Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

It’s been an amazingly full week for me, mostly because I’ve been hit with the disease where I have been finding everything interesting. Nothing has fallen off the watchlist yet, but time will tell if I can keep up this pace (I’d bet on no), and which shows will have to be put on the back-burner. For now, though, I’m reveling like a glutton. A glutton with a stomachache and dark circles from all the drama gorging. No regrets! –javabeans



Currently recapping: Seven Day Queen

The Best Hit: There’s nothing variety about it, but I do find it very funny—and also a little sobering to realize that I lived through all the ’90s references that, in the context of this show, seem so ancient. The first episode felt a little scattered, like skit after skit, but toward the end we started seeing how the characters fit into the same world, and I liked that much better. Yoon Shi-yoon was barely in the premiere, but I have a feeling he’s going to be awesome.

My Sassy Girl: It’s about what I expected: an in-your-face romantic comedy, with very little realism (did they have to make her a princess, which seems completely unbelievable, rather than a mere noblewoman?). This isn’t a sageuk so much as it’s a parodied version of history with all the modern jokes and intentional anachronisms, which can be either hilarious or hokey, depending on your take. (I’m half-half on that.) But while I wish the tone weren’t quite so juvenile, I did really like Joo-won in this, Oh Yeon-seo is playing her part to the hilt, and I foresee myself watching for the romance.

Circle: Omg this got so exciting! Every time I’m in one time period, I think I like it best, then we move to the other time period and I think that’s my favorite. It’s so rare to find a show that’s not just good, but so unpredictable and assured that I feel safe just diving in head-first and putting my full trust in the drama to deliver something awesome. Plus, every episode keeps upping the ante and throwing even better twists our way, and I’m just really happy to be watching this.

Fight My Way: Park Seo-joon is so good—all that disappointment and heart and hope! Sometimes I watch ordinary, serviceable actors and think that they’re good enough, they’re adequate, whatever—and then I watch emotionally genuine actors like Park Seo-joon (and Yeo Jin-gu) and wonder how I could ever be satisfied with lowered standards when good actors can bring so much more to the table. Kim Ji-won is great too, though it was Park who made me cry this week. I’d like to drop-kick that ex-girlfriend out of the show, though.

Suspicious Partner: I was SO loving Ji-wook’s struggle with his denial (it was played in such a nicely subtle way) that I almost am disappointed that he’ll have to move out of that zone of indecision, even as I applauded that he finally stepped it up. I feel such satisfaction when he does things for Bong-hee against his own intentions, as though his caring for her is uncontrollable, and I’ll miss that. But surely the progression of the romance will make up for that, right? *taps foot expectantly*

Lookout: When it’s in action mode, the pull is constant and fast-paced, and I really enjoy how fast things fly. The show lacks some subtlety on the good-versus-evil front, which makes the fight pretty black-and-white but at least also produces satisfying payoffs. Suji is badass, but so hotheaded that I facepalm regularly—but on the other hand, Kim Young-kwang is my favorite character because of his layers and duality, and I find his hidden agenda fascinating.

Ruler–Master of the Mask: My interest is starting to wane, and I keep wishing this drama were more exciting, more smoothly written, more even in quality all around. I find myself wishing Pyunsoohwe were a better villain, because while they are effective, they seem rather one-note. I have a feeling I’d perk right up if the show actually let the three leads be in the same scenes together, but they spend so much time frustratingly apart!

Father Is Strange: I died laughing at Joong-hee’s eagerness to explain away his interest in Mi-young as brotherly caring. It’s because she’s my sister that I want to buy her gifts and feed her and make her happy! Because this is what brothers do for sisters! With Oppa admitting that he feels usurped by Joong-hee’s arrival, I have hope that Dad will be prompted to admit the truth to the family soon(…ish?), and that he’ll realize that it’s the healthiest path for everyone.

Man to Man: This was the first time I actually felt some romantic connection between Seol-woo and Do-ha, and I thought it cute that they were going through this very elaborate and contrived “dating mission” to have an excuse to be together. And I did laugh at how our movie star is so fixated on his 5 million bucks and kept guilt-tripping Seol-woo about it. This show won’t ever make me feel emotions beyond a surface-level amusement (I still don’t really know what’s up with those wood carvings or why I should care), but it does still make me laugh.

My Secret Romance: Well, that was lame. They must have split the planned 12th episode into two (after being pre-empted a few weeks ago and needing an extra episode), and that resulted in a whole mess of filler flashbacks and empty scenes that dragged down an already dreary slog to the finale. Two weeks ago I thought this show was silly and cute. Then it nosedived with the stupid separation angst and overserious tone, and now I’m kind of annoyed that I watched it. I suppose I’ve seen worse.



Super Family 2017: How can a sitcom be so sad? I’ve enjoyed Won-kyun as reliable comedic background fodder, but never really paid his character much attention until now. My heart first broke when he handed in his resignation letter, and then proceeded to break even further during the rest of the episode. At least Manager Choi continues to be the pillar that I — and everyone else — leans on. In happier news, I love that Mom has officially declared she has a boyfriend. She needs someone in her life that isn’t just there to raid her fridge!

Chicago Typewriter: I love that we’re finally figuring out what happened back in the 1930s, but I’m also suitably stressed about the cracks in my favorite ghost. I don’t know how its possible to have a happy ending for someone who is already dead — maybe once the whole story is told and we figure out how he died, he’ll be freed from his typewriter and finally be able to be reincarnated with a new chance at love and happiness. At any rate, I hope the finale lives up to my expectations, because I can’t wait to see how everything resolves itself — both in the present and in the past.



Currently recapping: Circle

Fight My Way: What is this? An actual friends-to-lovers drama with actual chemistry and cuteness?? It’s subtle, but I love how the two characters have this underlying connection that makes them trust and confide in the other person no matter what. It’s this type of bond, stemming from their long-time camaraderie, that I think makes a great foundation for a permanent relationship. And surprisingly, I’m pulled in by the secondary romance as well. It may be too early to say, but perhaps Fight My Way could redeem Park Seo-joon in my eyes from the disappointment that was Hwarang.



Seven Day Queen: Wow. Tragedy has never looked so appealing. The opening left such a strong impression that I’m pretty much on edge the entire time even though we just entered the happy stage. But how adorable is the happy stage? So, so adorable. I already love these characters and the way they’re being portrayed. I’m still amazed by how much the child actors resemble their adult counterparts.

My Sassy Girl: Well, this is certainly different! But like Queen, it has this charm that instantly pulled me in. It’s colorful and beautiful (I was practically drooling over those hanboks) and pretty darn ridiculous. They’re really going for it and despite some lingering doubts, I’m really into it so far. That slow motion vomiting scene? PFFT. I laughed way harder than I should’ve.

Fight My Way: What an awesome group of friends. I’d love to see all four together more often, but I do enjoy the individual couple moments. Dong-man and Ae-ra’s blossoming romance against Joo-man and Seol-hee’s withering(?) romance is turning out to be a very interesting juxtaposition. I just hope whatever happens romantically, the four will never stop being best buddies.

Suspicious Partner: OMG THAT KISS. I mean, yeah, all the other stuff too but THAT KISS.

Ruler — Master of the Mask: I’m gonna have to leave this one. For now, at least. I’ve got too much on my plate and this is the one show I don’t go scrambling for when an episode is released.

Signal: Am I the last person to have seen this? It took me forever but I did it, I watched it! *throws confetti* In fact, I didn’t stop watching until reaching the very last episode around 8 in the morning when I thought my eyeballs would fall out. Was worth it.



Currently recapping: Man to Man

Tunnel: I fell behind on this and finally pushed through to the end, but it was a bit of a struggle. At times, the writing was flimsy, then other times, fresh and warm. The reveal of the main villain’s motivations felt lazy and dissatisfying. I’m sure in there is something poetic about the random cruelty of life and the tragic senselessness of it all, but instead it left me feeling hollow. Lee Yoo-young is outstanding, and that Sun-jae/Jung Ho-young fight scene was raw and powerful. Kudos to the actors.

Whisper: When I was watching the finale I kept imagining myself as a fictional member of the public in this world — someone watching the news and trying but failing to understand all the players’ convoluted relationships. It was headache-inducing, and perhaps only second to the headache I feel everyday reading the real news.

Lookout: Shi-wan is fun to hate, but his hypocritical father isn’t an equal replacement, so when they shift the focus to Dad, I kind of lose interest. I’m hoping that will all change when we get Do-han’s backstory, because so far I’m not feeling that delicious tension or suspense. The music gives this show its funky, urban vibe, but overall it feels unpolished.

Fight My Way: I never thought I’d say this but: why isn’t it Monday!? God, this show hurts so good. I’m so obsessed with this that I’ve pretty much been telling everyone I know (and some I don’t…) to tune in. The friendships are to die for, and Dong-man’s developing (instinctual?) love line with Ae-ra is everything. Let’s not kid ourselves though, they’re both nuts; but there’s something so perfect about their I’m-with-you-150%-even-if-it-kills-us-both relationship, that pulls me in and grabs me like a death grip in the best way. I’ll take two more servings please.

Circle: I really miss shows that have a distinct and bold sense of directorial and atmospheric style, which is often used to update a hackneyed genre (no hate, I love sci-fi). I thought this would be the one to satisfy that craving, but instead I’m left pretty disappointed with the look and feel. I’ll stick around for a few more episodes and maybe marathon it at the end, but I don’t feel any urgency to keep current with it.

Suspicious Partner: This show is enjoyable to watch. I think it does a good balance of rom-com and murder-mystery, and I like how the story keeps morphing as you go. We think it’s supposed to be about proving Bong-hee’s innocence, or Ji-wook’s fall from grace as a prosecutor, but now it’s about the moral complicity of defending (and letting go) the murderer they’re looking for, and how to catch him again. The fact that we have a lot of story to cover makes for great pacing and that’s always a good thing.



Currently recapping: Lookout

Fight My Way: I couldn’t make it past the first 15 minutes when I first checked out this drama, but I tried again a few days later and I’m so glad that I did. Park Seo-joon and Kim Ji-won anchor the story with their chemistry, but I love the extended cast as well. The writer has vividly portrayed that stage of life where youthful dreams clash with the reality of day to day life. I can’t help but root for everyone to get their happily ever after.

My Secret Romance: This show was my guilty pleasure every week, but I was disappointed with the ending. The final episode felt rushed, which was a shame, because I think the fans deserved better.

Mystery Queen: I was sooo on board with the housewife/amateur detective scenario in this drama and stuck with it, but that ending was so very strange. I think that our ahjumma and her partner in crime solving deserved more closure than that and I’m a little bitter.

Father is Strange: What I find really strange is that I haven’t lost interest in this drama at all. I like the idea of a 50 episode family drama, but I usually take a break at some point and then jump back in 10-15 episodes later. That’s not the case here. The pacing of the story has been fast enough that I haven’t felt the need to shelve it and I have watched every episode. As the drama passes its halfway point, there’s lots to resolve in the episodes that are left and I’m looking forward to every single one.



Chicago Typewriter: Well, things certainly came to a head this week. I loved that Seol moved in with the boys and their cohabitation hijinks, but all the happy scenes felt like the calm before the storm in both timelines. I’ve always felt my investment in the show was disproportionately with the 1930’s story, but the present half can’t really compete with the life-and-death stakes involved, the unfulfilled romance, and the heartbreaking camaraderie between the freedom fighters. I get chills every time they talk about their country’s as-yet-unrealized liberation and when they show the human-level sacrifice they all gladly accepted for their cause. At its best, this show feels like an ode to those young independence fighters, and that’s what’s going to stay with me long after it ends.

Circle: AAHHH. This show is amazing. I love the memory theme linking our main players together, and I’m surprised that they revealed the identities of our resident alien and amnesiac detective so early on. I’m also intrigued that the baddies in our show could very well be humans doing what they think is right, because there ain’t nothing as scary as determined, smart people acting on good intentions. I just hope that the show can keep up this fast pace to the end, since all we’re going to get is 12 measly episodes.

Suspicious Partner: I finally managed to find the time to catch up on this show, and I ended up bingeing the three weeks’ worth of episodes in one night. Ji Chang-wook is just as swoony as I remember him, Nam Ji-hyun is an adorable ball of puppy energy, and I love the underdog team of lawyers and their bickering, fun dynamic. Also, I’m all for both of our main leads making their way out of the land of denial, but it’s so much fun watching Ji Chang-wook try sooo hard to hold back his budding feelings that I’m happy for this situation to continue for a few more episodes. Delayed gratification is the answer, people!

Lookout: I’ve gotta give kudos to Lee Shi-young, she really sold the grief as a bereaved mother in the first week’s episodes. Yeah, her character went a little off her rocker, but I was totally with her and I wanted to punch that high school sociopath’s smug grin right off his face. I can’t wait until our Lookout team assembles and starts doling out some vigilante justice. Also, I think I’m going crazy because I might like Kim Young-kwang in this, fake smarm and all. It might be his hair though; it reminds me of grass heads I had as a kid.


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Suspicious Partner: The existence of Lawyer Noh Ji-wook is already a heart-fluttering not mentioning how he’s taking care of Eun Bong-hee. Is the Law Firm open for new intern? Because I’d like to apply lol.

Lookout: Using a Mother who just lost his daughter (Jo Soo-Ji) as a tool of revenge, that’s what Jang Do-Han did as part of his revenge. I just can not with this kinda Leadership. No, never, forever!

Fight My Way: Bickering between Choi Ae-ra and Go Dong-man bring some butterflies in my stomach. I guess there’s a reason why BF stands for boyfriend and best friend, as they should be one and the same.

Chicago Typewriter: Story about Seo Hwi-young, Ryu Soo-hyun & Shin Yool are sad but beautiful. The script writer is good in delivering the messages. I’m a fan!


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How did he use her ? (Lookout)


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It's already displayed in Ep. 4 (start from 0:10:16), there's conversation between Jang Do-Han and The Priest.

Jang Do-Han: I'll make her arrest Yoon Seung Ro.
The Priest: She's a Mom who just lost a daughter. Are you going to use her for your revenge?
Jang Do-Han: That's why I dragged her in.


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I think Jang Do Han also said he wanted to give her a reason to live.

This group got her out of jail and gives her access to resources she wouldn't have. And they do have a related end goal of taking down Prosecutor Yoon. Yes, Shi Wan did the killing, but Yoon was obstructing justice and letting SW walk.

I can understand why DH plays things so close to the vest since his revenge is about 2 decades into the making. I'm glad that Suji's unintentional revenge on Do Han using her for his revenge plan is that she is going to throw a wrench in things. She already has. I get the feeling that Do Han won't get the dictate the ultimate revenge; the ultimate revenge will be on Suji's terms.


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Idk, this Jang Do-Han is seriously turn me off. This kinda two-face character playing saint & devil *sigh* is too heavy for my small brain to digest lol. I love Jo Soo Ji and her two cuties who always back her up in chasing bad guys.


Thank you for the answer! But I'm still confused. I do remember this conversation but I don't see any facts that prove so far that he did use her.


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Well... Maybe every person has different interpretation.


I volunteer as an intern! No need to pay me, just include me in banter-y meetings and make me deputy captain of the JiBong ship, second-in-line only to Chief Bang. Hahaha!


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Sure, we can split the job.. Lemme be assistance of Lawyer Ji Eun-Hyuk *Sendtheheartfinger* Lawyer Ji saranghae~ LMAO


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@innasalvatore If the job was to send heart fingers then that doesn't feel like a job at all HAHA


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I like JW in SP too. He is so swoonworthy, and I love how openly he has been caring for BH every step of the way. But the story is getting more cliched, and seems more of a typical rom com with thriller elements now. And when is the amnesia plot line coming through? Is CH going to be attacked in the park, which results in his amnesia or what?


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I don't think Hyun-Soo will kill Chan-ho. Remember there are still 4 person around before the revenge completed. Hyun-Soo needs Chan-ho to clean up the crime scene.


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Count me in for the internship in the law firm ( although I'm not a law student ????)


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You may end up washing the dishes. Lol !!


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I don't think Do han use Sooji though. He's right when he said Sooji needs something to keep living on. Imagine if they don't rescue her and she ended up in jail with Shi Wan playing victim card. I dont think she can live through that especially the grieveness is still raw. Eventhough he kind of using her to get revenge they are actually in the same page and Sooji even thanks him for helping her take revenge..


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I spit my coffee at the best friend/boyfriend thing. And now I'm sidelining my best friend..


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Im rooting for
Circle, lookout, the best hit, father is strange
May ur ratings improve
N may d drama be more interesting


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Hey, high five man! I am watching all the shows you have listed. I can't wait for the hijinks to start between YSY and KMJ's characters in TBH. And the questions that keep popping up in Circle... mind boggling! My head hurts from all the thinking!


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I must say that new dramas this season are just purely fun and interesting. In my opinion, first half of the year was pretty dull for kdramaland (managed to finish three dramas only).

I'm loving all the ongoing shows I'm watching every week but Fight My Way and Circle are my favorites.


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What were the three dramas you finished for this year before this season? How many dramas do you average a year?

I'm loving this season as well. There are so many to watch that I'm already behind on Circle and Lookout which sucks because they seem to be DB favourites. Are you keeping up with/watching Suspicious Partner?


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The three dramas I've finished were Weightlifting Fairy, Strong Woman, and Radiant Office. Then, usually I watch more than 10 dramas per year.

Suspicious Partner is one of the ongoing dramas I'm watching every week. I'm loving it as well (but not really my crack drama but still love) :) Ji Chang Wook is too hot to resist, isn't it?

I've been in a drama slump these past few months and I'm just glad that I'm truly back in dramaland because of these ongoing awesome shows.


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"OMG THAT KISS. I mean, yeah, all the other stuff too but THAT KISS."



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I was already hyperventilating and flailing and losing my mind with the hug (WITHOUT THE BRIEFCASE, THANK GOD) and then I couldn't believe what I was seeing when he was just about to THEN IT HAPPENED THEN I DIED hahaha


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Yes! I am also hyperventilating from the kiss, which is, by the way, so gentle and sweet. I hope they would give a longer version in the next episode, just to satisfy my feels!


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this is literally word by word the exact way i was feeling


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@s9313071e @bangwon Have you seen the latest ep? GOOD GOD my soul has left my corporeal body


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I think we all are on the same page about the kiss ????


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Yess yess the KISS!! Goosh soo smoootthh lawyer-nim =)))) and the HUG too!


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With my new job and all, I find it so hard to come onto Dramabeans for the recaps because I don't have time to watch shows after work. ):

I'm still really loving Suspicious Partner because JW is an absolute sweetheart, BH is so endearingly headstrong, and EH is just... I just want to give him a hug every episode. Even side characters like Chief Bang and Hyunsoo are hitting it out of the ballpark with their expressions.

Despite Fight My Way not being extremely exciting or interesting to me, I'm still watching because I really want to see DM's journey toward fulfilling his dream. I love AR (dramaland's doing so well in terms of female leads recently!) and I want to see her become an announcer. That ex-girlfriend can get out of the picture, though.

Still love Man X Man, nothing's new there. I'll be heartbroken when it's over.

I haven't had time to start anything new yet, any recommendations? I'll need a new drama to watch once Man X Man is over!


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As much as I hate the ex-girlfriend character in Fight My Way.. I think her kisses with Dong Man were very hot.. like VERY hot. lol


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OMG I have to agree on that, because I didn't see those coming. I was like... woah. But still... that two-faced thing! Ugh!


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But don't you think it was extremely funny when she'd come back whenever she broke up with another guy and he'd just stop thinking and do whatever she wants? All those years? He's so simple! Remember he only started "liking" her because somebody told him she liked him! It's really like his friends said, he's not really through puberty yet lol


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You should try to watch circle.. it's an amazing drama..


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Oh man, unfortunately, I heard that it's a sci-fi genre and I can't say that I enjoy sci-fi much at all. ): (I do like Yeo Jin Gu though, he's adorable.)


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Lookout is great as well. I agree that Circle is too sci- for me too. My brain hurts from watching it. Hahaha.


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Much as I enjoyed this week's SP episodes for JW and BH, I was so heartbroken over EH's lack of birthday celebration, and how happy he was at JW's single character message as a birthday message. Poor puppy! I hope he would find happiness and forgiveness from JW soon! JW, you have to forgive him. How can you not for such a long time?


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Ouch those sad puppy eyes :( when he found the cake was already an half


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I have been impressed with the rich storytelling of Seven Day Queen with complex characters and wonderful cast when I am not usually drawn to melodrama and saguek. It is also a definite plus that Javabeans and Girlfriday have both recapped the show!


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Fight My Way - my one and only

SO this is called addiction, right? When you just want everyday is Monday so you can enjoy your favorite show.


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Never ever wanted it to be Monday before and now it can't get here soon enough! My addiction as well.................


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Just 2 more days guys!!


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I've been replaying the first four episodes for 867534232 times because I love this drama so much. I can't wait for Monday!


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Wow.. 867534232 times, I'm impressed! *teasing, tickling and chuckling*

Let we all wait for our Monday's treat.


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Let me pour you a drink, Sailorjumun *celebration for finishing signal


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Love that Signal reference!


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Chicago Typewriter: What will happen to Yoo? What are those cracks? Is he going to disappear? I already feel bad he's not going to get the girl. And now, he's gonna disappear? No. Please.

Fight My Way: I love love love Park Seo Joon. He's one of those actors with the micro expressions that can pierce your heart. The chemistry of the whole cast is on point too.

My Sassy Girl: I've only seen Joo Won in Ojakgyo Brothers and I loved him there! Still not invested on the show. But I'm with javabeans on this one, "I'll stick around for the romance."

My Secret Romance: Need to catch up on this. I'm only on Episode 8 and I love that the hero is a hopelessly in love puppy. Kekeke.


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Now I sort of want to hate-watch My Secret Romance, but I'll need someone to sit beside me so we exchange eye-rolls.


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Haha. You hit the nail on the head. I wished I had someone beside me when I watched MSR so that I could exchange eye rolls at the ridiculousness of it all.


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I 100% agree with you in regards to My Stupid Romance. That show...never made a lick of sense and they *knew* it never made a lick of sense. I'd get email reminders to watch it from Dramafever and it would just be the leads chest and tummy. And I'm shallow, so I was down. But that last episode or two with everyone staring "pensively" into the middle distance while sappy music played? For loooooooong minutes at a time? I started skipping every few minutes just to get to the end of the staring into the distance nonsense.
My Secret Romance. Its no secret. You were terrible. Legit. Lead guy had a lovely torso, though.


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MSR limped toward the end, tbh. I won't give anything away, except there were many flashbacks and fillers for some of the remaining episodes of the show. I fastforward through all the flashbacks and guess what? I am only left with about 15 -25 minutes of the show?


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@sailorjumun, I haven't seen Signal so I guess I'll be the last person to see it. ? And I totally agree on your reaction regarding Suspicious Partner's last episode - everything else faded into the background after kiss, lol.


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I haven't watch signal too.. I heard it's a good drama, but later i think.. my plate is full right now


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Really.. i need to squeeze my time then ? Thank you


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Tunnel is awesome too !!!


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@CrimeFighter @La Plume It's been sitting in my to to-watch list FOREVER! I just keep getting pulled in by the recent dramas, so I haven't had the time to do it. But I most definitely will watch it!


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1. My Sassy Girl: it's merely because OYS and JW. LOL. But I promise to you this show quite hilarious, funny and so entertaining. I need some balance in my watching list that's another reason.
2. Circle: Oh my. My brain hurts every week because of this show LOL. I keep guessing and guessing yet my expectation got ruined, not like I'm goin to protest. But still, I kinda curious about how further I'll be "deceived" by this show.
3. Lookout: oh I just miss LSY in drama and can't just let Key+Seulgi out of my sight for a long time.
4. Beautiful Mind: for a million times. just because I cant. I have to. Janghyuk.


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"I feel such satisfaction when he does things for Bong-hee against his own intentions, as though his caring for her is uncontrollable, and I’ll miss that."

I feel ya, JB! hehe!

SP is currently my fave though not crack level. I still don't have one, but that's alright. I am enjoying the shows I'm watching now in varying levels. I've got SP, Ruler, FMW (but I'm behind two episodes already), and I've got Best Hit to check out. I decided to just marathon Circle when it's over. I need time and focus to watch this and I don't have the luxury right now.


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You make a good choice to marathon Circle when it's over. The questions raised and the answers received will make you tear your hair out. I am in agony, waiting for a week for the episodes of the show, just because I want to watch it live. Sigh!


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Wow @javabeans so many dramas, how do you find the time to sleep?!

I'm catching up on some pretty old dramas. Finished Oh Hae Young Again (SO GOOD, Seo Hyun-jin is my heroine and Eric is smouldering), Drinking Solo (not too bad, Ha Suk-jin and Gong Myung are cute), and almost finished with Bad Guys (brain twisting).

Now seriously thinking about what to watch next, and more generally, whether to continue playing catch-up on my long to-watch list, or start on a currently-airing drama. The Best Hit looks like a good one to start especially as I'm a 1N2D fan.


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I'm very tired!


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I just *heart* Oh Hae Young Again. It's just love.


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@SailorJumun better late than never! I marathon-ed the drama in Jan this year and I kept asking myself why did I not pick it up sooner???!


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I fell asleep within first 15 minutes of Circle and seeing how​ divided opinions are about it, I'll pass.
I really want to add Lookout to my drama but I am live watching 4 shows (Man to Man, Suspicious Partner, Seven Days Queen, The Best Hits, Good Thief - Bad Thief) and one weekend drama. So, I'll save it for binge watch along with Chicago Typewriter.
As for Ruler: Master of the Mask, finally dropped this one.


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after Chief Kim (my crack for 2017) ended, I picked up Mystery Queen and I did enjoy it but didn't find myself anxiously waiting for the next episode. Then I jumped on board "Fight My Way" and boy am I glad I did. The chemistry between the cast. I've always loved a good friends turned lovers plot but this takes the cake. It's not sudden or anything. We get to see how those 2 have always been there for each other. AND THOSE SKIN SHIPS AND MEANINGFUL LOOKS GAH. why is not monday already???


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Fight My Way: Can I say anything that hasn't been said? It's so cute.
Circle: Epic.
Suspicous Partner: With the first episode, I didn't think this was quite on par with I Remember You, but I love it more and more with each week.
The Best Hit: As I expected, very fun.
Chicago Typewriter: Does it have to end? I want more ghosty cohabitation hi-jinks.
Boku Unmei no Hito Desu: The best part of my week. Charming, and I missed Yamashita Tomohisa more than I can ever express.
Kill Me, Heal Me: So very almost done... Almoooooooost...


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I'm glad to know that there's another yamapi's fans here ?
How's Boku unmei no hito desu? I still don't have enough time to watch it


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It's really fun! Not only do we have Yamapi playing God, but I love how the drama constantly uses seemingly weird gags to add development to the romance.


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Finished tunnel & mystery queen
Watch jdrama- a million stars fall from the sky
Cdrama- Ode to Joy 2
Variety- law of the jungle - nz
I live alone
Crime scene
Return of Superman
Nothing interesting for kdrama except lookout


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This week I've watched more than my usual fare (2 dramas), so it's time for decisions.. Some are really fighting for my attention in the middle:

-Fight My Way: Because I need some pink cottoncandy with a tangy twist to get me through Monday-Tuesday.
- Seven Day Queen: I have high hopes for this one to fill the sageuk gap left in my heart by Rebel.
- Man To Man: Sadly, it feels like a ramyun bowl that got a bit soggy, but still seasoned with laughs. I'll finish it anyway.

- Circle: My blue worm smoothie of nightmares. I couldn't watch past episode 3 though I really want to. Hopefully I'll catch up later.
- The Best Hit: I wanted to see Yoon Shi Yoon but I only got 5 minutes of him surfing down a stairwell (and no, not like Legolas). Javabeans is right: When did the 90s become so ancient?

- Thief Nom Thief Nam: makjang salad delivered by Truck of Doom.


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LOL at TNTN. I saw some clips, but maybe later when I have free time. I want to Im Jo Eun and Kim Ji Hoon. But the pattern of this writer is too melo and exhausting. At least makjang drama like Unni Is Alive has many characters, and there are some funny parts so it won't be too exhausting lol.

Other MBC drama, You're Too Much is also too exhausting to watch. Uhm Jung Hwa probably already tired with her character - for most scenes she applied similar pattern and she is also not very outstanding in melo dept. No one is doing anything in this drama. I dropped for now, and maybe will watch the last 2/4 epi to see how it ends.


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I am still enjoying Unni Is Alive - it makes me laugh at all of its drama. It is just one giant soap opera.


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Lee Ji Hoon's hair still bothering me. LOL. Yes I do enjoy this one, there are enough characters that we can love and hate at the same time.


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If I remember it correctly, you've just registered to Dramabeans right? 'Cause I think the username WishfulToki appeared to be unregistered account just yesterday. : ) If that's the case, congratulations. I've somehow been waiting for you to register. ;)


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Haha yes, it's me. I finally turned to the dark side. ;)


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No worries. You have a lot of beanie friends here. *laugh hysterically*


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That worm was really disgusting! I'm not sure if I should be impressed or appalled lol. Does it help to know that it turned out to be robot that's made to look like a very realistic worm?


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I was completely and utterly grossed out and have not yet recovered. At least this is one drama that doesn't make me hungry!


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I'm currently watching live:
Seven Day Queen: This show is just as what I expected it to be, and even more. It's a melodrama, but it doesn't have the looming depressing feel that I often see in other melodramas. The introduction warns of heartache, but it has a sense of melancholy with a ray of hope rather than ultimate doom. I completely enjoy LDG's take on Yeonsangun so far, and the child actors are adorable to boot. I hope the show will keep up its good work and remains solid until the end.
Suspicious Partner: Everyone in Ji-Wook's office is adorable.
On the other hand, the writer doesn't seem to have a clear growth trajectory for Yoo-Jung just yet. She's not exactly written to be just the vain and jealous second female lead, but at the same time she hasn't shown any clear signs of being anyone else either. She's rocking back and forth between being the downright hateful type and the identifiable, and I hope the show would make up its mind as to what it wants her character to be

Shows I've decided to put on hold for the time being, starting from next week:
Ruler I've got my fix of KSH in the latest episode so thank you show. However it's been quite late in the game and the show has missed so many opportunities to explore her character, so Ga Eun remains a missed opportunity for me.
Fight My Way Simply got too much on my plate, and while I like each character of the show individually, I'm having a hard time believing the two leads' friendship. I actually feel that Kim Ji-Won is less self-conscious around Kwak Dong-Yeon than she is around Park Seo-Joon. Or perhaps the friendships in Reply 1988 has ruined me in the best way possible.
Rebel: I remember reading a comment by a Beanie that says Rebel's rating would have shot up to 20% if the leads from Ruler were to star in that show, and I kind of agree, but I wouldn't trade anyone of the leads (or the cast for that matter) there for anyone else. They and the excellent writing makes Rebel what it is and I love them <3.
Shows I'm thinking of picking up:
Lookout: I wasn't impressed with the first few minutes into the first episode. I find the music and the scene clash with each other, but when I gritted my teeth and sat through it last night I found the rest flow much more smoothly.
My Sassy Girl: A sageuk that is better taken as a parodied version of both the original comedy and sageuk itself as a genre. When I've come to term with this it's much easier to put up with the overacting and the overdone humour. Fortunately the show doesn't take itself seriously, and reading about the references in the comment sections makes watching this a more enjoyable experience.
And finally, my resolution to keep back from watching Circle is swaying hard. God help me!


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Darn Rebel is supposed to belong to the shows I'm currently watching. Blame it on the sleepiness, gosh :O. There is no way I'd put it on hold :((


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I gotta agree with you on Yoo Jung of Suspicious Partner. I was so conflicted when she was introduced because she was kickass and a possible friend to Bong Hee! Then I hated her and now I'm not so sure again! So conflicting!


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I'm actually one of those who didn't hate her even when she was playing the mean girl card. The only thing that I'd condemn her for is her cheating on her bf and making it awkward and uncomfortable for herself to get back to the guys (not that EH was completely innocent either). To add to that, the show has made her interactions with Bong-hee more interesting than full of ugly tension and rivalry. Take her confronting Bong-Hee in the hallway. The show chose to emphasise Bong-hee's body language which gave away her lies, so I take Yoo-jung's challenge ('with me around he wouldn't...') as a way of getting back to the obvious lies she detected from Bong-Hee and out of pure jealousy than malice. Ji-Wook did make it very obvious that he was still affected by her presence so it's very natural that she keeps holding on to her vain hope that he still harbours feelings for her. That's why I'm kind of convinced that she can be redeemed but we haven't been shown her full trajectory yet. I just hope that she won't turn out to be the stereotypical second female lead.


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@maskros What I loved about that scene was when Yoo-jung and Bong-hee both admitted that: I really actually like you when we first met! After that, I really couldn't hate Yoo-jung too. I hope the writer has great plans for her and that we see female friendships in the show too.


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I like that she isn't the stereotype evil woman, and I don't think the drama needs to totally redeem her. She and the guy messed up, but it would be nice if drama showed that this didn't have to mess up her entire life....that she can grow as person. Say sincere apologies (instead of all that "thirsty" crap) and know that no one owes her anything: not forgiveness, not friendship. I am more interested in how the friendships will turn out than I am the serial killer.


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@sorrynotsorry I have faith in the writer with everyone's arc actually so I'm not too worried that she'll be the stereotypical evil woman. Even her introduction was kickass, intriguing, and awesome. I hope my expectations won't be dashed though! Afterall, this is kdramaland and honestly, I'm tired of the female second lead ALWAYS being evil or turning evil. :(


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For some reasons, I don't want big names to be casted in a sageuk written by writer of Rebel. Like the casts of Rebel & Kings' Daughter. I want them to continue casting underrated talents or rising talents instead. I don't mind big names with talents, but it will be hyped /over hyped that I am afraid, for the sake of ratings, it will disturb the writing - for eg to insert more romance etc.


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I wish that would apply to any project with a hint of quality honestly. To improve upon feedback is one thing, to change the direction of the plot to please the mass is another matter. This can happen even with dramas that cast unexplored or underrated talents such as Reply series (looking at you husband hunt) and the more infamous CITT.
So all in all I think it has a lot to do with how faithful the writers are with their original concept. I just hope there would be more and more writers who are driven by their imagination and philosophies rather than by the demand of others. I believe if a writer has arrived at that level they wouldn't mind casting big names because they wouldn't be swayed by the mass no matter what anyway.


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Same exact thing happened to me with Lookout.

And, yes, I'm so happy that we got Yoon Kyun-sang and Chae Soo-bin for Rebel. Wouldn't trade them for anything!


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I love Yoon Kyun-sang and Chae Soo-bin in Rebel. I'm with you, I wouldn't trade them for anybody else!


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Me too! (x4)

I wouldn't swap out Yoon Kyun-sang and Chae Soo-bin for anyone else, not even beloved beanie faves like YSH/KSH. They owned the roles of Gil-dong and Ga-ryung, I can't picture that opening scene or any of their scenes together with anyone else.


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Regarding Rebel, that might be true but I can't imagine Yoo Seung Ho playing the Mighty Child ?. I remember laughing whenever Gil Dong got away with his disguise while trying to pass city gates. Yoon Kyun Sang is so tall and huge, by stature alone, he stands out of the crowd.Anyway, I like him and especially Chae Soo Bin as Ga Ryung.

The thing is that Ruler should have hit 20% easily but it's stagnating because of the writing and direction. Kim So Hyun is sorely wasted here. Even if the show shifts the focus to her now, I don't think that is the only or real solution. Take for example the Crown Prince, the show might be centered on him but I am not sold at all due to the writing.


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True. At first when someone commented on one of the first recaps for Ruler that the show felt juvenile I didn't quite get what they meant (I genuinely didn't understand, not that I disagreed with them), but in recent episodes it started to show. Very often we're left with infuriating rather than thought-provoking questions, which a good/ solid show shouldn't do. I'd be willing to shut down my logic if the show didn't take itself so seriously.
I seriously have given up on Ga Eun. I'll be the first to cheer if the show proves me wrong later, though, but I'm not pleased with what the writers have got to offer until now, and I don't think they're capable of delving further into her trajectory at this stage, since we've got so many others to take care of. On top of that, Lee Sun the commoner's story has yet to kick start either. His character, too, doesn't deserve to be ignored.


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I agree with @Murasakimi, Fight My Way hurts so good that i wish everyday were mondays and tuesdays. So far, Suspicious Partner, Fight My Way and Man To Man are the shows that makes something in my body move.


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