Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
How is it that being away at KCON for half a week put so many of us so behind on our drama watching? I’m pretty sure a sane person would just say to watch fewer shows, but like that’s gonna happen around here. Here’s the latest update on what we’ve managed to catch up on this past week, on airplanes, in between catnaps, and via the good old-fashioned marathon session. —girlfriday
Mirror of the Witch: I like how the show keeps shifting suspicions and alliances, which keeps the plot constantly on the move, and also highlights the steadfastness of the couple at the center. I haven’t felt a lull in the storytelling yet, which is an impressive feat over so many episodes. Now if they could just light the dark nighttime scenes a bit more…
Beautiful Gong Shim: This show is bipolar, but in a way that makes it super easy to watch. (I pay as little attention to the corporate/kidnapping plotlines as necessary to follow the show, and mostly focus on Dan-tae and Gong Shim.) The show has felt less engaging in previous weeks when it slowed down to get into the kidnapping and identity mystery, but it recovered its sense of humor and its adorable couple moments this past week, happily. I just hope Jun-su doesn’t cross over to the dark side, because where would I be without my chaebol cousin bromance?
Oh Hae-young Again: I know there’s a fair amount of disgruntlement over the later episodes, but while I’ve felt it too, it hasn’t killed me affection for the show, and I still enjoyed the way the drama resolved its conflict and sent off its characters. I won’t argue that the show didn’t lose momentum, but it was enough for me to get a conclusion that wrapped up the threads I most cared about, undercut the heavy points with humor, and sent us out on a lighthearted note.
Wanted: It’s not perfectly slick in its execution, but I really enjoy that the plot is unpredictable; I anticipate a lot of twists in our future. What I don’t want this show to do is turn into a random-case-of-the-week type of deal, because it’s more intriguing when the focus is on the Hyun-woo kidnapping. Don’t go formulaic, please! It’s too good for that.
Lucky Romance: Is Je Su-ho the most adorable lovestruck hero ever or what? I love him and his refreshing approach to pursuing his heart, which is enough to get me past those annoying (and wasted) second leads. And Bo-nui’s horrible prairie frumpster five-layer wardrobe. I want somebody to tell Hwang Jung-eum it’s okay to be pretty; people will still take you seriously as an actress.
Doctors: It’s a crowd-pleaser type of show, with a smooth-flowing plot and pretty solid elements all around: I like Park Shin-hye in this, I always like Kim Rae-won, and the emotional trajectories are ones we can root for. I sort of wish I liked the show more; I find it easily watchable, but it doesn’t do a lot for me. It’s okay.
Oh Hae-young Again: It ended up being a satisfying series, though in all honesty I did fall out of love with this show at some point. I wish it had done more with its mythology (what little mythology it had), because I wanted more out of the future-visions than what we were given. Still, there’s no denying the power of good romantic chemistry and a heroine so realistic you’re convinced you know this girl in real life.
Dear My Friends: Thing took a rough turn last week, but I always find the tears I cry for this show to be cathartic. I think I’ve figured out their foolproof formula: Lee Kwang-soo + hugs with mommy = puddle of my tears.
Beautiful Gong Shim: Oh phew, we’re back to the cute fun dynamic! That’s what got me watching this show, so I’m hoping we don’t rain on the adorably quirky couple’s parade any longer. Only sunshine and rainbows from here on out—let’s stick to our strengths, Gong Shim-ah!
Doctors: Is anyone else put off by how strong Kim Rae-won is coming on? The romance isn’t really doing it for me, but I am liking Park Shin-hye’s spunky character, so that’s a plus. Here’s the real question: Where did that puppy go?
Mirror of the Witch: You know when you’re in a relationship and things are going so well—TOO WELL—that you start getting nervous and knowing that the streak of awesomeness can’t possibly last? This is me, waiting for the other shoe to drop in Mirror of the Witch. Except it hasn’t, and we’re still happy. It’s totally nerve-wracking.
Lucky Romance: I ♥ Je Su-ho. So, so much. The squeeing and flailing over every text message and inexplicable emoticon with his best friend there for moral support? The way he put all his feelings out there and asked her to come to him when she was ready? The way he holds his arms out whenever he’s waiting for a hug? I die.
Beautiful Mind: If I could write sonnets, I would write one for this show. I’ve always loved Jang Hyuk and have followed him through every project, but I was literally floored by his acting in this week’s episodes. He’s playing one of the most complex heroes I’ve seen in dramaland, one that admittedly sounded almost boring on paper. Genius neurosurgeon with no feelings? Meh. But in his hands, it’s a role for the record books. I’m crazy excited about this drama, it has potential to be one of the greats.
Wanted: Stellar cast, despite all the trouble actually casting people for this show. The Uhmforce is strong with this one, and we’ve only just barely scratched the surface. This drama cycle is really good overall, isn’t it?
Mirror of the Witch: I’ve fallen behind and am deliberately reading nothing on it so as not to be spoiled. Lalalala…
Doctors: I’m trying. I’m really, really trying.
Currently recapping: Beautiful Gong Shim
Oh Hae-young Again: Admittedly, my love for this show was so strong at the outset, but somewhere past the midpoint, the endearing characteristics of the two leads started to fade, and I fell out of love with the main couple and the oft-incomprehensible individuals that made up that pairing. I’ll be the first to say that I’m a relationship n00b, and perhaps that’s why I found the show ultimately disappointing; I didn’t understand so many of the decisions the couple made. Maybe true love just doesn’t make sense, and that’s how you know it’s true? I don’t know. But the extension was definitely felt, the episodes toward the end dragged, and really, I stuck around to a) finish the show and b) watch what happened next with Jin-sang and Soo-kyung. Enjoyable at the beginning, frustrating towards the end. Much like a solid first date with every subsequent date going further and further downhill.
Dear My Friends: I’m not sure if Outstanding Ensemble Awards are a thing in the Korean entertainment biz, but if they’re not, they totally should be just so the entire cast of Dear My Friends can be showered with awards. All the acting awards. All of ’em! Still loving the show, still making me cry.
Signal: This is my last reaction post. The end of Signal killed me. If you are reading this, don’t give up. The past can be changed. In the tvN offices, there’s a suggestion box. Write “Signal Season 2” on a piece of paper and drop it there. When we talk again, it will be Season 2.
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, Beautiful Gong Shim, Beautiful Mind, Dear My Friends, Doctors, Lucky Romance, Mirror of the Witch, Oh Hae-young Again, Signal, Wanted, What We're Watching
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1 Pinc
July 2, 2016 at 12:15 PM
I didn't understand what GF meant by KRW coming on strong and being put off by it. I'm loving him in the drama
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July 2, 2016 at 2:21 PM
I kind of get it, because I had the same reaction - whoa, boy, slow down. But I find myself strangely very interested in this show partly because of that dynamic.
It seems like when they parted 13 years ago, they split onto very different trajectories. Hye Jung lost her teacher, lost her school, lost her mentor, lost her grandmother in a matter of days. She experienced a rigged justice system, rigged social system, diabolical parents and then a shady medical practice. Her mind honed in on a life with no social attachments, just achievement. She had a very rude awakening into the adult world and it involved a total break with her youth. In her mind, Ji Hong's already gone as part of that youth.
Ji Hong on the other hand was lining everything up to go to the States and might have been able to brush off Hye Jung as a particularly interesting high school student, but then SHE had this massive life-changing experience and suddenly jumped to the forefront of his mind. He saw her breaking off into this untethered, unknown life and I think it emotionally upended him and brought romantic feelings to light. But by then she'd vanished. And it is much, much harder to be left than to do the leaving, leaving emotions exposed in Ji Hong that clearly never went away.
So while Ji Hong is coming across as very strong, it's at least partly because Hye Jung has been a part of his mental life all of this time. He still views her as the girl he lived with, at least in part, and has spent a lot of time thinking about her and looking for her. He's romantically wanted her for over a decade, with varying levels of acceptableness. But now there are no barriers at all, this has all apparently happened by chance and he's delighted.
Hye Jung, though, has spent the last 13 years firmly reclassifying their relationship as student/teacher (which, it should be noted, was the reality). Ji Hong's been reassessing his feeling towards her through romantic channels, while she's been reassessing through youth/professionalism. And they're going to have to get back on similar pages about that whole thing, which won't be easy.
In short: I like it, it's interesting. I'm glad Ji Hong didn't really realize how he felt until she was gone, and that Hye Jung might have a conflicted response to realizing he's held onto an unresolved crush for 13 years. And I can only imagine that In Joo would blow her top if she realized that Ji Hong is pursuing his former student, even though the circumstances are all above-board.
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July 2, 2016 at 3:12 PM
Thank you for your explantation. So many valuable insights I did not come up with. Personally I think we might have some flash back on how Hong and Hye Jun spent the last 13 years.
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July 2, 2016 at 4:57 PM
*light bulb goes off*
Ok thank you for making me look like a dumbass because I hadn't even considered that. The show kept making me feel weird every time I saw them. I guess I'm as guilty as sin for missing subtext. I ahve to go re-watch episodes now.
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July 2, 2016 at 8:33 PM
I think the weirdness is real, it's just that relationships have a lot of gray to them. And when you think of Ji Hong's interactions with Hye Jung, they were all over the map: he did not interact with her solely as a student.
I'm especially struck by the jail thing. We saw him initially with his students and the police: they've been let down by parents, he bails them and scolds them while feeding them, and they're very much students. Meanwhile Hye Jung is in an entirely different category, attempting to handle something herself in a mostly adult way and she's not looking to him for guidance. Throughout, Hye Jung has been interacting with Ji Hong on an adult-to-adult level when they're not in school.
I truly don't believe that Ji Hong knew how attracted he was to Hye Jung until the social media post went up, and even then it could've gone either way. Going bike riding with your landlady's granddaughter? That's not off the charts, really - you're already living with her.
I should note that if he had acted on this while she was in high school, I would have some massive issues with this setup. But even in that last scene when he's running after her outside of the hospital, she's in a very different place already: already planning a GED, no family, in world terms she would pretty much class as adult. And I also don't think he was running after her to confess or anything - just that he suddenly realized that he shouldn't let her go. In retrospect he figured out what he was feeling and now he's going overboard to correct.
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July 2, 2016 at 7:14 PM
He sounds like he has the mindset of the average stalker!
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July 2, 2016 at 8:25 PM
Right now I wouldn't call him a stalker at all. He doesn't even know her relationship status, he hasn't known anything about her for 13 years, he's just really happy to see someone he used to like a lot. It's not that different from interactions you might see at club reunions.
If she rejects him and he continues to press his case or tries to control her, then that's obviously going to be a problem. But right now he's more like the guy you last saw in high school who sends you a nice message on Facebook every few months because you crossed his mind. It only crosses into stalker territory if you ask the person to lay off and they don't.
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July 2, 2016 at 9:45 PM
...and I think it's worth noting the last impressions they had of each other. Hye Jung knew Ji Hong as a man who had resigned his teaching post and moved all of his belongings in preparation for returning to medicine, with a prestigious placement in America waiting for him. He had an adoptive family and the ferocious In Joo plotting marriage. There was no reason for Hye Jung to worry about him, he's set.
Meanwhile, EVERYTHING about Hye Jung is worrisome during the last time Ji Hong sees her. She has no plan, so her future is a vast white canvas every time he thinks of her. He already knows how people treat orphans and Hye Jung is now as close to an orphan as you can get. She rejects his help when he knows full well there's no one else out there to help her.
That's the type of relationship rupture that absolutely haunts you afterwards. He's probably been conflicted about that moment because as the adult he shouldn't have let her cut him out, but as a guy who realized he had feelings for an 18 year old he had to let her go. Part of his giddiness in seeing her again is probably relief that she didn't crash and burn after he let her slip away.
July 2, 2016 at 11:42 PM
Thank you for pointing this out! Up on the roof, when he said "Then we're good," after confirming her relationship status, most fans swooned at the implied romantic intention. But I was rewatching the scene and it struck me that for 13 years he hadn't known what had happened to her. He looked for her whenever he came back to Korea. For all he knew she could have ended up going in and out of jails for years just like whatshername mean-girl thought.
But instead he steps out of the helicopter and sees her in a doctor's coat, looking mature, professional, successful...and just the sheer relief he must have felt at that! I absolutely think he realized his feelings after the post went up and mean-girl pointed out that he smiles at Hye-jung in a way he never smiles at his other students. And he admitted to avoiding Hye-jung afterwards until the fire incident. So he knew he felt something and that it wasn't right. He already saw her as an adult back then because she acted like one. But she was just a high school kid.
But just then, on the roof, 13 years later, with unresolved feelings going strong, mixed with the relief of finding her again and in such a place...all of it must have crystallized into the realization that there were no barriers any more. They had a chance to see if this could work out.
And he hasn't yet asked for anything other than a return of their rapport from the past. If she rejects him, I think he'll back off. But he used to know her well and he waited a long time to find her again. Unless she's serious about the rejection, I'm damn sure he'll try his best to at least get one date out of her.
And I'm really looking forward to that!
July 3, 2016 at 6:17 AM
Wow, thank you for all your insight Miranda, excellent analysis and really helped me understand both characters better.
July 2, 2016 at 7:38 PM
I agree with what you said. In my case, I'm of two minds when I watch this: as a viewer, I'm very interested in the dynamic/loveline and Ji Hong's actions are direct and perfect for someone who is closed off like Hye Jung. And we know, he genuinely likes her.
But in the characters' world, I can see that he might be bit shocking / too forward since he was strictly teacher/mentor to her before the leap. His way of talking is also half joking (for most of his interactions during hs), so right now it might seem he's not serious in romantic way.
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July 2, 2016 at 8:00 PM
Ohhh I love this insight into how they handled the timejump during their separation!
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July 2, 2016 at 9:02 PM
I'm with you here - the chemistry is real, I think if there hadn't been some attraction from Hye Jung's side, Ji Hong's "Hey, we haven't met in over a decade, I'm glad you're single," reaction would totally be awkward.
As for what happened to the puppy... it's been 13 years, he's probably playing on the farm with Grandma :'(
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July 3, 2016 at 7:47 AM
Thank you for your view on Ji Hong. I think now I can go back and look at it again through another perspective. What everyone seems to not see is he never disrespect her age or her grandmother. That how a real man carries himself. I am enjoying the show and can't wait for the upcoming episodes.
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July 2, 2016 at 2:27 PM
KRW and BSH are great in this so far but I think GF might be referring to the wrestling scene, which I found a little disturbing. Otherwise, pretty fun so far. But, yeah, where in the world is the puppy?
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July 2, 2016 at 4:50 PM
I found the wrestling scent creepy too. There is nothing about that scene that I find remotely sexy. Honestly, I hope in the next episode she gets him off her with a good swift kick in the groin. And yeah, I know she started it, but he is still creepy.
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July 2, 2016 at 4:58 PM
Yep! I said it too. I didn't think it was wrong but it was weird. You just re-met her and now your wrestling her to the ground. Borderline creep factor at orange right there.
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2 mimu
July 2, 2016 at 12:15 PM
Exactly my thoughts. Where's the cute puppy?
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July 2, 2016 at 12:37 PM
Maybe Soon hee has it? *fingers-crossed*
And then Hye jung can visiter her with Kang soo in tow and there'll be a litter of puppies under one roof! Hee.
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July 2, 2016 at 7:56 PM
I can only handle so much cuteness from Soon-hee. Add a dog into the mix and I'm not sure if my heart can handle it
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July 2, 2016 at 1:17 PM
13 years have passed... I hope puppy is still healthy somewhere.
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July 2, 2016 at 1:52 PM
IT SEEMS LIKE OUR PUPPY WILL BE BACK NEXT WEEK! They've just released screencaps with Jisoo in it (What a good way to get us to keep watching the show!).
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July 2, 2016 at 2:31 PM
Apluszee and I are on the same wavelength. All ya'll thought of the dog and I was overhere like "yeah where is Jisoo?!" Cleraly kdramas have ruined me to the word puppy.
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July 2, 2016 at 4:52 PM
WHERE????? Jisooooooo!!!!
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July 2, 2016 at 8:34 PM
Haha! Same here! I was so happy to see on Jisoo's agency's Facebook with the screencaps!! I just wanna know where Soochul has gone and what he's been doing these past 13 years!!!
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July 3, 2016 at 12:46 AM
I demand a good storyline for Ji-soo (and puppy). You DO NOT write off Ji-soo.
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July 4, 2016 at 7:51 PM
Omg, i literally thought only of ji soo when girlfriday asked about puppy, lol :p
Forgot abt the cute snuggly little one.. do they need to find a bigger counterpart since its 13 yrs later?
July 3, 2016 at 6:20 AM
Yes, where is our Jisoo anyway? :)
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July 4, 2016 at 12:42 AM
I think there's a storyline for that. We have some questions how she managed to be a successful doctor. And KRW have already asked PSH, where is that guy?
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3 rabarella
July 2, 2016 at 12:19 PM
"I’ll be the first to say that I’m a relationship n00b, and perhaps that’s why I found the show ultimately disappointing; I didn’t understand so many of the decisions the couple made."
OMG chickachunga (love your name btw), you took the words right out of my mouth. That was how I felt with OHYA, and thought that I was the only one feeling this way. I was totally rooting for Do Kyung and Hae Young to be together from the start (although feeling guilty while thinking that he ruined her wedding), but as the show dragged on, I got extremely irritated with our main couple (because I disagreed with what they did for the sake of love - like skipping work?!) and skipped most of their parts towards the end.
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July 2, 2016 at 1:04 PM
I find myself very reluctant to watch the last two episodes of OHYA. I fell out of love with that drama after they got the extension. It just dragged. Can anyone advise me if the last two episodes add anything to the plot? Is it worth watching? They should have never gotten that extension,smh.
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July 2, 2016 at 7:19 PM
Not really. They wrapped up the plot lines with the side characters. And HY made an incredibly foolish and selfish choice in her normal impulsive way. Ot left me sad that they didn't show some growth/maturation in her character.
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July 2, 2016 at 1:49 PM
Same. I really, really loved the show at the start, but I stalled out around episode 10 and feel no compunction to go back and finish it. My biggest problem with the drama is that the relationship stopped working for me about halfway through, and I ended up mostly wishing they'd take some time apart and sort out their issues.
But damned if I don't hope to see Seo Hyun-jin in about a million more things. She was incredible.
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July 2, 2016 at 2:23 PM
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July 2, 2016 at 2:21 PM
I'm dropping ohya two weeks ago. I feel it to be too draggy and suddenly I can't bring myself to check the remaining ep. I only watch squad 38 for now, and I'm safe. But I probably will be screwed soon. Too many drama will out on july and august and I want to watch it all ?
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4 colleen 38
July 2, 2016 at 12:21 PM
Ha!! No one is waching squad 38... does that mean I get to keep Seo in guk and ma dong seok all to myself? Yes please!!! (a girl can dream....)
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July 2, 2016 at 12:30 PM
Ha you wish! Sorry Colleen but you'll have to share. ;)
Its caring ! And they're just begging to be cared for aren't they?
We can do it together! Whadya say?
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July 2, 2016 at 3:14 PM
Lol, sorry guys! We were going to recap Police Unit 38, I swears, it was on our calendar and everything, but we literally ran out of recappers. (We have so many now and yet still not enough! It's never enough! WHEN WILL WE HAVE ENOUGH.)
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July 2, 2016 at 3:29 PM
Drama Hangouts then. Throw some, or lots of, SIG sexy pictures as Yang Jung Do, and papa bear MDS, and let the beanies here do the crowd-recap. Oh now it sounds so awesome.
Hehe sorry, this fangirl just love her bias too much.
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July 2, 2016 at 3:37 PM
Sure, we can do that.
July 2, 2016 at 5:00 PM
Omg that sounds like so much fun!
July 2, 2016 at 9:20 PM
I am getting a kick out of the Ma Dong Seok love from drama fans. He has been under the dramaland radar for too long and playing roles that he was too good for.
This is awesome! Rock on Ma!
July 3, 2016 at 6:04 AM
@javabeans It would be so awesome if you could give us a Hangout for Squad 38. Thanks in advance :)
July 3, 2016 at 7:58 AM
I know the recaps will be good because Unit 38 is a good show. Wanting to find out more about the chairman in the upcoming episodes.
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July 2, 2016 at 12:35 PM
Sorry but hope u share In Guk and the swuad as well,loving the show so far...even thingk 16 eps won't be enought to be delighted by them
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July 2, 2016 at 12:43 PM
yeah, it is like they all agreed to watch the same things. end of year reviews will be very biased like that
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Mark F.
July 2, 2016 at 1:33 PM
For once, I dont really mind about people not watching a drama I like. I think I'm enjoying 38 so much I no longer need the validation of liking it from others? In fact, I'm experiencing a certain sense of satisfaction from the exclusivity of the privilege.
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July 2, 2016 at 5:10 PM
I actually completely agree. I'm just having so much fun watching it that I don't mind that I'm mostly watching it in a bubble by myself, with the exception of some GIFs on tumblr and the like.
I like to occasionally make a drama I watch into a special occasion for myself. 38 is that drama for me right now. When I watch it (preferably at night when it's dark), I plug my computer into my big TV, make some tea or cocoa, maybe grab a little snack, and just enjoy myself for a couple of hours.
That might sound weird but it's actually supremely satisfying, lol. Sometimes you need that alone time... just you and a fun TV show or book.
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July 2, 2016 at 5:12 PM
That is precisely what the drama is for. Although I do feel guilty about the thoughts in my head when SIG comes on my screen. I think the enforced celibacy from Ramadan is killing me.
July 3, 2016 at 8:08 AM
The scenes where he is trying to learn how to be an accident victim cracked me up. I had to rematch at least 3 times because it was so funny and the scene with him trying to get the car keys, lol. Just thinking about it makes me laugh
July 2, 2016 at 2:11 PM
Yeah I'm really surprised they are all mostly watching the same shows! Maybe they marathon missed shows towards the end of the year?
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July 2, 2016 at 1:09 PM
Mind sharing Ma Dong Seok with me as well? Loving the drama, though the actions of Ma Dong Seok and his Hoobae at work (I forget her name) has me scratching my head.
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Mark F.
July 2, 2016 at 1:37 PM
Sunghee played by SNSD Sooyoung?
I dont dislike her, but personally, I think Mijoo the "Gold" is killing her role.
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July 2, 2016 at 2:16 PM
Glad to see MDS getting some love. Shows you dont need 2 b a pretty boy to shine, altho who are we kidding... most of us tuned in for SIG. kkk. But we stayed for the team. I'm really liking their messed up rapport, reminds me of Bad guys but less dark, and with more humor.
Anw, if u like MDS, check this out, ull fall in love even more. ^^
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July 2, 2016 at 5:13 PM
Dave is so cute. So is MDS!
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July 3, 2016 at 10:06 AM
Ma Dongseok is such a cute teddy bear. He's always have that flustered look of Icandoit whenever he's up to no good xD
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July 2, 2016 at 1:18 PM
Nops! You gotta share! Squad 38 is just perfect and I really wanted DB to recap this! Or atleast give us a Hangout so that we can squee about the awesome show and SIG's smirky sexiness.
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Mark F.
July 2, 2016 at 1:38 PM
Try drama with a side of kimchi. The reviews are funny.
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July 2, 2016 at 7:02 PM
At least 4 other blogs are recapping Squad 38 now, including some beanies like @peeps and @owl. While I wish DB was doing it also, I understand there are limits to the time-space continuum. At least we'll get a hangout. :-)
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July 2, 2016 at 7:31 PM
You called?
Muahaha. Yeah, it's actually a pretty popular show and there's no lack of recaps for it.
Click on my username for one version of it. Another version's @ dramaswithdrinx and owl's is @
July 2, 2016 at 1:22 PM
In your dreams. :-P
DB staff may not watch it but I know a lot of us beanies are into it. <3
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Mark F.
July 2, 2016 at 1:41 PM
Really? Glad to hear it. I must have missed that because I only read the earlier comments for episode 1. Didn't seem like many commented and lots had complained about the pace. Personally, I enjoyed ep. 1 but it seemed like a minority opinion.
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Mark F.
July 2, 2016 at 1:44 PM
Colleen, I'll let you ladies fight for the boys. I'll get the ladies, particularly MiJoo. I don't care that's she's a goldigger, she's cool. I even like Noh Bang Shil and daughter (imo, Song Ok Sook really looks like Ra Miran)
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July 3, 2016 at 4:30 AM
I love Ms.Noh, she rocks yet classy to the end. All her line is so powerful and smart. And Mi Joo is so sexy and very attractive. Idk but if only Sung Hee was as attractive and powerful as them.
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July 2, 2016 at 2:53 PM
nuh uh girl... Dramabeans team might not want to watch 38 (their perogative really), but plenty of beanies are (go o open thread)~~ i'll fight u to death for sig. kkk. Ive fallen all over again for him in 38, and mds is cute and killing his role.
this drama is just my vibe, like leverage, white collar, ocean eleven, kurosagi.. but less procedural and more character-focused, which is just in my alley!
also, another drama i'm watching just recently is Iron Lady part of After the play ends, which just aired yesterday, and I like it. ^^ the love lines are silly, not taken too seriously, but still somewhat rings true enough for me to want to see it develop.
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July 2, 2016 at 3:11 PM
SIG, and MDS, all for your self? Take number first, please, lol.
I'm falling in love again with SIG in ep 5! They way he convincingly turn into another type of person while doing his job, read con people, is awesome.
I could watch him being fiery tempered all time. So hot!
The pace is better in latter eps. And the preview of ep 6 looks very promising with a slick car chasing scene, and a hot SIG running on the street scene.
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July 3, 2016 at 1:16 PM
yes! he is playing multiple characters inside a con-artist character inside just being Jung-Do. and that actually reminds me of I Remember You, when he pretended to be a bumbling, clueless intern, then turning secretly menacing and then serious in one scene.
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July 2, 2016 at 5:00 PM
NOOOOO! MIIINE! *brings out the man hungry daggers* You stay away form them both!
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Lena S.
July 2, 2016 at 7:29 PM
This drama is my favorite from this new batch, it's fun and the plot is smart, i want to see where it goes but really loving so far. Plus Ma Dong Seok and Seo in Guk are so funny together.
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July 2, 2016 at 7:49 PM
Sorry Coleen, but big fat no lol.
You can have Seo Inguk all for yourself but Ma Dong Seok is all mineeeeee. Cute bear-like ahjussi like him is all i need in my life rn i swear.
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July 2, 2016 at 8:23 PM
Haha.. Sorry to shatter your wish, dear. I knew for sure that @Asmara, @ Oshi and @ObsessedMuch would fight you tooth and nail to lay claim on SIG. They've been SIG 3 Musketeers since HSKS if I'm not mistaken.
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July 3, 2016 at 4:40 AM
Gaeina Lee, you just know me so well! LOL! SIG claimed me first, dear, 2 years ago when I found Reply 1997 for the first time. Yoon Jae ya, it's all your fault!
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July 3, 2016 at 6:03 AM
Gaeina Lee, you know us too well! :D
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July 3, 2016 at 6:11 AM
Worship at the alter of his dimple ;)
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July 3, 2016 at 12:31 AM
I guess I'd have to throw myself in the ring for MDS as well.
I absolutely enjoyed EPs 05 and 06, most especially the opening scenes. I'm not really a big SIG fan but he was fantastic in both sequences. Loved his scene with SY at the start of EP 05, where he was just stuttering and nervous around her. You can definitely feel how much YJD is smitten with CSH and how he wants to look out for her. The show has been dropping hints about their past breakup so I really hope that the big reveal on the reason for the break up will not turn into a dud. CSH appears to be both YJD's conscience and Achilles heel.
And we finally get a new villain also. BPG is scary in a very understated way. He gives me the creeps.
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5 Arhazivory
July 2, 2016 at 12:22 PM
Oh! Signal. Sighs. Can we get that season 2 please?
Strangely enough, I somehow managed to catch the premieres of some shows although I'm wrapping up my thesis.
Beautiful Mind is interesting but I find the female lead's character strange and a little not so smart. Wanted is very intriguing and I honestly have no idea how it will turn out. I love Squad 38....Ma Dong Seok is soooo cute. I want to hug him. Gong Shim brought back the cute and that's all I needed.
I know at least two of them will be put on hold but it was cool to check out the newbies. :D
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July 2, 2016 at 5:03 PM
The second Mary dropped the info about Signal all I could think is she needs to join the conspiracy (read plan to kidnap execs/torture with bad porn) to force TvN to getw orking on season 2. Emails go out in 2 weeks!
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July 2, 2016 at 7:21 PM
Is that two weeks from now or two weeks from a different timeline? @__@
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6 Iris
July 2, 2016 at 12:27 PM
Ah Mary! I will endeavor so that his will not be your last transmission. We will convince you PD-nim of 2015. Don't ever give up!
Je Su Ho smiles. I smile. Je Su Ho snorts. I snort. Je Su Ho flails. I flail harder. Je Su Ho exists. I swoon. Enough said. <3
Oh beautiful mind just keeps getting better and better. Jang Hyuk is seriously killing it onscreen. The only thing that can alleviate my viewing experience to epic proportions is the writer magically knocked some sense into the female lead. I won't even complain about the inconsistency in character. That's how badly its needed.
Mirror of the witch proves the theory of relativity to me. So captivating an hour feels like mere minutes. And when it ends a week feels like years. ^.^
You're not alone GF! KRW is definitely pushing it here. I wouldn't mind it all that much if it was reciprocated in equal fervor but all that I get is a "lukewarm" reception from hye jung's end. Other than that I hope they inject some twists into the story. For now its too formulaic and straightforward but I do want to fall in love with it, if only for the leads - individually taken- so I hope it gets better. :)
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7 minah
July 2, 2016 at 12:27 PM
There's photos of Jisoo filming upcoming episodes so I think we'll get more closure on her past. Hopefully they'll show the puppy
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8 anugp61
July 2, 2016 at 12:50 PM
Mary Oh Mary..I feel for thee!Signal does that to you doesn't it? :(
I sincerely hope there will be a season 2 (there has to be!with that ending!) , but I also want it to be every bit good as its predecessor..
Can I interest you to watch Sign now? Same writer, different director.Not so polished like Signal, but the very same tight plot plus coherent, well connected story . Every bit as interesting as Signal, but this show will break your heart..literally!
If you can stomach seeing dead bodies being cut up open often, then do give Sign a try!
*Off to put 600th piece of paper into TvN's suggestion box.*
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July 2, 2016 at 8:10 PM
I think I read Sign recaps before (was it here on DB?) I don't recall the details but I can't forget THAT ending.
Thanks for dropping by the tvn suggestion box. :D
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9 I Quit
July 2, 2016 at 12:51 PM
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July 2, 2016 at 2:21 PM
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I Quit
July 2, 2016 at 10:53 PM
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July 3, 2016 at 6:13 AM
Such a wasted actress. She's such a good comedic actress too.
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July 2, 2016 at 7:23 PM
Another refugee from OHYA-ville here... Like you, I've jumped on MOTW, and am loving it to bits. I'll be caught up with MOTW tonight. Just started Ep. 15. What a blast! I can't get over how they've kept the action taut and riveting for so many episodes. As with OHYA, a terrific cast. Just wish I'd had the time to watch it raw so I could pay attention to the nonverbal acting that I miss while reading subtitles.
Shout out to Kim Yoonmi's wonderfully informative and detailed posts in the OHYA recap comments regarding Mugyo, Dream Records, Kishotenketsu dramatic structure, and other cultural matters. They made OHYA more accessible for this foreigner... and opened a door to subtext that further enhanced my comprehension and appreciation of OHYA and any other Kdramas I watch in the future. It is truly a blessing to meet a "friendly native" guide to Korean metaphysics... along with all the good company here at the convivial gathering place known as DramaBeans. Hang looooose, and see you at the recaps. ;-)
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10 kelsojackie
July 2, 2016 at 12:55 PM
Yeah, I was surprised at how strong KRW is coming off right off the bat, I thought there would be a lot more will they, won't they moments for at least the next couples episodes before his intentions are made clear. I don't necessarily have a problem with it, because I hate the will they won't they dynamic when it's obvious they have feelings for each other and also KRW isn't your typical kdrama lead which is refreshing. PSH is killing it...I'm so glad she picked Doctors to come back with, she made a great choice.
Also, I legitimately don't understand the praise for Beautiful Mind, it's terrible. I feel like people seem pretty taken with the fact it's a suspense thriller mixed in with a psychological bent but...just because the drama is something different in kdramas doesn't make it good lmao.
Also, PSD is so incredibly miscast in this it's amazing. Considering all the hype from users here, I also expected a lot more from her acting.
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July 2, 2016 at 5:05 PM
BM is all about the performance. It has a lot of weaknesses but the main leads compelling in his role. Certainly an unexpected treasure in what feels pretty mediocre. US tv has been doing this kind of show for years and is much better at it.
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July 2, 2016 at 7:06 PM
I agree the acting from everyone is pretty great, except PSD. But, that's still not enough for me to want to continue watching something that's been done before and far better by other international shows.
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11 Adal
July 2, 2016 at 12:57 PM
Re: Doctors - I find Kim Rae Won's coming on strong to be a turn on, actually. He's had 13 years to think about what he wants. So why not go for it? I like the honest, direct approach, and wish more drama leads were like him. Why waste time? Maybe if it were another character I may find it a tad creepy, but KRW is able to pull it off so that it comes across as sexy more than anything else.
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July 2, 2016 at 1:25 PM
IKR! I did not find KRW's straight- forward pursuit off putting at all. And I haven't even seen him in any show (I am midway through Punch now) to have any kind of bias for him. I like the character. 13 years wait is a long enough time. Why put it off any longer? They are both adults now. Fall in love, accept each other, and give us more mushiness to look forward to! :)
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July 2, 2016 at 2:30 PM
It definitely helps that KRW keeps it light in a teasing sort of way, rather than coming across as intense. But I think he's in for a shock - in his head he's been imagining a continued relationship with Hye Jung, based on the way they interacted a decade ago, and he's continuing that bantering behavior now. But she's an entirely different person and also seems to view her own past behavior as a sort of pesky-younger-sibling sort of thing, so it might come as a big surprise to her that Ji Hong sees the same behavior as potentially romantic.
For her, he was someone she knew during the most tumultuous times in her life and possibly showed her the model of how to be a good adult - and then he was gone. For him, she was a bolt out of the blue when he was already an established adult who was already on his second career. When you add the time warp of 13 years on top of that, they are going to have very, very different impressions of their initial interactions.
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July 2, 2016 at 3:56 PM
I feel the same! I like his straightforward yet playful attitude. And it could be in response to HJ. She is so or at least was so tough, he had to be tougher. Like their first meeting, he was pretty flustered by how she treated him. He definitely doesn't treat other girls like that. He is not forceful with IJ or SW. I guess it's what HJ brings out in him. He doesnt like violence but had to learn a few moves just to be able to meet her on her level--almost. Not sure HJ could handle being with a puppy. She needs s strong man. And he did mention about how love can also make you more agressive. But yeah, it's a total turn on for me too! I'm also watching LR and I love JS! How can I love JH and JS!? They are so different yet I am in love with them both! And DK! How can we love so many different characters? Does it mean I'm easy!? JH has a softer, caring side too. I like his all around character. He is perfect for HJ.
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July 2, 2016 at 4:16 PM
To add a bit, I think one issue might be his size. He is not one of those stick figure actors. So next to PSH, he looks big. So when they were wrestling it did look a bit odd but at least he was playful and laughing to compensate for the visual. It could have looked totally different if he wasn't laughing. And it would have looked totally different if it had been someone like SH from LR! Maybe the same with DK. I think KRW is just too manly! I was surprised he is only 35...he looks more mature for some reason.
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July 2, 2016 at 4:33 PM
It also helps that he's got that lanky, borderline-bumbling thing going on; all of his warming up and botched leap into the boxing ring made it clear that Ji Hong is not exactly a martial artist.
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July 4, 2016 at 8:34 PM
lmao! Yeah, "Lanky, borderline-bumbling". so get it. I would rather people here tell us in detail what 'creeps' them out in Doctors. Equating KRW's character with stalker is such an overkill! We have seen enough of those guys like eg. Cheeze in the trap...stalking is very obvious and intrusive -- on the other hand we don't see anybody being bothered here, at least till now. In fact here is a link from 13 yrs ago of these intense feelings of well-being, with inklings of adoration and respect; of wanting to shield and help overcome challenges in so many can never forget that good turn when a safe sanctuary is offered to you, or when you are the one offering it to someone.
12 anon
July 2, 2016 at 12:59 PM
wow i'm surprised the reaction to doctors is so mixed. besides the whole teacher student thing in the past (it bothers me too but at least nothing actually happened back then) i'm so in love with the show. i forgot how good krw is at playing bright characters and psh is shining as yoo hye jung.
while things went kinda fast in terms of romantic progression i actually really like ji hong and hye jung as a couple. i hope they take their time getting together since we're only about 1/5 into the show rn but i'm so looking forward to how their relationship will develop in the future episodes!
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July 2, 2016 at 5:48 PM
Added by own comment to the conversation below yours but I totally agree! I also wrote about the questions I had behind the mixed reactions to Doctors on here. Decided to scour through some of the comments to see if anyone is enjoying the drama as much as I am. The teacher/student thing *was* a bit strange in the beginning but I don't think it's something to be SO hung up about especially when KRW's character didn't make a move on PSH's character until recent after she became of age. What's all the fuss about?
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July 2, 2016 at 7:12 PM
I mean just because bloggers/certain users on this site aren't enjoying Doctors isn't indicative of the international audience as a whole. I've seen nothing but mostly people saying good things about this show, but I have seen certain ifans bitter about it's ratings in comparison to Beautiful Mind...which is...just..lmao.
I mean the drama has its flaws and all, but the leads are fantastic and plot is flowing very nicely so far. Also, this is one of the very few examples of a female centric drama on a big three channel actually resonating with drama viewers in Korea, so the fact people are being so nitpicky is kinda disappointing.
Bottomline, Koreans have been, so far, watching and liking this drama and it's been sold to six countries and counting so I wouldn't lose sleep over these comments.
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July 3, 2016 at 9:27 PM
oh no i didn't mean it like that. i'm going to enjoy the show regardless of people's opinions. what confuses me is why people are so hung up over the fact that he used to be her teacher bc
a. he had feelings for her back then but he didn't act on them when he realized it. in fact he kept his distance after the rumours spread
b. it's a lot less skeevy bc it's not like ji hong felt that way for any of the students who showed him affection of the romantic kind (seo woo for example)
c. the underage thing has kind of gone away now. she's 31 years old when the actual story takes place. if he liked her bc she was young why would he still like her now
although the love story is a huge element of the plot overall so is hye jung's progression from reckless troublemaker to successful doctor which imo far outweighs the so called creepiness everyone keeps complaining about
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July 4, 2016 at 8:49 PM
I kind of often don't get why the audience out here is not very supportive of grey characters or situations. Why do they need everything to be black or white , why be so morally uptight! Life is really not Roses and reality can be a great teacher, judging out here based even on drama preferences is so wonky! It reminds me of how intense the pre-release / post-release dislike for "Valid Love" was. Because of the plot some just refused to acknowledge this very sensitive subject and the intricate issues it raised so delicately. Relationship dynamics there were brilliant. ugghh...going for a mind wash out of narrow opinions!
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13 Mel
July 2, 2016 at 1:51 PM
I'm down to Beautiful Gong Shim. The cute is back, and I'm not minding the identity plot.
I need to start Squad 38. Seems like my kind of show.
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July 2, 2016 at 5:06 PM
Just so long as you agree to share SIG and MSD. Any attempts to horde will be greeted with dark daggers!
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14 Telltale Wishes
July 2, 2016 at 3:29 PM
I wish people woudn't use "bipolar" when describing a tv show. It's a serious mental illness. There are other words that can be used
There's not much at the moment that's grabbing my attention so i am glad there are shows coming up that seem more my speed
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July 2, 2016 at 4:50 PM
But "bipolar" on its own can just simply mean "having extremities". I believe Jevabeans isn't in any way disrespecting the patients with this disorder when she uses the word "bipolar" to describe a show.
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July 2, 2016 at 7:13 PM
Yes. If you google the definition there are 2- the pyschiatric illness; and the one @Sun mentioned, which is what Javabeans meant.
I think people need to consider that most people are not trying to demean those with psychiatric problems or disregard the seriousness of their problem, just because words related to psychiatry are used. Because clearly this was not Javabeans intention in the post.
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July 3, 2016 at 6:31 AM
I agree that Javabeans' use is fine in this context, but I do understand Telltale's reaction. It is very en vogue lately to say things like "I'm soooooo
OCD" when really they just like to have things neat. It certainly does demean those suffering from the actual illness and feeds into the very real problem this country has of viewing mental illNess as simply a weakness or "not a real disease." Sorry, /end soapbox rant!
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July 4, 2016 at 2:13 AM
I hate signing things this way but it does seem important. I have a bipolar disorder diagnosis, so this is my "of the victimized group" opinion.
The thing is just that. "I am bipolar" "I'm so bipolar" is wrong. "I have bipolar disorder" "I change to opposite behavior which makes sense according to my diagnosis" that's more accurate. Mental Health doesn't own words. We own phrases.
When you use the word individually about an object, there's no error. It's not a misuse of the mental condition because bipolar isn't the mental condition. The phrase is, all 2 - 3 words and any numbers for the specific diagnosis. Bipolar is a word meaning two opposites.
I understand what @Kreyon is adding to the conversation. It is trendy to relate to any given disorder. The thing is almost every human relates to a disorder. They say yes, I have that symptom. However, they don't have enough symptoms or the medical examination to say they have it.
To borrow Kreyon's example, I like things the way I like them. I live in organized chaos. I can usually tell when my things have been moved and it makes me range from slightly uneasy to very uncomfortable. But, I'm also aware that I live in a house with 5 other people, one of whom isn't even a year yet. Things aren't going to stay where I want. And my GAD can't handle me worrying about it. So I say "In this moment, I'm feeling a bit obsessive compulsive. I'm going to work on one thing that gives me peace." And then I perfect my shoes and cubbies. Just 4 feet of control. I don't know much about OCD and its severity levels. But I think we can agree with if we're talking about the more severe sufferers, they wouldn't be physically okay with my solution.
So back to my original point, I think when talking about objects using words that also have meaning in the mental health community is fine. When calling a child "bipolar" or a guy "OCD" it would be better to say "back and forth/up and down" *though up and down has a bad connotion to me, just imo* or "particular/neat/organized". And if a person suspects that they truly do have a certain diagnosis, "I feel like my OC disorder is pushing me right now."
Mental illness shouldn’t be trendy or in. It should just be a fact of life so people are less afraid of being examined, of people with diagnoses, or judging them as weakness/pretend. An mental illness pushes people to think or behavior in certain ways. Everyone has a mental condition. So illnesses shouldn't be the trend. Accepting genetic structure and symptoms that make people think and act the way they do is best for inside the mental health community and outside of it. That should be the trend.
Sorry <3
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15 asmara
July 2, 2016 at 4:02 PM
Signal is brilliant. Together with Awl, Misaeng, and Missing Noir M. As much as I love watching kdramas, I usually need to switch to kdrama mode, you know, with all the tropes thing. But not for those aforementioned dramas. It has the tight writing and sleek execution of western series plus the heart kdramas always have.
Wonder why the ratings for Missing Noir M was quite low. That drama is fantastic.
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July 2, 2016 at 5:07 PM
I've never heard of it but I'll check it out myself. Thanks for the recommendations.
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July 2, 2016 at 7:31 PM
*lists down Missing Noir M*
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July 2, 2016 at 8:15 PM
Yes. I'll add my recommendation that Missing Noir M be watched. What a great drama that was and definitely needs a Season 2 as well.
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July 2, 2016 at 8:35 PM
But... are we curing the Signal withdrawals by replacing it with Missing Noir withdrawals???
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July 3, 2016 at 12:24 AM
Missing Noir M was so good. don't see people talk about it much, though!
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July 3, 2016 at 6:31 AM
Missing Noir M is one of my 2015 favorite drama. Maybe because of Park Hee Soon one my favorite ahjussi. ^_^
And I noticed most of my favorite drama really not good in rating.
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July 3, 2016 at 7:53 AM
I would not recommend missing noir m simply for that last episode. such an incredible drama that never had proper closure, and I wouldn't wish that disappointment on anyone...
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16 Evelia
July 2, 2016 at 4:29 PM
Doctors, but not getting excited.
Mirror of the Witch, sticiking around because of the brilliant villain. I felt that both protagonist have not gotten the chance to fight for their cause. To me their story was tense in the first few episodes but it has lost energy as the story progresses.
Beautiful Mind exciting and mysterious story. With each episode I want to know what is going to happen next. Its a pretty ambitious show.
Planning to start seeing Wanted.
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17 Mystic warrior
July 2, 2016 at 4:30 PM
I am glad that I am not the only one struggling to really get involved with Doctor's. I like the actors and I want to like the show but truthfully it weren't summer with a lot of extra time on my hands I don't think I would be watching this show. As it is I have made up a new plotline to make myself okay with the show.
As I see it after Ji-hong and Hye-jung separate when her grandmother dies he goes off to the US to study at Johns Hopkins and Hye-jung goes to boarding school. As it turns out she truly is a GENIUS and she ends up getting in to Johns Hopkins for her undergrad. It is here that they meet again halfway through Hye-jungs sophmore year. Things are awkward at first because of their history but eventually they become closer and romantic feelings form. BUT Hye-jung is uncertain because there is still that large age gap and he is working as a doctor while she still hasn't fininished her undergrad. In-joo, of course, arrives at this point and gets between them pointing out that she is a much more appropriate partner etc etc. Hye-jung returns to Korea for med school cutting of all contact.....
Okay, I am not a writer but doesn't this at least make a little more sense than how it was written?
I really didn't understand how Ji-hong could so suddenly fall in love with her. I mean can you really call it love at that point? He came on so strong when he first saw her that I was taken aback. They really didn't have that much history, especially romantically. I blame the writers.
This is one of those shows where I really want to like the show but I am having trouble latching on. Even the premise was on I thought could have been done well and tastefully. That didn't happen. I still live in hope but I am not expecting amazing things.
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July 3, 2016 at 12:08 AM
imo the scenario you laid out seems way less interesting than the actual drama. i think the main reason hye jung went to a small school was bc of money, btw, so johns hopkins would've been out of the question bc it's both expensive as hell (even with a scholarship) and abroad, which adds on to the cost. i think hye jung's criminal record could've also made it harder to get a student visa.
i personally like that the story they went with kept hye jung and ji hong separated for so long only to have them meet at a hospital they both have a strong connection to. i actually like the show a lot, though, so i'm obviously biased.
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18 sw33tnshie
July 2, 2016 at 4:36 PM
I feel like I'm watching the same shows as jb and gf....except doctors and lucky romance which i will start soon. Ohhh my gosh, finally finish ohy. I don't know why it took me a long time to finish it..i was watching it weekly until ep 10...that chair-grabbing kiss was hot...but apparently not hot enough for me to stay tune.
I love mirror and shi yoon. Kinda remind me of punch where the person with the upper hand keeps shifting. Keeps you intrigued.
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July 4, 2016 at 2:16 AM
Best wishes with LR! I'm catching up and episode 7 was too good. Woke up my baby nephew laughing, lol.
I'll start Doctors once I'm caught up on LR, which will probably be next week considering UF is starting this week.
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19 dramamama
July 2, 2016 at 5:00 PM
Mirror of the Witch got draggy for me this week, and I realized what it was missing: good strong romantic chemistry between the leads. I know it has to remain innocent because of the age difference, but when we have two grown men chasing after a girl and there is no romantic tension between them it becomes boring. I like the basic story and I'm sticking with the show till the end, but I just wish it was better in the romance department.
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July 2, 2016 at 5:10 PM
If they had romantic tension two things would happen:
Every person who knew the actors ages would puke so hard all over themselves and attempt to run away screaming (I would).
It would really detract from the fun supernatural elements as well as the interesting villains which I think is the best part of the show.
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July 2, 2016 at 6:43 PM
Hallo, Oshi! :D
This is <b>text goes here</b>
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July 3, 2016 at 6:17 AM
Thank you mary. I couldn't edit it and felt like a doh post was silly.
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July 3, 2016 at 11:24 PM
Hehe that's okay :) We close the weird tags anyway to avoid messing up the other comments. It's better to point it out in case we miss seeing the unclosed html.
July 4, 2016 at 2:21 AM
Yay! I've been watching the convo on OT abut putting things in bold. And was probably more confused than Oshi by it all. I'm proud of you, Oshi, for attempting it!
And thank you, mary. Now I know how to type in bold.
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July 2, 2016 at 6:55 PM
I know the interactions have to stay innocent due to their ages. Believe me, if they tried anything I would be the first to scream. I do like the drama's supernatural elements, but this week just seemed a bit flat for me. If the romance was more believable I would be onboard 100%. It would be the missing spice in the perfect stew.
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20 leina
July 2, 2016 at 5:45 PM
I don't understand why the recappers who are watching Doctors seem to be put off by the show. It's doing well in Korea in terms of viewership ratings and I personally think it has a nice flow to it. Sure it has its flaws but what's so bad about it that it's getting a bad rap? TT-TT Genuinely curious by what HeadsNo2 means by "I'm trying?"
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July 3, 2016 at 12:15 AM
i know a lot of people are really put off by the age gap that really started the show off, which is understandable. i'm personally okay with it because he never even made a move on her when she was in high school and the rest of the drama will be centered on their relationship as adults.
i feel like i'll end up shipping her with yoon do because i can never escape from loving second male leads, but the relationship between the leads isn't creepy to me yet.
there are many reasons, i guess. the plot may not be appealing to them, psh's acting in previous dramas may have put some off, etc.
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July 3, 2016 at 6:19 AM
Honestly it's nothing very exciting for international audiences. This is literally every medical drama in the US. It's less that they are down on it and more they have already seen it so it's missing the spark.
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July 3, 2016 at 11:44 AM
@stedens Thanks for your input! Your points made sense.
@oshi Strange that you would say that because i was born and raised in the united states and i can't say that i agree with your point about how Doctors is like "literally every medical drama in the US." I find Doctors refreshing from Grey's, Scrubs, Emily Owens MD, and General Hospital, all which I have watched. I'm curious to know which medical drama you find Doctors similar to?
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July 3, 2016 at 12:09 PM
The plot-lines are distinctly Korean but distill it down to the essence of the players. Hospital politics thread, love story between unlikely couple, cute secondary characters who fall in love with the lead (poor george), cool surgeries, medical jargon, some kind of competition between two of the doctors, tragic backstories filled with angst, broken marriages. The story-lines are all familiar to me. The players are different but it's predictable in it's own way. I can probably guess where the twists will come although they will be Kdrama-land tropes rather then western show tropes.
I would say Scrubs was the outlier from that list of shows. They actually spent more time accurately reflecting emotional development in people (for a comedy sitcom). Grey's is heightened event television so is general hospital though for daytime. I'd say Doctor's reflects ER mostly minus the realistic portrayals of an actual hospital.
21 witheachnewmorning
July 2, 2016 at 5:49 PM
MOTW: while i still enjoy watching it im getting a little the same plotlines seem to happen again in diff ways (hong joo never dies) and perhaps it would have benefitted from 16 eps instead of 20.the main couple is so beautiful to watch tho despite the age gap and i love the way their relationship was written
Doctors: lol yeah i found the boxing scene abit creepy and not at all cute but i do like their chemistry and PSH's character in general. im so confused abt the love triangle lol like i thought jisoo was gonna be part of it but also the other doctor so what would it be 3 guys to 1 girl?? i know PSH is badass and all but isnt this scratching reality just a little bit....oh i forgot kim minseok too HAHAHA but im betting he'll end up with soonhee and make a v cute couple with her
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July 3, 2016 at 12:23 AM
i feel like ji soo will have a very minimal role, so he may not provide a big rivalry. idk though! whatever happens, i would never mind seeing more ji soo.
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22 BA
July 2, 2016 at 6:34 PM
Oh tvN. 1st it was CITT and now OHYA. Both started out with such promise but it faltered in the home stretch.
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July 3, 2016 at 12:21 AM
ikr. both were such disappointments in the end despite starting so well :( i'm still salty about CITT because i love the webtoon so much.
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July 3, 2016 at 6:20 AM
I don't know it felt like ending was appropriate to me. Most of my objections stemmed from the drawn out extension episodes. They focused on the wrong thing so they lost some