Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
So, what are we all watching this week?
What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…
The Light in Your Eyes: Y’know it’s sad that the promos and plot description sound a bit generic, because after seeing the first two episodes, everything makes perfect sense now. The casting is spot-on and even has a hilarious twist. The time turner shenanigans are just a background for the hilarious family dynamics and sorta-painful-but-honest takes on figuring out what you’re supposed to do with your life. It reminds me a lot of Go Back Spouses where you alternate between cackling at the jokes, missing your friends, and scaring your parents by calling them at 2AM, bawling that you love them and wish they can live forever. Kim Mi-kyung better watch out because if this show continues being awesome, Lee Jung-eun and Ahn Nae-sang might just steal that “Best Dramaland Parent” trophy of hers. (TLDR If we like the same shows, please check out this one! It’s my favorite among the half a dozen ones I’m currently juggling.)
Romance Is a Bonus Book: Can I just say that no matter what your opinion is about Director Ko and Dan-yi, it feels great to have a show with a lot of female characters at the forefront. I thiiink it’s not bad writing and we have yet to see different sides of each character, though I’m not really invested in putting them in neat good vs. bad boxes, because real people aren’t like that. In Director Ko’s case, women can shun the pressures of marriage and motherhood AND also turn around and be biased against other women in the workplace. There are a lot of women like that, though of course I am hoping that she eventually changes her mind. Character growth FTW!
The Fiery Priest: It’s just… okay? Kim Nam-gil is handsomely committed to being funny and Honey Lee is gorgeously committed to being funny. I also love that homily scene where our Fiery Priest calls out the hypocrisy of asking God for forgiveness when we won’t even ask it of the people we hurt. But the different threads (prosecution, police, land-grabbing, etc.) have yet to gel together for me. That being said, I’ll still check out the next episode because I love this writer’s previous work Chief Kim which also sounded like a confusing mess on paper but ended up becoming one of my favorites.
Romance Is a Bonus Book: I’ve been suffering from a serious K-drama slump, thanks in part to a now defunct streaming service that shall not be named. I’ve had to rethink how to fit screen time into my life and I’m getting there. This week I checked out Romance Is a Bonus Book only because of Lee Jong-seok. I loved him in Pinocchio but never warmed up to W or While You Were Sleeping. I paused the first episode when Dan-yi’s shoe ended up in the street, unable to watch anymore of her misery, but I gave it another try and eventually managed to stick it out. After that I was hooked and caught up on the episodes to date. I plan to stay with this one for now based on the strength of the main leads, especially Lee Na-young, who brings such raw emotion to her portrayal of a newly single woman struggling to endure the (considerable) hardships in her life. She and Lee Jong-seok have great chemistry as life-long friends but I’m curious to see how that will morph into something more. Add in the workings of a publishing company and it’s employees and Romance Is a Bonus Book is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.
Coffee Friends: I love watching this show, but it makes me so hungry! I didn’t know they were going to change things up by serving dinner instead of brunch and my mouth was watering throughout the episode. I wished Jo Jae-yoon didn’t have to leave, but all wistfulness disappeared once Baro came. Even though it was a very brief reunion with Yoo Yeon-seok and Sohn Ho-joon before he was hilariously put straight to work as is the tradition on the show now. Even though they do it for all the part-timers, it’s still funny every time they pull out the rubber gloves and usher them to the sink.
Haechi: I’m basically repeating what Lollypip already said in her recap, but I completely agree with what she said about Kwon Yul and Go Ara. I’ve never seen Kwon Yul with so much personality in his roles before and it’s so so great! I’ve also only seen him play villains or bland second leads, and I wish now that he had played more comedic roles. Kwon Yul’s character is my favorite on the show so far and I love when he and Jung Il-woo are bantering. Bring on more bromance I say! Go Ara is definitely best when playing spunky, strong roles and I’m glad to see her doing well with this role. Although history is against me, I don’t want the king to die. I forgot how good Kim Gab-soo is at playing caring fathers and it hurts (in a good way) whenever he’s speaking to Jung Il-woo. He doesn’t say much, but there’s so much depth in the way Kim plays it. And the younger brother prince, Noh Young-hak! So good too! I want everyone to live happily ever after, but, alas, this is sageuk so I’ll have to steel myself for the heartbreak.
The Light in Your Eyes: I started this purely because of Sohn Ho-joon and he is great. I think he’s channeling some of Jung Woo’s character from Answer Me 1994 as the annoying older brother. But, he’s a bit more hapless and it’s absolutely hilarious. I actually forgot that Nam Joo-hyuk was in this and now I’m all confused. I really liked him in Weightlifting Fairy, then the feelings quickly withered away with Bride of the Water God. But now, I’m back in. Deep. But I’m also scared because this means I’ll continue watching, hopelessly, even if the story ends up spiralling into disaster…
Spring Must Be Coming: The mechanism behind the body swapping is pretty lame, but once I suspended my disbelief it became a really fun watch. I like that it’s a sudden and frequent switching back and forth, which throws all the characters into the most unexpected situations. I was watching in the middle of the night and had to struggle not to laugh too hard in case I woke someone up. Eom Ji-won and Lee Yuri are really killing it, playing the two roles, and adjusting their speech and body language. Eom Ji-won’s husband is surprisingly endearing as a character, despite the, well, cheating. We’re supposed to dislike him, but I can’t hate him because he’s so entertaining. However, the best is Lee Jong-hyuk. Even better, befuddled Lee Jong-hyuk. I died laughing when he started tracking Lee Yuri’s personality/mood changes with color coded-stickers on his calendar because he couldn’t make heads or tails of it. I’m a little worried that the mother-in-law is entering the story this week, because that normally means doom and gloom. But, hopefully the show surprises me!
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (February 9, 2019)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (February 2, 2019)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (January 26, 2019)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (January 19, 2019)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (January 12, 2019)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (January 5, 2019)
Tags: Haechi, My Healing Love, Romance Is a Bonus Book, Spring Must Be Coming, The Fiery Priest, The Light in Your Eyes, What We're Watching
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1 mango
February 16, 2019 at 4:02 AM
I think I will drop Legal High and Neighbourhood Lawyer Mr. Jo 2. I didn't feel like watching the episodes this week.
- Completed -
Like A Flowing River: I can't wait for the 2nd season to air ! Things don't look good for Lei (even if it looks like he will move on from Ping Ping's death).
- Currently watching -
Band of Sisters: ep 16. The servant who wants to kill the actress while using her stalker is utterly awful. Doesn't she dare to inherit money !
The Crowned Clown: The Queen finally knows the thruth. I wonder how Chief Royal Secretary's character will turn out. He didn't tell the whole story and his actions are considered treason. He will more likely die I think.
The Last Empress: Bwahahaha I'm just having so much fun with the Empress Dowager and her wild past. And she's the one always going about the Imperial family's reputation ! I didnd't expect this plot twist for Grandmother's death but now that Sunny knows the truth, the finale will be quite something.
Item: I like the niece-uncle relationship here and how it's playing out for now. Kim Kang Woo's character screams "I am the big villain !!" with his evil HQ and evil BGM. I still don't know what to think of the fantasy side of the show.
Liver or Die: I don't want the three other siblings to discover PS is sick in the last two episodes because they need their world to be shaken and to take action for themselves. Their eldest brother isn't immortal.
Romance is a Bonus Book: I liked the bond the two female characters created while working together on the book project. The CEO scene with his dead wife was touching and he's my favorite character so far.
Spring Turns to Spring: Misunderstandings keep going strong here.
Touch Your Heart: My favorite relationship is Manager and Actress. He supports her and is really loyal to her. With what she's experiences in the past, I'm glad to know she has someone who cares so much for her.
Trap: What a good promise ! Even though I feel bad to see Detective Bae dead because I came to care for him !
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February 16, 2019 at 5:05 AM
You are watching too few shows this week.
@mary gonna start Yoo-na's street episode 37 this week.
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February 16, 2019 at 6:43 AM
Yoona's Street is one of my favorites...
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February 16, 2019 at 6:43 AM
What’s your take on Yoo-Na’s Street?
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February 16, 2019 at 1:42 PM
@beantown @epyc2010 Yoo-Na's Street is one such Korean Drama i acknowledge and respect.
There are few little things that can be said over the top - like Chang-man being able to do almost everything or have experience in every field or lack of portrayal of how the art of steal is performed. Except these few little things everything else is done well.
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February 16, 2019 at 4:00 PM
I feel the same way @catocat Yoona's Street remains one of my favorites because it captures the truth of an unvarnished life on a small scale, with the simple kindnesses, the petty actions, the overwhelming griefs,....they're all there.
February 17, 2019 at 7:11 AM
Agreed with your take @catocat! Three dimensional characters (although Chang-Man seems to be too perfect as you said), engaging story telling about people in the margin without losing humor or empathy. On my top ten list.
February 16, 2019 at 8:17 AM
Yoona's Street! ♥
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February 16, 2019 at 2:21 PM
Ohhh didn't know you're watching Yoona's Street! That one is a gem. I've never seen anybody else watch it.
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February 16, 2019 at 6:35 PM
We shortcapped up to ep20+ish of it in PotUP blog ages ago. I did finish it but got too lazy to finish the recaps haha
February 16, 2019 at 7:32 PM
@mary Ohhhh I didn't know that. Better check it out. Thanks!
February 16, 2019 at 7:35 PM
Hahaha I don't know if you should! It's... a bit wild XD
February 16, 2019 at 9:21 AM
Haha I have a lot of assesments for this semester :)
Thanks to your comment I checked if Shopflifter was screening in my town and it is thankfully :D Going to watch it tomorrow.
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giocare 🌻💛
February 16, 2019 at 12:51 PM
Re Trap: Same here :( I was expecting to watch him grow as a detective throughout the show
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2 Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
February 16, 2019 at 4:03 AM
Trap: 9/10 Any bets on whether the victim eventually lays a trap and becomes the hunter? Having only 7 episodes means they have to get to the point and aren't likely to get lost along the way.
Item: 6.5/10 Promising start (day 1, not so much day 2) but I wonder if they can keep it up without falling victim to the many Traps that lead kdramas astray. And the lead actress... Doctor Stranger... Cringe... Shudder. Oh yes, another genius profiler. What other kind is there?
Romance Is A Bonus Book: 8/10
Crowned Clown: 5/10 Mostly Noble Idiocy (or should we call it Royal Idiocy?) and Zzzzz, then WTF at the end.
Haechi: 7/10 Decent start. Cautiously pessimistic.
The Light in Your Eyes: 6/10 Unpromising title & premise. Day 1: Brilliant first few minutes. Then Zzzzz.... Day 2: show would be better off without the ML's father.
An Empress's Dignity / Last Empress: 8/10
Touch Your Heart / Reach of Sincerity: 8/10 Not bad, but I miss the CF reenactments from last week.
Spring Turns to Spring: 8.5/10 The shine is wearing off the main gimmick, but the daughter's misunderstanding still has legs.
Fiery Priest: 5/10 Parts OK; parts seem like they were written for 8-year-olds; the parts where it seems someone is taking over someone else's land seem like a rerun of 800,000 other shows.
Roaring Currents: (movie) 7/10 Not bad, but not quite good enough for all the attention it got. Fairly accurate by movie standards, exept they overdramatised it with a whirlpool and too many Korean casualties. Funny how Japanese soldiers are always so much more obnoxious in Korean shows than they are in Japanese shows. Gee, wonder why :)
Haeundae: (movie) 2/10 Not good, not "so-bad-it's-good". Would have been better if they had gone full Sharknado on us. During our Rabbit watch, someone asked who the Director was so they could never watch anything of his again. Answer in comment.
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Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
February 16, 2019 at 4:04 AM
Yoon Je-Kyun was director, and also credited (if that's the word) as a writer and producer. I haven't seen his other stuff exept for one movie that I dropped partway in.
Also, who can spot the error on the Asianwiki page for this cast member:
Hint, I know people say she doesn't age, but this is ridiculous.
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February 16, 2019 at 4:50 AM
If that is how HJW is gonna look in 2102, I so badly need to know her secret now, since I won't be available in 2102.
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Linda Palapala
February 16, 2019 at 7:51 AM
Item: Ju Ji hoon's screen presence is so strong it's overwhelming all the other cast members. I felt that Kim Kang woo's character is a caricature - he reminds me of the cartoon version of The Joker.
Something must be wrong with me - I loved Fiery Priest. Perhaps I'm an 8 year old in an old body.
Touch your Heart: added, dropped, added, dropped. The last scene of 4 was so cheesy I couldn't stand it.
What is The Light in Your Eyes?
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Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
February 16, 2019 at 8:22 AM
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Linda Palapala
February 16, 2019 at 8:25 AM
Guess it's Radiant on Viki. It's on my list to Watch in more detail, so I haven't made a final decision yet.
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February 16, 2019 at 10:21 AM
@Linda Palapala - thanks, I've been trying to figure out where to watch this!
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February 16, 2019 at 9:30 AM
It cracks me up how cut flesh pretty much signals foreplay in dramaland. Simple first aid is hard to beat for achieving close proximity, I guess.
I started watching Touch Your Heart/Reach of Sincerity to kill time and was surprised by how much I need this fluff. (U.S. President threatens to close gov't again and tsutsuloo dives into a rom-com.) I'm going to overlook Lee Dong Wook's man bangs (too much, dude) and let my heart flutter at the sight of a man apologizing for his errors. Plus, the office crew is frickin' hilarious. One of the screenwriters wrote What's Wrong with Secretary Kim; she knows how to write quirky.
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Linda Palapala
February 16, 2019 at 9:42 AM
Keep this a secret, but the real reason I'm having trouble with Touch Your Heart is I simply don't like Lee Dong Wook (even though his b'day is awfully close to both my daughter and I). Plus I feel the drama is another fans-want-it-so-let's-just-put-together-something-to-service-them.
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February 16, 2019 at 4:03 PM
MikeyD signed up
February 16, 2019 at 11:49 AM
In 'Secretary Kim' we thought we had an original idea but in turned into fluff. In 'Because This Life Is Our First' we thought we had fluff but it had some substance to it. I genuinely don't know were 'Touch Your Heart' is going. As of episode 2 there's no conflict, no villain, no second lead, no over-arching storyline to follow. I assume there's eventually going to be a 'big case' to follow since its set in a law office.
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Linda Palapala
February 16, 2019 at 11:55 AM
And also I find courtroom cases so boring. That's another reason I dropped it - it looked like she was going to be a big help in the cases, meh.
February 16, 2019 at 12:43 PM
I like a mix of fluff 'n substance. I think our FL's nemesis appears at the end of Ep. 4. You're right that it's too soon to tell how the prosecutors' court cases will play out. Maybe Lawyer Kwon ends up representing the woman accused of murdering her husband (in the case just handed to Yoo Yeo Reum, to the chagrin of her colleagues.)
3 gadis
February 16, 2019 at 4:05 AM
Trap: A strong and intriguing premiere eps. It's a much crazier, scarier, and more disturbing story than what I expected. And I like it.
Haechi: I don't know how I ended up watching this, but here I am. Despite not liking political struggle much, I found this drama interesting. Probably because we don't always focus on the palace, and everyone in the ensemble casts has their own stories and conflicts. So far, the acting is also spot on. I'm not sure I'll be watching it till the end, but for now I'm definitely enjoying it.
Touch Your Heart: I... decided to pick this up again this week, and found it surprisingly adorable. Yoon-seo isn't as ditzy as she appeared to be in the 1st eps, which I really like. And our leads is crackling with chemistry. The plot seemed to kick in a bit too, so I hope next week I won't use the FF button as much anymore.
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February 16, 2019 at 10:33 AM
What I am realizing is that Touch Your Heart is about how love can help people grow and gives them courage to become more fully themselves, in part because they have someone else in their lives to give them support, solace when things go wrong and the desire to became a better man (or woman). We are seeing this with both of our lead characters.
Yoon-seo acted ditzy because that was all she had to be before. Remember that she was smart enough to get into Law School, even if she did not study very hard once she got there. I think that we will see her starting to use her brain again as the show progresses further- she is already starting to under Lawyer Kwon's influence.
We still do not know much about Lawyer Kwon's backstory. But we do know that he has kept himself emotionally closed off. But by the end of episode 4 we have seen him smiling. He is starting to open up.
I cannot help but hope that we will see further character development with our two prosecutors as well.
This show is far better and even deeper than it appeared to be at first. That was the case with "My ID is Gangnam Beauty" - a show that at first seemed to be a repeat of themes from earlier shows like "Birth of a Beauty" but in fact ended up being far more than that.
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February 16, 2019 at 9:00 PM
Completely agree. Also, I like how they are turning the usual stereotypes on their ear: the famous actress is actually rather sweet, caring, and a bit shy, while the "ace" at the law firm is serious and hard-working but also can be kind and - wonder of wonders - apologize for a blunder. I am content to let the legal issues unfold slowly while we get to know the characters.
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4 ladyjaye
February 16, 2019 at 4:14 AM
I am currently a bit disappointed with all the shows I am watching.
Item: I can't even say I am disappointed because I have no idea what is going on. Are the events unfolding in the past? present? flashbacks? I haven't the faintest clue.
Haechi: I was actually surprised by how BAD this one is, my goodness. The approach to storytelling here, IMO is so ham-fisted, especially the villain. Ugh. The tone is off - is it a comedy or a serious drama? The blending is not working too well for me. I am not enjoying Kwon Yul in this comedic role because I feel his timing is off. His acting is fine, but the timing is off for me.
Go Ara is NOT a good actress (the only expression I've seen on her face is that permanent scowl. That and speaking out of turn), but I can't even blame her too much here because the writing doesn't help her. The writers seem to want feisty: "lively, determined, courageous", but have instead written "grumpy, annoying person who can't read a room for the life of her". Ehn. Of course Jung Il-woo stands head and shoulders above the rest of the cast in terms of acting. It is very uneven.
Romance is a Bonus Book: Giant sigh. Not a single one of these characters are serious in this their imaginary life. Not a single one.
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Please Go, Ara
February 16, 2019 at 6:17 AM
Yep agreed 100% on Go Ara. I couldn't bring myself to watch her in her last sageuk. It just didn't work. Her expression is one of perpetual annoyance, even in romantic scenes. I get irritated just looking at her. And also, she just can't seem to lose that slight dorky awkwardness that colours her acting. I would've watched it, but found that Go Ara's unattractiveness could actually be stronger than Jung Il Woo's charm. Crowned Clown is still my cuppa tea.
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February 16, 2019 at 12:55 PM
I noticed @lollypip judiciously described Go Ara's acting as "unstable." I've only seen her perform in 2017's Black and initially thought her tiresome character was ill-served by the script. But I admit avoiding all her other shows since. I'm so curious about Haechi because I love sageuks based in real history. Is it possible to watch a show while ignoring one of the main characters?
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February 16, 2019 at 3:04 PM
Well, it's only a couple of episodes in so the show is still finding it's footing, in a manner of speaking. But I wouldn't avoid it for Go Ara's acting - it's the writers that are the problem. I think the writing in the first two shows has been sloppy.
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5 lezah
February 16, 2019 at 4:14 AM
I found Crowned Clown too boring for me, but I'm not sure if that says much because while I loooove starting sageuks, most sageuks don't hold my attention for too long. I get squeamish at torture and death scenes too. It's such a pity because I feel like all of YJG's shows of late have been a miss for me.
I didn't have any intentions to watch Romance is a Bonus Book because noona romances are not my thing, but I tried it for Lee Jong-seok, who's somehow exceedingly sexy in this show. Like, I've always found him pretty and attractive (though not necessarily my type), but in this show? Somehow he's just really turning on the heat. And I like Dan-yi's character - it really gives me an insight into the struggles of a single parent, a woman who wasn't sure about her marriage, and who's now literally alone in this world. Geum-bi is also really cute, but I have mixed feelings about the second lead. He annoys me sometimes, even though I originally thought he was charming.
Touch Your Heart/Reach of Sincerity continues to be my healing drama... it's the one I watch immediately when I'm back from a painful day at work and in desperate need of some distraction. I love the main leads, and I'm always dying for moarrrrr.
What @tccolb is saying about Haechi is making me so tempted to try it! But ahhhh it might just become yet another sageuk I tried and dropped like a hot potato. *itchy fingers itchy fingers*
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February 16, 2019 at 7:21 AM
The Crowned Clown is getting pretty boring. The Best sageuk that I've watched is Six Flying Dragons. It was 50 episodes, but I loved it from start to finish. It didn't get boring and the cast was amazing.
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February 16, 2019 at 7:32 AM
Kim young hyun's works are great. If you liked SFD check out her other works like Tree with deep roots, queen seok duk, and H.I.T(not a sageuk) if you haven't already.
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Cocoa, The Fake Poet of February
February 16, 2019 at 8:56 AM
You described how I feel towards CC and Haechi perfectly.
(Sorry for keep saying “same!” I just realized you’re the one I keep agreeing with in the Touch Your Heart recaps 😅)
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6 CatoCat
February 16, 2019 at 4:21 AM
Legal High is a Trash!
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February 16, 2019 at 4:26 AM
But you are still watching?? 😉😁
(I still haven't had time to check the first episode and thus can't really comment.)
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February 16, 2019 at 4:34 AM
Once someone said I have good taste in dramas. That someone couldn't be more wrong than that assumption. My kdramalist is full of trash.
As i said last week. Writer tried to copy-paste Japanese drama and end result is artificial story and characters. Writer forgot drama is set in South Korea and he/she not need to exactly portray aka copy things from Japanese tv drama. Even copy demands serious approach and smart work.
Subway trash sounds better compared to this one.
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February 16, 2019 at 4:51 AM
Hajimete - cute josei romance 7.5/10. Heroine could have done better.
Kekkon - 7th episode subbed
OL Nikki - alright.
Kareshi aka rent a boyfriend 8/10 - 8 episodes. 20minutes per episode. must watch. this show very slyly takes jibes at society, social norms, gender roles and relationships. Many didn't like the outcome but for me it was good result.
3 nen a gumi 6.5/10 - Idols trying hard. cliche story average acting. average show timepass
YUUBE wa Otonoshimi 7.5/10 - 6 episodes 20min per episode. Cute honda. good promotion of company and game. simple story. nice romance.
Boku no hatsukoi - wait for subs
Naruto - watched 1st episode 2 weeks ago. same old cliche story. boring dropped
GAGAGA - 7/10 Funny but manga is more fun.
Trace - someone do better rip of sony gem.
ataru - boring
Gonna try - saving rock, harassment game,
waiting for translation - miki clinic, jinsei ga tanoshiku
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February 16, 2019 at 4:55 AM
ZAmbi - IDOls. heh. Responsibility of cute girls. Cute girls are here for 2 things.
1. doing cute stuff
2. for giving expressions
2a. crying and screaming - good entertainment
2b. scared and violent.
Zambi gives you that specific niche. Ofcourse it will attract guys attention. Cute and pure idols running around screaming is fun.
KOREA - BABEL - good watch. entertaining. lacks logic as expected from a kdrama. Funny revenge drama.
Mandatory 1 smooch scene per episode. Must try it kdrama viewers.
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February 16, 2019 at 4:59 AM
Shoplifters - is available. watch it everyone. hyped movie.
Funny thing is i have half watched 15 movies and yet to complete any of them. I was the 1st one to talk about Liverleaf here and i'm the one who hasn't completely watched it yet.
POONG-SANG - What a show. Good start of 2019. misery after misery. troubles after troubles. Characters who show you that change is quite difficult. standing up and fighting isn't easy. Every single character has done stupid things and made mistakes. Every week these characters show some hope and then ruin it with their own hands. Show is real but events are a bit far fetched.
Legal High - stupid show.
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February 16, 2019 at 6:11 AM
I completed liverleaf today. Made me think about my school days and wonder if I did anybody wrong.
Gonna watch shoplifters tomorrow
February 16, 2019 at 6:46 AM
I'm still looking for Shoplifters here.
February 16, 2019 at 7:17 AM
@beantown if you are in Boston, you might be able to catch it at the MFA this month. I was going to go to a showing last night, but had to change plans last minute.
February 17, 2019 at 11:53 AM
I really wanted to see Shoplifters in the theater. It was here and gone so quickly at our local arts theater. My husband and I had a date set to see it, but he got held late at work and we missed the start. Then a week later when we were going to try again, it was already gone. :(
February 16, 2019 at 6:09 AM
I am liking hajikoi. This jdrama season has been quite poor compared to the last one. Anyways hajikoi is good. Last ep of kekkon is left. Wonder how the ending is going to be.
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February 16, 2019 at 9:03 AM
Did you try Innocence (jdrama)? Not a great show, but it is enjoyable and I love the main lead.
I am currently watching Miracles (Bokura wa Kiseki), try it some day, it is finished is actually great
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February 16, 2019 at 1:35 PM
Miracle is in my list from the start. Innocence 1st episode watched 1st 15minutes but didn't felt much so put into pending list.
Blanket Cats with Miracles a good combination but have no translations after 3 episodes.
@rdturbo This season is ok and faansubs are just clearing already aired shows. Good things is we are seeing more activity in Japanese Fandom. Fast raws and fast subs.
@beantown you can find the movie on illegal streaming sites.
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February 16, 2019 at 5:03 AM
CHINESE - I criticise Korean romance dramas but Chinese dramas leave no air of doubt and clearly are the winners of biggest-Trash romance dramas.
Expecting common sense and logic from Chinese drama is futile.
Try Well Intended Love - you will get the answer.
Shall we Fall in Love - Good Music. Average show.
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coffee princess
February 16, 2019 at 8:41 AM
Chinese dramas are legit crack lol
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February 16, 2019 at 1:38 PM
I feel pity as well as frustration at how come audience eat this kind of stuff. I haven't seen a single good Chinese romance drama. Only a masochist can stomach them.
I'm even more surprised to see foreign audiences +ve comments on the couples introduced by such shows.
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February 16, 2019 at 9:04 PM
I have found exactly one Chinese drama I felt was tolerable enough to finish, and that was a police procedural, Turtle and Snail (I think). Everything else I have tried is shallow, cartoonish, and with cringeworthy acting. Maybe the historicals are better but they put me right to sleep.
February 17, 2019 at 7:24 AM
For a really gloriously trashy Chinese show, Go Princess Go. 💋❤️🥇🏆
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7 Dorotka
February 16, 2019 at 4:24 AM
This week I realized that while Romance and Heart have both a main heroine starting anew again and a group of people around them, I'm slowly liking Oh Yoon Seo more than Dani (well, let's face it, so far Heart is basically a Yoo Inna's show 😉) and I'm definitely liking more the Gyeoro Publishing group than the Always Law group. (I only don't understand why the writer is trying to so clumsily villainize editor Ko when she is often right.)
I still haven't finished Boksu and Cleaner and (heavily influenced by fellow Beanies 😉) finished Top Star instead. One of the reasons also was that I had thought I had less episodes to watch... only later to realize that they "cheated" having extra long episodes! 😆 Anyway, I think it is a sweet drama with a special Korean humour 😁 and I quite liked the remote island with its unique inhabitants. I only didn't like the angsty stretch... but when it was all rainbows and Unicorns again, har har, 😂, it was soooo funny again 😁. The last episode left me with a big smile and a warm feeling... 😊
I also watched another 2 episodes of Well Intended Love with better subs... and realized this show sort of reminds me of the new version of 1% of Anything. Probably because the main couple feels equal... and has great chemistry 😊
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8 dany
February 16, 2019 at 4:26 AM
I immediately recognized the picture in the post......
The light in your eyes is such a good show, it has a special something, I just love it and I am so grateful I discovered it.
Legal High is ok, funny, but the male leads are a little too much, they are like cartoon characters.
Romance is a bonus book... there is something about the male lead that bothers me, sorry to say but the actor is "too beautiful" for my taste
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9 geminirat
February 16, 2019 at 4:31 AM
My Healing Love - Yeah, they've been angry and crying for last week's episode! Jeesh!
Legal High - I like Jae-in but I think Tae-rim is a little over the top in character. Not sure yet if I will continue to watch.
My Only One - Already past 85 episodes and still Do-ran is an underdog.
The Last Empress - I'm not sure about the arguments for the extension since Na Wang-shik won't be there ...
Romance is a Bonus Book - Kang Dan-i worked before she got married so she should have known about the responsibilities in marketing.
Touch Your Heart - Loving Yoon-seo's innocent but personal touch in the cases and Jung-rok's face when he finds out he's wrong about her.
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February 16, 2019 at 6:50 AM
Agree with you about Dan-i, she should have known better.....especially after lying about her background.
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February 16, 2019 at 8:53 AM
My Only One- That is the very reason I'm not watching now. DaYa gets away with EVERYTHING and DoRan is constantly beaten down. I'll watch it when DaeRyuk stands up to his parents and DaYa gets what's coming to her.
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10 Dorotka
February 16, 2019 at 4:46 AM
Mary, I KNOW!!! Though I'm surprisingly more sad for the taekwondo couple... 😢
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February 16, 2019 at 8:20 AM
I just finished episode 68 and WTF with that accident... I thought we were already clearing the plot obstacles for the OTP. How much longer is this show gonna go? :O
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February 16, 2019 at 8:38 AM
Don't tell me... I was sooo mad 😤
The Omoni is actually quite selfish and not repentant at all!
The show is scheduled for 80 eps (40 hours) and I'm worried we won't get happy dimples everywhere 😨
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February 16, 2019 at 9:06 AM
Me too or worse yet, rushed storylines.
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February 16, 2019 at 9:04 AM
I didn't know there was more than a few of us watching this. lol
I'm sad for both couples. I think we'll have a few more angsty episodes before things start looking up. I am really looking forward to the episodes when ChiYoo accepts her feelings for JinYoo. Soon as JinYoo is no longer ChiYoo's legal brother it clears the way for YiYoo and JooChul to be together. Problem solved. 😊
Now let's talk about EunJoo and the accountant. Aren't they cute?! I want JunSung to swim in the pool of jealousy until his fingers get pruney. 😂
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February 16, 2019 at 10:59 AM
...but but.... what the Mother did in the past can't be undone 😢 And that worries me, because both couples are affected by that and right now I can't imagine how they could overcome it... 😭 😭
...the accountant couple on the other hand is so cute 😊 I think Haneul is going to have a great step-dad 😍
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February 16, 2019 at 4:29 PM
No it can't be undone but we are no longer in the times where the sins of the parent affect the child. Yes, JinYoo will have a hard time with it but hopefully he'll let it go. *fingers crossed*
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11 superwhopotterlock
February 16, 2019 at 5:04 AM
top star yoo baek- This was a fun watch. My favourite was the little kid, who was wise beyond his years. The separation was dragged out, but once it was resolved, the last couple of episodes was equally funny and sweet.
The crowned clown - I'm on ep 9 and while I can't completely support the OTP, I'm actually interested in the court politics and how HS will save himself and his sister,especially when almost the entire palace is against him.
Item - The first few minutes were confusing. I'm not sure what's happening, but I can't expect all answers from the get go. So I'll continue watching. KKW's character seems pretty outlandish. And am I the only one who's distracted by JSY's lipstick? Or is it her lips?
The light in your eyes - Only watched the 1st episode, but SHJ is just so funny! Also the conversation at the end !
Reach of sincerity - It's so fluffy! The leads are a pleasure to watch. Also we're finally getting into the mystery of her past, so hopefully it will balance out the light moments.
Trap - Some of the scenes were pretty hard to watch, but it's so interesting and the bad guys seem to be so ahead in the game, that I'm really interested in how LSJ will defeat them.
Have a nice dessert - This was such a short and sweet series. Thank you to all the beanies who posted about it on the fanwall.
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12 Hobakky
February 16, 2019 at 5:16 AM
Oh man, I can’t believe I’m watching so much right now that I need 2 posts…
Kingdom 4-6: Finally this show seems to be starting to hit its stride. Loved the twist at the end and the addition of Ahn Hyeon and Young Shin’s storyline. My friend and I are still confused about why the zombie king was even necessary though so I’m hoping we get more of a zombie origin story in season 2. Overall, if you haven’t seen it yet, I would just wait until the next season comes out to watch. This one really is just exposition.
High Society: That darn Netflix trailer with Soo Ae hooked me. I was expecting more of an anti-hero storyline with this one, but I feel like our main characters weren’t quite as desperate for power as the blurb implied. It had a pretty decent ending though and was overall not a terrible watch. Loved the final line. It really made the movie go out with a bang in my opinion.
The Crowned Clown: Dropped. I commend the writers for the idea they had with this remake, but I’m not sure what they’re trying to accomplish with it. At this point, the only satisfactory and realistic ending I can think of for this is a tragic one, which is what the original movie basically had, so I’m failing to see the point in this series other than as a tragic love story. It doesn’t help that in the process of changing the original plot they’ve also changed the nature of the original characters. I loved most of the cast in Masquerade, but here I now only really like Eunuch Jo. I’ll just be sticking with the recaps from now on.
Item: On verge of dropping. I feel like I’d love this if they gave Joo Ji Hoon an item of his own and turned him into some undercover superhero prosecutor that faces off weekly with his nemesis the dramatically overblown cartoon villain Kim Kang Woo in the quest to collect dangerous items that have fallen into unsuspecting muggle hands. Is that not what this is supposed to be? Poo :( Anyway, as a mystery drama this one pales way too much in comparison to its predecessor for me to get behind it. I’m also not too excited about the idea of that poor little girl being held captive for the next ~28 episodes…
Haechi: I think this is currently the drama I’m looking most forward to next week. It’s been quite a long time since I’ve fallen head over heels for a sageuk, but I’m already completely smitten. I love our cast so far and I love that there’s so much silliness and fun bantering interspersed throughout the episodes to break-up the overwhelming political talk. Il Woo is both cheeky and badass and his budding bromance with Kwon Yul has already stolen my heart. Can’t wait for our ragtag group of underdogs to become an official team!
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February 16, 2019 at 5:18 AM
Reach of Sincerity 1-3: At times I really like this, but then other times I’m really bored with it. I mostly just want to fast-forward whenever Yoo In Na isn’t on screen. Major kudos to her for making what should be a terribly annoying character come across as endearing! I guess as far as rom-coms go this one is pretty typical, but its secondary story/love-line really lacks impact right now. Honestly, I’m more interested in seeing how Oh Yoon Seo grows into an awesome and capable secretary than anything else at the moment.
Romance is a Bonus Book 1-5: This one had me from Dan-I’s little blurb on her job questionnaire in episode 2. I love her positive attitude and her outlook that starting over from rock bottom is a way to get know who she really is. Her relationship with Eun-ho is also super cute and easy to watch. Lee Jong-Suk noona killing at its finest lol I’m a little concerned judging by the fanwall comments lately that my love for Dan-I is going to be short-lived though. Other than that, I find that I really enjoy this while I’m watching it, but during the week when I’m waiting for new episodes I often forget about it. Perhaps it’s because it’s very slice-of-life like in a way. Every time I tune into a new episode, unless I just watched the previous one, I struggle to remember exactly where it left off.
The Light in Your Eyes: This one has so far passed the test of making me want to click to the next episode at the end of each one. I’m not entirely sure how well this story is going to play out since romance is supposed to play a big part and it’s going to be tricky executing it because of the age difference, but color me intrigued. I love love love the female lead’s family (Son Ho Joon is an absolute riot in this) so I have high hopes that this is going to deliver on the heart-warming family drama front. The ending credits piano theme with the ocean sounds gives me a little bit of a JBL vibe which excites me, too. I feel like this one is either going to be a complete disaster or a masterpiece, but the shorter series length gives me hope it will be the latter.
Busted: I gave the first episode of this a try on a whim…well, now I guess I know why I’ve never seen anyone talk about it. What a disappointment and a waste of Yoo Jae Suk.
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February 16, 2019 at 6:38 AM
true, i've forgotten how great yoo Inna is at rom coms.
I actually fell in love with Yun Seo faster than Attorney Kwon did. 😆😄😍😂
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February 16, 2019 at 11:55 AM
It really is her drama. Her charisma is stealing the show.
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13 Kairoskat 💐
February 16, 2019 at 5:22 AM
The Last Empress: lets ride the cray2 train to the end. Hyuk is a lost cause by now. But SSR is still awesome. JN and CJH too. Unfortunately CJH can't be in the finale eps. Maybe Rocky Bear will make a reappearance. Huhu
Liver or Die: watching this casually because i started. All the characters are frustrating. But i do want to see these siblings get a grip and live life like normal people.
Coffee Friends: so cute. So warm! SHJ trying to lift his bestie YYS's spirits is so heartwarming to watch. He keeps pestering YYS with his 'are you okay chingu yaaaa~' and keeps repeating his 'don't be flustered' mantra. Same goes to YSJ, he kept saying random praises to uplift everyones spirits. Whoever is responsible for the casting did a great job. They are so compatible and just eye candy. The food and drinks look yummy. But i also think some customers are not paying enough for what they had. Huhu
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Kairoskat 💐
February 16, 2019 at 5:27 AM
Trap: The trauma! Omg! I'm glad they made LSJ's character an ex-military, he can actually fight and try to survive! But the end of ep 2. Oh my heart. I hope his wife somehow survives. Huhu
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February 16, 2019 at 7:08 AM
Hi @katakwasabi. I am loving COFFEE FRIENDS also. I caught up recently by watching the first 5 episodes one per night and thenwas on track with episode 6.
I think it was in episode 5 that YYS had that little emotional moment of tears that had SHJ and the gang rally around their “Boss”. It was lovely especially SHJ’sconcern. Of course in episode 6 (I think) he got a little bit of brotherly razzing over it which was also sweet. I believe YSJ told Baro in the field that he had been “devastated” when YYS got emotional.
It is a terrific show and all the guests have been great and good sports. Yunho was a revelation and Jo Jae-yoon is always fun.
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14 YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
February 16, 2019 at 5:34 AM
The Last Empress
I was shocked to find out that Woo Bin won't be appearing in the final two episodes. That is so not right. What's going to happen to his story? I guess that Lee Hyuk will take over the last two episodes and be at his flamboyant best, whether evil or good, I'm not sure, but it'll be a blast with him as the core and centre of the show.
Anyway, I uploaded Chapter 10 of my fanfic today. It's titled Would You Like To Marry Me? Lee Hyuk proposes to Sunny. You can check it out here.
Touch Your Heart
I love this show, the two leads falling in love is just so sweet and romantic. I feel bored when the other couple appears. The other characters are zany and funny and I love them, too, especially Mama boy and the funny rival.
The Towel of Babel
Oh God, someone please tell them to stop with the kissing scenes already. They're so painful to watch, with both of the leads so glum and miserable, and kissing so glumly and miserably is just painful and depressing to watch. Please please stop kissing. The plot defies logic, and is so ridiculous. The Last Empress defies logic and is ridiculous as well but the characters are so hilarious and likeable they pull it off and I am left stunned all of the time. This one, I'm just left annoyed and fuming. How can a prosecutor conduct an illicit affair with his prosecution witness and possible suspect? Why does he keep bursting into tears at the oddest moments? He's a prosecutor, for crying out loud. Why does he dash from his prosecutor's office into the snow in full view of everyone, crying, as usual? Why is everyone so glum and miserable? Why? Why? Why?
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February 16, 2019 at 6:09 AM
Comment was deleted
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Cocoa, The Fake Poet of February
February 16, 2019 at 9:02 AM
I cackle whenever he is on the phone with his mom.
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Blue (@mayhemf)
February 16, 2019 at 12:05 PM
Oh man, he is hilarious. His tone, body language everything changes. Too funny.
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February 16, 2019 at 7:17 AM
Oh your rant about Babel is just sooo funny, I cried..
I have no intention watching Babel, somehow I knew this drama will be bad--glum and miserable, like you said.. 😓
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February 16, 2019 at 9:06 AM
I second @jeanthierrycha. Your summary of Babel is delightful. Sounds like something I'd only hate watch with a group of bitchy Beanies.😉
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February 16, 2019 at 1:53 PM
@yyishere @tsutsuloo @jeanthierrycha They are not simple kiss scenes but outright makeout scenes. As i said last week Hero is quite horny. Either he is teary eyed or goes into makeout mode at every opportunity available mode to comfort the heroine.
STILL i find the show interesting. It truly is made of crazy characters and their immoral actions.
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YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
February 16, 2019 at 4:42 PM
The actor had kissing scenes in Lovely Horribly as well, and the kissing there was horribly horrific. Here it's plain gloom and doom when he kisses the girl, there he's a raging wildman who slams the poor girl against the elevator wall and gnaws at her mouth ferociously as he grabs her, pushes her and swings her like a cat from wall to wall in that narrow elevator; it's a wonder that she survived the savagery. Please, I just want a normal kiss, a sweet and gentle kiss, or if he can't manage that, if he morphs into a miserable sobbing mess or explodes into a crazy beast at the touch of the girl's lips, just have no kissing scenes at all. I await with dread the next episode, I've got a bad feeling he's going to kiss her again and again and again. Helppppppp 🤤🤤🤤🤤
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February 16, 2019 at 8:21 PM
😂😂😂. Also "to gnaw" is one of the best verbs.
February 16, 2019 at 9:13 AM
Touch Your Heart- I thought to myself "There's another couple?" then it clicked. WOW, I guess they really aren't memorable. I love Lee SangWoo but I honestly forgot that his character has a loveline.
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YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
February 16, 2019 at 4:48 PM
This must be the dullest second lead ever. Every time they appear, I get so bored. I begrudge them eating up our precious time with the OTP. I can't get enough of Lee Dong wook and Yoo Inna. Yoo Inna especially lights up the screen in every scene that she appears in. Rom com is perfect for her.
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15 TurtuallySarcastic
February 16, 2019 at 5:36 AM
Woohoo, my first 'what we are watching' comment! :)
Moonlight Drawn By Clouds:
They just kissed and I want to start episode 8 asap. I finally understand that happiness is Bo-Gummy. However, Gat and especially Jinyoung are giving me so many feels that I am seriously considering writing a not happily ever after entry, simply to nurse my broken heart.
My ID is Gangnam Beauty:
I am watching the final episode with my friend this weekend. I admit that I misjudged it as a light K-drama before viewing, because every episode ended up being a small provocation to my POV. Nevertheless did I love the characters and the story itself, but I am happy we can finally finish it and move on to our next K-drama together!
You think 8 weeks of live watching is torture, try scheduling 1 episode a week with a friend without cheating ;)
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16 frabbycrabsis loves KBS Drama Specials
February 16, 2019 at 5:42 AM
Dazzling: The execution could be better, but I like the actors enough to keep going for the time being.
The Last Empress: Here we go - I was so used to all these fragile lies that watching them fall apart was actually quite shocking. I can't say I'm looking forward to the ending anymore, but I sincerely hope Jang Nara gets a satisfying divorce and flies away~
Rebel: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Linda Palapala
February 16, 2019 at 8:21 AM
I actually finally dropped Last Empress this week, but now I'm re adding it though it's gotten boring. Too many episodes.
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frabbycrabsis loves KBS Drama Specials
February 16, 2019 at 11:43 AM
I still love the show very much - but now I've heard that Choi Jin-hyuk can't film the last two episodes, I'm filled with a sense of dead about how well they will be written. 😅
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Linda Palapala
February 16, 2019 at 11:54 AM
What?? Where did you read this? And that makes me wonder if he dies early and then I won't care what happens.
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Linda Palapala
February 16, 2019 at 11:59 AM
I just saw the article on Soompi. Extended episodes - bad idea!! Especially if they use the episodes for a redemption arc for the Emperor. I'm outta there. It was too long anyway. Grrr.... lots of comments saying the same thing.
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Kairoskat 💐
February 16, 2019 at 3:52 PM
After watching ep45-48, i think the 4 episode extension seems too long and I have no idea how they will wrap Bin's story with CJH not available for filming. It might be a draggy finale. Huhu
As of recent. The emperor is not on his way to redemption at all and I don't think he will be redeemed.
Sunny! Crush him! Crush all the villains! Bring down the imperial family and reign supreme!
Linda Palapala
February 16, 2019 at 12:02 PM
Apparently I'm very angry....
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frabbycrabsis loves KBS Drama Specials
February 16, 2019 at 1:39 PM
Fair enough! This is why extensions don't work - this means he's going to have to die early, or they'll have to write something in quick which is NEVER a good idea...
YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
February 16, 2019 at 5:00 PM
I think the writer is going to unleash the Mother of All Makjangs on us and turn the genre on its head. She will make Lee Hyuk the hero now that Woo bin is out of the way - he'll probably be mentioned briefly in passing, or a body will be discovered, and it'll be his - and we will be suddenly flooded with new reasons to exonerate Lee Hyuk from his past crimes - they've already started by making the grandmother's death a suicide, and have him work together with the brother that he hated an episode ago. The writer may not even kill Lee Hyuk off, may even send him to prison but for a short spell, or he may even do community service instead - think of the laughs that would elicit, and have Sunny waiting at the palace with a hot pack and instant coffee every evening as he staggers in from his punishment. Who care about sense and logic?
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Linda Palapala
February 16, 2019 at 5:56 PM
Ooh, harsh! @yyishere I'll have to read your comments when it's over because I'm refusing to watch the ending (famous last words...).
Linda Palapala
February 16, 2019 at 5:59 PM
And btw, so many fans have voiced their opinion that they want a redemption arc for the Emperor and he and the Empress have a happy ending. (gag). I'm afraid the producers may have listened.
February 16, 2019 at 9:12 PM
I don't care who gets redeemed, I just want the CRAY. I have joyfully ridden this crazy train since day 1 and sometimes it is so ridiculous I just laugh out loud at the nerve of this writer. Just when I think it can't get any wilder, dowager empress shows up drunk in full tacky disco attire and gets dragged across the floor. Really, it's comedy gold.
17 Gopal
February 16, 2019 at 6:06 AM
Currently watching
The Crowned Clown
Touch Your Heart
Fiery Priest
My Strange Hero
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18 KeikoAnn
February 16, 2019 at 6:27 AM
TeriYaki, “I’ve been suffering from a serious K-drama slump, thanks in part to a now defunct streaming service that shall not be named.” Same here! I have started watching the KBS drama specials on YouTube as fillers until I fully get over DF demise and Kocowa highjacking of Viki.
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February 16, 2019 at 9:34 AM
In case the reduced availability of shows on Viki without paying through the nose is what's bothering you about Kocowa, pretty much all of the on-going SBS, KBS, and MBC shows are available for free on Kocowa's website for the first 24 hours after they air. Subs on Kocowa are generally very fast too with fully subbed episodes becoming available about 5 hours after airing. It's a shame that Viki was forced to get the short end of the stick in its partnership with Kocowa, but at least Kocowa has ensured their survival.
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February 16, 2019 at 10:17 AM
Thank you for the info about the Kocowa website, their app got less than favorable reviews which is why I did not look into it further. I hope Viki survives as I understand most of the subbing is done by volunteers.
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February 16, 2019 at 8:43 PM
Ah, gotcha. I haven't really used the app version before so I didn't think of that. I have heard that both the app and website leave much to be desired though. I guess I've seen too many complaining comments on Viki videos lately that I automatically assume people must not know they can watch shows on Kocowa directly and not just through Viki lol
I'm sure Viki will survive a long-time, but the Viki of the future is not going to be the same as the one from its peak days. For instance, Viki is investing a lot of resources right now into making their site one for language educational purposes, instead of simply a drama-streaming provider, so I have a lot of hope in their future. There's a lot of people working really hard behind the scenes to turn it into a truly one-of-a-kind and unbeatable platform.
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19 kathia
February 16, 2019 at 6:30 AM
ROMANCE IS A BONUS BOOK: I really like the main female lead. She's so strong!!! Even through hardships and injustice, she doesn't give up. If my project was stolen, or if my project ended up with someone else's name, I won't think I would let it go by, I would be so angry that I would protest. But she is kind-hearted and she never gives up. Can't wait for today's episode.
TOUCH YOUR HEART: Love this show! So light and warm! Great chemistry from the main leads.
HAECHI: I don' know if I'll watch it until the end. But the first two episodes were great. I'm familiar with the overall plot since I watched Dong Yi, Yi San, Painter of the Wind and Horse Doctor. Though none of them covered Yi Geum's whole life like Haechi. I like Go Ara but her acting is questionable sometimes. I hope she keeps this character serious because I can't stand her comedic side (too fake).
THE LIGHT IN YOUR EYES: The first episode was so funny. The second episode was so........dramatic and sad......I hope everything gets light again. I'm not up for heavy stuff. I wanted to hug lots of characters, specially Nam Joo-Hyuk. I wanted to hug him throughout the second episode. His story is so sad and heartbreaking. Even though he is smart, his father sucks, his grandmother dies, he lives in poverty, he has too work several part-times. Finally he finds the female lead and starts to like her and tell his sad story...and...she disappears from his life! I WANT TO HUG HIM!
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February 16, 2019 at 8:22 AM
Re: Light, that part kills me too! They were in a bad place and then they found each other and it seemed like they could light each other's way but then ____ happened and now they're in even a darker place than where they started and they don't even have each other's support anymore. T____T
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February 17, 2019 at 4:23 PM
Yes, it's truly depressing! I hope tomorrow it gets better, because the show has lots of potential.
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February 18, 2019 at 12:25 PM
I was taken aback by how fast "Light" turned dark. I didn't expect that to happen until ep8 or 9.
This show looks like it understands what "The Girl Who Lept Through Time" explored...meddling with time is a series of unintended consequences...and no re-do is all happy.
It is inherently selfish and counter productive....all you can do is exchange one sadness for anther - be that yours or someone else's.
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20 xhuizini
February 16, 2019 at 6:31 AM
just added fiery priest to what I'm watching today and mary basically summarised what I'm feeling about it. I like the characters separately, kng is funny and surprisingly honey lee's character is even funnier but I stil don't care about the story progression. If anything, I'll be watching purely for bickerings by the three leads. 😅
still devotedly following crowned clown because its so intense, i cannot just put it down and my heart 💔 when ha seon realizes the consequence of falling for the queen.
and to cure my sadness cuz of yjg's tears, touch your heart is the perfect remedy because otp is 😆😍😍😍
also legal high cuz its funny and I'm an original fan of the jdrama. and idk about anyone but i like jin gu's take on komikado sensei 😂😂😂
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February 16, 2019 at 1:36 PM
I think I'm going to end up watching most of the same shows as you, @xhuizini. Kim Nam Gil was my first oppa so I have to catch Fiery Priest. I'll wait until there are 4 or 6 episodes to catch up on.
The OTP in Touch Your Heart is sweet and I especially love the office dynamics. I don't know if Mama's Boy (Lawyer Choi) and Subway Auntie (Lawyer Dan) will end up having a thing but they're my favorite office rivals. The gentle teasing between the cousin CEOs is great too. Best side characters.
A commenter on mydramalist perfectly summarized my feelings about The Crowned Clown. @darkmaggus wrote:
In Ep. 10-11, I find myself laughing at Ho Geol's man crush on Ha Seon, worried and relieved the Queen knows more of the truth and clutching my heart at the court intrigue. I loved the original Masquerade, so the scene with Ha Seon running on the scholar's backs to grasp Ho Geol's hand was especially daebak.
Have you seen the trailers for the Korean comedy film Extreme Job? Honey Lee is in the cast. Apparently it's Korea's top-grossing comedy and in the top 8 grossing Korean films of all time. She's part of a squad of loser detectives who go under cover to close down a meth lab. The detectives take over a defunct fried chicken restaurant and end up doing brilliantly in the restaurant business. The trailer looks very silly—just what I need during winter.
Extreme Job looks like a remake of the Chinese 2017Lobster Cop. (Lobster Cop's available in full with Eng subs on YouTube.)
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February 16, 2019 at 7:21 PM
😆 KNG is my first oppa too, I remember when I first watched him on tv back in high school, cause back then we still have no internet 😅
and don't even get me started on ho geol scene with the king because I literally replayed that coz of how awesome it is and the way it is shot makes me lol 😂😆😂
we have a lot in common, i love masquerade, i watched it twice especially the epic scene where he finally lost it with the officials in court.
haven't seen the trailer for extreme job but I have to check it out now since I'm 99% sure we have the same taste in kdramas 😆😆😆
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21 Kurama
February 16, 2019 at 6:45 AM
After the end of some dramas, I didn't pick new ones, I was not convinced by the replacements...
The Crowned ClownPoor Ha Sun, the Queen broke his heart :(
An Empress's DignityAfter the last news, I really lost my interest.
Trap I watch the first episode and it was intense and dark. I'm curious about the rest of the story.
Romance Is a Bonus Book I like it. Dani is a cute character. But I can't picture them as a couple for now.
Dramas I will test, maybe :
Haechi, Item, The Light in Your Eyes, The Fiery Priest
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22 sph_7
February 16, 2019 at 7:00 AM
The Crowned Clown turned mediocre. The Last Empress is dragging me nuts.
Touch Your Heart is pretty bad IMO.
Dramas have been disappointing in general recently. Gonna try The Fiery Priest this afternoon. Please be good🙏🏻.
I was really hoping to see Hit and Run Squad in theaters, turned out it was only showing for 2 days in NYC area (WHY?). So I ended up watching Extreme Job. I’m so glad I did! This movie was frying hilarious 😂. So good I’m gonna bring another friend to watch it again.
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February 16, 2019 at 7:15 AM
I forgot I’m also watching Giant on the side, which has been filling up the time gained from dropping recent dramas. I was so disappointed when all the child actors grew up. This always happens when Jingoo plays the lead’s childhood but this time the letdown was so extreme I almost dropped this drama immediately. However with no new on-air drama that interests me, I continued. Now I’m on ep40. 20 left.
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February 17, 2019 at 7:31 AM
Yay Giant, so many good characters.
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February 16, 2019 at 7:33 AM
Hi @geliguolu sph_7. I am in the NYC area also so AMC is one of my go tos for Chinese and Korean films.
FYI. The Chinese scifi film WANDERING EARTH is playing at least through next Wednesday at several AMC theaters in NYC and NJ.
I just found out about it but it is a huge hit in China.
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February 16, 2019 at 7:53 AM
Oh I know. I must be the only Chinese NOT walking into the Wandering Earth theatre on $5 Tuesday , but crashed the Korean theatre instead 😂.
At the moment I don’t intend to watch Wandering Earth. Maybe if a group of friends decide to go.
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February 16, 2019 at 8:55 AM
"The Crowned Clown turned mediocre"
It turns into an uninspiring fluff halfway. Still watching to see how they'll end this.
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February 16, 2019 at 9:30 AM
Not even gonna mind it being fluff, cuz it isn’t. We are in slow melo territory now with no gripping power struggle or actions. I know we have to watch pass the Queen discovering his identity and stuff, but I never expected it to be this boring. The prolonged crying is beautiful as scenes on its own but I would like less of it. Also the many many shots of evil Minister, evil Empress Dowager, evil Prince-once-removed making evil faces has got to go! Ming’s messenger is of course a bad guy (like always in Korean sageuk) but that whole scene of Minister Lee confronting him is just weird and out of character. What happened to the guy always letting friends die in the name of Jeoson’s peace and prosperity? Now he goes pissing off people he know for sure will make Joseon suffer? He couldn’t think of better ways to stall for Ha Sun? And then the anticlimactic cliffhanger... 🤦🏻♀️
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February 16, 2019 at 11:02 AM
Characters turning stupid annoys me more than anything but I guess that's the point of this fluff.
Those that you call evil are just as bad as our so called reformists. It all comes down to murdering people who stand in their way.
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February 16, 2019 at 11:43 AM
I guess we have a different idea of the word fluff. I thought you were saying the romance is overpowering.😅
February 16, 2019 at 11:44 AM
Comment was deleted
February 16, 2019 at 11:49 AM
I didn’t mean the “evil” people have to go, just the scenes of them making funny evil faces were quite excessive. Even the awesome background music can’t make it exciting. If these “evil” people did something interesting, I’ll be happily back on board.
23 sparks121
February 16, 2019 at 7:29 AM
Haechi: Love, love, love. What can I say, I'm sucker for sageuks and dramas like dae jang geum, yi san, jumong top the list of my favorite dramas. This one feels like it could get huge ratings and I hope it does, so the broadcast stations(especially KBS!) will be encouraged to make more sageuks.
Romance is a Bonus Book: Not a lee jong suk fan, but kudos to him for knowing his strengths, seriously. Lee na young is and has been a fabulous actress and it's great to see her back in dramas.
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24 growingbeautifully
February 16, 2019 at 7:32 AM
RBB - I find this a pleasant watch with great side and main characters to root for. I can understand if Dan-I does not want to stand in the way of Hae Rin or takes a long time to admit to there being more between herself and Eun Ho, since she believes that she's past the 'time' and 'state' for romance and her 'little brother' should have a suitable young gf for himself. This will still not detract too much from my feeling frustrated that their romance cannot properly swing into action for a long time. I'm not sure if I'll feel sorry for Seo Joon who is supposed to lose the girl. Show needs to give us more of his story for us to care. I'm quite invested in seeing Ji Yul grow up and Dir Ko thaw out. And Park Hoon getting together with Ji Yul will be a hoot, especially if he ever decides to not always give in to her.
Item - Intriguing but somewhat over-the-top. I'm thinking it might work better as an all out caricature of a super-baddie wielding gadgets (like what was the name of that cartoon hero, Inspector Gadget?) while the hero finds legal ways to counter his moves. It could have been funny, but with the murder and with threats against the niece, the funny leaves the picture.
Trap - I find this hard to watch because I'm too softhearted (and chicken) to watch all moments of pain being deliberately inflicted. I'm not sure yet what to feel for Kang Woo Hyun. I'm guessing his being 'persecuted' was not just bad luck to be in the vicinity of hunters who were waiting for prey, but that someone has it out for him, and I'm waiting to know why. I thought it a pity to lose Det Bae after show had given us enough scenes of him to get us interested in what he could do and to start caring for him. Other than galvanising Dong Kook into action and proving that there is evil surrounding Woo Hyun, his death seemed unnecessary.
We have another female profiler but at least this one I enjoy watching. Thanks to DB for recapping this because I don't think I want to watch every second of this show!
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February 16, 2019 at 7:54 AM
Hi @growingbeautifully. Along with TRAP I watched the first 2 episodes of ITEM last week. I enjoyed Ju Ji-hoon and it was interesting but I think it will be an early drop.
THE LIGHT IN YOUR EYES ( for SHJ) has been on my radar and the early returns coming in here are favorable so I will pick this one up.
Also this year I am not going after “beans” so much so along with current dramas I want to watch some shows from the past that I missed but got great reviews. After GO BACK SPOUSES I am going on to MISAENG.
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February 16, 2019 at 10:45 AM
Go Back Spouses and Misaeng are two of my favourite dramas. Enjoy!
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February 16, 2019 at 1:07 PM
Thanks@wishfultoki. It is nice to know those 2 get your imprimatur. Of course I will also be starting HAECHI which I am anticipating being like a college level history course that will require extra reading. I am grateful for the @lollypip’s episodes1-2 recap. I hope they continue because I think I will need guidance.
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MikeyD signed up
February 17, 2019 at 7:44 PM
The husband from 'Go Back Spouses' plays the feckless unemployed brother in 'Radiant/Light In Your Eyes'. Watching episode one I thought "Why did Son Ho-jun is such a nothing role?" Then after watching episode 2 I'm like "Ooooh... this is a much more ambitious drama than it seems!"
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February 16, 2019 at 6:31 PM
@marcusnyc20 Ah yes, I highly recommend Misaeng... don't recall much about Go Back Spouses but at least I didn't dislike it. :-D
Don't know if I will drop Item to try The Light in Your Eyes. I shouldn't add another show!!!
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Linda Palapala
February 16, 2019 at 7:53 PM
@growingbeautifully: I've whittled down my to watch list to a mere 21 dramas. But some of the are re-watches. I just added Weightlifting because Nam Joo hyuk is so adorable in Radiant (Light in Your Eyes). This is probably the first time I've had so many "on air" dramas added: Radiant, Item, Fiery Priest, I Will Never Let You Go, Never Gone