Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…



That Psychometric Guy: I’ll admit, I tend to take a poor view of idol-actors–I’ve been burned too many times before! With a cast chock full of idol and rookie actors, (and a paranormal angle I wasn’t entirely sold on) That Psychometric Guy wasn’t high on my watchlist, but I tuned in out of pure curiosity. I’m so glad my curiosity got the better of me, as the drama turned out to be much more interesting and entertaining than I’d expected. The story is engaging, and right now, I want to know more about what happened in the past to bring our characters to where they are today. Jinyoung and Shin Ye-eun may be rookies, but there’s something so charming and vibrant about them and it really works for their high school student characters. Count me intrigued! Let’s hope the showrunners can keep this up.



The Light in Your Eyes: If you’re drifting in dramaland right now and just watching other shows out of habit, put them on hold and pick this up. It has aired 10 episodes so far and will end at episode 12. I used to complain that Light in Your Eyes feels like a montage of thoughtful scenes which are good in themselves, but become disconnected when the show swings between meaningful and pointless-but-laugh-out-loud funny. So I’m happy (if sobbing into your cereal while watching TV is considered “happy”) that the show knew what it was doing all along. The reveal at the end of episode 10 puts all that disconnect into context, turning the past 10 hours from plain enjoyable to poignant in retrospect. Psst… if you start it now and catch up, we can group cry when it ends next week.

Five Kids: I need some wholesome content in my life right now. Normally, a show that starts with a bakery brawl between a divorced couple doesn’t count as wholesome content, but Five Kids strangely makes it work. The different plot threads have that perfect balance between annoying and endearing which makes for a relatable family drama. The main couple (the two single parents) make me smile so much at their non-doormat resilience and growing respect for each other. I’m rooting for their happiness together, even if they don’t even know they’ll be paired up yet. But we drama vets can smell the setup a mile away, right?



Romance is a Bonus Book: I’m just about caught up on this drama… just in time for the final week. Sadness! I’ve enjoyed this story so much. The lead characters are delightful, and I love how they have gently slid into a romantic relationship. However, the thing I’ve enjoyed the most is the backdrop of the publishing world. No, not the competitive, corporate rules and regulations aspect, but the fact that the majority of the characters in this show are in love with the written word. The reverence for books and writing and paper and poetry in this drama is absolutely contagious. When an episode is over, all I want to do is turn off the TV and bury myself in a stack of books. Maybe that’s why I’ve gotten so behind in my live watching?

Big Issue: I’ve watched the premiere episodes of Big Issue, and this drama is so different than I expected! Maybe because I’ve only seen the leads in rom-coms or melo-romances, but the seamy, noir feel was totally unexpected, and kind of a nice switch up. Not sure if I’m in for the long haul, though.


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I left half of drama soul on the last episode of Kingdom Season 1. I need to know what will happen next as if my life depends on it ! 😣

As my other half drama soul isn't really in the mood for currently on-going dramas, I look forward to several upcoming dramas instead ;
Waikiki 2
Her Private Life
Hotel del Luna
Mung Bean Flowers
When the Devil Calls Your Name
and of course, Kingdom Season 2 👍


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I also look forward to Mung Bean Flower. I can't believe I actually look forward to a sageuk project, but I miss Jo Jung-seok. And the writer is great too.


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And Han Ye Ri, also Yoon Shi Yoon~ 😘 😆


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Lol. I waiting for the return of Yoon Shi-yoon In MUNG BEAN FLOWER. MBF’s wiki page says its release date is April, 2019. The good thing is that since it is a SBS production it should be available on either Viki, KOCOWA or both.


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I agree with you about Kingdom. It will be hard to wait out the year..


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I hope the will release it in the later half of 2019 😣🙏


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They are currently filming so it's possible.


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Thanks @keiru for reminding me of WHEN THE DEVIL CALLS YOUR NAME. I am really looking forward to the reunion of the LOM bros Jung Kyung-ho and Park Sung-woong. I believe is supposed to air during the second half of 2019.
I just checked both their instagrams account and don’t see any reference to their working on this drama yet. Why am I not surprised that PSW’s last instagram post is from about 3 years ago.


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Kyung Ho posted several pictures of him holding (and might be playing) guitar, and his longer hair style ! Maybe it's the part of preparation for his upcoming role 😆 Can't wait for it !


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Lol. Great point. I am pretty slow on the uptake.
JKH is after all portraying a song writer in this drama.
I remember during LOM he posted bts Polaroid type pics. He is one of my favorites.
I only wish there was a place for his pal Yoon Hyun-min.


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I also lost my interest to watch all current airing k-drama. I try to push myself to give a try but to no avail. The last dramas I watched are Sky Castle & Empress’s Dignity. It seem ages to look back the days that pass by without any k-drama that can hook me up. I’m really curious why I lost my ultimate mojo spirit that used to love every inch of k-drama.

Anyhow i’m eager to looks forward upcoming dramas especially Waikiki 2.

Now I will continue to re-read Harry Potter books & play PUBG to kill my times.


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Touch Your Heart / Reach of Sincerity: 8/10 They picked an "interesting" week to show the spoiled rich guy drugging people.

Romance Is A Bonus Book: 5/10 So the big reveal involves someone getting nosey and going thru someone else's stuff. Surprise! It's a kdrama.

Spring Turns to Spring: 9/10 Hilarious & predictable. They'd better have something good planned to get them out of this mess in the final week.

Big Issue: 6/10 Day 3 was tear-jerk time. They laid it on too thick. Call it Big Tissue. Day 4 was much better. Could become a favorite if they repeat days 2 & 4, or a drop if they rerun days 1 & 3.

Legal High: 7/10

Psychometric Guy: 5/10 Day 2 was a 6; day 1 was a 4. I can do math problems too :)

Haechi: 6/10

Possessed: 2/10 Subbed version showed up late... I'd rate the show (week 1) maybe a 4 or 5 if it had good subs, but I'd rate the subs a 3 and the combo a 2. Guess the lesson is if sites don't have subs promptly it might be because the good subbers figured out it wasn't worth it.


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Touch your heart: I also felt it was too much of a coincidence. It was really hard not to compare what YoonSeo went through with what's happening IRL to real women in Korea, esp how she was forced to drink because she couldn't afford to piss him off, and drugged and woke up in the stalker asshole's room. The writers probably didn't want to delve into something too serious for this show, but I also seriously doubt that Creepy stalker would drug and drag a woman to his room just to admire her sleeping.

And so I was really angry with the way the plot dealt with the case - they just threw him in the prosecutor's van and suddenly everything's magically solved? Aren't we going to see him go to trial and get charged for stalking and trespassing, not just whatever happened in Macau? Didn't Jungrok say he was going to make that happen?? Weren't the both of them supposed to conquer this together??
I'm just really upset about how this case was resolved, and the only way they could revive my love for this show (especially after the way Ep12 ended!) is to see Stalker chaebol in court and have Jungrok charge him for the max sentence of harrassment and assault.

But I doubt it... looking at the pattern of how all the other cases were resolved so quickly, and now that YoonSeo has gotten her fame and popularity back again..


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I couldn't get through past 4 episodes for both Touch Your Heart and Romance is a bonus book. I guess rom-com is not my thing

Is Legal High good? I'm wary because I heard that they copy the original J-drama too much


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I didn't like it at first. After a few episodes I got kinda hooked. The male lead's character is an "acquired taste".
Haven't seen the original, so don't care how close it is.


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I have to get back into Spring! I got really really busy and got behind on it, but I was enjoying it so far.


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Touch Your Heart: They also picked an "interesting" restaurant to cure Yoon-seo of her FOEA (fear of eating alone) in episode 9. Aori Ramen was founded by Seungri. It's times like these when K-dramas should just eat at Subway.


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The Light in Your Eyes
KUDOS to this drama! The payoff this week was perfect, as Chanel’s arc concluded in a beautiful manner in episode 9 and episode 10 gave us the big reveal that reverses what would have been flaws had the drama been a normal time-slip show. The best highlight however was the Joon Ha rescue sequence: with similarities to the movie Kung Fu Panda 3, Hye Ja rallies the old folks and uses their strengths to conquer a foe that was seemingly overpowered. The fact that it was unrealistic wasn’t forgotten either so I was able to laugh out loud AND appreciate the writing intention behind it.

That Psychometric Guy
What I find the most interesting is that while both Sung Mo and Jae In share the same desire in revealing the past’s truth, Sung Mo plays the waiting game hoping for Lee An’s powers to develop enough to catch the real culprit in one swoop of info gathering whereas Jae In demands instant gratification and couldn’t be bothered even if there’s only a morsel of information. I think it says volumes of their differing beliefs: Jae In thinks that her father is fully innocent and wants to free him ASAP while Sung Mo only has at best inconclusive evidence or at worst suspicions on the real culprit.

Reach of Sincerity
As feared, the show threw at us that darned noble idiocy cliche at exactly the three-quarter mark. Adding to the list of offensively mediocre writing is the lacklustre and rushed development of 2nd lead couple (seriously though, only a few lines for an underwhelming backstory of a trope?), the Cinderella complex perpetuated by the show (I’m annoyed that all Yoon Seo did was say some empty threats without actively retaliating against her stalker) as well as that sudden wrap up of the stalker arc (maybe real life did force some changes but the show did waste its first half so this is on it).

Spring Must Be Coming
I’ve been fast-forwarding this show quite a bit ever since the writing veered off tangent for the sake of body-swapping wacky humour. This week’s episodes showcased how random the story had become: weird English dialogue in the CIA side arc with some ‘lucky’ escapes by the two brothers, a multitude of characters getting their minute of screen time (Bo Mi’s mother reunion arc / Im Soo’s actor arc / comic book store lady’s scam arc) as well as the cheating couple just walking casually onto the big secret (the cliffhanger felt quite numb as a result). Disappointed much but will finish this.


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My favorite part of Light in Your Eyes' rescue was when Klepto Halmoni pulled the chainsaw out of her pants and started swinging it around.


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Probably the funniest thing I've seen after a long time. Omg was that hilarious.


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I haven't seen Kung Fu Panda - any - but that scene reminded me of the plot line in Cloud Atlas with the elders escaping from the nursing home.


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Coffee Friends: The merry-go-round of part-timers was the highlight of the show. The best part-timer owner was Baek Jong-won hands down. I love how he turned Coffee Friends into Baek Jong-won's Coffee Restaurant. I wish their actor friends were hired as part-timers especially Ji Hyun-woo, So Ji-sub, and Ji-soo from episode 5. It is amazing they hired two of the top three boy groups Ex-Bang-Wan. What a pity Nation's Center could not stay to work. Models always have part-time experience unlike idol trainees. Why did Yang Se-jong tell Cha Sun-woo to write out the full names of the dishes, yet he told Nam Joo-hyuk to write "S" for stew and "T" for toast? Sabotage.

The legendary lines in Coffee Friends:

Oh Sehun: Shall I walk you out?
Nam Joo-hyuk: I can't leave. You have no time to do the dishes.
Baek Jong-won: Did you ride a motorcycle here?

Why did they not show Coffee Friends at home until episode 9? We only saw snippets of their home life in episode 2 when Jo Jae-yoon tricked them about his plane not being able to land and in episode 5 when Choi Ji-woo made vin chaud for their new menu. We never even saw them go out for dinner until Oh Sehun. Where was Na PD? He is always with the cast in his other shows. Who was in charge of the grocery shopping when Jo Jae-yoon was not working? My favorite cast member was Son Ho-jun who was the calm before the storm while everyone else was frazzled. I loved his satoori and sang his "Don't get flustered. Let's stay calm." mantra with him. I wish Yoo Yeon-seok and Son Ho-jun wrote thank you messages on the photos to the friends they personally recruited including Choi Ji-woo, Yang Se-jong, and Jo Jae-yoon (Yoo Yeon-seok: Yang Se-jong, Jo Jae-yoon, Cha Sun-woo, Oh Sehun, Kang Daniel; Son Ho-jun: Choi Ji-woo, Jung Yunho, Nam Joo-hyuk; both: Baek Jong-won) because it would have been more personable than Choi Ji-woo and Yang Se-jong writing them to people they barely know. I can never see Yang Se-jong the same way again.


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Probably they did write personalised letters but they didn't show us. Otherwise it seems pretty weird for YSJ and CJW to write thank you letters for the part timers.

As for the grocery shopping, I'm pretty sure JW was in charge because she always used to come later than the guys and usually carried grocery bags.

And maybe YSJ told NJH to write shorthand because they were pressed for time on the last day and also he has previous part time experience, so he could easily relay the order even if written in shortcut.


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Addition: this is not Na PD show. He is sort of the Head PD of tvN so the show(s) indeed need his aproval but not his to direct.


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Park Hee-yeon PD directed Coffee Friends, but this is still a Na PD show. However, this does explain why Coffee Friends and Youn's Kitchen are like night and day. (I prefer Youn's Kitchen by far.)


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But Yang Se-jong and Choi Ji-woo did write thank you messages to Jung Yunho and Cha Sun-woo respectively, which were weird ("I am sorry I didn't get to take better care of you.")

They really ought to have shown Jo Jae-yoon and presumably Choi Ji-woo grocery shopping before the final episode. I want to see Choi Ji-woo shop for different-patterned napkins.

I'm going to assume they changed the order-taking to shorthand like they did with the filling the pan with hot water to boiling the stew in the pan because even with no part-time experience, I know Baro can relay the order if he wrote "stew" instead of the full name "black pork tomato stew."


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Haechi: How come this drama is just getting better and better each week? I'm half expecting the other shoe to drop, and yet I couldn't help hoping that this will be the sageuk I enjoy from beginning to end.

Come and Hug Me: Up to eps 14. I cried so much for everyone. And I'm both dreading and anticipating the last 2 eps, what's with one brother coming back to the right path while the other started deeping his feet into the darker side.

Touch Your Heart: Ughh... Noble idiocy!! And I was just praising you two as a refreshingly honest and supportive couple. Sigh.


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Come and Hug Me is soooooooooo good! I just picked it up again last week and finished it. I love that I waited until I watched it because it felt so rewarding to watch from the beginning until the end without waiting week after week for the next episodes to air :D


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I'm so glad I binge-watch it now, because I remember this drama became one of the pre-emptions victim back when it was airing. I couldn't imagine how tough it was to watch the story being dragged for more than 2 months.


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Come and Hug Me was so saddddd, depressing some times, with thriller sometimes, romance sometimes, and it was so endearing!!! I wished for the main couple happiness since episode 1, I just WANTED TO HUG THEM!!! One of the best titles I've seen for a drama, well...it's actually nothing special, but that's the feelings that the views have, not the characters themselves!! KUDOS!!!


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Very well thought of title. I had the wrong idea until the last episode when it all made sense why the title was Come and Hug Me.


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I'm watching 0 kdramas lately. On a slump, I guess. I am waiting for all episodes of Sky Castle to be available though. So that's promising.


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Gintama 2 - is translated. 7/10

Watched it. it does have some weird good humour and good action but overall quite a slow movie.


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Hajimete - A story to read - another good josei romance. 7.5/10

Acting demands more attention. little bit of direction edits here and there and we get almost romance of 2019.

3 nen a gumi - such a cliche but true outcome. Theme of the show is quite good. 7.5/10

Hanbun - Mei Nagano. ahh.

Machida-Kun - is getting live-action movie. wow

Takane to Hana - shoujo starting next week.


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i really like 'hajimete---' cannot wait for the last episode. I heard that the original manga has not finished so that the ending is going to be the drama original.


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I really like Hajimete too. There is no evil characters.


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Korean and Chinese -

Poong Sang - episode 19 is good.
Babel - almost dropped. no time to waste
The Guy - mediocre 1st week. annoying characters. prosecutor brother and female police look good together. losuy writing and meh direction. cliche story and seems like a copy-paste.

Legal High - trash. 6/10. good to see main characters bicker. but that's it.

Top Management - Heroine and that idol leader are the better ones. rest is meh. 6/10


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Chinese -

The Golden Eyes - 6/10. As i always said - theme or concept of the show is good but execution is trash. No logic whatsoever and the show has forgotten what it stands for. Annoying characters including the main leads.

Nice to Meet You - another Chinese trash. dropped in 3 episodes.
Art in Love - trash. dropped.

I hear You - trash.

How Come Chinese land come up with such ridiculous shows and frustrating characters who easily violate others rights. All shows dropped within 3 episodes and golden eye just skipping scenes.


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[Sorry for the deleted post. I'm assuming there's no other way to edit a comment?] As a fellow Chinese drama viewer, I haven't watched any of these (though I dropped The Golden Eyes after a few minutes because the opening scene and the intro made it seem as if it was made for Lay fans only). I've been slowly making my way through Like a Flowing River after finishing The Story of Ming Lan. Both series are definitely not trash, but they are on the slow side if you haven't watched either. Other recent Chinese shows I've sampled include Goodbye My Princess, I Will Never Let You Go, The Legend of Hao Lan, and When We Were Young.

Goodbye My Princess wasn't that terrible considering the doomed plot (naive princess falls for treacherous prince twice thanks to amnesia in what I assume is a tragedy), but I didn't like the characters or the plot.

I Will Never Let You Go is somewhat fun thanks to decent leads in Zhang Bin Bin and Ariel Lin. The style, humor, and intro seem to be borrowed from a different era when over-the-top characters and slapstick comedy were the norm. It was a bit too lightweight to hold my interest (and something about Ariel Lin's character bugged me, though I liked her paired with Bin Bin).

The Legend of Hao Lan felt like a cheap knockoff of Story of Yanxi Palace, which I liked. I love Nie Yuan, but I think Wu Jin Yan tends to overact. Her character in Yanxi Palace was fantastic regardless, but the true story of Queen Dowager Zhao made me drop this one.

When We Were Young is the latest slice-of-life high school drama in the spirit of Rush to the Dead Summer and A Love So Beautiful. The girl isn't the brightest, but the two guys who love her are, of course. Still, it reminds me of the Reply series (in a good way), even if it doesn't offer anything new.

Anyway, that's my Chinese drama review, which I'm offering to complement yours.


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I share your frustration about The Golden Eyes. I love the concept, but we are now 24 episodes in, and know nothing more about the origin, background story, powers, side effects, duration, etc of the “Golden Eyes” than we did after the first 4 or 5 episodes. It’s annoying, especially as Zhuang RuI appears to be having some serious side effects after accessing their power. It’s way past time for some more background story there.

The directing is terrible. The scenes cut in and out, with no explanation or context for the transition from one scene to the next. The characters are just suddenly on a new place, doing another thing, without explanation.

And I am also tired of the unconvincing attempt to create a tense romantic love triangle. Again, 24 episodes in and Zhuang RuI still seems to have no clue that either of the 2 female main characters like him. I really don’t care if there is romance or not - neither of the relationships generate much sexual chemistry - but the writer needs to either commit to a romantic storyline or drop the romance angle altogether. The dilly dallying about is way beyond tiresome at this point.

But I am still interested in the story, and want to know the mystery behind these Golden Eyes, and how everything will be resolved, so I’m definitely still watching. And not for Lay Zhang. I couldn’t have picked him out of a police lineup before this drama. The only EXO member I stan is Chanyeol, and I only know him because of the official video he and Punch did for their OST song for Goblin. (Which I love.)


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ANIME - @spazmo @csmith @minitwin @bernadett

Karuta - is a game, artwork, poetry and sports all in one package.

@minitwin I'm into slice of life, comedy, sports and subtle romance genre so can recommend anime around only those genre. If you liked Chihayafuru then must try some of the sports anime. or wait for KONO OTO TOMARE starting in April.
My recommendation - Try Adachi Mitsuru's manga and anime

@risaa tried Touch !!!??


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Reach of Sincerity: I started it! And I love it! I'm on episode seven now, and can safely say that Kwon Jung-rok is the greatest ever. (Although I still don't understand why he calls her Jin-shim - was I not paying enough attention?) 😘

I haven't been able to bring myself to watch 2 Days 1 Night since... No, I don't even want to talk about it anymore. So instead, I've been watching Coffee Friends! And it's actually made my week, so I'm glad I found it. Yang Se-jong is adorable. 😍


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Oh, wait!

Year 3 Class A (Final Thoughts): This drama was not the black comedy I wanted it to be, despite the hilariously fake scenery and homage to suit actors. It chickened out of that pretty early, and instead it became a somewhat predictable story. Masaki Suda was phenomenal, of course, but some of the younger actors were indescribably awful (looking at you, Kai). Nevertheless, it was a throughly enjoyable experience with a good final twist. I would recommend it to fans of Solomon's Perjury, since it shares a fixation on social justice.


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So it's no longer 3 nen B gumi? Now it's A gumi? Is it good? I keep hearing people watching it but it never got me interested, unlike those years ago when I watched every episode of the season like a madman


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I think you're thinking of a different show? This is completely stand-alone, about a teacher who holds his class hostage. It's not quite as dark as I wanted it to be, but a pretty decent drama.


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Oh, so it's not the same show. Thanks for clarifying it! I'll try to take a look at 3 nen A gumi then


Jin shim is her actual name. He doesn't want to use her stage name in a professional setting. That's what he said maybe in a later episode.


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Jin Shim also directly translates as "true heart" which means sincerity so there is your on-the-nose pun for the title of the show! 😆


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I got the pun! 😆
I love punny titles. Like how 'Jealousy Incarnate' also meant 'Jealous Hwa-shin'! 😂😂😂


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Hehe, how about "Master's Sun" in which the sun (taeyang) is Tae Kong-Sil!


Or Strongest Deliveryman? "Choi Kang", meaning strongest, is the first two syllables of Kang-soo's name.


😂 Who is back? Bok-soo.


Yeah I was reaching a bit myself and thinking about the last scene between Reaper and Sunny in Goblin- he says something to the effect of you are or this is my "true heart". . . .


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He explains more thoroughly later why he calls her that. Also, I think thats her real name and not her stage name.


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I mean, it's cute, I just feel like there's are a lot of little jokes in the drama that I'm not privy to! 😅
How are you, Isa? You were having issues with your car a while back, right?


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I have a new car! Her name is Bluelabelle and we are friends! I have a whooooooooole new host of problems now! But, isnt that true for all of us?
How are you?


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Stressed about my upcoming exams, but otherwise I'm not bad! 😂


He explained later that he thought Yoon Seo was her stage name and wanted her to be sincere (JinShim) so he started calling her that even though Yoon Seo is her real name.


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In Reach of Sincerity- he calls her Jin Shim because that is her real name rather than her stage name.


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touch your heart- Didn't watch episode 12 because I already know what's going to happen and I'm not prepared to wait an entire week after watching that. Hopefully it turns out to be a fake out or YS rejects his rejection and he comes to his senses.
I don't really think the stalker story is over because there are still 4 eps left. It also somehow ties up to the case that LSW is working on. I want to see that 3 best friends working together and catch the guy once and for all. I really want to know who the all powerful and elusive attorney is for Lee gang Joon.
psychometric guy - The ML's acting is still lacking- I felt he was trying too hard in some scenes. But it's interesting since his powers are not always advantageous and lands him in trouble as much as helping him.
the light in your eyes- Finally starting to catch up. I already know the twist, but it's actually helping me to catch all the inconsistencies which I would've missed otherwise.


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I have been postponing my watch of episode 12 as well!! 😅
I am just so afraid that this PD is gonna Ji-ho-fy Jung-rok by once again cramming down the nonsensical N. I down our throats and ruin another one of my all-time favorite characters. Please let it be a fakeout, jebal very much 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️


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Me too! I didn't know it was the same director as BTLIOF. The separation doesn't even make sense. I'm really angry at her manager oppa. She is old enough to make her own decisions.


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I am oddly okay with the Psychometric lead - he comes across as a big doofy puppy, which is just about right for the role. Hopefully he’ll be able to transition to deeper stuff as the show continues, but being 2D initially fits with the character and is a very good contrast with the female lead’s focus.


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He's pretty decent in most of the scenes. I just feel he's overdoing it a bit in some places.


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- Completed -

Liver or Die: After a long period of frustration, it finally ended well for everyone. Except for that horrible mother thankfully.

- Currently watching -

Band of Sisters: ep 45. Vicki Jung ! I love how fabulous the actress playing makes awesome appearance in front of the fake Sera Park. The little girl seeing her big sister makes me so sad but I hope Ahjussi will soon see through his daughter-in-law's fake pregnancy and identity.

Big Issue: I'm weak with parents and children scenes in any kind of TV series and movies. The reporter's drive to save his daughter is making me stay for now. Also, I feel like Han Ye Seul is enjoying acting as a cunning and immoral character.

He is Psychometric: The second episode is better than the first one. I don't really know where it's going but I will stick to it a bit longer. I sense like Hyung is an antagonist (or maybe it's the actor giving a natural bad guy vibe).

Manpuku: ep 57. I'm seeing a pattern where Fuku-chan helps her husband get out of jail, this time he and their employees were arrested by the Occupation Forces, and with the intervention of a kind soul, they will be released.

Radiant: The show felt disjointed at some parts, so was it because of the shocking revelation we had in episode 10 or the editing and writing ? Too many dramas played with me this year (Priest and Trap!).

Romance is a Bonus Book: I don't know what to think of Director Ko anymore. She's in the company to bring balance but her actions throughout the drama leeave perplex.

Spring Turns to Spring: I like how Bom and Bo Mi are taking the best part of each other and are becoming a better version of themselves. The secret is out in front of the general public. I wonder how they're going their bodyswaps.

Touch Your Heart: I'm not concerned for the OTP, they will be back together next week. And the trauma plotline was resolved even more quickly as the one in What's Wrong With Secretary Kim. The true highlight for me Lawyer Dan finally being free of her one-sided love. Lawyer Choi falling for her made me so happy ! I'm even surprised that she offered a contract marriage. Hope their will be an extension for their contract and his mom won't butt in.


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I'm behind with EVERYTHING! 😱
And that's fault of the last www 😆, because I got nostalgic and watched mainly Love Shuffle this week. 🐼
It did have a bit of the kdrama course of more engaging first part than the second one... but...the show was generally better than what I remembered... maybe age does matter 😁
Well some parts still felt a bit extreme and the ending was a bit too ribbony 🎁... but the main couple was well written and well acted... and I really liked the camaraderie of the top floor flatmates and their soirées 🍷
(Plus Shota's charm was not harmful either 😉).

I did manage to check Psychometric... and it is actually better and more interesting than what I expected. Casually optimistic about this one (and hoping for more Kim Kwon 😊).


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The love shuffle has that scene naaa where all the 4 main characters including heroine try to fake PEE in the elevator?

or that is some other Love title Japanese drama?


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Yes!! 😂
It's in the first episode when they first meet. 😆
(But it is actually a courtesy of the boys to the heroine, as they are stuck in the elevator (storm) and she has the urgency...)


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Touch Your Heart: this PD really have problems with penultimate week. First BTLIOF, now this.
A Discovery of Witches (UK) I enjoy it so far, as my weekend laundry tv show, but really I don't understand why it got 8+ rating on IMDB. Nothing stand out. But I'm still at episode 3, who knows it might get interesting later.
Endeavour season 6 Morse with moustache! As for the cases, I don't get what happened in episode 3, so who's the murder of the first businessman who's killed in the beginning of the episode. Do I miss something?


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He was riding intended victim car, it was the same murderer from my understanding.


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Not the young scientists', former child prodigy who had affair with his professor's wife, case. The third episode, the businessman who was shot while riding horse. Later his son also killed and his body drown in chocolate in the factory. I know who killed him, the woman he had a son with, but who killed his father. The episode opened with his murder but I think that case has not been solved.


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Ah, sorry, mixed up episodes, two last one are still unwatched on my list.


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I'm sorry I hope I didn't spoiled you too much 😬


I've been wanting to watch A Discovery of Witches because I love the books so much. But, those actors are 100% not what I was picturing. And the one or two eps that I've managed to watch on shady sites were not that good.


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I decided to watch it because I trust IMDb rating. But this drama should get 6.5 at best. I fail to understand why in just less than three weeks they become OTP despite the fact that they're not meant to trust each other. The acting is also mediocre, but with script like that I don't really blame the actors.


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Thats really disappointing. Have you read the books? The books are excellent.


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No I haven't. I'm not really a fan of witches and vampires, but it's not the reason why I think this drama is not good. My last vampires book was Twilight 😄
I read Dracula, but everyone did I think.


@manohira well Twilight was horrible. These were...smart?...books. Oh, especially when they travel back in time. So good!


@isthatacorner What? There's a time travel plot?? Time travel/time slip is my favorite trope ever... Thanks Isa, I'm going to look for the books 😄


@manohira I listened on audiobook. There's a lot of French in the books. Matthew's mother is French and the narrator does a great job!


@isthatacorner I got the book!
I take a look the second book, yes the story set in the past!
I don't get smart vibe from the TV series. They look cultured and sophisticated, but I don't know... I hope from the book I can get insight why the characters are acting like that in the series.


I was watching A discovery of witches some months ago and put the show on pause at episode 3, too! I want to finish it, sooner or later, it wasn't so gripping, but neither bad.


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This. I think I can enjoy A Discovery of Witches because I was watching it while doing my chores 😄


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I watched A Discovery of Witches when it aired live but haven't yet watched the last episode. I love the AU of witches, vampires and daemons living amongst us and found most of the actors to be excellent. Matthew Goode's posh, sensual voice is sooo delicious! However, actress Teresa Palmer is the weak link here. She's certainly beautiful but her affectless voice makes me wish they'd dubbed her with another voice actor. Her American accent is fine but—unlike most Australian actors I've seen—she might not have any juice left for her actual performance as Diana Bishop.


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I wish other other actress casted as Diana Bishop. My problem with her is not only about her voice, she's just not good enough... If the showrunner want to cast Australian actor, I think Anna Torv probably could have done a better job.


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F* yes. I LOVED Fringe!!!


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FYI: I read that there will be second season. I have not read the book. My girl friends saw Discovey of Witches before reading it. She mentioned it to me that the book is better. LOL. I have not read it yet nor watched. I might one of these days. Hahaha

I am barely on episode 3 of the Umbrella Academy. 🙈🙈


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Maybe it's better to read the book first. This series is supposed to be a thriller no? But it's not gritty enough to be a thriller.


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Mary, I see you did pick up Five Kids!
Yay! 😊😍


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I love So Yoo-jin even more now. :D


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She was the reason I checked Healing Love and stayed till the end...
(...and *cough* Dimple Oppa *cough*... 😉)


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Is this Five Children (2016)? (That's the only one I found on google)


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Yes, that's the one.
This was also my introduction to many actors... like Sung Hoon, Shin Hye Sun or Ahn Woo Yeon.


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Interesting! This has never been on my radar before!


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...it's a family drama, weekender, 50 hours... so not really in the main focus...
(But the secret support society is currently infiltrating dramabeans and infecting the minions 😈😊)


Based on people's reactions, I got the impression that it has the same wholesome, likeable, crack-weekender vibe as Father is Strange. :))


I have also picked it up and someone watch

Episode 38 Yoo Na's Street with me - I am stuck at it for 18 months as well as
Healer - 18,19 and 20 episode.


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Hope you will like it 🙂
I have fond memories of that drama... and whenever I remember it, I feel warm and smiley 🙂


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Big Issue: I living my ful life wuth Han Ye Seul's character. I love it. She reminds me why I stayed for most of K2, Son Yoo Na was the best part of this and Han Ye Seul is the best part of this. As for Joo Jin Moo, they are laying it on far and away too thick, but he is useful to my girl, so I'm okay with him.

Reach for Sincerity: We were almost there and I thought we were past the noble idiocy, but alas BIG GIGANTIC SIGH.

Light in your eyes: Ahhhhh, dementia. Damn

Psychometric Guy: The girl is smart, the guy is a candy. We have started off well hmmm, the villain is probably close, hopefully not, but probably.

Romance is a bonus book: dropped, weeks ago


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@mary I was afraid that you've dropped The Light In Your Eyes and missed this week's episodes! Glad that you didn't.

There are many good dramas but few truly stand out. This drama belongs to that few which I will remember for years to come.


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I didn't! I was just super busy last week. :'( I still loved it, maybe a 9 or 8/10 before the reveal. But it turns out it's been a 10 all along.


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Ahaha quite true!!! I was a bit annoyed at some unrealistic scenes, but I was glad that I proved wrong with the twist!!! It was a 10 indeed. I think the ratings are not bad at all too.


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Thank you for suggesting this one @mary. I was annoyed with how disjointed it felt, but now it makes sense.


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When the drama began I was surprised that Son Ho-jin (Go-Back Couple) took such a 'nothing' side role as the feckless unemployed brother. Then after episode 2 I realized this is a much more ambitious series than I had originally given it credit for.


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But it isn't over yet! There could be one more "twist" for all we know. Will they reveal what is real and what is imaginary? What in the world will they do with the last two hours??


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I think they will show her life when she was young. What truly happened with Joon-ha and her son. At least, that was what the preview showed at the end of ep10. They are yet to explain the old man (sometimes young) with the gold watch...


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My thoughts exactly but mostly thought of only just after I posted my comment!
Or, is her Doctor from the nursing home real? If so, he might have a relationship with her granddaughter. Or not. Either way, and no matter what the last two episodes bring, I think I'll be satisfied.


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Oh @mary 10 episodes is too much to catch up for a non marathoner. I wish I would've taken your advice when you first mentioned this show.


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If you watch 2 eps a day starting today, you'd be caught up around Thursday. Hehe~


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It has been awhile since I’ve commented here and a lot of dramas have come and gone in my life. Here’s a quick recap from most recent to all the was back to January...
- Psychometric Guy: Jinyoung is my Got7 bias. I’ve been waiting for him to have more prominent roles. I hope he does well and the drama continues to be interesting.
- 12yr Promise: I know, a drama from 2014 what? And not a good one at that. Idk, I came across it on Netflix while bored and not wanting to watch anything else. I miss Lee won geun. But I kinda wish I had my 13 hours (I did a lot of skipping scenes) back with that ending.
- Sky Castle: OMG, I am so happy I do not go to medical school in Korea. In all honesty, I probably wouldnt have even gotten in there! I am halfway through with some intention on finishing it, eventually. It’s just so dark I need to be in the mood.
- My Strange Hero: I love this drama to death. Omg I miss Yoo seung ho and his dopey eye smile on my screen every week. It was a well balanced drama.
- Clean with passion: my passion for my strange hero kinda took over my love for this. Also halfway done with some intention of completing at some point..
- Memories if the Alhambra: so many gripes about this show. But all I have to say is if it didn’t star BOTH HB and PSH, I would have probably dropped it before halfway rather than finish it with that ending 😒 still bitter...

Side note to a Chinese drama. We’ve been watching a lot of them at my house. My parents really love Kung fu historical stories. Plus they are more commonly dubbed for my parents. But I came across Love O2O on my own, and I absolutely loved it. I don’t love many (cough PG meteor garden) but idk. Maybe I was too obsessed with yang yang. It could be..

Well that should be about it! Thanks for catching up with me!


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Maybe I was too obsessed with yang yang.

😂😂😂 Haha that's me and maybe 50 million other fans, but . without the "maybe".

Love O2O is still my happy pill that I rewatch from time to time, except during those few scenes I re-interpret in my mind how a normal human being would react if Yang Yang kisses you like that.


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Yeah! She obviously isn’t human! Lol


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Good lord! I’m getting frustrated again remembering those scenes. She could have at least considered Yang-yang’s efforts! Her performance keeps me from rewatching the show.


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Ha!! I wrote a saga on the disappointing female lead in Love O2O, including her reaction to Yang Yang’s amazingly sexy kisses. He was so good that even her stiff, unresponsive responses couldn’t ruin the scenes.


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I finished SKY Castle in around a week, yes it's quite dark but it's also an "easy" watch since I didn't have to force myself to watch it, they knew how to make me feel the urge to watch the next episode 😁


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Hard times in dramaland. Tried and dropped: The Good Wife, Monster, Ming Lan, Mr. Sunshine, Haechi. Super cast in Haechi. I love a good sageuk but not when I have to guess at characters' identities because of the dark cinematography -- in Haechi until they speak I can't tell Lee Pil-mo from Han Sang-jin. I'm afraid this darkness issue is going to be an ongoing thing for me in K-drama.

The only drama I've finished recently was, if you can believe it, Big Man, which was sort of a flop when it aired. Since Incarnation of Money I just enjoy the heck out of Kang Ji-hwan. Next stop: Hong Gil-dong.


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Lie to Me is a riot until the very last episode... like the writer walked off the set or something... but the rest of the romcom was delightfully funny because of Kang Ji Hwan!


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After not watching any K-dramas for almost 2 years (I spent those 2 years watching J-dramas and C-dramas instead), I decided to come back watching K-dramas again. But the current batch of dramas didn’t have anything interesting, and I’m only waiting for “Light in Your Eyes” to end before I started binge-watching it, so I decided to watch old dramas that I’ve left behind

Currently watching
My Amazing Boyfriend 2 (currently on episode 12)
Should I say I like it or should I say I don’t like it? I’m conflicted. While the actor actually could act in this new season (compared to the actor in the first season, because hey, we all know he’s a stiff actor though he could kiss real good), the actress just fell flat to me. Maybe I just love Janice Wu too much and I love her portrayal in the first season that I felt weird watching the new actress take up on the job and just didn’t deliver that same emotion. Tian Jing Zhi is supposed to be an unpredictable girl and lively who makes weird faces almost all the time (which Janice Wu did great in showing many sides of Tian Jing Zhi), but the new actress just look pretty. And that’s all. Give me back my entertainment, crew. You should at least keep Janice Wu’s schedule clear for the filming of second season. I gave it 6/10 for the story (because I still like the story) and it’s not ended yet anyway

Blow Breeze (episode 25 of 53)
It’s the fault of Son Ho-jun. Seriously. I watched it because I want to see more of him (while waiting for Light in Your Eyes to finish airing). It’s a weekender so I know what I was into, but I’m still shocked to see so many lies, so many cover-ups, and so many makjang element put together into one drama (in just 25 episodes!). There’s a person who lied to be a rich granddaughter, the mother in law become evil, birth secret (in a weird way actually), and so many more that I couldn’t say one by one. But I’m still watching, because Son Ho-jun looks awesome in each episode, and that’s all I need to make me happy and smile again. I gave it 5/10 for the entertainment of all the makjang elements (they’re actually very fun)

Done watching
Come and Hug Me (32 episodes – end)
I actually remember why I stopped watching this, because I couldn’t bear to watch only 4 episodes per week at that time. So I decided to wait until it finished airing and I could binge-watching it. But I ended up forgetting it when I became too busy and then too lazy to watch K-dramas. So I picked it up and fell in love once again with Nam Da-reum. He’s such an amazing child actor. I hope he could get other roles as he grew older. Back to the story, I actually like it because we’re shown what it feels like to be the victim’s family and the murderer’s family. The main characters suffer due to this labelling but I’m happy that both of them actually find the happiness in each other despite everything. I love it that the father is just a total wacko, he’s the one responsible for everything, and actually have no...


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remorse, makes it easy to hate him. I enjoyed this drama from the beginning until the end. I gave it 9/10 for good storytelling

Mad Dog (16 episodes – end)
I remember I like the first two episodes and I’m not sure why I didn’t finish it at that time. So I decided to pick it up and I fell in love with the younger couple. Both of them have this amazing chemistry and I love their dynamic. But the story? Not so much. It’s a story about chasing over 1 big bad guy, who somehow couldn’t be caught because he’s a chaebol and has a lot of connection (so he’s always free). I was so bored watching episode 8 and I almost gave up. Thankfully, the drama pick up their speed again around episode 14. But the ending is just so anti-climatic since I couldn’t believe they get the bad guy just by doing THAT. Oh well. I gave it 5/10 for the younger couple

Because This Is My First Life (16 episodes – end)
I remember watching it because everyone commented it’s like NigeHaji and I also quite like Lee Minki. So why not. It was good at first, weird in the middle, become strange in around episode 14-15, and then everything suddenly good again in episode 16. Though this was better than the overall K-dramas with second leads that are always over the top (and didn’t know the word “giving up” apparently). I’m glad this drama is free of that (there’s the woman from the past, but she doesn’t matter much anyway). I like Su-ji’s relationship more than Ji-ho’s actually, because her relationship felt more real and genuine to me. I gave it 7/10 for Lee Minki and for the first 5 episodes that I actually like

Forest of Secret (16 episodes – end)
I stopped watching this around episode 8, because I kept on pausing around every 2 minutes and it took me 1 month before I finish episode 8 (so I forgot all the details in the earlier episodes). I decided to sit back and re-watch it again after like, 2 years. I didn’t understand why I didn’t feel like watching it back then, but after re-watching it I understand the reason why I don’t like this drama as much as the other beanies. It’s almost the same as Mad Dog, where they only go after that 1 big bad guy who do all the dirty work behind the scene. I just couldn’t get myself to be interested in finding out the bad guy because, well, I know that he wouldn’t be caught until the end of the episode. So I watched this drama while doing my work and I found it easier to do so, since I only need to listen to the voices. I gave it 6/10 for the characters, since the characters are the ones that make me interesting in pressing that next button

Another Oh Hae-Young (18 episodes – end)
This one I remember why I stopped watching it, because I felt cheated when I learned that Doo-kyung didn’t actually have anything to do with Hae-young’s ruined marriage. It’s like the easy way to forgive him, by making him guiltless. I was disappointed at the drama and stopped watching around episode 12. I picked it up again after so many years and...


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manage to finish it, but still didn’t like it as much as the others here. It was a fine drama, but not brilliant. I love Hae-young in the beginning, but she became such a weakling in the end. It makes me sad that I couldn’t see that brilliant Hae-young who I love in the beginning. I gave it 7.5/10 for the first 10 episodes (which were excellent) and the acting of the main characters who actually helped me got through until the end

That's all I've been watching for the past month I guess. Anyone have a drama that they could recommend to me? Anything good?


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RE: Forest of Secrets. I can see why you didn't mesh with it. As someone who rates this as in my top 2 KDramas your explanation is the best I have seen for not enjoying it.

To me, this show rang so true to the nature of corruption and how hard it is to bring it down. In my home, the 35 year empire of corruption was finally brought to light by a nothing case of a small bribe of a bottle of whisky to a low official...from there the whole sordid empire unravelled. However, even with all the arrests and jail sentences of major political figures, the leaders still avoided conviction.

So for me, FoS was in the details, the long painstaking revealing layers of a never ending Russian doll. Never knowing if our crime fighters would be chewed up and spat out like so many before. Corruption is so good at chopping off its own tail to save itself, I was always in doubt if they would succeed or how high up they would get.

If you were only watching this in and out, it would have been tough to catch the building pressure, the moments that kept their heads above water.

For me Bae Doona's character is one of the best in all of KDrama. She was human and fully rounded...ie. tough, intelligent, caring and a little vulnerable...finally a female hero who isn't just a badass or a romantic interest. I am glad you saw it just for that role.


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Lol FoS is my 0 rank drama because it was too good to place in 1st rank drama. It's just way too good.


I like your style.


It's also the same to me. In my country, corruption is everywhere. Even when you can take one person out, there will be then more people like that in the government

It's not like I hate the show, and I do like the characters (like I said), but the story is just too focused on that one person. I know why it could be interesting, but for someone who had a short attention span like me, having to stay focused on one thing for 16 episodes, and sometimes one episode could stretch for far too long, it's really boring and hard to watch


Miracle We Met. I watched it for like three times because Kim Myung-Min and Kim Hyun-Joo chemistry just wake all butterflies, moth and ladybug in my stomach.


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Thanks for the suggestion! I'll try watching it :)


Have you seen My Ahjussi? Empress's Dignity? Live? If you haven't seen any K-drama for 2 years, what about Circle?


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Nope, I haven't seen any of the dramas that you mentioned. Thanks. I'll try watching it :)


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These are all my favorites. Hope they will fit your taste :P


And Mother, Just Between Lovers and Prison Playbook.


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Yes these as well! I was just unsure if they played before 2017


Thanks. I haven't watched any of them yet. I'll put them in my list and watch them once I'm interested in it :)