Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
So many interesting new shows to catch, and barely enough time to fit them all in! It was a struggle to keep up this week with three new shows to catch, but I was too interested in all of them to consider letting any fall by the wayside. Was your week chock-full of shows, or are you waiting for the next wave to bring in new offerings? –javabeans
Man to Man: The alternately slapstick and deadpan humor is really working for me, particularly as Park Hae-jin bounces back and forth between acting the swoony lover and feeling cringey inside over it. I love this kind of cheeky action fun, with its True Lies-esque comic touches and usage of double identities. I’ve liked Park Hae-jin before this, but he’s taken it up a notch here; this show has him essentially running a wacky obstacle course of mixed genres and emotions, and it’s wholly entertaining to watch.
Father, I’ll Take Care of You: Aw, you know, this show has been kind of stupid for a while, but I have to say, I was pretty content with how it wrapped up and said goodbye. I still feel a little like I got suckered in by the adorable romance and then they used that to keep me dangling for months, but in the end it was satisfying to see how the Han clan came around and embraced both Sung-joon and Hyun-woo, and how Hyun-woo was finally able to move on past his all-consuming anger and revenge. Serious issues definitely got glossed over with a simple happy brush, but people learned from their mistakes (mostly) and found ways to make their lives better than they’d been before, so I feel fine with where the show took us and am, ultimately, glad I stuck it through with this show.
Father Is Strange: My favorite moment was when Lee Joon was asked if he had anything going on with Jung So-min, and he protested entirely too hard that she was “just like a sister” to him. They’re taking their time building up this relationship, and while I actually enjoy that they’re gradually becoming friends first, I’m also impatient to have the romance start, and that outburst was the first sign to me that it might begin… sometime… soonish… or maybe eventually. (They make me so impatient!)
The Liar and His Lover: I’m sorry to say goodbye to this show, which has been a bright spot for the past two months and which bowed out with a sweet, poignant, and fully satisfying resolution. It wasn’t perfectly solved problems everywhere and triple-knotted bows, but there was a strong sense of leaving these people in a place that was better, more secure, and happier than they’d started out in, and that they would still face challenges but now be better equipped to deal with them. I’m glad that the show really made a point to give us closure for all of our friends and their various relationships, not just the romantic ones, and I really appreciated the lovely touch in the finale that reprised all of the big songs of the show in emotionally and lyrically appropriate moments, and the effect was elevated by often showcasing those songs in re-arranged, more contemplative versions. This show made me happy, and I leave it feeling happy, so I can’t really ask for more than that.
Individualist Ji-young: This is one of my favorite genres of movies (as a 2-episode mini-drama, it’s essentially a movie): low-key indie vibe, character-driven, charming sensibility, and realistic in a way that’s both lovely and a little painful. I was afraid the show might overdo the diametric-opposites-attract romance, that they’d make them too perfectly different and magically bring them together, but the show was more thoughtful than that; I loved the steady development of these two characters whose growth trajectories were fairly drastic but felt entirely natural. I really appreciate the stark, sharp edges the show started out with, and the way that they were smoothed out without losing shape of who these characters were at the heart of things.
Ruler–Master of the Mask: It’s not the perfectly seamless and gorgeously packaged sageuk experience that, for example, Moonlight Drawn By Clouds was for me, but it’s got a lot of appealing things going for it and I was glad to have had the chance to weigh in on the first episode recap. Yoo Seung-ho is for sure hard-carrying this show, and whenever he’s onscreen I find myself getting sucked deep into the scenes without even realizing it consciously. Kim So-hyun is promising so far, and even L isn’t terrible! (I mean, he’s not great, but he doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb or make me angry for being cast. Which is more than I can say for Yoon So-hee, who is legit terrible and whose casting I cannot comprehend.)
Suspicious Partner: I think I’ve met my next dramaland crack. The first episode had me cackling out loud at its hairpin turns of hilarity and rapid-fire repartee, and the light, breezy rom-com tone had me hooked. Then the murder case came crashing in and I found myself suddenly emotionally invested in deeper throughlines, like Nam Ji-hyun’s vulnerability and Ji Chang-wook’s inner battle over doing the right thing. The show reminds me of I Remember You in its mixing of comedy with murder, mystery, and introspection, with touches of I Hear Your Voice in its engaging presentation of courtroom drama. I love these characters already, the actors’ performances are convincing, and I’m eager to see where this show takes us.
Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People: Nicely done. I’m feeling really gratified lately for sticking with this show all the way through, because no matter how long it took us to get to the final battle, the really important emotional beats—the people rising up for their freedom, the hero becoming a symbol of their strength—are all done so well. The battle didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me spatially, but when you put our lovers at the center of it all and then have Yoon Kyun-sang turn on the waterworks, I use up all my tears on Monday and then have no more to give for the rest of the week.
The Liar and His Lover: I was surprised to realize at a certain point that the love story and the heroine had taken a backseat to Han-gyul and Crude Play, but once the band drama came to the forefront, it became a more interesting conflict because of all the tenuous relationships and the history between the boys. I have to admit that I was disappointed when Lee Jung-jin didn’t take both bands under his new indie label, because I felt a little sad about the boys having to make compromises with the devil to keep their name. The show carried a great low-key, feel-good vibe from beginning to end and left me feeling like I’d gotten a pretty realistic snapshot of the music business, but one that was still rose-tinted, and wanting to believe that pure music and passion would always find a way.
Whisper: At this point I’m just in this to see the villains get their comeuppance. I suppose that’s not negligible in a drama about corruption, but I just wish there were more keeping me emotionally invested in the whole thing.
Ruler–Master of the Mask: I remember being so disappointed in Hwarang’s execution of Jinheung’s story as the faceless king, because it was such a compelling setup with so much dramatic potential. I see hope in Ruler getting the faceless king motif right (fingers crossed), because from the start I see why the prince should wear the mask, and why he finds it suffocating, and I find his loneliness palpable. Obviously Yoo Seung-ho has everything to do with this. I’m skeptical of all this poison business, but as soon as Yoo Seung-ho and Kim So-hyun were onscreen together, I found my happy place and realized that I didn’t want to leave.
Suspicious Partner: I didn’t really care for the mountain of coincidences that started things off, but I liked that Ji Chang-wook had this obvious soft spot for Nam Ji-hyun, which showed their romantic potential from the start. The romance-legal-mystery mashup turned out to be a good mix, though I’m really really hoping this one will be more heavily weighted in the romance department. It’s funny, the story moves quickly, and I already love that exasperated face that Ji Chang-wook makes every time Nam Ji-hyun does anything.
Mystery Queen: I was a bit bored when the focus shifted away from Ajumma this week, and the cases turned into nothing but a battle between the fancy cops and our underdog cops. I know that the point is that our ragtag team is better than fancy equipment and profilers with Ph.D.s, but maybe we could make that point with less screen time for Team Fancy?
Man to Man: This plot sure does zip along. It’s a good thing in general, although I’m going to miss the undercover romance days. I wouldn’t have minded a few more weeks of faux boyfriend hijinks—I get that it would cause everyone more pain down the line, but isn’t that kind of the point, to make the ghost agent form attachments when he shouldn’t form attachments?
Chicago Typewriter: *whistle* Now this is the way to come back after a week off. I feel like the relationships are finally at a place where I want them: The bromance is starting to seem genuine, the romance has stopped giving me whiplash, and the 1930s story is giving me butterflies. (Although sometimes I wonder if most of this show’s oomph comes from that SALTNPAPER song “Satellite.”) I got all choked up when Yoo Ah-in thanked Go Kyung-pyo for sacrificing his youth for their country’s independence—it was just a lovely moment that went beyond the drama and into real history, and it really struck a chord with me.
Currently recapping: Chicago Typewriter
Whisper: Oh man, people are out for blood. I thought along the same lines as Jung-il when Soo-yeon tried to entrap him with a bloodied white shirt, since it never seems like Soo-yeon puts a great deal of thought into her plans. But it was a nice twist that she had a backup plan that made the hair on the back of his neck stand on edge. I find it mildly hilarious that Young-joo and Dong-joon hash out their most badassery plans inside a Subway, but honestly, I love them so much that I don’t care where they meet, as long as they’re together.
Man to Man: I had a few hours on hand thanks to last week’s pre-emption, so I finally tuned into this show. There are definite tonal shifts — from Serious to Silly — but the characters are equally ridiculous and somehow make it work. Agent K gives the best WTF reactions, and I love how much the Hallyu star loves him.
Perfect Wife: I’m not exactly sure why I picked this one up, but now that it’s on my watchlist, I’m tuned in. Eun-hee definitely gives me The Stepford Wives vibes, and I honestly fear for Jae-bok’s life whenever they’re in the same room together. I’m only a few episodes in, but I’ve got my fingers crossed.
Currently recapping: Whisper
Super Family 2017: All the pre-emptions have worked in my favor since this week has been full of real-life family adventures that have left me with less free time than usual, but I still managed to sneak away for an hour to see what’s going on with my favorite drama family. While I wish Ik-hee had a few more scenes (she’s part of this family, too!), I really loved that Ra-yeon and Chun-il got to act as a couple (even when they were going against each other during the election). Their marriage is somehow simultaneously weird and mundane and delightfully relatable.
Radiant Office: Short and sweet, felt complete, full of heart, and what a treat… it was to tune in every week. Ho-won’s courage filled my heart with pride, the unwavering love Ki-taek had for Ji-na was incredibly touching, and his sudden terminal illness diagnosis devastated me. I saw it coming, but even still, I sniffled whenever Ki-taek faced his looming mortality. Who knew guaranteed laugh-inducer Lee Dong-hwi could just as easily elicit tears of sadness? Drama gods, pretty please with a cherry on top, give Lee Dong-hwi a leading role. He is inexplicably underrated, and continues to always turn in assured, memorable performances.
Currently recapping: Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People
Man to Man: It’s growing on me. I really like Park Sung-woong’s big brother-like relationship with Kim Min-jung, and I can see why she’s starting to fall for a new mysterious guy in her life, especially if he’s the only one who has expressed interest in her since she started her fangirling her oppa-for-life, Yeo Woon-kwang. It’s just not blow-me-out-of-the-water fantastic, which is a little bit of a let-down after the long wait and impressive-looking promos. I feel like most of the dramas I’ve seen in the couple past months have been all right… but not cracktastic, which is something I would like to have in my life right now. A heart-pounding drama crush.
Whisper: You know what would have been awesome? If Ji Sung had played Dong-joon instead. I like Lee Sang-yoon a lot, and I think the chemistry between the two leads is cute, if not sizzling hot. But think about it, the plots have very similar arcs: Defendant and Whisper both have an unjustly framed and cornered man of the law, and only one woman believes in them. But Whisper has the vastly more kickass heroine, and Defendant has a hero who is capable of unfurrowing his eyebrows once in a while. Thus, this is me wishing a real life couple would go inhabit dramaworld together.
Currently recapping: Mystery Queen
Father Is Strange: Aw, I’m glad that Mi-young has apologized for being so churlish towards Joong-hee—he definitely didn’t deserve all the vitriol she was heaping on him, and I can respect the fact that she’s recognized that her emotions were clouding her judgment. Yay for these two being buddies again! I do hope the misunderstanding that they’re siblings gets cleared up soon though, because that ew-no-she’s-my-little-sister reaction is totally warranted right now, and if Joong-hee gets used to thinking of her that way, we’ll only ever have an adorable oppa-dongsaeng relationship from these two (still cute, but not what I came for). As for Hye-young, now that her big secret has been revealed, I hope she can finally tell Jung-hwan what his mom did to her eight years ago, because that woman is in dire need of a comeuppance.
Man to Man: I was looking for a new show to watch now that Radiant Office is over, and this one fits the bill—I ended up watching all six episodes in a couple of days! The spy stuff is cheesy beyond belief, and the female lead’s creepy sasaeng ways were off-putting to me at first, but a couple of episodes in I was sold on this wacky rom-com with unexpected moments of real heart. Do-ha and Woon-kwang’s familial bond is so much sweeter and more touching than the weird superfan and star dynamic it appeared to be at fist. Watching Park Hae-jin as a robot secret agent discovering his feelings for the first time is a hoot, and hating him for deceiving Do-ha while rooting for their romance gives me the most deliciously conflicted feelings. I couldn’t care less about the wood carvings, but I am dying to find out how Seol-woo is going to save her, and if his mission has to be compromised and he has to quit secret agent-ing to be with her, I won’t complain.
Suspicious Partner: I only had time to watch the first hour of this, and it’s even better than I had hoped! It’s hilarious but has moments of moving pathos, the characters are quirky but in a way that feels authentic, and the chemistry between our leads is off the charts. This is the weirdest and funniest meet-cute I’ve seen in a long time, and I love how it gave our leads an instantly antagonistic relationship, but with an underlying layer of painful empathy. I’ve watched a lot of prosecutor dramas, but certainly not where the leads meet as prosecutor and murder suspect at the end of the first episode, so I can’t wait to see where this leads.
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (May 6, 2017)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (April 29, 2017)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (April 22, 2017)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (April 15, 2017)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (April 7, 2017)
- Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching (April 1, 2017)
Tags: Chicago Typewriter, Father I'll Take Care of You, Father Is Strange, Individualist Ji-young, Man to Man, Mystery Queen, Perfect Wife, Radiant Office, Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People, Ruler–Master of the Mask, Suspicious Partner, The Liar and His Lover, What We're Watching, Whisper
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1 Sakin
May 13, 2017 at 3:05 AM
Wow. GF already finished Liar. That was fast.
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The Pianoman
May 13, 2017 at 3:32 AM
Speaking of Girlfriday and what she said about Liar, the reason they stayed with the company was not just for their name, but because WHO Ent was strong enough to be able to protect them from the backlash.
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May 13, 2017 at 3:37 AM
They stayed because Han Gyul had to make a deal with CEO Yoo to keep her from suing them for damages and lost profit. Such lawsuits can take years and by the end of the band and him would've likely been ruined and forgotten, even if WHO Ent ended up losing the lawsuit. It's a lose-lose situation for them to leave the company.
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klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
May 13, 2017 at 4:12 AM
Can't wait for the last episode recap! ^_^ Although I also wish there was going to be another week of TLAHL, so, I'm torn. Lol.
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May 13, 2017 at 6:16 AM
Been waiting for days for Episode 16's recap too -- I am still feeling the separation pangs after TLAHL ended and I can't wait to join the usual party at the comments section. I wonder how many crying emoticons we'll see in the thread though -- because even now, there more thought that its over has me tearing up. Ugh. Kdrama withdrawal/heartbreak/separation anxiety is REAL, yo.
May 13, 2017 at 4:18 AM
Didn't she start like last week? lol. And here I thought she was busy. lol.
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May 13, 2017 at 8:02 AM
She's a binge watcher, I see. :)
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2 royal
May 13, 2017 at 3:06 AM
Currently watching Ruler and loving it so far. Also My Secret Romance that someone recommended to me (everything cliche is in this drama!) and just yesterday I started The Liar and His Lover. So many cute songs. Enjoyed that bit where Joy's character sang my favorite Cherry Filter song.
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Nisa kn
May 13, 2017 at 4:23 AM
Good luck with the liar and his lover, worth it
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3 lezah
May 13, 2017 at 3:14 AM
My Secret Romance is really, really steamy for E9. Sunghoon is one of the best kissers I've ever watched. ?
I'm continuing to really love Man X Man because this week SW really killed it for me by showing how much he actually cared. (Those tears in his eyes? Agh.)
The Liar and his Lover is finally over and it finished on such a nice warm, fuzzy note and I'm so glad I spent 8 weeks watching it because it gave me such hopeful, happy feelings. I also related to it more because the characters are all around the same age as me.
Suspicious Partner is off to a good start for me, and I'm looking forward to catching the recaps for it! I really like JCW (in those thin rimmed glasses ?) and so far, so good. I like the 3 main characters revealed. Taejoon is so smexy as a lawyer in a suit.
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May 13, 2017 at 3:49 AM
Is episode 9 out? I can't even find episode 8! How? Where do watch MSR?
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May 13, 2017 at 3:56 AM
I think people have somehow gotten their hands on the early release from oksus
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May 13, 2017 at 5:04 AM
There were some early releases like daydee said!
Here ya go (spoilers, be warned!)
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May 13, 2017 at 6:11 AM
Thank you, I'll watch it later tonight!
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May 15, 2017 at 10:23 AM
My thoughts exactly. I almost wondered if I was being tricked or something... haha
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May 13, 2017 at 3:54 AM
It's not completely over yet. There's still a last recap. Looking forward to your many comments there, they're a joy to read.
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May 13, 2017 at 4:59 AM
Yeah, love them too.
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May 13, 2017 at 5:06 AM
Oh, you can bet I have a lot to say about the last episode/final thoughts on it (; I'm just waiting patiently for it to be up! See you and @chaimaa there!
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May 13, 2017 at 4:14 AM
JCW seems to make anything look good, so much pretty
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May 13, 2017 at 9:28 AM
My Secret Romance's Episodes are up on youtube but i'm waiting for whole 1 hour episodes. I won't fall for those mini clickbait scenes uploaded on youtube.
Chang Look looks far better in Partner than he ever looked in K2. Show has its own breezy moments but again all the legsl stuff was so ridiculous that it felt a bit of bad taste in mouth.
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4 michykdrama
May 13, 2017 at 3:19 AM
After reading Girlfriday's comment on Chicago Typewriter- I need to watch it, and I want it now!
Need to finish learning korean so I can watch shows raw without subs. Can I get a free level up to expert like now? Please? No?
*goes back to waiting for subs*
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May 13, 2017 at 3:33 AM
*imagines a world where you can pay to skill up in languages*
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May 13, 2017 at 3:41 AM
Or an App to download in your mobile and it does all the subs with whatever you watch!
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May 13, 2017 at 8:28 AM
Or the Matrix...where it's just 'loaded' straight to your brain "I know Hangul" ?
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May 13, 2017 at 6:11 AM
Comment was deleted
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May 13, 2017 at 6:12 AM
I'm slowly taking Korean each semester in school as an elective, and my friends think I'm crazy to spend so much effort on it... but I have unsubbed dramas to catch, guys! Learning Korean is important to me! I just wish it weren't such a steep learning curve, it was already difficult enough for me to be bilingual.
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May 13, 2017 at 11:47 AM
What other language do you speak?
I am also interested in korean but whenever i think about it, apart from the dramas i wouldnt need this language. I live in Germany and here there are many many many refugees from arabic languages, it would make more sense to learn arabic then... ?
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May 13, 2017 at 8:22 PM
I definitely don't need Korean in my normal everyday life, haha! It's really purely for the sake of interest. I speak both English and Chinese "fluently", though I'm definitely way more proficient in English. (:
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May 14, 2017 at 1:51 AM
I'm the same, I'm 'fluent' in Cantonese but my English is way better- I'm not learning Korean just quite yet but I am tempted to pick it up after exams
May 13, 2017 at 6:18 AM
I've never taken korean classes but I've learned the language through Kdramas, and when I was traveling last year, I made some korean friends who told me I was fluent, that made me really happy!! Now, I would want to watch without subtitles but the raw versions are never available in my country! *cries*
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May 15, 2017 at 8:47 AM
i'm sooo jealous! I really wanted to learn so I can already start watching even without the subs. I'm slowly teaching myself Hangul and some korean words but so far all I can understand would be the one word common expressions that they often use.
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5 Melania
May 13, 2017 at 3:21 AM
Crude Play's story and Crude Play members and their bonds and friendships and conflicts and bromance made them officially my favorite band in dramaland.
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The Pianoman
May 13, 2017 at 3:33 AM
Mine too.
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klurker 🐙 Dora-Momo makes me wish I was young again
May 13, 2017 at 4:13 AM
Ditto! :)
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May 13, 2017 at 5:16 AM
I wonder if @javabeans will agree though.
She gave an A+ for Shut Up Boy Band, and and A- for Dream High. Where will Crude Play and Mush & Co stand I wonder?
I love all the group of friends and the romance and the music in all three dramas, so I'm not sure how I would rate it myself.
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May 13, 2017 at 5:25 AM
Oh, and I forgot You're Beautiful. @javabeans gave that an A-
And @girlfriday gave Shut Up an A, Dream High an A- and You're beautiful an A-
If I have to rank, I would say music are about equal, maybe You're beautiful an edge or Dream High.
Romance is You're Beautiful. The rest is about equal.
Friendship is Shut Up and Mush & Co and Crude Play.
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Mike the tech
May 13, 2017 at 11:11 AM
I enjoyed all the dramas you listed. However, in my opinion, Liar was the most cohesively and wholesomely crafted. It wasn't perfect and still made all aspect shine: the music, the friendship, the romance, the adults. And it did it packed with heart and hope.
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May 13, 2017 at 5:36 AM
If we go by heroine alone, I would give it to Sorim. She was my favorite from start to finish.
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6 gadis
May 13, 2017 at 3:24 AM
-Chicago Typewriter: We got tons of super great '30 scenes. And this drama finally hit all the right feels for me. So much characters and relationships to love, corporeal or not.
-Super Family 2017: All these jab at presidential election was bitterly funny. But then they bring all the sweet and heartwarming stories of family love that successfully made me tearing up.
-Crime Scene 3: Eps 2. The case was more interesting and complicated and I enjoyed their performance. Though I kept waiting for Ji-hoon's unexpectedly clever moment a la his appearance on season 2. Maybe being a permanent cast is quite burdensome for him. And Yang Se-hyung needs to step up his game. Because right now he neither did a good deduction nor he provided any entertainment. I miss Dong-Kong's kind of banter from season 2.
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May 13, 2017 at 10:51 AM
Agree on Crime Scene. I think that Yang Se-hyung is not serious in looking for the criminal and he's there because they paid him to do so. I mean, with so many evidences being laid out why would you so hang up on Jae-rim?
Agree about Kim Ji-hoon. I think that people are comparing him with Jinho and that's surely burdensome (heard that he's Jinho's replacement). Jinho is the master of Crime Scene and deduction. It's hard to top him
I'm more disappointed with Eunji though. I wish she's more active and open like Hani. Hani did so great in season 2. I want another Honey x Hoppang moment. That one was epic!
I hope they bring back Dong-Kong too since they invited Hani and Yoonji back. A little bit disappointed that Yoonji and Kong didn't come together since I kinda like them together. I even suspect them dating at one point
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7 bubbles
May 13, 2017 at 3:26 AM
I love that the recappers are enjoying Suspicious Partner. From what I saw in the fan posts it didn't seem to be the general consensus but maybe now I will dare to approach the recaps of that one. ^^ I'm liking this show a lot right now and am already impatiently waiting for the next episode.
Father is strange: This show might very well turn out to be my favorite family drama after What happens to my family. It's great and I am basically invested in every storyline which is pretty rare for me with these kinds of shows. I have my favorites of course which would be the love lines between Ra-Young and Cheol Soo as well as between Mi-Young and Joong-Hee.
No that the liar and his lover is over I am wondering, what will be the follow-up?
Chicago Typewriter: Whoah...... :o that ending...???
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8 kaybee
May 13, 2017 at 3:29 AM
"I feel like most of the dramas I’ve seen in the couple past months have been all right… but not cracktastic"
I feel completely the same as @tineybeanie about this. I mean, TLAHL was great in many ways, but it still had flaws and there were still eps where I was incredibly bored. Mostly, 2017 shows have been good or fine, but not great thus far. Don't know about the crime shows though, since I haven't been watching those.
My Secret Romance - has a really sizzling romance when he's being all flirty, but the plot is pretty non-existent.
Man to Man - I really liked ep 7 and it went places I didn't think it would already, which is always nice. It's not a show I'm impatiently waiting for each week though.
Suspicious Partner - Meh. I'll give it a chance to see if it just needs to find it's feet and whether or not the editing and tonal shifts will become more fluent.
Just finised a 2016 show, My Little Baby, which I started watching as it aired, but quickly dropped. Honestly only finished it now for the sake of finishing it. The premise had a lot of potential and even the direction it took of focusing on the daily lives of moms could have been interesting. Except it ended up being mostly about a weirdly scheming mom, a quickly-out-of-the-picture scheming grandma and an annoyingly scheming dad.
On another note, finishing that show now means I've watched 100 K-dramas in full in the span of 1½ years lol :P
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May 13, 2017 at 3:50 AM
I've been recording the dramas i finished watching in the 8 years I've been fan lol, it's 148 show, if I include Tunnel (which is almost over) and CT it will be 150.
Maybe i can hit 200 at the end of this year.
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May 13, 2017 at 4:28 AM
Lol that seems like quite a lot to watch in six months' time! Hwaiting!
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May 13, 2017 at 6:50 AM
Hi there! And here i thought i was weird for keeping a list of the dramas i watched. I'm so glad to know you do also haha Mine is 136, not counting in the other 25 dramas i can't bring myself to finish ??
That said, if you were to recommend a drama (your favorite) which drama would that be? Just curious
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May 13, 2017 at 10:00 AM
I have about 18 dramas aside from the 100 that are waiting for me to finish them lol. And you're definitely not alone in keeping track of what you watch!
Hmmm. That one is always tricky for me, because I'm really bad at picking favorites, especially if it's not genre-specific lol. But I've added my favorites to the "My Shows" on my profile here. The only favorite not on there is "The Lover", since DB hasn't added it yet :)
Any show you'd recommend? ^^
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May 13, 2017 at 7:42 AM
Comment was deleted
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May 13, 2017 at 10:11 AM
I wouldn't have thought of keeping tally like that, but I use mydramalist to keep track of what ep I'm at, what shows I've seen/want to see etc, and then it just makes stats on it's own ^^
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May 13, 2017 at 3:52 AM
If JCW got a better lead actress with NJH, KSY got an upgrade with YSH as her lead actor.. I'm hoping the next drama for SungHoon will be with a better actress too... And please make Gong Pyu a lead against a befitting lead actress. It's killing me!
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May 13, 2017 at 4:02 AM
wow @kaybee! it's you already! I also have a record of the dramas i have finished watching and i have 100 dramas since 2014.
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May 13, 2017 at 4:11 AM
Not counting the dramas currently airing I have watched 229 dramas since the end of 2012. I realized I must be crazy for watching that much dramas XD
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May 13, 2017 at 4:31 AM
Lol we need to get out more :P
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May 13, 2017 at 4:13 AM
Yay I'm not the only one that records dramas that I've watched. I do it mainly bc I'm forgetful and I know I'll only remember the ones which made a really big impact on me (for good or bad) and I'll miss the ones which I enjoyed but were low key watches. I've just counted myself and I'm on about 50 in full in about a year and a half?
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May 13, 2017 at 4:34 AM
Yeah, if I don't keep a list of watched, to-watch and on-hold dramas, I get confused lol. I recently discovered mydramalist and it's made it SO much easier. Before I'd just keep a list on my phone and then on Viki as a list, but Viki's missing a lot of shows, so it didn't work too well.
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May 13, 2017 at 9:28 PM
Ooh this is interesting. On my hard drive I sort out dramas into 4 different files: favourites, completed, couldn't finish, and still to watch. I've never counted how many I've actually finished but it would be in the hundreds over the ~5 years I've been watching.
I always have kdrama FOMO - I'm a marathoner and I'm worried I'll somehow forget about a good drama. So I keep random lists on my phone but I forget to update them or lose them. So I might look this mydramalist thing up.
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May 15, 2017 at 1:04 AM
I don't have a folder for my favorites. I just sort them into 2 parts : completed and haven't finished. Lately I have another one for the on-going dramas. So I'm glad that db has "My Shows" feature for my profile.
May 16, 2017 at 12:30 AM
I'm currently working on my drama list in mydramalist (kkk~).. I have been added those in My Shows here and now skimming through all the +300 pages of korean movies and dramas to add the rest, I'm still on page 10 though so it's still a long way to go @_@
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May 13, 2017 at 4:40 AM
Damn, @kaybee, that's dedication right there. You should move up to 2 more beanie levels. ??
I only started watching 2 years ago. I only completed about a quarter of yours, I think. I don't marathon as I used to. In fact, I have been watching only one drama at a time recently. But the good news is, I am about to spend a few days there in SK starting next Wednesday.
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May 13, 2017 at 4:51 AM
Well, I wouldn't complain if they want to move me up 2 levels :P Then I can escape the smell, skip being wrongly accused (I'd rather not run so much) and go straight to running errands. Which frankly sounds exhausting too, why so much running?
Now I'm jealous, that sounds awesome! :D Where are you going to?
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May 13, 2017 at 11:52 AM
I watched 327 korean dramas since 2000, I keep track of it on a spreadsheet. I only dropped 1 drama. My first drama was Autumn in my heart and that one was considered as the beginning of hallyu wave. I watch cdramas, j-doramas, and tdramas as well (so the whole total should be more than 327.. Gosh.. I've no life!). I rarely watch online, I usually burn it to the discs, and I have so many collections, and don't know what to do with those. I'm not planning to sell any of those, due to my respect to the subbers. I remember back then we had WithS2 and haruharu who did the English subs. I thought Javabeans was one of the WithS2 subbers? or I might be wrong. Now we have Viki, VIU, dramafever, etc. Since I watched so many kdramas..I guess I'm the sunbae here? lols..
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May 13, 2017 at 12:41 PM
Wow! That's quite a lot of dramas and a lot of years! You're definitely my sunbae at least, both in years and shows watched.
I watched my first kdrama back in, oh, 2012 or something? But only watched a few and then picked it up again 1½ years ago and rewatched those I'd seen then, so I count from the second date lol. Either way, I'm definitely the hoobae.
I'm so glad there are more choices available now, I can't imagine what it must have been like to be an international drama-fan back then...
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9 drawde2000
May 13, 2017 at 3:34 AM
I just finished The Liar and his Lover. It was a very addicting drama for me, TLAHL. It was all I can think about every week. My love for it was gradual. It kept increasing as we got closer to the end. It did not disappoint. Full of well-rounded characters. Even the main antagonist, CEO Yoo, managed to tug my heart. That's very unusual. Kudos to that drama.
I love tvN dramas, so on my next watch would be Circle: Two Worlds Connected. There's just so much to be excited for it, namely tvN, SFD writers as producers, 12 episodes and the two main leads. It can't go wrong, right?
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May 13, 2017 at 3:40 AM
I'm so excited about Circle! TvN rarely disappoints and anything sci-fi captures my attention lol.
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May 13, 2017 at 5:09 AM
Correct. tvN rarely disappoint. I can also always trust tvN to be cinematically appealing. It doesn't really on bright lights all the time. If they want to go dark, they go dark. There's a certain art to their dramas. They are also fluid. They love to do the walk and talk, where characters naturally walk and talk while the camera follows them in a single take. I don't really see that in other networks, probably due to time constraints.
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May 13, 2017 at 5:42 AM
The 'cinematic appealing' and 'talk while walking' parts remind me so much to most scenes in TWY :') *plays the OST on loop*
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May 13, 2017 at 6:18 AM
Tomorrow with you was exactly what I was reminded of too!
May 13, 2017 at 6:33 AM
When I was writing the post, TWY was on my mind as well. TWY did several of those walk and talks, and they were done masterfully. My favorite was that 2 minute scene by the shore at night. It was just so romantic and beautiful for me.
I did just listen to the OSTs yesterday. The feels.
May 13, 2017 at 3:41 AM
The reason I think it was addicting was because of what Javabeans said. It made its viewers feel happy, even in angst, and the feeling of happiness is addicting.
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May 13, 2017 at 4:59 AM
setting my eyes on Circle. Hope it is good.
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May 13, 2017 at 5:37 AM
I feel exactly the same way you do about TLAHL. The first episodes were okay (I thought it was a little cringey but I loved the umbrella scene) but episode 3 caught me -- hook, line and sinker! I still remember rewatching that episode so many times and it became my crack from then on! I really think it was the writing (the gradual build-up, the self-aware and consistently written characters) and the charm and chemistry of the cast that made me love the drama -- it wasn't the love at first sight type but the deep kind of love that grows and stays with you. And even now, days later, I am still looking for it -- I can't believe its over! (T_____T)
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outofthisworld 不愧是我 🏍
May 13, 2017 at 7:59 PM
I just want to thank you for your TLAHL comment last week. You replied to a beanie who couldn't get into the show because there were some things which bothered her.
The Liar and His Lover wasn't a show which I would naturally pick up. When I saw that the show had a few hundred comments in each recap, I stayed away further. It reinforced my impression that it was a teenage rom flick which got everyone excited. So, I never bothered to read the comments on OT or What We Are Watching because they are bound to be overly positives raves anyway.
Maybe that's why I ended up reading one of the few comments which wasn't positive and your reply. The drama certainly lived up to your description and more.
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10 Jen2
May 13, 2017 at 3:41 AM
Currently watching "Whisper", SP", "RMM", "MSR" so far I enjoyed a lots ! ?
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11 tsinita
May 13, 2017 at 3:44 AM
M-T the liar and his lover, my secret romance
W-T mask and suspicious partner
F-S Chicago typewriter
Thank God for W-T drama my week is filled..... and my life is screwed!
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12 azzo
May 13, 2017 at 3:45 AM
MxM: Still loving it and loved episode 7 for the cool action scenes but what Seol-woo did was so unpredictable to me! I know he cares for her but I didn't know it was to this extent! Can't wait fot episode 8, he's going to be breaking Do-ha's heart, isn't he? I'm so ready for it, bring the heartbreak I say!
My secret Romance: enjoying it more than I expected to! I kept waiting for episode 8 and searching everywhere till I discovered it was pre-empted, bummed!
Ruler: Love it so far and L is surprisingly doing a good job here but I can't say the same about Yoon So-hee! I liked her in almost all of her other dramas but in Ruler I'm so bothered by her character that I don't even want to see her on my screen, I mean what kind of reaction was that when she first saw Prince Sun outside? There was nothing! I really hope she gets better!
And I'm just so happy that we'll be getting Tunnel episode 13 today, it was a long wait!
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May 13, 2017 at 4:07 AM
I've only seen Yoon So Hee in marriage not dating and I think it was partly to do with acting and partly her character but she wasn't very likeable in that role either
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May 13, 2017 at 6:24 AM
I thought her acting was fine in MND, it's the character that I didn't like but here her acting feels so off!
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May 13, 2017 at 4:38 AM
MxM - SW's actions left me a bit confused too. In the end I decided that it's just because he values innocent people's lives too much. Which is probably not what the show intended, but it helps me stay sane through the lack of clear and believable motivations lol :b
MSR - I kept searching for it too lol! I'm looking forward to it each week, even though I sometimes ff a bit. Sung Hoon has nothing to do with that. Nope. Nothing at all.
I'm so happy to hear you think L's doing a good job in Ruler. He's not the world's best actor, but I feel like he's done okay in some of his roles, so I'm rooting for him to become better hehe ^^
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May 13, 2017 at 5:28 AM
I couldn't find MSR episode 8 and wondered what happened, though I suspected a preemption of some sort. Episode 7 was so cute. The romance is really moving along now. SH is so cute, stealing kisses as appetizer from the female lead.
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May 13, 2017 at 5:58 AM
Omgahhh that appetizer. I want some of that. LOL! ;D
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May 13, 2017 at 6:17 AM
Haha.. I didn't realize he was going to kiss her then. So, it was really suprising for me. And suprise kisses make my heart flutter. :P
May 13, 2017 at 10:13 AM
Lol who doesn't? ;)
May 13, 2017 at 6:26 AM
L is really doing a good job in Ruler, when I started it I expected him to bad so it was surprising to see him improved! Yes, he's not great but I can see he's putting some effort!
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May 13, 2017 at 10:17 AM
I'm glad that all his hard work is finally starting to pay off a little then :b
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May 13, 2017 at 5:29 AM
I'm giddy thinking about Tunnel. Finally I can watch my current favorite drama again.
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May 13, 2017 at 6:22 AM
Yes, so excited for today's episode, especially since Kwang-ho is back to the past!
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May 13, 2017 at 11:14 PM
I'm L's fan as an idol but I was anxious how he'll fare against YSH & KSH but 1st episodes in and what bothered me was Yoon SoHee
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May 14, 2017 at 3:21 AM
For My Secret Romance...episodes 8 and 9 are already available in YT but not subbed. The story is simple and typical but I'm really enjoying it. The people involved in this drama knows how to entertain viewers.
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13 kontrarymary
May 13, 2017 at 3:54 AM
The preemptions gave me a chance to watch Individualist Jiyoung back to back... loved the indie feel and the storyline of two broken people finding love and balance. Gong Myung's acting is getting better with each role he plays, and man did he really, really KISS that girl.
I'm definitely enjoying the variety of dramas (ManXMan's bromance/action, Chicago Typewriter's vintage/ghost bromance/romance, and Suspicious Partner's legal romcom/swooning-hot-Ji-Chang-Wook). Great. Now I need to watch a sageuk.
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May 13, 2017 at 5:29 AM
I really liked individualist ji young too. I didn't realize the two hours passing at all.
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14 CracyC
May 13, 2017 at 3:58 AM
I want to thank @Javabeans for watching and talking about Liar and His Lover every week on Team Dramabeans What we're watching.
The week Javabeans gave exposure to the drama, was the week the comments started to increase exponentially.
They said the more, the merrier. You helped made those parties so fun by giving it promo, so thank you.
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May 13, 2017 at 4:16 AM
I was part of those people who watched because of JB. Because she started watching the drama late in the game, I remember having to catch up either 6 or 8 episodes for the next recap. Ha. I'd like to thank her too.
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May 13, 2017 at 4:39 AM
Aaah so that's why it started to increase! I watched from the beginning and it didn't get that much love, but then suddenly everyone was all over it lol.
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15 Mia
May 13, 2017 at 4:02 AM
A do we see the posts by a particular author now. Because on clicking their name, we are reached to the wall and not the articles written by them.
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May 13, 2017 at 4:07 AM
Same question.
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May 13, 2017 at 4:30 AM
When you reach the fan wall- click on comments header, next to fan wall and shows. It will all come out.
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16 the50person
May 13, 2017 at 4:03 AM
LOL I love how YSH is The Best Reason to catch Ruler: Master of the Mask and I have to agree: each time he appears on screen, he carries such a weighty present and brings such gravitas befitting of his role and the genre.
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May 13, 2017 at 5:26 AM
I love all the expressions YSH makes in this show.. So soulful, so expressive and so cute!
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May 13, 2017 at 6:10 AM
I've honestly never seen YSH in anything but after watching the first four (2?) episodes of Ruler, I realized I missed out on so much! I love, love, love him! I honestly started the drama for KSH but now I'm staying just as much for YSH -- any recommendations on YSH dramas I can watch to catch up?
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May 13, 2017 at 6:39 AM
Warrior Baek Dong Soo. The plot is a mess but YSH is the one to watch in there.
Precious Family. As a child actor he did an autistic kid very convincingly.
Missing You. As a delulu guy.
Arang and the Magistrate. Hilarious Jade Emperor.
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May 13, 2017 at 6:48 AM
Remember You.
Operation Proposal (not that good, but he's a lead)
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May 13, 2017 at 7:07 AM
YSH is good, it's just that he has the not so fortunate fate of getting dramas where the plot doesn't fare as well as his acting.
May 14, 2017 at 11:09 AM
Imaginary Cat, only 6 episodes. YSH snuggling with his cat just makes anyone's day better.
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May 13, 2017 at 6:48 AM
He just oozes charisma and presence. Even with the mask on, I still feel every bit of emotion. Those damn expressive eyes are working overtime. haha! And I am one enthralled viewer.
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May 13, 2017 at 7:06 AM
Right?! His eyes, they have such strength and charisma. It's hard to find such naturally intense eyes and also possess the ability to control them and not overdo it.
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17 kabsy
May 13, 2017 at 4:08 AM
What I am watching:
Chicago typewriter- the newest episode was I agree with girlfriday, the show is at the place I want it to be, integrating all the different parts pretty well. Also it has so many of my favourite stuff, resistance movements, 1930s style, romance..I am glad I stuck with it
Suspicious partner- it has started off pretty well. I do like the energy that Nam Ji Hyun puts into the role and that the show did not drag on with the wrongly accused stuff. And I do like seeing JCW in a comedic role, I found him quite funny in parts of Healer. But the length-why 30 mins per episode??
I am thinking about putting Individualist Ji Young on the watchlist, should I??
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May 13, 2017 at 4:22 AM
Yes for Individualist JY. Watch it. Enjoy it.
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May 13, 2017 at 1:30 PM
you should definitely check out Individualist ji young. I finished watching it like 5 mins ago and had to come here to rave about it lol
Definitely worth watching. To my surprise, the 2 hour length was perfect, and the acting is good. if youve seen let's drink and enjoyed the performance of the puppy gong myung then youll love him even more here.
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May 14, 2017 at 9:51 AM
Thank you so much. I loved the drama. It was so heartwarming and touching and I enjoyed it so much. Probably one of my favourites for this year and perhaps of all time.
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18 alert
May 13, 2017 at 4:12 AM
Reading how @girlfriday choked up during the scene in CT made me chocked up. Again. And yes! SALTNPAPER's Satellite is so, so good that everytime it plays in the show, I feel like tearing up. Like every. time.
What a comeback, show! Love you!
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May 13, 2017 at 7:04 AM
Whenever this OST starts playing i get so emotional, it's so addicting, that makes me connect with the scenes, hearing it everytime is amusing never get tired of it.
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May 13, 2017 at 8:16 AM
Right? I get so emotional too! And I don't even understand the song. Wait till I check out the lyrics and I'm pretty sure I would be weeping in the next eps. This is exactly the example of how a good OST could squeeze all the emotions we never knew we had.
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19 youcallitwinter
May 13, 2017 at 4:13 AM
Ji Chang Wook really is so phenomenal. His micro-expressions are amazing, which is why he can do tonal shifts without it feeling like an emotional whiplash. And he does intensity so well, that he needs very little to work with in terms of circumstance. I've been thoroughly enjoying Mystery Queen, Man to Man, and Suspicious Partners. After a long spell in which nothing in dramaland particularly stuck, I love having things to watch again. All of them have fantastic actors and interesting arcs and great chemistry between the leads.
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20 ⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
May 13, 2017 at 4:15 AM
Watching Happy Together at the moment - Chief Kim and Yul are reunite ?
Chicago Typewriter is my top fav drama at the moment - i love everything about it!
Super Family & Father Is Strange are my weekly pills. Already watched preview FIS and excited about it.
Rebel will end next week, I hope it will end with good ending - happy or sad ending.
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May 13, 2017 at 4:42 AM
They're on Happy Together together? *runs to youtube to search*
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May 13, 2017 at 4:52 AM
Once you watch please tell me if you also thought Namgoong Min looked a little like Kwanghee in that episode! I think it was the haircut I think..
Oh and just to clarify, I don't hate Kwanghee but never expected Namgoong Min to look like him!
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May 13, 2017 at 5:20 AM
Oh gosh. You just reminded me of what I dreamt last night: that I was watching a drama and Kwanghee was in it as a kid and apparently he'd started out as a child-actor and I thought it was really funny to see him in an old drama.
Which is really odd, since a) I haven't seen Kwanghee in any variety shows in ages and b) I couldn't care less about him. Seriously strange dream lol!
Anyway, I'll keep that in mind once I watch :P
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May 13, 2017 at 5:23 AM
And you know what i wonder when I read about your dream: Was it a pre- plastic surgery Kwanghee or a post-PS? Like did the kid really look like Kwanghee does?
He was in You are Beautiful though, and they all wore school uniforms so maybe the dream was related to that?
May 13, 2017 at 10:26 AM
I think the dream comes from that talk here on DB about how Lee Hyun Woo and Hongki both debuted at age 12 and were in To The Beautiful You/You're Beautiful when they were 19 and ... OH!!! Now I know! He wasn't in a school uniform, so it's not that, but if it comes from that convo then it makes sense, because Kwanghee was in TTBY :b
May 13, 2017 at 5:31 AM
I am very excited at FIS too. Now Lee Yuri's parents have found out about her cohabitation, what is going to happen next? I can't imagine the bully moving into the family home. She doesn't look like one who can accommodate anyone or live in a cramped household.
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May 14, 2017 at 12:32 PM
Omo, I need to watch this Happy Together treat!
Speaking of Chief Kim... I almost flipped back in my chair/sofa when I saw the Go Lawyer walk in with the same strut onto a scene in Man to Man... only this time he was sent by the evil higher ups! Nooo!
And... wiki has Namgoong Min up for a cameo in Man to Man next weekend. We already have Song Joon Ki cameo coming up in ep.9, so it would be like having a double-chocolate cake with a cherry on top and eating it too. :D
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21 revgail
May 13, 2017 at 4:19 AM
Started 3 show this week,
Ruler: Master of the Mask - I rarely watch sagueks, Six Flying Dragons was the last one, but it's hard to pass on this one (Hello Kim Sohyun and hello Yoo Seungho). The show is kinda familiar, a mask prince reminds me of the prince of Hwarang. But since this is a youth melodrama, I hope for more interactions between our leads and the bromance between Crown Prince and Lee Seon. Yoon Sohee is terrible, maybe saguek is not for her. And now I wait for next week.
Suspicious Partner - This is a strange show giving me strange feelings, in a good way. I love the pilot week. The shift to thriller-mystery in episode 1 wasn't expected, and I'm intrigued. I can't wait for more! And yaaaay! Ji ChangWook is baaaack!
Tunnel - I'm halfway episode 1 and soooo many murders omg! This show I started since beanies are kinda vocal about the show! Hoping for a fun ride watching this show.
Recently finished,
The Liar and His Lover - It's done and I'm satisfied. The show is a gem from start to finish. I will forever treasure my experience watching this show. It isn't just I watched the drama to finish it, but I became an interactive drama fan here in DB. Commenting every week was never my usual drama routine and it's quite nice that a lot of dramafans share their love for Liar that I was also encouraged to share my love for it actively. ❤
Radiant Office - What a thoughful show. This show kinda speaks to me since it's like my workplace where working hard is not enough and making connections will get you to places. I've learned a lot with this drama and it's sad to say goodbye. ?
Individualist Jiyoung - woah what an emotionally packed 2 hours. I like how the show made me laugh, cry and feel love. I could watch the couple for more episodes to explore more of their characters since I kinda felt empty after watching. Not enough show, not enough.
Still watching,
My Secret Romance - The romance is picking up yaaay! Why just one episode this week whyyyy?
Man to Man - action packed episode 7, Park Haejin killed it! I want Seolwoo to talk to Doha so bad. He clearly loves her. ?
Chicago Typewriter - I've been waiting for ages since last week and what a nice comeback! I've got lots of answers this episode 9, but Seju's conflicting feelings as he's known he's the reason for Seol's trauma was sad to watch. Episode 9 ending thoooooo!!!
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May 13, 2017 at 5:34 AM
The bromance is becoming more apparent in Episode 9 of CT. I love it. Love all of SJ's interactions with Yoo and the ghostly hijinks that occur when the others are around. So glad they remembered Yoo is still a ghost, invisible to the rest.
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22 tesshan
May 13, 2017 at 4:27 AM
Chicago Typewriter: I did not think I would love it as much as I do.
Suspicious Partner: plot is maybe lacking at first but I love the mystery and the main couple is very good.
Kill me, heal me: nearly finished watching this. Fellow drama watchers told me to watch this countless times already but I thought the main characters looked weird. But how wrong I was!!!! Love them and I am now a super fan of ji seong!!!!!
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May 13, 2017 at 5:39 AM
The main couple's interactions in SP are very interesting, and their chemistry is daebak! CTJ is bae! He is so adorable in his interactions with JW, and I can't wait for the bromance to commence.
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May 13, 2017 at 6:36 AM
Secret love with Ji Sung and Hwang Jung Eum is also a good drama. This duo do no wrong.
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23 jillian
May 13, 2017 at 4:33 AM
TLAHL: I am sad to see this show end. I do agree that the characters that I have learned to love is left at a better place to deal with whatever life will throw at them. Aside from the romance, i have been invested in the relationship with Crude Play and K, even Mush&Co. I appreciated that their friendships became stronger as they became more honest with each other. its the integrity of their music is what they were fighting for. And Its satisfying to watch them face it head on together as a group. It made me love this fictional band even more.
ManxMan: the plot moves so fast that it made me wonder what is next. I just felt the romace aspect is moving too fast. Just want them to take a little longer with the romance misunderstanding, so i can see more interaction with Guard Kim and his VIP Top Star.
RULER: I didnt think too much about the poison thing. And the mark on the CP. There were just more questions on how that works. I just wanted to see Yoo Seungho and Kim SoHyun on my screen. I got more of that on the episode 3 and 4. (The episode numbers is also driving me crazy) I really like the chemistry of Yoo SeungHo and Kim SoHyun. They are what makes the show for me. I will be checking out the next episodes just to see more of this mask shenanigans.
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May 13, 2017 at 5:42 AM
I didn't think much of the poison in Ruler either. I just went along with it because I wanted to see more of the lead couple on the screen. And when they appear, squee!!! I hope the male lead stays away from the palace for more episodes to come and spend more time with the female lead.
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May 13, 2017 at 6:31 AM
Yoo Seung Ho is enough for me to stop thinking too much about logic leaps and plotholes (of which there were alr quite a few in the premiere episode). That screen presence is no joke.
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May 13, 2017 at 12:24 PM
Me too on the poison. At the time I thought: it is what it is. It's a creative choice in a drama, not science.
Though, Javabeans pointing out the strong allusions to Sado, prompted more thought. From that I've come to think that the so-called poison is symbolic. It was made from poppies (the source of heroin) and snake venom (symbolic of evil). And after the king took it, he had hallucinations similar to those described by LSD users.
At a conceptual level it seemed to say that the power the king received in exchange for being a pawn is an evil illusion; and once received, that power will be addictive. Regarding the poison killing you if you stop taking the drug: That's likely a false narrative. But it is a very real threat: stop relying on us and you die.
At a political level the kings relationship with a covert power broker could be a metaphor for the Joseon monarchy's reliance on, and subservience to, China.
As far as a retelling of the circumstances surrounding Sado, I love it. You only need a simple knowledge of human nature and age old workings of political power structures to understand that Lady Hyegyeong's account of Sado's life and demise was highly problematic. I'm more inclined to believe that his father was both controlled by outside powers and a bit (or perhaps a lot) off the rails. Sados story seems to have been circulated as a cover to preserve his father's legacy... and to mask the deeds of the real powers behind the throne.
I like that this drama has already reimagined the (real historical) king's demons, via an allusion to drug addiction and the brutal symptoms he'd experience if he attempted sudden withdrawal (depression, extreme paranoia, homicidal thoughts, suicidal thoughts, schizophrenia, etc).
Also like its telling of why the palace deaths occurred in connection with the prince. The reason for the prince's excursions outside the palace walls. The impetus for his desire for reform. Why he won't be able to be sentenced to death by poison (his immunity). Etc.
I can only hope those themes will remain vague since it's a youth oriented drama. But they'd be wonderful as the premise of a serious, carefully plotted sageuk that has a heart wrenching end.
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24 Ty
May 13, 2017 at 4:35 AM
If i include tunnel then i would complete 150 Korean dramas for which i lived....and with this i can say signal,i hear your voice,romantic doctor,school 2013 are my fav shows.And lee jong suk is my fav actor..??love lee jong suk oppa waiting for while you are sleeping..
And ruler, tunnel, ct are my life now??
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25 alert
May 13, 2017 at 4:38 AM
Trying to bit more than I can chew this week, all in the quest of climbing out from the slump. Took up My Secret Romance, Man to Man, Suspicious Partner, Crime Scene 1-3 along with CT. And probably one of the rare few who's yet to start on TLAHL.
Even after all that, I'm sticking to CT and newly addicted to Crime Scene. Would probably skip SP until it's completed, and will continue Man to Man if I have extra time. Sigh. I'm so picky these days..
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May 13, 2017 at 5:41 AM
Yay, a new Crime Scene fan. *virtual highfive*
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May 13, 2017 at 6:51 AM
I'm binge-watching them like crazy now, and I don't mind a rewatch later, just to see their facial espression, especially the escaped murderer. Plus, Kim Ji Hoon is love!
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May 13, 2017 at 8:46 AM
and of course.. *highfive*!
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May 13, 2017 at 8:09 PM
I see you're CS fans, so I'd recommend you to watch the chinese ver one. I've advertised it everywhere but got no responses ?
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May 14, 2017 at 8:12 AM
This may sound weird, but I'm really used to listening to Korean (and able to pick up some words and expressions), that watching shows with another language feels weird. Maybe later I'll try it again.
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May 13, 2017 at 5:44 AM
I haven't started on TLAHL too. Actually, I watched an episode, but it didn't reel me in, so I let it go after that.
MSR is an easy watch. My idle hour passes very quickly whenever I am watching the show.
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May 13, 2017 at 6:49 AM
MSL is a total guilty pleasure LOL. Sung hoon totally carries the show. It's a show with no plot, but still lures you in with that totally hot lead.
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May 13, 2017 at 6:52 AM
Damn my fatty fingers.