[Staff Spotlight] Get to know dramallama
by dramallama
Explain your username (and/or avatar if you wish).
Llamas are very friendly and curious animals, much like me. But when they are bothered or provoked, their fights can be very dramatic and I, too, will spit, wrestle, and kick to fight my way up the social ladder of my herd. Just kidding. Although llama fights do vaguely resemble drama fights, I simply chose my username because “llama” rhymes with “drama.”
What is the first drama that you watched (or the first drama that made an impression)?
Since my grandma was a big fan of dramas, there was always some drama playing in the background throughout my childhood. But the first one that left an impression was Autumn Fairy Tale. It had multiple elements and tropes that would rarely be combined into a single drama today—birth secrets, terminal illness, and an angsty and gorgeous second lead in Won Bin—so it was basically a drama on steroids. I remember finding only the last three episodes on videocassettes and watching them over and over and over. I was hooked.
Tell us about job or two that you’ve had in the past.
I’ve done some research in science, and the one project that gets the most alarming responses is an experiment measuring the behavioral effects of cocaine on rats. It’s yet the cruelest thing I’ve ever done in my life.
What’s your favorite drama that you recapped?
Misaeng. Having no prior knowledge about the webtoon, I had no expectations for the show, and initially, I don’t think the drama had much of an audience outside of its cult following. So it was incredible to experience the growth in popularity through the recaps, and it was rewarding for me to grow attached to a show that I wasn’t expecting to relate to and love so much.
What drama genres do you especially like?
Rom-coms and any crime show—dark, procedural, or comedic.
What drama genres do you especially dislike?
I try to avoid kimchi-slap/plastic-surgery-double-identity/birth-secret makjangs and dramas longer than 30 episodes. Long-term commitment scares me.
Is there a drama character you’ve ever strongly identified with, and why?
Go Hyun-jung’s character in Dear My Friends. She wasn’t always likable, but she was so relatable in an uncanny way. The painful grudges that tainted the love between mother and daughter were far more violent than what I’ve experienced with my mom, but during the show’s run, my mom would call me and imply that her character was similar to me. Yikes. I could emotionally empathize with the character, but I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. On a lighter note, I did also relate to Park Shin-hye’s hermit character in Flower Boy Next Door. It’s nice to imagine myself as Go Dok-mi, knowing that my Enrique will one day coax me out of my shell in his panda suit.
What drama character would you want to be?
I dream of being Park Min-young’s character in Healer because she’s spunky, spontaneous, and fearless. Oh, and that night-errand boy the drama is named after. If he’s not a part of the package, I want a refund.
What was your major in school?
Neuroscience, public health.
What’s a random skill you have?
Volleyball. I still love playing pick-up games whenever I can, since it makes me feel alive and functional. Plus, it gets me out of the house.
Favorite non-Korean movie and/or TV show?
Criminal Minds, Scrubs, Community, and, more recently, Jane the Virgin with its cheeky telenovela tone, which makes me hopeful for better cultural blending of Korean/American TV.
Which Hallyu celebrity would you actually want to meet and spend an hour with?
Rain. He’s a jack of all trades and arguably a master of all of them, and I want to have a real unfiltered conversation about everything he’s ever done and what he’s learned. I imagine that he’d have some good life advice, but I’d probably miss most of it because of how starstruck I would be. It’s not every day that you’re graced by the presence of a legend.
Which of the 7 deadly sins would be your undoing? (Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, or sloth.)
Gluttony. The universe blessed me with zero food allergies, and I interpreted that as a mission to eat everything. The third circle of hell is for future me to deal with.
Your favorite drama has an unholy alliance with your most hated drama and produces a mutant baby drama. Describe the plot.
A poor high school girl meets a super-rich guy in Canada. Turns out, they both go the same school full of rich and elite chaebol heirs. The rich dude likes her, so as a romantic gesture, he asks her to pull out the enchanted sword in his chest. But she’s distracted by the dude’s frenemy in the ugly black hat because he gives her tea that erases her memory. Angsty and sad times ensue, but they are all reincarnated as the same people who are still rich and can get everything they want. Except for the poor girl. She is always poor.
Tags: Staff Spotlight
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1 daydee
June 6, 2017 at 10:12 AM
Nice to meet you dramallama!
I have been blessed with many allergies, which I interpreted to mean to eat healthy :)
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frabbycrabsis loves KBS Drama Specials
June 6, 2017 at 12:32 PM
I wish I had no allergies. I'm psychologically afraid of trying new food.
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June 6, 2017 at 11:52 PM
I feel you!
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2 nanabot
June 6, 2017 at 10:13 AM
Hi there drama llama! Thanks for the little peek into your brain!
Um, I'm wondering is the unholy alliance of dramas for you "Heirs" and "Goblin".
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June 6, 2017 at 10:24 AM
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June 6, 2017 at 10:38 AM
It's either Heirs or BOF.
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June 6, 2017 at 10:34 AM
I had the same idea on the mutant drama LOL. If this were a real drama it could be the next Twlight/high-school fantasy hit, who knows?
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June 6, 2017 at 2:32 PM
you got it! :)
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June 6, 2017 at 6:23 PM
"Except for the poor girl. She's always poor." Lol
That alluring 1% and their candy opposites. Wealth disparity is such a glaring part of dramaland. Now I want to see a #OccupyKDramas movement.
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3 lazielizard
June 6, 2017 at 10:15 AM
Ah. This has got to be my favorite series of posts. Love getting to know a little bit more about all of you. ?
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4 🍙 kimbap noona
June 6, 2017 at 10:19 AM
I never knew the reason why I am such a glutton is because I don't have zero food allergies! My life just became a lot less confusing. Thank you Dramallama!
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🍙 kimbap noona
June 6, 2017 at 10:21 AM
*I have zero
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June 6, 2017 at 10:22 AM
That was a light bulb moment for me too hahaha
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June 6, 2017 at 10:32 AM
Yes!!!! I was thinking how blessed I am not to have any allergies!!!! Gluttony!! You and me both!!!!
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🍙 kimbap noona
June 6, 2017 at 10:44 AM
Hahaha, another thing I need to blame my parents for passing on the anti-food-allergy genes to me: "YOU made your daughter a glutton without her consent. YOU did!"
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June 6, 2017 at 2:33 PM
haha, you're welcome!
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Lord Cobol (Kdramas, like water, flow downhill)
June 6, 2017 at 10:16 PM
Silly me. I have some food allergies, and I still manage to eat too much.
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5 whoopeeyoo
June 6, 2017 at 10:20 AM
Autumn Fairytale is also one of my first kdramas and YES to angsty Won Bin.
Your mutant drama gave me hives just imagining it HAHAHA
And can I also be Park Min-young in Healer but only if it's the complete package too.
STEM people represent! That is so cool, that you studied neuroscience! I'm a mol bio graduate student right now and my work is in genomics so not much wet lab. Hihi /sorry for the nerdiness HIHI
Nice to get to know you more, @dramallama!
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Chanelboy loves Jang Ki Young Argh
June 6, 2017 at 9:16 PM
Autumn Love (I called it Endless Love) is my very first kdrama too! haha.
WON BIN made me a pervert 12 y.o girl.
I know what is love learn from how he smashes the wall, push the girl to the corner, and yell how much he can buy her with money. sexy. Lmao.
WON BIN is the FAULT i'm into misogynist & intrusive type of love.. oh dear..
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June 6, 2017 at 10:33 PM
Yes you were so right.
The type of love pursuing we mostly get hooked in kdrama in our teenage are types like Wonbin, or Gyu Chun Pyo from BOF. I used to idolize the girl lead for having some boys "love/need" her that much. And after a while into kdramas, I evolve. Thus I can not rewatch them at all!
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Chanelboy loves Jang Ki Young Argh
June 7, 2017 at 2:31 AM
@bogoshipda HAHA, we are so called misogynist gfriends, officially.
princess syndrome for us. It aint good tho, heck I always put guy on "korean-style pedestal". kkk
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June 7, 2017 at 11:41 PM
@chanelboy @bogoshipda I KNOW. Maybe it's because I was too young back then and very impressionable but I thought ~alpha~ and hot-tempered-bordering-on-abusive heroes were the bomb (do kids still say that?).
Now I know better. We know better. And while I don't regret watching Autumn Fairytale/Endless Love/Autumn Love and lusting after (I ADMITTED IT) Won Bin, and all the other melodrama angstfest I saw that cemented my kdrama addiction early on, I can't rewatch them too because I know I'll hate or nitpick them. Haha!
June 6, 2017 at 11:20 PM
Autumn Fairy Tale brought me to dramaland..never regretting, ah maybe some dramas i watched
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June 7, 2017 at 10:52 PM
Looking back at the first kdramas I've seen, ohmygod, the angstfest they were. But I could never hate/regret them because I needed to start somewhere, right? But yes, @wakimary, I do regret some others that I've seen, when I supposedly knew better but couldn't quit HAHAHA
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6 imbuk
June 6, 2017 at 10:22 AM
Ha ha.. the mutant drama, "except for the poor ģirl. She is always poor", lol. :D
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June 6, 2017 at 10:33 AM
And you majored in neuroscience? That's so cool! I had a hard time with bio in school.
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7 kdramaskimchi
June 6, 2017 at 10:24 AM
haha @dramallama its nice to know that you watch jane the virgin..that show reminds me of all the telenovelas my mom made me watch.
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June 6, 2017 at 5:04 PM
I love Jane the Virgin! I was never forced to watch telenovelas growing up, but my grandfather used to watch them, so they were often on when we went to my grandparents' house :)
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June 7, 2017 at 7:53 AM
Jane the Virgin is my favorite currently-airing show! ?
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8 WishfulToki
June 6, 2017 at 10:33 AM
I am really sad I missed the Misaeng recaps and discussion as I only watched it recently. Better late than never I guess.
Ah yes, what we wouldn't give to have Enrique in a panda suit enter our lives? Maybe that's why I'm so glad to see him again in the The Best Hit, which I watch curled up with my teddy bear and grinning like crazy (I had to cover his eyes when the poor white bear lost its head though).
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9 Playstore, Okay Or Not Okay
June 6, 2017 at 10:34 AM
The Dokkebi And Heirs' mutant baby drama would be one thing that I would love to avoid till my last breath. Thanks by the way for adding another horrible nightmare
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10 kiara
June 6, 2017 at 10:37 AM
llama reminds me of "Napoleon Dynamite." I think her name was Tina. Hilarious show.
I don't think I've ever thank you girls for recapping Misaeng. I went drama free for almost half a year and when I got back, "Misaeng" and "Heard it through the Grapevine" were the two dramas that I marathoned and loved. The recaps helped a lot because I had no one to talk to about it so big thank you!
Love Criminal Minds! Looking forward to the Korean version.
It's been fun getting to know you girls <3.
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June 6, 2017 at 12:23 PM
Lol, I LOVE Napoleon Dynamite! And yes, his llama's name WAS Tina. He was hilariously mean to it though, calling her a "fat lard" and telling her to "EAT the FOOD!!!" Lawl. That's such a classic movie with literally every line being so damn quotable.
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June 7, 2017 at 8:03 AM
Napoleon Dynamite!!!! I love that movie. I still have a Vote for Pedro button on my bag, and it makes me so excited when people get the reference. If they don't, it at least allows me a chance to push them to watch the movie!
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11 wilson
June 6, 2017 at 10:38 AM
@dramallama HA! love your unholy alliance - so is Goblin your favorite or most hated???
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🍙 kimbap noona
June 6, 2017 at 10:47 AM
Haha, same for me! I have such mixed feelings toward both dramas that I am not sure which is the favorite and which is the most hated....perhaps there is something intriguing about that premise since it is a mutant drama?
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June 6, 2017 at 12:24 PM
It's gotta be a favorite!
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12 Johansen L.
June 6, 2017 at 10:49 AM
Why do all recappers have one thing in common so far... I think they all said they're somewhat folded within their shells. Are they all introverted in real life? :")
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June 6, 2017 at 11:01 AM
For some reason i feel the majority of the DB community are introverted irl haha
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June 6, 2017 at 1:30 PM
Agreed. Or ambiverts. Or social introverts.
Extroverts don't normally have patience with super long recaps or have so much of conflicting thoughts and analysis about fictional characters on why they do what they do.
I act weird and the automatic question from my best friend would be after rolling her eyes - 'who did what now?' And she would be shocked if I mention real people names, lol.
She is hardwired to expect a response on fictional characters. ?
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June 6, 2017 at 10:38 PM
Agreed! Dont want to make stereotypes but I guess most extroverts busy hanging out after works or Sundays, not having time to watch/binge watch dramas nor reading recaps nor expressing deep thoughts on dramas on a regular basis like we did...
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13 jillian
June 6, 2017 at 10:56 AM
Goblin and Heirs. ? i think i got it right.
I too love Criminal Minds. Nice knowing more about you guys.
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June 6, 2017 at 12:27 PM
I see "Canada" and I think Goblin! Even though I admit to remembering having a lot of fun watching Heirs, seeing how a lot of Beanies groan at the sight of it, I'm gonna guess it's Heirs, too!
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Ek Ladhki Thi
June 6, 2017 at 1:36 PM
It's probably Heirs which is funny considering both dramas are by the same writer. Oh, and how nice to meet someone else who enjoyed watching Heirs.
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June 6, 2017 at 9:10 PM
Yeah, I didn't realize that at first! That's funny. And haha, nice to meet you, too! ?
It's been awhile, but I remember enjoying watching it at the time. Now, I might think differently if I were to re-watch it, but I'll let you know when that happens.
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June 6, 2017 at 3:44 PM
Me too. Canada = Goblin. ?
I was ok with Heirs at the beginning. Then it just went off the rails for me.
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June 6, 2017 at 9:15 PM
Yeah, it's hard not to connect the two now! I'm dying to travel to Quebec and visit all the drama's filming sites!
Y'know what, I might feel the same way if I were to re-watch it, but I just remember thoroughly enjoying it because it was kinda a fun roller coaster ride, so... ??♀️?
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June 6, 2017 at 9:44 PM
i enjoyed watching heirs too minus the wrist grabs and kissing the girl to prevent her from answering a call from the other guy.
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14 I Quit
June 6, 2017 at 10:59 AM
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15 kayedrama
June 6, 2017 at 11:10 AM
Goblin and Heirs! hahaha from the same writer though
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June 6, 2017 at 12:46 PM
Oh shoot, u rite.
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16 korfan
June 6, 2017 at 11:54 AM
Thanks for sharing some details about yourself, dramallama!
Yay! for having an interest in science! ? Unfortunately, we don't hear this often enough.
Finally, thank you for your recaps. And you're right, if you're to enter any Healer-type of situation, the night-errand guy must be included!
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June 6, 2017 at 2:38 PM
YES SCIENCE! #factsmatter
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Cesta B
June 6, 2017 at 2:52 PM
*paris agreement* cough *
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17 Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
June 6, 2017 at 11:56 AM
So your unholy alliance drama is basically "Goblin" and every other chaebol high school drama there is (although, I'm sensing "Heirs") ? HAHAHAHA
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June 6, 2017 at 12:44 PM
If it is Heirs, then funny enough most loved and most hated are both from the same writer!
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18 Oppyjcw
June 6, 2017 at 12:00 PM
Yeah, if there is any kdrama character I did like to be it will be char young shin, lover her so much, of course I would really love to have my own healer, it wouldn't be complete without him
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19 muymuy
June 6, 2017 at 12:26 PM
What drama character would you want to be?
I dream of being Park Min-young’s character in Healer because she’s spunky, spontaneous, and fearless. Oh, and that night-errand boy the drama is named after. If he’s not a part of the package, I want a refund.
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20 odilettante
June 6, 2017 at 12:59 PM
Yesssssssss, my Misaeng buddy! *fistbump*
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June 6, 2017 at 2:38 PM
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21 divyrus
June 6, 2017 at 1:32 PM
Everybody's mutant baby drama is fun ! ?
I wish we can have a vote on the most crackiest drama we wanna see written and have the staff write a fan fiction on it for kicks ?
It doesn't have to be a story, just an elaborate synopsis and can build on it weekly. Anyone can contribute! ? can't imagine how hilarious it will turn out!
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Ek Ladhki Thi
June 6, 2017 at 1:37 PM
This comment is very upworthy and I shall upvote it. It would be fun to see what everyone's writing styles and favourite themes and tropes are.
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June 6, 2017 at 2:33 PM
That sounds like an amazing idea! I say you submit it to Javabeans and Girlfriday. You never know! I can imagine as everyone contributes to it on a weekly basis it just gets crackier and crackier. Bonus if images are incorporated too.
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June 7, 2017 at 8:09 AM
I love this idea! I think there was a fellow beanie who used to add Vampire Idol extras in their comments for other recaps. I think that would be hilarious to see something like that again!
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22 kayak
June 6, 2017 at 2:06 PM
"Except for the poor girl. She is always poor."
LOL! And nice to meet you dramallama!
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23 merisoo
June 6, 2017 at 2:30 PM
Oh, my goodness. That mutant drama mash-up sounds horrid :o. I'm also a huge fan of Criminal Minds and Jane the Virgin is one of the best American shows on the air right now. A lot of the feelings I get while watching it reminded me of how I feel when I watch k-dramas. Just so giddy and happy to be witnessing good television.
I'm also a STEM major! Whoop! Science girls represent!
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24 junny
June 6, 2017 at 2:40 PM
Llamas are adorable, and I love your avatar! Are you still doing research work or perhaps a practising doctor or something?
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25 kakakash
June 6, 2017 at 2:49 PM
LOL! dramallama are your mutant baby drama's parents Heirs and Legend of fhe Blue Sea??
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June 6, 2017 at 2:51 PM
Read comment above that its Heirs and Goblin lol
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