Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 8
by javabeans
Aw, there’s a poignancy in today’s episode that feels like the perfect way to follow up yesterday’s episode. We can’t always hope to top those climactic heart-grabbing moments, so I’m not looking for the show to one-up itself every hour, and I appreciate the natural, heartfelt outflow as the characters continue to work through their emotions and figure out what to do with them.
EPISODE 8: “You don’t even know”
Rewinding to the night before the garden confession, Yeong sits at his table and writes a letter to Ra-on: “These are my feelings that I tried to cover up, so that no one would ever know them. In order to keep you by my side, I thought I could not let them be revealed.”
But we see how he had been moved by Ra-on’s words defending the confession of a love that could not be, and how the memory of being loved could sustain you for the rest of your life. Hence, this confession.
Ra-on, meanwhile, contemplates the woman’s hanbok Yoon-sung had given her, as well as his urging to live as a woman.
Yeong heads to Ra-on’s quarters with determination, but finds the space empty. His letter continues: “At your words, I will find the courage. Though I could be put in danger, or lose you with this confession.”
With letter in his hand, he prepares himself emotionally when he hears footsteps approaching. He turns, expecting to see Ra-on—then immediately whirls around in surprise.
But then he thinks about it for a second, and Yeong turns back toward the room to see… Ra-on wearing that new hanbok. OHHHH.
It astonishes him utterly, and he stands there feeling the gamut of emotions: shock, curiosity, even anger as he crumples his love confession in one fist. It’s all written there on his face.
He puts the pieces together, recalling that dancer he’d looked for, and then his face finally breaks into a smile of relief.
So now we’re back to the garden. He makes his heartfelt confession, then pulls her toward him. He smiles when she closes her eyes in anticipation, then kisses her.
That night, Ra-on sits in a complete daze, and Byung-yeon asks if something’s the matter. She’s so flustered that she overreacts, saying that it’s rude to ask somebody who has had nothing happen to them what has happened to them. Confused, he ends up apologizing.
Then, Ra-on carefully broaches the topic of the people close to the prince: She knows he values Byung-yeon the highest, and also cares for Eunuch Jang. But has he ever cared for a woman? Byung-yeon says no, and Ra-on takes that for confirmation that he doesn’t like women.
Yeong excuses Eunuch Ma and court lady Wol-hee from service in the palace, and enables them to live and work together in a place far away. They’re overwhelmed with gratitude, and he thanks them for showing him “that a person’s true feelings can make a miracle.” He tells them to live a long, happy life together.
Ra-on congratulates Eunuch Ma and brags that this is the thirtieth couple she has brought together as matchmaker. Eunuch Ma tells her to think not of others’ relationships but to look carefully around herself: “Not one person, but two. Don’t you know?”
Yoon-sung meets with Yeong and presents him with past records of the civil service examination. Yeong flips through the list and notes sardonically that all the officials creating the questions were Kims, and all the people who passed the exams were Kims. He asks Yoon-sung what he thinks of that.
Yoon-sung asks if he wants his answer as a member of the Kim clan, or as a government official. Yeong notes that this means his answer would change depending on his place. Yoon-sung replies that as a Kim he would accept reproach, and as an official he would work to correct whatever harm has occurred.
Yeong asks if he means that. Yoon-sung asks if the prince would believe him if he said so. Yeong says that his answers would cause an uproar with the prime minister, but the air does seem to thaw between them.
Ra-on comes into the room carrying a stack of books and boxes, and when she meets the prince’s eye, she gets so flustered that she drops her things. Yoon-sung is quick to help her, while Yeong watches a little grumpily. And when Yoon-sung asks for a moment of her time, Yeong interrupts and calls her over.
As Yoon-sung watches Ra-on wait on the prince, he catches on to her bashfulness around him. He flashes back to a conversation with Ra-on when she had agreed that she should leave the palace soon, but admitted that she didn’t want to. Yoon-sung had been disappointed, and asked what had enough a hold on her heart to risk the situation. It seems he has his answer now.
Princess Myeongeun informs Ha-yeon of her latest diet plan to stay at a mountain temple. Ha-yeon is skeptical of the idea, but Myeongeun pulls out a book about relationships, declaring the author the romance expert. That grabs Ha-yeon’s interest, and she asks to borrow the book, forcing it out of the princess’s grasp.
Yeong asks Byung-yeon if he’s heard the rumor that rebel leader Hong Kyung-rae’s daughter is hidden somewhere in the city. Byung-yeon denies knowing it, and Yeong explains that after the prime minister mentioned it, the king has been unable to rest easy.
Then Yeong presents him with the mysterious bandit’s mask, and Byung-yeon looks visibly alarmed. Yeong tells him to look into the matter and find out if those masked bandits are looking for Hong Kyung-rae’s daughter. He adds, “If it’s true, we must find her first—before the prime minister does.”
As the prince takes a walk in the courtyard, Ra-on trails behind him carrying an umbrella to shield him from the sun, and struggles under its weight. Yeong sees her having difficulty and grabs the pole, intending to take it from her, but she warns him that people are watching.
He lets go and tells her to not to bother with the umbrella, because he can take a little sun. But Eunuch Jang whines about the exposure, and Ra-on insists she can handle it: “If this little thing is heavy, I’m not even a man!” Yeong struggles to hide a smile at that.
Then Yeong declares that he will be taking a nap on the lawn, and instructs Ra-on to hold the umbrella the whole time. Which results in them sitting together with the umbrella on its side, conveniently blocking them from everyone else’s view.
In a playful mood, Yeong takes Ra-on’s hand in his and sighs at its roughness, and enjoys her stammered response that “all men’s hands are like that.” He has fun telling her how very dashing and manly her features are, declaring, “It’s that toughness I fell for!” Which, pfffff. I literally felt that snort deep in my sinuses.
Ra-on snatches back her hand, worried that they might be overheard, and asks him to take back his words. He replies, “Words that are declared should not be taken back. One should take responsibility.”
She’s touched, and Yeong gently moves her head to rest on his shoulder, though he frowns when she pulls back. She tells him glumly that she can’t be happy about his behavior, and adds, “Do not think you know everything about me.”
He replies that he didn’t say he knew everything, and urges her again to rest on his shoulder. She doesn’t move away this time, but thinks sadly, “Please do not treat me too nicely. It makes me want to keep leaning on you, and that won’t do.”
Ha-yeon seeks out Ra-on, having tracked her down (as Hong Sam-nom) as the author of those love advice books. Ra-on listens to Ha-yeon’s account of how she’s tried everything to draw the interest of a handsome, high-born young man and failed. Ra-on sees right away that Ha-yeon took the wrong tack, and should have acted disinterested to pique his curiosity.
Then Ha-yeon recounts how she even asked him to take a walk with her and got rejected out of hand. Ha-yeon worries that there’s no way for Ra-on to help her, and Ra-on replies that there’s no need for all those romance tactics when Ha-yeon is able to express her feelings as they are, which Ra-on envies. She says that “the truth is powerful,” and that person will soon be made happy, which eases Ha-yeon’s mind.
Ra-on dresses Yeong (which he thoroughly enjoys) in preparation for a big appearance at court, and Eunuch Jang awkwardly stammers through some advice about Yeong’s upcoming twentieth birthday, whereupon he will be named prince regent.
Yeong cuts him off to say he needn’t go through such complicated explanations when he could just wish him well, and Eunuch Jang does just that.
Then Yeong angles for additional words of support from Ra-on, pouty when she says she doesn’t have any. Then she says, “Because I believe you will do well,” and he cheers right up.
Yeong makes his triumphant procession to the king’s palace, and is announced to the court. The doors are flung open—and then, he stops in his tracks. There’s nobody there. Uh-oh.
The Ministers Kim cackle at the idea of the crown prince striding confidently into an empty court. Ah, this is their retaliation for Yeong canceling the regularly scheduled civil service examination and implementing a special one instead, since he figured out they were stacking the deck unfairly. They see that as a declaration of war, as he is actively blocking the Kims’ advancement.
Prime Minister Kim surprises his cronies by telling them to let the prince proceed as he wishes, suggesting that he can be made to give up of his own accord. After all, what can he accomplish in an empty court, all on his own?
In the palace, Yeong reads through the mountain of scrolls left at the throne, conveying everyone’s excuses for missing the session, from indigestion to a skin rash. He’s incensed, but doesn’t look like he’s going to just let them have their way about it.
Ra-on joins Yeong in his library, and he teases that she’s staring rather too openly, “even though I know it’s a face you can’t get enough of looking at.” He motions her to sit next to him, and she sets down a tray of honey cookies (yakgwa), saying that sweets are a good remedy for distress.
Yeong asks what she would do in this kind of a situation, against a difficult opponent. Ra-on replies, “If it is someone who must be fought, should you not fight with all your strength? And if that does not work, one must adapt to the flow.”
He thinks that over, and reaches for a yakgwa cookie. Ra-on excuses herself, but he grabs her by the wrist and whirls her back to him, holding her close. When she steps back and starts to protest, he shoves the sweet into her mouth. He agrees with its curative properties, and when she points out that he hasn’t tried any, he says that he means for her.
And then, suddenly he’s struck with an idea, and he instructs her to hurry to the royal physician.
The Kim faction sends a henchman out to track down Hong Kyung-rae’s surviving relations. He has a lead, having found an old neighbor who knew Hong years ago and may have information about the family’s current whereabouts. The Kims warn that he must find the relatives before the masked bandits do.
The Kims wonder at the other side’s fervor over finding the lost daughter and muse that the dead man must have been really important to have them so intent on finding his family.
A delivery arrives at the Kim estate, consisting of a mountain of boxes addressed to the Kim ministers. Just as they’re wondering at the boxes full of herbs, Yeong comes strolling in to say pleasantly that he sent these to help with their ailments that kept them from court. Ah. Calling them on their bluff, eh?
Byung-yeon gets to the Hong family’s old neighbor first, an eldery woman who knew the family when Hong Kyung-rae was still alive. The mother and child lived in the house, and a man would drop off food occasionally—a man she later learned was Hong Kyung-rae. She supposes the man died after the uprising, recalling how relentlessly the family was hunted by soldiers.
Minister Kim’s henchmen arrive outside the house while Byung-yeon is still asking questions, and they eavesdrop as the old woman describes the daughter: She was a round-eyed, pretty young girl, and her name was Ra-on.
Yeong sits with the prime minister and comments on how ailing men have made such full recoveries. Prime Minister Kim says that the nation has been upheld by the upper classes for four hundred years, and that it is their duty to help the prince when he tries to go off on his own path.
Yeong notes that he and the prime minister appear to have different ideas of what the right path is. The prime minister uses the metaphor of a red flower growing in a green field, stating that it’s human nature to want to pluck that flower. Yeong understands that to be a warning not to stand out too much.
Prime Minister Kim tells him that seven years ago when the queen died, the king was filled with regrets. He advises the prince not to ignore his advice, citing a saying about how there’s no shame in knowing your place. Yeong remains impassive, though his eyes narrow angrily.
Ha-yeon does the rather unconventional thing of requesting a meeting with Yoon-sung on her own, curious to see the person she may be marrying. It’s obvious that she wants to turn him off the marriage, and she tries to put him off by saying with concern that she would be a lacking partner to such an outstanding man as Yoon-sung. Yoon-sung sees through the act and finds it amusing, and presses for specifics on what exactly makes her so lacking.
Ha-yeon names her lack of consideration and patience, but can’t help looking miffed when he agrees that those are bad qualities. Then Yoon-sung says that he’s not so great himself, and she seems concerned that the situation isn’t quite going as planned. Ha, she’s really bad at feigning demureness, and it makes her rather endearing.
But Yoon-sung assures her not to worry, because he understands that she doesn’t want to marry him but is afraid to refuse. She asks if there’s a woman he cares for, and he says they’re in the same boat, then suggests that they search for a way to break the engagement peacefully.
As Yeong walks through the city, he stops when a merchant shows him his interlocking eternity bracelets. He explains that even if two lovers are separated, the bands will turn and turn until they meet again.
Yeong reaches for one band, just as another hand reaches for its linked partner. It’s Ha-yeon, and she’s pleasantly surprised to run into him here. Yeong, on the other hand, asks suspiciously if she’s manufactured this encounter too, and she swears that this time is a true coincidence. And then she brightens: “Then… is it true fate?” Haha.
Then his attention is diverted by a commotion in the distance, and he sees Byung-yeon being chased by Kim’s henchmen. He recalls Byung-yeon telling him the night before that he would be at the training grounds all day, and follows in the direction of the chase.
Byung-yeon is cornered when the henchmen are joined by reinforcements, and draws his sword to fight. He launches himself into the fray and does fairly well holding his own considering how outnumbered he is.
Yeong arrives and sees the fight unfold. Byung-yeon takes note of his presence, but is too preoccupied to do anything but fight.
Then, even more reinforcements arrive behind Yeong and Ha-yeon, blocking them into the fight. Byung-yeol tosses his sword at the prince, who takes on the newcomers, dodging attacks deftly. He manages to alternate trading blows and protecting Ha-yeon, keeping her out of harm’s way.
The assailants take some losses, but manage to block in the trio. Byung-yeon instructs the prince to run away with Ha-yeon when he launches himself toward the attackers, and then they swing into action.
Instead of running, Yeong joins the fight alongside Byung-yeon, and together they cut down more assailants—enough to spook the remaining ones into retreat. Byung-yeon chases one, while Yeong checks on a distraught Ha-yeon, who is so glad to see him safe that grabs his hand in relief.
Yeong helps her up… and then sees a mask, dropped nearby. Byung-yeon returns to the scene, but the moment he sees the prince with the mask, he ducks out of sight in alarm.
When he rejoins the prince, Byung-yeon asks why Yeong isn’t asking questions. Yeong replies that if this were something Byung-yeon could share with him, he wouldn’t have hidden it in the first place.
Yeong’s face hardens as it turns away, but he keeps it friendly when he faces his friend and says, “If there were exactly one person in the world I had to trust, it’s you. You know that, don’t you?”
That seems to weigh down Byung-yeon’s already heavy heart further, and he hangs his head.
Yeong visits his mother’s grave, thinking of the prime minister’s comments about his father’s regrets in the wake of her death. He remembers angrily confronting his father after she’d died, demanding to know who killed their mother and begging his father to do something about it. But the king had been vehement about Yeong not repeating those words.
He sheds a tear at her grave, and later when he returns to the palace, Ra-on asks where he has been all day. He replies that he went to visit someone he missed: his mother.
Ra-on asks what she was like, and smiles to hear that she found the palace stifling and was curious about life outside of it. “She was like you,” she laughs.
He remembers how his mother had often acted in odd or inappropriate ways, causing a headache at court. Ra-on points out that similarity, too.
He adds that she was warm-hearted and wise, and grows teary-eyed as he says, “I couldn’t protect her.” He turns to Ra-on and adds, “That’s when I realized that to protect loved ones, I had to become strong.”
He asks if she was very worried about him today, then flicks her forehead and calls her his yakgwa (as in, sweet pick-me-up).
Ha-yeon gets to work on the embroidery she’s so bad at, and makes a decorative book cover. She wraps it up and has it sent to the prince with a letter, and he looks at it blankly in surprise.
Ra-on spots Yeong walking across the courtyard with the wrapped gift, and follows him to the garden. Her face falls to see Ha-yeon there with him, and we flash back to a recent conversation, where Ha-yeon had told her of her crush rescuing her from danger, calling it fate.
Moreover, Ha-yeon had decided to take Ra-on’s advice to be serious and honest about her feelings. Ra-on touches her hat self-consciously, and looks down at her eunuch’s garb.
Yeong hands the package back to Ha-yeon and tells her he didn’t open it. Disappointed, Ha-yeon says she overcame her lack of skill and spent days making this, and confesses, “I keep thinking of you, and wanting to see you.”
From afar, Ra-on is despondent as she watches his reaction, and starts tearing up.
Later, she’s awkward and withdrawn, and tries to avoid him when he steps in front of her path in the library. He teases her, asking if this means she can’t bear to be a step apart from him, but Ra-on turns silently and walks away with tears in her eyes.
Then she turns back to ask if he has ever loved a woman. He considers his reply, then declares firmly yes. Heart sinking, Ra-on asks when, and what kind of woman.
Yeong replies, “Right now. A very beautiful woman.”
Ra-on’s face falls further, and she looks devastated. Voice trembling, she asks why he treated her so well then, and he realizes the way this conversation is turning and starts to explain.
But she continues, “Many times in one day, I feel happy, and angry, and pained, and it has been difficult. I don’t know what feelings you have toward me—am I not able to ask? Even though I may be a eunuch in the palace of the crown prince, you do not own even my heart.”
She walks away, and Yeong stops himself from following.
Ra-on lies in bed with hurting heart, recalling the prince’s meeting with Ha-yeon. Meanwhile, Yeong hears Ra-on’s parting words replaying in his mind as he sits up late into the night.
Byung-yeon is back on his tracking mission the next day, as are Kim’s pack of henchmen, who tail him through the city. Byung-yeon is following Ra-on’s adoptive father, the traveling performer, but catches on to his followers.
He manages to pull aside Ra-on’s father before the henchmen see them. He asks after Ra-on’s whereabouts, assuring the man that he’s out to protect her. Dad lies that he doesn’t know where she went, and although it seems Byung-yeon knows it’s a lie, he just asks Dad to be sure to lie when other people come asking. Better yet, avoid them entirely.
Dad struggles with whether to trust him, and asks, “Nothing will happen to Ra-on, will it?”
Yeong comes to Ra-on’s quarters full of purpose, clutching an eternity bracelet in his hand. He takes Ra-on’s hand and places one bracelet around her wrist; he’s already wearing its mate.
She asks what it is. Yeong replies, “An ornament perfectly suited for a beautiful woman. What else would it be?”
Confused, she asks what he means by beautiful woman. He declares, “I told you there was one—the woman I love right now. Right in front of me.”
Dad asks Byung-yeon one more time if he truly means to protect Ra-on, wrestling with his doubts. And then he blurts it out: “Sam-nom.”
Byung-yeon freezes, eyes widening. Dad clarifies, “Hong Sam-nom. She’s at the palace right now. Sold there by thugs for a debt.”
Stunned, trying to process Yeong’s words, Ra-on starts to step backward. Yeong stops her retreat by taking her hand, and vows, “From now on, I will treat you as the most beautiful woman in the world. May I do that?”
First up: That initial confession. So he totally knew yesterday that Ra-on was a girl, ha! I know there were suspicions that he’d known, and there were a lot of good theories about when he could have possibly figured it out. I’m very satisfied with the way it really happened, though, and think this is the best possible outcome—because even though it would have been interesting to have him figure it out ages ago and have been pretending all along, I prefer to have him figure out more recently, for multiple reasons.
For one, it means that the confession that he made was actually sincere, and not just some tongue-in-cheek wordplay. He had decided to accept his feelings and follow his heart immediately prior finding out that Ra-on was a girl, so we still get to bask in his process of angsting and deliberating and accepting. It’s done in a way that we get to have our cake and eat it too, without feeling like we’ve been cheated of the work, because he still had to go through it before coming to terms with himself.
Another reason I prefer this reveal is that we get to see the immediacy of Yeong’s reaction, rather than being deprived of it. Furthermore, it means I don’t have to feel like I’ve been purposely left out of the loop for the sake of a twist reveal, like the drama tricked me by making me think it was being sincere when really it was lulling me into a false sense of security. I mean, it’s my own loop! Don’t lock me out of it! For the sake of narrative credibility, I’m grateful to have the show demonstrate that I can still trust it.
I also think the show struck a good balance in playing with the prince’s knowledge without letting it get too out of hand. One the one hand, it was adorable to see him smiling every time she referred to herself as a man, and finding little ways to tease. But I also think he was a bit shortsighted in not really seeing it through Ra-on’s point of view, and understanding that his playfulness was putting her into anxiety-provoking situations. It’s one of those things he doesn’t see from his place of elevated power, how she isn’t in a position to assert herself very strongly in the first place, and on top of that he’s having a little fun at her expense.
Not that I found him mean-spirited in the least; I think the show hit it just right in showing him his error, and Park Bo-gum acted it nicely, showing us how he realized that what he intended wasn’t what was being conveyed. I really liked that Ra-on reacted strongly to Yeong’s reply about being in love with a woman, because he was thinking it would be fun to have her misunderstand—he doesn’t mean to hurt her, but he doesn’t think of how he just dug her wound deeper.
It’s interesting how in a contemporary drama, the issue of the girl deceiving the guy about her gender would be a salient issue at this point in the story, but making this a sageuk does rather neatly take care of that. I accept that there are Dire Reasons for her disguise, literal life-and-death ones, and those trump the gender deception. Furthermore, at this point if her disguise were revealed, she’d be in even more in danger, since it would be seen as an insult to royalty and could cost her her life.
So now she and the prince are in the open with regard to their feelings, but still dodging peril within the palace and forced to maintain their roles, which ought to provide us with more conflicts down the line. I suppose we do have our second leads as well, but while I do like them, I wonder if Ha-yeon was introduced a bit too late for me to care much about her; I was way too invested in the main couple to give her a second thought. But then again, if she’d been a legitimate contender, I might have had to deal with that angst, and I’m fine with the level of angst we’ve already got. Which is to say, not an excessive amount, and when delivered, often resolved to satisfaction: just enough to spice the soup, but not make it impossible to choke down.
- Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 7
- KBS in talks to extend Moonlight Drawn By Clouds
- Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 6
- Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 5
- Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 4
- Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 3
- Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 2
- Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 1
Tags: Episode 8, featured, Jinyoung, Kim Yoo-jung, Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, Park Bo-gum
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1 samuraigirl
September 13, 2016 at 8:02 PM
*heaves a HUGE sigh of relief*
I've been hitting the refresh button since I woke up. Haven't read this yet, but I just wanted you to know you have a crazy woman following your recaps.
*flies off to read recap*
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neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
September 13, 2016 at 8:31 PM
Same here. Woke up, decided not to go to class, then kept on refreshing DB because where else can I pour my sanity that I have to wait for a week??
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September 13, 2016 at 9:51 PM
Forgive the perpetual school nerd in me (and my ajumma tendencies), but I hope you won't miss out on a lot for not going to class...
With that out of the way, I figure we're on the same boat as there's really no one I can talk to about the show.
What I really love about Dramabeans recaps isn't just the synopsis of the episode but their take on the scenes. One, it's nice to know someone sees what I see in the scenes. Two, they see the scenes differently and/or have insights that I don't maybe because of their cultural background (I'm assuming).
TL;DR: I hope you didn't miss a quiz, and I share you love of Javabeans' recaps. ;)
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neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
September 13, 2016 at 10:05 PM
Aweee No need to apologize MichinMari and I totally feel the concern you have for my studies. No worries, there were no quizzes and I didn't miss much. ?
I think I have friends to talk too but whenever I start sharing about a drama I come off as a lunatic and addict so I've learned to restrain myself ☺️
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September 14, 2016 at 6:36 AM
I have no one to speak to about dramas and even I come of as a lunatic and an addict in front of my friends. But I did go to class. Missed last week for Moonlight drawn by clouds. ;P
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
September 14, 2016 at 9:24 AM
@MichinMari Sprry, forgot to say Thank you ☺️☺️
@Tara we all have that lunatic side and who cares? Haha as long as we're comfortable with ourselves I really don't mind hahaha
September 13, 2016 at 10:23 PM
Lol I'm the same here.
I'd been refreshing DB every few minutes last night before I went to sleep even when I knew very well that recap wouldn't be up for another good 4-5 hours.
And now here I am at 5:48 am, reading this recap in crazy speed. I like NEVER wake up this early even when I've set an alarm clock but today somehow my body just naturally woke up. I guess that's how much I've been sucked into this drama, even my subconscious self is smitten by pbg and kyj.
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September 13, 2016 at 10:30 PM
I was up at 5:00 AM (my time), an hour before I start working and was already refreshing like crazy. I saw the word 'Moon' and clicked on it; turns out it was Moon Lovers. ;)
I also follow the drama (and make no comparisons whatsoever since they seem to operate at completely different frequencies) so I wasn't disappointed.
But I must admit, I yelled out loud when I saw the moment this was recapped -- hence my need to comment first. :D
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September 13, 2016 at 10:38 PM
Lol I'm the same here.
I'd been refreshing DB every few minutes last night before I went to sleep even when I knew very well that the recap wouldn't be up for another good 4-5 hours. And now here I am at 5:58 am, reading the recap at crazy speed. And btw I NEVER wake up this early, even when I've set an alarm clock but today magically my body woke up naturally. I guess this is how much I'm addicted to this show, even my subconscious self is smitten with pbg and kyj so much that it's willing to give up hours of sleep.
Thank you so so much for the recaps JB.
P.s : No one seems to be doing it but I can I just start the squeeeeeeee party? I mean come one was no one else squeeeeeeing at that last scene??? I totally was :|
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September 13, 2016 at 10:42 PM
Apologies for my double comments. I couldn't see it when I posted it the first time around so I decided to retype everything again plus I realised I had few more things to say. Sorry.
Okay now off I go to read more comments from you beanies
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September 13, 2016 at 10:55 PM
Best comment by Ira below:
"Because it’s moonlight drawn by Park Bo Gum. If even the moon can’t escape his charms, how can we?"
I've seen PBG since Cantabile and he looks so bright there, then in Remember me and Reply 1988, he is definitely good but here, as the main lead, he shines.
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September 14, 2016 at 8:12 PM
He sent shivers down my spine when he was playing Min in I Remember You, and I was so touched by his love for Hyun, his brother. I think Park Bo-gum is very convincing in every role he plays.
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September 13, 2016 at 8:36 PM
OMG! How fast was this recap?! LOL @neener thank god the show airs only 2 days in a week.
Can we all take a moment to appreciate how fluid Bogummy's expressions are. I mean, when he saw Ra On in that hanbok his expression changed from being surprised to being delightful in such a smooth transition! And in that last scene.. omagasshhh.. is there a class where we can study and discuss his facial expression because I wanna sign up for that!
Thanks for the recap JB!
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neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
September 13, 2016 at 8:49 PM
I know! I'd definitely fail my morning classes. haha
And yes to Bogummy's expressions! That was just pure gold! I stopped breathing during those moments wondering how he would react and then you see it flow....and that smile at the end. aawwww
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September 14, 2016 at 1:09 PM
I call them PBG's slo-mo smiles, it's fascinating to watch the smiles form on his face, it's like a flower opening or something. I wonder if they slow them down with a little bit of actual slow motion...
I had that thought when he smiled at the end, that Lee Young Oh from Beautiful Mind should have studied him to learn how to copy a convincing smile.
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September 13, 2016 at 9:38 PM
Love his expressions. And I will always comment on the music because the music director is seriously doing A+++ job. The presence and absence of music AND which music to include elevates the already perfect scene. Like when Yeong was surprised and turned around and we hear that loud thud and then no music... amazing! I am like a broken record because I keep on saying that everything in this drama comes together so well. The acting is on-point, the camera angles are great and the music are appropriate.
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September 14, 2016 at 12:42 AM
Haha I love how you described the moment. ? And agreed! Music maketh the moment.
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September 14, 2016 at 3:24 AM
I agree. PBG's expressions is really something. Not a lot of actors can show such range in mere seconds.
And I also agree about how they did the music scoring. It is perfect..I love how there is silence and then boom! love it.
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September 13, 2016 at 9:41 PM
When he smiles, I smile.
When he frowns, I frown.
I'm totally drawn in by Bo Gum.
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September 13, 2016 at 10:03 PM
Because it's moonlight drawn by Park Bo Gum. If even the moon can't escape his charms, how can we?
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September 14, 2016 at 1:24 AM
"Moonlight Drawn by Park Bo Gum" The heavens cannot resist his charms.
September 13, 2016 at 9:50 PM
Hahahaha should I take that class? Lead that class? I feel like I've already written the extra credit essays ?
But I looooved that reveal in the first five minutes. Between the acting and the directing/editing I was totally putty in the production's hands. That shock and turn away in surprise - I was like omg what did you see? Then that OHHHHHH - I made the same OHHHHHH at the same place followed by AHHHH and my sister was like ...please stop making weird noises ?
But it was PERFECT. It made sense! It let us have our cake and eat it too without stringing us along - he DID know when he confessed to her ("I am a man") but he HAD BEEN prepared to go forward with that confession (I knew it! That letter ?) and aaaaaaah
All his little micro expressions in this episodes that conveyed a thousand words - his eyeroll/exasperation/stifled laugh/mischief when she was manfully struggling with the umbrella - laying it on thick as he complimented her manly features - and his genuine surprise when he realised her all-too-real hurt that he hadn't considered - that to her, her disguise as a man is all too real, a matter of life and death, and very much an identity that she has to assume, for better or for worse.
I am so glad that (in the grand tradition of all forthright straight shooting PBG characters) he's stepping up and addressing these things once they come up - I love a guy that isn't afraid to say things like they are.
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September 13, 2016 at 10:09 PM
I feel bad for Ra-on's struggle as Yeong kept on teasing her but I have to say that I love that scene when they were under the umbrella and Yeong was playing along with Ra-on's display of manliness. The struggle has never been this real for our eunuch. lol
I mentioned in another comment that when Yeong finally addressed how he hurt Ra-on with his "loving a beautiful woman" comment, that scene played out like two lovers who recently had a quarrel due to the guy being insensitive, so here he is making amends in the most swoon-worthy way possible. He even came prepared with a gift. Basically, I am so done with Yeong.
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September 13, 2016 at 10:32 PM
Honestly, I've lost count of the number of times I've seen Raon get the side-eyed "er, are we still going along with that man thing you've got going there" look from Yoon-sung and Young (Kim Hyung plays his cards close to his chest, but the way he ...pauses... judgily... or not... at each of her weird questions, who knows, he might know too)
September 14, 2016 at 4:50 PM
"Basically, I am so done with Yeong." ME!! +1000
September 14, 2016 at 12:46 AM
Sign me up too!!! ? And @aceyyy you always end up writing essay-like exhortations for Bo-gum, haha.
I mean, he deserves an entire curriculum based on him, right?? I'll major in PBG Studies ?
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September 14, 2016 at 1:08 AM
@aceyyy If DB is a school, we would have no problem with attendance! In fact, if KDrama is our major and PBG is one of the courses we have to study like @delurked suggested we would have gladly turned in our assignments on time.. wait, wait.. in no time!! I mean look at the number of comments within the 5 minutes this recap was posted!
"All his little micro expressions in this episodes that conveyed a thousand words – his eyeroll/exasperation/stifled laugh/mischief" - this. You said it best! Every single movement of his face leaves me in awe. Every emotion was felt even when no line was spoken.
If anyone can do a compilation of all the expressions he made and put em as a video, I would gladly watch that. Even in slowmo.
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September 14, 2016 at 1:27 AM
100% attendance in Dramabeans School. lol Always too early for classes (recaps). Always ready with recitations (comments) that are well-thought out, researched, and analyzed. LOL
September 14, 2016 at 1:44 AM
LOL! Lemme continue.
Always ready for discussions (comments) and even volunteer to answer quizzes and tests (drama-or-actor-related questions).
September 14, 2016 at 3:06 AM
DR1001 Introduction to K-Drama Studies
DR2101 Squee Statistics and Analysis
DR2102 Trucks and Tumours: Trope Identification
DR2103 Chaebols and Heirs: Inequality in Dramaland
and of course,
DR3101 Micro Expression Analysis: Moonlight Drawn By Park Bo-gum
On a more sentimental note, I just want to say that I'm so proud of how DB is a community that subverts stereotypes about drama-watchers. Call us fanatics or addicts, but I've seen written pieces here that would not look out of place in a film studies essay. All you dedicated recappers and Beanies - I salute you!!! ??
September 14, 2016 at 6:39 AM
@delurked Sign me up for DR3101 Micro Expression Analysis: Moonlight Drawn By Park Bo-gum! hehe!
I agree because in DB, while fangirling is a huge part, we go beyond the surface and dissect each and every aspect of the drama from the technical aspects to the narratives. There are tons of comments (or should I say essays) in DB that could be tv/film/drama analysis paper. Of course we should take out all the "squeee" and the "swoooon" first before we submit the paper. hehe!
September 14, 2016 at 7:12 AM
I hope DR3101 includes watching all PBG-related videos to study his facial expressions and interviewing him to ask about his ever-expressive eyes and how they made them appear to be on the verge of tears every time he feels touched.
I'm already imagining us riding the train to DB School, Hogwarts-style. Bet we need lots of feels-o-meter for DR2101.
Alright now. I better get back to Real Life. I've been on PBG-land for too long.
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
September 14, 2016 at 6:17 PM
Can I enroll in this school for the next semester???
September 13, 2016 at 9:52 PM
I volunteer as TA for that class!
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September 14, 2016 at 12:44 AM
Park Bo Gum deserves Best Actor award for this drama~!! > <
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September 14, 2016 at 7:48 PM
those facial expressions are just gold. i feel what he feels and for me that's the mark of a good actor; when you can draw me in and make me forget that i'm watching a drama and make me feel like i'm right there with you feeling all the feels you're feeling!
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September 14, 2016 at 8:15 PM
I would totally sign up for that class. Everytime I see PBG my heart beats fast
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September 14, 2016 at 8:25 PM
Oh my gosh, YES! I would sign up too =P
Totally willing to spend hours studying and discussing his expressions, especially the way he emotes with his eyes~ that final scene where he look at Ra On with a soft and tender gaze is JUST. LOVE. ❤
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September 20, 2016 at 1:18 PM
Search no more! There is a video on youtube just search for "park bo gum acting" and there is a detailed analysis of his facial expressions on the drama.
The channel name is woo Joseph and he/she only uploaded the first 3 episodes and its really good!
Give him/her some love <3
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September 13, 2016 at 8:46 PM
Me too... I just love this drama. I love how they don't let angst last longer than it needs to, and I love that Yeong found out about Ra-on in the way he did. I mean, there have been so many ways reveals have been done in other dramas, I'm glad that this one was relatively straight forward. And I'm also glad that at the end of the episode he told her that he knows. I can't wait for how this series will unfold. I'm really loving this couple! Yeay~!!
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September 14, 2016 at 8:19 PM
Yeah, I don't like prolonged angst, and Moonlight has been so good in balancing angst with happiness. I hope they continue the same rhythm for the next episodes.
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bbstl 🧹
September 13, 2016 at 9:22 PM
ummm, MichinMari I feel compelled to note that you have gone from a first-time DB commenter to a DB First Comment poster in one short day! I've been thinking about you arranging your schedule to work from home two days a week for this show and I'd love to think someone in Korea was tracking "strongest MDBC international fans" and saw that story here ❤️
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September 13, 2016 at 9:55 PM
That is all thanks to the power of obsessions!
And if someone ever does that story, I'd be glad to be interviewed -- on the condition that I remain anonymous. I love my job and would not want to lose it for Park Bogum. :D
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September 13, 2016 at 10:28 PM
omg, are you me? XD
seriously, comment section need likes button so i won't have to do this everytime i see the omg-it's-so-mee comments~
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2 Lee Haru
September 13, 2016 at 8:03 PM
Also can't wait for the next episode when the bodyguard finds Hong sam nom or more like Ra on!!!! :))))
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Nam Joo-hyuk is Tall
September 13, 2016 at 8:23 PM
What I didn't like was the pause after Ra On's adoptive father asked "You are trying to protect her, right?" Bodyguard was all like ".........yes." The Prince trusts him, but can we? Please let the bromance prevail!
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September 13, 2016 at 8:46 PM
I'm more worried for Raon's adoptive father than her. I'm afraid he'll end up dead. I'm not sure why, but I have that feeling.
And I've read the history, and I'm so sad that the Kim faction seems to be ruling for a long time even more, and that all the kings at that time died young. Was the life expectancy at that time so short???
I'm going to expect this drama to comfort me that Prince Young will be happy despite all the bleak future for his family. Please make me believe that. And I know that historically, Hayeon is going to be his future queen and mother of the next king... I wonder how? And I hope they'll continue to make her loveable.
Anyway, please don't kill the father. And I'm going to believe until the end that Kim Hyung will be good.
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September 13, 2016 at 9:10 PM
I read in kkuljaem that some netizen said the ending of the webtoon was happy ending so i really hope it will be same with this drama. Finger cross.
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September 13, 2016 at 9:28 PM
I think Ha-yeon will take her place in history and raise the next king.
My happy ending guess is that someone (eunuch Jang?) will mess with the history books and make a false entry saying that Yeong died but in reality he left the palace to live as a normal citizen with Ra-on. THE END.
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September 13, 2016 at 11:10 PM
WOW!!! I just love your version of the ending and truly hope the show has similar kind
September 14, 2016 at 1:52 AM
Crown Prince died at the age of 20, probably at the hands of the Kim faction. So hopefully, he managed to stage his own death and escape ... =_="
September 14, 2016 at 4:00 AM
Yeong's real mother was actually from the Andong Kim clan so he was a Kim himself and Minister Kim was his grandfather (his first name is slightly different).
The writer changed it and make them his political rivals.
I believe Yeong and all his siblings died early in their 20s so I don't think there was any kind of conspiracy there.
September 13, 2016 at 10:03 PM
I am more worried for Kim Hyung's wellbeing because I am getting death vibes from him more than anyone! Now, I know nothing about his historical background (so someone PLEASE reassure me!).
But according to my years of drama watching, he WOULD make the perfect sacrifice as a crucial supporting character with loyalty caught in a dangerous position that the audience cares a lot about.
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September 13, 2016 at 10:12 PM
He is not going to die young especially when he based on a real historical figure.
September 13, 2016 at 11:04 PM
Your mention of history made me think that maybe the drama is trying to compensate for the tragic real life ending of Lee Young's family?
Actually, if you think about it, the real tragedy in the drama are Jo Hayeon and Kim Yoon Sung, the two second lead. They are both decent people, and their love is genuine and sincere, and in any other drama, they would have had all the characteristics to become a loveable first lead you can root for. And yet, they're not going to end up having their love reciprocated despite all that.
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September 13, 2016 at 11:18 PM
So true! if Ha yeon was the female lead, we would so be rooting for her because she was straightforward, know what she wants and did not hurt anyone in the process, and typically male lead would like someone that has her personality as it is very contra to that time stereotype of girl.
Too bad that she is 2nd female, just hope she won't go to the darkside and hurt Raon in order to win CP's heart.
September 15, 2016 at 4:57 AM
The second lead also really sad but I feel like they can actually make it better cause it rare to get your 1st love as your last love,
maybe LY is the other story because he loves her unintentionally in any shape, when he can't see her face, when she dressed as a man and longing for her without realised it's love
neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
September 13, 2016 at 8:51 PM
I will believe Kim Hyung till the end, no matter what! :D
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September 13, 2016 at 9:46 PM
Kim hyung's trustworthiness is already baked into his mane o glory. Just by that standard, I am sure he will choose well.
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neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
September 13, 2016 at 10:07 PM
Yes, I totally agree!
September 13, 2016 at 8:55 PM
I know what you mean! I'm so worried that he'll betray yeong ? ESpecially when i saw his chuseok greeting :( he mentioned something about his character changing after making a big decision. I hope it's for the better! Drama gods please don't break this bromance apart! :'(
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September 13, 2016 at 10:11 PM
Nooooo He cannot!! I believe in you, Kim Hyung and your love for Yeong. I guess it's better to be prepared for all sorts of fallout and angst in the coming episodes. /sigh
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3 JenJen
September 13, 2016 at 8:04 PM
The feels during this episode's intro~ Love it
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4 rasonic
September 13, 2016 at 8:04 PM
I am SO HAPPY that Yeong finally admitted to Ra-on that he knows she is a woman. And not only confess that fact, but tell her that he's going to treat her as the "most precious" woman. That was just absolutely amazing! Yeong is gaining brownie points each and every episode in my book. I love how he also helped the eunuch and court lady leave the palace and set up a new life for them so they can live together happily. I can't decide whether yesterday's ending or today's ending was more SQUEE worthy because they were both so amazing!
No more questioning whether he knows or not. I love how he got to see her in her beautiful hanbok as well. That kind of makes me sad because Yoon-Sung bought it for her and she's falling for Yeong instead...second lead syndrome is a real thing, but sadly Yeong is too amazing to make me feel too bad!
We also get a special broadcast of the show this Friday! I can't wait for next week!! SQUEEEEE
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September 13, 2016 at 8:28 PM
I forgot to add this in my previous comment. I also, along with Javabeans, like how he decided to confess before he found out for sure that Ra-on was a female. He struggled internally and I think he had many suspicions about whether she was actually a female or not, but before he knew for sure, he decided his love was more important either way. Just awesome!
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September 13, 2016 at 8:29 PM
Now that you pointed it out, I realized how sad it is for Yoon Sung because he bought the dress and I'm sure he's dying to see her wear it. However, it's Yeong who saw her first wearing the dress.
Yoon Sung seems to be the first in so many ways (e.g. finding out about Ra-on being a girl), yet he remains to be a step behind Yeong when it comes to Ra-on. What makes it even sadder is he probably thinks he's got an advantage over Yeong because of his knowledge.
Yeong is such a wonderful character. He's cheeky and sarcastic, but he's never a jerk. He's absolutely endearing and caring. And the way he conveys his feelings makes my heart flutter.
It's funny because I read the comments of Korean viewers and damn they are even cheesier than our Prince Yeong. hahaha!
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September 13, 2016 at 8:37 PM
You conveyed what I was feeling about Yoon-sung better than I did, thanks! haha. I was just typing whatever came to mind, but what you explained is exactly what I've been thinking! And as of right now, I think both Yeong and Yoon-sung thinks the other doesn't know the secret. So that should be interesting to see how it plays out.
I plan on beginning the journey of learning Korean soon because I want to be able to read the comments of Korean viewers and just get more involved in things! I'm glad that Korean viewers are enjoying the show just as much as us though :)
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September 13, 2016 at 11:10 PM
One of the things I love about Dramabeans is you read comments that are exactly what you want to say but you can't form the words which someone else did! It's fun! And we've got each other to help form our otherwise incoherent ball of emotions. haha
I'm not yet fluent in Korean, but I intend to. Go ahead and study. :) Since you love kdrama, studying will be easier and more fun because you can practice by watching and taking notes of words and expressions.
It's funny because our comments here are much more serious than theirs since we discuss other things like plot points and theories. The Korean viewers are mainly flailing and just really falling in love with Yeong/PBG and of course our OTP. haha! They even gave PBG a nickname of some kind "2058" which is a play on the words Lee Yeong Oppa.
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Guest GJ
September 14, 2016 at 5:05 AM
... and B058 is Byeongyeon.
September 15, 2016 at 5:25 AM
oh let's used that code
0258 : Lee Young Oppa
i- yeong - o -ppa(l)
the others is tricky, by word probably
Lee Young
Hong Ra-On
Kim Byung-Yeon
Kim Yoon-Sung
Jo Ha-Yeon
September 13, 2016 at 9:13 PM
Yess.. i love that the problem of gender now is finished so we can get more lovey dovey scene before the angst please..
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5 jessanno
September 13, 2016 at 8:04 PM
I totally take back my comment last night! He already knew before he kissed her! How adorable are they though?
Yeong is so petty! But I love it! The boxes of medicine was genius tbh.
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September 13, 2016 at 10:04 PM
I will bask in all the sweet-cheeky-adrokable-squeeworthy-spooning-cuteness overload by our main OTP before things go topsy turvy...which is what will most likely happen.
✅ someone's bound to get jealous
✅ someone will seek revenge
✅ someone will betray someone
✅ the charm bracelet of doom
✅ someone will be tricked, coerced, bribed and threatened
✅ crying will be abundant, sword fighting too
✅ someone might die or be close to dying (cue amnesia trope)
✅ feigning ignornance is inevitable
So yes, basking in all the cuteness now prepares me for the worse.
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September 14, 2016 at 9:46 AM
Omo Yoyo!!!! I was literally thinking about that bracelet last night! It's a great gift but it is going to wreak some havoc later... Oh the dread of what's to come.
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September 16, 2016 at 5:30 AM
Oh, PBG's mixture of sweet/sexy/mischief is just beyond words!
What I particularly love about Yeong, though, is how savvy he is. He's a young Crown Prince/interim King, but he's deadly serious about protecting what he loves, and I just swoon every time he outsmarts his political opponents with words, swords, and weeds!
But honestly, I'm loving all the characters at the moment - second leads, bromances, eunuchs, everyone! (Well, except maybe Evil pregnant Queen. But she's nowhere near as evil as the Dowager Queen in Flower in Prison, so I'll let it slide for now.)
Hurrah for Bogummie, King of our Hearts!!
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6 klesis
September 13, 2016 at 8:05 PM
My love for Park Bo Gum just grows with every scene I see him in.... those face expressions in the first scene of this episode....
Wish he was a regular on 1N2D so I could see more of him!
This show is definitely my number 1 crack at the moment. And I'm about to give birth in a couple of weeks, husband thinks it's hilarious that I'm hoping that the baby will sleep well so I can watch my show in peace. Hahaha.
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September 13, 2016 at 9:58 PM
Haha. Such #firstworldproblems. Your concerns totally cracked me up. d=
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September 13, 2016 at 10:32 PM
He is poised to join the ranks of Kim Soo Hyun, Lee Min Ho and Song Joong Ki as Hallyu star supreme and with military service looming over 2 of the 3, S. Korea will be needing him to carry that torch.
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September 13, 2016 at 11:12 PM
SJK is basically grooming him to take after him. LMAO They are like real brothers. It's cute!
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September 14, 2016 at 12:03 AM
Yes.. i think their company really have good advertisement to them plus they are handsome, have good manner and can act.
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September 14, 2016 at 1:11 AM
When SJK said in an interview that he'd love to work with PBG as brothers, I'm like YES PLEASE and then he added as love rivals I'm like NOOOO! DON'T TORTURE ME!
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Camtu Walker
September 14, 2016 at 6:40 AM
I agree it will kill me if they are love rivals.
September 14, 2016 at 8:46 PM
No! Not as rivals please! As brothers would be so nice! They have the same puppy face type anyway. lol
September 14, 2016 at 8:03 AM
I remember binge-watching all the dramas at night after my kids go to bed when I was pregnant. My excuse to my hubby was "Well, it is so that our baby will look gorgeous like the male leads!" I have to say, I am thankful it worked.
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7 profilerrynn
September 13, 2016 at 8:06 PM
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8 Ice
September 13, 2016 at 8:07 PM
Had to come out of commenting retirement to say, "Yasssssssss!!!!!!!" Best first five minutes of drama ever!
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September 13, 2016 at 8:30 PM
It was a wonderful surprise! I was just about settling in while watching then they spring that scene in the first five minutes! I was flailing!
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September 13, 2016 at 8:44 PM
I have ever looked at a Crown Prince the same way in dramaland. Damn, he is sexy!!!!!
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September 13, 2016 at 8:45 PM
*I have never looked.....(sorry for typo, my heart skipped two beats!)
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September 14, 2016 at 10:44 AM
He's so gorgeous. His face is like a work of art. Also, he's so tall and attractive. He's very sexy.
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September 14, 2016 at 11:27 AM
*Sighs...yes he is. :) I want to be his sugar mama.
September 13, 2016 at 10:01 PM
I loved it that we got the squee and happiness right at the start, as most episodes seem to hide them in the middle, or even as a cliffhanger at the end.
I'm also super appreciative that the ending cliffhanger is not too angst. Yes, things are gonna go sideways now that Raon's family secret is out, but there's enough sweetness between our OTP to still end this week on a rather blissful note. (=
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September 14, 2016 at 4:38 AM
I'm enjoying the sweetness of this couple, too! Park Bo Gum is my new crush! His smile melts my heart away!!!! I smile more these days...
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Camtu Walker
September 14, 2016 at 6:42 AM
Bo Gum total bias crusher...Love him and his sweet smile.
September 13, 2016 at 10:02 PM
OMG!! Me too!! I squeeeed soo loud, my husband came flying down the stairs thinking something had happened, only to find out, it's just my fangirling!! LOL!!
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September 14, 2016 at 4:44 AM
It's so hard being a fangirl! LOL, my husband asks me why am I so happy and smiling so much on my ipad? It's love for PBG!!!!
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September 13, 2016 at 10:13 PM
I was stunned. I fully expected him to have found out he was a she before he decide to confess and I was wrong. I'm blown away by this show.
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September 14, 2016 at 4:42 AM
Like everyone else, I'm glad the CP confessed and came to terms with his feelings before he peeping found out about the truth! Unconditional Love!!!
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Nam Joo-hyuk is Tall
September 14, 2016 at 12:31 PM
I expected that also! When I first watched I was a little disappointed that she didn't reveal it to him, rather he happened upon her, and I wanted a little more angst about him finding out. But I loved how it set up for the later emotion she expressed when she thought he actually was gay and then was in love with another woman. So in the end I feel satisfied.
I also love how he wrote a subtle, secret confession when he thought she was a Eunuch, but once he found out she was a girl he was like "Oh, it's on." -GRIN-
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September 15, 2016 at 4:58 AM
Speaking of grin....did you see his facial expression of betrayal to that of relief and then sweet revenge? Park Bo Gum did that!!!!!!!! I never thought anyone else would have my heart besides Lee Joon Ki but now I'm such a BIG FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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September 14, 2016 at 10:03 AM
And that first song is just SO on point!
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September 14, 2016 at 11:32 AM
It was so romantic! His expressions were so in tune with the music.
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September 14, 2016 at 8:48 PM
Gummy's song gives me goosebumps. I hope she wins an award with her OST songs.
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September 15, 2016 at 5:00 AM
I know right! This year she has sang two of my favorite OST songs! What a lovely and soothing voice she has!
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9 clairie
September 13, 2016 at 8:08 PM
This week's episodes have so many squee-worthy moments that make me, my sister & my mother squeeing like a tween!!
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September 13, 2016 at 8:43 PM
I swear I've never seen an actor who played a crown prince character who has more poise and charms than Park Bogum! Esp that swordfight scene.
"I'm going to treat you like the most precious woman" I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!
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September 13, 2016 at 8:53 PM
ohgod your Hunger Games references! LMAO
PBG is officially my favorite prince/sageuk figure. I did not see that coming because I have my fair share of favorites, but damn he crushed them all.
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September 13, 2016 at 9:18 PM
Me too.. When will i find a man like bogummy who will treat me as the most precious woman.. lol
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10 Sancheezy
September 13, 2016 at 8:10 PM
disclaimer: my comment is all over the place,
that doesn't mean my feelings are yours damn! love is not one way and she solved it just with that sentences,
MDBC ; the paused music is haunting me,
and he also alredy in the term by loving him as a man too,
that smile after knewing the truth, and before the kiss, come on, he didn't even feel the lying part,
I knew he believes in #lovewins
I also like how they played the truth on feeling, they just said it, they asked the other person and they get the answer, right away,
the confession and the double rejection,
just when we have our couple reunited, another main character realised the truth,
I hope god-byung yeon didn't suspect Ra-on, since he is a man with action! it can be dangerous
cheeky prince is so sly on the 1st umbrella date, he is so 19, like so young but make me giggle cause it fitted!
and he really enjoying the dressing session, you cheeky little (beeeeep)
again thanks for the them for making this I-realised-but-not-telling-you-happen in 1 Ep, that's the prefect dose,
I find this is like the last all happy moment episode cause everything seems to already set in place for a havoc,
they also set up the emotional feeling by slowly changing the relationship for every character,
we've got the seed of doubt and the information reveal one by one,
we just need to wait for them to find the real truth,
do your best Your Highness!!
ps : the preview killed me, T.T
and tbh I can see how ha yeon can fall for the prince, he is nice and such a catch,
and her falling in love experience actually makes sense, just like how yoon sung likes ra-on,
they had the story that only both of them know because of something happen between them,
Ra-On father is alive and a real traitor? that minister said it!
So the bandit want to use ra-on as a hostage and the prince also want her to catch hong gyung nae but also protect her?
Byung Yeon is really a capable sidekick
the bracelet seller grandpa is Yun Ju-Sang
the one who played yoon kyun sang'dad in the good wife,
yeon joo's father in high society and Lee Bo Young's boss in I Can See Your Voice,
I am sure you knew him!!
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September 13, 2016 at 8:43 PM
IKR! If Yeong exists in real world, RaOn has a lot to worry about as he will melt pretty much everyone's heart with that smile, men and women alike.
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September 13, 2016 at 8:48 PM
he is really charming and I think Ra-on is equally charming when she lets go, like when she talks in private with LY, with Eunuch Ma, with Ha Yeon, she also really attractive
this drama actually make the most realistic way to fall for someone, they are nice, you can have a conversation with them, you made memories and experience something with them and also they are physically attractive,
I can see how they attracted to each other sincerely as a young people
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September 13, 2016 at 8:54 PM
Now that you mention it, I'm reminded of yesterday's episode when she pleaded to Kim hyung during that sewing scene. She sounded so much like a little girl!
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September 13, 2016 at 9:28 PM
and when he did the perfect job,
I am impressed and I just laugh when he shut the candle for the second request
ah, big bro actually just want to sleep
September 13, 2016 at 9:41 PM
I just want Kim Hyung to really be Ra-on's protective big brother. They'd be cute siblings.
September 13, 2016 at 8:58 PM
Aside from all the things you said, I like how Yeong confides with Ra-on and that he is learning from her. She may not be a learned scholar, but she possesses knowledge about life and living that she gained from having a hard life. Ra-on can make Yeong's worries go away just for being there. And to him, she is the most beautiful girl even when she's wearing her eunuch garb.
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September 13, 2016 at 9:30 PM
I also like that he asked her opinion,
and I see the most beautiful girl as "I only look at you" statement,
I wonder if he learns it from her book,
September 13, 2016 at 10:17 PM
Come to think of it, Lee Young Was reading the same book in the first few moments of the first episode that the princess was reading. And Byung Yun confirmed that Seija hadn't liked any woman before Ra On. Therefore, Young has been living vicariously through Sam Nom's writing. A sageuk Oh Yeon Joo. XD
September 13, 2016 at 11:14 PM
Oh yeah I forgot that! hahaha so did he learn how to kiss from Sam Nom's book if he has not loved anyone before? One cannot help but ask where a Prince who hasn't had experience romantically learned how to do a proper pre-kiss and kiss? lol
11 Gymnopaedia
September 13, 2016 at 8:11 PM
I loved this episode! but can someone help me out? I'm a bit confused about her being the daughter of a rebel, what does that mean in the storyline? When/if she is discovered how would that help (or not) the prince and/or king? @_@
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Samantha Reed
September 13, 2016 at 8:57 PM
From what I understand, the surviving members of the Rebellion are looking for a beacon, someone who will be like their Mockingjay (like in the Hunger Games) They are looking for Ra On to use her to unite their surviving forces, and maybe attract more participants to the rebellion.
So, logically the Powers that Be (King, Ministers and co) do not want her found, since she could be used (her lineage, since she's the daughter of their former lider) as propaganda to ignite a new rebellion. They will probably kill her on sight, if found, to avoid any possibility of a new rebellion.
So, that is why her mom made her dress as a boy. Everyone is looking for a girl, Hong Ra On, so as Hong Sam Nom (a man) she's in less danger.
If Ra On is found out, as the daughter of one of the biggest traitors to his country, she'd be considered a criminal too. She could end up dead or sold as a slave.
So that is the danger of Ra On's true identity being found out.
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September 13, 2016 at 8:59 PM
as far as I knew, there's a rebellion that happens when the King was young, it's so terrifying for him cause they had a big army,
but by the help of the prime minister, they succeed to guard the throne,
but no one knew where the leader is, they implied he/hong Kyung Rae is still alive and probably planning another rebellion, but they can't find him
he is a threat and finding his daughter will make him showed himself,
I supposed there'll be another secret, Hong Kyung Rae maybe related to the royal family, like the king's cousin or brother in law or something but they just start the plot,
ps: please correct me if I am wrong, I'm not on my break time ,
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September 13, 2016 at 9:50 PM
I don't think he is alive or related to the royal family.
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September 13, 2016 at 10:40 PM