Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

So, what are we all watching this week?

What kept you reaching for more (or agonizing when there was no more), and what made you want to throw your remote through the screen? Time to weigh in…



Life: I keep seeing this drama as a palace political thriller in disguise (which makes me want to see the writer tackle actual palace politics in her next drama, having stuck to contemporary corruption thrillers like Forest of Secrets). It’s perhaps the one way you could make a drama without a central plot actually riveting, because it becomes this game to see each greedy power-mongering doctor rise and fall, only for the next one to take his place, while our righteous heroes remain in the background to step forward (hopefully?) at the last moment and prevail (hopefully?). I also find Jo Seung-woo’s character more fascinating the more we see him put under pressure by the chairman, because he isn’t the ultimate evil — heck, I don’t think he’s evil at all. It’s more like we’re watching this brilliant man toe the line between being a benevolent ruler or a corrupt tyrant, and I’m rooting for him to let his better nature prevail.

My ID Is Gangnam Beauty: I just picked this up this week, so I’m way behind but I like it enough to suspect I may be caught up fairly soon. I find the heroine’s position quite interesting, having wanted all her life to be treated as normal, only to find that once she gets surgery so that she can join the ranks of the rest of society, she’s so beautiful that she’s overshot and treated differently by everyone because of her beauty. I’m sure Aesop had a fable about that. Our resident Mr. Broody is shaping up to be the poster boy for the tsundere hero, and I find myself swooning in some parts and wishing in others that he were a more interestingly complicated character. I can’t wait for two-faced, snake-like Soo-ah to get her comeuppance, and just hope it won’t take all series long. My bloodlust must be sated, and the sooner the better.



Let’s Eat 3: Wah waaaaah. I knew the ending would be rushed—because how could it not be when your lead actor has two days to film an unexpected finale before rushing off to army duty—but even with my expectations set low, I was so disappointed that we got such a lukewarm send-off. Our hero spent the entirety of the season mourning and getting over his last love rather than focusing on his new love interest, which only seemed to worsen in the last two episodes when he actually confronted his heartache. That’s setting yourself up for failure if I’ve ever seen it. Look, would it have killed you to say something along the lines of, You were my first love and I was too chicken-shit to say it when I was twenty? She said it to you! I would’ve settled for a “Me too!” I ask for so little, and yet…

Mr. Sunshine: Okay, I did like seeing everyone come to Yoo Yeon-seok’s rescue when his life was at stake. I just wish the friendships were more overt in this drama, but I suppose the weird three-way frenemy-mance wouldn’t be nearly as funny if they acknowledged that they were friends? Mostly, I’m concerned that there aren’t that many episodes left, and everything seems to be pointing to a tragic end for… well, everyone.

Thirty But Seventeen: It’s a good thing the characters are so freaking cute in this, because man is the plot frustratingly simple and slow. Dancing around one secret for this long is bound to frustrate anyone, and I consider myself on the forgiving end of the spectrum because I like the leads and the setup so much. But listen, enough is enough. Out with it! The truth will set you free! Or at least curb your constant panic attacks!



Your House Helper: I was happy with the way the show dealt with the sexual harasser storyline… until it brought him back into a Da-young’s life and decided to frame his “crush” on her as real—and somehow harmless. NOPE. Also, I’m a little let down by how lukewarm and almost… familial(?) Da-young and Ji-woon feel with each other now that they’re actually an item. I’m surprised because I really found them so cute before, and I thought they had chemistry! Maybe it’s because, despite how much screen time has been devoted to Ji-woon’s tragic backstory, he somehow still feels a bit like a cipher. Also, this weird storyline that the disappeared ex-girlfriend is Cute Bartender’s estranged mom, and he’s become a low-key villain? Not a fan. I want more adorable healing-via-cleaning interludes.

Thirty But Seventeen: The drama continues to both make me laugh and make my heart feel squishy and vulnerable. I continue to wish for the characters’ secrets to be revealed at greater than a snail’s pace.



Your House Helper: The broadcasting interruption couldn’t have come at a worse time because it took two weeks to get through the final two episodes. I was not a happy camper but the finale more than made up for my frustration. The final hour proved to be an emotional one; I spent most of it with a lump in my throat or tears in my eyes. Amazingly, by the end I had a smile on my face, certain that our characters were finally poised to make the most of their futures. Everyone was stronger, happier, and more confident, including the house helper who brought everyone and everything together. Believe it or not, this was the first time that I watched a drama that starred Ha Suk-jin, but it won’t be the last.

Be With You: I’ve been in a bit of a drama slump so I decided to choose a movie this week and settled on Be With You. So Ji-sub plays against type as the quiet and shy Woo-jin, a widower struggling to raise his young son. They both do their best to deal with the huge void that Sohn Ye-jin, as the wife and mother, left in their hearts and in their home. As if in answer to prayers, she reappears one day but has no memory of their lives together. It’s a sweet story and the movie takes its time to tell of the special love between Woo-jin and his wife. There were some surprising twists towards the end that brought the narrative into focus and shifted the entire mood of the movie.


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No drama this week either. I think I'm just waiting for the new batch in the coming weeks.

Been busy with BTS this week and learning more about iKON.


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Thirty but Seventeen Omg that last scene. l just want them to find out the truth and find their way back to each other!
Also its quite adorable how WJ rushed out of the house in his house slippers so worried he was of his nephew.
I am so glad that SR has decided to end the intermission and follow her own advise to WJ. 😀
Also that awe on Chan's face when he saw SR playing that violin. He fell inlove all over again. *hugs*!

Life That chairman is scary and hope he and his friend is held accountable for their conspiracy and corruption. JSW is really an amazing actor, he doesnt say much but you can tell that he is worried for his people especially NE. I just hope the doctors will see who their real enemy is and work together to vanquish them.

My ID is Gangnam Beauty last week's episode: Finally, Mirae sees the real face of her enemy. Hopefully this will only make her consider her feelings for Kyung Seok seriously and not back down from that two-faced fraud. And I was thoroughly amused on how smitten MiRae's parents were over Kyung Seok while he was desperate to make a good impression on them. Want to see more of MR's parents and KS interactions. :)


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LMAO. Them loving TA sounded ages ago now after seeing Mirae's closest friend ~_^ Would so love to see Kyungsuk gets invited over to her parents' house and have a meal.


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Oh I would love to see him have a meal at their house. Her parents would go gaga over him and he'd be all wanting to impress them. 😁


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For the last couple weeks I have been wishing to see MR's parents feeding KS and going noraebang together (show us how well you can really dance and sing irl Cha Eun-woo!) I really just want my puppies to get as much love from the worthy people around them.....her parents and his mom, his sister, and their friends.

You know what I really want to see after epi.11? KS just drops by mom's apartment to see mom and sis but then just opens up the fridge and eat leftover fried rice like a hungry 19 year-old, because, it's mom's house and that's what a boy would do. Just absolutely love the progression and normalization of their relationship!!


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That would be great. KS would be visiting like a normal college student and eat whatever is in the fridge because he wants to know what his mom's cooking taste like.
Yup. It would be great to see more scene with MR, KS and her parents. I bet they wouldve a blast at the noraebang.


OMG yes, I do remember you mentioning this. I really hope noraebang with Kyungsuk and Mirae's fam happens and that in laws will meet up too before the drama ends!

Ohhh TT_____TT That would be so great to see - Kyungsuk coming over to his mom and sis's place and act like a normal son would do at home. I was actually worried when mom told Kyunghee to eat by herself. Like whoa, they just started living in but circumstances are already kicking in with issues. But thank goodness, I was worried for nothing! I`m like Mirae, overthinking, lol. I think this might the the normalization of relationship you are referring to. She looked so happy in her new filming set and enjoying the leftover fried rice!

And also would like to comment on that part where the siblings were arguing on the street. Kyunghee was deadset on not coming back to dad's place and Kyungsuk was like - I`m not taking you there. Kyunghee - where? Kyungsuk then said - she's probably gonna cry tears of joy once she hears you're coming. Like auuugh TT_____TT


"she's probably gonna cry tears of joy "
This guy is a quick learner eh.. he learns something and then keeps applying it ; )

@kimbapnoona We are all eagerly waiting for a family noraebang.. I hope they give us 2 episodes of joy and nothing but joy!


I love it when Mirae shows her strong side. Ep 10 with SooAh and at the festival with scummy ex-crush. I also loved the part where Mirae's parents didn't understand what a "Gangnam Beauty" meant and took it as a compliment. Great show.


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I felt sorry for her parents not knowing what it means. I guess ignorance is bliss because otherwise they'd be spitting mad.


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Auugh guys, ep 11 was too much for me on this "Gangnam Beauty" term....


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I totally teared up!

There are many things to love about Kyung Seok, but one of them is that he sees SooAh for who she really is (unlike so many other dramas where the 2nd female lead is always clinging to the male lead and he's clueless) and tells her straight up!

I also love his mom (and Mirae's parents). I want to be as cool as she is when I grow up. She's so respectful towards her kids (always asking if it's ok if she does something for them), and Kyung Seok is just like her. At the end of episode 11, he asks Mirae if something like this happens again, if it's ok he gets involved without hitting anyone. Who is not going to swoon over this?


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Couldn't agree more. I also loved how he can put two and two together without anyone saying anything. When that co-worker guy said that it was Mirae who introduced the job to Soo Ah, Kyungsuk looked like he believed it - but man, that was so awesome when he straight up asked Mirae what happened between them and that Soo Ah definitely told her something.

I so loved that about him. And winning piece in that scene - "They're not objects" ***smh, Kyungsuk how can I love you more?***

That last scene tho - TT____TT He wants to be part of her life so bad, that even just a little hint of liking him is enough.


I also love how KS can see straight through SA and knows that she doesn't even like him. But I do wish that he would impart some of that wisdom to MR because she's still being manipulated by SA because of this misunderstanding.


I am so glad that Kyung-Seok is not dense and blind to Soo-Ah's act. It's so frustrating when it happens in other dramas. I guess Soo-Ah was expecting the mom also to be angry at Mi-Rae but she was not, Greatest K-drama mom ever. She needs to exit, I'm done with her innocent girl act.
I find it so refreshing that Kyung-Seok has known about it since the beginning. It's hilarious. She tries so hard and he sees right through her and now Mi-Rae does too. I laughed so hard when he's like "are you just going to keep pretending?"
I loved how Kyung-Seok stood up for Mi-Rae that was fully expected. Kyung-Seok is turning out a legend at toilet fights. He can't be separated from bathroom fights.
I was so amazed and loved him more when he said "They are not materials".
I loved the mom and daughter scene and how dad was happy that Kyung-Hee is at a safer place. Kyung-Hee is such a free spirit i hope she becomes more confident.
Though, my favorite scene was how Mi-Rae stood for herself when Kyung-Seok was involved.^^


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LMAO I still can't get over how Soo Ah planned to tell Mirae off to Kyungsuk's mom. How low can she now get? She's resorted to she-did-this-she-did-that. smh. I`m so done. Let's cross our fingers this is the first and last time Soo Ah and CEO Na talk ever.

I didn't really want to mention the dad, but since you did I might as well just do it too. I`m glad that he's not stopping his kids now to come to their mom. Seriously that's the least he could do. And I`m not sorry that he now has the humongous house all to himself and no trace of Kyungsuk and Kyunghee living in there. He can't have everything after all he's done. He might have won the mayoral race, but he can't win his family back too. That's just way too cruel. CEO Na and kids need to move on without looking back.


*Finger's crossed* or else it'll raise my blood pressure.
I'm so done with Soo-Ah. Even if I get to know her story I won't like her at all.
Yes! I don't feel sorry for Dad but I was just happy that he didn't stop them. Ms. Na and the kids deserve their time together.^^


I wish they didn't write the dad character this way. From what they showed he didn't seem like a bad person, but was having a 'mindset' that a male is the head of household and deserves his families loyalties.
the whole 'hitting his wife' came too suddenly and felt out of character.
they can't really redeem him after all this.
of all the characters in this show, i thought his was the poorly written one in my opinion.


They made him more relatable in drama, in manhwa he is more of a caricature. That slap is an inherent part of the story, can't be crossed, @mayhemf


@mayhemf @allphryne How I see it is this - yes the dad is not completely an a.hole. When he said that he could finally sleep knowing Kyunghee is in a better place, that showed who he is deep down. That he does care about his kids and would rather let them stay at their mom's than be at a place he doesn't know where.

He lost his temper and ended up hitting his wife. It was a one time thing - it had never happened before and perhaps it will never happen again. But the damage was done. Even if he didn't have a history as a wife-beater, he still hit her because he snapped. Tragic, but he cannot undo it. He lost his wife and kids because of that one mistake.


@13infamyss The part that hit me the most was how he dealt with the consequences of him hurting her. Saying that he would make her happy and that she would be taken care of made me realize that he doesn't really understand his wife. Her sense of smell and her work is everything and he robbed that. There is nothing that he could have done to repay it but he thought he could throw money at the solution.


@luzitania True. Adding on to that - how heartbreaking is it that even her will to cook delicious food for her children is now restricted because of his mistake? She is unable to smell what she prepares for them. I thought I teared up in that scene.

Did he even say sorry to her? I don't remember. And the fact that he lied about it to his kids - all their life they've loathed her for abandoning them for another man.

This drama, indeed, shows us that the consequences of our actions - whether we did it intentionally or not, a one time or recurring action.


@13infamyss I don't remember him saying I am sorry. Not only did he not apologize but lying to his children about it was unacceptable. No wonder he is left all alone in his huge house.


I think there should be a second season to Life. There are only 4 episodes left and the story keeps getting better and better. I can definitely do without the love storylines, except Sun-Woo's one-sided feelings for No-Eul. That's a compelling set-up.


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Forgot to add that I like how we've only seen bits of the chairman, but yes, he's scary (in all his scenes even when he's just sitting there). That's great acting lol.


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Actor is starting to make me forget he’s Jung Hae-in’s hyung in Prison Playbook and that I loved him in that drama. Lol


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Omg, now I have to check out Prison Playbook! It's on my list, but I haven't been able to watch it yet. He's fantastic here.


I loved him so much in that...


Isn't he also in the Undateables? the nerd cousin who became playboy after the makeover?


@june I haven’t seen that drama so I don’t know. :)*


I wouldnt be against a season 2. 😊
Yes there are a lot going on. But I hope the writer can tie up everything in the remaining eps.

I dont mind the romance as much. A hint is fine but nothing overt that it would take over the story.


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Yes, this writer does romance well. If there is some, then subtlety is best since the story is the main focus. It does make me wonder what kind of romance this writer would do if it's the main storyline. A romance mystery thriller? I would watch it, including a sageuk (as Javabean said).


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The writernim would write a compelling story whatever genre. I am a big fan!


Episode 12 of My ID is Gangnam Beauty is out, and I have to talk about the scene in the rain- with the umbrella. When Kyung-Seok has poured out his heart to Mi Rae- and Mi Rae has told him that he has no chance because she is too afraid of what people will think. And she does this shortly after Kyung-Seok’s own mom has advised her to not let fear control her lest she live a life of regret. Had his mom known that Mi Rae was talking about her son she probably would have been even more encouraging. This was so frustrating. And then there is the scene where Woo Young has just been turned down by Mi Rae- He is a genuinely good guy- and a total class act as well. The girl who gets him will be one truly fortunate woman (I am still rooting for Mi Rae’s adorable little roommate- but Kwon Yoon Byul would be good too). But the episode ends with Kyung-Seok completely misunderstanding the scene in front of him- about to explode in anger and jealousy- and I have to wait another week to see what happens? Are you kidding me?


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lol.. yes, the wait is too long!!


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Woo -hoo!!!! Javabeans watching My ID is Gangnam Beauty! ^_^ Hope you`ll stick to the very end! :)

Ep 11 - Auugh so many darn feels again. I felt so broken watching this.. Watching Mirae being shamed over and over again by society. So glad to see someone is so willing to fight her right to be respected and happy. Please let them be happy from here on! TT_____TT


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My favourite scene was of course the brawl scene. It was soo good and so moving. It hurt. A lot. Was tearing up by how much pitiful Mirae's life was all this time. She tried to change to live a quiet life, but it never happened. Everyday is a battlefield for her - both inside and out.

Kyungsuk had always been there rescuing Mirae (with Senior from Ep 3 and with Yong Chul ep 6), but he wasn't always there at the beginning. He fought for her knowing she was at the disadvantage, but didn't really know what led to it. This was the first time he saw/hear himself the kind of disrespect Mirae has received all her life. He flipped and lost any coherent thoughts he might have had. It's really tragic that Mirae steps back, doesn't take any action cuz this was an everyday thing for her (made me remember ep 1 when she reasoned how she stopped fighting the bullies) TT_______TT


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She's started to fight back. How she said to that jerk yong chul that she can see him for what he is now that she's changed. Also how she stood upto her coworker in today's episode. Good that the store decided to fire him too (also good PPL to promote the brand)


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Opps sorry, I should have been clear. That last part I wrote was her growing up, not her uni life. She's been disrespected all her life, but she let them stepped on her again and again and it's sad how no one was there to pick her broken pieces up. I couldn't be prouder of her growth in uni and how she stands up for herself as time goes by. She's become a stronger who just needs a little more push to fight herself and how she sees herself.


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The brawl scene was great for all the reasons you have stated.....the most memorable expression for me from KS this episode is him looking completely bewildered outside of the bathroom when he realized that MR heard and was hurt by what the jerk coworker said about her.

The fight was not great because it was satisfying for us to see the coworker getting punched (just like the bullying sunbae getting kicked) but I absolutely love the conversations following that scene.

How MR stood up against the coworker at the police station is of course, one deeply cathartic moment (like when she confronted her middle school crush.) I teared up when MR started to finally let her emotion flow and be honest about how she feels in front of the two people now she starts to trust and rely on, also KS's mom trying to be a good euomma (oh but such a cool one), both KS and mom knowing the need to keep MR company at a night like this, and most of all, those heartfelt words from KS when they walked home: "I'm not mad at you. I'm just frustrated that using my fists is all I can do." Just such beautiful writing.


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*the fight was not only great because*


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Augh that was the part that hurt me most, where Kyungsuk snapped more at the sight of Mirae by the bathroom wall. It was very much the last thing he and we wanted - for Mirae to hear all this first hand (webtoon was much nicer to her in that she didn’t find out what the reason was until later)

At the police station - Mirae took off her scarf ready to butt in after listening to all crap this guy was spitting. and then Kyungsuk sighed and said “sorry”. You can see how she stopped from stepping in upon hearing that. But once Kyungsuk finished his sentence (he should have killed him instead), she regained her will back again to step in! These little things that push her.... ♥️♥️

loved loved loved that part where Kyungsuk said he was angry that all he could do was use his first. He knew he could do better but it sucked so bad that he couldn’t do more for her.


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"Our resident Mr. Broody is shaping up to be the poster boy for the tsundere hero, and I find myself swooning in some parts and wishing in others that he were a more interestingly complicated character."

He is! As the show goes on, his inner geek and quirkiness subtly reveal themselves LOL. Also, I've seen Cha Eun-Woo in The Best Hit where he's an idol star and acts totally different, which was why he looked similar but I couldn't place him because he's so stoic and cool here.


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Darn - I just got reminded of the credit cards he pulled out of his pocket at the battling centre. It's so hard to be poor. He legit froze there for a second as that fact slowly sank in.


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Omg, I loved (I keep saying this, but there's a lot to love about this drama) that scene too! You just know he wanted to help pay, but couldn't.

And the last scene where she said never mind, his eyes literally opened a millimeter (you know, cause he's so stoic) as it dawned on him that she might like him (too ;-D). I can't wait to watch ep 12! He's my new favorite hero.


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LOL, dw, that's been the story of my life too for the past 11 episodes. My vocab seems so limited, and I don't know any words, but love. lol but really, is there any greater term than love? Tell me, I'd love to use it for a change! xDD

*squeeeee* ahhhhhhhhh~ he saw a ray of hope, and he did not hesitate to grab it! I know he has been lowkey sad this episode cuz she's avoiding him and that sarcasm about her being happy about Kyunghee and mom reconciliation was </3, so he must be so happy when she said "That you and me....." *squeeee*


@news @13infamyss. So why was his question a negative sentence?
Do you really think he thought she might like him. Have to go rewatch.
Poor guy can’t handle if she ignores him. Worse is, he seems glimpses of real Mi-Rae when she is with her friend and Sunbae. She is so upbeat and talkative. But she has never been that comfortable around him. So I thought he thinks she may not like him.


@13infamyss Lol

@Blue Footed Booby
Was it a negative sentence? I don't know Korean but only understand bits, so it seemed like he said, "Do you by an chance have feelings for me?" Even if he used a negative sentence like, "You don't like me, do you?", it wouldn't matter. You're right, he probably thought she only likes him as a friends, which is why the last scene is impactful because he finally realizes that she might like him (too, since it's obvious he likes her).


I think it is like that KS would think that MR is not interested in him....her cheering for TA Sunbae at the screen batting cage but barely acknowledging him, and how much hurt he must have felt when she said "I was having fun until you came along" (but again kudos to KS for asking her directly why she is looking dejected.)


@mayhemf @news @kimbapnoona i feel like his question at the end was mistranslated and didn’t really fully catch his real intention for asking it. The direct translation of his question was “don’t you like me just a little bit?” It’s like he’s asking her if she likes him even just a little bit. Cuz he’s ready to take that chance. The drama had their sequence of event a little all over place tbh. This was a question he asked after he confessed. But in this drama, he asked her this before he even confessed! lol. But in any case, it still somehow fits in the scene as she’s been avoiding him the entire episode and when she said “that me and you”, he seemed startled that there is “me and you” between them. And that perhaps she doesn’t completely “not like” him at all. Cuz really, from his POV, it feels like he’s an unwanted pest always wanted to stick around her.


Woooo how interesting that the drama adaptation handles the sequence differently, and yet the pacing still feels really organic! I wonder if ep 12 will give us KS's confession?



What? The direct transition “Don’t you like me just a little bit?” is so cute! Can you translate the whole last scene?! You would totally make my day :-D

And you read the webtoon? I want to read it too (as long as there's translation)! Where do I find it?!


@kimbap n👀na

Did she really say "I was having fun until you came along"? Is this the scene after the baseball scene when they're sitting together and drinking?


@news @kimbapnoona @13infamyss
Thanks for translating. so much is lost in translation.
I am so looking forward to tonights episode.. its the 12th isn't it. I am dreading some angst.


She did utter that line (at least according to Dramafever's translation) when all four of them were sitting outside of the convenience store. How terrible and fragile she must have felt all day with her confidence being shaken by SA to lash out like that!


@kimbapnoona yeeep! The drama is following webtoon’s story but the events are not in sequence. The brawl scene happened after he confessed too and they somehow became estranged! But as we can see, regardless the change in events, it totally works and fits. in the drama, they kinda drifted apart too when Mirae is avoiding him yet he still went and protected her even tho no confession has happened in both camps. Auuugh! I’m really really hoping he confessed and she confessed too in ep 12 and that they start dating. They have much more squeeing scenes post-confession. I need to spazz on those!

@news I only understand a little bit of Korean that’s why I can pick up some phrases that might not be in the subs, but I would recommend you to check out dramamilk.com as she does live recaps and she translated the last scene of ep 11 more accurately and the meaning came across better.

the webtoon is available on any English manga site. But I go to mangago.me to read it ☺️


@news also to add on, Kyungsuk asked the same thing in the webtoon. That’s why I kinda knew translation was a bit off. He was hopeful that she likes him a bit. Korean netizens comment as well on his question was so hilarious. They’re saying it’s not a little bit but a lot! Lol

But he doesn’t know that cuz Mirae is hiding it well!😭😭


@kimbap n👀na
Oh no! Yes, he must've been so hurt! I'm hurt just hearing it now lol.

Thanks! I'm going to look it up! Lol wait until he finds out how much she likes him. He won't leave her side :-)

All this fun conversation about this drama is keeping me from my life! I can't leave the door to enjoy the sunshine and nature lol!


Since we got a little bit of MR avoiding KS for the latest episode, could we please count this off as "noble idiocy" angsty period we typically get post episode 12 and just have the rest of this show of them doing things like eating popcorn with straw chopsticks and MR gaining self-confidence through her internship at Atelier and solidification of her circle of friends? 😭


Aww I'm having fun reading all the spazzing around GB - proves just how great a show it is. It's proving as much fun (if not more) as APAD was during its airing. One major difference though, GB has me re-watching eps during the week long wait, just so I can ease the pain of waiting.

Pity they haven't the time to develop every single character though, or explore a lot of the issues subtly hinted at, but given the ep count and the focus being primarily on Mi-rae's character (not to mention that fact that it's based on a manga) I'd say the writers have done pretty darn well. The characters, even the cliched ones, are all meaningful in their own way, the dialogue is great, and the acting is nuanced enough to make you stand by the characters and their struggles every step of the way - Su-ah being the only question mark remaining, but even she makes a great antagonist. Her level of manipulation is no joke, and successfully leaves viewers seething! Heck, I even enjoyed the moment funny subae (who's going off to the army) confessed to Ye-na.

The drama is seemingly subdued for something that's based on a manga. The absence of (too many) OTT antics makes it a pleasant watch, but more importantly, it's the strokes of harsh realism that makes it more than just your standard shoujo/romcom fare. Ideas of beauty, dealing with ones insecurities and social pressures are just some of the issues drama does well to put a spotlight on.


Where have you been?! I haven't seen you on DB for so long..or maybe I missed you since I usually only read comments for this thread and a bit of OT.

What drama is APAD? Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said! This drama is so well done in all aspects. I would also like to see the story development of side characters, but regardless, they feel complete like real people dealing with the every day challenges of self discovery/acceptance, becoming young adults and university life. I absolutely love all the real and compelling issues they present in this drama too.

I really appreciate that MR and KS did not fall in love immediately. It was a slow and organic development from knowing each other to friends to slowly liking each other.

Soo-Ah is a great antagonist. I hope to see the drama explore her background more. The bits we've seen really explains why she is who she is. My heart totally broke when her grandma visited her and SA didn't even help her walk up the steep hill or carry her belongings.

And I couldn't believe Tiger JK made an appearance! I saw him live with his wife (also called Mi-rae) and they were just fantastic.


Hey @news - I've not seen you around much either! I'm usually lurking on DB, but when a drama like this comes along, it compels me to come out of my shell - the need to fangirl with others is forever present. Glad to see you here gushing bout GB!

APAD = A Poem a Day. The rave around that one was great on the beanie wall! Speaking of which, you've not signed up your username yet! Please do! ^^

I ❤ the organic development of the leads too - it's so satisfying to watch their feelings for one another unfold. Their chemistry is super adorable and totally believable too, despite the age gap.


@kimbapnoona sorry I just saw your comment on Mirae telling Kyungsuk she was having fun until he came. LIKE AUGH, can she stab him more in the heart? He doesn't understand, this Woo Young hyung rubbed salt into his wound more by saying he finally got rejected! TT_____TT

@namedx Thanks for bringing this up, OMG, I totally forgot to mention Yena and this senior who's going to army. It's cute that Yena ended up liking him or maybe she fell for how he constantly and cutely pursued her.. I`ll never forget his acrobatic skills just to look cool. And it's ironic that people are judging them too - a pretty girl going out with a not-so-handsome guy. What a toxic world to live in.

Also yes, I`m not sure what APAD is. I don't think I've seen it. I love the fact that we all come together and pitch in our thoughts on this beautiful drama. It kinda sucks that we're all over place which makes it hard to track who posted what, but it def won't stop us from spazzing and talking about this drama!

@newso "I really appreciate that MR and KS did not fall in love immediately. It was a slow and organic development from knowing each other to friends to slowly liking each other." - It's honestly on my mind when did Kyungsuk like Mirae. I feel like as early as ep 3, he already showed interest in her. One of my favourites scene is still that part where he asked her if she herself thought that he was cool. (their first meal together!) Or perhaps longer than that. He's been gentle with her ever since he found that she was the same girl at the bus stop.

As for Mirae, I think she started having an interest on him after he cleared up the misunderstanding on their middle school years. That he didn't make fun of her back then. She really saw Kyungsuk in another light after that.


It's hard to pinpoint when the official "like" began, but they were definitely aware of each other early on. The more they got to know each other, the more they enjoyed each other's company. It's just so lovely the way he initiated a friendship with her first.


I'm the same as you. I just comment once in awhile, but a few beanies have wondered why I haven't signed up, so I finally did! I'm glad we can finally follow each other! I want to follow @kiara but I'm such a newbie, I don't even know how to do it. Since you followed me first, I was able to follow you through my notifications.

I'm just loving GB. Even though I've liked many dramas, this is the first one I'm fangirling on DB. Maybe because I started watching it last weekend and was pleasantly surprised at the compelling story and characters that I easily watched all 10 episodes in 2 days. I haven't watched APAD, but since you mentioned it, maybe I'll have to check it out!


Yay, congrats on making your ID official @newso! to follow, you just click on the person’s profile and click “follow” on the top right hand corner. Or you could do it when names crop up under the featured beanies section.

Is everyone done watching ep12?


@namedx I added episode 12 comments further below because this chain was getting too long; it's hard to scroll up and down.


@kimbapnoona hopefully her avoiding can really be counted as the angst lol. Like I know she’s bawling her eyes in the rain but since I know what’s gonna happen I’m not dreading it lmao. Rather I’m excited! and omg would totally love the idea of her doing internship at Mom’s company! It will be a great opportunity for her to grow so much. And did you guys see that scented candle she was holding onto? Like, is she planning to give that to Kyungsuk too or was that just because she was holding it mindlessly?

@news lmaooo hahaha I basically freed up my weekends until sept 15! I cannot go out and see people until this drama is finished lol. I might have lost weekends of hanging out with friends and fam, I found you guys to spazz with!!! Hope you’ll stick around till the end with us and tonight too when we talked about ep 12! I would need to watch it first with eng subs before I get to join in the ep 12 discussion tho!


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@13infamyss you are hilarious!!
I had dinner plans today but wanted to make sure I came back home early to watch ep -12. Everything revolves around that.

CANDLE- I thought so too. I think she wants to give him one.


Yes, I will! This is my new crack lol! Are you guys coming back to this thread tonight to talk about episode 12? If so, count me in!!!


@mayhemf hehehhe I have a bad case of obsessing this drama. I can't help it. lol I didn't think I'd love it so much. I think the last time was Reply1988. Those nights were sleepless too and it was a weekend drama!

I really hope she does give him something she created by herself. I think it would be absolutely cute.

@newso Yes we are. We usually just post comments like "Just finished watching Ep 12", so we know there would be be ep 12 spoilers and those who have seen it can start replying to that thread and pitching in thoughts!


@13infamyss my last obsession was 'My mister'. I never used to watch dramas 'live'. I started dramas 2 years back and most watched old dramas.
My first live was Ajushi (I was completely hooked), then Misty and now this and MR.Sunshine.
Its a lot of fun to have these discussions. Only some shows are worth it.


@mayhemf im really crossing my fingers that ep 12 won’t be heavy on he angst. If Kyungsuk keeps his personality of facing things head on and not beat around the bush, I think we will be fine getting through ep 12. We can only hope, and so far Kyungsuk does not disappoint when it comes to getting his point across. Can I actually wish he push Soo Ah aside so hard that she falls and gets drenched in the water on ground? Is that so evil of me ☹️☹️


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ooops! I meant won’t be heavy on “the” angst!


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Can you believe @13infamyss that I am actually starting to NOT despise SA just to have scenes with her and KS because it is so thrilling to see KS absolutely unwilling to put up with any of her pretense and ploy? 😆

The most "awesome" SA moment for me this episode is that after her non-lunch with KS in order to get her revenge, she withheld the reason why KS got into the fight from KS's mom and just piled the blame onto MR. Little did she know of the close bond these 3 already have built among themselves and this caused none of the negative feeling SA wanted mom to feel toward MR but only deeper concern!

I do wonder though why SA told MR the truth that she and KS didn't have lunch together....is it just to get more help from MR in the future to create opportunities for herself and KS?


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The way she tried to manipulate CEO was horrible. And she got mad at MiRae because she already had a relationship with his mother.
She had no clue how close those 2 have gotten.

@13infamyss I like this sequence in drama. It doesn’t feel out of place. Am so glad to hear that there is some dating phase. Can we have 2 episodes of that please.

@news. Please do register. I understand your situation. Am trying to do some planting while the weather is still good. And I took a break for drama chat :)


“Why SA told MR that she and KS didn’t have lunch together”
It was so full of spite. Basically she is negating MiRae’s help in getting them to have lunch together. Since she failed, she passes the blame on MR. so from SA’s perspective MR did not help her at all.
What is she expecting to sit with him and help KS like SA. THIS Woman!!


@Blue Footed Booby
@alua also told me to register! I may have to sign up, so I can join all the fun conversations :-) Btw, what are you planting?

Do you mean why SA lied to MR about not having lunch with KS? SA is very manipulative, so I agree that she lied about it to make MR feel guilty and help her more later. She said, "He must've felt uncomfortable eating with me without you" to shift the blame on MR and make her feel bad.


Whoa, I finally registered and how strange to see all my comments in my account dating back when! This is like my drama diary.


Comment was deleted


@newso @mayhemf There's always that kind of drama who pulls you out of lurking, makes you write essays about it, which take hours and hours to finish. But you don't care because it's worth writing about, and that need to share your thoughts with everyone else's is so real. This is what My ID is Gangnam Beauty is for me right now. Thoughts and feels are just overflowing. So much to say in so little time.


Yes! Some shows I love to watch but don't necessarily feel the urge to comment, but MIIGB makes me want to talk about almost every single scene and conversation! It is just the perfect crackstastic balance between cute and heart! 😍😍😍


@mayhemf I've been trying to grow an urban garden, but even though I have a lot of windows, my apartment doesn't receive enough direct sunlight, so I may need to get some lights for them. I'd love to see your herbs/medicinal plants if you post them on your wall. @namedx posts delicious food photos and they look so yummy!


@newso - I feel ya! I live in a tiny apartment. I used to live in a unit with Northern exposure with no direct sunlight. Recently moved to a unit facing South. It changed everything.
I used to have those lights too. It worked, but made a lot of buzzing noise.


@13infamyss yes we can only hope KS will not let it go that far. But remember his confidence is also shaken. It’s not just his first time in getting to date a girl, but also his first attempt at making a friend.
SA - the only person she can shake up is MiRae. That’s the worst part. I want MiRae to ask her to get lost and look at her and say she is going to date KS.


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Omg that would be soooo epic if Mirae tells Soo Ah off! I cannot wait to see that happen. I really hope that happens!

and that is true on Kyungsuk - he’s losing confidence on Mirae’s feelings on him and might be really shaken up in ep 12. 💔💔

And lol @kimbapnoona thanks bringing that up lmao. Soo Ah’s face when Mom said Mirae’s name in a familiar tone. And she said to herself “you’re impressive Mirae” like gurl, you’re the sly fox, stop. lol.

I don’t know how I feel about Soo Ah really in this episode. Like I loved that scene where Kyungsuk stood up, told her to enjoy her meal and left but like auuugh. 🤯🤯


It is not evil to hope that Soo-Ah gets a serious put down of the kind that opens her eyes and makes her re-think her approach to life- because right now she is throwing her life away- and it is a damn shame.


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I really want her to learn this the hard way. It doesn't mean that she's had an awful background that she gets a slap on the wrist for everything she did and we're over it.


Lol. I have my parents watching this drama with me!

They now wish we had a screen baseball type place here. aha

I am watching this episode again, I can't get enough of this show.


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LUCKY! There’s only me in my room spazzing!!!

And yes that was a really cool battling centre they have there. And I’m glad Mirae was killing it there.

I’ve watched it way too many times now last night and today and I still can’t get over it 😭😭😭

Which made me remember - how awesome is that Kyung Hee has taken off her mask while doing her vlog live! She too has come out of her shell and feels so free to do whatever she wanted. Might have teared up Abit watching her eat her fried rice like it was the best fried rice ever! 😭😭😭😭 and it could have been for her, that feeling that she finally got to taste the food her mom prepared for her 😭😭😭


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I too think that Kyung Hee removing her mask was meaningfully symbolic- and confirmed by the fact that instead of just talking about taste she is talking about the food having been made by her mother. Such a simple scene but with an unexpected impact.


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Acccckkkk! Episode 12 with subs is out! Watching now ^_^


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Gaaaahhhhhhh~~~~~ legit this drama is the master of roller coaster of emotions TT________TT I felt happy, sad, excited, torn apart, scared, all of it in an hour. How can they expect me to get through another week with that ending? TT_____TT So many things happened in this episode, I can't. I loved all of them.

It's funny - I was talking about last week - the difference about Woo Young and Kyungsuk. I said I don't think we would ever get to hear Kyungsuk say Mirae's pretty. And wow, he legit said what I typed out last week. "She's not pretty nor ugly. She is just is." In his eyes, she is just Mirae. Mirae who he likes. A lot. It's hands down my top favourite in this episode.


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That's why WY can't get the girl. And the director perfectly juxtaposed WY and KS's answers back to back.

Our stoic hero, the forever straight shooter: "Do you really not know? That I like you. Let's start dating." He does no waste a minute!

And KS's friend is so funny: "You always look grumpy as if you're bothered by something, but I notice the differences" Lol! Then the whole hair color change and everyone's reaction was absolutely hilarious, especially when he ran into MR.

And I'm so glad MR's parents finally learned that GB is a derogatory term. But I really don't blame them for not knowing. Every age group always create new vocabularies that people even a year difference may not know what it means, let alone a generation.

How many times did KS ignore SA?


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Our stoic hero, the forever straight shooter: "Do you really not know? That I like you. Let's start dating." He does no waste a minute!

this one is good. but i have to give the trophy to WY sunbae, "there's so many things that you don't know about me. that i can not drink, that i easily get cold, that i hate studying, and that i like you".
smooth,direct, and casual. no one see that coming. hands down, sunbae.


-Really really loved that Kyungsuk-WooYoung part. I don't have words. It's as you have said. Kudos to the director. That scene speaks volume.

-I was a mess when during the rain scene. Before that scene you mentioned tho - he was like "Are you okay? Did it upset you?" He prioritizes her feelings before anything else.

"Let's start dating" that was him gathering up his confidence, but boy, look at his confidence slowly falters, when Mirae keeps dodging his straight question "What do you think about me?"

-That scene with his hyung was funny too.
Kyungsuk was like: She said she can't date me.
Hyung: She rejected you?! Who-a.
Kyungsuk: She said she can't date me, not that she doesn't want to.

LOL Kyungsuk not giving up on any hope.

RE: Coloured Hair - It's hilarious too that everyone thinks and worries he's either in rebellious stage, dating, or got his heart broken. When in reality, he only did a hair salon modelling. LOL

-Auuugh I knew they were gonna find out about that. That was totally a buzzkill moment for me. I was so elated that future in laws have finally met and bam! way to kill it I really wished they didn't have to know. And really what a way to figure it out too.

-LOVED, LOVED, LOVED IT. My favourite 'ignore' scene was at the orientation at mom's workplace, by the benches. I love it more when she gets ignored and everyone gets to see it.

He was saving the best strike ever for last - "you're mental" xDD If that doesn't make Soo Ah stay away from Kyungsuk, then I dunno what else.


@junah Yes, WY's confession was pretty epic and I'm sure in a different drama, I would be swooning, but there's a simplicity and sincerity to KY's that I find so endearing. It's unplanned and the antithesis of smoothness without bells or whistles, but it comes straight from the heart, all of which are consistent to his character.


It's heartbreaking to see Mi-Rae suppressing her love for Kyung-Seok and just love how Kyung-Seok's gaze so intensely at her.
Kyung-Seok's feelings for Mi-Rae are so sincere that he sees no one except her. As for Mi Rae I would say that it's not that she should have him rather she deserves him. I'm waiting for Mi Rae to start accepting her, for others and the world to accept her too.
My favorite of all was when Kyung-Seok tol Soo-Ah "You must be mentally ill" I laughed so much.
Soo-Ah thinks too much of herself that by hugging him, he'd feel something for her. On the contrary, he's disgusted with her. She saw Mi-Rae was coming up the stairs and she took this moment to hug him giving Mi-Rae the wrong impression. Mi-Rae doesn't have confidence she just can't accept the two guys falling for her.
I really love the rain confession. It was so sincere and melt my heart. Well done and not awkward at all. Great that they didn't end up together yet.
Restaurant confession was cool. You didn't know many things about me.........and I like you and then WHAT! He likes her because she is pretty. He's shallow but, at least he is honest. Then he wowed me again when he wishes her good luck with Kyung-Seok. His confession and explanation of his feelings for her though paved way for Mi-Rae's realization that she can be loved for just who she is.


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Yep agree. She deserves Kyungsuk - well they both deserve each other.

I can't wait to see them go out, learn more new things about each other and how they can bend for the person they love. Kyungsuk used to not care about anything else (well he still doesn't!), but when Mirae is concerned, he's become very sensitive. Because of her insecurities, he's learned to bend and try to understand her. Hopefully, we get to see Mirae change too from the timid girl to someone who's ready to accept Kyungsuk and all the baggage that will come for liking him. It def won't be an easy road, but there's two of them in that battlefield, so, she will be fine!

-It's interesting that Soo Ah asked that question to Kyungsuk twice "do you really not feel anything?" She was so desperate to win his affection/attraction, but it's clearly not because she loves Kyungsuk, but rather it's for her personal vanity.


But I don't think they're so different. KS was attracted by the feet of Mirae and after by her personality. WY was attracted by her and after by her personality. But it doesn't mean that WY looks only the look, he never showed any interest in Soo Ah.
I like the fact that WY and Mirae have the perfume as thing in commun. When I have no idea why KS chose to study chemistry...


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I have a hypothesis for Kyung-Seok studying Chemistry. First- he is more than smart enough to be doing any kind of STEM subject but, second, because subconsciously it was a way to be close to the mother who had abandoned him. The mystery is why Soo-Ah is studying Chemistry.


They are different in that I can see why Mirae would pick Kyungsuk over Woo Young. It's not a matter of what made them attracted to Mirae as Woo Young said to each their own. Even though Woo Young made it clear that yes, it was her face that attracted him first, but that getting to know her more made him fall for her, bottom line is it was her face (which is a very sensitive topic for her) that started all his attraction. He made a great piece that people can like whoever and however they like, and that there's nothing wrong with liking somebody for their face, however, face remains a taboo subject for Mirae.

I kinda don't want to delve into this discussion as Kyungsuk in the webtoon had an argument with Woo Young over this. He asked Kyungsuk what difference did it make if he liked her for her face or her heart or whatever part of her body. He knew what he liked. Kyungsuk snapped at Woo Young, and I do see where he's coming from. I don't want to talk about it right now in case the drama deals with their big fall out too in the next episode. I don't want to spoil us all the fun. xDD I will get back to this once the drama talked about it (really hoping they do)

Regarding Kyungsuk's choice in taking chemistry. He talked about this in Ep 2. His bar hyung asked him why did he major in a field that he knew would get a rise out of his dad. He said he was not sure, but the more he was told not to do it, the more he wanted to. His mom was a chemistry major. Perhaps deep down he was curious even though he said he wasn't. Or I guess, I`ll just say it's in his blood to have an interest in chemistry too. Like mother, like son. xDD


I think he picked Chemistry just to piss off his dad.
I vaguely remember some mention of this in an earlier episode.


OMG!!! So thrilled we have this kind of thread for GB! Yey! Please let me know your thoughts after watching it. I'm kinda brokenhearted! 💔


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I'm heartbroken that we have to wait a full week to see what happens!


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I've been heart broken whenever the weekend ends for the past 6 weeks now. You would think I'd get used to it, but it gets harder.


Yes! And there's no preview! Total torture! 😭 Now that we're down with only 4 episodes, I feel like I don't want it to end. 😭


@13infamyss I wasn't planning to watch this drama, but I decided to check it out last weekend and finished 10 episodes in 2 days. I prefer to marathon dramas, so the flow of the story and my feelings won't be interrupted, but I would miss out on all the fun.


It was everything I had imagined. So beautiful and heartbreaking. I feel for Kyungsuk - he, too, is a victim of beauty standards. The only girl he likes can't be in a relationship with him because he doesn't fit the "normal" criteria she prefers. He doesn't understand, but he said he will wait. He's frustrated at her for thinking about others first before them, but look at him turning back, hesitating, wanting to go back to her again.

But she's getting there. When she made the decision to come after Woo Young and rejected him, that was a step. I would say big step for her (Look at her say "am I even allowed to reject you?" Like T___T) She fought that 'thing' in her that was saying she couldn't do that. And then it would be confessing her heart out to Kyungsuk next. And I`m sure it will be just as beautiful as Kyungsuk's confession to her. I can't wait to see it.


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Me too- although I think this first step for Mi Rae was that she sat down and cried in the rain over what she had done. The first step towards correcting a mistake is acknowledging that you have made one- and that cry was the first step towards that, as she is having to confront the depths of her feelings.


A big step indeed. And she did not say no when WY told her that he knows since before that KS and MR like each other. So I guess she’s getting there! Friday jebal come soon!


just finished it. damn, heart broken episode. but at least they didn't left it hanging with misunderstanding surround all of main characters. KS and MR at least know each other feeling now. MR, as decent as she is, politely reject WY. SA knows her place better now (or we might think she is). a little bit cloudy there on the last scene, but i am sure it's just for the sake keeping viewer interesting. Our hero KS is very quick-witted, there's no way he fall for such cliche.
anyway, i love how KS, being no nonsense as he always is, told MR that "ups, sorry, we can't be friends. but i'll wait until you get rid your insecure mind and being honest about yourself".
i am not that interest with WY personality so far, but the last speech he gave to MR is the great one. basically saying, you can not judge people for 'having a feeling' nor deciding which are the right reasons to 'have a feeling'. in the end, it's what you feel that matters.
the perfect one of course coming from our beloved KS, "she's not pretty nor ugly. she's just herself".
and the part KS told SA "even if i hate you, i would have not treat you like this". KS is not being resentful toward SA just because he thinks 'she's just annoying', but he's already sensed that she is not really that into him and just make fake sincerity for the unknown reason. the reason that yet to be unfolded. don't know how the PD will pull the SA plot with only four episodes left. we'll see.


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Yes it's slowly coming into place. Was really worried that we would be left hanging at the rain scene. And so glad to know a lot of events happened after that - Kyungsuk's "we can't go back to being friends" warning, Woo Young's confession, Mirae's rejection. There's really nothing left, but Mirae embracing the fact that she can do whatever she wants.

It was one of my favourites at the webtoon too. When Woo Young told Mirae that she can reject anyone and like who she wants. She's free to do all that. This is in reference to episode 1 where Yong Chul told her to keep her crush on him as a secret because it was disgusting.

-RE: Soo Ah's back story. Wow they really added that character from webtoon. I honestly thought that kid was being played by Won Ho already - he did have all the characteristics of that guy in the webtoon. Honestly, now that we're down to 4 episodes, I just don't care whether Kyungsuk's mom is right that she might be the same as Mirae and is going through the same thing as her. There's so many things to focus on in this drama and Soo Ah's backstory is the least I want to see. I really do feel like that the new guy who showed up today don't really add in my interest in her. Sorry, but not really sorry for saying it. :(


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YEAH. what’s the point of a new character now? So many awesome characters need more screen time.


Regarding Dong won the new SA fan boy. Korean nets have eagle eyes. He was in episode 1 watching SA. So he have been there in the shadow!


KS told SA "even if i hate you, i would have not treat you like this".
I appreciate that even though KS seems unapproachable and standoffish, because he just says it like it is without the fear of being judged or ostracized, he's a gentleman through and through. Compared to his male classmates, he's always shown respect towards women and is not easily manipulated by people. I really hope what he says makes SA self reflect on her behavior. She makes a good antagonist, but we've seen enough of her backstory to know she's very insecure and manipulates people to be liked and accepted.


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This!!!!!!! Since Ep 1, Kyungsuk has built that wall between him and Soo Ah. He called her out every single episode until he made that phone mistake and Soo Ah told him that she's not who whatever he thinks she is. We saw Kyungsuk toned down after this, but remained distant from Soo Ah. Soo Ah would approach him and ask him question, but he would reply one word back or call out her statements that negate whatever she just said.

But now that they had that talk at the restaurant and saw her true colours, he was back to building that wall between them again. He was so right from the start for treating her like this. She was not worth any attention to, and that's what he's doing now.


Soo-Ah is manipulative- but if she is doing it to be liked and accepted she is doing a terrible job of it.


@13infamyss @newso @jillian @kimbapnoona @lurkermabz @namedx

My ID GB Ep 12***
MiRae, how could you break Kyung Seokis heart like that. I know you are hurting. But still. Oh boy.
I truly hated Sunbae’s confession. But I think that’s the whole point. You can’t judge people why they start liking someone. For some it’s looks for some it’s not. But a relationship goes beyond reasons as to what started it.
This girl. She even doubts if she is qualified to reject..

Am glad everything is out in the open now. Sunbae chapter is closed. MR and KS Both know they like each other. And KS had done the right thing saying he will wait. So we wait for MR to realize it’s more painful to ignore/hurt the one you love than to
be hurt by strangers.
She is already breaking.

SooAh- girl. Go get a life. Can you take any more shame. There are 100men who willingly take your BS. Play with them. I really believe her role is to get MR out of her shell. I think we will see more manipulation next week.

How cool was our senior tomboy_girl. She totally rocked the love letter. Am sure there is an awesome guy waiting for her. She is too cool for any dude out here.

Another week!!


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Her letter was awesome.
I had some issues with the TA this ep, but glad he recognized her courage for writing it and worried over how to respond.


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Woo Young is a decent guy. He was petty that one time with the chores. But he also looks out for KS and gives him credit when its due. He fights fair and gives really sound advice about living independently. KS can learn a lot from him. So I wasnt surprised that he would be careful on handling the situation with Yoon Byul.