Moonlight Drawn By Clouds: Episode 6

This is a great episode to be the prince—well, he does suffer and struggle for a bit, so in that sense there’s a fair amount of pain too. But inasmuch as the payoff is all sorts of gratifying, it’s a great arc for the prince that displays growth on more than one front, while solidifying relationships—some expected, and some that come as a satisfying surprise.


EPISODE 6: “When I want to say the secret I cannot reveal”

At the festival, Yoon-sung interrupts just as Yeong is explaining that he keeps seeing a woman’s face in Ra-on’s. When Yoon-sung starts to lead her away, citing a prior engagement, the prince refuses to allow it, stating that Ra-on is his person.

Yoon-sung readily agrees that Ra-on is employed at his palace, but asks if his reaction is specifically because it’s Yoon-sung who wants to take her away. The prince scoffs that Yoon-sung is hardly that important, to merit that reaction.

Yoon-sung presses for the reason, but they’re interrupted by gisaengs, who recognize Yoon-sung (from his drawing visits). Yoon-sung uneasily tries to extricate himself from their urging to have fun together, but Ra-on shocks them all by declaring, “Let’s go!”

She grabs a gisaeng and goes with the suggestion, but Yeong opts out. He tells her flatly to have fun by herself and walks off shaking his head in disapproval.

Meanwhile, a masked Byung-yeon searches through a room in a house he’s just raided. He finds a stack of books, then flees with them just as his presence is discovered.

Yoon-sung and Ra-on leave the gisaengs and walk along together, and he tries to set right the bad impression this encounter may have given her. Ra-on assures him that he needn’t worry, then teases him by saying that all the encounter did was confirm that he frequents gibangs regularly. Heh.

Ra-on says that it’s too bad Yoon-sung arrived so late that he missed all the sights, but he replies that he didn’t come to see the festival. Then he halts and says heavily that he can’t walk another step, laying it on thick as he sighs that they feel so wasted. Ra-on asks if he used those kinds of lines at the gibang, puncturing the effect.

Byung-yeon’s escape takes him to the festival, with officers hot on his heels. Yoon-sung notices the oncoming commotion and grabs Ra-on out of the way, shielding her as Byung-yeon goes flying by—literally, as he leaps up into the air. Officers send a barrage of arrows after him, which he manages to avoid by twisting in the air.

His mask falls off as he lands a distance away, and he winces in pain. As he looks over, he sees Ra-on and Yoon-sung. Both Ra-on and Yoon-sung look over, but it’s unclear whether either get a good look before Byung-yeon flies over the wall, disappearing from view.

Ra-on picks up the fallen mask, which the officer takes from her.

Back at the abandoned building he shares with Ra-on, Byung-yeon dresses his wound. At least until Ra-on arrives, at which point he hastily covers up to hide his injury from view. She asks cheerfully when he got home, and pouts at his gruff reply to go to bed.

Byung-yeon’s nighttime raid goes noted by the Ministers Kim, who confer about the three robberies last night. Initially, the prime minister isn’t very alarmed by the news, until he hears that the targeted homes belonged to large merchants with bad reputations and sees the mask that was recovered. At that, he recalls the night a masked intruder had shot an arrow at him at his banquet.

The minister of taxation adds that there’s a rumor swirling that this is the work of Hong Kyung-rae’s faction. Aha! A Hong—could this be Ra-on’s father? (A sageuk surname match is surely not coincidental…) The group has been dormant, but may have recently begun acting again; then, as now, the group shared what they stole and incited the populace.

In the morning, Ra-on dresses the prince, who is chillier than usual as he asks if Ra-on had fun at the gibang last night. She just gives an awkward laugh, and Yeong says testily, “I’d forgotten momentarily that you were a man. No—that a eunuch is also a man who wants to hold a beautiful woman in his arms.”

He instructs her not to think much of his words last night: “I will not confuse you for someone else anymore.”

Yeong calls in Eunuch Jang to finish dressing him and dismisses Ra-on. His coldness seems to both startle and hurt Ra-on’s feelings.

Prime Minister Kim welcomes the arrival of old crony and new minister of rites, Minister Jo, and fawns over his daughter, who used to play (and fight) with the princess in their childhood. Ah, this is Ha-yeon, who last night met Yeong while trying to buy a lantern.

A eunuch comes rushing up to ask Eunuch Jang to spare two eunuchs to send to a different palace. Eunuch Jang balks, saying that the crown prince dislikes the practice of lending out his eunuchs freely, only to have Yeong declare that Ra-on can be sent. Aw.

Yeong goes out for archery practice, and when he hits a bull’s-eye he hears Ra-on congratulating his shot. He looks over to see her grinning widely at him before then disappearing from sight—she’s just in his imagination. In his surprise, he lets go of the arrow, hits a flagpole that starts to topple over.

It starts to come down over Ha-yeon’s head as she walks by, and she yelps in alarm. Thankfully it misses her, and Yeong jogs over to check on her safety. She brushes herself off and starts to take issue with his familiar speech, only to look up and recognize him from the lantern festival.

She holds out a hand for him to help her up, a little cheeky in her address, not realizing he’s the prince until a eunuch calls out to him. She introduces herself and says that she had wanted to meet him again.

Byung-yeon takes out the books he’d stolen, and flashes back to a conversation he’d had with the prince, who had voiced suspicions about the Chinese envoys’ questionable movements. Yeong had ordered him to investigate further into their black market dealings.

At the last second, Byung-yeon stuffs one book into his cloak before his leader joins him. Aw, yay! I suspect he’s not going to betray his prince, if he’s keeping this secret organization at arm’s length.

Byung-yeon identifies the books as loan-shark and trading records, and when his leader asks if this is the whole lot of them, Byung-yeon lies that it is. The leader hands Byung-yeon a list of children either orphaned or sold as slaves ten years ago, after the uprising. (This must be the peasant rebellion of 1812, incited by the real-life rebellion leader Hong Kyung-rae.)

The leader adds that the list may contain Hong Kyung-rae’s blood kin, and instructs Byung-yeon to locate them—they will be helpful as they mobilize the scattered ranks of their organization.

Ha-yeon visits with Princess Myeongeun, who’s currently on a new diet. The two are old friends, though perhaps with a frenemy vibe mixed in; when Ha-yeon says she’ll be visiting often now (got an eye on the prince, have you?) and offers to bring her a dieting book, the princess is taken aback at her helpfulness.

As Yeong listlessly flips the pages of his book, he sees something for the first time: grumpy faces drawn in the margins, flipbook-style, labeled “Flower” (for Flower Scholar). He imagines Ra-on drawing these in while sitting nearby, flipping through to see the scenes she’s recorded, like when she bit his finger drunkenly. He smiles to himself, but that smile fades as he comes back to the present moment.

The shifty Eunuch Ma visits the Chinese ambassador to tell him he can deliver something the ambassador has been trying hard to find. He doesn’t reveal what (or who) that is, but hints that it will whet his appetite. Shudder.

Yeong is attended to by his physician and asks if he’s been able to pin down what ailment he suffers from: He’s experiencing insomnia, difficulty in breathing, flushing in the face, and hallucinations.

The doctor believes him to be sound of body, but hesitantly offers up a possible explanation for the symptoms. Yeong leans in anxiously to hear the verdict, not ready for the shock it brings: The doctor describes the customary relationship between a couple as “yin and yang,” but posits that the prince’s symptoms may arise when one likes someone who is “unsuitable,” leading to repression and internal suffering.

The word “homosexual” isn’t stated explicitly, but given that yin and yang connote feminine and masculine energy, the implication seems clear, and startles Eunuch Jang into the hiccups. Thunderstruck, Yeong barks at the doctor that he’s wrong and orders him out, then holds his head in his hand, looking despairing.

Ra-on informs Byung-yeon that she’s been assigned to night watch at the ambassador’s quarters, and then follows Eunuch Ma and… oh no, I don’t like where this is going.

She’s shown to the Chinese’s ambassador’s bedroom, and he leers at her to come closer. She nervously tells him she’ll stand her post outside, but he asks if she was that pretty dancer at the party, stopping her in her tracks.

He steps uncomfortably close to examine her features, touching a hand to her check and wondering if she’s a man with a pretty face, or a woman passing herself off as a eunuch. Ra-on pleads with him to stop and shoves his hand aside—and that ignites his ire.

The ambassador slaps her face, then threatens that the prince’s fate lies in his hands. He grabs her closer, and Ra-on pushes him away again, and this time the man falls down. Angered even more, he pulls back for a massive slap—and then the doors slide open and a guard goes flying.

It’s Yeong standing there with murder on his face, and he kicks the ambassador down and draws his sword. He raises his arm high, but throws the sword aside angrily.

He grabs Ra-on and pulls her away, ignoring the ranting of the ambassador behind him, and the calls of his other eunuchs.

News of the incident sends the king into a panicked fit, and his queen tells him not to worry, as she will visit with the prime minister (her father) to fix this. She certainly looks gleeful to have the prince embroiled in trouble.

Yeong drags Ra-on by the hand a fair distance away, then whirls on her furiously to ask how she could walk right into such a dangerous situation, and not leave at the first sign of trouble. She protests that she’s not in any place to disobey orders, especially to an ambassador, and adds that she worried that retribution might fall to the prince.

He asks why she’d think of those concerns, bursting out, “Who are you—who are you to make me so angry?”

That’s when a group of royal soldiers rushes up to apprehend Ra-on, ignoring the prince’s orders. He declares that he will take it up with the king himself, but finds that they won’t let him get to Ra-on; he’s warned that they must bring her in, even if dead. Frustrated, Yeong looks over at Ra-on, who looks at him with huge, scared eyes.

In the morning, Yeong prostrates himself in the king’s courtyard, begging him to take back his order and pointing out that he was at fault, not an innocent eunuch. The king orders the prince removed to his palace and shut in.

And so, Ra-on is left to huddle fearfully in prison, while Yeong is locked in his room.

The eunuchs gossip it out, and Eunuch Sung pokes at Eunuch Jang’s pride about having bragged about being assigned to the prince, suggesting that the prince may be on the path to dethronement. It’s so much fuss over one eunuch that he wonders if the rumors are true—that the prince is gay.

Eunuch Jang bristles and denies it loudly. Listening nearby, Eunuch Ma offers, “I know that the prince isn’t gay. The other person may not be a man.”

That’s all he gets out before he’s cut off by the arrival of Yoon-sung, who calls him aside. He confirms that it was Eunuch Ma who called Ra-on out that night to the ambassador’s quarters, but doesn’t outright challenge his story.

Instead, Yoon-sung opens a box and shows Eunuch Ma the pistol inside, explaining its efficiency as he loads a bullet. Yoon-sung levels the pistol at Eunuch Ma, who flinches and asks what he means by it.

Yoon-sung warns him not to mess with Ra-on, which causes the eunuch to wonder at his interest in her (him). His gaze sharpens and he asks, “The secret I know… do you also—”

Bang! Yoon-sung fires the gun. Eunuch Ma drops to the ground screaming, unscathed but terrified. Yoon-sung orders him not to be curious or say anything. And from this moment onward, if anybody finds out Ra-on’s secret, Yoon-sung intends to kill Eunuch Ma.

Holding up his last bullet, Yoon-sung says he’ll save it for him.

Ra-on’s buddies Do Ki and Sung-yeol sneak over to the prison and peer in through the bars, feeling sorry for her plight. Her first question is to ask after the prince, and Sung-yeol tsk-tsks that she’s not in a position to worry about him first.

Sung-yeol does inform her of the furor engulfing the prince, though, and the threat of his dethronement. That rattles her badly.

Byung-yeon reports to Yeong on the Chinese envoys’ plans for departure in two days. Yeong declares that they must find conclusive evidence to take down the ambassador. That makes Byung-yeon consider that one ledger he held back, but he hesitates because his leader had warned him not to let anybody in the palace know of their activities.

He doesn’t say anything about it now, though, and the prince asks how many guards are stationed outside, and whether Byung-yeon can make his way through them. The next thing we know, the prince flies through a window and runs toward the nearby wall, managing to get over it before his staff can catch up. Eunuch Jang directs everyone to chase after him.

Some time later, a dark-clad figure walks right up to Ra-on’s cell, and she’s floored to find Yeong there. He unlocks the door and joins her inside, then tosses the ring of keys outside. He tells her he’ll just sit like this for a moment, and they sit together quietly.

Outside, Byung-yeon stands watch, prison guards unconscious at his feet. Ra-on urges Yeong to leave, and says he shouldn’t abuse his power just over one eunuch. He counters that he can, as the crown prince, and ekes a smile out of her.

“Now you smile,” he says, looking at her for a long moment. Then he looks away, and she asks if he’s still angry with her.

“It’s not because of you,” he replies. “When I look at you, it angers me so much I can’t endure it, and it’s because of that me.”

He asks her to promise one thing: that whatever happens, don’t suffer for someone else’s sake—and that goes extra if it’s for his. She reluctantly promises, and he smiles at her.

The ambassador is fit to be tied, and in a meeting with the Kims, he demands the eunuch handed over to him, bloodthirsty to exact punishment personally. Yoon-sung protests strenuously, but his uncle hisses at him to shush; the minister seems all too willing to oblige that request.

Yoon-sung drops by the prince’s building, and while Byung-yeon initially blocks his path, he backs down when Yoon-sung states that he’s here as a friend. He first offers his help, then corrects himself, saying that he’s the one who needs help.

In prison, Ra-on can’t stop thinking of the prince’s angry reaction after saving her from the ambassador’s clutches, as well as the rumors that he may be dethroned over it.

On the day of the ambassador’s departure, Ra-on is led out to be handed over. The king’s head eunuch pulls her aside to express his regret at sending her off to this fate, knowing she’s innocent, and tells her that the prince spent the full night supplicating the king on her behalf.

The head eunuch asks if she has family that he can meet afterward. Ra-on explains that there’s one person who raised her after plucking her out of war-torn straits, but she doesn’t know where he is right now.

Those words strike the eunuch, and he asks if she was orphaned in the peasant rebellion ten years ago. Ra-on confirms it, and also her age: eighteen. The information makes the eunuch’s head swim.

The Chinese entourage sets out, with Ra-on forced along on foot, but barely step a foot before an arrow flies in. Thwack! It lands on the ambassador’s carriage.

“Halt!” a voice calls out. It’s Yeong, and he holds a sword up the ambassador, telling him to leave behind his eunuch.

But then, another voice rings out—Prime Minister Kim. He berates the prince for his rude behavior, asking if he unsheathed his sword for one measly eunuch.

“That’s correct,” Yeong answers. “I’ve never had anything stolen from me. It’s makes me extremely angry, so release him this instant!”

The prime minister tells him not to be so reckless as to disregard countless citizens for the sake of one. Yeong counters that those countless scared citizens are Kim’s weapon of choice; he refers to them whenever he wants something for himself, or whenever he’s at a disadvantage and needs something to hide behind.

The prime minster rages at his childishness and orders him to lower his sword. Yeong doesn’t look inclined to obliged, but suddenly, Ra-on speaks up: “I will go.”

Yeong asks if she’s already forgotten her promise. She reminds him that he told her not to hold back and suffer for his sake. Thus, she will not hold back her words: “You must hold back. Not for me, but because you are the prince of this nation’s people.”

Soldiers rush in to block Yeong in, citing the king’s orders. Byung-yeon arrives in the distance. Yeong drops the sword, and the entourage resumes its march.

Prime Minister Kim and Minister Jo chuckle over the prince’s rash actions, reminiscing on when the current king used to be fired up with ideas of change. But change required risk, and we see where he’s ended up on that exchange.

Then Prime Minister Kim gets to his main point and requests that Jo add his power to his. That is to say, he’d like to marry their youngsters and join forces.

After traveling for a bit, the ambassador calls for a break and quietly orders a few men to follow, leaving Ra-on with the rest of his entourage.

The ambassador then meets with a merchant regarding his merchandise—he’s selling some of the tribute offerings illegally. But in the middle of the deal, a man in black flies in and knocks down a guardsman. It’s Byung-yeon, and he’s followed by the prince, who announces, “I prepared a gift, but I forgot it.”

When Yeong draws his sword, Byung-yeon says he’ll take this alone, warning him to stand back. Yeong just smirks: “You should have said that before I drew my sword.”

The ambassador’s men charge, and the fight is on. Daggers, axes, and swords fly at them, but Yeong is adept with the sword, easily taking on the opponents who come at him.

Byung-yeon is easily at home in the fight, and after they take down all of their attackers, they spy the ambassador trying to sneak away. Byung-yeon stops him with a flying dagger, which embeds itself into a post just inches from his head.

Meanwhile, Yoon-sung confronts the rest of the ambassador’s party, and he’s brought Chinese undercover inspectors with him. Aha! The ambassador’s henchmen are forced to drop their weapons.

Yeong explains to the ambassador that this is his parting gift, and informs him that he’s facing exile for his crimes. Byung-yeon corrects him: He’s looking at execution. The ambassador blusters that the emperor wouldn’t believe Yeong over himself, and Yeong agrees. That’s why he invited someone else.

Enter the Chinese inspectors. From afar, Byung-yeon and Yoon-sung trade nods. A flashback confirms that Yoon-sung had given him a map outlining the return route. Byung-yeon had asked if Yoon-sung would be safe giving this information, and Yoon-sung had replied that he’s satisfied with Ra-on being rescued.

And then, Byung-yeon had given Yeong that map and the ledger he’d stolen, containing the ambassador’s black-market contacts. Moreover, Yeong had planned to stall the ambassador’s departure to buy Byung-yeon time—so his display in the courtyard wasn’t just reckless ranting.

The ambassador grovels before the inspector, insisting that there’s a misunderstanding. But the inspector charges him for abusing his post and bringing dishonor, and declares that his punishment will be his life.

Nearby, Ra-on remains tied to a tree with guards watching her, when suddenly one goes down, and then the other. She panics at the danger, until she looks up to see a figure walking towards her, half-hidden by a flag.

As he approaches, his face becomes visible—it’s Yeong, of course, in his glorious backlit hero moment—and she stares up in shock. Yeong cuts her free, then kneels before her and sees her bleeding bare feet with a pained expression.

Yeong pulls the ropes from her wrists and finds them raw and bleeding, too. “Let’s go back,” he says. “We can go now.”

She asks if it’s really true, and when he promises that nothing more will happen, she breaks down in relief. She says she was afraid she’d be dragged off, and Yeong admits the same: “I was scared too. That I would be late.”

Byung-yeon arrives with two horses, mounting one himself while Yeong sets Ra-on on the other one before joining her in the saddle. He says with mock-severity that for breaking her promise to him, she’ll be punished once they get back to the palace.

Ra-on asks if it’s okay for her to return to his service, and he replies, “Of course.” She reminds him that he said seeing her made him unbearably angry, and he says that it’s true right now too: “Looking at you, I get angry.” She hangs her head at that.

“But it won’t do,” he adds. “Not seeing you—that makes me angrier, like I’ll go crazy.”

Ra-on looks him in the eye, stunned. He meets her eyes and says, “So stay by my side.”

Then they set out to make the trip home, riding off into the sunset.


What a satisfying resolution to this mess, with just the right dose of hero glory—not overly gratuitous (which would be cheesy), but earned over the course of the episode, paid in angst, frustration, fear, and danger. One thing this show is doing particularly well is calibrating the right amount of pain versus payoff, frustration versus relief, struggle versus triumph. We all hate when there’s a glut of pain with no satisfaction, because who wants to sit through that misery? You’ve got to supply us with steady doses of hope to keep us going, even if it’s just the teeniest morsel. And on the other hand, a drama that lacks conflict or tension becomes too easy, and deflates amidst its lack of excitement.

So what makes me happy about Moonlight is that every episode has felt well balanced, delivering a hefty dose of setback and struggle, but only enough to make the victory really, really worth it. In a show like this I’m never going to entertain honest-to-goodness fears that the ultimate happiness won’t happen, but it takes some skill in maintaining enough suspense to get us buying into the conflict at hand.

Today, Yeong seemed completely backed into a corner with no weapons in his disposal, and I bought in to the uphill climb he faced—which then made it doubly rewarding when we saw in retrospect how he’d figured out a rescue path anyway, like digging himself a nice loophole. I admit to thinking, as did most of the courtiers, that Yeong was flailing unreasonably in the courtyard, and that his display of rage wasn’t going to do him any good at all. I fully believed he had something else planned, but didn’t see the purpose of showing his hand so blatantly when he had no shot of winning.

But just like his plan with the choreographed dance, the trick up his sleeve was something different entirely, and he was diverting attention by playing into their expectations. I love that about him, because it shows he’s got a shrewd brain and offers hope that he’ll survive intact in a way that his father’s tattered idealism did not.

I also really loved that his rescue mission dovetailed with the political threads as well as his personal one, just as he was struggling to identify what he was feeling and lashing out with anger. He hasn’t gotten to the point where he can quite accept his feelings or even identify them outright, but that doesn’t preclude him from caring about Ra-on, and in the midst of this mess, his feelings were brought into more clarity. Okay, maybe I didn’t love that Ra-on always seems to be getting into trouble that requires intervention or rescue, but at least the setups seem reasonable within the context of this story. And she made the salient point about not being in a position to just offend a foreign diplomat or leave on her own accord.

Last but not least, I was really thrilled to see the three old friends come together in the name of the same cause, because they all seem like decent people who are caught in awkward places because of their positions in life. If Yoon-sung hadn’t been born a Kim, he would probably have remained the faithful friend Yeong has needed—but then again, it does feel especially poignant when Yoon-sung comes through despite that rift. And while Byung-yeon’s ideals aren’t in conflict in the same way, he faces a similar crossroads, if not then soon, because of the path he’s taking with that rebel organization. Does that pit him against the prince, because the royal family is the establishment? Or will he find a way to be loyal to both?

I dearly hope he can find that answer, because now with Ra-on’s identity also thrown into the mix (because she’s almost certainly the daughter of the old rebel leader), we’re heading into some tricky situations, and I have to believe that friendship and brotherly love will find a way to prevail.


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Btw, I think CP knows that she is a girl!!?!!! oMO


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Fortunately this drama make only two men falling to Raon. In the book, Byungyeon also likes Raon.


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Lol am i the only one who wants byungyeon to fall for ra on hmmm


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I want a love-line between them too! Byeongyeon being lovesick would be a sight!


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No! I want kim hyung with princess! I can already imagine how adorable they wd be.


I think at one point out God byeong yeon will fall in love with Ra on, I think I saw it in the relationship chart in the official websitee XD. can't wait for Kim Hyung deeply affectionate by her XD.


I want that too!! He's been so reserved and unknowable- but also clearly appreciates being appreciated by women- that I'd love to see how he handles being in love. And he and Yoo Jung have great chemistry.

(Although I'm confused, does 'princess' that everyone is mentioning mean the Crown Prince's sister. Are they a loveline in the original? That would actually totally be adorable as well because their personality-types are so different. On the other hand, I don't want her to lose weight just so that storyline gets going. I really like her as she is.)


No, you're not. I was hoping to see Byung-yeon and Ra-on loveline, and it'd be a nice conflict between the trio, knowing they love and try to protect the same woman. And we have like 12 episodes left, they can slowly build up the romance and solidified their friendship afterwards. It's always nice to see Yeong to get possessive over Ra-on.


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I wanted this love line too. I'm sad that they had to take it out when they were making the script. QQ


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ummthey might end up as cousins though. I would rather Ha-Yeon have a one-sided crush on him


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but I want BY to fall for LY so what does that make me?hahaha


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I saw that too . . .
I even save the picture,

I am glad the drama doesn't seem to make it that way,
it's way too lonely and complicated for an 18 ep drama,
anime might work with that premise, haha


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Too early to tell. There are ten episodes left. The manhwa scenes with Ra On and Byung Yun are gorgeous, though. O.o


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Where can i read/watch the manhwa version?


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Thanks. But I don't read korean! :(


@Ira I also want Kim Hyung with the princess. hehehe I can just imagine it.


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OMG I am not the only one who want Kim Hyun with the Princess!!!

It should be:
Crown Prince - Ra On
Yoon Sung - Ha Yeon
Kim Hyung - Princess MY



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how about the Jang that write the letter to the princess?
he is alone when he play a big part to make ra-on meets lee young


I appreciate the Princess for the drama's comic relief! I need to rest from the intensity of the emotions!


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I was kind of hoping they were siblings/related to one another in some way...byungyeon and Ra-on, I mean. Weird theory, but it just randomly popped into my head with the whole missing child of the rebellion leader thing coming to light


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Yes, I think BY might be related to RO. And later maybe the rebel will help Young to fight Minister Kim. Although i don't want Young to marry the second girl because of political conflict..


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Historically they are not related.


Maybe he will be councious of her when he finds out she is a girl and he is sharing that little home all alone with a girl...More than sure he finds out before the Prince and keeps the secret to protect her identity as for sure she is the Traitor daughter(the one the King has nightmares with)


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actually if you see the official website there's a relationship chart. and each guys feelings to Ra On are described there. CP is Love, YS is fondness and Byung yeon is Affection XD. So let's see how this play out. but im so sure Byeong Yeon will know her girl identity 1st


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Yes Me too!

I am actually watching Aladdin the musical now but I HAD to catch the recap (interval now!) and say that I'm also totally loving the bromance and the romance and everything I between. So darn awesome the 3 guys when they work together!


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The way they worked and yet stayed true to their character is what tht makes me like it more...


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And also the fact that they all are sacrificing something to help one another makes it all the more special and touching.
The bromance is just as swoony as the OTP romance!
What to do... This show is really grabbing me in the heart. ❤️


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Yes.. i love the bromance so much.. hope later they can reconcile and work together to fight Minister Kim. And i hope YS will not become evil.


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I agree! CAN THEY BE ANY CUTER?? Every scene with Ra-On and Yeong are so adorable! Even when they are not with each other!

I'm curious to know how the prince will find out. I hope they keep that going a little longer. But I totally agree, this drama has done a great job so far with pacing. They know how to bring a story up and bring it back down to earth. I absolutely loved the fact that this whole issue with the envoy pretty much wrapped up in one episode, with episode 5 focusing more on the prince's growing affections for Ra-On.

I hope this drama doesn't go the typical route with the rebel's daughter plot point and all that politics and angst. I hope it stays light and charming.

By the way, was I the only one who is ALREADY annoyed with Chae Soo Bin's character?


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I am not annoyed but I afraid cause she seems like already knew what she wants,

she already implied that she'll visit the palace often and help the princess when we knew she wants to meets her brother,

she seems to be active girl so she gonna pursue him then Yoon sung and her probably gonna get engage but she might pull some trick when she knew yoon sung likes ra-on,
aah this love is way complicated and even if she didn't realised her position,

she seems to has plan and power to do that...


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I was initially prepared to like her as a cute, not-too-self-conscious fourth party (since I thought she was set up for YS). But I don't want her going anywhere near the prince!

PLUS the fact that the princess is so cynical about her is setting off my alarm bells.


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I screaming noooo too,
she seems like a capable girl and I am sad for it (I usually not, I like a capable bad character),
her father also has power and yeong will likely asked him to join him but....

MDBC has actors that really used their gaze, their emotion and I just can't hurt them,


Well, if the writers are following actual historical facts, then she'll become Yeong's wife and they'll have a son.
But that would also mean that Yeong has approx 1 year to live so I sincerely hope that they have something up their sleeves to surprise us! *fingers crossed*


Nope definently not the only one... I don't like CSB character either.. I e never liked any of her characters tho soo....


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LOL... Naduuuuuuu.


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I'm not a fan of her...I find her face annoying.


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ikr... esp in episode 7 preview...
she looks fake, ehm maybe her personality...

i hate the way yeong smile at her...


That's rather harsh, don't you think? I think she's pretty.


not annoyed at all. sadly, she is not leaving much of an impression. I was afraid of that, cause she is up against Bogummy the emoting king and Kim Yoo Jung the Veteran actress. It seems like she has trouble connecting to the character. I am sorry, girl, I like you, but go practice (ouch that sounds harsh, right?)


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lmao at the emoting king


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I love that she's a veteran actress a 17!


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Last sentence: No, you're not the only one. I hope she's not manipulative because I hate such character in any drama. Ough!


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I am not annoyed with her yet because she haven't done anything to separate Young and Ra On yet. I mean I can understand why she fall for the prince so I am okay with her pursuing him. But if she ever did anything to trap the prince into a marriage with her even knowing he already like someone then that will be the time that I will be really mad at her.

I can feel it though I will be annoyed at her once they get married because of her character description. Girl please stay on the good side!! Why can't you just fall for Yoon Sung instead so both of you can be happy together while Young and Ra On will be happy together too.

As long as she won't touch Ra On just to get the Prince then I am fine with her. Girl remember play fair!!!


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yeah.. I can't really blame her to fall for Lee Young?
who can't?

but I second this,
>>Why can’t you just fall for Yoon Sung instead??<<

I just hope she knew it false or knew her place in this young puppies dangerous love


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Applauding Yoon Sung for putting Eunuch Ma is his place! Serves him right!!!!!

Steer clear of our Raon, okay? Remember the spare bullet waiting for you,


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Could he really possibly have known her real identity but is keeping mum to spare her the punishment for pretending to be a eunuch?


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+100 for this suggestion


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That's not going to save her if other people already know. Most likely he'd be the last one to find out.

Byung-yeon will find out from the rebel list that he was given.


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For a smart prince like him, I think he already knew by this time. Too many clues are left for him to see the truth and the last scene is something else. But I think he's hiding that fact as well because Ra-On would be punished if he'll reveal it. He probably wants her to confess than be caught.


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Yes, part of me want Young to know already about RO identity, because he will look dense if he didnot know when there are so many clues. And because he is a smart prince, it will become unbelievable.


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If he really wants her to be safe he would get her out of the palace. By the time he finds out for sure he wouldn't be able to let her go because he loves her and he's rather possessive like a typical first love lol.


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Yeah I do feel like the CP knows she's a girl too - or at least guessed so, from the way he said sarcastically 'I forgot you're a guy' in that dressing scene, and the way he is so hasty in saving her from that sleazy ambassador's bedroom, plus all that moony eyes directed to Ra On.

I really hope the writer would take the Splash Love way (he knew but kept quiet for her safety) instead of the overused angsty Coffee Prince way (ommo am I falling in love with a male?),


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I think so too!! Given how smart Yeong is, how could he possibly haven't caught up and connected the dots??

And what he said when he rescued her from pervy ambassador convinced me more. He asked her why didn't she leave from such a dangerous situation. We knew it was such a dangerous situation bcs we all know she's a girl after all. But for an eunuch? Was the situation 'dangerous' enough that Yeong had to bring his sword?


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Well this drama is giving my adrenalin an all time high!


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I just... i think i'm in love.


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I'm in love too... with Yeong and with how he's falling. And with the bromance. I just love them all. /cries


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we are all in love . . .


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Who isn't in love??

When brains come before brawl; when strategy debunks redtape; when priorities come before idealisms; when both the heart and mind are in unison, then you know there is no space for failing.

And that is how you pull off a heroic scene.

Prince Yeong, you had me at "he's my person!"


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THAT last sentence OMG /standing ovation for you my friend!


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love your comment! he had me when he called her puppy!


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Love, love your last line!


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Pulled at my heartstrings....hard....real hard.


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I'm so in love with the CP. While watching the drama, I keep making moony faces over his tiny little smiles and expressions. I think I found my favorite prince in a sageuk dramas. La~la~la~~.......


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Me too. Right now, he's my favorite prince. I just love him to bits. PBG is making me feel what he feels.


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Raise your hand up if you watch this show with the derpiest smile on your face whenever Park Bo-gum smiles... ??
Or as Moon Lovers will say \^o^/


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Me! Me! Park bo gum smiles can save the world. Tho today my heart is also thunderously thumping when he goes all manly on us.


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Yes.. i love angry bogum because he is so manly.. lol


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My heart unashamedly goes "Dugeun! Dugeun!" for him!

Man, PBG does not even bat an eyelash when he stares, he goes all out leaving us goners.


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Meeee! PBG is making me melt into a puddle of happy goo


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User name checks out ^_^


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it's nice to see you commenting on saeguk drama bung do-sshi

it's been a long time, haha


Me me me me!!!


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Me! Me! omg I'm in love!!!


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Hopelessly in love with this show esp with PBG!


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meeeeeee! i've been crazy shrieking/smiling when he shows up on my screen as taekie and he's doing it again. unbelievable.


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180 degree different from Taekkie and yet we are going a crazy with these two characters!

PBG, jjang!


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Me! Me!
I was watching ep 6 raw, in my head I was thinking what the hellll are they talking about but then I told myself don't care! don't care! I got to see the CP.
AAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!! I fell hopelessly, irrevocably, undeniably, uncontrollably IN LOVE with PBG!!!


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\^0^/ for me as well!

I watch the other Moonday show, then this one last (save the favorite for last so I can go to bed happy). Don't get me wrong, I like them both, but I loooooove this one!


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what is LOVE???


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"baby don´t hurt me, don´t hurt me, no more..."


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ROFL.... it reminds me of Will Ferrell and Chris Kattan from that stupid stupid movie "The Night at Roxbury" Head movement and all lol.


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And so I start the side-head Bob, 90s SNL-style. ?


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Jim Carrey was hilarious lol.


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Funny at first but you get grossed out pretty quickly.


tell me what is love
/cue D.O's song


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Sighs...me too


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I am also in love boat. I knew i was in love when our Crown Prince was being rude and i was smiling. Talk about a spoiled brat.


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I'm in love with the cast, the directorial crew, the narrative, the cinematography, the soundtrack, the costumes, in short, everything about it!


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Lovesickness begins!


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Thanks for the recap javabeans! Love today episode as well even though it lack the fluttering moment but the scene where CP met the physician was hilarious. Lol ...you want something you can't have. And the last scene is soo beautiful and breathtaking >< Our Cp appeared like a knight in shining armor. Sorry, I'm delusional again. Love this drama!


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Yeah it did lack the fluttery/warm and fuzzy feel that we usually get. However, it was replaced with really emotional scenes between our leads. Yeong and Ra-on could just sit there and do nothing, but I'd still feel the emotions between them. It's amazing. I also love how they express so much just through their eyes.


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We can call them "Eye-Lovers" then! So much romantic tension between the two!


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Wow what an episode !! Our Crown Prince got some moves.. I think he's the best CP ever,
he can fight ( very well) , he is more cunning that his enemies and most of all, he
empathize with his subjects especially Ra-on. Normally I'm not keen on watching sageuk dramas because I can't take the senseless killings and seemingly good fortune of the
antagonist save for the last episodes.But with Yeong as CP I think we're in good hands.
Fighting Yeong and Ra-on....Thanks a bunch for the recaps


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Yup the swoony prince is also a bad ass prince....
That cap looked even more awesome on PBG... more exposure on his jawlines..


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talking about jawlines,
god-byung yeon also have killer side profile,
his jawline structure is well define and looked so good,


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I absolutely love the Crown Prince's character. He appears immature, inept and silly to others but he's actually shrewd, intelligent and has great fighting skills! I love to see him shoot arrows and the way he fights with a sword! So effortlessly - almost as if he's dancing! And of course, the beautiful smiles and mesmerizing gazes help tremendously!
Reminds me of another character I love - The Scarlet Pimpernel.


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OMG you mentioned Scarlet Pimpernel!!


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that is so true! and those fighting scenes!


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He is the most perfect CP ever!!! Never met another CP that makes me feel like this! Or any other saeguek heroes..


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I stay away from sageuks too but I am a sucker for a good gender-bender drama. lol I think the only sageuks I have watched all had gender-benders.. Painter of the Wind, Sungkyungkwan Scandal, Scholar Who Walks the Night, Splash Splash Love..


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Glad that the drama is following the unconventional route of the protagonist outsmarting the antagonists!

Go, Lee Young!


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I've been charmed by the drama so far, but I was cringing cuz CP was acting wayyy out of line for "one lowly eunuch"'s sake - especially when the Evil Envoy was about to leave for Qing. Thank God for the brilliant reversal! Well thought-out.


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He cares for Ra-on, so I understand his sentiments, but I was scolding him for being upfront with his defiance. I wanted him to do something, but do it in secret/have a different plan rather than draw his sword in front of a lot of people. Turns out THAT was his plan. More cookies for smartypants Prince I guess (and his buddies).


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Yep, I get where he's coming from, but it would've been harder to root for a prince who's too immature to keep his outpouring emotions in check. There's a time and place for everything, especially when you've got so much on the line.

The electrifying chemistry, the magnetism between OTP is no joke. I want them to get together already! I was secretly hoping for a Empress Ki-ish plot point... As in, for Ra On's identity to get revealed in Qing, for her to get dolled up, and then voila! CP finds out already that she's not just a girl, but THAT friggin' girl! Your hormones don't lie, Choha!

Too bad we're gonna keep milking this he's-not-a-she-or-is-he thingie for the foreseeable future.


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My hunch is they will keep up the is-he-a-she for more episodes then the issue of her possibly being the daughter of Hong leader will be be added to the mix or Yeong will find out that she's a girl, but then the conflict now is she's the daughter of a rebellion leader which puts them at odds.

I agree about their chemistry. It's insane. I said it in another comment that PBG and KYJ could just sit there and do nothing, yet I'd still feel the tension and emotions. No words needed between them. I'm torn because I want them to be together, but I'm enjoying the confusion so far. hehe!


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Me too. I'm enjoying the confusion. I suspect part of the excitement has to do with the aspect of forbidden fruit just like in Moon Lovers over there.


You know I kind of thought this too. But then again, I was horrified at what Ra On would have to encounter if she was found to be a (gorgeous) woman on foreign land..


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Yup, me too! When he 'recklessly' appeared before the envoy just at the departure. I was groaning at his apparent immaturity and lack of decorum. I wondered why he was choosing this course of action. Surely they could have accosted the envoy outside the city, in some forest or other. And even when Byung Yeon and Yeong appeared unmasked, I was asking myself, why? Why reveal themselves? Thankfully, it was so cleverly done, with all my questions answered.

In fact, it made me love the Yeong more - that he was willing to make himself look immature, impetuous and even foolishly reckless for Ra On, so that he could delay the departure for BY to get the info needed. The best kind of hero!!!


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There are many cringing and eye-rolling scenes in regards to his behavior in this era. Obviously they are not concerned with conveying proper traditions. It's romance first then everything else is an after thought.


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The CP is a great strategist. It was part of his plan to pin down the envoy without compromising his Father, Raon's life and the relations with China.

And to out the Premier and his minions in their place!


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Loved when the F(lower)3 squad (that's what I'm calling them because so much pretty!) came together to banish the creepster ambassador and rescue Ra-On!

I'd watch an entire series of these 3 foiling smuggling plots and evil prime minister plans.


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Me too! Me too!
I just hope that CP and Yoon Sung will be reconciled!


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OMG! Same here, the scene where both boys stepped out and our badass Kim Byung kept his head lowered with his mane flying to face the creepy ambassador...i replayed it many many times.


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Romance and Bromance are abundant in this episode and I love it!

My OTP brings tears to my eyes because they think of the other's welfare more than their own. It is love, but it is rooted on deep friendship and loyalty. Seeing Yeong confused is both satisfying and saddening. I don't want him to completely lose his mind because of this is-he-a-she conundrum, but damn do I love the kicks I get from it and the delicious angst.

My BrOTPs bring even more tears to my eyes because they defied their status/position and had an awesome teamwork, although Did I understand it right that Yoon Sung's crucial role is being kept from Yeong? If so, our Kim Hyung should totally tell Yeong about how Yoon Sung helped them save Ra-on because they need to be BFFs again (ya hear me, show!)! Also, Our Kim Hyung still following Yeong and giving him information he shouldn't assured me that he will not betray Yeong.


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please allow me to used this term next time . . . ^^
love it so much


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Sure! hehe! But I'm not sure if I'm the first one who came up with that. I thought of it to parallel with bromance. :)


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She really is beautiful and talented.


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KYJ is so unbelievably talented and beautiful! I can't think of many other actresses who can pull off RO in a fresh, endearing way while generating such intense chemistry with PBG. Props to her.


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puppies's day!

Tho this episode is kinda hard to watch thanks to leery old man. Tho the bromance between the three estranged friends and Crown Prince's strut after kicking ass with my other puppy almost made up for it.

The biggest question for me right now is whether yeong knows ra on is a girl? It doesnt seem so. I guess our princey kinda slow in that department?

We're halfway now which by kdrama standards the romance and love quadrangle will seriously start. I have been fervently praying that the female second lead will not follow the standard trajectory.

Btw, is it only me, but I kinda ship our broody bodyguard with the princess?


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Ah where's my manner. Forgot to say my million thanks for the recap. I guess my excitement made me short sighted, hehe.


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I think he give up to make it weird that he loves a man and stop suspecting her
or he knew when he heard the reason she is taken by Qing Ambassador and agree to hold the information,

at least he is okay with the love and the preview looked promising


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I guess they will milk this plotline till it dry, huh? I can only hope that the payoff will worth it. This reminds me of how much I suffer due to this kind of angst in SKKS but the whole confession scene in the market made up for all my distress. They can torture me as much as they want as long as I can get my payoff. Especially since they're going to torture my babies, PBG and KYJ (having a major girl crush right now). I will hex the writer if she can give me this.