Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
So, what are we all watching this week?
What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…
Her Private Life: Let’s just ignore the fact that Handsome Oppa, uhhhh, I mean, Kim Jae-wook is basically one of my reasons for fangirl living and could quite possibly skew any objective perception I have for this show. Instead, let’s appreciate that this was a zippy and fun premiere and I’m totally smitten with all the characters, which is all that really matters in a romcom since we already know what the plot will be. I adore how Deok-mi makes it clear that being a fangirl is a vital part of who she is, but it isn’t all that she is. You can be a respectable adult with a career and still giggle over your favorite K-pop idol! Even though Ryan is the standard tsundere lead that we’ve seen a hundred times before, I love that he’s willing to recognize his mistakes, admit he was wrong, and do what he can to fix it (even if it means questioning his inherent biases). The cherry on top is Deok-mi and Sun-joo’s affectionate friendship and shared fangirling. They are so delightful that I almost wish they were the OTP that Ryan (mistakenly, alas) believes them to be. After all, nothing could be more important than friendship and fandom — er, except for maybe Handsome Oppa’s work-of-art cheekbones.
My Fellow Citizens: I thought they ran out of fun this week but the PD knows how to use Siwon’s face to get as many laughs from me as possible. Though I can’t help but love the childish but smart Chairman Park Hoo-ja (Kim Min-jung). Her struggles to lead her mob into corrupt legitimacy crack me up. From explaining to old bosses that bro-tattoos don’t guarantee loyalty anymore, to failing to excel at this golf thingy, to disrupting her beauty sleep so she can dress intimidatingly for a confrontation… building a loan shark empire sure isn’t easy, and she picked the most difficult conman to boss around. Hijinks juseyo.
The Banker: President Kang is so shady, we should ship him to the North Pole to stop the ice caps from melting. Save the polar bears!
Special Labor Inspector Jo: Why are CEOs rewarded with hundreds to millions of dollars for withholding proper compensation or cutting corners on work safety for the rest of their employees? This obsession with fake hyper-growth never made sense to me. I mean, I understand the numbers behind it, but not the humanity. *sigh* Storywise, Inspector Jo has a lot of intersect with the other shows I’m watching now (corrupt people stepping on hardworking folks), but they trotted out a tough Kim Kyung-nam who turns squishy and loyal in front of his righteous, sliiightly violent ex-teacher. How can any Hyun-moo fan say no?
Doctor Prisoner: Maybe it’s because I watched this straight after two hours each of Inspector Jo and The Banker, but I admit I feel tired about the neverending curveballs. The problem is, I got used to the show’s quick pace that I don’t like when it slows down to set up the next blackmail-a-thon either. The only thing I never get tired of is seeing Na Yi-je’s dandy, evil-plotting face.
That Psychometric Guy: I’m always a week late to this. 🙁 I’m offended that Jae-in, Detective Eun, and Hyung are always jokingly worried about stooping down to An’s “level.” Excuse me? It’s an excellent level. Full of dumbness and sweetness. We need more of this level and less of the murdering.
Five Kids: You don’t usually have to worry about stock drama scenes happening in your life. Like being slapped with kimchi or having water thrown in your face during a fight. You can watch those scenes from a distance and be entertained by the crazy. But sometimes, Five Kids highlights problems so common that you can’t look away because that’s you on the screen, tiptoeing around your in-laws. That’s you squishing down feelings of hypocrisy while disciplining the kids. That’s you swallowing your pride to deal with an ex you have to work with. I’m at the part where newlyweds Sang-tae and Mi-jung finally live together with their five kids, and it’s such predictable chaos that it gets hard to watch at times. But I can’t drop it because I *do* want to know how the whole family will resolve their problems and grow through it all.
My Fellow Citizens: I’m a week behind, but this is the exact show I need in the last weeks of my first year of grad school. Full comedy Choi Siwon! Badass cop Lee Yoo-young! Kim Min-jung in unreserved scenery-chewing villain mode! I love the dynamic the writers have set up here between kind-hearted but totally dishonest con man Yang Jung-gook and his jaded-by-life wife Mi-young, both of whom thought they had found the one person in the world who could make them happy—only to find out on their wedding day that it’s precisely who they are as people that has brought their relationship to a standstill. I both cringe at and can understand Jung-gook’s desire for one last con before he goes clean, especially given that he comes from a family of thieves, and it’s nerve-wracking to know that Mi-young is now secretly working for the one department of the police that scares her husband most. The show does a wonderful job of capitalizing on the comedy inherent to this situation, without ignoring the accompanying tragedy of two people who genuinely love each other but are baffled as to how to solve their broken relationship. The dialogue and directing are also wickedly funny (I was dying at all the photo ops after he got the Brave Citizen award!), so the show grabbed me instantly despite the fact that we’re still technically in the plot setup portion of the drama.
Currently recapping: Kill It
That Psychometric Guy: Behind the curve as ever, but I’m in marathon mode on this one now. And yes, it’s a good as I heard, so thanks to the people that pushed me to watch it! I’m a Jinyoung fan ever since his awesome performance in My Love Eun-dong, and I’m really loving the rascally boyish vibes from him in this drama.
Her Private Life: Park Min-young has been in some mad good dramas, so whenever she has a new show, I pay attention. Add in Kim Jae-wook, and I’m sold. The first episode was pretty entertaining and with just enough quirkiness to get me interested. Hopefully the quirk factor and humor will be enough to add pizzazz to a plot that’s already leaning towards the predictable.
Spain Guest House: Nothing really happens in this because they don’t get too many visitors at the hostel, but I still tune in every week. There’s something so soothing to watching Cha Seung-won cook, I think I can keep it on all day long. It’s also funny to see Bae Jung-nam in the group because he’s so different from previous mak-nae’s. Sohn Ho-joon and Nam Joo-hyuk, for example, both have quiet personalities (I miss Sohn Ho-joon :sad:). And although Cha Seung-won and Yoo Hae-jin like to play jokes and improvise little skits, they both have even temperaments as well. However, Bae Jung-nam kind of goes through “on” and “off” cycles. He starts off in hyperdrive, constantly chattering, and following Cha Seung-won around as he helps him cook and clean. But then he runs out of energy and starts spacing out.
My Fellow Citizens: It’s pretty fun! Choi Siwon and Lee Yoo-young have a nice comfortable chemistry which make their relationship believable – despite the whole cop marrying a con artist part. My favorite, though, is definitely Kim Min-jung. I love how blunt her character is, and, although a badass, she also has flaws. It’s also very refreshing that the three leads are not at odds in a love triangle. I really like that the main conflict between the OTP is something so true to life – the importance of communication – and it grounds the story in a good way so far. I do wish Yang Dong-geun’s “Charles” was a bigger part. But because he played such a tragic character in The Third Charm, it’s nice to see him play a lighter and comedic role. The man’s got range anyway, so he’ll do good with any part. And because I need to mention it, Choi Sung-won! It was a short cameo in the first episode as Lee Yoo-young’s not-so-great ex. But, Choi Sung-won!
Woohoo Waikiki 2: Also so fun! I couldn’t get through the first season for some reason, but I really like season two. Moon Ga-young’s character really reminds me of Rachel from the American sitcom, Friends. I mean, showing up in a wedding dress having come from a ruined wedding, she’s a little spoiled but good-hearted, she’s a “first love”, and her character arc is learning to be independent in the real world. I wouldn’t say that Kim Sun-ho is Ross, but his character is coincidentally the one with the sister too. This isn’t a bad thing, though. I like all the characters and I’m liking all the different dynamics as well.
Haechi: It’s nice to see Go Ara back. I might be in the minority, but I missed seeing her in the show. Although, I did feel bad for her. You could tell that she isn’t fully healed yet because she isn’t moving in any of her scenes. She’s either just standing or just sitting in one place. Hopefully, she gets better soon. The story continues to be intense though. I don’t know if my heart can take any more setbacks and deaths.
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (April 6, 2019)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (March 30, 2019)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (March 23, 2019)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (March 16, 2019)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (March 9, 2019)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (March 2, 2019)
Tags: Doctor Prisoner, Five Kids, Haechi, Her Private Life, My Fellow Citizens, Special Labor Inspector Jo, That Psychometric Guy, The Banker, What We're Watching, Woohoo Waikiki 2
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1 Dorotka
April 13, 2019 at 4:04 AM
Dropped Daugthers (Mother of Mine), the final straw was Mi Ri's blatant bullying of Tae Joo (that's NOT what a competent manager does!). So... we have three sisters, one is threatening her little daughter to abandon her if she doesn't behave and venting her frustrations from her husband and mother-in-law on her mother... one is a bully... and the youngest is blaming everyone and everything for her terrible writing and is awful to her (ex)boyfriend. Then the boys... one is a cliche selfish husband... one is a self-righteous rude publisher... and one is an employee who is and behaves like a chaebol son. Then we have a mother who does everything and a mother who does nothing. The only ok characters are the ex-boyfriend and grandpa. And that's not enough for me. The only remaining question is... shall I replace Daughters with Sons or Brothers?? 😁
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April 13, 2019 at 4:06 AM
Also... checked first episodes of Conman and Fangirl. Both didn't really fully engage me and I was actually considering dropping Conman, but Kim Min Jung's Hooja might convince me to continue.
Fangirl is not as good as I wished for and lot of scenes seem a bit forced to me (or maybe I'm not in the right mood and am less forgiving the romcom tropes?) I'm still in for Kim Jae Wook... and his misconception of Duk Mi's and Seon Joo's relationship... and for my bias actresses Jinjoo (best friend) and Kim Sun Young (hillarious gallery owner).
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YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
April 13, 2019 at 6:13 AM
I'm with you on Fangirl. Forced is the word. Smiles and laughter are strained, and some scenes are draggy. Kim Sun Young is the best thing about this drama. She's so odd and hilarious without trying, and I laugh at her scenes. Sigh. I was looking forward to this drama, and I may drop it soon, I fear.
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mugyuljoie is preciousss
April 13, 2019 at 6:29 AM
It's against my belief system to drop a Kim Jae Wook drama (unless it's too murdery for me). Worst case I'll zip through everything but the cheekbones. I'm hoping that it'll hit its groove in the next two weeks and become a must watch.
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April 13, 2019 at 9:04 AM
Oh, I tried Mother of Mine, as well. I was intrigued by the description that the show would tackle divorce and unmarried women, but so far there hasn't really been anything about that. On the contrary, I get the impression that the show will end With the useless husband barely changing, but the wife Learning to tolerate him more and be happy that she's married or something like that.
I also didn't like MiRi, but more because the entire plot just felt so... gendered. As you said, she is a bully and not competent mentor, and had the genders been reversed, people would have made an issue. Instead, the metatextual issue seems to be that she is a woman who need to be put down a peg. I feel like, had she been a man, no matter how incompetent she was, if TaeJoo had acted the same way people would not as openly cheer him on and he definetely would not get away with it. I don't know, watching the show is just infuriating because I feel like I watch a family of spoiled brats thinking they are martyrs when they do nothing to change their situation, and do get angry when their mother tries to help, with no positive changes in sight. :/
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April 13, 2019 at 2:27 PM
Both are good in their way.
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2 Radily
April 13, 2019 at 4:05 AM
I’ll always be yawning whenever I see any evil politician, military officer, prosecutor or CEO planning their next step of world domination, but the necessary evil will be accepted since the show is serving us goodness in the 4 leads. I feel uneasy about the growing bromance since it’s unclear whether Choon Ho has deeper ties into the main mystery: he’s largely unaffected by the past as compared to the other leads but something has surely happened given his righteous personality. On the other hand, I’m living it for that surprise twist with the nurse: I thought this week concluded her arc!
A Beautiful World
Given how it was revealed right off the bat that Sun Ho fell with his shoes on, the show is definite in telling us that no it will not be a suicide twist that’s waiting for us later on (since that means someone planted the shoe on the rooftop and removed all the crucial evidence from his fallen body). In any whodunit thriller, what is not shown outright tends to be the clincher behind the truth: I’ll definitely put more spotlight onto characters like the Han siblings (their outcast status tends to give them loads of crucial info) and Da Hee (who may have gone into shock after witnessing something bad).
That Psychometric Guy
Almost everything is out in the open now as all is revealed: whether it be about the your-parents-killed-mine trope, the backstories and motivations of several supporting characters or the truth about what happened in the past. I like that Lee An gave himself the space to grief momentarily and bounce back quickly for Jae In, though the show dramatically chose to have her kidnapped before they could reunite as a stronger couple thanks to the needlessly vague Sung Mo. Hopefully, we’ll resolve the culprit arc next week: I believe that Ji Soo’s father will take centre stage in the final conflict.
Kill It
This week’s episodes killed my enjoyment of the show with many odd developments: first, nothing short of a emotional backstory will compensate for Philip’s character and Soo Hyun should have just killed off the leech together with the Russian guy, second, Seul Gi not knowing Soo Hyun’s identity basically foreshadows the totally predictable angst that would have worked much better if she was conflicted instead over her bond to the person who killed her family and yet saved her, third, the whole ’controlling the killer’ angle with Hyun Jin is so cliche and Seul Gi is the more natural option!
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3 cat-cric-kat
April 13, 2019 at 4:13 AM
I'm gonna promote this.
2nd episode has long dance imagination.
liked.loved. enjoyed. Yui Yokohama looked really beautiful.
Good promotion of Kyoto. This is the kind of romance i like most.
Non-romance romance is my favourite one.
Sumu Sumu - 8 out of 10 My favourite genre - Slice-of-Live. simple fun chit-chat abmong characters.
Kakkou OL Nikki - 8 out of 10 - got time to watch other episodes and its another good slice-of-life.
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April 13, 2019 at 4:27 AM
Code Blue Movie - I have yet to complete it as am watchin many Chinese dramas - 35 minutes of action left. then gonna rate it.
Trumpet of the Cliff - drop it or not. cliche.
Waikiki - 6.5/10 . 5th one was boring but 6th had many funny moments. I'm kind enough to give this show 6.5.
Like 1st season, 2nd one has weak characters. Even comedy demands logic. Bad editing, loose timeline. nothing to talk about acting. Even Gags for fun have better entertainment value.
Noona - has made the show.
Noona with Ki Bong - is enhancing the comedy
Noona with BROTHER - making the comedy.
Noona is the best character of the show.
The problem with Jun-Ki's character its predictable and repetitive. You can fathom his struggle for a few episodes but it being turned into a gag for 2 whole seasons is too much.
Why would someone watch this show when one can find more innovative,creative and funny gag shows everywhere.
Jung-Eeon - can she act? what is her character?
Soo - Yeon - what to say about her?
Sun Hoo - he is adorable but Noona is the captain getting the best out of him and his relationshipdynamics with her makes him appealing and lack of it with Soo Yeon exposing his shortcomings.
Ki-Bong - the real gag there.
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April 13, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Kill It - far more enjoyable now. cliche but fun.
Hero's relationship progression with heroine - is appealing but ignore all childhood meeting nonsense.
Hero's dynamics with Seul-Gi is quite interesting too. Then we have Heroine's relationship progression with Seul-gi.
Today gonna be quite an intense episode.
Doctor prisoner - now it has completely delve into nonsense. entertaining nonsense.
Mother of Mine - what is the subject of the show?
title? - Beware of females? dropped.
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April 13, 2019 at 4:40 AM
Chinese -
Put Your Head on My Shoulder - 8/10 decent 1st 2 episodes. really liked the female. next 2 episodes within 1 hour. liked its trailer and behind the scenes videos.
Pushing Hands - 6/10 cliche nonsense. cgrade show but quite entertaining. female Lead look quite elegant in every attiare.
Male characters are quite annoying but well its story about hero becoming responsible and mature so we shall wait for few more episodes.
The Britest Star in the Sky - 6/10 Heroine and her friend is keeping me interested.
If i can love you so - 4/10 episode 1 - this one is cliche soap opera. this story is copy paste.
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April 13, 2019 at 5:06 AM
Hello Joann - 1st episode watched now. Its above average. Next 3 episodes will decide wheteher to continue or drop it.
All is Well - 8.5/10 1st 5 episodes watched. This is A grade show. Quality product deserves the praise.
Are they from rural area? having 3 kids. I liked both sister-in-laws than the central heroine. She was outright disrespectful towards her 2nd bro's wife and hostile with her brother.
Father's character is quite real - I don't know about the future episodes but i think father is scared that children will leave him alone and he wasn't in power throughout his life so these antics he is pulling right now giving him some boost that he has some control over others aka his children or others listen to him and his demands.
Heroine with Mother - Most of world is still patriarchal. Asian countries more so. Mother saw the same society where boys are preferred and get the best. This is the culture she learnt. So she did her best to make her kids worthwhile in the presence of a loser dad and had more to give to her sons.
Ofcourse, daughter faces the discrimination but that doesn't mean mother not cares about her. Her elder brother did as much hardwork and got the best. For now i won't compare the siblings but so far Heroine has show quite a lot of hostility when there was no need to do so.
If 2nd brother had mother on his side, daughter had father on her side.
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outofthisworld 不愧是我 🏍
April 13, 2019 at 8:46 AM
I liked the women in All Is Well, they are strong, sensible, flawed but way better than the men in the show.
The father will test your patience as he did mine. He's wonderfully played the actor Ni Dahong. I should have known what I was in for when he first appeared lying on his elder son's lap like a small child. The show is however very realistic in its portrayal of relationships between parent and child, siblings and all.
Preference of sons over daughters, Confucian value of filial piety, the importance of 'saving face' (in western speak - maintaining one's image and dignity are dealt with in this show. I've never seen a drama which tackles family and social issues so well.
The heroine is admirable but also flawed. You will slowly see why she has so much hostility. The characters are well written and the acting top notch, my favorites happen to be the 'villains' - Dad and 2nd brother.
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April 14, 2019 at 10:34 PM
I am loving the 4 Ep JDramas.
HANNARI GIRORI NO YORIKO-SAN is so watchable and Yui Yokohama manages to bring a sweet frisson of tension to this simple story. The show knows exactly where its story lies, and it doesn't waver from it.
P.S. "My Life as a Girl" ( Joshi teki Seikatsu) @ 4ep was actually one of my favourite shows of 2018.
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4 cheekbones
April 13, 2019 at 4:18 AM
Nobody watches Confession apparently, but it's a good show. Especially now that Junho and Yoo Jae-myung has finally teamed up and started investigating the main mystery involving Junho's father.
I'm excited to see how their relationship would develop.
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April 13, 2019 at 3:01 PM
Lots of comments for Confession collected under the two reviews. Join the club!
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Diana Hansen
April 13, 2019 at 3:33 PM
i am so watching it! Junho is worth watching along with yoo jae-myung! course i like legal type shows too so it is definitely worth the watch to me
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April 13, 2019 at 7:32 PM
i'm watching it.
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5 🍙 kimbap noona
April 13, 2019 at 4:19 AM
Her Private Life is so much fun, but while watching the first 2 episodes I keep thinking about how much I appreciate having Beanies as my drama “stan-mates”!! YOU ARE MY SUN-JOO TO MY DEOK-MI!!! Thank you for all the giggles and with you, I feel like I am ready to fight against all the inherent biases in the world toward Asian dramas.
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🍙 kimbap noona
April 13, 2019 at 5:08 AM
No, no, no, I don’t recommend The Brightest Star in the Sky, but I am watching it so you don’t have to! You are welcome.
I admit it, it is warm trope soup that is easy to gobble up and not feel bad to skip whatever ingredient I don’t want to taste or takes too long to chew. What’s in the soup? A popular idol who is a little too full of himself, and an aspiring singer and scrappy candy who becomes his personal assistant, and whole bunch of other people in their universe who are all pretty and not too annoying. Oh did I mention that the idol is also a chaebol? Of course he is.
The show does try to say something interesting about the obsessiveness of the fan culture (the ML is ex-EXO member Tao) which culminates to a rooftop scene where the heroine gets pushed off the building and the hero follows to save her. The hero was able to grab her mid-air and turned her around so he bears the brunt of the impact (crazy but awwwww???).
The show also tries to highlight the eternal conflict of art vs. commercialism. The music company tries to cajole the second lead into a very restrictive 10-year contract (not too subtle, Tao!) and revises his songs to make it for more mass appeal but loses his distinctive style in the process.
I watch the show because I love Janice Wu despite so much sloppiness in its storytelling. But you know what is never sloppy? Tao’s styling. His hair is so perfectly coiffed even when he swims and eyeshadow so sublimely gradient even when he wakes up in the hospital bed after falling off the building. Yes, they lived.
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April 13, 2019 at 6:29 AM
I started this by pure chance. Was stuck at an airport and needed to kill time. Did not watch many c-dramas before so I have to get used to the big cast and lots of clichés used. Rooftop scene with slow mo fall was hilarious.
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🍙 kimbap noona
April 13, 2019 at 6:44 AM
Yes! This drama is a perfect kill-time airport watch! My favorite scene is when she tries to fish all the money out of his pool, accidentally falls in, starts to panic and is about to drown, Tao shouts "The pool is only waist deep!! Stand up!!" 😂
She doesn't hear him so he dives in (therefore ruining his perfect hair). He holds her but she proceeds to struggle with her face under the water, instead lifting her out of the water, he submerges himself to give her mouth-to-mouth. What the what? I love it. 🤣🤣🤣
Here is the compilation of the "senseless mouth-to-mouth" scene and "I jump after you but will catch up and flip you mid-air" rooftop fall:
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April 13, 2019 at 7:50 AM
What. I might have to watch this. Sounds like my kind of bad.
April 13, 2019 at 11:16 AM
ahahaha. Oh yessss! that scene was memorable. I was like: why the hell are you not lifting her head out of the water, dude?!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I also think his eye makeup + hair is always on point. It needs his own show.
I am used to product placement in k-dramas but here the use of apps and websites is hilarious.
🍙 kimbap noona
April 15, 2019 at 10:18 AM
😂😂😂 The PPL for delivery service app is hilarious, but you know what tickles me more, @tesshan? That the bar Hutaoli the second male lead performs nightly is an actual bar!! I wonder how much it costs for the bar to be featured again and again!! I lost count on how many times the front entrance was shown with its bright sign.
Here is its trip advisor page:
April 16, 2019 at 6:15 AM
I did not know that the bar is actually real. wow! The constant JD delivery boxes are amazing as well. You need a pen? Just order it online and some guy will deliver a red box to you! ahahahah
April 14, 2019 at 5:24 AM
Comment was deleted
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🍙 kimbap noona
April 14, 2019 at 7:05 AM
😊 Awwww thanks @mintkiri!
*hides by submerging myself underwater even without a pretty idol in sight to save me from my embarrassment
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6 Misskfanz
April 13, 2019 at 4:22 AM one recapping doctor prisoner
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7 Dorotka
April 13, 2019 at 4:23 AM
Mary, yes, one of the biggest appeals of Five Kids for me were the common problems I could relate to. I still remember Sang Tae's speach to the step-brothers about how one can always change the situation by the reaction / attitude.... that it depends on US whether we accept the role others are giving us (or we think they are) or whether we DON'T accept it and CHANGE it.
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8 sorrynotsorry
April 13, 2019 at 4:23 AM
I'm back from a month breather from dramas due to a busy life and a bit of a drama malaise. I plan on starting The Fiery Priest and Haechi up again as I was enjoying both. However, I'm dropping Item (I was only about 5ish episodes in and the c-drama I Will Never Let You Go. That last one was never really good, but my affection for both leads led me to give it a go but life's too short.
The Psychometric Guy: I'm way behind but this drama is quite charming.
Her Private Life: The first episode was over-the-top quirky but the second settled things down, and I'm all in at this point.
Love and Fortune: I think this must be the j-drama every one was talking about regarding the 32 year old woman and 15 year old guy. I saw this on Netflix and remember it got a lot of buzz so jumped in. I will finish it and I like a lot of the realistic vibe of a relationship in a serious rut. I'm just gonna say I have teenagers, one of each sex, and it's a flat out no in real life imo but it's a drama so I'll just see where it goes.
I will probably eventually try out Doctor Prisoner and My Fellow Citizens when time allows. Also in non-kdrama land, I notice Netflix is going to finally air a new season of Lucifer in May. It seems like forever since it was on network tv.
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April 13, 2019 at 7:22 AM
Nice to see you back and do catch up with HAECHI. It keeps getting better. The cast is terrific but the scenes between Jung Ill-woo and Lee Geung-young have been awesome.
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9 Kairoskat 💐
April 13, 2019 at 4:23 AM
Currently catching up with Fiery Priest. I'm up to ep 30. The show is funny! And a funny show done right makes me happy. I'm glad the bad are bad and the good are actually good at doing their job just unlucky that the bad keep pulling strings and covering up their deeds. It won't be long until Team Tsunami bring down all the baddies. So many interesting characters in FP. And I'm happy the supporting characters are fledged out too. Also yay to Team Tsunami getting bigger and bigger, they successfully recruited the police team. Hehe
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Kairoskat 💐
April 13, 2019 at 4:30 AM
Joined a rabbit watch for Her Private Life ep 1 and 2. I'm not much a fan of the show, so I don't think I'll continue watching alone. It felt like watching TYH previously. I kinda enjoy the first ep of TYH (also watched via rabbit), but not eager to continue afterwards. I suppose I will miss the fun beanies will have with HPL on the beanie wall. Anyways, i do think KJW is deserving of his name Gold in HPL, he kept shining on screen. Lol
I plan to watch the latest eps of The Banker over the weekend. Hoho
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10 Misskfanz
April 13, 2019 at 4:26 AM
I really curious. Despite being the highest rating drama, no one recapping Doctor Prisoner? Why? Because it too scary or because no one can't handle the drama angstinest?
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Kairoskat 💐
April 13, 2019 at 4:36 AM
Actually a lot of previous highest rated dramas were not recapped. Return, The Last Empress and SKY Castle were the highest rated dramas when they aired, but all were not recapped too. Maybe selection for drama to be recapped boils down to recapper preference. Hehehe
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April 13, 2019 at 7:46 AM
Nope. The current highest rated drama is in fact "The Fiery Priest", not "Doctor Prisoner".
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11 Karmen ~ 🍜🏢🎭 ~ 📚☔🦋 ~ 🪂🌱💘 ~ ✨🍊💫 ~
April 13, 2019 at 4:31 AM
HER PRIVATE LIFE: mmm... it's nice, but maybe I was expecting too much... I got distracted some times while watching the show and I didn't love that memory of him and delusions of hers, but I like the leads, especially KJW, so I will continue watching, hoping for an improvement.
MY FELLOW CITIZENS: it's a fun, crazy drama with a couple with realistic problems. I hope 40 episodes won't be too many for the story.
THE LEGEND OF WHITE SNAKE: maybe, maybe, I have found a CDrama that I could love. Cinematography is beautiful, the scenes with the leads are sweet, and there are enough people that fly here and there.
THE LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA: I like very much the Joseon era storyline. Cinematography is beautiful and the leads are cute together. Jun Ji-Hyun is really beautiful and talented. Dad/evil second wife storyline is boring.
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12 fromanotherstar
April 13, 2019 at 4:47 AM
CONFESSION: Lots of tension and mystery and Junho.. Loving it!
He IS PSYCHOMETRIC: Started a bit late, trying to binge watch it. Thanks to the Beanies who talked so highly about it, I'm really enjoying it :)
WAIKIKI: At moments is so funny, and sometimes is so silly! But I'm in for the thick and thin, because I do like Kim Sun-Ho and Lee Yi-Kyung.
And I'm plannning to start Her Private Life this weekend, really excited about this one :)
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13 lemoncello
April 13, 2019 at 5:13 AM
@tccolb: my feeling on "Korean Hostel in Spain." I miss Sohn Hojun with them... But yeah, still watching it because of Cha's cooking and Hae-jin makes his IKEYO products. Hae-jin could open a store; and Cha could open a restaurant. Last episode, I ended up making potato pancake after Cha had made it and gave it to the guests.
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April 13, 2019 at 11:34 AM
@lemoncello, the potato pancakes! That looked sooo good! I was tempted to make it, but didn't have any potatoes, lol
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14 miss h
April 13, 2019 at 5:25 AM
Special Labor Inspector Jo: I wasn’t sure about this one after the premiere episode, but the second was a lot of fun. I have a weakness for dramas where a rag tag team of oddballs comes together to fight corruption. See also Fiery Priest. I'm also a sucker for satire. Kim Dong-wook is great and seems to be having fun with his role.
My Fellow Citizens: I’m in this one for the ladies.
That Psychometric Guy: I was afraid the angst would kill my interest in this drama, but I’m still intrigued. This week I was really rooting for the best friend and single mom.
Her Private Life: I was bored.
A Beautiful World: Fastest a drama has ever made me cry.
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15 welh
April 13, 2019 at 5:26 AM
DR. PRISONER: dropped like a bad boxing match.
MY FELLOW CITIZENS: tried to watch but dropped; too cartoonish.
HER PRIVATE LIFE: may try but it has a bad WWWSK vibe.
Instead I stumbled across a new variety show MAFIA GAME IN PRISON. The first two shows (4 episodes) were good but the games appear to be too repetitive.
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16 panshel
April 13, 2019 at 5:31 AM
That Psychometric Guy:Hyung is my favorite character. I am so invested in Hyung and Ji-soo noona's relationship. Please don't tell me Hyung doesn't like Ji-soo noona like Ahn said. He just can't feel emotions because of his alexithymia. When Sung-mo said, "그래, 가자," I shrieked, "Did he just speak banmal to her!!?" Ji-soo switching "네" to "어" was hilarious. Then when Sung-mo said, "연락해," I asdjflakjdflhdlkjalsdkj. In Ahn's psychometry of Ji-soo, Sung-mo spoke banmal to her in the past, but due to the dating rumors, he distanced himself and started speaking jondaemal. I want the three of them to become a cute family.
Please don't tell me Hyung likes Jae-in who was 8 when he was 18. I abhor love triangles between brothers. Why did Hyung and Ahn live in a rooftop room when Sung-mo is a prosecutor-cum-Daddy Long Legs? The rich girls at school even ranked Ahn on the same level as a family of doctors and Dae-bong's family's gas stations monopoly. How did Ahn not know they moved? Is he that dumb to not notice all his stuff and his dog gone?
Above all, please don't tell me Hyung is evil. I never suspected him to be the killer and arsonist, but I am terrified Hyung may be the person who wants no loose ends that Kim Gab-yong was referring to when he killed the two women. Which is why Kim Gab-yong called his lackey to protect "Kim Song-hee" before his death. I figured the sketch of "Kang Hee-sook" looked like Sung-mo's mom, and obviously he would not react because of his alexithymia (when Ahn fainted in the autopsy room and Sung-mo barely reacted, I said, "Fine, Hyung, don't care."), but how could Ahn not recognize Mom? Is he that dumb after seeing her photo next to his parents' for 13 years?
Her Private Life: Cosplaying as a normal person, pretending not to be a fangirl, scared of coming out as a fangirl -- isn't this the story of my life? "Do you know how old he is?" Yes, I know. Deok-mi is lucky to have BFF building owner's daughter Sun-joo to fangirl with. Does Deok-mi make money off of Shi-Na-Gil because fansite noonas are rich? Cindy is straight-up a sasaeng flying on Shi-an's flight. One is so pretty and perfect for this role. Does IN2IT have speaking roles? I loled at Eun-gi figuring out Deok-mi's passcode ("Oppa saeng-il or Oppa debut"), and Director Eom's "Why would you buy 300 albums? Does our daughter have 600 ears?"
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April 13, 2019 at 5:38 AM
'Director Eom's "Why would you buy 300 albums? Does our daughter have 600 ears?"' Easily one of the funniest things I heard this week.
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April 13, 2019 at 6:40 PM
I was a bit surprised to see a very white-skinned girl with hijab among the fangirls admiring Deokmi's exhibition of airport pics. But I appreciate the effort.
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17 Kurama
April 13, 2019 at 5:37 AM
My Fellow Citizens I still have the last 2 episodes to watch before deciding whether to continue or not.
Special Labor Inspector Jo The first 2 episodes were very funny. We didn't really see all the characters together but it looks promising.
Woohoo Waikiki 2 Still funny. The guys kind look as the favourite victims of the girls :p
That Psychometric Guy I think 16 episodes are too much for this story. I don't understand why they needed to start the story in highschool neither. I found all the "truth about her father" part so dramatic, it was too much.
Her Private Life Kim Jae Wook in a lead role? I don't need other reasons to watch it!
A Beautiful World How people can lack empathy so much? It's scary.
Kill It I dropped it. Too many coincidences to be credible.
Brave to Love The main couple is cute.
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18 gadis
April 13, 2019 at 5:44 AM
Kill It: You know how sometimes there is a drama that's so entertaining, yet the moment we started tracing back the flow of information inside or the complicated relationship between its characters or the sequence of events that's actually happening, everything suddenly crumbled to dust? That's exactly how Kill It is. Somehow, this drama also managed to turn seriously depraving issues into something ridiculously makjang, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
Beautiful World: Looking at how I've already changed my display name and practically wrote lengthy essays in the recaps thread, it's clear that I've finally (hopefully) found my drama-of-the-year. I'm loving the careful exploration of many social issues in this show and hoping that there will be light at the end of this dark time.
Haechi: I feel like wiping proud tears watching how far Yi Geum has come since his days as the womanizer and reckless prince in eps 1. Long live King Yeongjo!
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Kairoskat 💐
April 13, 2019 at 6:07 AM
Have you watched Beautiful World ep 3?
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April 13, 2019 at 7:12 AM
I've watched it, and it's as heartbreakingly painful and relatable as the previous week eps.
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19 RevSparklyAndroid
April 13, 2019 at 6:13 AM
Fiery Priest This is a show whose preview I NEED to see because of cliff hangers done so well. Yesterday’s has me salivating for today’s episode.
Her Private Life One of my favourite side character actresses is FL’s best friend and she could be the reason I stay with this, except that I’ve liked the rest of the story as well. Quite a few laughs at the fangirling drama and the meet-[not-so]-cute between the leads.
Special Labour Inspector Jo Somewhat violent, but also fun to see ML dole out the justice in the early episodes. One of the main characters hasn’t uttered a word so far, yet his presence is imprinted in my memory, which hopefully bodes well for the unfolding storyline.
Hello Joann I recently picked up this excellent Chinese drama and, ten episodes later, I’m refreshing its YT playlist daily for the next two subbed episodes. FL fell from riches to rags after her dad went bankrupt; ML had a sour experience with her father during the good days, so no prizes for guessing how the OTP kicks off, but it’s really well written. The second leads are also quite entertaining. The tropes are there, but I haven’t been exasperated even once—they’re handled right. Spotted: Ming Lan’s evil mother in law in modern times—yikes! PLEASE stay this good, Show.
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🍙 kimbap noona
April 13, 2019 at 8:16 AM
Thanks for the rec of Hello Joann! It is now on my list! Cheers to the absence to exasperation! 🤣
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April 13, 2019 at 8:27 AM
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20 CharmingKey
April 13, 2019 at 6:25 AM
Possessed: This show took me by complete surprise. I think there is a small group of Beanies currently watching, but I highly recommend everyone to check it out. The plot is a unique take on ghosts wreaking havoc. Just when I think they have gone as far as they can, they go further. Great acting from the entire cast. A very well-executed drama so far.
Welcome to Waikiki 2: I am now a week behind on this because I was binge watching Possessed, but so far so good. The first 2 episodes stood out a bit more than the next 2. The cast meshes very well together.
Her Private Life: A solid premiere. Some minor red flags indicating we may see over-used drama tropes, but I'll be sticking around.
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21 mugyuljoie is preciousss
April 13, 2019 at 6:26 AM
I'm living for That Psychometric Guy and odilettante's Handsome Oppa. Special Labor Inspector Jo and My Fellow Citizens are on my list too, but I'm not sure they'll hold my attention if something better comes along.
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22 tesshan
April 13, 2019 at 6:26 AM
Kill It: love the storyline even if it is a bit crazy. Hope the main guy will slowly start to act more human.
Her Private Life: watched the first episode but it did not catch my attention yet. The fangirl part is a bit annoying and over the top. Will see how it progresses.
Nice to meet you (c-drama): I liked it although the difference in quality to k-dramas is still pretty obvious. I haven't watched c-dramas before but the amount of clichés is a bit heavy. It was fun to watch and the eyecandy did help.
The Brightest star in the sky: was stuck at Copenhagen Airport last week and ended up starting to watch this drama. Main guy looked familiar and then I realised he was one of the ex exo members. Story is a bit wacky (falling from a roof with slow mo scenes etc) but it is fun. For once the heroine is not completely naive and has some character.
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23 frabbycrabsis loves KBS Drama Specials
April 13, 2019 at 6:41 AM
Her Private Life: I like it. I like the glossy, candy-coloured aesthetic. I like the humour. I like the cast. But I am a little at odds with the story at the moment, which I'm hoping will improve.
Coffee Friends: Ah, it was nice while it lasted. ❤️
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24 loveblossom🌸
April 13, 2019 at 7:17 AM
Her Private Life: First episode wasn’t that impressive. It was an intro/setup, but I was curious. I like the second episode more. It’s interesting to see the close-up look and focus on the fanlife. Some parts are so relatable while other moments were fascinating. I already adore the friendship between Sun Joo & Deok Mi and wish I had a fangirl-mate in real life. I like that Deok Mi is very good at her job and is able to maintain her fangirl life just fine. Nearly rolled my eyes at Ryan’s traumatic past trope though. Loved hearing Kim Jae Wook speak English. Ryan with an RRRR = Totally cracked me up when he corrected his doctor who pronounced his name with a ‘L’.
Possessed EP 8 I’m flabbergasted! I was not expecting that possession. This show is so good. I think things will ram up more now after this episode. Off to the recap thread! ❤️❤️❤️
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April 13, 2019 at 7:19 AM
ramp* up
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25 bong-soo
April 13, 2019 at 7:57 AM
Kudos to Viki.
On April 3, 2019 I made a comment to our own @bebeswtz, who also is a Viki volunteer subber, in which I said I was puzzled by some Viki business decisions but also said:
Well, this last week Viki licensed OCN's KILL IT. The subbing of episode one has commenced.
Thank you Viki for picking up this OCN drama. I hope you will continue to license more drama from the cable networks.
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April 13, 2019 at 8:44 AM
I was so excited to see Kill It on Viki. I'm going to start watching it this week. I really hope they get Confession soon.
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Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
April 13, 2019 at 9:09 AM
Yay!!! Yea, the Viki support staff are actually quite nice and do try to help if people just ask nicely 😉😉
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April 13, 2019 at 1:36 PM
Yes! They have so many currently airing dramas!
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April 13, 2019 at 4:22 PM
I should have also mentioned how pleased I am that Viki licensed and is subbing JTBC’s A BEAUTIFUL WORLD. So perhaps more cable dramas will be licensed by Viki. Two somewhat recent dramas from small cable networks that were carried on Viki are Channel A’s TWELVE NIGHTS and TV Chosun’s GRAND PRINCE.
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26 Ally
April 13, 2019 at 8:00 AM
Wow, great to see everyone back into the swing of things and watching a lot of Kdramas!
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27 earthna
April 13, 2019 at 8:07 AM
Kim Kyung-nam will forever be the Hyunmoo that everybody wanted to give a hug to.
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28 shach
April 13, 2019 at 8:21 AM
This week in my drama watching life:
- My Fellow Citizens
I was on the fence but with ladies taking the wheel this week I'm all in, they are so great, I'm so glad screen time is evenly distributed.
- Special Labor Inspector Jo
Kim Dong Wook in lead role and I didn't even check description, but I liked it a lot, it has a very comic feel to it, but it doesn't bother me, and other characters are pretty entertaining too.
- Psychometric Guy
Little bit of fluff to start drama week, what I don't like is that mountain of mystery around Hyung, I feel like it build to nothing or it take to much plot and lead nowhere.
- Doctor Prisoner
It's like Count Monte Christo on crack, I love it!
- The Banker
Didn't catch up with this week episode but I hope our lead will be able pull a 1/100 of dr Na tricks and won't President Kang sacrificial lamb in the end.
- Her Private Life
Kim Jae Wook as lead, plus great side female characters, I'll keep watching, it's nice cotton candy after heavy meal of Banker and Doctor Na antics.
- Possessed
Dropped it this week, it just doesn't click with me, and all character were very empty for me.
- Fiery Priest
I squee at the preview of next episodes, with Cheol Beom as a part of the team (I know he is evil but can't help myself), this show doesn't slow down at all (and I have huge girl crush on Lee Honey).
- Kill It
I still watching it, but don't ask me why, I don't know it myself
- Confession
As I already mentioned it in show thread, last episodes were a let-down for me, the plot wasn't as crisp and tight as before, here hoping this week will be better.
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April 13, 2019 at 8:29 AM
"I squee at the preview of next episodes, with Cheol Beom as a part of the team" Me too. And he's totally dressed down/to fit the team. I loved that preview.
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29 Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
April 13, 2019 at 8:29 AM
My Fellow Citizens: 9/10 Academy award for Best Use of Horror Music When Good Cop Brings Baseball Bat :)
Haechi: 6/10 Silly me. I expected the king to recover and celebrate with a nice seafood dinner. Lots of shrimp.
Myung Wol the Spy / Spy MyeongWol (2011): 7/10 for ep 6. Getting close to the traditional mid-show slump.
Psychometric Guy: 6.5/10 Next week please skip the silly do-it-yourself music box PPL. Otherwise ok.
Her Private Life: 8/10
Big Issue: 8/10
Confession: 6/10
Kill It: 5/10 Maybe I'm not paying enough attention, but I'm too confused to be interested. @sicarius' s**t posts pretty much nail it.
Special Labor Inspector Jo: 3/10 First half hour was depressing, boring and too much like 800,000 other k-shows complaining about injustice. Wake me up if they ever get original.
Drop list -- unless I find myself with more free time than I want/expect, or they get rave reviews, these are toast:
Waikiki 2
The Banker:
Beautiful World:
Special Labor Inspector Jo:
Kill It:
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April 13, 2019 at 11:33 AM
i agree with you on My Fellow Citizens - i love the detective wife and i think they will repair their marriage with flying colors, they are great together.
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💜🍍☠ Sicarius The Queen of Melonia ☠🍍💜
May 28, 2019 at 1:53 AM
(old post but I was googling something and this came up and hey look a tag I never got! My sh*tposts are forever at your service)
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30 nightmoon
April 13, 2019 at 8:33 AM
PERSONA: These short films definitely have an artsy vibe, but I did quite like the first one. The Collector was a miss for me and was just too dark for my taste. Would I recommend? Probably not. They definitely have that indie vibe that makes me think, "This is going to be just a bit pretentious isn't it?" But if you're an IU fan, go for it! She's definitely showing some decent acting. (ep. 1-2)
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April 13, 2019 at 9:58 AM
one of my fav krn directors does on of hers (i think the first one? lee kyung mi) but im not a huge iu acting fan lol but i just miiight
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April 13, 2019 at 1:10 PM
Yes, that's the one she does (called Love Set).
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31 outofthisworld 不愧是我 🏍
April 13, 2019 at 8:58 AM
No Kdramas this week - A Beautiful World and Confession on hold. Maybe I'll start The Banker at some point.
Monster Killer - Wu Xin S1 I can deal with monsters, ghosts and zombies but that tiny pint of immense evil? Shudders. Otherwise, Wu Xin is love. I almost never watch YT videos of an actor, if I do it's because I am toast. Boy has a long way to go in terms of acting but he's got such energy. Just give him better scripts please!
The World Between Us I can't find more eps after the first two. Interesting premise and well rate, I just need to find somewhere I can watch, no need for subs.
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🍙 kimbap noona
April 13, 2019 at 10:03 AM
For some reason I put Wu Xin on hold a year ago and forgot to pick it up again despite remembering liking the story. 😅I really like Elvis Han too, but the only other drama I have seen with him in is Secrets of Three Kingdoms which was quite interesting in the beginning but eventually it couldn't sustain my interest. Siege in Fog looks too melo for my taste.
You can find the episodes for The World Between Us here:
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outofthisworld 不愧是我 🏍
April 13, 2019 at 10:11 AM
Thank you! Glad to have a TW drama to watch plus I've been a fan of Chris Wu since Autumn Concerto, he is reliable as always.
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🍙 kimbap noona
April 13, 2019 at 3:58 PM
Have you seen The Q Series: Love of Sandstorm with Chris Wu, @outofthisworld? @cloggie introduced me to it, and it is one of my favorite TW-dramas! It is well-written with a wacky sense of humor and I love the tomboyish heroine. It is available on Netflix.
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April 14, 2019 at 12:45 AM
@kimbapnoona, hearing that I introduced you to one of your favourite tw-dramas, means my work here on DB is done. This is obviously a bigger achievement than getting to that rooftop.
outofthisworld 不愧是我 🏍
April 14, 2019 at 3:59 AM
Yippee! More to watch. Thanks
🍙 kimbap noona
April 14, 2019 at 7:15 AM
Dear @cloggie,
The rooftop apartment is a pure DB mental construct. Like most of our chok sarang in real life, the version inside our head is most likely much better. I may see Namsan Tower through the smog, but my senses is more activated by the fermentation smell from my neighbors' kimchi pots. That being said, I look forward to your housewarming party hopefully in the not so distant future.
Linda Palapala
April 13, 2019 at 10:33 PM
I wouldn't exactly call Siege in Fog "melo". Especially the ending.
My 2nd favorite Elvis Han would be of all things, Chinese Paladen 5 and his purple hair, silliness and all.
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🍙 kimbap noona
April 14, 2019 at 7:19 AM
The synopsis on mydramalist with words like "coerced marriage" and "war and chaos" made me think that it had to be a melodrama! What would you considered this to be, Linda?
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Linda Palapala
April 14, 2019 at 8:33 AM
Had to look up the meaning of melodrama..."a sensational dramatic piece with exaggerated characters and exciting events intended to appeal to the emotions."
I would say Siege in Fog is more of a historical romance, war, political intrigue.(?)
Linda Palapala
April 14, 2019 at 8:58 AM
Just to add: I'd say Siege isn't sensational, the characters are hardly exaggerated, but more understated and nothing exciting happens. I don't remember it appealing to my emotions at all! It was kind of a weird show, actually but I can't put my finger on how or why.
April 14, 2019 at 1:54 AM
I could only find the first two episodes thank you :D
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🍙 kimbap noona
April 14, 2019 at 7:20 AM
Unfortunately this site does not provide English subs 😞.
Do you understand Mandarin or read Chinese, @mango?
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April 16, 2019 at 10:38 AM
I was so happy I commented before checking the link. I can't read and even less understand Chinese 😅
April 13, 2019 at 10:04 AM
Yay for Wu Xin S1 !
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outofthisworld 不愧是我 🏍
April 13, 2019 at 10:07 AM
Did you watch S2? I read not so positive things about it.
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April 13, 2019 at 10:28 AM
I have not watched season 2, at the time, neither Viki or DF had it. Can’t say about the story.
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32 sparks121
April 13, 2019 at 9:04 AM
Haechi: Still love this. And the fun is far from over despite less than a month to go- can't wait for lee in jwa's rebellion. The cast is fantastic, kim yi young has outdone herself on this one. I forgive her for hwajung. Trying not to be annoyed with how underrated this is.
Beautiful world: Great, but heartbreaking, drama. Funny seeing seo dong hyun as a sweet, nice kid in miracle that we met and now a bully here. Seo young joo is so magnetic even with the relatively small screen time thus far.
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33 bbstl 🧹
April 13, 2019 at 9:32 AM
It's really fun to have so many Minions do writeups this week! Thank you all.
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34 amara
April 13, 2019 at 9:56 AM
watching possessed and confession (the wait for this show...torture...) i'm contemplating starting her private life even though i don't particularly connect with the premise but i guess being a fan truly is universal lol. her and her friendship with the woman is sooo cute and i love kim jae wook i just dont know how much i can take of too sweet romcom stuff lmaobut so beautiful....
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April 13, 2019 at 9:57 AM
also congrats on finishing your first yr of grad school!!!!!! keep going!
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35 john
April 13, 2019 at 10:25 AM
Psycho Guy : Sticking with it for the end of year bean
Finished :Picked Up a Celebrity: Finished for the bean. Liked the first half better than the second half. Strength of cast helped to stick with it.
Radiant: Didn’t watch any this week. Have to see what happens.
White Snake: Show we watch together.
K Date Show: Another show e watch together! Love Me Actually: Like the show, only 1 ep a week though. We liked Love Catcher, the whole series was available, it was fun to watch.
J drama, wife started, I picked up , Sumika Sumire. Demon Cat allows 65 yr old to revert back to 20.
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April 13, 2019 at 11:30 AM
i wanna go back to when i was 20...
*searches google for Demon Cat*
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36 OldLawyer
April 13, 2019 at 11:07 AM
It appears that subtitling is completed on Viki for HER PRIVATE LIFE so I will begin that one this weekend.
Mary is now well ahead of me in watching FIVE KIDS- I am at the point where our main couple is working out the problems of getting married while the two brothers are worried about the fact that their respective two girls are already (sort of) "in-laws" etc.: This is apparently something of a problem in Korea.
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37 Eden
April 13, 2019 at 12:01 PM
That Psychometric Guy:
Jumped to the top of my list but probably won't stay there. I'm liking the more actiony/suspenseful direction it's taken recently.
Love in Sadness:
Her identity has been revealed and I'm just wondering how he's going to take it :P
So much crying lately. Now that the male lead has his body back, I'll probably be more interested.
Kill It:
I think I just like the action in this drama...I barely understand what's happening plot-wise.
Her Private Life:
First episode was written poorly. Why would you open a drama with a montage? Lame. So far it's been pretty boring and without much subtlety. I like the cast though so I'll give it a chance. The lead's relationship with her best friend is nice too.
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38 marina
April 13, 2019 at 12:06 PM
Seems I’m the only one enjoying watching Her Private Life♥️
Wherever I go I see people saying this drama’s disappointed them but I don’t feel like that! I didn’t know what to expect from it so these two episodes didn’t bother me. There were scenes that made me laugh out loud. This is not far from what I want from rom-coms. I know there will be scenes with KJW falling in love and damn, that’s all I need to watch.
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April 13, 2019 at 12:13 PM
I'm enjoying it. I didn't go into the drama expecting anything revolutionary or even amazing, but rather I just want to be entertained. Sure it's a familiar story. Sure the we've seen this characters and tropes recycled over and over, but the talents of the actors, and the visuals of the show (and I'm not just referring to KJW here) are making this an enjoyable watch so far.
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April 13, 2019 at 12:59 PM
You just said what I couldn’t put into words. Today somewhere I read a cm saying HPL team should be ashamed because of what they made and I was like WTF?! So many of us decided to watch Kdramas just to have some fun and stay away from all the seriousness the real world makes us face. Life is short n being entertained is all I want and I have no problems with watching familiar actors playing familiar characters because no matter how predictable the story is, they always find a way to keep me in.
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April 13, 2019 at 4:24 PM
The last drama of PMY I've watched was Secretary Kim, and some parts of Her Private Life kind of turned me off a bit because I find the similarities between the two dramas too jarring, like her acting, looks, mannerism, and also the CEO childhood trauma past. Also, the brother turned potential lover trope also bothers me.
Other than that, the second episode got me hooked, much more than the first.
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39 strawberry
April 13, 2019 at 3:21 PM
HAECHI - continues to cause me way too much distress to be considered healthy, but alas, such is Kdrama-watching life. I'm glad to see Go Ara back and hope that she'll get better soon because I miss it when her character gets all badass fighting off assassins. Also, Moon-su, come back~ *tears*
SHOPPING KING - This had been on my to-watch list for a long time but just now starting it. I'm loving how Bok-shil and Ji-sung are helping each other navigating this incredibly tough patch they're in. So sweet! So fun! This is so soothing and brings a sense of hope that's lacking when I watch Haechi.
I REMEMBER YOU - because Seo In-guk tbh. I'm loving Jang Na-ra's character here too!
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April 13, 2019 at 11:51 PM
I loved the both Shopping King and I Remember You, it's crazy how SIG was so good in the both roles that were so opposite.
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April 14, 2019 at 12:08 AM
I saw this comment and came running for a Seo In Guk appreciation party :P
IRY will always be my favourite kdrama and SKL was just so darn adorable and fluffy! I love how SIG becomes one with any character he has to portray!
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April 14, 2019 at 2:27 AM
Yas! He’s pretty awesome~ I’m only on episode 1 of IRY but the premise is really intriguing.
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April 14, 2019 at 5:56 AM
It honestly gets better every episode! Have fun!
April 14, 2019 at 2:26 AM
Totally! I’m just now discovering how awesome he is as an actor. I don’t think I have seen any drama he was in before.
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April 14, 2019 at 5:56 AM
Oh wow! And you are watching two of his dramas together? How cool! He is my favorite Korean actor and he is wonderful in each of his dramas!
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April 14, 2019 at 3:55 PM
Yea! it's really fun to alternate between cute/fluffy and mysterious/vaguely dangerous SIK. I tend to lose interest quickly if I just watch a rom-com, so I need to balance all that sweetness with some crime-solving badassery.
April 14, 2019 at 6:26 PM
Hahhahahaha well you chose the perfect combo then! I will definitely recommend Answer Me 1997 as well... And well many of his other dramas! But I guess after the double dose, it might be a good idea to watch sth with another actor hehe
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April 14, 2019 at 6:54 PM
This is my downfall I think - going through the entire filmography of a new favorite actor/actress. 😭 So there will be more of SIK in my drama-watching future~ 🥰
April 14, 2019 at 11:22 PM
Hahahhahha that's actually what I used to do a lot! I have done that for Lee Jong Suk and Jung Kyung Ho and the latter was a revelation! I even did it for SIG when I fell in love with his acting skills in IRY... I ended up going back and re-rewatching shows that I had seen him in and also the shows that followed! All were great watches! He has a knack for chosing interesting characters! I actually even loves King of high School which many don't like as much but Ziggie was really perfect in it while portraying an 19 year old disguised as a 28 year old! Fun stuff!
And 38Task Force! What twists! What acting! And one of the best and hilarious chase and fights dramaland has ever seen!
I would have suggested Hundred Million Stars as that was Ziggie at his best but I read below that you aren't too comfortable with the dark themes!
All in all, you are gonna have so much fun catching up with his projects! 😍😍
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Kairoskat 💐
April 14, 2019 at 11:39 PM
High 5 @obsessedmuch! I went spiraling down a JKH wormhole last year after LoM. Hahaha. JKH is amazing. I'm still waiting for more info about Devil. When will we get a teaser~ huuuu
April 14, 2019 at 11:50 PM
@katakwasabi *hi5*
This happened to me after literally two episodes of One More Happy Ending! I went and watched as much JKH content as was accessible! Even the many cameos he did! I just left the loooooong early dramas because I didn't have the patience for those hehhe...
LoM was all kinds of brilliant and so was Prison Playbook! The guy has been on such a roll lately and I really can't wait for Devil already!
April 15, 2019 at 1:41 AM
SIG is a great actor no doubt about it!
I think SIG made me like some dramas I wouldn't have liked without him like King of Hischool or Shopping King Louie. In KoHS, the story was pretty weird and in SKL his character would been turn out pretty obnixious, but he acted him very well and I liked this character.
In 38 Task Force, my only complaint was about the main female lead... Fortunately, there were other great females characters. But the way, he played all the "scams" was great :)
Hundred Million Stars's acting was awesome! From all the actors in.
Kairoskat 💐
April 15, 2019 at 1:42 AM
@obsessedmuch I even watched Smile You, a weekender just for JKH 🤭.
I tried to watch I'm Sorry, I Love You but I didn't like the female lead and So Ji Sub and also I was not a fan of JKH's character. I ended up skipping eps and jumped to see the end. Hua3
Other than LoM, I like a lot of his dramas. I adored him in One More Happy Ending, Falling for Innocence and also Prison Playbook. I kinda like HC but its not on my rewatch list. Hehe
April 15, 2019 at 10:10 AM
@katakwasabi The first two shows you mentioned are the ones I have't watched!
And the shows you mentioned later are love! PP, LoM, OMHE will always remain my faves!
I love him in Heartless City! His eyes literally do the talking! And I kinda would love to see him being so smooth fighting and being all sexy again! Paksa Adil really impressed me a lot! I can't say that I liked the last few episodes but the show had me hooked for quite a long time! Names like Paksa Adil n Safari Ajhussi, that bromance between JKH and Hyun Min, the many twists and turns- all are so unforgettable!
April 15, 2019 at 10:16 AM
@kurama You are so right! When the character sketches and plot summary of SKL was released, a lot of us were confused as to why SIG would take such a simplistic show- it didn't seem like his normal interesting roles. But he turned it into one! Also I do agree, the story of KoHS was pretty weird hahha!
Ahhh 38 Task Force, they really wasted the lead female... She acted well enough but she wasn't given much of a role! On the other hand, Lee Sun Bin, a rookie, almost stole the show! And yes, I liked the other female characters. Ahhh the scams! I miss the show a bit!
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April 14, 2019 at 9:52 AM
SKL and IRY are both very good and different dramas. Wow watching them together! I wouldn't be able, but anyway SIG is good in everything...
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April 14, 2019 at 3:56 PM
He really is! <3
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April 14, 2019 at 6:27 PM
OH MY GOD SKL is one of my favorite dramas. All the characters stayed true to themselves and grew since ep1. I felt the writer did a really good job at building the characters. I fell in love with both seo in guk and nam jihyun after this lol Went back and watched I remember you and it was awesome - but he was still a bit rookie compared to his acting after Squad 38.
Seo in guk is the first actor that I actually fell in love with the real actor, not just the character! And if you REALLY want to appreciate him, you must watch The Smile Has Left Your Eyes. That’s his current peak in terms of performance. He was exceptional! The drama was really really great too.
I really loved Nam Jihyun in Suspicious Partner too. She’s always so good at picking dramas tho ;-)
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April 14, 2019 at 6:51 PM
I’m a bit apprehensive about The Light Has Left Your Eyes because of the tragic ending, and just overall... tragedy. I don’t know if my heart could handle the pain 😭 But I’ll definitely go thru SIK’s filmography after finishing this round of dramas.
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April 14, 2019 at 10:37 PM
I tried to watch "the smile has left your eyes" because it is SIG, and I also happen to like Jung So min very very much, however, I couldn't make myself to watch the whole drama or to like it.
It was not their fault, their acting was amazing. It was the story. Too dark, sick and crazy for my taste.
I felt the Japanese eerie veil behind and although there are great Japanese productions, I am not sure this original would be one of them, then the poor Korean version couldn't make it better without changing the story. In my case, not even a happy end would have suited me, because I just found the story too twisted from the beginning.
But then again, SIG acted great. It must have been a challenge for him.
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April 23, 2019 at 12:19 AM
I actually think the Korean version was great compared to the Japanese version. It created a different theme and is unique to the korean version. The changes made was actually great and it’s actually a lot brighter than Japanese despite the ending. At least I was happy at the end of it lol I cried and it’s sad but I am happy lol
April 23, 2019 at 2:02 PM
That is what I meant, @peachietime... I know the Japanese version because of reviews, at least written, and I know it is dark, and then you tell me the Korean version is brighter... great news, except that, I also felt the Korean version to be dark for my taste, ergo, the Japanese is darker.
Am I talking too much???
My point is: I cannot like any of them, but then again, it is a story problem for me, and not the acting. I still praise the Korean actors for the few I watched. They did a good job.
April 23, 2019 at 2:12 PM
@javinne I hated The Smile That Left Your Eyes and found it incredibly off-putting and SIG and Somin better be in good projects next so I can erase the awful taste from my mouth.
If you told me last year that I wouldn’t be able to finish a drama with Seo In-gook AND Jung So-min, I wouldn’t have believed you. And yet here we are.
April 24, 2019 at 9:59 AM
Yeah, well... dear @mindy, I cannot say I hated it, because I didn't even/couldn't even watch it all but there you go, I understand you totally. I couldn't finish it either.
I am not so an expert as to how to judge their acting (regardless of the plot), but I have no doubt they both are good actors. Was it a mistake on their parts to choose to act in that drama? I don't know either. It is frustrating! Let's wait for them in something new! 😀
Meanwhile, I re-watch shopping king louie and I am happy😂😁😅😍
LT is Irresistibly Indifferent and reminded of the slow march of death
September 26, 2019 at 2:59 AM
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April 14, 2019 at 9:13 PM
I just rewatched Suspicious Partner :D I just love her character Bong Hee! And the chemistry between her and CJW was great!
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April 14, 2019 at 8:41 PM
HAECHI is a wonderful drama with a lot left to go. It is my first time seeing Jung Ill-woo. He and the rest of the cast are excellent;
I REMEMBER YOU is one of my all time favorites. I recently completed Jang Na-ra’s GO BACK SPOUSES (as a catch up) and she is terrific in it. GBS is climbing into my all time favorite list.
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April 15, 2019 at 6:52 AM
I usually don’t watch a lot of sageuk but I agreed - Haechi is amazing! Can’t wait for new episode today!
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40 fromanotherstar
April 13, 2019 at 6:37 PM
Just paused while watching ep 9 of HE IS PSYCHOMETRIC.
it's so funny I have to share with you beanies, cause the ML
is reading a book called 100 ways to seduce on a first date...
A HUNDRED ways! On a first date!
Poor girl who's being the target of this "seduction"
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41 FlyingTool
April 13, 2019 at 9:14 PM
Kim Min-jung fans into overwrought makjang should give Thornbirds a try. It’s interesting to see the maturation of the industry and the actress! Fair warning though, KMJ is the EVIL, tormented, second female lead.
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42 Linda Palapala
April 13, 2019 at 9:47 PM
BATTLE OF CHANGSHA: Wallace Huo so you can't go wrong. I had no idea this C-drama was so intense! About a third of the way thru and the burning of Changsha was intense, chaotic and terrifying, you felt like you were there. Excellent job by cast and crew. The girl is Yang Zi? Almost didn't recognize her and I'm quite impressed with her acting.
THE GOLDEN EYES: Finishing up, just waiting for the last 30 minutes to be subbed - there's a lesson at the end but I don't read Chinese...
Most wouldn't watch this drama because very little happens so most would find it rather boring. It's really about archaeological sites, (I love archaeology) treasures and evil treasure hunters who steal cultural artifacts. Told "thru the eyes of..." Zhang Yixing (Mystic Nine) who's adorable (dimples help) and plays, well, just a nice guy that accidentally gets the "golden eyes" and can see through ancient objects (and jade) to find their value. But he's naive and too trusting of people. Not a typical hero action figure. There's faux danger here and there but it's mostly trudging through deserts, rain forests, Kiev, etc to find the secret of his golden eyes.
I tried all the new stuff but most hasn't stuck.
Park Min Young - I've seen too much of her work, and lately it seems she's been in almost everything, so much so that I no longer see her character but the actress. So that's a no.
Kill It - sometimes I'm in the mood for action and violence but meh, this one nah.
INSPECTOR JO: I'm sticking with because I like the actor, the premise and once someone clued me into the fact it's based on a webtoon(?) (Mahhwa?) (Manga?) I don't remember fits the tone of the drama.
I must have watched more since that's just about all I do, but my brain is mush. Maybe when I remember and they're not all running together round my head, I'll add more.
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Linda Palapala
April 13, 2019 at 10:38 PM
After skimming thru everyone's comments guess I'll add: Possessed, Kill It and Psychometric. Thanksalot.
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Linda Palapala
April 14, 2019 at 10:14 AM
Has anyone watched Golden Eyes? If so, what was that ending??? It was even too ambiguous for me to figure out and I can usually make sense of ambiguity. Did he live, did he die, who got the golden eyes?? The ending message was "all the criminals were brought to justice but Ma disappeared and no one knows where he is. Nothing about Zhang Rui's fate. I just saw the shortened the drama from 60 to 56 so that explains a bit. Hopefully the novel is translated into English.
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43 calexxor
April 13, 2019 at 10:09 PM
Watching Chief Kim made me fall for Namgoong Min and Junho, which is why I'm currently following both Doctor Prisoner and Confession.
Loving the former with its crazy shuffle of loyalties and those intense looks Dr. Na Yi Je keeps giving to the screen.
For Confession though, I felt this week was a bit week since they started investigating the murder case. I liked it's courtroom-centric scenes more where our dear lawyer tries to eke out a win against all odds.
The only other drama that I'm watching besides these two, is My Fellow Citizens which, again, I'm watching for the main actor. Si-won just wooed me in She Was Pretty and I'm happy to see a series delivering on his strong points. The faces he keeps on making alone makes the show worth a watch and it was pretty much how I got through the first few episodes waiting for the Assemblyman arc to start. Last episode finally, properly hooked me as we got to see the heart of gold that lies beneath his affable guy front.
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44 halfmoon
April 14, 2019 at 2:15 AM
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45 mintkiri
April 14, 2019 at 5:32 AM
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46 Connie
April 14, 2019 at 7:04 AM
OMG I didn't know Na PD has another show out!!! I'm so excited to watch it! I've been missing 3MAD so much!
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47 rochinipark
April 14, 2019 at 7:09 AM
Been way too long since updated here on my watchlist.
Started with Her Private Life - I'm not as obsessive as these sa saeng fans, I keep my distance in liking any celebrities. But I still am happy to see Kim JaeWook in a light hearted role. I am also glad by her sa saeng fan will allow Park MinYoung to wear sneakers at least instead of full on trodding around in heels. Hope her ankles are healthy.
Reach for Sincerity - I'm so happy to have watched this light hearted fluffy romcom during the winter. Who says romcoms only for spring seasons.
Varieties - I am just loving Korean Hostel in Spain - Chajumma is able to cook for big and small portions amazes me as he is just a home cook basically. Yoo Haejin is a hard worker with his own brand "Ikeyo".The Great Escape 2 also loving it, you get Jongmin and KangHoDong in one show you definitely can count me in, and then you throw in PO - double in. Then, I Can Hear Your Voice is good as ever.
Now KBS can you just bring back my no. 1 1N2D. I will continue to boycott most shows on this channel except for Superman show until it returns.
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48 fan
April 14, 2019 at 7:20 AM
Glad I don't find any "really Bad" ones in what I'm watching currently.
My Fellow Citizens: So he is conman with heart? Can't wait for next ep.
Labor Inspector Jo: Been there done that too many times but still fun. Nice loan shark for the win!
Haechi: Sad ep. for the new king
Woohoo Waikiki: Girls are so impossible/funny and guys' rapport are heart-warming.
That Psychometric Guy: I'm intrigued- I want to know what happened in the fire incident. Cute lead is plus.
Doctor Prisoner: yay for attack and counter attack, feel-good win in the process.
Big Issue: I like realistic issues. Nice he got to see his daughter.
Possessed: Too bad no more YJH-he was interesting villain. Glad possessed villains are played by capable actors.
Her Private Life: I'm learning about fangirl life.
The Fiery Priest: Can it be funnier? Bitch who repented yesterday lol but ep18- oh no.
A Beautiful World: heartbreaking
Kill It: Reminds me of Lawyer Jo Deul-ho -Poor kids and cruel adults.
Confession: Well written (how all are connected). Kudos to Writer Im Hee-Cheol for his excellent First mini-series!