Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 7
by javabeans
What a great episode to break 20% ratings with. It had a lot of elements going for it, and packed a surprise emotional punch even in its side stories. There’s denial and confusion and a lot of emotions, which makes for a satisfying episode all around. I foresee many squees being had; if you’ve seen the episode I’m sure you’ll know why, and if you haven’t, what are you doing, go watch!
EPISODE 7: “Confession”
After Yeong and Byung-yeon make their intrepid rescue of Ra-on from the corrupt Chinese ambassador, they arrive at the palace late that night. A panicked Eunuch Jang bursts into the courtyard fussing over the prince and bombarding him with questions. Yeong tells the eunuch to hold the questions till tomorrow, then tells Ra-on he’ll see her back at his palace soon.
Back at their quarters, Ra-on notices the scars and fresh wounds on Byung-yeon’s back and asks if he incurred any injuries from saving her today. He tells her simply that they came from him doing his job, not because of her. She still feels bad, noting that he didn’t just rescue her today—he also nursed her all night when she was sick.
Byung-yeon gruffly tells her that it wasn’t him. He’s told her that before but Ra-on hadn’t believed him, and she scoffs that there’s nobody else it could be… and then remembers the prince. Now it makes sense how he knew of her mother, if he’d been there the night she’d dreamed of their separation. The blurry face in her mind sharpens, and she now sees that it was Yeong at her bedside.
Ra-on settles down to sleep with a smile on her face, and sighs to Byung-yeon that the palace feels comfortable to her now. She reminds him of something he’d once said: that the palace becomes a livable place when you find someone you like inside of it.
She muses, “I’m worried I may start liking the palace more.”
The next day, Yoon-sung is so excited at Ra-on’s return that he runs through the palace, smiling widely to see her. She assures him she’s fine and asks if he worried, and Yoon-sung replies, “Yes. Please make it so I don’t worry again. You’re a very special person to me.”
Ra-on is startled at that, but he jokes it off: “You’re the only person to make me run inside this palace.”
The prince arrives, and both he and Yoon-sung stiffen a little. Yeong has heard from Byung-yeon that Yoon-sung played an important role in the rescue, and Yoon-sung answers that it was important to him.
Yeong muses that it was important enough for Yoon-sung to defy his own grandfather, and deduces, “You’re telling me not to pay much mind to it because it wasn’t for my benefit.” Yoon-sung confirms it.
The queen cackles in amusement upon hearing of the prince’s actions, wondering when he took such a benevolent interest in his servants. Eunuch Sung chuckles with her, and whispers that there are even rumors in the palace that the prince may be gay. She smiles darkly at that.
The queen is served her tonic, but the court lady serving her gags audibly, to everyone’s horror. (Aha, telltale pregnancy sign, is it?) The court lady begs for forgiveness, but the queen throws her bowl angrily and orders the lady dragged off.
Rookie eunuchs Do Ki and Sung-yeol sit with a group of ladies, demonstrating a new process of removing wrinkles with poison-laced acupuncture needles—heh, primitive Botox.
One court lady shares gossip about the belowground furnace “burning hot” these days—the furnaces aren’t currently in use, which means those enclosed spaces are perfect for secret rendezvous. One of the women, the princess’s lady-in-waiting Wol-hee, fidgets nervously and quickly changes the subject.
The queen’s Eunuch Sung complains to the king’s head eunuch about the rumors disturbing the queen in her delicate condition. The head eunuch says that the king hasn’t visited the bed of a court lady in years, and Eunuch Ma supposes that a politician or official might be involved instead. Hm, why does he look uneasy?
Eunuch Sung says that the queen even harbors suspicions about the eunuch department and ordered that the culprit be caught. The head eunuch considers this, then decides to have all of the eunuchs undergo medical testing. Eunuch Ma (who’s the only one who knows Ra-on’s real gender) asks what happens with the rookies.
Ra-on comes upon Yeong sitting before an untouched meal, which he won’t eat before it’s been tasted for poison. She offers to call the appropriate court lady, but Yeong tells her to do it for him, ordering her to sit. She complies hesitantly, then widens her eyes at how tasty the food is, which makes Yeong smile secretly to himself. Aww.
When she deems the food safe, Yeong barely tastes his food before deeming it terrible, and Ra-on grimaces at his excessively picky palate. He pushes the table aside, telling her to eat instead, and when he threatens to have it cleared out immediately, she hastily agrees.
She can’t hide her enthusiasm once she’s eating, and he smiles, contented to watch her eat. Omgah you two are too cute, I just want to put you in my pocket.
After she’s done cleaning off literally every plate, Ra-on works up the nerve to ask what Yeong meant when he’d told her to stay by his side, back when he’d rescued her. But his answer is matter-of-fact, saying that there’s nothing strange about wanting to keep a eunuch he cares about by his side.
Spoken like that, it seems quite normal, and Ra-on deflates. Then Yeong gets up to leave the room, pausing to turn back and point out, “You are already five steps away.” Ra-on hurries to his side, and he grins that impish grin.
Yoon-sung works on a new set of drawings, all of Ra-on in her female guise, one of them inspired by that day in the rain when she’d held a lady’s cloak over her head. He hides the drawings when his grandfather, Prime Minister Kim, drops by, lying that he was reading.
The prime minister informs him of marriage talks with the minister of rites’ family—that is to say, the plans to marry Yoon-sung and Ha-yeon. After that, the prime minister intends to marry a young woman from their clan to the crown prince. That does tie up the court nicely in the Kim clan’s hands.
Yoon-sung protests that he’s not ready for marriage, but his grandfather barks that this isn’t about Yoon-sung (well, only technically!) and instructs him to do as told.
From a pantry, Ra-on hears whispered voices and instinctively ducks for cover. It’s Eunuch Ma and Princess Myeongeun’s lady-in-waiting Wol-hee, who have been carrying on a secret romance, although Wol-hee has grown tired of sneaking around. She wants for him to be able to declare openly that she’s his woman, but Eunuch Ma is much more concerned about the ramifications of their relationship being exposed. He points out that she could be hurt, but Wol-hee replies that that’s what their relationship is: “If we like each other, we get hurt.”
Before he can reply, the sound of approaching steps sends them ducking too, and from his hiding spot, Eunuch Ma meets Ra-on’s eye. Whoops.
After Wol-hee stalks off with hurt feelings, Ra-on explains that she didn’t mean to eavesdrop. Eunuch Ma just warns her to keep her mouth shut, for her own good.
Ha-yeon barely pays attention to the sit-ups she’s supervising Princess Myeongeun to do, thoughts fixated on the crown prince. He’s always surrounded by lots of people, but she supposes that there must be times he likes to be alone. The princess says that he sometimes goes for a walk in the gardens, and like that, Ha-yeon is off like a shot.
She goes straight to the gardens, pleased to find Yeong sitting there alone with a book. She plays it like a chance encounter, saying that she was just passing by, but finds that Yeong doesn’t respond quite the way she wanted. First he points out that it’s not really a “happened to be walking by” type of place, then gets a rise out of her by teasing that she crawled in through a hole.
So Ha-yeon gives up the act and admits that she miscalculated by trying to fake a fateful encounter. She smiles to see his book, then uses pretty literary words to suggest that he take a break from his book and walk with her.
Ra-on approaches with her arms full of books, but when she sees the prince smiling up at Ha-yeon, she takes a step back, spirits sinking.
What she doesn’t know is that Yeong declined Ha-yeon’s suggestion, which sends Ha-yeon storming off in a snit. She’s particularly annoyed that he gave his rejection with a smile, which had made her heart skip. But then she cheers up, and something tells me Ha-yeon is down but not out.
That night, a drunk Eunuch Ma parks himself outside Wol-hee’s door and bellows for her to come out. Before he can get himself into serious trouble, though, Ra-on darts in and grabs him, clapping a hand over his mouth.
Eunuch Ma turns the tables, grabbing Ra-on by the throat and asking why she’s following him around. Ra-on gasps that she’s acting out of concern for him, and he retorts, “Who’s concerned about whom? Acting like a eunuch—”
It sounds like he’s about to out her secret, but out of nowhere Byung-yeon intervenes and shoves Eunuch Ma aside. He checks that she’s okay and reaches toward her neck, but then his hand gets shoved aside by Yeong. But the intense moment begins to feel awkward, and Yeong tells Ra-on brusquely that she’s fine and turns to go.
Ra-on hurries after them, and asks Byung-yeon if entering the palace life makes it impossible to change your fate (as in, leave the court). Byung-yeon replies that it can’t be done without the king’s consent.
At that, Yeong cuts in sternly to tell Ra-on not to concern herself with the others’ relationship. He states that the law is the law, and while Ra-on concedes that that’s true, she asks how the direction of one’s heart can be right or wrong.
The next day, Ra-on broods by a tree, heavy-hearted at the memory of Yeong smiling with Ha-yeon in the garden. Eunuch Ma, sober today, sits down nearby to brood too before spotting Ra-on and getting huffy about the other night.
But Ra-on chides him for his series of bad choices: getting drunk, going to the women’s quarters, and raising a fuss. She asks what he means to do now, and Eunuch Ma says glumly that there’s nothing he can do. So Ra-on offers to help.
The king confers with the prime minister regarding an incident where bandits raided government stores of relief rations for the populace. The bandits have demanded the resignation of the vice minister of taxation, who has been accused of siphoning off those stores for his own gain.
The king asks why reports of the vice minister’s wrongdoings were left out of the report, but the prime minister asks why the king has been blinded by the words of the ignorant populace, and taken issue with only the officials’ “small flaws.”
Prime Minister Kim presents the king with the mask dropped by Byung-yeon in the chase the other night, and declares that every suspicious culprit involved in recent troubles have worn a mask like it. Moreover, the man at the center of these activities is Hong Kyung-rae.
The name sends the king flashing back to the death and destruction of the peasant rebellion that Hong Kyung-rae had led, and he declares that the man has already died. Prime Minister Kim agrees, but believes his supporters are searching desperately for Hong’s kin in order to revive their efforts.
Now that’s an alarming prospect for the king, and it stokes his fears. He orders the prime minister to have them all caught, insisting that history cannot repeat itself.
That night, Ra-on works on sewing a doll and suggests that a preoccupied Byung-yeon give it a try, to help get his mind off his worries. When he tells her to shush, she grumbles that he’s probably not even any good—which gets Byung-yeon to join her and show off his expertise.
Ra-on claps in amazement and heaps on the compliments, then asks him to do another. At which point he grumpily extinguishes the candle with his sword.
The next day, Yeong and Ra-on come upon a eunuch fistfight in the courtyard, which comes screeching to a halt at the prince’s arrival. A bloodied Eunuch Jang initially refuses to explain the reason until Yeong threatens to send him to the court tribunal, and then he blurts that the others had been spouting nonsense.
Yeong encourages him to explain further, and with great reluctance, Eunuch Jang tells him the rumor about Yeong being gay. The news comes as a shock to both Yeong and Ra-on, and his eyes briefly flicker over to her before he bursts into a big forced laugh, acting like it’s a silly joke that’s not worth the reaction.
But Eunuch Jang persists, saying that the rumors say that he looks at Ra-on like a lover, and that their closeness is out of the ordinary. At that, Yeong angrily tells him enough.
Later in the prince’s library, Ra-on reaches up to a high shelf and ends up dropping the doll in her hands, which she’d been sewing earlier. Yeong gets to it first, and when Ra-on tries to yank it out of his grasp, he pulls on it too, and the sleeve rips.
Yeong orders Ra-on to explain what she’s up to, and she replies that the doll is something to convey true feelings without getting anyone hurt. Exasperated, he reminds her that he’d warned her not to get involved with Eunuch Ma’s issues, but Ra-on counters that she won’t do anything illegal.
“Is it not futile?” Yeong asks. “Even if you know your heart, it doesn’t change anything.”
Ra-on replies, “One doesn’t not reach out a hand to the sky thinking it will touch it.” He asks why, then. She replies, “I know that it is no use, but how can you control liking someone? Even though nothing will change, I would like my feelings to be understood.”
But Yeong replies that it’s quite selfish for the departing party to confess their feelings for their own comfort.
Ra-on counters, “Is it not possible to confess to someone who cannot be?” She says that sending someone away well shows as much of a warm heart as love does. “The memory of having received love could become a lifelong source of strength.”
His gaze changes at that, and she adds, “Although you will not be able to understand that feeling.” She walks away, and he almost steps forward to follow, but stops himself.
Ra-on joins Yoon-sung under a tree, saying that she’s in need of its comfort. Yoon-sung’s face lights up at the sight of her, though he does ask in concern who’s been upsetting her.
“It’s me,” she answers. “I’m the one making myself the most angry.” She says it feels like she’s only causing trouble for the prince, and Yoon-sung asks cautiously if she means as a eunuch. She replies, “Of course.”
Yoon-sung relaxes at that and says that it’s probably the position itself that’s the problem; her uniform doesn’t suit her. He opens the box with him to show Ra-on the hanbok he’d bought before, which he’d said was meant for someone special. He’s been waiting for the time the recipient might accept it happily, and wants to ask her today.
Then he places the box in Ra-on’s hands and asks, “Do you not want to live as a woman?”
Meanwhile, Ha-yeon has tea with her father, and is taken aback at the mention of marriage. Ha-yeon is hesitant, saying that if she were to marry, she would like for it to be with the person she wants to marry, a response that leaves her father nonplussed.
Back at the tree, Ra-on takes a moment to get over her surprise, and answers that she likes things as they are. Yoon-sung presses, saying that it’s dangerous living here in disguise, and says he’ll help her leave the palace and live as a woman. The statement starts out as an offer, but ends as a request.
Yoon-sung tells her that this is what he’s wanted to say since the day he bought the clothes. Ra-on tries to laugh it off, but he remains serious and tells her he’ll wait until she figures out what she truly wants.
That evening, the eunuchs and court ladies gather for a puppet show—Ra-on’s big idea—titled (hee) “The Court Lady’s Man.” Do Ki and Sung-yeol work the puppets and narrate the story of Do-hwa, the most beautiful woman in the land who became a court lady.
Enter the eunuch who followed her around, whom she rebuffed because court ladies are only meant for the king. And yet, Eunuch Wang was the only person she found she could rely on in the palace. When Wol-hee joins the audience, Ra-on signals to Eunuch Ma, who takes puppets in hand, looking determined.
Outside, the queen’s Eunuch Sung hears of the puppet show with disapproval, but it isn’t until he hears Ra-on’s name that he snaps to attention .
Eunuch Ma takes over the storytelling as Puppet Do-hwa is about to spend the night with king, but longing for her lover. She asks Puppet Eunuch why he won’t call her his woman, and Wol-hee recognizes his voice and their story. Puppet Eunuch sends her away, because their love has no future.
Wol-hee starts to storm out, but stops as Puppet Eunuch’s declares, “I wanted to say these words! In a place with many people, in a loud voice! I love you! Truly, I truly love you!” Oh, tears. It’s exactly what she’d wanted of Eunuch Ma, which he’d been reluctant to do.
Yeong arrives just as Eunuch Ma adds, “You may just be one of hundreds of the king’s court ladies, but to me, you are the whole world!”
Gah, that is so freaking sweet. Beneath the stage, Eunuch Ma sobs, and onstage the puppets embrace. Ra-on looks at them with shining eyes, and Yeong thinks of Ra-on’s words about a warm farewell meaning as much as a show of love.
Yeong leaves quietly, and Ra-on looks over just as he walks out, her face falling.
Then Eunuch Jang storms into the courtyard in a huff, berating the eunuchs and demanding the instigator to step forward.
The next thing we know, Ra-on is kneeling before the smug queen, begging her pardon. The prince arrives, declaring that he took her bait in coming here, and will be taking Ra-on now.
But the queen refuses to allow it, stating that the rookie has overstepped his bounds. She reminds Ra-on that all court ladies belong to the king, and slaps her in the face, hard. She looks eagerly at Yeong for his reaction.
In fact, it seems everyone’s waiting for Yeong’s reaction, but he refuses to give it. After long moments, he starts to chuckle and tells the queen that a court-lady-and-eunuch love story is pretty standard parody stuff. He points out that even the king gets lampooned, and asks if she wants every satirist dragged before her for punishment.
That angers the queen further, but it seems he’s won this round. Yeong orders Ra-on to stand, and this time the queen doesn’t stop it. She does, however, warn that the king is already troubled enough and asks, “Are you not afraid of the scandalous rumors about you?”
Yeong stands his ground, and advises that she give it a rest and not blow everything out of proportion. He leads his entourage away, keeping his emotions in check—but not so well in check that it escapes the queen’s eagle eyes.
She’s positively gleeful, in fact, as she notes that he isn’t looking at Ra-on like one looks upon a eunuch: “That is the gaze of a man looking at his lover.”
On the other hand, Eunuch Jang assures Yeong that he did a good job not letting the queen get to him. Yeong turns to look at Ra-on, who bows her head meekly, then continues without a word.
In her quarters that night, Ra-on thinks of Yeong’s words about wanting to keep a eunuch close, and the queen’s reference to the ugly rumors.
The next day, a new crisis is upon Ra-on, because the king’s order to have all the eunuchs re-examined requires her to undergo another physical. She quakes in her boots and almost blurts her secret to Eunuch Sung.
That’s when Eunuch Ma interrupts, then plays off his interruption like it’s no big deal, he’s just off to make a really important delivery from the queen to the prime minister. Eunuch Sung balks because that’s his purview, and he grabs the delivery and orders Eunuch Ma to give Ra-on a thorough exam. Phew, one bullet dodged.
Then, Eunuch Ma just goes over to the exam table and stamps her certificate: PASS. Man, is Ra-on burning through her nine lives or what?
It’s a surprise to her, but he just gives her a little smile. She asks him how long he’s known, and he says it was since the king’s celebration. She apologizes, and he accepts that before then also thanking her.
It makes Ra-on smile, and she says that it offered her consolation to see them. Eunuch Ma tells her that she skirted this peril this time, but that the palace is a place where not even the king’s safety can be guaranteed.
She understands, and says sadly, “If I can leave, I should leave, shouldn’t I?”
Her mood is heavy as she attends on the prince, who notes her glum mood with curiosity. Finally he tells her to look at him directly, only to have her reply that her downturned face is the proper pose for a eunuch. Yeong asks if someone’s been scolding her, or if she’s angry at him for some reason.
With a playful grin, he leans down to look her in the eye, and Ra-on shrinks away, even stepping backward. He’s surprised, and she asks him not to be too nice to her: “I cannot be friends with you, or something else either.”
She adds that she was taught that a eunuch’s place is one step behind the prince—no closer, no farther.
“You’re my person,” Yeong reminds her, saying that nobody else can dictate the distance they keep. But Ra-on seems to have made up her mind, and requests, “Please care for me exactly as much as you do the other eunuchs. To me, that is something I’m grateful enough for.”
Yeong’s face hardens, and he turns and resumes walking, with Ra-on remaining one faithful step behind.
That night, Yeong replays Ra-on’s words about wanting to have her feelings understood, even if the result cannot change. He takes ink to paper.
Ra-on, meanwhile, looks over the pretty hanbok Yoon-sung gave her, thinking over his question: “Don’t you want to live as a woman?”
The next day, Yeong summons Ra-on to the garden, the mood very serious. He takes a long moment before speaking, then finally says, “I lied to you.”
He clarifies, “When I told you to stay by my side, I did not mean as a eunuch. Then why do you think I said those words to you?”
Ra-on looks up in shock, and he continues, “To put to bed this impossible chaos, every night I have asked myself countlessly, and found that answer.”
Yeong grabs her arm and pulls her closer. “Before I am the crown prince,” he says, “I am one person, and one man. That I love you—that is my answer.”
Oh. My. God.
Ra-on is so flustered that she barely knows what to do. (I’m so flustered I barely know what to do.) She shakes off his hand and stammers that he’s the prince—how could he love a man like her, or a eunuch?
“Do not tell me that my heart is wrong,” he says, reminding her of her own words about being unable to declare a heart right or wrong for feeling the way it does.
He has a point, but Ra-on is still left grasping at straws, saying that there are nice loves and bad loves, and that this is one that nobody would support. More than that, it’s impossible.
“I know,” Yeong says. “However, I mean to give it a try, that bad love.”
He steps closer, tiny step after tiny step, advancing as she takes equally tiny steps backward. Then he grabs her around the waist and pulls her close, toppling the hat from her head, staring intently at her face.
Ra-on is all aflutter with surprise and confusion and feeeeelings, but he lifts her face with a hand to her cheek, and she closes her eyes. Oh, he smiles at that.
And then, that kiss.
Hold on, I think I need a minnit to gather my thoughts, because right now they’re just sitting in a pool of sloppy emotions at my feet. It’s going to take some effort to get them out of the primordial ooze of pure squee. I’ll give it my best shot.
Okay, first things first: The confession and kiss make this a pretty awesome episode, but I can’t overlook all of the other reasons I was so pleased with this episode, even before the last five minutes came and shoved those more civilized thoughts out my head. I was already thinking with the plot of the day that it was a lovely handling of a touching story, one that could have easily been a throwaway plot that was there merely to push our main couple along.
I can’t quite pinpoint why I found Eunuch Ma and Wol-hee’s story so moving, and it’s not purely the writing or the acting. But I do believe it’s the same inchoate element that makes Moonlight Drawn By Clouds as a whole such a winner for me—there’s just a really nice, balanced directorial hand that elevates all of the elements and really facilitates full emotional absorption. That’s a word (absorption) that gets thrown around in the Korean drama viewership extremely frequently, though it doesn’t quite get the same attention internationally: the degree to which a drama sucks you in, and makes you feel fully immersed in the world. When you’re wholly invested, you feel everything a little more strongly, a little more keenly, and that’s the quality that this show has in spades, which makes it better than its familiar plot and potentially juvenile premise.
So the eunuch-and-court-lady tragic romance was moving on its own (I shed such tears in Eunuch Ma’s shouted confession), but it was doubly effective for (1) mirroring the main lovers’ struggles, and (2) spurring on their behavior toward each other, giving them half-cover for their veiled confessions earlier in the episode. When I saw that the episode was titled “Confession,” I was both excited at the prospect and wary that of course we couldn’t be talking about the main couple yet, and figured it was a reference to the other storyline. And then the Yeong-Ra-on story up and went that way too, and I was happily surprised to get double the whammy.
I really appreciate this kind of layered storytelling, with the A and B stories running parallel and each getting their own resolution, while dovetailing at the emotional high point of the episode. The construction is pretty familiar in American television, and in the best episodes, the multiple threads all converge on multiple levels—plotwise, emotionally, thematically. There’s an added feeling of satisfaction and resolution when stories meet like that, so that by the time you reach our climax, everything resonates with extra vibrancy and clarity. It isn’t to say Korean dramas lack the ability, but the serial nature of the episodes doesn’t really lend itself to that. And also, I just don’t think that kind of writing is the style in K-dramas.
Frankly I think Moonlight was carrying an extra-heavy burden, because when you stand on the shoulders of tent-pole Hallyu dramas like Coffee Prince or Sungkyunkwan Scandal, you can’t just whip out a mediocre confession and achieve the same effect. Heck, you can’t even be as good; you have to find a way to make it fresh again, and I didn’t know if anybody would be able to top Gong Yoo’s “I don’t care if you’re a man or an alien” speech. (That phrase still gives me the shivers.)
But my hat’s off to Moonlight, because I was squealing pretty hard, and not in the least disappointed with the way Yeong made his grand confession. I love that it was straightforward and stated with clarity, and that he went there with the kiss, knowing what that meant with the historical context. Youth fantasy sageuk or no, it’s still a sageuk, and I do think that provides a heightened effect with regards to the gay-acceptance throughline. It’s also what makes me worry for the aftermath, because he’s a prince with political enemies dying to take him down, and the stakes have just shot through the roof.
But why worry about things that haven’t happened yet, when I can just rewatch that confession? Better that than sitting impatiently, waiting for tomorrow.
Tags: Episode 7, featured, Jinyoung, Kim Yoo-jung, Moonlight Drawn By Clouds, Park Bo-gum
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1 girlfriday
September 12, 2016 at 9:20 PM
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September 12, 2016 at 9:22 PM
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September 12, 2016 at 11:17 PM
Eeeeeee, and more soundless screams in sheer joy. It's difficult to be watching at 3 a.m. In the morning and you don't know what to do with yourself.
Oh, Park BoGum, you slayed! Nevermind, the real world rumor circulating about you, we love you and that's all that matters.
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Quillene Petite
September 13, 2016 at 2:14 AM
What real world rumour?
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September 13, 2016 at 5:05 AM
Something similar to the crown prince's palace rumor. Just coz Bogummie is a bit soft spoken in real life among other things. These are on comments left here and there on drama websites. Pay no heed. We have to support Bogummie in any way we can.
September 13, 2016 at 8:40 AM
OMG...Really? I don't even care. All I know is that he's a fabulous actor and gorgeous to a fault. Apparently, he's also a great person, so I'm here for him.
People need to stop and mind their own business.
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September 13, 2016 at 9:18 AM
I'm a fan of actors for their talent, screen presence, and/or ability to make me feel things.
What they do or who they are in real life is none of my business. I get kinda annoyed when people adore an actor for his perceived 'availability' as an imagined future romantic partner / lover / hubby. The second they are not 'available', they go berserk anti or renounce their admiration.
September 13, 2016 at 11:19 AM
truly, i never read that statement about him. All of I read is all about how He is a good church boy, polite, nice and bring positif aura. every talk show or reality show that he joined show me that he is really have that all.
September 13, 2016 at 9:41 AM
Even IF it was true I don't see the problem.
On another note,
I never understood how some girls go crazy over some actors. When they smile they smile when they cry they cry.
And than I saw Park Bo Gum smile and I understood.
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September 13, 2016 at 11:15 AM
I agree with youuuu
its my first time, I have to calm down my heart
September 14, 2016 at 10:36 PM
You know, at first I have doubts also with regards to those rumors, but after watching him on Youth over flowers where they went to Africa and he went bungee jumping (which some real men would not even dare to do), those thoughts immediately flew out of my mind. I know now that he is a real man..I guess he's just really very nice , soft spoken and a real gentleman...
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September 16, 2016 at 1:12 AM
SQUEEEEE such pure joy to witness our OTP's sweet, sweet first kiss that hit all the right notes in the FEELZ department;)) this drama never fails to put a goofy grin on my face every week.
And yes, our dear Bogummie absolutely nailed it❤ his acting prowess and charisma certainly cannot be denied, coupled with good looks plus a killer smile, he's sure stolen my heart. He's also really really kind and sweet in real life from what I've seen of him in variety shows and such.
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September 12, 2016 at 11:28 PM
No one will sleep tonight, we're gonna wait for ep 8 raw at 12 midnight then the subs at 3 a.m. The life of a kdrama addict, we thrive on cliffhangers and the first kiss!
Eye creams for dark circles.
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September 13, 2016 at 5:16 AM
I'm thinking he knows she is a girl, c'mon, he can't be that clueless,geez. But maybe he won't let her know that he knows she is a girl. In a reverse secret sort of way. And I really hope that is real and not a dream sequence. Waiting for ep 8 with much anticipation. I can't think of anything else, the world can take care of its own problems, this now is my only concern ?
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September 13, 2016 at 8:08 PM
Crown Prince reminds me of my favorite book character, Eugenides (King of Attolia). He's so cunning and he would be a great king like him.
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September 15, 2016 at 8:28 AM
OH. MY. GOD; "I don't know what to do"
Now, that was exactly what happened to me. That moment when he confessed; I put the screen on pause. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. *hyperventilates*hand-fanning*cups cheecks with both palms* I don't know what to do with this confession. Oh, eottoke~ (Here's one imagining self as Ra On receiving the confession. Lulz)
After squealing for god knows how many minutes; calmed down, continue to play and I go yaaaaay for the oh-so-sweet kiss. I screamed towards the screen "Sam Nom-ah! Nappeun yeon, why didn't you tell himmmmm"
You see, I watched these two episodes back to back (7-8) due to real life time constraint but god I'm glad I did.
I'm super hyped! I'm rewatching these episodes again!
Thanks for the recap! I'm so, so, so, happy!
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September 15, 2016 at 8:46 PM
Omo, I didn't notice I posted on recap ep.7
This shoulda been commented on the ep.8 recap. I clicked on the wrong page, I suppose.
Sorry very very mianhe!
Thank you spoiler police! whew! \^o^/
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September 12, 2016 at 9:23 PM
OMG GF you surprised me! HAHAHAHA!
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September 12, 2016 at 9:25 PM
Hahahahaha this comment is amazing! Glad to see that you're enjoying it as much as I am! :D
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September 12, 2016 at 10:00 PM
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September 12, 2016 at 9:25 PM
Lol, I love it when DB staff join in on the squee haha :D
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September 12, 2016 at 9:29 PM
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September 12, 2016 at 9:30 PM
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September 12, 2016 at 9:36 PM
Our OTP kissed! I can die now. \^0^/
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September 12, 2016 at 9:44 PM
This ----> \^o^/
Everytime I see that emoticon I can't help but think of Scarlet Heart hahaha
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September 12, 2016 at 10:18 PM
My hopes were not that high to get a kiss from OTP. And I totally did not expect it to happen in this episode. Now I am just happily swimming in my puddle of feels.
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September 12, 2016 at 10:55 PM
Exactly.. this kiss is really a good surprise for me because i didnot think we will get kiss this early.. SQUEEEEE?
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September 13, 2016 at 7:44 AM
Same. Big Surprise!
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September 12, 2016 at 10:40 PM
But the puppets made cry T_T
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September 12, 2016 at 9:39 PM
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September 12, 2016 at 9:41 PM
it is the response i have at the moment as well
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September 12, 2016 at 9:45 PM
Oh Girlfriday - how absolutely wonderful to see your SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE top and center of the comments!!!!! You're our leader and you're in the drool pool with all of us! How marvelous is that!!!
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September 12, 2016 at 10:24 PM
Here is a squeeeeeeeeee
For PBG's smile before the kiss...
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September 12, 2016 at 10:59 PM
Ladies and gents of dramaland, here is your Crown Prince giving you a lesson on how to do fish kiss the swoony way - by pouring so much conflicting emotion, giddyness, and love into your eyes and smile before the big action!
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September 13, 2016 at 12:23 AM
+1. This is The first time in my history of k-drama viewing that I thot a fish kiss worked. Age appropriate, too, given our leading lady's young age.
September 13, 2016 at 2:06 AM
SQUEEEEEEEE!!!! I almost couldn't sleep because I kept having flashbacks to his pre-kiss smile. It was the sweeeeetest kiss scene I've ever watched!
September 13, 2016 at 4:26 AM
True haha it fit the scene and it did not even last that long. Ra-on slowly melted in the kiss. It was sweet. And boy do I love that she closed her eyes. Being wide-eyed and surprised would have worked as well and would fit the situation, but she welcomed the kiss.
September 12, 2016 at 9:46 PM
So true. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
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September 12, 2016 at 9:48 PM
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September 12, 2016 at 9:50 PM
LOL move over Kim Bong Do. You have been replaced by Prince Lee Yeong.
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September 12, 2016 at 10:12 PM
My first thought, how can anyone comment so fast when I been refreshing like crazy since this morning?
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September 12, 2016 at 10:20 PM
I'm at work right now so *SQUEEEEEEEEEEES INTERNALLY*
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Leah Flores
September 12, 2016 at 10:30 PM
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September 12, 2016 at 10:47 PM
haha rare to see girlfriday post something in the comments.
I come back from the doctors´ and there is already 200 comments!
OMG this episode! Bogummy´s face delivered so many feels I just can´t. Can we all just dance and skip around in a circle while holding hands and screaming? That actually seems like the most rational thing to do right now.
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September 12, 2016 at 10:57 PM
plus, everyone who thought we wouldn´t get a passionate kiss a la Taeks´ hotel kiss because of Kim Yoo Jungs´ age... [goat sounds]
Eunuch Ma really suprised me. He is actually a plushie toy. Literally.
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September 12, 2016 at 11:36 PM
The peck itself was not hot but man, the way he looks at her - it was burning!
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September 13, 2016 at 12:20 AM
September 13, 2016 at 4:28 AM
The pre-kiss emotions they conveyed through their eyes said it all. The kiss didn't have to be hot.
Grace Yoon
September 13, 2016 at 8:06 AM
September 13, 2016 at 8:43 AM
Right.....let's all get together and dance in a circle. I think everybody is totally floating on cloud 9. I know I am. This episode was just amazingly good.
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September 16, 2016 at 1:20 AM
Yayy let's all do a celebration tribe dance in honour of our OTP's first kiss hahaha after all I don't think any of us can still be civilized, rational humans after watching that.
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September 12, 2016 at 10:53 PM
Seriously! I found myself breaking into the silliest smile or the biggest grin like a total fool (I couldn't squeee out loud cos I was watching it in the library!) but omg. HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HIM???
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September 12, 2016 at 10:58 PM
Thank you JB for your recap.. and SQUEEEEx100 with girlfriday ?
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September 12, 2016 at 11:04 PM
*DB i mean.. sorry for the typo. Too happy i
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September 12, 2016 at 11:40 PM
GF, you know I was pretty sure you would strong arm JB out of her recap just so you can squeeeeeee about it throughout ! He he !
That confession was so freaking awesome. I was flailing in bed at the Start not knowing what to do and when the music dropped with just the silence while they were looking at each other's eyes , swoooooonnnnn !!! And then she closes her eyes and he gives THIS smileeeeee !
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September 13, 2016 at 4:44 AM
That silence -- it felt like everything in the world stopped right then. Love when a production uses silence effectively.
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September 13, 2016 at 10:12 AM
YES, YES. I mean, given that this is a youth sageuk and KYJ's age the kiss scene is actually pretty tame in comparison to more adult dramas.
However, that silence before the smile and kiss was perfection and so well-done . I started squealing so HARD when that happened, that's when we all knew he was going to go for it. This PD team is good!
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September 13, 2016 at 1:07 AM
Need to.. pull myself... together, and
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September 13, 2016 at 2:30 AM
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September 13, 2016 at 6:08 AM
omg :D that SMILE before he kissed her!
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neener ~ Inside the Magic Shop ~
September 13, 2016 at 7:20 AM
A little late but SQUEEEEEEEEEE ?
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September 13, 2016 at 7:48 AM
That kiss was so unexpected! the build-up to it and park bo-gum's expressions leading up to it were PERFECT! haha
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September 13, 2016 at 8:16 AM
OMG. i can't get over this episode, especially the Confession part!
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September 13, 2016 at 8:36 AM
OMG...This episode was EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My heart almost leaped out of my chest. It was amazing and touching and beautiful. Also, I LOVE Park Bogum. He's a fantastic actor. When he smiles before she kissed him. I couldn't even breathe. Gosh, this show is giving me all the feels!!!!!!!!! I just love it.
I can't even think straight. I love your recap as well DB. You put is in such well-thought words. This episode was so layered. So many confessions all around. From Eunuch Ma and the court lady to Yoon-sung and Ra-On, to our Crown Prince and Ra-on. I WAS NOT READYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm just in squee heaven. I need to take a Xanax and calm down.....LOL
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September 13, 2016 at 9:01 AM
I just love this show. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
I feel like he knows that she is a woman.
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September 13, 2016 at 3:53 PM
We went there.
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September 13, 2016 at 9:00 PM
I need a Park Bogum in my life.
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September 14, 2016 at 2:40 AM
You squeee
I squeeeee
We all squeeeeeee for PBGummieeeeee!!!!
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September 24, 2016 at 3:47 AM
THE PUPPET SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It brought the house drowned in tears!!!
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2 Annika
September 12, 2016 at 9:22 PM
He knows. Kim Hyung also knows. The scene where he waited for her to close her eyes and then smiled shows "as expected you really are a girl" vibe from the Prince.
Now the question is how and when they both found out. I really love the Eunuch and Court Lady arc. Short but sweet. So according to the story an Eunuch or Court Lady can be set free to be normal being outside the palace by the King's permission. I hope his dad will do it one day for Ra-On.
The kiss melted me. That's all, thank you. :)
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bbstl 🧹
September 12, 2016 at 9:33 PM
Thank you. I couldn't interpret that smile, probably because of a lack of oxygen to my brain because even though my jaw had completely fallen open I had STOPPED BREATHING.
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September 12, 2016 at 9:44 PM
I got the "he knows"moment when Eunuch Ma was choking Ra-on and Byung-yeon smacked him, then reached out to check her neck, Yeong batted his hand away. It gave me the "don't touch my lady" vibes.. I'm probably reading too much into it...
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September 12, 2016 at 9:49 PM
ohmygosh. I feel the same way too. It's a "she's mine, don't touch"!!
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September 12, 2016 at 10:10 PM
I think Yeong also knows she's a SHE actually! His inner doubts weren't shown in this episode compared to the first eps. But hell, OTPs chemistry is so amaazing who would even care now. Lols!!
Keep bringing in the LOVE moonlighters!! ♡♡♡
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September 12, 2016 at 10:38 PM
At that time I know he already knows since a man and a woman's pulse is different and can be distinguished back in the Joseon era. Kim Hyung tries to see if she's hurt thus could feel her pulse if he touches her neck. The Prince smacked his hand it since he might find out he's a she. But I don't know exactly when it started - him knowing.
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September 12, 2016 at 11:14 PM
I think it was when she spend the night in his chambers. She woke up already in CP's bed and her eunuch robe is a bit untangled at the top. I suspect it was that time.
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September 13, 2016 at 2:11 AM
Maybe that's why he smiled like that at her when he woke up cus daaaaym, it's definitely not a "friendly" smile!
September 13, 2016 at 5:40 AM
Yep. That was an all-knowing smile.
September 13, 2016 at 7:25 AM
I wondered if maybe he found out then.
September 12, 2016 at 11:46 PM
Am I the only one who doesn't want him to know???!
I mean this confession seems 100 times more epic if he doesn't know! If he confessed knowing she is a woman, then its still great but it lacks that punch. This means he has accepted to himself he is gay! I like that as arc for crown prince!
And this line -
'I want to try, that bad love'
It wouldn't be bad love in that century if she is a woman, would it ?
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September 13, 2016 at 2:19 AM
As makjang has taught us, there are so, so, many kinds of bad love.
September 13, 2016 at 2:38 AM
The kiss got me excited because I feel like he doesn't know but his feelings aren't because she's a male or female but because she's the person she is and I love the idea of him falling for her as a person bc he was falling for her from the beginning first as a friend then as a romantic interest without actually thinking about her gender
September 13, 2016 at 4:32 AM
I get what you mean. Half of me is hoping he's still in the dark about her. I'm just thinking what will happen if the birth secret of Ra-on gets revealed as well. It will add to the complicated mix. I love it!
September 13, 2016 at 7:27 AM
I don't really want him to know yet. He might know from the night she stayed in his bed, but I'm hoping he doesn't know yet. For one thing, I want the grand reveal of her gender!
I didn't interpret his smile at the kiss to be his knowing she was a girl, I interpreted it as his happiness that, despite all her previous protests, she actually WANTED to be kissed by him. Closing her eyes and waiting for him to kiss her is basically her confessing back.
Nam Joo-hyuk is Tall
September 13, 2016 at 8:59 AM
I also feel so torn with these cross-dressing dramas, cause there are few things as swoony as the "I will go gay for you" love!
At the same time, our Prince is too keen and too savvy to not know, given the clues. That doesn't feel fair or right for his character. Despite all that, the utter conviction with which he declares his love gives me no doubt had she really been a man and he had felt how he'd felt, he would have said the exact same words.
The writer and director gave us the best of both--they have kept some things back from us so it feels like he doesn't know she's a girl, and we can get that thrill in the moment of his declaration. But when it's revealed that he knew all along, we've been given enough clues that it will feel right for the story and character. Also, how fun will it be to go back and watch previous scenes knowing he's playing along!?
The show was also smart to add another layer of forbiddenness to their relationship--something to fill in the vacuum left when it's revealed the Prince knows her true gender. If Ra On truly is the daughter of the man who lead a rebellion against the king, it is a bad, bad love indeed.
September 13, 2016 at 3:00 AM
my guess is CP knows he's a she when he jumped into the lake to save her.. maybe something actually happened then that PD hasnt shown us yet!
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September 12, 2016 at 11:01 PM
And especially since he adds 'act like a man' after swatting Gat Byung's hand.
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September 13, 2016 at 2:12 AM
Yes that made it obvious to me too!!!
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September 13, 2016 at 2:20 AM
But he says that so often! "what kind of man..."
September 13, 2016 at 12:05 AM
I enjoyed this scene for not just the romantic implications but the physical comedy as well. First Kim Hyung comes out of nowhere to punch Eunuch Ma in the throat, then the Crown Prince pops up from the left to smack Kim Hyung's hand away from his beloved Ra-On. Like the Russian nesting doll of super pretty Ra-On defenders.
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September 13, 2016 at 7:28 AM
Lol. I like your way with words:)
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September 13, 2016 at 7:50 AM
Omg that's so true! I was curious about that reaction too
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September 13, 2016 at 9:02 AM
Me too. That point i felt he knows.
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September 13, 2016 at 3:55 PM
Oh yeah. Definitely. It was totally "don't touch, she's mine" vibe. Love it! Details Details~!!
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September 12, 2016 at 10:02 PM
Does CP really know he's a she? I maybe the only one a little too slow, but I just thought he's smile before the kiss was an acceptance on Ra On's part that they really feel something special between them and that they can't deny nor do anything about it but express... Loved that look and smile and such a passionate KISS!!!
I dunno, but I think I'm going crazy, coz even when I'm doing something else, that smile and kiss keeps playing on my mind.
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September 12, 2016 at 10:08 PM
Comment was deleted
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September 12, 2016 at 10:09 PM
I suspect Yeong found out when he moved her to his bed after she fell asleep while drawing the choreography (Episode 4).
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September 12, 2016 at 10:10 PM
OMG!!! i'm so glad im not the only one who thinks so!!! I had a feeling he found out when he barges in on that visitor from the Qing clan or something who wanted to bed her.... I felt like he heard what the dude was sying but couldnt really confirm!!! Inguess only time will tell!
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September 12, 2016 at 10:22 PM
It seems something happened between the time Ra-on told Kim Hyung that she's called to work at night and the time Yeong barged in to save her. It's just that we are not shown yet. I think...
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September 12, 2016 at 10:55 PM
That smile also killed me, because in that look of quiet joy (how can someone so young write that so clearly on his face? in a matter of split seconds) beyond happiness I read relief, pain and gratitude, that his feelings were reciprocated, that he wasn't to be alone, that there was someone on his side.
I think he knows, though, because of the "before I am Crown Prince, I am a person, and a man" - that last part - wouldn't you normally make a point of saying it when "woman" is the counterpart? "I am a man, therefore I see/like you as a woman" vs "I am a man, therefore I like you as a... eunuch"? So coming from that, how is he taking in her weak protests about being "a man like me, a eunuch"? Gah.
Also I want to know what he WROTE in that sleepless night. Is it weird that I find how quickly and surely he's writing hot? Lit geek here obv, so in the context of this drama I love even more that she's a writer, that she obviously has the soul of a poet, that she can be his literary equal.
In some ways this show is hitting the notes that the ORIGINAL bubujingxin did for me - in the full impact of that dance scene, and in the way art and poetry aren't uttered just as a (sageuk) whimsy, but as a character trait.
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September 13, 2016 at 12:16 AM
I agree, the man part gave it away. Stating oneself's own gender (which equals a confession in dramaland) is only used on the opposite sex like the more commonly used "I see you as a man/woman" or "Do you see me as a man/woman?"
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September 13, 2016 at 1:04 AM
This is where Taekie says, "of course I'm a man. What else would I be, a woman?"
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September 13, 2016 at 1:09 AM
@aceyyy I'm totally with you about Bo-gum's face - WHY IS THAT FACE A LITERAL PICTURE OF A THOUSAND WORDS ????
I've always said that I loved Park Bo-gum as an actor but really - this boy is unreal. ?
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September 13, 2016 at 1:56 AM
I know, another one of those scenes was with Concubine Park, when he asks her to allow him to return the comfort she once gave him? Gah. It's one thing to be incredibly empathetic, which I think he must be, another thing to be able to express all of that.
He's clearly a great actor, but one thing I enjoyed about this role is that it also gives him a chance to show his mischievous/comedic side. When he was helping her cheat, I nearly died laughing. And then all that previous psychopathy gets reworked into shrewd manipulation as a crown prince. In terms of range it's just an upgrade from his previous roles.
And of course this skill is on top of that insane presence/charm where you're like puppy, for you, anything that makes you happy, if it's going to make you THAT happy (cf. poison-tasting scene). Even when he's playing imperfect characters (selfish Yoon Hoo in Cantabile?) that charm ends up leading you by the nose.
I haven't done a rigorous survey of every instance an actor has employed the guilt-trip pout in K-dramaland, but I swear the way he adds furrowed brows like he's really disappointed in you (Taekie did this too) you do end up reflecting on your misdeeds.
I promise I didn't mean to write a thousand word essay on PBG's face. You instigated it.
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September 13, 2016 at 2:22 AM
so true Yeong is the cheekiest character Bogummy has played, pranky, sneaky, but also very calculating, with surprising wisdom and maturity.
September 13, 2016 at 3:43 AM
Glad somebody bring up the point about this role giving PBG greater room to explore his comedic side, exactly my thought! He used to play characters (Taek, Yoon Hoo) that were relatively more subdued, so less chance to see that beauuuutiful smile of his. Thank you Lord for bestowing us with PBG T^T *sobs incoherently*
September 13, 2016 at 4:38 AM
The original writer commented that she originally thought that PBG would be good as Yoon Sung because he's got this nice, charming, and sweet appearance. But then she saw PBG's acting of Yeong and she was surprised how he can be cheeky and sarcastic and was convinced he's perfect as Yeong.
September 13, 2016 at 4:39 AM
I like when he shows his mean side too. That scene with the Queen, that was Min all over the place. What is it that makes such a sweet person like Bogummy be able to look like he'll kill you in your sleep and have a good time doing it?
September 13, 2016 at 5:02 AM
@aceyyy Hahaha that was amaaaazing. I agree with every word! and that very same scene with Concubine Park gutted me as well. ?
Let's just conclude that we're Bo-gum trash. ?
September 13, 2016 at 6:59 AM
And that one when he kept vigil by her bed as she cried for her mother - "So you had a sad dream" ? waaaaaaah
September 13, 2016 at 3:39 AM
i get your logic he definitely didn't suspect himself to be gay like gong yoo's character did in coffee prince..
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September 12, 2016 at 11:07 PM
Really? I think young and the bodyguard already know because there are a lot of clues. Love bogummy smile before the kiss!!
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September 12, 2016 at 11:33 PM
I agree, he knows :) the way he behaves, there is something about it. Moreover, CP is the one pulling the strings behind scenes in the palace all the time, how could a guy so cunning miss this important detail? ;) I wouldn't like it if they would suddenly make him so dense in this aspect, I want him to keep being the smartest guy around, hehe!
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September 13, 2016 at 1:15 AM
@Yuki I KNOWWWW! Can I just say that I find his intelligence and quick-wittedness around the palace SO DAMN SEXY
I mean, more than any hot and dense and broody male lead, I'd have Yi Yeong all the way. All the way.
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September 13, 2016 at 3:08 AM
I'm with you!! He's just too smart to obliterate the fact
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September 13, 2016 at 7:53 AM
The fact that he's so cunning makes him all the more charming!!
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September 13, 2016 at 1:21 AM
As much as I am a supporter of the 'He knows!' camp, I did think that the smile was more because he had a definite confirmation that she liked him back.
Honestly, in any other gender reversal drama, I wouldn't mind him not knowing. I know it's a more epic confession if he just doesn't know about her gender, but it's Yeong! He's just too much of a smarty pants not to have figured it out! That's all that bothers me. You are too clever to not know!:P
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September 13, 2016 at 2:03 AM
Actually there have been too many hints that Yeong could link together to clarify himself that Ra On is indeed a girl... he forcibly made her a eunuch when all she did was trails to run away, only she knew all the dance moves and Yeong stopped looking for that dancer, he could have heard something when that foreign ambassador was forcing himself onto Ra On... all these are hints other than the major hint that she's obviously so tender to not be boy... and her careless sleepy nights around him
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September 13, 2016 at 2:40 AM
When he gave that little smile, I thought it was more out of amusement and relief than anything else; despite her protests, she was essentially accepting his feelings by closing her eyes and waiting for his kiss, so he was likely pleased and delighted by her sudden, adorable resolve.
That being said, I HOPE he knows!! That would be such a clever twist, to see he's had the upper-hand this entire time. Of course, I've been burned in the past (giving characters more credit than they deserve) so I'm going to remain wary, and not get my hopes up too high lol.
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September 13, 2016 at 4:43 AM
They could have gone the route of Ra-on being wide-eyed and surprised about the kiss but she accepted his feelings which is so much better. I just don't know how it'll go from there. The palace is not a safe place for our lovers in their "wicked love"
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September 13, 2016 at 6:19 AM
Agreed - I didn't read into the smile that he knew she's a girl - I thought it was a response to her closing her eyes and accepting (or perhaps wanting?) that he was going to kiss her.
Wo ho ho ho ho hooo can't wait for the next episode!
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3 hannahbanana
September 12, 2016 at 9:22 PM
It's up! Thanks for the recap! I kept on refreshing for this! Great episode!! *squeelsss* ???
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4 celine
September 12, 2016 at 9:22 PM
This drama broke my FEELS-o-meter. I need to get a new one. /cries
That confession! So beautiful. Just take my heart Bogummy. I don't need it anymore. You may have it!
That smile before the kiss /throws things on the screen
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September 12, 2016 at 9:56 PM
It was like her way of saying go for it lol.
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September 12, 2016 at 10:14 PM
And go for it, he did. (Y)
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September 12, 2016 at 11:11 PM
Yes.. at least young knew that Ra On like/love him too when she close her eyes.
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September 12, 2016 at 10:29 PM
That pause! That knowing smile before the kiss! Highlight of the episode for me. Park Bo Gum slayyyys.
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September 12, 2016 at 11:49 PM
And they cut off all music at that scene which just elevated it into whole new level !
I have read somewhere, the trick to making great soundtrack is not having music at every juncture but to know where not to put music. This scene is a perfect example !
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September 13, 2016 at 12:38 AM