Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
Hey everyone, tell us how your week in drama-watching has gone! It’s been a hectic week here at Dramabeans Central, what with shows ending, new ones premiering, and javabeans laid up post-surgery (though naturally, she insisted it was an opportunity to watch more dramas and had me update her drama queue daily).
My list this week is crazy long, but I swear I didn’t watch all of these episodes in one week! That would be insane. I just skipped the last few weeks of What We’re Watching, so I had a backlog of shows to weigh in on. Apparently this is what happens when you take a break in between drama cycles—then you have to talk about ALL of the dramas. There’s probably a lesson in here about procrastination. I’ll make sure to learn it later. —girlfriday
Currently recapping: Uncontrollably Fond
Mirror of the Witch: The ending made sense when you consider mythology and narrative direction — it was the obvious ending, inevitable even. (With Heo Jun being a real person, we knew he couldn’t die so young, and moreover, the drama-makers were well aware that all of Korea knew he couldn’t die.) Still, the beauty of the drama had been that it convinced us it would pull out something brilliant and clever to solve the big dilemma and save the day. So when it just ended the way it was set up to end… well, I’d hoped for smarter. And while I think Kim Sae-ron is a budding talent, I think she was too green for this; it wasn’t her age explicitly that was the problem, but that her emotions never matched the depth of Yoon Shi-yoon’s. I would have loved Park Eun-bin in this.
The Good Wife: This show feels distinctly American, which is almost jarring when obviously the characters are Korean and speaking Korean. The fast pace and barrage of dialogue just feel a lot more Hollywood than K-drama, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing — just a little odd to have my two worlds colliding. I didn’t think I’d be that pulled in given the heavy procedural element, but with the powerhouse acting and quick storytelling, the episodes fly by.
Beautiful Gong Shim: Sweet potato and cider! That sight gag in the finale made me burst into laughter, because it was so cheekily meta; this show was completely two-faced, and sweet potato (choking, frustrating) and cider (refreshing, breezy) were the perfect analogues to describe it. I’m a little miffed they prettied up Gong Shim even though I suppose it makes sense that she grew into herself and could finally lose the wig (growth metaphor), and I wanted a longer romantic epilogue than we got. But the show was still a cheery bright gem for me, and provided a respite from harder, darker, and/or more intense dramas.
After the Show Ends: This episode mostly featured the alternate pairings of Suk-jin with Yura and So-hee with Min-hyuk (aka The Boring Couples), so I was less interested than last week. I am, however, finding that Suk-jin is more and more interesting in real life (or “real life”) than I’d expected, which is a pleasant discovery; I hate when you see an actor behind the scenes, realize they’re much less interesting than they seem, and poof, there goes your love just like that. He’s a hot dork with old-fashioned humor who approaches acting with a directorial eye and is always thinking about character and narrative. Be still, my heart.
Bring It On, Ghost: Refreshing and cute, especially Kim So-hyun. It’s not that this drama is reinventing any wheels, but it feels just different enough from the other rom-coms out there that it’s a breath of fresh air. Or maybe those are the chills from those creepy CG ghosts. I thought I’d finally gotten my Ring nightmares behind me!
Doctors: It’s a rare occurrence, but I get why everybody is in love with the same person; Park Shin-hye’s character is a pretty cool cat. (Also, it’s not like the alternatives are great.) I don’t really feel fluttery squees of romance with this couple, but I do really enjoy the side friendships, like Kim Rae-won and Yoon Kyun-sang, and Park Shin-hye with Moon Ji-in. I’m fairly certain that hospital politics are going on, but as my brain shuts off the minute they start, I couldn’t tell you what they were if you put a gun to my head.
Currently recapping: W–Two Worlds
Dear My Friends: I was surprised at how invested I was in the relationship between Go Hyun-jung and Jo In-sung—it was technically a minor storyline, but the longer it went on, the more I just needed them to work out somehow. This drama made me cry every single week, but I’d watch 50 more episodes if they existed.
Lucky Romance: This show did so many things wrong. It’s been a long time since I’ve been this frustrated with a drama heroine, but by the time I got to the end of this series, I wanted to put a hex on the writer and help Je Su-ho escape. The middle stretch of cuteness kept me hanging on, but just barely.
Mirror of the Witch: I’m kind of ambivalent about the Titanic ending. On the one hand, it made me emotional and I loved the bittersweet, sentimental note that it ended on. On the other hand, your world is full of magic, and this was the best you could come up with? It didn’t dampen my love for the show overall, which was still a great fairytale from start to finish, but sometimes you just want to have your cake and eat it too!
Beautiful Gong Shim: I wish this drama had been shorter, because then it might’ve ended without dragging its feet. I was disappointed with the finale, mostly because it felt mild and formulaic, for a show that started out so weird and addictively kooky.
Doctors: It’s a nearly conflict-free drama, so sometimes I watch characters argue and think, “Why are we even talking about this?” But I like the characters, so I find that an hour passes very quickly while watching this show, despite the feeling that nothing significant has happened. It’s the textbook definition of an easy watch.
Police Unit 38: I only like this show when it’s in Ocean’s Eleven mode while planning and executing capers, so there are definitely a lot of times I’m spacing out. But to its credit, when it’s game on, it’s GAME ON.
Bring It On, Ghost: Ohmygah, Kim So-hyun is so cute in this. The story’s a little all over the place, but the heroine is so lively (hur) that it makes me care. Funniest thing yet: Taec teaching Kim So-hyun math.
Uncontrollably Fond: I know I’m invested because I want these characters to just cut through the bullshit and be together… but there is an inordinate amount of bullshit to be cut through. Can we slip them some truth potion and lock them in a room?
The Good Wife: This is one of those slick walk-and-talk shows where everyone’s got something quippy to say for every occasion, which is completely unrealistic but fun to watch. I even like the cases, though really, I’m in it for the witty banter. That and the could-be-more-than-friends relationship between Jeon Do-yeon and Yoon Kye-sang.
Three Meals a Day in Gochang: There’s this hilarious narrative going on this season where Mom Chajumma has another mouth to feed (new kid Nam Joo-hyuk, who only likes meat), and during the one day that Dad Yoo Hae-jin isn’t with them, Mom has racked up debt with the local loan shark Na PD in order to feed the kids meat. So when Dad comes home, he discovers that his family is in debt and has to go out to the fields to painstakingly repay the evil loan shark. The faux-marital strife over money is so real it’s funny.
Currently recapping: Doctors
The Good Wife: Though we’re really missing out on the whole ensemble, everyone who gets on-screen time oozes with charisma. Sometimes, I just want to root for corrupt Tae-joon because he’s so darn charismatic. Even Joon-ho’s got an evil side, but he charms his way through his naughty behavior. It seems like Hye-kyung is the only one playing a fair game, but I want her to get her hands dirty because something tells me that she would kick some serious ass if she broke a couple rules. This show makes me a little sadistic.
Uncontrollably Fond: The pacing is a tad slow for me, especially with the hide-and-seek game taking over a whole episode. While I’m not necessarily watching this for the story — I’m in it more for the ambiance — I would prefer to get a move on with our leads’ attempts to face their pasts. Time is ticking away, and Joon-young only has so much time.
W–Two Worlds: I love the meta in the fusion of the two worlds. It’s not as cheesy as I had originally thought it would be, and I’m intrigued by the fantasy element in the show. I’m curious to know how the connection between the two worlds began, which means that the story has got me hooked. So far, I’m digging the heroine more than the actual comic book hero, and the credit goes to Han Hyo-joo for making the most of her fun role. She’s the key to making everything super meta.
The Good Wife: Love! This is the one I look forward to every week. Two measly one hour episodes per week just don’t suffice; I always want more. Hye-kyung makes me “yas kween!” all the time. And I know I probably shouldn’t root for Tae-joon, but his smoldering gaze…
Bring it On, Ghost: Before Episode 4, I thought the show was very endearing, but boring for long stretches of time. But then Episode 4 came around, and scream queens Chun-sang and In-rang just knocked it out of the park with their silly antics and uninhibited yelps. They’re such a solid comedic team. Can we get these guys their own sketch show?
W–Two Worlds: I know it just premiered, but allow me to sum it up with some choice words, all starting with the letter W: WOW. WHOA. WANT. WILD. WHAT. WEDNESDAYS. WOO!
Doctors: Wondering why I started this drama. It’s like cotton candy: light and fluffy, with very little nutritional value. But then, I remember — oh yeah, Yoon Kyun-sang. The inevitable end of his one-sided crush on Hye-jung is so clearly heartbreaking, that continuing on seems pointless. Yet, my perpetual second-lead syndrome compels me to watch every Monday-Tuesday.
Five Kids: Hello, Mr. Sung Hoon — I’d like to apply for the position of being your real-life Ms. Yeon-doo. Where can I sign up? The Sang-min/Yeon-doo romance is so cute, it’s unbelievable. Not to mention, Sung Hoon is so shmexy that I can totally relate with Yeon-doo’s hilarious squealing reactions to her own imagined fantasies about him.
All’s Well With a Happy Home: Ironically, this drama title is at complete odds with the actual plot. It started out with mental domestic abuse and home-wrecker victories and now has devolved into a sobfest of terminal illness, with very few and far-between moments of real happiness. I can’t help but think that Kim So-yeon’s talent is being wasted. She has so much potential to evince very different emotions (e.g.: I Need Romance 3, IRIS), but here, she just vacillates between extreme weeping and gentle Candy moments. At least its take on the chaebol-poor girl romance is somewhat fresh: closer to High Society’s portrayal than the traditional playout.
Memory: Park Tae-seok’s life is getting worse so the show is getting better. Does this make me a horrible person?
Thumping Spike: Fifteen-minute episodes means noble idiocy and misunderstandings are only as long as Song Jae-rim’s shorts, which isn’t much. Yey, volleyball uniforms!
W–Two Worlds: I love this show. I love that it’s the heroine who gets to jump between worlds and I love that she catches on quickly, using her fangirl knowledge of webtoons to survive. This show is crack and like most crack shows, I regret watching it live.
Police Unit 38: Pro-tip: watch this while lying on your stomach so the repeated jaw-dropping doesn’t hurt.
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, After the Show Ends, Beautiful Gong Shim, Bring It On Ghost, Dear My Friends, Doctors, Lucky Romance, Memory, Mirror of the Witch, Police Unit 38, The Good Wife, Three Meals a Day, Uncontrollably Fond, What We're Watching, W–Two Worlds
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1 sash
July 23, 2016 at 11:25 AM
mary god bless you for your task force 38 comment
I low key feel like grabbing people's wrists and pulling them towards my monitor, screaming, "DO YOU SEE THIS? DO YOU SEE THIS BADASSERY?"
but sadly school exists ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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July 23, 2016 at 11:51 AM
Squad 38 is KILLING me. I just breathe a sigh of relief because one character hasn't betrayed another--and then IN THE NEXT SCENE another character is betraying their friend.
My jaw is on the floor, my heart is behind my teeth, and I'm screaming, "no! NO! You can't do that!!!!" at the TV.
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July 23, 2016 at 12:09 PM
I'm enjoying Squad 38 for now, but I have a problem with (*spoilerish*) the surprise 'the-boy-who-cried-wolf' endings which keep me from being invested in the show. I feel like something bad will actually happen to the squad and I won't take it seriously, waiting for the other shoe to drop.
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W & PU38
July 23, 2016 at 12:33 PM
I don't see a lot of boy who cry wolf endings though? It's more like the boy who cry wolf, when there isn't really a wolf, but turns out there is not only one, but a whole pack of it.
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July 23, 2016 at 12:46 PM
I know what you mean. You can't miss any scenes in this damn drama, because there's always a detail that'll come back and bite you in the face. A character say something, and you never know if it's the truth or not the truth, until everything unfolds at the VERY END. So frustrating. So good.
July 23, 2016 at 1:05 PM
Maybe twists was the better word? They're even a bit predictable because I keep expecting that the crises aren't actually true (because the squad and SIG are constantly conning everyone in complex schemes), but orchestrated and everything turns out ok (so far) in the end, like with the real estate agent's call to the detective hounding SIG.
July 24, 2016 at 8:23 AM
I kept this on hold for so long,scared that I might drop it as I've 'mirror of the witch',dear friends,beautiful gong shim.But then I started watching,and it's addictive.I'm a new fan of seo in gook,not that I wasn't before,but his swag is oddly giving me a confidence boost up lol. Not that the content is anything new,but the whole package is good all in all.
Though I won't mind if sun hee was not there really.The girl is more of a nuisance,sorry to say.The guy seriously had something awful to deal with,he admitted being a fraud,just move on.Or may be I should keep the complain for the writer,it wouldn't have been different if her character was swapped as jung do's mother,for instance. The romance part was not necessary,honestly.
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July 23, 2016 at 5:08 PM
Police Unit 38: Pro-tip: watch this while lying on your stomach so the repeated jaw-dropping doesn’t hurt.
Too late! *applies pain killer*
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Is 38 my new favorite number?
July 23, 2016 at 8:27 PM
As someone who lies down to watch her dramas, (and then gets acne on the neck because of it, not to mention terrible back muscles... so don't do it!!) I can attest that watching 38 on your back just leaves you drooling on yourself. I know, graphic picture, but reality. You also end up getting jaw pain from laughing so hard your jaw hits the laptop.
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July 23, 2016 at 9:24 PM
LMAO I can relate. Especially the drooling and acne part.
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Rose is a scorpio
July 23, 2016 at 9:16 PM
38 task force is the only show so far that makes me scream at my monitor with frustration, awe, excitement and fascination at the same time, my jaw hurts. Masterpiece, that's all I can say
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July 23, 2016 at 9:26 PM
let's add glee and suspense. I either die laughing, or go bald tearing my hair out.
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2 apluszee
July 23, 2016 at 11:27 AM
"I hate when you see an actor behind the scenes, realize they’re much less interesting than they seem, and poof, there goes your love just like that." YAS, I agree. What's worst is when they're just what you expect them to be, and love them more... And then you go searching for more BTS footages, follow them on their SNS and liking every photos they uploaded, and downloading any OSTs they have sung for their dramas. This could go on... Until you find another actor to swoon at.
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July 23, 2016 at 12:27 PM
The reverse happened to me with YSY/SIG. I wasn't hugely enamored and then I watched them out of character.
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W & PU38
July 23, 2016 at 12:35 PM
I'm almost certain SIG is Seo In Guk because that boy has personality to shine the entire East Coast. Dorky, resourceful, always bright, and with charms after charms.
But I'm not sure about YSY. Is it Yoo Seung Ho ? (My first thought was Yoo se yoon. LMAO) Care to recommend anything to watch him in?
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July 23, 2016 at 1:10 PM
I think Oshi means Yoon Shi-yoon. :-)
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July 23, 2016 at 2:10 PM
yoon shi yoon in 1d2n makes my whole week.
and it should be illegal for seo in guk to be this charming. the more u watch his interview and fanmeetings and show, the deeper u fall. not fair.
July 23, 2016 at 6:34 PM
Yep. I'm a giant many a beanie has learned.
July 23, 2016 at 12:52 PM
For me it was Yook Sungjae. Which made me late in life an ahjumma (or perhaps noona) fan of BTOB. And I thought I was too late to be into kpop.
Also Lee Seung Gi and So Ji Sub. Also more age appropriate for me.
For a case where I found someone boring.... probably Go Soo? Bae Young Joon. LOVE their acting. But that's all.
Then there's the head-scratching case of Seo In Guk and Ji Chang Wook. I love both. Everything. But I think they both smoke (well, I'm not too sure about Seo In Guk, because I only saw him smoke in that pictorial he did for Squad 38 with Ma Dong Suk). Which doesn't affect my affection for them, but prevents me from loving them 110%. It's a shame, since both have gorgeous voices, especially SIG.
His live acoustic version of Seasons of Heart will always haunt me.
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I'm craving Red Velvet
July 23, 2016 at 1:17 PM
I'm pretty sure a lot of korean male smoke. SIG didn't seem like the type, but I wouldnt b surprised if he did and stopped. or still do.
Glad there r still pple who remember he started out as a singer. I watch superstar K and my top 4 fav singers out of that show include Seo In Guk, Jong Joon Young, Kang Seung Yoon, and Roy Kim.
If we're talking live perf, u cant forget his duets with eunji. I also love his YHY Sketchbook appearance where he sang Feeling Good. (Starts at 10:30, and a bit before that, he dances to Sistar and reenacts yoonjae. yeehee.)
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July 23, 2016 at 1:26 PM
Re: smoking.
Back then I was quite shocked to find out that Kim Soo-hyun smoked (I think he's stopped now, not 100% sure).
That was before I found out that South Korea has one of the highest rates of male smokers (so naturally a lot of male k-entertainers also smoke) and if they weren't smoking before a lot will pick it up at the latest during military service.
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July 23, 2016 at 1:40 PM
Re angieya: I know a lot of male actors (and also female) used to smoke, and then decided to stop smoking. but many more keep smoking, probably due to social environment.
Re Angeline: If I remember right, SIG said he didnt smoke. But dont quote me on that, since i might have confused him w/ som1 else. He probably smoked at school, and stopped. He probably knows what his fans think of smoking given how every1 reacted when he posted the photoshoot picture on his IG. :P
re im craving red velvet: dunno if this is the right place to post this, but since every1 seems to b sharing SIG live perf, imma share this one. SIG Broadway style. Jigeum Yisoongan from US musical, but dunno the English title. :P
July 23, 2016 at 1:56 PM
oooh oooh my turn to share! ive been searching for all inguk's related videos these past weeks bc of 38 special force. im now crazy for him, but im too young. :(
in this vid, he's doing it acapella w/ his fans requesting songs.
July 23, 2016 at 1:47 PM
R u sure SIG smokes? cuz ive watched him in law of jungle, i live alone, and more, and he really doesnt see 2 b the type. guess u never know. >.< dont get me wrong. i have learn to have nothing against kr celebs who smoke (cuz everyone & their father do) but he looked like he likes outdoors & activities. plus his family was dirt poor so how did he afford cigarettes?
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July 23, 2016 at 6:38 PM
Cigs are fairly inexpensive in korea. However adaik SIG is one of the few who doesn't. He's a singer as well as actor so it's unlikely he would risk his voice.
Is 38 my new favorite number?
July 23, 2016 at 8:29 PM
@Oshi I'm also fairly certain he's the exception and doesn't smoke. Don't remember where I got that idea. Perhaps an interview.
July 23, 2016 at 7:32 PM
This just KILLED me!!!!! @Angeline - thank you so so so much for posting this link! I've loved SIG as a singer but this acoustic piece just is the BEST! And can he look any more beautiful with his dark hair against all the white? WOW!
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LJS or SIG. Choices.
July 23, 2016 at 9:04 PM
Same. I've watched many SIG videos, but somehow, that one escaped me. Thank goodness you posted it here!
July 23, 2016 at 8:15 PM
Seriously?! You guys seriously define a person by smoking or not? I don't get it at all. 99% of adult Korean enteratainers smoke (having not been seen doing it does not mean they don't smoke) due to social environment and more due to long hours high pressure works of which smoking can effectively reduce the stress.
Fans expect them to work hard to bring good projects to not have relationships to not go clubbing and now even to not smoke?! What's wrong with smoking? It's not illegal like drugs and it does not make bad people.
These singers and actors are human not flawless products from a factory. They need something in their life to relax to be themselves.
Maybe because I'm a mature women, I personally like images of male or even female actors of smoking, which look sexy to me. I'm not a smoker myself, but I respect smokers in real life. As long as them don't smoke in a non-smoke area.
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LJS or SIG. Choices.
July 23, 2016 at 9:07 PM
I can relate with what someone said above about being unable to love someone 110% because of the smoking. I still love all the actors who smokes, and I can still appreciate the acting. But one of the fun things that is part of fangirling, is a little bit of fantasy. And for certain people, it's more difficult to fantasize about an actor, if they have a characteristics that is distinctly against what someone would like in real-life. Just saying.
July 24, 2016 at 1:24 AM
Some of them probably smoke to keep their weight down; smoking was the way Mila Kunis dropped weight for the "Black Swan."
July 23, 2016 at 9:27 PM
did you know he could also play the piano (and also guitar). Nothing groundbreaking, but man, talk about nail in the coffin for fangirls. From his personal IG
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July 23, 2016 at 2:51 PM
Warning: fan girl mode activated. (Chanting) Yoon Shi Yoon! Yoon Shi Yoon! I am watching 2n1n because of him. He is goofy, sweet, and all squishy. And, oh yeah, pretty cute. Yep, definitely my ideal type. That I will never meet. ???
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July 23, 2016 at 6:37 PM
I cry fan tears every time I see him.
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July 23, 2016 at 11:22 PM
Yes, he's the only reason I started watching 2d1n again!
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July 23, 2016 at 11:25 PM
My favorite video is when he came to variety show with his mom and found that his mom was pregnant before marriage - his adorable expressions I just can't!
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July 23, 2016 at 11:26 PM
Oops, the last post regarding the video was a reply to SIG thread chain.
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July 27, 2016 at 11:13 AM
OMG I remember that video! Hahahaha his mom was so funny!
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July 24, 2016 at 8:26 AM
YSY should act in another drama like flower boy next door.Eric was someone to die for.Park shin hye's most likable role for me till now lol.
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LJS fan
July 23, 2016 at 12:35 PM
For me it was Lee Jong Suk, especially for his real character, humbleness & honesty...
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slowly sweetly
July 23, 2016 at 2:17 PM
I just realized Lee Jong Suk & Seo In Guk are in the same movie. And they're currently in my top 2 crack dramas. I guess I know where to spend my next 2 hours!
I also had a good impression of LJS, but he had that controversy with the airport (and the subsequent damage control photo-op). However, I've let go of the incident because it shouldn't define him.
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July 23, 2016 at 6:34 PM
The fact that Seo In Guk and Lee Jong Suk smoke was a bit surprising and it kind of separated the characters they play vs the actor but it didn't make me dislike any of them less. Mostly cause they both seem to be bestowd with endless charms both on and off screen and professionally they're always A+++ on content dishing.
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Is 38 my new favorite number?
July 23, 2016 at 8:32 PM
Oh. Can you tell me where you found the information about him being a smoker? Not that it would make a difference to me, I would still love him. But I like to be certain about my information. :)
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July 24, 2016 at 1:07 AM
I like his honesty and yet he still smart and charming guy. He can positioning himself in environment.
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Is 38 my new favorite number?
July 23, 2016 at 8:58 PM
Watching 38 made me realize something about drama watching.
1. You don't need a shower scene to make me squeal.
2. You don't need a kiss scene to make me excited.
3. You don't need an entire flower cast for me to fangirl.
4. You don't even need dramatic crying scenes to feel pain.
5. And you certainly don't need amnesia or terminal illness to make plot twists and cliffhangers.
What I realize you do need is:
1. Acting, acting, acting!!! It's all about the acting. A good acting scene can be even more exciting than a slick action scene. In fact, we have proof that not all fight scenes needs martial arts gimmicks.
2. Writing, writing, writing!!! If the story is told confidently, if the writer clearly has (and by extension the con-man) planned an entire long-con for the villains, and also for the audience (darn it), and has mapped out the entire drama... You feel confident going in without being scared of getting makjang stuffs thrown in with no sense or logic. Every details matters, like tight writing should.
3. Chemistry!! The cast should work well together, and this goes back to acting. If all minor characters have wonderful acting chops, then all scenes have emotional values, and the ensemble becomes something epic, and the villains facing them, despite short screen time, are all distinct in mannerisms, and satisfyingly hateful. Also, if the cast is having fun on set, that helps. Good chemistry can create dramatic, AND comedic gold. Oh. So. Much. comedy. Somebody save my abs.
4. Writing, writing, writing numero dos! It's one thing to have plotted well, it's another to create characters well. If you give subtance to all characters, no matter how brief their appearances, the drama feels a lot more real, because the characters are not caricatures. In particular, this drama makes all female characters badass, and for that, I am forever grateful. A daughter is not just a daughter. A wife is not just a wife. The female lead has beliefs of her own, and doesn't drop everything at the bequest of the hero. The "rival" female is so badass that she steals all the girl crush factor. And the Ahjumma is the most powerful of the bunch. All the females are on equal ground, in all aspects, to the male. MIND BLOWN.
Bonus cherry on top factors:
SEO IN GUK. If you're in a drama, I'll watch. Word. (please don't let this bite me in the ass later on)
Directing style. It's okay to be different. It's okay to be raw at times. It's okay to be slow at times. Show some confidence. Be original.
Soundtrack. My new theme song.
Ma Dong Seok's English. Thank goodness I don't have to listen to Engrish.
The fans. We're a small group, but the love for this drama gives me fuzzies.
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Is 38 my new favorite number?
July 23, 2016 at 8:59 PM
Oops. This was not meant to be a reply @Bacon, but a separate comment. Sorries.
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July 23, 2016 at 9:33 PM
Can I marry your comment? Or at least frame it?
Nothing to add. But I feel the need to defend that the drama does have some cool car chase scenes, even if there are no special action scenes (And if you've watched Ep. 12, then I totally know what fight you're talking about).
But yeah, it's funny to think that Seo In Guk went from being the cool bodyguard in Master's Sun, to this in Squad 38:
What a waste of his taekwondo's skills. But hilarious. LOL.
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July 23, 2016 at 11:34 PM
"Can I marry your comment" lolol. I was just going to comment how much I liked it too, but yes, let's have a group ceremony.
July 23, 2016 at 11:21 PM
+ alpha
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July 24, 2016 at 1:23 AM
15+ alpha to your amazing comment :)
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July 24, 2016 at 1:27 AM
There are maybe 10-12 K-dramas (that I've watched) that meet those criteria.
38 has been a breathe of fresh air after some ho-hum K-dramas.
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Islander north
July 24, 2016 at 12:58 PM
Can you send those comments to all the Korean networks?! You are absolutely right on the mark!
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August 3, 2016 at 3:31 AM
you nailed it.
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July 23, 2016 at 6:56 PM
I have only obsessed over two actresses and an idol: Yoon Eun Hye, Kim Seul Gi and Kim Se Jeong. lol
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July 23, 2016 at 9:35 PM
Park Shin Hye is the case where her life-personality makes me like her more than in her dramas. She's such a girl crush in life, but it does not always translate on-screen in all her dramas.
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July 24, 2016 at 3:25 AM
Although I am not a fan of actress Park Shin Hye, I am a big fan of the person Park Shin Hye. She's such a beautiful person inside and out.
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July 23, 2016 at 10:05 PM
Ahahaha I misread the last one as King Se Jeong and I thought "Wow, she stans a historical figure."
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July 23, 2016 at 11:20 PM
LOL, that's what I thought too for a sec
YASSSS to Kim Seul Gi!
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3 Jennie
July 23, 2016 at 11:31 AM
I am loving W!!!!
I'm so glad that some of ya'll are enjoying it and girlfriday is recapping it. I cannot wait for episode 3.
I am also watching too many dramas and not really committing to them.
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4 Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
July 23, 2016 at 11:32 AM
- Mirror of the Witch: The ending that was given was predictable, yet, I still enjoyed it =) I think this drama will be the new one that sets Yoon Shi Yoon apart right after his performance in his debut drama "Baker King, Kim Tak Goo" <3 Kim Sae Ron has always been awesome, but I agree with Javabeans when she says that it felt as if KSR wasn't as gripping in the emotional front in her performance and interpretation of Yeon Hee's character... but I still love KSR to pieces =)
- Doctors: A good drama to watch that doesn't require any brain power or any killing of any brain cells trying to wrap my head around what's going on... I love our heroine and just how spunky and is such a head-strong character she is, which is hard to find in drama heroine's these days with all the "Candys" that we have XD Yet, at some point, I do sometimes wish for Hye Jung to STOP being so strong and to accept some of the love that's given to her once in a while; I mean, c'mon, who can resist cutie pie Husky Yoon Do?
- The Good Wife (not watching [I can't find it with subs anywhere!!!], but reading Dramabeans recaps): from what I'm reading on Dramabeans, I am certainly liking, A LOT, so thank you, Dramabeans staff <3
- W- Two Worlds (not watching [Again, I can't find it with subs anywhere, and I refuse to get Viki Pass], but reading Dramabeans recaps): from what I am reading on Dramabeans, I am also certainly liking A LOT, and Han Hyo Joo unni's drama comeback has been 6 years overdue <3 I've always loved her and I think I always will ^.^
- Wanted: Not as gripping as I thought it would be, but that doesn't mean that I don't love it and that I think it has it's own charm... I seriously wished people would stop comparing it to "God's Gift - 14 Days"... Each drama has it's own merits and story, even if, yes, the basic setup of the drama is the same XD Kim Ah Joong unni is holding her own as the devastated mom, Uhm Tae Woong is doing a superb job owning his role as the tunnel-visioned PD that will do ANYTHING for the show even when his ethics are questioned by everyone around him, and Ji Hyun Woo is magnificent as the cop who just wants to bring the little boy home safe to his mommy <3 My heart *sigh*
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July 23, 2016 at 11:50 AM
I too refuse to get Viki Pass, but I did find W on dramacool. Check it out there! :)
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Too many dramas, too little time
July 23, 2016 at 1:24 PM
also dramaf*re, K*ssasian, and *kshow are really fast with their uploads.
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July 23, 2016 at 7:24 PM
There is tiveee website as well, you can watch it here too
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July 23, 2016 at 11:50 AM
aww, you should search some more before giving up on watching W.
I just typed the drama title and found many valid streaming sites. I didn't thought I'd watch this drama since I can read the recaps here, but because of GF comments in Episode 2, I wanted to have a quick look at it and....well, I'm hooked.
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Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
July 23, 2016 at 12:24 PM
Thanks for the suggestions/recommendations @ Crysta & dramabuddy!!
I might just try to hold myself back and wait for it to finish airing and just marathon (binge, really hehe) the drama as a whole, but if I REALLY can't wait that long, then I'll do some more searching to see what my options are =) I am praying that some other site (that I will not mention here) will acquire the license upload it, but I will hold off a bit and wait to see ~!! =)
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July 23, 2016 at 12:28 PM
You will miss out on the huge discussions and squealing in the recap threads!
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Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
July 23, 2016 at 12:34 PM
Haha I think I will be okay ;)
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July 23, 2016 at 1:08 PM
Both The Good Wife and W are available on a lot of streaming sites. Almost all dramas are Viki pass only nowadays, sad times.
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Nessa (Bebe) 🌹
July 23, 2016 at 1:26 PM
I go on Viki to watch what I can, the shows that are not Viki Pass Exclusives like "Wanted", "Doctors" and many Chinese dramas (I'm watching Ruby Lin's "Singling All Along" right now and loving it!!), so it's not too bad XD
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July 23, 2016 at 3:17 PM
I'm in Europe and a lot of shows that are free for North America (Doctors, PU38) require a viki pass, so have to use VPN.
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July 23, 2016 at 4:53 PM
I know what you are all saying, but if streaming sites didn't steal content (they don't pay for licenses like Viki and Dramafever do) then Viki and DF may have a chance of surviving with advertisements. Viki and DF pay for licenses and invest money on their site tools. Plus they pay employees and subbers (in the case of DF). But the streaming sites just post stolen content (many times with Viki and DF subs) and make money with little investment. If you are watching on streaming sites because you can't afford it, then so be it. But if you think Viki and DF are ripping people off think again.
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July 23, 2016 at 6:42 PM
I don't think either site is ripping anyone off. I've white listed both sites (except for stability to reasons, dumb obnoxious site breaking ads) off my ad blocker.
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LJS or SIG. Choices.
July 23, 2016 at 9:11 PM
fyi, DF used to rip of subtitles of fansubbing sites (many many), and then used their popularity to bully those sites, and overwhelm them with legal suits to shut them down. They didn't go the way on top the clean way. They had money on their side, but they started off also stealing subs.
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July 23, 2016 at 5:04 PM
You can watch the good wife on !!
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July 23, 2016 at 5:28 PM
have you tried VIU??
They had many show,
you just have to sign up and the basic streaming is free
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July 23, 2016 at 8:27 PM
They have many show but sometime very late to update (VIU in my country?). Entertainer was over long ago & they just upload episode 2 as fresh. But I'm quite satisfied with some drama that upload accordingly even they late by 2,3 days.
Mostly 1,2 episode is free to watch but you need to pay to watch next episode.
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July 23, 2016 at 6:57 PM
I'm already hooked on W... wednesday cant come fast enough ??
I watched eng sub on Dramafire, they're fast, and raw on Joovideo.
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5 JesO
July 23, 2016 at 11:35 AM
I'm loving W, although I can't wait for Han hyo joo to become less hysterical. I'm sure it will die down after she gets used to things. The screeching hurts my ears. Otherwise the current episodes deserve all the accolades they're getting from fans. It's really just so much fun to watch,
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6 redna
July 23, 2016 at 11:35 AM
bring it on ghost and w are my favorites that are airing now. Sohyun is so cute in it, i am liking all characters here as of now and also the mini ghost stories.
W is really interesting, except for the assistant girl and that martial arts buddy every other characters is doing good.
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7 August
July 23, 2016 at 11:41 AM
I have a lot of kdrama catching up to do too. That's been the case for a while now. I've come to terms with it.
Currently Watching: The Good Wife (watched the American version until around season 4 or 5...dropped it when jumped down the rabbit hold of kdramas.)
Loving it/Cracktastic: W–Two Worlds
Highly Anticipate each week: Police Unit 38, Jang Hyuk's screentime :) in Beautiful Mind, Wanted.
Plan to pick up: Uncontrollably Fond (yeah 6 episodes to marathon in order to catch up live)
On hold: All's Well With a Happy Home (I was more interested in watching Kim So-yeon & Lee Pil-Mo as a married couple still grieving the death of their child. My interest waned once they split up and it became clear she would rebound with Lee Sang-Woo's character.)
Just Finished: Dear Friends, Mirror of the Witch :) , and Beautiful Gong Shim :) Glad I watched them.
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July 23, 2016 at 11:44 AM
The best for describing W-Two Worlds
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9 lovespea
July 23, 2016 at 11:48 AM
W - Wow! Just Wow! Han Hyo Joo <3 is back
Squad 38 - definitely my current crack drama
Mirror Of The Witch - *intense withdrawals* Thank God for 1n2d! Dong-gu-yaaaaa!!!
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July 23, 2016 at 11:53 AM
About Mirror, I share your feelings. I agree with what the DB staff wrote, and yet I can't help loving KSR as Seo-Ri/Yeon-Hee. I had to watch all the cute BTS videos available on Youtube to help me ease the pain.
Gosh, I did like YSY before this drama but now he's BAE.
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10 Linda Palapala
July 23, 2016 at 11:52 AM
I watch Korean dramas because they are unlike most American shows. So your thoughts on Good Wife make me definitely not want to watch it. I love Let's Fight, Ghost. Fun with just a bit of mystery surrounding the possible bad guy. The music is perfect too. So far I also love "W" and hope it stays that way. As far as the rest of the shows you are watching, none of them sounded that appealing. Thanks for your thoughts.
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11 PBY
July 23, 2016 at 11:59 AM
I wish I liked Bring It On Ghost more - it's that it just kept reminding me of Oh My Ghost and it significantly pales in comparison. I dropped it after ep2, not because it's bad, but because I wasn't engaged enough.
I'm currently watching only Squad 38 and W, but I'll pick Doctors back up because I miss Yoon Kyun-sang.
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July 23, 2016 at 8:37 PM
I still watching Bring It on Ghost but I find it's so much similarities with OMG. I really hope Prof Joo not end up /have same storyline like Lim Ju Hwan character in OMG.
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12 sunnyl
July 23, 2016 at 12:05 PM
What I've watched this week (Mon-Sat)-
Beautiful Mind: wow Big reveal about father. Loved Jang Hyuk's courting ways.
Monster: Waiting for Gi-tae to recognize his love. Sung Yoo-ri is the prettiest.
Doctors: Urgh, why they made Seo-woo so mean."It’s the textbook definition of an easy watch"-exactly.
Bring It On, Ghost: Kim So-hyun and TacYeon look perfect fit for their roles. Love their bickering.
Uncontrollably Fond: Some impressive grand confession concert. But ep6 -Urgh Suzy.
W–Two Worlds: Loooved it. Lol on HHJ figuring out what could be an ending of an episode. Lee Jong-suk really looks like a cartoon character.
Wanted: Still thrilling
Five Kids: Not so interesting now that ending is closer. I am rare one not into Sangmin/Yeondoo couple.
Flower in Prison: Oknyeo needs to start her law career (and hurry come back to the prison)
Age of Youth: Nice introduction on girls.
Squad 38: Best! I am conned by drama. Beannies are so smart-Sunghee's identity. Wow all women are badass.
The Good Wife: Loved it! "This show feels distinctly American"-especially ending of ep 6! And that is what I thought after the first episode -too polished - missing some Korean-drama sentiment.
This week I loved squad 38, BM, W more than others.
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July 23, 2016 at 12:58 PM
Beautiful Mind: "Courting".. Can it really be called that? I guess so. Which makes it so much more beautiful.
Bring it On ghost: Cute, and I agree. The casting suits both.
Doctors: Ditto. Lol. You keep taking words out of my mouth.
Uncontrollably fond: My first disagreement. I can obviously see Suzy's lacking in acting depth. But not to the point to go Urgh about it. Probably because I don't want Eul to really be in love with Ahjussi.
Squad 38: I agree. BEST. BEST. BEST. Especially love how all female characters got their moments to shine and woo our love.
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July 23, 2016 at 1:01 PM
W: I agree once again! I have faith the drama will stay awesome, just like Queen In Hyun did.
Wanted: Kim Ah Joong's acting!
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The other Kiara
July 23, 2016 at 1:42 PM
Love the Good Wife. She has been the angelic perfect wife ever since she got married. The ending of eps 6...whoa this cable.
I want to see her rage. Get down and dirty if that what it takes and apologize to no one.
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July 24, 2016 at 3:47 AM
Am I evil for wanting the exact opposite outcome for The Good Wife ending in ep6??? Lol. Also thank God this show is on cable *fans self*
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13 38squad
July 23, 2016 at 12:08 PM
38 is giving serious Misaeng vibes for the past 2 episode (11-12). It took me a bit to adjust to the change of pace, but once I got into it, I really appreciated watching something different in dramaland, where everything is shot and told the same.
38 is like kurosagi, if Yamapi had Seo in guk's acting chops, like Leverage, if the hero had a plan for revenge where the long con lasted 16 episodes, with several twists in each and villains you hate so much you get chills, like white collar but with ma dong suk being the most teddy of teddy, and like ocean's eleven if eleven was really 6+1, and you wanted to squish all the crew together and tell them to love each other forever, and then join the group. In short 38, is just squad 38, and I love it so much for making all the characters, even the female characters have depth. I will follow you until the end.
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July 23, 2016 at 12:18 PM
38 is by far my favorite right now, obviously, but I would be remiss not to include others:
Beautiful Mind - Love Young Oh's characterization. The progress is organic and so satisfying.
Doctors - I like the characters (except Seo Woo & family). in fact, i am more involved with the characters as individual, rather than as couples. but all the ships are cute. also, where is Ji soo.
Ghost - Kim so hyun is cute and I'm glad I can "ship" her with someone other than BTOB Sungjae.
Uncontrollably fond - It feels like the early 2000s dramas, which is giving me serious nostalgia vibe. And I am involved enough that I want to know how everything is resolved, what's with the secret birth drama, and unspoken love. And it might seem cold, but the couple I really want to end up together is the kid brother and sister. They seem like the only couple with no heartbreak guaranteed, and I'm not particularly masochistic.
W - YES!! After 38, I have a crack.
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W & PU38
July 23, 2016 at 12:29 PM
I'm sensing the Misaeng vibe as well. I'm guessing people who are not used to the movie-like scenes will find it slow, but I, too, really love it. The focus on their faces rather tha pace makes everything heavy, which is where the Misaeng comparison comes from. That and Ma Dong Seok KILLING it as an everyday weary man. The reason why I love the Sungil-Jungdo duo so much. Because Seo In Guk's star power and charisma is as strong as ever, and the contrast with Sungil makes it unique and interesting.
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July 23, 2016 at 1:04 PM
Well said. The contrast makes them the ultimate perfect odd pair. Who cares for romance when you've got bromance.
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July 23, 2016 at 2:02 PM
I also like the slow scenes :D
I get what gf means, but i find all parts interesting. i have to admit that the drama works best, not when there's the ocean's eleven scenes, but when sung-il and jung-do are in one scene together. it just sparks.
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July 23, 2016 at 2:51 PM
speaking of Sung il and Jung do together... that last episode scene in the children's playground was gut-busting hilarious. SIG has some serious comedy chops in him.
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crack 38, new crack W
July 23, 2016 at 3:02 PM
no spoiler: i nearly died laughing. [SPOILERS] ROFL.
July 23, 2016 at 4:23 PM
I don't know how they even got through that scene, they and the staff must have been laughing so hard.
July 23, 2016 at 9:38 PM
*joining you guys for a laugh*
Man, that scene topped the Husband-Wife in the coffee shop scene for me.
July 24, 2016 at 10:08 AM
That was so awsome. [SPOILER]
July 24, 2016 at 5:55 PM
whaat? whaat? argh now I'm dying to watch the ep! *looks frustratingly at the pile of unfinished paper work*
July 24, 2016 at 1:33 AM
Don't get the complaints about 38 being too "slow."
There really isn't a moment wasted - there is so much going on and so many details which later are proven to be of significance.
Maybe it's just b/c 38 doesn't have any of those silly makjang elements and emotional hysterics - that is seems "slow."
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July 23, 2016 at 6:20 PM
"38 is by far my favorite right now"
-- me too! the others are just mediocre, and contrary to what girlfriday thinks, there are no dull moments in this show! :)
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14 Divar
July 23, 2016 at 12:10 PM
W is unique and refreshing. The writer is GENIUS.
Honestly Lee Jong seok's acting is really good, wasn't that much into his looking at first but his acting won me in Doctor Stranger & now I feel he is really good looking & handsome. Han Hyo joo is great at acting, all projects that I watched with her in it she portrayed the roll very well. wasn't sure about their chemistry but they already sold it to me just by first two episodes! They fit their roles.
Wednesday come sooner
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July 23, 2016 at 12:57 PM
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15 Oshi
July 23, 2016 at 12:32 PM
Yay more people in love with Sung Hoon!
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July 23, 2016 at 3:27 PM
Me too!
I want to keep him for my very own. Can I keep him? Pretty please??
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16 angieya
July 23, 2016 at 12:58 PM
PU38: YJD may be a very good con artist, but this writer...dude, you're the ultimate troll and I love you for that, lol. Are there really only two more weeks of this and not 2 months? Boohooo.
The Good Wife: YJT, YKS, YJT, I have to choose? Talk about first world problems. (psst, I'm leaning towards the latter lalala)
MotW: I agree with JB, KSR wasn't bad but this role was too big for her. Maybe that's the reason why I got all choked up on the ending of the most dysfunctional relationship of 2016 (don't think that pairing can be topped this year) but stayed cool as a cucumber during the rest of the finale.
Gong Shim: That was such a non-sensical finale with a hero who's acting totally out of character. Sometimes I just detest you, kdrama-tropes!!!
Doctors: I really like the slice of life feel of this show. It's been a while that I enjoy every character and their time on screen (except for the three generations of the Jin family).
Beautiful Mind: I'm behind on this week's episodes but I think we've found the real killer: Ratings. Le sigh.
Bring it on, Ghost: Still enjoying this show immensely, the way KSH acted her drunken scene was so darn good, laughing out loud funny one minute then making me want to cry with her the next, that's how you do it! You sure this girl is only 17? :-P
On another note, I hope they're not going the same trajectory for our villain like in OMG.
W: Holy guacamole, this is becoming my no.1 crack drama (until SIG comes around the corner on Friday :-P ). Not once did I check the remaining time (which never happens) and when the ending credits roll in I'm like...nooooo, don't do this to me, I need moaaarrr!!! Don't think I've ever watched a kdrama with such strong first episodes, it's like LOST season 1 crack - ok, I might be exaggerating hehe. But I have a lot of faith in this writer and am so looking forward to 2 mind blowing months. (Though watching this show and PU38 at the same time kind of worries me how my brain's supposed to handle all this. XD )
Uncontrollably Fond: More like Uncontrollably Makjang or Uncontrollably Over-/Underacting :-P
Still here because of Im Joo-hwan. I knew I'm going to have SLS once I saw the casting but this severe? I blame the acting (IJH for being too good and not feeling Woobie at all *hides from fans*).
And big boooohhh for reducing Pororo's existence to one CCTV shot and where the hell is Im Joo-eun? She had one mini-scene in 2h!
Waiting for subs for Age of Youth....
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July 23, 2016 at 1:10 PM
Your entire comment is WIN! I love your commentary style.
You're so funny, and yes, PU38 writer is the ultimate troll. But SIG is right behind in the con-artist scale. I remember the first time I saw him as YoonJae in 1997, I couldn't figure out whether his satoori was native or not. And usually I can. I thought he was Seoul-born. He keeps confusing me, just like Squad 38.
W: I agree. Wednesday, Thursday is W. Then Friday - Saturday is 38. But only for two more weeks, and then PU38 ends.
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July 23, 2016 at 2:03 PM
What!?! Only 2 more weeks of PU38??? I hadn't realized we were so far in, for some reason it feels like we're just starting. Well, boo.
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July 23, 2016 at 6:44 PM
It's the writing. You feel breathless and then BOOM he hits you with some bigger high...kinda like good sex.
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July 23, 2016 at 3:16 PM
and i have just started to watch Ugly Alert and right away identified Im Joo Hwan.
Animal cruelty against Pororo and why do koreans not like Cats as pets?
Age of Youth is in demand. waiting for sismance.
W is one heck of a ride but still lacked something and here PU38 has edge over it. Writer deserves the applause still i feel sometimes makjang moments are played to make the con a success.
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July 23, 2016 at 4:00 PM
Song Jaerim and Kim Soeun and Jang Nara have cats, at least. :-) I think a lot of Koreans do, as most of them live in apartments, but they're probably much harder to control for filming dramas.
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July 23, 2016 at 10:18 PM
*pops up* Yes. Oppar has two cats. He did a photoshoot with them.
But Jang Nara takes the cake for crazy (cute?) cat lady. Her SNS is full of her posing for selfies with her cat but the cat has that natural grumpy face. It's hilarious because Nara is all: *cute pic time* while the cat looks like: *was dis shit* *FML* *if yur not food or sleep, don't talk to me*
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July 23, 2016 at 4:53 PM
Haha, I'm so with you on everything so now I don't really need to write much. Thanks for that :)
Just wanted to add that I caught the first episode of Age of Youth raw. I couldn't wait because I love the writer, cast, and premise so much. At first, I was only going to check out the first few minutes, but the show is so damn relatable that I didn't feel like I needed subs to understand. So glad to have a well-done women-focused, college drama.
I also have to mention...I was mostly excited for Han Yeri, Park Eun-bin, and a little bit for Ryu Hwa-young. But it's actually Park Hye-soo's character that kind of grounds the first episode and I was pleasantly surprised by how little time it took for me to feel invested in her character. Girl made me cry and I didn't even know what she was saying.
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July 23, 2016 at 4:55 PM
Yay finally someone posted about Age of Youth! Been waiting for the sub for what feels like ages T.T do you know if any site picking this show?
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July 23, 2016 at 5:54 PM
Dramafever has picked it up, but the first two episodes won't be available until Monday. I think the episodes after that will post on Fri & Sat.
Happy to see others are as excited for this drama as I am :)
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July 23, 2016 at 6:46 PM
I was wondering about this. I'll be waiting with baited breathe.
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July 23, 2016 at 9:36 PM
Aaah thank you!!!!
I am scared already that no site will pick this lol
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17 Chiisan
July 23, 2016 at 1:19 PM
Let me tell you guys about my magical weekend. I couldn't get enough of Ma Dongseok, so I started watching Bad Guys and ended up watching the whole thing in one day. One. Day.
The quartet of bad ahjussi is just fabulous.
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Too many dramas, too little time
July 23, 2016 at 1:27 PM
looool. Squad 38 effect. I had the "same" week. Marathoned all of Seo inguk dramas. never watched any before. WHY WAS HE NOT IN MY LIFE??? I still have to finish king of high school savyy tho.
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July 23, 2016 at 6:47 PM
Gukie got be wierd like me and just watch all his fan vids even though you can't understand a word he says while crying tears of joy/pain.
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LJS or SIG. Choices.
July 23, 2016 at 9:13 PM
There's something very sweet about the way he deals with fans, and behaves in life in general. If I have to describe it: Down-to-earth? Bright, friendly and natural.
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July 24, 2016 at 10:10 AM
How I envy you seeing Reply 1997 and I remember you for the first. He is also great in High School King, but I really didn't like his leading lady character. That was just wrong.
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July 23, 2016 at 2:46 PM
Glorious, isn't it? :D I miss MDS bromance (brompetition?) with Cho Dong-hyuk. *sigh*
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July 23, 2016 at 5:31 PM
Mary! I saw them filming Our Gap-soon by my house (same area as Beautiful Gong Shim) and immediately thought of you. No Song Jae-rim sightings yet, but rest assured that I am prepared and will be keeping my eyes peeled!
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July 23, 2016 at 10:08 PM
You're so lucky!
I should stop watching kdramas and work on saving a country instead so I'll at least meet Oppar in the next life.
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July 23, 2016 at 4:57 PM
Fabulous indeed!
Let's join the prayer circle for season 2, we all need season 2 in our life T T
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July 23, 2016 at 6:17 PM
Absolutely! Park Haejin belongs to dark thrillers like this, not some fluffy romcom that turned makjang halfway.
*doing a rain dance for Bad Guys 2*
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July 23, 2016 at 9:38 PM
*join the dances*
LOL yes yes yes!
I personally enjoy him being cute love-struck college boys, he is good either way. But that halfway-turn-makjang part is something i detest for life.
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