Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

Why are there so many good shows to watch lately? Is anyone else watching so many dramas all at once that fictional worlds are starting to blur together? Every time I open up a new episode of a historical drama, I find myself having to ask, Wait, who’s the king in this one? I should probably just choose a few to binge-watch later, but sometimes it’s the fun of being in on the discussion now that keeps us watching! –girlfriday



Currently recapping: Seven Day Queen

Circle: I get so excited to watch this show every week that sometimes I have to calm myself down before I start, and sometimes I actually stop watching because I’m getting too excited and it’s too late at night and if I finish this episode that’s sure to have another game-shifting cliffhanger at the end, I won’t be able to sleep. I’m a fan of the innovative sci-fi plot and sense of mystery driving this, but what I really love is that at core, this is a love story between two brothers who have lost each other and will push the boundaries of what they know to be truth to find each other again.

Suspicious Partner: Adorable! I was so tickled to see Bong-hee making Ji-wook sweat a little, and enjoyed her reaction to his confession, which felt realistic and sweet and understandable. I know she won’t keep him hanging too long, but for the meantime, I’d like her to make him work for it. I’m petty, okay? I’m also glad there’s more to this serial murder case than met the eye initially, though I do wonder if there’ll be enough twists to last the rest of the show. Not that I’m watching this for the murder mystery!

Father Is Strange: Joong-hee made me cry tears of sympathy when he cried over his first-ever birthday breakfast, and then he made me cry tears of hilarity when he foot-acted his way through his romantic scene like a robot trying to understand what the concept of love is, and then finding it in his sister. I mean, she’s not his sister! Not even a little! But he thinks she is, and that’s going to be all kinds of awkward. I’m just hoping this won’t result in some stupid separation now. Figure out your feelings nearby!

The Best Hit: Funny! There are jokes crammed into every moment, and I love how fast they fly, left and right, nearly manic in energy. I’m digging the refreshing, straight-comedy vibe we’ve got going, a lot. This show should be fun.

Fight My Way: This show remains breezy and enjoyable, but I actually thought my interest would be growing more intense and am surprised that it’s kind of just steady—present, but not increasing. Maybe it’s because there are so many shows right now that I’m feeling really sucked in by the ones with strong plots, and this one is way more about characters and gradual growth. I know this sounded like a negative, but I still have warm fuzzies about this show.

Lookout: This show isn’t very polished, but I’m finding a sort of rough-around-the-edges appeal to its underdog plotline. What it lacks in glossy production value, it makes up for with fast-paced missions-of-the-week, and usually delivers a satisfying payback arc for those wronged by the system. I find myself wishing the cases themselves were a little more nuanced, but at least the Lookout team itself has plenty of nuance within it, particularly with the mysterious Boss whose true agenda nobody can be sure of.

My Sassy Girl: Okay, now that I’ve settled into this silly world, I like this better than I did last week—it’s outlandish and jokey, but I feel like there’s a plot here and a direction, and I love the comic foibles between Joo-won and Oh Yeon-soo. It’s not a very mature plot and it’s barely a sageuk (it really isn’t one at all, actually), and I’ll be surprised (pleasantly) if it makes me feel any emotion beyond amusement. But as amusement, it’s doing the job, and I really do love the bright colors and beautiful cinematography, which make it a treat to look at. Also Joo-won. He’s so pretty it’s mesmerizing.



Currently recapping: Seven Day Queen

Chicago Typewriter: What a stirring, rewarding way to close out a show. A strong ending can really do wonders to leave you with a lasting positive impression, even when the sum of the show was uneven at times, and slow to grab me in the beginning. I still contend that the present timeline should’ve been the minor story, because all I ever wanted to do was stay with the independence fighters a little longer and flesh out their characters. But when it was good, it was very good, and I was genuinely moved by the fact that the entire show seemed like a thank-you letter to the youth who sacrificed their lives for a free country.

Fight My Way: This is pretty much an entire show about how embarrassing life can be, and I love that. The embarrassments are true to life, hilarious because they’re so mortifying, and touching because they’re so relatable.

Circle: Oh, the brotherly love, it hurts so good. It’s so great to watch them work with the same side characters in both timelines, because now that there’s so much overlap in the two worlds, I love comparing each of the relationships. I don’t even know how it ends and I already want a second season of this.

Lookout: I like this. It continues to be fun and capery, and stays on the light side, which makes it very easy to watch. I just want to know more about Kim Young-kwang’s two-faced prosecutor and Shin Dong-wook’s mysterious priest character so badly. They’ll get their turn, right? They’re being withholding on purpose? Well, it’s working. Hmph.

Suspicious Partner: The current flirty romantic tension is great, so I certainly hope Bong-hee sticks to her guns about keeping Ji-wook on the hook, because I want to linger in this fluttery stage for as long as humanly possible.

Man to Man: I miss the silly undercover hijinks. It got pretty serious in the last two weeks, so I’m hoping that the conclusion brings back the fun. I mean, no one is actually watching this for the spy thrills, right?

My Sassy Girl: This show is harebrained and sometimes a little embarrassing to watch, but I like that it’s not taking itself seriously in any way. It’s cheeky, good-natured fun, and the leads are committing to the comedy completely, which makes me like them all the more.

Duel: I’m so curious about this clone business that I tuned in just to see how they’re going to handle it. So far, Duel has a strong central conflict and a very compelling setup, though it did feel like it took a while to get going. The one unfortunate misstep was casting Kim Jung-eun, who can no longer emote with her face, which is only further highlighted when she’s acting opposite Jung Jae-young, who is so very emotive. It’s distracting, but I guess not enough to turn me off from the show. Because, clones!

Ruler–Master of the Mask: Aaaaauuuugh. Why does everyone in this drama insist on doing the opposite of what I want them to do? Why can’t people just be together? Why am I still watching you? Why must you do this to me, Yoo Seung-ho?



Currently recapping: The Best Hit

Circle: I always love a thinking man’s show, one that gets me nervous and tense and whose cliffhangers leave me thirsty for more. Last week’s major reveal was fantastic, and now we’re learning more about the side characters who populate Smart Earth. I can definitely see why everyone thinks that Woo-jin is the brains behind the Human B project, but then again, who really knows for sure?

Lookout: I’ve barely scratched the surface with this show. After the first two half-hour episodes, I definitely knew it was one I wanted to keep on my ever-growing to-watch list. Kim Young-kwang’s character is perhaps the most interesting of all. In terms of dramaland mothers losing their children, Lee Bo-young in God’s Gift—14 Days still reigns supreme in tugging my heartstrings.

Fight My Way: I told myself I would watch three shows maximum this cycle. Period. And then I added another Monday-Tuesday show to my plate. There are no regrets, however, because I envy how close Ae-ra and Dong-man are (both as friends and in the brewing romance).

Duel: There was definitely a lot of action in the first episode, but I felt the story could’ve utilized its time better once it rewound to the past to build its backstory. I’m still intrigued in the human clone aspect, because it certainly seems like Sung-joon was completely unaware that there’s a guy who looks just like him.

Suspicious Partner: I fell behind on this show pretty early on, and then I binge-watched up to last week’s episodes. I think the latest twist about the murderer was a good one, but then I realized we’ve juuuust reached the halfway mark. So we’re just going to wait until our good guys figure out who the bad guy is? *taps foot impatiently*



Currently recapping: Duel

Super Family 2017: Ahhhh, I’d been worried about Gwi-nam’s secret “chaebol” status ever since we first found out about it, knowing Ms. Ahn wouldn’t take the news well. And she didn’t. I hope they can come to a reconciliation before the end because I love them together. But I’m also a little giddy that next-door-neighbor finally told Ik-hee how he felt, because I’ve been quietly rooting for him. While it’s sad that Ik-hee’s first love isn’t turning out the way she hoped, it’s also painfully realistic, and I’m glad she’s handling it with such maturity and grace. I just hope this doesn’t ruin her friendship with her BFF — no boy is worth that.

Chicago Typewriter: Oh, my heart. The highlight of the show for me has always been the 1930s scenes, so I’m pleased that storyline took front and center in the final two episodes (in fact, I momentarily forgot that these were the memories of the modern-day characters and not, say, a full period drama like Gaksital). I don’t know if I can talk about the ending without crying again, so let me just say that while I had my doubts originally, I’m glad I stuck with this show as each episode got better and better, and the finale was a beautiful yet heartbreaking gift that won’t be easily forgotten.

The Best Hit: As a devoted fan of 1N2D, they had me at PD Yoo Ho-jin, Cha Tae-hyun, and Yoon Shi-yoon (although I still instinctively want to call him Dong-gu). That meant I didn’t bother paying attention to any teasers or promos since I knew I was going to watch no matter what, and ended up being totally surprised that it’s a time-slip drama. The time-travel shenanigans are utterly delightful (the faucet and “handphone” scenes still have me howling with laughter whenever I think of them), but I am a total sucker for “found families,” especially when they’re made up of underdogs hoping to somehow achieve their dreams despite the odds. After months of enjoying dramas that were good but didn’t make me particularly head-over-heels obsessed about them, I think I’ve finally found my new drama crack.



Currently recapping: Circle

Fight My Way: Ae-ra and Dong-man as children are adorable together. I wish more of the childhood moments were incorporated into the larger scheme of the show, instead of staying in the epilogues. I like their grownup chemistry as well, even though it’s not sizzling hot. Their feelings toward each other are like twelve-year-old crushes at this point, both hesitant to be caught because they’re not sure of how the other person would react. But it is cute, and I already know they’re going to end up together even with Hye-ran and Moo-bin significantly complicating matters. So I’m not too worried about our main couple, but now my heart is slowly ripping for Seol-hee. Half of me wants Joo-man to be honest in his interactions with the cute intern so that he can see what the grass is like on the other side, and come back when he realizes that Seol-hee is truly the only one for him. At the same time, that would be a complete disservice to her, because she’s been so faithful and amazingly sweet as a girlfriend. So I have conflicting feelings on how I think would be the healthiest way for their relationship to progress, which keeps me on my toes until the next episode where I see or don’t see my speculations play out.



Father Is Strange: Oh noes! I was so hoping that the secret would be out before Joong-hee realized what all his Oppa-like feelings signified. Now that things have developed this way, the fallout between him and dad is going to be so much worse when Joong-hee does find out the truth. Plus, I was so enjoying him being jealous and affectionate with Mi-young, and now that’s all going to be replaced with angsty avoidance.

Fight My Way: Last week this show made me cry and squeal, but this week I found myself boiling with anger—not at the drama, which I love, but at its second leads. Ex-girlfriend Hye-ran is a new level of shameless diva, and I hate the way she treats both Dong-man and Ae-ra. It was satisfying to hear him finally tell Hye-ran to get lost, but I wish that Ae-ra could have heard it too. Moo-bin’s been rubbing me the wrong way for a while, but I officially hate him after Episode 4. He’s a pushy, manipulative liar masquerading as a nice guy; the way he constantly ignores Ae-ra’s wishes makes me crazy. It also frustrates me that Ae-ra is passive in the face of his creepy advances when she normally has zero tolerance for people’s nonsense. And that kiss, when she was clearly not into it—ick. I’m so glad that Dong-man turned around in that hospital hallway, though; looks like we’re in for more brutal honesty between our leads, and I can’t wait.

Suspicious Partner: If there’s anything cuter than Ji-wook in denial about his feelings, it’s Ji-wook after he’s admitted them to Bong-hee and is openly trying to win her heart. The way he looks at her kills me, like she’s the most precious, wonderful, amazing thing he’s ever seen, and he can’t believe she exists. (Seriously, I’m dead and writing this from the afterlife.) I’m in awe of poor Bong-hee’s willpower, but I’m glad she’s making Ji-wook work for her good graces, because he deserves to sweat after the crushing heartbreak he put her through. I’m less happy that he’s still hiding what he knows about Jung Hyun-soo, despite her repeated entreaties for him not to keep secrets from her. He might be lying to protect her feelings, but she wants him to respect her enough to tell her the truth, and I wish he’d understand that that’s more important.

Heart to Heart: I binge-watched this last week because I loved Choi Kang-hee so much in Mystery Queen, and I remembered LollyPip highly recommending it. I was completely won over by this funny and heart-tugging drama about two broken people finding healing—and each other. Every character felt so realistic in their flaws and desires, and each of them had a meaningful journey throughout the story. True to the drama’s title, this is one OTP that will live in my heart for years to come.



Currently recapping: Lookout

My Sassy Girl: I really wanted to like this new show, and I’m so disappointed that I don’t. There are elements that I do like — the sets and costumes are gorgeous and the camera work is incredible. Unfortunately, I find Hyemyeong too caustic and I fast forward through her scenes. After two episodes, I’ve decided I’m going to have to pass on this one.

Fight My Way: Park Seo-joon and Kim Sung-oh had some great scenes this week as Dong-man’s training ramps up. Are they coach and athlete, big brother/little brother, or old friends? More like all of the above, and their bromance offsets Dong-man’s conflicted feelings about Ae-ra.

Father Is Strange: Lee Joon has done a great job with Joong-hee; I just love his drama scenes within the drama. With his career on the upswing and acceptance by all of the Byun siblings, his realization that his feelings for Mi-young are anything but brotherly was a real shock. I didn’t feel an urgency for him to find out the truth about his paternity until now. I don’t want to see Joong-hee distance himself from the Byun family — he’s come to genuinely care for them, so I hope that his paternity is resolved soon and without too much melodrama.



Chicago Typewriter: So. Many. Tears. There were some really touching and heartbreaking moments in the last two episodes, but that’s exactly what I wanted so I’m really happy with how this show wrapped up. In hindsight, I’m glad that we had the present timeline to soften the blow of how our main characters ended up in the past. Otherwise, I would’ve been an even bigger mess than I was. Also, I now have a Pavlovian response to that damn SG Wannabe song so that I automatically tear up whenever it comes on. Thanks for that, Show.

Circle: I luff this show. The story is perfectly paced so that as soon as I figure out the answer to a certain plot point, the reveal happens and then they throw a couple more questions in there. I really enjoy the 2037 timeline as well, if only because it gives a little comedy to relieve some of the intensity of the 2017 half, even though the stakes are just as high with our missing twin. It’s also fascinating to see where our characters in the present are in the future, and I’m left wanting to know more about how they got there and why. Monday can’t come soon enough.

Suspicious Partner: That kiss tho. I squeed so hard my dog started barking. I don’t know what it is about Ji Chang-wook and his onscreen romances that gets me every time (well, almost every time; we’re just going to ignore The K2), but it’s so cracktastic. Eugh, and these two are extra cute, especially now that the power dynamic has swung the other way and Ji-wook is the one openly, respectfully, pining after our Eun puppy, who is hilariously unnerved by the sudden attention. Is it sadistic if I want Bong-hee to resist just for another episode or two?

Seven Day Queen: Augh, I love it, dammit. I don’t have time for you, Show, why must you be so good! I haven’t been into a really good sageuk in a while, so I’m really excited to get sucked into this tragic love story, even if my dark circles will get that much darker. Lee Dong-gun is killing it (badum-ching! Sorrynotsorry) as Yeonsangun, who really is one of the most tragic figures in Korean history, tyrannical inclinations notwithstanding. Also, the child actors are too adorable and my heart’s already hurting from their impending separation.

Lookout: Yay, I’m glad we’re getting into the cases that brought our Lookout team together, because the ones in between made my interest wane. My expectations might’ve been too high because of the promos and the first week’s episodes, but I feel like the pace is slower than I’d like even though a lot of stuff happens. I actually think the time jump sucked some of the momentum out of the story because I wanted to see the team when they first started to work together. I wish this show was also smarter. Because you have this awesome vigilante team setup, but then so many elements moving the plot forward is through coincidence and not through our characters’ maneuvering. I’m hoping that Bomi’s case will bring the tension back, though.


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I'm watching soo many dramas right now, I'm so confused because I'm mixing up the story lines... I'm watching one drama and then after that episode ends I'm watching a different one LOL why must there be sooo many new dramas that are soo good ughh


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i know, right? especially the sageuks... i get mixed up because i'm picturing the wrong king or dowager queen from the other sageuk i just watched...
: [


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lol, me too. from MSG to 7DQ.


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I'm watching all 3 sageuks so that's even better....


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What dramas are you watching? Im looking for new ones to watch but can't find anything


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I'm watching almost all of the new dramas lol Suspicios Partner, Ruler:Master of the Mask, My Sassy Girl, 7 Day Queen, Fight My Way, Lookout, Best Hit .... too manyy


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Just focus on Seven Day Queen to avoid disappointments....


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Chicago Typewriter is a soon to be classic. I surprise to hear not many people were watching it! But then again there are really too many good shows now. I've never watched these many dramas all at once, with Suspicious Partner, Fight my Way and Mask on the list. I'm not sure if I should start on Circle, but I'll definitely catch Duel soon.


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Chicago Typewriter went really under the radar and was super underrated IMO. I think it has lasting power, especially since people will now refer to it as a great show revolving around 1930s Japanese occupied Korea, so people new to the show might be drawn to it for the historical aspect. :)


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I hope so, I hope Chicago Typewriter becomes one of those shows that people continue to find and watch and enjoy. At least everyone who actually watched it (and didn't drop it early on) loved it and wants to talk about it. Good word of mouth can do wonders sometimes.


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Yes, I hope so too. I also have a tumblr blog where I upload my drama rants and while most of them die soon, I keep getting comments and likes for others for months and years. For example Empress Ki or I hear your voice have been super-popular for a long time...
I hope that CT becomes a cult hit and it's popularity rises, it's a gem and all the team involved deserve to receive lots of love from viewers :)


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Whenever the characters express gratitude for the independence fighters for liberating Korea, I can't help but feel a pang of sadness because technically speaking, half of Korea still isn't. May not be subjected to the control of an external, non Korean government, but still...
(Sorry for bring down the mood here :S)


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It was so sad how unnoticed it went with many. It should have been a major hit.


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I am nowhere near an expert, but I'm going to consider it a cult hit! Low ratings, but it engendered so much conversation. It seems like the people who liked it are passionate about it, so maybe some people will pick it up in the future.;


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Joseon X-Files, End of the World etc etc were great shows with less noise.
It doesn't mean they went unnoticed. It's there but it's not the kind of genre that the general viewers like to watch live.
Sci-fi and Journalism genres especially on cable are not going to be big hits no matter how good they are.


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This show is one of the best in recent months, and I feel it is even better than other tvN hits which I had loved. I hope more could discover this show.


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This show is clearly the best in 2017 till now for me. However, I do understand why it had low viewership. They spent way too much time in the present which wasn't as grasping as the 1930's. Moreover, the first few episodes were slow and only the people who knew that this show will improve stayed. I like the writer and the pd due to which I stayed, had it been some other crew I might have dropped it too but I believed in their work and the 1930's scenes had some charm that they made you comeback. Wish they had more of these in the entire show.


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It's the best show of 2017 for me. There are highs and lows but the highs are very high and the last two episodes are two of the best closures for k-dramas I've ever watched. If it had focused solely (or mostly) on the 1930s era, it could have been a hit imo.


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Holy moly, everyone is watching a million dramas -- myself included. This summer is just crazy. I haven't yet started Circle but now it looks like something marathon worthy, so I think I will wait until it finishes and then marathon it. I also have to catch up on Man to Man, Suspicious Partner, and Fight My Way. Aaaauuurgh, where do I find the time?!


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I'm drowning in dramas, and there is still Forest of Secrets premiere waiting around the corner. I need time-turner!!


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Looking forward soo soo much to Forest of Secrets. I miss Bae Doo-na after they canceld Sense8, ugh.
I'm also looking forward to Princess Agents (PA), a chinese drama that I've heard good reviews on :P


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I'm Hooked on Princess Agents and staying with OYS and Joo Wons slapstick antics. I'm impressed that talented and beautiful OYS is unafraid to project unbecoming sneers, grimaces, etc., (probably one of the reasons she's won Excellent/Best Actress Awards in 3 out 4 of her last dramas) when directed and look 4ward to Joo Wons and her love-line developing.


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maybe I should postpone and waiting until Forest of Secrets complete while watching another dramas so my brain and feeling still completely intact lol.


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In my opinion, you should binge circle now! Then watch it with us as it comes out.

Its only a few eps to go, but this is the most tantalizing drama I've seen in a looooong time. The crazy theories are just as fun to jump on board with as the show itself ??


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Circle is a good drama for marathoning. I regret watching it live each week, and then agonized for a week to catch the next two episodes. It is a very gripping drama all the way from the start to the end. How am I supposed to wait with two riveting cliffhangers every episode?


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That's my only "regret" (IF I can even call it regret) when I started watching Circle. The agony of 2 cliff hangers each week.


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On the plus side, there's no room for spoilers. :D


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Feeling every one of you recappers. I'm currently watching all of these shows minus Father is Strange, while simultaneously living a life and working. The dark circles I tell you


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I like the best hit and circle.


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I'm listening to "Circle of Life" from Lion King but my K drama head says "Circle" is life lol.


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The Best Hit is super hilarious! And I never fail to laugh every time I watch it. YSY is so adorably awkward in his new time zone, what with his constant obsession with cell phones and the hijinks that ensue.


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Whatever 2017 shows i have watched - The best Hit had the best 2 weeks. Writer and director both have done a credible job.


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I am loving the hell out of QUEEN FOR 7 DAYS. The last sageuk that made me fee this way was Tree With Deep Roots. The writing has been great, the actors have been killing it, and the cinematography is just gorgeous. Can't wait to see where this show takes us...


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Have you seen Six Flying Dragons? It's on top of my sageuk list! You might like it too. And 7DQ is superrrr awesome! I usually watch sageuk for engaging plot that will make me think but 7DQ does relationships so well, I loveeee it.


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Yeah, I've seen that as well! Although I did like it, it didn't surpass Tree with Deep Roots.


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I agree. SFD is great, but TwDR is EPIC.
I mean, TwDR got no eye candies (the only eye candy only last until ep 4 :song joong ki) yet the story, the directing, the acting is more than enough to keep me focused on the drama.
I see that circle is produced by TwDR/SFD team. And even have a lot of actors from TwDR/SFD. Maybe thats why it is soo good.


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Song Joong-ki is eye candy with talents!
His part in TWDR was short but very effective.
The confrontation with his father was intense and memorable.

Kim Young-hyun has good eye for talents. I wonder how they convinced Han Suk-kyu to return to dramaland after 16yrs in Chungmuro.


There are so many good dramas out right now, it's a struggle to keep up with even all the recaps, haha (they're so fast! props to the dramabeans staff). I've narrowed it down to Seven Day Queen, Suspicious Partner, and Best Hit.


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We are so spoiled with many recaps. I still remember when JB used to do it alone every once in awhile.
I never thought we'd ever get a sageuk recap until HeadsNo2 joined the DB crew.
Now we get 3 every week. Wow!

Thank you ladies <3.


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Eeks so much to watch... Its like a flood after the post-goblin drought...

Marathoned lookout and suspicious partner.... LoVED both of them... No one makes bedroom eyes like JCW.... *blush

Started and dropped ruler of the mask.. So much wasted potential... Any other saguek worth watching beanies?

Need to watch circle, chicago, fight my way


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Seven Days Queen seems good. I only read recaps, but it is promising so far.


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Seven Day Queen is definitely worth-watching! I'd even recommend for everyone to wait until next Tuesday to start because the craving for the next episode after the recent one is pretty intense. Lol, at least for me...


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I should have known this before watching ep 4. I read the recaps for the first three episodes and out of nowhere decide that I had to see THIS particular episode. But I am still glad I was able to hop onto the adults storyline quickly.


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Oh yesss. It is VERY good. The lines are well thought, the acting is solid, and the scenes are beautiful. Next week would be a good time to start watching the episode! It's where you see them as adults!


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I was just thinking that! Why couldn't they have paced these dramas throughout the last few months instead of having practically nothing for a while and then suddenly everything? lol. I'm watching so many dramas now, it's hard to keep up!

I just watched the web series My Only Love Song, that's a time slip sageuk, pretty cute, and short at 20 half-hour episodes.


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Thumb up for "post-goblin drought" and "JCW bedroom eyes".


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Yes, Goblin's end really ruined me for awhile, there.


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Seven day Queen is highly recommended!!.... Rest assured of a feel good drama to watch..


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Thanks for choosing Joo Won's photo even though he is in a production that is so weird and difficult to like T_T.


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-Circle: I marathoned it this week and it was so good. The twists, the characters, the emotional grip they have on me, the crazy theories and tons of questions that kept popping up in my mind. It was satisfying that my first foray into sci-fi genre is this great.

-Fight My Way: I must sound like a broken record for saying over and over how relatable this drama is. And that no matter how annoying or hateful the characters could be, they still have that tinge of realism that draw me in.

-The Best Hit: So funny with sitcom-y feels. The pilot eps grabbed my attention right away. Hopefully they can sustain the light, wacky tone throughout the series.

-Duel: I like it better when they focused more on the clones and the fraught detective dad (like in eps 2). Prosecutor Choi's acting seems off for me and it's kinda annoying when she appeared on my screen. I don't know why I can't click with her character.

-Crime Scene 3: Eps 6. It's funny and entertaining. But I do think the editing could do better since we actually have so many crazy revelations and interesting characters this eps. I also love So-jin speaking in satoori and how she kept calling Dir Jangjin "oppa-ya" in sweet tone.


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I like it too when they focus on the twins in Duel. When the scene cuts to KJE, I cringe because she can no longer emote properly. I fast forward to get back to the dad and the clones and hope I don't miss anything along the way.


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Too many (good) dramas, too little time! I'm still watching almost all of these dramas, and still ignoring all the obligations and work piling up.


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Shows that I love: Circle, Seven Day Queen, Suspicious Partner, Fight My Way, Father Is Strange

Shows that I like: Lookout, Chicago Typewriter

Shows that I'm on the fence: Duel, The Best Hit

Shows that I dropped: My Sassy Girl, Ruler- Master of the Mask


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FIS is cool. Now I am patiently waiting for the angst that JH is going to feel now that he realizes the woman he likes is his sister. Oh, Papa Byun, please save him the agony!


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Kim Jung-eun in Duel. Thank you girlfriday for saying what I was afraid to say. I'm so completely distracted by the play-dough nature of her face that I can't focus on the scene. Both she and Kim Ah-Joong do this to me.


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Thank goodness there is plenty of Jung Jae-young and Yang Se-jong.


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Eh Kim Ah Joong is nowhere as bad as Kim Jung Eun.


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Circle and Man to Man. From the new shows I am only watching Duel. I also need to catch up on the other dramas I am planning to watch.


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I am missing the undercover hijinks in Man to Man. I love all the awkwardness and hilarity when SW is still an undercover. Bring back the funny!


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Rooting for!!!

Lookout - kick those baddies ass!! Now we are into the story of each individual. Its heartbreaking that we know that they are all victims of injustice.
Circle - the twist n turns of it all. I like it. I like a drama where I cant predict how it will end.

Father is strange - looooove this drama. I'm addicted to this dysfunctional family. I'm torn on Jong hee on him premanently being a lovable eldest brother or being the romantic pair of Miyoung. Why drama why?!

The Big Hit - its hilarious and its interesting. I cant say anything more yet for it is just starting. But for now I am enjoying it.


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@FIS he could be a brother to everyone but Mi Young if the parents would tell the truth


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Re: Father is strange. I'm torn too! I really want him to have a dad and have a dad he feels entitled to because he's the son, but it would be really sad to find out that he never had his own dad.


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It will hurt them all when the truth is revealed. They truly like him as a brother now


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I love Lookout too! Love how BM's back story transpired this week. I hope it gets resolved soon, and for Key to stay safe!


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In the preview he is safe. I hope the writer won't kill anybody coz i love all of them. Please writer!! Be the team be intact till the end!!


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I am currently watching Seven Day Queen and my mother absolutely loves it. The teenage adorableness stole my heart and I know I am going to cry buckets soon. My Sassy Girl on the other hand pales in comparison to the former. I get that it's supposed to be wacky but heck, I can't get past how outrageous it is. I guess, I would be dropping it. As much as I love Joo Won, this drama is a miss for me. I am also in love with Fight My Way. Real life problems and damn that best friend thingy got me. Still stuck on episode 2 of The Big Hit so I can't say much.


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Although I've only watched 1-2 episodes of most shows right now with exception of Thief Nom, Unni is Alive, You're Too Much, etc., it's nice to see more interesting female characters coming along in this 'season' batch. It's great that some of them are kicking butt in their respective shows! Woooo


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I was in a drama rut for a while and I'm so glad there're so many dramas to watch right now... I just have no more time, or I need some doppelgangers of myself to send to work.

Man to Man: I really hope the finale will leave me satisfied and happy because my hopelessly romantic heart yearns for a nice happy ending rather than a realistic one.

Suspicious Partner: I'm so much more invested in this murderer plot than I actually thought I would be! I must admit I was pretty scarred after SWDBS and felt mehh about the whole "rom-com+thriller" aspect, but I've got to say that this one is really reeling me in every week. Plus, JW and BH are adorable together. So is EH. Everyone is adorable except the DA, JH and YJ, LOL.

Fight My Way: I'm... still on the fence about this. Probably an unpopular opinion, but I feel like everyone is frustrating me for some reason or other. I'll say, though, that it means the portrayals are realistic (because let's be real, RL is frustrating, isn't it?) so I still like the show, and will be continuing to catch new episodes.

Seven Day Queen: Started this despite knowing that I hate sad shows, but I had to because it looked too beautiful to miss, and I quite like it so far. I'm casually watching it when I've the time, but so far, so good.

I'm reminded that I still have yet to finish My Secret Romance, argh!


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Me too I can't wait to find out more about CH's back story in SP, and how he comes to work with HS in the murders. I hope he will be fine. Don't let anything happen to him, please, Drama-Gods!


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Lookout: It’s the show I watch first on Mondays and it’s my fave. I can’t wait for the squad to bring down the prosecutor and get justice for Yu Na. Bo Mi’s story was so painful to watch but it was great that she had people like Su Ji and Kyung Soo to cheer her up. The priest is very attractive.

Circle: So many revelations. All I took away from the last episode was “our protagonist in 2017 ended up being the villain in 2037”

Fight My Way: I’m only on episode 4 but I don’t remember the last time I watched a romance that made my heart flutter this much. And I’m invested in the main characters accomplishing their dreams. It feels so real and heartbreaking at the same time. Why are they turning my baby Choi Woo Shik into a creep *cries*

Suspicious Partner: Dropped :(

The Best Hit: THISSS!!! This show is so funny and has this weird humor that makes me fall in love with it. I am still not over that scene where the president said "In this industry, its really hard to reach the top. But coming down only takes a second” and then his chair gave out!!! Plus Yoon Shi Yoon is stealing scenes.

Father is Strange: That look at the end of the episode. It hurt. It really hurt. He’s in love with someone he thinks he shouldn’t be in love with him and the angst storm is coming. This whole marriage fiasco really bothers me and I have to remind myself it’s a different culture. Because if I was Hye Young and Jung Hwan I would’ve secretly gotten married and moved in together. Nobody is allowed to ruin my wedding

Duel: And sooo it begins. The bad guys are so hot and intriguing. While the “good guys” seem kind of shady. But I need a dark show to end my week



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I love sound of your heart as well. But I can only find eng subs for up to Ep 10 :( Where did you watch the full season with subs please?


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I downloaded the raw version and subs. If you watch 10 episodes and they were 30 minutes each that's the whole season


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Yes, this! The marriage fiasco in FIS is really what it is, a marriage fiasco. Why are HY and JH groveling at his mom's feet for permission to marry? They are already in their late thirties, for goodness sake! So many objections, so many oppositions, how can they move forward with their marriage?


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It's so ridiculous! At this point it doesn't seem like they'll ever get married. And the fact the Jung Hwan's mother had the nerve to say the ceremony is about her? They're too patient with her


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Isn't this all a contract marriage? The 1st step itself is a wrong one. Mother Objected and girl left the guy without telling anything. I find the whole relationship too troublesome. But it is a fictional show so everything will work out.
Mother is here to drag the story Even though she is wrong,i like the way she is frustrating these 2 horny bloods.


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I'm really glad they went to the arcade and basically vented about how ridiculous their parents are and how they're tired of grovelling. Filial piety has its limits! I hope this means they'll get so frustrated and they'll just go ahead and get married without the parents.

JH's mother was such an embarrassment. She likes to come off as refine and rich, but she is so incredibly vulgar. I was hoping her fur would catch on fire or something during the in-law meetup.


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The Chair in the Best Hit is awesome. Every time the smug president shows up I can't wait for him to sit in the Chair just to see him brought down to size. XD


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I know he's the bad guy and all but it's impossible to have him?


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Lol that chair had me every single time. That president is also hilarious as heck. I'm not sure if you have watched ep 5-6 but there was a line he said about Hyun Jae's notebook that made me crack up so much.


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I'm so used to being in a drama drought I don't know what to do with all this wealth of wonderfulness!! kidding. I know exactly what to do - see ya later real-world, I'll be several different eras of Seoul if you need me! happy to be back beanie fam :)


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Seven Days Queen is soooo good. I've been longing for this kind of Sageuk for too long, and I'm glad you show up, Show!


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"So we’re just going to wait until our good guys figure out who the bad guy is?"

Actually, I don't think so. Maybe I'm drawing too much on I Remember You, but I have a feeling that our team will find out who the bad guy is and the really interesting part will come when they try to figure out what to do with this information, both in a legal sense and a personal sense. Unless they have definitive proof that can be used in court, they might end up being in a dilemma of knowing the person they are defending is a murderer but there being no proof of it. And, as was alluded to this week, this information will have a huge effect on Bong-hee. It will also have interesting implications considering their relationship with the prosecutors. I'm not familiar with legal matters like this (in real life and in TV land) so I'm not sure what the protocol is when you know the person you are defending is guilty of not only the charge you are defending him from but also many, many other crimes.

But hey, this is all speculation and where I personally can see the story going.

And now we have the added story of Ji-wook and Bong-hee's pasts. I definitely think there is enough of the story left to last 10 more hours if the writer plays it right. :) (And of course adds enough squee-worthy Ji-wook/Bong-hee moments... heeeee).


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@laica you said it perfectly:

If there’s anything cuter than Ji-wook in denial about his feelings, it’s Ji-wook after he’s admitted them to Bong-hee and is openly trying to win her heart. The way he looks at her kills me, like she’s the most precious, wonderful, amazing thing he’s ever seen, and he can’t believe she exists. (Seriously, I’m dead and writing this from the afterlife.)

I feel like Jiwook has gone from grumbling and grouchy to awkwardly falling in love to now respectfully mature but still so flirty... the perfect progression of a kdrama hero ^^


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For me, it's both the look in his eyes and that sultry voice-- definitely a lethal combination.


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I still haven't decided I want to continue watching Ruler or not but then Seven Day Queen appeared. That opening made me wary of course because I tend to avoid melos but then I continued watching and couldn't stop. The brothers angst reminds me of IRY's Hyun and Min that I might willingly cry a million tears if the show continues to be this good (also why is Lee Dong-gun so hawt playing a tyrant king??)

Lookout continues to be my new addiction. I still have a hard time figuring out what on earth is going on in Do-han's head but I'm rooting for the team. Can't wait for the ladies to meet next episode and hopefully Bo-mi will meet Kyung-soon soon too.

So far that's the only drama that I managed to watch this week. Will catch up with the rest (I hope I can also finish Chicago Typewriter) today and tomorrow. Ugh can't wait for Forest of Secrets to air already, I miss Captain Awesome!! ♥


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I should be studying for exams but all these dramas to watch!
I'm overwhelmed but they're all so good!!
AND there's Forest of Secrets coming out soon too!!
Let's hope I manage to pass my exams ><"


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Good luck on your exams!!


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Chicago Typewriter: Gosh all the talks about CT makes me miss the show so much. This ain't perfect, but it thugs my heart so good it made a very strong impression on my overall kdrama watching. I love you show! And I love you more for giving us Seo Hwi Young!

Fight My Way: I'm in for Ae-ra and Dong Man, but I'm starting to enjoy the relationship struggle between Joo Man & Seol Hee. It feels so real, and I could see the pain coming from miles away if they don't resolve it soon. As for our main couple, i thinki it's gonna be so much jealousy coming in the next episodes I think. I hope they can realise their feelings for each other soon and have that mature talk (like Joon Hyung & Bok Joo, Ji Wook & Bong Hee) instead of spending the episodes arguing and hurting.

Suspicious Partner: Ji Chang Wook and his brand of flirting is definitely my favourite! Even I keep asking myself "Am I breathing?", "Why am I not breathing?". I hope the flirting continues for few more eps before Bong Hee caves in. But again, I'm not blaming her at all if she caves in earlier. I mean, who wouldn't??

The Best Hit: My new fav LOL! I am so easy to please. I'm enjoying the straight-to-your-face jokes, and would stay for Yoon Shi Yoon and all the guests dropping by LOL. Perhaps its the hardcore IN2D-fan in me talking.


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Seo Hwiyoung is a blessing.


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Ugh.. i made a mistake with the bold letters and I am unable to edit it. Sorry.


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Wow, JB's words on Fight My Way perfectly captured my feelings! Ultimately, I think this has a lot to do with the slice-of life style. It makes me feel warm and comforted and not so alone in my struggles, but it's an easy, steady sort of love. I don't feel giddy anticipation for it, but it always puts a smile on my face. I especially adore the show for the reasons GF mentioned! There's just something so refreshing about it.

Circle, Suspicious Partner, and Seven Day Queen are my crack though. They make me desperate for the next episodes every week. These are definitely favorites in the making!

I'm also finding The Best Hit hilarious and surprisingly moving at points! Still catching up with Lookout and Father is Strange.

So many good dramas, indeed. Lol, I must be crazy for still wishing Seven Day Queen would just air seven days a week so I could have episode 5 now. Haha, my desperation is getting out of hand.


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There are just too many good shows this week. I am officially over my weekly quota but I don't mind.

Circle: This week it has taken little steps to confuse us further in what Human B is all about. Though it did answer some question and left some hanging. What happened to JoonHyuk's twin and the identity of the chairman is still anybody's guess.

Fight My Way: I am enjoying this show tremendously and rooting for them to succeed in life. The annoying Moobin and HyeRan is overstaying their welcome. Just want them off the scene so DongMan and AeRa can navigate their feelings on their own. JooMan and SeolHee needs to do their own soul searching since their relationship seems to be at the brink.

Queen for Seven Days: I love this show. May it continue to make me feel for the characters and may it continue to be amazing. LDG is great in his portrayal of Yeonsangun! For that alone, check it out. Now looking forward to the next episodes to see where this sweeping drama will take me.

Ruler: It is not as compelling as I want it to be. I am with HwaGoon when she said that GaEun is useless. But too bad for her CP Sun is still enamoured with that useless girl. I am not sure how HwaGoon will be able to reconcile what her heart wants and her family. The drama has now shifted to the palace grounds and introduced more players and answered a couple of questions. I will stick with this for the time being and see what CP Sun will decide.

ManxMan: ? Will miss this show. Delaying watching the remaining episodes.


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So my whole week would be like; Bickering and bickering two long-term friends who desperately to be a good friend but deep inside burning with a little thing called love while chasing bad guys in the street because the bad guys should be punish and not seat like a king in his office while appear in National TV and mumbling about justice. Oh, didn't I tell you that I crush on my Boss and confess to him in front of his house and he coldly rejected me and then suddenly in one night he hug and kiss me. So frustrating you know! At home I have a beautiful family and one weird a step brother who loves nagging on me without any reason. But think again this bro is seriously cute. He's not a worse person he just a long-lost little puppy. A nowhere person came into my life with his tacky clothes and jump on me with a kiss. Not one time but three times. Should I report him to Police? Oh, I forgot my kind Police uncle is busy right now because he found his daughter to be kidnapped and he keeps on running here and there to chasing the kidnapper. Heard from someone that the kidnapper is a twin. Daebak shocking! A twin with that good looking face? Um, I'm curious...


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I see what you did here hahs


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Just introducing what I'm watching in fanfiction lol


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Heheh! The ultimate mash-up. Just about fills seven days? ?


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I guess if I add-in Forest of Secrets then it will be seven dramas for seven days! LMAO


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Your week sounds epic. And also epically wrong, such a combination would do me in. Good work :)


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There are a lot of good drama to watch just choose some that can bring a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness on you..


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After reading all you guys reviews about circle, now I am itching to watch it. I could use a humorous show too, so best hit would help. But, my brain says no as I am already watching 4 dramas. Because I watch too many dramas, I didn't even comment much this week. So, long post here.

Fight my way: I just want the ex-girlfriend to fall off a cliff so that we can enjoy our drama in peace and moo bin is just as bad as keeps saying that he misses her when he doesn't even know her at all, so I wouldn't mind if he disappears too. I don't like jo man that much either, it felt like he already knows that his family does not treat his gf well, so why did he let her go alone to that party?

Suspicious partner : they are my favorite OTP right now and they look so adorable together that a small part of my heart hopes they would get together in real life too. But, even if that doesn't happen, I am happy that we atleast have them together in this.

Seven day queen: this drama is such a well made show, watching it feels like a rewarding experience. Can't wait for the adults version though if the teenage part was not well made, it would have never sacked me into their love story. But, I was a tiny bit disappointed when adult Chae kyung seemed the same way as she was before she went to hanyang. I mean, she went through a lot in hanyang that would have made a strong impression on a young girl, that I thought she would have mellowed a bit, but we only got to see her a few minutes, so let's see next week.

Lookout: I started this show because I wanted to try action shows and since it had a female lead doing the action sequences, it sealed the deal. I like it, it makes me think a lot while watching it, but once I finish watching, I forget all about it until I watch the next episode. But I would check out the new episode because I want to know what happens, I am just not emotionally connected to it.


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I am wondering why JCW took so long to do a rom com when he is born for it. Love all his micro expressions when he is flirting, how self aware he is and his effect on BH, and his tender concern toward her. Ah! I melt.


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He said in interview, he also doesnt know why he waited 8 years to meet NJH. it suppose to be a joke, but who knows


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They were in "Warrior Baek Dong-soo" together. Nam was playing the childhood version of the main lead actress.
Maybe they missed each other on the set since Yeo Jin-goo was playing his childhood version.


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Yes they didnt meet during filming WDBS.


That's too bad. Nam could've carried that role to the end but she was only 16 back then.
The adult lead actress was just as stiff and uninspiring like the lead girl in Jackpot.


They were standing each other in KBS drama awards 2014... You can check that out... But it was during Healer's moments.. yes, and I agree JCW's acting is forced.. maybe he's pressured of the promise ratings of 15%, but couldn't achieve it?.. Since this is his last drama before military service..


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I find JCW roles is SP so FORCED..... very very very unnatural....
I prefer his comedies in Healer more funny..


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Everyone has their own taste. I personally see nothing wrong with his acting ?


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I say GF is watching a lot of dramas. Is it even physically possible? Even if working on DB is her job?

I dropped a few- Man to Man the TW The Perfect Match. So am down to SP and My father is strange. I actually am backtracking My father is strange since I started from ep 17. It is that watchable.

Then marathoned ep 1-6 Fight My Way. I don't normally like PSJ and still don't like him enormously but am enjoying the drama. The actress is good though as the psycho girl- she has spunk- and she is scarey. CWS does fit the puppy role well. How come everyone else other than the main 4 characters are slightly deranged though.

I guess at some point I have to start Circle but that's the only show I want to start. Have gone back to reading sci fi so temporarily out of Kdramas.

6hrs of on air Kdrama is not a lot of Kdramas. Not when I see how many shows some of you are watching.


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I'm currently watching Seven Days Queen. I'm surprised that I'm obsessed with this drama despite not being a fan of all the leads. The acting, writing, directing, music...everything just blended in perfectly.
I hope this show gets more love it deserves.


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i think you will become fans of all the leads in just a couple episodes! Yeon Woo Jin and Park Min Young are going to rock it... and admittedly, the youths playing their younger selves totally set the pace and chemistry!

Lee Dong Gun is so exceptionally good in this role as the very conflicted, paranoid and pained king...


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Yes! Lee Dong Gun is awesome here. I watched him before but his previous roles never got me.


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the one that got me was Super Daddy Yeol... it surprised me, because i was never a fan of his... but i am now.
: )


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Me too, I'm not a fan of any of the leads. I like them equally, but not to the point of religiously following their works or would be willing to sit through bad scripts for them, even if it's just for a few episodes. I've not even watched any of the kids' previous dramas, and actually wanted to fastforward to the adult portion when I watched the first episode, but then ep 2 they got me hooked, ep 3 and I was too far gone. Ep 4 was the death of me and now I'm trash for this drama, haha.


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After reading this, looking to add one of the new sageuks on my list! Like I'm not juggling enough already haha. I just wanted to take it easy with SP and FMW but I started Circle and The Best Hit, and now my entire week is occupied.

Seven Day Queen or My Sassy Girl? Which is preferable to watch on a weekly basis hahaha hmm


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I'm loving Seven Day Queen! So far, it's turning out to be one of the best romantic sageuks I've seen in a while. I actually haven't watched much of My Sassy Girl yet though, but it seems the consensus is that it isn't really a sageuk, but more a comedy/parody of sorts. So that could be fun too!


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My Sassy Girl seems lighter but Seven Day Queen is just sooooo gooood. Probably one of the best sageuk I've ever watched, no kidding. I hope it stays that way especially toward the dreaded second half where most drama, sageuk or not, falters.


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Depends on your preference. Are you the type who save the best for the last or zoom in to savor the best first? I belong to the former so I watch My Sassy Girl first and then Seven Day Queen.


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My Sassy Girl is in my watch list too but maybe watch this much much later ....for now, I am fully invested in Seven Day Queen. I am totally hooked. Amazing drama, amazing young actors.


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Seven Day Queen! I get my dose of laughter from The Best Hit, so I'll be saving My Sassy Girl for a marathon.


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I have no idea why but I realise I have very little patience for watching sagueks, even if they have very good storylines...so thank goodness for Dramabeans. I get my storyline fix through reading your recaps! Thank you!


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Same here but after watching the first 2 episodes of 7DQ I must admit " I am totally hooked" This is an amazing drama... give it a try who knows???


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Recently I just finished :
Radiant Office - not really memorable, just fine
Mystery Queen - I want season 2, but not as much as Signal

Still looking for a time to finish Chicago Typewriter, I stopped watching at episode 2. I need a looong time to go back to this drama (I wonder why when it was Yoo Ah In I was watching), but then Go Kyung Pyo's character appeared and things get more interesting.. I'm on my way to episode 5 now

I'm catching up to recent dramas at a snail's pace, but I think I had found my priority in watching dramas :
1. Circle - This drama picks my interest go higher after every episode
2. The Best Hit - Funny, at least there are likable characters for now. and everytime I see Kim Min Jae on my screen, I have to remind myself that I'm not watching Circle
3. Fight My Way, Ruler, Suspicious Partner are on the same level. I won't be running to watch the latest episodes if I don't have time for them
4. My Sassy Girl - I'm on the verge of dropping it. I don't have any interest in any of the characters, somehow Joo Won and even more Oh Yeon Soo are disappointing here
5. Seven Day Queen - I haven't started to watch it. I'm still high from Gil Ryung ship from Rebel so I think any other sageuk's romance won't work for now.. but who knows? I'm looking forward to watch the first episode tonight


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Chicago Typewriter: Now THIS is how you end a series! The series had its share of flaws, but the story was confidently, passionately, and lovingly told. It left me in awe. I agree with girlfriday that it was a like a thank you letter to the youths who sacrificed.

Fight My Way: I don't have too much to say about it, except that I'm going "awwww" basically every other minute of the show, even when the characters are doing dumb things. Go chase your dreams, kiddos!

Lookout: I flip flop between being frustrated with not knowing Do Han's plans and what he's thinking and really enjoying how mysterious he is. I love our vigilante trio and I'm enjoying seeing them become closer and kicking butt!

Suspicious Partner: I was worried in ep 17/18 that BH was telling JW she was over him and that he was too late (argh, don't let him misunderstand!), but after 19/20 it seems like he's knows he has a really good chance. The look in Ji Chang Wook's eyes! *squeals*. Nam Ji Hyun's comedic timing. What a perfect combination!

Best Hit: Once Yoon Shi Yoon's character showed up, I was on a roll. I just finished episode 5-6 and spent the hour laughing until I was coughing. The finger flick scene was awesome. Woo-seung's so full of misfortune. Please let her win something in the next episode!

Father is Strange: JungHwan's shrill mom is the only thing I dislike about this drama full of characters that I really love. I love seeing Joong Hee become more and more like part of the family every week. I sort of wish they can live out their lives as Byuns and with Joong-Hee as the eldest son, but then he'd be wrecked for life due to his feelings for MY and they wouldn't be able to get together.


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Just watched episodes 5-6 of best hit and they all need some luck :( I just want to hug woo seung and tell her she can take the exam again


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I keep praying for them to be great at whatever they do, but know fully well that they'll need to suffer for several more eps before they get the sweet result. And Ji-hoon's rap made me teared up. Kim Min-jae is so good in this drama.


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So glad to read how many of you finished and loved Chicago Typewriter! I remember thinking in last week's "what we're watching", "no one is watching Chicago Typewriter??"... this show is going to stay with me for a long time. I cannot stop listening to Satellite Love. So many feels.

In between Suspicious Partner and Fight My Way, I have been one happy kdrama watching fan. I think after this and last week's episodes, I like Suspicious Partner a little more (especially watching all their BTS clips, and the NO CUT of that kiss... wowza - I kinda think they really like each other - everything feels a little TOO natural and real), but Fight My Way has me in stitches every time. So glad both shows have met my high expectations!


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lol in the middle of chaos of which one should I watch first I end up choose Lovers in Bloom instead. gonna catch up with you guys later next week maybe.


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Ahaha I feel you. I am now digging some dailies.


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I am now wondering if @seralovestteobokki has clones ?


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Lol whyyyy


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How do you manage all these weekday dramas, dailies and weekend ones too?

Talking about clones, I miss my baby. Did Duel get better? Maybe this week's will tell.


Chicago Typewriter is indeed a shout out to the independence fighters who made the libeartion of Korea possible. I find it very timely and an important topic to talk about right now. Oh, tipsymocha, I have the same Pavlovian response to that song. It played while I was driving and I cried on cue!

I'm only watching four dramas right now (that's actually a LOT for me) but I'm already getting confused. I'm watching Best Hit AND Flower Boy Next Boy because I can't get enough of Yoon Shiyoon. I'm also watching 1N2D and I'm so confused which one is the actual Yoon Shiyoon. I know they're all characters but it's driving me crazy.

Kyaaaaaa Seven Day Queen holds my heart captive. I gladly give you permission to brutally tear it into pieces. I'm stocking up on kleenex now.


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I don't remember the last time I watched this many currently airing dramas. I was away for a good part this week so I can only weigh in on the 3 saeguks. They may seem in the same genre but are as different as night from day.

My Sassy Girl I agree with @javabeans. Once I settled into their silly world, I enjoyed it a lot better. I won't even consider it a saeguk although there's glimpse of the usual saeguk plot. There's a lot of meta and digs which I think I've missed. So far, the villains have been spreading rumors about the Princess through their underground tabloid. Is this about the social media, the press and paparazzi which we know today? Aside from this, I enjoy watching Joo Won and Oh Yeon So the best. I have a weak spot for actress who gives no holds barred performance in comedy and willing to go outright crazy. She's bizarre and reckless but I will take her over the boring saeguk female love interest who can only get starry eyed at her love and pine for him. Joo Won is at his best when Gyun Woo is bothered and hapless by the Princess Hyemyeong. I like that he's not perfect and so it's good that there's a woman who he keeps running into and turning his charmed life upside down.

I don't mind if the plot is simple because give me a drama who can tackle one straightforward plot well over another who does a dozen things and ends up in a mess. As long as MSG doesn't veer into a staid and all serious zone, I am in for the ride.

Ruler of the Mask Dropped but reading recaps. It's the show which frustrates me the most. It's strange that I can actually enjoy the harebrained My Sassy Girl but tear my hair out at this show which on surface seems to be an action packed, complex saeguk brimming with emotions. I think it's because My Sassy Girl doesn't take itself seriously, its strength is a particular wacky over the top humor genre in which it's doing quite well. Ruler on the other hand sold itself as a serious saeguk even though it's not based on history. Instead of an intelligent and complex story, it is even more harebrained IMO and a very messy one. While I was elated to see Yoo Seung Ho dressed up like a ninja in some scenes, I realized that the drama was just trying to cram as many things as possible. Fan girls like all black masked swordsman? Insert hero in all black fighting along his bodyguard like Batman and Robin. Cue hero riding on horseback, mask flying off in the wind to the wide eyed awe of fangirl/heroine. Fan girls like hurt/wounded heros? Insert hero rendered unconscious by one slash in his back and have heroine cry over him.

I noticed that shows which places fanservice above story always end up terrible. It's reminiscent of Scarlet Heart Ryeo. The writer(s) don't seem to have a story plan or an idea of how all parts make a whole. These are also the ones with all the cringey romance, manufactured angst, over the top melodrama and characters who don't make sense.

Seven Day...


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Seven Day Queen I can't speak highly enough of this show. This is easily the best of the three but that's not saying much because the other two pale so much in comparison.

SDQ is everything Ruler is not. The writing is solid and the storytelling masterful. Usually I am impatient to get pass the childhood stage but this time I am loving the young actors too much. If you had told me that the two would have a far better chemistry than Yoo Seung Ho and Kim So Hyun before the dramas aired, I would have laughed my head off. Never would I have imagine how good these two are. It's not just them, credit also goes to the writing and directing which makes the romance very natural and nuanced. The end product is that I am more sold on Yeok and Chae Kyung's friendship turned romance than I've ever been on Sun-Ga Eun despite the onslaught of heavy handed cheesy romantic scenes in Ruler.

Where Ruler wasted the cast's talent, Seven Day Queen revealed a Lee Dong Gun I've never seen before. I thought LDG would be the weak link but he's such a powerhouse in this drama. I've never been so fascinated at watching a villain.


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i'm still watching Ruler, but 7DQ is my only current crack... i mentioned above that i noticed LDG in Super Daddy Yeol and that i wasn't a fan previously... but he is really exceptional in this role!


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So true.... LDG is amazing in this drama


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waaaahhh so true. This drama is truly amazing and should I say it again. LDG is fantastic in his portrayal as as the cruel king and at the same time makes you pity him as a dejected son, makes you swoon over him with his chemistry even with a very young Chae Kyung. Where are you hiding all the talents all these 19 years LDG??? I am so glad that Lee Jin Wook declined no offense meant.... it's just that LDG is soo good in this drama. Hope he'll win an award and can the 2 youngsters be given the best couple award too for playing their role so well?


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When I read the news somewhere where LDG said he wanted to try playing the villain next time he was on a show, I thought, 'why, that might be a good idea'. I'm so glad he was offered and accepted the role of Yeonsangun in 7DQ, because he's been killing it so far.

I hope with Woo-Jin entering the show next week, they will make formidable political rivals and not just the usual good-evil or black/white division where the 'good' one is rendered passive and only reacts to circumstances. I know this is meant to be a romance sageuk so politics might not take central stage, but I'm still hoping against hope that the show will find a nice balance between politics, romance and character development. If the main characters are written well I don't mind a couple one-note side characters, which is one of the main problems I've got with Ruler since somehow some of the side characters interest me more than the four leads.

I'm trying hard to keep my expectations in check for 7DQ but it's overflowing now that I've seen that slither of the story for the current day. So happy to see Chae-kyung and Nanny's interactions, and super excited to see a fierce Grand Prince make a comeback. This is also a minor squeal but I heaved a sigh of relief (no offence Grand Prince) when the arrows actually hit the targets in the last episode, and that there was no cliff that warranted absolutely no physical harm when one fell over, lol.


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On Ruler, do you know what's the thing I am most curious about? The pot! I want to know what's in the pot which Ga Eun has forgotten time and again. I just hope it won't turn to poop by the time the drama picks it up again.

7DQ I missed the young actors so much that I was kinda sad to see the grown ups. Upside is Yeon Woo Jin looked more badass than I had imagined. I like him but maybe not as much as some beanies here do. So this is a positive start.
I've always like Park Min Young for reasons I don't even know myself. However, I was a bit taken back by how she looked in episode 4. I can't put a finger to it except maybe that she's not as fresh faced as she was in Healer or even the recent Remember- War of the Son. I don't usually comment on an actress's look because it seldom interferes with my appreciation of her acting but I am being honest this time.


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She has certainly aged, and it shows in certain angles especially when she wears her hair up. I terribly miss her in SKKS. Not sure if she's been going through anything in real life but stress and stuff might contribute a lot to the aging process. She looks stunning in the banner and in the Queen attire too so I'm hoping we'll reach that stage soon.

As for Ruler, I wouldn't be surprised if the pot itself only resurfaces after the real identity of CP is revealed and there's another separation between Ga Eun and CP due to her misunderstanding him for the one who killed her father. Around ep 15 old format I think? *sigh* They might resort to killing off CW to make the pot the only key to the identity problem even.