Solomon’s Perjury: Episode 7

This episode is all about big revelations, as we’re hit with some major confessions from those characters we’ve been dying to hear from most. But with a courtroom filled with emotional high schoolers, it’s not easy to decipher whether these confessions are the truth, or merely another string of lies. Who can we really trust in this trial? What can we trust? Whether it’s with rumors or with testimonies, we’re only left with what little light they give us to guide us through So-woo’s dark past. And what a fascinating past it’s revealing itself to be.



Three months earlier.

So-woo had stayed over at Ji-hoon’s, pacing the room and complaining about being bored while Ji-hoon diligently studied for exams. Plopping onto the bed, So-woo had sighed that Ji-hoon didn’t have to work so hard since he could do anything he wanted. “Well, right now, I want to study,” Ji-hoon had said, “but I can’t. Because of someone.”

So-woo had pointed out Ji-hoon’s bookshelf, noting that he’d already read everything there. So Ji-hoon had suggested So-woo venture into his father’s office to find something new to read. So-woo innocently asked if it was really okay to go there before grabbing Ji-hoon in a headlock, resulting in laughter from both friends.

Leaving Ji-hoon to study, So-woo had quietly entered Kyung-moon’s office to scan the bookshelves. As he picked out one book (For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway) with interest, a key had fallen out and onto the floor. Unable to help himself, he’d used the key to open up one of Kyung-moon’s desk drawers. Inside, he’d found a folder of documents for the Jeongguk Foundation. To his shock, So-woo had discovered it was a list of students under special management.

Uh oh. Right outside the apartment, Kyung-moon had arrived and was coming up the elevator. Just as he stepped into the apartment, Kyung-moon had caught So-woo stepping out of his office. Kyung-moon had put on a smile and asked if So-woo was reading in there, but before So-woo could answer, Ji-hoon pulled him away to get ready for dinner. Once the boys were gone, Kyung-moon’s gaze turned toward his office.

Kyung-moon had walked into the office and scanned the room, as if sensing that something was off. And meanwhile, So-woo had sat in the kitchen, looking through the pictures of the documents he’d taken on his phone.

We return to the present, during the second day of the trial. Judge Min-seok makes his introduction and has everyone seated, but Seo-yeon freezes, her eyes locking with Joo-ri’s across the courtroom. When Joo-ri quietly turns away and leaves the room, Seo-yeon impulsively runs after her, while everyone gawks in confusion.

Seo-yeon bursts out into the hallway, and is disappointed to find it empty until Joo-ri’s small voice comes from behind her. Joo-ri trudges over and says that Seo-yeon overreacted by running out, since she only came to take one last look at the school.

“I believe you,” Seo-yeon says, taking Joo-ri aback.

Seo-yeon continues that that was probably what Joo-ri wanted all along. Rather than to punish Woo-hyuk or protect herself, Seo-yeon claims, Joo-ri merely wanted someone to believe what she said. “I’m sorry I realized that so late,” Seo-yeon says in apology. She thanks Joo-ri for coming to see the trial and hopes that she can leave this place and forget everything that happened.

Paranoid, Joo-ri assumes Seo-yeon is saying all this just to feel better. And for that, she calls Seo-yeon selfish. However, Joo-ri says, she’s decided to testify today before she leaves.

The club comes together to discuss how to handle their new witness, with Seo-yeon wanting to keep Woo-hyuk out of the courtroom for Joo-ri’s safety. As expected, when Woo-hyuk hears this news from Ji-hoon, he doesn’t take it all that well.

When Woo-hyuk yells that Joo-ri should just say it all to his face instead of behind his back, Ji-hoon reminds him that he can’t yell like that here. Woo-hyuk doesn’t know what else to do when he’s so angry, prompting Ji-hoon to say that it’s not anger Woo-hyuk is feeling – it’s hurt.

Woo-hyuk tells him to quit acting like he knows everything, so Ji-hoon stops there and gives him an ultimatum: either he can sit in the trial and hold back, or avoid it altogether. Woo-hyuk makes his choice by staying in the classroom, though not without one last huff of frustration.

With Woo-hyuk now absent, Min-seok calls in Joo-ri as the next witness. To Joo-ri’s total discomfort, all eyes are on her as she slowly makes her way to the stand and sits down. As Seo-yeon approaches her, Joo-ri lowers her gaze, saying that everyone’s staring at her. Seo-yeon tells her to relax since everyone’s just trying to pay attention. Seo-yeon: “You’re an important witness.”

Even so, Joo-ri still doesn’t feel comfortable showing everyone her face. Ji-hoon jumps up to explain that excluding Woo-hyuk for her testimony doesn’t damage the trial, but excluding Joo-ri’s face would, since it implies she has something to hide. Joo-ri retorts that that’s not the case.

From her spot with the other jurors, Hye-rin mocks Joo-ri for acting like this when she’s pretty much a nobody at this school. This leads to a few more nasty comments from the crowd, teasing her for trying to get attention when no one knows her.

Joo-ri jumps to her feet. “It’s impossible that you don’t know me. Don’t lie,” she says. She calls all her classmates out on constantly making fun of her online, only to pretend that they don’t know her when they actually want something out of her. So she finally admits that she was the one who witnessed the incident, not Cho-rong. But she explains that she only lied because no one would’ve listened or believed her if she’d come out as the witness. “Because I’m Lee Joo-ri,” she finishes.

Seo-yeon firmly states that they’re doing this trial so everyone can finally listen and believe Joo-ri. Speaking directly to Joo-ri as both a prosecutor and a friend, Seo-yeon promises to get through this questioning as thoroughly as possible so that no one can doubt her. Now looking as if she finally trusts in what Seo-yeon is saying, Joo-ri agrees to begin and takes her oath.

Joo-ri starts off by stating what happened that night. She reveals that she’d been wandering around near the school and had noticed what looked like a person standing on the school’s roof. When she went over to get a better look at what was going on, she saw Woo-hyuk and two other boys (who she’d assumed were Sung-min and Dong-hyun) forcing So-woo onto the ledge. When asked what happened after that, Joo-ri says that Woo-hyuk pushed So-woo over. Tearing up, Joo-ri admits that she couldn’t believe what she saw herself, and it only occurred to her the day after that she could’ve saved So-woo somehow.

Seo-yeon submits two pieces of evidence to back up Joo-ri’s story: Joo-ri’s written statement about the noise she heard on the ledge, and the video of Seo-yeon testing out the noise on the ledge herself. As the video plays out, everyone gasps, while Seo-yeon’s dad has to restrain Mom from freaking out. Either way, Seo-yeon continues that the sound is only made when someone is stepping on it, proving that So-woo must’ve been in the spot Joo-ri talked about.

Seo-yeon ends her questioning and lets Ji-hoon take the floor. To everyone’s surprise, Ji-hoon’s first question is, “Is your testimony true?” Joo-ri doesn’t understand what he’s getting at, so he changes the question and asks if what she witnessed was something she saw directly, or something she thinks she saw and only hopes to be true. Seo-yeon and Min-seok both start to protest, but Ji-hoon asks again if Joo-ri’s testimony is true. Just when I was starting to believe Joo-ri, she takes this long pause with a faraway look in her eyes…

“It’s true,” Joo-ri finally answers. Ji-hoon calmly thanks her for her response and ends his cross-examination there.

Min-seok calls for a recess, but as everyone hurriedly files out, Joo-ri is stuck in place, Ji-hoon’s question still hanging over her head. Seo-yeon and Teacher Kim come up to her, but before they can say a word, Joo-ri bolts up and heads out.

Joo-ri escapes to the girls’ bathroom, where she lets herself sob freely. The prosecution team and Teacher Kim sadly listen to Joo-ri’s cries out in the hall. Seo-yeon steps forward to go in, but Teacher Kim stops her, saying that Joo-ri is simply emotional since it’s the first time she said what she needed to say. So Teacher Kim suggests they give Joo-ri some time alone.

Outside, Joon-young is lost in thought as Seung-hyun rambles about how well-prepared the prosecution team was and how he should’ve switched sides. Joon-young points out that the noise on the ledge doesn’t confirm it was So-woo in that spot – it could’ve been someone else, or even Joo-ri herself.

Joon-young heads inside to confront Ji-hoon about his suspicion, but Ji-hoon stops him short. Ji-hoon knows what Joon-young is thinking, but he chose not to bring it up because it could’ve been part of a painful memory for Joo-ri. Joon-young is surprised by Ji-hoon’s concern, making Ji-hoon admit that while it might not seem like it, this trial is genuinely tough on him too.

Once the recess is over, the principal makes his appearance to testify, and he answers all of Ji-hoon’s introductory questions with a mocking politeness, as if attempting to play along with the students’ set up. He interrupts Ji-hoon mid-sentence and stands up to announce that he isn’t here to testify – he’s here to set some things straight.

The principal brings up the fight in the science lab and the fact that Seo-yeon called the aftermath unjust. To counter that, he says that the school tried to find witnesses for the case, but no one ever stepped up. That makes Seo-yeon’s blood run cold.

The principal goes on to say that the school violence committee followed every regulation to a T, so they are absolutely not to blame. Ji-hoon argues that’s not exactly true. For one, having Woo-hyuk’s father attend So-woo’s committee meeting was completely against the rules, as parents of the attacker or the victim are not allowed to join.

The principal keeps trying to bring it back to how So-woo gave up any chance to explain himself, and for a second, it looks like Ji-hoon might break. Ji-hoon quickly pulls himself together and states that it was reasons like Woo-hyuk’s father attending as a committee member that proves the school deprived So-woo of a chance to explain anything.

As evidence, Ji-hoon pulls up the school website’s posts the day after the fight to insist that the students do know what goes on in the school and have things to say about it, but after so many years of seeing these things happen, they gave up trying to rectify any of it.

The principal doesn’t see what any of this has to do with today’s case, but Ji-hoon replies that the unfair treatment So-woo went through could’ve worsened his depression, thus leading to his death. The principal is silent, now out of excuses, so Ji-hoon thanks him and ends his questioning. Damn, the boy is good.

Seo-yeon doesn’t even get a chance to cross-examine since the principal storms out. The principal barges back into the school’s office where Kyung-moon is watching the trial and begins rattling on about how ridiculous the students, Ji-hoon in particular, are acting. To the principal’s surprise, Kyung-moon’s immediate reaction is a dry laugh.

Min-seok declares another recess, so the prosecution team returns to the clubroom. There they find Seo-yeon’s mom laying out various lunchboxes for the group, which they thank her for. Mom urges the girls to eat, but calls Seo-yeon out to talk for a moment.

Seo-yeon’s smile falters when she realizes her mom is actually quite angry. Still thinking about the video shown as evidence, Mom scolds her for investigating the roof so dangerously. Seo-yeon tries to soften her up with some aegyo, but Mom is serious – she doesn’t know what she’d do if Seo-yeon got hurt. So she tells Seo-yeon that if there’s ever more investigating that needs to be done, then as her mother, she will tie a rope around her waist and walk about the ledge herself. Ha, such an awesome parent.

Detective Oh catches Seo-yeon’s dad before he leaves for an urgent matter, curious about what his daughter thinks of Ji-hoon. They both agree that he’s extremely smart, with Detective Oh even saying that he always seems as if he’s moving the pieces of a chessboard while watching from above. Detective Oh suddenly gets a call from the station and something makes her recall Reporter Park’s remarks about the new Sentinel. And then her mind drifts back to Ji-hoon working the court.

With the trial back in session, the next witness hobbles in on crutches: Dong-hyun. Woo-hyuk goes berserk at the sight of his (ex-)friend, and Dong-hyun recoils as three students have to hold Woo-hyuk back. Min-seok quickly restores order and calls Seo-yeon and Ji-hoon out.

Min-seok asks Seo-yeon why she brought Dong-hyun back when he already testified, and she explains that Dong-hyun wanted to come, since he had more to say. Min-seok then turns to Ji-hoon and reminds him that the defense tested the school administration, so they’re on thin ice now. He suggests that they all be careful.

Back on the floor, Seo-yeon faces Dong-hyun and confirms his alibi for the night of So-woo’s death, with photographs as proof. However, Dong-hyun shouts that the false alibi isn’t what they should be talking about. “Choi Woo-hyuk told me,” Dong-hyun says. And in flashback, we see Woo-hyuk actually saying it in front of Dong-hyun and Sung-min: “Lee So-woo? I killed him.”

Ji-hoon jumps up to object just as Woo-hyuk jumps up to lunge at Dong-hyun. As Woo-hyuk is once again restrained, every student in the crowd takes out their phone to record the scene.

Seo-yeon and the girls retreat to the clubroom, all of them shaken from Dong-hyun’s confession. Though Seo-yeon looks the most frightened, she reminds them that nothing is for certain yet. Meanwhile, Ji-hoon leaves in a hurry, telling Joon-young to cover for him in case he doesn’t return in time.

The principal gets a call that Woo-hyuk’s father is coming to pick his son up, to his and Kyung-moon’s relief. The principal voices that he believes Woo-hyuk didn’t kill So-woo, but at this point, he is worried Woo-hyuk could get a guilty verdict. Kyung-moon looks up at the principal. “Whether he’s guilty or not isn’t important,” he says. “This trial has a different objective.”

It turns out that Ji-hoon’s destination was a restaurant that Sung-min works at. He asks Sung-min to attend the trial since he’s the defendant’s best friend, but Sung-min insists that he wants nothing to do with Woo-hyuk anymore. Ji-hoon figures that Sung-min must be exactly like Dong-hyun, which finally gets some emotion out of Sung-min. Sung-min angrily spits out that Ji-hoon is more like Dong-hyun – secretly hoarding thoughts and hiding something suspicious. Well, he’s got a point there.

Sung-min starts to walk away, repeating that Woo-hyuk means nothing to him. Ji-hoon whirls around and grabs hold of him by the collar, telling him to stop living like crap by being friendly with Woo-hyuk when he has power and acting like a stranger when he doesn’t. Furious, Sung-min punches Ji-hoon in the face, knocking him over. But Ji-hoon jumps back up and tackles Sung-min until they’re both struggling on the ground.

Seo-yeon continues the questioning process with Dong-hyun, telling him to elaborate on his confession. On the day of So-woo’s memorial service, Dong-hyun says, Woo-hyuk and Sung-min surprised him on the roof while he was on his phone. Woo-hyuk and Sung-min were in a rather playful mood, but Dong-hyun wasn’t having it. And that’s when Woo-hyuk admitted that he’d been the one who killed So-woo.

But that wasn’t where Dong-hyun’s suspicion had started. Dong-hyun reveals the one missing piece from the fight by mentioning that So-woo had pissed Woo-hyuk off by calling him nothing but a bug — basically, he called him less than human. According to Dong-hyun, Woo-hyuk had been so angry after So-woo’s remark that he’d said he would kill him.

Hye-rin stands from the jury box and chides Dong-hyun for exaggerating Woo-hyuk’s tendency to blurt out threats like that. She demands to be given permission to act as both a juror and a witness, but Min-seok has her taken out for creating a fuss. Once Hye-rin is gone, Seo-yeon closes her questioning by stating all the evidence against Woo-hyuk. With so much against him, the crowd wonders if the case is already solved.

Ji-hoon and Sung-min are pretty scraped up from their fight, but at least for now, they’re talking again. Ji-hoon says that he knows that Dong-hyun asked for a lot of money to settle for his accident, and that Woo-hyuk was worried about his friend’s debt. Softening up, Sung-min mutters that Woo-hyuk should’ve worried about himself first. Aww.

Sung-min is surprised Woo-hyuk would even reveal such information to his attorney, and Ji-hoon replies that Woo-hyuk is really lonely, especially now that Sung-min isn’t talking to him. But now, Ji-hoon says, Woo-hyuk needs Sung-min more than ever after Dong-hyun’s testimony. Since Sung-min was the only other one present during the murder “confession,” he could turn things around. Trusting in Ji-hoon’s confidence, Sung-min makes him promise to make sure Woo-hyuk comes out innocent. Ji-hoon agrees that he will.

Ji-hoon doesn’t make it in time to cross-examine Dong-hyun, so as promised, Joon-young takes his place. Though he’s more soft-spoken than Ji-hoon, Joon-young gets straight to the point and asks Dong-hyun if he likes Woo-hyuk as a person and as a friend. Irritated, Dong-hyun repeats over and over that he hates Woo-hyuk. Joon-young just nods and turns to face to jury.

With the witness’s strong bias towards the defendant, Joon-young states, they can’t trust his testimony. Very nicely done.

As soon as Ji-hoon returns with Sung-min in tow, he hears how the cross-examination went and praises Joon-young. And then Ji-hoon turns to Sung-min so that they can prepare for his turn at the stand.

Once on the floor as attorney and witness, Ji-hoon asks Sung-min how he interpreted Woo-hyuk’s confession that day. When Sung-min says it was only a joke, he gets some scoffs from the crowd. However, he knows for a fact that it was a joke because after Dong-hyun paled, Woo-hyuk and Sung-min had turned away and laughed in a rather innocent way.

Sung-min also reveals that Dong-hyun was pretty easy to scare and that Dong-hyun hadn’t been friends with Woo-hyuk for too long, so Dong-hyun’s testimony wasn’t entirely valid.

Ji-hoon asks about the science lab fight next, and Sung-min repeats what Hye-rin had said about Woo-hyuk always threatening to kill someone when he was severely pissed off. According to Sung-min, it didn’t really mean anything. In fact, Woo-hyuk had forgotten about the fight a few days later.

Ji-hoon moves on to the reason behind the fight, but beyond the dirty look So-woo gave Woo-hyuk, Sung-min has no idea. Or rather, he had no idea. Not until he asked So-woo himself sometime after the fight. Ji-hoon is clearly hearing this for the first time, and we hear a little desperation in his voice as he asks how they met and what they talked about. “He was just… strange,” Sung-min remembers.

Flashback to Sung-min finding So-woo sitting in front of a convenience store. Sung-min had warned So-woo to run off since they were in Woo-hyuk’s neighborhood, and he’d started to walk away before turning back to ask about the fight. “I just shot a flare so they could come find me,” So-woo had said cryptically. He’d continued that he’d had someone he wanted to meet.

Ji-hoon asks who this person is, but Sung-min has no idea. He just knows that because of the fight, So-woo got to meet that person. Kyung-moon walks in right then, thinking back to his meeting with So-woo in the school’s office from the very beginning.


I loved this episode and all the small storylines within testimonies that it delivered. Starting with our first testimony with Joo-ri, I have to say that after all the trouble Seo-yeon and friends had gone through to believe her witness statement, I’m still puzzled by Joo-ri’s motivations, as well as her state of mind. Seeing her breakdown in the bathroom solidified my belief that Joo-ri believes what she saw. But as always, Ji-hoon did make a good point – there is a big possibility that she imagined the entire thing. Perhaps as a way for her mind to reject what actually happened?

Maybe Joo-ri knows a little more than we’ve seen, and she’s just too frightened to let it out into the open. Surely, her fear can’t just be for Woo-hyuk. While the guy can be scary when he’s angry (I’m sure he would’ve pummeled Dong-hyun if he hadn’t been restrained), Joo-ri’s erratic behavior thus far must have been triggered by something else. Something much worse.

So I think with that said, we can kind of, sort of eliminate the idea that Woo-hyuk is a murderer. Of course, with this show, I don’t think anything is for certain until we see it with our own eyes rather than through the eyes of an unreliable character. Even so, I can’t imagine Woo-hyuk being So-woo’s killer now that we’ve heard from both Dong-hyun and Sung-min. Just as I believe Joo-ri believes what she saw, I also believe that Dong-hyun believes what he heard. Now that we’ve gotten a little more background on Woo-hyuk, Sung-min, and Dong-hyun, I’m starting to see the mechanics of their friendship, which definitely helped with the way I viewed the trial for the rest of the episode.

It’s really all thanks to Ji-hoon that I’m able to look at this case with total objectivity. His character is so good at catching the smallest possibilities and the sneakiest lies that everyone in this trial and everyone watching at home could miss. Since he’s someone who obviously knows much more than anyone else, I’ve had the urge to follow his lead and lean in on every word he says, assuming that he’d eventually lead me to the big picture. But that last scene actually threw me. For a while, I’d forgotten that there is something Ji-hoon doesn’t know: whatever happened between his father and his best friend. So the fact that our brilliant attorney may not actually have the big picture to give actually scares me a little. Will we ever fully uncover So-woo’s past?



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what a hugely pleasant surprise this drama is! Haven't watched this yet. Thank you tho for your insight!


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Aaaaaah..... This drama is so good. It's so strange how different I feel about So-woo now compared to the first two eps of this drama. I thought he was a misunderstood lonely puppy, now though, I'm kinda scared of him, even though he is no longer in the present. I don't think I ever truly believe that Woo-hyuk is a murderer, yes dude has anger issues, but I don't think he is capable to go as far as murdering someone. I always thought there'd be a murderer tho, one that's still hidden, but now I'm starting to believe that maybe there is none. Maybe it really is a suicide? I have a lot to say, but it's all about ep 8. Can't wait for the next recap so finally it wouldn't be counted as spoilers. Lol.


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I keep hearing review that most of the actor acting is awkward, even the female lead.
And most of their pronunciation is bad. I watch some early episode and I'm still don't know if this series is worth to follow. Thank you for the recap. It easier for me to make decision.


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Their acting is still green, most likely since most of them are new, but it hasn't bothered me so far. I think they are pretty good actually, but maybe that's my bias speaking because I really like this drama.


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Like Al said above, the acting is green at times, but no one's been cringingly bad yet (and thankfully, no one in the main cast is mugging or overacting), and quite a few of the students show promise. I don't mind some greenness given that this show is giving a crop of new actors and actresses a chance to gain experience and recognition.


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The actors are quite good for new comers. Especially the actor who's playing Ji-hoon. When Detective Oh and So-yeon's Dad were talking about Ji-hoon, I nodded my head because that's exactly the vibe that I got from Ji-hoon... which means the actor is portraying Ji-hoon exactly as the director and writer want him to be portrayed.

I'm thankful because El didn't take this role... Otherwise, I doubt we would have Ji-hoon that we know right now.


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+1 for Ji-hoon actor. Show got so much more interesting. Thanks for the recap!


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Thanks for the recap, SailorJumun.

This drama hasn't let me down so far. It builds the excitement with each passing episodes. It will be so satisfying watching all the secrets finally unfolded by the end of the story. This is becoming my favorite along with White Christmas.


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The last two episodes have been especially engaging. I totally agree with what you said about joo ri possibly having seen something that triggered her craziness.
And seo young joo is just amazing- so much screen presence and acting is A+, no surprise.


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Now, I just can't be sure about Lee So-woo. Causing huge trouble just for a chance to meet Kyung-moon is such an extreme measure. And that revelation thwarted my theory about Ji-hoon knowing his father's involvement in some shady business, and how he tried to take advantage of this trial to expose it. His reaction at Min-seok's testimony is genuine confusion, and that made me questioning his personal goal for this trial. If it's not about that corruption, then what other secret he tried to expose??


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Ji-hoon motives is still unclear up to this point. Also, we can't really see how is his friendship with Seo-Woo. We need more of their friendship background. And, remember, Ji-hoon was also 'there" when Joon-Young found Seo-Woo dead body. And it's hard to reveal his expression. Somehow, I saw tears in his eyes. So, he knew that his best friend died.

Similar to you.... I suspect there's corruption behind this story, and it might involve Kyung-Mun.


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I should have waited until the series end and marathon it. It's pure agony to wait one week and more before the subs come up.

I hate to say this but the boys are stealing the show. For a character who died in ep 1, Lee So Woo still manages to create impact every time he comes on in flashbacks. There's something about Seo Young Joo's performance that makes him so compelling. Jang Dong Yoon is playing his role perfectly too and so is Seo Ji Hoon. Even the side characters are good.

It's probably the writing but I find Seo Yeon rather frustrating. I want her to be ahead of Ji Hoon and while she has her wins, the overall feeling is still that Ji Hoon is a lot more perspective, quicker and smarter.

I know the police are off the case but I don't know why I am irritated by Detective Oh. Thank goodness this isn't about the police investigation and she being the officer in charge. Somehow she gives me the vibes of the typical fumbling detective.


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Rather than bumbling, I think she just like any other adults who doesn't give enough credits to all those teenagers. She underestimated those kids and took their initial testimony at face value. She never thought that maybe they hide important evidence, or concealed some truth they witnessed. She forgot that teenager's life is just as complicated as adult's. And that's why it easy for her to rule that incident as suicide.


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I'd say Seo-yeon did a pretty good job in the trial in this ep, and without spoiling anything, an even better job in the next episode. She's doing what she can with the information she has. Ji-hoon is ahead of her yes, but that's mainly because he has so much more knowledge of important secrets than she does, which allows him to be the chessmaster, and he's not sharing any of it.


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Good point!


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Aaaarrrgh!! I meant to say perceptive

@gadis As a detective, she's supposed not to underestimate kids. Maybe I am wrong to assume that detectives should have some knowledge of how a teenager's life and mind is like. School violence, juvenile delinquencies, teen gangs should be part and parcel of a detective's work or knowledge even if she's not a specialist.

I could also be prejudice because of the actress playing Detective Oh. She still reminds me of her character in My Husband's Got A Family.


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Ji-Hoon knows dad (is that his adoptive dad or ?) is involved in So-Woo's death and he is using his position to force the truth.


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Yes, Kyung-moon is Ji-hoon's adoptive Dad.


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In which episode, it was mentioned that kyungmoon is Jihoon's adoptive father? I'm little bit confused because last week episode Kyungmoon told Jihoon how they resemblance each other like real biological family.


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Ah I forgot it hasn't been explained yet in the show! LOL. I read it in characters description and promotional material. But my memory got mixed. Is it considered as a spoiler? Please feel free to delete my comments if it is.

But I guess the show has given us a hint though. When Ji-hoon was drunk and brooding in the shower in episode 5, he recalled a memory from his past when he was a kid. My memory is a little bit foggy since I watched it while doing something else, but I think he was hiding under a table while witnessing a woman (presumably his mom?) being beaten by a man (presumably his dad?). After he had finished showering, Ji-hoon asked Kyung-moon whether he took after him, as if he were looking for assurance to calm his unsettled feeling.


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Thanks for the recap SailorJumun. I was only half-way through this episode due to bad connection :(.

I love this drama so far... The more episode rolls, the more secrets are being revealed. The more mysterious it becomes. But, it's more interesting.

I got a goosebumps when Seo-Woo opened Kyung-moon drawer and found the list of students under special management. Did Seo-woo incident relate to what he's found? If Woo-Hyuk was not dreaming, who's the shadow he saw while he's drunk during Christmas Eve?


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I think it's possible that the shadow Woo-hyuk saw was someone related to the fire incident. I remember seing the siluet of a man wearing all black before the fire in earlier eps, and it's quite similar with the man who came to Woo-hyuk's room.


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Yes, it's same silhouette with the one's in the fire accident. Oh, we have so many mysteries here, and speculation. And, the fire incident hasn't been revealed yet!


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Aargh, I'm relly curious about So-woo's death. Is there any beanies who have watched J-movie version? I want to watched it but will it give spoiler about the ending?


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I've watched it. If they decide to go the same way, then of course it will spoil the ending... totally. It was a good movie, the actors in that version are very very young. Like, they look about 15. The boys haven't had their growth spurts yet and they're definitely not as handsome as the ones in this version lol. Acting-wise... well, I've always found that I prefer K-drama acting since they're a bit more normal and not as awkward?...


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Cable dramas are much better nowaday


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I'm a little perplexed. Because while I'm pretty much 100% sure now that Choi Woo Hyuk is definitely not a culprit, I'm also starting to believe Lee Joo Ri...which contradicts itself. So new option, I'm going to go with that Lee Joo Ri is telling her version of the truth. I saw someone else say that they think Joo Ri did see So Woo die, but that she didn't actually see Woo Hyuk kill him. Joo Ri probably saw So Woo on the roof and went to investigate. Something went wrong, and down he went... Joo Ri either made up the story with Woo Hyuk to deal with the trauma or she devised it for revenge (I'm going to lean towards revenge...because while she is unhinged, I don't think she's crazy to the point of delusion. She's also smart). Speaking of So Woo...I'm getting more and more sure that he really did jump. Which is sad...

Also, thank god that Ji Hoon doesn't actually know everything! That would be boring. It was satisfying to actually see him surprised for once. His shock/concern when he learned that Sung Min had met So Woo before he died also eliminates any lingering concern I had that Ji Hoon could have killed him. Unless the show goes the "mentally-ill killer murders loved one, but doesn't remember" route...which I would HATE.


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I keep on swinging back and forth on how much to believe Joo-ri as well. For now I'm of the opinion that she did see something on the roof, but it was snowing on a dark night. I wonder if she saw someone else push So-woo over but couldn't see their faces clearly, so she just said it was Woo-hyuk (or even imagined it was Woo-hyuk and believed it). I'm not ruling out the possibility that So-woo committed suicide in order to draw attention to the school corruption either.


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Thanks SailorJumun

This show is getting more twisty and thought-provoking as we go along. Although featuring young people and a mock trial, it has such serious vibes and a dark note running through it all. It's getting disturbing and continues to weigh on one's mind even after the episode is over.

The most disturbing thing is that this show does not mince words about the abuse that goes on in homes against family members, especially children. It's interesting that we get to see the different effects abuse can have. Although this may not be the point of this show, it may hopefully suggest how the protection around abusers who misuse their privileged positions can be torn apart, so that they can be brought to justice or at least stop tormenting their families.

Han Ji Hoon was in the psychiatric ward and knew So Woo there. This begs the question about whether So Woo too was a victim of abuse or a witness of abuse.

Ultimately, the whys of So Woo's death are likely linked to all these as well.


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Does anyone know where I can find this show online?! I am dying to watch it but can't find it on any of the usual sites I use! Please and Thankyou to anyone who responds! ^_^


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Both Viki and Ondemandkorea have it. Viki subs are better but ODK is faster.


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thankyou so much!!!!!! ^_^


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The suspense and twist in this drama give me so much life. And from the start I always have feeling woohyuk didn't kill sowoo. This drama just have 12 eps right?!?


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I get goosebumps every time Sowoo appears on screen. Just what's with that boy? He went from invisible to dead to extremely suspicious. Apparently, Woohyuk was just a stepping stone he needed to get to Jihoon's dad. He got himself beaten badly because of that. Just what exactly did he find? Ughhhh I was going to sleep after watching this episode but I guess I won't. On to the next one!


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