Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
How has this week in dramas been for you? I’m watching a ton of shows lately and yet I still went looking for something new… and then immediately regretted it after getting myself addicted to Tunnel. Oh well, guess I’ll sleep when I’m dead. –girlfriday
My Secret Romance: I tried to watch this when it premiered, but couldn’t get past the first episode; the production values felt so low-rent that it almost turned me away completely. But once I got past the first episode, I warmed to the humor and hijinks and blazed through all the episodes. In a nutshell: If you like watching beautiful, stern-faced, stoic-looking men being reduced to a mess of petty jealousy and enduring comically mortifying situations just to get the girl to look his way, and if you can get past the low-budget vibe, you might find this worth watching for the story and Sung Hoon’s comedic acting.
Man to Man: The main draw of the show for me was its comic sensibility, putting our stoic secret agent into fish-out-of-water hijinks and watching the funny misunderstandings unfold. I was never drawn into the spy storyline and tuned out the missions and pretexts, so my attention drifted when the show got all serious and melo last weekend, because it’s never been the emotions that hooked my interest. The character logic is there, but I guess I just don’t care that much.
Father Is Strange: I loved that Lee Joon finally got to bond with the other sisters, and was so gratified when he helped them glam up in tiny backhanded retaliation against the hated sister-in-law. He feels like that voice on your shoulder telling you that it’s okay to feel petty human emotions, which can feel very satisfying. I really like how Unni’s making the argument about marriage being disadvantageous to modern women and not wanting that life for herself, but I feel conflicted about her possibly reneging on that stance to marry anyway. I do think she loves her sunbae, but I agree with her reservations too much to want marriage for her right now. (That mother-in-law!)
Ruler–Master of the Mask: Why is Yoon So-hee so awful in this? I don’t remember her being this terrible before, but she’s foot-level bad here, and it’s distracting. Her interpretation feels so off the mark that I almost think she must be trying to do something intentionally… I just can’t figure out what that is.
Suspicious Partner: Loving this. The rapid-fire banter is refreshing, the picture is crisp and beautifully shot, and the thoughtful monologues are poignant. Love the two main characters independently, love them together, can’t wait for things to get complicated. *counts down till Wednesday* Is it Wednesday yet?
Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People: Satisfying, cathartic, and entertaining all the way through. I got off this ride in the best mood, humming the theme song, and wanting to get back in line for another spin.
Whisper: You know what almost made me give up on this show this week? The awkwardly shoehorned-in romance, which is weird given that the pairing was the appeal when I started watching. Go figure.
Ruler–Master of the Mask: Did they blow through too much story in the first two weeks? I hope not. I mean, there’s going to be more to this than trying to fool the waterlords about the prince’s identity right? ‘Cause… uh…
Suspicious Partner: I wish the mystery were a little more mysterious, but the rom-com shenanigans are great. And for some reason, I really enjoy the fact that these lawyers are kind of terrible at their jobs.
Man to Man: But… why would the super-spy go back to the people who know his secret? This show is still light and fun, but man does it put some serious strain on my suspension of belief muscles.
Chicago Typewriter: It’s a little jarring to see the hero being so nice and emotionally stable, but I’ll take it.
Tunnel: I just started watching this and am now obsessed. Why didn’t anyone tell me to watch this sooner?! Friends don’t let friends miss out on good dramas!!
Currently recapping: Man to Man
Individualist Ji-young: Ji-young and Byuk-soo are so darn cute and heartbreaking and I just want to pet them both and tell them that they are good little doggies and I’ll never let anything bad happen to them anymore. Of course I wish this could’ve been longer, but I like the idea of dramaland allowing the opportunity for different kinds of stories and shows to shine. Because I think this show may have had a few more episodes in it, but definitely not sixteen.
Whisper: I wanted this to be a complex and layered examination of human weakness and redemption, but instead the show seems obsessed with its predictable game of endless checkmating. It’s fun the first few times, but after the ninety-ninth go around it becomes less of a story and more of a formula. The show had some really interesting ideas and some profound reversals like how Soo-yeon defied her parents and was willing to throw away everything in order to marry Jung-il, but later is nearly coerced into marrying him against her will. And Dong-joon, who feared the ruination of his reputation but deliberately threw his good name into the fire so that justice can be delivered to those who evade it. Those instances are great, but I wish the entire show were executed in a less exhausting and repetitive way.
Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People: The ending had some highs and lows, but I feel like at least one of the major Hong clansmen/women should have died. I’m all for happy endings and I really did love the scene where Ga-ryung told the story of Chief Hong to those kids while Gil-dong was tending to a fire nearby. It was a wonderfully warm scene because those two actors sold the hell out of their love story, but the fact that everyone survived at the end felt almost untruthful to the story and tone that was established previously. It’s a shame because I was generally impressed with the fresh take the show took on class and equality in a sageuk setting. Maybe the point the show was trying to make is that the common people and the Hong clan suffered enough so they deserve a perfectly happy ending.
Saimdang, Light’s Diary: What an epic waste of fourteen years of hype. It makes no sense to basically redo Dae Jang Geum without fundamentally understanding how dramaland and its treatment of women has changed over time, especially since that’s exactly what made the show so successful. The portrayals of marriage were a mess in both past and present timelines. Saimdang’s husband was so deplorable and I found that entire plotline difficult to watch. I understand that there was little tolerance for women getting divorced in that time period, but did she have to go so far as apologizing to her cheating husband for making him feel “lonely” and “inferior”? Don’t try to make Saimdang an ideal Confucian woman in that regard but have her disregard those ideals in basically all other aspects of her life. In other news, all the paintings were lovely.
Mystery Queen: Finally these two begin to act like partners! Their dynamic chemistry has been severely underutilized until now. I had difficulty watching Seol-ok’s usually empathetic character constantly snapping at Wan-seung for essentially doing his job. This nearly took me out of the story — since I’m mostly in it for the buddy cop angle — until the secondary characters helpfully pointed out that her behavior was strange and something must be going on. I’m trusting in their judgment until I get time to watch this week’s episodes. Also, I’ve been listening to Kwon Sang-woo’s dreamy rendition of Lies, Lies, Lies on loop for two weeks!
Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: I’m only four episodes in, but I’m having a really hard time watching this drama. Park Bo-young is alarming levels of cute, but her character feels undercooked. There are problematic stereotypes in use — with minor efforts at subversion — that feed into a lot of our underlying prejudices. The toughest part for me was when Bong-soon watched a woman be groped on the train and did nothing, presumably because she didn’t want her powers exposed. But that doesn’t require superhuman strength, only a loud voice and a willingness to face down a creep. I find that I can’t relate to her at all. For now, she’s most likable when she’s dealing with her crush on Ji-soo’s character, and in any and all scenes with Park Hyung-shik, who is gold. But I’m watching this drama for the Strong Woman, and I need her to quickly become someone I can root for!
Hwarang: Yes, I know. I’m far behind the lot of you. But boy, am I glad I waited. I would have exploded from anticipating weekly episodes. This way, I can glut myself on the pretty. SO MUCH PRETTY. I get the feeling that this is what Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo had wanted to be in many ways. The rivalry between the young nobles, the brotherhood and camaraderie, the stirrings of romance… and all of it underscored by larger political machinations. I love it. I was a little miffed to realize that Park Hyung-shik was going to be second lead in the love triangle, but remembered that Park Seo-joon’s characters have a sad habit of falling for their fake sisters and felt that it’s right that he gets the girl this time. I’m only halfway through, but this drama is already my favorite sageuk of the year. I can’t imagine anything topping the excitement or glee of watching these flower boys on screen together. Hehe.
Currently recapping: Mystery Queen
Man to Man: Episodes 7 and 8 just took this show to another level, from a humorous watch to a truly affecting, heart-twistingly good drama. Even the formerly ridiculous action scenes have improved—the big warehouse fight with Oppa holding it down outside was badass and touching. It’s hard to convincingly play a love story where the hero is lying to the heroine about his feelings, but I think Man to Man did a really good job in showing tiny breaks in Seol-woo’s robotic poker face, making his eventual feelings totally believable. Also, Do-ha gets more awesome with every episode. I love that she’s brave enough to admit that she loves Seol-woo and that he hurt her, without letting him off the hook for his betrayal. I appreciate that our changing perception of her as a character is driven by smart and consistent writing rather than, say, an unexplained lobotomy. Now that Do-ha and the two men who care about her have teamed up to fight the baddies, I can’t wait to see what hijinks the three of them get up to.
Father Is Strange: Lee Yuri is always amazing, but her portrayal of Hye-young holding in her pain until she broke down was so well done and true to the character. I love how badass she normally is, but it’s good to see her honestly face the heartbreak that made her so unwilling to open her heart again, and decide to take a chance on Jung-hwan. Also, how cute was her bonding with Joong-hee over their mutual hatred of Yoo-joo, and his awesome revenge plot to take his “sisters” to the salon so they could show up the obnoxious bride? You could just see how happy it made him to be let into their circle, and that made it even more crushing when he was left out of the family wedding picture. I hope that Dad’s secret gets revealed soon, partly because that way they can openly adopt him as a family friend, and partly because I couldn’t fully enjoy his dumbstruck reaction to Mi-young’s makeover, knowing that he still thinks of her as his sister. (Come on, Show, fauxcest is so 2005.)
Individualist Ji-young: This felt like an indie movie in two parts, and it hit exactly the right notes. Our leads started out completely frustrating for opposite reasons, and although I’m not usually a fan of the romance-between-extremes trope (so often it feels like that’s their only conflict and/or they’re meant to “fix” each other), in this case it was very effectively done. Rather than being two damaged people who fell in love and healed each other, their relationship made them reevaluate their methods of dealing with past trauma, and whether living as they were could really make them happy. For two people who were incredibly sensitive to emotional wounds, their journey was about stepping away from their extreme coping mechanisms, and finding that one person they could trust with their hearts. Min Hyo-rin and Gong Myung also had wonderful chemistry, and it was lovely to see their characters bickering, bonding, and falling for each other.
Suspicious Partner: I can’t decide if I’m glad I started this now so I can watch every episode as it comes out, or if I wish I’d waited to marathon it so I wouldn’t have to withstand the torture of waiting every week. All I know is that I’m head over heels for this in a way I haven’t been in a very long time. Nam Ji-hyun is always great, but as Bong-hee she kills me with her combination of bravery, vulnerability, practicality, and recklessness. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen such a self-aware drama heroine, and her simultaneous acknowledgement that she’s completely gone for Ji-wook and that she needs to move on from her hopeless crush just gets me in the gut. She can’t help but be giddy over the smallest show of kindness, even as she tells herself that it means nothing, and that feels so real. Yet it’s not a delusion at all, because the more Ji-wook insists that she’s turning his life upside-down, the clearer it becomes that he’s getting addicted to having her around. In those fraught, heart-pounding moments when they lock eyes and the world fades away, I find myself making noises that small animals make, because damn, that chemistry. Here’s hoping I can survive until Wednesday for my next fix.
Tunnel: Out of all the dramas on my plate at the moment, this was the one I was antsy to get caught up on. The pace has definitely slowed since the big reveal about our serial killer (I KNEW he was shifty from the beginning!!), but I don’t even care right now because I’m too busy enjoying all the cute character moments, especially between Kwang-ho and Jae-yi. Their bonding scenes were beyond adorable, and I found myself nearly tearing up when Kwang-ho was nagging her like the crotchety old ajusshi-dad he is, and she was obviously moved by his concern. It’s also hilarious how Sun-jae is trying to get close to her, but getting stymied by his partner. I’m just so glad Kwang-ho’s secret is out in the open to all our central characters; the comic-relief detective pair had the best reaction to the time-traveling thing, though I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when Kwang-ho went time-traveling twice within one episode. When this all ends, Kwang-ho, you’d better wait on your long-suffering wife hand and foot, mister.
Chicago Typewriter: I’m with what seems to be the popular opinion when I want more of the episodes to feature the 1930s timeline. I don’t really know how to explain it, but everything just seemed that much more poignant with the big reveal this past week about Yoo Ah-in’s part in the freedom fighter movement. Maybe it’s the whole Clark Kent/Superman dynamic, where he’s the hero Im Soo-jung is looking for, but he has to hide it all for the greater cause. And now that we know who it is that she shot, I’m just waiting for the show to wring the tears out of me. The whole faux-father-figure author and his crazy (like clinically insane) wife, I can do with less of. Seriously, the lady needs to take her meds. The relationships in the present are cute, and I like the friendship that’s developed between the ghost and the hotshot writer, but I do have to say all of my emotional investment is in Carpe Diem and its inhabitants.
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (May 13, 2017)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (May 6, 2017)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (April 29, 2017)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (April 22, 2017)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (April 15, 2017)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (April 7, 2017)
Tags: Chicago Typewriter, Father Is Strange, featured2, Hwarang, Individualist Ji-young, Man to Man, My Secret Romance, Mystery Queen, Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People, Ruler–Master of the Mask, Saimdang Light's Diary, Strong Woman Do Bong-soon, Suspicious Partner, Tunnel, What We're Watching, Whisper
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1 ⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 3:18 AM
I still haven't found time to watch latest epi of CT with eng sub because i am not at home and I don't like watching drama in front of others who are not watching because it will be a disturbance for me. LOL. (but I am alright to browse DB) ?
I am so agree with you @javabeans on Yoon Soo Hee. I wish I can skip her scenes. I tried to be patient with her in the first week, but I was so disappointed after second week. Ruler is another show which only has the main leads i. e Yoo Seung Ho and Kim So Hyun who are so good but the rest are just either average or mediocre. Like @C said, Ruler made us appreciate Rebel more.
I cannot wait to watch CT and Father is Strange. I am finally able to overcome Rebel's withdrawal I believe, so now I can happily watch another drama.
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May 20, 2017 at 3:37 AM
I agree with you on YSH. It's a pity she doesn't have the capability to bring the layered character of HG alive. Frankly, I think HG has a very fascinating character arc, and in the hands of a more nuanced actress, the character might even gain more popularity than GE.
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 3:42 AM
True. Maybe the production chose her instead of more talented actress to ensure HG is not outshine GE and this made me want Kim So Hyun to play HG instead. ?
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May 20, 2017 at 5:42 AM
I was thinking the same, i was imagening KSH in YSH's role, the plot is not that captivating even the masked prince which was the most intriguing part is not going to the way I imagined it to be and it fel apart, the bad guys knows the real prince face is not helping either. I am holding for KSH sake.
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 7:43 AM
I feel bad recommended it to my friend who is not regularly watching kdrama except if there is any actor/actress she likes. She loves Kim So Hyun and started this drama for her but she gave up for now because she felt so boring.
I started this drama for main leads because the plot is nothing new for me but if later it becomes boring, I may give up. Especially with many upcoming sageuk and more options to watch. But I am sincerely hope it will be good drama. I want YSH and KSH to have a good drama.
No can do
May 20, 2017 at 6:11 AM
I don't really think any other actress in the role would still have outshined KSH. I mean JSH in School 2015 was AMAZING as the villan but KSH was still the one I noticed. I don't think good actors ever get out shined no matter how small the role. But yes KSH woul have done wonders with HG role.
Also pretty sure YSH was cast because L was cast. I think its a package deal. They have the same label.
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
May 20, 2017 at 6:56 AM
from the episodes I've seen, Yoon So-hee really is terrible.
And it has to be deliberate, because she was actually rather adorable and expressive in Let's Eat and in Wild Chives & Soybean Soup (she and Lee Won-geun in the childhood parts.....the chemistry was off the charts).
Maybe she's just awful at sageuks? Because it's not like she's never turned in a good performance, and her characters in LE1 and WCaSS were wildly different so it's not as if she can do only one kind of role.
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 7:34 AM
She is quite inconsistent in my opinion. I never really impressed with her before, but she was at least watcheable in some of her drama that I watched especially when she just played young parts.
No can do
May 20, 2017 at 7:52 AM
She was quite terrible in Secret Door as well but thankfully wasn't on long enough for it to be distracting. She might just be bad at Saeguk but thanks to her L is getting a lot of praise. Lol
May 20, 2017 at 10:35 AM
YSH is always terrible, I gave her a pass before because her roles in the past are mostly written as bratty characters - but I always, always annoyed with her. Thought that was the dramas's characters but after seeing her in so many dramas, I conclude that she's not a good actress.
May 20, 2017 at 1:29 PM
She is really off. Everyone is in Joseon except for her.
⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 3:55 AM
I am searching for The Peak (2011), 2 episodes drama and so far only epi 1 with eng sub available at you tube. Anyone have watched this drama? I want to watch first because this is written by the writer of Rebel and secondly there was Seo Hyun Jin. The premise also sounds interesting.
Also searching for MBC special drama "Bing Goo" since Mori acted in this drama(together witH Sunghwa Secret). The premise also quite interesting - time traveling drama. I noticed Viki has it, sadly I cannot access it. I couldn't find it yet in other sites.
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May 20, 2017 at 7:03 AM
@seralovestteobokki Have you tried using ninjaproxy or installed a vpn on your browser? I always use vpn to access dramas which should be available in USA but not in other countries that I travel to and it has been working fine.
Btw, please teach me the way to get over Rebel withdrawals, because I don't see how to get over it anytime soon!
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 7:37 AM
Thanks. I will try, hopefully it works for me.
To be honest, I still don't. I thought I have get over with Rebel withdrawals, but i am still not. Maybe after new drama coming next Monday, I will get it over with.
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May 20, 2017 at 5:37 AM
I also can't enjoy watching dramas infront of non-fans i like to watch alone, I have a company at my house for now so I can't watch freely, I don't watch the cheesy stuff infront of them only the thrillers lol, I keep it to my self, yesterday I decided to watch PS I wanted to laugh out loud at Bong Hee when she was deceiving JW to believe that they slept together her smirks and acting embarrassed infront of him was funny, i was giggling secretly inside, if i was alone i would be laughing loudly.
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 7:46 AM
LOL same goes to me. Non fans won't ever understand the feeling we get while watching kdrama. If something funny we want to laugh out loud, if something heart wrenching, we want to cry. So better watch alone. ?
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May 20, 2017 at 6:44 AM
Regarding ruler, For me, I feel like I could even tolerate yoon so hee's acting. But, I feel like the drama could be paced better. Like girlfriday said, I am not sure whether they have enough story to tell for the coming 16 (or 32) episodes especially with the latest episode's ending (which I was so disappointed with). And I didn't like that the drama heaped a ton of angst on us even before I feel like I got to know the characters, let alone connect with them. So, I felt sad for all the misfortunes our characters had to go through, but I just didn't get it on an emotional level which for me was a let down.
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 7:50 AM
Agree. We only had 4 epi (or 8 epi) out of 20, so I hope the writer has enough material for another 16 epi.
I was excited for first two epi, and not very excited for epi 3-4, I wished this drama gave us more time to connect with characters before start all the heart wrenching moments.
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May 20, 2017 at 12:50 PM
There's too much to cover. I'm actually glad they blazed through the opening as they noe have to focus on YSH's 5 year journey to build himself up to reclaim the throne, destroy Pyunsoo group. There's going to be a time jump next. When he will remeet Han Ga Eun soon. Both as 2 very different people next since experiencing the great tragedies that turned them from teens to adults
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2 royal
May 20, 2017 at 3:19 AM
I'm watching Ruler - Master of The Mask and really liking it.
I'm also watching My Secret Romance because of the two leads are adorable together. I'm also watching because I love staring at Sung Hoon's perfectly styled hair. Those beautiful waves similar to manhwa's~!
Also watching the variety, Sister's Slam Dunk. They recently performed their song on Music Bank and I was so happy they did well. Kim Sook's high notes are amazing!
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May 20, 2017 at 3:24 AM
oh! I recently finished watching The Liar and His Lover. It was a really nice drama that reminded me of what I love most in Nodame Cantabile. That they are brought together and also torn apart by their first love, MUSIC. This drama isn't really just about music (unlike Nodame Cantabile) but I like it that way. We get more bromance that way. I love the latter half of the drama, when the conflict is focused on the band because it's way more interesting than the romance.
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May 20, 2017 at 4:37 AM
+1 for some Nodame love (and Liar)
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May 20, 2017 at 12:00 PM
romance is super duper cute tho :3 relationship goals.
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May 20, 2017 at 3:39 AM
I am also watching MSR. It's a very easy watch, and it helps that the leads are eye candy. I didn't think the female lead can act that well, but she is serviceable as the naive innocent girl next door type in this drama.
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May 20, 2017 at 4:28 AM
I was shooked hearing Sook's high notes ! I'm proud of the girls they worked hard !
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3 helios
May 20, 2017 at 3:20 AM
Omg I'm loving My Secret Romance! It hits all the right spots for me after a long day of work. Kinda like snuggling into my favourite blanket, old school tropes, cringey slow motion and all, with max hilarity but minimum rage inducing character actions and outdated archetypes. Plus the OST is adorable!
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May 20, 2017 at 3:44 AM
The old school tropes are just about right. It's very fun predicting where the story would go next, and what each character would do next and getting it right. Haha. The male lead is initiating a lot of kiss-ship and skinship for a drama that is only halfway through its run. So cute! I like it that the female lead is so helpless against all the skinship!
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May 20, 2017 at 5:50 AM
I am loving the lots of skinship and kisses. I enjoyed the pool scene so much i was smiling like an idiot when he held her in the water.
I love it when the male lead keeps chasing the girl and make excuses to meet her.
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May 20, 2017 at 1:40 PM
It's one fun watch, really. And Sung Hoon. Too hot. I can't not watch. ?
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May 20, 2017 at 2:15 PM
So much fan service too: here's Sung Hoon swimming, now he's modeling, now we are literally surrounded by mannequin replicas of his crotch!
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May 20, 2017 at 2:20 PM
LOL yes. It's like we're watching one Sung Hoon documentary. ? Because Sung Hoon can be anything ?
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May 20, 2017 at 7:54 PM
I stayed up way too late last night coz I discovered that he swam on a show called cool kiz on the block. I don't ever watch variety shows but ya know, when it's Sung Hoon... ahahah
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4 lezah
May 20, 2017 at 3:23 AM
I really, really like Suspicious Partner so far. It doesn't help that I already love JCW from Healer and Empress Ki! I think the comedy gets better and better with each episode, and the geeky awkward Ji Wook is completely endearing.
Seol Woo... Ahh. He keeps making those little confessions each week and I almost feel like Do Ha - I've to steel my heart against his imminent departures because I know I'll be heartbroken for her. I love how she rebounded right back to her snarky self with him, because that's the sassy girl I've come to love.
I tried Chicago Typewriter but couldn't seem to make it past Episode 2, somehow. ): I've a soft spot for Yoo Ah In but the plot didn't catch my attention so far. Maybe I'll give it another try soon!
Side note: My Secret Romance is still cliche and problematic, but I can't seem to stop watching it. More steamy kisses. Yes!
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May 20, 2017 at 3:33 AM
You should stick with Chicago Typewriter a bit longer. The story takes time to get you invested but once you're in you can't get out of it.
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 3:57 AM
Agree. CT only starts to become more interesting after 4-6 episodes
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May 20, 2017 at 5:26 AM
Yes, agree. For those who stopped watching CT at earlier eps, speed watch through 1-4, and dont miss anything starting 5.
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kippeum (ft. liberation and bath robots)
May 20, 2017 at 8:06 AM
Oooh I'll take your word for it! I admit I also zoned out by episode 2 but I think it had more to do with my mood lately (still on a wfkbj high after 5 months lol) than with CT itself XD
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May 21, 2017 at 7:25 AM
Ok, thanks for this. I watched episode 1 and 2, read the recaps for 3 and 4 and was going to jump back into 5. Now I will make sure to keep that plan.
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ar_arguably romantic
May 20, 2017 at 7:00 AM
another agreement! I didn't start getting into it until episode 4. And since then, I've been in love!
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May 20, 2017 at 3:49 AM
I am sticking to SP for its rom com more than its thriller aspect. The thriller aspect is a little weak and not that exciting. I can't get enough of the chemistry between the leads and always feel a sense of loss whenever the episode comes to an end. I hope they focus more on the rom com. It's so captivating.
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 3:58 AM
I wish it would be 90% romcom and only 10% the thriller aspect.
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May 20, 2017 at 6:12 AM
I don't like thrillers, but I adore rom-coms. I just wish it wasn't such a trend now to have a crime aspect in rom-coms... because then I have to try hard to laugh at the rom-com parts and then worry about when the next creepy thriller scene will appear.
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 8:30 AM
It is great to be creative by mixing different genre for one drama, but if we have so many drama with similar concept, it will be overused and no longer creative.
This is the right time for straight romcom witb slice of life elements - crossing my fingers to see Ssam May Way to be that drama.
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May 20, 2017 at 11:27 AM
I want another Weightlifting Fairy feel good straight up rom-com/slice of life drama <3
May 25, 2017 at 10:12 AM
You should give CT a try again when you have time. For me right now, there is no other show with such beautiful style. The cinematography and music are gorgeous. Right balance between humor, romance and action. Eventually it gets really touching.
Like many beanies have said: the story picks up from episode 5 to 6....very well. I think acting is also classy.
You should try.
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5 WishfulToki
May 20, 2017 at 3:23 AM
Well, I was considering starting Ruler but I've heard such bad things about Yoon So-Hee that I'm really not ready for this, especially after the solid sageuk that was Rebel with its spot-on casting. Thank you Rebel for the emotional ride, amazing music and well-written story.
The show I wait for every week is now Man to Man. Everything Laica said basically. Cha Do Ha gets more awesome every episode, and the fact that we now have Agent K forced to working in a team rather than solo is fun to watch. Also, Namgoong Min cameo.
I tried two episodes of Thief Nom Thief Nim. The historical background of WWII Japanese invasion and the treasure map mystery sounds fascinating, but so far the family makjang dominates the plot and the acting is too over the top for my taste. Will try two more episodes.
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May 20, 2017 at 4:11 AM
I am watching MTM for SW and WK. I can't get enough of their bromance, and SW's subtle but hilarious expressions whenever CDH does something unexpected. I hope they focus more on the interactions among the trio and less on the spy aspect. The spy missions and wood carvings aren't that interesting, to be honest.
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May 20, 2017 at 5:07 AM
try ruler its good and moving u wont regret it the leads and villains are soo good and it unpredictable like ep8 surprised me...soo he is just the second female lead and she aint that bad she is just not as good as kim so hyun and yoo seung ho
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6 elle
May 20, 2017 at 3:23 AM
Thank you for the update!
I'm currently watching:
Suspicious Partner: LOVING this show! Chemistry between Noh Ji Wook and Eun Bong Hee is already FIRE!
Man to Man: This show has been a lot lighter than I expected ... I do really like seeing Kim Seol Woo as the only logical person tossed into the crazy world of celebrities ... and watching him flounder ... to me it's worth it just for the comedy
My Secret Romance: A cliche, low production value rom-com ... but ... it kinda makes me strangely nostalgic ... Will keep with this for a while more
The K2: trying to catch up on some older dramas ... about half-way through and not hating it so far ... I was really concerned since the reviews are pretty worrisome, but so far it's been watchable.
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May 20, 2017 at 4:13 AM
The K2 is serviceable in certain aspects, but a bit illogical in others. I only enjoyed the action part of the drama and the female villain's acting prowess, the rest is forgettable.
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May 20, 2017 at 6:59 AM
so far it's a bit contrived ... but i can still just grit my teeth and bear it ... nothing too cringe-worthy yet
i can see why everyone says they stuck with it for Song Yoon Ah's acting alone. her performance is powerful ...
i know there's a lot of complains about Im Yoon Ah, but I saw her in Love Rain. maybe i have a higher tolerance for her acting ...
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 7:54 AM
Song Yoon Ah was the best part in K2 and still disappointed she was not nominated for Baeksang. At least she received enough awards for her performance in Mama. Maybe if they nominated her. but not nominated Chang Wook and Yoona for K2, it won't look so nice. Probably.
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May 20, 2017 at 11:57 AM
I dont think JCW and yoona were nominated in baeksang for the K2or were they? each were nominated for best new actor and actress for movie category. But I agree Song yoona should have been nominated for baeksang, such a same..
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 5:59 PM
They weren't. Yes it is quite a shame not to see her nominated when at least half of viewers stayed until the end because of her.
7 alert
May 20, 2017 at 3:27 AM
Currently watching:
Chicago Typewriter
Have to say I came in for Yoo Ah In, but I came out with a new admiration for Go Kyung Pyo. And damn all of the characters in the 30s look soooo good! Hats off to the stylists and the props designers!
Currently binge-watching like crazy-imsoniac mad:
The Genius & Crime Scene
Even though I felt like a hopeless loser with all the mad maths strategies going on in TG, the only regret I have is not watching them sooner. Talk about being few years too late! And I am so binging Liar Game again after this.
Pending shows in binge-watching list (after the show complete I think):
Man to Man
Suspicious Partner
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May 20, 2017 at 4:14 AM
Watch Tunnel! They really pace the story very well, with well written character arcs and story line, though certain aspects are a tad predictable. You will not regret watching it!
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May 20, 2017 at 5:07 AM
After all the reviews I'm very tempted to watch Tunnel. Might have to bend time to fit in all the dramas!
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May 20, 2017 at 4:30 AM
What season of the genius and crime scene are you watching?
All the games strategy in Genius make me mad but it's so worth it because I get to know the sexy brain man called Hong Jin Ho. He's so amazing at Open Pass game, which is still the legendary games in Genius history
If you like both Genius and Crime Scene, do consider watching High Society. It's also so damn good
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May 20, 2017 at 5:05 AM
I'm watching all seasons and now starting season 4. And yes! I'm having huuuuuuuge crush on Hong Jin Ho! So much so I would start watching everything that has him online LOL!
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May 20, 2017 at 5:35 AM
It's hard not to have a crush on Jin-ho after watching him being awesome in 3 seasons of The Genius and 2 seasons of Crime Scene. Though Dong-min come as the close 2nd crush for me. I didn't expect the great combination of brain and wit he showed us on those shows.
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May 20, 2017 at 5:52 AM
And I feel like wanting to hug Hyunmin everytime he got shocked over some twists in the games. He's so cute and fragile that I feel like everybody needs to protect him.
May 20, 2017 at 11:09 AM
Try watching crime scene chinese version too. It's funny
It's hard not to fall for Jin ho. I even watch everything about him that doesn't have sub lol I just enjoy listening to him talk though I kinda miss his stutter now haha
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May 20, 2017 at 5:06 AM
FInished all seasons of crime scene as well LOL. So now playing weekly catch up.
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May 20, 2017 at 6:53 AM
i'm currently watching both suspicious partner and man to man. loving both of them. so far both could play up the suspense/thriller genres ... imo
i've been dying to start tunnel because ever since i finished cruel city, i so miss Yoon Hyun Min (//∇//)
i really haven't been able to find anything to binge watch lately ... le sigh
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8 doublen
May 20, 2017 at 3:27 AM
I am watching Whisper (fast-forwarding) Man to Man, Chicago Typewriter, and Tunnel.
Whisper - it could be so great! But now...the vengeance could have gone beyond Taebaek office towards some real action. Love stories could be developed outside of Subway. Many legal plot holes...Only actors make it still compelling.
Man to Man - again, questionable logic and great cast. But it is fun and fast, and the plot while simple, is still not predictable. I love our new team of spies :)
Chicago Typewriter - love the show for cast (Yoo Ah In FOREVER) and music (SALTNPAPER). But storywise...I just can not understand why everyone takes their past lives so seriously. Why don't you live a current life?! Why should fate repeat itself? Isn't an entire point of next life (if we assume it exist) to start over? Why do people from past life have to meet in the same circumstances? Does it mean each of lives is just a rendering of the previous one?
Tunnel - love it :)
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May 20, 2017 at 4:16 AM
I am enjoying CT. GKP is the best thing that happened in this drama and a valuable find.
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ar_arguably romantic
May 20, 2017 at 7:03 AM
I do wonder if taking past lives seriously is part of Korean culture. I can understand Seol taking it seriously since she had always had visions and she was raised in a shaman's household.
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May 20, 2017 at 8:20 AM
I think the theyre invested in the past because of Yool's wishes and they have a book to write. So after that, theyll move on.
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May 20, 2017 at 11:07 AM
I like your questions about the theme of past lives in dramas. Reincarnation is not part of my cultural-religious upbringing so I have encountered it as a skeptical adult. It is used often enough in Asian dramas that I should probably study up a bit to appreciate the character's perspective and the writer's intention. It does seem to be entwined with the juggernaut of Asian drama- FATE.
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9 Jrr 🌈
May 20, 2017 at 3:27 AM
love reading this WWW every weekend because im bad with words & i love to see how the DB team reviews on the various ongoing dramas. it helps me to filter out the ones i wont like so i dont waste time trying, & tempts me to start on those i procrastinated LOL
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10 mango
May 20, 2017 at 3:30 AM
Boku Unmei no Hito desu : Can I have a spin-off of Yamapi as God ?
Rebel : Thief Who Stole The People : The ending was not as heartbreaking as I thought for the Hong family and I'm glad. Honey Lee and Lee Ji Suk were wonderful. I want to see them pair in another sageuk with a happier relationship.
Father is Strange : After Charlie's Angels we have Actor Ahn's Angels. I love their bonding !
Chicago Typewriter : I don't want the show to end but I want every thing to be revealed. What should I do ?
Man to Man : Woo Kwang oppa is best oppa ever. Period.
Ruler - Master of the Mask : I'm waiting for Kim So Hyun's character to start her revenge. She didn't have much to do until now but I trust the scriptwriter for giving her a good story arc.
Suspicious Partner : Eun Bong Hee is love. I can't express how much I love this girl. I'm more invested in the characters' relationships than in the murder case.
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May 20, 2017 at 4:07 AM
I love the bonding in FIS too. Finally Ahn is becoming part of the family he wants to join so desperately. He has so much chemistry with the sisters. I can't wait for more bonding moments to occur among them. It's heartbreaking he can't partake in the family wedding portrait though.
I love the relationship between MY's parents. They are so loving that they even extend the love to a person who is not their son. I am touched every time I see the parents talking to Ahn, asking about his well-being and treating him like part of the family. It's so sweet.
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May 20, 2017 at 4:31 AM
I want the secret to be out so that Actor can become part of the family as son-in-law.
They are the best parents ever in dramaland. Great couple respectful of each other and supportive parents !
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ar_arguably romantic
May 20, 2017 at 7:04 AM
I also love the parents. The father is so caring of his wife. You can tell that they've never fallen out of love for the past 35 years.
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May 20, 2017 at 7:31 AM
If you love the parents in FIS, please watch the same couple/parents in
Life is Beautiful. Best.Parents.Ever!!
May 21, 2017 at 12:36 AM
Can't wait to the day when the truth is out! I want to ship actor Ahn with Mi Young with all my heart. Can't do at the moment because he thinks of her as his sister (tho his eyes and expressions say otherwise)
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May 20, 2017 at 4:52 AM
Boku Unmei is soooo goood and Yamapi is love!!! Love him so much!!!
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May 20, 2017 at 6:22 AM
Boku, Unmei no Hito Desu - Yamaoi the match maker is doing awesome job here. He always tells Makoto to learn something and that knowledge is completely used differently. Look at all the training in ep 05 and what exactly important was those few encouraging lines. haha
Suspicious Partner - has good dialogues, good characters and bad plot. Also, the way writer tried to do the complete circle in ep 08 with the drinking and sleepover was ridiculous.
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May 20, 2017 at 9:44 AM
Eun Bong Hee is literally the cutest ever. I love how she takes no bs and is a total badass but also she's incredibly adorable. I was crying with laughter when she took full advantage of Ji-wook's guilt, because honestly who wouldn't :'D
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May 20, 2017 at 10:54 AM
Would totally do the same. ?
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11 Hye Mi
May 20, 2017 at 3:35 AM
I'm currently watching Ruler and Suspicious Partner. I love both of them very much. They feel like a fresh breeze even though the tropes have been used to death. What I appreciate from both shows however are nice and kind male leads. One naive, one dorky, but both have lots of room to grow. Then I also love both female leads. Nam Ji Hyun's BH for not giving a rip about what others say about her sense of fashion and not letting herself be intimidated by her love rival. KSH's Ga Eun for being heartbroken but still has lots of common sense. The only thing I wish for is more room for KSH to showcase her talents. She really deserves as much screen time and script as everybody else. I also hope the show would not disappoint fellow KSH fans. I'm pretty sure many of us first came into the show for her so please give us a reason to stick around.
Now that Rebel has completed their run and Tunnel next in line, I can finally sit back and binge watch both shows without the dreaded weekly anticipation. Words can't say how much I love the first few episodes of both shows when I tried them out for a taster. I'm going to indulge myself in the bliss that is called Rebel & Tunnel sooooon!!
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May 20, 2017 at 3:56 AM
You are so lucky you get to binge watch Tunnel, while here I am, waiting impatiently every week just to savor two more episodes. The waiting is simply a torture. But Tunnel is well worth the wait. The storyline and character arcs are written so well. I love how the writer slowly develops the characters and unravel the mystery, although it's a tad predictable.
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 4:01 AM
I am glad I decided to wait for Tunnel to finish its run. I just simply have no patience to wait new epi every week. For now. I jave three 3 drama in marathon list - Whisper, Tunnel and Man to Man.
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Hye Mi
May 20, 2017 at 4:41 AM
Right, I've got Man2Man to cover too, but I'll put the show on the backburner for a while. I'm in a mood for some heart-wrenching and touching dramas, and I get the vibe from Tunnel and Rebel.
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Hye Mi
May 20, 2017 at 4:40 AM
Thank you Xd. Lol by ep 4 I told myself, 'This is something to watch in one sitting'. So I bit the bullet and waited it out. I have a thing for Choi Ji Hyuk too. Waiting for him every week felt too much for my weak heart haha.
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12 YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
May 20, 2017 at 3:42 AM
Oppa gracing this post with that cool face....*swoons*
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13 coby
May 20, 2017 at 3:53 AM
I can't think of any show that Nam Ji-hyun didn't have an awesome chemistry with her co-star and she's so pretty in Suspicious Partner. I'll maybe start watching Tunnel before there's no one else to discuss it because it ended already.
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May 20, 2017 at 4:20 AM
NJH has a lot of acting experience, so it comes as no surprise that she has a lot of winning chemistry with her co-stars. I love her portrayal of BH in SP. It's sassy, independent and lovely.
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May 20, 2017 at 4:46 AM
Nam Jihyun's portfolio when it comes to drama partners is impressive and she's shown how much chemistry she can have with her co-stars. I'm really loving her as Bonghee and her chemistry with Ji Changwook is off the charts!
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May 20, 2017 at 8:10 AM
I have only watched her in Shopping King and now with Suspicious Partner.. I would like to watch her previous dramas.. Could you please recommend one or two more? Thank you!
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May 20, 2017 at 11:16 AM
Haha, well, I'm pretty sure I've written this comment many times before, but, if you just want a quick dose of her, she's adorable with Kang Ha-neul in Angel Eyes, Just don't watch past 30 min into the 2nd episode and pretend it's a drama special with a happy ending like I do!
The reason I say this is because:
1. Their chemistry puts their adult counterpart's (Lee Sang-yoon and Gu Hye-sun) to shame.
2. The drama, after a surprisingly heartwarming and satisfying first episode, pretty much descends into unnecessary angst.
As for a full-length drama, she's also adorable with Park Hyung-shik in What Happened to My Family.
May 20, 2017 at 11:23 AM
She played the younger counterpart to the female lead in Angel Eyes and had great chemistry with Kang Hanuel. She was also in What Happens to my Family with Park Hyung Shik. They were adorable in that one too!
May 20, 2017 at 11:41 AM
She played the youth role in Angel Eyes opposite Kang Na Neul. Her country bumpkin and the father were the only non annoying characters in What Happened to My Family? She was in idol heaven between Park Hyung Sik and Seo Kang Joon.
She does have that appealing girl-next-door, genuine vibe that is refreshing. I like how in Suspicious Partner she can be upfront and funny about sexual attraction.
May 20, 2017 at 11:18 PM
I remember when I watch angel eyes.. NJH as a blind girl is so sad to watch n KangHaNeul as a boy who loves her is just perfect.. n when adult actor comes out.. oh nooo.. its changes from angel eyes to rolling eyes
May 21, 2017 at 4:52 PM
She was in What Happens to My Family and her partner was Park hyun Shik 'the adorable' :-))))
May 22, 2017 at 5:36 AM
Ahahaha @peach
Angel Eyes to Rolling Eyes is the perfect description!!!
ar_arguably romantic
May 20, 2017 at 7:05 AM
I can't think of anyone she hasn't had chemistry with!
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 7:56 AM
I hope one day she will get paired with Jo Jung Seok!
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May 21, 2017 at 12:54 AM
Song jong ki maybe?? Or my wish is to far
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May 20, 2017 at 4:22 AM
She had awesome chemi w KSH in WISFC
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May 20, 2017 at 1:54 PM
I had no idea what you were talking about so I had to do a search. For the benefit of other readers: KSH - Kim Soo Hyun; WISFC - Will It Snow for Christmas?
Acronyms are great, but perhaps full names would be more helpful when first mentioning someone or something in a conversation (for those of us who are not up on our dramas), especially if it's a recommendation? :)
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May 21, 2017 at 4:55 PM
My problem too-not always but sometimes-especially when it is not a drama currently airing.
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14 mmmmm
May 20, 2017 at 3:58 AM
Currently watching
1. Chicago Typewriter - The show is good. By good I mean the production, the cast and crews, the music and the efforts they put in this show. However, plot-wise I'm not so sure I'm buying it. I kinda like both the scenes in the present and the past, but I'm not like really looking forward to it week after week. I guess I'll stick with the show till the end anyway. Almost everything looks nice in that show.
2. History of a salaryman - Whoaa you might question how come? hehe I don't know either. I just guess I'm in the mood of finding something REALLY good to watch. The last best thing which happened to me was Another Oh Hae-Young. That one was GREAT. I cried and laughed so much I began to be scared of myself. History of a salaryman is a good show. I'm not at ep.3 and looking forward to seeing more of it.
3. Kill Me Heal Me - stopped at ep.5. Thinking might return to watch it when feel like. Not sure if I have something wrong with myself but so far I didn't buy Ji Sung's acting in that show. I liked him more in Defendant.
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May 20, 2017 at 5:25 AM
I think it is better to leave Kill me, Heal me for now as it seems tyou are still affected by Ji Sung's acting in Defendant. I did the same thing for She was pretty as I could not buy Park Seo Joon and leading actress as lover after watching them as twin borthoer and sister in Kill me and heal me and I'm happy I did this otherwise I will ruin good show on myself.
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May 20, 2017 at 4:07 PM
Yes, thanks. : ) Perhaps I should take your suggestion. Dunno if me dropping KMHM had anything to do with me not liking the lead actress too. But I guess I should give it a try later on.
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May 20, 2017 at 6:14 AM
are you me? so similar thoughts!!!
1. same. i was so hooked up before the show as i love the cast! but then, i just can't keep up with it. somehow i dont feel so curious to figure things out. i feel like the show is too focus on its look, like all those slow-motions dont really work on me.
2. IS IT GOOD? someone recommends it to me and i looked it up seems like a good comedy show. what are your thoughts on it?
3. sameee. i watched it but i fast forwarded it too much i think haha. funny is that, kill me heal me's writer also wrote chicago writer. i guess this writer's way of story-telling is not my type. and yes, I LOVE JI SUNG in Defendant. it's a good show!
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May 20, 2017 at 4:14 PM
IKR? It's always nice to see that I share similar thoughts with someone. It's YOU in this case, apparently :)
1. My thoughts absolutely. That's the reason why I always think to binge-watch this show perhaps is a better idea. Then everything doesn't linger (even more), then the show can be a little bit faster.
2. By good you mean which one: History of a salaryman or Another Oh Hae-Young? The former has the potential to be good I guess, if not making one of my absolute favorites (like Ojakgyo Brothers, Misaeng and AOHY) it should still make one of my favs. Both of them are comedic, they are just different types of comedy. The former is a bit dated you know.
3. Oh that's new to me about the person who wrote CT! Ahh.. I guess that his/her style of writing and I am not his/her ideal audience hehe. And yeah.. it's a bit too slow for me. What is strange is that I think other shows like Misaeng is slow-paced too.. but it just doesn't feel as slow as KMHM and CT. Strange right?
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May 20, 2017 at 12:00 PM
I did like Ji Sung's acting, but I dropped it after ep 4-5 because I just couldn't deal with Hwang Jung-eum's screechy acting!
I thought it was the character, but later found out I just don't like her acting style when I also ended up dropping She Was Pretty
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May 20, 2017 at 4:19 PM
Now THAT's my thought. I think my irritation doubled when seeing the lead actress screeched everytime and everywhere she was nervous, surprised, blah blah. I don't dislike her personally, but the way she acted (at least in this one since it's the only show I watched that she starred in) just didn't pull me in. It was scary, and I didn't find that attractive in anyway at all.
Forgive me but her V-shape face is another issue. Perhaps the main reason is that I didn't find her attractive enought to be liked by the lead actor. This is one reason I couldn't make myself begin watching She Was Pretty.
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May 21, 2017 at 4:59 PM
I couldn't stand KMHM and I keep wondering why this drama was so popular...sorry but I don't like Ji Sung much either.
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15 ⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 4:07 AM
Lee Yu Ri showed her different side this time and I really admire Hae Young, and I want her to be my unni or I want to be her. Here I share her interview in Chosun Ent..
"Actress Lee Yu-ri is attracting viewers with her role in a weekend TV series. In "My Father Is Strange," Lee plays a lawyer who appears outwardly cool but has a warm heart. "In reality I'm nothing like this character. I'm not that calm or elegant," Lee said.
Since making her acting debut in a TV series in 2001, Lee has worked non-stop, appearing in more than a score of dramas and movies.
"I can't help but always be on the lookout for my next project. I don't like to sit around just waiting for an opportunity to come my way. The longest break I've taken was six months. Once I've been away from work for three months, I start getting anxious."
Early in her acting career, Lee was often cast in similar roles, mostly as a faithful wife or good homemaker. After playing such roles for nearly 10 years, she developed an innocent image, which was only reinforced when Lee, a devout Christian, married a pastor in 2010.
After getting married, however, she managed to break out as an actress, impressing viewers with her portrayals of a series of evil characters in TV series such as "Twinkle Twinkle" and "Jang Bo-ri Is Here."
As for her next move, Lee said, "I'm very interested in playing the female antagonist in a historical drama or period piece."
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May 20, 2017 at 4:24 AM
I am very impressed with LYR in FIS. I haven't watched her previous works, so I am not sure how she fared in those. But man, she is knocking off the socks in FIS. I love her feisty, yet feminine character in the show. I can't imagine other actresses in the same role. It seems tailor made for her.
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May 20, 2017 at 4:35 AM
I can't imagine anyone else playing Hye Young that shows how good she is !
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ar_arguably romantic
May 20, 2017 at 7:08 AM
same here! There is something about Hye Young that I think Lee Yuri totally adds to that I don't think can be replicated.
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 8:00 AM
It feels like she is writing her own character - because she is totally absorbed with it. Somebody said there's possibility she will be nominated for Daesang for KBS Award - probably, if none of upcoming KBS drama can compete her level of awesomeness.
⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 4:39 AM
I am glad Kim So Yeon turned down this role, because Hae Young will be on different vibe if Kim So Yeon playing it (not saying she is not good actress).
I loved Lee Yuri as villain in Jang Bori, and I also really loved her when she is in her revenge mode like in Yellow Boots and Heaven Promise because she is totally different from how she playing Hae Young now. I didn't watched all her drama and only started to pay attention to her after Jang Bori.
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May 20, 2017 at 4:44 AM
It's actually my second LYR drama after Super Daddy Yeol but I know she has that "evil woman" reputation in dramas you mentioned.
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 20, 2017 at 4:56 AM
Super Daddy Yeol - I forgot about this drama lol? I wished this drama had better writing because the casts were great.
May 20, 2017 at 10:10 AM
Agreed! Actually, before the weaknesses in writing showed themselves in Super Daddy, I thought it would have my favorite roles for Lee Yuri and Lee Dong-gun. I actually liked him quite a bit in that role.
May 20, 2017 at 11:52 AM
She was a great villain in Jang Bori. So relentlessly driven and self centered. When her vulnerabilities showed, you almost felt sympathy even as she lied,cheated and used people to get what she wanted. It was the first role I saw her do, so can't imagine her playing bland "good girls".
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16 SH
May 20, 2017 at 4:14 AM
Agree w/ @javabeans about SP. JCW in a rom-com is gold, and I love NJH and how they play off each other.
Liar - Besides from Reply 1988, I can't think of other dramas where I could be made to like so many characters, and like them this much. Crude Play needs to be real. I still have 2 episodes left but I don't want it to end. It makes me happy even when I'm biting my nails for those kids.
Ruler - the angst is already here and I'm not ready
MxM - this show just makes me laugh and anything that makes me laugh is in my good books
CT - Love this week best. Kiss.
MQ - The more I watch this show, the more I warm up to the characters and the neighborhood squad. the husband tho, it's a different story.
tunnel - better than signal imo. You heard me right.
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May 20, 2017 at 4:18 AM
Also how could I forget about Rebel. @girlfriday put it best. Cathartic. I loved the happy ending too (will always be traumatized by that hong sis ending). I wished some characters had more (ie. jung da bin), but overall, one of the better sageuk
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May 20, 2017 at 7:11 AM
Somehow I found closure I've been looking for in the last 7 years to KJH's HGD ending after watching Rebel. And couldn't be happier about it :)
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May 20, 2017 at 4:26 AM
MQ is great. The story line might be simple, but the character development and interactions lovely. I love how the cases of the week slowly peel away the layers surrounding the characters. We learn what makes them tick, and stuff.
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17 gadis
May 20, 2017 at 4:17 AM
-Tunnel: That cliffhanger!! I don't think they can top the Kwang-ho-is-back-to-the-present-again cliffhanger, but then Dr. Mok just had to drag Jae-yi into this case. Let's just hope for some awesome Dad-and-boyfriend-combo-to-the-rescue scenes.
-Chicago Typewriter: I dig the lovely romance and bromance, and also mentally preparing myself for the upcoming heartbreak.
-Super Family 2017: Love is blooming in the air and I couldn't be any happier. I was practically grinning like a fool throughout the last 2 eps.
-Crime Scene 3: Eps 3. I love it so much. Finally the casts are having fun with their roles, while still doing good deduction. It was such a complicated case, with lots of people involved in how the crime scene was created, and many misleading evidences (and consequently, many potential culprits). Thinking about it gave me headache, though thankfully Hani was there to brighten up the whole atmosphere. I'm looking forward to the next case.
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May 20, 2017 at 4:36 AM
I really think that Hani and Yoonji helped brighten the mood in the set. Se-hyung finally looks like he's comfortable in his role but I'm more disappointed with Kim Ji-hoon actually. Still remember how Dong min and Jin ho defend themselves to the end so that no one voted for them but for the past two episodes it seems like Kim Ji-hoon already gave up when so many evidences are pointing at him
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May 20, 2017 at 5:42 AM
Ikr? I'm also quite disappointed in him. I mean, *SPOILER* he isn't even the culprit and he has good hunch on who it is actually. He could try to gather the votes on the real murderer like what Dong-min and Jin-ho usually did. Disperse vote isn't going to help them catch the real culprit.
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May 20, 2017 at 11:14 AM
Yeah. I was like, "say something!" whenever he looks like he's giving up. But he never did. I remember the room 804 murder where everyone pointed Jinho as murderer but he got away from it with smooth talking and present them with other ideas. I want Kim Ji-hoon to be like that, because I know what he's capable of. Or he just got lucky in season 2
I really wish for Jinho to come as guest and he becomes the criminal and took all the cash haha
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May 20, 2017 at 10:56 AM
Indeed, I'm loving Chicago Typewriter but it has this sadness looming on the story...moreover, the ghostie has become my favorite character and he is set up for a major heartbreak. For the rest, I am liking the mystery in the story, the romance between the leads and the friendship between the trio, it's so sweet. I hope they get sort of a happy ending, please!!
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18 mahoilam
May 20, 2017 at 4:18 AM
It makes me happy that there's been so much love for IJMY. I want to re-watch it again just for that scene where Ji Young 'clicked' like over Byuk Soo's heart ❣
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May 20, 2017 at 6:48 AM
I am considering rewatching it again. The two hours zipped by the first time I watched it and I loved the soundtrack!
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May 20, 2017 at 2:12 PM
I didn't want it to end either, I still haven't found the soundtrack☹️ Is it on YouTube?
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19 kai
May 20, 2017 at 4:20 AM
Currently watching:
Suspicious Partner. Yep. Just this one.
I'm in love with the writing, the characters and just about everything in it. Yes. Even the deplorable antagonists (the DA, ex-gf and mediocre lawyers).
Eun Bong Hee's monolouges about the thin line between stalking and one-sided crushes is a wee bit painful as it reminded me of my college years. Ha. She's just so...
HUMAN. And I love her.
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