Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…



Nokdu Flower: I love everything about this show! With sageuks, I’ve come to expect lots of exposition and a slow buildup to the main plot points, but Nokdu Flower’s already jumped straight into the thick of things. Unsurprisingly, Han Ye-ri is amazing and I’m loving her portrayal of the hard-nosed businesswoman with a heart. I’m so drawn to, and worried for, Jo Jung-seok’s character. The way his face softens for a second when his little brother Yoon Shi-yoon comes around, but the way he holds him at a distance is already breaking my heart. We’re getting all these tiny peeks at his inner life, his affections; insecurities, and I’m looking forward to seeing his journey unravel. While I’m all in on Jo Jung-seok’s journey–and dreading the rift between the brothers that’s to come, Yoon Shi-yoon’s character still feels a little distant to me. I do feel this is a deliberate choice so far, so I’m going to settle in and see where the story takes us.



Running Man: I must’ve liked Kim Kyung-nam more than I thought because I found myself checking out last week’s episode for his guest appearance. Sadly, he wasn’t as brilliant or witty as I’d hoped. He actually freezes up at the attention and struggles to interact comfortably. (Don’t worry, we still love you!) The first half of the episode was a fun financial twist on Prisoner’s Dilemma. Basically, they locked the players in separate cells for 9 hours. During isolation, they can choose to order food, bedding, entertainment, etc. to make their stay comfortable. The cost will be deducted from the whole group’s pot money so they have to sacrifice their comfort for the greater good and trust that the rest of the team will do the same. Which you know they won’t. Because this is Running Man. Heehee. Just typing this description makes me cackle in glee again. The second half of the episode wasn’t as fun and suffers from that thing where the writers try to inject a complicated story into the hide-and-seek/nametag-ripping portion, making the players go ??? at it all. It’s the reason I lost interest in the show over the years. But I guess it’s still an okay episode since I got to see more of Kim Kyung-nam. Plus the team’s outrage at the sight of Kwang-soo’s VVVVVIP prison suite was priceless.

Special Labor Inspector Jo: I’m enjoying the fact that Yook-gwang Hyung from The Guest is reborn here as Jo Jang-poong’s boss. Now Hwa-pyung can get a taste of his own tsundere medicine. And you already know I love this week’s episodes because (1) a couple of b+romance ships sailing, and (2) one of them is Kim Kyung-nam’s ship!

The Banker: I already dropped this last week. (I can’t be watching 5 underdog-team-fights-evil dramas at the same time!) But I needed a light drama to do therapy exercises to and ended up reaching for Noh Dae-ho and the gang. My current favorite is Han Soo-ji’s arc. I initially wanted her to be on the side of good, but at the same time I appreciate that here is a female character who’s slowly turning “evil” not because of scorned love or revenge. She’s just been competent at her job for so long and she’s watched all these men messing up the company, making life difficult for the employees below, that she figured “Screw this, I’ll grab some power for myself so I can fix the stuff that needs fixing.” That alone makes me want to stay with this show, because how many K-dramas allow female characters to have that story?

My Fellow Citizens: Noooooooooo! They broke Han Sang-jin. :'( Of course I don’t want this fictional Inbuk-dong to suffer under the corrupt Kang Soo-il’s term, but I wanted Han Sang-jin to be stupidly fair until the end and just win because he deserves to. Not because he joins hands with (the admittedly delightful) Hoo-ja. I call this my Ned Stark Conundrum. I like these noble characters but I hate when they insist on staying clean while being pummeled by the enemy’s underhanded tactics. I hate that I have to watch/read their extended suffering because they refuse to throw their stupid principles away and fight back. Then they either die or change for the worse. Then I feel bad and hate the world and swear never to fall for the same character again. Gargle, rinse, repeat.



You Drive Me Crazy: I randomly picked up this short drama (four 30-minute episodes) and I’m so glad I did. Lee Yoo-young and Kim Sun-ho were fantastic, and is there anyone that doesn’t like the story of old friends falling in love? I don’t seem to tire of it. I really loved Lee Yoo-young here — her character was chaotic and passionate and a bit of a mess in a way that reminded me of Seo Hyun-jin in Oh Hae-young Again.

That Psychometric Guy: Umm, this just might be my favorite drama of the year so far, even though it gave me nightmares. I love it so much I haven’t watched it all week. No, really. I was waiting for it all to air so I could binge right through, hiding behind my pillow. Speaking of which…


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Where are the English subtitles? Why is a show like this being left behind while shows like Her Private Life with a chock-full amount of overused tropes and plot devices become so popular? Who is the true murderer of Jenny Song? How was Do Hyun framed for the murder? What is going to happen next? When are the English subtitles coming out? It is funny how everything revolves back to that: life as an international viewer is hard! :(

A Beautiful World
Some adults turn out to be worse than expected (the security guard definitely placed some bugging device in the plant that he gave to In Ha!), while others are better than expected (the main detective’s acknowledgement of the possibility of a non-suicide was a moment to celebrate!). I’m feeling super hyped up for the second half as battle lines are drawn across multiple aspects: In Ha vs Eun Joo, Joon Ha vs Sung Jae’s mother, Teacher Lee vs vice principal, Dong Hee and Soo Ho vs Joon Seok and Jin Pyo vs reporter. I hope Nam Da Reum himself will wake up and kick some asses!

That Psychometric Guy
Yikes, the finale week is a prime example of what happens when you drag out the mystery part of the plot: none of the romances get developed properly (or consistently for that matter), the ending gets rushed as villains get punished (but the show totally forgot about the corrupt prosecutor lady) while a happy ending is forced in and viewers face whiplash when twist after twist is dropped. Personally, I’m disappointed that we’re ending up with a Machiavellian Sung Mo, but I can see that the writer did plan it all out from the very start. It’s a pity though that the rest of the plot wasn’t planned.

Kill It
The series as a whole reminds me a lot of City Hunter: a male lead that was raised to be the perfect assassin, a female lead that gets involved with him professionally and romantically, someone who seeks the perfect revenge due to a betrayal, the killer’s own father being the last target, someone being gunned down at the climax by the police and so on and so forth. However, there was not any awesome prosecutor to complement the anti-hero or a loyal sidekick to ground him emotionally and it became another paint-by-numbers revenge melodrama that was really boring to watch.


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Beautiful World: There were lots of great moments and everything will get even more exciting :) Young Cheol's mother knows her son is wrong and wants him to aknowledge his mistakes and confess. Something the other kids' parents should learn as well.


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Beautiful World: After the last ep, I'm really curious of what is Da Hee's deal with the boys. JS seemed genuinely shocked at SH's accusation of him sexually assaulted DH, and when he confessed, he seemed to do it because he was mad that SH didnt believe him (although, seriously, after all you did, you want him to believe you??). And she seemed wracked with guilt too. Did she lie to SH to get back at JS like JS thought? We know that SH is a very good and knighty kid, but he is still a kid who prob misjudged (esp after witnessing JS true nature), thus he jumped to conclusion too early when DH admitted to him. But then again, why did her mother hated SH so much, and not JS? Even if, say, she thought SH was accomplice for JS deed to DH, why didnt she do anything to JS or confront him? Why only SH? Or did DH told her another lie about SH-JS?

Her parents ignorance of SH's family plea could only indicate that they thought that SH is the main reason why DH ended up like that, while from every angle of memories about SH, he hinted nothing of the sort.

I was surprised that MJ went full ahead and confronted the janitor, albeit with his trademark MJ thing: he searched up reason to understand why the janitor did it, rather than directly blaming him. However, with the cunning character of the janitor, I doubt that he would cave, esp now that he worked with/threatened by Jin Pyo.

Glad that det Park is actually a capable and righteous police, even though he might be cold and dismissive at times. He heard MJ and IH and I like how he didnt cower even a bit in the presence of JP (who had just won the worst parent of the year). Go detective!

I wish to see Nam Da Reum beautiful smile as he wakes up before the drama ends ~~


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I rewatched their confrontation and I'm more convinced of Joon Seok's innocence. He played with Da Hee's feelings and as revenge, she lied to her parents. It had no effect on JS but Seon Ho somehow got involved. I can't connect the dots between these three.

I feel like the janitor/school guard could reveal some details to Seon Ho's dad. Maybe it's just my wish to see Dad's efforts pay off

The detective is finally taking the case even if he doesn't get promoted (why should it even matter?). It feels like we're moving forward with the mystery and the characters.


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I'm not convinced JS did it but I'm wary of them going the false accusation route. The writer has done a good job so hopefully it's handled well either way.


Just finished watch ep 10, what a frustrating ep! The triangle of SH-DH-JS, something is indeed mismatched. We've seen glimpses from SH and JS's sides, so now only waiting from DH's sides. And most likely...sorry DH but my suspicion of she was lying about SH to her parent isnt wavering even if she looked so distraught. Her recollection of SH always of him smiling sincerely of her, so prob she is wracked with guilt for the way SH ends. I recalled in earlier eps she asked her mom what about SH and her mom waved her concern aside like, why would you still care about him? If she lied, ofc she will. Thats why JS also was adamant to call her back and confronted her then but she denied his call and refused to meet him, but peeked at him from behind her curtain. I dunno, maybe she told a little lie first, she was being vague who was the assailant, then her parent got all fired up and jumped into conclusion and she became scared of telling the truth and ended up piling lies over her lies? It might be my assumption, prob because I'm so frustrated that the show even goes to "frame" SH for being a sexual assailant, a very serious accusation, even for just a minute. MJ and IH has gone through so much, and now the loving image of their son is being tainted (even for supposedly false accusation) and they have to deal with the potential of the news being leaked to counter the article that is in favor of SH's family.

So many uugggh moments in this ep. One of the highlight obviously was of Sung Jae's mom, that utter hypocrite, telling blatant lie that they never offer any settlement to IH family and how they pay the reporter, and on top of that, how IH is lacking love towards her kids. While she was lovingly cleaning her son's unmoving feet...i'm burning with impotent tears.

Soo Ho is such a mature sweetheart. This is the first time she broke down in front of Sun Ho....

Dong Hee gets braver, and I love how she leveled JS stare without wavering, and in the end, JS has to turn away because DH is one of the few people who can see through his mask.

I wish KC would do something, prove anything, or persuade his parent to do something about JS situation (although the parent is harder cos they are afraid of Jin Pyo).

Joon Ha's frustrated tears...oh my, i think it reflects most of the viewers' feeling right now..

The comment in the article, were they from JP's trolls? Or are people really that cruel, judging even before knowing even a bit about the situation? My heart broke, for many many times already, when IH looked at MJ with eyes full of painful tears because of the baseless accusation. How many times would they hurt this family...?

I dunno what to feel about the reporter, but at least he know what he is doing and he isnt afraid or less cunning than Jin Pyo, and he works with the detective, so i hope they find something to help the family with.

At this point, everything seems to be possible by any new revelation that comes...


Your hypothesis about DH sounds believable. I think she feels guilty for lying and impacting SH's life when it wasn't her intention.

The comment JS's dad made about sexual assaults is going to get back at him. A reporter accused of it can't be legit so if JS's rumor goes public, he can't cover it. However, it's SH being framed again! He's an easy target, really convenient because of his health condition and rumours about his parents.

Soo Ho's words to SH were touching. It was nice to see the little family eat together and have a good time.

SJ's mom has no shame. Can YC's mom do something to make her son spill the truth? I'm frustrated with the parents committee.

Lee Sung Min did a nice cameo ^^


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@growingbeautifully might be able to help you with Confession ep 11 & 12 subs.


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@radily I read that you don have the subs for Confession Ep 11 and 12. Someone shared links with me for them. You can email me at [email protected] if you want the links. :-)


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I'm also quite sad with Seung Mo's character arc as i think the writer choose the easy route...I think i was the most invested in his story arc and basically in the thriller/mistery and not cared at all for the romance part that the story told...I think it would have been way better and also the message behind having Seung Mo story and same nature as his father yet he choosing to be good and that having the same nature didn't make him automaticaly evil...Kim Kwon nailed yet again,hope he will get more exposure because he is quite great in dark or light roles(give the man more roles tvN,a lead!)


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Confession episode 13 answers many of those questions. Even without subs. Ends with CPS asking his son to be his lawyer for his re-trial.


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You can say that again! As an international viewer myself, waiting for the subtitles is torture. I watched a part of Confession without the subtitles and I couldn't get anything straight for myself - and this week's episode is already up!


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@chousaurus @cs @gopal @lordcobol @strawberry @mango @geminirat

Email me at [email protected] if you want to get Ep 11 and 12 with subs.

Confession - This show is still going great despite it's pathetic high level villains and lack of creative ideas when it comes to hiding corruption. Well, to be fair, maybe there're just so many things a baddie can do to silence their minions and get away with it. What worked once before, ought to work again, and all that! ... just get someone else to Confess to the crime! ;-D My thoughts on their lack of imagination is in the single recap thread.

Keeping fingers and toes crossed that we can somehow get Ep 13 and 14 subs!!

The fun show to balance out the rather serious Confession, is cdrama, Put Your Head on My Shoulder. This one is sweet (so far, but I saw comments that got me thinking a main character may have got a temporary personality change) and lots of fun to dissect to bits, with at least one or a bunch of like-minded dissect-ors.

This one is a highly recommended watch for guys who want to know how to be the almost perfect boyfriend - I'm thinking writer mapped out qualities of Perfect Boyfriend and wrote out all the scenes to enable him to shine in, while also showing what not to do if you really are serious about the girl. As in, ...when in situation A with girl, do the following and avoid what that immature tall guy is doing .... :-) Lots of fun!


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Thank you, @growingbeautifully for the suggestion. I binge-watched episodes 11 and 12 this morning. Now I'm waiting for the subs for 13 and 14.


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Not a good week... first Psychometric put me in denial and then made me cry (oh, hyung 💔 😭)... and then we got fake kisses and BIG MISUNDERSTANDING in Her Private Life... where are my roses, rainbows and unicorns??? 😭 🌈🦄

(...oh, thanks to Beanies I might have found one 🦄... if I Put my Head on his Shoulder, I see 🌈... 😊 )


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The fake kiss was hot enough that I'm not aggrieved but don't get me started about the "big misunderstanding". I haven't been so irked at 2nd leads in a long time. Regardless, I'm sticking with it. Ryan Gold is such a solidly written lead. He just seems more real than most k-drama leads.


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Yes, the “big misunderstanding” is super frustrating, but I sometimes like when it takes a bit for the leads to get together. If they get together too early then the show seems to get boring by the end, like Touch Your Heart. Ryan Gold is a fantastic character and he will make me stay with the show, for sure.


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YES! I'm so in love with Ryan Gold, it's crazy. This is Tsundere done right. I love how in tune he is with his feeling. The way he look at Deok-mi at opening scene episode 6... I can't. He totally adore her. And the dream kiss? 😍😍 *Fan myself*

Ryan Gold definitely is in my best male lead list after Kim Boong-do and Taekie


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I agree that both the fake kiss and the dream sequence was sizzling (KJW & PMY have awesome chemistry!!) ... but we got trolled twice in a row! Writer-nim being mean here 😪 I was hoping for an actual kiss end of epi 8 ... Not my kind of surprise.


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Exactly. The dream kiss - with KJW wearing the blindfold - was OMG SO SEXY!! I am totally in love with Ryan Gold, and love PMY’s character as well. I got the giggles at the blatant “Here is some eye candy for you, ladies!” Extended shower scene featuring Ahn Bo-hyun. Yes, he has a beautiful body, but my heart flutters for KJW, and I would prefer seeing him in the shower! The ending of episode 8 was so frustrating. After the two fake-out kiss scenes, it was just too much of a let down to get that particular ending scene, and have to wait a week to find out how it gets resolved. That is what I dislike about watching an airing drama. If it was complete, I wouldn’t have to wait to get the eventual satisfaction of the couple I ship finally getting together!


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When I saw the shower scene I thought, 'Hmmm, he's lower on the totem pole, so he was the one to do this. KJW doesn't need to do shower scenes. Drool.'


Completely agree. Deok-mi also feels very real to me. I may be in the minority, but while I hated the 2nd lead interference, I found Deok-mi's actions this ep to be pretty understandable. But I also went through crushing on a co-worker that sent mixed signals before so I guess I relate to her confusion/struggle.


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I like Deok-mi a lot. I think it is totally believable that a person would worry about losing a friend if romantic feelings aren't returned. The fangirling stuff I struggled with in the early episodes, but I think - like the rock collecting and knitting of her parents - it's a coping mechanism for something that we will eventually find out about. She actually is much more relatable than I thought she would be earlier in the drama.


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Reading this is making me wonder if there's a childhood connection (sigh). Remember her mom's memory? There were 3 boys and a girl...


Yeah, the fangirling was a bit much, but I was hoping they were just establishing the extremes of her character. I kind of got why she needed to be that way, for the sake of growth. She's definitely mellowed out.

I think the art connection really helped me too. She's had to give up her initial dreams in that area so perhaps fangirling for someone who loved art like her became an outlet for her. And, like you mentioned, there seems to be something deeper we don't know about yet.


Deokmi's fangirling is one of the most relatable aspect in this story for me. I like how the story highlights the difference between her and Cindy as fangirls. Then how Deokmi is portrayed as a working professional, but happens to hv a hobby that's misconstrued by others...

Though it might be true that her fangirling and her parents' fixation on certain hobbies are coping mechanism, but her fangirling shouldn't really be something she shouldn't hv done as a grown-up (if you get what I meant xD)



I absolutely love how wonderfully Deok-mi has managed to balance her professional life with her fangirling.
That is one of the best and most impressive things about her.

While I was concerned over some of the more extreme things in early episodes (like forgiving those problematic fans), the fact that Deok-mi is a fangirl is definitely still one of the best things about this drama. Even before knowing her love for art and portraits, I loved how dedicated she was to it because I could tell it made her happy. Just like taking the time to fangirl over this drama is making me happy.


I do agree that DM's action was understandable. Confessing is never easy and if the person is your co-worker/boss, there's the risk of a broken heart and maybe resigning from the fallout of a rejection. Especially since Ryan's intentions started off as an attempt to protect LGBT rights.


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@dorotka, every single word you wrote is hereby adopted by me! Your reaction to all three of these dramas is EXACTLY mine.

I did, however, have one additional drama to add: Haechi was wonderful from beginning to end. My only regret about it is that Go Ara’s character’s arc was interrupted, and then abbreviated, due to her physical injury. The writers and director did an amazing job, considering they had to write her character completely out of the story for 3 weeks, and then make her sedentary, with little significance to the main plot, for the few remaining episodes. Her altered role became obvious enough to make me sad I didn’t see the full story, as originally written/planned. Still loved it, though!


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I joined the Head on Shoulder party. I'm half way through ep 5. Its cute and fluffy. It doesn't require much brain power to watch and I can breeze through it on my daily train rides~ Wei Yi and MoMo are adorable. And I like how Wei Yi is a genius, a techie and also creative but above all he is so nice and attentive, unlike geniuses we usually see in Kdramas who are stoic and distant. Heh

I decided to drop or put on hold: The Banker, Beautiful World, My Fellow Citizen. I'm already behind for all three, I might pick it up again, or just move on to a new drama that makes me eager to press play.

Other than that I'm watching random Youtube clips~ and keeping tabs on updates for Perfume and Devil. I'm excited for the return of my faves!


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Kill It: Finished. I can't believe that there would come a day when I was ready to be satisfied by a drama ending as long as it can moved me, no matter how nonsensical it was. Sigh... What a waste of good actors, gorgeous cinematography, and earworm OSTs.

Beautiful World: A much needed growth from everyone, but on the other hand we also had to deal with an unexpectedly horrifying revelation behind Seon-ho's incident. How come someone so young already did something as terrifying as sexual assault?

Haechi: Finished. Maybe... maybe hoping for such a wise, smart, humble, and capable leader isn't a pipe dream after all if such person truly existed in the past. In the meantime, this drama also reminded me that good intention and sincere action will eventually reach the target when one keep doing it without feeling exhausted or disheartened by the never ending setbacks they encountered.


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Beautiful World: I kind of want to wait for more details about what happened between Joon Seok and Da Hee. I think it's more for my heart and well-being BUT I don't want to brush over Da Hee's feelings.


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- Completed -

Big Issue: It ended surpringly well or better than I expected. HSJ and SH keep their paparazzi activities and HSJ saw his healthy daughter.

He is Psychometric: The second part of the finale felt quite disconnected or better if the drama stayed with the first episodes' vibes.

Kill It: The shooting with the SWAT team was unnecessary imo. I'm fine with the death but not with the dramatic scene followed by a dreamy(?) epilogue. The story had potential but didn't deliver.

- Currently watching -

All is Well: ep 12. The eldest son has too much pride and should've listened to his sister. Thankfully she helped him with a job offer but he didn't discuss his job with his wife.

The Banker: It was nice to see the team reunite :D Auditor Noh accepted Kang's proposal, however he knows this time there's a hidden agenda. Let's see what's coming for him and his team next week.

Beautiful World: ep 9. Joon Seok... I don't know what to think of the new information we got this week about his argument with Seon Ho on the rooftop. Parts of me wants to believe he wouldn't go that far (and it will mean Da Hee is hiding the truth) but at the same time he already displayed great acting. Speaking of good acting, will the school guard be swayed by HoHo's father? Will he tell the truth? I don't see what he could gain from it, however it could gain a bit of humanity back. Seon Ho's parents really lost it (or did they ever have it?) and it was a strong contrast to HoHo's parents. So much things happened and I can't write about everything so I just want to applaud the homeroom teacher for standing up for Dong Hee! How precious was she, when she said to Soo Ho people hae her back now.

Confession: No subs yet.

Her Private Life: I'm already fed up with the second leads cockblocking our main couple and we're mid-way in this drama.

Le Coup de Foudre: ep 6. I waited this Cdrama for a long time. It's nice to know right from the opening that the main couple got married. It has a nice Replay 1988 vibe to it but with less heavy/deep scenes. The best thing (at least for the moment) is the brother and sister relationship.

Manpuku: ep 116. Tachibana finally succeded into making instant noodles! They founded their food company and it's only the beginnig.

My Fellow Citizens: Every week I tell myself how much I love Mi Young and Hoo Ja. Brother-in-law started as a politician with good intentions but something always was off with him. We got clues of his true nature even before the TV debate and this week's encounter with Hoo Ja.

Nokdu Flower: ep 3. I like how Yi Kang's view of himself and others is changing. He's still rough around the egde but has a big heart and is nowhere like his father.If Yi Kang ends up taking over their father's business, I wish he will not make people's life as hard. How great did he feel when he and Yi...


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How great did he feel when he and Yi Hyun secretly helped the poor people? Yi Hyun, despite his openmindness and gentle behaviour, doesn't let others step on him.

Put Your Head On My Shoulder: ep 14. I still don't know Dora's answer to Momo's question and I hope they're moving forward in the next episode.

Welcome to Waikiki 2: Rebecca's scenes were the best thing this week! I'm excited to see Noona and Ki Bong's relationship.


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Special Labour Inspector Jo is the only one I'm watching at the moment, and among its joys are some amazing actors who are new to me. Where has Kim Dong-wook been all my life? I really should take a look at The Guest (in broad daylight, of course). And Kim Kyung-nam - what a star! In SLIJ he's like a cross between the Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote.


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Re: Kim Dong-wook, I barely remember him from Coffee Prince but ended up loving him in The Guest—even more than Jae-wook’s priest character. I’m glad his drama career is reviving though. :)

And yaaaay on the Kim Kyung-nam love. We love him, yes. A pass on personality, humor, squishiness, loyalty, and sexiness. 😂


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There is so many sidekick character which played by an actor I liked in their previous project it makes me swoon even more watching Inspector Jo!


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Kim Dong Wook has a suporting role in RADIANT OFFICE. You can watch it during daytime or nighttime and it also has heart and comedy 😄 (That’s where I fell in love with his voice btw).


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Been spoiled by Netflix so currently limited to what's on Netflix...

Just "finished"..
o Sky Castle
- kudos to the young cast and the mothers! The cast helped a lot to keep you watching.

o My First First Love
- Waiting for the next episode... Are they really ending it at 8 eps???

o Beauty Inside
- mmm... OK I guess? Had a different feel from the movie...

# Rewatched Pinocchio for the Nth time! ☺️ (I think I can watch it now without subs and already know what's being said 😂)
# Occasionally revisiting RIABB
# Thinking of rewatching WYWS


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Pinocchio is my favorite Lee Jong-suk drama, and I love the actual story. I have also watched it several times, and always enjoy it. The whole “fake news” issue just seems so relevant to me, considering the mess that the American media is these days.


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I guess you could say Pinocchio is also my favorite LJS drama, not to say the others are not good, but I think it has just the right amount of drama among all the others (not too light, not overly dramatic).

If I happen to see a clip or too, I usually end up rewatching until the end 😁


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I found myself nesting in Netflix last week too. Binged the 5-hr Dead to Me, which was so good, y'all. Just added the Korean film Burning and Chinese-American LGBTQ doc All in my Family to my Netflix watchlist. I love how international Netflix has grown.


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Traveler had finished 😟 - it was a nice roadtrip trough touristic destinations on this beautiful island forgotten by many in Carribbean but I hoped they would do a show with real roadtrip sufferings, joys and excellent exciting experiences but maybe another time.

Street food series from Netflix are a nice watch. It's not only about food but there's a human story behind so you can understand more about ordinary life of those street "saviours" and savours.


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Yes, Netflix's Street Food looks so good! It's on my list for this weekend.


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Confession: Still waiting on subtitles for episode 11 and 12. Much like @radily, I wanna know all the answers.

My Fellow Citizens: This drama is so entertaining. It has some great social commentary on politics as well. I have never seen the actress that plays Hoo-Ja in anything, but I am now a fan. She is great as this ruthless villain who is also very human as well. I hope Mi Young and Jung Gook continue to come back together because they are so adorable. It is really refreshing to see a married couple come back together. Mi-Jin was my favorite though. Her utter selfishness is my favorite part of the show.

Special Labor Inspector Joe: There is something extremely satisfying about Jo Jin Gab winning every time. The fact that the villains are one-note does not deter the satisfaction.

The Psychometric Guy: I finished it, barely. The last few episodes have been really meh for me. After fridging Ji Soo, it kind of all went down hill from there. I lost most of my interest. I am sad Hyung was a villain at the end. Meh.

Doctor Prisoner: This drama is really entertaining and still ridiculous. It reminds me of Kill It in the sense that they are both absurdly entertaining dramas. The twists and turns. That being said I want a drama between Jung Hee (Kim Jung-Nan) and Prosecuter Ui-Sik (Jang Hyun-Sung). Their flirtation is my favorite part of the drama. She is hysterical as a fabulous criminal.

Big Issue: This kind of also ended on a whimper. I did really enjoy Han Ye Seul in this role though. She was smart, ruthless, and fabulous. She should play more roles like this.

Her Private Life: I AM SHOOOOOOKETH. That daydream was ESCANDALOSO. I now know when the music goes off, its about to go down. OMG, when he kissed her cheek, I died, and when he kissed her the rest of way, I was in the afterlife getting my WHOLE Life. WHEWW. Now back to the drama. I am obsessed with both Sun Joo and So Hye. Sun Joo as a fangirling cafe owner is hilarious. Her abuse of her poor part-timer is both hilarious and crazy. She wants him to win so bad. Also So-Hye with the god-awful clip-on bangs is fantastic. The actress is so happy. My other favorite thing is the little babies falling in the Dojo, it is soooooo adorable. I just love every bit of it. Now, my negatives. I did not like how the episode ended. The annoying second leads, ughhg. Also I see the hints of Deok Mi's tragic back story. She must have lost a sibling. We shall see, hopefully more cute than negative moments.

Kill it: I was entertained.


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I have never seen the actress that plays Hoo-Ja in anything, but I am now a fan. She is great as this ruthless villain who is also very human as well.

I love that she got handcuffed in the recent episode and just rocked them like they were an accessory. Oh, I'm wearing handcuffs? Don't worry. I have things to do. They won't get in the way.


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Holy holy I just googled and found she was Cha Do-ha in ManxMan and I cannot think of a part so diametrically-opposed to this one. That makes her seriously underrated from my perspective.


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She’s also in Mr Sunshine. I think that was her best role, too.


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I was just about to say this. Kim Min Jung as Kudo Hina was a powerhouse.


Also So-Hye with the god-awful clip-on bangs is fantastic. The actress is so happy.

The ex director's bangs give me life. The bangs are their own character, like Javier Bardem's nasty bowl cut from No Country For Old Men.


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OMG, excellent comparison. It is so bad it is good.


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Love love love the babies in the dojo.


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Aren't they spectacularly adorable. Everytime I see them falling or bowing, my ovaries cry and scream. lol


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I definitely agree with Seon Joo that that kid would make a person who didn't like kids that much before fall in love. Watching her fawn over how adorable her kid is is hilarious.


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@growingbeautifully, here's someone who needs subs for Confession ep 11 & 12.


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@kafiyah-bello read that you don have the subs for Ep 11 and 12. Someone shared links with me for them. You can email me at [email protected] if you want the links. :-)


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Thank you, emailing now.


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Hi @kafiyah-bello did you manage to get the links and watch with subs ok? Anyway, now, 1 week later, the subs are up on Fastdrama. :-D


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I didn't, you may have ended up in spam, but it popped up this weekend, so thank you anyway.


Hi @kafiyah-bello Oh dear, so the email did not reach you? I wonder if it reached some ...


So apart from my snark posts on Kill It that are clogging up the fan wall, the main thing I'm watching is My Fellow Citizens and I just love it. I love the characters, I love the premise, I love the plotting. I really really hope it maintains this through to the end because it is such a fun show. Kind of like this year's Terius but better written than Terius.

Due to strong recommendations I picked up Psychometric Guy and I won't spend too much time on this because I know some people loved it but I got quite ragey by how this show treated its female characters. I can handle how silly the show was - it was super silly - and I can even handle how dark it got because of every anvillous visual metaphor about Hyung's dual nature it dropped on us from episode 1. But this show never met a female character it didn't victimise and for a show that regularly positioned itself as having strong female characters, that was not acceptable. You can't say you have strong female characters if every one of them was kidnapped, tortured, raped and/or murdered - unless they were rescued by a man of course.

What can I say? Show made me ragey. I'm sorry I picked it up.


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Still waiting for that hot fake boyfriend that is half as handsome as Ryan Gold..😂
He already knew her secrets and he didn’t even seem to mind that she’s a hardcore fangirl. Now, where should I line up to have a man like that too?

Possessed. I watched the first episode and soon found myself binge-watched the entire drama. Haven’t got around to the finale yet (still have 6 episodes to go). Yoon Jung Hoon is soooo good in this. Devilishly delicious 😈


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Confession: Slowly catching up. This massive convoluted web of characters is only ever getting more convoluted, it seems. I'm loving our four leads working together~ Hopefully, by the time I catch up, there'll be subs out for eps. 11-12.
Haechi: I'm a bit sad it's ended. It's been great fun! Can't wait to see what Jung Il-woo will be doing next.
Fight My Way: Just started. So sweet, so hilarious~
Encounter: Just started as well, and mostly watching for the beautiful cinematography and the beautiful leads.


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Fight My Way was such a fun summer watch. And the best aegyo, lol.


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So cute!!!!


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Re Encounter, for me the show really gets better when they leave Cuba. They didn't have that sizzling attraction in Cuba that I was hoping for. But once they're back in Korea and start exploring that 'some' relationship, it's amazing how both characters are written with such maturity, understanding and high EQ.


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Agreed! I’m only half way thru so far and loving the characters. Their behaviors are consistent and make sense. Also I’m glad there aren’t any like makjang elements despite the overbearing mom/mother-in-law.


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Agree with you about Haechi. I loved the story, and can’t wait to see more of Jung I’ll-woo.

Encounter was pretentious, badly acted, badly written, and not worth my time. The leads had zero chemistry, and their romance was unbelievable. It’s one of the very few dramas I couldn’t find interesting enough to finish watching, and dropped it after around 9 or 10 episodes. I checked out the last episode to see if it remained as bad as it was in the beginning, and it may have actually exceeded my expectation of how utterly bad it was going to be. It’s another mediocre to awful drama that gets ridiculously high ratings due to fans of the male lead.


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What A beautiful week in May 2019 for korean drama for me? From A Beautiful World, Inspector Jo, And now Nokdu Flower is come (WHich I heard a good thing from dramabeans user). I can't keep up with this. haha.


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Clearly I'm team Ryan the Lion these days. After the long hiatus due to work, I was looking for something light and feel-good to get me back in the game. And there it was - the grumpy art director fighting to protect the privacy of his employee and her soulmate...

I kind of wish they kept that misunderstanding a little longer, but Ryan and DM are just so cute together that it's worth the loss; his relationship with her parents is adorable and strangely moving at the same time; I even love Ryan reluctantly becoming SA's hyung...

When they introduced EG as the too-busy-to-help-I'm-picking-apples brother, who secretly left his shoes on her door step for baddies not to know she lives alone... I was happy for such a nice sibling relationship. Also when DM and DI joined forces to organize her studio I was "yay for girl power and sensible adult ff relationships!" Alas... With so many good things going on for it, why are we getting bogged down in 90's cliche plot devices? I don't need EG as second lead; I don't want secret blood relations or the we-used-to-all-know-each-other-as-kids that the mum's memory seem to allude to. All these people getting to know each other as they are now, being quirky and good and fun would have been enough (no need to tone down on the skinship show, that bit I'm all on board for).


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My new definition of "second lead syndrome": To be exasperated by tiresome second lead cockblocking (to borrow @mango's term).


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That's why I get annoyed when watching older shows and cheer at the modern ones that have better second leads.


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Your entire last paragraph is perfect. Let's send it to the writer of the drama.


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I thought the mom’s memory scene hinted that she had lost a young child, which would mean DM lost a brother when she was a child.

If it’s a missing sibling troupe, it can’t be Ryan, because that would mix the main romance. I also don’t see how it could be Cha Si-an, because he seems really young. I thought the speculation was that Ryan and Si-an would end up being brothers?


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That's what I thought too.


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Kill It: 3/10 Ending was predictable and not especially well done; the crying was especially badly done.

Haechi: 5/10

Psychometric Guy: 7.5/10 Transition from psycho(non-metric) serial killer case to corruption case was rapid but fairly well handled. At least they laid groundwork for it weeks ago. Wrap-up wasn't as over-done as some other shows.

My Fellow Citizens: 9.5/10

Big Issue: 8/10 Ending was a bit over-the-top and complicated, but they tied it together fairly well.

Her Private Life: 7/10

Nokdu Flower: 6/10 I haven't seen last night's ep yet and somehow don't seem to care much.

Confession: Waiting for subs. If they never come I guess it's a drop and that's ok.


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This week:
Takane to Hana ep1 - I liked it. The guy's expressions remind me of Legal High's hero.
Kakafukaka ep1- That's what I like about j-dramas, they always experiment with stuff.
Ashi Girl ep7 - Wakagimi sama is so perfect. No other hero can be as great as him.
Mukai no Bazuru Kazoku ep4- Undoubtedly the best drama of the season.
Haken no Oscar ep1- I like this, but both characters are still not on my fave list.
Mistress japan ep1- It seems to follow the UK version for now, so I can watch without subs, I hope it doesn't lose the plot halfway.
History s03 ep8- The otp is so cute, the second couple too.

Waiting for subs for about a billion dropped projects or hiatus ones :(


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Reach of Sincerity: I finished it. Mixed thoughts... I liked that Jung-rok was such a healthy male lead, who exhibited characteristics typically associated with high-functioning autism. Such a far cry from the prickly-genuises of past! Yoon-seo's characterisation could have been better - I feel like the show tried hard in places to make her into an independent woman but clearly Dramaland still has far to go. Still, I liked it!

Her Private Life: Still obsessed, although it really is falling into typical rom-com territory now.

My Fellow Citizens: I started this. No comment so far, really, but it could be good fun? I love Lee Yoo-young.



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I can always count on you, @john! 😆


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Nokdu Flower : Yes yes!!!!


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Binge watched Kill Me, Heal Me and Secret while waiting for the new episodes of Her Private Life. Gosh, Hwang Jung Eum and Ji Sung are such good actors!
Just when I thought HPV was different from other dramas, in came the second leads manipulations and the disappointing ending of the last episode. Hope the show improves in the next few weeks.


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Yay, Secret ! Hwang Jung Eum’s best.


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agreed, i liked her best in Secret!


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Currently following no dramas, just watching variety like Running Man and Mafia Game in Prison.


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He actually freezes up at the attention and struggles to interact comfortably.

He is exactly like me lollll, @mary I agree with you, this ep of Running man was not as good as it should have been, the "complicated storyline" suffered in quality.

As for me, I have finally seriously started a Kdrama this month (I saw the awesome poster on my twitter feed and I was hooked!) :
Kill It : Let me tell you, badass Nana (last time I saw her was in the Korean remake of The Good Wife) is great, I am here for it. And I am discovering this same-age attractive charismatic actor Jang Ki Young. The first episode was full of action, mysteries and charisma from both leads. Perfect for a rainy Saturday afternoon with a cup of hot herbal tea lol.


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Do you still watch RM regularly? Are they still like this or did I just get a bad hide-and-seek episode? I enjoyed the first half a lot that I was thinking of checking RM out again, if they have sliiightly better chasing games.


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I have re-started to watch RM a couple of months ago, and I must say some of the recent episodes are as funny as the first half. However it's the first time they did something like the first half of last week's ep. Their games are overall better this year, check it out :)


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Oooh that is good news to old fans like me :)) Thanks for the update. 😘


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I recommend watching solely for Somin weirdness, she is real treasure, and great final game is in episode with Park Seo Joon and Kang Ha Neul, when they promoted "Midnight Runners", plus Kang Ha Neul dying of second hand embarrassment on RM never gets old.


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Special Labor Inspector Jo I really like the actor Kim Kyung Nam, in the last 3 dramas I saw with him, he played a very different character.

Woohoo Waikiki 2 Poor Woo Shik, it was sad to see him like this.

That Psychometric Guy This drama was pretty disapointing. The start of the story was pretty serious, with a lot of murders, but the hero was goofy and kind of stupid. The writer felt obliged to link his power to the heroin with no good reasons and the school part was pretty useless because the hero didn't become more skillful after and I didn't see any difference for this character. For Yoon Jae In character, she worked in a very small police office and after that it's almost if she does not give orders to much more experienced police. Eun Ji Soo was really an interesting character and they killed her so easily. They could have given her a better death... I was pretty disapointed they made Kang Sung Mo the big villain. He was my favourite character but above all I would have liked that his mother succed to educate him. After all she suffered, to know that Sung Mo became a good person would have been nice for her.

Her Private Life The writer is a sadist! Otherwise, I hate when "best friend" think they can be involded in the life of their friends and take decisions for them and the friend in question say nothing.

Nokdu Flower Jo Jung Seok is great as usual.

A Beautiful World 9 Joon Suk looked like really surprised by Sun Ho's accusions. I'm wondering if it wasn't an adult who assulted Da Hee.

Other dramas :

Takane and Hana The first episode was fun. The girl knows what she wants.

Wait My Youth I'm waiting for subtitles >_<

Put Your Head on My Shoulder The episodes are short, I will wait for more translated ones before watching the rest.

Brave to Love They didn't learn from their past mistakes...


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Put Your Head On My Shoulder My Happy Pill!!!

Detective L Just started. I'm surprised that a female lead in this genre can be competent. I have been too used to either incompetent or extremely badass.

Divorce Lawyers This one hooked me, I'm probably going to binge watch. I vaguely recall reading good things about this years ago.


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Are you talking about the C-drama Divorce Lawyers?

I loved it, though I ended up ff'ing through a lot of the client interactions. This show has a lot of tedious characters, including Hai Dong's ex-wife. But the chemistry between Wu Xiubo and Yao Chen is off the charts and really fun. I have a thing for stylish uncles (I'm married to one!) so this show really delivers on that front.😉


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Yes, I am.

Oh dear, tedious characters? FF is my friend, haha! You are right about the leads, I love them already!


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As I keep watching Detective L, I am also impressed that they didn't make ML unattainable genius jerk, the main pair has nice rapport together. The writing is not that great but leads make it interesting.


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So far, the geniuses I've seen have flaws and aren't obnoxious. The female leads can stand their own too.


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Put Your Head on My Shoulder (Ep 13-14): You guys, I'm sad. As I was watching these two episodes I realised that I've really fallen out of love with the main couple because of the way Momo keeps behaving.

I get that she's upset Weiyi kissed her without remembering, and that she's jealous over his lab senior. I don't mind that she's treating him coldly as such. But she keeps making so many unnecessarily snarky comments... I suppose they sound meaner to me because I can understand her, as opposed to just reading through the subs.

And why did she think it was okay to bring the kitten closer to Weiyi? She can tell he's allergic, and she doesn't know the extent of the allergy, and it could be very serious. And the way she forced him to drink all the beer was just really mean. Seeing her this way, I can't even remember what Weiyi likes about her anymore. I really wanted to keep loving her and rooting for them :( It's quite upsetting to see these aggressions in an otherwise sweet and sunshiney drama.


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I couldn't believe he caved in to her regarding the beers especially since he had to work that day! If he couldn't remember what happened previously, how would getting drunk again jog his memory?


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I was confused by that logic too. I know creating circumstances similar to that of a past event might trigger memories in an impressionistic manner, but it's not really guaranteed. And it's certainly a rather unkind way to go about making him remember.


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I'm disappointed because in the cases of other characters' wrongdoings (e.g. Shan Shan or Fu Pei), the writing makes it quite clear where their mistakes lie and creates opportunities for them to improve (such as by having other characters call them out on it).

But it doesn't seem as self-reflexive when it comes to Mo Mo. I guess maybe it's because Wei Yi is the only one who experiences this, and with his personality, he treats it more as a logical puzzle to be solved rather than react to it in the context of a human relationship.


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I read these comments after watching a few episodes of Put Your Head on My Shoulder, and - not liking 98% of the female leads in Cdramas - prepared myself for another heroine that I couldn’t stand, whose ability to attract the ML was inexplicable to me, and who reduced my enjoyment of the drama.

Luckily, the comments were hyperbolic and misleading, and the actual events and reactions, while slightly annoying from the “been there, seen that” POV, did nothing to reduce the charm of this cute couple’s romance.

I remain annoyed, however, that this drama isn’t finished and translated, which was my erroneous impression when I started watching. I only found 15 episodes available😿


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It's subbed up to Ep16 on YouTube, and the next four episodes will be released this Friday/ Saturday.

I'm glad you're liking the show and the female lead better than I do, but I wasn't exaggerating when I shared the issues I'm having with Mo Mo's character. Possibly I haven't seen many worse female leads, so I have a lower tolerance for such behaviour.


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Egads, I've seen so many bad female leads, characters, and/or both in K and C dramas that I've occasionally stopped watching just because I found the FL so annoying.

Although so far I still like Love O2O more Put Your Head on My Shoulder, I like the FL much better than I did the one in Love O2O, whose scary thinness, baby voice, and frigid reactions to romance detracted from my overall enjoyment of the show (and it was such a waste of Yang Yang's sexiness in the Love O2O romantic scenes! He was so swoon-worthy that they were still watchable, although the FL actress's reactions made her look as if she was being molested instead of making out with the young man she loved).


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I'm glad somebody else disliked the female lead in 020. I wanted to like that show - I even did quite like it in the beginning - but the way she was directed to respond to skinship looked like freezing. She looked like she was being assaulted, it was awful.


Welcome To Waikiki 2: Ep12 Pretty pleased with everything that has being going on until now, I've read some comments saying that the last 2 eps were a bit boring and I guess I agree too. Recently my best friend started watching the first season and she's really liking it.
My Mister: Ep13 REALLY REALLY liking it, I don't have a lot to say so far I can for sure put a 10/10
Let's Eat: Ep1 I've been wanting to start this kdrama for a long time now and I finally watched the first ep. For a first ep it was a meh start and i also noticed that there wasn't a lot of food scenes but I read that eventually that's going to change, from the plot to the food scenes. Let's see
He Is Psychometric: For sure I'm always going to remember this kdrama as it is Jinyoun's first lead role, but i really can't say that it is one of my fav dramas. Different twists happend that even tho they weren't the most pleasant I was happy that they happent, if that makes sense


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I'd like to know your comment about ep.14 of My mister when you'll watch it. It's my favorite.


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Hmm I'm thinking what could posibbly happen, I have an idea but let's see, i'm actually going to watch it right now


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@carmen ok watched the 14th ep and I'm going to start by saying i cried around 4 times... the episode was full of emotions as always, from the beginning trying to find Ji Ah, to him becoming the Director and celebriting with his friend and family, to the end where he found out about the bug. It was amazing as always, can see why it's your favourite, 2 more eps and I'm afraid of what may happen


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I am jealous that you are getting to experience it all for the first time. I loved this drama and wish I could start it fresh all over again and experience it for the first time again.


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It's touching, isn't it? The scene that broke my heart the most is the one at Jung Hee's, when DH should celebrate his promotion, but sings that song and you understand that he desperately misses JA and wants only be able to find her...


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@csmith I know, when I finish it for sure I will want to watch it again and for sure I would feel the exact same thing, there are so many beautiful things that you just wanna watch again for the first time and smile again!!!! @carmen SAME when they were celebrating I think i cried the most, his mother, his wife, the whole situation with Jung Hee and of course Ji An...


@stankylaa I think when I will rewatch (I will definitely do it, sooner or later) I will notice things I didn't put attention on the first time, above all because I changed my mind about one thing in particular.


My mister is the best you are watching!!! I also feel like @cs
I am jealous you're watching it for the first time....
What a masterpiece!
Since then I haven't found anything even so good as it.


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Drama slump ongoing...

Her Private Life: Like I said somewhere earlier, I’m not at all interested in the romance of Her Private Life. It’s as predictable as any Kdrama so no amount of fake steamy scenes has pulled me towards this OTP. Not at all surprised they will fake us with cliffhanger after cliffhanger, and then add one or two attempted noble idiocy. 16ep rule needs to go, seriously.

I like Ryan, if for nothing, his acceptance of LGBT and other biased groups (fangirls) make him a man of great character. Even if his implicit bias is quicker to come out, he truly fights it away.

I like DM as a fangirl and as a professional partner, but as a lover, her character is a wuss. I’ve had enough of recent dramas where 30-somethings not recognizing their own romantic attraction. Were you all in a coma during your 20’s? You felt wet in that bathroom so why did it take a photoshop picture to realize you want him?

I feel like writers missed the fangirl to girlfriend comparison. Yes, the boyfriend becomes an idol when you fall in love, but they’re taking it too literally. No, most girls don’t just forget their idol upon the birth of a real life romance. Sure they will spend less time daydreaming about Oppa, but she is unlikely to forget she’s sitting in the middle of a highly fought-after autograph session and Oppa is on stage. Unrealistic.

At last Sun-Joo has become a mama-fan. Her treatment of the cafe employee is quite inappropriate (as I view all the fans who treat grown men like real infants). It has become a point constantly criticized on social media — fans going to autograph sessions and passive aggressively ask idols to wear baby accessories for him to look “cute”. I’m not talking about rabbit hats and floral crowns, but stuff like bibs and lace baby hats. Her “baby boy” may be in mid-20s already, can’t refuse in public, and returns a smile out of courtesy, but probably feels embarrassed af. The employee calling Sun-Joo master (or literally “owner”) is a bit of exaggeration, but not far from how some (SOME SOME SOME) fans feel in their own mind when they ask the idol for favors.


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I would actually say that Duk Mi's characterisation as a romantic partner is frustrating, yes, but realistic. She was quite aware of, and transparent about her interest in Ryan the Lion, but it was only when she was editing his pictures did she realise that she was falling in love with him.

Being interested in a damn good looking man who was considerate of her (though based on a misunderstanding) and being in love are two different things, and I quite understand her horror at falling in the latter category. Even though she was interested, at least that interest was nipped in the bud when she realised that Ryan only offered to be her fake boyfriend because he was trying to prevent her being outed as a lesbian.

It's different being in love with him, because the strength of her feelings are different, and from her POV, Ryan's feelings towards her haven't changed - she still thinks he is just being kind to her and doesn't reciprocate her feelings.


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MY FELLOW CITIZENS: this show is worth watching, and not only for the fun.

HER PRIVATE LIFE: ep.7 was very good; about ep.8, I think all of us have already vented our frustration on our fan walls.
We'll see what will happen next week (but please, please, not a childhood in common for all of them!).

IF I CAN LOVE YOU SO: C drama. I'm watching this during the nights when almost all my neurons sleep, by I can't. It hasn't the quality of kdramas and I don't know why the female lead is written that way. She thinks to be smart, the others say she is "different" and "straightforward", but she only ends up being immature and ridiculous. With this drama I have found out that I don't mind angst if I don't care for the leads (especially the female one).If my insomnia will recover, I'll be glad to drop it.


WESTWORLD season 2: finally! I started watching it one year ago! It wasn't very gripping and at the beginning there was too much violence, but some episodes were beautiful, and the quality was high. 8/10


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I share your frustrations re. If I Can Love You So. It's driving me crazy! I'm started watching because I've enjoyed the leads in other productions including Love Lost in Times. At this point, I'm just fast-forwarding.

The hot/cold relationship between the OTP is frustrating AF and the show is full of the worst tropes: selective amnesia, overbearing in-laws, scheming best "friends". Is congenital heart disease a trope? Clutching at one's chest after an argument?

The beginning was great though. It's a story we've seen before where a man and woman meet after their cheating spouses die together. The pair's bickering dynamic was hilarious (I fell off my chair laughing when she invaded his apartment) and I was heartened as they became close friends and lovers.

But this show reminds me why I have to stay away from Chinese melodramas. C-melos seem to specialize in having at least one character so horrible you want to snuff them out. This show has at least two of this type, doubling the a-hole quotient.


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I've watched only 14 episodes, so, it becomes even worse... The premise was good, and if well written, it could be a nice story. To me the main love story was so rushed, I could feel nothing, I have only to imagine their grief, their disappointment for the betrayal, the relief to find each other...
The drama reminds me of the old telenovelas my granma watched when I was a child (replace smartphones with letters, add technology to all the possible misunderstanding, and you have the story) .
And I agree with you, when the bad character is SO bad, it's banal, you HAVE to root for the main "good" lead, whoever he is (let me guess... is the other bad character Mi-lan?).
I have not a good relationship with C dramas, so far I only finished The love knot (because it had only 20-something episodes and I'm stubborn), but now and then I get curious and end up wondering: "Why am I watching this?"


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Who are these two villains? Her ex-husband’s brother and her bestfriend Milan? I’m still at ep 10 and I’m starting to dislike that Milan girl.


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Yup—Milan. When I began watching, I read another viewer's comment that Milan seemed troublesome. My first thought was, "Oh she's a little petty but who isn't?" Yeesh—I couldn't have been more wrong.


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She's so envious of everyone! She's unbearable!


lowkey super glad I stopped watching He is Psychometric last week. I just wanted to answer that one question, so I looked it up... I don't think my heart could have taken it.


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The Fiery Priest
He is Psychometric
Kill It

Currently Watching

My Fellow Citizens
Confession (waiting for the subs)
A Beautiful World
Put Your Head On My Shoulder


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It's been a tiring week. I only watch HER PRIVATE LIFE right now. The arrival of Da In does add some weight to it. Having EunGi being teritorial is somewhat...expected.
Ryan is a gem. Not only that he is good in making sincere apology, he is quick to fix his mistake, he respects her parents, he doesnt force himself to her (though he wants her so bad, definitely), and he lets Deok Mi being a fangirl freely. This guy is a rare being indeed.
I hope DM comes to realize his feelings.


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The dude will totally eat her up when they will both be on the same frequancy!If she won't do it first that is!


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Since my office internet sucks (heh) I am totally behind in all of dramas so:

ENCOUNTER : Just finished Ep 7 (gasps), I was like, why are we circling into the same old problem - clingy ex-Mother in Law, a slightly bitter ex-husband, and controlling Mom

HER PRIVATE LIFE : I feel the utmost betrayal after watching this week's episodes, from the independent girls, kissing scenes, and how second leads acting. At least Cindy and her mom was far gone now

THE FIERY PRIEST : Only until Ep 7-8, I thought Kyung-seon was my girl crush, but then Detective Seo comin thru. Looking forward to Hae-il & Dae-young's awful teamwork

WOOHOO WAIKIKI 2 : Idk why but rather than straightly reject Woo-shik, I rather Soo-yeon asks Woo-shik to wait so there won't be any bitter jealousy


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That Psychometric Guy: Oh, I don’t know what to say about this one. Narratively it was well crafted. While it wasn’t a complete surprise that Hyung had started the fire most of us hoped they wouldn’t go there as we loved hyung and his relationship with An, but they went there. Emotionally it was gutwrenching though. And I knew it was going to end this way as soon as they killed Ji Soo. If she wasn’t ending up with hyung, there wasn’t much of a future for hyung either. I liked both leads and would watch them again.They had a sweet romance but that wasn’t the main point of this drama. To me the relationship at the core of this drama was the one between An and Hyung and that’s why that ending felt like a kick in the guts. I didn’t feel as bad for Jae In because she got her father back eventually but poor An. He at least had a hyung to rely on after losing his parents but in the end that was wrenched away from him, too. I don’t think a girlfriend is going to make up for that. I also wished that Ji Soo’s father felt more remorse and guilt for causing his daughter’s death.

Her Private Life: I really like this couple. They have real chemistry and to give their due the writer and director are creating many opportunities for that sizzle. The photo faking scene was the obvious one but I did love that bathroom scene where Ryan untangled Deok Mi’s scarf from her hair and many scenes besides. I love his indulgence of her fandom and how he’s helping out with Cindy. He even takes her to his meetings with Shi An but she was too busy being jealous of Many People so she couldn’t appreciate the gesture. Lol.
At her house in the almost kiss scene who else remembered Healer’s blindfolded kisses?
And was that French speaking fortuneteller a nod to Madame Antoine?
I am getting a kick out of all the people that now know Deok Mi’s two personas separately. Ryan finally put the two together but there’s still Cindy and Shi An who still need to discover eventually learn that two people are one and the same.
I also love how they portray the fan cafe and Ryan as Latte is a hoot in a dress, scarf and those sunglasses. Who would have thought? But please stop dressing him in those shapeless pants. The saying about good looking people looking good even in sackcloth is a lie!!!!! I am not a big fan of Deok Mi’s pantsuits that much either but her hair styling is really bothering me more still. I loved her styling in What is Wrong With Secretary Kim so much that everything else is falling short.
I am guessing the painter of the bubble paintings that made Ryan unable to paint are by his birth mother.
I really disliked the cliché ending of episode 8.

Mother of Mine: I caught up in all my other shows but am still one week behind in this one. :(

Unstoppable High Kick: Continues steadily. I started feeling really sorry for Jun Hoo being pushed around so much by the family and Min Ho favored so obviously. That is so wrong. Thankfully the...


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I am straight 100% in love with those bubble paintings from Her Private Life. I've become as obsessed with them as I was with the Feather print in Suspicious Partner. I am now spending an insane amount of time trying to track down the perfect bubble print to frame and put on my wall.


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Same. I absolutely love those paintings!

I love the colorful reflections in the bubbles. Something about it is nostalgic, like childhood memories captured in there. I admit the paintings are making me a little forgiving of the classic kdrama childhood angst they're inevitably tied to. Just barely though...


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I love them, too. Would definitely put one on my wall.


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Wasn't Kim Jae Wook who said he worked in a bar for transexuals and was travestied ? I think he said in a Life Bar episode with Jo Jung Seok.


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I'm right there with you on the costume design for Her Private Life. Same thoughts exactly.


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..... and again she realizes after a day that her message was cut off.

.... the love triangle with Beom was resolved quickly. Now the angst is between the uncle and the teacher (who have zero chemistry with each other so I don’t care).


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mary, the first game from the episode of Running Man you watched sounds like a no communication variant of the tragedy of the commons!

I am currently watching two shows: Beautiful World and Le Coup de Foudre. They are quite different, but I am enjoying both nonetheless. Le Coup de Foudre may end up being the first Chinese drama or movie revolving primarily around a romance plotline that I actually like!

I am also really looking forward to some upcoming K-dramas. I am hoping Yeo Jin-goo and Jung Hae-in won't disappoint.


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Someone is watching Le coup de foudre too! I actually like the brother-sister relationship more but the OTP is adorable. At least in their marriage and on highschool.


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Yeah, the Zhao siblings are great! I do like Guanchao more than Yan Mo generally speaking, but Qiaoyi and Yan Mo are so adorable as a married couple (the scene when she comes home after shopping with her brother and she has Yan Mo "correct the injustice" done by her brother had me grinning like crazy). Not sure how I feel about Hao Wuyi and Guanchao as a couple though...

The only thing I seriously dislike about this show are the Coca-Cola product placements. Yuck.


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