Revolutionary Love: Episode 3

Our hero is a one-step-forward, one-step-back kind of guy, which is occasionally a source of comedy, but just as often a reason for the heroine to blow her top. But he’s showing signs of learning how to take steps on his own, which goes a long way in rooting for him as he bumbles along on his path toward growth. Slowly. Eventually!


Dressed as a hotel maid, Joon slips into Hyuk’s room in order to sneak him out before the police officer finds him—given that he’s been accused of a crime but hasn’t presented himself to the authorities (per his father’s orders), he’s evading the law.

Hyuk is touched at the thought that she came to help him, but she tells him coolly that she’s only doing this for the money. At that, her father’s voice rings in her memory: “Don’t make important life decisions because of money.” Joon remembers when her father lost his job, and he’d told her that he’d made a cowardly choice. She had seen the envelope full of bank notes in front of Dad, and he’d added, “I hope you won’t live like me.”

She thinks, “Back then, I didn’t know what that meant.” But a few days ago, her mother had called to ask for money, because her child (Joon’s step-sibling) was injured and her mother had nobody else to ask.

Now, she tells Hyuk matter-of-factly that she’s so busy just getting by that she can’t bother worrying about some chaebol heir. Hyuk doesn’t seem bothered, though, and asks how much she needs. He tamps down a smile when she names her price, then proposes a condition in return: to have Joon stay with him until he can return home. Joon thinks of her mother’s plea for help, and also her father’s warning.

“But Dad, do you know this?” she thinks. “I don’t even have an opportunity to make important life decisions. I’m just hanging on day by day.” So she nods and accepts the deal. Hyuk extends a hand, and they shake to today being their Day 1.

Ha, and then Je-hoon’s voice cuts in angrily over the phone, having been ignored this whole time. Joon tells him to get the car ready and meet them at the back entrance, just as the hotel doorbell rings. Joon urges Hyuk into the maid’s cart, and when he’s safely stowed inside, she opens the door and pushes the cart past the officer.

She wheels the cart down the hallway under the officer’s scrutiny, and makes it safely to the elevator. She jabs at the door close button, muttering at Hyuk to stay quiet in the cart. But at the last second, an arm holds open the door and the police officer joins her in the elevator.

Joon sweats bullets during the ride, and then the officer shows her Hyuk’s picture and asks if he’s the guest in the suite she was cleaning. Joon says she’s never seen him before, and when Hyuk’s stomach rumbles loudly in the cart, she claps a hand over her own stomach nervously.

The rumbling grows more insistent, and Hyuk doubles over in pain. When Joon spots the bottom of the linen cart wiggling as Hyuk moves around, she gives it a swift kick—right in Hyuk’s rear. To the officer, she lies nervously that there’s a mosquito in here, waving her hands around.

The officer hands her his business card and asks for her to call if she sees Hyuk around, but Joon tells him that she’s not allowed to disclose guest information. The officer presses, and as she pushes back on the request, Hyuk lets out a mortifyingly long, slow fart. Bwahaha!

Joon shrivels up in embarrassment as the smell hits, while Hyuk finally relaxes, having let it all out. On the upside, it stops the officer’s line of questioning, and the second the elevator doors open, he shoots out of it.

Joon wheels the cart past the officer, feeling relieved—just as Hyuk’s phone dings with a chat notification. The officer notices the cart moving as Hyuk fumbles for his phone and calls out to Joon, who decides to make a break for it.

She’s able to push the cart into the vast laundry area, giving her and Hyuk enough time to hide there before the officer catches up. They huddle together among the linens, and when Hyuk’s heart starts to pound at the close quarters, he does his best to calm it down.

The officer gets asked to leave by an employee, and Joon and Hyuk sneak out behind him. He spots their retreating backs and follows, but they make it to the parking garage, where Je-hoon pulls up in his car with seconds to spare.

Hyuk checks his phone to see who sent the text that gave them away—and it’s Chae-ri, wheedling for a chat. Of course it would be her, always up to ruin something.

Je-hoon protests their deal to have Joon be Hyuk’s personal attendant, but they both stand by the agreement. Je-hoon says she can’t handle managing Hyuk, and rattles off all his past offenses, like public urination. Hyuk winces and tries to explain himself, but Joon waves it off and says it doesn’t matter.

Je-hoon says he won’t allow her to do it, and she takes that as a lack of faith in her abilities. They start bickering back and forth, and Joon points out that she’s the reason they were able to escape the hotel.

That’s when Je-hoon notices the police car in his rearview mirror, and starts to pour on the speed. The cop speeds up accordingly, then turns on his siren. Je-hoon weaves through traffic for a while, while Hyuk and Joon urge him to pull over to let them out. So Je-hoon takes advantage of a sharp turn to pull over, leaving the cop to get boxed in by buses.

When Je-hoon’s car peels out, the cop pursues—and when Je-hoon finally pulls over, the car is empty. He asks where the other passengers went, not seeing Joon and Hyuk on the bus that passes behind him, and Je-hoon plays dumb.

The officer can’t pursue the Hyuk issue, but he does state that Je-hoon was speeding. Je-hoon counters that he wasn’t, and that if he was, the cameras will have caught it and he’ll be sent a ticket. So he’s able to leave the scene without a citation, leaving the cop empty-handed.

On the bus, Hyuk and Joon finally relax. He asks where they’ll go next, and she replies, “The perfect place for a third-generation chabeol to hide.”

And so, back to the construction site they go, ha. Hyuk groans that he’d rather go to prison, but Joon calls the bluff and ignores his pleas to let them go to his yacht instead. Hyuk gets roped into another day of labor, this time laying brick.

It isn’t until Joon gets a quiet minute to change her clothes that the reality hits her, and she wonders if she was crazy to aid and abet a fugitive. When Je-hoon calls, she tells him curtly that The Chaebol is safe and cuts the call short, saying she’s busy.

Je-hoon reports back to hyung Woo-sung that Hyuk got away safely, and that he assigned a third party to stick with him. Woo-sung asks who that is, but Je-hoon just tells him not to worry.

Hearing that Woo-sung has arranged a sudden press conference, Je-hoon asks someone to track an IP address for him.

Joon works diligently laying tile while Hyuk runs around like a hyperactive child, first trying to help her and then crying over a tiny boo-boo on his finger. Joon shuts him down (by showing him her monster scar, putting his scratch to shame), and Ajumma sees Hyuk walk away pouting and calls him a puppy who chases around his owner.

At lunchtime, Hyuk frowns down at his soup of unidentified offal, but decides that for the sake of bonding with Joon, he’ll eat it. He reluctantly tries it out—and then his eyes widen in wonder at the strange but irresistible taste. He chows down enthusiastically.

Their heads snap up when the news program on TV turns to the press conference being given by Woo-sung, who adopts a contrite demeanor and apologizes for the uproar caused by his brother. But he adds that Hyuk has cut off contact, playing up Hyuk’s irresponsible chaebol image (while looking humble by contrast).

Hyuk looks stunned at that, and Je-hoon, who stands nearby as Woo-sung speaks, also looks perturbed. Je-hoon then spots the cop from earlier, Officer Jang, in the audience, and they lock gazes for a moment.

The construction ajumma tsks that the elder brother is a decent guy, and that it was always the younger brother who was trouble. One of the ajusshis sniffs that this is all for show, and that everything will be taken care of with money.

The other ajusshi calls Hyuk a reckless punk, and Hyuk protests weakly that the words are harsh, and that the chaebol could have reasons. Ajusshi retorts that if he did, he should surrender himself. Hyuk says that maybe he tried, and his father stopped him with his fists, which makes Joon think to Hyuk’s battered face earlier. But when she asks if he got beat up, Hyuk merely says he means it’s possible that’s what happened.

The elders dismiss Hyuk’s comments and tell him to worry about his own future, rather than sympathizing with some chaebol. As everyone files out to resume work, Hyuk remains seated, looking glum. Joon tells him not to feel bad—it’s just that to ordinary folks, it looks like chaebols get favors and special treatment and aren’t held to the same set of laws.

Je-hoon finds Officer Jang waiting for him at his desk after the press conference. The officer asks for Hyuk’s whereabouts, but Je-hoon deflects, saying that he only knows what was said in the official statement.

Officer Jang informs him that he will be subpoenaed, then notes that it’s strange for an older brother to apologize on his younger brother’s behalf, and stranger still that he would apologize on behalf of his company and staff: “I don’t know what kind of wrong you could say that the hard-working employees have committed.” It’s a good point, and Je-hoon just says that he agrees with that complaint.

While the construction crew gathers outside to meet the building’s owner, Hyuk sits by himself, mulling over his father’s directive to be quiet and do nothing. He remembers the beating he suffered, as well as his brother’s statement and Joon’s comments about how people see chaebols.

Hyuk adopts a relaxed pose amidst the heavy thoughts, and looks out and comments on the nice weather. Then he spots something that has him venturing outside on the scaffolding. Ah, there are dandelion stems growing out of a crack in the building, and he works his way closer until he can pluck them.

Meanwhile, in the construction yard below, the site’s owner, CEO Min, complains to the foreman about the slow pace of the work, snapping at the growing costs. He insinuates that the crew is taking pay without working, stirring Joon’s indignation.

Finally, Joon can’t hold back and interjects that they’re working hard to build this site properly, and that rushing to do a slapdash job could cause major problems later. Moreover, it’s against the law to force a crew to build to subpar standards. CEO Min snaps at the foreman to get rid of her, and the foreman, feeling the pressure, fires her on the spot.

Hyuk blows on the dandelion flowers, sending the seeds scattering into the wind. He watches them fly away, and then notices the scene unfolding below him. He takes a step forward, and accidentally knocks a brick off the scaffolding… where it falls right in front of CEO Min… and hits a rock… which chips and flies into the air… and hits Ajusshi in his hard hat… and ricochets back at Min… hitting him squarely in the forehead.

Everyone watches this with horror, and CEO Min’s subordinate catches sight of Hyuk and orders him apprehended.

Je-hoon meets with Hyuk’s mother, who seems to be the only person actually worried about his welfare. She hands him a credit card to give to Hyuk, knowing he can’t use his own cards, and asks if Hyuk is still seeing Chae-ri or involved with any women (thinking of the fortuneteller’s prediction). Je-hoon assures her that he isn’t meeting any women.

Hyuk calls Je-hoon and urges him to come quickly, just as CEO Min’s henchmen arrive to grab him. Hyuk doesn’t resist, and goes with them.

But when the police arrive to handle the situation, CEO Min declares that he’s the victim of attempted murder. When Joon protests, he calls her an accomplice, insisting that Hyuk was acting in retaliation for firing Joon. The other workers counter the accusation, arguing that they’re all witnesses and that nobody saw Hyuk throwing anything.

When CEO Min points out that his men apprehended Hyuk on the fifth floor, the workers lie that Hyuk was nowhere near there, and was in fact underground when it happened. As the furor erupts around him, Hyuk looks around in confusion, wondering why everyone’s coming to his defense.

Finally, Joon threatens to report CEO Min for illegal wastewater dumping if he doesn’t rescind the attempted murder accusation. She must be right, because CEO Min’s smug expression drops and he raises a hand to hit her—which is then grabbed by Je-hoon, who suggests that they chat.

Je-hoon’s sudden arrival has Ajumma fawning over his sharp appearance and stable job. Hyuk explains that he’s his friend and assures the workers that Je-hoon is an expert at handling things like this.

Expert at cleaning up Hyuk’s imbroglios, that is. Je-hoon offers CEO Min ample compensation for medical and mental injuries, suggesting that they come to an agreement without involving messy paperwork.

And then he applies the pressure, saying that he looked into Min’s background and found that he owns a few paper companies, likely for tax evasion purposes, as well as slush funds. Based on Min’s reaction, he’s right on the money.

Thus an agreement is quickly reached, the police are dismissed, and Hyuk brags about Je-hoon’s skills to the crew. But Joon’s expression remains grim and she asks what really happened. Hyuk explains about the dandelions and how the brick got knocked down, smiling widely as he says it was an accident. Joon asks if his other exploits were also accidents, and he replies sunnily that they were.

Despite his carefree attitude (or maybe spurred by it?), Joon is hit with the realization that she was crazy to take on this job, and she calls it quits right then and there. Hyuk starts to go after her, but Je-hoon holds him back and orders him to get in the car, and Hyuk reluctantly obeys.

Joon calls her mother to tell her she can’t give her the money after all, and asks her not to keep calling.

Hyuk is heavy-hearted on the drive back, wondering why everything he does ends up like this. Je-hoon agrees that it would be hard to come up with so many different episodes even if he’d been trying to cause trouble.

Hyuk says he was only trying to send off some dandelion seeds—is that so wrong? Je-hoon replies that his actions nearly got him taken into the police station and everyone fired, and Hyuk supposes it was his fault, then. He asks what he can do to get Joon to forgive him, and Je-hoon tells that she isn’t going to change her mind.

Je-hoon hands over the credit card from Hyuk’s mother, which Hyuk accepts glumly… until an idea strikes him and brings the gleeful smile back to his face. Holding up the card, Hyuk crows, “I’ve thought up a way to get Joon to stop being angry!” Oh, want to bet on that? I’m feeling a preemptive cringe already.

At the end of the day, the foreman pays Joon for her day of work, then adds that she and the three others (the ajumma and two ajusshis) are fired, per the CEO’s orders. They plead for him to reconsider and convince the CEO otherwise, but the foreman is firm. Feeling responsible, Joon blames herself for bringing Hyuk here and apologizes to them, although they assure her (albeit weakly) that they’ll be okay.

But she has to give it a try, so Joon goes to see CEO Min that night to ask for the trio’s jobs back. She adds her threat from earlier to report him for illegal dumping, and confirms that she has evidence, holding up her phone.

But Min CEO chuckles, saying that he found out the guy who threw the brick is the Gangsu Group chaebol. He challenges her to report him, saying that he can send Hyuk to prison with one phone call. Joon bluffs for him to go ahead, since she has nothing to do with Hyuk.

Min’s henchman grabs her phone out of her hands, and confirms that there are no photos backing Joon’s threat. He laughs at her attempt to con him, and she half-demands, half-pleads for him to reinstate the three workers.

Min counters that he will, if she gives up Hyuk’s location—now this is how you make a deal, he smirks.

Joon gets tossed out on her rear, and when she complains about her phone being thrown, the henchman throws a handful of bills at her to cover a new one. He tells her to buy candy with the change, calling her a baby.

She gets locked out of the building, and after yelling ineffectually for them to open the doors, she slumps down choking back tears. She thinks back to Min’s deal, and how she’d warned that he wouldn’t get away with it without retribution from Gangsu Group. Min had noted that she’s more worried about the chaebol than the three jobs. “What are you?” he’d asked. “His girlfriend?”

Chin trembling, Joon apologizes to the three for failing, feeling angry and helpless.

Hyuk spends the evening decking out Joon’s rooftop in decorative lights, and waits in anticipation for her to come home. When he spots her off in the distance, he scrambles to get everything ready.

Je-hoon paces outside his door too—it looks like he’s been waiting all night as well. As Joon passes by on her way upstairs, he asks how much money she needs. In typical fashion, their words seem to twist mid-conversation and they get into another bickering round as she asks who he is to lend her money and he points out that she was going to work for Hyuk for cash. She reminds him that she quit and says she won’t take money earned that way.

Hyuk times the lights to turn on as Joon steps onto her rooftop, and she looks blankly around at the lights, the dinner spread, and the private chef he hired. Hyuk looks mighty pleased with himself and says that he learned a special taste today thanks to her, so wanted to give her a gift to soothe her spirits after a tiring day.

Hyuk points out the expensive beef and the wine and the roses he prepared, expecting her to be won over with his romantic gesture. But she shakes off his arm, angry all over again. She exclaims in frustration with herself for trying so hard to help him when he’s someone who only knows how to show off with money.

He doesn’t understand her reaction, so Joon informs him of the dire straits faced by the two ajusshis and ajumma who got fired today. It may have just been another job to him, but to them, it was a desperate lifeline, she says. She thought he’d at least have a conscience about it, but indicates the rooftop display and asks if that’s all he could do. She asks bitterly how shocked everyone would be to know they’d gotten fired over a wild, reckless chaebol punk like him.

Hyuk holds out three envelopes and tells Joon that he prepared it for the three who got fired. She asks if he just solves everything with money, and he says earnestly, “But why not? Everyone likes money.”

She asks why “the likes of him” came into her life and ruined everything. “Ruin?” he asks, bewildered. “Me?”

Her words get increasingly heated as she asks him to return to his world and get lost. She grabs the envelopes from his hand and rips them up, then storms into her apartment.

“Get lost?” he repeats, hurt and surprised at her reaction.

Joon flashes back to a memory of her father, who had been cornered by gangster-types in his restaurant and accused of screwing over CEO Byun. They’d tossed him a fat envelope and warned him to be careful, since the CEO would be watching.

After they’d left, Dad had told Joon not to make important decisions because of money and hoped she wouldn’t live like him. She cries at the memory.

Hyuk stands in the middle of his romantic display, staring at Joon’s closed door. “I liked you so much I considered meeting you to be fate,” he thinks somberly. Recalling her angry accusations just moments before, he sighs heavily.

Je-hoon is feeling just as miserable, and broods in his apartment.

“Before you called my name, I did not make a move,” Hyuk thinks, reciting the same poem he’d thought of when he meet Joon (Kim Choon-soo’s “Flower”). “When you called my name, I, finally, became a flower.”

Hyuk stays on the rooftop all night, and finally, when the sky starts to lighten, he comes to some kind of decision. Holding his mother’s credit card in his hand, he crushes it in his grip and then leaves.

In the morning, Joon finds a note taped to her door. Using language from that same poem, Hyuk has written, “I pray that you call my name, the name suited to my color and fragrance. Not Third-Generation Chaebol!”

She crumples up the note and starts to head out, when Je-hoon runs up to ask if she’s seen Hyuk. She doesn’t know much, but hands over the note.

Then, downstairs friend Yeon-hee runs up to show Joon something on her phone—a news report.

Dressed in a suit, Hyuk shows up at the prosecutor’s office and walks to the front of the crowd of reporters. Again referencing the poem, Hyuk thinks, “Going to you, I want to become a flower.”

Woo-sung watches the news report of Hyuk’s self-surrender with a vexed expression. Clearly this messes with his eeeevil plans.

“Joon-ah,” Hyuk continues. “I want to become a look that you can never forget.”


Well, thank goodness for that. There are aspects of Hyuk’s character that can be annoying (or worse) when taken at face value, and while that makes for a satisfactory arc in the long run—there’s nowhere to go if he starts out perfect!—it can cause frustration in the moment. I think this show has mostly been able to keep Hyuk in our graces by revealing the better aspects of his character and showing signs of growth quickly. Taken at a slower pace, I think I’d have a lot more trouble accepting the character; as it was, I was feeling antsy with both Hyuk and Joon today, and really needed that last twist to keep me feeling good vibes.

For both characters, I can see why they feel the way they do, so my trouble wasn’t in understanding their reactions. It was mostly general frustration at the lack of understanding between characters, even if that was the point. I do really feel affection for Hyuk’s pure-minded sweetness that it does a lot to save his character from being the punk society sees him as, but you do start to wonder how a guy can get into so many scrapes and have them all be totally innocent. I don’t doubt that there really were innocent reasons, but there’s a difference between the intentions and the causes—just because you didn’t mean something doesn’t mean you can skirt responsibility for the fallout. I think it’s that last step Hyuk is missing: that he has to accept everything that arises out of his actions, not just the parts he intended. And when Hyuk thought he could get Joon to forgive him by throwing her a romantic date night, I had to facepalm at this idea that one positive act cancels out a negative, without Hyuk doing the work to figure out what the issue driving her anger was.

Even considering that, I had a harder time with Joon today, and maybe it’s because Kang So-ra is so good at actually seeming legitimately fed up that I felt unjustly accused on Hyuk’s behalf when she basically lost all faith in him and trashed his character. It isn’t that she didn’t have reasons to feel that way, but I think what drives me in this story is the feeling that she’s supposed to get Hyuk in a way that other people don’t, and that’s the missing piece that spurs him to change for the better. But today, she was like everybody else, writing him off and seeing him as a lowlife punk, and it made me wonder, ever so briefly, if I should be rooting for this romance.

But what brings her back to me is the fact that she didn’t sell him out at the end, and that her outburst on the rooftop was perhaps directed more at herself than at him. It seems like she does know Hyuk isn’t as bad as she wants to believe, and that twists her conscience because she can’t reconcile that with the actions he produces. It’s easier for her to call him names and give up on him, but she can’t actually give him up to CEO Min, even if it means giving up on the three jobs she feels responsible for. I hope that seeing him face his punishment restores her faith in his goodness, because I need for someone in this world to have faith in him. There’s small consolation in knowing that Je-hoon does at least know Hyuk’s not a terrible guy, even if he still kinda hates him anyway. But that’s a kind of love-hate that I can handle, and even understand, seeing how Je-hoon grew up.

What’s interesting for me is how childlike Hyuk can be—I don’t know if I should feel amazed that he’s retained his childlike sense of wonder or consider that an expected consequence of his upbringing, which forced him to retreat into himself in order to survive. His poetic nature seems partly to stem from his naturally romantic spirit, but also feels like a coping mechanism. Nobody has taught him how to be an adult or deal with the world; it was telling that when Joon accused him of fixing everything with money as though that was the worst thing ever, he didn’t see the problem because everybody likes money—and I’m sure in his world, they all do. It feels like he has to be taught how to be a normal person all the way from the start again, because nobody has ever bothered trying before, and I really, really hope Joon is up to the task.


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Kang Sora is doing so well depicting Baek Joon in ep 3.
Gong Myung surprises me, he is doing fine as Jae Hoon. Glad that he doesn't give off that puppy boy vibes and played his role well.
Siwon is Siwon lol.


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LOL I love Baek Joon and Jae Hoon bickering in the car while trying to help Hyuk escape the police. Am I getting SLS already?!


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I am certainly getting SLS now. Last time I saw GY was on Habaek's bride.... I liked him there, but I am also enjoying his role here... still wondered why he turned down Joon in the past, seeing how he's in love with her (and protective)


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GY not.... I meant GM obv. sorry for the typo.


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For some reason, this drama is still not doing for me. Like it has the right ingredients to fun lighthearted drama... but i just can't. I feel the motivation of every character is empty-- or forced. That being said, every actor is playing their role wonderfully. Am I the only one finding myself wanting the girl to end up with Jae Soon? I feel they have more chemistry (well at least up to this point...


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me too.. I find it hard to digest the humour in this drama. Hyuk is like anime character with exaggerated sound effects. We are laughing at him not because of him.

Nevertheless I cant hate Hyuk because I can see where he's coming from. Born with silver spoon that never actually know what happened in the lower society.. And I know it will not take long for him to chnge for the better.

I will stick with this drama for the time being..


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Me too, I'm tapping out on this drama. Love everyone in it, but HATE the writing.

Joon drove me up the wall in this episode. We're supposed to think she's survived this long acting the way she does? We're supposed to cheer Hyuk on, viewing her behavior as admirable? It looks like she's about 30 - people get fired for acting the way she does when they're 16 or 17. I don't for a second believe she's made it 13 years without understanding how to modify idealism.

It's like she's at the far extreme end of behavior. There are ways to get managers to back down, and how to preserve jobs of friends, without lighting a match and throwing it on gasoline. You learn all of this stuff as you work - it's not capitulation, it's understanding how to use a boss's motivation and goals to align them with you. We JUST SAW an example of this in While You Were Sleeping when the sunbae prosecutors were asked to come into an interrogation to advise, but it was actually a ploy to get them to more closely consider their assumptions without directly challenging them and threatening their authority. This is how the working world works, through finesse.

She's apparently learned none of it. She's a poor example for Hyuk to model himself on, and unfortunately all of this makes her seem DUMB. Like she's incapable of learning.

I'm realizing that I didn't want to watch Kang Sora or Siwon in a cartoon. I love them when they can use nuance, so this entire show is just hideously disappointing.


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I'm dropping this drama. Writing is the weakest point. Nothing convince you and as audience you keep asking why everything is happening. This is low quality Chinese product. Humour isn't bout making faces.


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I'm not so sure this is a light romcom. They dove deep into the class divide from the beginning. Like Strongest Deliveryman, the romance may be the framework, social injustice is the primary topic.


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The slow fart scene is sooo slapstick, I just can't. I paused and clicked on dramabeans and surprised, recaps is already up. I will stick to recaps for a while. Can't take the joke just yet.


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me too.. I find it hard to digest the humour in this drama. Hyuk is like anime character with exaggerated sound effects. We are laughing at him not because of him.

Nevertheless I cant hate Hyuk because I can see where he's coming from. Born with silver spoon that never actually know what happened in the lower society.. And I know it will not take long for him to chnge for the better.

I will stick with this drama for the time being..


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I really really want to like this show but I can't. I don't want Baek Joon falling for this manchild. Are we supposed to believe that a nearly 30 year old man risking life and limb to blow a dandelion is endearing? Hyuk literally has no common sense. The fact that he still doesn't get why people are frustrated or pissed off by actions is incredibly frustrating. Joon deserves better.

But Baek Joon bothers me as well because she lacks common sense too. Baek Joon can mouth off to superiors because, regardless of her principles, if she so chooses she can go get a well paying job. She also has no real commitments on her money (exception for her bills and money hungry Mommy). Baek Joon acts the way she does there's really no consequence for her actions.

Lack of consideration is my number one pet-peeve. Neither one of these individuals really consider how their actions impact other people. Hyuk makes the dumbest excuses and Baek Joon has a massive chip on her shoulder. Again, I do want to like this show and I keep holding on because of that desire. I just can't get past the flaws so the desire is waning.


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Oh, I forgot to mention that trio are now all guilty of some crime. Aiding and abetting at minimum for Joon and Jae Soon. Jae Soon is a lawyer. This stunt could cause him his license. As someone pursuing a legal career, this infuriated me.


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I too dont want joon to fall for hyuk. I dont like hyuk's character. He's childish, inconsiderate and borderline stupid. What on earth was he thinking going on a scaffolding like that because of some dandelions? I rolled my eyes when i saw those dandelions at the corner. Really show? How he thought its a great idea to make an expensive event for joon after the fiasco he caused is beyond me.
I was happy joon snapped at him. But even after that he still remains clueless. Turning himself in because he wants joon to see him in a different light? Dude, you did wrong, just turn yourself in and cooperate with the investigation regardless of joon's existence. I'm more inclined to feel what hyuk did at the end was more reckless than courageous. He could have discussed things with jehoon, who will be the one cleaning up his mess again. I feel bad for jehoon, he's running around clearing hyuk's doing despite clearly not wanting to, but its his job and he has been attached to the family since childhood. I dont want jehoon to be beaten again because of hyuk. Jehoon needs to pack his bags and leave hyuk. He can do better by his own and hyuk can grow up.


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Ugh. Jae Hoon has the worst job ever! I’m still not over how had to take that beating for Hyuk. I’m still puzzled by how everyone in this world treats the CEOs violence as normal...


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I know! that was so unnecessary! when Hyuk went on TV my first thought was "omg his poor friend is going to get a beating." The violence in this show is too graphic for the plot of a rom com.


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Mte. Joon will get beaten againnn! nooo!
Dad should be reprimanded for his violent acts. He beat a person (his son) in front of a crowd, and no one said anything.


Mte. Jehoon will get beaten againnn! nooo!
Dad should be reprimanded for his violent acts. He beat a person (his son) in front of a crowd, and no one said anything


Sometimes I like the main characters, but other times I find them annoying. Nonetheless, this is an easy watch that I can mostly enjoy on weekends.


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I agree with some comments that say that sometimes the comedy is kinda too much, and Hyuk's character frustrates me a little bit too much. But I still am loving the overall flow of this show, the story progresses each episode and that is probably why I'm holding up. Agree with you, Javabeans, I think Hyuk's slow-but-certain growth kept me optimistic. I'm loving that the story depicted the type of character that is wronged yet showing the victim of this injustice is not that likeable character that we immediately feel bad for (Hyuk); but the show is showing us how we may like this character after all through Hyuk reflective character and continuous finding of how to be the best version of himself, makes us root for him to immediately move on of his spoiled-chaebol ass.


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I have to give credit to the three leads for the way they each are portraying their respective characters. I would've hated the characters already at the hands of other actors. I did hate Hyuk after his antics but then I realized that he grew up sheltered all his life and did not have anyone to guide him in navigating the real world. Jehoon is tactless and comes off as a jerk but he does mean well, even if he doesn't know how to appropriately express it. While Joon fights battles that she would be much better off ignoring, we do see a principled side to her that cannot put up with any injustice. I still think she feels drawn to Hyuk because he is somewhat like her father who is kind, sensitive and gets taken advantaged of by other people.


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So far I like the show. For sure Hyuk is a man-CHILD - but that just means his growth into a responsible adult man will be good. People seem to forget that these dramas always start with people on one end of the immaturity spectrum but usually grow up and become better than they were.
So just have patience. Hyuk will grow up and be responsible, Joon will mellow out and calm down and finally, Je Hoon will start to make some decisions for himself and loosen up.
I have confidence that the writers are starting this drama with the three of them so far on one end of the spectrum that it will be nice to see them grow up.
Siwon is so cute to watch. I'm not wild about so many close-ups on his face, but I can live with it.
I'll give it a few more episodes to see if I can continue. Overall I like it!
Thanks for the fast recap @javabeans!


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<People seem to forget that these dramas always start with people on one end of the immaturity spectrum but usually grow up and become better than they were.

I don't think they forget that, I think it's rather that they remember it too well – it's been done so many times before. I watched only a little bit of the first episode, but it felt so this-has-been-done-a-gazillion-times. Dipping into the recaps, nothing compels me as to why I should be watching this show, because I have already seen some version of it – it's just different actors (and Si-won even played a character not too unsimilar to this I-live-in-a-bubble-I-have-no-clue-about-anything before).

Personally, I also have problems with this total bubble... it's just a bit too much. It's one thing not to know of other people's realities, it's a whole other being so daft not to realise that things you do will affect others (whether positively or negatively).


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The drama as a whole is a bit OTT so for me SiWon's character works. There was a moment when his dad was beating him that he took it but laughed/smiled as if to say "okay, I'll get through this with a laugh and then it will be fine again". So he has his coping mechanisms and a bit of a dark side to the story which I think should be fleshed out.


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I'm dropping this i think... Its just too slapstick-y and siwon feels way over the top.... I get that exaggerated expressions is his forte but here it feels excessive and the characters feel shallow

The only character I'm remotely interested in is Jae Hoon.. But not enough to watch 2 hrs of it every week..


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It's irritating because Siwon is pretty damn good when he's allowed to get under the slapstick - I liked the way he handled conflicted/introspective scenes in She Was Pretty. I was hoping we'd see a more grounded, introspective character here.



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Thanks javabeans for getting this up so quickly! Love your recaps and insights!


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Thank you for the recap @javabeans

Why do more unpleasant characters pop up in each new episode?! To give our leads even more of a hard time??? TT.TT


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my main problem with this drama. I just feel uncomfortable by the brutal and cold society they are surrounding by and how everyones´ lives seem to center around bringing Hyuk down, like, don´m t they have nothing else to do? and with the real life butting in behind the scenes ---- I don´t feel disturbed watching Siwon, but thinking that truly, there ARE people who have nothing better to do who have all this hatred like they preserved it for this moment and now they get to release it.

I just feel confused and disappointed in humans. what felt exaggerated and unrealistic, is actually quite true.


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Urgh, I wanted to punch smug hyung in the mouth. In fact, I really want Joon to do it for me at some point it time. Actually, I would be even happier if that is immediately followed by Hyuk punching him in the face. That man is so foul!

Honestly, I think the reason why I felt kind of bad at Joon's treatment of Hyuk was because Hyuk reminds me of a puppy. Causing accidents and trying to make things up in his own way without any regards for the consequences of his actions. And it felt like Joon kicked him in his side out of frustration. Like, I know it isn't her responsibility to give him the training he should have gotten from home, but at the same time, she knows who Hyuk is, or at least she is starting to know who Hyuk is. I expected her to cut him just a little bit of slack or at least consider things from his own perspective.

But I understand her frustration and hurt, and I cheered when she didn't sell out Hyuk to CEO Min. Speaking of CEO Min, did anyone else immediately think of him when Hyuk turned himself in? Cuz all I thought was good, that man's leverage is gone! Everyone, go after that creep!


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I think the problem was that she already was giving him slack. I feel not selling Hyuk out and walking home like nothing was giving him slack, and if Hyuk had been kneeling by her door asking for forgiveness or saying he is sorry, that would have made her forgive him. She doesn't appreciate waste of money, especially not when she just saw three people that desperately need job for money get fired. If he had done something simple and humble to show remorse, she would have forgiven him.

But instead, she is tired, angry, frustrated, sad, so many feelings at once after a very frustrated day that only got worse. She remembers her father's warning about never making decisions based on money, and she ignored it. And while she knows she shouldn't have accepted the offer for money, seeing Hyuk trying to apologize (not even apologize, really, just cheer her up) by showing off his money made it all worse, and she snapped. I can give Hyuk some slack, but while Joon's flaws are more human and understandable, Hyuk's are just "aw, he wasn't trained properly growing up!", so I feel more for Joon's situation than Hyuk. I want her to be more understanding because I as a viewer know Hyuk isn't that horrible, but I also understand why she isn't because honestly, I doubt *I* would have been if I was in her shoes.

And yeah, that's a good idea! Hopefully they will do that so the three firees get their jobs back.


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thank you @javabeans for the recap

i keep thinking how can a chaebol-heir be so naive and yet I still find him adorable or maybe it's the charm of siwon .

jehoon so far is going down the part of noble idiocy. gong myung is doing a great job with this character.

joon hwaiting!!!


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Thanks JB! I guess, as is the case in every show, the likability of the main characters is largely what determines if we sit through the whole episode and look forward to more episodes.

Fortunately Joon, Je Hoon and Hyuk have not entirely crossed the 50% line into overly annoying character territory, but they have come close over and again. Since it's only Episode 3, I guess it's natural that the characters maintain for now their 'normal' trajectory. The thoughtless one remains thoughtless, the judgemental one remains the same and the one who's had to sell out his principles continues to do so. However, it's good to see that they are not so self-absorbed or full of themselves that they reject out of hand, the criticisms levelled at them.

I'm happy that they are examining themselves, that they each have a conscience, that they are conflicted, and that Hyuk at least, is again taking the steps to do the right thing (although once again with a bit of self-interest), knowing that it's going to be hard facing the music, and maybe his lousy family.

At this stage all of them need to grow a lot more and have a greater ability to see situations from the others' point of view. I hope that great communication can take place to bring them all on to the same page and get them working together, rather than at cross purposes.


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I forgot to say that I found the first half of the episode rather full of frenetic energy with silliness, which was balanced out with the serious in the second half.

I was quite touched that Hyuk was stunned to get the help and support of his fellow workers when he was falsely accused. It says much, with understated pathos, that he has only the one friend to rely on and that he does not expect anyone else to help him.

I wish his friend would go for truth as well, rather than just going for the fix with money and threats. Why did the issue of the falling brick, being only an accident, totally not get aired at all? It's sad that the quickest, least publicised fix is more important than bringing out the truth.


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Everyone's talking about the brick falling but here I am, snorting at the nerve of that CEO and his posse strolling into a WORKSITE without a helmet and screaming bloody murder and blaming everyone else but themselves when a mere piece of rock hits his head because he didn't follow the safety rules.


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So true. Kdramas are rife with spoilt brats who abuse their position, and 'punish' those who are weaker, just because they have a little power and some money.


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“It feels like he has to be taught how to be a normal person all the way from the start again, because nobody has ever bothered trying before, and I really, really hope Joon is up to the task.”
I find this part of the comment problematic. Why is it Joon’s responsibility to raise this man-child? I think this all too common trope in Korean dramas has finally gotten to me. The idea that it is noble for a woman to take on the task of helping a man become well rounded and adjusted person is troubling. I feel like Joon already has enough on her plate trying to survive and now she has to take on this unnecessary emotional labor.
Like other people watching, I found Hyuk’s lack of consideration for how is actions affect others frustrating. I get one can’t help how they were raised, but there comes a point where one has to take responsibility for their life. I hope this comes soon. I’m truly hoping for a time jump of several years where maybe Hyuk does some time and/or gets a job, has some life experience that helps him grow up. Then he comes back and meets Joon as a self made man who won’t be burden but be someone who positively impacts her life.


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I don't think she meant it as Joon having to carry the responsibility of turning that man-child into a man. That's no one's responsibility except for his parents and after 21, himself.

I think Javabeans just believes that Joon is Hyuk's last hope at changing for the better... and let's hope she can do something, anything, to help Hyuk grow even just a bit because otherwise he's finished. At this point, Joon's the one only able to drive him to do things he never was comfortable with/ never had to and think in different perspectives - everyone just bends backwards for him or ignores him.

The best thing she can do for him is give him a really big shove off his ass and make him fend for himself out in the world so that he can grow himself. But of course, again, Joon has no obligations to.


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The naive son of CEO pitch reminds me Shopping King Louie. Except in this drama, the back story of Louie made it undestable his innocence. He lived all his life in a bubble in France. And I loved how he was able to get things done by others :D

In this drama, I can't relate with the leads. The humour is a little too overdone.


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Byun Hyuk, OMG he's childish, silly, stupid, lousy, I do not know what's in his brain, what he thinks. this man does not know the consequences.
Which planet he lives ? it will be hard for me to fall in love with a man like this in real life even though he is a rich man.
His annoying smile make me crazy. I want to hit his head and shout at his ears that life is not as easy as he thinks. hehehe
Bravo Choi Siwon, he is acting skill really good he is become Byun Hyuk with silly- stupid annoying but cute as well
thumbs up Siwon


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As everyone else I liked the first 2 episodes but this episode was meh, Hyuk became annoying and silly, i wish he will act like a grown up man in the next episodes, and stop his childish acts, it's nice to be innocent but not to that extent, he should think and be responsible for his actions, i was embarrassed for him in that useless dinner.

Also the fart scene in the elevator was disgusting and not funny, kdrama shouuld stop woth those fart jokes because it's not funny and gross.


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I loved Hyuk in ep 1-2 because I felt there's more to his character and he had such unhappy life with his abusive father, but after this episode...not so much. He's just silly, naive and selfish to the extend that people would be annoyed at his reasons, but I can't entirely blame on him because he hasn't grown up yet because of his surroundings, but still, it's frustrating to see him that way. I was disappointed at how dense Hyuk could be. I thought he'd realize something and grow up a bit when he saw that those employees at the construction were on his side, but he didnt which made me like him less. But I'm glad that Joon snapped at him and made him realize the reality of the world of normal people. I hope that he'll stop doing stupid things in the next episode, enough is enough okay, Hyuk?
As for Jae Hoon, I still can't really side him though he's not as bad as I thought he'd be when he's not the one who's plotting against Hyuk. But I don't feel any sympathy towards him because he could get away from Gangsu group with his education, but he didn't. Don't tell me that his dad used to tell him to serve Gangsu group right, so he feel obligated to do so. That's total bulls**t. Joon also told him a few times that the life he's leading is wrong, but he never listened. So yeah, he has chosen the life to be the "cleaner," so live with it and he can't really blame others for what happened in his life like when CEO Byun hit his a**.


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I also had a hard time with Joon in this episode. I was as confused as Hyuk at her anger. I do understand where she is coming from but strangely enough, I just can’t connect with her. Maybe because I started off liking her for seemingly being the only person who actually sees Hyuk as a good person.


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The show is still contemplative and insightful, striking the right balance between poignant moments and funny ones. 


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There's a small chance that something huge is going to happen to the production of this drama soon. The real life drama around Siwon's dog who bit an old woman to death (apparently she was a cancer survivor and had a compromised immune system so she died of sepsis at the hospital a couple of days later) isn't going away anytime soon. There's history of the dog biting other people in the past (neighbors, security guard, Leeteuk) and many pictures of it not being leashed in public areas. She was bitten in the elevator in her own apartment building and apparently Siwon's dad lied about how it transpired. After she past away Siwon kept posting pictures of the dog on his IG which has the netizens even more riled up. They're spamming the drama's message boards with demands that he should be kicked off the show.


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There's no evidence of that dog biting anyone else, Leeteuk told a lot of exaggerated stories about Siwon/his dog all the time. If there were any evidence of these things beyond hearsay someone would have shared it given how much he's getting attacked. The misrepresentation in the media is disgusting. Siwon was filming when this incident happened, he took responsibility anyway because the dog was originally his even though it's been in the care of his family for two years as he went through his military service. And he apologized to the family of the deceased multiple times and attended and cried at the funeral where that family forgave him and asked the public and media multiple times to stop criticizing him and spreading lies about the incident. The public keeps talking about it but as the matter was resolved between the parties involved, they shouldn't be. Also Siwon has not posted that dog since before his military service. The person who has was his sister and disgusting reporters blamed him for this too. She also posted nothing after this tragedy ended in death but they keep accusing him of doing so when all he posts on Instagram are things related to his drama, the SJ comeback or more frequently literally just UNICEF. He hasn't posted anything personal since before he enlisted. The family might deserve criticism but Siwon doesn't and he even took responsibility for their negligence. All respect to the deceased, but considering her family is also asking for people to stop with the fake lies, I hope eventually the truth prevails because otherwise this is not only unfair but truly fucked up.


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Your entire post is just sad. It's alarming how your entire post has little to do with actual victims, and is all about how Oppa didn't mean it, and cried with the family, and isn't responsible.

Fact is he's responsible, as his family. It's their dog. Their responsibility. They clearly didn't train their dog well. That's ultimately what it comes back to, and that falls on them and them alone. There are pictures of Siwon himself with the dog walking around without a leash.

All the other stuff is irrelevant. It doesn't matter if he hasn't been posting about the dog or whatever. Nor is absolved of this just because he wasn't around when the incident happened. He and his family did a shitty job of raising this dog, and it's now cost someone their life. That's the fact of the matter.

This is why pet ownership is a huge responsibility. You're responsible for that pet. It's ridiculous because this was a death that was easily avoidable, if only he and his family had bothered to train the dog properly. He deserves whatever's coming his way quite frankly.


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Didn't realize "Oppa didn't do it" or "Oppa was forgiven by the people actually suffering, who don't want anyone to keep talking about it and reveling in this tragedy" = "Oppa didn't mean it."

Sad you have to hide behind this catch phrase but all right.

I didn't deny the facts, I denied the fact that he didn't have possession of the dog at the time of the incident, nor has he had it for two years. His family is at fault, but it's ridiculous his career should be affected for a drama that has nothing to do with the situation. Sorry you don't think so, but there are Koreans who do agree with this statement. If you read the actual boards, you'd realize that the opinion is mixed.

Anyway no idea why you're wasting time a) reveling in someone's death, or b) going against their wishes to spread volatile messages. For the record, he took responsibility, but there's a line and it's not your call to judge or the public's - it's the deceased's. If there are laws involved that he violated, that's also between him and the law, and your opinion on that won't change anything.


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(Sorry, that should say "deceased's family's*")


Your entire post is indeed "Oppa didn't mean it". You ignore the basic reality of the situation while trying to divert responsibility from his shoulders.

It's why you blame his family, when Siwon was responsible for raising this dog through its formative years. He shoulders that responsibility too. Just because you're his fangirl, it doesn't change that.

And if his career is affected, so what? A woman is dead. This woman fought through cancer. And then died because of such an idiotic thing. Something that coud've been avoided if Siwon and his family were more responsible pet owners.

And how ridiculous of you to try and use the existence of some Koreans who agree with you. So what? There's are plenty who clearly don't think that. If it's down to public opinion, it's certainly not on his side.

He didn't take responsibility for anything. The woman is dead. She's not coming back. How's he going to take responsbility for such a thing? You can't. Just because he cried at her funeral, then went back to doing his thing and carrying on as normal.


See the dog as a car. You buy a car, use it for a couple of years in a way that is very detrimental to it. You don't keep track of the maintenance and don't know when to change the break pads, you don't change the oil, you just drive it because it's a damned car, what's it going to do? You go off for two years and give that car to your family while you're away. Without critical thinking, because it hasn't lead to a SERIOUS accident before, you think it's totally safe. Your family don't take care of it either and they don't think to go turn it in for service even though the warning lights are on. One day the breaks don't work while they're driving down a hill and a bystander ends up dead.

He and his family deserve criticism. He owned that dog during its formative years and didn't raise it well enough to keep it from biting an old lady.

A dog doesn't snap like that from out of nowhere. It's not a gorilla that rips a woman's face off without warning. Unless the footage was faked that dog RAN into the elevator and bit that woman unprovoked. She was minding her own business and that dog was in no way threatened and I doubt it wanted to defend its territory. A dog doesn't just do that. There are behaviors and warning signs and things that go unchecked for a long time before something like that happens.

I read an article that Siwon wrote a post about how the dog was receiving training once a week with his mom and sister because it was biting people. Was that also fake? (Serious question, it's an article I found on allkpop but who knows?). That was the only one I could find and I can't read Korean.


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"it's an article I found on allkpop" pretty much says it all. Worst site ever.


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I realise many don't like the slapstick humor of the show, but it really make me laugh. Granted, a man-child like Byun Hyuk would be annoying in real life but this is a drama, and he's funny as heck and adorable here. I can understand Baek Joon's frustration as well. I might be missing out something here but Byun Hyuk probably won't get jailed even if he gets caught, so she could have chose to help those three people instead.

Siwon's case is just... sad :/ I am pretty sure he wasn't the one taking care of the dog but because he is a famous figure, he has to take the blame for his family's carelessness. Taking him out of the drama just isn't feasible, because it would affect the whole cast (unless they kill Byun Hyuk and make Gong Myung the lead but... lol.)


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(I know it was a joke but... Even if they killed Byun Hyuk and made Gong Myung the lead, the entire story that revolves around this main character would have to be vastly re-organized. It would change the whole premise of the show in a way that wouldn't make sense. He's not just the main character but the title character, the story doesn't work without him, as is presented.)

Siwon's case is :/. His sister was the one taking care of the dog for years, and his father was the one taking care of the dog at the time of the incident. As the victim's family has forgiven them, I hope people move on.


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Or they could pull a Cheese in the Trap and make all the focus on Je Hoon lol..


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So, I'm actually enjoying the drama. Yes, of course SiWon's character will change through the drama, but I think Joon will change as well. She has put herself in the situation of living a part timer life because of what happened to her dad and, yet, she is mad about "hell Joseon". Also, Gong Myung is doing so well as the beaten down, worn out, cynical employee that he doesn't seem up for any romance even if they did want to spring a trite second lead scenario. I want to know how he ended up this way because as the lawyer said earlier, he could have been a prosecutor. He doesn't haven't have to live the life he's living because his father seems quite content with his situation. So how did he end up in this situation? So I'm all in for now.


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I don't understand how Joon thinks screaming will solve every issue. I mean, seriously?! Get fired scream and threaten with a lawsuit. Get other three people fired? Scream and threaten with exposure. So stupid.


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ı wonder the title of the song: You're my sunbright you're my day light hiding in the shadow of my mind.iı is really great song.


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