Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…



Currently recapping: The Light in Your Eyes

That Psychometric Guy: I had to check this out because of the repeated cries of “Please don’t be evil, Hyung!” echoing in various places. Though I came for the promise of a tragic bromance, I fell in love right away with Lee An. Why? Because he’s so dumb! LOL His dumbness serves as great comedic relief but also highlights that his power is a weapon that can hurt both ways if used incorrectly. It makes sense that Hyung refuses to let An loose on the world when he doesn’t understand the implications of his visions yet. I’ll also take that as foreshadowing that though Hyung might look Very Shady right now, we’re not getting the whole picture and shouldn’t jump to conclusions too. Because Hyung can’t be evil! Please! *gives offerings to the Temple of the Bromance God*

Doctor Prisoner: This show is like chess except there are four teams and you can switch sides any time you want. You can take a turn any time you want in any direction you want. Your only goal is to not die while trying to outsmart everyone else. So, it’s nothing like chess but it’s shaping up to be an epic fight. I can see why it jumped to 14% by episodes 3-4. Namgoong Min looking incredibly hot as the chaotic good doctor out to exact revenge on those who wronged his patients is just a bonus.



Spain Guest House: Just when I was feeling sad that Coffee Friends had ended, Na PD surprised me with another show! And it’s a reunion with Cha Seung-won and Yoo Hae-jin! Sadly, Sohn Ho-joon couldn’t join them (he was busy with Coffee Friends and the The Light in Your Eyes). But there’s a new errand boy: Bae Jung-nam! The first episode was just the set-up. The trio headed to Spain and got settled at the hostel which they will be running over the course of the show. Cha Seung-won will be the chef, of course, making meals for the guests. And Yoo Hae-jin will be taking care of the front desk and putting his handy-man skills to work as well. He doesn’t speak English well, but I was pretty impressed with how witty he was. I had a good chuckle at his dad jokes about the “cozy” and “empty” rooms. Can’t wait for the next episode!

The Light in Your Eyes: I’m kind of scared to catch up on this. I went into this drama thinking it would be a fantasy rom-com, but it’s actually a heart wrenchingly beautiful rendition about how a (SPOILER WARNING: highlight to read) woman with Alzheimer’s perceives her world. However, this also makes veteran actress Kim Hye-ja the true lead of this show which is really great in so many ways.

Spring Must Be Coming: This show is just so fun! Every time I think the tropes will get tired or dragged out, the show continues to bring in new developments and go in unexpected directions. And the drama has done a surprisingly good job at keeping the plot at a zippy pace. I love that all the actors are really committed to delivering the comedy as well. Although, befuddled Lee Jong-hyuk continues to be my favorite.


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The Spy Gone North (K-movie 2018) - I watched it yesterday and I loved it! There is a movie festival in my city so I had the opportunity to watch the movie in cinema with other K-lovers (or maybe spy-movie lovers?) and I am so glad I did. As I know quite a few things about the geopolitical situation in 1990s and North-South relations at the time I really enjoyed all the little (and big) hints the movie included. It is really good to have friends who know what movie they should invite you to watch together!


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I saw the leap in ratings for Doctor Prisoner and I'm so happy for NGM! I'm glad he keep switching things up and chose this role after The Undateables.


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Doctor has good 1st week but it was also predictable.
Hero is singing i have planned everything now and i'll everyone pay. Nothing much special about story but still fun watch.



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*LOUD CURSING THAT IS NOT SUBTITLED because honking horns overlay the actual words*

Once again the Viki app on Roku has failed to list a new series as being released. I checked the new releases list this week and Dr. Prisoner wasn't there. I go to the web site and blam there it is. Now that I've followed it in my browser I'm sure it'll show up in the "suggested for you" panel four times in a row.


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I confess, I started watching I Picked Up A Star on The Road while waiting for subs for the final episode of Hajimete Koi, and the pratfall humor has me hooked. Raucously low brow and just.... funny.


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Yep. Me too. Sung Hoon is great at self-deprecating humor too.
The red dress in the window scene had me howling.


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@librarianerin I know, right? He's really hit his stride and brought his 'A' game to this. I was watching it in a quiet space and kept disturbing others with uncontrollable belly laughs! Wait until the beginning of 6🤣😂😂🤣


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The Light in Your Eyes
This show is a shining example of how to transform a seemingly innocuous synopsis into a timeless gem of a story. I do have to admit that during the course of its run I myself showed moments of doubt as it had appeared to have forgotten about addressing the mysterious watch that began it all after Hye Ja’s robbery attempt. But that was concluded neatly in the finale week and the assurance in the writing never faltered after the big twist. So a big applause to the drama: I am very impressed by the skilful usage of the unreliable narrator device which surpassed anyone’s expectations by far.

That Psychometric Guy
I speculate that the villain is Sung Mo’s father: one, Sung Mo is taking care of the main victims from the fire due to his guilt, two, he wasn’t kidnapped when he was younger but rather he grew up seeing hostages and was too young to run away or help them, three, the killer seems to be playing a cat and mouse game with him probably due to their twisted relationship on both sides of the law, four, I recognise Jeon Mi Seon as the lady who saw the culprit in the first episode and hid herself; being Sung Mo’s mother I suspect she discovered the truth and was silenced by her husband.

Spring Must Be Coming
I think the show would have done better if it had chose to ground itself with developments such as both female leads learning to adapt each other’s lifestyle and hence changing their personalities for the better as it had hinted in its very last moments. But it decided to go all wacky and random with moments like Im Soo suddenly becoming a soldier, Bom Sam suddenly becoming an actor and Seo Jin suddenly becoming repentant for her acts: the haphazard writing made it hard to even appreciate the drama as lowbrow comedy. And yes, the CIA arc should have never graced our screens.

Reach of Sincerity
You know what, I thought that the twist in the two stabs case showed a surprising level of depth that I would not have expected from the show, only to later realise that it doesn’t really make sense since without Jung Rok’s interference in the first place Su Myeong would have never been indicted and Yun Hee would have faced life imprisonment. But all is naught anyway since it wrapped up as quickly as the stalker arc did and now the noble idiocy is reversed like it never happened at all (awful writing). Let there be no stupid last-minute tension device next week like a relationship scandal!


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I am blown away by your theories on the killer in That Psychometric Guy. I was thinking that Hyung could have been abused as a boy and chained up by his father. There was a shot of chains around a boy's bloody socks. But I agree that the killer is his father.


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That's what I thought as well...


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I thought the same, but did not see the mother clues.
I wonder why he wants to Lee An to read the girl's mind. Why does he want her thoughts?


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Having same theory for the Psychometric villain...


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Guy - is meh. a big meh.


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Ah, "unreliable narrator..." I had forgotten about that.


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Okay 'Light in Her Eyes'/ Radiant did a number on me. I really thought it was a fantasy drama which was running out of plot and then it just did a huge switch! Nice one writers. My sister in law and I have started a k drama podcast so we can chat about the shows we love. I mentioned in our last ep that I was getting bored with Radiant so I have to reverse my opinion now and eat some humble pie.

I have now finished RIABB and I loved it. It is a like a hug on a cold day.

I have also finished 'The Third Charm' it seems a lot people didn't like it but I thought it was very realistic and well acted in places. Not one for the rewatch pile though...

Need to catch up with Touch Your Heart and The Big Issue - with the latter, did anyone get bored with the long action scenes in ep1? I still like the show but I thought much editing was needed.

Oh I finished 'Pretty Proofreader' a Japanese drama - I loved all the clothes! it was a cute drama too.


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What’s the name of your podcast? I’d love to listen to it! I was such a fan if the Dramabeans podcast that sadly seems to have died


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The podcast called Nigerian Noonas - we are British Nigerians who love k drama : ) You can find it under the pop culture podcast I also do called Popgram. We do NN once a month. We have only done two episodes so far so please indulge us!


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I live-watched THE THIRD CHARM when it aired, and agree that it was very realistic. So convincingly realistic that I couldn't bear it, especially at the end. The male lead's family of origin treated him horribly. Mom treated Dad badly, and Sis followed in her footsteps by treating oppa and her hubby abominably. I couldn't blame Joon-young for his geographical cure in Portugal, and was glad he got away from his monstrous family of origin. Seo Kang-joon portrayed a textbook case of a nerdy people-pleaser who managed to find himself, only to backslide when he crossed paths years later with his former girlfriend. SKJ did a dandy job with a deft performance that was a worthy follow-up to his dual role in ARE YOU HUMAN TOO.

Although I was initially sympathetic towards female lead Young-jae, she became so miserably unlikable that I wished a Truck Of Doom would put her out of everyone's misery. Esom did a terrific job depicting a severely damaged soul who was in need of an intervention but was unlikely to ever hit bottom hard enough to get help of her own volition. I was left with the feeling that the person Young-jae most needed to mend fences with was her ex-husband the plastic surgeon, not her ex-boyfriend.

Yang Dong-geun was marvelous as Young-jae's oppa who never gave up, and steadfastly overcame the psychological fallout from his physical injury. I loved the bromance between him and his almost-brother-in-law. Alas, his romance with his sister's friend turned into yet another helping of writer-inflicted misery. Would it have been such a crime for those two to experience boring, mundane happiness together?

@sailorjumun did a dandy job with THIRD CHARM's recaps, which prompted much thoughtful discussion.


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@pakalanapikake I agree with you on all counts. I loved Young -jae's oppa's storyline and would have had pitch forks ready if they didn't give him something resembling a happy -ish ending.

I am reading @sailorjumun's recaps at the moment and can see that this drama caused quite a lot of debate! I was unable to live watch because Drama Fever had died during the start of the drama. Have only been able to watch now because Viki UK has added it.


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I'm glad you're reading @sailorjumun's excellent recaps. They were great. Alas, I didn't comment on the finale because I was too stressed out. Which is a testimonial to the real-life veracity of the performances and characterizations. I simply reached the limit of my masochism. ;-)


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I think train sequences like that are particularly wearying because they're so tense and they do tend to go long. (Them and underwater knife fights.) You're going "get off it get to safety lookoutforthetunnellll"....


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Haechi: Shaky relationships, quick-shifting alliances, and a hint of merry-go-round broken hearts. Well, just another day in sageuk drama.

Come and Hug Me: Finished, and just in time before Jang Ki-young and Nam Da-reum's newest dramas' premiere. It could have been a much better drama if the second half is written as tight and intriguing as the first half. But in the end, I don't complain much since it was still a drama that touched my heart and made me feel deeply for the characters.

Touch Your Heart: Thank God the angsty phase is over. Now I need our pinku-pinku couple to shower us with all the cute and sweet stuff.


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Oh i always thought you live watched CAHM. Totally agree about the first part being extremely gripping but somehow the show went a little downhill past ep 6. Still a good ride. Never seen a character like Na moo. JKY aced it and I am very optimistic about Kill It despite my aversion to OCN shows.


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Dele (JP) the premise of this show is really interesting. A law firm provide undeground service to its clients to delete their data after their death. In the end they are more like doing detective job than just confirming their client's death. I thoroughly enjoy every episode of it, I give it 8.5 ⭐
The Shield season 1 (US) in the early 2000s, every Wednesday night our local TV show aired this American show that felt different from other show. The main hero is a corrupt police officer. FYI, I haven't watched The Soprano at the time. So the concept of anti-hero especially in the character of a cop was still somewhat foreign for me. I love that show very much but the one day our local TV stopped airing. I was like WTF??! So imagine how happy I was when I found this show on some shady webs. I still haven't finished season 1, but so far it's still as great as I remember it was.
I don't watch Korean drama this week. Three weeks of K-ent scandal really put me off. I'm sure it's temporary and next week I'm going to pick up some shows.


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Oh, I'm watching Dele too. Up to episode 3. My j-dorama friends are huge Suda Masaki fans but I'm biased towards the programmer. XD


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Of course you are 😄


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When he said "I'm not a hacker or cracker" while using command line to brute-force the password... my knees went weak. ♥


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LOL, is that how programmer falls in love?
If he's not so cold and aloof I would probably fall for his eyebrows 😄


@mary IT Goddess (tm), I'm ROFLMAO, even though I'm not watching this. (Maybe I better check it out!) I can just see you swooning over that command line. You'll have to get a grep on yourself. ;-)




@mary March 27, 2019 at 9:29 AM

Aw, I knew you'd find it eventually. Heh heh heh. My work is done. ;-) (Mr. P was a UNIX jockey for many years. I got some of the lingo by osmosis. DOS was it for me.)

For some reason, I'm having an especially hard time following notification links to comments on my posts. I've also noticed my fan wall is missing my comment count. Did something break?

Sorry to make more work for you, but I think something is kaput. Or have I failed to meet my quota as a Fan Club President? ;-)


@pakalanapikake I'll tag you in another post :))


Dazzling: up to ep 6. The drama is beautiful and poignant. Dad and mum are great. Hyeja is awesome both young and old. Now I just hope bro will find a purpose in his life. He is a nice person but he doesnt work, when will he be financialy independent? Huhu

All About My Family: finished fastforwarding through this drama for Kyung Woo and Geum. I kinda liked their parts. I just wished Kyung Woo faced more resistance from Geum and her parents and he had to beg for their forgiveness. I think Geum had more hardship compared to Kyung Woo..so it felt unbalanced. And she was also sick, luckily KW was so supportive. Once the couple start to accept their feelings and just go with it, they were kinda cute and fully head over heels. Plus they learned to communicate better, which is a good thing. Their wedding was cute with their stiff dancing and all. Yay to a happy ending.

Doctor Prisoner: i'm intrigued. I will tune next week for more.


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Cheese in the Trap: Rewatch! I don't know, despite the fact this drama went soooooo downhill, it still holds a special place in my heart. Last summer, I was really ill, probably the most ill I've ever been and I watched this. The group project going wrong made me cry - maybe I just like Cheese in the Trap because Kim Go-eun had my hair colour and was basically living my life. 😭

Marriage Contract: From now on, I just need to listen to @cloggie, she's clearly very trustworthy in her opinions. 😍

Dazzling: I'm trying to watch it, I'm trying, but it's JUST SO DEPRESSING. 🙁

Coffee Friends: Ah, my daily dosage of joy. ❤️


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Marriage contract is ❤. LSJ had the best character growth in a drama ever (imo). And I love how strong Uee's character was.

Come join us watch dazzling together, its less depressing when watched with company. Haha


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Marriage Contract was a show which did the cancer trope right and it never really felt like the show is about someone so near to death because it just provided so much hope, till the very last scene.
Plus are you watching Light from the beginning?


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We started dazzling last week. We'll continue with ep 7 tomorrow.

MC did cancer trope right ☺. I liked MC quite a lot and ended up rewatching several episodes. It was so heartwrenching and heartwarming at the same time.


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Just saw this after commenting on your post! If you end off at ep7 this weekend I should be able to catch up by next weekend!


Everyone's been watching it together?? No-one told me!


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Only me and @babybeast are watching together now 🤣. We are the late ones. Join us!


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If I'm awake and free then, sure!


I recently had a cheese in the trap rewatch. In the beginning episodes, as I rewatched, I forgot why I was so disappointed by the end. But by the time I got to ep 10, I realized why. I still can’t like InHo.
Marriage Contract: this was the drama that made me a UEE fan. I normally don’t enjoy melodramas - they’re always so depressing - but UEE was amazing in this.
Coffee Friends: Yang Se Jong!!! 😍😍 My gallery is currently filled with his pictures. I don’t even get why I love the variety so much. They don’t really do anything special or different from the previous episode but I find myself clicking on to the next episode, smiling and feeling just happy. Na PDnim really has the Midas touch.


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The first half of Cheese is so good that it makes up for it in my mind!

I don't like UEE much, so I'm hoping this will be the drama to change my opinion~

Ugh, I know! Yang Se-jong and his cute hats! 😍😍


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I think Coffee Friends works simply because the premise is quite simple, and it allows the organic interactions/ situations to unfold. Any changes like new menus/ opening for dinner or yet another part-timer tricked into joining introduce a fresh element, but it's always about the crew and the customers.


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I know - it just doesn't get boring! The chemistry between everyone here is amazing, the food looks delicious, and it probably helps that everything is so well edited.


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Coffee Friends = Its so cute. I love it!


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Isn't it lovely? I'm really savoring it! 😂


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Me too! I still have 8-10 to watch.


I have 7-10 still 😂


Hello, everyone!!!

Today I’m taking the GRE but I figure at this point I know as much as I’m going to know so I can take some time to write up something for WWW, because I’m ACTUALLY WATCHING STUFF NOW! Rejoice!

I dug through my comments and saw that the last time I commented on WWW was December 29th!! Oh my gosh!!

So, everything I have tried out since then... let’s start from the beginning!

SKY Castle: I live-watched this and was glued to my screen throughout the whole run. I wrote a bit about it on my fan wall when it ended so I won’t go too in-depth here, but welcome to my Favorite Shows list, SKY Castle. You were a crazy fun ride and I still think about you often. I’ve been thinking that this show would be a blast to watch with other Beanies on Rabbit. Anyone else interested? It’s really, really good!

I decided that I wanted to try watching at least the first episode of most premieres this year, and I’m terribly behind. I started off with The Crowned Clown at the beginning of the year and... I just need to accept that sageuks and I simply do not mix. It’s not them, it’s me. I’ve yet to find one that didn’t make my eyes glaze over. I just find them so dreadfully boring. I dropped this one at episode 9. I’m sorry, Yeo Jin-goo! See you next time! Or not, because I’m 99% certain I will not like Hotel del Luna. The grammar mistake alone for that title makes me shudder.

What’s Wrong Mr. Poong-sang was next on my list and it was an immediate drop. This is simply not my type of show. It has been a couple of months so I can’t tell you exactly what didn’t vibe with me, but I just remember being immediately turned off and did not venture past episode 1.

Spring Turns to Spring was a surprise for me. The first episode was super campy and cringe-y, but the show KNOWS that it’s campy and cringe-y and they just go all-in. After a few episodes I really got into the groove of the show and found myself laughing out loud a lot even though it’s not my usual type of humor. Uhm Ji-won and Lee Yoo-ri were revelations for me in this show, as I had never seen either of them in anything before, and overall I just adored both of their performances. Considering recent news, it’s so cathartic to watch a show about the relationship between two women and how they begin to change one another for the better as they walk in each other’s shoes, with one becoming a righteous reporter who brings down corrupt men while the other dumps her douchebag husband and jump-starts her career once again. Yes, this show is dumb. Yes, there are some plot holes. But my gosh, I enjoyed it. Seeing the two actresses act as Bomi-acting-like-Bom-acting-like-Bomi and vice-versa in the finale was hilarious to watch. What talent. These two are both treasures and I’m eagerly waiting for their next projects.

Against my better judgement, I started watching Romance is a Bonus Book and actually really enjoyed the first episode or...


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Against my better judgement, I started watching Romance is a Bonus Book and actually really enjoyed the first episode or two. However, I soon became tired of it and found myself falling asleep during episode 5. Welcome to the drop list, RIBB.

Last week I also watched the first episode of That Psychometric Guy and... I just couldn’t get into it. There were parts of that first episode that just didn’t sit right with me. Call it bad timing. However, I did really like the little I saw of Shin Ye-eun! She seems like a promising young actress and I’m looking forward to seeing her career blossom!

Next up on my list of new shows is Reach of Sincerity. I’m a bit apprehensive about beginning it because I generally do not like fluff, but I’m going to give it a chance.

The drama that I really would like to check out because it sounds hilarious and because I like Go Jun-hee is Possessed. I’m desperately hoping for quality subs to pop up! Legal streaming sites seem to not bother with OCN dramas very often. I mean, I get it—I have no OCN dramas among my favorite dramas and it’s rare for them to catch my attention. But still, it’s sad when one does grab your interest and subs are no where to be found!

Aaaaand I think that’s it! See you next week, Beanies!


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Hwaiting, @mindy! Break a leg!


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Good luck @mindy with your exam!


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Thank you!! I just want to get it over with, lol. It’s going to be a long 4 hours.


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Maybe sometime you can tell us what you plan to study.


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Glad to see your comment, @mindy I’ve missed seeing LMK appreciation posts from you.
Sky Castle was amazing. I think I spammed the wall enough of my love and frustrations for the show.
I feel the same about Sageuks. When I was knew to Kdramas, I loved the genre but after seeing like a few of them, I feel like I’ve seen it all. I know you could apply that to most kdrama genres but I find Sageuks especially boring. I tried it for YJG and while I loved the premier because YJG is so talented, I was glued to my screen, the effect lasted just three episodes. By the fourth, I was checking the time left I had to complete an episode. After a while, with all the politics going on, it feels eerily like deja vu. It’s same with revenge melodramas.

Spring Turns to Spring: I picked it up when I was sorta in a drama slump but dropped it unknowingly. I enjoyed its wackiness but I was not in the mood for anything then. I’m hoping to pick it up again.

RIABB: I enjoyed the first two episodes despite the bad reviews it got. But that was it. I didn’t go any further. Next week rolled in, I didn’t want to pick it up. It doesn’t help that I’m not the biggest fan of Lee Jong Suk (it’s not his acting or anything, I just never really liked him).

RoS: Thread lightly. The chemistry is on fire but how long do you think it’ll keep you interested especially since you said you’re not really a fan of fluff. I’ve more or less tapped out. The actors are amazing but.... I’m bored 😭😭

Possessed: I love Go Jun-Hee too and I was looking forward to this cause I didn’t watch her last drama. I was also looking forward to it because of the male lead. He had such great chemistry with Na-Ra in My Ahjussi and for some reason, Nara and GJH give me similar vibes - like they can pull off incredibly beautiful but somewhat crazy and slightly dumb characters. I don’t know if I’m making sense.🤔
Anyway, good luck with your GRE (had to google what it means). You’ve got this! 👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾


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Good luck!!


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Romance is a Bonus Book: The least said about that absolute travesty of a show, the better.
Dr. Prisoner: I have two questions after watching the first two episodes is -
1. What exactly goes on in South Korean hospitals? Because this is too much, even for suspension of disbelief. How is an emergency physician and cardiothoracic surgeon (HAH!!!!) performing neurosurgery? Cardiothoracic surgeons being forced to deal with facial wounds (- if you don't want a scar, shouldn't you call a plastic surgeon?) Anybody (if your family owns the hospital) can waltz into a theater wily-nily while an operation is going on - breaking the cardinal rules of asepsis? Is this what happens? Because this is too much. Come on!
2. So nobody, not a single human being involved in this production thought to consult people who work in the medical field? Or is this meant to be a fantasy drama?


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Those are good questions about DOCTOR PRISONER. I loved the first two hours and Namgoong Min's performance. I am not a medical person so I did not cringe on procedure but did cringe at the graphic surgery. It will be interesting to hear the thoughts of medical folks.
One of the medical questions for me is why there was not an attempt to deliver the pregnant woman's baby who was a month from delivery. NM's Dr. Na Yi-je wanted to try to deliver but the others with him said no.


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Re: Dr. Prisoner, I think it's just meant to be as outrageous as possible because apparently that is the trend now. Going for shock factor with total disregard to everything else.


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I agree completely about Romance, it's why I didn't finish it. As for Dr. Prisoner every single thing about it is over the top and ridiculous. Nevermind he was doing surgery, but the chaebol 2nd son was able to walk into the surgical ward and room and talk to the surgeon while he was performing the neuro surgery he shouldn't have been able to perform. It was all a hot mess, but I'm still going to watch and laugh at the absurdity


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@ladyjaye, @marcusnyc20 bong-soo,

I haven't seen the subtitles for ep. 2 of DOCTOR PRISONER yet, so didn't know that Namgoong Min's character is board-certified for both emergency medicine and cardiothoracic surgery (just like Seo Hyun-jin's character in ROMANTIC DOCTOR, TEACHER KIM). I was sure he had to be an ER doc certified for neurosurgery. Yikes! And that meth head chaebol twit expected him to do plastic surgery on his sister's face. Hello?! While the good doctor wants to do an emergency caesarean?

Having also watched BEAUTIFUL MIND, my own mind is boggling at this over-the-top hospital insanity. Barging into an OR not once, but twice, without taking someone hostage (as happened in RDTK)?! Don't they have a doggone lock on the OR door?

RDTK and BEAUTIFUL MIND set the standard for true-to-life depictions of surgery, IMHO, as the input of medical Beanies in the recap comments bore out.

I'm getting a feeling of déjà vu all over again. If the Possessed Defibrillator from ROOM NO. 9 had only been in the OR, maybe the baby would have survived. ;-)


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One can only imagine if MHC (your meth head chaebol) had barged into the OR while BEAUTIFUL MIND’s Dr. (Jang Hyuk) Lee (he without empathy) was performing surgery! Yikes!


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Or Kim Sabu in RDTK, for that matter. There would have been gore galore, and it wouldn't have been from surgical incisions. ;-)


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Lol. I had the same questions for Dr Prisoner. I'm not a doctor, but it was absurd when outsiders came barging in whenever, sometimes even in groups. And also the dependence on one doctor to do everything was absurd too. And the lighting, are operation theaters that dark? Hua3.

Maybe being over the top is the trend now. If drama wants to go cray and over the top, it goes all out. I'm gonna watch it, and count its absurd moments. Now if the drama was a bit more funner and not totally dark as it is now, it could fight TLE for top spot in my list of 2019 cray2 makjangfest. Hahaha


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The Psychometric Guy: Just like you, Mary, I fell in love with the ML almost instantly as well haha. The show is just so. much. fun. whenever he is in the frame. But I must say, I am not feeling the rest of the stuff that feel like a tropey cookie cut thriller. They also feel overdramatic. Like in one of the recent eps when the brother was looking at the criminal & they played this typical woman-singing-nonsensical-words-hauntingly song as the BGM. *rolls eyes* Its why I didn't like 3-4 as much as the premiere eps. Because, comparatively, it had less of Lee An. I am also not feeling the romance & I am icked out by the potential of romance between the FL & the brother. Ew. Stop. Just stop. Not here for that, AT ALL. I am sad that there was a time jump & the leads are no longer in high school. I had been looking forward to the leads teaming up to solve school mysteries. Oh well. Side note: I shipped Lee An with the noona when he was teasing her about her obvious crush on his brother. Is it only me? Fine. I will see myself out.


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I'm about to catch up with eps3-4 and I'm already preemptively mad at the show for giving us less of Lee An.


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Surprisingly am enjoying this show and LeeAn goofiness in high school was all things adorable. Yeah, a bit said they are not in school anymore.
Female Lead and bro - I too got that feeling he is going to do something stupid. Show, don't go there please.
And the female detective cop - she is too cool for Hyung based on what we know now.


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Haha, I enjoyed episode 3-4 less too, but a dumb ML is so refreshing and wonderful, sigh, how sad. That being said I agree with everything else you said, except I think the male and female leads are adorable. I ship it.


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I also shipped Lee An and the noona during that scene. Although I also ship Lee An and FL during their scenes... I'm so indecisive 😂


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hehe me too!
I was hoping I'd find you here!
Jinyoung is doing Well <3


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I was literally just skimming through all the comments to see what people were saying about He is Psychometric 😅


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Hehe same here.. I found it so funny and cute, I am surprised every time I hear anybody complaining about the drama.. lol I may be a little biased XD


How much medical does doctor prisoner has? That is a weird question but it didn't seem like it will be a typical medical drama. And now mary's description has got me excited because there has only been one show where I realized that there was no true evil and ypu could choose which side you'd like to take of the two because both of them competed. That show is my favorite and Mary's description looks similar too.


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I don't come from the medical field so your pet peeve levels may vary. .____.

The power play reminds me of Punch, where everyone is so brazen and unapologetic about the fight and there are no pretensions at all that the alliance you have now isn't something you'll backstab two seconds later. I went back and checked if it was made by the same team as Punch (it's not, but it has the same vibe). So if you like that kind of show, then check out the first two hours of Doctor Prisoner.


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Oup, to answer your initial question, there is a lot of medical-ing. But it's just a background for the power play so the accuracy will be uhm... not so good.


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I'm watching currently two dramas: The Fiery Priest and Doctor Prisoner. Some feel that the pacing in The fiery priest is too slow but I don't feel it. Maybe it is that I see the drama as a character driven story rather than a plot driven one.
Anyways, I'm probably one of few people out there who does not dislike Dae Young character at all in fact I like that he is so flawed. Once his past was showed to me I started to see things from his perspective and now his actions in the drama makes even more sense. Which resulted in me feeling quite sorry for him.
Anyways, I noticed that in this drama some characters use their head as a weapon, now the question is their head really that effective?

Doctor Prisoner: So...I watched four episodes and now I'm waiting for more. This drama is definitely dark in that there is little to good people which is fine with me. I love seeing characters power struggle and try to outwit one another. When it's done well it certainly gets addicting to watch.


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Hibiki 8 out of 10

Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday's You 8.5 out of 10


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I have already done reviews of these latest translated movies but i want put all these MANGA to Live-action movies together. why?
Because Manga to Live-action is quite difficult and demands clarity of thoughts which most of the scriptwriters lack and the result is half cooked mess of events put together as a movie.
You just can't make a manga into 2 hour movie. There is just too much information there to do a visual media.
That's why you need to have clear knowledge of Manga > its theme concept> its characters and arcs> events and outcome.
You just can't pick one event over other > one significant time period over other without going into how it affects the whole story. That's what all of these Live-action movies are doing. All of these movies lack coherence and basic logic.

Hibiki - Entertaining movie. Writer tries to show the concept. One part of the concept but then goes over action to make fun for the audience. Suddenly main characters are on beach. The guys have no role in the main character's life. The relationship between female lead and female friend.

Live-action scriptwriter just takes it that you accept whatever way they move ahead with relationships when in reality they show none of the character growth or any relationships growth.
Characters meet and next scene is they are already friends and have almost developed deep friendship. Such a Joke.
What about character conflicts!!? Characters just go from Hi to
any relationship in just one scene and their narrative of life see change without much change in the scenery. This mostly happens with Shoujo adaptations.

Seriously, i feel disappointed.

Sensei Kunshu - girl doing tricks and we have a movie
3d kanojo - bad done movie with no growth in characters, story as well various relationships.
Peach Girl - no logic whatsoever.
L-dk - same jump over reltionships


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Quite true. The live-action adaptations of the last few movies were disappointing. 3D Kanojo, Peach Girl and L-DK sucked big time. Strobe Edge and Sukitte Ii nayo were disappointing as well. BUT no one can compare with the sh*t that was P to JK (12 min in and...let's marry??? WTH!!!)

I rewatched Kimi ni Todoke just for a dose of healing (love this live-action so much). I think the last ones who were tolerable were My Little Monster and Orange.

Loved Daytime Shooting Star (glad she ended up with the student and not the teacher...usually, girls who fell in love with their teachers end up with them *cough*Close Range Love&My Teacher*cough*).

Gonna rewatch My Love Story!! (one of THE BEST live-actions) and Bokura ga Ita just for a dose of sadness (when I watch Bokura ga Ita it always reminds me of Hanamizuki...).

BTW, Nisekoi was just released. But I won't have high hopes for this one. I haven't watched Hibiki too, I hope it's good.


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Hibiki: Wow. I have been absorbed in how JMovies find space for difference within the confines of Japanese society.

To me: K seems to be defined by filial piety (within the smaller group) and its distortion/corruption. Whereas, J is the adherence to the ritual (the communal) but this allows for such a wide variation outside those defined criteria.

Hibiki is so fascinating in that it explores how an individual with enough talent and determination ("Ganbatte") can calve a place...by redefining which ritual they are following. It also acknowledges that as abrasive as individualism is...it intellectually nourishes others.

Ratings in 2 parts
[(Impact on me) vs (Quality)]

Hibiki: (9 - 8)
Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday's You (10 - 7)

P.S. I think you might enjoy the Thai film "BAD GENIUS"


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Watching -
HAJIMETE - 8 out f 10 - best love
Channel wa sonomama
Konna Mirai
Legal High - 6/10
Top Management - 6/10


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I mostly enjoyed the spring days this week... finally sun...and warmth...and flowers...and our kids with ice cream on a blanket in our garden 😁

...and it sort of reminded me of the warmth of Book Romance... I liked the show also for the messages it tried to say... and although not everything was perfect (like for example uneven writing around director Ko who I actually quite liked), I definitely don't regret watching it (but the COAT 😂). As Garfield says, there are 6 things I really loved about this show - library kisses, books, Gyeoro team (especially Yeong Ah), books, Wi Ha Joon, books 🙂

The only other show I managed to watch was Psychometric. Still liking it. Especially the humour. And for once the male lead is NOT a genius 😁😁

Curious whether Pretty Daughters will fill in the Healing Love gap... looking forward to Sexy Killer... and can't wait for Waikiki 😂


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Is Pretty Daughters = Mother of Mine? I've been waiting for that to start too and hoping it's a warm family drama. I haven't finished a Kim So-yeon drama in ages. T___T I've been disloyal to unni.


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Yes, that's the one.
Hoping for the same...


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Mother of Mine: One word - Hong Jong hyun


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After seeing the first episode, he is indeed the highlight. He... and the shirt... 😁


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I am also looking forward to watch Mother of mine :D what the writer had to say about the drama made me extra excited!:
"I want to tell the most essential story, though it may be a bit bored in the era of stimulating stories. I will give you a feeling of flowing hot river in the middle of your chest if you take a leisurely look. Like the beautiful flowers in the world during spring and summer, I pray that the most beautiful flowers will bloom in the hearts of viewers. "
Now I hope they deliver that for us.


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Mary, your description of Dr.Prisoner is sooo funny 😂 Though I'm not watching... and won't watch... too dark for me...

...watching Psychometric instead which actually is quite dark as well 😆, but the humour saves it for me... and it kind of reminds me of Mystery Queen...

How is 5 Kids? 🙂


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I didn't have time to watch it this week. My subs had a problem and I didn't have time to troubleshoot so I just watched other things. I'll probably get back to it after Light 11-12 post is done. :)


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Oh ☹
Hope you will solve it...
I'm trying to find time (and the right mood) for Dazzling... doing my best to avoid spoilers 😉


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Re: avoiding spoilers, it’s hard! I actually made a mistake today and ruined it for chickachunga. 😭


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all good all good! :)


"My subs had a problem"
I feel your pain, Mary. I feel your pain.


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I just watched it without haha... I figured since it's a weekend drama, I wouldn't miss much. Plus my (foolish) confidence in my familiarity with the common-used phrases. XD I'm actually on episode 15 now and the subs conked out again.


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That Psychometric Guy I think the story is interesting but I'm not convinced by the way they show it. For me, the big bro is the most interesting character. The hero doesn't fit in the dark story for now, it's kind of weird.

I picked up a star on the roadThe story is completely ridiculous but it's very funny.

Hajimete KoiI'm waiting for the final episode. I really like the cousin, he's really a nice character but as a west person, he's a cousin, so it's very weird.

Brave to Love (TW) I really liked the actor Zhang Ting Hu in The New World, so I'm happy to see him in a new drama. I didn't watch the original japanese drama asunaro hakusho, so I don't know the story.


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That Psychometric Guy
I watched this show because I just wanted to see what it was like, and am now hooked. The main lead is dazzling. Lee An just charms his way through every scene. He's a joy to look at, and he lights up the screen. The lead actress is aloof, but she holds her own against the charisma of Lee An. The brother is a bit stiff in his acting, and is he going to like the girl as well? She seemed to like him in the early episodes, but she seems to like Lee An a lot too.

We're almost at the end. The dumbness is getting to me, as a bunch of muddle-headed people without any clear plan or strategy to take down the bad guy continue on their pathless journey to maybe save the little girl and maybe stop a train and maybe save the world.


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Just when I thought I had watched every possible version of Itazura na Kiss a new remake gets issued. This one is a 2019 movie version named Fall In Love At First Kiss. Overall a cute movie that somewhat follows the general storyline of the manga. The heroine is sweet and not portrayed as dumb as in some of the versions.


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I can’t with the acting ang cringe in FIAFK, although not everyone. But yes, heroine (and hero) are a bit better versions of the previous ones.


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@isthatacorner have you heard about this remake?


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Yes! There are hot dads and hot older dudes GALORE. It is glorious even if it drops the ball on the finer points of the drama itself. But, its a movie. It can only do so much.


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The Light In Your Eyes
Two weeks ago, I thought this show will rush towards the end, get Hye Ja back to 25 years old and resolve everything at the last minute. It turned out to be a great finale week after that Mother Of All Twists. But the show is really much more than The Twist.

It talks about how human souls which stay young but trapped in an ageing body, the relationship between husband and wife, parents and children, friendships, loving oneself and more. It does all this without being preachy. Instead of telling, it shows these through the eyes of Hye Ja.

The last two episodes were stunningly beautiful and sad yet there was healing and hope. I don't cry easily but the scene where the son finally understood his mother opened my floodgates. Awesome acting from the cast.

This drama has a way of making me eat my words. I always like Nam Joo Hyuk but while I found him alright in the first part of this drama, I am bowled over in the later episodes. He was so good in the last two episodes.

I couldn't find any kdrama to watch while waiting for the new weekend drama so I turned to C dramas. I am trying out The Legends. I had zero interest in Xu Kai in Yanxi Palace but he looks so much better in this show. Xian Xia or fantasy is not my thing so let's see how long this eye candy can keep me hooked.


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How is The Legends? I’m conflicted whether to watch the drama or not. the drama looks pretty and good but I didn’t like Xu Kai’s acting in YanXi. He’s pretty but he was so wooden in that drama.


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I am only at ep 3. The usual xian xia stuff bores me but the OTP is very cute. C dramas are very good at having villains that are super irritating. This is no exception. I just wish I could skip everything and only watch scenes with the two leads.

I found Xu Kai very stiff in Yanxi too. He seems to have improved. In what I've seen so far, his character is still super naive and he does play it well. Strangely, he suddenly looks attractive to me. Well, I shall see if it lasts.


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I thought he was supposed to be stiff in YanXi, oh, well. I love The Legends, but like every drama I watch, I ff thru a lot and only watch scenes with the leads.


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I understood that the character was this uptight no nonsense guy but I expected something nuanced. I guess it's not just him, the actor but the character was boring.

Is that how one is supposed to watch C dramas? By ff a lot? Not every drama can keep your eyes glued to the screen for more than 50 eps!


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ff - works for me! However, if the drama is good enough and I like the secondary characters I'll go back and re watch everything. That's what I did with Oriental Odyssey, NIF2 and Fuyao. NIF2 was probably the first C-drama I watched and had to watch it a few times to understand everything. But it isn't xianxia like Oriental and Fuyao. Now that I've "watched" several Xianxia I get all the fantasy tropes used. Dramas like Yanxi that are about palace intrigue and manipulations by the females I do not like in the least. I ff thru so much of Yanxi. I must like dramas where everyone has to travel around the world, like in most Xianxia.


I wish I'd had a heads up about the content of The Light In Your Eyes. I would have enjoyed it much more knowing what I was getting into.


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@outofthisworld Oh, wow, you are dear to my heart now...you're trying The Legends! However, since I was trying to watch it raw I've no clue if the rest is any good since I don't know what they're saying (will watch with subs on Hotpot). For this one, eye candy goes a long way. I've tried to watch too many C-drama fantasies (xianxia?) and they're all alike, so I only have a couple of favorites that are either quirky, somehow different, or have a lot of heart.
Beautiful words re Light in Your Eyes. If I do my own post I'll just list Light because others have done such beautiful descriptions. But going thru these posts it seems not many have bothered to even try to watch it. Sadly.
I did watch of couple of stand alone episodes of HIStory, a Taiwanese drama about gay relationships. Out of curiosity because, I mean, how brave and progressive of Taiwan to tackle such a subject, especially in Asia. They were interesting but I soon got bored. Love is the same regardless, and the tropes are the same, regardless.


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I'd prefer to watch it with Eng subs because I couldn't understand a lot of phrases in Chinese when they talked about all those fantasy stuff. Since I don't care about those anyway, it was alright.

Light is not the kind of drama everyone would enjoy. Reading comments elsewhere, I found that reactions were a mixed bag. Some hated the twist, they wanted fantasy - Hye Ja regaining her youthful self and romancing Joon Ha. I wasn't exactly clamoring for that but I got rewarded with a even more beautiful story of Hye Ja romancing Joon Ha. Funny, it's kinda the same but yet viewers aren't happy. Maybe they thought this was a rom com, which again it did look like one at times. Just that it wasn't the type of rom com they wanted.


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Yeah, you're right about that. I read several comments that some didn't understand what was going on, plus as you said it wasn't what they were expecting because they were looking forward to a rom com.
I just watched the first two episodes of Legends on Hotpot. Thing is, I prefer watching on the comfortable couch with the big tv using Roku. However, the sound is either terrible or nil. So with Hotpot I'm forced to sit on a hard uncomfortable chair which means I really have to be invested to watch on the computer. On the other hand I have to use stereo headphones - I had no idea the music was so incredible.


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Oh, yeah, what I like about YouTube, Netflix and Hotpot is you can actually see what scenes you want to ff so I could skip to Xu Kai and her scenes easily, ha! At ep 2, 39:28 you see see what huge hands Xu Kai has. On an aside, my daughter's name is Kai and she also has his eyes.


Currently watching: the daily landmine explosions of the Burning Sun scandal.
SPRING TURNS TO SPRING: This was a nice and fun show. It has enough of its sci-fi explanations so viewers did not get sidetracked with WTF is that happening moments. I could tell that the cast and crew really enjoyed making this series. It showed in their performances, especially Uhm Ji-won and Lee Yoo-ri who mirrored each other's character so well.
LIVER OR DIE: I hated the happiest of happy endings for this show. The main characters spent the entire show in their own cesspool quicksand of selfish, delusional and dumb behavior to be suddenly transformed into a prosperous family.


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Spring Turns To Spring. Funny.
Liver or Die: Far fetched, the whole show was over wrought, but I liked the characters. I was watching Chuno at the same time so, a double dose of Oh Ji Ho.


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Wang's Family (2013) - I really liked how this turned out despite hating the first 15 episodes. I still disliked the youngest couple but in the end grew to really liked everyone. Cho Seong Ha and and Kim Hee Jung's love story broke my heart and was what kept me watching. The resolution to their story was so satisfactory. It has one of the most realistic and best ending (which is more than I can say for My Only One).

My Only One - Tuned in just to see how ridiculously it ended. Ugh, I cannot believe it almost reached 50% viewership. I will never watch another Uee or Choi Soo Jong drama again after this. To think I loved watching Uee so much in High Society. This drama was such a drag with the repetitive recycling of its own story line every few episodes. It had one of the worst ending ending ever.

Dr. Prisoner - I can tell from the first 2 episodes that this is going to be ridiculously makjang but I can't take my eyes off Nam Goong Min, Kim Byung Chul and Choi Won Young. Is the trend in Korea now makjang? Because all the makjangs seemed to be garnering all the high ratings.


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Haechi: It only keeps to be more interesting. I can't believe it has reached the half-way. Hopefully it will keep its pace till the end.

Just between Lovers: Just started watching this. It is really good so far. It may becomes best romance drama for me!

Doctor Prisoner: Wow. It seems darker than I thought.

He is Psychometric: I'm not sure how it is so far. However, I tend to choose to watch Haechi first before it. Hmm. Let's see where the story will go.

Planning to watch Confession and Kill It tomorrow. It has been almost 2 years since there are so many dramas in my plate. hewhew.


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Just Between Lovers: imo, one of the best dramas in the past couple years.


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I watch too much jdramas fro my own good

long vacation:
I can not believe am only watching this now , dear lord i didn't know i could fall more in love with jdramas . the show felt so nostalgic even though i wasn't even born when it was made . this show will be my number one recommendation anytime am asked to suggest a romance drama and I fell in love so much with the acting and time zone that i started

love generation ( okay maybe with a little part of me is in love with Sena) but the female lead in this one makes me want to push her in front of a TOD just to get rid of her , but am only at episode 4 so am not sure .

kuzu no honkai : oh how I've grown , this was actually the first jdrama that i attempted and couldn't understand why she loved onii-san ( thought he was ugly AF ) and young me was too new for that level of jdrama madness so i dropped it and then picked 1 liter of tears ( which lead me down my rabbit hole of dramaland) but recently i decided to pick yup this show and i enjoyed every bit of it , the honesty and sadness and the need to not white wash any characters or have a pure female leads ... my only complain is " JAPAN WHY YOU DO ME LIKE THAT TT.TT" i keep on forgetting jdoramas are not afraid to screw a person over time and time again , i feel so trolled this year ( this is not the first time this year alone ) .

kenjo no ia : somebody is going to hell one day and i pray its not me , this series is all types of wrong , its only four episodes long , but honestly not for the faint of heart, i could only manage to go through episode one and am dreading the rest of the story.

its about this woman who decides to take revenge on her best friend by using her son.

goodbye my princess : if i hear someone go n about how cute or how bad they feel for the poor crown prince am going to scream , people even wish she forgives him so they can be together and some keep on saying he loves her more than she loves him ... mstewwww

if i where her ancestors i would be rolling around in my grave, what he feels for her is not love , NOPE ... it would be a different story if he was only just part of the plan but HE wielded the sword that chopped of her grand fathers head and he still has the audacity to open his mouth and claim he loves her , wonders shall never end .

oh my general : sandra ma is the most charismatic human being that ever was ... this show brings me so much happiness ... my favourite thing is the fact the the concubines are actually a team and the have mastered the art of getting the prince to do what thy want ... This show would be so much more wacky if Thailand got its hands on it .

the legend : demoness makes me have faith in cdramas again ( that's a lie) , i hope she doesn't get all purified and all goody two shoes. this is a drama i actually wait for episodes of i hope i finish it ( i have this ability of finish ONLY two in ten dramas i start no matter how short or long )...


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romance is a bonus book : could never understand the hate for director ko or the claim she was jealous , up until episode ten before she knew of the lies dan i told i would ask jealous of WHAT .

the woman was a high school graduate little job experience , divorced , no money or house to stay in and many more problems , no matter how i looked at dan i i couldn't find what could be so jealousy inducing from director ko's point of view ...

Great men academic:

k and c-drama : we cant really go there so lets cross-dress a woman and do some queer-baiting .

Thia drama: hold my beer.

This is the correct level of cute and craziness I need to forget the pains of my exams TT.TT ...

The judgement : this was a good drama but 4/10 ... I would rather have given Japan or even Korea to make this drama. They picked a good topic but refused to actually dig deep and proceeded to make the female lead mother Theresa. And it all fell flat .but still A for effort.

Tomorrow I will date yesterday's you : because of last week's conversations I went to re watch this and let me say I still understand nothing someone please explain this movie in details to me , I get the basics but the time thing baffles me.

friend zoned : i wanted stud and earth together . don't judge me ..

silsila badalte rishton ka : I always get pulled back in no matter how far I run , I know how it will go but STILL ....


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kenjo no ia 😳 The Mean Girl is such a evil wench. Wicked story, no fluff here.


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its so frustrating but i hate mayu as much as i hate yuri ... mayu did the one thing i can never get over i Asian dramas making children pay for what their parents did ... am all for her revenge but what she is planning to dod with naomi only karma will get her ...


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No angels here, Mayu is twisted as well. It’s a good show. I like these dark dramas. I wish Viki would pick up J dramas like this. WOWOW has put on some good shows.

I take a look at HamsapSukebe‘s blog. His must watch list address below.



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@john Thank you for the link! I've recently discovered jdramas and I absolutely love them


I've been thinking about watching Long Vacation again - it was the very first drama I ever watched, and it started me on this years long drama addiction!


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wow ... i just watched it and i thing it is my favourite portrayal of a romance so far , i just needed more couple fluff ... can you recommend any old school romances like this one


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Try "Pride", also with Kimura Takuya, that is one of my favorites too!


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So, I stumbled onto a 2018 cuckoo, Chinese drama called Mengfei Comes Across . My experience has ranged from laughing hysterically (a rendition of 'A-B-C-D-E-F-G had me in stitches) to thoughts like 'What is happening here?' 'Seriously, what is going on?' 'Where did the next scene go?' and 'Why do you keep doing that?', but I haven't stopped watching. It's a harem drama with the usual OTP (sort of) and four consorts whose relationship is really well written. I'm not totally sold on the romance, which I think isn't helped by the drama's episodic formula, but the comedic elements can be golden. I'm not sure it's fully subbed yet, though.

I'm also stockpiling the final four episodes of Reach of Sincerity. Other than that, Fiery Priest was mostly funny and I'm playing catch up on Legal High.


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Mengfei Comes Across sounds like fun.


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It largely is.


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I am hoping to be able to watch all three new dramas: DOCTOR PRISONER, CONFESSION and KILL IT.
I loved the first two hours (four episodes) of Doctor Prisoner .Namgoong Min is nailing his part as Dr. Na Yi-je. DP is almost OCNish in style. Like in any medical drama there will be questions about medical accuracy etc. I watched on Kocowa by Roku and I still have to fiddle around to get the subs to appear. I wonder if DP will be one that is not released to Viki. (Something is going on at Viki with programming. I am not sure what yet.)
I am now anxiously waiting to see if CONFESSION (tvN-which probably means long episodes) and KILL IT (OCN) appear subbed on my go to *alternate* site.


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Doctor Prisoner is on Viki. It didn't show up until Friday but it's there.


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Thanks. I found it.


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Does anyone whether or not daebakdrama is a legit site?


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It is not. However, it is my favorite of the non-legit sites. Less likely than some of the others to send you off to unsavory sites.


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If a legit site would air "Confession" I'd be more than happy to watch it on a legit site in the U.S.


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I believe Confession is ~60mins long. So, it's not too long. (Yeay🎉) However, the only medium it's being broadcast outside Korea as of now is K-Plus Asia (a paid channel and only available in Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia). It hasn't appeared on any legal streaming sites that I know of. 😔😔 Some of these alternate sites might get the sub from K+ tho... I hope Netflix get rights for other regions


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