Name That Drama: Fire and squiggles
by DB Staff
Ready for another round of drama-sleuthing? Help out your fellow Beanies or email us your own questions and requests for future Name That Drama installments.
- Confession with a side of scolding
I was looking for a drama/movie with this scene. The main girl confessed to the lead guy about her feelings for him. He clearly feels the same for her but he just kept silent. She then told him something like this:
“Do you know why you will grow old all alone? Because you cannot tell people what you actually feel. Well I’m not someone like that. I’m telling you that I’m falling in love with you. Love needs truth to be true.”
I remember it was almost the ending when I started to watch it. Please help me find it.
- A rosy ending
The female lead’s family is rich while the male lead is a poor orphan who paints for a living. His male friend falls for her and his female friend falls for him. Along the way, the female lead gets a rose tattoo on her chest because of her love for the male lead. They had to get married in secret because everyone despised them being together. They lived together in his house but his ill ex-wife and daughter show up later which makes him break up his marriage and the female lead moves back in with her family. He ends up living with his daughter and ex-wife for a while but she ends up dying in the rain. He gets depressed and can’t think properly until the female lead shows him her rose tattoo to help him get himself back together. They get remarried at the end with her family’s approval.
- Accurate squiggles
This show was in the last 5 or so years. The scene I remember is a woman who has been the victim of a crime. She makes a drawing of the suspect’s face, and the police are puzzled, because the drawing is squiggly and odd. When the suspect is eventually found, his face is hilariously similar to the odd squiggly drawing. It’s not a part of the plot, and it’s driving me crazy where I saw it.
- Fire comes before a fall
Please help me find this drama/movie I watched many years ago. All I remember is that there was a fire in the building and a girl was trapped inside. The male lead then poured a pail of water all over himself and went inside the building to save the girl. The thing I remember clearly is that the fire was too large to be able to escape. In the end, the man jumped outside the window hugging the little girl. He fell head first but the girl was safe as she was hugged. You can see that there’s no way he would’ve survived that fall but still, there’s a big smile on his face at the end.
- I confess this sounds familiar…
My mom recently watched a K-drama and fell in love, however, she can’t figure out the name of the drama she saw and her description is not ringing a bell with me. This is the first time she has shown an interest in K-dramas and I REALLY want to encourage her to join my addiction, so please help!
It is the first episode — so this may be part of a backstory. The principal characters in the episode are a husband and wife. The husband works for a horrible CEO and often ends up taking the blame for his boss’ mistakes. The husband gets caught outside of a hotel with his boss’ mistress, and, although he is completely innocent, he gets blamed for his boss’ affair. Word gets to the husband’s wife, who then gets very upset and goes into labor. At the end of the episode the wife has the baby and the husband and wife decide to get a divorce. I am so perplexed. Thank you for your help!
Thanks for playing, everyone — till next time!
- Name That Drama: Fighter princesses and sacked slaves
- Name That Drama: Tasting the towels
- Name That Drama: Grandpa Over Lovers
- Name That Drama: Wedding brawls and genius maids
- Name That Drama: Makeup-free video chats and invisibility jackets
- Name That Drama: Dramabeans Detective Agency
- Name That Drama: Makjang galore and a chicken meet cute
Tags: Name That Drama
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1 crabby
May 28, 2018 at 8:29 PM
5. Go Back Couple
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May 29, 2018 at 10:36 AM
No doubt.
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May 29, 2018 at 12:57 PM
This sounds exactly like Go Back Couple except she didn't go into labor. They already had the baby who was sick and needed to go to the hospital.
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2 Beanies206
May 28, 2018 at 8:30 PM
No. 1 & No. 2 sounds familiar to me.
I tjink no. 5 is Go Back Spouses/ Confession Couple with Jang Nara and Son Hojun. Everything matches except for going to labor. They already had the baby.
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May 28, 2018 at 9:04 PM
I'm 99% sure #5 is Go Back Spouses too! Maybe the mom was a bit hazy on the details and only remembered that there was some trouble with the baby while Ho-joon was unavailable.
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May 29, 2018 at 12:12 AM
I didn't recall the baby being born, but I did recognize the pharmaceutical sales representative who was treated so badly by the rotten doctor/medical student who had married a homely heiress. Philandering Physician's comeuppance was delicious and richly deserved.
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May 29, 2018 at 12:58 PM
Haha! I didn't scroll down and made the same reply before I saw other people had said the same!
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3 Beverly
May 28, 2018 at 8:32 PM
5. Sounds a bit like Go Back Spouses but she didn't go into labor. She wasn't pregnant though they have a baby.
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May 28, 2018 at 8:34 PM
Lol. By the time I hit send 2 people already replied.
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4 Beverly
May 28, 2018 at 8:54 PM
1. Kind of reminds me of Oh Hae Young Again. Only because she is so open and he is so closed off. But can't say there was that dialogue.
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May 28, 2018 at 9:07 PM
Now that you mention it, it migjt be it. Sounds like what Oh Hae Young will say.
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bbstl 🧹
May 28, 2018 at 10:37 PM
Kind of sounds like something about half of k-heroines could say to their leading men, is what I thought when I read No 1 😂
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May 29, 2018 at 12:22 AM
#1 could very well be OH HAE-YOUNG AGAIN. Park Do-kyung had recurring premonitions of dying alone in the street after being run over. The reason why he couldn't admit his feelings to the heroine was his massive guilt over his misdirected revenge on her fiance.
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5 Anjan
May 28, 2018 at 9:03 PM
No. 1 sounds familiar. But i keep thinking to individualist ms. Jiyoung but it clearly opposite; the position of the gender.
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6 mary
May 28, 2018 at 9:07 PM
I feel like I know #3 with the squiggly drawing. Is it Forest of Secrets?
And #4 with the fireman niggles at me too. It's probably a movie. I don't think a drama will end that way. Or maybe it's a drama but the fireman is a dad of the main characters.
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May 28, 2018 at 9:24 PM
I'm curious about that one. It either sounds hilarious or creepy.
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May 28, 2018 at 9:44 PM
#4 was a movie.
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May 29, 2018 at 6:34 AM
FoS sprang to my mind as well.
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May 29, 2018 at 11:30 PM
prabably blademan with goblin'ss reaper guy.. fire scene
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May 29, 2018 at 11:42 PM
@bluemoon got it below! :) I vaguely remember Hwang Jung-min's weird daddy character.
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7 egads
May 28, 2018 at 9:12 PM
#4 sounds like Along With the Gods: The Two Worlds. The main character dies jumping with a young girl in his arms to escape a burning building.
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May 28, 2018 at 9:13 PM
Oh, but I see you said many years this wouldn't be it then.
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8 bluemoon
May 28, 2018 at 9:42 PM
#4 A Man Who Was Superman
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May 28, 2018 at 9:57 PM
Oooooooooh you're right! :D
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May 28, 2018 at 11:15 PM
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9 Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
May 28, 2018 at 9:56 PM
If #3 isn't Korean, it actually sounds like a scene from an HK drama that I watched a couple years back: The 'crime' was a rich lady getting hassled by a homeless person and in order to fend him off, she throws her expensive bling bling ring at him, and for some forgotten reason, she wants said ring back and so the police set out to find the homeless person to retrieve the ring for her, but at the end of all this fuss, the lady decides she doesn't want the ring back anymore because it's been 'tainted and contaminated' because the 'dirty homeless person touched it'
Oh, goodness, of course I forget which HK police drama it is lol XXD
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10 miyo10
May 29, 2018 at 2:50 AM
#2 is an old Taiwanese drama series called the Plum Blossom Tattoo starring Vivian Chen and Steve Ma. The season that you watched was season 2. It's has nothing to do with season one but with the same actors in a different storyline. Season one is called The Flower Tattoo, unfortunately I don't know what season 2 was called but here is the link from youtube to season one and season 2
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11 loveblossom🌸
May 29, 2018 at 6:15 AM
Oohh #3! It sounds like Hwayugi, but then again, the suspect was female.
This drawing:
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12 ywnois
May 29, 2018 at 8:08 AM
I feel like I've seen #3..... ah.. can't remember....
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13 CatDLN
May 30, 2018 at 7:23 PM
#1 sounds like I Need Romance 2.
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14 Tinyahjumma
June 8, 2018 at 8:19 PM
I am the person who sent in #3. I have not seen Hyawugi or any Hong Kong shows. And I know I saw it before Forest of Secrets. Thank you for the responses!
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15 redzoro92
August 6, 2018 at 11:39 PM
For #3 I recently watched "Father, I'll take care of You" and that happened to the lead girl. Granted the drawing was good rather than squiggly. So it might be wrong, but check if it is anyway. Episode 5 around the 57 min mark.
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