Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

Oh my goodness, so many new shows to sample, so many old shows to keep up with, so many tired nights of binge-watching episodes lest I fall behind at the starting line. I’m in the throes of a happy but exhausting first-world problem, because I’m actually liking so many of the current and new shows (and am acutely aware of several more on the horizon) that I’m honestly not sure how I’m going to keep up with them all. It’s a happy conundrum, but still a conundrum. –javabeans



Circle: Swoon. I’m in sci-fi nerd heaven. There’s so much here that gets me excited: the mystery connecting the two time periods, the whodunnit case, the false utopia with the sinister government putting “Care Chips” in people’s heads to keep them “safe,” the dystopian wasteland outside the Smart Earth, the brilliant performance by Yeo Jin-gu, rascally Kim Kang-woo… The show feels fresh and innovative—it’s not reinventing the wheel, but it’s bringing something new to dramaland, which excites me; what feelings of familiarity it did evoke were all positive ones. The future storyline reminds me of the Asimov stories I cut my science-fiction teeth on, with its vaguely Caves of Steel-like puzzle of how crime arises in a place where crime isn’t supposed to be possible. I am all in on this one.

Fight My Way: It’s refreshing to start off a drama with the eventual couple already completely at ease with each other, and Park Seo-joon and Kim Ji-won have a really lovely natural chemistry. Of course I’m looking forward to when they fall in love romantically, but I wouldn’t even mind taking a little time getting there, because I’m so touched by the way they love each other as friends and caretakers, and could watch that go on for a lot longer. I’m liking this one a lot.

Lookout: I’m digging the secret group of Lookouts, and I’m glad the show opened with that glimpse of Lee Shi-young as part of them because it was something to look forward to when they jumped back in time. It’s all necessary setup, of course, but since we know what’s to come, it felt like they were taking their sweet time with the backstory and I was antsy to get back to the present.

My Secret Romance: Wow, did this week suck or what? This show certainly went from sixty to zero quickly. (Or maybe more like thirty to zero.) I was prepared to deal with the show getting angstier since the needless separation is an inevitable development in romances like this, but the downturn was worse than I thought. The show has been cute and funny enough that I never minded the low-rent directing or the mediocre acting, but now it’s taking its melodrama too seriously and it’s cringes all around. The epilogues are getting bizarre, too, and the overly somber poetry recitations almost feel like SNL parodies, not emotional character moments. Normally I’d drop a show at this point, but we’ve only got one week left, so I may as well stick around to see the happy ending.

Ruler–Master of the Mask: Yoo Seung-ho is so good, but it’s starting to feel like he’s working on a different level from everyone else, and it can be a little jarring sometimes. On the whole I still enjoy the show, but I feel like this is a story full of convenient writing, and while I think the plot is interesting, I don’t find it exciting. Still watching for Yoo Seung-ho, though, because he’s just that good.

Suspicious Partner: I love this couple and all the ways in which they work together well. I also love the wistful touches that weave in and out of the show, in between and through moments of levity, sometimes catching me unawares with its unexpected droplets of insight. I love where the relationship is right now, with Ji-wook’s interest and caring for Bong-hee becoming more obvious, and him just on the verge of admitting it. Of course I’ll enjoy it when he finally does, but I want to bask in this stage, where every hint, every tiny gesture, elicits a little thrill of pleasure.

Man to Man: The mood lightened up again, and I was drawn back in accordingly. I don’t mean that I want this show to be flippant; it’s just that any attempt at earnestness tends to feel forced to me, so I much prefer it when it’s being fun. I do like how Do-ha’s now testing Seol-woo at every turn because she doesn’t trust him, and he quietly complies with everything she demands. It’s sweet in an understated way.

Father Is Strange: Can Dad please reveal the truth soon, so that I can enjoy Joong-hee getting a crush on his not-sister? I loved that he finally spoke up about how he felt to Dad, and how that led to his breakthrough acting moment, and how giddy-happy Mi-young was for him. I’d really like to appreciate their developing closeness without any misgivings—it doesn’t matter that I know, I need him to know!



Tunnel: Don’t leave me, Show. Why must you end? The internal conflict between wanting to know what happens and wanting it to go on forever is strong with this one. Damn my curiosity. Maybe if I lose the battle I’ll watch it again from the beginning just to live in denial a little longer.

Whisper: It ended. Justice was served. Karma prevailed. I just didn’t really care.

Mystery Queen: Wait, what? That’s how you’re going to end things? By NOT solving the one central overarching mystery that connects our two leads? They ended it like there’s already a Season 2 in the pipeline, except there isn’t (they’re obviously angling for a sequel, but what if they don’t get it??). What a weird and vague way to end an otherwise pleasant show. Blarg.

Fight My Way: I already love this couple. The heroine is so awesomely sassy, and the loyalty between the two friends melts my heart. Everything is so comfortable and mundane between them, and their petty, immature banter is the best—it feels real!

Circle: I’m still warming to this split-episode storytelling where the two timelines are told as separate parts. It’s jarring at first, and in the premiere I got mad that we weren’t with Yeo Jin-gu anymore and still had half an episode left to go. But now that the connecting threads are starting to show, I’m slowly becoming more invested in the two worlds; plus, the human experimentation in the future world is starting to creep me out in a good way.

Lookout: I think I’m going to like this a lot once Lee Shi-young joins the badass vigilante team. It feels like the story is still revving up, but until then, more Kim Seul-gi/Key bickering will keep me happy.

Suspicious Partner: I wish the killer were more interesting, but the romance is really what I’m here for, and these two are so surprisingly affectionate (yunno, for people in denial about their feelings). And now that jealousy has come into the picture, it’s going to be even funnier and swoonier.

Ruler–Master of the Mask: I’m disappointed in the measly amount of screentime our heroine is getting. Is it always going to be this difficult to get our leads in the same place at the same time? I object!



Ruler–Master of the Mask: I love this show. Yoo Seung-ho is putting in a masterful and emotional performance, but I’m actually surprised that I empathize with L’s character so well. We’ve seen the prince and pauper situation played out before, but the pauper has no earthly idea what he’s doing, and that pervasive fear that he feels at every moment feels so raw to me. Even in his hunched stature, his stuttering words, he embodies the idea of this poor boy thrust into a situation he can’t even begin to comprehend, but his love for the prince—his one true friend—is what brought him to this point. I actually find his story quite tragic, in a lovely sort of way.

Lookout: I’ve really made it a point to avoid Kim Young-kwang’s shows (excluding White Christmas), since he’s just never been the kind of actor I’m able to warm up to easily. None of that’s changed, since he’s basically playing a heightened version of the character he always tends to play (smarmy, kind of terrible), though I appreciate where the show is trying to go with him. But it was Suji who absolutely broke my heart this week, and I can’t wait for her to be inducted into the Cool Kids’ Surveillance Club.

Circle: I like it. Yeo Jin-gu is amazing in everything, and I really dig a show that’s trying to be something we’ve never quite seen before. It just so happens that Circle is a little bit of everything we’ve seen in sci-fi before (I’m getting Equilibrium vibes more than anything, but name any dystopian future movie and you won’t be too far off the mark), but it’s trying, and it just may pay off dividends. I’m all in either way, though I have no idea where it’s going just yet. And that’s probably the best part.

Whisper: I’m going to avoid the internet until I finish this.

Fight My Way: So cute and endearing. This has been a good year for charming little shows, hasn’t it?



Fight My Way: It’s light and cute, with relatable moments about the struggles of youth. I like our main couple’s bickering relationship, and I find them adorably dim about their budding feelings for each other. But the close friendship portrayed by Kim Ji-won and Park Seo-joon feels a little forced, and I found them more convincing in their brief intimate moments of vulnerability. From the first impressions, it seems like a fun ride, so I think I’ll stick around.

Suspicious Partner: This show is great. Ji Chang-wook’s bottled up rom-com potential has been freed in this show, and it’s amusing to watch the details in his facial expressions as he reacts to the spontaneity around him. Nam Ji-hyun is an adorable puppy in love, and I really like her in this role. I love how Bong-hee is the ray of sunshine to Ji-wook’s gloomy storm cloud, who’s becoming a jealous storm cloud raining on his ex-friend to keep the sunshine all to himself. Hehe.



Super Family 2017: I still love this show for all the reasons I’ve stated in weeks previously, but I want to give a special shout-out to Manager Choi, the most underrated character. He always seems to know what’s going on but doesn’t bother to make a big deal about it until it’s time to gently and subtly lay down some well-needed wisdom (that may or may not apply to something else entirely, too). He’s the sane center of our Doremi Sales Team, and a good mentor for Chun-il (even if Chun-il doesn’t always realize it).

Chicago Typewriter: I’m behind on everything and forcing myself to get caught up before I peek at any of the premieres (or I’ll never finish the shows I’ve started!), but it’s no hardship bingeing this one. Each episode gets better and better as we learn more about how the present connects to the past. I’ve loved Go Kyung-pyo since Flower Boy Next Door, and I’m thrilled he’s getting a chance to prove he’s good at more than just comedy. His sad-puppy ghost has made me tear up more than once, and the ending of Episode 12 made me clutch my heart. I’m desperate to see what happens next!



Currently recapping: Circle

Man to Man: Dropped. I just couldn’t get into the characters enough to finish. I realized that my emotional investment in the drama was nearly 0 after three weeks of watching, so I decided to browse some of the newer alternatives instead. It’s so unfortunate because I so wanted to love Park Hae-jin in this drama, after his amazing performances in both Cheese in the Trap (despite that ending fiasco) and Bad Guys.



Suspicious Partner: Crack drama, is that you? Have I finally found you? I was wary about starting another rom-com with a mysterious killer, but this show really knows how to balance out its tone. The couple is an absolute hoot together and I’m genuinely interested in seeing them catch this killer. I hate seeing poor Bong-hee still carrying all that blame. And Ji-wook… Oy. He is so unintentionally (unwillingly, even) swoony, it’s no wonder Bong-hee fell so hard for him.

Ruler–Master of the Mask: I wanted this to be my next crack drama, but after the first few episodes, I could feel that potential slipping through my fingers. It is good and the characters are good (loved that initial friendship between the prince, Lee Sun and Ga-eun), but I think my expectations were much too high and, unfortunately, weren’t met. I’ll keep watching to see where things go, though.

Drinking Solo: Finally decided to sit down and marathon this and I’m so happy I did. It was every bit as funny and poignant as everyone had described it, with an especially relatable performance from Park Ha-sun. As for her love interest, I think this was the first time in a long time that I completely loathed a male lead. I warmed up to him eventually, as I’d hoped I would, but he left a terrible impression in the first half of the drama. Every time he mentioned his aggravating obsession with “quality,” I just wanted to fast forward to the silly Noryangjin students. This was a fun watch overall, so I’d say my time was well spent.



Currently recapping: Mystery Queen

Man to Man: The dynamic between Seol-woo and Woon-kwang is seriously the bromance that keeps on giving, but the more serious aspects of the drama seem a bit confused. I appreciate Seol-woo’s subtle confessions, but I understand Do-ha’s frustration with him because he still hasn’t really given her a straight answer about anything. And I’m not sure what her plan is with this “lovers tactic” thing, because kisses are well and good, but at this point their relationship needs honesty, not more plots.

Father Is Strange: I was expecting Hye-young to give in to Jung-hwan, but was glad that she stayed firm on what she wanted. I’m also glad that he didn’t blame her for her decision, although I do think he was acting like a teenager by running away from his adult life (even if his mom totally deserved to stew in worry for a while). I’m happy to see Lee Yuri play such a strong, intelligent character who makes her own decisions and never lets anyone take advantage of her, even if she’s a total marshmallow on the inside. (Also, I covet everything in her wardrobe.) Now that Hye-young has proposed this new kind of contract marriage, I’m interested to see how it unfolds. As for Joong-hee, he broke my heart into little pieces with his monologue about how he grew up waiting for his father to show up. I’m glad to see the parents truly reflecting on the damage their actions caused, even if it’s a bit too little, too late. I really hope Dad does the right thing this time. Joong-hee needs to know the truth, and the earlier the better.

Fight My Way: The premiere was funny and moving, and our OTP gives me a Bottom of the 9th With 2 Outs vibe—a good sign, because that is my favorite friends-falling-in-love drama. Also, I’ve waited so long to see these two as leads in a rom-com, and their chemistry is perfect. Yay!

Suspicious Partner: While this week gave us many more moments to squee over between Ji-wook and Bong-hee, I’m kind of bummed that so much time was spent on the ex-girlfriend. Her ridiculous idea that she can waltz back into Ji-wook’s life and restart their relationship somehow makes the show feel less authentic to me—I feel like we’re being asked to feel bad for her. In my opinion, she deserves whatever pain she’s in right now, and I’m unhappy that her “I’m too distressed to walk properly” shtick affected Ji-wook so much. Bong-hee continues to be the best thing in this drama, and I love how brave she always is, especially in the face of that terrifying assault by the district attorney. (Somebody call the cops on this man. I’ve never felt such physical menace emanating from my computer screen before.) I love that Ji-wook pays such close attention to her that he picked up on what happened without being told, yet respected her wishes when she said she didn’t want to talk about it. Now I’m just waiting for him to admit his very obvious feelings for her. Come on, Wookie, don’t leave the girl hanging!



Tunnel: Awww. I’ll miss this show so, so much. Given the premise, it was inevitable that the show would be compared to Signal, but while I think that the tvN drama put more thought into the time manipulation aspect, I was really invested in Tunnel’s characters and their relationships. I think my attachment to the team of lovable detectives and Jae-yi was strong enough that I wasn’t (too) bothered by the many unanswered questions I had at the end of the finale. Such as, did the present timeline cease to exist now that Kwang-ho’s gone back for good? Or will it carry on as a parallel universe? Did Kwang-ho ever catch young Mok Jin-woo in the past? Wait, but in the original present timeline, our Kwang-ho wouldn’t have been there to make sure 1988’s Kwang-ho was safely born… Eugh, now my head hurts.

Chicago Typewriter: So many revelations this week!! This show has definitely been more of a slow burn for me in that it didn’t really grip me in the beginning, but it’s gotten more addicting these past few weeks. If only it had been this compelling sooner. I do wonder, though, how many more mentally unstable people this show is gonna add to its list of antagonists. It’s like Se-joo is a magnet for these types, poor guy. But at least he now has a sharpshooter girlfriend to protect him, and a ghost bestie who conveniently has telekinetic powers. Speaking of whom, I felt so bad for Yul and his ghostly dilemma of getting too involved with (living) people, and when he finally got Seol to see him, I almost cried with him. It helps that those emotional beats are accompanied by one of the best drama soundtracks I’ve heard in awhile. The music director should get an award.

Circle: Yaaas. This is everything I wanted it to be. The mysteries are compelling, the pace is intense, and best of all, it’s completely unpredictable! This is the kind of sci-fi you don’t find often enough in dramaland, so I’m going to savor it as much as I can while it lasts.


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First comment :)


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I'm currently loving Fight my way so much :) I'm not sure why but its really refreshing and easy to watch. I'm a total sucker for the friends to lovers trope, maybe because I secretly hope for a guy to understand me that well ;)

Thank you for recapping!


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Of the new dramas Circle was the one that interested me least but the reviews here and a look at the first recap have really overturned that. So another one to add to the list.


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I'm super wary of sci-fi, but these optimistic and great reviews make me reconsidering it. If it continue to be great, I think I'll have another good drama to marathon.


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Same here JB! I'm playing catch up right now since I missed like two weeks worth of episodes including the running and new Shows so yea, still working on it.

Got a month left before I start my hiatus from dramaland. ?


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I am so disappointed and feel cheated with ruler. This writer is not doing justice to KSH's character and pulling a cheese in a trap on us wherein the second lead get's the limelight and the lead was sidelined! It's happening already with the amount of screen time HG has compared to GE. So as much as I love Yoo Seung Hoo and KSH I am dropping this drama..tsk..such a waste of ksh's talent! I thought this will be my crack drama but nah!


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I was disappointed with GE's character arc too. Her one dimensional goody two shoes character was not the premise promised to me in the promos. I thought she wanted revenge for her father's death? Where's that vengeful person? Where's the plans for revenge? Why did she go through the 5 years, behaving the same before and after her father's death?


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i think we should look at the coming 2 or 4 episode bfr deciding ..its still too early ..episode 6...i think the vengence and arc will come soon enough when she learns the entire truth


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i will nvr like HG no matter whAt..she is responsible for L 'S father's death and am sure she will harm some 1 soon enough (GE) when thE CP doesnt reciplocate her love ...xo stick around .......ALso i feel like ga eun change will happen nxt week she is still doesnt knw a lot abt dae mok and the CP 's identity


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Let's be honest. The writing is terribly weak but the veterans are good at making their parts believable. The rest are so eye rolling it hurts.


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The sad thing is we've got like only a handful of them to carry the show, among those a couple at best who will have decent screen time.


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Yep! the distribution of screen time in this drama is so unfair! I am really wondering why the writer makes it look like Yoon So hee is the lead! They should have casted her in the first place if they'll gonna do something like this! Poor KSH she can't really expand her talent because of the way her character was written. we all know she can definitely do better than this! I too feel cheated because this is not what I am expecting with this drama. Gonna take note the name of the writer because I will totally avoid her next project!


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I wonder if Ruler is not good as what we expect?


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I like Suspicious Partner more and more each week, and I didn't think I would be this invested in the whole thriller plot, but I am. I really want to know more about the amnesiac murderer and why exactly he's doing it. So many questions! I would love more development on that character. And obviously, I do love the character dynamics between BH, JW and EH. I'm glad that so far EH doesn't seem to be going the way of the second lead (yay to no Second Lead Syndrome!) and I hope it'll stay that way.

Man X Man seems to have toned down a little in recent episodes, though that doesn't diminish how much I like it - because while I liked the comedy aspect, I also love seeing SW growing on his emotional journey. Watching all those little genuine moments from him makes me anxious to see more, and I feel like DH - I don't know when I can trust him, but I'll choose to ignore any plotholes, and I'm going along with my heart and loving it anyway.

Fight My Way kicked off to a pretty decent start for me because PSJ and KJW were absolutely adorable, but I do feel a little iffy about how the other 2 leads barely got any airtime in the 2 episodes. Either that, or PSJ/KJW completely stole the show and I forgot that there were even other characters. It's going to take more than that for me to be fully invested in their friendships, because for now it's just Dong Man and Ae Ra being cute and making me root for them.

I've recently put My Secret Romance on hold for a while because starting a new job means no time for as many dramas as I would like, unfortunately. I'm slowly plodding along on Ruler, but I've yet to really form much opinions on it except that YSH's smile is super cute, and KSH looks gorgeous.


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I enjoyed SP too. I love how the drama shows us another side to EH, that lonely sad guy who is not always happy cheerful and optimistic all the time. And I feel so bad for our little puppy. I love the relationship between BH and JW, and how JW is constantly aware of BH and her feelings. Just get together already, you two!


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Seems like you have a week full of dramas, so I think you're fine putting My Secret Romance on hold. Subjectively speaking, the other dramas are much better by comparison, especially given where the show is right now.


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Forget about secret romance! Watch CT.


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After seeing the insane number of comments on Liar and his lover, I decided to check it out today. Quite nice, and the male lead looks like Park Bo Gum!

My colleague recommended Suspicious Partner too, and I also marathoned it. So many nice dramas!

Waiting to watch Chicago Typewriter tonight!


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I'm jealous that you have coworkers who watch dramas. I wish I had people irl who watch and love themas much as I do. This is why I love this community so much!


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There are lots of us, all watching different shows. We had just finished a peak season in our jobs, so we are now bingeing on shows. My next cubicle neighbour is watching legends of the blue ocean. He is watching with a few others at times. One is waiting for lee joonki's next show.

With all my knowledge from dramabeans, I've been labelled 'professor' by them. Names just roll off my tongue and I seem to have the right show to recommend. Hehe.


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Isn't it funny how Park Bo-gum initially was known for being a Lee Hyun-woo lookalike and now, it's the other way around because Park Bo-gum is suddenly more popular? I feel like I need Keyeast to step up to the plate and take advantage of Lee Hyun-woo's enormous potential. Give the boy amazing roles to play, forget about that one idol who's career is basically done and focus on this boy.


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Hmmm...I don't see it. The two look quite different to me. I would say, given how much longer Lee Hyun-woo has been in the game, maybe Bo-gum might be the lookalike?


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Yeah, Bo-gum used to be known as a Lee Hyun-woo lookalike before he became super popular.


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I haven't been watched any other shows by this actor, Lee Hyun Woo, so I didn't know the comparison. Both my husband and I had the same thoughts when we saw him, but my husband said LHW looked better. Both have their charms.


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I will also do the Marathon on The liar and his lover. But dont know when. I am actually looking for a job. If i keep on watching so many dramas, i wont be able to find, and once i find i wont be able to watch so many dramas! LOL ???
But it's ok. So it is life.
Little by little then.... those on air.


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All the best in your job search, I hope you find something that gives you joy and fulfillment.


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Thanks a lot! Yes, i need to find something as quick as possible... Even though... a couple of dramas at a time wont hurt, will they?.. he he... I don´t have children at home anyways...
I suppose, i can handle controlling TLAHL at a rate of two chapters per day, can I?? :/
ha hah ha ha hahahhaha


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I was almost cured but Chicago Typewriter literally just made me hyperventilate again. Yoo Ah In´s acting style has somehow started to remind me of Marlon Brando in the non-rom-commie moments - esp conversations with Jin-Oh. Anyone else get this vibe?


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Marlon Brando in the quiet, pontificating moments when he carefully delivers each word just so with a dramatic,but ever so slight head tilt and Al Pacino when he is doing full out ferocity with every part of his body tense in the emotion. He must have been really paying attention in acting class. At least it isn't lazy acting.


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Same here. His acting style reminds me of Marlon Brando, and actually if you look closely to his political/social statements, he does resemble with Marlon Brando.


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Dont know marlon brandon, but i am really liking Yoo Ah In a lot. This is the first time i see him acting, but man... that boy is great. I really really like him....


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-Tunnel: Awesome drama with awesome ending. A great combination of thriller, mystery, humour, family drama, workplace hijinks, romance, bromance, and friendship. It gave me everything I want and more. You'll be dearly missed.

-Chicago Typewriter: After almost breaking my heart because of Seol's attempt at noble idiocy, now they truly broke my heart with Jin-oh's past story and present predicament.

-Fight My Way: It feels so heartbreakingly real and relatable (with dash of much appreciated humor). And Aera-Dongman's friendship is just winning on all front.

-Crime Scene 3: Eps 4. Corruption-related case is always messy. And this one even more so. The only way to solve this would be to have super great imagination because catching culprit who stand under the shadow and pulling strings from the background is definitely hard. I enjoy Eun-ji's performance a lot more here. And Yang Se-hyung is quite brilliant too. Though it also makes me wonder if Dir Jangjin would do a good job if he has to be the culprit.


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I love the ending for Tunnel. I love how KH manages to get back to 1986 and be with his wife again, and how little YH is going to grow up with both her parents by her side. I love how little SJ visits KH and his family so often, and how sweet is that that the mother names the baby after PKH. Ah! The perfect ending!


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With CT you need to have patience at the beginning
But it will be worthy..


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Aww I have to disagree with you this time because I think that episode 4 of Crime Scene is messy all around and back to the boring-but-complicated zone. I applaud Se-hyung for fooling everyone but that's because no one actually found a decisive clue that pointed to him. Jang Jin didn't feel as good or as vibrant like when he's in season2, because everytime he wanted to discuss something intelligent everyone just clammed up and don't want to hear him talk. I was soooooo disappointed in that. Don't you think everyone not trying hard enough in searching for a clue? And I kept on forgotting that Eun ji was the detective in this episode. I thought it was Jang Jin

I wanted to get rid of my disappointment by next episode so I hope it will get better. It's already episode 5. Where is the Crime Scene that we all love?


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Yay for CIRCLE. Double yay for Yeo Jin-goo!


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Circle is a great show! This is the first time I am watching YJG, and he rocks in his role! I am already a fan of KKW, and he doesn't disappoint in this show. I am very invested in the two worlds and timelines, and am looking forward to every episode each week.


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And I am quite impress with An Woo Hee (I hope I got his name correct). I first saw him in Five Children but he was just meh, especially when there was Sung Hoon as his hyung (not that Sung Hoon was a better actor, it was just Sung Hoon had more screen presence than him and his love story dominated)? But he finally has something more to do in this drama.


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It's Ahn Woo Yeon. ?


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Thank you.


I'm still confuse watching Circle. Maybe I'm just lack a bit to completely understand in this kind of genre. Or I just had too many dramas recently so I didn't really focus or something lol


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I think Circle is meant to confuse us the viewers. LOL.


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Thanks -- I thought it was me. ;-)

It may be that I'm live-watching too many shows, with more on the way. On the other hand, being confused isn't the worst thing in the world. I'll keep watching, and see if I get a handle on it as it unfolds. I like it so far.


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Suspicious Partner <3 love love love it right now. I'm glad so many are enjoying it as well! I also love dramallama's metaphor of sunny Bong Hee to the gloomy cloud that is Ji Wook. So appropriate!! Have I mentioned I love this show yet?


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I am enjoying all the leads' chemistry and interactions, but of late, I found myself getting curious of the killer's supposed amnesia. How is it going to affect him? And does it mean groundhog day for him every day or what? I hope more answers will be revealed in time to come.


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Tunnel has ended... (*sigh*) I honestly didn't think I'd be able to get over that show, but then Circle came and... well, I've been blown away. I have been entirely entrapped by this show. I am a pretty patient person in general, but just waiting for the next two episodes to get released is killing me. I cannot wait to see what they do with this show. I have high expectations. Very high expectations. Don't let me down Circle! 써클 화이팅!


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I know right. I should have marathoned it when all the episodes are aired, but I can't help myself. And now I am addicted to it. I can't wait to see what the next episode has to offer every week.


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The wait is torture. I'm watching so many shows but this is the one I'm always thinking of.


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Now that Tunnel has ended (*sob*) I only have two shows on my plate: Fight My Way and Circle.

I like FIGHT MY WAY enough to keep watching, although I'm not that emotionally involved yet. The OTP is aces. I'm loving the warm, comfortable chemistry between Aera and Dong-man.

CIRCLE is my new crack, after months of not truly having a crack drama. It's a breath of fresh air in dramaland, and it's mentally and emotionally engaging to boot. I'm a huge fan of scifi and fantasy, and this show has been a long time coming. True, it checks all the boxes for standard post-apocalyptic scifi, but, as JB said, the feeling of familiarity is a positive one. Yeo Jin-goo, Kim Kang-woo, and the rest of the cast are nailing it.

SUSPICIOUS PARTNER - I'll pick this up again after it's done since I do love the writer and enjoyed the chemistry of the main leads in the first episode. I just didn't feel enough of a pull to watch the next one. But I've been hearing so many good things that I want to give it another shot.

RULER - I found the show too uneven for my liking, and I tend to get annoyed when I have to skip the bad parts to get to the good ones in order to better appreciate a drama. Yoo Seungho is amazing, though.

MAN TO MAN - I couldn't get into the main OTP and the overarching mystery. Maybe next time, Hae-jin oppa.

I'm looking forward to Seven Day Queen and Duel, and I'll also give My Sassy Girl and Best Hit a try. Omo they're all premiering next week. O_O


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For some reason, I couldn't get into the main OTP either in MTM. The romance doesn't seem organic, and I still don't like DH very much. I prefer those days when SW is pretending to be a bodyguard, and the hilarious hijinks that resulted because of that. Now that his identity has been revealed, the suspense has disappeared, and so do the hijinks.


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I feel the same way about Suspicious Partner, and I suspect that it is because of the weak editing/directing letting the show down. I love NJH and JCW both separately and together, but I have no compulsion to watch each week's episode. Everyone seems to love it though so I don't want to give it up yet.


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I agree with you @headsno2 on the Lookout. I love this drama, but my view won't change about Kim Young Kwang. I don't think he is bad, he is serviceable in this drama but not someone that I will feel bad to skip his scenes with. What made me feel worse, his character is very interesting that I seriously want to see the like of someone more talented & underrated in this role. Anyway the other casts are amazing, Lee Si Young is doing a very good job in the first week. More of Kim Seul Gi, Key, Kim Tae Hoon and Shin Dong Wook - I will be happy!

Talking about Whisper, I heard many bad reviews - as I am thinking to marathon it, so for those who watched Whisper and other Park Kyung Soo's drama - is Whisper really bad? I want to know your comparison.


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I havent watched punch but whisper is the same situation over and over again, at the end you just dont care anymore


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If you dont like too much law and angst then skip whisper


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Thanks @C & @Muzeeka.

What I am more curious - if Whisper still has similar touch with his previous drama - Punch, Empire of Gold and The Chaser. I loved all his works before.I don't mind with the legal aspect and the angst and I also know not everyone can appreciate his style. So just curious if he finally lose his touch in Whisper.


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I think he hasn't.
Evidence... The rating is still good. Its no. 1 on his slot.
In my opinion... I like it
Not everyones cup of tea
But judging on his genre.. Its good...
Not great.. But good


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Sera The Ms Temper -

I think that going into a Park Kyung-soo drama by now, the expected story format is one that unfolds with moves and countermoves throughout .... sprinkled with weighty but not long-winded dialogue and the occasional shifting alliances. ..... Whisper is pretty much in keeping with this.

Interestingly, it doesn't have the palpable urgency or intensity of Punch, but that may just be the cast's acting style and/or how they perceive their dilemma in the story. Overall though, it's good. Check it out and see what you think.


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Thanks @korfan. That's why I need opinions from fellow Park Kyung Soo's fans or maybe those who watched all his drama before. I am still going to watch this drama anyway, regardless of the opinions. Most of negative reviews came from those who didn't watch his drama before.


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I actually didn't find Whisper to be bad. It's not an addicting show but I managed to stick through it when I'm usually dropping shows left and right. I did wait until more than half of the episodes were out before I started watching so I think watching it in one go would be a better idea than watching it gradually week after week.


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chicago typewriter: dropped. sorry kim chul kyu and nam hye sung, i know your effort are there to make show interesting. but I'm already lost interest with the story. the lackluster performances make it more unbearable. I've never seen im soo jung can be this underacting. but well i can't blame her fully for not giving effort. her character is so plain.

ruler of the mask: i don't know why some people complain about kim soo hyun acting. she is dong fine. i love how she handle the emotion, being vulnerable but fierce, unlike Yo Seung Ho. actually not a fan how director handle emotional scene. almost all of them are too shouty.


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sad that you don´t appreciate Chicago Typewriter. I think the acting and dialogue are keeping the tension very well. it is very eccentric and old movie-ish, and the humor is very dry and tongue-in cheek. but I like it! I think it has this sophisticated and high-class feel I might learn something from.


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Agree with everything you said. ?

What made me more perplexed is about the lackluster performances ,maybe this is only me who don't know what lackluster performance is because I never saw this in CT.


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sorry man i can't bear it. maybe this is just me. but every young cast in this drama lack fire to me. it seems they are here just for a pay check. they emote accordingly, emote accordingly, but well that's it. there are some moment they care. but well not that much


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ps: i like yang jin Sung in CT though. make me wish she is getting more screen time because I'm bored already.


I think what drawn me more on this drama because of the classical feeling I got - it gives some unique taste. I have no issue on anyone's acting because they are doing great. It is enough for me if they emote accordingly, rather than seeing someone underperforming. And I am not sure who you refer as young casts - I believe they are the three main leads. This drama also don't have that much old actors and their screentimes are also very limited.


I am very curious as to what you interpret as "not caring". It is held back, yes, and holding back is more difficult than being very dramatic. and I think at least the guys´ level in that is comparable to experienced older actors. The director is doing a good job guiding them.


@missjb Yang Jin Sung's character is cheerful and loveable who lighten the mood. But her character is set up to that limit only, and this writer didn't make her as part of other characters'past lives as well, so I have no issue for her limited screentimes. Since you said you dropped it already, maybe you no longer have any concern with this drama. In my humble opinion, more than the acting, it is the drama and its atmosphere/tone that you dislike. I understood if you found it boring, because you are not the only one said so. Just like Tomorrow With You, not everyone can appreciate it.


Agree with you totally.


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Are people complaining about KSH's acting? I thought most are complaining about her bland character arc. I don't know about you, but there are simply too many crying scenes in the first few episodes. I am glad for the 5 year time skip because the characters are finally more cheerful-smiling and less gloomy-crying, though they are still as serious.


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I appreciate YSH as an actor but I don't like his excessive crying scenes, this reminds me of his crying in Remember i was so annoyed of how much he cried in that drama, I hope for less crying in the future.


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I had the same issue with YSH in Remember. I realized that an actor can be very good in crying but still not able to move me to tears. Sometimes less is more. Take Yeo Jin Goo in Circle. He can really make you feel his exasperation without making a crying face.


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@Grapes you read my mind. YSH tends to overdo his crying scenes. Some people like it as evidenced by the high ratings of his dramas. Personally, I wish he would tone it down a notch. He's a good enough actor in other respects so I like and highly respect him, I just don't like his delivery of his crying scenes, they tend to be too much.


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maybe @missjb is referring to Yoon Soo Hee instead because I never read anyone's complaining about Kim So Hyun's acting. The only ones who said she can't act are her anti-fans that I accidentally came across today in my IG. Yoon So Hee - yes. I read about her bad acting in everywhere.


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owww. maybe i interpreted it wrong.... sorry. i love the older cast act in this drama. i hope they focus more on them. I actually like Yo seung Ho acting more in this drama compare of his previous project. at least he is giving effort. but at times he is trying too hard but real emotion is not there.


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I agree. Yoo Seung Ho is doing good here, and better than Remember. Instead of acting (which the two main leads at least won't have much issue), I am more concern with the writing of this drama and where this drama will bring us. In sageuk, it is always the older actors /veterans who will make it more interesting to watch.


Yes he is actually making an effort here. I stop following him when he got older because I see the same thing from him since his early years.
His last 2 sageuk films bores me tears. Charming and nothing else.


no one is complaining about KSH acting in Ruler, everyone even her non fans knows that she's a great actress but we are complaining about the lack of her screen time and character development.


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I'm quite disappointed in the lack of things you mentioned, 'cause basically they are the bridges that connect viewers with the character, thus makes it a bit difficult to root for her.


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u misunderstood...no complains abt her acting.....ksy is a great actress maybe one of the best in her generation maybe thats why most are complaining that she is not given much to work with in this drama bcos her potential is that great.....hope it changes soon


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The only thing keeping me from dropping Chicago Typewriter is Go Kyung-pyo. I was do in love with this show in the first few episodes but when it got preempted, I lost interest when it started up again. It's not that the show is bad or the actingbis bad, it's just I'm so disconnected to the story.
Ruler is not what I expected it to be, I came into this drama for Yoo Seung-ho's journey to becoming a great king and Kim So-hyun's journey to avenging her father's death and falling in love with the prince while she does so. I wanted this drama to wreck me in a good way but Kim So-hyun's character has the worst development in this story and she's supposed to be the lead. Yoon So-hee's getting hate for being a bad actress but her character gets more screen time and more development that the lead, and I find myself being drawn to her more.


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It's a holiday weekend here and I am excited to relax with some drama watching!
I'm finally watching Misaeng. It's been on my list for such a long time and now I feel like I have the emotional capacity to watch it. I remember was looking for a job when it was airing, so it was a bit hard to watch since the work environment seemed rather harsh. Now I am watching it from a place of empathy. After being in the corporate world for a while now, I get the dynamics and can sympathize with the characters. They're victories are so sweet and I am finding I am getting a lot of encouragement from the show. I totally get why this show is so well loved.
On a lighter note, still loving suspicious partner. Can Ji Chang Wook be mine now??? Ok, fine! I'll just have his lips! I'm here for all the cute!! Over all this show keeps me in a good mood and I look forward to each episode.
I had a chance to start Ruler but I don't know if I'll keep watching it. Reading about the not so great performances makes me hesitant to stay with it.
This weekend I'm hoping to check out circle and look out. Maybe I will continue Chicago typewriter as well. The first episode didn't really grab me but it seems like a lot of people like it so I'll give it another shot.
Happy watching my beanies!


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I only watched Misaeng recently and loved it. It's every bit as good as everyone says. :)


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Oh my God! JB referencing Asimov and Caves of Steel! I SWOON! I DIE! ????


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I know! I inner squeed when I read that.

As far as Circle goes, I'd had the same thoughts, too, watching episode 2. In addition to Asimov, I thought there's a bit of Philip K Dick, as well. It's picking up familiar themes in sci fi, but it makes them fresh.


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Yay! A Philip K. Dick reader :)! With Philip K. Dick, there is that often that big theme of reality not being exactly what one thinks it is. In Circle, I feel like that theme is playing out in more than one way. I want to see if I can articulate some of my thoughts when the recap for episode two is ready.


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I meant, "there is often that big theme...."


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My favorite premier this week is definitely Circle. I like the premise of the show and Yeo Jin Goo's acting is definitely top notch.


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I was thinking of adding Ruler to my watch list because I adore Kim So-hyun and would like to watch more of Yoo Seung-ho, but somehow I didn't manage to get pass the initial set-up stage of the first episode, and now I'm not sure if I would continue. Probably because the weather has been so bright and everything is vibrant and green here where I live, and the dramatic mood of the show didn't fit my mood at all.

Fight My Way certainly brings what I need to the table. Friends-turn-lovers theme is not one I'm fond of, but for some reason these kind of dramas always manage to catch my attention. Back then was Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo, and now this. So lovely and easy to watch. I binge-watched two episodes in one day.

Chicago Typewriter is up next. I look forward to it every week, but I don't watch it right away when it comes around. Not because I don't like it - pretty much the other way around. I want to set aside time to properly savor it, undisturbed. The show has been really pulling me in. I love our three main characters.


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I love Yoo in CT. I hope his story line won't be too tragic in the end, or I am sure I will bawl my eyes out at the sadness.


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I don't know that it can be anything but tragic... he was shot and stuck in a typewriter for 80 years.... that's as trgic as one can get and what's amazing is that he's such a dear even after all of it.


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I know, week after week the ghost keeps breaking my heart, poor thing. ? He's so sweet I can't stand to see how much he's suffering. I can't imagine how but I would love a happy ending for him, maybe Bang Jin will be his savior in the end? I kind of ship them together, hehe! (it would be in their next lives I guess...)


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now that you mention it, i realize that i, too, leave Chicago Typewriter for last -- i want to watch both episodes at once (so i stay away from the CT comments on friday and saturday), and i want to watch it undisturbed! i want to savor it, also! the whole production is lovely - sets and clothing in the 30s scenes, especially...


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Yay for all the Circle love ❤


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Mine for now is CIRCLE and LOOKOUT
im not into romcom n romance ds days.
Want crime n suspense n mysteries


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