Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…



Thirty But Seventeen: I take it back. Yang Se-jong is so, so cute in this romance. What happened to cold, my-emotional-walls-have-walls guy and who replaced him with sweet, blurt-your-feelings-everywhere guy? This week’s episodes gave me butterflies, and I absolutely cheered when he apologized for overstepping and being overprotective. What a refreshing move from a drama hero. And who knew he’d be the one declaring his feelings left and right when the time came for romance? I love it, and I want moar, moar, moar!

Mr. Sunshine: Listen, if you keep putting my favorite character in danger like that (and out of the blue!), we’re going to have problems getting to the end of this show in a peaceful manner. You’ve been warned, Show.



Your House Helper: I loved this show so much! I held off watching the finale since I was a little nervous the story was losing steam (not that it had much to begin with, anyway, being as character-driven as it was, but the main romance was the least compelling component for me so my interest flagged when that became a focal point). But the last few episodes were utterly satisfying and heart-warming. I loved that this was the kind of show that wasn’t afraid to tackle difficult issues in a reasonably head-on — yet somehow gentle — way, and I especially loved that all the main guys were so supportive of all the women, to the point where romance easily took a backseat to friendship. All in all, it was a lovely, comforting-yet-empowering drama, and I wish I could have a hundred more just like it.

Devilish Joy: Watching a drama just because my bias is in it is usually a recipe for disaster, but I love Hoya too much to not at least check it out. The production values feel laughably low-budget compared to the cinema-quality shows we’ve been blessed with lately, and the plot is, well, a mess. But by the end of the second episode, Son Ha-yoon’s spunky character won me over. Provided I keep my expectations low, this should be a fun romp.

The Ghost Detective: Gahhhhh, what an excellent start. I’m already hooked and desperate for next week (I have questions about supernatural physics!). The cinematography is gorgeous in a bleak, gritty way that reminds me of OCN dramas, and I almost didn’t recognize Daniel Choi with his serious detective face (and seriously sexy cheekbones). The highlight for me, though, is Park Eun-bin — she’s an actress who is the highlight of any drama, really, but I’m so happy that there’s a strong, versatile actress in this role since I get the feeling she’s going to carry the show. I just hope the rest of the drama lives up to the amazing premiere.


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This week has been a busy and stressful week for me, so cute, fluffy dramas and mysterious new dramas are welcome to relieve my stress and make me happy.

Thirty But Seventeen: Hooray for 2 hours of this cute show this week! I love how our leads are finally open and honest with how they feel for each other and how much their growth as adults were showcased in this week's episodes. I don't even remember how many times I've replayed that kiss (I'm really sorry my son, Chan), because it was not only the cute little scene we've all been waiting for, but it was a kiss without the other person being too shocked to move between two mature adults who like and understand each other! My heart is prepared for the angst in the future and I am hoping that the new-found maturity of Seo-ri and Woo-jin will help them cope with the twists and turns of their lives together.

My ID is Gangnam Beauty: I was really frustrated with the push and pull from last week's episodes and how the pace felt so slooooow so I am screaming happily right now for the developments in episode 13. Yes to Mi-rae standing up for herself! Yes to Kyung-seok being clear about how evil Soo-ah is! Yes to both of them being honest with how they feel with each other! Yes to Mi-rae and Kyung-seok being the cutest secret campus couple! YES TO EVERYTHING!

The Ghost Detective: Watched this for my girl, Park Eun-bin, and scruffy Daniel Choi but I ended up liking the show as a whole! One thing that really stood out about the show, aside form the leads and the weird ghost(?) mystery, is the cinematography. Watching a horror mystery series with great leads and amazing cinematography? I'm all in!


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My mom's love for kdramas made her buy a phone stand to help her watch shows anytime, anywhere. Here's what she is watching/have watched this week:

Mother: My mom is not a big fan of heavy dramas, so seeing her love Yoon-bok and this gem of a show made me soooo happy. What's really funny is that her dilemma at the end of the show is deciding which one is hotter: Doctor Jin-hong or Psycho Seol-ak.

Chicago Typewriter: My mom absolutely loved this show and she kept asking me who-killed-who the whole time. Ko Gyung-pyo being the adorable ghostwriter and Yoo Ah-in wearing the wig in his previous life were probably some of the reasons why.

Circle: Mom was confused and kept asking me why show is divided into two parts then when it all made sense, she kept asking me who is the Woo-jin of 2037. Her thoughts after finishing the show? "If being an alien means being eternally pretty, then I am willing to become one."


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Weekly reminder that I love your mom.


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Weekly reminder that I love you too, mary! 💕

PS. Every week is mom appreciation week and drama watching week 😂


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I also love both of you, err..tee..hee...hee*run awkwardly


Maybe we can just adopt your mom. Ask her if she wants to be the honorary DB Mom?
So adorable.... <3 <3


I love everyone who loves Yoo Ah In's 1930s hair. Your mom is an intellectual.


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Is there anybody who does NOT like Yoo Ah In's 1930 hair? I just want to talk.


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I thought nobody would be able to top YAI's mane of glory from Sungkyunkwan Scandal... until I saw his CT 1930's hair. Rawr!


@risaa Have you seen his hair in Six Flying Dragons? This man just can never get bad hair.


I know some people didn't like his modern hair in CT, but I didn't mind it, but all the accolades that have been written about the wig are well founded.


I am with Mom on CHICAGO TYPEWRITER my surprise favorite of 2017.
I hope I am not too snooty quoting myself but in the recent 8-17-2018 [Traveling the world with dramas] Travel outwards, looking in post by @purebristles
I wrote:

When I finally get to Seoul one of the first things I would like to do is to stand on that spot across from the Gwanghwamun Gate where Jin-oh and Se-joo stood in CHICAGO TYPEWRITER. That scene between the boys and Seol with the taking of photos I consider one of the most emotional that I have seen in a kdrama.

I am glad Mom really enjoyed CT.


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Yes, that was such a powerful, meaningful scene!


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I just finished Circle too, love the two-parters style, with everything coverging at the end.

This style really reminds me of Cloud Atlas, written in six-parters style, 1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1, very creative, the six stories across different timeline coverges in the end.


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agreed! I watched The Ghost Detective after being recommended by my friend and fell in love with the story and cinematography. I'm hooked. It's spooky and cleverly executed. Plus, Choi Daniel is one of my forever oppa..=)


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Life: I'm not sure whether the unevenness of the plot and character development is something intentional or not, but I appreciate the effect all the same. Everything felt messy and has no focus, but at the same time it also felt real and genuine and full of heart. One thing they keep reminding me of is that these people are no heroes, they are simply people living their lives to the best of their ability. And frankly, that's a sobering thought that's probably responsible for most of my more forgiving reaction regarding character's flaws and mistakes.

Ghost Detective: That twist!! Who thought that they'll go literal on us with the title? Now they can go anywhere with that kind of premise (which is something I highly anticipated) and I reckoned I should kiss my hope for getting a lowkey loveline goodbye.


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Re: ghost detective-Maybe it's just me, but I got the feeling that the police officer(the one who actually has brains), likes her a little bit. But then again, he's really cold to her sometimes.


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That's actually quite possible, but until he treat her better, I don't think I'll be able to fully onboard this ship.


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Ghost detective : actually there will be a loveline. Daniel choi said it on happy together. But when jae suk asked between who, he said viewers need to find out by themselves.


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Maybe they’re both ghosts??? 0_0
(I am not watching the show btw.)


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Park eun bin character? I dont think she will be a ghost. I think Her character is to be a connector between ghost world and human world.


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A loveline between a ghost and a human then? It’s a trend lately, loveline between human and non-human that is (AYHT).


Oh, i more hoping that he is in coma state. Like what happen innlet's fight ghost. Human with ghost or robot just have no space for my brain. It just cant fit in.


@stranger, I'm also hoping for this*whimpers T__T, but then there's that unknown body at mortuary that insinuates it could be his body and FL flat out said he's dead at ep 2 ending T__T


I don't think he's in a coma. Being hit in the head by a regular hammer should kill a person. I was really shocked when he dug out and was running around like normal and was thinking the show was just sloppy but then SIXTH SENSE TWIST and it all made sense. Kudos for actually fooling me, Show.


Is it bad that I really want a romance between them? One that won't end with rainbows and unicorns? Because I like to suffer :))


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exactly my thoughts when they revealed that he's a ghost.
Bye bye love line~


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My ID is Gangnam Beauty Episode 13 - ☺️☺️☺️

I have yet to see the last 3 episodes, but this is honestly the best episode so far. So much hype went into seeing this episode (a long week for me indeed), and it did not disappoint! Although of course, Mirae and Kyungsuk scenes absolutely, definitely, without a doubt, are my favourite scenes in this episode, but Mirae standing up to Soo Ah took home the gold for me. I love my girl whenever she gets back on her feet and fight. I am so swooned. This drama portrays her highs and lows each and every episode. Every time she gets shaken up, it tears her apart, but she strives hard to better herself, and I really like how this drama shows that it’s not an overnight cure to fix inner conflicts especially when people blatantly put you down.

I love her confidence in Kyungsuk’s interest in her. Gone were those days/nights she thought of “how could a guy like him likes someone like me”. Really loved that part too when she said to herself that she came in between Kyungsuk and Soo Ah cuz she doesnt want anyone pissing off the guy she likes…. Yeah girl, protect what’s yours. xDD

Also loved that part on the bus when Kyungsuk said he won’t let it slide if anyone says anything about her and them…. Thank you for saying that, anything to boost up her confidence I`m all in.


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Of course, she's confident! The guy has made it clear so many times that he likes only her. Thankfully, she had the brains to realise what SA meant and had the guts to face off with her.


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Really love that he’s always made her feel so wanted and loved. Ep 12 when he asked her “do you really not know?” Cuz really he’s been obvious about his interest in her. Honestly I really want to say he’s liked her from the start, it’s just that she bellowed at him in middle school for asking about her perfume, and then he had to move school. But really, after he found out that she was the same Mirae from middle school, his eyes only saw her and no body else.

And yessss I loved that part too that jealousy didn’t become her “epiphany” moment. She figures Soo Ah never liked Kyungsuk, but that she just harasses him to no end cuz he doesn’t give her the time of the day. She fought for Kyungsuk, the guy she likes, who appears to be so worn down from Soo Ah’s constant pestering.


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I don't think she'll believe him if he does tell her that he liked her since school. Because his reasoning that he liked her for who she is and not because she became pretty will be a bit difficult for her to understand. When he said in the previous ep that she's not pretty or ugly, she's just her, I didn't quite get it( I still don't). But they're together now and that's all that matters as far as I'm concerned.


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Re: "She's not pretty or ugly, she's just her". I`m going to quote Dramafever's review on Ep 12 as I believe they explained really well what Kyungsuk meant by that.

"Kyung Seok is great, because he likes the essence of Mi Rae. The thing(s) that make her her. Her personality, her quirks, everything."

He never wanted to label her as either this or that not only because that is the root of her insecurities, but also because he sees her past her looks. When Mirae turned to look at him, she immediately thought the worst of him smiling at her. But Kyungsuk didn't react at all when he saw the face of who made him smile. Rather he looked bashful that he had been caught smiling.

The second time they met, he finally found out her name (notice the emphasis on her name tag), sadly that didn't end too well, but Kyungsuk never forgot about her.

Anyways, he never saw her that way that's why she's neither ugly nor pretty to him. In his mind (and eyes) she is still the same girl who managed to put a smile on his face regardless of what she looked like.


Which brings us back to perfumes. Perfumes are enjoyed without being seen. I get the feeling Kyung Seok doesn't really care what Mirae looks like. What he likes is her soul, her quirks, what makes her who she is.


@luzitania Yes, she can change her face again, or perhaps gain weight again, and Kyungsuk will still like her no matter what and won't fail to recognize her. (Not that I`m saying Woo Young would do otherwise, he's a great guy too, but just not for Mirae).

Kyungsuk questions her, but he doesn't judge. He was also the only one among who Mirae opened up with her struggle with plastic surgery, who did not comment on what her face looked like post-surgery. Hyun Jung, CEO Na, and Woo Young tried to make her feel better saying - "you did it to become pretty, now you're pretty". But Kyungsuk never tried to make her feel better or worse about it. He questions her - "are you satisfied"? He lets her reflect on how she really feels about it, but does not comment further on. One thing - he does not care about people's faces, and second thing - some talks do not need a follow up response. Sometimes the fact that you're there listening is enough. And that's what Kyungsuk is doing everytime they touch upon her most sensitive subject. He lets her talk and he listens.

And thank you for being up the presence of perfume in this series! Gosh, the drama barely mentions this that I almost forgot that Mirae gets through her everyday life because of perfume. She likes to be associated with perfume because you do not see it, but can feel and smell very much its presence. And I forgot too that Kyungsuk recognized Mirae not only because of her footwork, but because of her scent. It was the scent he hated the most, but it was also the scent of that girl who made him smile - man, that's hard to forget. I wish the drama gave more emphasis on the perfume like it did in the webtoon.


I don't think I've ever heard KS says MR is pretty. he likes to stare at her, and only God Knows what he's thinking. maybe the concept of pretty/ugly is never something that KS takes into consideration when he sees/identifies someone. he barely remembers what MR look like in mid school, but he's quick to identify her in freshman night just by,I dunno, her familiar persona ? So, KS respond about MR being pretty or not is just somehow makes sense to me considering KS personality. that he didn't since mid school sees MR in that 'appearance thing' way.


Ep 14 -

So much sweetness, I love that they're such dorks and awkward around each other during the first phase of their dating. Kyungsuk is so understanding of everything Mirae, he even helps her hide their relationship. Seriously. And he's so patient with her.

My top favourite has got to be when it looked like he looked upset that their first dinner as a couple fell through and suggested they go home. Mirae was so apologetic, but then he said it was okay cuz they would have more chance to spend time together... LIKE.

Anyways I thought it was cute too that they told each other when they first liked each other. Mirae liking him after she found out he wasn't such a jerk afterall - I was right about this. It was so obvious. But Kyungsuk tho! he liked her since the orientation and it was that moment when he followed her in the room with Chan Woo!!!! eeeepssssss. I think it makes sense - that was the first time he interfered in someone's life, and it was totally out of his character to follow them. But he did and saved Mirae out of the misery from Chan Woo! Ahhhhhhh. I`m melting. So he was really flirting with her in the cafeteria scene when he asked her about what she thought of him (cool or annoying). Hee. He is so adorable. They are adorable.


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@junah @13infamyss @kimbapnoona

I went back and watched the first episode. Notes/observations (feel free to call me crazy!)

> Dong Won is there!! (min 27)
> MiRae is the first to see/admire Kyung-Seok when he is walking in the black sweatshirt.
> Then during the introduction she comes to know his name. (goes into paranoid mode.. lol)
> Soo-Ah introduces herself and says ‘I hope we become close’ - Kyung Seok looks at her and has a neutral warm look (min 29:45)
> Now the guys start teasing Soo-Ah about boyfriend/dating and she says she has never dated before
> Now, Kyung-Seok notices her fakeness already (min 30:02) _ Oh my!! he saw through her right there.
> Then she says ‘ The next person is really pretty’ and calls out for MiRae.
> Kyung Seok notices this.
> MiRae nervously gets up on stage and introduces herself as ‘Kang Mi-Rae’ and looks at Kyung-Seok. He is looking straight at her (I think he has strong doubts!! he knows it could be her and she got a face job done)
> When Mi-Rae walks off the stage he is still looking at her (min 31:10. A lot of curiosity and doubt)
> there is no interaction or glances during the drinking session.
> min 36:10 Kyung-Seok actually smiles when they are playing the music/dance games.
He is smiling a lot. Looks like he enjoys dance/music and fun things ; ))
> min 41:19 Kyung-Seok looks at MiRae dancing and thinks back at the bus-stop dance (Now the name matches and her dancing matches - so he probably already confirmed it must be her)
> After the dance ChaWon senior (the creep), asks for a love shot. Kyung-Seok is seated facing them in the stage. He is looking at them in the background. MiRae excuses herself and leaves the auditorium.
> min 48: KS is deep in thought. Ye Na is hitting on him. He doesn’t respond to her. He steps outside for some air.
> Another interaction with SOo-Ah, her faking being drunk.
> Mirae notices KS coming out of the audi and walks away.
> min 54:50 : The creep Sunbae takes Mirae to the lounge. Cool Mr.KS sees it. He seems annoyed!
> he opens the door, looks at MR, confronts creep sundae.
> Sunbae says ‘Lets go Mirae’. And Kyung-Seok gives her a look. He seems angry and pissed.
> min 1:00:07 Kyung-Seok asks ‘Are you OK?’ (so thats when he starts. Ever since he has been asking if she is ok- And i love that he always checks if she is OK first before asking anything else)
> HE calls her by name and asks if she went to the same middle school. His gaze already soft.

So our boy does like her because it's the same Mi-Rae that put a smile on his face back then.


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This is not crazy, this is revelatory! 🤣
I wonder why he pinpointed the ChaWon harassment moment.....was that moment he started liking her or was it the moment which made him aware of his budding feeling for her?


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I think it was awareness!


I wish he would explain this too, but this is my theory - he mentioned he was angry. Anger is a strong emotion. Negative but very strong emotion. It was an emotion he associated his mom who abandoned him. He never let go of his hate/anger feeling for her because he cared. Look at him having that longing look for mother-son moment in front of him, or that scene where his tears welled up after he walked off the bar seeing his mom for the first time again.

Therefore, I think he is aware it’s a feeling he won’t ever feel for someone he is indifferent with. He knew right there that he liked her. Mirae asked her “You liked me when I was dancing?” He said “nope”. Rather, It was the moment he put two and two together. But it wasn’t until He was angry at Chan Woo for cornering her and for harassing her that he realized he cared for her more than he should. Gosh, he already liked her before he even got confirmation that she was the same Mirae, 😭😭😭😭😭

Anyways that’s my 2cents on why he said he said that was the moment he liked her.


@13infamyss you are right, he was quite angry when Chawoon said 'lets go MiRae'. He would have lost it if she followed him.
Thankfully, she kept looking at KS and waited till senior left and then sighed.

Prior to that he saw the difference between SooAh and Mirae. It was a back to back introduction and he saw how fake SooAh was and how awkward and genuine MiRae was. Subconsciously he was drawn to her - her name, her dance and her personality.
Unlike conventional pretty woman, she wasn't acting pretty. She was still shy and awkward, which probably is what made him overlook her prettiness.


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@mayhemf Ooopps I replied to the wrong thread. I was talking about the difference between Soo Ah and Mirae in the other post when it should have been a reference to what you said under this thread. Anyways, they're all related! :)

Continuing on about Soo Ah - I just realized this while reading your post. I think he's being extra in shutting Soo Ah down too because of Mirae. Watching from afar, Soo Ah laches on Mirae like a leech and that is no good. He sees how she slithers (lol!) her way to Chan Woo and he in the end make a joke out of Mirae by cancelling his confession. Soo Ah insulting Mirae that she didn't get any work done on her face. Because of Soo Ah too, Mirae almost hurt herself with that flask she intentionally dropped. I honestly thought he blatantly calls her out because he could tell she's fake and that vanity clouds her brain (it reminds him of his mom), but nope, rather he only sees Mirae, and this girl comes into his vision by talking to Mirae looking all friendly, but stabbing her in the back.

As you've mentioned he can see it and he clearly doesn't care about her, until she hangs with Mirae and causing trouble for her.

LOL, I don't think Kyungsuk would have let her go with Chan Woo either. hahah. Or if she goes follow him, expect he be in the back watching!


Wow I just woke up and was about to backtrack your guys' posts and then I saw this and made me check out ep 1 right away! OMMMMMG.. Thank you @mayhemf for doing a detailed narration of their orientation. I am totally fangirling right now and everything, really, just comes full circle. We’re also discovering more and more of Kyungsuk's interest in Mirae. The things we didn't see before or never questioned now made all sense after what he said.

I really appreciate his self-awareness of his interest in her. He already knew he liked her that's why he's extra gentle with her. There was no epiphany for him (as in oh! so I was doing this and that for her cuz I liked her - nothing of this sort!). I could say the same thing with Mirae too, she didn't have an epiphany that she liked Kyungsuk either - she knew she's done for after she found out he was no jerk in middle school.


And I love your comment on there that he does appear to enjoy music/dance and fun things. I have never labelled Kyungsuk as a tsundere guy, tbh. He's never cold to Mirae (he always give this warm and gentle tone and gestures with her). He is indifferent about others because he simply doesn't care about them. He's socially awkward and never had the chance to find genuine friends to hang out with until Mirae, Hyun Jung and Woo Young. With Bar hyung too - he watches out for him, does whatever he asks for, cuz he’s his hyung he cares about.

From your observation right there, we can see why Mirae’s footwork made him smile, he’s simply into fun, quirky things!

I cannot unsee now that scene where he was drinking and Mirae and Chan Woo entered his vision!

I also love that he always, always asks how is she before anything else. So since Day 1 he’s been like this with her 😭😭😭 how can he be more awesome.

Also Dong Won was also part of the drinking team with Kyungsuk and Yena. He was the other guy in that circle besides Kyungsuk!

K, back to stalking your guys fan wall posts!


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"we can see why Mirae’s footwork made him smile, he’s simply into fun, quirky things!"
Thats why he likes MiRae - he doesn't like conventional pretty girls. He is attracted to fun/quirky personalities. No wonder he is drawn to her. He is enjoying all her Mission impossible actions and this dating must be such fun for him!!

I like where his attraction comes from. But we also know that she is the first one to 'care for him', 'worry for him'. Eventually, thats what made him completely fall for her.


@mayhemf So agree! And with Soo Ah - she sang “shyly” and her voice cracking “cutely”. With Mirae, it was nerve-racking for her, but once the music was on she gave her all for a performance that everyone ended up dancing and enjoying to. She was the highlight of the night and not Soo Ah who was doing it half-heartedly.

And yes agree as well that his attraction started because she was fun and she was (for the lack of better word I am unable to think ATM) “peculiar”, but that was only a part of her. The more he hangs out with her, the more he sees her vulnerability, personality, compassion - how very much of a real person she is. As he said, he likes her as a whole - everything that makes of her. It’s hard to pinpoint which part of her is better. They’re all equally good in his eyes ❤️❤️❤️


I just re-watched Episode 1 myself and loved every minute of it.
Such a shame this Drama isn't recapped here because there is so many layers to these interesting characters I love it.


@nico-ishk we are discussing the episodes on my fan wall. From episode 1. We are at 3 now. If you want to join please feel free to join The discussion and share your thoughts.


He was also really sweet and caring towards his sister.

Sorry just wanted to add lol


@nico-ishk I know heartbreaking to know too that we don't have a proper space to talk about it, but we've been everywhere on the site discussing it. Hope to see you around this final week! :)


"Mirae standing up to Soo Ah took home the gold for me"
yes! and the fact that it was executed in merely two words (in korean) : 'kyong seok, let's go!'. hahaha, Mirae can be badass if she's really determined. that girl hasn't stop to surprise me. and the look on KS and SA face, priceless.


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Yep she does have her highs and lows. Ep 13 was when her fighting streak shone again; Ep 14 kinda went meh again for her. I wish she'd be more consistent, but that's part of her charm, and Kyungsuk doesn't seem to mind that she takes time to wrap her brain around all this. She`ll come around again and fight.


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Episode 14 Was largely about Kyung Seok and Mi Rae starting to learn how to be a couple. It is so awkward, and not only because Mi Rae wants to keep their dating a secret. The use of the Mission Impossible theme while Mi Rae tries to sneak into the restaurant was hilarious. There was one really precious moment when Ms. Na discovers them- And proceeds to tell them that she had hoped that Kyung Seok would date Mi Rae. On the other hand- why is Mi Rae hiding her boyfriend from her parents? Surely she knows that they actually like him? Maybe because it is just too soon? And could Woo-Young have been any kinder and classier in the way he turned down Yoon-Byul? Who was equally classy in her response. Which makes me wonder if Woo-Young hasn't made a mistake. As much as I have wanted him to end up with Mi Rae's cute little friend Hyun-Jung I have to admit that Yoon-Byul is a very impressive woman. But with only 2 episodes left there may no longer be time for a side romance.


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I have mentioned this before - but it's funny how the normal things they used to do became the weirdest and most awkward things they do now. How many times have they eaten meal together in public before? Now that they are dating, eating out suddenly became a weird thing to do (well to Mirae at least). And let's not forget that scene when Mirae asked Kyungsuk to not sit next to her - even Soo Ah's friend noted on their awkwardness because they used to sit next to each other. A lot. Everyone is so used to seeing them together, and now they do the craziest stunts, so they don't get found out. It will be really hilarious if the entire department found out they're dating because they outed themselves with these stunts.

RE - Mirae not introducing Kyungsuk to her parents. I think it goes back to the fact that she's not ready to broadcast her relationship with him to everyone. And that includes her folks. Yes, they're her folks, but remember what her mom said in the car? She's so worried because Mirae doesn't tell them everything. She hides everything that happens in her life. She will eventually tell them, but not right now, when everything is so new for her and she's still learning what she should do, she should not.


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I think you are right about why she cannot tell her folks yet. As you noted- even her mom knows that this is Mi Rae's nature. And maybe it is precisely part of her nature that she actually needs a guy like Kyung Seok. They are a good pair because they are not the same but rather complement each other.


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Thirty But Seventeen (Fan Wall Spazzing):
If I had to point out what was the biggest flaw in this week’s episodes, it would be the way the show wrote off the festival organiser conveniently without any disruption to the festival itself. The arc itself was designed to give us that forced confession cliffhanger by the male lead as well as provide the setup for rival violinist’s development, which were great, but I wish that the show had dealt with the negative character more naturally. On another note, after all the happiness this week, this can only mean that the angst is coming soon. Let’s pray that the characters all remain sane!

The Ghost Detective:
An excellent premiere indeed, with the interesting twist on the usual supernatural crime procedural in that our male lead himself dies in the setup (the poor manager is going to get a shock next week!). Given how quick the male lead is on the uptake, he would have known that before the cliffhanger as shown by how he visited the female lead to carry on with the investigation (he had figured out that she had paranormal abilities from the job interview). I’m also curious to see how the young police officer will develop from his current bureaucratic personality to embrace the unexplainable.

Lovely Horribly:
YES, throw that wretched necklace far away! After last week’s cliffhanger, I was really surprised when it was revealed that it was actually Writer Ki (and not Yoon-Ah who I suspected, though her complicity does make her guilty as well) who was pulling all the strings behind the scenes for years since she didn’t appear to have known the male lead before the present time. I do feel that the 2nd male lead doesn’t have too much of a part to play in the story yet, hopefully that means that he will come to the foreground in the show’s second half as the leads start the fight against their fate.

Familiar Wife:
Last week’s preview spoiled all the developments this week up till the cliffhanger, so I’m glad we didn’t get one this week since next week’s adventures in 2006 will be short but significant. The two travellers will not only have to fix their life but also that of the people around them (particularly Jong Hoo). And whose not to say that there won’t be consequences for changing fate this time round? The bank younglings trio should have been developed earlier as an interesting parallel of Jong Hoo and the leads, sadly we won’t be able to see its conclusion as a new reality begins.


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Devilish Joy:
(Does anyone know if there’s a way to add this show to ‘My Shows’?)
The show made me regret watching it quickly with its character caricatures (prickly but capable male lead with an unique issue, candy female lead with the world against her, immature but good-hearted 2nd male lead with a single-minded pursuit, haughty 2nd female lead with zero ounce of respectability) and plot cliches (love at first sight, truck of doom, chaebol family, company politics, rich-poor dichotomies: male lead’s treatment of female lead made me facepalm hard). It had such a unique premise and yet the setup bombed badly! I’ll still give it one more week though.

My ID is Gangnam Beauty (Fast-Forwarded):
I don’t like how the male lead applied increasing pressure on the female lead (do you have feelings for me -> I like you, what do you think about me -> I can’t go back to being friends) since he should have had the most sensitivity for her insecurity. Also, TA’s sudden mention of appearances during his confession felt copy-pasted from the webtoon (since he showed respect for women all along) and we were told bluntly by lazy exposition that his initial crush deepened without being shown this growth. As for Soo Ah, the continued delaying of her backstory will just hurt the show more.

Life (Fast-Forwarded):
My favourite moment this week was seeing the preview of Dr. Oh kicking ass during her return to the hospital, which also means that this week’s episodes were really dry. It was especially tough see Mr. Gu taking away agencies and it speaks volumes that even his closest confidants were not delighted at what he did. He may be the best undercover spy at Hwajeong, but how different is he from the chairman if keeps on portraying himself as a cruel businessman to others? He’ll come around next week because its the finale, but did we really have to wait so long for that to happen?

Next week, I’ll be having some intensive real-life job training, so extended thoughts for the Thirty But Seventeen episodes will be placed on hold! Will have to manage my time well as I’m also anticipating the premiere of 100 Days My Prince.


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@MY ID: in regards with TA, i think his statement about her appearances still relatable. the first encounter in first episode, it's already clear that TA 'mesmerised' by MR beauty that lead him to befriended with MR and her friend. i mean,he's gentlemen no doubt, but his type still a beautiful girl. he's type of man who see visual first then personality. it's not merely a bad think, cause mostly men like that. but i have to agree that I don't get why TA feeling getting deepened. all he did with MR is just inviting her to eat or to play in group. and it is not like MR has shown the best version of her when she hanged out with the TA, so i don't get it. unless the TA likes the type of beautiful girl who shy and awkward, i guess it makes sense then ? i dunno.


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I agree that Devilish Joy started with a mass of cliché's, but I liked the first 2 episodes anyway. I would like to think that the writers have set this story up with familiar themes but perhaps will give us an unexpected twist on them.


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I HATE episode previews. Have been on an absolutely no preview diet for years. They completely ruin the next episode for me, with showing allll the episode up until the last minute in 10 seconds! Showing the sudden kisses, the culprit reveals, or the cliffhangers! What is wrong with these directors!


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That’s why when I absolutely can’t hold it in and watch the preview I don’t watch the last 5 secs cause it’s usually the most crucial scenes


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Ha! Nice!


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yeah, i quickly exit when the episode ends. I avoid previews if I like a show and if am invested in it.


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Thirty but Seventeen: Im so happy this drama is airing now. My current crack. I keep rewatching the cute moments of this week's episodes.

My ID is gangnam beauty: not rocket science, but an enjoyable watch. Poor sunbae TA got his heart broken </3.

Ghost Detective: ooouuuh I think I'm gonna like this. Also Choi Daniel is soooo easy on the eyes. With that twist, I guess there won't be a love story? So on board with that. It's not often this happens in KBS dramas.

I started again Misaeng. The show is so real that I can relate to it much more now that I'm at my internship. It's a hard binge, but definitely worth it.


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I am also watching Ghost Detective and re-watching a couple of episodes of Misaeng. Park Eun Bin has to be the highlight for me so far, closely followed by Daniel Choi's perfect jawline and cheekbones.

I first caught Misaeng at a time that I was about to give up on my job. I had to re-evaluate after being inspired by Manager Oh, who, despite his tough exterior, is actually kind-hearted and fiercely determined to do what is right, even if colleagues of his do not play fair all the time. He made me want to persist.


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Exactly! This show is making me persevere and learn patience. I dont know how, but it's makes office politics so enjoyable to watch despite how hard it is to actually stomach (what with my anxiety ahaha)


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Unless she eventually becomes a ghost too, then the next season can be "Ghost Detectives".


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Slow week.

Ghost Detective: I did not like Daniel Choi in Jugglers but he fits the role here well. The first (& second) episode was surprisingly good. It gives me a feel of Mystery Queen 1 with Daniel Choi as the ahjumma sleuth. But that ending felt so tragic because I have a bad feeling about it (which was confirmed at end of episode 4). The overall tone is a bit creepy with everyone seeing some sort of apparition. Are they possessed? Are they hypnotized?


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Familiar Wife: Episode 12 took me on an emotional roller coaster. The whole cast is just bringing it.

My ID Is Gangnam Beauty: Yes to the developments in Episode 13! I liked Mi Rae standing up for herself, the bromance and awkward dating.

Ghost Detective: Tried this on a whim and was intrigued until I realized the title is literal.


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I am so hooked on FW and MIiGB.
FW’s cast is terrific. Especially the two leads and the mom. I am so intrigued by what will happen next.
For MIiGB, I just wish they would put out the OST on iTunes. Lots of great songs.


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You can find MIDGB's OST under the name Gangnam Beauty :D


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I check iTunes regularly and "Gangnam Beauty" only brings up a bunch of "Gangnam Style" -related albums. I checked for "Runy" and "Junggigo" and they have other songs including OSTs for other dramas, but not for MIiGB. Maybe they don't have it yet for North America.


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Oh tht's strange...I definitely saw a list of songs under Gangnam Beauty in Itunes & Spotify O.o & Im from Canada...


In order to find international songs from dramas, sometimes you have to search them out in another country's store then flip back to the US store (etc) to make your purchase in local currency. It may be something with the search.


Lovely Horribly: Took me a while to think of this, but the way everything the writer writes then happens in the show's real world...
1: Seems a bit meta about what writers do to scriptworld.
2: Reminds me a bit of W -- crossover-y betweeen worlds, though not in exactly the same way.
3: Reminds me of old mythology Norns, Fates etc. How does spinning, measuring and cutting the thread of a person's life compare to writing and editing a script? Either way, for the character in whichever world, it's Ye Olde Inexorable Fate.
Voice 2: Ep 7 was the best yet -- more case-of-the week (zombie!) and less of that tiresome old Big Bad.

PS: I've been busy with other stuff and haven't watched hardly anything. But I'm still officially "watching" Witch's Court, Mr. Sunshine & 30 But 17. And I promise I'm going to start Ghost Detective Real Soon Now.


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Start with some good music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRHBmpmOoPU already listened more than 175 times

LIFE - 8/10 if we follow kdrama standard. 6/10 if we strictly follow critique rules. 1st 8 episodes 8/10 next 6 episodes 6/10

Time - 6/10 a crap show. so -ve and nonsensical. Still, a good time wasting.
Better watch this one than waste time on mediocre overhyped hollywood movies.

Devilish Joy - 6/10 bad direction, low quality camera work. Bad script. Entertaining as well. I like the female character.

The Ghost detective - dropped
Big Forest - this one looks like quality work.

JAPANESE DRAMAS this season again easily beat Kdramas. Heck, even Chiense dramas have become better. Only if they could rid of their crappy fantasy romances.

8/10 - Sochiro in no room , survival wedding, Himo men aka My Moochy Boyfriend.

Let's make my debut today on dramabeans.


Mr. Swimmer - waiting for translations. Looks a cliche, bad written chinese romance.

Take my brother away - gonna rate it next week. Right now i'm uncertain what to do with this show.

Accidentally in Love - dropped this trash

Love and Pie - 6.5/10 . Don't use logic and you will enjoy the show.


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Thanks for the nice song link!


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Ossan's Love - quality show and movie.

I'm most excited about - Middle schoolor and a female teacher's love story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6EuSREneH0

Obviously its a Manga to Live-Action adaptation

Chūgaku Hijiri Nikki -

Controveral content and mostly i always stand against Teacher-student romantic relationships and still this is my stand on the issue. But story this is more spiced up and

I love Arimura Kasumi.

@marry email sent.


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Nice lovely song, I like it!

I'm waiting for your debut @catocat

Now that's a lot of shows you've watched😀
I sort of casually watching Survival Wedding but I don't find it's engaging enough for me to stay focus throughout the show, also why the hell her ex-trashy bf appears again, urgh.

A bit disturbed by the amount of teacher-student that jmovie churning out lately.


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More Teacher-student mangas are getting adapted.
I like the Marketing approach of finding a partner and raising your own stock quite engaging so i'm quite enjoying suvival wedding. my reasons for rating it high are different from others.
Ofcourse, main genre of the show is romance but i'm getting my entertainment from the main aspect of the show.
There are dozen shoujo mangas there where heroine try to "Change" and beautification treated as easy solution of Heroine's problems but here they have handled it better.
Ex-boyfriend is low quality trash.

TV - I used to watch news-sports-national geographic-tv shows simultaneously.
Break and i switched the channel.
Side characters talk switch channel.
Annoying or boring stuff change channel
But online i dislike to skip/jump fast forward shows but i actually do watch 15min of 1 show and then switching to 15min of other show.

I wanted to have my idol debut yesterday or atleast today but seems like i need to practice a bit more.


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More Teacher-student mangas are getting adapted facepalm.
The only teacher-student manga that I can stomach is Hirunaka no Ryuusei (and that because I like the 2nd ML), but I still haven't watch it's movie adaptation. Also for the older-younger couple storyline, I like it better if they stay realistically with minor romance, like Koi wa Ameagari no You ni.

There are dozen shoujo mangas there where heroine try to "Change" and beautification treated as easy solution of Heroine's problems but here they have handled it better.
I agree with this, of course at times she got that jab where she's been told she's dressed too old for her age but like you said this show manages to look past her appearance and the boss also emphasize the attitude. Also, I like the random rambling history of luxury brand by her Boss.


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Sensei Kunshu is already released.
I was team Mamura from the start. Have you read the extra chapters of Daytime Shooting Star?

Ameagari is completely different Genre.
I have no knowledge of fashion or brands so when the boss pops up with his this and that brand trivia and how his factual observation of a brand lines well with Heroine makes it quite an interesting watch.
We all are in for Heroine's growth as a human.


@catocat, congrats for your debut!😆😂✨💫

I did't know there's extra chapters, what? @_@ how's it going?

I watched the trailer for Sensei Kunshu, seems like a light-hearted comedy doki-doki take on teacher-student story, perhaps I'll check it out later. Did you watch it already?

We all are in for Heroine's growth as a human.
Yeah and I pray to Drama God she'll not end up with the ex-trashy bf. I'm content enough if she stays single as long as she's happy.


He seems to appear every time things are going good in her life... But I love her silent battles with that other girl who likes Prince ....

Does any. e else get those music videos at the end... I want to K ow the name of that song where the girls are all wearing blue...


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@catocat congrats on your debut... At Mr swimmer I made a similar comment somewhere else and I nearly had my head bitten off... I can write that story in one go and still be better than who ever is going to troll viewers for 30ish episodes... You seem to be the only who sees what I se in jdramas... I only watch chinese historical dramas when I can stand history....

I every time I think the boy friend I moochy will get his act together he goes "got you" and creates more ridiculous ways not to be responsible...

And I wish sa hi had longer épisodes...


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Due to real life I barely had time to watch anything but shoutout to @frabbycrabsis for watching Masquerade with me. It was a meandering 3 hr ride (we paused a lot) that suddenly got intense at the end punching us with all sorts of emotion. I'm so looking forward to next years drama adaptation, possibly with more screen time focused at Gwanhae's journey towards being a better, more genuine, more caring person while posing as a King and a developed love line instead of a fleeting moment. The toilet humour so not my thing though. 🤮

WWWSK I had initially dropped this because of how meandering and plot less the drama was but I've picked it up again to enjoy the cutsie fluff (sizzling with chemistry) while I focus on real life.

Mr Sunshine Ep 9 just might be the best I've watched so far. The epicness is calling out to me but the slow pace makes it loose some of its steam.

On hold: Life, Wife's Credentials, TWDR, Familiar Wife
Upcoming/Nearly Done dramas of interest: Hand:The Guest, 100 Days My Prince, 30 but 17, Gangnam Beauty, Lets Eat 3


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I do not like toilet humor either. I was a bit worried when I first started watching kdramas. I loved Coffee Prince, one of my first ones,but that one older barista grossed me out so much.
It's maybe toned down in the newer dramas or I'm becoming more used to it?


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I'm amused with Korean culture that fixated with toilet humor. Instead of shying away, they embrace it wholeheartedly.😆😂


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Aah, Masquerade. The ultimate sageuk roller-coaster - in fact, you don't realise you're on a Roller-coaster until the last half hour, when you're whipped back and forth all of a sudden and everyone you loved dies.


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I blame you and your gif from a couple of weeks ago with the fact that I lost the whole weekend to a Jealousy Incarnate rewatch. I love that show, but really should have been cleaning out my garage. :) Actually, I regret nothing!


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😂😂 @csmith Drama temptation is so hard to escape


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Voice 2 : this one kind of .. complicated if not a mess. Mostly because of do kang woo character because we already have a violence, smart and powerful villain (he spying a whole police building) and kang woo make it worse by having RAS and multiply personality disorder. I cant predict what will kang woo be but i do really hope he will be the good man in the end.

Gangnam beauty : funny actually. But i could feel and understand the essence of the story more when i read the webtoon.

Time : this show is so depressing. I dont know why i keep watching this one.

Dear judge : donggu really bring kang ho character alive. I cant imagine another actor playing kang ho because of him. This show actually survive because of him, because the plot actually not really thick and quite loose here and there.

Ghost detective : oh man. I think Daniel choi doing profiling is what you call a man with sexy brain (and it not just his brain). This show already grab my heart and became my favorite of this week. The last scene on episode 2 left me speechless and took a few hours for me to recover from the shock and denial. Im so curious and exciting about next week episodes. I came for park eun bin but sign up for everything.


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Voice 2- Since he's the ML, I'm pretty sure he won't turn bad. All these hints suggesting that he's capable of worse things seems like red herring. Unless, they do decide to surprise us.


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I hope so. What keep me on edge is because kwon yool keep saying something about kwon joo not knowing anything about what kang woo did. I wish they dont suprise us by turning kang woo into a bad man.


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I still think he's manipulating her, just like he does with others. But the show might surprise us. Or they'll use this chance to show that both have psychopathic tendencies, but their choices are different( I sound too preachy and hopeful)


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He said it when no one around tho. I love how hopeful you are, we are have same wish (Cross my finger for kang woo)


Your Honor THE KISS. Omg, it was everything I wanted to see and more! 😍😍

I think we have reached a turning point in the drama. Kang Ho has confessed his feelings. So Eun returns them. Sang Chul is well on his way to being a heartless villain. And most importantly, Kang Ho and Soo Ho have finally met/confronted each other! I loved how the confrontation basically mirrored each of their respective personalities. Kang Ho is really self aware and acknowledges his actions. Soo Ho on the other hand hides behind a veil of respectability. I loved that Kang Ho called Soo Ho out! And to be honest now, I'm rooting for Kang Ho to keep the judge position cause he sure as hell is a way better person and judge than Soo Ho.

All this excitement aside, I'm also afraid for when So Eun finds out about Kang Ho's lies. She's a really fantastic person and my heart hurts thinking of how devasted she's going to be when she finds out Kang Ho is not who he says he is. Lies are not the foundation of a happy relationship!

Thankfully this is a kdrama and as such there are no real-world consequences except for the tears I will inevitably shed when she finds out and much angst occurs. Oh well.


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Hi @pipette. I am thoroughly enjoying YOUR HONOR. You wrote:

I'm also afraid for when So Eun finds out about Kang Ho's lies. She's a really fantastic person and my heart hurts thinking of how devasted she's going to be when she finds out Kang Ho is not who he says he is. Lies are not the foundation of a happy relationship!

I have been pondering this situation also and it brings to mind I AM NOT A ROBOT where the 2 leads relationship was also based on lies. When the eventual reveal was made it was devastating. Min-kyu's (Yoo Seung-ho) confrontation with Ji-ah (Chae Soo-bin) was probably the most emotional scene in the drama. Sorry about going down memory lane.


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@INAR, oh my Lord, I felt so emotional for that confrontation scene. It's heart-breakingly angsty and ruthless but the right kind of angst (I'm not good with words, sorry).


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Oh I remember that confrontation. I cried buckets, partly because it was so gut-wrenching and partly because Yoo Seung Ho and Chae Soo Bin are such good criers, it elevated the scene a hundred-fold.

I expect a similar scene when So Eun and Kang Ho have their own confrontation.


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YASSSS to that kiss. Hellllllooooooo Judge. ha. I also 100% agree with the rest of your statement too.


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Hellllllooooooo Judge

My sentiments exactly!


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30but17 - Nice show but everyone is so naive I don't really believe it. They are cute but don't give me that emotional response. I did love that show didn't make SeoRi to be some kind of genius that can get over 13 years of sleep in a month. And Jennifer doesn't even annoy anymore. More action would have been nice. The unmysterious mysteries drag too much.

Time - I was expecting another Secret but the emotional angst is not there. So many things happened to Chae A and the lawyer and yet they don't change and don't react as much. She seems only concerned with her male lead's obsession, he doesn't care about becoming a murder? What happened with SH? Money did not kill her sister. Their mother's stupid decisions and maybe CA's actions did but not money. Did not like that and didn't feel true to character.

My ID is GB - Second favorite show, still very good but I wish it was less about the romance and more about MR's discovering how to be around new people, how to be herself with her new identity. I hope the possible eating disorder and possible stalker won't be a way for show to redeem SA, she makes her own choices.

Familiar Wife - The best show from the list. Good cast, nice writing, pretty cinematography, besides I confess time travel never gets old for me. Still don't get how that coin matters but ok with that.


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Everyone's at fault except heroine's family.
Soo Ho was unfortunate to encounter so many hateful people in his life.


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You mean their mother who spent all their money, left the house to a thief and had somewhat led the younger into prostitution wasn't at fault? The younger sister also made her own choices. She chose to sell drugs, sell her body, get drunk. Even diving into that pool was her choice. I'm not blaming her, it's all understandable, but still, can't say she didn't have anything to do with it.


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That was a jibe at the heroine.


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OK, sorry I missed the irony ehehhehe.


That coin is the 2006 coin that apparently takes them to that year.


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Re: My ID is GB. I agree with you on MR. I thought the show would be more on MR's dealing with her new appearance and being more confortable but it seems like it focus more on Kyung Seok and his family problem.


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I changed the strategy. Instead of trying to catch up with all the dramas I wanted to watch, I just chose one and watched it till the end. The winner for this week was House Helper... and what a sweet show. I loved the cleaning aspect (and hot Ha Sukjin giving household tips wasn't bad either 😁), just wish there were more cleaning stories instead of Big Love Mystery and Big Bad Disease Drama.

I also watched two episodes of Devilish Joy. Cringed most of the time and had flashbacks of OCN romances... but Choi Jin Hyuk keeps me in. And it's funny that his Tunnel's bauddy is there as well 😁


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Hi @dorotka. With all the new premiers this week or coming soon I was trying to find a way to watch DEVILISH JOY because of Choi Jin-hyuk who is one of my favorites (although rom-com is not a favorite genre of mine) and skip GHOST DETECTIVE (where crime is my favorite genre.)
As I was going through today's WWW the early returns were coming in and GT is getting very good reviews and DJ seems to be a stinker.
Then, when I am about to peremptorily drop DJ you have to go and mention CHJ has a TUNNEL ( another favorite) buddy in the show! Ah, what to do?


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GT=GHOST DETECTIVE. Poor proofreading on my part.


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Oh, there might be a tiny misunderstanding... it actually was more a baddie than a buddy in Tunnel (which I think is my favourite CHJ drama)...


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I got swallowed up by the 70 episode C drama Story of Yanxi Palace. It was a monster! Maybe it's nothing to saeguk expert viewers but for a noob who can't remember when was the last time she watched an imperial court drama, this is savage. There's so much political maneuvering and backstabbing in each episode and yet the writer keeps at it all the way from start to end. Would you believe if I tell you there's hardly any filler in 70 episodes?

Still enjoying Life and My ID is Gangnam Beauty. Looks like I have to pick up The Ghost Detective going by beanies' raves here.


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re: filler. Yes I do believe you. It's rare but this type drama does exist in nature. Now I have to go check this one out.


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I'm intrigued with SoYP because there's a lot of rave for this show but also got strong rant where the viewers complained there's so many bad guys, like 1 bad batch out, another bad batch coming in, like the backstabbing and plotting never stops. Does it bother you while watching this show?


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Eh...I won't say it bothered me but I wondered how anyone lasted a day in that palace. It was like being thrown into a gladiator ring every day.

In a nutshell - One male + Many females + Eunuchs in a confined place = TROUBLE


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@outofthisworld, judging from your description, people in the palace definitely in need of official counselor and blood pressure daily check.


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I on the other hand am watching ru yi's place love... And right now am a certified palace maid... I can talk my mistress into kill a few people, and then when she réalisés how far down the rabbit whole she has gone I can start pretending I did it all for her


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I'm watching a mixture of older and newer shows. I'm not sure it's a good idea because I feel permanently behind with everything...

Current airing dramas:
Your Honour Even though I'm still not convinced about YSY depicting of the Thug Bro, this is still the drama that I watch first. And the only one that I'm not behind with. It's the cases that keep drawing me in, and the knowledge that Mr Ultra-creep and Mr Nice Guy-creep are going to get their come-uppance at some point! I love it when YSY going into Judge Bro mode, and shows a serious side of Thug Bro mode, I just can't with the snarl. YSY - stop doing the snarl and I can love this show whole-heartedly. Please!

30/17 I'm two episodes behind but am slowly catching up. I love the entire cast of characters, but for some reason I'm not compelled to watch the new episodes as soon as they come out. Still, when I do finally get round to watching, I'm ooh-ing and ah-ing at the cute sweetness.
Life I'm only behind with Life because it needs a level of concentration that I don't seem to be able to maintain for very long. I only ever watch 30 mins at the time. Maybe those channels who brought in half-hour episodes were on to something...

Older dramas:
Fight My Way I'm watching this on Rabbit with @Kaleidoscopic and whoever else wants to join us. Friends to Lovers is my ultimate catnip so I don't know why I didn't watch this when it first came out. It's a fun watch and my only complaint is that everybody apart from our main pairs and (my favourite) coach-nim, seem to be awful people...

A Wife's Credentials I'm loving this drama that looks at a set of families through the lens of education - what parents have to do to get their kids into schools and get good grades. Kim Hee-ae is amazing as the housewife who falls in love with the husband of her kid's teacher. My only slight niggle is that there was a sudden one-year time jump in the middle of ep 11 (which is as far as I got) and I wanted to know what happened in between. But I'm trusting this writer.


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I really liked Fight My Way as I watched it....last summer? But I think I like it more the more I think back on it. I've tried to get some friends to watch it because I think it would make a nice gateway drama.


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Your Honour's swaggering exaggerated performance seems to have toned down a bit but it's still off-putting. As you said earlier this week, maybe he's doing it deliberately to make the show seem less dark - because aside from his OTT performance aka The Snarl - show is quite dark.

Still, I grinned through these week's episodes. I found them really satisfying.


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Oh yes, I completely agree. I liked the two episodes this week. They provided justice and cute. Can't ask for much more from a drama.


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I should probably also admit that the last episode made me think: 'oh judge bro is actually quite attractive compared to thug bro' for just a second. Then I remembered that of course they were played by the same actor.

So in that way: well done YSY for portraying the characters quite differently.


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ah, fight my way. good time. no chaebol, no miserable second lead, only about dream and relationship. everything is told in realistic way but still has some sweet fantasy drama could give in.


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thirty but 17: I love this so much. The only stress it gives me is because of Chan (promise me show that you will do nothing to my baby). I agree with every letter of @girlfriday.
North and South: About to begin it today. Something about brooding guys gets to me.


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I love North and South. I've watched it a few times. Someday plan to read the book.
I always think of how they filmed the cotton in the factories. It looks so beautiful falling like snow, but then realize how bad that was for the workers.
There are 2 other Gaskell adaptations that are good too, but not as strong on the romance.


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Love 'North and South'!! such a beautiful show. That last episode gives me all sorts of fuzzies.
And Richard Armitage, major fan crushing after i finished the show!


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Did you ever watch the Vicar of Dibley? He is only on during the end of the show but I liked his character.