Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching
by DB Staff
And the dramas just keep rolling on. These days I’m finding that there’s an unusually high number of watchable dramas that pile high on my plate—not that all are superlative shows, but there are quite a number of easy and entertaining dramas I want to watch, not ones I feel I ought to follow out of a self-induced sense of obligation. Thanks (?) to my ongoing status as bedridden and bored bonkers, I’ve got a lot of time with which to catch up all the shows. It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it. –javabeans
Age of Youth: Things started slower than I liked and Episode 1 was a lot of frustration with the timidity of the main character (necessary, yes, but frustrating to watch), but by the end of the second episode I’d warmed up to the crew of housemates. I’m glad to have this writer back in dramaland (White Christmas, Mixed-up Investigative Agency), but I’m not much digging the directorial style or the low-budget feel to the visuals. Park Eun-bin lights up the screen, though.
The Good Wife: Obviously Jeon Do-yeon is awesome and Yoo Ji-tae has that smolder, but ahhhh, Yoon Kye-sang has my heart right now. My reaction to the end of Episode 6 was “Yessss. Noooo. Wait yes! Ahhh, I don’t even know what I want anymore.”
After the Show Ends: I know there’s a lot of false reality going on here, but it really does look like Ahn Bo-hyun is crushing on Yura in real life, and I don’t know if that’ll end well for him. The Suk-jin and So-hee loveline feels a little more constructed, though I think there’s real attraction mixed in — I’d be more than happy if they made it real, though.
Bring It On, Ghost: I don’t feel like Taecyeon is able to carry the emotional backstory, which is a little disappointing for the deepening melo moments. But he and Kim So-hyun are awfully darn cute in the bickery romance moments, which is enough for me.
Doctors: I feel like the goodwill generated by the funny and warm interpersonal moments is almost negated by the growing absurdity of Seo-woo. One day I’ll roll my eyes so hard they cause me actual injury. If only there were a doctor in the house.
W: Wow, now that’s the stuff: cool, fresh, and gripping. Every minute is jam-packed, and no moment wasted. It’s liberating to be able to watch something and just put your faith in the writer to take you somewhere awesome. Wheeee!
Uncontrollably Fond: It’s probably a titch too slow to be addicting; I enjoy the slow burn, but I think wistfully that it could have been more. I think the writer has definitely mellowed over the years (from her I’m Sorry, I Love You days), and it shows in her recent shows (Wonderful Season, Fond).
Wanted: In what society, in what country, in what world, would a reality show cause multiple gory deaths to occur and not be shut the hell down immediately? Where is the SWAT team? Where is the national guard? Where is Kim Ah-joong’s emoting?
Beautiful Mind: Ten episodes in, and this show is still awesome. It’s the small yet significant steps Young-oh takes with his patients, hospital staff, and most importantly Jin-sang, that keeps me hooked week after week. His journey makes me laugh and cry and root for his happiness, so here’s to hoping that next week’s finale (*tear*) won’t rob us of a potentially brighter future.
Uncontrollably Fond: I do wish that the story would get moving, because our hero’s heath is a ticking time bomb. I still look forward to the glimpses we get of Pororo the Big Sheepdog, even though it pains me that he’s stuck outside in the cold.
W—Two Worlds: Love, love, love. Fast-paced and filled with intriguing characters, just thinking about this show excites me. Oh, and it doesn’t hurt that Lee Jong-seok is so very pretty. I love how Kang Chul pushes the boundaries of his own world, and I find endless pleasure in watching Yeon-joo’s numerous attempts to making the chapter end. But you won’t find me complaining if that equates to more smooches.
Currently recapping: Age of Youth
W—Two Worlds: Is it even possible to love a drama this much this early in the game? It’s a little unnerving, but I’m willing to roll with it. I’m even willing to go ahead and pop the biggest W question of all: Will you marry me, Show?
Uncontrollably Fond: Sadly, I’ve been stuck on the second episode for weeks, watching it over and over, and trying to find the will to move on to the third. Hasn’t happened yet. Afraid it never will.
Doctors: I’m so conflicted with this drama. I’m never fully invested, yet I’m always coming back every Monday and Tuesday. My heart doesn’t flutter for the main couple, yet I want them together anyway. I just don’t know. *bonks head on keyboard*
Five Kids: Augh, this family makes me happy. And unbelievably annoyed… but mostly happy. The main source of the annoyance is definitely Sang-tae’s mother-in-law and her silly antics, but she at least makes me laugh while any other crazy drama mama might have me fuming. I just wish our heroine Mi-jung would get more chances to be a mom to her stepkids because she’s a pretty freaking awesome mom.
Uncontrollably Fond: Woobz. How I’ve missed you. Thank you for delivering my much-needed dose of gruff-cute this week. I switched from watching Doctors to Uncontrollably Fond, and I’ve got to say, I’m actually enjoying Uncontrollably Fond more. To be honest, it might be because the hospital power plays in Doctors began to take up more screen time. In both dramas, the background politicking seems unnecessary. I’d much rather enjoy the careful character development of the main protagonists, than waste time mired in the underhanded plots of one-dimensional pseudo-villains I don’t care about. At least the Uncontrollably Fond politics seems centered around Shin Joon-young, and his birth secret.
W-Two Worlds: This is fantastic. I marathoned the first three episodes, because this drama is as addictive as kettlecorn. Of course there are some minor plot holes (like the entire concept of the conveniently placed inter-world time-space portals) and deus ex machina moments, but overall, it’s pretty and exciting. The actors are engaging, and the plot, while somewhat oddly paced, moves along quickly.
Yes, That’s How It is: Sometimes, I wish Korean drama writers were more like George R.R. Martin: blood-thirsty yet logical. Almost always, the villain or the villainess gets away with their heinous misdeeds until the very end, because the main characters, who have usually already collected sufficient evidence, refuse to accuse them of their crimes for any amount of inane reasons. To every protagonist out there: MAKE COPIES OF THE INCRIMINATING TAPES! In addition, no one dies, who wasn’t already supposed to die (except for the notable anomaly of Princess Aurora). In Yes, That’s How It Is this week, one of the main characters survived a head-on collision with a huge truck. To kill her off, would have been unthinkable, because of all the loose ends that would result. However, a part of me was rooting for her to become a martyr, and cause her lying, unworthy husband to stew in his guilt and pain forever *cue evil laughter*. Although, seeing the whole family come together in her moment of crisis was heart-warming.
Five Kids: Tae-min, why do you have to be so clueless all the time? You missed Yeon-tae crushing on you for seven years, and now you’re missing the entire animosity between your mom and your girlfriend. Please learn to get some noon-chi before the next episode.
Memory: Done! I like the side characters. I like the villains. I like the bad-people-who-are-not-villains. I like the villains-who-are-not-bad-people. I like the ending. I may have disliked this show at first but it sucked me in around the middle and had me caring up until the end. I guess I’d rather have a show that starts weak and ends strong than have one that starts strong and ends up disappointing. (Thanks chickachunga and the beanies who made me stay with this show!)
Police Unit 38: This show sucks. I hate the playground scene. The bromance is dead. Only one of these statements is true.
Thumping Spike: No one warned me about That Kiss! You can’t just spring those kind of Song Jae-rim kiss scenes on me! I need time to prepare. Popcorns don’t make themselves, y’know?
W: Please don’t talk to me. I’m trying to store every precious scene in my long-term memory.
Tags: 1 show to rule them all, After the Show Ends, Age of Youth, Beautiful Mind, Bring It On Ghost, Doctors, Memory, Mirror of the Witch, Police Unit 38, The Good Wife, Uncontrollably Fond, Wanted, What We're Watching, W–Two Worlds
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1 Koko
July 30, 2016 at 8:13 PM
I'm amazed at how many great dramas are airing at once this season. The unfortunate result is that I've dropped quite a few, or am very close to dropping some (Uncontrollably Fond, I'm looking at you).
The Good Wife, W and Bring it on Ghost have been really doing it for me. W has one of the best plots I've seen in a /really/ long time, the Good Wife has been killing it both acting and plot-wise, and BIOG is just plain cute.
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July 31, 2016 at 6:05 AM
Ha! I could have written this post myself. My thoughts exactly. W is my favorite. The Good Wife I didn't pick up from the beginning, I read the recaps for 1+2 and then picked it up after that and I love it. Bring it On Ghost is cute and soulful (pun intended) at the same time. The only thing I would add is Flower in Prison. It is a strong fourth. Even though I don't like the lead actress that much (I hate it when I can see actors ACT), I enjoy her character. Nobody has called her a genius but that is what she is. She is smart and resourceful, with morals edged in stone. She may be an orphan, but has many surrogate fathers and brothers that would just kill for her. Also, we are half way through the series and no romance has developed. I like this because she is not impeded by ridiculous love lines. Of course the main "hero" is interested, but has never moved on his feelings. And now that he has joined the "dark side" I love that our heroine has given him hell and will not give him the time of day. Plus the king's crush is adorable. I love that he is still hiding his identity to be able to go out and just hang out with her. I really loved the scene last night of our heroine sharing drinks with the king in a street market. I don't want her to know he is the king, but now that she is working at the palace it is only a matter of time.
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August 1, 2016 at 12:23 AM
I'm very surprised that no one on Team Dramabeans is watching Flower in Prison. It's waayy better than beautiful minds, doctors or bring on ghost. I find Park So Dam so d... unwatchable - probably this is a reason for the low ratings of beautiful mind, reduction of episodes and little air time that she has in later episodes.
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August 1, 2016 at 2:20 PM
Wow, you wrote exactly what i was thinking. I can't remember why or what I saw that makes Park So Dam so unappealing, but its making me worry about the Cinderella drama that is supposed to start soon. Maybe she'll improve.
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2 aimi
July 30, 2016 at 8:13 PM
I'm not watching anything else other than W at the moment cuz everything else is pale by comparison.
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July 30, 2016 at 11:47 PM
I hear that. I'm watching other shows because I'd already started and I don't drop much. But I could spend all week rewatching the 2 eps.
PT38 is a close second.
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July 31, 2016 at 12:27 AM
I agree W and PU 38 are so good that they make the other show pale in comparison and make me unable to watch anything other than these.
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July 31, 2016 at 12:50 AM
So true!
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July 31, 2016 at 10:02 AM
Me exactly! W all the WAY !
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August 1, 2016 at 7:57 AM
Watching W and past running man episodes.
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3 Gaelicmaiden
July 30, 2016 at 8:15 PM
Between The Good Wife, Wanted, Bring It On Ghost, Police Unit 38, Age of Youth, and W (which might just be favorite series of 2016 so far), I think there are so many great shows currently airing.
Thank you for the recaps and all your hard work!
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4 Prettysup
July 30, 2016 at 8:18 PM
Is it safe to say here that I am not that sucked into W as everyone else? I am in ep 3 and I find it kind of weird that KC can turn back the clock (that car crash scene). Anyway I will continue with this I guess, since I have nothing else to watch after Beautiful Mind ends next week. Ahh, definitely going to miss Young Oh.
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July 30, 2016 at 8:31 PM
wait, I think he didn't turn back the clock,
he just make it slower since in webtoon, it is his/main character pace that count.
what happen in real world take longer in the webtoon so what already draw is not happen instantly, it still in the process.
His awareness make him the glitch but because he is the main chara, he can move on his own without the support of other webtoon chara, while the other chara can't proceed without him.
well that's my understanding on the situation.
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July 30, 2016 at 11:51 PM
That makes so much sense. Because each scene isn't draw, drawing takes longer to produce a full result in manhwaworld. The car hadn't crashed yet ? Thank you!
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August 1, 2016 at 4:13 PM
I thought that the action froze when Oh Sung-Mu stopped to pound down a drink. And by the time he turned his attention back to the screen to draw, Kang Chul had already changed the narrative by avoiding the crash.
*OSM you should never drink while you're drawing*
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August 1, 2016 at 4:27 PM
Seems like they've hung a lantern on his drinking. Kang Chul 'came to life' when the OSM had lost his family (due to alcoholism?) and his reason to live. And Kang Chul has agency when OSM stops drawing to take a drink.
July 31, 2016 at 1:02 AM
he just make it slower since in webtoon, it is his/main character pace that count.
what happen in real world take longer in the webtoon so what already draw is not happen instantly, it still in the process.
OMG @sancheezy you're brilliant! Your pacing slow theory reminds me of the game 'braid'.If anyone ever has played that game would know how the slow-mo theory works here..May be writer from W actually played the game and worked on the theory? Anyone interested go take a look at the gameplay,absolutely mind blowing!
@Prettysup I'm with you on the super minority team of not feeling the craze,wait I was there with the majority till ep 2-3 ish,but then ep 4 happened.And HHJ is turning me off kind of.Am I the only one who finds her acting cute odd? I actually caught this one time,when she took a pause and feigned the cute act over phone,while talking to kang chul. Another time when she was talking in the sleep,her voice was quite low tone,and as if she's trying to be charming and all.It was kind of weird,as I've just seen her in 'beauty inside' some months back,so she has this all grown up respected lady image in front of me.So after that,this act of cutes and aegyos is coming off as fake.I wish she goes back to the girl from ep 1-2,really.
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July 31, 2016 at 1:28 AM
"Another time when she was talking in the sleep,her voice was quite low tone,and as if she’s trying to be charming and all."
She wasn't trying to be charming. She was heavily drugged at that time, so there's a bit of semi-consciousness happening. I'm not going to insist to you that her acting isn't odd. That is really objective. But, I respectfully disagree, especially with the scenes you've specified.
So far, it's Han Hyo Joo bringing the brightness and calmness. She exudes that aura that "everything will be fine in the end". She makes Oh Yeon Joo endearing and sweet.
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July 31, 2016 at 1:57 AM
I've heard of braid,haven't try it.
thanks, will look for it.
about HHJ acting, I think she is the comic relief aspect, if KC is the serious side, she is the opposite.
I usually fine with exaggerated funny moment as long as she nailed the heavy emotional scene. Overall I see how her acting look weird but it's good for me.
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July 31, 2016 at 10:27 AM
Well, it did seem like him trying to avoid the semi and bouncing of the lightpost was overwritten, even though that wasn't part of the panel that OYJ's dad saw change AND seemed to have occurred before the time freeze. (Since later scenes show the car to be completely undamaged, it must not have actually occurred in the manhwa's reality, even though we saw it in live action).
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July 30, 2016 at 8:40 PM
He didn't turn back time, it actually paused. But he didn't pause it on purpose, it was due to his sudden awareness that something odd was happening and he suspected a force outside of his "world".
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
July 30, 2016 at 8:51 PM
Please don't have any worries about your safety, Prettysup. Just because most of us love this show does not mean everyone must love the same.
We all have our own taste and preference. ☺☺☺
Same goes to a show hated by majority but there must a minority love it.❤ After all we all watching a drama to suit with our taste. As long as we know how to respect each other. ❤
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July 30, 2016 at 8:55 PM
The plot is awesome and is what keeps me going, but I'm also not addicted or sucked in like I absolutely need to know what happens next.
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July 30, 2016 at 9:37 PM
same with you,except BM,i don't wacth other drama,after BM end's,i will wait gong hyo jin new series and saimdang.will says Adios to kbs.but because "PU 38" is have so good comment,after the drama end,i will find the dvd.wil miss YO and JS so much.
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July 30, 2016 at 9:37 PM
Definitely not turning back the clock. Instead, time stopped for awhile. It was a glitch due to his momentary awareness that something is off and based on EP 4, he's been taking notes of the odd things that's been happening to him and his world.
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August 1, 2016 at 4:33 PM
Agree. Seems like time began to suspend when he started doubting his world and stopped when he disbelieved it entirely.
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July 30, 2016 at 10:34 PM
Me too Prettysup. I thought I was the weird one that I dare not say anything. I'm enjoying the story as I watch but that's pretty much it. I love the leads and the writer's previous works but I'm not emotionally connected to any of them.. well, not yet I guess.
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July 30, 2016 at 10:56 PM
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July 31, 2016 at 1:07 AM
No, I'm another one. I mentioned as much on the Open Thread. It's a good show with a great premise but I don't loooooooooove it like everyone else. Quite a few things are pretty meh to me in that show because they come up in kdramas so often that I've personally gotten bored of them.
I may end up dropping it at some point, we'll see.
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July 31, 2016 at 11:31 AM
Oh yes, if you don't like a show, pls just drop it. No point forcing yourself on something that doesn't fit :)
No point hanging on, criticisms will only build up and make you unhappy :)
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July 30, 2016 at 10:41 PM
Same thoughts on W. I thought it's good but it's not as addicting for me as it is for everyone else. Actually lately, I'm not being sucked into shows everyone loves as much as I like to, eg Marriage Contract, OHYA (as in they're good, but not good enough for me to love it soooo much)
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July 31, 2016 at 1:03 AM
R Share the same feeling,finally found someone who's not into OHYA that much.
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July 31, 2016 at 5:30 AM
Same for me. I like W but also feel that it is Too overrated. I Agree with your other mentioned examples.
Right now some of the shows i'm enjoying have pretty bad ratings.
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July 30, 2016 at 11:55 PM
Same here. I think the show is definitely good and I think it will get better as Kang Chul enters the real world. I just haven't gotten truly sucked in either. I don't want to bash the show though, so I'm just going to keep enjoying.
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July 31, 2016 at 12:14 AM
Very well said! I appreciate more those who are not afraid and honest enough that they don't like a certain show but in a classy way! I loathe those people who will bash a show just because they don't like it!
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
July 31, 2016 at 12:26 AM
Yeah, I think that's safe to say lol. I'm pretty hooked myself, but still taking a step back and sending up prayers for the plot.
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July 31, 2016 at 12:37 AM
I appreciate the story and like it but as everyone else said here I'm not as addicted as I had expected to be. I do think the show is really good but I can put it to a halt as well. I may not do the same to PU 38. For me PU 38 > W . I think it is the character development which is not making me relate to the characters. Till now, the story is well done, the characters' emotions aren't that much.
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July 31, 2016 at 4:28 AM
You don't enjoy Bring It on Ghost? I found it cute and engaging.
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July 31, 2016 at 4:48 AM
Me too. At least, not yet anyway. I always find myself thinking, then what? But I still come to it every week. And LJS is definitely pretty. Haha
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July 31, 2016 at 5:25 AM
I like W a lot, and am as intrigued by the story as everyone else seems to be, but oddly I kind of zone out while watching. I enjoy reading girlfriday's recaps more than I enjoy watching it.
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July 31, 2016 at 8:46 AM
I kind of agree with you there. While watching episode 3, I felt like KC was beginning to lose his charm that made him feel like a manga character. After I watched episode 4, I was sucked back in. Idk if it had to do with YJ getting arrested but I think W is only drama I'm enjoying this summer along with BM everything else has somewhat disappointed me or I just wasn't interested.
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July 31, 2016 at 1:36 PM
You're not alone :) I can see why people are into it, but it does nothing for me.
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The other Kiara
July 31, 2016 at 6:11 PM
It's one of those I can watch with my hardcore comic geek brothers. Something different from the American superheros.
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5 makoto
July 30, 2016 at 8:18 PM
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6 jessanno
July 30, 2016 at 8:24 PM
I'm obsessed with W. And because this is my first time watching Lee Jong Suk (he is GORGEOUS btw... Those cheekbones!) I have searched low and high for his dramas. I need more of him!
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July 30, 2016 at 8:28 PM
I'm re-bingeing Queen In-hyun's Man, because I love W's writer and I watched Nine very recently. No LJS, but Kim Boong Do!
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July 30, 2016 at 8:38 PM
I keep hearing about Queen In-hyun's Man! I think I will watch that very soon.
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July 30, 2016 at 11:03 PM
Yes! It's worth watching for the lead couple's chemistry alone.
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August 1, 2016 at 4:35 PM
Get a good supply of Kleenex ready.
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July 30, 2016 at 8:42 PM
Kim Boong Do!!! The best K-drama hero ever made. He still no 1 in my list. Purrrrrrrfectttttttt!
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The other Kiara
July 30, 2016 at 8:51 PM
Kim Boong Do is still my fav character from this writer!
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July 30, 2016 at 9:09 PM
He is my no. 1 male lead character as well!!!! Just awesome!!!!
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July 30, 2016 at 9:25 PM
Yoeda & The Other Kiara yes and yes. I still have a soft spot for the actor since he played that role.
QIM was so good. Major Yoo In-na love too after it.
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July 30, 2016 at 9:52 PM
Dammit. I can never resist a QIHM rewatch whenever I start seeing comments about Kim Boong Do. I have current dramas to catch up on...but it's just so good. HE'S just so good.
The other Kiara
July 31, 2016 at 5:52 PM
@ Karuna
I don't think any of us expected to be charmed by the two leads and their characters.
I have fond memories of this show, watching it live and squeeing over the recaps with JB and the rest of Bong Do's new fan-girls lol.
Everytime I read or hear the word player, Kim Bong Do came to mind "The playerest player who ever played"
(I think it was either JB or GF who said that and I will always associate it with Kim Bong Do).
I hope you'll enjoy it just as much as we did.
July 30, 2016 at 11:59 PM
I feel the same way about Kim Boong Do as Mary feels about Song Jae-rim.
It's really quite serious.
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July 31, 2016 at 3:25 AM
kim bong do, the perfect male lead character ever. i never find fault with him, he was just sooo perfect
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July 30, 2016 at 8:42 PM
I keep reading QIM for the past 3 days,
T.T now I feel the urge to re watch it... aah kim bung do just a husband goal...
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July 30, 2016 at 8:45 PM
Just started Queen In-Hyun's man because I'm loving W so much!
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July 31, 2016 at 10:04 AM
I just started marathoning Queen In Hyun's Man! I finished episode 8 and my poor heart couldn't take it so I had to go to bed last night because I knew that if I watched another ep, I'd have to watch a bunch more episodes to know that everything was going to be okay and then it'd be morning and I really can't do that to myself. But QIHM is so good! Having watched half of the show gives me faith that W is going to be consistently awesome, too.
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July 30, 2016 at 8:33 PM
Highly recommend I hear your voice. I watch that drama like three times already and I went buy official box set too.
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July 30, 2016 at 8:38 PM
Seconding this rec! This is honestly my favourite drama out of all that I've watched, and I've rewatched it 5 times maybe, lol. What's more, I always pair my rewatch with rereadings of DB's recaps on the show too :D
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July 30, 2016 at 8:42 PM
I do too!!! I love to go and read the recaps/comments!
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July 30, 2016 at 9:39 PM
Haha right? I feel like DB's recaps is the perfect coffee to accompany kdrama's book.
July 30, 2016 at 8:41 PM
Just added that to the list! I started School 2013 yesterday which wasn't that bad at all. I am loving the bromance! I think I'll watch IHYV next. Do you recommend Dr. Stranger?
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July 30, 2016 at 8:47 PM
I won't recommend Doctor Stranger. :(
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July 30, 2016 at 8:58 PM
I don't. HAAHAHAHA! But if you're willing to turn off your brain while watching it, go watch it!
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July 30, 2016 at 9:01 PM
I recommend Doctor Stranger first 4 episodes. The first 4 episode were so good and can be treated as a standalone arc. And LJS's visuals peaked over there IMO at least before W came up.
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July 30, 2016 at 9:22 PM
If I could burn all evidence of Doctor Stranger in a fire, I would. It's the circle of hell slightly above Dr Jin.
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
July 31, 2016 at 12:25 AM
I would salvage the Lee Jong-seok/Kang Sora parts to use in another drama (as primary pairing this time), and maybe Park Hae-jin too.
Everything else can go burn.
July 30, 2016 at 9:49 PM
Oh, NOoooooo - spare yourself from Doctor Stranger. It is really strange and quite, um, awful...except for LJS's kiss scene in episode 9 (I Think?). That was a goodie!!!
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July 30, 2016 at 9:57 PM
If you're already watching School 2013, I'd suggest watching I Hear Your Voice, then Pinocchio, and leave Dr. Stranger last. XD
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July 30, 2016 at 10:46 PM
Highly recommend I Hear Your Voice (one or my TOP drama), then School 2013 (my favorite school drama) and then Pinocchio (it's a regular drama). Watch Doctor Stranger at your own risk.
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July 31, 2016 at 12:07 AM
I recommend Dr. Stranger. You're likely to regret it after. Why do I recommend it then? Jongsuk, Haejin, Sora, Jongsuk's character and Jongsuk's acting. The way he executes his character's emotions, quirks, speech and action is amazing. It's the show that made me realize his improvements on his time acting in Secret Garden, School.
My advice for how to watch it? Skip scenes without at least 2 of the three LJS, PHJ, KSR. Skip scenes without LJS. Skip the politics and focus on Park Hoon's relationships and story. You can fill in any blanks with recaps on DB *I checked they are available*
This is simply the suggestion to get more LJS and an idea of him as an actor in a way that doesn't have you spending hours on Doctor Stranger
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
July 31, 2016 at 12:23 AM
ia, no one needs to watch Surgery Olympics.
And yes, if you have to do this to yourself and spend precious bandwidth on that show, I STRONGLY second the suggestion to skip all scenes without at least 2 out of the 3 (LJS/Kang Sora/ Park Hae-jin).
(though really, just skip it and watch Lee Jong-seok's three superior shows as lead. Plus movies - Hot Blooded Youth is adorable and has him in a different role from his usual. The Face Reader is also really good but he's in a supporting role there and it is a sageuk so be prepared)
July 31, 2016 at 12:56 AM
Oh, speaking of movies No Breathing I haven't seen it. But it has two of our princes Jongsuk & Inguk
pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
July 31, 2016 at 3:09 AM
@Purple Owl - from what I've heard, No Breathing was not worthy of either LJS or SIG. No dice :(
July 31, 2016 at 8:56 AM
@pogo that's too bad. They are two of my favorites and I'd been thinking about finding it when their shows were over. Oh, well rewatch S2013 and R97 it is ?
July 31, 2016 at 9:00 AM
The only reason to watch Dr. Stranger is the eye candy. LJS is ridiculously hot and intensely charming (and "hot" is not a word I usually associate with him. "Pretty" on the other hand...), Kang Sora is wonderful, and Park Hae-jin brings the pretty. I second everyone else's rec to watch the first four or so episodes and then move on to Pinocchio. :)
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July 30, 2016 at 9:00 PM
I've seen S2013, Doctor Stranger, Hot Young Bloods and No Breathing...but this is the very first time that I started to like LJS. I was never a fan, but I think that will change in the coming weeks. Thanks to the writer for making this drama awesome, and his character, too!
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July 30, 2016 at 9:49 PM
Since you already have IHYV and School 2013 in your list, I agree with Cipher and recommend Doctor Stranger first few episodes because they are epic! You may want to continue and finish it too because while the plot went downhill, LJS's acting carried it until the end.
I also recommend Pinocchio. The first two episodes did not pull me in (when the characters will still young), but I continued and was not disappointed. It's a good drama and I think PSH found her perfect co-star in LJS. They're so cute together. Enjoy watcing! :)
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July 30, 2016 at 9:54 PM
Irony of ironies, LJS starred in Pinocchio and now in W (SPOILERS) he's become a real boy.
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July 30, 2016 at 11:56 PM
I don't know if it's the Ambien, but that made my night. Badum-ching ?
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July 31, 2016 at 12:31 AM
(omg, this took me embarrassingly long to understand, I need to sleep more)
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July 30, 2016 at 10:05 PM
Try school 2013 for the bromance and i hear your voice
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July 30, 2016 at 10:52 PM
Lee Jong suk - must watch school 2013, dr stranger
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July 31, 2016 at 10:20 AM
Watch Dr Stranger at your own risk.
Anger, Confusion, Frustration and the occasional tearing of hair out.
Enjoy first 4-5 episodes fully. Cuddle with them. Love them. Watch the rest with precaution, preferably skipping ALL scenes that do not have Lee Jong Suk/ Park Hae Jin or Kang So ra
Best of luck!
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July 31, 2016 at 11:37 AM
Dr stranger, I guess can watch till ep12 if you must watch more. But pls stop at that. Anything beyond is a disaster!!
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
July 30, 2016 at 11:52 PM
Lee Jong-seok is perfect for his role because he p much looks like a manhwa hero in real life anyway.
If you want more of his dramas, I'd strongly suggest School 2013 and I Hear Your Voice, with a dose of Pinocchio to follow.
Avoid Dr Stranger at all costs, though. Even he and the PD weren't happy with that one!
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July 31, 2016 at 1:09 AM
@JessA Watch I hear your voice asap.Best LJS drama ever! One thing that LJS is always good at is acting all mature and domineering over his love interests lol. It was fun to watch a school boy fall for an attorney for just the sake of the oddness alone.Also who can forget the serial killer? Don't walk on the streets alone after watching the show!
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Goo Ma Ri
July 31, 2016 at 4:10 AM
Start by watching School 2013 first .. that was the drama that made made me love him
then watch I hear your voice .. it's such a good drama
DON'T watch Dr stranger !! it's a mess
DON'T watch No breathing !! it's messier !!
watch My prettiest days, a drama special he was in .. such a great special for me <3
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July 31, 2016 at 8:58 AM
Thanks for the drama special recommendation. I hadn't heard of it before.
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July 31, 2016 at 11:38 AM
Actually, no breathing was ok, better than dr stranger ending, lol :p
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7 Sancheezy
July 30, 2016 at 8:25 PM
I am watching W and The Good Wife,
and I feel so good, it's the perfect fit for my schedule atm.
Still hoping I have more time for Police squad 38 and Beautiful Minds,
it's been a hectic for the last 4 days in my life, I hope I can transfer in the webtoon world ala W and take a good 10 hours sleep, preferably beside the protagonist, then come back fresh and energized in real world without loosing much time.
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8 annflln
July 30, 2016 at 8:25 PM
surprisingly...I found W actually very good one. Like JB said, its not hurt to have so much prettiness come from LJS. Love the pace and the acting are great too.
I'm bit of wary to pacing Beautiful Mind's final week. I'm not ready yet to say goodbye to the drama...just when LYO start to warmed up to everyone in the hospital. D*mn KBS for cutting the episodes :'(
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9 Miranda
July 30, 2016 at 8:26 PM
"I’m never fully invested, yet I’m always coming back every Monday and Tuesday. My heart doesn’t flutter for the main couple, yet I want them together anyway. I just don’t know."
Sometimes I fee like Doctors is the show supplying the backstory for the parents of another drama's hero. You know, like: "Hyun Woo is a playboy prosecutor who loses his hand in a yachting accident, but then falls in love with the pretty physiotherapist who teaches him to paint again, not knowing their adoptive parents used to all work at the same hospital and adopted them due to a train crash and they're actually cousins."
Everyone is just terribly well-adjusted over in Doctors. I watch it while I cook, not worried if I miff some of the translations.
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July 30, 2016 at 10:50 PM
???? Love it! Thank you for the laugh.
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July 31, 2016 at 12:13 AM
I kinda want to watch that drama. Just as long as they are far enough apart cousins for reproductive purposes. And she's in love with him too, very important.
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July 31, 2016 at 12:58 AM
They're both in love, but they're first cousins on the register. Also one of them has leukemia.
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July 31, 2016 at 9:00 AM
Oh, the registry of course! And leukemia too. @Miranda so much love right now
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10 dramamad
July 30, 2016 at 8:27 PM
The unanimous love seems to be W. That's it- I'm starting that next. Thank you?
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July 31, 2016 at 12:14 AM
Enjoy! Join the conversation when you catch up or on Open Thread.
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11 Naddie
July 30, 2016 at 8:32 PM
I haven't been watching this many drama since... ever! Seriously. I usually watch my kdramas once they've ended just so that I don't have to "waste my time" watching something I'm gonna end up hating in the long run, but there's some seriously good stuff showing right now.
I love, love, love The Good Wife - waiting for ep8 to be subbed right now and I just can't enough of it every week. How I wish I could have Hye Kyung's inner strength & calm demeanor irl.
I'm loving W & Uncontrollably Fond equally, W for its great storyline & dimensional travel hijinks (loved Queen In-hyun's Man and I was looking forward to the show due to the scriptwriter), and Uncontrollably Fond for the leads' slow burn. I love slow burns so much and the end of this week's ep just made me "YEAH GO KICK THAT CANCER'S BUTT".
I just picked up Age of Youth and marathoned all 4 eps - I'm hooked! I wasn't sold in the first ep but by the end of ep 4, I think I'm in love. I really love the slice-of-life feel of the show, and found the whole mysterious vibes with the ghost/murderer storyline to be a bit at odd with the show but I'm rolling with it. It kinda reminds me of Honey & Clover, except this show is all about the girls' relationships. I'm loving it so much right now, hopefully the show won't be too heavyhanded with the ghost/past trauma and focus on the girls instead.
Doctors has felt a bit slower this week, and I'm not really looking forward to the next eps like I was before. At 20 eps, I really wonder what they're planning to cover - I hate the whole hospital politics so I'm just wary that that's all they'll focus on. Just give me more kissing scenes like this week and I'll be content to watch, honestly.
I still haven't finished MOTW (2 more eps to go but I just don't feel like watching it), and I'm planning to pick up Beautiful Mind again once it's finished airing.
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12 bigmomma12345
July 30, 2016 at 8:37 PM
Can someone please explain to me how, in one short year, I went from never having even heard of a kdrama to live watching six of them? How did this happen? South Korean entertainment industry ftw...
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July 30, 2016 at 8:47 PM
DramaMama I am with you! I saw a random tweet about Witch's Romance in November and looked it up. Discovered Viki and Dramafever and it's been non-stop ever since!
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July 30, 2016 at 8:47 PM
Hahahahahaha @DramaMama - welcome to the loony bin. You're safe with us here on DramaBeans because we are all certifiable. It's good to have you on board! Just surrender to the madness and the ecstasy. We'll take good care of you!
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July 30, 2016 at 9:59 PM
story of my life *looks glumly at tatters of her social life*
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July 31, 2016 at 12:19 AM
This is not the year for new drama fans. I began my first drama, BOF of course, Dec. 2011 and was casual enough. And then it started to pick up this past December. Now I'm watching 5 semi-live, 1 was semi-live but it ended so just finishing off. That's not even saying anything of my j-dramas, t-dramas, and my th-dramas curiosity.
This year was the year of explosion. I'm torn between glad and sad lol
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July 31, 2016 at 12:44 AM
Tell me about it, there are so many watchable shows airing right now (and no ending in sight) that I wonder if I'll ever be able to get back to my "to watch"-list which only becomes longer and longer and continue Nirvana in Fire (stuck at ep. 10 for over two months now... I probably need to start again from the first episode when I go 2046 lol)
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July 31, 2016 at 12:57 AM
2046 for real.
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July 31, 2016 at 1:56 AM
I too was stuck at the beginning of Nirvana in Fire. But after I powered through the first 10 episodes, I have been caught hook, line, and sinker! I know exactly how this will end, yet I am here biting my nails. And for a Drama that is mostly about revenge and friendships between men, I find lumps in my throat quite often. Absolutely amazing, mind-blowing Drama.... If you can get past the first 10. (when it aired, I think people only started to love it from episode 13, too)
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July 31, 2016 at 2:49 AM
Oh I actually started loving it since ep. 1 (Hu Ge, Wang Kai, need I say more hehe) but this needs and deserves my whole attention so I don't want to squeeze it in between the currently airing shows (already not getting enough sleep but if I go back to NiF I probably won't sleep at all lol). And I can't/don't want to drop any of those as well, oh the dilemma...geez, talk about first world problems. :-D
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July 31, 2016 at 3:10 AM
OMG Hu Ge, Wang Kai, *and Chen Long (with his CatDaddy/Silver Fox vibe)... Baes for dayssssss
July 31, 2016 at 11:43 AM
I love nirvana in fire! So thankful to drama beanies for the recommendations a few mths back. Marathoned through during kdrama drought in April. Keke :p
July 31, 2016 at 2:10 AM
I seem to have the same observation with myself! So many good dramas at the same time! I have never watched this many at once, heck I only watched one at a time so about 3 or 4 a year? I also never watch them live cos I always wait for reviews and then binge watch.
I've also been a silent Dramabeans lurker since sometime 2010 but only just recently started actively participating on the comments section. I needed the outlet!
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July 31, 2016 at 4:21 PM
LOL, are you me?
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July 31, 2016 at 4:58 AM
Welcome to the dark side my friend
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July 31, 2016 at 5:36 AM
I have known kdrama for a long time but started watching them from january 2016. Right now i'm watching 8 ongoing dramas. My whole time schedule is messed up and i'm sometimes skipping meals.
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August 1, 2016 at 1:51 PM
Heh. I went from watching Bollywood to Kdrama in one week 5 years ago. Now, I'm almost an expert in "kdramian" (not to be mistaken with Korean) language and actors' bios. Who knows, maybe they'll invite me to head one of the next KCON panels. :)
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13 130 mood
July 30, 2016 at 8:38 PM
Age of Youth, this drama is MY drama. I've nevee watched a drama who has me feeling al the ways for 5 adorable yet powerful girls. This might be the best 2016 drama for me. If You guys dont watch it you'll miss something great.
I'm watching Doctors as well bd of Park Shin Hye, I like it but it isnt the best out there by far.
I left UF at the 4th chapter, I just dont conectar with Suzy's character and knowing that KWB is probably going to die It's too much.
I'll check out W later tho.
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July 30, 2016 at 8:48 PM
I am surprised at how much I like Age of Youth. I'm rooting for every one of the girls and I like how each week focuses on one of them. I loved episode 4 and want nothing but happiness for the girl that was the main focus (no spoilery details here!).
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July 31, 2016 at 12:21 AM
Eekkk! I excited to catch up on Age of Youth with the positive reviews.
You won't regret checking outW.
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July 31, 2016 at 5:37 AM
I'm happy to see that many are watching Age of youth her.
Jtbc produced another good low-rating show rich in quality.
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14 coolbeans
July 30, 2016 at 8:41 PM
Add me to the list of people on the W train - it's so good and entertaining - I hope they keep it up! I haven't seen any of this writer's other works, but impressed by her already... so I just started Queen In-Hyun's Man, and will be watching Nine after that.
Doctors - I want to like it, I do... this week's episodes kind of bored me to tears, and the plot and character development isn't really going anywhere. Decided to drop it even though I like the leads.
Squad 38 - I read the recaps after every episode (thank you!!!) because all the twists and turns confuse the heck out of me, but still loving it!
Signal - FINALLY watched this, and marathoned it all in 4 days. It was so intense and good. Had me on the edge of my seat with every episode. Such a solid, tight, perfect drama.
Uncontrollably Fond - I don't know what about this keeps me coming back, but every time I think I'm going to drop it, I'm reeled back in. This week's episodes made up for last week's, and I'm still on board.
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July 31, 2016 at 1:27 AM
Doctors also bored me this week. I also feel like nothing happened and just watched the episodes to watch them. Then I just discovered that there will be 20 episodes and I really wonder how they will fill up all those episodes. Anyway I hope next week's episodes will be better.
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July 31, 2016 at 8:55 AM
I tried watching doctors.. I really did but I couldn't finish it. Nothing ever really happened for me in that drama and if I looked away I knew I wouldn't be missing anything important. Even the side characters can't me interested long enough. Plus, they used to be teacher and student. Can you really imagine yourself dating your teacher?
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August 1, 2016 at 5:37 PM
can we have the big five hand toast.same with can a proffessional teacher,not aware he is too close (as a man and women) to his student.and I can't imagine,how big is your (as a student) confident to confess to a teacher,that you love him,and ask him to wait for's ..just not make sense.and it's very uneducated,for young viewers,when we should give full respect for teacher (that deserve it).not treat him like a college friends.
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15 PeepsLeAwesomePotato
July 30, 2016 at 8:44 PM
Huh, I'm watching more variety these days than drama.
Still, I'm not letting go of Beautiful Mind. I love the exploration of human psychologies in it. Nothing too medical or mental, but normal, hurt humans.
Police Unit 38 is my current jam and butter and I just love that we're going into the thick of it. I can't believe it's ending next week! T_T Where am I going to find a group of such goofy yet slick conmen?
Three Meals a Day in Gochang is a relaxing watch as is all the other Three Meals series. Some times I just want some slow-tv to relax to you know? Although HaeJin and his uncle jokes make my jaw drop. The thing is, baby Joo Hyuk is following in his foot steps!
HyoRin's dream in Sisters' Slam Dunk is now over and it's time for a new dream. I love this show. It's like 1 Night 2 Days, female version. The structure is a lot different but the camaraderie and friendship between the members here are the same. JinKyung makes me laugh and cry.
As always, 1 Night 2 Days is the bomb! It's evident that (new) Yoo PD is getting his groove and settling in quite well and I have a lot less problems with the editing. The recent episode with DongGu's grandparents, not even his parents, was such a heartwarming episode. How many of us get the privilege to be so, so close to our grandparents of all people?
W is fantastic, the end.
Uncontrollably Fond is my night-cap drama. I don't really feel much, but it makes me all warm and snugly, perfect for when you're about to sleep. WooBin isn't bring his A-game and Suzy is most certainly not the best actress, but there's this undeniable charm or young aura that they give off. Uhm, every time I watch this drama I already think that I'm in a dream, so... I'm not expecting much... Just don't go crazy, thanks.
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July 30, 2016 at 9:03 PM
+1 Sisters Slam dunk is awesome, Ra Mi Ran is the best!! I'm hoping for a collab with 1n2d team soon.
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July 30, 2016 at 11:08 PM
Ra MiRan is the boss. She kills everything!
I am just praying to all sorts of gods and deities for 1 Night Slam Dunk and I have no religion except for K-Drama.
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July 30, 2016 at 10:12 PM
Always nice to see another 1N2D fan. *waves* I'm loving Slam Dunk too. <3
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July 30, 2016 at 11:05 PM
I have to be a 1N2D fan! I write recaps for it ever since DongGu joined, lol.
I am just waaaaaiting for the day the entire cast of 1N goes on Sisters'. Or vice versa. I'm not picky.
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July 31, 2016 at 12:27 AM
I love your comparisons!
I'm still a little behind on PT38. I'm wondering if I spend the week catching up and watch the last 2 eps live. Or take it slow and save some for after the show leaves me.
The comment about W made me think of the drama Fantastic.
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July 31, 2016 at 12:28 AM
I love everyone in Sisters' Slam Dunk. The chemistry among the cast is great. I remember watching one episode alone while downing a can of beer and chips. It felt like hanging out with my best girlfriends.
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August 1, 2016 at 5:44 PM
it's look like we have the same taste of kdrama.BM for me is so unforgettable.and please kdrama,change the image of flower boys or flower girls,it's so not real.
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16 deathbychocolate
July 30, 2016 at 8:44 PM
I actually checked and compared the number of comments in Healer and W. Wow. We are still in Ep 4 in W but comments are coming up fast, Healer pick up its momentum around Ep 7. I'm talking about the number of comments. I love both shows. I am just so scared for W right now. I know that the writer can deliver. But, but, but if I'll end up disappointed, I might never moved on from this show. Hahahahahaha. This is the first show I've watched raw and then watched the sub and then rewatched again. And if that yet is not enough, I read DB recaps diligently. Hahaha.
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July 31, 2016 at 1:46 AM