Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

Shows, shows, we’re drowning in shows! Does anyone else feel like they’re glug-glug-glugging their way through the current drama offerings? I almost miss the days when everything was disappointing and I had more reasons to get out of the house, see sunshine, smell the roses and such. But who’d trade good dramas for sunshine? I’d rather be a well-entertained vampire. —javabeans



Currently recapping: Uncontrollably Fond

Beautiful Gong Shim: We’re nearing the end! Yes, the drama spun its wheels for a bit, but now secrets are being exposed and identities outed and happy times are on the horizon. As long as Gong Mi doesn’t get off scot-free, I’ll be satisfied with the finale. Crap did I just jinx it?

After the Show Ends: More than the romantic will-they-or-won’t-they premise, I enjoy watching actors working through scripts and figuring out how to play scenes, which we don’t usually get to see for more than a few seconds in behind-the-scenes clips. As a reality-variety show I find it okay (not hugely addicting), but I find enough little scenes or details to keep me watching. For instance, when the producers made each cast member choose an accessory to indicate which co-star they preferred, while keeping the other co-stars in the dark about what the choice meant. I’d love to see Suk-jin and So-hee give it a go in real life, though the others kind of bore me.

The Good Wife: Finally, a drama where big momentous murder cases take more than one day in court and a sentimentally persuasive closing argument to decide! That always drives me batty, and I nearly cheered to see this drama play out a case over multiple court dates, with a distinct lack of over-the-top courtroom theatrics. Slick, polished legal procedurals aren’t my favorite genre, even when they’re well-acted and -produced, as the original Good Wife was, but I’m in this for Jeon Do-yeon and Yoon Kye-sang. (It kind of almost hurts to see Yoo Ji-tae being such an effective bastard.)

Bring It On, Ghost: Cute, refreshing, and different. I have no idea how the ghost-human romance will work (or if it will at all), but these two are a pleasure to watch. I love how terrible Taec is at pretending he finds Kim So-hyun to be annoying, when he obviously finds her beyond adorable. And who wouldn’t?

Doctors: Somebody should report this hospital to the medical board, because all the doctors spend way too much work time romancing each other or sniping over who’s better. Not that Beautiful Mind’s murder-filled hospital is much better. Maybe pop a bunch of Advil instead, or take your chances with Princess Yeon-hee’s magical witchy potions?

Wanted: If I have a criticism of the story execution — which I otherwise find to be tightly plotted and interesting, with a constant stream of developments — it’s that the “mystery” only follows one throughline. It’s like the producers only plot out one path; there are no red herrings or dead ends, and that makes the cat-and-mouse game feel rather artificial. I’m still engaged, but it’s something that keeps it from being great.

Lucky Romance: There was a very cute stretch in the middle, and I looooved Ryu Joon-yeol and his take on the character, but I got to the end and kind of wondered, “That’s it?” It was a pleasant and feel-good drama, but ultimately more filler than substance.

Mirror of the Witch: I’m writing this before the finale, but I’m pleased with how we got this far without a significant drop in quality or lull in energy. That isn’t to say it didn’t have minor detours or blips, but I never found myself fidgeting impatiently or unhappy with where it was taking me. I’m holding out a lot of hope for a solid ending. (If you spoil me I will hex you with gruesome bloody skin-spikes. Beware!)



Flower in Prison: I fell really behind on this drama for a while, and have only been catching up recently. (Still pretty behind, though.) It’s surprisingly enjoyable for a long-format sageuk, and manages to keep things exciting and watchable from episode to episode. Go Soo is aces even if his wig isn’t, and the undercurrent of female empowerment is fun.

Wanted: There’s something a little unrefined about Wanted, but that actually endears the show to me even more. Despite the serious time constraints, it’s a show that’s trying, and it’s also one that’s infinitely watchable and still very thrilling.

Beautiful Mind: Couldn’t be happier that they actually took the hero out of the hospital, which served to reset the momentum and hook me on the lead pairing. Poor gummimochi gets my reaction texts while watching this show, which are normally in the poetic vein of, “They need to be together forever! She can heeeeal him!” Words. It’s what I do.

Bring It On, Ghost: Two ghosts walk into a coffee shop…



Currently recapping: Doctors

The Good Wife: I like it! The show tells its story with a stark tone, but it’s fun and exciting in an intense way. The main cast puts on a captivating performance, and I’m drawn to them no matter how shady and manipulative the characters are. Of course, Jeon Do-yeon is absolutely stellar as Hye-kyung, and I can’t wait for more of her elegant intensity.

Uncontrollably Fond: This show is definitely not what I expected from the promos but in a good way. Based on the teasers, I was wary about Kim Woo-bin being another unredeemable asshole (ahem Heirs), but it’s amazing how context can change your mind. The story — a melodrama full of nostalgia, car accidents, and other clichés — won’t be anything new, but I can already feel the heartbreak coming.



Currently recapping: The Good Wife

Monster: The only “monsters” that interest me this week are the ones that fit into Poké balls. I’ll get caught up on this drama when I’m not busy trying to catch ‘em all.

Police Unit 38: If Ma Dong-seok gave me those sad puppy dog eyes, I would totally join a team of conmen to do whatever it takes to make him happy, no questions asked. You wouldn’t even need to promise me a million dollars for my effort — just let me hug the squishy ajusshi teddy bear.



Currently recapping: Beautiful Gong Shim

Bring it On, Ghost: I derive so much joy from watching grown men get spooked by ghosts. SO much joy! Two of my favorite comedic actors are in this (Kang Ki-young & Lee Do-yeon), and they’re killing it! Did anyone else burst out laughing when Hyun-ji was describing Bong-pal’s lips (without explicitly mentioning his lips) and Kyung-ja guessed blood sausage? Loving Kim So-hyun as a sassy, butt-kicking ghost. Taecyeon’s acting seems a bit stiff, but somehow it fits the character so it’s not too distracting.

The Good Wife: Oh yes. I’m liking it very much so far. It’ll be interesting to see what gets explored in sixteen episodes when there are seven seasons’ worth of original source material. Jeon Do-yeon’s return to dramaland is reason to rejoice.

Beautiful Mind: Decided to check out the first two episodes of this for a taste. I thought it was fine, but I’m not exactly hooked. Do I need to employ my four-episode rule to determine whether or not to continue watching?

Mirror of the Witch: Also checked out the first two episodes of this for a taste. Stunningly shot, gorgeous hanboks, well-acted, haunting storyline… I totally understand and agree with the hype. This fantasy sageuk delivers!



Currently recapping: Beautiful Gong Shim

Bring It On, Ghost: Gotta say, it may be the first week, but this show has just topped the list as my favorite drama currently airing. I’m surprised by how much I’m enjoying Bring It On, Ghost — I don’t usually go for the spooky shows since I’m an unapologetic scaredy cat — but there’s more humor and action than true fright factor. Kim So-hyun is killing it as a spunky ghost and Taecyeon somehow manages to remain adorable while getting his butt kicked by a girl half his size.

Doctors: I’m so happy to see Park Shin-hye in a role different from her typical Candy personas. She can finally show some backbone and I love the extra edge it’s giving her acting. I’m still not completely sold on the love story since I feel like the show really rushed the character’s foundation, breezing through their early years and eventual reunion. Thankfully they’ve slowed it down a bit in the romance department, giving Hye-jung a chance to learn how to love Ji-hong instead of him just springing confessions on her. I can forgive a lot plot wise, just keep Rae-won laughing and do NOT kill my Ji Soo!

Uncontrollably Fond: Kim Woo-bin is preeeetty. Oh, and there are other characters in the show… and they do things… while Woo-binnie keeps looking pretty.



Memory: I picked this back up and liked it a little but I still can’t get behind Park Tae-seok’s character. Part of it is Lee Sung-min’s loud acting style. It worked for me in Misaeng as the manic office worker. But here in Memory, I just can’t buy him as this sharp, super-efficient star lawyer whose life is unraveling. Shouldn’t someone like that be more controlled and imposing so when he finally breaks down, you’ll feel his pain more? And then there’s the character itself which they’re trying to sell as a nice guy who just happened to work for the evil guys and lost his way. It’s kinda hard to accept his self-righteous speech about preserving justice when at the same time he’s making no move at all to disentangle himself from his corrupt law firm. I guess I just don’t understand what his motivations are. Does he want a happier family? More money? Revenge on Baseball Bat? Justice for all?

Police Unit 38: Do you know that part in the Song of Ice and Fire books when GRRM couldn’t be bothered to make the narrative more cohesive so he just split a book into two? (1) People We Don’t Know And Care About vs (2) All The People We Like with Ice Zombies. That’s how episodes 7 vs 8 felt to me. Starring Sung-il as Jon Snow who knows nothing and Jung-do as Tyrion the wily, sekshi imp.

Thumping Spike: Song Jae-rim playing volleyball. Best drama of 2016.


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I've tried all of these and the only one that's stuck with me is Bring It On, Ghost aka Let's Fight, Ghost. I've watched both episodes twice and got way more detail the second time so enjoyed it more. The only skepticism is there's only two eps so far and we know what can happen. So keep up the good work cast and crew.
I'm on again, off again with Monster. Right now it's dragging. It would have been great at 24 episodes. I think they had to give Kang Ji hwan a break because he's had so many accidents and health issues while filming. And it's only really good when he's in every scene.


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The ghostbuster and the ghost have better chemistry than the doctor teacher and the doctor student. The kissing scene was zombie-like. Was that in the morgue? But it was raining and there was a phone booth. I haven't seen a phonebooth in a decade.


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This is spot on: "I love how terrible Taec is at pretending he finds Kim So-hyun to be annoying, when he obviously finds her beyond adorable."

This is a huge part of why I find Bring it On, Ghost addictive - I don't even care if it's happening because Taec is crap at acting genuinely irritated; the idea that lonely, solitary Bong Pal is letting a ghost hang around because he thinks she's beyond cute is incredibly sweet.

Luckily the script backs Taec's acting up and Bong Pal is never genuine about chasing her off or being angry with her, so it works.


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Because kissing is everything about chemistry and it's all ok with the romance because it's cute even KSH is a minor?


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But how do you define a minor? In some countries 18's the legal age, in some like mine, it's 16. Do people miraculously become wiser and less vulnerable the moment they hit the legal age? I don't think so. The legal age is just an arbitrary line drawn meant to protect children. But in the case of Kim So-hyun, she's shooting in a very safe and professional environment. The TV industry in Korea is highly regulated. It's not like she's being exploited to film child porn. I understand some people still feel uncomfortable by the age and choose not to watch, that's fine. But it doesn't stop other people from enjoying the drama, because it's one of the more well-produced ones out of the various dramas currently airing.


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17 yrs old is old enough to be kissed, even thought it is under the legal age of consent for sex in S.Korea. The light lip mushes we see in most of these KDrama's, in my opinion, seem more affectionate than sexual.

You know they aren't going to write in the kind of kissing that happened, btwn fully grown adults, in Oh Hae Young. Those kisses were sexual; and very well done:) and surprising to see in a KDrama.


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In most places, the legal age to get married is 16 (or even younger with parental consent).

These actresses are mature and doubt that they would have taken a role if they (and their parents) weren't comfortable with it.

If anything, it's probably the older male actors who have more discomfort over the whole age-thing.


I thought I had my July well-planned out, with Doctors on Monday/Tuesday and Wanted on Wednesday/Thursday, but who knew they could up so disappointing? I randomly picked up Lets Fight Ghost just to fill up my time (and to see how bad it could get), but Let's Fight Ghost turned out to be the most enjoyable drama for me. I don't know if I just have really low standards for Taecyeon because of all the negative comments here on his acting, or did he improve tremendously, or that he simply picked a role that was suitable for him, but I honestly don't find any problem with his acting. I think he has wonderful chemistry with Kim So-hyun and I don't notice the age gap at all. I also like how the show balances the spooky parts with the lighter, comedic moments so I don't get overly freaked out by it.


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I wish there were not-disappointing dramas airing right now for mw xD the only dramas i can watch without skipping anything are : Let's fight ghost and Wanted.
I usually skip through doctors, gong shim and 38 task force. Also i'm skipping little parts of beautiful mind here and there too.
I'm praying W will be good


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That's two votes for ghost! Looking forward to seeing W too.


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i know i like a drama when i can watch it without checking my phone every few minutes or FFing thru half the scenes. there are sadly few dramas that fit that bill. I'm watching Task Force 38 and Beautiful Mind essentially half way cuz of all the BORING SHIT I DONT CARE ABOUT so judicious use of the FF button was employed. cuz like, i'm all about maximizing my time ok? hahaha.
I'm actually kinda frustrated with TF38 atm. for a show that's part caper/part heist/part buddy well not cop but buddy crime partners? odd couple who fights tax fraud? basically so many fun genres at once and yet...it manages to be SO draggy and boring at times? like why was ep 8 just overflowing with boring bureaucratic BS with old dudes. if i just want to watch old men be passive aggressive to each other for an hour I would just turn on cspan. jfc.


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Eh - don't find 38 to be draggy at all.

Doesn't have to be "action" all the time; there is plenty of detail to enjoy in building up to a climax.


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For me right now, TF 38 is the only drama where the old dude politics are actually not boring. I even find that one manager who was trying to stalk ma dong seok a little hot haha.


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Mirror is absolutely riveting. You should definitely chicka! Bring it on ghost is hilarious and cute. Loving that show.

PS. I liked thumping spike too


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JB's comment on Lucky Romance is spot-on! It was cute and enjoyable but fizzled in the end. I need more Ryu Jun Yeol in my life

Watching Wanted just makes me miss watching God's Gift. Maybe I'll just put it on hold and get back to it when it's over.

I checked out Police Unit 38's first 2 eps and I'm hooked. Ma Dong Seok <3

I'm not ready for Mirror of The Witch to end yet!

No Girlfriday?


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Damn it! I messed up the tagging. Apologies!


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Oh, it's fixed. Thanks!


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How can a ghost be so adorable,kim hyun ji is making my heart flutter with her cuteness


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Omg, HeadsNo2 and her BM comment. xD

Kim So Hyun in Let's Fight Ghost is just the best!


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I am glug- glugging my way tooo.. There are just too many shows to watch! And then this Wednesday (or Thursday with subs) W- Two Worlds will come out and I would literally have no time to breathe. But I would take this abundance of must watch shows over drama paucity any day. Who needs a social life anyway?


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I've already warned all of my friends that after next week basically don't try and talk to me. I will be busy all the time. I'm going out this weekend despite an exam (!) just so I can be a hermit for the rest of the summer. What is a social life compared to the company of lee jong suk and han hyo joo?
(and woo bin and suzy and park shin hye and seo in guk and etc...)


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Lol. I hear you. Lee Jong Suk, Seo In Guk, Woo Bin and Park Shin Hye are awesome. I have now even started haunting youtube for behind the scene videos of all these actors!


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auuugghh after a drought I'm like a thirsty woman in an oasis with all these new dramas. I'm obsessed with Good Wife but the subtitles are so slow I'm dying and furtively checking websites at work T_T. Uncontrollably Fond took me by surprise, I didn't expect much but as soon as they trotted out the incurable illness I was hooked. Yes, just tear me up show. It's that kind of year. Police unit 38 is soo fun, and just what I expected, which is fantastic. I love everyone-- except the villains, but I'm not supposed to lol. Mirror of the Witch I fell behind on, but I'm in summer school so I'll forgive myself. Fully expect to binge the rest after my midterm. I watched some last night after studying and stayed up so late that I had to have coffee this morning, despite a (mild) caffeine allergy. YOLO: you only live once, so you much watch all the dramas you can in the time allotted to you.


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kim so hyun doing her magic again. I did not expect to love bring it on ghost so much, but it just sucked me in. I have watched both the episodes more than twice. it's that good for me. Sohyun and taecyeon's chemistry is just adorable. I am loving not only the leads but the rest of the characters too. The ghost net duo are so hilarious. I totally ship them together, lol. Sohyun and taecyeon actions scenes though, just Wow!!


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really liking the good wife. why is it that i can sit through hours and hours of korean dramas, but with american shows it's just so much more difficult to stay tuned in? i want to watch the original good wife (minus the first episode, which i've already seen) to compare with the korean remake, but i don't know if i'll be able to stay focused. i wasn't able to the first time.

it's a curious thing. it's much easier for me to consume korean entertainment (dramas, movies, variety) because i can understand korean by ear much more easily than i can with english. with text or writing, english is first place. but for some reason it's always been a struggle to understand english being spoken in movies or tv shows without having the subtitles. possibly a consequence of having grown up bilingual?

bring it on ghost is also promising, though there's no guarantee that it won't peter out at some point, as is the case with so many initially promising shows, so i'm just enjoying the ride, but not expecting a masterpiece.

kim ah-joong's acting in wanted gets worse and worse for me. this week i was actually actively frustrated with her. her character seems so passive and cool for a mother whose son has been kidnapped. but i'm sticking with it because i want to find out the mystery.


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You should totally watch the original The Good Wife. It is so freakin' good. Alicia, the main character is such a badass. You cant help but root fot her. Plus, the cases arent boring at all. I thought that a TV shows about lawyers wouldnt be my style but damn it, it is so good even after seven seasons. All the characters are awesome ! I especially have a great liking for some judges and lawyers on this show because they are so damn hilarious.
I am planning to watch the Korean remake but I am quite anxious because I dont want it to be disappointing ...


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i really find it to be the best among shows airing right now. the acting is stellar not a minute is boring


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Totally agree regarding the original The Good Wife! My favorite show of all times and the quality writing never waned in all 7 seasons. Will really miss that show.


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The original The Good Wife is much better than the Korean version. There are a lot of nuances, smart and sharp conversations missing.

Although I didn't care for Julianna Margulies performance as Alicia, I agree with you that some judges and lawyers were fantastic and hilarious, even with their short performances.


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I saw ep 1 ( k- version) and went to find the original. Since then, ( last Saturday) I am watching more than 10 hours/day ( now season 6 ep 7) and it is so interesting. Thank you, k-drama, for letting me discover this american show.


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I LOVED the American Good Wife. I think you needed to give it a few more episodes. It took me a bit to get into to it too, just as it usually takes me a bit of time to get into Korean dramas so I don't switch off completely till I've seen 4 and I'm still not into it.

I won't be watching the Korean The Good Wife, not because I don't think it could be good, but because I actually watch Korean dramas for things I can't get on American TV. Bring It On Ghost is a good example. It's bright, romantic, a bit Disney but not totally juvenile, the comedy is clean (rare in American comedies), has action and a decent plot, a charismatic main couple - and it ends. I love that Korean dramas end in 16 episodes. We get a start and a finish, and (usually) a stronger plot arc because of it.

American producers should see Kdrama as an underexploited market in the States. Make English versions of Healer, Cheese in the Trap, Emergency Couple, Master's Sun, Greatest Love (some of my personal favorites). I have written to Netflix about doing Cheese in the Trap (and not destroying the ending!)


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Hi! I agree with the others here. If you are liking the k-version, definitely check out the original The Good Wife. One of the best American shows for me. Contrary to popular opinion here (please don't shoot me), I actually didn't like the k-version as much. It felt like it was missing something? Or maybe differences in culture? And I was deflated because I was sooo excited for it. Maybe I was expecting for them to be a remake with a similar vibe but with different cases? I don't know. Lol, I ended up marathoning the original series this week and am about to finish the first season haha!!


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There are a few glaring problems for me and characterization is one of them. I'm not liking Jeon Do-Yeon's interpretation of Alicia. Even though I'm not a fan of Julianna Margulies, one thing she perfected was her poker face and total self control, especially in the court room. In Kim Hye-Kyung's first case, she smirked too much when she knew she was going to win the case. I would've preferred Kim Hee-ae in this role.

Another is Nana. Seriously, it would be hard to out do Archie Panjabi. Kalinda is mysterious, seductive, sensual yet tough and powerful, but Nana is none of these things. Yes, I get it, in Korea aegyo and cute are widely popular. They're just not Kalinda. And the reveal was way too early!

As much as I like Yoon Kye-Sang, he's miscast here.

The only character I like is Park Do-Sub played by Jun Suk-Ho. He's absolutely great. Love him in Misaeng and here as well.


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Lmao! Why aren't I surprised that Mary mentioned Song Jae-rim?

Also can he grow out his beard and dye his locks? I love that picture. ??


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Love thumping spike... i'm still on 12 eps...


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I'm on holidays and can't find time for more than one drama, how do you guys manage to live and watch all the ones that your recap and the ones that you like and also find time to write about it?

I'm in a awe of your level of organization and at the same time i'm feeling really like i can't do nothing properly (even watching tv).

I don't think either i would be ever able to watch so many dramas live. My heart wouldn't survive the struggle to continue my life as if those drama aren't breaking me inside which come with addiction.

Apparently, i'm the only one still stuck in time loop where i can only watch and rewatch Signal.
This drama has taken over my life in a such strong way. The other day i couldn't follow my plan to rewatch one episode per day, and that day where i missed an episode, because i was overhelmed by things to manage, the show forced a place in my thoughts. The craving become so vivid, i literally felt it physically.

What is wrong with me?


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Nothing is wrong with you because I am doing the same as well. Signal has ruined my life. It was so amazing and geez do I have the biggest crush on Jo Jin Woong. Kim Eun Hee please please make a season 2. PLEEEAASSSE. And gosh do I love the OST.


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The OST is fantastic! I have totally downloaded it and play it for everybody I know to listen. I want a season 2 now. Just sayin!


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Signal took my heart and soul and kept it!! I usually don't marathon dramas anymore, but I watched this one within 36h (of bliss and tears). The cliffhangers were so good that I had to stop in the middle of episodes to eat, take a bathroom break, and sleep a little! Now I crave to watch it again but I am afraid to be consumed by it once more!


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DITTO for me on Signal. It is simply the best of the best. I was gasping for air at the end of each episode, often in tears was so moved by the brilliance. There are NO plot holes, no flaws, no continuity problems, there's smart dialog, searing emotional scenes, extraordinary acting, superb directing and editing and character development...I will now wait patiently for the next drama that reaches this perfection. It may be a long, long wait.


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True. Signal has set my standards really high and it was just the first quarter of 2016 back then! Nothing ever came close to that drama ever since.


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Noooo you're definitely not the only stuck in the time loop. I've just began watching Signal for the third time, and still enjoying it tremendously. I've also been looping Signal's OST daily for the past few months. I think I'm Signal-obsessed!


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Will be sad for Mirror of the Witch to wrap up after I finish watching the last two episodes... Then, I will start Bring It On, Ghost, which looks fun. =)

Watching Doctors and I like PSH in this role a lot. Resident puppy Jisoo being here also helps. XD Also watching Uncontrollably Fond. Been a while since I've seen KWB, so I don't mind too much. Next will be W with LJS! Can't wait! And got more dramas lined up for next month! LOL


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Javabeans need to stop prying open my brain and stealing thoughts...

I'm in full agreement on everything.


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Thumping Spike was so frigging cute, the perfect romcom. It didn't disappoint me like Lucky Romance did.......I'm so bitter :/


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My Gosh! JB, your list is so long, how are you alive?

I too am feeling overwhelmed by all the quality dramas at the moment. I've had to put some on hold for now, but the FOMO is killing me!

I'm terrified of the upcoming overlap period when Uncontrollably Fond, W, Scarlet Heart: Ryeo, and Jealousy Incarnate will all be airing at the same time. ?


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I really enjoy reading what the DB team is watching. Hence the reason why I started watching Beautiful Gong Shim.


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where does one watch After the Show Ends with eng subs?


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I want to know this too!!!!


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No idea. I don't think anyone is subbing it afaik.


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Too many KDramas to watch so I dropped some one of them. Come to think of it, I still dont know if it was the right decision but when it becomes draggy and that you dont even bother to check whats up with the new episodes, it is time to say goodbye I guess.
Gah, I would watch it again when I have more time. It is such a shame tho because they are KDramas that I really enjoyed at the very beginning !

Whatever, 38 Police Squad is awesome ! I gotta say that my favorite episodes are when Sooyoung has more screentime tho. I sound biased XD. But really, her loveline with Seo in Guk is so damn quiet and it doesnt kill the plot at all. I admit I am quite afraid for the Squad and Sung Hee tho. The higher ups began to be suspicious so it is not good at all. Whatever, I am on board until the end :D.

About Wanted, I am currently at episode 6 and so far, it is entertaining. But as someone mentionned, I also have a hard time with Kim Ah Joong's acting. Heck, I think it is also because of the character because I do not seem to feel sympathy for her. When she cries out of despair, I feel nothing. It is so lifeless and such a contrast with other characters, that's why I thought quitting but I am still on board so yeaah.

Doctors is entertaining but quite frustrating. Truth to be told, it is not a masterpiece at all with lot of WTF moments. I thought I was so going to be into the OTP but something feels so weird between them. Like there is still a wall which unables me to fully appreciate the fluffs ?

I am a bit behind for Mirror of the Witch but still love it so much :D. After the disappointment of Madame Antoine, JTBC redeemed itself with Mrs Temper and Nam Jung Gi and MOTW :D.

Five Kids will be another family drama that I managed to finish. Finally ! It is hard to find one without much makjang stuffs so I am glad that I got hooked with such a pearl. It is a breeze of fresh air. I miss the bickering and swoonworthy stuffs between the couple a little bit tho. With the kids, it is adorable but lots and lots of serious stuffs :'(.

I am seriously excited for W. It looks so so good !


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*The romance between Sooyoung and Seo In Guk is so damn cute not quiet lol.

(Seriously tho, it would be so much easier if we could edit our comments. I know that on the downside, there might be problems too but when you do mistakes, it is still easier)


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Wait. Sooyoung and Seo Inguk are in this? Okay. I'm gonna have to check this show out then.


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Like sparkly bright stars you can cuddle.


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PU38 keeps getting better and better. I hope it holds until the end. I love how unpredictable it is. Like you don't know how they are going to wrap everything up.

SIG and SY's characters are giving me life. I'm loving their backstory and how it affects their present interaction. Their scenes together in eps 9 and 10 are cute, hilarious and bittersweet.


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I am more intrigued by Mi Joo. she is such an enigma. and she is probably better at conning than Jung Do.


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I love Five Children!! Yeon Tae is driving me crazy though.


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I agree. The first four episodes were uneven, but the drama picks up at episode 5 and has been solid ever since. Jang Hyuk is doing an incredible job as Young-oh and time passes slower when he's not on screen. Park So-dam's character is also shaping up well and I'm enjoying all the Young-oh and Jin-sung scenes. They're adorable together.


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I just want more of the two of them onscreen together now that I'm seeing how a romance might, just might, work between them. I want to see HOW it could work. They're both such innocents but in completely different ways, and both smart, but in completely different ways.


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Now that you put it into word, that's exactly what I want to see you too: how this romance is going to work.


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I hope the writer handles it with care and sensitivity. Young-oh and Jin-sung have much to give each other, but I don't want a "love conquers all" romance because it just wouldn't be right.


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Lol @ odilettante catching the Pokemon Go fever and Mary mentioning SJR again.

LR- ending was meh. Found Dal nim and the shareholder more cute than the main couple. I liked suho but couldn't stand Bonui. Even the way she speaks in this drama annoyed me. It was like she was using her fake nice voice.

MOTW- been skipping the past few episodes and just waiting for the last episode. Wish this show didn't get an extension. I liked the show but everyone always listening to Hong Joo gives me stress.

Police Unit 38- A bit behind but I love Seo In Guk and happy its doing well in terms of ratings.

Beautiful Gong Shim- Again just waiting for the ending. Dont like angsty episodes.

Doctors- I love PSH. She's my girl crush. But don't like plot of Doctors much. Its predictable. Unless for a change the second lead gets the girl.

UF- I like it so far. Suzy is so beautiful. Kim woo bin is handsome. Pororo is adorable. Scenery is gorgeous. A very pretty show that will probably break my heart at the end.

Let's Fight Ghost- love love love Kim So Hyun. She's so cute. Really fun show so far. Perfect for the summer.

I didn't find subs for After the show ends and planning to start the Good Wife soon since my sister who is very picky liked it.


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Besides the romance end game I don't see how Doctors is predictable
Also it's doesn't have typical leads. The main lead has all the characteristics of 2nd lead and yet you want the 2nd lead get the girl again? lol
That'd be more predictable than anything


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I need to catch up on the shows. I like that this year there is variety in the dramas available, but the only one that has me hook is Beautiful Mind.


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I'd suggest Bring It On Ghost. Best of the rom-coms anyway in terms of story and editing. I never got much into Lucky Romance, Doctors, Beautiful Gong Shim, Mirror of the Witch, though I can say good things about all of them. My faves in order are:
1. Bring It On Ghost
2 Beautiful Mind
3. Uncontrollably Fond (and I don't know why I like this show, because it's been choppy from the beginning, and I'm still not settled into it after four episodes, but I'm a bit fascinated with the relationship between the two leads and want to know how it pans out)


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It's so hot here that we are having the opposite of winter cabin fever and staying inside the house as much as possible to stay cool, so - bring on more dramas ?

JB, I hope your back is improving!


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So true! I'm only watching 3 dramas and I already feel like drowning in them (wanting to start more). I just finished Mirror of the Witch but I will shut up coz I don't want those bloody skin-spikes!


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I love love love The Good Wife .
Maybe love is an understatement coz I seem to be obsessed with it. I usually don't watch the raws of kdramas. The last time I did that was during Signal days but I did it again here. I've watched the first two episodes six times each and have watched the third episode (raw) twice. I'll be watching the fourth (raw) now and just wait for them to be subbed maybe on Monday and watch them again. There's something with Jeon Do Yeon that I can't pretty much grasp but seeing her every little move and expression is very addicting.


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You are not alone. I'm watching The Good Wife with and without subs because the actors are so dang good. I almost don't need subs.


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I almost don't need subs too. I watch it raw and watch it again subbed. First time doing it in a drama and I realized that when watching raw, I learn to appreciate their facial reactions and emotional acting more and then with subs, everything becomes harmoniously good together.


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I'm the same. I've just watched the raw of Episode 3 this morning and saw a subbed version just now so yippee!!! I'll be watching it again. Everyone and everything in this drama is love. I'm excited to see how they flesh out the other characters during the middle of its run.


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I'm in love with this show and pretty much every actors esp Jeon Do Yeon and Yoon Kye Sang. They have so much charisma and class, I love how I can guess so much with a few facial expressions.
I don't get why ppl constantly put it down while comparing it to the original. The Korean "Good Wife" is great on its own.


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This show is very good and the actors and actresses are great with their own versions of the roles. Don't really mind the comparisons coz they will always be there for this is a remake. But people should always remember that this is a KOREAN version so the team is doing their best to make a counterpart with its own taste. The one that Koreans can relate to. It's almost just like how every McDonald chain is different in every country...


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I'm the same. I've seen all 4 subbed episodes 3 times and repeat favorite scenes like 20 times. It's so well acted. Jeon Do Yeon and Yoo Ji Tae are blowing me away.


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I don't want to be a downer, but Mirror of the Witch is my major disappointment lately. People doing things for no reasons. [SPOILER REDACTED] And what was with the death of Sol Gae (the red gentlemans coat--or whatever was her secret identity?) She was brought back and then just killed off, unceremoniously. My husband and I watched, skeptically, as Orabunny said he couldn't see Seo-ri ever again. And then he goes to her secret hideout. I said, "I bet he says, 'I can't see you again. I just came here to tell you that.'"
I am sorry for people who still love this drama. I love the actors. I love the sets. I love the clothing. (Where does Heo Jun keep getting all these new exquisite hanbok?) But the writing is bugging me to such distraction that it's difficult to watch. I wonder, what illogical thing is going to annoy me in today's episode? It's almost over. So I'll watch the end. But (in my opinion) this is another one of those, "It could have been awesome, but fell apart) dramas.


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Aawww. I stopped watching MotW for a while after I finished watching 12 Episodes and decided to just come back if it ends well. Now, I don't know if I'll still be able to finish it.


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gave up on it ages ago. Illogical as all get out. And not only isn't there any chemistry, but there shouldn't be. Mismatch in casting...for me. She is way too young.


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I still cannot buy her character as an adult woman. If it is Kim Yoo-jung or Kim So-hyun, it may work, but Kim Sae-ron just LOOKS her age too much and that makes it really hard for her older character believable.

And contrary to the popular opinion here, I feel like the show lost its magic on me in the second half. Things slow down (filler scene with Dohee) and get a bit repetitive (Hyun-seo). I'm still following the show, but I not longer love it like I did for its first half.


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Going to disagree.

KYJ and KSH have more "baby" looking faces than KSR, esp. KYJ.


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I know it wasn't meant to be funny but I chuckled at
"Orabunny". But I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said, another drama filed away as "it could've been awesome if..." Le sigh.


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Yup, it's 'wth' + 'arrgh' for me too...


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Same. Stopped watching after all the rinse-repeat plotlines. They should've ended it at ep16 for a tighter story :(


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Aside from the writer going around in circles where we saw the same situations over and over again, the writer was also pulling at straws - such as what you mentioned w/ Sol Gae.

But why was SG even free? Due to her crimes, one would think that the she would have been put to do death or at least rotting in prison?

This goes along w/ the suspension of belief in SG being able to outrun 3 men while carrying someone.

And why the heck are the shaman warriors still loose as well? One would have thought that the King would have gotten rid of them.


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Glad someone's watching Flower In Prison! It's the only one I'm following right now. Not the most amazing show ever or anything, but entertaining enough to keep me interested.


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Police unit 38 conned us! no, the conmen conned us! and everyone laughs cause wasnt it obvious they would, yet I fell for it like a damn stupid fool. Drat. Drat, drat, drat! How did it never even cross my mind, why did I trust them to really be out for the same thing????

urghhh I am so blue eyed


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on the other hand: "My husband" [Jung Do goes giddy]


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So many twists and turns, I don't know which way is up anymore. In any case, I hope nobody tries to con me irl because apparently I will fall for it hook line and sinker.


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This drama is hazardous. I kept getting whip-lashed. *ouch*


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I am getting quadruple conned by the con itself. they even con us about the con. I will just turn off thinking. thinking is dangerous. everything I think is not true. ah I dunno any more curse you, writer.


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Can't believe that more of the DB staff isn't watching "Police Unit/Task Force 38" (only 2 out of 7??).

38 is one of the best written (and acted) K-shows I've seen in a long time and if it keeps up the quality, would go in my top 3 list of all-time best K-dramas (up there with something like "Joseon X-Files").

The writing on this show is so good (riveting twist and turns, don't know what the end game is for various characters - not predictable at all unlike the typical K-drama) and would be the type of show that could be remade for the US audience and be on par with the writing of shows like "Breaking Bad", "Orange Is the New Black", GoT, etc.

This show, alone, makes up for the slew of mediocre or crappy shows have watched this year (and yes, would include OHYA as being one of the mediocre ones).

"Bring it on Ghost" - was hopeful (based on the comedic tone of the synopsis), but figured that this could be either pretty fun or awful based on execution (and Taec's acting).

Luckily, it's the former w/ Taec doing a decent enough job as the "straight" guy and Kim So-hyun's totally winning performance as the ghost (might very well end up passing Park Bo-young's performance in OMG).

The 1st 2 eps have been a lot of fun (way more fun than the vast majority of K-romcoms), but wonder if they can keep that sense of fun throughout?

Been a lot happier watching these 2 shows than when watching "Entertainer" and OHYA.

Mirror of the Witch - unfortunately, has gone back to circular plot-lines (where end up seeing characters doing the same thing over and over again) w/ the writer taking short-cuts (some of which don't make sense or stretch credulity), but still better written than other fusion, fantasy sageuks like "Arang" (where the writing was just awful, as well as some of the acting).

But still, nowhere near the quality of something like "Joseon X-Files" - which was mesmerizing from beginning to end (altho, in terms of production values and cinematography, MotW is also top-notch).

Should have been more of a 10-12 ep drama than an 18-20 ep drama.

"Dear My Friends" is still on my to-watch list; not sure if "Lucky Romance" is worth a watch based on the seemingly so-so writing, despite it being RJY's 1st project since AM1988.


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Please try Dear My Friends. I dont use tissue to wipe tears but both my sleeves are fully soaked by the end of each episode.


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Don't worry, it's been on my to watch (or to try) list from the start due to that great cast and now that the writing (evidently) is worthy of said cast, definitely on my to watch list.

Hopefully will get to it after PU/Task Force 38 and Bring it On, Ghost are finished (should have watched DMF instead of Entertainer or OHYA - despite loving Seo Hyun-jin's acting).

Heck, still need to watch Misaeng.


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yeah I don't know why javabeans and girlfriday ain't watching Police Squad 38. you guys are missing one heck of a drama!


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I think gf watched the first episodes...maybe they want to marathon it once it ends? Which wouldn't be such a bad idea actually, the suspense and those dang cliffhangers every week are killing me. Is it Friday already? Lol


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LR really isn't worth it. I love RJY so I fast-forwarded through it for him but it really was a load of rubbish and only barely watchable because of him.

Nice to hear someone loving Joseon X Files as much as I did!!! It was so fantastic.


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Still burns me that Joseon X-Files didn't get better ratings (even if it aired before cable dramas started to explode) and b/c of that, didn't get wider critical acclaim.


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Me, too. JXF was so eye-opening, and shot so incredibly well. I've always wanted to see the main leads together again in something... But when I researched it, nothing as good turns up. I think there's no choice by to just rewatch it.


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I'm amused you always end up dishing Another Ms. Oh by one way or another. But i do agree with your statement.

38 Task Force is added into my top 10 kdrama list. Beside Beautiful Mind 38TF the only show i enjoyed in 2016.

I just completed Misaeng this friday and i think that's the best Kdrama i have ever seen.

Lucky Romance is your usual low quality korean content. Dear My Friends is also in my watch list with 5 other Family dramas. I prefer simple family dramas more than those rom-com craps.

Kim so Hyun is too cute in Let's Fight Ghost. Her realistic aegyo worked on me.

@mary I complete Thumping Spike this wednesday and i found this Web-Drama much better than usual kdramas. Though I wanted to see more couple-fun in last 5 minutes of the show.


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Guess I need to watch Misaeng sooner than later.

Reason why I have been dissing OHYA again (ha) - is b/c it simply doesn't deserve the critical acclaim that it has been getting (aside from Seo Hyun-jin's performance - which, while great, saw a similar type performance from her in Let's Eat 2) - esp. the comments about how "great" the writing was.

Take away SHJ's performance (which made it palatable) - it was just another mediocre written K-romcom w/ silly cliche-filled scenarios (and WAY too many coincidences) and stupid/annoying characters (w/ having characters repeatedly getting s!!t-faced and acting stupid/wacky substituting for actual humor).


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That's what i said on mydramalist. I also compared Seo Hyun-Jin's performance of Oh hae young with Baek Soo Ji.

Misaeng aka Incomplete Life is a must for a Tv Viewer. It actually reminded me quality of J-doramas.


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Let me join the glug glug party. Who needs a social life (or sleep) when there's good kdramas galore going on. And seems like there's no end in sight looking at the line up for the upcoming months.

I didn't manage to watch as many shows as last week (11 heol!) though need my YoF Iceland fix asap. With 3 shows ending this week I hope I can squeeze it in somewhere.

PU38: Still my fav show at the moment though ep. 9 was a bit slow for me but one certain scene totally made up for it (no spoilers ahem). :-) Can't wait for ep. 10 to be subbed.

The Good Wife: After just two episodes I already have a feeling that this'll be another crack drama for me. And for this one I'm very positive it won't have any dragging moments. :-)

MotW: Sigh, unfortunately it got so repetitive for me in the 2nd half that I'm not that sad it's over. This could've become my favorite fantasy sageuk if it were just 16 episodes. :-(

Gong Shim: I'm glad this is finally ending. Again, this could have been a strong contender for my favorite rom-com of 2016 had it been 14 episodes max or you know if it had focused on the person it's supposed to be about, namely the heroine. Show, why are you named after her but then make her become a supporting character?! Waeeee??

Doctors: I like fluff, cute guys, a strong heroine, stuffed toys and sparkly hats. Nuff said.

BM: Tbh, I would've given up this drama couple episodes ago if it wasn't for the DB recaps and comments (special thanks to Michykdrama for her medical explanations). I usually find myself lost half of the episode while watching and I also can't really connect to any of the characters, maybe that's why I'm not enjoying it as much? Anyway, I'm interested in the psychological aspect therefore will keep tuning in for now.

Bring it on, Ghost: How freaking adorable is Kim So-hyun?! (And how bad do I wanna be in her place during the push-up scene...whoops, did I say that aloud? :-P )
Btw if you do anything to my Barassi, I'm gonna summon the black smoke, Mr. Creepy Vet!

LR: I'm sticking to the thought that there was some black magic going on for JSH to love BN so freaking unconditionally coz girlfriend did not deserve him and if there wasn't Ryang-ha I'd be having third lead(?) syndrome for Dal-nim. Sigh, no more JSH...eotteoke (╥﹏╥)

UF: Pororoooooo :-(

Like everyone else...so excited for W next week. My expectations are so high, I'm kinda scared. Lol.


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"Show, why are you named after her but then make her become a supporting character?! Waeeee??"

Remember Yong-pal? I think Gong Shim is his counterpart.


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I agree with everyone for MotW. It's seriously good up to episode 19. I can't waitfor subs to some out for finale episode. I hope it ends well! It's such a well written story!


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"Uncontrollably Fond: Kim Woo-bin is preeeetty. Oh, and there are other characters in the show… and they do things… while Woo-binnie keeps looking pretty."

I am CandidClown in that aspect. That man does things to me. Other characters might be on the screen but he's the only one I focus on.

As for dramas I'm watching:

The Good Wife: My heart races when I watch this and that's rare for me and dramas. Maybe I should finally check out Signal then....anyway. First two episodes were really good. So nice to see our Kim Yeol I mean Lee Wonkeun as a lawyer.

Uncontrollably Fond: I'm here for the Woo-binnie and staying for the melodrama K-drama Bible. Also, Pororo is the best character on the show.

Doctors: I am so behind on this why am I so behind on this when it has my darling PSH in it and my puppy Ji Soo?

Oh Hae Young Again: Still on episode 3. I just get distracted. Eric's so pretty that I have to pause and sigh for a while.

You're Beautiful: I'm hitting my four year anniversary into K-drama Land and my first drama was You're Beautiful. I'm doing a rewatch because it really has been so long. I'm also realizing how much I love Hongki. And I still can't believe Yonghwa's hair was like that back then. 2009 K-drama hairstyles were so strange.


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@Solarmoonmoo - YES, you must watch Signal. You owe it to yourself to give yourself the gift of this brilliance. Watch out, the ending of each episode will take your breath away.


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Happy 4th year Kdramarsary!

YB becoming a classic already. Ughhh. I feel so old. XD


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Uncontrollably Fond: Kim Woo-bin is preeeetty. Oh, and there are other characters in the show… and they do things… while Woo-binnie keeps looking pretty<<<<<<<TRUEEEEEE ????????????????????


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I'm sorry. Didn't mean to do that. No, actually I did. Still; part of me didn't. No it really really did..I don't even know anymore!
Just finished watching....something. That makes me want to rant somewhere. Dramabeans just happened to be near by.
God am I a mess!


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Finally,someone from dramabeans is watching The Flower in Prison!! I hope there will be recaps for this drama on dramabeans soooon.
The drama is so enjoyable (all sageuks are fun to watch actually) as the conflicts will keep you in front of the screen for an hour.
The romance (awwww) there are three hero's (a merchant,the king of joseon, and police officer) are in love with the heroin as she kind of bad ass heroin kicking bad guys.
So,hope all of you will watch this drama and it has 50 episodes?


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Beautiful Mind - Don't give up, things get clearer after ep 6, and if u go rewatch the first few eps after that, u will see their significance. Is rare that we get such a heartfelt and thought provoking K-drama. Love it!


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Oh god so many dramas going on.... I'm watching
1. Doctors
2. Police unit 38
3. Uncontrollably Fond
4. Bring it on ghost (my mother sits there and fawns over Kim So Hyun)
5. Waiting for W.


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Omg, Mary's description of Police Unit 38. Hahahahhaha!!!

I did IMPcaps for ep 9 already!!!

Love that the con is getting bigger and more complicated. The twists put a bag of Twisties ro shame.


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Too many dramas, watching
Beautiful Mind - story still interesting- love jang hyuk's great acting and beautiful Park Seyoung and handsome YHM. Learn a lot about medical procedures and treatment

UF- watching for both leads and the cute dog. Suzy is pretty, love seeing her fashionable clothes. Hope nobody dies

Police 38- also interesting storyline and the bromance between the 2 guys. Hope they get the bad guys

Flower in prison- thinking of dropping cos the female lead is so stupid, going to prison just cos her boss tells her to. Go soo try so hard to see her and she won't say a single word, maybe 1 or 2 more for go soo's sake

The Good Wife- watching for the female lead- love strong woman

I drop lucky romance and doctors- too cheesy.
Thinking of starting either Wanted or Monster- both highly recommended


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These days there are not a lot of spectacular shows, but strangely I've been watching a lot. Almost every single day, there's something for me to be excited about.

Dramas I'm watching:
1. Doctors
2. Let's Fight, Ghost
3. Mirror of the Witch
4. Squad 38


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Is there any romance in Squad 38? I like con shows but I've seen my share of British and American ones, so it needs to have something more to draw me in.


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There is a past relationship with single-sided lingering feelings here, but it's not the focus. The romance is just a backstory of the characters.


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Yes. Seo In Guk and Sooyoung has loveline. Low-key but chemistry is strong


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JB's comment on Lucky Romance is SPOT ON. I'm thankful it introduced me to RJY - he is my favorite now!! Other ones I'm watching...

Squad 38Loving this drama! I'm excited to see how the story unfolds, MD and SIG are killing it!

DoctorsToo cheesy for me. I'm watching it because it's an easy watch, but I'm not believing the romance.

Uncontrollably FondI liked Woo Bin in Heirs, and I don't mind Suzy, plus they're both pretty to look at... so decided to check it out... but I'm surprisingly hooked! I didn't realize it was a melo going in, and thought it was a romcom, so nervous about where the story will go, but enjoying the ride so far.

Now I am going to add Let's Fight, Ghost to my list since Kim So Hyun always kills her roles, and am looking forward to premiere of W - Two Worlds next week!


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Where are you able to watch The Good Wife, with or without subs??


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Current dramas I'm watching: Beautiful Gong Shim (I think my husband may be developing a crush on Gong Shim. I can't really blame him.)

Current dramas waiting in the wings: Bring It On, Ghost. I'm also thinking I need to try Squad 38 based on the buzz here.

Older dramas I made my daughter watch (and a new addict is born) - Coffee Prince, Rooftop Prince.

Older drama my husband and I watched between Gong Shim- Oh My Ghostess.

Older drama that made me eternally grateful for this site- Secret Garden. Because seriously, I felt so validated after watching an episode and reading that I was not alone during my own WTF moments.


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Erm... Let's Fight, Ghost.


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I actually think "Bring it on, Ghost!" is probably closer to the actual title in spirit. I mean, it's literally "let's fight ghost", but in English that sounds too flat.


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Cool! I wish I could claim any sort of knowledge of Korean for my mistake. I just the title for a moment and knew it was something like a challenge.

The only Korean I seem to have picked up is the word for cow. Thank you Greatest Love and My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. Ooops. Forgot to mention those in my original post. It's been all K-drama all the time this summer.


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"Cow" is better than some of what I've picked up from dramas - my teacher innocently asked us what words we'd learned and we immediately started sageuk cursing (the PG version you hear in dramas, obviously) but enough for another teacher to stick her head in the door and ask what the hell he'd been teaching us.

The only reason I'd go with "Bring it on, Ghost" over "Let's Fight Ghost" is English context. For me "Let's Fight Ghost" sounds a little like it's being shouted by an excitable 7 year old on a playground, whereas "Bring it on" is closer to a young adult looking to rumble.


I dropped doctors...like everyone here is saying, it's too cheesy and sparkly. But I'm happy that PSH has improved her acting. But still...her acting is good when the camera is just focusing on her face, except the moments when she has to act clueless, she always does that pout, it's cute, but makes me aware that she's acting, it's not natural. And her body, when she has to stand still she's very stiff on the hips and arms. But there's still improvement and she's wise, because this role is different and will help her to break out from past roles


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Korea should stop using doctor as job for their korean drama characters if the writers don't know exactly how medical staff work.

The only doctor theme that I really appreciate was Good Doctor. Other than that, Nope! Not even Doctors, Beautiful Mind and so on.


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Mary, What episode are you on Memory?

I used to hate Park Tae Seok in the beginning of series but his character does get better at the later episode. I hope you continue to watch it, I love the drama.

I'm currently catching up on Lucky Romance.. it's something I watch before I sleep..and I shall say it made me fell asleep better. haha currently at episode 9
And just started with Squad 38...at episode 1

Doctors - I just need my dose of Kang Soo.

Beautiful Mind - Keeping me at the edge of my seat..no more deaths please.

Uncontrollably Fond - Meh. Easy to watch though.

Beautiful Gongshim - Should have ended at 16. draggy kidnapping scene. Tomorrow is final episode!! Will Gongshim continue to wear the wig?


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Episode 7 :)


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Dear Chickachunga,
Don't worry Babe, i need 5 episode so far to like, understand and later get hooked by Beautiful Mind plots.

Honestly, i want to stop at episode 2 but somehow Jang Hyuk smitten not allow me to stop watching him...you tell me, right?? Hahahaha


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I am watching The Good Wife without thinking too much about the original and comparisons. Plus it shows us Korea's legal system. So far I like it. Its an actor vehicle and an ensemble drama and the episodes have been pretty good.

Had high hopes for UF given the writer but unsure if the leads can sustain it, especially as it hits heavier territory. They are not bad but need to step up to give the drama heft. The second leads, the parents etc make up but can only carry it so far.

I tried Doctors, its a polished production with good performances but I just couldn't get into it.


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