[Staff Spotlight] Get to know awcoconuts
by awcoconuts
Explain your username (and/or avatar).
Despite my fruity username, I don’t have a particular affinity for coconuts. At the time I joined I was scrambling for a handle and my munchkins had been into Jake and the Never Land Pirates. In the show, the phrase “Aw, coconuts!” is sort of like the preschooler’s equivalent of “gosh darnit!”
What is the first drama that you watched (or the first drama that made an impression)?
Episodes of Our Paradise (1990), Tomorrow’s Love (1992) and Jealousy (1992) piqued my interest, and by the mid-1990s, the addiction was full-blown.
Tell us about a job or two that you’ve had in the past.
My first job was as a server at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant.
Have you ever lived a moment that you thought belonged in a drama?
I visited Korea after graduating from college and had hoped to casually run into an ex. We had remained on good terms but had lost touch, and I could have contacted him through mutual friends, but I wanted to see if our paths would cross without any unnatural effort on my part (testing the Korean concept of inyeon, so to speak). Sure enough, about a week into my nearly three-week stay, we bumped into each other at a shopping center. The encounter served to reignite our friendship, and we hung out a few more times during my visit. I still marvel that amidst ten million people in Seoul, our paths somehow crossed unplanned—and I’m a firm believer of inyeon!
What’s your favorite drama that you recapped?
I’ve only ever done two recaps, so that makes this answer easy. If I had to pick a favorite news post, it might be this one, although that’s largely due to the genius displayed by javabeans and girlfriday in picking just the right cover photo!
What drama genres do you especially like?
I’m willing to try most genres (except for the paranormally spooky—I like to sleep at night!). Like all of us, I’m drawn to compelling writing, directing and acting.
What drama genres do you especially dislike?
Horror and melodrama.
Is there a drama character you’ve ever strongly identified with, and why?
Kang-ja in Angry Mom. Don’t mess with my kiddos!
What drama character would you want to be?
Do Bong-soon, so that I could protect my family and friends.
What was your major in school?
Journalism & Communications
Favorite non-Korean movie and/or TV show?
Amelie, Chuck
Which Hallyu celebrity would you actually want to meet and spend an hour with?
Yoo Jae-suk. He’s gotten so good at what he does and I feel like it would be an hour of laughs, but with life lessons thrown in.
Which of the 7 deadly sins would be your undoing? (Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, or sloth.)
Gluttony—I love to eeeeaaat!
Your favorite drama has an unholy alliance with your most hated drama and produces a mutant baby drama. Describe the plot.
Families who live on the same street become intertwined in each others’ lives. As they enter adulthood, two of the boys in the neighborhood fall in love with the same girl next door, who gets into a car accident and ends up in a coma. In her comatose state, her soul is told to obtain tears from three people who aren’t family members who genuinely loved her. Despite the noble idiocy of one of her suitors who never reveals his true feelings, this task is easily achieved. She wakes up from her coma to run into the arms of the wrong guy, only to die six days later.
Tags: Staff Spotlight
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1 blueribbon
June 8, 2017 at 6:18 AM
Nice to meet you awcoconuts :). I will guess that your unholy alliance is "49 days" and Reply 1988.
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2 growingbeautifully
June 8, 2017 at 6:26 AM
LOL! awcoconuts, I really love your mutant baby drama. Reply 1988 and 49 Days, I guess?
And Wow! with Inyeon... so all those coincidences and chance meetings are so actually possible, but maybe mainly in S Korea? ?
I see you're a Healer and 'Ahjumma' fan as well. *fist bump* and I do so love Goblin as well.
It's nice 'meeting' you. I look forward to reading more of you! ?
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June 8, 2017 at 1:39 PM
How did you catch she was a healer fan?
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June 8, 2017 at 3:59 PM
maybe her profile?
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June 8, 2017 at 1:43 PM
Ajumma fans unite! :) *fist bump*
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June 9, 2017 at 11:05 AM
Is there an Ajumma reference? Did I miss it?
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3 dreamer620
June 8, 2017 at 6:26 AM
Is the unholy alliance between reply 1988 and 49 days? ?????
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4 I Quit
June 8, 2017 at 6:54 AM
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June 8, 2017 at 7:09 AM
Sometimes, the ending of a show will kill any and all former appreciation you had for it. ;) See:
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Trinity 🍆
June 8, 2017 at 9:18 AM
Too true. I was absolutely loving A Love To Kill, until the ending. Ruined the whole drama for me. (I'm surprised it wasn't on the list)
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June 8, 2017 at 11:50 AM
I agree! One of the worst offenders for WTF endings is High Kick! 2. I usually hate spoilers, but I'm eternally grateful to the Beanies who spoiled the HK!2 ending for me, allowing me to avoid it and create a much happier ending in my head. If I had seen it, I'm sure it would've ruined the whole experience for me.
(Seriously though, what were they thinking? How could they give us 125 eps. of a sit-com, and then give us that ending?)
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June 9, 2017 at 9:54 PM
Oh dear.. I forgot about HK2 ending... that one is the worst because it was so incongruous with the entire series. It's a sitcom for pete's sake!
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June 8, 2017 at 9:46 AM
Agreed! I remember thoroughly enjoying that drama from beginning to... near end!
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June 8, 2017 at 3:34 PM
Exactly. The ending is unforgivable imo. It hurt the worst because it was so good until then.
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June 8, 2017 at 7:38 PM
I'm probably one of the few who really liked the ending. It's the main reason why I love 49 days. I was satisfied with it. But then again, I love tragic endings.
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5 murasakimi
June 8, 2017 at 7:01 AM
@awcoconuts Do Bong-soon!! <3 That's the sweetest answer ever!
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June 8, 2017 at 7:09 AM
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6 Midnight
June 8, 2017 at 7:05 AM
HAHAHAHA Best mutant baby drama so far!??
Cutest username explaination! Loved it.
Marvelous drama moment!
I can't watch horror at all.
Ditto on don't mess with my kids and family. ?
Very nice to meet you Awcoconuts. ?
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7 awcoconuts
June 8, 2017 at 7:07 AM
Nice to meet all of you!
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8 giocare 🌻💛
June 8, 2017 at 7:10 AM
Same girl same!!! Was 49 days really that bad?
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June 8, 2017 at 9:48 AM
I don't think so, no. It's been awhile, but I remembered liking it a lot–for the most part.
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June 8, 2017 at 12:30 PM
Was 49 days really that bad?
It wasn't that bad... some things are worth the pain. And by "some things", I meant Scheduler.
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June 8, 2017 at 1:47 PM
Truth. I tolerated the ending of Surplus Princess because of your Rim Oppar:
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June 9, 2017 at 11:26 PM
Personally, because I was warned beforehand, I didn't think the ending of Surplus was that bad.
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June 8, 2017 at 3:55 PM
The problem was that 49 days was pretty good up until the last episode...
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June 8, 2017 at 8:35 PM
49 Days was good but not perfect. Kang and the Scheduler were the ones I would cherish from that drama. The ending though...depends on your preference.
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9 blnmom
June 8, 2017 at 7:16 AM
I feel like I've seen that mutant drama...
I love Chuck! Why can't they bring that one back on Netflix?
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10 Jazz
June 8, 2017 at 7:21 AM
Which dramas has she recapped?
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June 8, 2017 at 4:12 PM
Sly and single again with Lee Min Jung episode 1 & 3
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June 9, 2017 at 11:09 AM
Oh, I loved those S&SA recaps. Nice to meet you, Awcoconuts.
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11 ohhaeyoung
June 8, 2017 at 8:16 AM
These questions in this Get to Know series are so fun!
I love your drama moment btw, of course that would happen in Seoul...it is such a romantic city! ;)
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12 teacup
June 8, 2017 at 9:35 AM
I see you're a fierce mama. I can just see it like Mama Oh hae-young. I'm guessing that's what your avatar is about, mama with her little munckins. It's a pleasure to meet you, awcoconuts.
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June 10, 2017 at 10:19 AM
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13 imbuk
June 8, 2017 at 9:41 AM
Hi, awcoconuts! Long time, no see (read)! I was wondering what happened to your news bites a few days back and bam! Now you are here in staff spotlight. :)
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14 chingu
June 8, 2017 at 9:45 AM
Very cool that you actually crossed paths with your ex. A strong believer, you are! I always admire people that manage to be on good terms and even stay friends with their exes, so I'm glad you guys even hung out!
Oh man, assuming your mutant baby drama is the product of Reply '88 and 49 Days, I wonder which one is your most loved and most hated. I have another hunch, but I just can't imagine it because both are just so good!
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15 chingu
June 8, 2017 at 9:50 AM
Lol @ She wakes up from her coma to run into the arms of the wrong guy, only to die six days later. I'd totally flip a table if this happened in a show I was watching.
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16 DramaNinja
June 8, 2017 at 9:56 AM
Hii @awcoconuts! Nice to meet you.
I just love tendercoconuts, it's a favourite of mine.
Also have you heard the Coconut Song by Smokey Mountain, strangely addicting. ?
Your mutant drama is by far the craziest! ✌
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17 jillian
June 8, 2017 at 11:13 AM
First thing I checked is your mutant baby drama...Reply 1988 and 49 Days. ?
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18 korfan
June 8, 2017 at 11:18 AM
Certainly an interesting life drama moment!
It's nice to know a little bit more about you awcoconuts. Thanks for sharing.
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19 Martin J Simwaba
June 8, 2017 at 11:35 AM
Whoa! How unlucky she was to run into wrong hands and die after six days.
Hi @awcoconuts, how are you? Good to meet you.
Your mutant baby drama has left me wondering, who wins?
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20 Ally
June 8, 2017 at 11:56 AM
I think you're me. But at the end of your mutant drama, she gets reincarnated and she and her true love meet *inyeon* in a shopping mall where he has thrown off his noble idiocy cloak and they live happily ever after!
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21 LollyPip
June 8, 2017 at 12:26 PM
Awww, as much as you love to eat, and you still shared your jjajangmyun with me! **heart eyes**
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June 8, 2017 at 1:45 PM
Good food is nothing without good company! <3 I'm still mourning the shrimp--LOL!
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June 8, 2017 at 2:24 PM
LOL, me too! That shrimp was so good. OMG and I actually had a dream about that tiramisu coffee...
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22 risa
June 8, 2017 at 12:29 PM
I thought "awcoconuts" was a cute username, but "Aw, coconuts!" is even cuter. I'll change my inflection from now on.
I've had some trippy experiences of running into people I know while traveling abroad, including a time I sat down on a train next to a woman who had her back to me, sleeping-- when she woke up, I was shocked to discover that she was one of my university sunbaes (our university was on a different continent). I think it's interesting that you willed your encounter with your ex to happen.
IMO, you have excellent taste-- I'm also a fan of Amelie and Chuck, a huge fan of Reply 1988 and of empowered mama bears, and most definitely not a fan of 49 Days' ending. It's great to get to know you a little!
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23 swoosiederkins
June 8, 2017 at 1:16 PM
When I would see those moments in dramas where the characters would meet coincidentally, I would always roll my eyes and think, "Seriously, writer? What are the chances?" I used to think that until I went to Korea and it happened to me, too. LOL!
Thanks for sharing!
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24 Klike234
June 8, 2017 at 1:42 PM
your mutant baby is Awesome!! Lol
It seems like jealousy really did it a good job. It got JavaBeans, girlfriday and you hooked on dramas. Hmm I wonder how good it was....
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25 elvira
June 8, 2017 at 2:36 PM
Love the badass mom that is Jo Kang ja/Bang wool tomato, she slaaaaaays.
I still reading fanfic of her till this day: Jo Kang ja/Go Bok dong ;-)
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