Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

It’s a big week for finales (I count no less than four), so there ought to be lots of wrapping up and saying goodbye this weekend. Granted, I haven’t seen any of the finales yet, but far be it from me to keep you all from ahhing, sighing, or throwing your hands up in confusion/exasperation/anger. I hope for your sakes it’s a lot more of the former than the latter… —javabeans



Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim: Yoo Yeon-seooook! Seo Hyun-jiiiiin! Han Seok-kyuuuuu! *happy sigh* Though I’m ambivalent about the medical drama genre as a whole, I found these two episodes, with their fascinating character development and intense acting performances, pretty darn riveting.

The Man Living in Our House: Wait, so this was actually a he-was-always-in-love-with-her romance? I love he-was-always-in-love-with-her romances! *settles in with new anticipation*

1% of Anything: There’s something so satisfying in the fact that he seems rock-solid in his feelings and willing to take it further, and that he’s pacing himself to her reservations. I’m also grateful for the show’s relatively low drama-angst scale, which makes me able to enjoy all the relationship developments without getting too wound up about any of the interlopers or complications.

Entourage: The Korean audience’s response to this has been decidedly chilly, which I wasn’t expecting but which also doesn’t entirely surprise me. The original show was never brilliant with its plotting or story development; its appeal was a look at Hollywood that felt real and insider-ish. But it feels like this version never got adapted for its target audience, and without great plotting or story or verisimilitude, it’s mostly a pack of bros who kind of act like boors most of the time. It’s a loosely entertaining show, well-cast and true to the original, but not one where I like anybody in it.

This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair: This show manages to be funny and interesting while sneaking in occasional stinging blows, like little surprise paper cuts of truth. I find the men characters weak, whiny, and riddled with flaws in an utterly entertaining way—and Lee Seon-kyun is excellent in this—while Boa’s Writer Kwon is one of my favorite female characters of recent dramas.

The K2: You know, I was settling into the flow of this show, resetting expectations and letting myself get drawn into the drama of the romance and the conflict, thinking that my main complaint was that the show was overselling the romance—I could have come around to accepting it if only they hadn’t shoved it down our throats, if they’d let it develop naturally instead of feeling so inorganic and awkward. But then that complaint fell by the wayside when the production went and delivered the most hilarious emotionally inappropriate PPL to ever grace our screens, because nothing could compare to that bit of nonsense. I just couldn’t take anything seriously after that.



Jealousy Incarnate: Of the Wednesday-Thursday shows, I’m the saddest about seeing this one go. It was full of unconventional families (woohoo, Mom ♥ Mom!), surprising warmth, and a nonstop supply of laughs, most of them at Jo Jung-seok’s expense. I just kind of love how undramatic this whole drama was, and how it invited us to find the humor in everything, be it mountain or molehill.

Shopping King Louis: I haven’t been very interested in this show in recent weeks, but the finale managed to bring back that lovin’ feelin’ when it counted, with that sweet, puppy-dog earnestness that is so distinctly Louis. I can’t say that I cared about the story in any way, but this couple was the definition of feel-good—if someone made a YouTube puppycam of Louis and Bok-shil just sitting in a box being cute, I’d leave it on all day.

On the Way to the Airport: I actually enjoyed the experience of watching this show, but once we got to the end, I found myself disappointed by how easily everything was sorted out. Am I weird for wishing our characters more pain and thinking that they got off too easy? I was rooting for the couple, I swear… I just thought there would be more THERE there, yunno?

The Man Living in Our House: Oh, we’re in the fun denial stage. I like where the romance is going between these two, and I especially love watching the hero flail about for reasons to continue denying his feelings. Scary gangsters! It’s for the house! For the love of mandoo! Not because I love you, pssh!

Entourage: Does anyone else feel like they got Vince/Seo Kang-joon’s level of fame wrong in the adaptation? Maybe this is how rising stars act in Hollywood, but in Chungmuro you’d have to be Ha Jung-woo or Song Joong-ki to act like such a diva, and even then I’m like, those guys are probably nice to everyone! I know they’re being faithful to the original series, where I admittedly never liked Vince, but you have to account for different industry norms!

Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim: Humona. When you start a drama like that, I have no choice but to sit up and pay attention. The surgeons are badass, the romance is hot, and the eccentric genius is totally kooky. It’s like House, but with romantic chemistry. Bring it.



Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim: At first, I was confused. Then I was intrigued. The story itself is absolutely bananas, but the directing is so competent that it somehow… works? It’s the impulsive watchability of Secret plus the weird triple-genre-ness of Doctor Stranger. But then I found out that the writer is of Baker King Kim Tak-gu fame, and the director of History of the Salaryman fame. It all makes sense now.

On the Way to the Airport: What an unexpected gem, with some of the most beautiful directing of the year. How I’ll miss thee.

The K2: It’s just silly at this point, and I’m almost in denial that it’s ending this week. Not because I’ve enjoyed it, but because I still feel like I have no grasp on the story being told, and was expecting some of the weirder ideas of the show to somehow coalesce into something sensible before the final week. But now we’re here, and I still don’t know why I should want anything for anybody. Come back with a better writer next time, Kwak PD.

This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair: Aside from the habitually cheating and utterly reprehensible side character in Kim Hee-won, there’s not a character here without something valuable to offer. And I’m sure even he’ll have a point as we move further into the story—but I’m much more in love with Lee Sang-yub’s tendency to overreact and devolve into panic and/or helpless sobbing on a whim. I can’t look at him without laughing now, which is a pretty good place to be.


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"But then I found out that the writer is of Baker King Kim Tak-gu fame, and the director of History of the Salaryman fame. It all makes sense now."

So that's it! You are so right Heads!!


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Is doctor stranger any good? I started watching this and always thought lee jong suk selling south korean cds was quite amusing, but then I left it quite unsure of what to do of the plot. But now that I'm more used to watching jin se yeon I feel like tuning in again.


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No No NO! Do NOT waste your time watching Doctor Stranger unless you want to chew your arm off like a wolf caught in a trap! There is one redeeming bit in the entire drama: skip right to LJS kiss scene in episode 9 and enjoy the heck out of that. That's all you need to know!!!!


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At what minute? I need to know how far to scrub...


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For me I enjoyed Doctor Stranger.


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I did too, but only because of KANG SO RA.
Don't get me wrong, iam a fan of Lee Jong Suk.


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I finished watching doctor stranger last week :D , I thought it was not bad as what many people think. If you are jong-suk's fan this drama is a much-watch for his acting alone because he is simply superb.


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LJS's acting is what truly shone in that drama. I personally think his best acting in his dramas was in DS.


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I also want to see Doctor Stranger, I love LJS but my concern is would I hate the drama? You see, I just watched Hyde, Jekyll, and Me, and while I love Hyun-Bin, it was not enough for me to like the drama. After all, I watch dramas because of the plot and not to swoon over one actor.


@mikgoo: If plot is one of your top considerations in a drama, don't watch this. I'm a big LJS fan, but I just couldn't get through it. Which I thought was such a shame because the drama started off really well. ):


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Thank you Heads! Now I know where to start from (in my expectations for the show ) when I watch this. *rubs hands together * this is going to be good!


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I had the same reaction about RomDocTeaKim and BaKingTaGu, you shouldn't be watching this be you soooooo need to watch this.

Despite considering myself some kind of drama person with taste and stuff. Who cares? We have spurting blood and inequality of the haves and have nots. (And a kissy face YYS/SHJ.) Bring it on. :)


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Jealousy incarnate...you'll be missed. ??? I need more of Hwashin's antics in my life. ??
1% of anything I'm counting on you to help me get my daily fix.


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Haven't seen yet the last two episodes of Airport....but I will definitely miss Jealousy. Somehow I think it should be longer...and the side characters should get more space... perhaps like a good family drama (a la Five Kids)....


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And 1% is pure love and enjoyment :--)


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Yes 1% IS pure enjoyment. Definitely like the pacing and lower angst level than the original. And congratulations to Ha Seok-jin for such a great year. I always thought he was a really good actor and frankly just beautiful, and could never figure out why he wasn't more popular. And what a kisser...swoon.

Enjoyed JI a lot, hard to go wrong with Jo Jung Suk and Gong Hyo Jin. The mom's friendship was funny and unexpectedly wonderful. Also loved the scenes with video behind it showing the characters' imagination--so clever.

Loved SKL--what an adorable show with sweetness, puppies and butterflies, with cleverness to boot. A hero played so fantastically by SIG, an in NJH a heroine with sweetness, kindness and competence--no stereotypical candy portrayal. Great second lead in Yoon Sang Hyun--just an entire cast with fantastic chemistry. Will miss this a lot and on the lookout for the next from this new writer. Bravo.


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And what a kisser…swoon.

Yes, his kissing is daebak!

I hope he doesn't take too long to come back to dramaland and pray that it will be another good project. I don't care that 1% of Anything and Drinking Solo weren't on the major networks or big in ratings, they are my favorites for this year.


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I'm still with Drinking Solo in my head, so it's difficult to start this show...

I'm gonna wait the end, and then maraton it.


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yeah love the less drama in the show,

the drama has nothing big but I adore every moment of it, especially when they touch each other face, so precious


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1% of Anything is definitely the highlight of my week!

Besides from 1%, the only thing I'm currently watching Sumika Sumire and gah, my love for Kiritani Mirei just keeps getting growing. She gives her characters so much life!


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oh sumika sumire!! I start it since I thought gack is in it but it's a fun drama,


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Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim. I agree JB and I'm in it for all 3 actors, especially Han Seok-kyuuuuu! whom we don't get to see very often in drama land.

Entourage: I love Jo Jin-woong to pieces but I'm still seeing Jeremy Piven (shoot me..I've committed a great sin.... jeeeeon-ha of k drama). I thought it'd be like The Good Wife where Jeon Do-yeon made the American Good Wife her own.
It's a good thing there is only 4 more episodes after this weekend.

Revisiting old sageuks: Dae Jo Yeong. Mannnn...Park Yeh-jin was so good and gorgeous back in her sageuk days. Hong Soo-hyun too. What is wrong with sageuk casting directors these days? Bring these leading ladies back.


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It's a bit depressing to bid farewell to so many shows and it's characters in a single week, especially wed-thurs with both JI and SKL... I hope Lee Min Ho's show works out for me

I now have to binge watch OTWTTA... K2 became crap long back and so it's end doesn't really matter.

SA1%, I'm looking at you... How many more episodes do we have!! When is Jae In gonna propose to Da Hyun!!


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Only 4 eps left!

Gaaaaaaaaaaaawdd...what am I going to do when this show ends?

Don't worry about the proposal, there's more action than that.


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How are they going to end it in 4 eps? It moves at a snail pace (which i kinda love).

Is it just me or are the episode titles off by one episode.


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My brain cells are always too excited to notice the title but I think you are right.

I like that nothing dramatic happens in this show because kdramas tend to go full throttle on over dramatic plots, twist and unnecessary angst. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a rom com like much as this one.


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4 episode,
1 : Jae In gonna propose,
2 : convincing Dada's parent
3 : convincing Jae In's parent
4 : Honeymoon

I feel happy cause it's short but I can't let it go,
this drama is not even 16 ep as normal run time, it more like 10 ep...


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no offense, I like the show but not that much that I be all that worried if I missed an episode, as someone who liked the early version, I often find the new one just too much air and candy floss, well lets just say it, the story line been totally gutted. I think if I had never seen the early version i could get into all the like the drama getting here, as there totally nothing wrong with candy floss drama, there they to distract us from the real world with their over dose of sweetness, bless them all.


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Javabeans wrote, "I’m also grateful for the show’s relatively low drama-angst scale, which makes me able to enjoy all the relationship developments without getting too wound up about any of the interlopers or complications."

This is exactly what I feel. I don't mind suspense, or tension in shows. But when you're watching a cute little rom/com (something like, but not necessarily Trot Lovers) and all of a sudden it's got murder, amnesia, cancer, and apocalyptic stalker/demons--well. It gets annoying. My watching of K-Dramas has trained me into thinking every time a character crosses the street, it's time for a truck squish over. I hope 1% of Anything can continue to be not too "angsty." And that the 2nd lead cousin who started out a good guy will remain a good guy through the end.

PS. I must reference "Heard it Through the Grapevine." It too was a pleasure to watch. Except, I must confess, every time a customer walked into the convenience store where Seo Bom worked, I "knew" they were going to have a gun/knife and rob the place. How refreshing that it never happened.


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lol..same here..I wish every Korean in love would stay out of cars & nowhere near a street..gasp..

and also, if they foolishly are in the street & see a truck of doom coming their way, they would jump out of the way instead of standing there like a deer in headlights !


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> apocalyptic stalker/demons–well

ooh some rom com want to give a little extra plot to make the drama moves, which is good too but sometimes just our daily life is already enough struggle if it played well,


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16 eps in and I still don't know Kim Je Ha's real name or anything about his family..

And if you're a Yoo Jin fan, just skip the last ep altogether.


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I don't think that was important for Jeha as it was more of him finding a new life.

I actually like the ending of K2 and I am a fan of Yoo Jin. It was a really good ending and appropriate for that character.

It was a satisfying ending. Good job K2.


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Yes!!! I loved the ending for yoo jin however painful it was. Their scene moved me to tears. I came for jcw but ultimately stayed for choi yoo jin. I have so many mixed feelings for the drama but i loved the angst it brought =)


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I saw BTS screencaps of Yoona and Song Yoonah with the younger one pouting that Jeha always confides in Yoojin, not her. Then she also claims to know K2's real name... is Ji Chang-wook. LOL


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Thanks, girlfriday, for putting RTDK in a nutshell:

"It’s like House, but with romantic chemistry."

Now I get it. And now I'll finally have to get around to watching Bread, Love and Dreams... Thanks, HeadsNo2.


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Really? It's like House? I might have to watch it then...


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Another old HOUSE fan in the house? Pleased to meet you.

In that case... Doldam Hospital's reception area reminded me of the interior of Greystone Park State Hospital, the Victorian-era real-life location of the psychiatric hospital House was sent to. It was the local equivalent of NYC's Bellevue Hospital. The place was torn down in 2015 or so after a bitter grass-roots historic preservation battle. New Jersey politics at its finest... Speaking strictly as someone who grew up nearby, not as a former inmate. ;-)


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Agreed! been looking for the right words to describe it and as always JB has said it best!

House with a bit of quirky fantasy feel ala mary poppins maybe?


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Lol, the kooky, whimsical feel is what's selling the show to me, tbh.

Because, while I agree with GF's description, I do think House is probably a bit more medically accurate (I watched that years ago though so I could be wrong).

But the almost-mystical, strange feeling to everything makes me not really care about whatever medical miss-steps they make. I'm just enjoying the ride. With these 3 actors, it's impossible not to.


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Shopping King Louis was my happy place during a really lousy week. Now I don't know what I will watch. None of the upcoming shows interest me. I tried 1% of Anything, but I'm not feeling it yet.


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Ooh I agree, 1% started out pretty rough for me, but I was so deep in my Drinking Solo love, that I felt like I was stubbornly watching in order to WILL it to be good. :-P

but then it really picked up. The great thing about these small rom-cos is there isn't so much drama and pressure revolving around "the kiss!!??!!" so I feel like Jae-In and Da-Da have gotten a more natural development as a couple (once you get past the weird stilted drama-ness of the beginning of their relationship.)

If you HAVEN'T seen Drinking Solo, and need a feel-good drama to get you through your week, that show genuinely was the bright spot for me. So heartfelt and funny, and heart-warming.

thank GOD for Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim because I was soooo disappointed that I didn't have a Mon.-Tues drama to look forward to once it ended!


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I hope more recappers watch JI so that it gets recognition in end of year awards because I seriously think only DB gives the right awards. After JI ended all of a sudden I wanted to see sth really funny because I know my weekly dose of laughter and equal heart on Thu-Fri is no longer there.

But "Wife", i'll refer to it as wife as the name is so long, is doing a good job too. But does someone else feel like skipping Ara's and Kim Hee Won's character's all scenes? Right now I find them a little useless. They look better when they are with the leads otherwise it looks like another drama.


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I hope more recappers will go back and give it a chance too, now that its wrapped up so wonderfully & proved the 24-episode journey worth it for so many of us. If not, I hope GF will be our spokesperson at the end of year awards and get it some much-deserved recognition. This is definitely the best rom-com for me in years, hands-down.

I'm enjoying "Wife" too, but agree that it's just unpleasant watching any scenes with Ara and Kim Hee-won at this point. Partially because I can't handle Yeh Ji-won like this after the strength and spunk she displayed in OHYA. That said, I'm hoping for a change in dynamic soon because once he gets caught, he's a goner. And we all know that's bound to happen soon.


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I can watch 50 episodes of 1% of anything!


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Jealousy Incarnate was such a gem. I'm going to miss this world of wacky, dysfunctional but loveable adults who tried to do what all of try to do in the real world - listen to our hearts, give things a chance and if all else fails...break into song and dance :)

Okay, maybe it's just me lol


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It's definitely not just you!


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Me too, Kay. :)


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I haven't watched the finale because I'm not ready to say goodbye to the show yet. I'm living in an ep-23's-ending bubble, and it's a very happy place. ?


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Ugh, I wish I'd done that too! The ending for ep 23 is lovely enough to bask in forever, hahaha. And then I would always have an episode to look forward to!

Not having another episode to look forward to...is particularly depressing with this show. And I think it's because JI really conveyed that feeling of watching these lovable wack jobs go through their ups and downs. Now it's hard to accept that I don't get to check in with them every week, for more laughter, more tears, more ramen... ;)


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I'm so sad. Even the last scene where she kisses the crap out of him was awesome.


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I also don't want it to end. I hope continuing all dramas that I postponed just so I can fully immersed my self with JI will suffice. Some new shows also seems interesting, but haven't got my heart, yet. Or I'll just go and rewatch JI all over again for the God-know-how-many times.


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Maybe we can get a special? *crosses fingers*


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Not just you!!! Definitely not just you!!!! I'm in huge Jealousy Incarnate withdrawal right now too :( I'd forgotten how painful it was to have a drama I really love end - most of the kdramas I've watched this year haven't really hit the mark - and now I'm just left wishing that Jealousy Incarnate had a 50 episode count instead despite my allergy to long dramas LOL.


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JI is definitely the best of rom com to have come out in recent years, very fresh and unconventional. The writer has done a masterful job to weave so many threads to the very delightful end.

24 episodes just not enough. I wish it could be a sitcom for us to grow old with all those characters together.


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wacky, dysfunctional but loveable adults who tried to do what all of try to do in the real world – listen to our hearts, give things a chance and if all else fails…break into song and dance



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"give things a chance and if all else fails…break into song and dance"

Had to laugh at that line because every time I read it I immediately picture Lee Hwa Shin dancing in the hospital and at the end. He gets so emotionally wound up and just lets it all hang out through his dancing.


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This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair is the only one I'm watching that is currently airing. I'm really enjoying it! I agree completely with JB's assessment of the characters. I love how flawed yet endearing they are! And I'm loving Writer Kwon, too. BoA completely surprised me! I've never seen her act but in middle school I was a HUGE BoA fan. Like, obsessed. She's not letting me down in this one!

I'm also rewatching Answer Me 1997 just for kicks. How I love the high school episodes! I'm almost done with them, which is a pity, but maybe I'll like the post-high school stuff more this time around.


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isn't that on the "dream" episode?
I really loved the episode when they need to write their college submission and consult to the teacher,
it works really well


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That episode makes me laugh so much haha, especially when they show how each one really did achieve their dreams in a way!


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The scene when he Dad sent her off to college? It had me in tears!


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I like the chemistry between Kim Young-Kwang and Su Ae; they are cute together. I also love all the eye candies in this drama. Kim Young-kwang and Lee Soo-hyuk alone are so good to look at (and they look great in almost everything they wear!), but we also have the three Mandoods, and even McCreepy Wan-shik is good-looking in his own way. :D


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Oh, I could totally watch the drama just for LSY also. He is priceless here.

I really need him to move to leading roles already. It's taking too damn long for him to get the recognition he deserves.


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I've seen episode 5 and it looks like we'll finally get to hear LSY's story. Like everyone here I also really love his goofiness. And Lee Seon-kyun is killing it with his every expression.


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Ooooo, I'm excited! I had to pause a few min in last night (lol, right during that hilarious sparring between LSY & the cheating friend). Can't wait to continue with it today.

Btw, I wanted to let you know I loved your post in OT. I didn't have time to respond as I'm currently getting over my JI obsession (Wife is helping with this!), but I enjoyed reading your thoughts :)


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LOL, I believe that hilarious slow motion sparring is adapted from a KBS Gag Concert skit a few years ago called Hidden Masters between Yun-ho and the shop owner Dad.


Hope to have you join the conversation when future (even past) recaps are posted. I feel that behind the cheerful front Joon Yoong (Lee Sang Yub) is hiding a deep pain and I can't wait to find out.


I love Lee Sang-Yeob's subtle emotional acting in Signal as cameo. Short but impactful performance. He surprised me with this adorable hysterical comedic role. While I admit I am not over the heels with this show, yet. I'm always waiting for his scenes to see what silly reactions his character will offer. On the other hand, the gross serial cheater lawyer character always made my stomach churn.


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I'm much more interested in Ahn Jun and Writer Kwon Bo Young. From start both attracted my attention.


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That is so true! I loved Lee Sang-yeob in Nice Guy and most recently Signal. He's always got a sad puppy look and has done a lot of melo acting, so I'm delightfully surprised that he's able to expand his range here. Normally I would find overacting annoying but he just made it work for this character. He's just so funny! And then occasionally you could see glimpses of a deeper, more mature side to him and it's all credit to Lee Sang-yeob's delivery.

I love BoA's take on the writer Kwon character as well. She surprised me the most out of all the cast members. Writer Kwon's competent at her work but manages to be cute without being overly whiny (I'm looking at you, Pyo Na-ri). I'm so invested in Bo-young and Joon-young's story, frankly a lot more than the other two couples.


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I haven't gotten around to Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim. It's always hard for me to watch medical dramas since most of them are terribly boring...

BUT Yoo Yeon Seok is in it, and it has ties/similarities to History of a Salaryman(my most rewatched drama ever)?

I'm in I'm in I'm in.


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I know, I'm not one for medical dramas either, but I'm intrigued. I read the recap for episode 1 and skimmed the recap for episode 2, and I think I'll pick this show up. I haven't seen the two male leads in anything before (that I can remember) but Seo Hyun-jin is awesome, and I want to see her be bad-ass.


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Best shows of the week for me

Sweet Stranger and me - - - My wife's having an affair this week.

Both shows comedy and weird characters are fun to watch and i hardly dislike or hate any of the character from the both shows. My Wife;s affair gives strong impressions of lifes of couples and how each perceive things. In the same way Sweet Stranger openly emphasize the bond between humans and what role trust play in building up meaningful relationships.

Woman with a suitcase - ahh This week episodes were better than previous few ones.

The K2 - Action Romance Drama where nothing is done right. Absurd actions scenes. Foolish romance scenes. Nonsensical drama. Overacting to overdramtic events. Not to talk about background music the better. The show shines in showing the Desires of characters. Characters Motivations are cardboard cut and naively presented but they are the things that make this show to watch out for. I enjoyed the episodes week after week but i think Director and especially Writer was unable to utilize the potential of the characters and actor as well.

Entourage - Too much time is wasted and most of the times it feels like we are into a travel show where characters just freely,carelessly and without any worry just roam here and there and insult each other and done. Still i'm watching this show now. Each episode pays attention on 1 guy and his adult problems. Career and what exactly he wants to do in life.

The show is ok ok and like to waste your time on useless Extras but in between show picks up pace and does well to make a coherent story out of characters actions.

1% of anything - Meh. That's it. Overhyped and lacks substance. I'm not into the main loveline at all. Dada does well as individual but i just don't get the logic of all the lovey-dovey actions. I just don't get the romance part of the show as well as the present nature of Jae In.

Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim - As mentioned in ep 1 recap Mr. Kim easily reminds you of numerous j-dorama eccentric characters but here he is more sane. This show times and again gives vibes of japanese shows uniquely portrayal of heros. Medical field isn't strong suit of these doctor characters but as normal humans they did well. I felt the excitement and liked the camera work of Director. I will just ignore inconsistencies and will pay all attention to characters and their dynamics with others.

We Married as a Job - Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu - Oh My Oh My Oh My This show is so good and satisfying that it can't ever be compared to any 2016 kdrama. It might be low budget but its quality easily beats other korean shows. Source, Josei Manga, is quite strong hence show comes out pretty well. Also this is TBS show. TBS always airs Slice of life Anime-Tv Shows. Any TBS show is a must watch. This show uses logic pretty well and looks quite humane. No money,sets,fashion,ppl showoff here.

Father, I'll Take care of you is starting this week -...


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I don't think 1% of anything is overhype, how did it overhype? it's not goblin or doctors,
people here just loved the romance because they came for a story when the couple spends time together and they gets it,
no one ever said if it's the next signal or coffee prince, it's as good as it can be but saying that it lack substance because you don't agree with the smooth romance is not making it meh,


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ahem smooth romance? The only thing that saves it is the time period of episodes. Even that is too much. 20 episodes of 15minutes would have done the same. I'm not saying romance isn't good. It's just that i don't feel much depth into it.

It feels more likely romance porn. The idea them becoming a real couple with each passing week just feels too fictional.


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"The idea them becoming a real couple with each passing week just feels too fictional."

Huh? How is it fictional? That is the most realistic description of people developing feelings as they get to know each other.


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Am not watching 1% right now but even I am having a hard time following CatoCat's logic. Perhaps its the wording?

Maybe what you mean is that the romance doesn't have any stakes and thus has no tension? I heard the drama is lowkey and just flowing so maybe that's not your thing.

You could try, if you haven't watched them already,

Jealousy Incarnate. Haven't watched it but plan to.

Or Secret: super dysfunctional and intense romance.


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I will miss jealousy incarnate too, girlfriday. It was one drama that I felt assured will make me laugh before watching every episode and it suprisingly made me cry few times as well. Will miss all the quirky endearing characters.

The k2 was the first that I watched on air (I recently only started watching on air dramas) that has become increasingly frustating and has just fizzled out now. I couldn't even finish episode 15 and just fast forwarded through it but I did enjoy the first 7 episodes. I am not sure whether I ll watch the finale or just read gummimochi's recap to know the ending.

Just watched the first episode of page turner and really enjoyed it. Ji soo crying while trying to laugh to cover his pain was so raw, I teared up.


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Page Turner is a gem, and it's Ji Soo's best performance imho. As a pianist that world felt real to me, which is more than I can say about Naeil's Cantabile grrr.


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I recommend Nodame Cantabile, if you haven't seen it :)


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Gah, you reminded me that I reeeally need to watch Page Turner! I love Ji Soo and Kim So-hyun, and it's only 3 episodes long. Why I haven't yet watched it is puzzling. Gotta get on that!


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My week:

I'm still not over Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo, still checking the comments sections (Episode 20 has 1200 comments!). Clarify: I'm not over the story and how it could have been told better, the OTP romance wasn't what had be glued to the screen.

I picked up Horse Doctor at a friend's suggestion and made it through episode 25 without losing interest, but the increasing tendency among characters to just look shocked and not answer questions is starting to grate on my nerves: 'Tell me nurse, where is my father?!' ..... 'Nurse!!'.... O.o.


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Same here! I'm still missing Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo, feeling my week is empty. I had this syndrome when I watched Man from another star. I think MLSHR is a good drama to end this year. Not too optimistic with regarding to Lee Min Hoo's new drama at all!


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Wait.. what ppl is javabeans talking about in the K2? I will admit i have stopped watching it, so if someone could let me know....


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K2 dream about having picnic with anna, eating subway, right before hes about to die.


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HAAHAHAHA really?! That's so funny and random...


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I'm sure he missed Subway more than Anna on his death bed.


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Seriously, guys. Everyone should tune in to the 15 minute-mark of episode 14 for this hilarity.

Not even watching the show, but I did and it was so worth it.


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I thought it was just going to be them on a picnic unwrapping two sandwiches in Subway wrappings or something like that, but they actually WENT IN THE STORE AND SHOWED THE MENU.



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You don't even have to go to the episode. It's a clip posted on Tvn's channel on YouTube! ?


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I am not watching K2 but omg I am so watching this scene because everyone's talking about how ridiculous and hilarious it is.

I did check out the ramyun CF of Yoona before on youtube because, again, people were talking about it and how it was long and awkward. And so I did and I just face-palmed throughout it. haha!


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It really made me wonder what kind of pact someone signed with Mephistopheles to situate a Subway shop right outside the Pearly Gates.

Talk about location, location, location! Everyone will have to pass it!

Tips hat to Douglas Adams: Last Sandwich Shop before Eternity.

The picnic in the sun-drenched Elysian Fields had me flashing back to the venerable Clairol Herbal Essence commercial: "The closer he gets, the better you look..."

Ack... there goes my whiplash again...


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I was actually thinking to binge watch The K2, until I saw the dream scene clip on YT. Gah, it was almost a deal-breaker for me. I cringed hig time. Not cool to put a PPL on that scene, it distracts so much.


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OMG, What???? LMAO!!!


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King of Dramas was not making up stuff :P

"They film the lead as he walks to the shore with a gun, and Anthony forces the director’s hand in doing a closeup of the orange juice… which the lead dramatically squirts into his mouth seconds before shooting himself."




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I was on my way to start On the Way to the Airport because of the recommandations of the beanies and the comparison with In the mood for love but the more i read about it the more it seems very close to A wife's credentials.
This drama did perfectly this story of a happy and positive adulterous relationships which brought destructive marriages to a liberating end, so i don't see why to watch a remake?

Instead i'm going for Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim, because i have never watched a medical drama before and this one being live should be less stressful (binge watching is taking too much time and leaves me sleep deprived, a condition that i can't afford right now during my internship).

I finished Misaeng and loved every bit of it and can't stop thinking about it. My heart and mind have been captivated by this drama in a way, that make rewatching it over and over as necessary as breathing.

Does anyone have news about season 2? I know they talked about it during Tvn 10Awards and that all the actors have signed to come back, but i need a confirmation about the date of filming or airing ro feel a little at peace.

Despite all the love that i feel for Misaeng, there's one thing that left me very frustrated: it's the way the love triangle wasn't resolved at the end of s1.
I really don't get where the idea that there's no romance in Misaeng comes from because i felt it was really heavily hinted even though it didn't come to full realisation. Characters have shown their feelings clearly, have been asked if they are dating, if they are falling in love, if they are jealous and i consider Suk Yool's long demonstration about Young Si's feelings for Geu Rae to be a shipping declaration that makes him the 1st fanboy for this ship (that i support woleheartedly).
I was rooting for Baek Ki at first because he and Young Si looked so good together and so compatible, also he was so ambiguous at the start (Kang Haneul did an excellent job at playing it), i had high hopes that he could become really complex, but the more the character's true colors were revealed the more insufferable he became. At the end, i wasn't convinced by his nice actions, i think he just softened because he was put in the good environment with the other newbies, but he's still can be easily influenced and could turn around and become a foe for Geu Rae, as Mr Choi was for Mr Oh. Or at least i can see him continue to have with Geu Rae the same kind of ambivalent relationship that both seniors had (since they were also able to work together to a certain point).

I reached episode 10 of Heartless City and lost all my expectations: the drama has thrown ways its noir atmosphere, its impressive cinematography, its quick but smooth pace, its complex and mysterious storyline for something more predictable and conventional. There's still few characters and actors that keep my interest, but it's really a waste. It could have been so good.


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There wasn't a love triangle to begin with, and I love Misaeng for its lack of romance (staying true to the original webtoon).
Sure there are subtle hints for Baek Ki and Young Yi, with Baek Ki having a crush on Young Yi, and YY might be able to return that feeling later because she seems to be the type that can't pick up hints. Like when Baek Ki tried to hint her that he also didn't have a partner for PT yet, but she just didn't realise that he wanted to be her partner.

Geu Rae and Young Yi, I think it's better for them to just be at the level of admiration.

And I don't think romance was heavily hinted in Misaeng, it was rather very subtly hinted. Baek Ki was mostly jealous of Geu Rae because Baek Ki feel that though he is more superior than Geu Rae, he did't get the recognition from his boss like Geu Rae did.

Season 2 of the webtoon just started and rumored to last 3 years, so it might be a long while before season 2 drama to be confirmed and film (maybe 1-2 years time)


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I think it's ok to have different interpretations of the main characters' relatonships. It's not a matter of being wrong or right.

I start to see a love triangle between Geu Rae, Young Si and Baek Ki really late in my viewing: in the beginning, i was shipping Geu Rae with team sales 3, to be honest. His personal development was the only thing that mattered to me for the longest part: i felt that he already had a pretty intense storyline in finding a new symbolic family and his place as an adult. So i wasn't looking for romance.

But his scene in the garden of the office, with Young Si when they looked silently at each other and communicated without needing words or physical closeness sold it for me. That level of understanding is what makes an otp for me.

However, I didn't mean that Misaeng was heavy on romance in the sense that it was taking the center stage, but that even as a subplot, i had a clear impression that the characters were romantically and sexually attracted to each other and i found myself hoping for this storyline to be more developed in each of their other interactions. So the frustation in the end when no clear conclusion was given was big.
To be subtle, their relationship should have been a lot more carefully developped, with a lot more of ambiguity: i shouldn't have been able to guess the characters' feelings: was it friendship? Is this the start of romance?
Something more hazy.

About Young Si and Baek Ki possible partnership for the presentation, i agreed with Young Si when she said to Mr Oh that Baek Ki didn't want to be her partner. Baek Ki knew that anybody would look pale in comparison with her, that it would diminish greatly his chances to stand out, and he was right she rocked her presentation and her partner was eliminated. For me, Mr Oh confirmed it too when he admitted that Baek Ki was smart to reject her.

I read rumors about season 2 filming in 2017 and fans reports saying that Im Siwan was going to the army next year too, so i was hoping for a closer date. Fingers crossed that we won't have to wait too long.


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Javabeans - you said every single thing I would have said 1000%. Nothing else needed!


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I'm in the past right now. Watching the jdrama Love Generation from the 90s and enjoying it although I don't particularly like the level of obsessive love Riko has for Teppei. The moms and I started Unexpected You this week and only on episode 4 but already guessing when they'll find out the secret. I guess ep 10, mom guesses ep 6 and grandma just quietly smiles as always.

Next week I'll definitely check out My Love Geum Bi because I'm a sucker for those stories. I also think I'd like to see some goblins and mermaids. I'll see how it plays out.


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I never quite liked Riko and couldn't quite buy into her relationship with Teppei until late on. I much prefer Matsu Takako-Kimura Takuya pairing in Hero, which was a lot of fun. Love Generation's theme song is lovely though.


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I have Hero on my consideration list. Now I feel like bumping it up to the 'to watch' list.


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It should definitely be on your 'to watch' list! Probably my favorite role for Takuya.


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I'm so glad that some new dramas are on the horizon. I've been feasting on my Weds.-Thurs. shows, JI, SKL, and 1%, but experiencing famine the rest of the week. I can't touch the affair-related dramas because the recent discovery of my brother-in-law's infidelities has devastated my sister and her kids' lives. I tried The Stranger Living in my House, but it turns out I can't will myself to perceive Kim Young-kwang as anything but a douchebag. I just couldn't go from from swooning over Park Bo-gum, who's consistently shown himself to be kind, thoughtful, and humble, to Kim Young-kwang, whose behavior is just the opposite. And I had to drop The K2 because it felt like the romance was written for tweens and the rest of the writing wasn't much better. So, new dramas, here I come!


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Jealousy Incarnate - It should end up as a mess but it turned out great surprisingly. The drama is definitely unconventional – it incorporated the typical Korean drama clichés and used a different approach to resolve the problems. Two guys fighting over a girl? Disease stricken male lead? Chaebol second male lead and a tsundere male lead? All these drama clichés who usually ended up as makjang or a typical Korean romcom drama with a predictable plot (I will still watch it though because I’m a sucker for such plots). Instead, in JI, nothing is predictable, or if it is predictable, then it must be for satire. I LOVED IT. However, there were a lot of glaring problems in the drama which should make the drama into a complete mess, such as underutilised characters (extremely), second male lead who disappeared into the background in the last few episodes, unnecessary plot, unanswered questions etc. These problems were enough to break a drama but surprisingly, these problems had no significant impact on the drama watching experience. I guessed Jo Jung Seok and Gong Hyo Jin played a huge part in preventing this drama from becoming a disaster. This drama should be a 50-episode family drama in order to fully utilise the side characters. The two moms and Chef relationship should be explored deeper. Even Pal-gang and the two boys can be another side plot to immerse in. Pyo Nari’s family story and Hwa Shin’s ‘relationship’ with his brother. Despite the flaws, JI will remain as one of the most unconventional Korean romcom I’ve watched.

Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim – I have high expectations for this drama. Episode 2 left me with so many questions that I can’t wait for Monday to come. There are just so many things to explore and discover through the drama and I am really excited to find out how everything will turn out. Throw in some interesting medical cases that will require our doctors to face difficulties, watch them grow, and see how they resolve their past ‘conflicts’ to fall in love (again), I’m sold. As long as the characters do not suffer from amnesia due to some freak accidents, or a ‘my dad kills your mum’ story which forces the lovers to be apart, or even an incestuous relationship which they only discovered later on, this drama should work out fine. It has the recipe to be a good drama, and I’m hoping that it will exceed my expectations.


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My week of drama viewing:

1% of Something - still an enjoyable watch and currently has my favorite feel-good, grounded OTP

Romantic Doctor Kim - intrigued enough to continue watching. Also, Yoo YeonSeokkk and that ep 1 sizzle with SHJ! <3

K2 - I thought of giving this up but then I thought, what's 2 hours more of ridonkilousness right?

Love O2O (Cdrama) - came across this incidentally and was hooked with the breezy watch. Old school perfect guy meets sorta perfect girl, with side characters and friendship I appreciated. This is a 30-episode series but I skipped the first 9 eps or so without missing much.


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yeah love o2o is really a drama about nothing, the only hook is the game world, other than that nothing really happens, but it still very cute and a light enjoyable watch. I would skip the movie unless you really like the drama so much you can not do without.


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The Man Living In Our House: I'm loving it with every new episode!! it's funny and full of heart with more mysteries to be revealed!! and I find Soo Ae and Kim Young Kwang surprisingly well fitting for their roles and they have a good chemistery together making me loving their characters and root for them!! :D t I really hope the drama's rating increases because it's really an enjoyable drama!!
Cesur Ve Güzel (aka "Brave and Beautiful"): a turkish drama with Cesur (pronounced Gesur) aka "brave" being the name and trait of the male lead!! it started this thursday and it's fun and interesting and the main leads are so beautiful/handsome and full of chemistry!! the drama have a well known set up "get your revenge from the one who took everything from your father and ruined your live+she's the daughter of your enemy" but with a fun difference whith Cesur (the male lead)'s plan being not to ruin his enemy's life and forcefully take everything from him but it's to make him the one to give him everything he have (that apparently he took from his father plus his daughter :p ) willingly!! this plan reminded me of the Crown Prince Yeong from Moonlight Lovers who used honey to kill and I'd love to see this method in play again and the start was really fun to watch with a smart and brave male lead and a strong female lead!! :D


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the K2 finale is today!! i'm going to miss this show. i agree with javabeans that the romance was really shoved down our throats and i hated every minute of it, but everything else, like the action and the conflicts were great for the most part. i sort of have a love-exasperation thing going on. it had GREAT bones in that it had song yoon-ah absolutely killing her character. but then they gave the other yoona more and more stuff to do (for the sake of romance) and it wasn't all that interesting and it just seemed to disrupt the flow and tone of the show, when i just wanted them to keep digging into the conflicts.

i wish they had made song yoon-ah and ji chang-wook the two main leads. which brings me to the point: we still know really ridiculously little about je-ha considering that he's the main character. it doesn't feel complete.

i say love-exasperation because there were things about this show that i loved, and i really love a good action thriller. but exasperation in that some things were handled so wrong and i lamented it because the show could have been really great otherwise. still, there's something to be said for the fact that this show was something i actively looked forward to every week for its entire run. and lee jung-jin was craaaazy good in his role.

jealousy incarnate- i really wasn't a fan of this, but i got in too deep and couldn't get out. it's the first time i disliked gong hyo-jin in anything. her acting came across whiny at times, and overall i found her incredibly boring and annoying. and i like jo jung-seok, but i do feel like his acting is always the same. i don't know. it was a strange show with a strange tone throughout, something i couldn't really settle into. and how much did i hate some of the songs they kept using!

it was also way too long. 24 episodes!! i kept wondering when the last episode was going to be. they could have told this story in 16 or 18.

entourage- boring, without any real stories going on IMO, but jo jin-woong is very much worth watching. love him. but the show itself just feels like it's very surface-y. it's not really giving us anything. seo kang-joon looks handsome though.

1 percent of anything- skimming now, but it's cute. it's really cute how ha suk-jin started off so annoyed by the girl, then warmed up to her and is now full on crazy about her. and there was no angst to accompany of it. he's surprisingly honest with his feelings and that's refreshing. girl #2 is very annoying though—the most annoying her of type that i've seen in kdramas in ages. very dated type of character indeed.

oof, but with K2 gone now, there won't be anything that i'm truly keeping up with, though LOBS (legend of the blue sea, bahaha) starts next week! amazing acronym that title works out to, almost like on purpose.


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1% of Anything: easy to watch and the story is be forgotten like reading small, unimportant news in newspaper.

On the Way to the Airport: tried to give it a shot but I'm not a big fan to affair issues. Both leads are guilty to have an affair I don't find any excuse to them at all. So I just drop it


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Do you guys do recaps for C-dramas as well? If you like 1% of anything because of it's low drama and devoted feelings to one another, def check out Love O2O! It can be kinda cheesy at parts and I'll warn you ahead of time the female character is not amazing at kisses, but it's an overall fluffy drama win which the character's feelings for each other never sway.


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lol I was going to say that on fangrlsy posy where they mention love020 a drama with almost no real drama or conflict..really very much in the mode on the new 1%. But very cute and easy to watch.


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This is one of my favorite segments of Dramabeans.

I'm so grateful to Girlfriday for her comments on Jealousy Incarnate. She's the reason I went back to the show after dropping it on ep 3. It has now become one of my favorite dramas. Thank you?


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In a nutshell: I finished Shopping King Louis and loved it to pieces! I think I'll hang onto Entourage because it's an easy watch with actors I do really like. I'm not going to bother trying to marathon The K2 now that it's over, as much as I love Ji Chang-wook; from the reception it sounds like a mess. Same thing with Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart -- I don't think I want to put in all those hours just to reach such an unsatisfying conclusion. I am definitely going to start Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim. And, looking to the future: I can't wait for Legend of the Blue Sea next week!


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oh my lord.......

I just watched the movie The Tunnel.

it was a good movie, very good, but... uri Bok Shil, our Nam Ji Hyun! She... her character...! OMG Nobody in the movie theater understood why someone was wailing like a mad woman, going "Bok Shiil! Bok Shiiil omg Bok Shil....!". they must have thought I just had to use the loo. But! ah, I can´t. Fans of Shopping King Louis shouldn´t watch this movie, at least not right away. It may leave a scar.

But it is still a very good movie.

It made me think how, in american and some of our domestic movies the hero kind of battles with his fate, then in asian movies the hero and his fate flow together and maybe a crack appears however small, you don´t try to surrender your fate but crawl and slip through that crack... if you can... and in the end no matter what is lost, you are left with a light and calm feeling.

I will also go see A Man And A Woman with Gong Yoo and Jeon Do Yeon - which, as I found out only now, was filmed in Tallinn in 2014. Gah! where the hell was I? and the director stayed at the same house with my former colleague? goodness. Gong Yoo stayed in someones´ HOME in Tallinn for 4 weeks? Gah. I just can´t even.
I slept through an earthquake.

and then of course TRAIN TO BUSAAAAAAAAN! on the 25th.


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Nam Ji Hyun is doing it right. She's all grown up acting alongside big movie stars like Ha Jung-woo, Bae Doona and Oh Dul-soo /tears.
I can't wait to see her next sageuk movie with Cha Seung-Won.

The Tunnel is such a realistic and relatable survival movie. I love it that the focus was on the characters unlike the typical disaster movies. I should've watch it alone with a box of tissue.

Tunnel was a bit predictable in relation to the current politics in Korea but not boring although it was over 2hrs. Rise director/writer Kim Sung-hoon! Well, done for a director with only a few movies under his belt. Cinematography by Kim Tae-sung and editing by Kim Chang-ju was perfectly done.
(The production team from Scarlet Heart should do themselves a favor and watch this movie. Learn from Kim Chang-ju on how to do editing).

Ha Jung-woo <3. How can a man who has conversations with himself can be so engaging? Charismatic as ever, I wouldn't mind getting stuck with him for a month in a tunnel. I know he'd take good care of me. He is just so genuine and real. (end of fangirling)
Love Bae Doona and my favorite supporting actor Oh Dal-soo.

Great movie!
(Santa I want the dvd for christmas).


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I watched the Tunnel without English subtitles but I couldn't understand why the news report did not mention that another person was trapped inside. Bok Shil's death was entirely neglected by the end of the movie too. :(


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I was as confused as you were. Nam Jihyun's character was never again being mentioned in the end of the film. It's like her death was just a plot device when actually she was someone's precious daughter, too. I watched it with subtittle though.


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Exactly! The movie did a great job expressing that even a single life is worth saving but then went to completely disregard Nam Ji Hyun's character. It's like slapping itself in the face. Bok Shilll T.T


it is quite possible that something might get filmed but just cut out for lenth. we only get to see the final cut, we don´t know what they filmed. still, I agree. it is liek her character provided the puppy. from then on, I was like: "Ah, the puppy he´s going to take home, I see now. " so I knew the guy and the dog would survive.


I still think it was good for her to be in the movie despite the ending for her character. She is not well known in Chungmuro like Shim Eun-kyun. Not enough to be given a meaty or lead role yet.

I haven't read So Jae-won's novel but I know that Kim Sung-hoon changed quite a bit to fit the current situation in Korea. Maybe her character had a bigger role in the novel and he intended to make use of it but ended up as an afterthought.
I'm not going to complain about it because I enjoyed the whole movie regardless.

The main focus was on Ha Jung-woo's character then Oh who never failed to impress me in any supporting roles he plays and Bae who did more than what she was given.


Aha! I wasn't thinking of watching Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim (I mean, what's with that title?!) but the writer is from Baker King? Now, I'm interested. Thanks, Heads!


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Hooray to all the finales coming up. About time to clear the slate and make room for better dramas. I mean K2 - what was that all about? Just blew up early on into a laughable mess.
The Man Living in Our House is the only drama that perks my interest at the moment. Enjoying the quirky characters.
I was taken aback by Entourage's blandness. Dropping it after 2 episodes. It is too bad because I love Jo Jin Woong and Kwang Soo. Will wait instead for Kwang Soo's The Sound of Your Heart.


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I started watching shopping louis yesterday and the first 2 episodes are very cringey ?? . I'm not sure whether to keep watching or not. My husband was laughing at me for watching such a childish drama.

Waiting for goblin, the latest teaser has piqued my interest up to the roof! :D


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It's a light heartwarming, filled with cuteness drama :)

U should continue watching, the cast is great, the writer had done a great job too, a show that made good use of every little details.. and not sure why I love the flashback (they were used very well)

I really love the show (but of course to each of its own..) it's probably how simple this show is yet it gives a refreshing feeling..


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yeah I think I should thanks!


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My husband would come home from work and say 'is our drama on, the Louis one?" haha. He's got experience in community theater and as well as music, and kept remarking 'what a great role' that is -- SIG as Louis. He loved the story, the chemistry of the cast, pretty much everything, and kept remarking what a nice change it is from other dramas I've dragged him through, lol.


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wow, that's no nice to hear...well, read. Made me smile @LarryMamosa, cool name BTW!


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Cat/dog names actually :) ??


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girlfriday, I too would watch that YouTube puppycam of Louis and Bok-shil just sitting in a box being cute all day long!


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Haha.. count me in too :)

Im still left with 2 ep.. not that I don't have the time to watch.. but I'm dragging on it, maybe is because I don't want it to end :(


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squeal! I love he-always-love-her romances too! @man living in my house. LOL


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Lee Sang-yub is really some actor. When he first showed up on My Wife is Having an Affair I got chills, mostly leftover from his creepy psychopath character on Signal. But after a few minutes it all went away because he is downright hilarious. He makes a whiny man somewhat likeable. In general though I've totally enjoyed My Wife and I hope it's not only just a funny show but a meaningful one too.

Also, this week I had to say goodbye to Jealousy Incarnate and On the Way to the Airport. I feel like there's an empty spot in my heart now without them. Despite being completely different genres (one a comedy, the other a melodrama), I've found one similarity in both that made me fall in love and that is their commitment to the truth. In both dramas the characters had to go through some really unexpected and rather crazy circumstances, but their demeanor remained truthful to their characters. Their growth was natural and in line with their personalities. Plus the directing and editing in both is absolutely fantastic. One is erratic in the best way possible and the other is thoughtful. And both have a penchant for long shots used in ways that is appropriate for each drama and I always love that.

I have to agree on Entourage though. As much as I love basically every actor on that show, the story is weird. It felt like it was masquerading as a show it was wanted to be while forgetting about the drama its supposed to be. At the moment it lacked a plot that makes you curious to come back every week. And honestly, I don't know how much I enjoy a bro pack story (I didn't watch the original). I might give this week a shot but honestly, it doesn't look too good, especially since it's a pre-filmed one at that. And I hate the color palette of that world. I guess bright lights aren't my thing.


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I was excited for Entourage because of the cast. The teasers looked fun, but we are instead served with a plot that doesn't seem to know where it's going. I just saw the recent ratings and it went down to 0.7%. Really sad. It's still early. I do wonder if it will pick up. However, first few episodes are crucial to get viewers' attention and they kind of screwed that already. Still, I hope it gets better for the sake of the cast and crew, but I'm no longer following it and will check out recaps every now and then.


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<Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim- Enjoyed both episodes a lot. It had intensity and mystery with a dash of quirkiness (due to Teacher Kim) so far. I'm not critical about the medical procedures. Most of them gross me out so I try to skim over those scenes lol. So glad to see Seo Hyun Jin in another strong role and to see Han Seok Kyu back on my screen too. Looking forward to Mondays & Tuesdays again, haha!

Entourage- Just finished EP 4 and it ended up being really nice. Starting to see more of the bromance. I like this show overall. It's an easy watch. There hasn't been many emotional scenes. Just a few short, subtle ones. I don't need to overanalyze anything. The raunchy jokes and the guys teasing each other still get a chuckle out of me.

This Week, My Wife Will Have an Affair- This week's episodes are also on my to-watch list this weekend, but I'm excited to sit back and catch up soon. The pace of this drama and the interest on it seems to be less than the ones above. Gonna just take my time to absorb it. I feel like this drama is the one that makes me want to analyze the characters' motivations and perspectives on infidelity & more.

Gahhh, back to juggling a bunch of live shows! @-@; I still want to catch up on older dramas too. xD


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I am really going to miss Shopping King Louie. One of the best romantic comedies I have seen in a while. What I liked the most about the show was that it never lost its pace and the episodes didn't feel draggy because it was simply so much fun. The humor and the serious stuff were well balanced and Louie was one of the sweetest hero ever. The OTP was adorable together and the side characters were fun as well. Even the villain was funny because he was so ineffective lol. My comment wasn't meant to be all about Shopping King Louie but I couldn't help it.

I had dropped K2 and Jealousy Incarnate so nothing to say about those. I am enjoying The Man Living in My House.

Ice fantasy (C-drama) did not watch the last 4 episodes yet but know all the spoilers *sniff sniff*
The drama was very entertaining and I will definitely miss it. I heard there will be a sequel called Ice Fantasy Destiny which will be set in modern times??

Thumping Spike is also cute so far and Lee Won Geun's smile is so adorable. Also nice to see the actor from Ma Boy again after so long.


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Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart: Ryeo: Technically, this show shouldn't have worked at all. Super close camera zooming, crazy plot twists that makes no sense, timejumps that serve no real purpose, lousy character development, no main theme, too many characters, unable to build and maintain an overarching theme in one episode...if this was any other drama, I would've dropped it like it's (not) hot. But the one pro this show has is its addictive feel of it, the crack factor. And crack wins over everything.

Jealousy Incarnate: Watched the first pilot and fell in love with the show. I wish I can watch Jo Jung-seok in a sequin suit everyday with Na-ri finding every chance she can to touch his chest. I just love the tone of it, overall, how whimsical and yet, real the show is. Every reaction and dialogue transpired naturally, and my eyes are happily feasting on the handsomeness of Go Kyung-pyo. (Omg, what if Bora just suddenly appears and yells at him for pursuing another girl? Ha!)

Marriage, Not Dating: I picked this show up again at Ep. 13 and have not stopped since. I have only the final ep left to watch, and I'll be so sad (but will also be proud) to wave goodbye to the adorable, quirky, real characters that have populated this drama. They showed me it was okay to reach out to someone, it's okay to be yourself, and it's NEVER okay to enter a contract marriage to piss off the guy's mother-in-law (well, unless the guy is Gi-tae. Then I might negotiate terms further. Hee.)

Gogh, The Starry Night: Short, simple, sweet. 4 episodes chock-full of love, jealousy and hotties. There's no real depth here nor are there any life-affirming messages to carry away - but considering we have Kim Young-kwang and Lee Ji-hoon chasing after the same girl (and hijinks ensue, of course), you don't really need any deep issues. You just need your eyes intact in your skull, cause you're sure as hell gonna use them to swoon and stare at all the hotness in here.


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Oops! I meant to say "to piss off the guy's mother" not "to piss off the guy's mother-in-law". Hee, sorry, I've been awake since 5.30am and am running on 4 hours of sleep and no coffee fill.


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"Jealousy Incarnate: Watched the first pilot and fell in love with the show. I wish I can watch Jo Jung-seok in a sequin suit everyday with Na-ri finding every chance she can to touch his chest."

You are in for a treat then; it only gets better :) . I still have a few episodes left, but I foresee multiple rewatches. I am absolutely in love with the show, to the point that I don't feel like watching anything else, because it all feels downhill from here. It makes me realise how starved I am of originality in dramas, sigh...


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Just wanna say hi to Heads...


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After a drama drought since Sep I have 3 dramas on my plate. Man In Our House & Romantic Teacher Kim and the soon to start Legend of the Blue Sea. And I have my final exams in 3 weeks. What timing! Not like thats gonna stop me :P


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No more weekly dosages of Ji ChangWook and Lee Sang Yoon next week, how could I survive T.T
I didn't expect that their drama will be ended this week omg why nobody tell about this, so cruel T.T I thought they had more episode left
Oh at least there's Legend of the blue sea next week
