18 signs you are in a drama slump
by javabeans
- You have a dozen dramas that are sitting unfinished with just one more hour left to watch, which somehow feels like five hours too many.
- You’ve forgotten your password on all your streaming site accounts and can’t be bothered to reset it.
- You’ve forgotten your username on your streaming site accounts. Going through the effort to find it is, naturally, out of the question.
- That drama you’ve been excited to watch for months is finally here. But you just… can’t… press that play button.
- I mean, it’s there, it would be the easiest thing to press a button, but committing to “play” feels insurmountable because that action would mean something, it would have Implications, of time commitments and mental energy and caring about fiction and that feels like a fate worse than death by a million paper cuts right now.
- You see that your thoughts are veering dramatic, but you can’t feel the drama in them because drama is dead. Nothing matters now or will matter ever again. We’re all just meat sacks trudging toward our sell-by dates. Lee Jong-seok holds one-tenth of the appeal he did last year.
- Maybe one-tenth is enough, you think. There is some appeal still alive. But… then you remember Suzy. Minus five appeals.
- Nothing, as in the actual concept of nothingness, feels like a concrete and burdensome presence in your life, rather than the absence of Something. You sit there doing Nothing, staring off into Nothing, thinking Nothing. You consider maybe watching a drama, but decide that it wouldn’t be worth disrupting this big pile of Nothing you’re working on right now.
- You decide that maybe a good old-fashioned favorite series would be more emotionally satisfying and less mentally taxing. You look through the shortlist, and then the longlist, and then make ten more lists, until you realize you’re just stalling life with lists. (META.)
- Fine, old favorites are out. Maybe it’s prime time to finally catch old dramas that never got watched in the first place. Then you ask yourself, “If I passed up Padam Padam ten times already, why should an eleventh time be different?” And that seems like the wisest thought you’ve had all day. You return to your state of torpor and gummy bears.
- You remember how you used to love to read. Books are what stories did before television killed our attention spans! Two pages in, you realize that your attention span wasn’t spared in the cathode-ray massacre, because what are you, special? You reach for the remote control again, even though we just did this and it was futile, remember?
- Lather, rinse, repeat.
- Oh god, am stuck in a time loop. I could literally die of boredom right now. Or in twenty loops from now. It would be the same thing.
- You figure even if you can’t commit an hour to watch a show, you can read a recap so at least you’re still following the show. Two paragraphs in, you remember that attention span thing you just realized one bullet point (and two, and three) ago. Maybe the massacre also got short-term memory.
- Determined to watch something, anything, you scroll through all the titles of all the shows that seem even the tiniest bit interesting. After spending more time trying to decide what to force yourself to watch than it would have been to just watch that damn episode in the first place, you give up. You turn off the lights and go to bed early like an old person, because oblivion seems more appealing than entertainment.
- You realize that dramas were once so important to you that you carved out all this space and time for them in your life, this emptiness which now mocks you. Clubbed in the head with your own punishment stick, you are the creator of your own misery. This is not the most depressing thought you’ve had today.
- You go out to dinner with your parents, who ask for your expert opinion on what dramas they should be watching, and find yourself saying, “I dunno, maybe you should consider watching less television?”
- But despite everything, you retain a vague, if distant, hope/feeling/inclination that you’ll find that lovin’ feelin’ again someday, and there will come along a show that will seem sparkly and shiny, and dramas will be worth it again. Because you’re in a slump, not dead.
Somebody save me from myself.
Tags: existentialism, lists
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151 bianca luisa
October 5, 2017 at 6:57 AM
I was in a drama slump for 10 months until I started to watch Live Up to Your Name. This drama is exceptional, it has well written plot and great actors that revived my interests for Korean Drama.
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152 floracopter
October 5, 2017 at 11:41 AM
I've been in a drama slump for a few years now. I know what is airing and sometimes I try to at least read some recaps. But I just can't get myself to watch anything more than a few episodes max. And that's mostly fast-forwarding. This autumn I have watched (fast-forwarded) two k-drama episodes... :x
I want to like and watch k-dramas like I used to, but everything seems so boring nowadays. Doesn't exactly help that when one channel does theme A then everyone else pretty much copies it.
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153 okiejune
October 5, 2017 at 4:41 PM
I've been trying to figure out my drama slump for a while, and right now I think it's because there have been so many distressing things happening in the U.S. that's it's hard to watch difficult situations in dramas. I end up dropping them as soon as anything bad happens, so pretty much that means I'm dropping all of them! Evil drama characters? I can see real evil characters on the news every day, already more than I want to.
This is kind of off topic, but I came across a youtube video posted this week by Martina (in the Simon and Martina channel). She describes things she does to overcome her depression (which she feels because of her chronic pain). She says she makes a ladder to climb out of her depression, and she describes the little things that she can do to change her whole perspective on a day. I found it really encouraging.
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154 Hannah
October 5, 2017 at 4:45 PM
This is so true I can't even. This is me this whole year. Nothing interests me anymore and I feel like I'm just floating around. I just occasionally read recaps here and there or watch some small clips but I can't get myself to watch a full drama. When I do start a drama, I end up dropping it a few episodes in. At one point, I thought I've grown out of dramas, but that's kind of impossible. I'm a drama-addict. How did this happen? Yep. I'm in a deep slump. So deep that now I feel like I just need to lay there and take a long nap. #sadbuttrue
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155 LookieLooWho
October 5, 2017 at 5:59 PM
Yup, you perfectly described the monumental first-world conundrum I find myself in now. It's especially tough because I have a strict personal standard of not beginning a drama until it's reached the midpoint.
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156 pickledplumtree
October 5, 2017 at 7:39 PM
Girl, this sounds like a cry for help! They say it can be a lovely or tragic path, to turn your true passion into your job!
But #1 hits the nail on the head for me like whoa! I am just really terrible at finishing dramas...though over the past couple months I'm doing better.
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157 azkaa
October 6, 2017 at 6:30 AM
#19 You stop following any kdrama-related news, and even stop visiting DB site *gasps*
It's been few years drama slump for me but this year is somehow worse. Only finished watching Secret Forest, and that's it.
JB, sorry that nothing excites you atm!! :( It must be harder for you since you run kdrama-related sites. For me if I didn't feel like watching drama, I can always do something else. But you? This feels like your whole life it must be feeling awful :(
Not sure this will ease you but hope you make peace with it. Whatever happen and however you decide to deal with it, we are here!!!!!
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158 cincinn
October 6, 2017 at 1:39 PM
1 thru 6 is completely how I feel. Also I think I have gotten bored with kdrama's (did I say that out loud?) The same story line: poor girl says I'm sorry 100 x's, (take a drink of your fav liquor every time she says it you won't make halfway thru the drama sober). Poor girl gets slapped, hair pulled, threatened, money tossed at her by rich Mother of guy.
Rich bad girl temper tantrum, tearing up room, screaming, snarling,
(remove all glasses of water from the table). Rich arrogant semi bad boy, parents pushing child to marry for business reasons not love, evil Mother, Father who is oblivious to his wife's action. All loan sharks that wear Hawaiian shirts or shirts from the 80's (why?). The dreaded white truck that is the cause of all vehicle accidents in Kdrama's
(cops need to find this driver). Revenge plot that never happens everyone lives happily ever after and all is forgiven. Children who aren't biologically there's. Kids taken to orphanages, random child found on the street and raised by another family. Drinking until the poor girl is totally pissy drunk. Whenever a car hits (guy, girl, kid) the driver never gets out of the car. Evidence proving wrong doing gets deleted, stolen, vanishes. Finding out the person you hate the most is your (brother, sister, son, mother, father) The thrill is gone.
Historical drama: I would hate to be the King....someone is always plotting to kill you and Rule The World hahaha!
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159 ampalaya
October 6, 2017 at 3:49 PM
Oh my gawwddd!! This is so me right now! Love you jb for voicing my thoughts so perfectly!
Now, can you share your thoughts on how to overcome drama slump? I really, really, REALLY, want to come back to dramaland but i cant! I just cant!!
Someone please save me...or not?
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160 choadila
October 6, 2017 at 5:21 PM
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161 parkchuna is Scouting for Stars in Hanyang 🍉
October 7, 2017 at 4:45 AM
No 4/5/9/11 and 15 is me right now
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162 nerdbuddyjune
October 7, 2017 at 11:48 AM
I usually spend my time just reading the posts here in dramabeans and rarely (actually this is my first ever) comment on one. But this spoke to me on a personal level. I have been facing a drama slump for almost a year now and dramas which I thought were going to get me out of this fell short and the next thing I knew I'm back staring into space, coming up with a list of dramas I should try watching next, only to end the day just thinking about the said list.
It's too early to say that I have found the drama that would invite me back to take my daily k-drama vitamins, since While You Are Sleeping technically has only 4 episodes on its belt so far, but anything with Lee Jong-suk would undoubtedly wake me up from my long slumber. And, surprisingly, Suzy woke me up too; Her acting in this drama is bringing back the Suzy that I liked [Dream High Suzy]. Hopefully it continues to make me feel kdramas again.
Park Hye-ryun, don't fail me on this please [not like you ever did... but you know, sometimes I have trust issues] .
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163 drisris
October 7, 2017 at 1:18 PM
While trying to figure out when this drama slump began, I must add that the joy I used to have reading the recaps and meta and articles here on dramabeans has diminished. Navigating this site is no longer intuitive. I understand change is inevitable, but dramabeans was my HOMEPAGE. I feel like my drama home is gone. I miss it so much.
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October 17, 2017 at 6:35 AM
i use to visit this page DAILY. but it's been months since it's no longer a routine. I even forgot my password had to reset. just because i want to reply to this awesome dramabeans' post that hits home.
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164 p1nky
October 8, 2017 at 7:54 PM
OMG, do you actually read minds?
I was having this since the beginning of this year and I'm so devastated :( Then you spell it out here for me. I hope this is just something temporary because I believe so.many.good.dramas. Just don't have the intention to watch them!
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165 noanao
October 9, 2017 at 2:18 AM
I am living in that limbo of not being able to finish the last 2 episodes of dramas that I've been following. The last time I remembered ever finished the whole run of drama episodes were Goblin and PU38. Even the enigmatic Eric oppa was not able to make me finish the last 2 episodes of OHY Again! And I'm not really excited to watch any of the currently aired dramas. I guess one of the reason might be due to age. Too much commitments made me feel taxing to commit myself in following new dramas. I just felt tired. I re-watched the old favorites, but my attention was not on the dramas anymore. I can't seemed to glue my eyes even when the camera was focusing on Gong Yoo's face! Hah!
But new Siwon's drama and Mad Dog seemed to pique the waning interest in me. Shall try and watch the premier episode when it aired. I have not much of faith that I will follow it till the end, but I'll give it a try.
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166 lostinacloud
October 12, 2017 at 11:49 AM
thank you !! i am feeling this way right now. its serious enough that i might give up kdramas as a whole.... TT
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167 berdie
October 13, 2017 at 3:20 PM
When I'm in a drama slump, I switch to playing video games. Then when the video game slump sets in, it's back to dramas.
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168 Cin
October 13, 2017 at 11:14 PM
whoaaa this is real! for me it was the same.. then i watched an old episode of 1n2d first and second season again and got hooked, watched a lot..A LOT more ..and finally watched an old drama of my favorite member which i hadn't seen..thats how i got on track again :-)
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October 14, 2017 at 9:32 PM
That's how I felt before watching Goblin. The last time I watched a drama before Goblin was in 2012.
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170 Literati Tempo
October 16, 2017 at 9:46 AM
O.o I'm not the only one. I love dramas but that play button is so so so far away
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171 iuly093
October 16, 2017 at 3:45 PM
Never seen something so accurate in my life.I thought I did these because I am depressed sometimes but dang,this hit close to home,I'm glad I'm not alone LOL
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172 niKai
October 17, 2017 at 6:31 AM
I'm trying to get back into k-dramas but… *finish the sentence with any point from #1 to #18*.
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173 JiaYou
November 8, 2017 at 9:30 PM
ME. In all levels. Because I'm in my kdrama slump I'm commenting on this article even if it is already more than a month old and nobody will even notice my comment.
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November 8, 2017 at 9:42 PM
I noticed. :) <3
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174 Kati
April 6, 2018 at 6:53 AM
Damn, you nailed it...... help me some I’m in drama slump..... I need exiting drama to cure this... any recommendation highly appreciated
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