the core of it all there was something about this drama that made me come back to it again and again every weekend and put a smile on my face.

I cried buckets during the last scene between Man-wol and Chan-sung and even now it haunts me (youtube keeps recommending me a clip of that scene). I've always been an IU fan for her music and her acting but this drama has me completely sold on Yeo Jin-goo, I hope for him to rest for now but am really looking forward to seeing him in his next projects.

And lastly that cameo! BEST cameo i've ever seen in a drama, i'm missing kim soo-hyun on my screen


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This has been a good show. It has been my favorite show and definitely one of the best this year. IU’s acting has been great. Until now she has balanced her singing and acting career but I have some advice for her: IU. It is time to quit your day job- and concentrate on acting.

We finally got to see where Man-wol and Chan-sung met in Chan-sung’s past life: This is the second time that he has saved her.

I have really loved this show and I really hate this ending. It may be logical but it was not necessary. Freed from her past and the Inn of the Full Moon IU could have lived with Chan-sung for another 60 years.

Ralph Waldo Emerson’s most famous saying is that “a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of a little mind”. That describes this ending. There was no real rational reason why they could not be together from now on in this lifetime, other than it did not fit Ma-go’s plan. Why do they have to wait for reincarnation? Yes, it is good that Man-wol’s soul has been saved- the Ma-go’s have done well in that sense, but with just a little flexibility they could have done better. This was the only flaw in this show.

This ending makes rational sense only if the Hong sisters have a meta-story in mind. Man-wol has been the central figure of this story- and IU has done a great job with it. But the central figure of the meta-story would not be Man-wol but Chan-sung. It would explain why the Ma-go’s carefully limited the choices which Man-wol and Chan-sung could make- and made Chan-sung pay such a high price. Chan-sung been subjected to one test after another, and always made the selfless choice. At each step he became a greater person, so great that he gave up what was most dear to him for the sake of another.

In this meta-story Chan-sung has been given the comfort of a beautiful dream of a future life but he has done so well that he will not be re-incarnated, precisely because the Heavens may have decided that there needs to be a God who can step in at moments like this and change fate where a changed fate would do good without doing harm. So after living a good and prosperous life Chan-sung dies but is met before the bridge by his old friend The Reaper- who shakes his hand and tells him that his bridge crossing days are over because he is now a God, the one who is empowered to step in and cut the string of fate when that fate is unnecessary and irrational, just as it was for him and Man-wol. This result would make sense of the Ma-go’s actions.

Still, this has been a beautiful and moving drama.


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It seems actors often pick up singing as a career to fall back on after their career fades, and singers pick up acting as a career to fall back on after their career fades.


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I too was hoping that miraculously Man-wol would get to lead a normal life after being freed from the curse after so long (even though I had a feeling it wouldn't happen). I know it's a deep rooted cultural thing and I might understand it more if I'd been brought up in the culture, but I'd love to see more supernatural dramas where the "happily ever after" doesn't involve reincarnation - it almost feels like a predictable, easy storytelling route at this point. Anyway, that's just my personal feeling.


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I too had wished for some way to have CS and MW live together happily in this lifetime. The way I saw things, MW was trapped to the hotel while still alive. I didn't see her as a ghost but someone whose life was 'suspended' and couldn't move on until she could forgive and let go of her anger. After CW allowed MW to change I thought the 'reward' would be a current lifetime together. Is a promise of many lifetimes together through reincarnation better than one lifetime together now? For kdrama purposes I'll take the one lifetime I see now rather than the possibility of future lives they will never show. (I'm going to get flak from those that didn't see a relationship but...) Maybe we did see MW and CS reincarnated. As JA and DH in 'My Ahjussi'. Hehe. My shipper heart exposed.


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You are actually right that Man-wol as not a ghost at all. She was a living person whose 'time had stopped' 1300 years ago. It has been suggested- and is probably true- that in the final episode she did die after falling asleep in Cang-sung's arms. That is how she became his 'final guest'. But in any case I found this ending to be consistent with the story and yet irrational.


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For any new Uaena (IU fan):
IU's Instagram: http://instagram.com/dlwlrma/
IU's Moonstagram: https://www.instagram.com/fullmoon.long/
IU's YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/dlwlrma
IU's Official Twitter: @_IUofficial
IU's fancafe: http://cafe.daum.net/IU
IU's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iu.loen
IU's V LIVE: https://channels.vlive.tv/FA895
IU's iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/iu/409076743
IU's Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3HqSLMAZ3g3d5poNaI7GOU
Follow @IUteamstarcandy @4seasonswithIU on Twitter for eng trans & subs
Here are the answers to all your qns about IU http://iu-jjang.tumblr.com/faq
IU's video index: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kdvYyCSMmnklVCjqie7JYAb-_5eDS-K6swEnUOWgKIg/edit?usp=sharing


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What a lovely recap! Thank you so much for this. I always love reading your comments at the end because I find myself nodding in agreement or gleaning new insight into a show. Different perspectives sometimes give you a new appreciation for a show you already love. We all see and feel different things even if we're watching the same show. I loved the IU and YJG pairing, they absolutely outdid themselves this time, which is saying something considering they both got nominated for their most recent works. As for season 2, I guess I'm in the minority on this one. I'm not too excited about it. Haha. But I remember I wasn't too excited about My Love From The Star either but I loved that show. Anything by Oh Choong Hwan seems to be my cup of tea.


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My wife and I are watching MY LOVE FROM THE STAR right now. Many people consider it a classic.


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OldLawyer. " watching MY LOVE FROM THE STAR right now. Many people consider it a classic.". <- An "old nurse" here. I've been a Kdrama/film addict for several years now, with a sprinkling of Japanese, Taiwanese, Thai, and Chinese dramas mixed in.
You Who Came From The Stars is my all time, number one favorite and I highly recommend it.


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It is a favorite for a reason. My wife and I loved it.


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It was a logical and consistent end. It was a good conclusion for all the characters. But honestly, I wouldn't have been against a happy ending. Knowing that CS has to wait for another reincarnation to have the chance to meet his fate love is hard to accept. He had to wait 1300 years to meet her again as an adult.

Every parting was so sad. It was hard to not cry ! But I'm happy the trio found peace and could leave serenely.

It was a really good drama. I really like the actors. I think IU and YJG complemented each other well. I still think older actors would have been better but they chose IU and the way she portrayed MW in the present was great, I was less convinced by her as a thief and killer... She looked fabulous in all her dresses. YJG was great in this role. It's not easy to play the kind and normal guy and still be charismatic. His on-screen prensence is pretty strong. I found him very handsome in this drama, I like that he doesn't look like the typical main leads : tall, very thin and pretty white.


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I'm tearing up just reading the recap. Haven't watched a TV episode where my eyes were leaking nonstop in a while. Other little things:

- Poor Sanchez. Ghosts that want to possess his body are invisible, but Death himself promises to repay him for his food.

- Mi-na ultimately turns out to be a cute brat in her current life. Her spats with Young-soo are adorable, and I ended up feeling a bit bad for her with Man-wol's ageless anger with her previous life.

- Such an poignant solution to Seo-hee's grudge.

- I love how long game that frustrated writer story thread was. I'd totally forgotten he was still at the hotel.

- I wish they'd addressed Hyun-joong's situation earlier. It would've let them film his confrontation with Tae-seok for real and maybe give Hyun-joong the send-off from the rest of the hotel members that he deserved, rather than just him waiting for Yoo-na alone.

- Loved the Magos and the actress's ability to play so many distinct gods. Easily the most fun role I've seen her do, and she looked like she was having a blast as well.

- Hwaiting, Mina (the idol)! Here's hoping your Yoo-na portrayal in such a high profile drama gets you more acting gigs. (And if your girl group could also come back sometime soon, that'd be great too.)


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HOTEL LUNA was a very good show from beginning to almost the end. I thought the series could have ended nicely with YuNa and CS talking at the cafe with her asking him if he took the medicine. I get the park setting is a dream to keep MW constantly in CS mind. That would be consistent with his past dreams. I really did not the massive trial balloon of a second series.
I found enough consistency in the writers' fantasy world to hold up their true ending without going with a noble idiocy route (like the ghost wedding so CS could accompany MW to the afterlife). The lesson of the show was introspection, loss and acceptance. I liked the cast, direction and grandeur of the series. Well done. Best of the year.


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Nodding as I read LollyPip's comments. Thank you for the recaps and to dramallama too!

My fear of a Goblin 2.0 did not happen and for that I'm quite pleased! This is probably the ending I wanted, no one was reincarnated and no one waited for a reincarnation.

The moment I almost forgot Kim So-hyun was gonna cameo was moment he appeared. Goodness, what a handsome man.

This was a fun ride. Thanks Beanies and I'm sure the crew, casts and staffs are having fun with white sand beaches.


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Anyone else cried a bucket at this episode? So many tear-jerking moments. How will I even gather my thoughts... It ended exactly the way we wanted it to be: sad, happy, bittersweet, and everyone got to have their own resolutions.

The route was very typical and it didn't really pull off any sort of twist (except maybe the meeting-as-children-part which answered our question of MW and CS' past connection), but I honestly could've lived my life without knowing that scene and it would still make perfect sense. Maybe Mago was waiting for SongHwa and YeonWoo to reincarnate and CS happened to be born around the same time and him being friends with Mira made him the perfect utility pick to execute her plans? Either way it was still a great addition to the plot nonetheless and speaking of Mago, Seo YiSook deserves a special mention for playing six characters with six different personalities. Fourth Mago is so intimidating and hell, I'm left wondering about the nature of the remaining six.

Will definitely miss the five hotel staff and the way their personalities compliment each other. The show's built on them well enough to make us like each of their individual traits and how well they go together. Also, MW hugging SeoHee before she left TT. Whatever the last scene was, be it reincarnation or imagination - felt satisfying still. They've met even after a thousand years and they sure will meet again. MW looking back at the bridge was so sweet, almost halfway through and she still held some memories!

KSH's cameo though, haha. Many were asking for Season 2 (like SHR), but I honestly think it's not needed. The last scene just showed that the hotel will continue as it is. Besides, HDL delivered a satisfying end and it's rare for Kdramas to have second seasons and they're typically not good (Err... dream high).


Kudos to the Hong Sisters for this one. They outdid (and maybe redeemed) theirselves again with a great drama. The writing, cast, and even OSTs (My favorite one is Heize's and Taeyeon's) are as perfect as it could be. Big thanks to the HDL team for delivering such a great drama. Y'all wouldn't know how many works I had to put off just to watch haha.

P.S - turns out, HDL was already in Hong Sisters' mind at the time of My Girlfriend is a Gumiho? People on twitter found out that a bit of the ending was spoiled in an episode of Gumiho. Also, no wonder it's somehow similar to another HSs work, the Master's Sun, because it came first. Only TMS came out first because this drama was CGI heavy and thus was used as a concept inspiration instead. Damn HSs and their minds! Can't really imagine this drama coming out back in 2010s, but it coming out right now is perfect.


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they said it was a draft to Master's sun but became Hotel Del Luna.


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jeez i teared up just reading about the goodbyes again in this recap. i watched the entire episode with tears in my eyes but they weren't fully tears of sadness, but more because everything was bittersweet. bitter that these wonderful characters are leaving with the arrival of the last episode, but so sweet because their final storylines really do align with what the drama has been saying all along. people leave, but the memories of them and what they did will remain forever. just like how the OST will remain on my spotify playlist :)


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I have to say, I cried off and on all through this poignantly beautiful finale, but you know what really got me? What made me straight up bawl more than any ending to any show I’ve seen in a long while? The moment I realized that Man-wol went out in the perfect pale shade of rose champagne pink to match the balustrades of the bridge. That was a shot through the heart, that this complex, layered, fabulous woman who’d endured so much pain and had lingered for so long, after having to live one of the most painful moments in her life by saying goodbye to her beloved Chan-Seong, was not even remotely diminished or defeated by death in the end. She went out on her own terms, a cheeky smile on her face, a glide in her stride as she strutted in towering satin heels, with her white lily slung over her shoulder. It was probably the best, and most emotionally gutting and most triumphant ending to a female character’s story I’ve seen in ages and it will be a while before the very thought of that moment doesn’t make me well up with tears. Salutes to Man-wol, and IU and the Hong sisters, for creating such a beautifully human and flawed and fabulous woman, and I hope many more of her kind follow.


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What an utterly amazing show 😭❤ from the wonderful chemistry between ManChan, the OSTs that tugged at your heartstrings, weekly ghost stories that incorporated real life lessons from current scandals, gorgeous scenery and visuals to gaze at and an all important lesson in moving on.

I don't mind this bittersweet ending at all, show stayed true to itself and we knew right fron the start that Man-wol would have to part this world.

Out of all the delightful things about Hotel Del Luna, Jang Man-wol as a character was the highlight. A short temper, spiteful, bossy, selfish, fickle, cynical, holds grudges and takes 1,300 years to learn to forgive and yet she is so darn charming and adorable. How can you not root for her? Aside from being beautiful with all her magnificent outfits, she is a well-written and complex character that gave us many emotional, angry and cute scenes. Props to IU for her acting!

And lastly well done to all the staff and actors for your 6 months of hard work, good to see you all enjoying your time in Bangkok 👍


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When were they in Bangkok?
I'm around 3 hours away, would rush over if they are still there!


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They are there from 4th to 8th of September. They were recently on a boat cruise. View the insta story here:



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I wasn't aware until I saw your post...
Currently asking my connections in Thailand if there would be any chance to meet the casts upclose.
If yes, then I am on the way to Bangkok!


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What a beautiful send off @lollypip. Thank you for this recap. It helped ease the pain of parting with Man-wol and Chan-sung and the drama, which has been so special. I confess that I was heartbroken at the ending though my brain understood and appreciated it. So your interpretation of the 1epilogue helped soothe my heart. I believe I will take this as my headcannon too.
Thank goodness for Kim Soo Hyun's cameo! It gave me a reprieve from the heartbreak. I laughed out loud when he was revealed since I had no idea he was going to do a cameo. And then all I could think about was a second season with him. Those Hong Sisters are wily.


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Honestly, when I heard IU decided to play in a Hong Sister's drama, i was kinda disappointed. I don't hate their dramas, but I just feel like they might be popular but are usually low-quality, without any impact and just enjoyable at best. I felt like it was a bit of a step back, after doing My Ahjussi and Persona.

But I'm really happy with the drama. It wasn't the most addicting nor it was a drama with a HIGH QUALITY SCRIPT. But I never thought about stopping it. IU et Yeo Jin Goo definitely made it better (proof by the difference between the script of the last scene and the aired last scene) than it was supposed to be. I'm extremely happy of the ending, as for once it's not a forced happy ending. Life can't always have a happy ending, and it's ok like that. Sometimes we have to let go, on dreams, and on people too, even the one we love the most. That doesn't make it a "sad ending" neither, it's just what was supposed to happen. That scene was honestly beautiful, I felt so heartbroken after.

The visual honestly helped a lot, and the actors helped even more, but it was a beautiful experience. It won't be my favorite drama, but i'm happy to have watched Hotel Del Luna. I think the memory of it will stay with me for a while.


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One of the side-characters in 'Melo is My Nature' (Be Melodramatic) is a successful script writer whose starting be be seen as a bit behind the times and old fashioned. Last episode she was being bombarded with script advice from a young 30-something director and beginning to panic. I couldn't help but think of the Hong sisters and the recent fan abuse they've been revceiving.


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Fan abuse ? what are you talking about ? Do you feel i was "fan abusing" Hong sisters with my comment ?

Now that i'm reading myself again, i feel like i might have sound rude though, especially for people who enjoy their dramas... But it wasn't really my intention, since I really enjoy the drama. I'm thankful they end it the way they did too. I'd just say that their dramas are not usually the kind that are my favorites. That's all.


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Thank you @lollypip for another great show recap series!!

Yeo Jin Goo, when are you going to pick scripts when you are the same species or life form as your loved ones? A robot in love with a human girl in Absolute Boyfriend, a human and a ghost now in Hotel Del Luna, a cloned version 5 (if I remember correctly) of a beloved brother in Circle, a mysterious ghost come back to life in Reunited Worlds... And in Crowned Clown you were masquerading as someone else! At least you were fully human in that show. I would have preferred Chan Sung played a little more debonair and arrogant (imagine Kim Soo Hyun in his final scene hotelier as Chan Sung, for example!) but aww you're cute and I'll forgive you.

IU demonstrated that My Ajusshi was not a one-off performance for her, she was pretty great in this show. The fashion stylists of course outdid themselves with this playground, bravo.

The actress playing Mago is golden, love her!

I have to admit I struggled with the ending because I really wanted to see a happy ending, plus I feel reincarnation allows people to be "lazy" insofar as we think that "I'll do xxx in a different life," and make each other promises we can never hope to fulfil nor check on. This lack of accountability in reincarnation is why I felt the ending was problematic for me, because even if they meet up in a life in some other time, they thrmselves won't know, and nobody can check, and so there'll be no emotional payoff - for me, or anyone else. I don't think others will struggle with the same issue, but this is mine.

Like others, I would have liked a bit more skinship - not necc kissing, but Chan Sung and Man Wol both being a little bit more grabby with each other would have been useful. Their emotional connection I have no doubt because these two actors are pretty good, but I can't imagine either of them not doing casual touching while in the same room. That strained their relationship's credulity a little on screen.

Beyond that, all the actors were great - I last watched David Lee in Let's Fight Ghost where he was FIGHTING ghosts - more like running away - so it was quite meta-funny to see him here acting as one.

Love how everything has turned full circle, which is in line with the conclusion.

Thanks everyone for live-watching and commenting! I have enjoyed every single one of your posts :)


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Oh my god I had bawled like a baby when I read the live recaps, I didn't have the guts to watch the actual episode. I was simply waiting for your recap to calm myself down.
It's nice that the ending was exactly what we were told it would be. But it still was heart breaking.
I just feel that Magos were really unfair to Chansung .
Why did he have to pay a price to see off Manwol?the price being that he has to spend this lifetime without her. He was just doing what they wanted off him.
It is sad to think that he has to look forward for his next life to seek happiness

I like to think of that future glimpse as chansung's imagination and hope for the next life. It just makes it more poignant.

Anyway do you feel like Chansung came to love Manwol on his own or because it had to happen so that he can pay a price (ie being manipulated by the Magos)

Also do you guys think that Chansung can find love again in this lifetime or will he be alone ?


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I do agree that the Mago's could've been nicer to Chansung. They claimed to like him but his whole existence was to help Manwol (now and also when the met 1300 years ago... is this why the captain ship sank? because Manwol was meant to be with Chansung all along???) and in the end he was left all alone :'(


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On the other hand, you could see it as a sacrifice in this life to remedy what's been missing in his past lives. If he and MW are soulmates, then he has reincarnated time after time without ever meeting her and knowing that happiness in 1300 years. His (very long-term!) goal was to get her back in the reincarnation cycle without her turning into a lower animal or disappearing altogether, for her sake, but also for his own. He wants to see her again and be in love with her for all their remaining lifetimes. And he succeeded in his mission so there's no reason to imagine his reward won't happen.


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Yeah this makes sense .
But do you guys think that Chansung will not fall in love with somebody again in this lifetime ?


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I took CS's refusal to take the medicine meant to erase his sixth sense as a full commitment to MW. Once he has made up his mind to hold on to her memory and wait his life away until the time they meet again, I don't see what other romance he could realistically have in this lifetime. I don't see him committing to another relationship for just a while, and simultaneously holding on emotionally to the real deal he had with MW. He is way too honest for that.

When I said that I was really sad for CS's resolution, this is precisely why. I'm sure he'll have a successful career, good friends, and that he'll find other kinds of meaning in his existence (likely helping people because he enjoys it and he is very good at it). But that's it. The writers were ok with that, because they only saw CS as the guy meant to send her away; they put no thought in either his feelings or his life after MW (cf. recent interview). But I don't see him as a self-sacrificing all-accepting monk. To me CS is a man without any other family, who has just lost the love of his life. And I can't see his resolution as anything other than really sad.


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What you are saying CHARLIE makes so much sense. I didn't think of it this way. My heart just feels so sad for Chansung that I don't think I'll be able to watch last episode anytime soon


I hate that Chan Sung got the short end of the stick when it came to his love life. Him being who he is, it would have totally been his choice not to love again but keep Man-Wol in his heart forever. He won't love again until he meets Man-Wol in his next life.


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If u think about it... the first mago thought of man wol..she wanted her to be saved..and it was perfect.. the person who saved her 1300 years ago.. gave her his scarf( which we saw bloody in 1st episode) and told her about hotel.. came back after so many lives to save her and be the person to make her enter the reincarnation cycle..
But the fourth mago thought about KCS.. she blamed man wol and was angry at her because she was the reason an innocent soul was gonna pay the price (being left behind).. so she taunted and threatned man wol..
It just happened to be that KCS himself agreed with the first mago cuz he loved man wol.. so he was willing to be in pain..
It was a nice conflict between intentions of the two Magos .. one thought of man wol.. and one thought of KCS


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About Manwol, I am more happy for her than I am sad for Chansung because his intro in her life was necessary to teach her to let go and forgive. Her 1300 years of existence had to come to an end and she had to move on and Chansung helped her .
I really liked the lesson that it takes more heart to let go than to hold on . The whole show was based around this and it came to full circle in finale.
Manwol and Chansung are also assured that they will meet again in next life and look forward to it, so that also soothes my heart.


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he passes out within thirty seconds of picking up a pen. They decide they need another writer to help, and luckily, they have the perfect ghost at the hotel already.

So, a ghostwriter for the ghost writer. Sorry.

How does "ghostwriter" translate into Korean?


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The ending here was surprisingly well done. Since we all knew that Manwol was leaving it wasn't too painful. I'm glad that they both made the choice of letting go in the last episode and here they just tied up all the loose ends. This one was certainly provided a lot more satisfaction that a certain other IU drama.

That TV PPL was gold. They didn't even try to hide it. This is the new drama PPL standard.


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Not to mention the refrigerator and that dash cam! Hahaha! I keep thinking about Han-Joo in Be Melodramatic.


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Re inevitable parting planned from the start, and not being together in this life...

Hong sisters could have spun her 1300 years as more "frozen" and less "dead-like". Then they could have written Man-wol to be a little more ice-princess-y at the beginning and tossed in a lot of metaphorical thawing later on. But they didn't have to and they didn't and I guess maybe they should get some points for not going the kdrama route.

Or maybe she thaws because of global warming and not just Chan-sung? Sorry, I'll go away now.


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Meh, again, the last 60 seconds with Kim Soo Hyun made up for it though. Whew, yummy, I missed him.


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I have rarely cried watching a k drama. The only time i cried was watching Kim Woo Jin's accident and in the scene where his clone being accepted by the twin brother in the drama circle. It was another drama with YJG.

This time i cried watching hyun joon reunite with hyun mi. And of course at the last scene where MW and CS were saying good byes to each other. That was really sad. MW walking through the bridge was bittersweet. Even though she and CS had to part ways this lifetime, MW is finally freed of her 1300 years of punishment. And of course there is the hope of reuniting with CS in the next birth.

I feel like even 1300 years ago MW and CS were meant to meet again and to be together but the whole captain incident turned it around. Even though they didn't show it CS was probably wondering in the cycle of samsara, without meeting his soulmate for 1300 years. For them to meet as equal human beings, MW must end her 1300 punishment and be reborn. And the last scene i would like to think of as a dream CS has for his next birth, to be together with MW.

Thank you Hotel-del-Luna cast and crew for this absolutely stunning drama. I will never forget the experience. As a buddhist this drama and its concepts were much more familiar to me. So i was well connected i guess, and was able to enjoy throughout. Definitely my favourite drama in 2019. ❤️


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Yes, your explanation of the last scene as CS having a dream makes perfect sense to me now. Others have also stated it was a dream but it felt like such a letdown. CS was so shortchanged by the Magos. But I now realize that the cycle had to reset so that CS can meet MW in the future. Also, CS can dream and 'see' MW everyday. He was gifted this ability to see the past and I believe he still has this gift and can now see the future. He can be comforted by these dreams of the future coming true someday. Sad but hopeful.


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The ending was bittersweet: I was very sad for CS, happy for MW and the gang. I am grateful to the director and the actors for giving me an ending that was not only thematically appropriate, but also made emotional sense. The rational part of my brain was satisfied with MG’s promise and CS’s imaginings; the greedy emotional part of me would have liked them to go a step further... but overall it left me feeling content (and playing IU’s 'Our happy ending' on the piano).

My ending: somewhere on a playground in Seoul, a little boy –too smart and grownup for his age, but also quiet and a bit awkward– gets cornered by the playground bullies. A tiny girl –too brave and stubborn for her size– intervenes and chases them away. The two kids become best friends on that first day **they take turns protecting and bossing each other around, eat together, sleep together, laugh and cry together… their love grows and changes as they do… they never leave each other’s side… for as long as they both shall live.** 끝.
**left to the imagination**

Side note: this will be the final nail in my ‘geek’ coffin, but isn’t it cool that there was a super new moon just before the finale?

HdL is an unusual show for HS: it does not have the zany energy of their best work, it dwells into themes that are more serious and nuanced than their past shows, and the second half is thematically more consistent and better structured than average (n.b. I did not say ‘good’ just ‘better’). The minimalist script gave more leeway for the actors to make the characters their own, also for the director to influence the story, and that feature was put largely to good effect. On the negative side, the serious theme made the limitations of the HS' abilities a lot more glaring, at least for me. While HdL will be remembered as a show that I largely enjoyed (IU’s MW and the character CS, in particular), on try no.12 I have finally reached acceptance phase: the HS are simply not for me.


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You should watch the last 10 minutes of the series 'Arang and the Magistrate'.


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Thank you @lollypip and @dramallama for the recaps and everyone in the recap discussions for the great reads and debates.

This was a fitting, bittersweet ending for Hotel De Luna — the best I’ve seen from Hong Sisters (but more credit goes to the director and actors though. READ THIS!). The theme of letting go was consistent beginning to end. I never expected a happy ending so I didn’t feel disappointed. I’m content.

After a relatively heartwarming E15, I thought I was well prepared to take the ending with the same calmness. I was so wrong. It was really overwhelming. I’ve never felt this sad watching a drama. The consecutive fairwells with no room to breathe literally gave me a headache from crying. Thank goodness our OTP has healing powers offscreen. After stitching up my ripped heart with the final BTSs, and the ManChan Bangkok vacation pictures today, I'm finally feeling better.

I love the connection that Man Wol and Chan Sung had 1300 years ago. Even before Yeon Woo and Chung Myeong came into her life, Chan Sung was her savior. The scarf was his gift. The legend of the Moon Inn came from his words of condolence. It was a brief encounter that took 1300 years to bloom into love. At the end, they shared a dream of their past and a promise to their future. How beautiful.

For Man Wol, moving on is a must. She’s seen enough people pass away before her. Staying tied to the hotel is not an option. It would be torturous to spend many many years with Chan Sung only to see him age and die at the end. Her pain of separation will only last the distance of Samdocheon. She crossed over as a weightless soul, facing a brand new beginning, with hopes to meet Chan Sung in the future and fall in love with him all over again.

I’m very sad for Chan Sung. Our perfect, selfless, “weak” human deserves better. He’s the only one left to suffer. He was in no way blessed by the deities at all. Fortunately, he’s a resilient person capable to heal himself. When gods are not reliable, a healthy mentality is all that we can rely on. I believe he will live a good life. He represents us — anyone who has faced the departure of a loved one. So he will survive.

At the end, he’s the tiger in his own painting. Man Wol will exist in his imaginary refuge until the day they really meet again. When they do, they will start a new love story and live a long life together.


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Seriously, read the above link! It gives great insight on the actors + director and how they truly added their own take on their characters development. It's one thing to adlib a comical scene and another to literally fill in blanks on a pivotal emotional concluding moment! I can't imagine how much they contributed either by words or actions to all of the episodes.


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Put it plain and simple, they brought their characters to life.


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홍자매 are really lucky they got Yeo Jingu to play the part of Ku Chanseong, given how they refused to explore his character. Ku Chanseong had little to no backstory that Yeo Jingu had to make up his own just so he can have something to relate better to the character. He said it in an older interview how he imagined the reason that Chanseong wanted to be a hotelier is because he most likely grew up staying in motels/hotels with his dad so he most felt a home in such an environment.

Yeo Jingu brought so much to the table in this role hence his character is so well loved by Korean viewers. At the hands of another actor, Chanseong will be a lackluster character with how little exposition he got.


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The link tells us more about what's happening out of the screen, which makes me appreciate this drama even more.
It shows the passion of the actors/actresses and the director, by the amount of effort they put in to this drama to make it this good!
It also showcase the talents of the actors/actresses by their abilities to "step into the shoes of the characters", so they can perform so many unscripted actions and scenes, which we as the viewers relate to as natural actions of these characters.
Instead of pulling these actors/actresses down, the poor script writing actually enables them to showcase their talents and growth in their acting career.
In short, yup... poor script writing.
But because it enables IU, Yeo Jin-goo and the rest (the director included) to showcase their skills and talents, I personally don't think it is such a bad thing.
Lucky you, Hong Sisters!


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I love ur review.. ur thoughts are beautoful and really make me wanna cry again.. in the end he is the tiger.. but they will meet again..
This show showed us that loosing someone is hard but its not uncommon.. just like how sanchez survived without his love.. KCS will also live on without uri sajangnim.. heartbreaking but a bitter reality


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I think the thing I love the most about this show is that it prepares you to say goodbye from the beginning. I really didn't want to let go (anyone who's seen my fan wall will know this too well), but I'm glad I just sucked it up and watched the ending because I was able to cry it all out and still send the beautiful Del Luna world and it's characters off with a smile like Man Weol did. I'm really gonna miss having something to look forward to on weekends though. Now I think I'm a permanent fan of IU and Yeo Jin Goo 😄.
It's been great guys. In times like these I'm SUPER grateful for Dramabeans because I get a place to just layout all my frustrations about a drama or squeal about my latest kdrama obsession and nobody goes "It's just a show. Calm down." 🙄
Super thankful for you guys 🤗🤗


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I'm also grateful for this space as outlet to release my inner drama geekiness. There's hardly anyone in my real life where I can share my love for kdrama. Anyone kind of give me a blank/amuse/confused look whenever i gush over my newest drama addiction that I just stop doing that anymore :)

In here, I've found my drama tribe! Thanks dramabeans and thanks @lollypip for the lovely recaps.


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🤗🤗🤗 always welcome to unleash all stages of your inner drama fangirl here 😊


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Thank you very much for the recap!
This was a very enjoyable, practically perfect drama for me, coherent and profound throughout till the last minute of the last episode and, at the same time, with this little tongue-in-cheek smile that humanizes the tragedy. This tiger suit joke, so perfectly placed! Compared to some previous dramas by the same authors, this one wasn't cringy nor tacky. Even the hilariously pompous "IU fashion fest" has been toned down in the last two episodes - after all, she had no one to impress the moment her Captain was gone.
I loved the last-minute cameo by Kim Soo-Hyun, I am especially happy that he had apparently used his army hiatus to fix his neck. Blue Moon it is!


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Critical Analysis:

- Dialogue that relies on secondary expositionary characters every second line to explain things to you, is not good writing.

- Dialogue that relies on the MAIN CHARACTER to spout exposition about the theme of the week every episode, to explain it, is not good writing.

- Exposition used this much in a visual storytelling medium, is just in general not good writing.

- Dialogue that tells you things you already know from character actions but still doesn't make anything make any more sense, is not good writing.

- Dialogue that relies on sharp witty delivery but is delivered blandly and without nuance in its direction or acting is not good anything, let alone writing.
(Although now I happen to know that all the best witty dialogue was adlibbed, and that the actors were going off literally nothing, so that explains a lot. They did well considering.)

- Plot that brings in new information three, two and one episodes to the end, that you didn't know before, wasn't relevant before and didn't exist before, is not good writing.

- Plot that relies on said new introduced information for conflict and climactic development, is not good writing.

- Script that relies on overstuffed and extremely obvious meta for humour, is not good writing.

- Script that relies on last minute filler for humour is not good writing either.

- Script that relies on character actions and will being controlled by external divine beings for conflict, climax, and character development, is not good writing.
There is a reason the Deus Ex Machina trope is hated, and for all intents and purposes is never done well.

- Script that forces the OTP to be separated thrice for no good reason, is not good writing.

- Script that builds up a revenge story over the course of 16 episodes and 1300+ years and then resolves it within five minutes and leaves character motivation ambiguous at best is not good writing.

- Script that uses shoehorned Time Travel as a last minute plot device to ram home already apparent themes, in an attempt at last minute development, is not good development or writing.
This is applicable to almost every plot device in this show.

- Script that has extra-long last episodes because it forgot to develop the secondary characters throughout the rest of the show and ended its major conflict too early, is not good writing.

- Script that reveals a childhood backstory trope in the last episode of the show as an attempt at a final character and love line development is not good writing.

- Script that explains its giant metaphor and theme one too many times, no matter how consistent, unfortunately renders the theme weightless and is not good writing, even if the theme was good in the first place.

- Metaphysically and morally you can think whatever you like about this show, and may even be able to come up with reasons for why it's supposedly brilliant in this area (or not), but from a pure storytelling and...


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pure storytelling and structural perspective, smashing three contradictory moral views together, in a traditional story setting like HdlL, never explaining it, and thinking it makes your plot, script, themes and characters make any more sense, when in actual fact it just makes them all inconsistent, in-cohesive, shallow, and therefore meaningless is not good writing; it's arrogant and stupid.

Proof? Reincarnation renders the theme of letting go and moving on entirely pointless, especially if you’re just going to end on “don’t worry we will meet in the next life and be happy then”… waiting is not letting go.

- A script that comes across as arrogant and obnoxious without any self-awareness of the story it’s telling or how it’s telling it, that quite clearly thinks it’s amazing and tells you it is amazing because of how it looks, is not good writing; it's just a writer with a big head and too much money and reputation based on similar projects.

Have some decency Hong Sisters. Don’t self-insert yourself next time. Make fun of yourself. Know your story isn't the best thing since sliced bread.
Respect you characters. Respect your story. Try and understand it.
Have some humility. Don't be so obvious in shoving things down my throat. Maybe then your themes wouldn't come across as so fake.

If you managed to emotionally connect to and get anything out of this drama, fantastic.
Unfortunately I did not for all of the above reasons and it made the viewing experience very unpleasant for me.
And The Hong Sisters just self-confirmed everything I don’t like about them is true so that’s nice I guess…


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Well said, Queen! And I certainly get your point, but for me, though it would be wonderful to have good writing as you outline it--is that possible? Has it happened in any Kdrama? Which ones so I can watch...I'm always yelling at the screen
'are you KIDDING?" why did that happen, etc. But I've come to know that one has to suspend their disbelief in watching them!


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Many people including myself enjoyed the drama a lot. It was a success despite bad writing or whatever it is. I think people put a lot effort to for the drama acting wise, directing, scenery and everything. And the drama was able to touch people's hearts. So i think the drama's end goal is achieved. Don't need to be so salty all the time haha 😅 and i won't reply to you any further.


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I have issues with the Hong sisters, and this drama's exposition too, but I think they're in a niche with different criteria. It's like McDonald's vs 5 Star Resto. When I want exemplary writing I will turn to books (because there's a lot to be said about print and how it can set up character development and inner life). But Kdramas promise instant fix and fast catharsis (do you want fries with that?)

Not that I am totally, blindly fangirling over this series. I have huge issues with some plot developments (or lack thereof). But just like both Mac & Fries and Grass-fed Beef in a Truffle Oil Sauce both have a place in this world, HDL deserves some love for creating such a Fun, Beautiful, and Totally Mindless Escape.


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I do agree the script writing by Hong Sisters ain't the best, probably just around average...
But the efforts the actors put in, as well as directors who supported them... It is these passion of theirs, which made what could've been another disaster Kdrama, into such a wonderful story.
No doubt, if everything were to go according to the script, I probably would've flip the table after the first or second episode. But seeing these actors bringing what could have been a boring story-telling into life, connecting emotions between the characters that transit into the viewers' heart, and who knows how much more of the scene was "last minute added on by the crew", I decided to put aside the negative part of the script and enjoy the drama as recognition for the crews' effort. Yes, it has some flaws, but it is acceptable to me, only because of the effort the team had put in. The glory and praise, definitely goes to the team (actors, actresses, directors, make-up artist, hairstylist, CGI team and everyone else except...), and not the writer.


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I agree with some of the flaws that you have point out on the technicality of the storytelling.

Reading the recaps/ comments here tho, I do feel that this drama (and the storyline) has managed to reach out and connect to the heart of its audience. So beyond the label of good writing and bad writing, this drama, for many people, have serve its purpose.


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I got good exercises of my emotions, my mind, and my worldview out of the drama despite it’s flaws. I’m good.


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I love it when a drama has a strong messages that makes for contemplative audience. Acceptance, forgiveness, letting go, kindness... While they're not new messages, it is lovely to see them packages in such a beautifully shot drama.

I also love the ending. I feel like I'm ready to let go off MY resentment of the last year disappointing Hwayugi last quarter. See, I am learning something from this drama :)

While this may not be a popular view and go against OTP concept, I'd like to imagine CS continue on living and learning to love again. Surely he doesn't just wait around for the next lifetime to experience loving relationship again. Dare I say that we may get lucky in having multiple soulmates in a lifetime? To me, a soulmate is someone we have deep connection that allow us to leap in growth. Sometime when the lessons have been received, that relationship may have reach its purpose and limit. So its time to let go and move on and get ready for another one.

In that sense, i dont see CS as getting the short end of the stick. I see him lucky to have received such rich experience and connection. And now he's ready to move on :)


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I understood in this way, if this was real life or not a fantasy drama , we would not be expecting Chansung to remain alone, we would want him to move on and live out the rest of his life to the best of his ability.
But because this is a fantasy drama the idea that Chan sung will wait for Manwol is really tragic and romantic making their love story more epic, especially for me.


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As much as I love the OTP, I also don’t think he will remain single.

Like the lady who got married and reunited with her first love, most people with a deceased lover do have relationships later in life. Maybe not a soulmate, but they can still experience love again.


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hmmm, even within the moral constraints of the show, that lady's decision was shown to be kind of selfish, and definitely unfair for the unwitting husband. Being in a relationship with one person while being in love with another is unfair to both women and not something that someone as ethical as CS would do. If he is waiting to their reunion, then he is not going to stop loving MW. and so he can't love anyone else.

And while this position is something that I would strongly discourage in real life, I do understand his choice in a universe where reincarnation is a certainty, as it is in HdL. [*a decent real world analogy would be if a deeply in love pair would be separated for 10y because of external forces, say one of them goes to jail. If you know you're going to be reunited later and you are truly committed to the relationship, you're not going to date some other random people in the interim... or am I wrong? when it comes to monogamy, I am very black and white. maybe my views of love and commitment are naive and antiquated... but I'd think CS was the same sort of idealistic romantic]. I'd prefer him to be happy -- but it just does not feel true to his character as I understand it.


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That lady was selfish, but that doesn’t mean it’s selfish to move on after a lover dies.

Being in a relationship doesn’t always mean you betray the lovers of the past nor does remembering a past lover mean it’s wrong to a current lover. It’s all a matter of honesty to the person you are with. That person also has the choice to accept the past being a part of you, or not.

Yes I can imagine CS not falling in love with someone after MW, but he can’t control it if someone falls in love with him first. Relationships aren’t always mutually deep. I’m just saying he still has chances to experience love, at least be the receiving end, because his personality is favorable.


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the 'darling, sure I'll date you as long as you don't mind that I happen to be in love with a dead woman and bidding my time until I meet her reincarnation' would make for a verry interesting first date icebreaker, but let's agree to disagree.

I am perfectly aware that my interpretation of the ending subverts the whole point of moving on; I thought that's why the HS were so salty about the director changing the ending to this instead of the clean cut of MW's and CS's ties that they wanted.

I kind of like the irony of CS holding on to MW and refusing to let go... him becoming the kind of arrogant fool that MW was accused of being, even if for a much limited time span. Gives the gods something to huff and puff about... [I took MG1's reaction at seeing him in front of the Baekdu mountain painting to reflect her frustration with that.] It also comes full circle, in that humans can still chose their own way (and this is were Sic would point out why the clashing of christian and buddhist beliefs makes for confused world logic), the stubbornness of living and mattering.

rant over.

thanks to those who indulged my weirdness. I enjoy having people to talk to when I obsess about dramas and this has been a very fun ride. 'til next one. 👋


That being said... in my mind, his lover later in life will be Man Wol. And she/he will go after Chan Sung ajusshi whether he could accept her new body or not.😂


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So he'd be fifty and reincarnate Man-wol would be 17, like the ending of Goblin?


Not sure if he finds another love.... but where do I sign up for the application?


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Get in the line😂


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Remember that he has s standing job offer from former HDL manager number 47? As he packs to go to New York it may be that this is to assume his new position- perhaps one in which he is a junior partner rather than just an employee (after all, he has shaken the hand of the God of Wealth).

Being still in the industry he will cross paths again with the granddaughter of the earlier Chairman- the one who gave them the Mount Baekdu painting- the Chairman who used his dream phone call to tell his granddaughter that she should marry Chang-sung. He marries her and comes to love her very much, as she is in fact a very nice person. It is silly to believe that he has to spend his life alone.


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Hah! Love that version of matchmaking 😁

Yeah, I don't think it's a betrayal or out of character for CS to find another life. Afterall, letting go and moving on are some of the lessons repeatedly hammered in this show.

For all practical purpose, MW is gone. That grumpped but soft hearted woman with unhealthy penchant of sport cars (red!) Is no more. Even when soul get reincanated, the memories (and therefore to some extent the personality) no longer exist. Just like MiRa is no longer the cruel princess.

So may the soul of CS and MW get reunited in future lifetime(s) and live happily ever after (well least until the inevitable separation again in which the circle continues). But hope current CS happily move on and spend his supposedly going to be long and wealthy current lifetime with another love beside him.


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Starting fresh for both of them is considered happy ending to me. Just like Mi-Ra and Young-Soo but I think Mi-Ra still somewhat carries on her self-centered, selfish-ish trait. So, we might still have a little trace of the spoiled brat and the straight A harvard con artist in their next life.


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Anyone ever hear of a loophole? Loopholes are not cheating. You can even use loopholes to file your taxes. It's true, life doesn't always give you a happy ending. However, if it's fiction and it's a romance, I want the happy ending. I would have preferred a loophole ending for their happily-ever-after in this lifetime. I'm invested in their here and now story. I don't consider reincarnation a continuation of the current story, but the beginning of a new story. The ending was acceptable, but not preferable for me.


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Yes, I totally agree!


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Help! I don't get it.....the last scene with the basketball and the dog, etc. How could they be reincarnated and be their same selves? Was it that they were all in the afterlife & we got a glimpse of it? And when MH says "she didn't expect to fall in love AGAIN" - did she mean the Captain who loved her who she waited thousands of years to kill?


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Like the recapper said, I think it's more of a daydream, what-could-be situation


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She loved and was betrayed and it took her 1300 years to get over it.

I think the basketball scene was purposefully enigmatic so each of the several theories being posted are all valid to some extent. Frankly I'm not buyin' the reincarnation theory.


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What I love about this drama is that I've grown to love all the characters even when I question them time to time. Man Wol is charismatic but wise. Chan Sung is loyal and confident. Joon Hyung is sweet and gentle. Seo Hee is determined and motherly. Bartender Kim is funny and huggable. Yoo Na is bubbly and passionate.
The emotional highlights for me are the weekly cases of ghosts passing by with different backgrounds and stories. They were brief, but their impact is strong; for myself as a viewer and for the main leads as life (or death) lessons.


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What a fantastical little ride this turned out to be!

Thanks @lollypip for the recaps! Thanks also to our fellow Beanies for your comments! Everyone made watching this show that much more fun. :)


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I haven’t logged in dramabeans for over a year. But I just had to say how utterly gorgeous Kim Soo-hyun looked in that cameo.

Not like I’ve forgotten but that really made me think ~ ah, he really, truly, unfailingly needs to make a come back. Before I was impatient; now I’ve gotten a bit desperate LOL.

Other than that, I really liked this drama. Despite the bitter sweet ending. It’s like YFAS - realistic and I can see a future where they are happy and together and I think that’s enough.


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