[Staff Spotlight] Get to know gummimochi
by gummimochi
Explain your username (and/or avatar).
My username is a combination of my two favorite things: sour gummy worms and mochi. As for the avatar, think of it as my mini-me who is almost always listening to K-pop.
What is the first drama that you watched (or the first drama that made an impression)?
For the longest time, I thought my first drama was Happy Together (1999), which starred familiar names like Lee Byung-heon, Song Seung-heon, and Kim Ha-neul. But the first one I remember watching with my family was First Love (1996) with Bae Yong-joon.
Tell us about a job or two that you’ve had in the past.
In college, I worked at a career center and learned everything there is to know about the job search, the interview process, and resume writing. Sure it was a desk job, but I picked up valuable skills that’ll stick with me forever.
What’s your favorite drama that you recapped?
Ah, that’s a toughie. While I’ll always have a soft spot for Operation Proposal, I’d have to say I loved covering Bad Guys. Totally badass, totally worth your time.
What drama genres do you especially like?
Honestly, almost any drama with flawed heroes, formidable villains, and good storytelling will be up my alley. That can be a great crime procedural, a mystifying psychological thriller, an epic sageuk, or a good ol’ romantic comedy.
What drama genres do you especially dislike?
Weekend family dramas. You know the ones I’m talking about—where everyone is screaming at everyone else over the smallest slight. I’d like to keep my eardrums intact, thanks.
What was your major in school?
Psychology. My mind thrives off of learning about what makes people tick and the experiences that shape who we are and become threads of the story of our lives.
What’s a random skill you have?
Cross stitching, specifically patterns of my all-time favorite subjects, including but not limited to: Rurouni Kenshin, Howl’s Moving Castle, and Vampire Hunter D. How I got into it: A few years ago, I wanted an easy, cost-effective hobby to do and discovered that Sherlock Holmes would cross stitch as a way to relieve stress. So I picked up a needle and have never looked back since.
Favorite non-Korean movie and/or TV show?
Community. #sixseasonsandamovie
Which Hallyu celebrity would you actually want to meet and spend an hour with?
Lee Jun-ki, the Energizer Bunny who would be so very happy and appreciative to meet a fan. And because if I ever met Kang Haneul, I’d be sitting in a corner, hyperventilating.
Which of the 7 deadly sins would be your undoing? (Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, or sloth.)
Gluttony, for surely there are too many delicious cuisines in the world I could ever enjoy in one lifetime.
Your favorite drama has an unholy alliance with your most hated drama and produces a mutant baby drama. Describe the plot.
Drug lord Jung Shi-hyun would teach whiny-why-is-he-famous Cha Young-bin (Entourage) the true meaning of Heartless City by making him run laps wearing necklaces of cocaine.
Tags: Staff Spotlight
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1 Starry Knight✨
June 3, 2017 at 12:09 PM
Hahahaha! A girl after my own heart or should I say stomach? :D I wish watching kdramas made me lose weight from all the heart pounding, stress from waiting for next episodes and sleep deprivation I am going through. Alas no such thing.. BTW missing your Running Man recaps @gummimochi.
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June 3, 2017 at 7:35 PM
Missing the Running Man recaps too!
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2 azkaa
June 3, 2017 at 12:36 PM
OH! Psychology student too here!
That is an interesting baby mutant drama, I totally want to watch that ?
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3 ramonathepest
June 3, 2017 at 12:49 PM
Enjoyed hearing what makes Gumi tick for Kdrama.
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4 Sakin
June 3, 2017 at 12:51 PM
Weren't you a Park Jungsoo fan? I remember that from your old avatar, but I guess you stopped?
I have a soft spot for Operation Proposal too!
Bae Yong Joon is still big in my heart now, he was such a legend.
Rurouni Kenshin, Howl’s Moving Castle... are you talking about the original works (manga for Kenshin and book for Howl (RIP DWJ), or are you talking about the live-adaptation for Kenshin and the animation for Howl?
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June 3, 2017 at 1:08 PM
Omo, the old avatar was a picture of Daesung (VIP4LYFE). Indeed, the live-action of Kenshin and animation of Howl's Moving Castles are the inspiration of my current projects. However, I'm slowly trying to fit in episodes of the anime. But seriously, who has the TIME.
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June 3, 2017 at 4:15 PM
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June 3, 2017 at 6:48 PM
Comment was deleted
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June 3, 2017 at 6:50 PM
Awww...Diana Wynne Jones...why you gotta make me sad...she was a fantastic novelist (wrote one of my fave books).
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June 3, 2017 at 7:54 PM
What a coincidence that I see her name in this post. I just recommended her book in Open thread #501!
Which one is your favorite? The usual ones are Chrestomanci and Dalemark of course, but there's also Enchanted Glass and Power of Three or Fire and Hemlock which are mentioned often.
Mine is the boring choice that almost everyone chooses: Lives of Ch. Chant. :)
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June 3, 2017 at 8:51 PM
My favorite is The Dark Lord of Derkholm. So freaking good!! If you haven't gotten to it yet read it now!!! But, I have read all of her books and they are all amazing!
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June 3, 2017 at 9:18 PM
I read nearly all her books but was saving that one for a special time when I was truly free and had time to relax and savor it... (I was thinking abroad summer vacation)
Then I remember the first time I found out about her death. Her name trended on Worldwide trends on twitter, and even before I clicked on the Trend link, I had a bad feeling it was what I dreaded. I mean, she's a relatively obscure writer so for her name to trend... it had to be big news. I was unfortunately right. dsl;fkjsd;fjks;djf
Ever since then, I just put off reading that book. Like if I didn't read it, it would feel final. I know it has no logical connection whatsoever, it's just this stupid feeling I have.
Your comment sort of woke the need in me to read that book, made it more immediate as I was putting it off at the back of my mind. I think I'll be able to read that book soon. (sorry, I'm sure you didn't expect me to word vomit this heavy stuff out when you made your recommendation. lol)
Anyway, thanks for this. I'm going to rest now, but I have a feeling after I wake up, I'll be ordering a new book ;)
June 3, 2017 at 9:20 PM
*If I didn't read that, it wouldn't feel final
Rukia wants melona
June 4, 2017 at 10:33 AM
One of my all time favorite books. Just so darn clever and fun...
June 5, 2017 at 5:59 AM
Derk! ♥
5 AussieGrl
June 3, 2017 at 12:59 PM
Hahaha, I LOVE your reason for starting cross stitch. That's hilarious ?
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6 Yuyuu, The Drama Queen
June 3, 2017 at 1:39 PM
Hmm...is it just a coincidence that you also studied Psychology? I remember it also being Girlfriday's major. Or...since I'm also studying Psychology, is this some foreshadowing that I'm meant to be a minion someday? >.<
Also, Howl's Moving Castle and LJK, yess!!
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7 redfox
June 3, 2017 at 2:05 PM
Ninja Teacher WOULD not only be happy to meet a fan, but he would initiate the selfies. and/or video.I also hope to meet him, but he´d be frightened by my resting bi*** face
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8 magreen
June 3, 2017 at 2:08 PM
I remember you from the High Kick days. I was genuinely grateful to have someone willing to recap family dramas, it was (and still is) a rare find.
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June 3, 2017 at 10:27 PM
Wait there's a high kick recap? In dramabeans?
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June 3, 2017 at 11:43 PM
High kick 3 as far as I know....
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June 3, 2017 at 11:45 PM
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June 5, 2017 at 8:03 PM
O the ol' sitcom days.
9 gusdk
June 3, 2017 at 2:26 PM
Weren't you the one who used to recap RM? I would think those would have been the most memorable since they took years :)
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June 3, 2017 at 3:04 PM
Variety is in my DNA.
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Johansen L.
June 3, 2017 at 3:48 PM
We should have a question for favorite variety shows. I want to hear about yours.
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bbstl 🧹
June 4, 2017 at 1:08 PM
Yes, Special Questions: why is variety in gummi's DNA?
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10 vannerie
June 3, 2017 at 2:36 PM
Thanks for telling us a bit about yourself, gummimochi. I've just this minute finished watching Bad Guys - what an amazing drama - so I'll definitely be reading your recaps tomorrow.
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June 3, 2017 at 2:58 PM
Now you'll be all ready for Bad Guys 2. Congratulations!!!
Isn't Ma dong seok great? Watch his youtube interview with David (all in english) on youtube, you'll have a good time, promise :)
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11 Johansen L.
June 3, 2017 at 3:46 PM
I loved your writing since Mirae's choice (Ironic, I know, and went back and read many of your recaps a few years ago). You could say I'm a gummimochi expert... which is why I've noticed...
Is there a special reason why a lot of the dramas you recapped like Sirius, Full Sun, Incarnation of Money, Full House 2 are not included in the Master List of recaps? Those are the only from the ones I remember... and there's probably more. My first thought was that you didn't like them so you excluded them from the list, but then, Operation Proposal isn't in the Master List either, and you just said you were fond of it... Just curious as to the reason for their exclusion. Or didn't you like your writing from back then?
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12 ST
June 3, 2017 at 3:48 PM
Yay for Heartless City!
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13 michykdrama
June 3, 2017 at 4:02 PM
Omo! Kenshin Himura! Samurai X! Though from your replies I realise you watched the live action movie rather than the anime, which is opposite for me, because I haven't watched the movie yet, for fear of it not living up to my insanely high expectations. Kenshin was my first manga/anime crush in high school ?
I should find the time to watch the movies, but like you, who has the time?
I also used to be a cross stitch fiend in my younger days (my mom got me into it) and I love the idea that one could be done of Kenshin and co! Because last time it used to just be flowers, letters, pastel baby drawings I did (her attempt to make me a girly-girl), and this is so much cooler!
Thank you for sharing! I'm loving these posts!
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June 4, 2017 at 12:02 AM
The movie adaptation is awesome! I assure you, you won't be disappointed.
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June 5, 2017 at 5:06 PM
yes, takeru satoh <3
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June 5, 2017 at 2:36 AM
Kenshiiiinnn! Yes, the live adaptation is awesome, they're one of my fave movies of all time! I never watched the anime, only the live one but friends who are fans of the anime also said the same thing :)
I have a MAJOR crush on Kenshin the character (and Takeru Satoh by extension) because of it ♥ The fight scenes were just breath-taking
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14 kiara
June 3, 2017 at 4:08 PM
Bae Yong Joon is mom's crush ever since she watched him Winter Sonata. If he ever return to acting she will die of happiness.
I haven't told her that he got married yet.
Agree with you on Lee Jun-ki being the energizer bunny and his love for his fans. He'd go out of his way to please them.
I'll always remember gummi for her cute dimples!
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15 gokovi
June 3, 2017 at 4:45 PM
"Honestly, almost any drama with flawed heroes, formidable villains, and good storytelling will be up my alley. That can be a great crime procedural, a mystifying psychological thriller, an epic sageuk, or a good ol’ romantic comedy."
Any good recommendation for the romantic comedy with the elements listed?
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16 rentenmann
June 3, 2017 at 5:35 PM
Nice to "meet" you, gummimochi!
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17 merry
June 3, 2017 at 6:29 PM
Hi, gummi. Cross stitch for a hobby, hmm. I'm thinking of taking up one. Can't kdrama watching count as one? haha. What can i combine it with if i am watching the subtitles as well?
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bbstl 🧹
June 4, 2017 at 1:14 PM
"Korean Culture" is your hobby. Trust me, you know more than you think and plenty enough to answer questions no one else can answer at Trivia Nights ? ?
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18 meowingme
June 3, 2017 at 6:46 PM
My days of watching Running Man wasn't complete until I read your recap then, thank you so much for your long time dedication!
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19 growingbeautifully
June 3, 2017 at 6:56 PM
Nice to meet you gummimochi! It's always a pleasure reading you. I like your list of kinds of shows... "any drama with flawed heroes, formidable villains, and good storytelling will be up my alley. That can be a great crime procedural, a mystifying psychological thriller, an epic sageuk, or a good ol’ romantic comedy." - the same for me, actually, except I don't really go for sageuk.
Thanks for promptly recapping and sharing your feels with us! Cheers and all the best! ?
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20 junichyung
June 3, 2017 at 7:20 PM
You know, Gummi, it's because of you that I've found my ultimate favorite Kpop group which is BEAST (and now, Highlight, heh).
I remember how I randomly clicked your first ep recap for Monstar. Based on your review, I tried to watch the show and voila, I've been in love with Yong Junhyung since then and eventually with the whole group as well.
I can't imagine myself becoming a Kpop fan at the time but because of your awesome Monstar recaps, I've found a group that I can stan forever. LOL. Thank you so much, Gummi!
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June 3, 2017 at 7:53 PM
Oh my gosh, that's totally my story too! I was a casual kdrama watcher at best and not into kpop at all. Mostly I watched a couple episodes of dramas and if I was interested I'd come to Dramabeans and read all the recaps instead of slogging through actually watching. But gummi's recaps of Monstar drew me in, and after I read ep. 5 recap, I started watching, and now I'm obsessed with Beast/Highlight and kdrama in general. I've lost thousands of hours but regret none of it. You're the best, gummimochi! I'll join you in the corner with a paper bag when Kang Haneul comes around. ?
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June 5, 2017 at 12:16 AM
OMG! Yoon Seol Chan is the real culprit behind our Kpop madness.
I'm just really glad that Yong Junhyung introduced me to BEAST. They are just amazing people full of passion and dedication with their craft.
Btw, I'm loving their new releases. I love Sleep Tight so much. :)
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June 3, 2017 at 10:02 PM
AHHH A FELLOW HIGHLIGHT FAN! (HUGS) Yong Jun-hyung is everything.
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June 5, 2017 at 12:05 AM
Yoon Seol Chan is everything.
Gosh, I miss him as an actor. How I wish that he will comeback in dramaland someday.
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June 4, 2017 at 11:23 AM
Omg this is also my story. I've been a highlight bbasoonie thanks to the recaps... so happy to see that there are other highlight fans in here!!! The fandom is not as vocal as others so I'm always delighted when I know there are others who love these guys ^^
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June 5, 2017 at 12:13 AM
Nice meeting you, my fellow Light! :)
I'm so happy everytime I meet Highlight fans here in Dramabeans. And the fact that we both started to be a fan because of Monstar, gosh, it makes me feel glad as well.
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June 5, 2017 at 12:26 AM
Not a Light myself (has the fandom name been decided then?) but I have been loving them since their latest "debut" and have basically been catching any and everything that they are coming out with!
They are such a perfect bunch of hard-working, funny, talented weirdos :P
I am currently loving all the ajhussi jokes, their variety appearances (Weekly idol was the best) and the many different versions of "Please don't be sad" (did you watch the mannequin version- it is awesome) :D
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June 5, 2017 at 8:05 PM
It's official. The fandom is Light.
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June 6, 2017 at 10:50 PM
Woah! I noticed this way too late!
Light for the win! :)
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21 loveblossom🌸
June 3, 2017 at 7:42 PM
*googles cross stitching* My gawd, that looks familiar~! I think I did a little bit of that in my childhood. Only simple flowers or something. LOL
I would love to meet Lee Jun Ki too. ❤️❤️❤️
Yayyy Jung Shi Hyun! I recognized his name before you mentioned Heartless City! I wish I could go rewatch it sometimes. And see Yoon Hyun Min too. ^^ But too many current dramas. XP
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22 hamlukan
June 3, 2017 at 7:58 PM
I think the first recap I've read of yours was probably Hanakimi... the drama wasn't good, but I've loved your recaps for it. lol.
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23 sorim
June 3, 2017 at 8:09 PM
Hi @gummimochi!! I'm so excited to hear that your favorite drama is Heartless City! I LOVED it!! Such a good drama ?
I was into cross stitching when I was younger. I loved how satisfying it was to see the full picture emerge as you stitch. Didn't really continue or pick it up again though ?
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24 kayak
June 3, 2017 at 8:36 PM
Nice to meet you gummimochi!
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25 alert
June 3, 2017 at 8:41 PM
You had me at cross-stitching!!
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