Lee Sung-kyung offered new rom-com from I Remember You writer
by girlfriday
Ooh yay, there’s a new drama in the works from writer Kwon Ki-young of the layered mystery thriller I Remember You, the political rom-com All About My Romance, and the workplace comedy Protect the Boss, and an offer is out to Lee Sung-kyung (Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju) to headline. It’s only been a month since the delightful coming-of-age drama Weightlifting Fairy ended its run, but I already miss Bok-ju, a character that really solidified Lee Sung-kyung’s potential as a leading actress.
The new SBS drama is called Beware This Woman, and it’s a rom-com set in the legal world about prosecutors and judges, with an added thriller bent when a killer comes after them. So… like I Hear Your Voice, or maybe a lighter version of I Remember You? That sounds good to me, since I’ve mostly found rom-coms and killers to be a strangely addictive combination when it comes to dramas. There’s nothing like danger to motivate your romantic leads to stay close!
Lee Sung-kyung has been offered the lead role, a judicial trainee who suddenly finds herself a suspect in a murder case. She looks innocent and delicate on the outside, but she was a Taekwondo athlete in her youth, and can hold her own. Well after playing a national weightlifter, I don’t think she’ll have a hard time pulling that off.
It does sound a little bit like it might overlap with Lee Jong-seok and Suzy’s upcoming drama While You Were Sleeping in setting or theme, but we’ll have to wait and see how the plot and characters differ as casting develops. I Remember You was notable for its intriguing criminal psychology and characterization of serial killers, so I’m looking forward to this writer’s next project, which is sure to be creepy and thrilling in all the best ways.
Beware This Woman will be directed by PD Park Sun-ho, who must be new (there are no credits listed under that name), and it’ll be a Wednesday-Thursday drama on SBS following Saimdang, Light’s Diary in May.
Via Kyunghyang
- Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-ju: Episode 1
- Bright and cheery posters for youth sports drama Weightlifting Fairy
- Lee Sung-kyung courted to become Weightlifting Fairy
- Doctors: Episode 1
- Park Shin-hye, Lee Sung-kyung up for new SBS drama Doctors
- Cheese in the Trap: Episode 1
- Im Joo-hwan, Lee Sung-kyung join legal thriller Broker
- I Remember You: Episode 1
- It’s Okay, It’s Love: Episode 1
Tags: Lee Sung-kyung, Suspicious Partner
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1 Zelle
February 16, 2017 at 9:44 PM
Wah. My heart. Please accept Sung Kyung unnie!! I so miss her already. And I really believe she could pull this off. Wah. I'm just so happy that even if WFKBJ didn't faired well, she's being offered to lead again. I feel that they are aware how popular it was outside SoKor. Wiiie. <3
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February 17, 2017 at 2:21 AM
I started watching WLFKBJ because I loved the previous works of the writer.. especially high school king of savvy. But I had to quit WLFKBJ after episode 8 because I couldn't stand Nam joo hyuk's acting. It felt kind of flat. Also I felt Lee Sung-Kyung was overdoing it a little. No I don't hate either of the actors but I feel they lack nuance. May be my preference. Or maybe because I watched it after Jealousy Incarnate, Jo Jung suk and Gong hyo Jin. It is unfair to compare the actors in WLFKBJ with these veterans but can't help but saying it. I just wish LSK puts forth her best in this drama. She is a hardworking girl I read...
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February 17, 2017 at 10:05 PM
I think it is more of your preference. I watched WLFKBJ and gotta say that they are perf for the part, especially LSK who really depicted that everyday girl vs the usual lead. I watched this along with LoBS and Jealousy Incarnate, but I was ultimately drawn to this one because I can relate more.
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2 jheart
February 16, 2017 at 9:47 PM
So many medical and law dramas in the past two years. Most of them received successful responses ( either rating hit or good critic) so it may be the reason why more will be produced this year
The writer is quite good. There are few aspects i was disappointed about I remember you that could have been much better . In overall it was okay
The pd is new. Not sure what to expect. Certainly it might be a fresh of air in directing
Importantly I am so so happy for my girl. Her acting skill has been widely acknowledged after Weightlifting kim bok joo.
See how hardworking and humble she is , i am sure that she will do well in this role.
Looking forward to see her character surpass Bok Joo . Is it even possible?
So curious about the male lead . Make me kind of nervous
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February 16, 2017 at 10:59 PM
Lee Jong Suk already has While you were sleeping. It would be great if this two best friend work together in the romance drama
Hyungsik and Siwan already have another dramas too
Kyun Sang is currently filming Rebel Hong Gil Dong. I really love them in Doctors and they also really close in real life.
How about Kang Ha Neul? This boy is into movieland for so long . I miss him in dramaland
Since they cast the female lead first and the title is focus on female character, i dont think they will cast someone in high top tier actor
Maybe a trendy and talentled rising star
Ryu Jun Yeol? Go kyung Pyo ( also consider chicago writer)
Park bo gum ( his status is too high now so unlikely)
Lim ju wan?
Lee sang yeob?
Yeo jin goo ? ( too young i guess)
Yoon do joon?
I really miss Lee Chun Hee. He has worked with the writer in I remember you
I dont think he will comeback to do a drama anytime soon
He is too busy with his brand hibrow
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February 17, 2017 at 12:56 AM
How about Do Ji Han or Cho Yoon Woo? I am excited for Cho Yoon Woo actually. He was so under utilized in Hwarang but he seems to have that acting chop for comedy and still low profile as an actor. So I think it should be fine if he is to headline a drama with the female protagonist being the central figure.
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February 17, 2017 at 5:32 AM
if only Jisoo didn't accept his upcoming drama he would be my other choice for this <33333 they had chemistry in his short cameo tho
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3 lillyan
February 16, 2017 at 9:54 PM
Except two being court dramas, I don't see similarities between this one and WYWS.
Love LSK, I see her fairing great in this role, so hope she accepts it.
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4 ET
February 16, 2017 at 9:56 PM
I didn't like I Remember You as much as beanies did. It started strong but became quite absurd towards the end. Let's hope this writer(applies to most writers too!) now knows how to finish as strong as they start. All I Remember of IRY now are the performances of PBG and Choi Won Young who were fantastic in it. Jang Nara's character wasn't memorable so I hope for a more meaty female lead this time for Lee Sung Kyung. I'm sure she will be kickass!
If only Lee Jong Seok and Lee Sung Kyung were in the same show. Just saying...fingers crossed for good male lead :D
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February 16, 2017 at 10:02 PM
seriously I need Jong Seok and Sung Kyung in a drama together, imagine the chemistry...
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February 16, 2017 at 10:24 PM
Yes to Jongsuk and Sungkyung. They are already adorable as friends and I would love to see them be paired in a drama in the future.
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Flightey Gazelles
February 16, 2017 at 10:42 PM
it was the opposite for me with re: I Remember You. Slow start wasn't really engaged but as the series progressed, I became Hooked! Never felt a lull, in fact, I felt it it suffered from time shortage and live shoot.
Lee Jung Suk and Lee Sung Kyun are a missed opportunity for While You Were Sleeping pairing!
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February 16, 2017 at 11:29 PM
IRY was a slow start for me too but it doesn't take me long to get hooked. IRY is one my most fave and most rewatched Kdrama. I won't lie that SIG and PBG also played a massive part in making me love the show.
Choi Won Young on the other hand was the weakest link in the leads, even less charisma than DO who played his younger character.
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February 18, 2017 at 2:46 AM
I agree.DO slayed his role.
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February 16, 2017 at 11:44 PM
Same here too, started off as good-not-quite-great-yet, then from episode 6 onward it quickly developed into something special. There was no lull for me either, it just continued being strong until the very end.
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February 17, 2017 at 2:28 AM
I went into IRY for SIG and SIG alone... I don't like JNR's acting but still hung up there for SIG. But I saw a different version of him there. Slick, smart, brainy and sexy. But I missed the Reply 1997 and high school king of savvy version of him.. He hardly smiled in IRY.. The thing that caught me off guard was the bromance. I was really smitten by it. Apart from it, I was almost sleeping through the series..
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5 celine
February 16, 2017 at 9:57 PM
I welcome Bokjoo-ya back on my small screen! Now I wonder who got the offer for the male lead.
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6 byungmad
February 16, 2017 at 10:16 PM
LSK is one of few actresses whose transformation after each different role always excites me so I'm kinda hope she accepts the offer.
Fingers crossed for a female lead focusing drama cause the character seems interesting and suits her well, AND I need to see LSK in taekwondo uniform (!) gdi I already see her kickass in it.
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Flightey Gazelles
February 16, 2017 at 10:48 PM
I agree! I already loved her as the explosive Baek In Ha , she went all out and then, she was so adorable as Bok Ju!
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7 Jenny
February 16, 2017 at 10:30 PM
SBS Wed-Thur primetime? It would be a huge achievement for her whether it will succeed or not.
Can't we get LJS, right? So, I want KWB for this.
KWB and LSK must be a nice papairing.
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February 16, 2017 at 10:31 PM
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February 16, 2017 at 10:34 PM
+100000000 Yeah for Kim Woo Bin, he needs a good leading lady
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
February 16, 2017 at 10:38 PM
LSK with KWB will be awesome. I want to watch KWB in drama again after couldn't do so in UF last year, with this pairing I'll surely watch.
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February 16, 2017 at 10:39 PM
wow I'm just about to comment how about Kim Woo Bin getting the male lead (!!!) (heard that he had no project yet and pretty much wanted to do romcom, no?!?)
omg please if this pairing happens I'd be in heaven
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February 16, 2017 at 10:42 PM
I am just saying that people always want LJS for anything. If they can't get LJS or he is not available for it, they move to his buddy KWB and want woobin instead of Jongsuk.
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February 16, 2017 at 10:57 PM
I would get KWB in anything over LJS any day. KWB so good in playing anything. From heart stoping hard gazed bad boys, to dorky idiots, to perfect from head to toe rich guys. His acting in UF still one of my favorite last year. Hugely underrated and overlooked due to UF not being people's favorite.
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February 16, 2017 at 11:00 PM
It's just your own thinking. Most people, especially Koreans are more fond of LJS than KWB.
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February 16, 2017 at 11:23 PM
KWB > LJS for me too.
February 16, 2017 at 11:33 PM
Are you "most people, especially Korean"? Like all of them? No? Too bad. That was first. Second, I want to burst your bubble, but people in SK has no preference about KWB or LJS. They both just another young actors to them. KWB does more movies, LJS more dramas. So later more visible to international audience, who prefers dramas over movies. Third, I understand you feel offended on behalf of LJS, when someone do not favor him over KWB, but really, I don't think KWB should get the short end of the stick, which you guys usually gave him. Not the first time, as I notice.
Riman Rakshit
February 17, 2017 at 5:11 AM
Please lets not turn this into a discussion of KWB vs LJS
Both are best friends, and nobody is favoured over another
Please there is too much fanwar these days!
February 17, 2017 at 6:05 AM
well.. I love Kim Woo Bin over LJS too. But I'm not too impressed with KWB before UF... He was abit stiff and at times tend to overdue his acting. he was also tend to punctuate his tone and accent , He tone down that alot in UF.. His range also have been ALOT wider. It's might the power of director? His approach to acting is abit different now than before. Though he is still has that aegyo that he needs to get rid of. I got shiver on my body everytime he is doing that in Master. Imagine him doing aegyou in a real sageuk, that would be out of place.
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February 17, 2017 at 10:10 AM
His character in Master is a perfect masterpiece, I have no idea what "aegyo" you talking about. He is a bubbly idiot, yet scamming snake, half comic relief, half drama center. He is the only one who is not one note in that movie and showed all type of emotions. Any so called "aegyo" that you saw added so much little charm to the character. Part of the reason, he got so much praise.
Nesma Kazem
February 24, 2017 at 8:07 PM
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Nesma Kazem
February 24, 2017 at 8:13 PM
Even i love both but I'm with lillyan
February 16, 2017 at 10:46 PM
Kim Woo Bin! Yes it is time to a new drama. Woobin please take it
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February 16, 2017 at 10:56 PM
Whispers and prays Is Kang Haneul available??
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February 17, 2017 at 12:55 AM
I want this now, is Kang Haneul open to this?
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February 16, 2017 at 10:57 PM
Kim Woo Bin, yes, They will make a perfect couple
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February 17, 2017 at 8:28 PM
Yes!! Kim Woo Bin please...
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February 16, 2017 at 11:07 PM
I AGREE. I've been thinking about who could be LSK's next leading man after WFKBJ. Her chemistry with NJH was da bomb. Aside from their organic charm as on-screen lovers, I think they looked so good together because they are both TALL. I'm hoping LSK gets a tall leading man (186cm +), and I think KWB would be great choice plus I'd love to see the guy in a romcom. Aside from KWB and LJS, I think a pairing with Sung Joon / Lee Soo Hyuk would be worth looking forward too.
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February 16, 2017 at 11:07 PM
*Would also be worth looking forward *to
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halu garci
February 19, 2017 at 5:30 AM
What about LSK with Lee Kwang Soo? Having them both in the lead would be awesome.
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February 17, 2017 at 5:31 AM
KWB AND LSK <3 omooo
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
February 17, 2017 at 9:01 AM
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February 17, 2017 at 8:02 AM
ohmy. that would be great. im thinking of either KWB or LJS to be paired with LSK!!
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
February 17, 2017 at 9:00 AM
Did someone actually mention my dream pairing?!
Here, have a gif:
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February 19, 2017 at 3:20 PM
I also really hope Kim Woo Bin in offered the male lead role and that he accepts it.
Chemistry between: Woo-bin and Sung-kyung will be awesome. After all, both are really tall and looks cute together, also both are relatively of the same age. What is there not matching??
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8 ⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
February 16, 2017 at 10:35 PM
She is one of those which the agency done the things right and in order. She started with supporting roles and slowly up for leading role after gain experiences.
Strangely I liked her more when she was still new, but don't really like her that much now. I still like her anyway, she is likeable on screen. And this girl also has a nice voice. I saw the her video with Park Hyun Sik singin the song together.
Good luck girl.
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February 16, 2017 at 10:49 PM
Gosh that video of her singing with Park Hyung-sik is awesome. Before that I saw her singing to A Whole New World in her car and thought she was lip-synced.
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February 16, 2017 at 11:05 PM
I just checked out the YT clip, she's amazing! Yeah, I was thinking "Are you sure it wasn't lip synced?" but the Konglish became clearer and so obviously she wasn't. I don't watch actors' off dramas so I've only watched her sing on stage once. But this one is so raw, she definitely has the pipes!
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
February 17, 2017 at 1:06 AM
I watched it few times and I think I am pretty sure that was her voice.
Now I want her and Kim Go Eun to sing any song together. KGE also has a nice voice and sings well, and both them are good friends??
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February 16, 2017 at 11:35 PM
Really?i thought it was lea salonga voice
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February 17, 2017 at 3:35 AM
Definitely wasn't. Just listen to how she pronounces "world". :)
Also, if you watch her singing a song from the Bonnie & Clyde musical you'll definitely know it's her voice!
There are lots of clips of her singing English songs... even Beyonce! Here's one from about a year ago!
Considering the fact that she isn't a singer, she's pretty good. Model, actress, and singer... a triple threat!
She has such a nice personality and seems like the type of person you want to be friends with!
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February 17, 2017 at 9:51 AM
Now that you mention Park Hyunsik!
I really wish she and nam joohyuk reprise their bokjoonhyung as a cameo in "strong woman do bongsoon". NJH can be exchange notes with jisoo in "how to seduced strong woman" or she can be a candidate as PHS bodyguard. Or both. Or something.
Please Drama God. Please make it happen.
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9 harukogirl
February 16, 2017 at 10:57 PM
Everytime I hear about LJS's new drama, start to get relaly excited....then I remember Suzy is in it. ^^;;. Not a hater - I liked her in Dream High. Just....she hasn't been able to hold my attention since, and I don't want another Doctor Stranger. Though, in Suzy's defense, she is no where NEAR that bad :D
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February 16, 2017 at 11:23 PM
I know right! I hope LSK won't get a dud of male lead (i.e. idol / model actors who cannot act).
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February 17, 2017 at 1:32 AM
Seriously!!!! Why can't dramas cast good actors together and just put all the carboard eye-candy in one drama where those who so choose can enjoy to their hearts heart's content, and delude themselves that their bias' acting might have improved...
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February 17, 2017 at 10:21 AM
Oh dear, god forbid ... There seems to be an epidemic of these idols male and female getting lead roles easily while better actors who STUDIED to be actors still have to work their way up ... There are some exceptions though of idols who delivered but this insanity has to stop. Not naming names but one girl idol who has bagged lead roles easily still hasn't improved and it has been five years ... Tsk tsk tsk ...
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February 17, 2017 at 4:17 PM
:( me too. I like Suzy only in variety shows, she seems pretty nice. However, she's in my list of actors/actresses to be avoided at all cost, unfortunately. I've dropped several dramas because of her acting...
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10 Yaya
February 16, 2017 at 11:35 PM
Yay! Can't wait to see her again on tv!
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11 kikil
February 16, 2017 at 11:39 PM
Not a fan of the scriptwriter
it given me doctors vibe,yup "new pd"
however i wish the best for her
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February 17, 2017 at 10:23 AM
Same ... My level of confidence in the writer is low but I may be proven wrong ... Only one of her dramas did okay (but not phenomenal) and the rest were uhmmm ...
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12 yrlvv
February 16, 2017 at 11:40 PM
So Ruler has a chance to be number one in timeslot. Both of kbs and sbs leads have less experience
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February 17, 2017 at 10:26 AM
its like sbs conceding before the race started ... Knowing they will be pitted against a ysh drama they should get a better team to support Lsk ...
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13 dollstar
February 17, 2017 at 12:00 AM
Hopefully the writer manages to repeat the awesomeness of I Remember You, which has settled into being one of my favorite k-dramas ever. I haven't seen any of the writer's other works so I have no idea if she is consistently good, so fingers crossed for this one. I hope it's creepy enough even amidst the rom-com trappings. I like Lee Sung Kyung and this sounds like an interesting character for her.
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February 17, 2017 at 6:35 AM
Protect the Boss is really good! One of my favorites I think. Great acting, great female second lead (seriously refreshing - at first you think she is a cut out bitchy second lead, but her character growth is so great, I can't think of another example like it!).
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14 pigsnout
February 17, 2017 at 12:53 AM
Is it just me, or she looks a bit like Gigi Hadid?
I want to see her with a male lead who can match her strong presence, I agree with the suggestion of Kim Woo Bin.
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15 Viki
February 17, 2017 at 12:54 AM
Oh yay indeed! I like her acting a lot after watching Fairy...and her previous roles were pretty well-done too...so I'm adding this to my watch list if she confirms.
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16 purpleowl
February 17, 2017 at 1:16 AM
So excited! This is a great pairing and plot so far.
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17 Nail
February 17, 2017 at 2:04 AM
again???, they're not more actress in Korea
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18 Sur
February 17, 2017 at 2:24 AM
Kim Woo-bin, Lee Joon, Kang Haneul. I'm okay with any
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19 Elena
February 17, 2017 at 2:30 AM
Awww, I was already missing her. She caught my eye in CITT and I loved her in WFKBJ. Seeing how outgoing and mature her real person seems to be, I like her even more. She's totally my girl-crush for korean dramas.
The drama theme seems interesting and could be a good opportunity for her. I look forward to it. My only concern is the leading man, since I feel so protective about her. Is it really impossible that Park Bo Gum or Kang Ha Neul take the role? Like the other beanies here, I would love to see her with my favorite guys, hehe!! :D Too bad that Lee Jong Suk or Park Hyun Sik are not available either!
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20 pizza
February 17, 2017 at 2:55 AM
Honestly I wanted her to be offered a role in Bride of Water God because her ethereal looks would be a good fit the beautiful comic style (and of course reunite with Joonhyungie), but this also sounds like an amazing opportunity & I can't wait to see her in a drama again!! Also Kang Haneul for main lead please!!!!! Need him on the small screen asap
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21 sancheezy
February 17, 2017 at 3:18 AM
as much as I like her, I don't she is good for dynamics acting, her character usually someone that already good so sh doesn't need to grow or to change throughout the drama, one tone but good, reminds me of lead character's friend role
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February 17, 2017 at 3:19 AM
Comment was deleted
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February 17, 2017 at 10:28 AM
Who do you think is good? She stands out amongst those idols wanna be actresses ...
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22 Wow
February 17, 2017 at 3:51 AM
Remember You is so scary although it has no bloody scene O,O if they bring same director too they might be give a really good villain.
I'm so ready to stan the villain
And for male lead if somehow they still has contact with lil bro in IRY, Park Bo Gum, it will really perfect
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23 WishfulToki
February 17, 2017 at 5:29 AM
Every time I see an upcoming drama with a prosecutor, I wish they would offer the lead to Lee Joon Hyuk. Plus, I think Lee Sung-Kyung would look good with a slightly older male lead.
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24 MikoDee
February 17, 2017 at 6:34 AM
Aw, that's fantastic news! LSK is quite a gem. Hopefully they pick a male lead that has great chemistry with her.
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25 cozybooks
February 17, 2017 at 7:08 AM
I'm still trying to get past the "writer of I Remember you and political rom-com All About My Romance and Protect the Boss." I loved the first, watched the second during election season (it didn't lighten the process. It made it worse, because it was accurate. Funny, and accurate.) And the third I never finished because I was a new drama watcher and didn't like it as much then. I'll go back and try it again, but really? They're all the same writer?
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