Man to Man: Episode 7
by murasakimi
Take a deep breath now, because there really isn’t much time to breathe in this episode. With Do-ha’s life on the line and Seol-woo feeling more desperate than we’ve ever seen him before, it may be time for him to face those enigmatic feelings he’s been dodging. The baddies have our heroes cornered on all fronts, and since no one can be trusted, Seol-woo is forced to work alone. Luckily for him, help comes from an unlikely ally.
Dong-hyun warns Seol-woo not to go after Do-ha and instead let the police handle the situation. But Seol-woo has made up his mind, and he tracks down Do-ha’s location and enters a maze of shipping containers with his gun in hand. Seol-woo rounds the corner expecting to find a welcoming party, but the area is empty.
Carefully, he approaches an unlocked shipping container and turns the latch, but before he pulls the handle, he notices a beeping red light, which makes him pause. He inspects the surrounding area and finds a bomb with only one minute remaining.
Immediately, he gets to work disarming the bomb and cuts a white wire. The clock stops only to start up again a second later. Do-ha, who is trapped in a darkened room, struggles against her restraints.
With thirty seconds left, Seol-woo selects a blue wire to cut next. He holds the wire between the blades of his scissors, closes his eyes, and holds his breath as five more seconds go by. Suddenly, he changes his mind and releases the blue wire, moving instead to a red one. Oh man, I’m sweating.
He gets this terribly sad and nervous look in his eyes for a moment before steeling himself. With less than ten seconds left, Seol-woo holds the red wire in his hands, then finally, he cuts. Whew.
The clock stops, and the bomb is disarmed. He immediately opens the shipping container, and once he does, bright lights illuminate above Do-ha.
Ah, it was a trap. Seol-woo approaches a laptop left on a table in the still-darkened shipping container and sees a livestream of Do-ha tied to a chair in another room far away. He notices the coin he gave her also on the table and furrows his eyebrows.
Ki-chul calls Seol-woo using a disguised voice, and he praises Seol-woo’s skills in disarming the bomb. He tells Seol-woo to hand over the wood carving and the ring by tonight, or Do-ha dies.
Enraged, Seol-woo repeatedly shoots the laptop until it falls to the floor. Behind him, a SWAT team swarms the entrance and covers Seol-woo in red laser dots. Dong-hyun calls the police off, and later, the two discuss the escalating situation.
Dong-hyun chastises Seol-woo for blowing his cover, but Seol-woo shoots back that Do-ha will be in danger if he misses the deadline. Understanding his concern, Dong-hyun tells Seol-woo in a softer voice to stay out of it and to let him handle it from here.
Dong-hyun instructs the SWAT team to recover all CCTV in the surrounding area, and while he’s distracted, Seol-woo removes the detonator from the bomb.
Ki-chul orders Do-ha to be untied, and she immediately shuts her eyes tightly swears that she doesn’t know where the ring is. This behavior piques Ki-chul’s interest, and when he asks why she’s telling him this, she replies that she was abducted by loan sharks in high school, so she knows how these things work. Gosh, that’s so sad.
Ki-chul crouches and says in a sincere-sounding voice that they aren’t the bad guys. He apologizes for treating her so roughly, and then introduces himself as an investigator from the NIS.
Department Head Jang calls Seol-woo to reiterate that he is not to get himself further involved in the Do-ha matter, because if his identity is blown, then he may put even Director Im at risk.
Instead of answering, Seol-woo just hangs up the phone before entering an electronics repair shop. He greets the shop owner who recognizes him and is surprised to see that he’s still alive. Seol-woo promises to explain later, but for now, he needs the shop owner to examine the detonator he took from the bomb.
The guy tells Seol-woo that it’s an instrument commonly used by “Russia’s Alpha Group,” an elite counter-terrorism unit. The shop owner guesses that the item came from a man named Master Sergeant Choi in Annam. He adds that Master Sergeant Choi is retired and now runs a junkyard, but he deals arms illegally on the backend.
Meanwhile, Seung-jae receives word about Woon-kwang’s bodyguard being a ghost agent. He thinks back to their meeting at Chairman Victor’s party before ordering Ki-chul to eliminate everyone (including Seol-woo and Do-ha) once they’ve acquired the wood carving and the ring.
Seung-jae also learns that Eun-soo and Woon-kwang are starring in an upcoming movie together, and his secretary theorizes that Mi-eun is meeting with Eun-soo because of the movie. He seethes and says, “I wondered why her new toy was so cheap. It was Woon-kwang again.”
Back at his house, Woon-kwang prepares for his new role with Eun-soo. But when his staff praises the movie’s script, he complains about not understanding the characters — namely the fact that his character likes someone who is both ugly and poor. Sang-shik tells him that he can’t play the lead with that attitude, and Woon-kwang barks at him warningly.
His stylist, HAN JI-SUN, tells Woon-kwang that she heard the role was written with Woon-kwang in mind, and upon hearing that, he gets a strange look in his eyes. He asks who told them that and gets two answers: CEO Ji and Do-ha.
Elsewhere, Mi-eun waits for her son to finish with his lessons for the day, but she’s taken aback when Seung-jae’s secretary arrives to inform her that the nanny will be taking care of her son for the time being. At that moment, she receives a text from Seung-jae containing the photo Woon-kwang took with her son at the restaurant. Eek.
She goes home and explains herself, calling the run-in with Woon-kwang a coincidence, adding that Seung-jae is misunderstanding the situation. He asks about her meetings with Eun-soo and wonders if he’s misunderstanding the meaning behind those meetings.
She’s surprised that he knows about that before she tries to explain, but he stops her and says, “I may get angrier if I hear your excuse. I don’t want to get angry at you.” He walks towards the door, but leaves her with one final thought, “Just accept your punishment until I feel better.” Whoaaaa.
Back with Do-ha, Ki-chul tells Do-ha that they didn’t kidnap her—they’re just trying to protect her because she’s in danger. She asks about the ring, but Ki-chul replies that it’s classified information, then adds that many people’s lives are at stake.
Do-ha asks about her father’s safety, but Ki-chul says that he’s fine since he doesn’t have the ring. She says that he definitely doesn’t because he didn’t even know where she hid it, and Ki-chul asks who else knew where it was hidden. She has to think for a minute, but then remembers that she told Seol-woo.
She doesn’t have to say it aloud because Ki-chul already knows. He asks if she’s witnessed Seol-woo act suspiciously before, like at Chairman Victor’s party, for example. Ki-chul elaborates that something important was taken from the chairman’s safe on that day. He sees Do-ha’s face become uncertain, and so he goes in for the kill, asking if she believes that Seol-woo was being sincere with her in their relationship.
While Do-ha is getting a dose of harsh reality, Seol-woo meets with Dad after the latter calls to discuss the watch. Dad’s very impressed that Seol-woo immediately recognized the watch as a fake. The situation gave him an idea, he says, and so he shows Seol-woo a drawing of the ring, wondering if Seol-woo knows anyone who can make a replica.
Seol-woo grows angry after realizing Dad’s motive, and he cruelly warns Dad not to cause anymore trouble, because his “stupid con won’t work, so just live quietly waiting tables.” Wow, harsh.
Ki-chul continues working on Do-ha, outing Seol-woo’s deception by telling her, “To him, love is nothing but a tactic to achieve his goal.” The evidence is pretty damning against Seol-woo as Ki-chul unveils each layer of Seol-woo’s mission, which, to Do-ha, explains all of his odd behavior, but also unravels her budding relationship. Aieee, poor girl.
Department Head Jang briefs Dong-hyun on what they know about Ki-chul, the former “Agent S.” It isn’t much; all they know is that he’s an orphan and was in the special forces. He left the NIS after he was presumed dead during a mission and supposedly went rogue. Dong-hyun is certain that he’s working for Assemblyman Baek and suggests that they get a warrant to bring him in, but Department Head Jang wants them to gather some evidence first.
They know that Assemblyman Baek’s relationship with Songsan has some friction, so Dong-hyun wonders if they can exploit that somehow, but Department Head Jang says that Assemblyman Baek is meeting secretly with Seung-jae today because his approval rating has fallen recently. He adds that the connection between money and power cannot be severed so easily.
In that meeting, Assemblyman Baek worries that he may actually lose the Seoul mayoral race. He’s not-so-subtly angling for some more cash, which Seung-jae picks up on right away. The chaebol complains that Assemblyman Baek is a money pit, so Assemblyman Baek offers a little something in exchange. He hands over the early business evaluations for all the top public enterprises in Seoul, which he will privatize and give to Seung-jae.
Seung-jae argues that those will be useless if they aren’t selected, but Assemblyman Baek seems confident that they will. It all sounds good and all to Seung-jae, but he’s still worried about burning such a large hole in his wallet. Assemblyman Baek replies that that’s why they need the wood carvings to replenish Seung-jae’s funds.
Seol-woo tracks down Master Sergeant Choi to find out who purchased the detonator. The arms dealer becomes uncooperative when he realizes that Seol-woo isn’t a customer, but rather an agent working for the state.
He signals his men, and the workers surround Seol-woo. Thinking fast, Seol-woo pulls out his gun, immobilizes the arms dealer, and holds the barrel against his head. Seol-woo tells the man to start talking and fires warning shots at his men’s feet when they come near. He begins counting down from three, and when he reaches one, the man concedes and reveals the buyer to be Ki-chul. Seol-woo asks for the location of his hideout.
Meanwhile, Woon-kwang meets with CEO Ji and demands to know where he got the script from, because there are lines in there that are straight out of his first date with Mi-eun. He knows that Mi-eun cast him in the movie, and CEO Ji doesn’t deny it this time. Woon-kwang sighs and wonders aloud why Mi-eun is doing this.
Mi-eun isn’t having the greatest morning either. She tells Seung-jae that their son is refusing to go to school today and offers to take him, but Seung-jae shoots her down and decides to do it himself. She says that he can’t enforce the separation forever, and he replies that he doesn’t feel better yet.
He tells his wife not to worry about their son because he thinks his mother is very sick, and so his father will take good care of him in case Mi-eun gets sicker. Seung-jae wonders diabolically if Mi-eun will so sick that she’ll need to be hospitalized or maybe even leave her son forever.
Seol-woo learns from Master Sergeant Choi that the only thing he knows about Ki-chul is that he is the leader of the Baek Infantry. It’s known that Assemblyman Baek is the one in charge of the group, so Seol-woo intends to target him next to find the location of the hideout. He tells Dong-hyun as much, but Dong-hyun says they can’t do anything to the man because he’s a public official.
Seol-woo knows, and that’s why he asked to meet with Dong-hyun. He suddenly takes out his pen recorder and records his resignation message, acknowledging that from here on out, all his actions are his own and are not connected to the NIS.
He gives Dong-hyun the pen and says that their organization should deny anything he does. Dong-hyun asks why Seol-woo needs to go so far and surmises that he’s acting this way because of Do-ha. Seol-woo doesn’t confirm it, but there’s this look in his eyes, and that may be all the evidence we need.
As he drives off, Seol-woo’s mind fills with memories of time spent with Do-ha. The tone of the memories are warm and emanating with fondness. He thinks to himself, “My premonition for disaster was right.” Go get her, friend.
At that moment, Do-ha searches for her phone to call the NIS and confirm Ki-chul and his boys’ identities, only to be told that the mission is too top secret for that. (It was a good plan, and I’m glad she’s suspicious, but don’t tell him!) She scratches her head and walks over to the door, pulling out a bobby pin.
CEO Ji and Woon-kwang are on their way to a business meeting with the investors for Last Love, and CEO Ji is relieved, since he was sure Woon-kwang would refuse. He complains about not being able to get in touch with Do-ha or Seol-woo all day, and adds his hunch that they seem to be dating. Woon-kwang becomes annoyed by the CEO’s comment and says that Do-ha only has eyes for him. Aww, are you protecting their secret?
Seung-jae heads to dinner to meet his wife after calling the CEO of the company who’s allegedly the main investor for Last Love. Mi-eun wonders why her husband is alone, since she expected to see her son at last. But Seung-jae mocks her assumption, adding that he invited the “person she likes” because he is always thinking about her… and in walks Woon-kwang and CEO Ji.
Everyone is confused except for Seung-jae, who says that he decided to invest in Woon-kwang’s movie. CEO Ji tries to quickly usher Woon-kwang away, but surprisingly, it’s the top star who suggests they stay and hear Seung-jae out.
During dinner, Seung-jae outlines his investment proposal, which sounds agreeable to Woon-kwang. Seung-jae says it’s an incredible offer for a new production company, but he’s doing it because his son is such a huge fan of Woon-kwang’s. Woon-kwang pushes back that investing in a movie starring a Hallyu star is hardly charity work, and Mi-eun calls Woon-kwang as arrogant as ever. He tells her to butt out, and Seung-jae comments on how openly rude they are to each other.
Seung-jae wonders if it’s because the two have known one another longer than he has. Mi-eun knows this setup is a trap for her, so she continues baring her fangs at Woon-kwang, telling him that he should be humble in front of people who paid to increase his worth. Seung-jae smirks.
Woon-kwang thinks he understands the purpose of the meeting, and when Mi-eun says she’s against investing in the movie, Woon-kwang elects to refuse the investment anyway. Seung-jae remarks that he’ll regret it, so Woon-kwang shoots back that it’s none of his business before leaving. When they are alone, Seung-jae comments on what a waste of an expensive meal it was, all while watching his wife’s face closely.
Seol-woo ambushes Assemblyman Baek and easily gets Ki-chul’s location out of him. Meanwhile, Do-ha successfully breaks open the door, but she doesn’t escape for long, because Ki-chul and his guys are sitting right outside.
She doesn’t totally waste the opportunity though, and ends up seeing a relationship chart which includes a picture of her, Woon-kwang, and Seol-woo on a clear whiteboard before she steals a phone out of one of the guard’s pockets.
When she’s alone, she calls Woon-kwang to tell him that she’s been kidnapped and to inform Seol-woo before the phone is taken away from her. Ki-chul’s men tie Do-ha up again, but then he receives a call with some troubling news.
Under Dong-hyun’s direction, the SWAT team arrives at Ki-chul’s hideout, but it’s already been evacuated. They think there might be a leak in their ranks who notified Ki-chul before they could get there. Ki-chul warns Seol-woo that his actions have shortened Do-ha’s lifespan, so he’s giving him one hour to hand over the items. Meanwhile, Woon-kwang tries to call Seol-woo, but is ignored.
A security officer finds Assemblyman Baek and his bodyguards tied up and gagged in a storage room. The security officer removes the tape from Assemblyman Baek’s mouth, but interestingly, the assemblyman tells the officer to put the tape back on and take a photo of them as proof.
Dong-hyun tries to get Seol-woo to stop his crazy suicide mission, because he knows that after Seol-woo hands the items over, Ki-chul isn’t going to let him or Do-ha go unharmed. Seol-woo replies that they can’t trust anyone anymore, and since there is “no country” left to save Do-ha, he can’t give up on her too.
The SWAT team chief tells Dong-hyun that they are pulling out of Do-ha’s investigation case. Dong-hyun can’t understand why since the case is still pending, but the chief merely apologizes.
Department Head Jang isn’t faring much better, as an Internal Affairs team interrogates him for information on Seol-woo after having received the picture of Assemblyman Baek. Department Head Jang pushes back against the allegations and maintains that he doesn’t know anything.
Woon-kwang arrives at Seol-woo’s hideout, and after being mistaken for an intruder, he asks Seol-woo if Do-ha has really been captured. Seol-woo is alarmed that Woon-kwang knows about that, but then Woon-kwang demands to know who Seol-woo really is.
The spy fesses up and tells Woon-kwang everything, but adds that there isn’t much time when Do-ha is still in danger. Woon-kwang refuses to be ignored and punches Seol-woo in the face before asking Seol-woo why he’s acting alone.
Seol-woo explains that no one in the NIS can be trusted, so Woon-kwang invites himself along. Seol-woo tells Woon-kwang that the mission is too dangerous for a civilian, but Woon-kwang argues that he has military experience and eight degrees in various martial arts, so he’s going. Reluctantly, Seol-woo allows it, but only if Woon-kwang promises to follow his orders.
Ki-chul gives Seol-woo the rendezvous location before calling Seung-jae to thank him for his warning about the SWAT team storming their hideout. Looks like Seol-woo was right about not involving the police, because we then see that same police chief meeting up with Seung-jae and Assemblyman Baek for dinner.
Seol-woo and Woon-kwang arrive at the location. The plan is for Woon-kwang to keep the guards distracted for as long as he can while Seol-woo goes in to save Do-ha, even at the cost of his own life.
Ki-chul’s men walk toward Woon-kwang, who is standing outside. Meanwhile, Ki-chul stays with Do-ha and counts down the minutes until the deadline. Woon-kwang hands over the ring as asked, but he wants to see Do-ha before he’ll transfer the wood carving. Without warning, Ki-chul raises a gun to Do-ha’s face, but then Seol-woo crashes through a nearby window.
He fires a barrage of shots to separate Ki-chul from Do-ha while Woon-kwang unleashes some gas on the lackeys until they are momentarily distracted by the sound of gunfire. Woon-kwang takes on all of Ki-chul’s men and displays some impressive skill and agility while the ghost agents fight one-on-one.
They’re evenly matched in close combat, at least until they both run out of bullets. Seol-woo knocks Ki-chul down and saves Do-ha after one of his men threatens her with a knife. Seol-woo easily takes out the man and assures Do-ha that he’ll free her soon, but for now, she should avert her gaze.
He turns her chair so that she’s facing away from the fight and steps toward Ki-chul as they each hold knives in their hands. Outside, Ki-chul’s men are getting the best of Woon-kwang, who struggles to hold them off. (Stay strong, oppa!)
The knife fight commences, and the fighters shuffle back and forth, with Seol-woo doing double-duty protecting Do-ha. He barely manages to push Ki-chul away from stabbing Do-ha, but when one of his men attacks her, he turns his back to Ki-chul and is sliced from behind.
The ghost agents engage in a final bout, until Seol-woo manages to gain the upper hand enough to hold a knife to Ki-chul’s throat. Do-ha couldn’t bring herself to heed Seol-woo’s warning and catches his gaze before he’s about to deliver a fatal blow. She desperately shakes her head, begging him not to kill Ki-chul, and Seol-woo lowers his arm.
He removes the tape from her mouth and asks if she is okay, but she’s more worried about his wound. They hear Woon-kwang struggling outside, and so Seol-woo hurries to lend his brother a hand. The duo reunites, and together, they tackle the remaining men. And not long after, an army of SWAT cars roll up.
The SWAT team storms the area, and the leader approaches the two. Seol-woo watches the man tensely, but phew, it’s Dong-hyun in uniform. Woon-kwang runs over to be with Do-ha while Seol-woo observes from afar.
He frets over the cuts on her wrist from her restraints, but she says she’s fine and asks him what he’s doing here. Woon-kwang tells her that he came to save her, adding that he taught those guys outside a lesson. It’s then that she finally breaks down and tells him how scared she was, and he pulls her into his arms and says that it’s all over now. So precious.
Seol-woo asks Dong-hyun how he got the police to help since they can’t be trusted, but Dong-hyun assures him that he got help from units who weren’t loyal to the Baek Infantry. Seol-woo warns Dong-hyun to guard Ki-chul well, since the Baek Infantry might try to get him back.
He looks over to Do-ha, who is already watching him from Woon-kwang’s arms, and they share a long, loaded moment. Woon-kwang notices and reclaims Do-ha’s attention, trying to give her a piggy-back ride. Seol-woo asks Dong-hyun to take good care of Do-ha, and when Do-ha looks back in search of Seol-woo, she’s confused to find that he’s vanished.
Things are really coming together nicely. The stakes rose sharply, and the relationships between our characters deepened in both heartwarming and terrifying ways. I adore Woon-kwang so much. Who knew he was such a badass? His whole relationship with Do-ha is so precious, and I’m moved by how much they truly care for one another. Every ounce of affection she has for him is reciprocated in such an unshakeable and binding way, and I love what they’re doing with these characters. I don’t sense anything romantic between them, and thank goodness, because I’m rooting so hard for Seol-woo and Do-ha now.
I feel like I can breathe a sigh of relief, because watching Seol-woo suffer as Do-ha remained in danger was everything I hoped for. All those little moments spent observing Seol-woo’s fear, anger, and helplessness were a very welcome sight, but they were also executed with restraint and underlying intensity. Park Hae-jin did not let me down. Nothing about Seol-woo’s feelings were overdone, and I truly understood everything he was struggling with. He cares about Do-ha, and it drove him act a little out of character, but it also felt authentic to the situation and to the relationship he and Do-ha have developed over the last few episodes. The cherry on top was when he still decided to leave her in the end, because while he doesn’t want anything to happen to her, their relationship is still built on a lie, and so he has to disappear just like he’s always intended to. So much delicious drama, I love it.
When they reunite, things are going to be really different because they’re going to have to figure out how to get past all that deception, and Seol-woo has to prove which parts were real to her and to himself. I’m also looking forward to Woon-kwang being a major obstacle in their relationship. I did wonder why he was so extra supportive of them in the beginning, though I dismissed the thought because it’s easy to just give that umbrella explanation of “Oh, he’s awesome, that’s why.” But now, that feeling of betrayal and protectiveness for Do-ha will be heightened in light of Seol-woo’s many lies. Well, at least I hope that happens. I could also see Woon-kwang forgiving Seol-woo immediately, but that would be a waste.
Besides all the goodness we were getting from our main trio, Seung-jae and Mi-eun’s relationship took a dark and much-needed turn. I don’t find Mi-eun’s tragic love story with Woon-kwang that compelling just yet, and all of Seung-jae and Assemblyman Baek’s exchanges range between almost interesting to tedious. But the scenes between husband and wife in this episode made me so much more invested in them.
I thought it was it smart to show what their relationship was like in the beginning, before he revealed his cruel side. Even though it seems like she had an inkling about it before, it’s clear that she underestimated it. When Seung-jae was secretly eating all of their son’s beans and she told them she could see them doing it, that was really cute. And it added layers to this reversal, which we could sense coming, but really hit a lot harder than I was expecting. In the beginning, Seung-jae didn’t even have a clue that Mi-eun was still hung up on Woon-kwang all this time, but once he realized she still may be harboring feelings, he became ruthless and dogged about catching her in a lie. It’s fascinating.
The way he threatened to remove her entirely from her son’s life was so evil. It’s behavior I would normally associate with a chaebol elder or a mother/father-in-law as a way to punish their daughter-in-law, perhaps motivated to preserve the family honor or something of the like. But when it’s done by a husband against his wife out of jealousy and possessiveness, it so much more brutal and twisted to witness.
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Tags: Kim Min-jung, Man to Man, Park Hae-jin, Park Sung-woong, Yeon Jung-hoon
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1 azzo
May 13, 2017 at 8:24 PM
Thank you for the recap.
Seol-woo's actions left me a little confused this episode (like always) I wasn't expecting him to quit his job for Do-ha. I knew he cared for her but I didn't know he did this much! I guess it's because so far they didn't let us into Seol-woo's thoughts on her, we see him analyzing and studying other people, we hear his thoughts on other but never on Do-ha! I guess he did it because he didn't trust anyone from the NIS, like what @chingu said when we were discussing this yesterday, they're all corrupt and it would've put Do-ho in more danger if he told them about her wherabouts! I hope they don't leave us hanging with "Is he? Isn't he?" for too long, I want to know if he really is in love with her so I can swoon harder at his actions! Talking about swooning, OMG, when he took that pen out and recorded his resignation, that was so cool! I loved that scene a lot because he didn't go rogue on his country, he quit making it clear that what he was going to do had nothing to do with NIS or others, he'll be solely responsible for his own actions, SWOOOOON!!
I felt really sad for Do-ha, that because she didn't panic thinking it could be just the loan sharks, I mean, how many times she must've been abducted to think like that! Good thing is, she is a smart girl, she didn't just sit around taking their words for what they were, I knew she couldn't run far but that move for getting the phone was pretty clever, felt so proud of her!
And how cool was the last scene when Woon-kwang and Seol-woo were fighting the bad guys, I laughed at how Woon-kwang kept telling them they are rude hitting a hyung, haha! And I swooned when Seol-woo turned Do-ha's chair, I knew Seol-woo was going to disappear when he kept looking at her like that, now I want to know what happens next, where he'll go and how will he come to meet Do-ha and Woon-kwang again!
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May 13, 2017 at 8:43 PM
Gosh, recaps are coming so fast these a days, I just barely popped over from the TLAHL recap and suddenly MXM was up!
I died when WK went "let's not hit each other's faces", hah, that vainpot!
I think my heart shattered completely when SW looked at her with those eyes, he looked like he was almost tearing up. Like he was so worried but couldn't bring himself to go over because he knew he would have to disappear soon.
DH was just so brave this episode. I can't imagine how people hated her and it's such a waste that those who hated her and dropped the show didn't get to see how amazing she's becoming.
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May 13, 2017 at 8:52 PM
That was really funny, especially since he was telling his staff that he wanted to look a little rough for his new movie role and wanted to add scars to his face! There, you have them now! LOL!
And yes, my heart broke for him, I think he couldn't go because he let her see him like this, this side of him, his true identity, maybe he felt like he disappointed her in him or that he had no right to stay, his job was done and he had to go!
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YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
May 13, 2017 at 9:50 PM
I think he felt he had to go because he couldn't let her be a part of his life.
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YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
May 13, 2017 at 9:47 PM
He said to her, before he left her, "I'll be right back," but he never came back. So sad. He looked like he wanted to go over, but he couldn't, and he saw WK there, and he knew she would be safe and protected by him. It was like SW felt he couldn't be a part of her life anymore.
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May 13, 2017 at 11:44 PM
Agreed. I feel like his identity is too dangerous to be part of her life.
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May 14, 2017 at 1:26 AM
I´m also sad, that there was so much hate for Do-Ha. At first I also wasn´t that convinced with her character, but now I LOVE her. The way she didn´t just wait for somebody to rescue her. She kept her cool, acted smart and didn´t believe her kidnapper (which lets face it, a lot of other heroines do). She is dear to my heart now :)
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May 14, 2017 at 6:37 AM
I loved how it didn't feel like one of the "slap the Joker" moments. You know, when the heroine does something pointless (or worse, damning) just so she does looks proactive. She did get that phone and asked for help. Yay.
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May 13, 2017 at 8:46 PM
But I also feel like Seol Woo truly showed to us though that there were parts of their interactions that were truly special to him. the resignition as you said was super unexpected and I hope the show gives us a few flashbacks to how his decision came around... Cause that legit was super unexpected.
I feel like I am just agreeing with everything you are saying yes being proud of Do Ha.... It makes me super sad about how calm she was and makes me kind of knotty inside. (You probably have no idea what I mean.
BUT CAN WE TAKE A MOMENT TO TALK ABOUT HOW SEOL WOO WAS WITH DO HA's DAD!?!?!? That pure disappointment in his face was probably one of the key moments in the episode that showed how much he really cared for Do Ha. I couldn't help but swoon over the "What are you planning to do this time?"
I am super excited about how the show is going to handle it... I hope the next episode doesn't spend too long on the "Will he be back?" "Will he not be back?" Because we all know he will be back but just not how he will.
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May 13, 2017 at 9:07 PM
I get you, about feeling knotty inside, LOL! I was so proud of her yet so sad for her, it's really heart wrenching to think what she's been through so far to be able to stay calm in a situation like this! Maybe Seol-woo's "I will find you" helped but I think her experience in this helped her, too, and what a sad experience to have!
And YES!! I loved it when he told him off! After all what happened between him and Do-ha in the previous episode you would think he'll get his senses back but UGH, he's so frustratingly selfish, I just can't!!
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May 13, 2017 at 10:21 PM
It's crystal clear to me in this episode that Seol-woo indeed likes Do-ha (I'm not using the word love because I don't think he's in that deep yet), he probably didn't realize it at first because he was busy tracking her down and finding clues, but when he had the time to think about her in the car, he realized all those bad premonition feelings meant he liked her. I was swooning so hard in this episode when I finally saw that crack of emotional charge in him, and his confirmation of his feelings.
I'm so proud of our Do-ha too, I'm glad that she didn't panic and contributed to her own rescue by calling her hero, Woon-kwang oppa. I also swooned when Seol-woo turned her chair asking her not to watch, ugh, so damn swoony. And how sweet is it that Seol-woo hesitated to finish off the rogue secret agent because Do-ha was watching? And when she shook her head no, he listened to her! D'aww.
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May 13, 2017 at 10:47 PM
Yeah, I can't believe how calm DH was during the entire kidnap. She must have suffered many times because of her father in the past. This made me sad for her, but glad for her in a way. At least, she won't be unnecessarily traumatized by the kidnap. Though the kidnappers did treat her quite well during the entire process.
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May 14, 2017 at 1:24 AM
They had to since they were pretending to be the NIS! And yes, she was really calm, that's what made it even more sad, she didn't breakdown until Woon-kwang came to her!
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May 14, 2017 at 7:54 AM
I was so proud of her.
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May 14, 2017 at 6:58 AM
I look forward to all the freqent comments from Azzo, Lezah, YY, Maryxiah and the rest!
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May 14, 2017 at 7:00 AM
Favourite moments:
- His resignation. It's as if he gave up the only life he had led to save another life
- His rage at being fooled and blasting the laptop to pieces.
- Love love love the fighting choreography between the two ghosts. Sleek and deft.
- His calm and gentle approach towards DH while protecting her and getting stabbed.
- At the ending, his soft and conflicted look, expressing both regret and relief as he disappeared....
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2 lezah
May 13, 2017 at 8:38 PM
On Seol Woo: The thing is, SW is responsible. He cares whether innocent people are harmed during his mission, which could be why he had to make sure DH was safe (and not necessarily because he feels something for her). That's ok for me, because it tells me he's a great, decent guy who knows that there are things more important than blindly following a mission. But this episode, he showed me that he really cared. All those little moments where his composure cracked and the real him showed through? I loved those.
List of favourite SW moments - this episode's favourite moments have been condensed into my thoughts on SW because all my favourite scenes were those where he showed his true feelings.
- When he was so anxious to stop the bomb because he thought DH was inside and she might be hurt
- When he lost his cool and shot the laptop because he'd been so desperate to find her
- When he was lost his temper with Dad for caring only about his money and wasting SW's time, because he himself was so worried
- When he resigned, because that goes above and beyond his "responsibilities"
- When Donghyun asked him if it was because of DH, SW looked at him as though he wanted to deny it, but couldn't. Because it was true.
I... I can't. Did y'all notice how gentle he was when removing her gag, and when he asked if she was ok? And his soft voice when he told her he was fine? I think I could get addicted to that type of voice coming from him. You could almost see the tears in his eyes when he told Dong hyun to take care of DH. I think he almost felt... ashamed, like he didn't have a right to stay, since she knew it was fake already.
I'm trying to see things from his POV, and while I feel so heartbroken for DH, I think my heart is starting to hurt more for SW. It's easy for us to say "why can't he just love her", but to SW, being a ghost agent is not just a job; it's practically... his existence. Notice that so far we've gotten DH and WK's backstories but nothing much about SW. (Heck, we even know that Kichul was an orphan.) I wonder when was the last time he selfishly did something for himself. It's a matter of a choice between choosing what he wants, and remaining responsible to his missions. If my heart hurts for DH, it hurts that much more for SW, who's stuck between a rock and a hard place.
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May 13, 2017 at 10:43 PM
Yes, I noticed his gentleness toward Do-ha in this episode, and the heartbreaking looks he was giving her. *melts He was so sharp and fierce when he was looking for Do-ha, but once he found her, his face softened and he spoke gently to her. Aww. My tears are coming back to me now.
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May 14, 2017 at 7:43 AM
Maryxiah you describe it perfectly.... Its impossible not to feel for SW. We saw how desperate he was and going rogue was the only way to rescue her. Yet he held back from saying more because as a ghost agent, he had to cut off the contacts that can be used against him and the mission. And most of all putting their lives at stake.
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May 13, 2017 at 10:50 PM
I am also dying to see everything from SW's point of view, but it seems that he has a point of view on everyone except DH. He doesn't seem to have an inkling of her, and that's why we have no report on her yet.
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May 14, 2017 at 12:00 AM
Exactly! We get to know what he's thinking when it comes to everyone else but not when it's Do-ha!
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nonski ⭐️A forever JIN who crash landed on Hyun Bins heart❤️!
May 14, 2017 at 5:27 AM
I'm trying to see things from his POV, and while I feel so heartbroken for DH, I think my heart is starting to hurt more for SW. It's easy for us to say "why can't he just love her", but to SW, being a ghost agent is not just a job; it's practically... his existence.>> > yes, yes, this! I felt the same, so sad for him because at the end of the day, he was, is and still a ghost agent that had mission to complete. See, he even jeopardized his cover thus putting into harm's way their mission by saving DH himself. It was a big decision to make despite him taking responsibility of indirectly putting DH in such a position. I feel sadder for him because despite everything, DH had UK, her bestfriend, her father (should I count him in?)and the people she work with but SW will have no one, he will be back the his ghost existence. *sniffs more*
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May 14, 2017 at 7:53 AM
Lezah, good insights.
SW was shown to have a cold persona, walking away from the girls he wooed as part of his missions. But finally in this episode, we just can't help emphatising with him. He was right. He was lonely because he was not allowed to form any attachment with anyone. Under ordinary circumstances, he could be a jerk. But now we know he is a much more decent guy that that. He never meant for anyone to get hurt. And I think that's what differentiate DoHa from others who might have led comfortable lives. But DoHa has led a miserable life with a useless father and he must have felt pity for her. Pity is not love, at least for now. However, it's something more than what he had felt for others.
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May 14, 2017 at 3:46 PM
park hae jin oppa has blown me away in this drama. his expressions evoke so much emotion! i am truly impressed by his performance so far. this drama is getting so good!
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3 lezah
May 13, 2017 at 8:40 PM
I rarely, rarely cry when watching dramas, I'll admit, but this episode I was on the edge of my chair and at the end, I teared up.
On Do Ha & Woon Kwang: My brave, brave girl. She barely even cried. She only really teared up when WK came to save her and she saw that SW was injured. It must have taken so much courage to try to escape, but she picked the lock and even managed to pickpocket a phone. Can we sign her up for ghost agent school, please? I think she would excel in it to be honest. Can she help SW in his missions? I would really like to see that.
I know DH will feel hurt, but I want her to know that SW did a lot to keep her safe, and that he hadn't only been lying to her. And I want her to know, quickly.
And Woon Kwang? Damn it but every episode he tops the last episode for "best oppa ever" award. He was so willing to just put everything on the line to save her, and I love him for that. You know what? I'm just 100% psyched for the upcoming bromance. I loved seeing him and SW team up.
On Seung Jae/Mi Eun: I'd originally thought it was some sort of redemption at least that SJ seemed to adore his son. But using the boy & potential death to threaten ME? Not cool, SJ.
I'm conflicted because I'm starting to care less and less about SJ and Congressman Baek's scenes, to the point that I wish they would hurry and get out of my screen so that I can see more of SW, DH and WK. The problem is, without the whole wooden carving thing, we wouldn't get a plot of our trio working together, and SW falling even harder for DH.
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Ek Ladhki Thi
May 13, 2017 at 8:49 PM
I just love Do-ha more and more. I love how you call her "my brave girl" it is exactly how I feel when I watch her. There's some innocence to her that just makes me want to protect her.
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May 13, 2017 at 9:10 PM
Yes, Do ha just gets better and better each episode. I loved her so much in this ep! Especially when she was locked in the room and she just didn't stay seated. Watching all her Oppa's movies must have helped. She saw the camera watching her, so she went where the camera couldn't capture her. And then she unlocked the door as if it was no biggie. Pity she got caught, but we knew she couldn't escape a bunch of goons without help. But what matters is that she tried. Shows you that she's no candy. And then again with the phone. That was clever. It makes me think that getting caught in the first place was her plan. She got hold of a phone and I loved how she contacted Woon-kwang first..and I love it more that he believed her immediately. Just goes to show how strong their Oppa-dongseng relationship is.
Keep it coming Do Ha!
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May 14, 2017 at 10:13 AM
I agree on all fronts but I would think that WK's number is the one she really remembers. Who remembers phone numbers nowadays.
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May 14, 2017 at 10:20 AM
I do. And the only phone numbers I can recite by heart is my boss and my mom's phone number, lol.
May 14, 2017 at 6:12 PM
@allphryne LOL! I didn't even think of that. Thanks for pointing it out!
May 14, 2017 at 12:53 AM
me too! I dont know why other people hated her that much...Like for an instance when a girl replied in one of my comment on youtube (SW and DH video clip) saying that Do Ha looks like an old lady for SW so why am I shipping for them. She even said that she gives 2 thumbs down on my comment. I never dislike Do ha because for me she's doing a great job in portraying her character.
Anyway, Im glad that whatever happens with Do Ha and Seol Woo, Woon-Kwang oppa will never ever leave her side.
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May 14, 2017 at 1:34 AM
Yea, for people like that, only looks matter. So what if she looks like an old lady (I find her pretty though, so not sure what this person is saying)? I like Do ha, not because of her looks, but because of the character growth she is showing. Yes, I too found her irritating in ep 1 but that was because she was protective of her Oppa so I could understand her in a way. And she improved so much in ep 2 that it was hard not to like her.
Let this girl on Youtube know that Seol woo finds Do ha pretty...he said it himself a few times!
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May 14, 2017 at 6:05 AM
*seeing...not saying. My bad..
May 16, 2017 at 3:24 PM
I think the hairstyle makes her look dowdy, but I think it fits her character. She has made her job and her Oppa the focus of her life and not concerning herself much with her feminine charms. Having a man fall for her awakened that side of her and it makes it all the more poignant that she nows believes it was all fake.
nonski ⭐️A forever JIN who crash landed on Hyun Bins heart❤️!
May 14, 2017 at 5:32 AM
oh dear, there are actually people like that who for no sensible reason, such as hers, would do a thumbs down for a video clip... been there, done that. (in my case, however can an MV with merit theri thumbs down?)
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May 14, 2017 at 10:00 PM
New here I really hope miss min jung doesn't see those negative comments about her
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May 13, 2017 at 9:42 PM
I love what you said about Seol-woo being a ghost agent! It's not easy for him to be feeling all of these new emotions and letting Do-ha get to him , he isn't someone who can afford falling in love! His job is to take orders, complete tasks and disappear, he never stayed long enough or got involved enough to get attached to someone, if you think of it, he is really very sad ?
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YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
May 13, 2017 at 9:53 PM
Poor sad Oppa...*crying with you*
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May 13, 2017 at 10:54 PM
I don't really care about the villains at this point of the story, but man, isn't SJ ruthless. How can he ever dare to rob the child of his mother just to punish her for what he perceived are wrongdoings or whatever displeases him? It runs counter to what a person would do, but I suppose when one has money and power, he can afford to be extra ruthless when it comes to his feelings.
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May 13, 2017 at 11:44 PM
It just makes me dislike him even more, because it tells me that he's willing to make anybody a pawn, even a little boy, just so that things can go his way. Not that I'm surprised, because the way that this show goes, we're definitely supposed to dislike the villains anyway.
But it kind of makes it tiring for me to keep seeing them on my screen, and I would rather be seeing him as a smart, capable villain who's on par with plotting against our main characters, than someone who's just completely ruthless.
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4 Lilium
May 13, 2017 at 8:46 PM
I am head over heels in love with this show right now.
PHJ did a fine job showing the complexities of what SW was feeling throughout the episode. Who cares if he's half in love with her or three-quarters of the way there... all those grand gestures swept me off my feet. :D They were reckless, dangerous and politically suicidal... but my need for romance was duly satisfied.
And the battle of the ghost agents was such a gloriously fun way or playing the good vs evil theme pervading through the episode.
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Ek Ladhki Thi
May 13, 2017 at 9:03 PM
That knife battle made me want to see Park Hae-jin wield a sword in a saguek. I don't think I've ever seen him in a saguek or if he's ever even done one.
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May 13, 2017 at 9:15 PM
Ooh, yes! I would love to see Oppa in the saguek garb, so tall and beautiful ?
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YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
May 13, 2017 at 9:53 PM
My Oppa is beautiful in all types of garb. He is beautiful garb-less as well.
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May 13, 2017 at 10:13 PM
Less is more.
May 14, 2017 at 10:18 AM
Oh your dirty, dirty minda. Or is it mine?
Ek Ladhki Thi
May 13, 2017 at 10:28 PM
I think even him could make that funny hat work. I live the gat though.
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May 13, 2017 at 9:24 PM
We live in hope.
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May 13, 2017 at 10:47 PM
Hear, hear!
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May 13, 2017 at 10:58 PM
PHJ showed off his acting chops in the subtle department in this episode, and it was so good. I love it that he still worries for DH enough as an innocent victim in this mess to rescue her. And the teaming up of WK and SW? It's pure gold!
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5 Ek Ladhki Thi
May 13, 2017 at 8:46 PM
This drama just wrenches my heart. The scene between Oppa and Do-ha when he brags about beating the bad guys and she cries about how scared she was was my favourite scene. I felt sad for Seol-woo in that moment cause it seems like he wanted to be a part of it but couldn't because he had to finish his mission. Aww these three. Also, I couldn't care less about Mi-eun and her chaebol husband's relationship. In fact, I find that whole part of the story somewhat tedious.
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May 13, 2017 at 8:55 PM
Same here, ME and SJ are becoming tedious to me, but it's conflicting because I suppose they're needed as the "villains" to put roadblocks into SW's missions. But at this point every time I see them on my screen, I wish more of my favourite men + one girl would appear. I would totally be ok with just SW carrying out missions and figuring out how to bring Songsan down, rather than seeing SJ scheme, even though I know it's needed.
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May 13, 2017 at 8:56 PM
YESSS!! I cried that scene, Woon-kwang was so sweet and even if it hurt when he turned her away from Seol-woo, I understood that he did it because looking at Seol-woo would only break her heart !!
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YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
May 13, 2017 at 9:42 PM
That was such a sad scene...almost cried
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May 13, 2017 at 11:01 PM
Yeah, especially when DH now knows of his true identity. He can't even express his concern for her, lest it is mistaken for something else, though I don't think he is worried about that at this point. I love how WK knows of her feelings and turn her attention back from SW to himself. He is always so in tune with her feelings, probably because they have been together for so long.
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6 nonski ⭐️A forever JIN who crash landed on Hyun Bins heart❤️!
May 13, 2017 at 8:57 PM
Thank you so much for the recaps @murasakimi! Off to read your commentaries now!
first thing off... this episode is superb, awesome, and I was a mess at the end of the episode!!!
and wen are they going to release the 'I close my eyes" OST?!
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nonski ⭐️A forever JIN who crash landed on Hyun Bins heart❤️!
May 14, 2017 at 12:51 AM
I’ve always loved the nuances you can see in PHJ/SW expression and it is more prominent in this episode. I could see how he felt in every twitch of an eyebrow, the creasing of his forehead, the glinting of his eyes and a lot more. I love the subtle way of his actions yet those are jampacked with emotions. PHJ did upped his ante for this drama. To me and I believe to most of us here, it was way more satisfying that saying any words with what we saw on his face and his actions when DH was abducted. Well, this episode does answer for the recurring questions we had here… “Did he fall for her?... Did he cared for her?... Did her love her?. I maybe speaking for myself but my questions were answered. He really cared for her a lot. I believe that he has fallen for her and that he love her already. Not in the same intensity that she is to him but still he is. I love the look in his eyes that showed the determination to save DH no matter what. Some might argue that he was just feeling responsible for putting her in such a position. Well that could be but considering how SW was a top and outstanding agent, I don’t think that he would not have involved himself in such a way if he wasn’t emotionally attached to DH. When he called Prosecutor Lee and gave him the pen containing his resignation just in case things would go south during his recon mission to rescue DH that was most romantic in my vocabulary! Not for anything else but because his job is his life. We saw nothing he had other than his being a spy agent and to give that up to save DH means the world. Maybe I am more emotional on this because I am invested in them emotionally. The going to and fro in my mind if he felt anything for her then I was most convinced in episode 5 that he is not and got confuse din episode 6. I fist-pumped when he gave the pen to Sunbae Lee, it was just so satisfying, so right, so fitting… for him to feel and do all of that yet my heart broke when he took off when DH was not looking at him at the warehouse. Agh, his eyes while looking at her then he told Lee Sunbae to take care of DH, I melted.
Let me gush a bit over SW’s actions scenes. SW is second skin to PHJ! I love how calculating and sure SW of his every move. Okay, he’s one of the coolest agents around. When he saved DH, the fight scenes in that warehouse was just jjang! The face-off was Agent Seo is amazing. They are both skilled ghost agents and I was in my toes how SW would overcome him. It was even more amazing that SW keep going back to cover DH from Seo’s minions. Oh and on top of all that, he turned her chair so she won’t be able to see the fighting.
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May 14, 2017 at 9:07 AM
I agree with the nuances, Park Hae-jin is really killing it in this character. I love that we can't read his emotions, but we can find clues through his facial expression, he could hide and mask himself well, but he couldn't train his growing feelings.
I do believe part of Seol-woo's dogged determination to save Do-ha is motivated by his sense of responsibility, but we can see cracks of emotions in him this time compared to previous missions where he lacked emotional involvement, like when he hesitated a lot with cutting the wire of the bumb, or when he shot the laptop out of anger, these are emotional outbursts we wouldn't expect to see in him, yet he was so affected that he was acting out of character and everyone noticed! I think Seol-woo himself clued in on his feelings this time.
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nonski ⭐️A forever JIN who crash landed on Hyun Bins heart❤️!
May 14, 2017 at 10:46 AM
yep, i believe he was already aware of his feelings for DH because he acknowledged "that bad feeling" and when he recalled their moments while he was driving.
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nonski ⭐️A forever JIN who crash landed on Hyun Bins heart❤️!
May 14, 2017 at 1:20 AM
Cha Do Ha, my girl! You made me very proud! It is a consolation that despite the fact that she was kidnapped she is no damsel in distress. I guess years of “training” as a con-man’s daughter and being a manager of an A-list celebrity gave her some chops on being street smart. I love how he conned Agent Seo and his men so that he was able to snatch the phone from his men’s pocket and was able call UG. She has presence of mind because she understood that she’d only be able to call if she is on a cctv-dead zone. Even then she was never the usual hysterics and I like how calm yet very nervous she was. She faced calmly SW during her rescue and through her calmness was able to convinced SW not to kill Seo. Well my heart broke to pieces for her when Seo started telling her about the deception, the lies and the mission and she repeats them and I was like no, no no! But it was a relief too that she now know and then she was no pushover to just accept everything Seo said, though it made its mark on her mind. I was also shattered when UG was comforting her and she was looking at SW with tear-filled eyes and then the next moment he was gone. It was so sad to look at her looking lost. Now I have a lot more on DH that whatever she will do in the future would not make me dislike her. I gave her chops for going to SW after everything and confront him, talking to him calmly, again despite her hands were shaking and of SW admitting to lying and well using her. I guess she was just strong because after what she had gone through to other people it would have been impossible to even stand up much less tell the man who lied to her that they can just talk the next because they need to clear their minds for the moment. How great it is that she is one level-headed woman! SW, you need this girl! But then she is one strong female and I’m proud of her. I was a mess the next day when she came to talk to him and found the place deserted with no signs of him left. It was heartbreaking to see her cry. *sniffs*
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May 14, 2017 at 1:20 AM
I'm waiting for that OST as well.
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May 14, 2017 at 9:45 AM
Same! I hope they don't let us wait for too long, but I think they're keeping the sad OST until the later episodes when it gets angsty.
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nonski ⭐️A forever JIN who crash landed on Hyun Bins heart❤️!
May 14, 2017 at 1:38 AM
I am glad DH have UG oppa! He is a source of strength for her and the same is true to him. He’s a real oppa in a sense that he talked to SW about DH, and I guess that leaving without telling her after the fight scene was telling of what both men talked. There relationship as a family is so tight that when things get rough UG would never do a double take to risk his life for DH. I guess that his rag-tag family is all he got for himself and that includes SW already. I felt so sad for him when he knew of SW’s deception, he really thought of him as a brother. Nevertheless that punch was well worth it. I think it was for both him and DH. I like that UG’s priority was DH and would go to great lengths to protect her.
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May 14, 2017 at 9:43 AM
Seol-woo deserved that punch, he played with Do-ha's feelings and it wouldn't be right for Woon-kwang oppa to let him off easy. I was satisfied with how Seol-woo took it too, he understood it and let Woon-kwang, he could have blocked it if he wanted to but he took he blow because he knew that he deserved it too.
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nonski ⭐️A forever JIN who crash landed on Hyun Bins heart❤️!
May 14, 2017 at 4:47 PM
ikr! he could have but he didn't avoid the punch because he knew he did wrong not just to him but to DH too. The old SW would have dodged the punch and would have been stoic in front of UK and this goes to show that the rag tag family had affected him in more ways than he would ever admit.
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nonski ⭐️A forever JIN who crash landed on Hyun Bins heart❤️!
May 14, 2017 at 5:47 AM
last installment (been busy with my phone, had to change from android to iOS, it's hard i'm already starting to regret)
Let me add that I am very impressed at how they staged the bomb disarming and all the while DH struggling to get free. The atmosphere was so intense that I was almost swearing worrying that DH is inside the container van. Kudos on this scene and how smooth the editing was. One would really think that DH is inside and the emotions in both DH and SW heightened the fear of her trapped inside and a looming bomb explosion. SW facial expression during that scene was really great.
Further, this episode showed how heartless SJ can be by threatening ME. In the previous episodes I was okay with his character, he has to live his own life, a chaebol with a shady character but here, I just can’t with his attitude towards the boy’s mother and how he deal with people in general. ME on the other hand, I still feel conflicted as to her very purpose in the show in general. I would love to know if she is really working as an agent or just seeking help of Jang to bring down her husband.
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7 Lena S.
May 13, 2017 at 9:04 PM
Seol-woo and Woon-kwang working as a team was so good to watch!
There is no denying that Seol-woo really cares about Do-ha, she was his top priority in this episode ♥
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May 13, 2017 at 11:03 PM
SW has to care about DH. She's in this mess, partly because of him. With nothing else to distract him at the moment, she has to be his top priority in this mission. He could have left it to Lee to take care of it with the national SWAT team, but he feels obliged to rescue her.
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8 kiara
May 13, 2017 at 9:04 PM
I think or maybe I wish that Woon-kwang is the biological father of Mi-eun's son.
A real father who cares about his son wouldn't even think of separating him from his mother unless she is super crazy and abusive.
So what episode is Song Joong Ki going to make his cameo appearance?
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May 13, 2017 at 9:10 PM
We don't know yet but soon maybe and also there will be a cameo appearance from Nam goongmin, so excited!
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May 14, 2017 at 7:24 PM
I'm that desperate lol. It would be great to see them both.
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May 13, 2017 at 9:12 PM
I think he's going to appear in E9, because they need his character to move on with the plan! (Lol, trying hard to explain it without giving spoilers).
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May 14, 2017 at 7:14 PM
Thank you :).
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May 13, 2017 at 9:32 PM
Kiara!!! So happy to see you in this recap thread, lol. Song Joong-ki will be appearing in episode 9. He seems to be playing a bank teller character like Yoo Ah-in in DotS, instead of the previously rumored assistant director. Nam Goong-min might be playing a role similar to his Remember Son of War character, not sure when though.
I don't want Woon-kwang to be the father though, Seung-jae is crazy but I never doubted his love for his son. Woon-kwang can be the most awesome step-dad, seeing how much he adores Do-ha, I'm sure he is capable of loving Mi-eun's son even if it's not his.
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May 14, 2017 at 7:21 PM
Happy to see you here too maryxiah :).
Awesome! I don't care if he's eating subway or playing video games etc. I just want to see him lol.
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May 13, 2017 at 11:05 PM
SJK is going to appear in Episode 9, I think.
Yeah, it's cruel of SJ to even consider separating the mother from his child. That makes me wonder, sometimes, if he really likes the child, or he likes the child as a toy to play with.
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May 14, 2017 at 7:22 PM
Thank you!
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May 14, 2017 at 3:35 AM
i can't wait to see Song jong ki
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May 14, 2017 at 7:22 PM
Same here! Waiting for "Battleship" is killing me.
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9 maryxiah
May 13, 2017 at 9:23 PM
Before I could watch this episode, I couldn't resist going on Naver to check out comments, a lot of fans rejoiced over this episode because this is first time we could really see how much Do-ha's impending danger can shake up Seol-woo's entire being. I'm happy to finally be on board with the OTP and swoon properly for them, especially when Seol-woo running around terrified that Do-ha wouldn't make it.
I find it interesting that Man to Man always makes me feel the opposite of what the moment was delivering. Like say, this episode is mostly unnerving and thrilling, but I found myself swooning over Seol-woo and getting desperately emotional. When Seol-woo said, "There's not a country that would save Do-ha now. And I can't stop too," the emotional gate burst open for me. I cried so hard. I found it hard to connect to Seol-woo's emotion in earlier episodes because he contained his reaction/emotion so well that I couldn't really read him. And I couldn't root properly for them when one side faked the affection and a relationship that started on lie isn't good either.
I do agree with Seol-woo's decision to leave, not because this relationship started on a lie, or that he has blown his cover, but because he realized how precious Do-ha is not to risk getting her involved in his life. This is still noble idiocy for me, but I understand the gravity and his ultimate decision. What drove me to understanding is his moment with her father, he saw first hand how troublesome his father's existence in her life, so he couldn't be the same kind of existence for her. For now, I agree for them to part, to recover from the deception, and to figure out where to go from here, whether they'd like to be together despite all.
And ugh, as if I'm not already in love with Woon-kwang and Do-ha's relationship, this show keeps delivering beautiful love and affection between the two. Any moment of them together are brilliantly shining for me. Woon-kwang is the best oppa in the whole wide world!
I can't say I'm surprised at Seung-jae's crazy jealousy, but this is the episode where he took it another level of crazy. His menacing smiley glare is so terrifying. I hope for Mi-eun's sake, she gets away from his grip soon. I can't imagine their future together as a happy family.
I can't wait for the next episode, I've seen some snippets and they made me cry so much! Man to Man!!!! What are you doing to me?! I'm going crazy here, lol.
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May 13, 2017 at 9:43 PM
Oh, interesting point you make that he chose to leave because he didn't want to risk her getting hurt. I saw it differently. For me, SW chose to leave because he knew he had to, out of a sense of responsibility for his remaining missions. It was a difficult decision to make, but one that he had to because he couldn't simply drop all his responsibilities (I believe he "resigned" because whatever he was doing to save DH might endanger all his other colleagues, so he wanted to prevent that, but at his core he's a very responsible ghost).
But I do see what you mean about the noble idiocy. His being around DH could endanger her (she could be used to threaten him) and also his job, so he thought it would be in both their best interests to just leave.
I assume SJ had to threaten ME to get her to marry him in the first place, so I doubt they even had a shot at being a happy family from the start.
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YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
May 13, 2017 at 9:58 PM
I think he left because he had accomplished his mission and it was time for him to go. He would have told himself it was better that way for DH too, as he would be endangering her life if he stayed.
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May 13, 2017 at 10:13 PM
I don't think his sense of responsibility is the reason for his departure, although it could be a contributing factor, because his mission isn't a good enough reason for him to run away from someone he loves. Seol-woo may be awkward when it comes to true feelings, but I believe he could have sat Do-ha down, explain his whole deception, his position and mission if he wanted to, and then ask her to wait for him if she is willing, but he chose to leave and asked Dong-hyun to watch over Do-ha, possibly because he feared his association with her could bring danger to her, that's how I read the situation. Especially given how desperate Seol-woo seemed in this hour, complaining that no one was to be trusted, I feel like he genuinely feared for her life. We always see him maintaining his cool and calm facade, but when the danger involves Do-ha, he really lost it.
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May 13, 2017 at 11:03 PM
I thought of it more like, his mission was definitely a good enough reason for him to leave, even if he really liked her. It seems "romantic" that he would choose love over his missions, but I'm somehow not getting that vibe from SW yet. He may have done a lot of things this episode because he really liked DH, but I don't think he's at the point where he's willing to give up everything for her. Mentioned above in my POV about SW that being a ghost agent is more than his job, it's practically his "identity" now, and I really want to know when was the last time he truly did something because he wanted to, as Kim Seol Woo, and not as a level 6 ghost agent.
I thought that what he did this episode, with the whole resigning and everything, was a start to him finding his own identity, but I also think he knows that he can't just abandon his missions for love, because that would place everybody in danger - not just DH, but Donghyun, Team Leader Jang, and everyone else associated with their secret missions.
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May 13, 2017 at 11:15 PM
I don't think by choosing to be with Do-ha, he's sacrifcing his whole mission and identity. Like Dong-hyun, who was a secret agent but now a prosecutor, he could have a married life even, if he wants to. I know he's not that deeply in love with Do-ha yet, granted he just discovered his feelings too, but my point is, Do-ha's safety seems to be a bigger reason for him to leave her side. And I said, "he realized how precious Do-ha is not to risk getting her involved in his life," by that I meant his secret agent life, he won't be abandoning his mission or his job or his identity to be with her, but he can't risk having her around when he's doing dangerous mission.
May 13, 2017 at 11:27 PM
Agree with everything you said! Also, SW seeing Do-ha and WK together reminded me of all the previous times he saw them together before at the beginning. In those scenes, it always looked like he was the outsider. The last scene was similar to when Do-ha broke her ankle, then WK and Do-ha "only had eyes for each other" and SW was pretty much left out, forgotten in the background... but this time, I like how the show emphasizesd Do-ha's reaction now being different, now she is looking at SW and even refusing WK's piggyback ride offer... I think SW still felt left out thinking that both WK and Do-ha together will always be the same....with him being left out! But the landscape is changing! It was such an intense scene you could just feel how SW and Do-ha just wanted to run to each other... but just couldn't at this time because of WK and Do-hyung representing that they still have ties that need resolving, their past ... before they can really come together! Can't wait til they do, I'm afraid there will be so much fireworks I am not sure how we'll be able to handle it! Breathe in, breathe out...
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YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
May 14, 2017 at 1:22 AM
I think SW was looking on, but you know, I don't think he felt left out, I think he knew how much DH loved him, and was longing for him to come and hold her, but he couldn't...he was rooted to the spot, he could only watch and see her Oppa comforting her, and I think he felt comforted by that? wistful maybe? that he didn't have the freedom to comfort her in that hour of need, but relieved that she had WK there to take care of her when he's gone? I don't know, he's so enigmatic, we keep reading whatever we feel into his expressions, and that's why I love PHJ so much in this role...that all of us have different interpretations of what he was feeling at that moment, and none of us knows exactly what he was feeling at that moment.
May 14, 2017 at 1:36 AM
That's a great point you've mentioned on how SW is the outsider in DH & WK's relationship, but this time around, DH was different and looked for him this time.
May 14, 2017 at 6:59 AM
You know, after thinking about this some more, the answer might be very simple, from what we've seen of agent K. He left because that's what he does once a mission is complete. He so wanted to go to Do-ha, but in the end, analyzing the situation (she is safe, WK is with her) his agent K/robot self did what he is used to do. So habit/way of life really. But yes, I love how his actions can be interpreted so many different ways because really, does he even know why himself?! We'll just all get there together! Man x Man is so good like that!
May 14, 2017 at 12:13 AM
I think it's both of your points! He left because his mission here was over, and as a ghost agent he has other responsibilities, and also because he didn't want to hurt Do-ha! I don't think he could've just asked her to wait! His job isnt that simple, when he leaves for a mission he puts his life in danger and he doesn't know if he'll ever be back, he wouldn't want to put Do-ha through that, the constant waits and the fear of losing him!
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May 13, 2017 at 11:09 PM
I also agree that he has to leave out of a sense of obligation for the rest of his missions. Sometimes, I think he is nothing without the NIS since he lives and breathes his work. There is no way at this moment that he will jeopardize the rest of the missions for the sake of his personal feelings, not that they are huge enough to distract him from the mission at hand.
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May 14, 2017 at 1:41 AM
The only thing we've seen him do in his free time is playing with that arcade game. In a way, other than the work he does with the NIS, he's still stuck in kid mode. You can see it in how gleeful he was in getting to blow himself and how he mixed the key from the statue in the box with the other keys (and these were all when he was with Donghyun, when he feels comfortable in being his true self). His level of understanding people's feeling is at a very high level, but he can't apply those same insights on himself.
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May 14, 2017 at 2:07 AM
"His level of understanding people's feeling is at a very high level, but he can't apply those same insights on himself."
Oooh yes, couldn't have put it better. I suppose it's because he's never had the luxury to really think about himself and what he wants. I figure to him, it would be pointless anyway because he lives and breathes for his missions. Besides playing those games, he seems to do nothing else except plan and wait for the next order.
I hope the show gives him some sort of self-discovery and growth, in realizing the things he really wants and understanding his own feelings.
May 14, 2017 at 11:58 PM
"His level of understanding people's feeling is at a very high level, but he can't apply those same insights on himself." This, so agreed. He does know how to get under people's skin and predict their behavior but he himself isn't possibly has self enlightenment. Do-Ha came and messed with his set rule of behaviors and pushed his comfort zone blurring the lines. Its both in and out of character for him, the way he reacted to her.
nonski ⭐️A forever JIN who crash landed on Hyun Bins heart❤️!
May 14, 2017 at 6:03 AM
i'm with you that SW had to leave to finish his missions taking into account that mission 2 barely just started. He is and will always be a responsible agent. That probably is the reason why he considered having feelings for DH is his biggest mistake (in context) because a deep undercover agent would never leave ties, for his sake,his mission and for the people left behind. That's noble idiocy aside, those left behind could get seriously entangled in the web of deceit and lies and eventually get hurt. If he would care for them too much, like what happened here, he would eventually endanger his mission and he did create a mess this episode by blowing his cover.
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10 YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
May 13, 2017 at 9:39 PM
I loved:
1. SW's spanking black leather shoes and black socks to match as he took those measured steps in that gripping first scene. His legs were so longgggg and lean and he looked soooooo coool.
2. His face as he debated to cut the wire or not, him closing his eyes, he looked so tense, poor Oppa, I hugs you.
3. SW shooting the laptop to pieces in cool...*swoons*
4. SW shooting at the lackeys' feet, making them dance as he fires a barrage of shots without turning cool ...*swoons even more*
4. His face as he was staring across at the father, listening to him talk, growing harder and harder and angrier and angrier, and when he looked at the paper with the ring, those eyes turned to pure ice, blazing with and ice...Oppa, you so cool, you're even cooler when you get mad. PHJ slayed in that good. So controlled and yet so much fury in those words that cut with such contempt.
5. That punch that WK delivered across SW's face - strangely satisfying even though the next second I'm crying, "Nooooo, don't hurt my Oppa!"
6. The surprise I got when WK revealed he's a skilled fighter, and the heartwarming scene of him saying, "I'm coming with you, you can't do it alone."
7. WK turning DH away because he knows SW is going to walk away and hugging her tight to protect her in that final scene.
8. The last scene....SW staring across the divide to DH in WK's arms, and his face is so sad, somehow, in its utter stillness. SW saying to DH," Take care of Do-ha" sad....*crying*
9. That beautiful sad song playing and rising to a swell, as DH looks up, and SW is gone, just like sad...*crying*
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May 13, 2017 at 9:44 PM
Loved all those moments you mentioned, including the scene where Do-ha cleverly figured out the guys were bad news, broke out of the room and stole the phone to call Woon-kwang, her no.1 most reliable family. She's a badass and I can already see her kicking ass with Seol-woo in the future.
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May 13, 2017 at 9:47 PM
That scene when Woon-kwang turned her away, Seol-woo kept looking at her, even when he told Dong-hyun to take care of her, he didn't take his eyes off of her, so heartbreaking *cries*
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YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
May 13, 2017 at 10:21 PM
And the part he dressed in black from head to toe with the black cap and the black mask, striding toward the Baek guy, disposing of the minions so coolly and cool. I
I love the way he walks, he takes these long measured strides, very deliberate, very precise steps, it kind of reminds me of the way he works, methodical and precise, never a step wrong, moving forward all the time.
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YY Chats with Toast Between Bites
May 13, 2017 at 10:31 PM
The wisps of breath caught in the cold night air in that last scene made the last scene so poignant beautiful and sad.
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nonski ⭐️A forever JIN who crash landed on Hyun Bins heart❤️!
May 14, 2017 at 7:23 AM
yeah those long purposeful strides... *swoons*
and swoons on all those moments you mentioned.
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May 13, 2017 at 10:36 PM
-The scene where Seol-woo kept flipping the coin, thinking of Do-ha.
-The Hangang river scene where Dong-hyun asked if Do-ha was the reason for all of his actions, and he flinched for a bit, unable to answer Dong-hyun.
-The longing look between Do-ha and Seol-woo exchanged during the final minute.
-When Seol-woo turned Do-ha's chair not to watch. And when he wanted to finish off the bad guy, one look at Do-ha and he listened to her like an obedient puppy. His face softened too.
-When Seol-woo kept going back to protect Do-ha even when he was on a one to one fight.
-When Woon-kwang fussed around Do-ha's injuries when he injured his own face.
-When Seol-woo said "There's not a country that would save Do-ha now. And I can't stop too."
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May 13, 2017 at 11:12 PM
Why are you surprised when WK revealed that he was a fighter? He is an action hero, so he must have something more than just acting chops to beat up the other guys in his movies. I am not surprised that he wanted to tag along with SW to rescue DH. It seems the kind of thing he would do for DH.
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May 14, 2017 at 1:25 AM
I think it was surprise at how good he was. Action heroes are following choreographed moves, so they don't really need to be good fighters.
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May 16, 2017 at 3:35 PM
I think the backstory was he started off as a stuntman before he transitioned into acting, so he would be trained in fighting and used to taking a beating.
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11 PakalanaPikake
May 13, 2017 at 9:41 PM
Thanks for the recap, murasakimi!
Yay for Woon-kwang teaming up with Seol-woo to rescue Do-ha! Just like one of his movies, except he's not the villain.
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May 13, 2017 at 9:49 PM
My most favorite moment during the teaming up is when Woon-kwang schooled the baddies, calling them young punks (because they have no respect for him who's older, lol), and then asked them not to hit with his face. LOL
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May 13, 2017 at 10:03 PM
Oh, oh, and when he whined for them to stop hitting him already and Seol-woo had to come to his rescue, and he told Seol-woo to take on the meanest looking guy of the bunch that kept hitting him. Lol. I love how he's such a coward sometimes.
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May 14, 2017 at 12:02 AM
I figured Woon-kwang was just trying to protect that million dollar kisser of his. For all we know, he has his puss insured with Lloyd's of London -- as an actor, it's an important asset. ;-)
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12 loveblossom🌸
May 13, 2017 at 9:46 PM
Park Hae Jin's acting was great. He showed various emotions well and kept his cool restraint during the appropriate moments.
All the action scenes were so good too.
LOVED seeing Seol Woo team up with Woon Kwang. ^^
Didn't expect Seol Woo to quit his job for Do Ha. Hard for me to tell if some of his past moves were sincere or not.... I was impressed with her in this episode too. She was scared, but she was still watchful and brave. She tried her best in her situation. I'm more fond of her character now than how she was in the beginning.
Seung Jae is really despicable. I'm curious about his relationship with Mi Eun, especially how they met and came to be a couple. And why is Seung Jae the way he is.
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May 13, 2017 at 11:15 PM
I didn't think SW resigned because of DH, but because the national security was at stake. He couldn't possibly put the nation at risk while he's off rescuing a civilian.
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May 14, 2017 at 12:18 AM
And also because the higher-ups are corrupt, he couldn't trust anyone! I hated that chief who went to the dinner with his uniform on, that was just UGH!
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May 14, 2017 at 7:12 AM
Ah you're right. That makes more sense.
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nonski ⭐️A forever JIN who crash landed on Hyun Bins heart❤️!
May 14, 2017 at 7:36 AM
He did resign because of DH... because the civilian he's rescuing is DH.
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May 14, 2017 at 1:33 AM
I'm looking forward to how they explore SJ and ME's relationship further, and I would love to get further insight into SJ's character.
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13 maryxiah
May 13, 2017 at 10:11 PM
Comment was deleted
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14 Needaname
May 13, 2017 at 10:56 PM
Oh my goodness! What an episode! It was so good! And yet also felt a little out of place, like this whole drama should have just been an action/thriller, but so glad it's not! At least we see that if it had been just an action/thriller it would have been great as well! But I can't wait to get more romance and comedy! I loved SW here! Yes! What he did for Do-ha! No hesitation, does what he needs to do, but this time it's personal! I love Do-ha, we got back a little bit of the feisty and clever Do-ha from the first two episodes! Yeah! She is resourceful and has guts! Love WK! I was hoping he and SW would join forces on a mission and am so glad the first one was to save Do-ha! Will we get more?! Yes please! Just have SW and WK start their own private agency! With Do-ha of course! I am really loving where this show is taking us! Do-ha is such a good match for SW! I am glad WK took part in this mission and hope to see him beat SJ at his own game! Can they all get their just rewards?! The pace of this show is so good, looks like there will be some resolution between Do-ha and WK, which is great, they both need to realize what their relationship is. They have been together relying on each other since they met, it is good SW's presence in their life will help them figure out where they stand. Can't wait to see how SW and Do-ha really become a couple! They have such interesting ways of getting to each other! Thanks for the recap! So fast!
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15 pohonphee
May 13, 2017 at 11:00 PM
I'm start to lose interest when Kim Guard doesn't become Ghost agent anymore. He doesn't seem take his job seriously or what? I thought he is that special secret agent who gives anything it takes to complete his mission. It is a national security at stake y'all :P If he's that 'special', he should know how to work around the problem so he can save Do-ha and secure the whatsoever ring and woodcraft. I can't help to compare his sacrifice with let say Ji-wook's sacrifice (Ji Chang-wook's character) in Suspicious Partner. He is also sacrificing his dream job as prosecutor for saving a girl who he just know for few months, but his action is felt more understandable, at least for me, than what Kim Guard did. But maybe I'm the one who doesn't understand LOVE. Ha, ha, ha.
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May 13, 2017 at 11:11 PM
I thought his move to resign was actually because he had the national security in his interests... he didn't want to implicate anyone else like Team Leader Jang because that would lead to even more secrets being spilled/the whole team becoming investigated. I believe no matter how "special" he is, he's only human, and it wasn't so easy as to figure out a way to save DH + the items, especially when he only had less than half a day left. But he still did it in the end anyway!
I find it difficult to compare it with JW's sacrifice, because he was battling between letting the truth be known, and betraying his morals to keep his childhood dream. If JW had decided to keep his job and let her go to jail, I would have lost all support for him whatsoever, because his decency as a "good person" was what made me like him. Whereas for SW, it wasn't a moral decision to make. He needed to save a person he cared for, while not endangering anyone else.
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May 14, 2017 at 9:33 AM
I don't watch Suspicious Partner to know the comparisons, but Seol-woo has been nothing but serious and committed to his job as a secret agent. And we have, in no way, seen that he jeopardizes his mission for anyone, he was, in fact, willing to throw off all pride just to stay by Woon-kwang's side for the first wood carving mission. Of course, we could argue that saving Do-ha is jeopardizing his cover, impulsive and is so out of character, but he's a secret agent trained for this kind of mission. His resignation isn't because he doesn't take his job seriously, or that he gives up on his work, but because he couldn't achieve his mission by bringing down an entire network of NIS that worked with him, he was actually being responsible and level-headed (for me) by taking the blame all on his own.
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May 16, 2017 at 3:50 PM
The resignation was to take sole responsibilty for disobeying orders and going rogue. He didn't know what the outcome would be and he knew he had to kick some official butt to shake out needed intel in a limited timeframe. He lost his SWAT sniper job in the first episode for disobeying orders and going with his instincts. Rescuing her was what he needed to do and he was willing to accept the consequences. His handlers trusted his instincts and did want they could, stonewalling Internal Affairs and calling on noncompromised troops, to protect his mission.
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16 Mamajojo
May 14, 2017 at 12:07 AM
I adore woon-kwang hes just everything a brother should be :)
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17 kontrarymary
May 14, 2017 at 12:20 AM
First thing that came to mind when Seol Woo was in the middle of those containers: Bong Soon!!!!! Time to fling those containers and throw the time bomb into outerspace!!
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May 14, 2017 at 6:34 AM
Same here! The bomb and car disposal scenes reminded me SWDBS as well!! Especially the bomb scene
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May 14, 2017 at 1:13 PM
I had the same thoughts when I was watching too! JTBC getting good use out of their drama sets, haha.
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May 14, 2017 at 10:55 PM
True. I was like this is so familiar. Then I was expecting Bong Soon to show up. ?
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18 nelly
May 14, 2017 at 1:22 AM
Waaah Oppa kicks ass! He is awesome! And Seol-woo gains a lot of points in my book for quitting his job in order to save Do-ha.
Our leading lady keeps surprising me. She is amazing! The way she handled herself and didn´t blindly believe everything her kidnapper told her. My love for her keeps growing with every single episode.
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19 daydee
May 14, 2017 at 1:30 AM
I actually disagree with murasakimi that Mieun wasn't aware of just how cruel Seungjae could be. She definitely knows, and that's why she's still able to put a mask on her face and act well enough to put his suspicions to rest most of the time. She's become a very good actor who is constantly on her toes. She displays the classic signs of an abused wife.
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May 14, 2017 at 9:22 AM
Yes, it's not that she doesn't know, but I'm thinking she underestimated Seung-jae's psychotic behaviors.
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20 shteffi
May 14, 2017 at 3:05 AM
This episode was satisfactory.Well written and executed(well-acted).
PHJ is wonderful in this role.
I also loved the scene where he turned Do-Ha's chair so that she doesn't watch,but she watched anyway.
And the way he looks at her and talks to her. Can't wait for more interactions between them.
All the characters are holding their own and so I am really getting invested in their stories.
I also want to know more about Seol-Woo.I wonder if we will learn somethings about his past in the later episodes.
And I hope the next time SW kisses Do Ha he kisses her deeply so we can see the different between guard kim and ghost agent K