Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

How did the finales stack up for you this week? There were a number of shows to say goodbye to, and I’m always surprised by how differently I’ll feel about a show at the beginning and at the end of it. Were there any dramas that you were particularly sad to part with, or have you already cleared the way for something new? –girlfriday



Currently recapping: Seven Day Queen

Lookout: I liked that the team suffered a loss—it seemed more realistic that way, and I think losing one of the good guys helped make the final episodes weightier, and the sendoff more poignant. I just wish the final face-off had been more interesting (or remotely believable), because for the life of me I didn’t understand how a teenager could outsmart seven good guys and a bomb squad. I’m pretty sure at least three of them were smart, and the rest had guns! That kid tried my patience, but everything else about the show was so fun, and snazzy in a way that didn’t feel empty.

Suspicious Partner: I would’ve enjoyed this more if it had ended two weeks ago, because the final quarter felt really slow compared to the rest of the series. But one of the things I ended up loving was the frenemies-turned-friends arc for the girlfriends, because sassy Ji-hae was a hoot, and I would’ve loved more of their roommate hijinks. For me, Suspicious Partner worked well as a romance and not so well as a legal thriller, so the mashup wasn’t as smooth as I would’ve liked, and I’m not all that sorry to see it go. But Ji Chang-wook and Nam Ji-hyun should totally date in real life.

Fight My Way: I really enjoyed the small stories and the everydayness of four friends going to work and figuring out relationships and messing things up while finding their place in the world. It felt normal and comforting, and even though I think success for our characters came a little too easily plotwise over the course of our drama, I never felt that it came easily character-wise—looking back on the years they’d struggled in the past made their successes feel rightfully earned with every drop of sweat accounted for. This show just hit a really relatable note for me, and it got extra points for always bringing the funny.

Bride of the Water God 2017: They’re still depending a lot on the fish-out-of-water setups to carry the drama, which isn’t a bad thing, but I am curious about where we go from here. I did get excited when Ha-baek powered up and got to be a flashy superhero (for a good minute), so I’m looking forward to the fantasy going full-steam ahead.

The Best Hit: I’m getting super invested in this loveline, which might be a dangerous thing to do, except I can’t help it. Yoon Shi-yoon just keeps doing swoony thing after swoony thing, and there’s no way out. Help.



Woman of Dignity: Once I gave up on the idea of the show being a satire, it became a bit more bearable. I’m realizing that while I personally don’t enjoy it all that much, it’s still telling a coherent story, which counts for something. It’s a story I feel like I’ve seen before in a million other iterations, and I’m not exactly sure why this specific story needed to be told, but I have a feeling things will pick up once Ah-jin’s relationship with Ki-ho gains more momentum.

My Sassy Girl: Normally I try to write these blurbs shortly after watching the episodes because I have a goldfish memory, but I didn’t this week, and now I can’t think of anything to say about this show. Something about a Ghost Mask that unfortunately reminds me of Joo-won in a role he’s so far been unable to top? All I got from these episodes is that Jungshin is taller than everyone. I was seriously hopeful that they’d find a brilliant way to use him by making him Ghost Mask, but that’d mean they’d have to 1) break their cardinal rule of not making him a meaningful part of any scene, and 2) make an actual effort.

Forest of Secrets: You know that feeling you get when everything and everyone is just so good that you start to worry, because if they’re that good, then Chungmuro will take them away and never give them back? Maybe this is just me being paranoid, but Bae Doo-na is such a revelation in dramaland (even though she has a very successful film career) that I know this is one of those lightning in a bottle situations that won’t happen every year. The last drama she did was in 2010, and it’d be a disservice for her to do a drama that’s of poorer quality than Forest of Secrets now… but that’ll be such an impossibly high bar that I’m trying to soak in her performance—and everyone else’s—while I can.

Ruler–Master of the Mask: At least Yoo Seung-ho’s back from army and won’t be going anywhere. It just makes me sad, because he can be so amazingly compelling in a sageuk role (I still remember Warrior Baek Dong-soo fondly), but this role just gave him too little to do. There was so much potential for this entire show, but at every turn, the writers took the path of least resistance, leading to undercooked characters and storylines. Guess you can’t win ‘em all.



Currently recapping: My Sassy Girl

Fight My Way: Overall, I really enjoyed this refreshing, realistic, and modern rom-com. Loved the zippy and oftentimes poignant writing as well as the cast, and I loved laughing with the motley crew every week. The only aspect that I wasn’t satisfied with was the Hwang Bok-hee storyline; it really wasn’t necessary, and I just think it’s a stretch for a mom that’s been MIA for all of Ae-ra’s life to suddenly be so chummy with her so quickly. Anyway, I burst out laughing when Seol-hee’s burly brothers appeared, and I’m probably going to miss sweet and quietly strong Seol-hee the most. Fight My Way wasn’t perfect, but it did consistently bring a smile to my face.

Forest of Secrets: Sometimes, when I love a show so much, I save it and delay watching it, and that’s precisely what I’m doing with Forest even though it sounds counterintuitive. Gah, I love it so!



Fight My Way: Ae-ra and Dong-man’s reason for breaking up was such a non-issue. His dream to be a martial arts fighter and his love for his craft is such an integral part of who Dong-man is, that if Ae-ra wants him to give that up, she’s essentially telling him to stop being himself. Without how fighting has shaped his identity, Dong-man wouldn’t be the man that Ae-ra loves today so it’s a catch-22 scenario. Does she want the real Dong-man or just his shell? Ugh, and the deus ex machina resolution of his tinnitus seemed too convenient; I think instead of suddenly barraging us with a whole bunch of birth secret reveals in the last episodes, it might have been better to explore the wealth of conflict related to how physical disability could prevent dreams from happening, and that would have been a much more nuanced and complex arc than this general upward easy trend we’ve been seeing in their trajectories these past weeks. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good happy ending, but it just feels so much more gratifying when there are substantial obstacles that are overcome to get to it.

Seven Day Queen: Binge-watched. Loved it until midway and it became an angst-fest with the heroine acting like a noble idiot. There’s sometimes such a huge contrast between the tone of the show, from a cheerful flirtatious vibe between the lovers and then the torture and death of other characters that the rapid transitions seem jarring. But, I must say, this sageuk’s hanbok game is on point. Compared to Hwarang, Rebel, My Sassy Girl, and numerous other sageuks I’ve watched this year, Seven Day Queen is killing it in the elegance department.



Currently recapping: Forest of Secrets

The Best Hit: I finally got a chance to marathon this one last week, and it’s so funny and cheeky and full of love! The characters are loveable and hilarious, and I love all the little meta nods to 1N2D. I do wish that the show hadn’t decided to go for the love triangle between father, son, and Woo-seung, though—it’s weird and uncomfortable, and it kills my hopes for a bromance between the two guys. I was a bit baffled and dismayed by the repeated obvious rom-com tropes that seem to be following Hyun-jae and Woo-seung like flashing neon signs indicating Destined True Love… until that La La Land parody, which makes me think this may all be a misdirect, and that we’re being trolled in the most epic of fashions by Yoo PD and Cha Tae-hyun. And if that’s the case, I would be delighted (and laugh my rear off).

Father Is Strange: Oh, poor Joong-hee. It makes it even worse for him to find out the truth after telling his mom that he was happy with his fake family in a way he never was in her house. To find out that the father he believed in so much was actually lying to him the whole time must feel like the worst kind of betrayal. I’m frustrated by Dad, who should have followed his conscience and confessed a long time ago, but I’ve been steadily growing angrier at Mom, who continually emotionally blackmails her husband, and thinks that protecting her kids’ reputations is more important than making up for the psychological trauma they’ve caused Joong-hee by stealing his dad’s identity. “I’m a terrible woman, and I’ll pay for my sins in hell” is not a blanket excuse you’re allowed to use so that you can trample on others’ rights, not even if those crimes were committed in the name of love.

Lookout: What an intense ride! I marathoned most of it, which made the twists and turns super enjoyable (and way less stressful), and then watched the last two weeks’ episodes as they aired. I loved how gripping and unpredictable the show was from the very first frame. Everything up to the congressional hearing was awesome and satisfying, but Se-won’s kidnapping derailed the plot. All of a sudden trained cops and vigilantes were making stupid decisions and getting completely played by Psycho Junior—and that made the ultimate tragedy more frustrating than heartbreaking, because it didn’t feel earned. Nor did I feel like we got a good explanation of where the rest of our Lookouts ended up after that time jump. Are they secretly employed by the government? Still on the lam? Still, the drama was action-packed, emotionally engaging, perfectly scored, and incredibly well-acted, especially by Lee Shi-young and Kim Young-kwang, who killed it. I’m just going to imagine that one day, Suji will meet the two people she misses the most, waiting for her in heaven so they can finally be a family. *wipes tear*

Fight My Way: Aww, it’s over. I’ll miss these lovable, gorgeous, heartwarming idiots. The last few episodes didn’t have the electric, heart-pounding feels of the first half, but the show left me with a warm feeling and I was happy with where the characters ended up—so I count it as a win.


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Heads and My sassy girl. ??????


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That was me back in ep3 of sassy girl! Dropped it after that!


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Me too. Lol.


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Lol, I couldn't bring myself to watch it this week. I decided to drop it and marathon the rest when the drama is over. At least then I can skip boring parts or go directly to the end.


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I dropped it right after Prince Dalhan dropped the idea of marrying the princess. I think the story should have been able to speed up the process of resolving the princess's mother case, and make better use of some characters.


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Personally I was sort of ??? at Heads' comment, since it would make no sense whatsoever to the plot if Joon-young were Ghost Mask. That wouldn't be any kind of improvement whatsoever.


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that lookout ending broke my heart! can't believe I've to say goodbye to three of my fav shows this week- probably the only three I actually watch and not rely on dramabeans for recaps so what now! thinking of starting the best hit. or bingewatch circle and chicago typewriter. suggestions?


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Best hit if toy want a fun laugh riot! Chicago typewriter if you want your heartstrings to be tugged in the most painful way but in the good sense.. what a beautiful emotional rollercoaster that show was!
Circle if you love a good sci-fi mystery and the cuteness that jingu is! :D


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I'd say Chicago Typewriter!


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Chicago Typewriter for sure if you want them feels! So many feels! The writing, characters, and setting is ridiculously good and will get you super invested in no time. Also bromance! so much epic bromance! But The Best Hit is good if you are in the mood for some light and fluffy comedy with a side of love triangle and the most confusing family dynamics!


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CT. Good quality!


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Chicago Typewriter and fall in love with Yoo Ah In. CT is a masterpiece.


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Answer is all of the above. Oh and add Forest of Secrets and Signal to it if you are not currently watching it/ haven't watched it. It's not like "living life" matters when there are kdramas to mess with your mind, give you hypertension, and be glad for it all!


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Yeah Lookout's two or four final episodes were draggy and left with so many questions unanswered pleading for next chapter. But all in all it was very thrilling and addictive from the beginning till the end packed with amazing casts, writer, and director. Kudos to all the actors especially Kim Young-kwang, Lee Shi-young, and Park Solomon.


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I was semi-addicted to Lookout until the last 2/4 episodes. I think my disappointment started when Se-Won turned into the stupidest teenage girl ever, and went downhill from there. That episode overall was just so stupid that I still have not finished the last two.


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agreed! the ending was frustrating and poorly-written


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Inexplicably, I'm back in a drama slump. Still have to catch up on Seven Day Queen and don't feel like angst. Only The Best Hit makes me excited for Fridays, and even then (no spoilers), I felt like yesterday's episodes didn't build on the dramatic cliffhanger of last week. Hopefully today's episodes will be better. I love Hyun Jae, but it turns out that MJ is becoming a favourite. Dabong Sabu!


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Mori is coming back to us next week! ?


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I forgot about Mori! Btw, what genre is that School drama? I'm not very much into high school genre, never watched any of the School series.


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lmao same. I'll be watching for Mori only ?I think it has some crime-mystery plot as well since they casted Han Sung Hwa as a police, but according to Wiki - the genre will br coming of age, teen & romance.


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Oh yeah Mori!!!! I'm not thrilled about the crime-mystery plot but will check it out for him. <3
Also looking forward to Strongest Deliveryman. The latest teaser is hilarious.


@wishfultoki It will be strange to see the loveline won't be between him and Han Sun Hwa in this drama lol!

Yes SD latest teaser is quute hilarious ? I'll be sad to say good bye to The Best Hit but I'm also happy to welcome Strongest Deliveryman!


School 2013 has some epic bromance bet LJS and KWB. You should totally try that @outofthisworld @seralovestteobokki
School 2015 was more of a love-quadrangle gone wrong hahaha! I am looking forward to 2017 version


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I second the recommendation for School 2013. For me the biggest pull was not the bromance but the poignant daily struggles of students and teachers (I especially related to Jang Nara's teacher character and her conflict with Daniel Choi). I felt like I really got to know several of them in depth, and as in all good ensemble dramas, everyone was a main character.


Omo! Can't wait to see Mori again! I think I'd have to live watch School just for him!


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Let's go back to School together ?


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Ha! Yay! Let's do it! See you on Monday. ?


I'm beginning to think that because The Big Hit tends to have lower ratings on Friday, they hold out important plot points for Saturday. So from now on I'm watching Friday and Saturday's episodes together.


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*Goes off to watch Best Hit, cringey-unresolved age-difference problem be damned*


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@saner I know I keep swooning every time Yoon Shi-yoon so much as breathes and I loved the angst and the La La Land parody scene. But.the.age! It's like at the end of yesterday's episode it suddenly hit me that oh yeh him being her best friend's dad is totally an issue! Lol Yoon Shi-yoon makes it so hard to remember with his puppy face though...


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" I keep swooning every time Yoon Shi-yoon so much as breathes" hahaha this comment made my day ???


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I get you. I even swoon watching 2N1D. In last week's episode, when YSY got ice up the mountain to the man who has not had ice up there in 20 years, I was grinning like an idiot. He may not be as funny as the other members, but his desire to always do his best and help others is definitely swoon worthy.


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I am (eagerly) waiting for The Best Hit's recap. Ji-hoon has some very good (hugot) lines this episode.


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I only watch seven day queen and it really delivers,

Still, Idk what tineybeanie means by saying chae kyeong a noble idiot?

She didn't sacrifice anything for nothing, if we see the latst ep, she wants to know how people take her sincerity, if it about ep 6-10, she really know nothing.
The drana setup for individual journey when they all discovered the secret on their own way cause all of them is enemy and they can't share secret.

I am truly confused cause "noble idiot" as I know is chosing the wrong path because they afraid to face the problem and acting as it is for the other people's better future, not knowing what that other people want but chae kyung doesn't run away and her choice always based on what better and what she truly wants.


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I'm honestly drawing a blank as to when Chae-kyung became a noble idiot, because she's as far from it as a person caught in a tough situation can be. She makes the best choices she can for her future and for the people she loves, and she always goes in with her head held high. Yeok came close to being a noble idiot in previous episodes, but those actions were also influenced by jealousy and anger, which took the nobility out of the idiocy.


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yeok is really confused in the recent ep, he is torn between what he wants and what other people expected him to be while keep giving out promises.

He dug his own grave and I thought he will always be like that and will turn to the real noble idiot that I have in my mind:

"I'll hurt you cause I love you" phase for more episode but it quite funny for me cause yeok as a character is a bad actor that even chae kyeong know it's not the truth so he fools no one.


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Chae-kyung has always been able to see through both brothers.

Yeok wanted to have his cake and eat it too by marrying Chae-kyung and yet hiding his involvement with the rebellion from her. It's a good thing she's the type of person who's upfront about her issues so they don't stew on unspoken doubts for too long.


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She is my favorite heroine in dramaland. I don't see her as such and probably never will. She is an epitome of a woman with strength under control. Noble idiot???? Far from it


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Agree with this. If anything CK is anything but because it's not like she's pulling away from the brothers in order to not give them trouble. That's what a noble idiot is to me - they separate from the other half in order to save them or to not hurt them. If anything, that's what Yeok did by lying to CK about everything that was going on.

CK in my opinion, has taken everything head first and refuses to let fate and some secret will tie her down and get her involved in messing up the two brother's relationship. She's a strong female role to me, and gosh she's already been through so much - it's actually quite endearing to see her both trying to want the brothers to reconcile, but understanding what the reality is, but refusing to take what fate dishes out to her.


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OMGG sameee I mean everyone is entitled to their opinion but I don't think it's even remotely valid to call Chae-kyung a noble idiot. She took matters to her own hands the whole time and strictly followed her values. She was only blinded to all the secrets that was hidden from her from ALL the other characters. She had to find out everything herself tbh (with the help of Yung tho). Even took matters to her own hands. Idk which part of Chae-kyung deserves to be called a noble idiot. She's by far the best heroine I've encountered. She was true to herself and also expressed herself openly. She didn't take any BS nor did she show BS in the show. Once she found out what Yeok was really up to, she did all she could to protect herself, her family and Yeok. She was just super forgiving and kind but NO noble idiot.


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This week Lookout ended, and so did my interest in MBC shows for a while.
MBC, maybe I'll see you in Autumn...
Slowly still watching Suspicions Partner, and it's great for loosing some time :)
Started watching The Best Hit, and I get why it has so-so ratings. It's not crack-tastic and you don't have the obsession to go on.
Bride of the water God - Story is starting slowly to take shape, and it's a nice show when not taken seriously.

Waiting to see if any of the new premieres will be good next week, although I seriously doubt it for my tastes :(


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Forest of Secrets is just getting better and better each episode! It wouldn't be that awesome without the superb acting, writing and directing!


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True! I don't know what is the secret of this writer, but I believe having an experience as a director helped her to write a good script. Everything is so on- point in this drama. Crossing fingers to see this drama exceeds 5% this week!


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Joining the FOREST OF SECRETS love party !
Thanks to Heads for recommanding it so eloquently. At first glance, I thought it would be my anti-catnip: men in suits having long conversations in bleak offices? How fun can this be?
But I gave it a try as a "light watch", and I was soon hooked and now I am obsessed! The writing is so tight that I can't even fold my laundry while watching it: I'm afraid I'll miss something really important! It is the best "who's done it" in a long long while and I can gush for hours about Shi Mock's lovely smile!
I recommend this drama to all: it is perfect to cleanse your rom-com palate (and get ready for next batch!)


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Fold laundry? Pffft....I can't even take my eyes off since I'm reading the subtitles. I have to backtrack too many times.

I actually delayed watching the episodes because I want to watch it at the time of the day where I get minimum distraction. Unfortunately, that runs counter to wanting to watch it as soon as possible.


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This show makes me abuse the playback button. I have to concentrate.
If I feel like I missed something then it's playback time over and over.


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That's why I really have to choose a good time to watch. I want to fully concentrate for around one hour without anyone /anything disturbing me.


<The writing is so tight that I can't even fold my laundry while watching it

One of the cats was climbing on me while I was watching and I was like... get off me, you're blocking the screen! A total sweetie cat but no cuddles when I'm watching FOS!


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Getting on the forest of secrets love train. It's amazing! And Jo seung woo is so handsome. I was hoping we will get to see some back story on yeo jin, but i guess she is just that incredible naturally. Also, itching to know what chief prosecutor (now, secretary) lee's wife's deal is. She is the scariest for me. Because whatever she does ands says are completely two different things. Just wishing that we will have more scenes of shi mok and yeo jin investigating together this week. Because, them together is ♥.


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Currently obsessed with the OST. Isn´t it amazing when an amazing show with few loopholes also has great sound? It makes me so happy.


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Totally agree! I think this and Signal are two of the best television I've watched ever - and that includes all international shows I've seen.


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Try "Secret" - it is another totally addicting show. It was good enough that it beat Heirs ratings in the same time slot, and good enough so that there were hundreds of posts here about it. https://www.viki.com/tv/20714c-secret?locale=en


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I hate Forest of Secrets. It is so good that it makes all the other dramas seem totally BLAH :(
I guess it helps that Bae Doona is just about the only Korean actress that I am really a big fan of. Sad to see that we will no longer see her in "Sense 8", as NetFlix is not renewing the show.


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Precisely, I've dropped all other dramas after starting FOS because all pale into comparison. This is one engaging drama that gives you that breathless feel with its layers and interwoven plots. Have never seen such tight scripting which is delivered so well with top notch directing. Acting is excellent from main to even small side characters. To me, it has already surpassed the high bar set by Signal and there's full confidence it will excel till the end.


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episode is up for the past 3 hours. Within 1st hour of airing in Korea english subbed version is released on sites.

watching episode 11 right now.


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The last drama i finished was Circle: it was an ambitious show on the paper but didn't deliver the level it promised. It looked and felt like a YA sci-fi novel with not enough money to pull off what it wanted to do. The concept was good, and the writing consistent from start to finish: the writers had a clear idea of the plot as the end proved it, but failed to give a balance between the 2017 and 2037 stories. The cast wasn't all good too. I stayed because i had few favourites characters to whom i got really attached and didn't want to leave them: Bum Gyun, the 2017 Min Young... But the show belonged to Yeo Jin Go, who overshadowed everyone else.

Forest of Secret: i stopped to promote it because live watching is just consuming and nerve wrecking for everyone that started it and i feel bad to have recommend it so much. Binge watching is really better in this case. Shin Hye Sun's performance and her character's story are the highlight of the show for me.


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I just finished Circle too and agree with everything you said. The build-up and execution of the supposed worlds was just sloppy and at times lacked coherence - it was def too ambitious. It didn't mesh with the high quality story it was trying to tell. With that said, I loved the story which was really good - it was the saving grace of the drama that the writers clearly knew what they wanted to happen from start to end and how it'll all come full circle and make sense. That and yes to Yeo Jin Gu being the scene-stealer. I loved the twins' relationship ♥


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"Seven Day Queen: Binge-watched. Loved it until midway and it became an angst-fest with the heroine acting like a noble idiot."

I'm sorry but I have to beg to differ.... Shin Chae Kyung is the most kick ass heroine there is in a while, and what she did is true to her character, but she's no fool when she needs to take matters into her own hand. And I mean they were practically being watched 24/7 so...


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There were a few pretty good dramas that ended this week which left us with satisfying endings ( fight my way , suspicious partner and i hate to include this but ruler too ) and i hope the rest of the shows like the best hit and father is strange ends well too !!


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"@headsno2 because if they’re that good, then Chungmuro will take them away and never give them back? "

Ahh I'll be craving more of Jo Seung Woo and Bae Doona after this, but I'm also not willing to see them wasted in some mediocre shows. Shout out to drama writers and producers - please keep making a good show, and not only a fanservice show, if you know what I mean.

I have been spending this week with some KBS drama special, can KBS airing this special / short drama at least once every month. I know KBS normally will air this drama special at the end of the year, but maybe just a create one time slot just for it? I watched some drama before, so I'm planning to rewatch it like Just An Ordinary Love, Sirius, Puberty Medley etc etc, Below are my recs based on what I watched this week:

1) True Colors of Gang & Cheol - watch this if you miss Oh Man Seok. It is quite a fun drama,we also do not have many sageuk with mystery & crime cases like Joseon X-Files and Police Chosun, so I'll be happy to get this kind especially the current pattern of sageuk are quite similar. This drama also remind me with early part of My Sassy Girl, with a trouble maker Princess who sneak out from the Palace (lol) but this drama handled the characters and jokes quite well incuding the King (just imagine Son Hyun Joo as the King with his deadpan expressions). I was expected to see Son Chang Min (King in MSG) to give us some funny scenes but we didn't get it. sighh. What a waste! Plus point - Princess knows martial arts although it wasn't shown that much.

2) The Dirge Singer - I rewatched this drama as I already watched it before. A sad story about the life of dirge singer. Kim Yoo Jung is fantastic as usual, so do Seo Jun Young (this guy is so underrated).

3) Pinocchio Nose - If you haven't watch Lee Yu Ri in anything before Father is Strange, try to give this drama a shot. You'll see another side of her, which is completely different from Hae Young unni.

4) Special Task Force MSS - Again if you miss Oh Man Seok, watch this drama. ? I can't say it is a well made crime thriller drama, but it is quite fun drama. Some bromance between Oh Man Seok - Son Hyun Joo are enough to make me con't watching. As much as I fangirling younger actors, having these veterans in my screen sometimes made me happier ?

5) We All Cry Differently - about a high school girl and her life conflicts. A very relatable drama. Kim So Hyun also did a great job.

That's all for now. ?


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True Colors of Gang & Cheol - I like the humor best. I never knew Son Hyun Joo can be so funny! You are right about Son Chang Min, he is better suited for funny instead of serious role. Somehow, I always expect that he will break out into some goofy face no matter how serious he looks.


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Glad you enjoyed it! LOL King & Queen bickering are the best! Son Chang Min actually can do both serious and funny, but MSG made him so serious all the times. Maybe he is unable to be happy anymore after what happened to his Queen.


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Song Chang-min actually can do both even in one show like "Shin Don." He is majestic and powerful in a serious sageuk role.
He is the reason why I checked out Sassy Girl. Sadly he's been wasted in every crappy sageuks he's been in lately including "Horse Doctor."
I remember Jo Cheung-woo was pretty uncomfortable receiving the Daesang for it because he thought that he didn't deserve it and was very vocal about it. I think it's more to do with it being a crappy role and drama.
Writer Kim Yi-young wrote "Hwajung" after that which was another crappy sageuk with some of the worst performance I've seen (save one) in a sageuk even from veteran actors.


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If it is not because of Jo Seung Woo & Kim So Eun, I'll have erase my memory of Horse Doctor forever.
Hwajung - ? ? A big waste of veterans.

The quality of her writing just keep deteriorating after each drama, maybe should just stay away from sageuk after this.


I was so excited because it was Jo Seung-woo's first drama ever and even for Writer Kim Yi-young.
She did a great job with "Yi-san" history and all.

I think when some writers abandoned the more historical materials that guides their story then they end up with a mess.
The same thing happened with writer Yoon Sun-Joo after a couple of successful to decent sageuks like " Admiral Yi", "The Great King Sejong", "Hwang Jin-Yi" she ended up with the mess of all messes called "Secret Door."

Going back to the basic might be a good idea for some of these writers.


@kiara I think these writers probably want to keep with their historical materials & basics but maybe due the director/ tv stations' demands, they have to modify the script thus lost their touch. I always think that most of scripts are not 100% based on writer's original idea, in some cases it will be great if it is for improvement, but some cases might be not. They probably have no choice either, if they refused, maybe it will be hard for their career. Just like some actors who have to take crappy shows / roles despite of their talents because they have no choice and can't be so demanding.


Thanks for shedding some light on the KBS specials! Some of them are such gems. I also enjoyed the Dirge Singer.


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True. Maybe because it is just one or two (the longest it will be so far 4 epi) , so the quality is maintained.


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Kim Yoo-jung even at age 14 was living up to her nickname as the nation's sageuk fairy. With talents and experience she can pretty much carry a whole sageuk on her own.

I'm waiting for a glimpse of "The Crucible" on stage where she plays Ann Putman.
I guess this is why she has been turning down drama offers.


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"The Dirge Singer" was for sure one of the better ones, top 5 or so. There were a couple of other really good ones, but cannot recall their names :(


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I like short KDrama specials. Viewers time isn't wasted and scriptwriters knows what they want to convey.
I started 2017 with Adoloscent​ medley and enjoyed its cinematography and rainy day love.
Sirius was recommended
to me by youtube but didn't watch it. Joon Hye Bin had 1 ep special few months ago too. That's in my list.


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They are not here to stay and I don't blame them. It's actually Dramaland that borrows them from Chungmuro.


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You're totally on point about the fact great actors choose great projects so the quality of a drama has to be good for them to pick them up otherwise.... bye. And the industry can only get better and more competitive!
I hope they'll come back in dramaland soon enough!!


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Stranger A Grade . New episode within 5 hours.
The Best Hit - Moved to B grade. I think by now writer is just here to promote the Main actor. Several side characters have take a direct hit.

Proposal Daisakusen - Much more coherent and better acting than Chinese 2017 version Operation love.

Few more japanese dramas. Japanese dramas variety itself impresses you every season. Kdrama world really need to learn that from Jdoramas.


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I didn't know that there is another remake of proposal daisakusen.

I only watch the Korean version and even if the J-version is old, I still think that is better since the guy is clearly a no-body in the past, he is clearly unnoticeable for her to read him properly and in the K-version show more of his charm, it more of an injustice story rather than bad timing + lack of charisma/willingness to really pursue the relationship.


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Operation Love 2017 - Chinese version has 32 episodes and a lot of nonsense. Meh acting and music taken from Proposal Daisakusen. Maybe an attempt to make audience nostalgic.

Chinese version hero is more handsome but that's it.
Yamapi does pretty well in original show.
I think both main characters are kind of reserved about their feelings. Girl does cute things that hardly anyone can notice and then gets dissapointed. The courage to move from friends to lover heavily affects boy and girl both.


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Have you watched Korean version ("Operation Proposal", 2012) with Yoo Seung Ho and Park Eun Bin? And I also love Go Kyung Pyo in the drama.


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The genres for this season :
mystery, suspense, medical, Horror, thriller, Biography, adaptations, Career, office, family, period love comedy, Sci-fi
comedy, Romance (one of them is a dangerous one I think).
I don't know If Kdrama needs to learn about that though, since it also depends on the target audience.


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Currently watching: Suspicious Partner, My Sassy Girl and Bride of the Water God. Also marathoning Circle (my new crack after Fight My Way ended).

Looking forward to marathon: 7DQ, The Best Hit and Forest of Secrets.


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You are fast! FOS is da bomb! Put it as top on your priority list.


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Thanks! Ok then! Now my list looks like this: FOS, The Best Hit and SDQ.
Not to mention all the new shows coming up!


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TBH in between FOS & SDQ is a good choice! You will need something light before start a complicated drama again.


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Agreed! I need something in between the two heavier shows...to balance it out, ha!


Suspicious Partner -

I totally agree with girlfriday that Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun should date in real life!! In hindsight, their chemistry was primarily what kept me watching. And wow, did I have their bts clips for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snack for how many weeks. Hallo, SBS Catch notification squad! Haha.

Noble idiocy and weak plot twists were present, but I kind of put my story standards low with this one. I was in it for the fluff! And boy did I get the fluff. <3 I'm gonna miss this show, nay JiJi!

Seven Day Queen -

Actually, I just started watching this because Suspicious Partner was so fluffy I just might float away. I needed something to keep me serious and sane. Hehe.

I only understood where Chae Kyung was coming from in the last episode. Not that I didn't in the last episodes, but now I commiserate with her and admire her purity of intention.

Oh, and I just want to mention that ost by Junggigo. It's practically my cue to remember those childhood scenes, feel bad about how complicated matters now are, and tear up - but try not to.

Hit the Top/ Best Hit -

I still find the father-son-girl triangle weird. But I'm rooting for Kim Min Jae like I rooted for Jung Hwan. Well, I hope that doesn't mean anything.

It's my first time to join in on the What We're Watching Discussion, I think? I practically just rambled on here. Haha.


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Sending off Fight My Way with a very content heart. Such an enjoyable and relatable show, with so many winning characters and lovely lovelines.

Watching and enjoying Duel, Best Hit, and Secret Forest.

-Crime Scene 3: Eps 11. This feels like watching a warm family drama located on the outskirts, which then turns into revenge and thriller genre so fast. I actually felt pretty scared watching this eps. Mysterious legend is always so scary, not to mention the fact that the victim lost her arm. *shiver* Ji-yoon is so good though at this kind of extraordinary role and I definitely love listening to her speaking in warm satoori. And it was such a nice touch to bring back the old characters and show us how they continue living their life before getting tangled with another murder case.


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I think it's obvious that Hyun-jae and Ji-hoon's are not father and son. Honestly, I don't care for bromance anyway so I don't really mind the love triangle. From Naver comments, most people I aren't interested in Kim Min-jae's scenes too. I just think that KMJ's pretty unlucky to be up against Yoon Shi-yoon, because he's totally losing the battle. The courtship that he's attempting is just so not swoony that it's almost annoying. Not a surprise that Knetz are fully behind the HyunWoo ship.


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Writing on mobile is so frustrating...


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I'm surprised to read so many negative comments about the love triangle. I absolutely enjoyed watching HJ and WS slow and natural progression from friends to lovers, much like 9 End 2 Outs and Long Vacation, where you just feel like they belong together. When they share a scene, I just perk up a little more (well, it's hard not to perk up when it's YSY) because of they're chemistry and how adorkable they are when they say, "da-bong" and thumbs up.


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Yoon Shi Yoon lights up the drama. Best Hit is hysterical but something is just missing when YSY is not on the screen for too long.

I hope he won't stay away from another drama for long when BH ends in few weeks, I need weekly dose of those beautiful expressive eyes.


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Yeah, I totally get what you mean, KMJ's great but he doesn't have has much charisma as YSY and pales in comparison. I actually wanted to support his character's love because he's harbored feeling for her for so long but every time Hyun Jae pops up with his beautiful eyes, charming smile and swoony lines, I find myself going, "Ji Hoon, who?"


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" Something about a Ghost Mask that unfortunately reminds me of Joo-won in a role he’s so far been unable to top?"

I somewhat agree with this if it's drama character we are talking about and not acting skill. Joo Won was very good in Gaksital and his acting has gotten more nuanced over time. However, he hasn't done anything interesting in a while. His role in Yong Pal started out well but it took a back seat in the later half. I think he needs to choose more wisely when he returns from the army.

Ruler - I wish I hadn't watched this show. For Kim So Hyun, at least I have Page Turner and Goblin's cameo to cover the terribleness of Ga Eun. For Yoo Seung Ho, it's more unfortunate. Other than his famous movie, the first drama I've watched him was Remember, War of the Sons. I am stuck with an image of his crying face in my mind. I was hoping Ruler might erase that and boy, was I wrong! It started well and I was actually enjoying the show. It soon went down the dumps and now, I am still stuck with that image. I wish I can ban him from melos, at least for a while.

Seven Day Queen I hardly cry when I watch shows. Usually if I do, it's parent-child scenes like Suji losing her daughter in Lookout. For romance, it can be a very sad OTP scene and I won't shed a tear. But Yeok and Chae Kyung made me tear this week. I'm afraid it won't be the last.

Forest of Secrets I was nodding furiously to everything @headsno2 wrote. Everyone is so so good! I don't want to think that Bae Doo Na won't be doing another drama for a long time and yet, I don't want her to appear in just any drama! Aaarggghhh!!!


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Any prediction in what epi Yeonsangun's era will end? This drama has 6 epi to go, right?


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Oh my! I didn't realize there's only 3 more weeks to go. I am guessing he would go around ep 17/18.


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Sorry for reminding you ?
He is around quite longer than I expected, but again he is a second lead so it makes sense to make him stays for few more epi.


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There will probably be a two-year timeskip within the next few episodes. Yeonsangun has to be dethroned, Yeok will becoming king, Chae-kyung will be dethroned and exiled, and they will all have to deal with the fall out in the space of six episodes. I hope there's enough time for all of that.


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This season i only watch circle and 7 days queen (and thank god, i choose well this time he3). I immensely enjoyed those two.
After circle ended, i only watch 7 day queen, but i think i need a side show that fun, happy, light but not dumb to lessen the blow for 7DQ's next episodes that surely would be hard. Any suggestion?
I've tried to watch sassy girl and suspicious partner but not interested. I also tried 2 frist episodes of chicago typewriter and while i enjoyed it and feel it can be my crack drama, i think it would be too intense between it and 7dq- so i save it for later.
Any sugestion?


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The Best Hit is light and fun (and clever if you can spot the meta references to variety shows). I will hold my final verdict on the quality of the story until the finale next week.


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I've tried 4 episode of it but still weighing whether should i continue it or not. It's not immediate 'NO' like in ruler or sassy girl for my case, but idk i felt there is something missing but couldnt point out what it is.
Is the show getting better in later episode? Should i continue it? The best hit indeed looks like the best option for me atm though..


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The first four episodes of The Best Hit are boring tbh. It gets way better when Hyun Jae travels to the future. Try 2 more but if you don't like it after that I don't think you will. Maybe wait for the new dramas? 7DQ and The Best Hit is enough for me now.


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About Lookout, Laica, you nailed it. And just thinking of Suji one day joining Yuna and Dohan and being a family in heaven... *sobs*

DH + SJ = Best non-OTP ever


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ever.. (nodding)


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The Best Hit
-I'm HJ and WS shipper but it is really so complicated and I want more of Father-son relationship to bloom than them so I don't what to do but it feels like we will see more development with the agency and looks like they will also get MJ which really sounds great to me. One more episode later! Yeyy!!!

Seven Day Queen
-Oh this show, what am I gonna do about it? It just feels so great and painful at the same time and it gets better. I don't have any complain about it so far and the last episode is just so satisfying even though we all know that it's not gonna happen but seeing the Prince choose Chae Gyung over the throne once is more than enough for me.

Fight for My Way
-Thank you show is what I want to say first! You make me cry, laugh and all. It was a very great one! I will miss it so much and hoping to hear other projects for these promising actor/actresses again.

Bride of the Water God
-"I don't care what they say, I'm in love with you" LOL I just like to sing that. I really don't care how other people see this drama but I like it and hoping for everything to run smooth for this one.

Mirror of the Witch
-I'm so thankful that I decided to watch this show. Made me fall in love with YSH even more and I really like the story. Took me a week to finish but it doesn't mean I love it any less. I really did my best to finish it as soon as I can because I really like it despite of my hella schedule this week. A must watch indeed! Though the ending... *stopped and remembered it~cries in the corner*


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Suspicious partner :
All the good things about the main couple aside, I just wanted to applaud Dong Ha's acting as the killer. Fan-tas-tic. He already greatly caught my eye in Chief Kim (I even remember watching some episodes just to see him bicker with Nam Goong Min), but there he really bluffed me with his subtle but firm acting. Just think about the part where he had amnesia : same caracter, same inner world, only lacking memories. I think he portrayed that so perfectly !!! I hope his next role will be a main, the guy is full of fresh and impressive talent !


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I agree with you, girlfriday, ji chang wook and nam ji hyun should totally date in real life! ♥

Love your analysis on fight my way, tinybeanie! I did think that after watching the finale that their break up was unnecessary since they made it feel like such a non issue in the ending. But, regarding seven day queen, I have to disagree. Maybe you are watching the part were chae kyung refuses to marry yeok because of the prophecy? I think, after everything they have been through together, she is justified in thinking that the prophecy might become true. Also, it made yeok to actively try to win her over and to say some swoony dialogues like, just paraphrasing from memory, "without you, my life would have been ruined anyway", "no, I lived because of you. Because I had a person waiting for me". So, it was a win-win conflict for me. ;)

Except for that instance, I don't think she was being a noble idiot any other time. They both continuously keep choosing each other despite everything that gets stacked against them. Also, the time where she was willing to die to protect him (when yeok had not yet officialy returned), I didn't feel feel like that was noble idiocy either. Because she had already thought he died because of her and lived through the pain, to see him come back alive and die again, it is understandable to me that she would want to die instead.


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"She is justified in thinking that the prophecy might become true"

ah, I remember that, at that point, I was thinking that she hasn't made the decision and confused because she knows the prophecy after the tragedy of them, so it rings true and she needs more to get convinced for the marriage route.

the point on what makes that part better for me, like you say, is they talk about it, where is their believe lies even with that kind of prophecy waiting for them, regarding will it come true or not.


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Yeah, she was confused whether to follow her heart or to take heed of the prophecy. even if its not immediately, this couple does discuss through their problems after some time. Or atleast one of them will point blank ask the other.


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Lol that incident of "noble idiocy" didn't even register to me because (a) her reasoning was weighty like you said and (b) it didn't even last that long. She was told about it in episode 9 and told Yeok about it in episode 10 (and then proceeded to reconcile with him regardless of her fears). This makes her stand out all the more as a heroine who has her fears and doubts, and chooses to be honest about them.


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Yes, one thing I love about this drama is how quickly the conflicts get resolved. Agree about chae Kyung as well. She and yeo Jin are my favourite female lead characters right now.


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Park Seo Joon - Kim Ji Won should totally date IRL too ♡

I do think that the writer did intend to have this break up plot, because I read that s/he is slightly inspired by Choo Sarang's parents' story, but yea, putting this plot on the penultimate episode and make the resolution fast and easy just make it seemed like a drama cliche. This week's episode isn't the best but overall, this is a very heartwarming drama with my favorite OTP of the year (so far).


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Lol, yes!

Yeah, this week's episodes weren't the best but they were still enjoyable. It just felt like insertion of some mandatory angst that the drama had avoided so well till then. Yeah, one thing I loved was how they all had ordinary lives (no flashy jobs) and the parents (both the dads' support for their children's dreams) were amazing.


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It's finale week, and I am sad to say goodbye to Fight for my Way, Suspicious Partner and Ruler. (not that sad for Ruler tho) As for Lookout, I put that drama on-hold, and I've been successfully avoiding spoilers, so I don't really know what's going on. I also put Forest of Secrets on hold (I know, it's weird), I just don't feel like watching legal-action-thriller drama these days.

I'm watching Duel, it's a heavy, but weird sci-fi thriller drama but I just accept it as weird drama, so I don't have to think a lot about it. Most of the questions that I've, even the characters are asking the same question, so I'm willing to wait for the writer to solve the mystery.

I'm also watching Seven Day Queen. Oh my God, this drama is the best! The best heroin in kdramaland ever! The Best Hit is still great to me even with the love storyline. I'm still excited waiting for the weekend just to watch TBH. And I also started watching old kdrama Liar Game and I'm in episode 9, (3 more eps to go, yay!) it's been a great ride of emotions while watching this. How did I miss this drama when it aired? But it's not a surprised because 2014-2015 were the years I was in kdrama slump. I was really picky on which drama to watch. Anyway, happy weekend to all beanies!


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Was the finale rushed?: Yes.
Were there many things left unanswered?: Yes
Slightly anticlimactic?: Yes
Do I actually care?: F*** NO.

I think the writer had planned the story line to be in a drama that was slightly longer (Maybe a couple episodes or so), but realized that they didn't have enough time, so they rushed to finish it, which lead to the final conflict. Truthfully, I might have hated it has it not been for the fact I was an emotional wreck the entire time (Thanks to the bomb half of the climax)

So, Final thoughts on the finale:
It wasn't that good, but I don't care.


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Great comment! I think the ending was ultimately more than the sum of its parts. In the end, for me, at least, it was how it made me feel about the characters I loved rather than the characters I hated or didn't care much for.


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When you have a big exam today but instead of getting nervous , you are more excited that a new episode of 'Forest of Secrets' will be aired today... You know you are in love with the show .


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Woman of Dignity : It's officially my new crack drama <3 I don't know if it's because I enjoyed telenovelas 10-15 years ago but the makjang is the right amount for me.

Painter of the Wind : I finished it today and now want a Moons reunion ><

Full House : It has been a long time since I wanted to slap a second female lead. I guess older dramas were made to make our blood pressure higher.

Lookout : For now, this is my favorite performance of Kim Young Kwang. Can we hope for a season 2 ?

My Sassy Girl : I didn't happen expect much from it so I find it good for it is. And HA poor Jongshin ! He's like Jisoo in SWDBS...

Ruler - Master of the Mask : The pretty and Yoo Seung Ho couldn't save it.

Fight My Way : The end was not as enjoyable as the first part but I liked it. Loved PSJ and Kim Sung Oh's bromance <3

Suspicious Partner : I had my fluffy couple at the end. I'm happy.

Bride of the Water God : I'm still watching because something can happen, who knows !


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Moon Geun-young totally deserve the daesang award for her performance in "Painter of the Wind." She was Amazing and the most believable cross-dressing in my book. It totally worked for her at that age.

"Goddess of Fire" was a different story. She didn't quite pull it off. The costume didn't help either.


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I couldn't watch past the 1st episode of Goddess of Fire.
She really deserved the daesang tho !


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I dropped suspicious partner and my sassy girl for 2 weeks straight now. I dont think I will pick it up soon.

Seven Day Queen
Am finishing last ep this week. I feel so sorry for the otp. They're so miserable, and so torn between their love to each other and their love towards others (parents, friends, the people). Amazing writing, acting, hanbok and music as always.

Woman of Dignity
It's getting moooore interesting, which makes me wish there are 4 eps each week rather than 2... Ki Ho is such a breeze of fresh air, isnt he? And I'm loving Kim Sun Ah's hairstyle. Soooo nice on her.

Bride of Water God
I hope Habaek gets more money. Amen.


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If I am the writer, the first place Habaek should go after getting cash is Bok Chicken restaurant and buy himself a party meal. Disclaimer: This is provided he doesn't run into the owner's daughter and gets eaten alive.


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Bok joo would totally at him alive! HA!


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For suspicious partners, I recommend that you just skip the episodes you haven't watched and the finale and pick up episodes 37-38.


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I got so bored by SP the last few weeks but ep 37-38 reminds me why I really like this show early on. The revelation about Dong Ha is a brilliant twist.


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Secret Forest, I watched 2 eps and then binged watched it up to the lastest ep. Full of twists.

7 Day Queen, sageuk done the right way. Crazy king and our ill fated otp.


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Lookout: There was some fraying in the storytelling in the last 2 episodes, but I like how the last moments of the drama were of fond reminices rather than mourning. Overall, Lookout has been such a solid drama with good writing and top-notch acting and direction. It has left such an impression on me and all the emotions I felt while watching this drama still linger days later.

Forest of Secrets: I'm finally caught up. Writing, acting, directing, and whoever manages the sound and music (and choosing silence over music) - all beautifully done. I love how the drama is able to hold and release tension. The only thing I'm really worried about is Yeo-jin turning out to be a shady character.

Fight My Way: It wasn't my favorite drama out of the dramas I've been watching though it had the most charming cast. The ending felt very satisfying. I don't think it's solely because they bent over backwards trying to tie everything into a neat bow and I don't need dramas to do that, but by the end, I did feel ready to say goodbye to the characters so they can leave me and lead thir happy lives together. They gave it their all and there were no regrets.

Suspicious Partner: Just when I was feeling tired and irritated with this drama, the writer unleashed all the awesomeness she had been keeping. That reveal about HS! Holy moly! As for the actual finale - I wish the drama had taken some of the little conflicts and developments in the finale and interspersed them into the rest of the drama. I'm glad we got to see the girls hang out together and wish we got it earlier.

The Best Hit: Didn't watch this yesterday's episode yet. As long as they give me moments with the other characters - JH, MJ, KJ, Grandpa, Malsook, MC Drill, I think I'll be pretty satisfied even if I'm a little annoyed at how HJ and WS have turned into a cliche rom-com couple lately. Still, rom-com HJ produces a lot of beautiful expressions on YSY's face.

Bride of the Water God: It's an enjoyable watch through not very exciting. I really like the humor though and I thought the talking plants, ants, and pee (!!!) were hilarious. I also appreciate how it's the heroine who is the cold character with the possibly squishy inside. And by the way, the CGI of Ha Baek's transformation into that water dragon was super cool. I rewatched that moment like 5 times. I hope there is enough in the budget to do other magical things.

Father is Strange: JH knows! That scene of him drunk and banging on the restaurant door was heartbreaking. Now I wish the Byuns hadn't taken him in in the first place. It ended up being a much more devastating betrayal after JH spent all that time with them. Is it wrong that I hope he forgets about the betrayal ASAP and just revel in knowing that MY is not his sister and they should just date already? I was touched at how understanding the entire family was about...


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Lookout: I would prefer they displayed some mournings for Do-han in place of the detective stalking and court scenes. Do-han deserves that.


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whoa, I actually wrote enough to get cut off...

....entire family was about YJ and by the stark contrast between the Byuns and her own mother. I think the recent development between HY and the mother-in-law is hilarious. I'm enjoying their scenes now.

Attack on Titan Just finished the second season. After years of waiting, we got 12 episodes, but 12 beautiful and devastating episodes. Been listening to the soundtrack on a loop at work. Off to read the manga now.


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Don't look up anything about AoT on youtube. Definitely a lot of spoilers! I just borrowed the colossal editions from the library. They're super heavy. I had to take breaks reading it in bed since they are too heavy to hold up or rest on my chest for long periods of time.


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Does anyone know what has happened to We Got Married. I haven't seen it in weeks.


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It ended its run. But I heard they may come back with a new season


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Great username @whosscruffylooking. I love Han Solo too.

By the way, did anyone notice that the Goryeo princess in My Only Love Song totally had the Princess Leia buns? And a spoon as a hairpin. ?


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Binge watched Tunnel and it reminded me again why I love detective stories/thriller/ mysteries so much! It's so satisfying when you piece together the clues and finally catch your killer. But all that would be nothing without great character arcs and the partnerships. It's what makes dramas like Tunnel and Signal (and even Mystery Queen) so good! The flip side of watching a good drama though is that I now crave more of the same genre.


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I really like the wife in the Tunnel, she is calm, nice, say what her mind, loyal, good at her job, a good mother and a good wife.

she is just a lovely person and I understand why kwang ho wants to go back, even in the future, people still remember her as a lovely person.

Maybe the reccomendation isn't so much like tunnel and signal

- Missing noir M
- Bad Guy


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@xiaojingyan Yes I loved how beautifully old school their relationship was and how very devoted they were to each other till the end. Even though it hurt to see him leave his team mates in the future, I am glad he got back home after all he went through.

I have actually already watched Missing and Bad guys, but haven't seen Ten yet. I heard nothing gets resolved in the first season though so I have been a bit hesitant


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Missing Noir M is not a good drama imo. The writing's really sloppy. I haven't pick it up since I dropped it about a month ago.


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Lookout's ending was unbearably sad and so unnecessarily tragic. SPOILER from here: I can understand a hero's death if it makes narrative and logical sense. But in this case the stupidity of the characters' actions in the last episode outweigh many common sense ways of dealing with a psychopathic teenage killer that it simply amazes me why the writer chose this route to end the series.

The ending reminds me of Warrior Baek Dong Soo, or even City Hunter, or Heartless City and I'm left scratching my head wondering what happened.

Loved the feel good endings of Suspicious Partner and Fight My Way. I'm really going to miss those shows. I'm becoming less enchanted with Bride Of the Water God the more episodes I watch. It has all the elements of a fantastic show but it's not pulling together for me. I'll give it a few more episodes. It might end up like Chicago Typewriter for me, a drama I liked, but never truly loved.

I'm still loving Father is Strange. Lee Joon does Angst so very well. It's delicious watching him; loving Forest of Secrets, a quiet gem of a drama, and liking Duel and the Best Hit.


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@tineybeanie In my opinion, a woman like Chae Kyung can be a frustrating heroine and might be a noble idiot in modern drama, but this drama is during Joseon period where women have no much choices, and they don't have much power in their hand either. That's also among the reasons why some women can turn to a manipulative & scheming- like Myung Hee, Queen Dowager and even Nok Soo (I do appreciate these kind of characters, but I don't think they are given so much to do so far). I'm not loving this drama as other beanies although I still read recap, CK is also not my type of fav female character, but I respectfully disagree that Chae Kyung is a noble idiot. This drama is too complicated - not in term of plot, but the characters. No one from the main three leads is straight away evil or naive. All are too complex in their own ways.


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I don't think Chae-kyung is a noble idiot even by contemporary standards. Noble idiocy is rooted in a refusal to communicate a problem and an obstinate desire to bear the pain alone while the partner lives in ignorant bliss, but Chae-kyung has always been honest and upfront. Sure, sometimes she stews for a while (like when she refuses to see Yeok because of the prophecy) but she always ends up sharing how she feels anyway because she's just the kind of person who refuses to let things lie.


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By referring to modern drama - since in modern times there would have been more choices for woman and woman can be smarter. I don't know maybe my understanding of noble idiocy is a bit different, although I like some of CK's characteristics but I also don't like some. But like I said, I don't view Cha Kyung as a noble idiot in Joseon times but there's possibity can turn to noble idiot in this modern time. Other than that, probably because I'm not so into this drama and the characters so I'm unable to understand the depth of each character, I'll admit that.


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I'd tune in for the noble idiot because that's more realistic lol.


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