Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

What’s on your slate this week? I have a ton of shows I meant to start this week, given that there were a lot of brand-new or still-newish shows to choose from… and yet, I mostly found comfort in old ones, which at least were comforting and satisfying in their own ways. I promise I’ll catch up on the new shows… someday… hopefully before they’re considered old shows.



Man to Man: The tone of the opener was a little more scattered than I was expecting, although I do think the action looks pretty spiffy and Park Hae-jin seems perfect for this character. But any K-drama that has an introduction that’s heavily foreign-shot (and -acted; mostly it’s the acting) is bound to make me cringe, so while I’m not holding it against this show for upholding that particular status quo, I’m also not particularly impressed, either. I’ll give it another week before I decide what I think.

Father, I’ll Take Care of You: Ha! At this point, I find it inadvertently hilarious how, despite all the bad blood and revenge plots and antagonism that’s gone down between the Han clan and Hyun-woo, the various Han family members still keep seeking him out, whether it’s to yell at him, plead with him, or ask him favors. There’s a reason why Koreans have that saying about how constant contact can turn even hate to grudging attachment. I half expect to see the Hans insisting they can’t stand Hyun-woo five years down the line, even as they drop by every weekend for Sunday dinner, or bring him birthday presents.

Father Is Strange: Mwahaha, life is about to get interesting with cocky Lee Joon moving into the cramped Byun household. I can’t imagine how he’ll last longer than a weekend, although watching him try will be all of the fun. Also, did anyone else cheer when Jung So-min’s conversation with her old bully was caught on Unni’s voice recorder? I can’t wait for Lee Yuri to stand up for her little sister, because it had better be epic. I’m a little sad that Dad had to take such a hit to his image as a devoted dad in order to convince the family to take in the supposed half-brother, but I can see how it was the only way. I just hope that will get smoothed over later when everyone realizes he’s still the honorable Dad they’d always believed him to be.

The Liar and His Lover: There are so many things I want to talk about but not enough space to get into them! Like how I love-hate (but mostly love) how the music snippets play in such teasing drops that I’m dying to hear the full song by the time we get it, or how Choi Min-soo is the perfect quirky dad. Or how I initially thought that watching Han-gyul really step it up, putting So-rim first and showing his faith in her at every step, was the best thing this week. But then all the Crude Play development and substitute-performance conflict erupted and threw everybody into intersecting, but discrete, tracks of desperation and I was moved at how deep the emotional threads run, and how this drama has intertwined them so thoroughly that they all feel part of the same pain, although each person experiences it from a different angle. I felt an unexpectedly strong blow at the realization that the Crude Play boys have been using Han-gyul’s supposedly inferior bass playing to practice with, when all along that’s been one of Han-gyul’s biggest insecurities. Although he’ll never beat out Chan-young on the inferiority complex front—it breaks my heart every time Chan-young realizes that he’s only a stand-in for the guy everybody likes better than him… which made that ending sacrifice extra heart-pinchy. My heart was already pretty bruised—I don’t know if it can take much more!



Man to Man: This drama is silly, wacky fun and I really enjoy the fish-out-of-water hijinks for Park Hae-jin the super spy surrounded by the weirdness of showbiz folk. His deadpan expressions are priceless, and it cracks me up that he’s in an action-thriller and everyone else is in a comedy, but neither side seems to notice that they’re inhabiting the same space.

Chicago Typewriter: The end of Episode 6 finally pulled the three leads together in a way that started to make me care, which I would still argue is too darned long to make me wait. But now that we’re here, I’m glad to delve into these characters’ previous lives as freedom fighters, friends, and lovers. Now in the present day, I’m not so sure how Se-joo plans to make amends for his foot-in-mouth syndrome for the millionth time. Maybe he should start by adopting the dog.

Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People: Yay for some forward movement. I have to admit—they totally got me when the people came to Gil-dong’s rescue and were so proud to stand up and fight by his side, even in the face of death. He inspires that in people, which is really the big development we’ve been working for. It was also a huge relief when the show stopped being trolly about Eorini and fleshed out her story. Nothing made me happier than when she called Gil-dong and Gil-hyun “oraboni” again.

Whisper: Well the villains certainly stepped up their game, didn’t they? I was getting fatigued by all the flip-flopping in the initial case, so I found it a nice change of pace when the baddies decided to inject some new mayhem into the story. I much, much prefer Lee Bo-young out of that office and on the run, and I’d pay cash money if they could get Lee Sang-yoon out of there too, but maybe his office has an invisible force field that activates if he ever tries to leave it.

Mystery Queen: This week’s mystery kind of veered into absurd territory, but the emotional payoff we got in exchange was worth it. It was pretty gratifying to see Kwon Sang-woo in a position where he needed Ajumma’s help, after the hard time he’s given her in every possible moment up until now. There was satisfying karmic reversal and even a big hero moment, though you gotta love how Ajumma was all, “I would’ve saved myself!”

Crime Scene 3: I’m so excited for a whole new season of murder mysteries to solve. I’m happy to say that the third season is off to a solid start with the new cast members, though I did think to myself at one point, “I miss Hong Jin-ho’s flailing.” Everyone seemed too calm for murder suspects, and I miss having someone on the cast who trips over his words and gets animatedly anxious about the whole thing.



Currently recapping: Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People

Whisper: Oh man. Oh man. Chickachunga has been raving about this drama for AGES. So I decided to give it a try, and it completely took over my life (for the last two days). Lee Bo-young is love, and my Monday-Tuesday life is officially over until this drama is over. LOL, thanks chickachunga.

Man to Man: Hmmm, maybe my expectations were too high again, but I will hold off judgment until a few weeks in.


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Hello Everyone!!! Please watch Radiant Office!!! I've been campaigning this show to everyone.


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Agree! This is like the best thing I've watched this year. It's the first time ever I really like a Lee Dong-hwi character, he just broke my heart this week.

This show is a gem!


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I just want to protect Lee Dong-hwi's character from all hardships in life. He is the most inherently good character I've come across this year.


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Agree. We hardly come across such good characters in Dramaland and in reality.


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I didn't even noticed LDH in Reply 1988. Honestly, I have never been interested in him because he looks the same in every drama. However, I think he fits the role in Radiant Office to the tee ?
I am now curious if he will do and look different in his next drama.


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lol...it's true LDH does look the same. The first thing I thought was , "Ah...It's Dong-Ryong!!!"


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Too bad its ending... it reminds me of Misaeng... but with friends


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Im so glad Lee Dong Hwi s getting attention. Loved him the most among the characters in r1988. He def pulls off this new role. And the show is so great too


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does anyone else want more suk-jin and cat jumping action? i ALWAYS laugh. it's so amusing to me.


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I just really need to know what happens when he actually comes face to face with one lol! Even just a kitten, I don't need him tortured too much hehehe.


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Yess joining the campaign too, although it will be only 2 epi left?


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Me 5 !! Last 2 epi next week !! :(


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I thought there was only 1 episode next week because of the presidential elections? (And if I'm right, it's going to be a L.O.N.G. two weeks, waiting for the end.) I love this show too.


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What?? Really? Shook. im suffered enough to wait untill next week and we have wait another week ?


I hope you're wrong. I can't bear the long wait.


Wait,WHAT?! *pullinghair


i wanted to give this comment a thumb's down because it reminded me that it's really coming to an end. i've looked forward to Wednesday's and Thursday's because of it. :(


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I want another season! So far, there has been nothing fillerish and the show could do with more episodes. I badly want to see Ho Won and Woo Jin's romance in full bloom, I am sure they will make a very cute couple. I also want to see more of the trio's journey.


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and I want to see more of Hong Jae too! Actually I dont really care about the romance between the main leads because this show will be great even without the romance. The trio journey is awesome, and it is me the only one want something happen between Kang Ho and Kkot Bi? ?


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Haha...I think they are both adorable but I can't see them together. Although Kkot Bi's screen time is little, I enjoyed all her scenes. She's a great PA. I am having fun with Kang Ho's alter ego in Strong Family. I just find him and Miss Ahn so cute.

About Ho Won and Woo Jin, I agree that the show will be great even without the romance but I haven't seen such a satisfying slow burn romance like this one. I just want my cake and eat it too thus the desire for swoony/cute/funny moments.


I'm shipping them so hard since the day he took care of her little daughter! Hoya is one of those idols who is really good in acting, I'm loving him too!


If I'm good at writing fanfics, I'd write one anout HoJae and KkotBi~


Go Ah Sung ?


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She is a gem. She and her dongsaeng Hong Jae even look so much alike and I wished this drama made them living together. The siblings moments will be so great ti watch.


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Yess they are so adorable together!


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Go Ah Sung is so adorable. The whole cast is awesome, everyone played his/her character so well ?


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I know right!


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I only saw her in "The Beauty Inside" but she is AH-MA-ZING!


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Yess she really is!


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She was thoroughly nailing it in 'Heard it Through the Grapevine.


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me too me too... that show is so under rated. I badly want everyone to see what they have been missing


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THIS! Ha Suk Jin's role in this drama is his best role in dramaland (I LOVE WOOJIN). And I find myself rooting for the Suicide Squad every episode. I have never been so happy for romantic hints before I watched this drama but Ha Suk Jin and Go Ah Sung's interactions always make me squeal.


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Woo Jin is not the usual tsundere boss in dramaland. He is likeable, has normal weakness like other human being (being scared over a cat), and he has REASONABLE reason when doing sth


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Ha Suk-jin is love as Woo-jin. He's got great hair, has nice suits, and is awesome as a boss. I'm glad he took the role!


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I just recently started watching this drama and it definitely grabbed my attention! I'm only on ep4 and I super love it already. I'm not yet sure if I'm ready for the ending but I definitely look forward to seeing how things in the office pan out.


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Yes this show is the best I've seen this year too. I'm so sad it's going to end next week. But I'm praying for the next season :D


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Same! Can't believe it'll be over soon! :(


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I started watching it after reading your comment. Thank you for this gem.


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Cant seem to login.. Says enter valid email but then wont let me post as guest from the same email saying email taken.

Watched man to man-
So so disappointed. I love PHJ but honestly I'm really not feeling how he is portraying his character. For me he is the weakest link of the show. Liking both the 'star actor' and the awesome YJH as the villain

Liar and his lover -
what a cute little show. And why do i keep seeing park bo gum here :) ... Not feeling Joy so much but the rest of the cast is gooooood

Mystery queen
Its fun and silly and strangely I'm hooked despite not having followed the main actors before. Though i wish we had more of crinkles


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Woah! I feel as though PHJ is doing great. His character is so fascinating and calculating. After hearing such an emotional speech from a drunk Do Ha he just goes "I can use that." I can't wait for him to start actually caring about everyone - it's going to be great.

PHJ also has comedy chops, what with all his "wtf" faces at PSW. I'm hoping you stick with the show just to see where it goes!


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I know. It seems to be just me bec everyone else is loving PHJ. I have seen other actors do deadpan better. Hell PHJ has done it better before. But he is just not selling me that he is the super spy. I don't find him mysterious or engaging enough to be hooked. Nor I'm finding his comic timing all that great. I was so so so excited for this show... I haven't checked out this week's episode so maybe I'll see ep 3-4 before giving up on it


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PHJ in this drama is a cold type and he is supposed not to display his emotions, and while doing so, there are some funny scenes unintentionally on his part i. e the 'wff' faces. I dont think this is his best role so far, since I had seen him in better roles before. But imo he is nailing his role in this drama so far.


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Of course everyone has there own preferences...but I really think PHJ is killing it. This is my favorite roll from him (okay...except for Bad Guys) so far. I totally agree with what Girlfriday said about him being in his own world haha. I was actually happy that the show is lighter and more self-aware than I thought it would be


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I havent seen CIIT yet and this is the first PHJ drama Ive watched, he's very veryyy good looking for me and he nails it as an undercover bodyguard for me. However I cant care less for his mission and his interactions with the main female character. Im only watching for the bromance onscreen.


No. That's not an excuse. Playing this kind of character is hard. I can name several actor who are acting wearing the mask, cold but there is something hidden behind those cold exterior, and I don't see that in his acting. All I see is someone who are not connect to his own character. As much as I critics his acting in CITT. He is handled Yoo Jung character much better.


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I read the manhwa for CITT before watching (and I watch man to man first) and on first few episode only. What's wrong with his delivery at CITT? I think he really portrays Yoo Jung really well so could you elaborate further? (I read the manhwa so dont worry about spoiler!)

I think his portrayal for man to man is meant to be stiff but with subtle emotions but he did not express that well (not bad but could be much more better) (yoon hyun min is a good example of how to be stiff but still portray nuance in his character).

Btw YJH is having time of his life as a villain lol.


He was really good at potraying emotional conflict of Yo Jung and the dark side of him. But there at times he is appear so stiff and bland. Well since at that time I'm rewatching Nice Guy and I start to being nitpicky because I watched SJK performances. It's so unfair I judge him so harshly. Well overall i love his potrayal of Yoo Jung much better than he is now as Seol Woo.


Yes! I didn't realize PHJ can be so expressive, having not watched his dramas before. I just love watching his "wtf" faces at PSW's dramatic actions or expressions, as if he is going, "what? what are you doing?". It's comedy gold.


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Hello bips, can you try again with your username or email address in lowercase letters?


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Hi mary. Stil not working. Maybe its my device. I'll log in from my laptop when i reach home and see if it works. Thanks though


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try and see if your device automatically adds a "space" after your user name. Cant have a space either. Usually when i can't log in it is because of that. Hope this helps!


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Aw, it's a bit of a shame you can't connect with Joy, she's frankly one of the best things out of Liar and lover, although granted, there are many best things to be taken from it. As JB once said, I think she's a delight, and also a natural, if I may add.


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Awesome YJH as the villain still not doing much so far, but he is awesome as the villain like in Mask (and even his supporting character in Ms Temper and NJK is memorable that I wanted him to end up with Ms Temper at the end).


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Yes! I want more of him. I even enjoy the scenes of him playing with his kid. I'm always so charmed by him and I have no idea why.


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I never really paid attention to him until I watched him in Mask. He and Yoo In Young are still my favourite villain pairing in kdramaland.


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Oh my gosh! My feelings exactly! I know he is a villain, but I melt into a pile of goo when he is with his kid. I loved him in Mask, but I think I am developing a flaming Aujussi crush haha.


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Even though he is not doing much I love YJH by default...

Me toooooo *squee*.... I wanted him to end up with miss temper too... I was like super sad when his storyline wrapped up... I so wanted more


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jTBC needs to do season 2 Ms Temper and pair these two. Their chemistry was so great that it is a shame not to see both them not ended up together.


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Hi, Bips, I hope to see you emerge from the shadows soon. Episode 3 is awesome, and he's really funny there, with his faces.


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Oh god Park Hae-Jin is slaying it in Man to Man. The plots all over the place (why are those wood carvings important again?) but I don't even care if I can see PHJ say cheesy shit like "I can't betray Oppa!" His reactions to PSW's every move have me in stitches.


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I'm really liking PHJ as well, he's got the super-agent bit down solid and the sudden foray into ACK-TING! was great. And I love the little comedic asides he has with his handler. What's not gelling for me is the idea that a super-spy would be starting to fall for a baby-talking thirty year old saesang.

I don't know if those are acting choices, scripted instructions or directorial choices, but nooooo. Falling in love with Cha Manager within the first couple of episodes feels like a complete misstep.


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I dont think he is in love with her. He is using her as he used the girl in the case before. He is a flirt as well so i think it fits his character to let her know she looks pretty. And i think it was pretty clear the she became his fan( or fell in love with the star) when they met at the roof top. As for butting in his love life i think as a manager she tries to protect him from scandal.


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Exactly, I don't think he's falling for her, not yet! He's interested in her (not romantically) because of how she is, she's a puzzle to him and he's just trying to figure her out. I think this was clear in episode 3 when she was drunk and fell asleep, if he liked her he would've given her more than just sympathy looks!!


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Yes, episode 3 made it very clear he has no feelings for her at all. He's using her, like he's using everyone else to get what he wants.


I really don't like the Cha character, so that's maybe coloring my read of the scenes, but I do definitely get some sort of track-laying for K to be interested in Cha in a way that goes beyond his job. And it doesn't feel natural to me, which (combined with disliking the Cha character generally) is actually turning me off the show.

Which sucks, because I really like PHJ and the rest of the story!


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Nah, he's definitely not into her. Agree with YY that E3 showed that very clearly. He's only interested in one thing, and that's to get his job done. However, I do feel that something about her intrigues him and almost disturbs him. He's not falling for her, but she unsettles him. (But yes, PHJ does that super agent role so well).

E3 gave me a lot of insights as to why DH and WK behave the way they do. I really liked it.


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I am so glad that the show gave us that extra background on DH and WK, I feel like I can finally understand why she is a saesang fan.


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I love PHJ's subtle gestures when he gets what he wants, or his WTF faces when he witnesses PSW's dramatic gestures. It's just so amusing to watch. I can't wait to see what other expressions he has for the ridiculous diva and his entourage, and their interactions.


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I am amazed at how much I like Man X Man already. I'm living for every single deadpan expression that PHJ gives when someone in the show says something ridiculously comical, and how he's just a petty kid whenever he drops that cool-as-ice bodyguard facade. And I told myself after SWDBS not to go so crazy over a show so soon again! ;_;


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I know right! I'm loving it so much, it's crazy!! His expressions kill me!!?


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I can tell, hah! I die of laughter every time I see you and @yyishere fighting over PHJ in the recaps!


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Me too, me too!!!! I loooveee episode 3! I was moved by some parts.


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He is petty? Haha. I haven't realized it. I haven't watched the recent episodes yet, but if he keeps up all the expressions he has been doing in the previous episodes, I might go crazy over the show as I did with SWDBS. And you might too!


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I agree with girlfriday about the Man to Man genre mixup. I actually like a lot of things about this show but for some reason I can't get hooked. I think a large part of it is the female lead. I find her a little annoying and I don't feel any kind of connection between her and PHJ. But it's early so maybe there will be more chemistry later?


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The female lead is off the rails but they flesh out her character a bit more. She's fifty shades of crazy but equally earnest. I agree though that they gave the longing stares and meaningful looks too much screen time so early in the show's run.


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Kim Min Jung is a good actress but I dont think she suits her role in this drama so far. When she is acting cute with her Oppa, I cringed. But in other dept, she is good. Especially when she told the story about how she met her Oppa etc. I would prefer if she is someone with cool personality, with no cutesy. Only some actressess can nail this role, but not Kim Min Jung. She is also receiving a lot of hate comments, especially with epi 3's rating is decreased and some fans blaming her, which I definitely disagree with.


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I think episode 3 and 4 flesh Cha Do-Ha out to the point her motivation behind supporting her Oppa the way she does is explained well. I won't spoil so I guess watch 3 and 4 if you can Kim Min Jung in my opinion does earnest the best. I Still can't spoil so I'll speak on the recap thread.


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I have watched epi 3 but not epi 4 yet. I am not really complaining about her character and Kim Min Jung, aside that I wished she is not playing the cutesy act (which is not always happen in this show).


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I know you are not complaining but episode 4 has me completely on her side. You could feel differently though, I find Do-Ha and Woon-Kwang both pitiful at this point.


Episode 3 showed her acting chops.


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I loved E3 so much that I was really surprised that it got such low ratings. I think E3 gave me so much insight into DH's character and why she behaves the way she does... if I liked her that much before that, E3 made me love her and root for her. Agree with @gem28! No spoilers of course, but DH grows on me so much, to the point that I just want to hit SW sometimes because I know he's going to break her heart.


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It was the presidential debate night, every other channel had preempted their shows. But Saturday will point to the reality of ratings. I don't care, I hope it does well but beyond that what can I do.


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I want it to do well too, although not expecting it will very high. Maintaining the rating around 3-4% at least is sufficient for me.


Eh, I actually like the actress. I understand the reasons behind her suspicion of SW in the first place and why she was so fixated on him in the beginning. I also like the fact that she said sorry and acknowledged her mistakes when she knew she misunderstood him. I don't agree with other commenters that she's not competent at her job or inept or idiotic. IMHO if I were in her shoes, I would be suspicious of SW too, what with all those pickpocketing, secretive photographing and even flirting with her oppa's ex. We know he's not actually flirting with the other actress just because we are the audience and has complete view of the picture. It's not the case for her. Her view is biased by her initial suspicion. To be honest, if someone I have seen pickpocket my colleague, candidly take photos of me and my close friend and flirt with my friend's ex, I would naturally grow wary of that person as well. Simply because I did so with my friend's interest and safety at heart. I believed she did the same with her oppa's fame, safety and interest also at heart. If that doesn't make her a good manager, I don't know what else will.


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It's not the actress, it's the character..I think the actress is actually doing a great job portraying Do Ha. I just find her super annoying when she's with Woon Gwang. Maybe it's just because I dont like super over the top fangirling? haha im not really sure. I think it's more the lack of chemistry that I feel between her and Park Hae Jin, granted it's really early so I hope that develops more.


Ah sorry, I was scatterbrained. I actually like both the actress and the character.
I often swoon and fangirl hard at actors I like so I can overlook her fangirling, haha, but maybe that's just me.


Yes, yes, yes! Exactly the points I mentioned in E2's recap, so I agree with you 100%. She has had every single reason to be wary of/dislike SW. She's a manager for a famous star, and she does it well, so honestly I can't see what people don't like about her character. I don't think she's dumb and not a good match for SW. I think the two of them just have a very different approach to life, which is completely natural because of the way they've had to live their lives. (Oops is it a spoiler? I honestly loved her when she apologized. That was the defining moment when I decided I loved her.)


I actually don't understand why Kim Min Jung getting so much hate? There is nothing wrong with her acting.


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Not here but if you see in other sites, there are some fans made some hating comments about her. It is just like when Nam Ji Hyun got casted as Ji Chang Wook's partner. Because some fans can be so obsessive that they want their oppa with their fav actress / idol.

And I emphasizing again, I dont hate her or her acting.


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Actresses always get the short end of the stick. It still happens when the 'oppa' in question is not better than his co-star.

Is it just some actors who have this kind of fans or does it apply to almost every actor?


I'm not going to describe it as "hate", but sometimes you meet someone and quickly realize that you and this person are not destined to get along. Their behaviors irritate you, their personality is not one you want to spend time with, and they're getting on your nerves.

That's what I'm feeling here. I'm not sure if it's the character or the actor, but this is like going to a party where you like most of the people and the event but there's one person there who is prominent and they just irritate the heck out of you and you decide to leave earlier than you were planning because of it. No hatred, just "you are too irritating to be around, I don't like how you impact the people around you, and I would be having a more enjoyable time somewhere else where you aren't."

If you've ever been at a dinner party where one person has a particularly overbearing spouse, same thing. You don't hate anyone, you just don't want to spend the next hour like this. So you leave, or in dramaland terms, turn off the TV.


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Yea, when I first saw her character on screen, I didn't really like her. Her hairstyle and behavior... it just irritates me. But I will continue watching. Maybe there will be surprises in store for me as the show progresses.


One of the things that bothers me about Kim Min Jung's character is that she feels like an idiot. Very possibly good at her particular job, which appears to be total obsession with her Oppa, but it makes it no fun in a spy drama.

If PJH is a superagent skilled in outwitting and deceiving people, I at least want the girl in the equation to have a fighting chance. Like in "Healer", which had its flaws but at least had a female lead who was doggedly chasing hunches that made sense. But in Man to Man, it just feels like a total mismatch.
I mean, even when she figured out that K was acting shadily, it really was all seen through her saesang lens, like any ability she has is completely grounded in her obsession and really isn't more capable than getting people away from her Oppa. It's territorial more than intelligence.
I really can't describe enough how this character, setup and actress all combine to rub me the wrong way. I usually don't have issues with actresses (well, other than the Suzy-idol problem) so I assume others are feeling the same weirdness about this show.


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Watch 3 and 4, some of the issues you have no longer apply. They smoothed out those edges and she truly is competent at her job. I'd say give it a chance and see if you still can't connect to her. If you can't there's no harm, different people and different perspective. There are plenty of shows I've watched that nobody or majority didn't like and plenty that other's did like.


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I did watch 3 and 4, before I posted. The issues still apply, and at no point have I stated that it's down to the actress - could be writing or direction too. But just as there's no harm in other people liking the show and stating it, there's no particular harm in me noting that I don't connect with that particular character.


You described well how i feel about the character, she annoys me too despite her saseang character had cooled down a bit in episode 3 but what's done is done the first 2 episodes had a great impact that made me annoyed whenever she's on screen I think i will dropbthe show. this is not hate towards the actress is just the character was written badly and so many on many forums are sharing the same thoughts, so it's not we are being hateful.


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I think it's her overall personality that's distancing her character with the audience. It's seriously a negative for me. She is loud, brash, rude and everything I don't like in a person. It's not just the cutesy she acts with her oppa. I can stand that. She is after all a fan first, then a manager.


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Alright, so Whisper definitely goes to the looooong Must Watch List. I've got so much on my plate with kdramas, jdramas, and series. T_T


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I second this T_T


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I think it's better to marathon Whisper than following it every week, because you won't have too much time to notice the plot holes and the other stuffs that feel unrealistic which somehow are getting too obvious. I really like its pace and its addictive story, but I was disappointed by the last week's episode because I could smell a lazy and sloppy writing. I am still hanging there only to see how they handle the bad guys.


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-Tunnel: It may not be the twistier thriller-mystery out there, but this writer certainly has great sense of timing for every revelation. The question isn't what going to be revealed. It's always about how they are going to reveal it and how each character will react to that.

-Chicago Typewriter: Yoo, what a charmer!! (Waiting for another odd bromance to blossom beautifully. *finger crossed*) And I'm officially in love with Seol.

-Movie Goodbye Single: Both Kim Hyun-soo and Kim Hye-soo made me ugly-cry. That teen actress is so good. I already miss her in dramaland. Is there any chance for her to act in the upcoming School series?


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Agree with you on timing for Tunnel. The emotional punch the writer gives makes up for the predictability.


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Yes, totally!! You already know everything to be revealed but when it does it still gets you!


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I agree too ! We know all the secrets before the leads do but when it is revealed, the intensity is still there !! Not forgetting our leads' great acting at delivering emotional scenes when the secrets are out too !!


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I love the reveals at the end of some episodes of Tunnel because the momentum and emotional buildup throughout the episode. However, the revelation of the second killer was a flat for me. I didn't feel the "aha!!" moment when they showed the face of the second killer. I don't know why. Maybe because Dr Mok himself has been dropping so many hints about the possible existence of a second killer that when it was revealed to be him, it didn't put a punch at the end.


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Nobody is watching tunnel but i guess at this moment tunnel and CT are the best shows for me....


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I watched tunnel till ep 5... Then i quit... My main problem was that i didn't really see any chemistry in the trio..

Forget about being a great team, they antagonism towards each other felt superficial and forced... Chemistry in terms of 'i cant wait to see their scenes together'. .. I didn't find that... The whole lot felt flat

Does it get better?


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Pls continue with Tunnel. It gets even better with each episode. Not forgetting the bromance brewing for SJ and Kwang Ho and maybe they maybe son and father-in-law rs in future. Haha. And Kwang Ho found her daughter !! Yes!! Unbelievable to him but yes that person is his daughter !!


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Their relationship definitely got better. I love watching Kwang Ho and Sun Jae ever since their relationship had the huge turnaround.


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It definitely gets better from ep 7-10 the story picks up.


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Why? I thought their chemistry is very good, especially SS and KH. I really feel the camaraderie between them, and the close friendship they have transcended the 30 years they have been apart. KH and SJ is good together too, especially after SJ realized the truth behind KH's time traveling issue. It does get better. Maybe you give it another try?


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I am going to binge watch it once it finished later. I heard many positive comments, so i'll definitely going to watch this.


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It doesn't have twist and viewers would know the secrets way before the leads know but when they are revealed the intensity is still there !! So I love Tunnel although this is something different from Signal !!


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i think everyone is watching it.. killing in ratings too..

its nice.. but i wish the lead guy , PKH from 80s shout less..


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I'm heartbroken that we have only four more episodes left of Rebel :(

But seriously, I had something in my eye at the coda to episode 26, with the flashback to Gil-dong's anonymous peasant rescuer getting the famous 'I did it because I wanted to' thumbs-up from Gil-dong /cries

oh, and three cheers for Gil-hyun finally returning to the fold! That was almost the Joseon version of Fred and George's departure from Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, I still haven't recovered from how badass it was.


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Hey, it's pogo!!! Hi, pogo!!!!


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hey, YY! It's good to see Scarlet Heart peeps again!


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I keep saying I don't have time to watch new dramas but I keep doing the opposite! The good thing is I'm loving all of them!!

Man x Man: Park Hae-jin's expression are GOLD! I cannot stop laughing at all the faces he makes! And I'm loving Park Sung-woong, this is my first drama of his but he's just so funny!

Tunnel: I can't wait to see how the fact that Jae-yi is his daughter going to change how Kwang-ho treats both her and Sun-jae, it's going to be fun! Saw the preview for episode 11 and I'm so excited!

Chicago Typewriter: finally all caught up! Waiting for episodes 7 and 8 and the recaps so I could join the party!!

My Secret Romamce: I was planning to stop at episode 2 and marathon it later but I needed some fluff in my life and it's exactly that!


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I just watched the preview for Tunnel eps 11 after reading your comment, and I'm beyond excited. The aftermath will be epic.


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Me too. I can't to watch the next episode !!!


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Me too. I can't wait to watch the next episode !!!


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We have the same taste, except I might drop man to man.
I am enjoying then fluff and old troupes of CR, I need this drama because my list is full of thriller.


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My Secret Romance is fluff eh? I think so too, nice to watch it on a lazy Sunday afternoon whiling your time away with a cup of hot coffee in hand. It's not too hard on the brain, and the characters are easy to watch.


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I watched something super fluffy, a kfilm on Netflix that they have titled "Like for Likes". Yoo Ah In, Kang Ha Neul, several bigger older stars. Not a tear was shed (by me), very little angst. It felt like a K-Love Actually on a small scale. It was just the light kind of thing I needed.


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I heard about it and actually have it on my to-watch list but haven't got the time yet! maybe the coming weekend!


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It's on Dramafever, not on Netflix! Sorry very mianhae for my error.
It SHOULD be on Netflix, what's with the almost all violent and scary kfilms???


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Which region are you watching from? I tried to find it but it was unavailable ?


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Downloading Hola app.may help you to view,changing your location on the net.


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