Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…



The Light in Your Eyes: I’ll admit that the show was a teeensy bit too sad this week. But I’ll also admit that I love it. I love that they took the time to explore the biological and cultural side of suddenly having an eighty-year-old’s body. The shortness of breath, early sleeping time, and even the maintenance meds and lack of appetite. In exchange, Hye-ja got that certain freedom that grannies have to say “impolite” things because the young’uns can’t mess with her now. I just wish Dad got the blurt-it-out gene too, because it gutted me to see Hye-ja trying to cheer him up while he keeps avoiding her to hide his tears every time he realizes that his precious daughter’s life just got cut by sixty years. But it isn’t all doom and gloom. There’s still a lot of humor, mainly from Yeong-soo’s and Hye-ja’s annoying-brother-and-sister dynamic which thankfully survived the age change. I love Yeong-soo for not treating his sister any different, still blackmailing her about Mom’s scoldings. Methinks it’s 99% because he’s an annoying brother and 1% because he loves Hye-ja and knows she’d appreciate it if people didn’t tiptoe around her all the time. Though you can’t deny the hilarity of her best girlfriends suddenly pouring drinks for her and kneeling respectfully in front of her while they chat about cute boys.

Romance Is a Bonus Book: This show would be much more iconic if Eun-ho doesn’t end up with Dan-yi. Everyone hates the pain from “the one that got away” stories but you can’t deny that they’re unforgettable. Imagine if Dan-yi manages to get her work groove back and falls into a normal romance with a good guy who shares the same interests and quirky humor as her (e.g. Ji Seo-joon). Then Eun-ho panics and has this grand confession a la My Best Friend’s Wedding but it falls flat because Dan-yi is secure in her relationship and just can’t see Eun-ho that way now. Then the last scene is Eun-ho and Dan-yi running to her wedding again, this time in a hurry to get to her groom because she loves him and not because she has nowhere else to go. Then imagine yourself five years later, hearing Romance Is a Bonus Book and heaving a huge sigh of regret, “Eun-ho, you dummy.”

The Crowned Clown: This is a case where being a minion is a bad thing, because I’ve barely gotten started with this show and I do like what I’ve seen so far, but I already know from the comments that the awesomeness slooows down later. I’m in this weird place where I’m enjoying the episodes but preemptively dreading the upcoming dragging parts. Though I must say that it makes for a crazy watch, knowing people’s reactions to what happened, but not exactly what happened. Case in point: I was excited to meet the funny Ho-geol until I got the impression that he’ll be assassinated, which made me stop watching before his character was even introduced because in my mind, I’m already mourning his death… which you’re probably laughing at if you’ve seen past episode six. Or (OMG this just occurred to me) maybe he actually dies later on? Nooo! He needs to learn the hidden card trick from Ha Sun first. :'(



Romance Is a Bonus Book: There’s nothing I don’t like about this drama right now (except for Dan-yi’s weird ill-fitting outfits), and yes I just used a double negative. This week I particularly loved the weepy bonding between the women at the office, and the switch-up from the usual token Episode 8 ender (i.e., the couple’s first kiss). Instead we have Eun-ho’s love confession part 748, in the form of yet another riddle. Just strong enough to make you lose your breath for a moment; just subtle enough to be safe. For now.

An Empress’s Dignity: I think I’m still laughing over the Empress Dowager’s community service scenes. What a punishment for the murder, malice, and mayhem she’s created: dusting.

Reach of Sincerity: Of course I love these two together, but I’m waiting for all the hodgepodge storylines and tone changes to come together, because we’re a few weeks in and I’m still not sure what kind of a drama I’m actually watching.


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Trap: 8/10

Income Taxes: 3/10 Not much character development, romance or comedy; moderate suspense and horror -- avoid before bedtime. Still better than some kdramas I've seen.

Romance Is A Bonus Book: 7.5/10

Fiery Priest: 0/10 I made it halfway thru day 2, but the bad rap about 9 minutes in was really the end. Bye. And I've seen too many shows about baddies trying to take people's land *cough*Neighborhood Lawyer*cough*. I don't think kdramas would go there so often if there was no basis for it, but I just never like seeing it. YMMV.

Legal High: 6/10 Ep 2/4 Weren't as annoying as ep 1.

Haechi: 6/10 Sageuk political intrigue vs chaebol-sh*t in modern-day shows: at least we get a little more bloodshed to liven things up. But we can check Wikipedia and either know how it turns out or else get upset if they go un-historical.

Item: 2/10 Dropped after day 3.

The Light in Your Eyes: dropped without watching any more this week.

Crowned Clown: 4/10 Not really worth my time, but I've gone this far, so...

An Empress's Dignity / Last Empress: 8.5/10 Prison needs a better dental care program.

Spring Turns to Spring: 9/10. Ending of day 8 was a 10, other bits getting slightly stale.

Touch Your Heart / Reach of Sincerity: 7/10 Fluff-a-thon. Could stand fewer elevator breakdowns; otherwise ok but not great.


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Did you..Just casually slip in Income Tax? 😂😂😂😂 Unless there's a drama called income tax, I'm rolling on laughter over here


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Same here 😂😂😂


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Methinks, its a real drama, its high time that me actually reads up the script and start acting on it, otherwise me will be cast in a melo/crime thriller! :P


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That went right over my head. I thought, " Oh, must be a J drama."


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Hey, it involves me staring at the computer screen for hours.... Can take a break but just can't actually drop it completely in the middle....


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Will you add or subtract from Income Tax's score depending on whether you have to pay or receive a refund? Does the score of 3 reflect a bonus for being completed early?


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Score 3 reflects how much I hate doing them compared to how much I would hate or like to watch or re-watch a kdrama on the following scale:
0 worst I've ever seen
4 lousy, time to drop
5 medioce
6 ok
7 pretty good
8 really good
9 great
10 best of the year


Stop reminding me about starting my taxes. I know...😅


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I don't find Income Tax funny...
Fiery Priest: I would agree with you if Kim Nam gil wasn't the lead. However, his acting makes all the difference. I give it 8/10.
This week I don't agree with much of anything you've listed.


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Except when you see a refund at the end of the income tax show. It gets very exciting and you count down the days you see those funds in your account lol. It doesn’t happen everytime, but, that’s the unwanted cliffhanger I guess of this series. 🤷‍♀️


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I agree with some of your views on the current drama.

My review for this week:

ROMANCE IS A BONUS BOOK: Love the new episodes. I'm glad that Dan-yi will finally know that Eun-ho really likes her in a romantic way. Her conflicted feelings will be fun to watch. BTW, who likes that second male lead??? He is handsome, okay, nice to Dan-yi, okay, but he is a totally self-centered rude guy...I'm not having the second lead syndrome on this one, NEVER.

TOUCH YOUR HEART: LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! My new addiction! I know the story isn't new and everything is a bit predictable. But their chemistry is on a godly level!!! Love their bickering, their sweet talk, their shy smiles, EVERYTHING!!! This is the kind of drama that only relies on the leads, but in a successful way!!!

HAECHI: Watched the 3 ep (full 3 ep, not the half part they introduced in broadcasting). Well, well, well. I thought I would drop, I mean, it's a good sageuk, but nowadays, I'm not up for sadness and melodramatic stories, which sageuks are all about. But I checked the 3rd ep, and it was enjoyable. I will watch this one from time to time when I feel like it.

THE LIGHT IN YOUR EYES: Another sad and dramatic drama. But I didn't give up as I was invested in the story. I'm glad I didn't drop. The last two episodes were pure gold!!! LOVEEEE the old Hye-ja!!! I know people are, somewhat, upset for the lack of romance since old Hye-ja is going to stay on-screen for a while (per reports), but I'm LOVING her old persona!!! So much fun, loving moments!!! I won't mind if she stays old for a while!!! When the young version returns then we can have lots of romance.

FIERY PRIEST: Hmmmm...Well, I have mixed feelings about this one. I loved the comedic parts. I must say I was impressed with Lee Honey, she looks like she's having so much fun!! She became a very good actress! The priest is a HOT and BADASS priest! Please, marry me!!! Ups! I forgot he was a "priest"...*sad*..HOWEVER, I really didn't enjoy the sadness and dramatic scenes. I know the old priest death is a catalyst for the story to move forward, but...but...there was so many dark elements surrounding it. I feel like nowadays I'm not up for heavy stories.

A STAR IS BORN: Wanted to watch the movie before the Oscars...Another movie with mixed feeling, the first part was a gem but the second part left a lot to be desired. But it was a nice movie, loved Gaga and Cooper on their roles. The music was flawless.

FANTASTIC BEASTS 2.0: What a mess. I loved the music, and the Harry Potter nostalgia. But the plot was so confusing!!!! No wonder that it didn't sell that well.

ROMA: AMAZING!!!! CUARON YOU MUST WIN THE OSCARS!!!! Grab them man!!! What I loved about Roma was the raw-vibe from the film. It all felt real, raw, beautiful, everything! I'm not a fan of black and white and I had to endure at the beginning, but after a while, I was so invested in the story that I forgot about it. It kind of reminds me of Mustang (a...


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(the post got cut by the end)...->...Mustang (a turkish film that was nominated for best foreign movie at the Oscars), not for the plot of course, but for the raw feeling, as if it were real, as if you were there with them. I love this type of movies (the Japanese also make movies with a similar vibe, for example, My Little Sister, great movie).


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Watching A Star Is Born as we speak. I already know the story, but am watching for the performance.

Roma better win best cinematography. Hands down.

This isn't a very strong Oscar year, but Roma stands out as one of the strongest contenders. Seeing Green Book and Vice tonight.


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I haven't seen Vice yet. Tell me how it is because I'm not that interested though. Green Book = Ali is going to win best supporing actor!


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Vice was good. It really puts a light on all that happened during and after Cheney's reign as VP. It was funny while simultaneously depressing. The film style reminded me a bit of The Big Short.


at Romance is a bonus book
SJ is okay to me. although, I feel like he's a generic second male lead. you will find that kind of sml in every kdrama. it makes him less real to me. the only time I like SJ is during restaurant scene and afterward in his room regretting and all. it was so genuine (and funny), thus make his character believable and relatable. but, no, i don't think he is rude and self-centered. he's kinda sweet actually, like he pretend to have a day work just to make "go to work together with DY" plan works. of course, compare to EH, I still think DY is more suitable with EH, like 10 times more. Their chemistry and interactions are so natural. In fact, this is the first time I got to see LSJ have actual chemistry with his female lead.


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Agree I'm not getting SML syndrome for Ji Seo Jun but I'm shipping him with Hae Rin 😈


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So Item is a pass for you? I am waiting for someone to review it.


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Reach of Sincerity:
Having watched 6 episodes in one go, this show does remind me of Secretary Kim: a charming OTP whose relationship develops quite quickly, a truckload of secondary characters who add nothing to the plot (particularly characters like the female chasing after the 2nd male lead) and instead waste substantial screen time as well as having a more ‘serious’ element in the stalking of the main female lead. It’s not exactly a glowing comparison (since that show flopped in everything bu the main romance), but if expectations are low, maybe I might be easily surprised?

The Crowned Clown:
I’m not exactly excited for the showdown, because these villains have been poorly developed: not one scene ever since the setup has been dedicated to showing their motivations and so their arcs often come across as superficial and unnecessary. Also, after butchering the real King, the real Queen herself was not developed beyond the standard romance arc and it took the entire show for the Clown to step up. It’s 100 Days My Prince again: I got myself invested in one spicy trope in the setup but the rest of the show falls apart. Poor Yeo Jin Goo got another dud.

An Empress’s Dignity:
Other than the indignity (heh) of Na Wang Sik’s arc being reduced to ashes over the entire show as the writer veered further and further away from the synopsis, I also want to highlight how much potential was lost in Min Yoo Ra’s arc. The writer is certainly capable of greying the villains, yet her character’s motivations were hidden until the finale (!), as a result, the redemption was rushed and not many rooted for her in comparison to the woeful story of the Emperor. I’m personally annoyed that Choi Jin Hyuk and Lee Elijah wasted their talents since they deserved better!

Unfortunately, real life has intruded into my free time once again and I was couldn’t find the time to catch up on Spring Must Be Coming (I’m already two weeks behind!), much less sample Trap and The Light in Your Eyes and decide if I want to continue watching them. Hopefully I’ll be freer soon and fast before March comes and more dramas premiere.


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I'm sooo behind with Spring 😱 the last episode I watched was the 5th... and it bored me to death honestly 😕 What a disappointment...but I still hope it picked up... did it?


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(To be clear, only episode 5 bored me, I did enjoy both Bom's the first 4 eps... and the tv team leader and his stickers 😁 )


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I think Boksu and Cleaner are cursed... I still haven't seen a second from the last 4 episodes... 😆

I did finally checked Legal High though (mainly because of my haraboji crush Lee Soon Jae... and I also liked Jung Sang Hoon in Oh Jak Doo) and thought it would be an easy drop... but... I actually quite like Jin Goo here... and all that funny banter around... and then Yoon Park appeared... and swoon 😍... and I'm here for more 😁

I'm also still for more in Romance, though... is it strange that I'm more invested in the side characters and their stories than in the main couple? Like, I'm more interested in the widowed director, poetry defender and the newbies' "love story" 🙂? ...Though I think the higlight of this week was the woman clubbing trio sharing their pains... I sobbed so much... 😢

...and then I laughed so much with Fiery Priest during the first episode 😂😂😂 Is Honey Lee the new Junho? 😉 😁 And I might not agree with her prosecutor's methods, but I definitely agree with her assessment and reactions to the Hot Priest 😁😁

Still watching and enjoying the (self)fangirl Oh Yoon Seo and the confusions and dry humour of Lawyer Kwon 😊


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You need to watch Boksu until the end. At least the last episode. I think they did well with time skip and the end. It had a proper closer, and not many dramas can end that well (most have bittersweet endings, others feel rushed and others have no ending all *hate open endings*). But Boksu last episode was very satifying. Give it a try ;)


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I'm definitely planning to finish Boksu! (when I find the time and the right mood)... and nice to hear it delivers till the end. 🙂
(I'm not sure about Cleaner... I may switch to recaps...)


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Be strong geum soon (k drama)
My sunshine (C drama):
kluen cheewit (Thay drama)

I have so many drama in line (on my list) but don't know i keep rewatching those drama

Maybe i just love handsome leading man


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I've decided to take a break from picking up new dramas and am instead watching old ones and waiting to see if the new shows are exciting people.

Romance is a Bonus Book: I've decided to probably drop this show. While there's nothing really wrong with it, the show isn't messing with me and the female lead is an extremely rare late-30s kdrama Mary Sue. I'm not sure I've ever seen one of those in the wild before.

The Crowned Clown I'm a bit behind on this. I admit to being a bit ambivalent about continuing it since it seems to have become a standard sageuk in its back half.

Devilish Joy On the one hand, this is trash. And I love trash. On the other hand, this is godawful. it gives About Time a run for its money as worst show of 2018. I'm glad I missed it the first time around and I'm happy to say I managed to drop it. Yay for me!

She Was Pretty Speaking of dropping - I didn't make it through half an hour. The female lead was nails on a chalkboard for me.

Oh My lady I have shipped people less than I shipped this couple - Cunning Single Lady being the prime example - but not much less. This was quite an enjoyable example of its genre but I have never been one for the idea that what a man-child needs is a wife who's really his mother. Still, this show gets serious credit for portraying a struggling single mother as a real struggling single mother - are you taking notes, RIBB? - and for having a female lead who acted her age all the way through. It's just a shame she started the show with one child to take care of and somehow ended it with three.

Radiant Office I've just started this on Netflix and it's surprisingly enjoyable. Stay tuned.


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While RiBB isn't messing with me, it's also not MESHING with me, which is what I actually meant to say.


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I can't believe you picked up She Was Pretty! 😂😂😂😂
I'm not surprised the female lead got on your nerves - I've always maintained that Hwang Jung-eum is too high-tension in comedies and should only do melodrama.
I'm glad you like Radiant Office, though!


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I didn’t last through 30 minutes of She Was Pretty either. Screechy Hwan Jung-Eum was too much for me. 😔

I approve of your tactic of going back to older dramas. I’m doing that too.

Oh and Radiant Office is quite good! Not spectacular but fun and thoughtful in an understated sort of way. Don’t expect lots of kissing.


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Her performance is so self-aware and so over the top and the whole setup means I know exactly where the drama is going. I really love Park Seo-Joon but I don't think I can do 16 episodes of what this drama will inevitably be.

Radiant Office is such a low-key bit of fun. I like the characters a lot.


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I sort of enjoyed She Was Pretty (my tolerance for Hwang Jung Eum is pretty high), but Park Seo Joon's character was really bland in that drama. The best takeaway from She Was Pretty is Choi Si Won. Just FF to his scenes.

I enjoyed Radiant Office, but it ended up doing that kdrama thing where things sort of fall apart near the end.


But She Was Pretty got better and better. Loved the male lead *of course*, but their interactions were pure gold! It was hard to watch the first episode, but the rest was enjoyable (but I the female lead was a bit irrational and annoying until the very end though)


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Its interesting to watch early Park Seo-Jun in that series, before he was turned into a 'matinee idol'. Also, this was considered Choi-Si-won's breakout role in Korea. He was given nothing but praise for it. Which was unfortunately squandered in 'Revolutionary Love'. He has a new series coming out in March.


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Secret Love... probably her best


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Is Devilish joy so awful? It's on my watchlist, but About time was really horrible, and I don't wanto to repeat that experience...


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I think its equally awful.


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Oh, thank you! I'll avoid this!!


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It's equally awful. The only thing different is the actors don't look like they're increasingly desperate for the whole thing to be over.


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Yes, there was even this in About time! I wanted to see again Lee Sang Yoon, but that drama was a disaster.


Really second tier. It isn't even internally logical.


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It makes no sense. The idea this person is fooling people is ridiculous. Every morning he gets up and "reads" three years of important information and somehow functions in the world as if he lived those three years? Nonsense.

The 'amnesia' is just another kdrama reason for the male lead to be an asshole. I don't need another reason for the male lead to be an asshole - I need the male lead to not be an asshole. You could have substituted it with 'childhood trauma' or 'dead girlfriend' and the show would have played out the same way.


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- Completed -

Kyou Kara Ore Wa!!: I needed a short show to relax and this high school delinquant themed live-action was the right thing I needed. The cringy couple is my favorite thing in this mess XD

The Last Empress: Emperor... I never thought this character would left me with a hole in my heart atfer the drama ended. I feel like there were things happenings but not like it would be natural to be. For Na Wang Shik, they could've used his bullet as an excuse for his death, still sacrifice the Emperor and it would be the same ending. I don't like the ending for Min Yura. It seemed too easy for her since she's the only antagonist (for the most part of the drama) who doesn't payback her evil deeds. Losing memory and behaving like a child doesn't count as a punition.

Shoplifters: Thanks to @catocat post in last week's WWAW, I got to watch it in cinema. I totally loved the 3/4 parts of this movie and I had a heavy heart for the last quartet ! The mom (main actress in Manpuku <3) was wonderful and left a great impact. The children were as great and well, basically everyone in this family.

- Currently watching -

Band of Sisters: ep 30. Does this writer enjoy killing Grandmas in her dramas ? Even if they're dead, they still haunt the antagonist (see The Last Empress). Now almost everyone knows they're connected in some way or an other to the chaebol family. Ms Lee's take down will be enjoyable.

The Crowned Clown: So now that Ha Seon's sister, what could possibly hold him back ? His facial expressions in this week's episode made me shiver and made me think he could do evil deeds in the name of "good".

Item: Because of the opening scene, I suspected something would happen to the niece. Now that she's in vegetativ state, I don't know if I'm going to watch this drama. I guess the episodes seemed less messy this week but I'm still not sure. And Kim Kang Woo's Evil Villain background music made me laugh. Again.

Liver or Die: Every week I'm frustrated with this drama and the siblings but this week's episodes took the cake ! Poong Sang's liver cancer became known and there are still problems between siblings. I want everyone every single sibling to end up miserable and their partners to live their lives alone to the fullest.

Radiant: I'm watching it for Kim Hyeja. The actress and the character. I have no idea if she will get her 25 yo body back or die in her old one but this drama knows where to push the emotional button. Her parents got me right in my feels. Thankfully, Son Ho Jun is a riot with comedy timing (Haetae will always be favorite Replay series character <3) ! I love him and his show off attitude XD

Romance is a Bonus Book: The club scene and the bonding moment with the three women hooked me up again with this drama.

Spring Turns to Spring: Until now, the husband's affair was more of a laughable plot to me despite...


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Haetae was my favorite one as well! And there was time I had thought he would be the end game... or I wished ☺


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On Shoplifters, i support fully your decision to go to cinema to watch it. All small independant films should be seen on big screen.
The experience was the same for me: uplifting, sweet, funny despite the sadness of the lives of the characters, until the end just broke my heart. I couldn't stop crying at the end and i still cry when i think about it.
Especially during the scene where Ando Sakura (playing the mom) was asking if giving birth makes automatically a women a mother. Her acting in this scene alone was worth an award (but her entire performance was at the top).
The complete cast was fantastic and deserved a nomination to the Oscars.
A very difficult subject exposed openly in all its bleak reality by the second most talented japanese PD (after Hayao Miyazaki), but with a lof of kindness for its characters.

Others films recommendations for people in drama slump:
Asako I&II (japanese): 4/5
Mirai no mirai (japanese): 4/5
The absolute masterpiece by a chinese director who disappeared too soon: An Elephant Sitting Still by Hu Bo which i loved so much that i'm still haunted by it.
There's also the intensely beautiful must see film by the chinese new talent Bi Gan: Long Day's Journey into the Night.

2019 has started on such strong basis for chinese cinema that i really can't see what/who can beat it.


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Did you see that Netflix just bought the rights to stream the Chinese movie Wandering Earth? I'm excited to see them getting more current Asian movies.


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Yes, very excited to see them stretch out.


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I did and i'm overjoyed at this news!!!
I love science-fiction, especially space opera. And Wandering Stars is set to be a treat: not only visually (the CGI took 2 years), but the writing too: its' an adaptation of Liu Cixin's book.
He won the most prestigious international sci-fi prizes for his work, so the expectations are high for me!

Each time, i'm browsing Netflix's catalogue: the first thing i look at is the asian section (films and drama) and the platform is definitively pushing for more productions from this region (there's 173 dramas in my country catalogue!).


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It is great news! After Dramafever's demise, I've gone out of my way to support new (asian) offerings on Netflix; I'm hoping this will encourage them to continue.


Oh , what a coincidence ! I bought one of Liu Cixin's book because I wanted to discover more Asian writers (people that are not Murakami). This movie picked my interest :D


Thank you for this thread. I've loved Chinese movies like "Jou Dou", Red Firecracker, Green Firecracker", "Not One Less" "Raise the Red Lantern" "King of Masks" and "Shower" among others.
I just looked those two up and will watch them as soon as I'm able.
Chinese filmmakers have created some of the best films - like the Germans and Norwegians.
I've been watching them for so long and have become so used to the subtitles I guess.


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More recommendations for me! Thank you!
Hopefully i'll find a legal way to watch them!

I'm just discovering this year chinese cinema, thanks to my local indie cinema that had an amazing programme, with films really well received by the public and the critics.
So hopefully, i'll be able to fix partially my shameful ignorance! :)


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Well good luck! Netflix has some, as does Amazon Prime.
I usually just google the movie to see if it is available online. Sometimes you can see them on Youtube.
The hardest one to find is Shower - I only have it on a VHS tape. It is a lovely film about a grown son going home to the small town to help his father who runs a bathhouse. His younger brother is also there and it is the story of the son reconciling with his father.
It is such a sweet film...


I have yet to watch asako but trailers and official music made me feel -ve. Looks like quite a slow movie with more random heartache. I was waiting for subs. Its in y watchlist.

Mirai - 8/10 .
Shoplifters - a bit overhyped but still quite good movie. I was -ve after watching its trailers but this is the kind of movies i appreciate the most.


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Asako I&II is clearly not a romcom: there's few shocking twists in the story and the end was completely unexpected for me.
It's indeed slow but what it lacks in term of pace, it make up for it in term of character study.
Higashide Masahiro is excellent, better than his co-star Karata Erika. He literally stole her spot. But the ensemble cast is overall good and solid.
It's my first film from Hamaguchi Ryusuke and it got me curious to see more of his work: his delicate and elegant approach to depict emotional turmoil is strongly attractive to me.

On Shoplifters, the media coverage was indeed annoying: it creates expectations which prevented me to appreciate me the film for what it was. But the more i think about it, the more i realize its value. I'll buy the dvd and rewatch it for sure.

And i'm rooting for Shoplifters and Mirai at the Oscars!!!!


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I wish more cinemas would screen more independant movies. I live in a new town so I get to watch them for cheap and on a big screen, something I always wanted to do.

I watched Mirai no Mirai last month in the cinema and I was the only one without children haha. It was really enjoyable.

And thanks for the recommandations I've been looking for movies :)


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You're definitvely lucky to have this large access to indie films. The biggest drawbacks are indeed price and availability for me.

Watched Mirai with subtitles, so they were few kids during teh screening and mostly older (teens).
Glad you like it:) I feel relieved that someone, besides Studio Ghibli is still doing this kind of family centered stories, with a lot of love and attention to the ordinary/everyday events which bring happiness.
It makes me a little less anxious to think about a future without directors like Hayao Miyazaki, though nobody can replace him.


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Yeah, since not everyone has access to it, I want to support these kind of cinemas.

Totally agree with you on Miyazaki and the future of Japanese animated movies. I think it's really heartwarming to watch a movie about and with family and one that allows everyone to look back fondly on it.


Thanks @mango, @coolgirl et al for the asian cinema comments and recommendations
You got me off my duff to check things out and I am pleasantly surprised that both SHOPLIFTERS and THE WANDERING EARTH are still screening in theaters in NYC this week. I will work both of them in.Unfortunately I think I missed seeing the Korean box office hit EXTREME JOB.


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Ming Lan: I just started it, completed four episodes. Man, I never hate a character so much in a short time like how I hate Ming Lan's second step mother. She's so manipulative, ugh!
Trap: on hold. It's more like a horror thriller than action thriller.
Touch Your Heart: Ive never seen so much chemistry from on-screen couple like YIN and LDW since Bruce Willis and Cybil Shepperd in Moonlighting. Just get married already! But maybe they just really enjoy working together. I swear if they announce their wedding I will throw a party.


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Ming Lan - You should reserve/top up your character-hating as it'll be needed throughout the show, but never fear, justice gets deliciously and regularly served in this drama. Enjoy!


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This week's episodes of Trap definitely make it qualify as a horror thriller. So disappointed and sad about the reveals on episodes 5 and 6 this weekend.


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Last empress: I would have called this a total waste of my time but it was trashy and addictive so I don’t regret watching. What I do regret about the show is it’s inconsistent writing of characters and that crappy ending for Choi Jin hyuk who I think deserves better. Hopefully his next project would give him more justice.

Legal high: sticking around for Yoon Park and then Jung Eun Chae’s appearance made me more interested.

Touch your heart: hate to admit that the show is boring only when the leads are not there and focuses on the law part of the drama, but otherwise a fluffy watch.

Traveler (variety): was bored so decided to watch jtbc’s new variety show with Ryu Jun Yeol and Lee Je Hoon which was surprisingly a nice watch without being boring. The scenery of Cuba gave me encounter flashbacks but I liked learning about its history. Can’t wait for Lee Je Hoon to appear so their bromantic adventures can begin


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Last Empress could have done so much better. If had the last few hours to write the script I (a business writer/accountant) could have outdone the writers for the show. There were so many juicy possibilities, but they missed the mark multiple times.


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Trap: It slowed down a bit this week, though the revelation about the true nature behind these hunters is much more sickening than what I thought.

Haechi: Out of all dramas I watched at the time, this is the one I felt most emotionally invested to. It's such a pleasant surprise since I usually felt detached while watching sageuk. And now that they've fully laid out the setup (so much unexpected deaths!), I can't wait to dive into the turbulent period ahead.

Touch Your Heart: Aww... Such an adorkably feel-good fluff. And Yoo In-na is super cute here.


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About Touch your heart, while watching the last episode, I was thinking that generally I hate that kind of female character, but Yoo In-na is so cute that it's impossible not to find her adorable.


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Yes, I totally agree!!! Those characters are often veryyyyyyyy annoying, but she's so cute, sweet and good hearted that her character becomes a lovable one. She's a very good actress, pity that she is underrated.


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Same here. If not for Yoo In-na, I don't think I'll be able to watch past the first half of eps 1. But somehow, she makes Oh Yoon-seo super adorable instead of annoyingly ditzy.


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YESSS! The character on paper would not stand a chance but Yoo In-na is the cutest that she keeps you watching.


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I’m also enjoying haechi more than I thought I would and am super invested in the storyline which I thought could never happen with a sageuk. It’s going to be a pain waiting every week for a new episode though.


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Kakegurui Season 2 😍



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That Idiot. I never use smileys or emoticons. Never in posts, comments, chats or conversations. Always request people to not use them when having any kind of communication. But here i can only do a facepalm. My comment with a smiley. Oh man.

CRICKET - What an amazing TEST CRICKET summer. Its very difficult to defeat the opposition in their own country, their own homeground, in their own well adjusted conditions and pitches but here we have 5 such TEST SERIES in span of 6 months where touring sides have defeated the home team.


World Cup just few months ago.


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Its Awesome. Super hyped and super excited.
Movie script is written by the mangaka.
Volume 09 manga and side story vol 01 released this 19th February

HAMABE MINAMI is amazing.

@coolgirl @mango @sancheezy @newso @fanwho
@gledis-sotiri @dorotka @frabbycrabsis @linda-palapala


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Japanese -

Wakako Zake got 4 seasons - amazing
Hajimete - 8/10 - Best harem romance ongoing. Japan proudces atleast 1 decent romance every year.

3 nen a gumi - 6/10 have yet to watch ep 6 and 7 of this avg. show
Kekkon - all episodes translated. Who was waiting for last 2 ep subs here?
Added - Queen, zambi, saving rock, fruits into watch list

KOREAN - Legal High 5/10 - bad direction, bad editing, bad scriptwriting.

Babel - entertaining show. People should try it. Lacks logic but then that's the case with every kdrama. Dangerous characters show various human traits.


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18 Movies half watched - this is stupidity. I'm recommending movies and i'm the one who never completely watch them.

Liver or Die - 7/10 . This week was good. I almost shed tears and then controlled myself. Misery, pain, suffering, frustration, anger, resentment, hurt.
Everything these siblings and their relationship is.
I said 2 weeks ago that this show will hit 15% and it did last week.
Why? Because many asians can quite relate to it. Not the dramatic story and characters misery but overall theme of the show.


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I agree with you on Hajimete. It's good.
Kekkon, I still have the last episode to watch.
I'm also watching Yuube now 😅


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Recently Finished:
Clean With Passion For Now: It was a good watch, got a little annoyed when they couldn't stop kissing after they started (kissing is sacred in Kdrama ppl!) but it was good.

Actively Watching:
1. Romance Is A Bonus Book (Yes! 💝💖)
2. Fiery Priest (muahaha! for now)

Trying To Watch:
1. Heachi: (Go Ara has added a one eyed wink of surprise to her acting resume, and it's so dark this saguek, so dark)

2. Crowned Clown: I probably won't be like this if I hadn't watched the movie, it's a mess in here.

1. Destiny of The White Snake
2. I Will Never Let You Go
3. Legend of Yunxi


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Even though I've seen the movie as well, and the writer has changed the story a lot, but honestly I really enjoy the drama. Jin-goo slays his role... I'm not a fan a saeguk, and I tend to avoid it because I hate the palace politics, but I'm tune in magically. I think I'll stay even though Jin-goo's character will be killed (by the writer-nim).. :(


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Good thing it's working for one of us, I'll eventually get around to watching it sometime soon, love Sagueks normally..


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I'm not a fan of palace politics (except for the Queen Seon Deok, the great politics I've seen, MISHILLLLL).

Actually, I've been wondering something, and I hope someone helps me...Is there a sageuk that doesn't focus on politics, palace or royalty? For example, just about the common people? I lived the peasant part of 100 Days My Prince, but then, he went to the palace again and I lost interest...Just wondering if there are some sageuk with common folks...


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A Saguek without the palace intrigue? Such a thing would be hard to find in Kdrama, but not impossible in Cdrama.


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"Clean With Passion For Now: It was a good watch, got a little annoyed when they couldn't stop kissing after they started (kissing is sacred in Kdrama ppl!) but it was good."
I think you must avoid Babel then xD


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Reach Of Sincerity - the plot is simple - two busy adults get to know eachother, fall in love, of course there has to be someone interfering, it won't be drama anymore and with solving cases together they'll slowly learn how to reach sincerity. Nothing new, like Hollywood love stories, but still likable to watch.

Traveller - It's funny how Ryu Jun Yeol, calling himself Anthony 😂 (are they choosing their english version by themselves?) is trusting to people and his way of traveling. He will experience many backpacking troubles, just sometimes to give up personal comfort is better and not to follow the guide as well. You would be surprised what treasures you can find that way... Anyway all the old cars and buildings and the old-fashioned way of life got me a huge desire to leave for Cuba. Have to learn spanish before 😊 and have some money in the bank, but I'll get there!

The Light In Your Eyes - watched by curiosity the 4th episode and will check it sometimes.

Coffee friends - Finally a emotional reaction🤔 from customers Suho from Exo (such a sweet guy), they love their idols so much 😁 and he is one of the best ones to sell all those tangerines. New items on the menu added and I can see how Koreans love ketchup and sweet and sour taste with little bit of spiceness.


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I'm not watching any of the currently airing dramas but have picked up some older ones.

At the moment I'm watching Heaven's Garden on Netflix, which is a 30 ep drama. It's set in a mountain village and even though there is a larger story arc (is the mum going to divorce her husband or not, for example), most episodes have self-contained stories and issues that resolve within the hour.

It's not as addictive as some other dramas but I'm in the mood for seeing decent people do nice things, so I'm enjoying it so far (am on ep 19)


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I've been tempted by that, since Kim Sae-ron appears to be in it, but the description didn't capture my interest? 🤔


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Kim Sae-ron was 11 when she acted in this - and already amazing.


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She's my age, and yet so talented! 😍


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The crowned clown - While the interrogation was good and totally unexpected (from my side), now I'm worried about the rest of the series ,since the bad guys still have some cards left. On the other hand it could be interesting as well, as usually such things happen in the last (or last couple) episodes before everything is resolved.

Item - KKW is bad- like awful. He's playing his character well. But he's not cutting it for me.

Reach of sincerity - This show makes me so happy! While the leads interactions are always squeeworthy, the supporting cast is equally likeable. Except the second leads- they still feel out of place. While I don't know about the law part, the cases seem easy enough to follow and it's actually helping YS, so I feel it's nicely integrated as well. I hope that the culprit gets someone good to defend him, as he had valid reasons. I don't want that case to wrap up the way it did.

Trap - I hope that this week atleast the good guys catch a break. It's high time.


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About Reach of sincerity, I thought the culprit could have the mitigating circumstance due to his mental condition.


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I agree but that's an excuse isn't it? He was aware of his actions and his response to everyday situations were mostly coherent. I don't have much idea about his illness but I do hope they take the domestic violence into consideration.


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With "Trap" there was a point where it was feeling like the villains were making leaps and bounds over the ?"victims" (for lack of a better word) At that point I was ready to give up and drop the show, but low and behold, a breakthrough came and there was a glimpse of a light at the end of the tunnel. So I am going to hang in there for a few more episodes. But I'm not the type of person to be able to sit through kdramas where the heroes are continually getting stomped on and crushed. There has to be hope to keep me watching.


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It's only a 7 episode series. Since 4 episodes already aired, the good guys should hopefully step up their game.


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Touch your Heart - I am in love with the fluffiness of this show. The chemistry between the leads is out of the charts. I liked the courtroom drama in ep 6. This show got a smooth blend of both the suspense and romance. Hoping they continue it that way.

I really wish Lee Dong Wook and Yoo In Na date in real life. I just dont know but i feel so happy seeing both of them as onscreen lovers. They just look really good together.


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The Last Empress


Cried me a river over the ending. Cried from start to finish. Cried over Hyuk's dying. Cried over Hyuk holding her hand and her not pulling hers away finally. Cried over Hyuk saying, "If we had met under different circumstances, if I had been an ordinary guy, would things have been different?" Cried over him breathing his last words, "I love you Sunny." Cried over Sunny crying, " Don't you die on me now. You've got to live and beg me to forgive you." Cried over the montage of Hyuk images, fading into nothingness. The ending left me a sobbing mess. But it was a good ending. There was closure.

The Light in Your Eyes
Laughed and cried. Such a funny, sad show with so much heart. I love it so much.

Touch Your Heart
Was bored with the latest episode, maybe because I had just finished watching The Last Empress and was still sad. I found the trial boring and predictable, and the second lead actress is just boring to watch.

The Tower of Babel
Stopped watching because everyone was so miserable. I wonder if the leads are still kissing miserably. They're so miserable they even walk miserably. Cant. Take. It. Any. Longer.


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Babel is on my watch list... do you suggest not to waste my time with it?


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Yes, it's excruciating to watch it because it's so ridiculous. I tried, but I couldn't go on anymore. There are better shows out there.


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Thank you! You saved my time!


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You should make a decision yourself.
1st week is enough to make you understand whether you want more or not.


I just uploaded Chapter 12: Bad Memories and the Old Wing.

Check it out here.



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One show that I'm currently watching is "The fiery priest" I'm on episode 4 but I have to say I'm really enjoying this drama. The humor is just my kind of humor I like and I do see some similarities between this drama and Chief Kim. At least that the characters do have a certain quirkiness . Not surprising since it comes from the same writer. I actually wouldn't be that shocked if it the drama was set in the same universe as Chief Kim.


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The Light In Your Eyes - I started this thinking it was a fluffy rom-com and quickly realized it was a melo in episode 2 and yet I can't stop watching although I do not do melo. Maybe it's because I love all the actors here and the fact that it is only 12 episodes. This is the drama I reach for first. And also Nam Joo Hyuk looks extra handsome in this - his smitten glances at Han Ji Min - be still my heart.

Item - Honestly I just wanted to see Ju Ji Hoon in his Along With The Gods long coat again. I do like Jin Se Yun here and after 2 episodes, I am liking it thus far and will continue to see where this goes.

The Story of Ming Lan - Late to the bandwagon, I know. Went all the way to episode 15 before I realized there's like 60 more episodes to go. Granted, it's unlike any Chinese drama I've watched before, but I'm just not sure I can soldier on, especially with so many new Kdramas that I wanted to watch this season.

My Only One - I've actually dropped this around episode 20/40 and just watched sporadically because the story line just keeps going back and forth. I mean, they take one step forward only to take 2 steps back. And someone really need to slap that bitch Da Ya ASAP. This drama makes me so weary. I realized the reason why Father Is Strange is so good is because there are no actual villains plotting others' downfalls but just unfolding of events and the repercussions of one mistake.

The Fiery Priest - For some reason, I keep falling asleep on this one. I love Kim Nam Gil and still thinks he's great here.

Jekyll, Hyde and Me - Started this to cure my Hyun Bin hangover and because I wanted to see him in something fluffy. I am at episode 6 at the moment and I love Han Ji Min, which is one of the reasons I decided to start The Light In Your Eyes. This is very standard Kdrama rom-com of the day in terms of plot and even acting. Makes me realized how far Hyun Bin has come in Memories of the Alhambra.


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Ming Lan was the first 70+ episode drama I've watched. I think it's one of those dramas that make it easy for you to take your time with it. There is a comfortable rhythm to it and nothing too overly dramatic so the 73 episodes aren't too exhausting.


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@mary : Methinks that's what should happen in most of the dramas about romance! The lead girls says bye and the lead boy is left standing with mouth open.

Spring turns to spring I love the adorable women and the actresses, and its still funny.
Legal High Finally, a legal drama in which a lawyer is a lawyer not an icon of justice trying to do the work of a Judge.
Touch your heart Hey I missed the stalker! I was waiting for him, but never mind, this is cuteness 101 for an actress. Yoo In na for the win!!
The light in your eyes The title reminds me of the smile in your eyes and I miss SIG's amazing acting. I was not ready for the age leap and I still can't accept it. The tone (and the lighting) suddenly flipped to dark. Still will keep watching it.
Item 3 min in, dropped! It was literary a train wreck without a stop button, they need to change directors.
Trap Dropped! No no nope! This director and cringeworthy acting makes it too hard to watch it.


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I'm still watching Item and Trap and enjoying them, but, I'm with you on the SIG withdrawal.


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I am thinking of giving item a second try but trap no. I hope that you will enjoy them more than me. Happy watching!


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LIVER OR DIE. If it was a choice, I would choose the latter. All the main family characters are brain dead already. The writer is digging new lows for each character which goes beyond the point of redemption. They continue to blame others for their pitiful lives instead of themselves.
SPRING COMES TO SPRING: Now that the body switching is now an open secret, I speculate that the show's final twist will be that when the leads drink the second batch of the drug, they will be locked into the wrong body. This will lead them to lash out at the other's position in order to forge a new life as their doppleganger.


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Yahoo tonight is the night ti watch romance is a bonus book yeh...the only drama that makes stay up late just to watch it. Exciting interesting charming drama.


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Trap: still enjoying the drama

Item: dropped

Dazzling and Romance is a Bonus book: please refer to @Mary. I agree 100%. I want to add that when her friends recognized her in her old lady body, I cried. I hope she keeps them as friends forever.


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The Last Empress: I can't watch the last two episodes, I just can't - sorry, Show. I loved you so much, thanks for everything. ❤️

Romance is A Bonus Book: I'm pretty passive to the romance, but there are enough interesting B-plots to keep me watching. 😬

Hana Nochi Hare: Rewatch! God, this drama has no right to be as much of a gem as it is! 😭


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Ah! I also watched Pride and Prejudice! I can't say I have much interest in the other players in this office, but the cases are interesting and so are the couple!


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Pride and Prejudice is a legal drama? Ha!


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Every heard of the one with Choi Jin-hyuk and Baek Jin-hee? Not a bad start! 😭


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But the end in Hana Nochi Hare was pretty disapointing... I didn't understand why they edited it like this...


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in manga they never meet. so, they need to edit it like that just to be faithful to manga while still giving some hope to drama viewers. i think is beautiful ending, not full satisfying, but hey, we can always hope for sequel right ?


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Ah, I figured that might be the case - I would kill for a season two! 😂


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Oh, I understand know.

I really liked this drama and the OST but the fact they didn't see each other at the end, it's weird. I mean couple or not, the story was build around them. So why the manga author made this choice?


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i think the drama only took up to chapter 49 (?) of manga. maybe it was the last chapter they have around the drama production time. the manga still continue,though.


Hana Nochi Hare was a disappointment in the romance department. Hana Yori Dango was one of my first Japanese dramas when it aired, I was only 15 years old back then and I got obssessed with j-drama (I only started watching k-drama with Chuno when it aired).
How could they ruin a loved franchise? I mean, just watch ep1 and then the last ep, and that's it, the rest of the story was just fillers...so so so upset, I still feel my heart pounding fast when I remember the romance in Hana Yori Dango season 1 & 2, and this new version, I got nothing...felt nothing...


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I loved the whole thing - wanna debate? 😂


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I would like to debate ... hahaha...
first, little people knows, the HYD is actually kinda "ruin" the original a.k.a the manga itself. no offense for HYD lovers, but most of the main characters are derailed too much from character in manga,even the story itself. every stories in manga shaped the characters, so when you change the story, you automatically change the characters itself. it is big disappointment, as you can not see the trace of HYD manga in HYD live action anymore. and the ending of HYD is the worst. the grand proposal ? nope, never happen in manga. and it is intentional. why? because, the mangaka, would like to give message to young girl that you should have your own future decide by yourself rather than following your boyfriend around just because your rich boyfriend want to go abroad. and for me, to make the opposite story of that, has killed Makino personality in very cruel way. everytime I watched HYD rerun, i can't help thinking "ah, why can't they made this right for once"
second, on contrary, Hana Nochi Hare sticks to original. and I enjoyed more and more the episodes as the characters and the story itself have much more resemblance with the manga. even the ending of never betray the original, and it is difficult as the actual story the female lead never got a chance to meet the male lead. but the director manage to make it as if there is a hope in it by make it an open ending. so, to be fair, HYD for me "ruin" the "love franchise" that needed 10 years in making, while Hana Nochi Hare for once in jdrama history truthfully follows the manga story as it is. plus, i think the cast in HNH fit more with the characters in manga, especially that Tenma boy. and Oto played perfectly by Hana Sugisaki (this girl is perfect to play Makino Tsukushi too. She has a vibe of her). so, Hana Nochi Hare for the win for me. Plus, utada hikaru "hatsukoi" on the entire drama nailed it.


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Like a lot of people, Hana Yori Dango (and later Boys Over Flowers for Korea) was my first drama - to be honest, I can't remember why I chose it, because I already knew that I HATED the manga and anime! 😂
I think Hana Yori Dango biggest brag is that it moved away from the source material so drastically in places. For example, the near-rape scene that was copied in Meteor Garden? Not even a shadow of that in the 2009 drama!
I accredit most of this to the director - after all, the manga was made in the 90s and many forget that it was a different time with different standards of romance. The team throughout seasons one and two turned what I thought was a toxic relationship between two toxic human beings into quite a believable romance in a fun, goofy, sometimes melodramatic drama.
If you say Hana Nochi Hare was close to the manga, I actually have trouble believing it! The same director of season two was on board here, and it shows in every scene. However, I think it could be possible that Yoko Kamio attempted to build upon the flaws of her original piece - I don't think she's generally a bad writer, because I quite enjoyed her manga Cat Street. I haven't read Hana Nochi Hare's manga, to be honest. After glancing at a few pages, I decided I didn't want to risk spoiling what I loved about the drama. If it's as close to the manga as you say, then it must be pretty damn fantastic.
I say that Hana Nochi Hare had no right to be as enjoyable as it is because, essentially, it was a money-grab project. I assume Yoko Kamio, or perhaps the publishing company she's associated with, wanted to milk the ever-so-popular Hana Yori Dango a little longer. Hence, a spin-off set however many years later in the same school with characters who looked to be just shadows of the original to create nostalgia. I would argue that I would not love Oto and Haruto had they not been portrayed by the actors they were! 😍


well,I am not sure if it was a toxic relationship or not, as the process until Makino finally gives in with Domyoji, is a very very very long process. And it's not until Domyoji changes for a much better person that Makino finally fall in love with him. and though I don't think it is morally correct to show rap scene as part of romance story, i can understand it is required in case to build/explain the character. Domyoji is bad, like bad bad. and the character is intended to be like that (that's why we have Rui and root for him in beginning. and Rui was actually the main character, before Yoko Kamio finally decided to shift it to Domyouji as the story progressed). but people do changes, and that's what I love about the manga. through out the manga, you could see how far each characters has gone, how they are developed, and how every characters redeem their old actions and becomes a better mature character. but drama director likes to take the easy road, maybe because they aimed teenagers or something. not to say that all the HYD franchise is bad, it's just leave out the core of the manga and change it to something that easy to swallow and perhaps more caters to group of people that easily amused. but yeah, maybe that kind of romance is a little bit hard to understand. I remember watching old Kdrama Que Sera Sera that quite popular in early 2000 and more "violent" than HYD, and still think it was good drama and explained human nature in honest way. as for Hana Nochi Hare, it is a second season for HYD, as some of the characters from HYD also part of HNH story. I don't think HYD is a flaws (if MG not took that piece and made a massive hit, HYD franchise would event be here). personally, I see HYD is masterpiece of Kamio sensei, and HNH is much lighter version of it. HNH is okay, but I doubt it will be as good as it is if it's not because its own sister popularity.


@junah, It looks like we have totally differing opinions on Hana Yori Dango's manga!
I wouldn't argue that Matsumoto Jun's Tsukasa is particularly toned down - it was a smart choice to eradicate all evidence that he would physically mistreat her, but let's not forget the things he instigated others to do. Besides, Tsukasa never really grew out of using violence on people as a means of stress relief. I think the drama just better showcases his good points; in the manga, I can't see any reason to like him. I don't understand why Tsukushi comes to love him so much. He forces himself on her occasionally and barely speaks affectionately to her. The changes made in the drama were crucial because it made Tsukasa lovable.
Hana Yori Dango is a product of the beginnings of shoujo manga as it stands now - cinderella stories, big stakes, against-the-odds romances. But I think we're at a point where it's becoming lazy and overdone. Hana Nochi Hare is refreshing because it plays with the tropes just enough that it's become something I haven't really seen before (well, aside from it's similarities to Shining Inheritance, which isn't a bad thing). The fact that Oto didn't start off dirt-poor adds more nuance to her character, since there's more weight to the fact that she's working so hard. But Haruto is most important - he's the male lead I've been waiting for! Hirano Sho is a little green, but I loved him as Haruto, and I'm so proud of Yoko Kamio (perhaps, if this was as prominant in the manga) for not glorifying strength and instead opting for a message of self-improvement. Haruto is weak, but brave, and would never intentionally hurt someone (except with his prickly words). That's why he's lovable, and that's what Oto comes to love about him.


Yes, Hana Yori Dango is the show that got me started on Japanese then Korean drama watching way back - I watched it probably 10 times! Please debate Hana Nochi Hare, you two, so I can decide whether to watch it or not :D


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Looks like we got into drama the same way!


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Yes @mary you made my Saturday morning with your TCC surmising and I did really laugh out loud!
Please continue watching.
When Lee Kyu-Han showed up as Ho-geol I warned that he could be a scene stealer.
As far as slowing down I don’t know about that.
Without giving anything away let me just say that I have to think (although this is my first Yeo Jin-goo) drama) that he gave a career performance in episodes 7 and 8. That being said last Tuesday’s episode 13 is the series’ highest rated episode at 10.002% which is not bad for cable.


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10% is actually REALLY good for a Mon-Tue cable drama. I think TCC is the 2nd TvN drama to hit double digits on Mon-Tue.


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Yey! Thank you~ This gives me hope! Not really the high ratings because they're unpredictable indicators XD but your reassurance that it isn't all bad in the latter episodes.


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The Crowned Clown The sister knows the truth! Finaly! It was like a tiking bomb, I'm happy they could talk about it.

Romance Is a Bonus Book It's fun. It would be great if they don't date honestly, it would be refreshing and more normal. But it's a drama... so I guess I just need to prepare for the love story.


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The Crowned Clown - This week’s speed came as a surprise because I did not expect Ha Sun to take down the evil minister and his pervert son so soon. That was a satisfying watch. Next up is the empress dowager. I think the prince will survive cuz somebody’s gotta take the throne at the end. Given he has failed miserably to do evil things, chances that the crown fall on his lap after Ha Sun dies or leaves is high. With Ha Sun’s raging power trip, I’ll give the empress one more episode screen time. Then Minister Lee will take out the autocrat he created, again.

Nothing new grabs my attention. Continuing Giant and started watching young Park Seo Joon in I Summon You, Gold (on Tubi).


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Reach of Sincerity Ep.6: Cuteness overload!! Even the legal cases are interesting.🤓🥰

The Crowned Clown : I feel some fatigue but there are only 3 episodes left.

Ojakgyo Brothers Ep. 8: I’ve had this on my to-watch list since like FOREVER but the episode count made me hesitate (58...*gulp*). I started it for Joo Won, but he hasn’t done much yet except run around chasing criminals (My Gaksital feelings ...❤️). I currently want to kimchi slap UEE’s character but I know she’ll come round soon. She’s a spoiled brat who doesn’t understand the value of money and hard work, but we also know she loves her dad and had no mother while growing up. I’m sure the Ojakgyo family will be a good influence on her. They are nice people, and the brothers are a hoot.😊


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Yey! Some love for Ojakgyo Brothers!


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Ojakgyo brothers! I liked that drama. Watched it for Joowon but Uee was good too. Uee will come around. She really will. She has a good heart despite being a spoiled brat in the early eps. Her bond with ojakgyo mum is also a reason to continue watching~


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I love the Ojakgyo mum already. She is so tiny but fierce. She won’t stand any nonsense from UEE and even her mother in law respects her, which is something I’ve found sorely lacking in dramas.


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@wishfultoki, You'll see a lot more happening with Joo Won later in the show. He's got a couple of elder brothers with stuff going on. Keep your ears open -- he sings. ;-)

I, too, wanted to smack some sense into the m