Lee Jong-hyun up for lead role in Lingerie Girls’ Generation
by tipsymocha
Ooh, I’m definitely excited to see that there’s some movement on this project. KBS is considering a drama adaptation of the novel Lingerie Girls’ Generation, and an offer is out to CNBLUE’s Lee Jong-hyun (My Only Love Song, Orange Marmalade) to play the lead male role in the youth nostalgia drama.
Unfortunately, there haven’t been any character descriptions released for the role Lee Jong-hyun is considering, but since this show is primarily set in a girls’ high school in 1970s Daegu, I’m thinking that he’ll play a high school student who gets involved with our heroine. I absolutely love throwback dramas, especially if it deals with the youth of that era, so if his character is supposed to be the heroine’s love interest, I’m looking forward to watching them develop a relationship against a backdrop of awesome old-school fashion trends and pop music.
There are also other elements of this story I’m looking forward to, like the friendships between the heroine and her squad, as well as with the popular new transfer student from Seoul. I’m already excited to see the city girl bond with the group of saturi-speaking teenagers. They also have a mystery to solve with the rising number of sexual assaults happening in Daegu, as well as the ominous disappearances of the female workers at the local toy factory. Added to that is the coming-of-age element, especially since the story will center around young women in an era that still had strong patriarchal attitudes in mainstream society.
Whew, all that and in just eight episodes? A part of me wishes it had a higher episode count just so I can enjoy the Sunny-like story for longer, but the other half is hoping that this will mean a tight, fast-paced plot that does justice to the subject matter.
KBS is looking to schedule Lingerie Girls’ Generation to follow currently airing School 2017, which would put its premiere in September.
Via My Daily, Sports Donga
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1 Cola Casa
August 5, 2017 at 12:02 PM
I"m excited for this drama. I hope rookies are casts (idols or no-dols is fine), we need new blood in the scenes.
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August 6, 2017 at 4:03 AM
I agree to flesh blood but I would still love to see under rated actors like Lee Yu Bi being cast for a short drama like this. Maybe fresh blood and/or under rated gems?
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2 jin
August 5, 2017 at 12:04 PM
Eh, stick to making music boy.
Or have him play the second lead.
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August 5, 2017 at 5:40 PM
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3 bmore
August 5, 2017 at 12:25 PM
Absolutely hate HS dramas with leads who are approaching 30! UGH. :( What is wrong with setting these dramas in college if it has to be a school setting? Or how about getting someone younger? It's the same with School 2017.
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August 5, 2017 at 5:21 PM
For me, the age doesn't matter as long as the actor is believable in his role. But for some reason, Mori is just not cutting it as a high school teenager in School 2017. He looks even older than his home room teacher. He's a good actor but aged too old for the role. LJH has a youngish face though, and has successfully pulled off a high school role in Orange Marmalade, so maybe he can pull this one off without too much trouble? Fingers crossed ??.
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August 5, 2017 at 6:07 PM
Have you seen him recently? He definitely looks too old to play HS student now.
Maybe college student is fine but he doesn't look like any thing like a teenager.
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August 5, 2017 at 11:06 PM
Yes. School 2017 isnt a good drama. Maybe male lead being and looking old is something with it.
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August 6, 2017 at 12:54 AM
School 2017 is a decent drama though.
The first week was weird and badly edited but the last 2-3 eps are good and the cast is really good.
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
August 6, 2017 at 1:10 AM
Lmao. If you look at netizens' comments, they love him. His popularity is rising because of this drama. His followers at IG also keeps increasing from only around 20k few months ago during Rebel's time and now have more than 100k.
This drama itself is not something amazing but it's decent and still give the feeling what school's drama should be. I was also sceptical with him being 'old'at first but he just nailed his character. I mean if Lee Min Ho can do Heirs when he is around the same age why not anyone else.
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September 12, 2017 at 7:47 AM
only a 10-year old would say he is old though.
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August 5, 2017 at 7:28 PM
As long as the lead has great acting skills and can get away with being in his 20's I'm cool. I don't know about everyone else, but where I'm from it's not rare to see seniors who look mature for their age (haha even older than Tae Woon in School 2017 at times). I'm only triggered though when there's Mid 30's+ actors playing their flash back high school roles. That I find unrealistic :(
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August 6, 2017 at 12:02 AM
Ya as long as I can watch the show to the end because the actor isn't looking, doesn't have to be literal 'looking', at the crew/cast/team and esp. the director for help. I don't blame the actors themselves, I blame the casting.
For instance casting four actors in a show about a pop group: the two leaders/rivals or lead actors should be cast who are 'actors' who can reportedly sing and maybe play guitar, eg: Seo Ji Hoon and Kim Jung Hyun even if they don't fit the image with the 'eyeliner and skinny jeans' the second leads could be someone like Lee Jong Hyun and Kang Min Hyuk because they literally have experience in that.
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4 Dezzy
August 5, 2017 at 12:48 PM
I have a real soft spot for him... while thinking he's not a very good actor. I'm always rooting for him to emote better. Ehh, I guess LJH fighting!
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August 5, 2017 at 1:21 PM
Totally agree.
But I am interested to see if he will look different like Kim Jung Hyun, School 2017, did in Ice Mound/Bingoo and if the show will go with Autumn hews of the 1970's vibe like yellow, brown, burnt orange, or more vibrant whites, blues and reds that is making me addicted to School 2017.
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August 6, 2017 at 3:55 PM
I shudder at the thought of "harvest gold" and "avocado" combined with earth tones and orange. The half-bath of our 1970s-vintage house came with a hideous bright orange laminate countertop that prompted me to dub it "The Great Pumpkin Room." Just looking at those colors made me lose the will to live. Your mileage may vary. ;-)
As for Lee Jong-hyun, I got a kick out of him in MY ONLY LOVE SONG. His communing with Boong Boong cracked me up every time. ;-)
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August 7, 2017 at 12:41 AM
Ha, your well written comment has made me want to see Lee Jong Hyun with a long hairstyle, maybe he will indeed look younger. Actually I can only think of him now in this as I have seen him with a long hairstyle already. He reminded me coincidentally of his 2/3rd name sake "Hong Jong Hyun specifically in 'Jungle Fish' with his hairstyle", however which way stylists will go to bring out the 1970s era is open to interpretation.
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August 7, 2017 at 12:51 AM
/*Whoosh/* wipers wipes snow from windows whilst parked under a cherry blossom in the Joseon era in Autumn, completely incorrect but funny that it is possible because of a poorly written time travel drama.
Sorry for typing your name wrong above.
The sound effect I was trying to get to was 'whoops' from a window-wiper. Hehehe....
August 7, 2017 at 11:12 AM
LOL @windshield wiper "whoops".
As for long hair in the 1970s, it depends on where you were and which part of the decade you're dealing with. Anyone still in high school would have had to adhere to dress codes. I graduated high school in 1974, and although dress codes had relaxed a lot by then in public schools in the outlying suburbs of New York City, it was pretty much only the hippies, freaks, and juvenile delinquents who wore their hair well below the collar. Shaggy locks were more prevalent among college students, pro football players, blue collar workers, and rednecks. The unisex "shag" featured hair that was short and full (as opposed to layered) in front and on the sides, and long and full in back, aka "business in front, party in the back." It was popular with young guys who were employed.
By the late 70s, New Wave musicians were wearing their hair shorter. The disco crowd tended to have shorter but fuller hairdos. Punks sported spiky mohawks. And the shag morphed into the mullet... with or without a perm.
August 7, 2017 at 3:29 PM
Lol, just when I thought of a name change and an account. I get kicked into the spam filter. Ha who would have thought that the show Criminal Minds and two asterisks, okay I thought it was spelt: astereses, I will never type them again, ever I promise, yagsok. Help me out here. Any way I am not gonna beg, adios amigos, sayonara my friends ... as I don't know what ' my friends ' are in Japanese.
August 7, 2017 at 3:50 PM
Uhhah? So it was the two "@ -links" that I wrote elsewhere, ..... Yagsok, I will never use live links again. I apologise and will stick to my plan for the year, intensely follow School 2017, and loosely follow all else in true marathon style. Yikes close call.
5 Kudo Ran
August 5, 2017 at 1:05 PM
Colin ? long time no see, hope to see you soon ? . In any case, I'll check out the drama, story & the set in 1970s make me curious
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6 Ally
August 5, 2017 at 2:13 PM
Would love to see this drama as my parents were married in the 70's and I was born then as well. And the name is great. Lol!
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7 marsinblue
August 5, 2017 at 2:47 PM
The plot looks so interesting! Super excited for this one.
Also excited for Jonghyun - but will he ever graduate from dramaland high school? xD
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8 Pickwick12
August 5, 2017 at 3:13 PM
I'm excited for this drama overall. Less excited at the prospect of him as a high school boy.
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9 celine0801
August 5, 2017 at 4:11 PM
I dont know but..i dont think he's ready for the lead role???
Hmmm I've watched his funny webdrama with Jeongyeon's sister,Kongseungyeon and he's good but not that good (except for the kissing part lol) u'll never get to notice his acting prolly because the lead actress did justice to her character as his love interest. But but can he twice in accepting the role?oh..just my opinion.
He's a good guitarist and singer tho..and he's handsome too.?
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August 5, 2017 at 4:13 PM
*but but can he think twice for in accepting the role?
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August 5, 2017 at 6:03 PM
Sorry but my #14 comment was meant to reply to your comment @celine0801
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10 liam
August 5, 2017 at 5:09 PM
I love jonghyun in My Only Love Song. His chemistry with seungyeon is impeccable. He totally improved from his previous show orange marmalad. Maybe because he is more at ease with seungyeon. But im not so sure about him playing a highschool student.
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August 6, 2017 at 10:22 AM
I really liked him in My Only Love Song too!
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11 jillian
August 5, 2017 at 5:13 PM
The plot sounds interesting and LJH is an ok actor. Saw him in MOLS with GSY and they have great chemistry.
Definitely be checking out this show if he signs on.
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12 pigsnout
August 5, 2017 at 5:54 PM
He is not a very good actor, his expression often look so awkward or put on. In Orange Marmalade he was better than that cardboard female lead but in his Netflix drama Gong Seung Yeon is so good that it really shows the difference in their levels as actors even though they have great chemistry. And sorry but he looks too old to play a high school boy.
This drama sounds like a girl-oriented story but whoever the female lead is will have to work hard.
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13 TheImprintOnMyNose
August 5, 2017 at 5:56 PM
The summary reminds me of Riverdale. The person from seoul would be veronica.
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14 pigsnout
August 5, 2017 at 6:01 PM
I watched that drama too, for me it wasn't that you don't notice his not-good acting but that Gong Seung Yeon is so good that her acting and their chemistry covers up for both of them so I didn't mind it that much. But that was because of Seungyeon, not him. She should be the one getting lead roles offers.
He isn't that bad an actor like Taecyeon level of expressionless eyes acting, but he is not fit for lead roles. They should cast someone with better expressions like Lee Won Geun or Ji Soo or even a younger actor like Kim Min Jae or Kwak Dong Yeon for this role.
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August 5, 2017 at 7:23 PM
100% agree with your suggestions for possible actors to take on the role. A younger actor for a high school student, please. Dramaland has got to stop pretending men approaching 30 can pass as high school students.
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August 5, 2017 at 9:55 PM
Ha, I didn't even think of JiSoo, but I would watch the whole show if it were him.
And finally a 'starter' lead role, for Ji soo. The last time I saw him as the lead the girl had never even seen his gorgeous face, and I wanted her to fall in love with his his line delivery but the drama was way too short for romance...hehehe.
I found that I enjoyed A Gentleman's Dignity for the almost? '40 something comedy' and not the repetitive space filling drama but the moment Kim Woo Bin was pulled in favor of Lee Jong Hyun's arc I remember I quit the show. I was probably only watching for KWB's cute hairstyle and great acting at the time despite less screen time. But I still love LJH, I just can't finish AGD to this day, sometimes boyband members are not at fault it is how they are placed in a show.
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15 Jessi Bear
August 5, 2017 at 6:50 PM
LJH oppa, I need you back on my screen
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16 ebbe
August 5, 2017 at 8:08 PM
lee jonghyum can't act his pronounciation of delivering line is so bad, so awkward his eyes is so weak.... he even crying when he staring at eunji eyes on variety show... why u need to acting... stick to your laziness and fishing Jonghyun making profit with insider trading thingy again so you can go to jail
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17 hannaehh
August 5, 2017 at 9:30 PM
I'm more interested to know about the female lead casts rather than male lead. LJH is great, but I wish they cast someone better and younger that fits high school student character better. Oh well..
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
August 6, 2017 at 1:25 AM
True, I'm more curious who will be casted as the female lead & other female casts since this is female centric drama & about female friendship (if looking at the synopsis of the novel). Lee Jong Hyun is a less concern to me for now, he is quite stiff but maybe his role is not that important.
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August 6, 2017 at 4:01 AM
Considering he's the first person to be cast I assume his role will be significant if not important. But seeing how KBS loves it's love triangles I wouldn't put it past them to make the story more about the romance than the female friendship.
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18 chamcham
August 5, 2017 at 11:52 PM
Oh I really want to watch this but I don't like him a bit :/ can't they cast an actor and who is actually age appropriate? I hope he doesn't take it.
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19 monichiwa
August 6, 2017 at 9:42 AM
aww the story seems totally fun!! why cant the team behind Reply series get behind this :( i hope the execution will live up to it...can we please have Nam Ji Hyun in this?? i know she has plans to go back to college this year, but this series has only 8 episodes so it should be fine i guess hehe
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