She Was Pretty: Episode 13
by LollyPip
Just because one conflict is resolved doesn’t mean it’s smooth sailing from here on out. Despite finding happiness in one quarter, we’ve still got more obstacles in store, and important lessons still to be learned — like knowing when to shoulder burdens alone, and when to lean on others.
Lying in Sung-joon’s hospital bed, Hye-jin finally gives him that hug he’s been asking for. He caresses her face, gently wiping away her tears… and he kisses her.
Hye-jin complains about Sung-joon working himself into collapse, but he claims to be fine. He notices she’s wearing his scarf, the one he left on the dog, and Hye-jin asks when he came to her neighborhood. He admits hovering near her place last night, but that he restrained himself from waking her.
But he says that he won’t restrain himself anymore — not from liking her, or missing her, or wanting to hug her. Hye-jin goes in for another long hug, and Sung-joon’s expression looks peaceful for the first time.
Suddenly, a shrill voice rings out — it’s Chief Editor Kim, dressed like a cowgirl today, come to fuss over Sung-joon. By the time she enters the room he’s sitting up in bed alone, reading a book, while Hye-jin hides in the closet, heh. But her nervous habit of clacking her teeth nearly gives her away, until Sung-joon pretends it was him, having a chill.
That just makes Chief Editor Kim want to hold him to warm him up, so he claims to have a hot flash, and then she tries to strip him. She calms down and tells him not to work himself to death — Most will be fine, and she’ll support him. She nearly gives away her nephew who works there, but stops herself just in time. She gives Sung-joon the most awkward kiss ever, tells him his hospital gown is un-Most-like, and leaves with a lascivious wink.
Sung-joon finally frees Hye-jin, remembering that this isn’t the first time she’s hidden in his closet. He gets that look in his eye and leans in as if to kiss her, but stops to giggle at her face when she squinches her eyes closed in anticipation. He teases her, gasping in mock horror that she thought he was going to kiss her, calling her a kissing maniac.
When she cries that she totally was not thinking that at all, he gives her a quick peck anyway, and one on the forehead, and the cheek. It disarms her, and they smile at each other adorably.
The next day Hye-jin invites Ha-ri to dinner at her parents’ house — it’s their wedding anniversary. But Ha-ri’s former coworkers are throwing her a farewell party, and she can’t make it.
Hye-jin finds herself in the elevator with Shin-hyuk at work, where he seems back to his old self. He makes a fart noise in the full elevator and blames it on her, twice, and he’s happy when she yells at him — he wants them to be friends like this. Awww, he doesn’t want to lose his dongsaeng. He tells her to let him know if Sung-joon doesn’t treat her right, and he’ll scold him like a true oppa.
Downstairs, Sung-joon is absorbed in his tablet and walks into the glass elevator door, landing right on his butt. He grins when he sees Hye-jin already at work, and wishes everyone a hearty Fighting! for the first time ever. The staff all wonder what’s up with him, and it’s Poong-ho who says that Sung-joon acts like someone who’s dating.
Hye-jin drops the clothes she’s arranging when they speculate on what kind of woman would date him. She takes Sung-joon his mail and shuts the blinds, warning him to be discreet — people are onto him. He’s not worried about them finding out about the two of them, but he asks her how he should act.
She tells him to be snotty and rude, and get mad at people a lot, and he pouts that his little feelings are hurt. Hye-jin leaves, reminding him not to drink too much coffee, and to be rude, and not to drink too much coffee. She’s adorably bossy, and Sung-joon snickers at her back. He’s a total smitten kitten.
Hye-jin admires Sung-joon during the daily meeting, remembering that he was bad at speaking to groups as a child. She sees the young Sung-joon studiously rolling up his sleeves and tee-hees out loud, and he tells her to focus. Well, she did tell him not to be too obvious.
The whole office think that Hye-jin acts like she’s dating, especially since she’s the obvious one with all the skipping and singing she’s doing. She congratulates Sung-joon on throwing people off with his fake scolding, but he seriously says that he did it because she deserved it. She snarls at him, and again he snickers at how cute she is.
Poong-ho gets a copy of mystery writer Ten’s new book, which everyone is dying to read. He agrees with Joon-woo that the author must be a forty-year-old Korean ajumma, since the book is set in Korea.
They speculate on why the author goes by the pen name Ten, but Chief Editor Kim has an interesting thery. She thinks it’s meant to be a phrase that means “here it is” in Spanish, which makes everyone wonder how she knows so much about it.
In the restroom Chief Editor Kim calls her nephew and agrees to meet him that afternoon, which Seul overhears. She waits in a cafe across the street to see who the mystery nephew is, but her coworker Ah-reum catches her and drags her back to the office.
The nephew shows up, but of course he’s hidden from our line of sight by a potted plant. Kim mentions that he’s to be made Director and wonders if that means he’s coming back to live at home.
Sung-joon pretends to collapse again when he hears that Hye-jin can’t go to dinner because of a family obligation. He offers to at least drive her, and they linger outside the print shop, holding hands and playing the “you go first” game. Sung-joon pulls out his best pout, until Hye-rin sees them holding hands and shrieks to her dad and the world that Hye-jin and that oppa are dating.
And so Sung-joon is invited to dinner, and is immediately adopted into the family. They all push the choicest bites on him, until Hye-jin finally barks to leave the poor guy alone to eat. The attention seems to make him a little uncomfortable, but he plays along, even when they invite him to be in the yearly family picture.
After dinner he assures Hye-jin that he had a good time, and he sends her back in with a sweet kiss on the forehead. He turns to go, and finds himself face-to-face with Ha-ri for the first time since finding out that she’s not Hye-jin.
He asks to talk, and she apologizes for everything she did to him. In turn, Sung-joon apologizes for not staying to listen to her that night that he found out the truth. He sends her in to see Hye-jin’s family, seeing her off with a handshake, and says that maybe they could have been friends if things had been different. Ha-ri tells Hye-jin about seeing Sung-joon, and their talk.
Sung-joon calls Hye-jin while she’s brushign her teeth, and decides to do the same thing while they’re on the phone. She tells him that Ha-ri stayed at her parents’ for a few days, and they continue to talk about everything and nothing as they putter around doing homey chores.
While still talking, the doorbell rings, and Hye-jin opens the door to find Sung-joon there on her doorstep. He notices her clean face without the covering makeup, but she forgets her embarrassment when he brings her the red bean pastries she was craving earlier.
They snack in his car and talk some more, and listen to their song, “Close to You” by the Carpenters. They both fall asleep in Sung-joon’s car, and wake to realize that they’re late for work.
They manage to make it to the office, and today Hye-jin goes to visit her old admin services coworkers. They ask if she’s coming back in three weeks as originally planned, excited to be getting her back, though Hye-jin isn’t happy at the reminder.
Back in the Most office, Joon-woo finds proof that Ten is Korean — they confirmed it in response to a fan’s question. But they’re interrupted by a serious-looking foreign man looking for Sung-joon, who tells Sung-joon that he’ll be considered a failure if Most goes under. Sheesh, no pressure, ya big meanie.
Sung-joon tells the team that that was just his superior from the main office, making a courtesy visit. He tries to play it like it’s nothing, but he snaps at Reporter Cha when she asks if they should give up on getting an interview with filmmaker Leonard Kim. He pulls it back, and says that they need that interview to catch up to New Look.
Sung-joon silently freaks out in his office, and Hye-jin texts him to confirm that the man was here to discuss discontinuing Most. He assures her that things will be fine.
Shin-hyuk brings Sung-joon a USB with a short film that Leonard Kim made while in school, and tells him to come talk to him after seeing it. The movie should help Sung-joon when approaching him for an interview. Sung-joon admits his concern, and Shin-hyuk offers his help in whatever way he can give it, to the end.
There’s a rumor going around the office that Most will be shut down if they can’t reach number one with this issue, which causes the entire staff to semi-panic. Reporter Cha goes straight to Sung-joon for the truth, and he confirms it. She asks why he didn’t tell them, and he says simply that he thought it was the right thing to do.
But Reporter Cha is beyond understanding, asking what she’s supposed to do if the job she’s spent her youth on suddenly disappears. She feels betrayed that he’s been there three months and never let on how high the stakes are, not giving them a chance to prepare or work their hardest to save the magazine. She’s not wrong — she calls him arrogant and leaves the office.
The whole office is disappointed in Sung-joon, but Shin-hyuk says he was just doing what he though tbest. He urges them to all try their hardest, but almost everyone walks out in disgust. Later Hye-jin assures Sung-joon that the team is just shocked, but Sung-joon asks, with difficulty, to be alone today.
Sung-joon has another meeting with a different executive, though the woman doesn’t seen encouraged by his proposal for the anniversary episode. Even Chief Editor Kim expresses disappointment in Sung-joon, blaming him for the staff disappearing on him. If he had trusted and relied on them more, this might not have happened.
Sung-joon stays late at the office, plagued by regret. He finally goes to his car, only to find Hye-jin there, offering to drive him so he can rest. He turns her down, but she says she’s too worried he’ll collapse again to leave him alone. She knows the weight of his worries, and how hard of a time he must have been going through, and tells him not to carry the burden alone anymore – they can do it together.
Faced with the one person who isn’t blaming him right now, Sung-joon starts to cry. He pulls Hye-jin in for a long, grateful hug, and she tells him it’s going to be okay.
In the morning, both Shin-hyuk and Hye-jin mope into the office, expecting another long day of working alone. But they find the entire Most team there, bustling around, working their hardest. Reporter Cha says she came back because she felt wronged, but figured she would feel less wronged if she saw this through to the end, and the rest of the team agree.
Sung-joon walks in and calls a staff meeting like there’s nothing unusual going on, which confuses Hye-jin. But everything is forgotten when he announces that Leonard Kim has agreed to an interview. Everyone celebrates except for Shin-hyuk, who’s uncharacteristically sober.
In voice-over, Hye-jin says that there’s a Law of Luck, that says that the amount of luck you get is equal to the amount of misfortune you experience. The law reminds you not to despair, but remember that when bad things happen, good luck is coming.
The Most team goes out for a celebratory dinner, and Joon-woo notices that the upcoming Leonard Kim interview has been posted on their website and is already garnering lots of attention. Reporter Cha is impressed by Sung-joon’s landing the interview.
Shin-hyuk asks how everyone decided to come back at the same time, and Poong-ho says that Sung-joon came in person to beg him to come back. Apparently he did that with everyone, and they all vow to do their best and make the magazine number one.
Sung-joon goes to the office to work on the weekend, and finds a packed lunch with a note from Hye-jin sitting on his desk. The food is still warm, so he runs out to catch her, and yells at her through a glass wall to wait there for him. He asks her to stay and eat with him, and they go to a pretty park for a picnic.
He pretends to be distressed that she’s a cooking maniac on top of being a kissing maniac, and she spends the whole picnic making sure he eats well. When he goes to load the car, he takes his eyes off Hye-jin for only a moment, and when he looks again, she’s gone.
Before he gets too worried, Hye-jin sneaks up behind him, but he doesn’t laugh at her prank. She immediately feels bad, and reassures him that she has no intention of disappearing on him. He watches her while she takes pictures of the lake, and stares at her long enough that she notices.
She takes his hand shyly, and tells him not to run so hard — he’s almost there. When she sneezes from the cold wind coming off the water, Sung-joon wraps her in his coat while he’s still wearing it, and he says he wants to tell her something.
He admits that he’s impatient, and probably crazy… but he promises to save Most, and then he plans to propose to her. He pulls the hood of her jacket up to warm her face, and when she says that she wishes for him to save Most and be successful, he goes in for a kiss.
In their happiest moment, the Law of Luck kicks in in reverse, and back at the office Sung-joon’s forgotten phone begins to ring. It’s Leonard Kim.
As happy as I am that Sung-joon and Hye-jin have finally found each other and are together (and they are perfect together), it’s a bit concerning to have the main romantic conflict of the show seemingly wrapped up so soon, and with three episodes to go. Can they really string out the whole Will Most be shut down? storyline for three episodes? That seems to be where the show is heading, and while it’s not a boring storyline in my opinion, it’s not really enough as it stands now to carry us through as satisfying ending. We all came for the romance! Hopefully, some new dramatic tension will spring up between Sung-joon and Hye-jin and give us something to watch besides a two-week tutorial on how to put out a successful magazine.
But meanwhile, smitten Sung-joon is just so cute, he makes my teeth ache. I like the way he teases Hye-jin, which feels very different from the way Shin-hyuk does it — Sung-joon never makes her feel bad, but teases just enough to get a cute reaction from her. And it’s good to see him letting her support him, because as much as I’m sure he’d like to, he can’t save Most alone. No matter how hard he tries, and how much he’d like to keep that responsibility firmly on his own shoulders, there’s just no way one person can make a magazine number one all by himself.
And it’s finally backfired on him. Though I agree it was a monumentally stupid choice, I can actually understand why he kept the secret from the Most team — he didn’t want them working in panic mode, trying too hard and changing things for the worse by accident. But in trying to do it all himself, he robbed these people, who have all worked for the Korean edition of the magazine for much longer than he has, of the ability to have a say in their own futures. They have a right to know the truth, and to know that even if they fail and Most is shut down, they did everything in their power to save it.
I think that despite his outward appearances, Sung-joon is pretty insecure, and he wanted to be the white knight on his steed, riding in and fixing everything by himself. Add in the immense pressure he’s under from his boss (which seems out of proportion… it’s all threat and no encouragement, and I wish they’d explain why it has to be first place or utter failure) to that desire to make Most successful singlehandedly, and this whole situation was prime for disaster. There was no way the Most staff was not going to take Sung-joon’s silence on their potential loss of their jobs badly, and feel hurt and betrayed. He didn’t even give them a chance to fight for their jobs, though one could argue that they should be putting in their best work all the time, anyway. But still, they should have been given the respect to know the truth, and be allowed to give it their all.
So for that reason I’m glad that they found out in time to at least give success a shot, knowing the stakes at hand. And I’m happy that Sung-joon is letting Hye-jin support and encourage him. It was an interesting callback to the time that he missed the twentieth anniversary party and completely blamed himself, facing the shame all alone — so that now when it happens again and he finds himself responsible for a terrible situation, he tries again to push Hye-jin away and go through it alone. But he’s not alone anymore, and Hye-jin said all the right things… that she understands him, and that he can lean on her. He may still make bad decisions in the future, who doesn’t? Thankfully, Sung-joon does have someone who believes in him, now that he has Hye-jin.
- She Was Pretty: Episode 12
- She Was Pretty: Episode 11
- She Was Pretty: Episode 10
- She Was Pretty: Episode 9
- She Was Pretty: Episode 8
- She Was Pretty: Episode 7
- She Was Pretty: Episode 6
- She Was Pretty: Episode 5
- She Was Pretty: Episode 4
- She Was Pretty: Episode 3
- She Was Pretty: Episode 2
- She Was Pretty: Episode 1
Tags: Choi Siwon, featured, Go Jun-hee, Hwang Jung-eum, Park Seo-joon, She Was Pretty
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1 panshel
October 31, 2015 at 3:06 AM
Strangely, today felt like the penultimate episode as if he will simultaneously save Most and propose tomorrow, then they live happily ever after, the end. Sung Joon sure does waste no time, huh? Not only three-minute meetings, but second-date proposals. Granted, he has been in love with the same girl all his life, so it's a given for him to want to spend the rest of his life with her. I hope their honeymoon phase lasts forever because their "you hang up first, no, you hang up first" is precious. You know when someone is the one if you never run out of conversation with them. And you know when someone is a keeper if they bring you food in the middle of night that you offhandedly mentioned earlier. I adored his endless gushing over how cute she was, as it was exactly like our endless gushing over how cute he was.
Now that the plot has not much going for it, I find myself suddenly interested in the Ten and chaebol nephew mysteries when I had no real interest before. I predict Shin Hyuk is Ten, and Sung Joon is the chaebol nephew. This would explain why Shin Hyuk is filthy rich by living in the presidential suite, driving a Mustang, and affording designer bags, and his objection at reviewing Ten's new book. This would also explain why Chief Editor Kim is always "hitting" on Sung Joon, yet he doesn't sue her for sexual harassment. If true, this would be a Kill Me, Heal Me-levels twist since all along, we suspected Chief Editor Kim was Ten, and Shin Hyuk was the chaebol nephew. But with Nephew always being ten minutes late, is that a sign that he is Ten? And can Nephew not be a Kim? I don't know, but with Leonard Kim presumably falling through, obviously, an interview with Ten will be what will save Most. Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!
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Pat Munzer
October 31, 2015 at 3:23 AM
I was wondering why Shin Hyuk had the Leonard Kim film....was that a Red Herring or a key fact?
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October 31, 2015 at 4:29 AM
Shin Hyuk, can he not be both? both the chaebol nephew AND the writer TEN? that would be funny (and explain how he knows about Leonard Kim) . Also ..
Sung Joon said his dad has a dry cleaning shop in gangnam and used to have one in Los Angeles. Renting prices in Gangnam? INSANE ! No ordinaryperson could afford that. So would it not be funny if Joon did not turn out to be nephew Chaebol but if his dad actually owned a chain of dry cleaning buisinesses and he is hence the second chaebol of the team,because we all know, in Kdrama, almost everyone is a chaebol :) :)
It would explain his modesty, his dad is a self made man, not an heir
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October 31, 2015 at 11:14 AM
It was Joon Woo's dad who has a dry cleaning business in LA and Kangnam, not Sung Joon, isn't it?
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October 31, 2015 at 4:42 AM
* Possible gueswork spoiler *
If Shin Hyuk is both TEN and the Chaebol Nephew, then this is probably how they will save the magazine after the Leonard Kim intervieuw falls out...
"Excusive, Ten reveals his identity, first interview with the elusive writer"
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October 31, 2015 at 6:56 AM
This is the "twist" I'm expecting. There's not really any reason for them to bring up TEN so much lol.
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November 1, 2015 at 12:26 AM
i was thinking this as well, even before the Leonard Kim thing came up, I was thinking that TEN would have to give up his identity in order to save the magazine. I just keep going back and fourth between Chief editor RaRa and Shin Hyuk, although with these last 3 episodes, I'm leaning more towards Shin Hyuk being TEN.
I've always thought that Shin Hyuk is the Chaebol, but maybe that's what the writer WANTS us to think....
From this episode, I'm pretty sure that SJ is NOT the nephew because, when Chief editor RaRa was visiting him in the hospital, she almost spilled the beans about her nephew to SJ and caught herself.
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October 31, 2015 at 6:36 AM
Could it be that Joon Woo is Ten? He is always saying that Ten is a Korean ahjumma. And Han Sul will probably accept him thinking that she had bad luck finding a poor boyfriend, only to find out in the end that he is a famous writer, that would make a round twist for their story...
Anyway, it looks like it will be Siwon.
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October 31, 2015 at 4:04 PM
30 something ahjumma author actually 20 something cute office guy? That'd be a twist!
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October 31, 2015 at 4:24 PM
Even though my guess is also Shin hyuk (=Ten or nephew), but I always have this deep-down hunch that Joon Woo is actually Ten or maybe the nephew, one of them or both. He has perfect English (although that could be the actor's added-value and doesn't have anything to do with his character) and I don't remember him in any direct interaction with the chief editor in the office (so, nephew in disguise?).
And yes, they will almost definitely interview Ten. After some brooding and moping, of course.
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November 1, 2015 at 12:34 AM
Yes, i have guessed that Joon Woo is either TEN or the nephew or both since last week. I left a comment too but no one replied hahas. I am glad you have the same thoughts as me!
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November 1, 2015 at 12:41 AM
Furthermore, the MOST team has revealed that TEN understands Korea culture very well. Hence, he should have lived in Korea for a very long time. From what i see, Shin Hyuk and Sung Joon migrate to the states since young, i don't think they will understand Korea culture that well? Although most evidence points to RaRa for now, I still think that she is more of a red herring and perhaps, she knows TEN personally but is not TEN. That is why she reveals how 'TEN' may not be literally the number 10 but more of a special meaning. The guy she met during lunch (her nephew) is probably TEN since he is ALWAYS late by 10 minutes.
I think Joon Woo and even the curly hair guy have a higher chance to be TEN. However, from the backview of the nephew, he seem to be a 'skinny' one, so i dun think the curly hair guy is in this question (dun mean to be bad hahas). Of course, again, in Kdrama history, one shouldn't take such 'identity clues' too seriously as seen from how people try to match the husband's watch and height with the boys in REPLY 1994, but didn't really work out as the production crew had purposely used someone else who are not the actors.
I think the confusing part of the mystery here is: TEN and nephew - are they the same person???
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November 1, 2015 at 1:48 AM
Yep, I am also in for Siwon as TEN and Sung Joon as the chaebol (he once also said how he lived with his aunt in States)
October 22, 2017 at 12:47 PM
I have been guessing that Shin Hyuk is the nephew and Chief Editor Ra Ra is TEN. We will know soon.
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2 cingdoc
October 31, 2015 at 3:13 AM
Onion Couple Fighting! ☺️❤️?
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3 namedx
October 31, 2015 at 3:14 AM
"Strangely, today felt like the penultimate episode as if he will simultaneously save Most and propose tomorrow, then they live happily ever after, the end"
I'd have been happy to have this as the penultimate episode!! Leave out the future angst and get on with the cute! Loved this episode - it was warm and fuzzy with only a tinge of melancholy. Perfect.
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4 namedx
October 31, 2015 at 3:25 AM
Many thanks for the recap, Lollypip! Always a pleasure to read! That ending left me slightly nervous though, hope nothing interrupts their cuteness in the final stretch. What are the chances of that though, eh.
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October 31, 2015 at 3:57 AM
It will be a very strange and twisted ending for a rom-com and will make us all feel betrayed. The set up all along is not for it to end in a bad way, and so I believe that throwing in doubts and fears is the way to keep us on tenterhooks and watching although the main thrust of the story has already been delivered. We will, we should, we must have our happy ending!!! :)
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5 Iamprettytoo
October 31, 2015 at 3:30 AM
I read somewhere about a rumor regarding the SWP ending. It's literally so unsettling. Apparently HJ had died or will die and basically SWP is about how JSJ remembers his last moments with her?!
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October 31, 2015 at 3:46 AM
lol i read that too on the alkop site!
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October 31, 2015 at 3:59 AM
Oh my god that would immediately turn the whole series into an immensely rage inducing waste of my time. I would be so mad, I would find out who wrote/produced the drama and never watch anything they did ever again! Ha! I really doubt it though this show is not a melodrama.
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October 31, 2015 at 4:03 AM
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October 31, 2015 at 4:24 AM
Wow, my stomach just dropped. I really didn't want to see this comment. (because then, of course I had to go look it up). Apparently this is something the viewers are speculating. The writer hasn't even finished it yet.
What I will say is that this writer has the power to make this the best rom com ever, or the worst rom com ever. Don't mess it up writer Nim. We watch rom coms for a reason, and that is to get our "happily ever after"
Our daily lives have enough going on in them for a "bait and switch" to occur in what we thought was a true Romantic Comedy.
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October 31, 2015 at 5:04 AM
dear god, i read that as well and im hell to the no, nah dude writers cant do that, SJ looked and waited for HJ for so long and HJ finally gets to to be with SJ after so long as well to what,only to result in her death. i want them to happy at the end. i mean its already pretty hard for SJ to keep away from HJ, imagine him after her death. like im noping to that theory. it would break every ones heart. Knetz started that crazy theory tho, my gosh i would have never though of something like that.
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October 31, 2015 at 5:09 AM
If they do this, they should have titled the show, "When She Was Alive--and Pretty." (Or maybe "She's still pretty even though a truck hit hit while she was in a phone booth making a call." Or "She was pretty until she got amnesia and forgot to put on make-up.")
Seriously, they better not mak-jang up this rom com.
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October 31, 2015 at 7:05 AM
no no no no please no makjang
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October 31, 2015 at 6:26 AM
what? no way this is not a melodrama, and i found this story is telling by hye jin, not sung joon. so hye jin must alive at the end even sung joon dies. okay no one will die since this is rom-om. don't mind about rumors, fighting!!!!
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pastmidnite ?
October 31, 2015 at 7:12 AM
Whaaaattt? Nooooo!!! They can't do that to us! And isn't that the ending of another drama?
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October 31, 2015 at 9:19 AM
Comment was deleted
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October 31, 2015 at 9:28 AM
Comment was deleted
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October 31, 2015 at 9:37 AM
I want Hye-Jin to have a twin! That way she can end up with both Shin-hyuk AND Sung-joon!!! (And my 2nd lead depression will be resolved.)
Of course you all know I'm just kidding--maybe.
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November 1, 2015 at 12:44 AM
I hope that the twist is TEN and Nephew's mystery!
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October 31, 2015 at 4:07 PM
Nuh-uh, no way. Probably they're spreading this so people are still anxious enough for the OTP to tune in. Usually the ratings drop after the leads have gotten together.
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October 31, 2015 at 9:53 PM
the rating for this ep was the highest from what i read at soompi, so i dont think they need to worry about rating drops after the couple getting together.
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Camille W
October 31, 2015 at 10:47 PM
I've been hearing that rumour too and it's messing with me. It's making me all paranoid. I hope it's all just a ploy to make viewers anxious rather than the truth. I would never forgive the writers if they messed up my promised rom-com for predetermined angst.
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November 2, 2015 at 11:11 AM
I dont want this stupid death scenario.seriously.This drama is so nice.I will really stop watching the dramas made by the producers of this show if such tragedy happens.I want a very very very HAPPY ENDING.If this rumour is true, then writers please change the script and re direct your last three episodes coz we all viewers want a GOOOOOD, CUUUUUTE,LOVVVVING ENDING........GET IT.
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6 isabel
October 31, 2015 at 3:31 AM
I rather chief editor kim is Ten. Shin Hyuk is another chaebol but not the chaebol nephew. Plot twist would be admin team leader is the chaebol nephew.
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October 31, 2015 at 5:38 AM
I think the chief is Ten too. She's eccentric but not an idiot, and can be quite insightful at times.
I still think Shin Hyuk is her nephew and that the family has a group trait of seeming frivolous but actually being very professional, accomplished people - they just don't show that side of themselves because it's not fun. So chief runs around dressing like every day is Halloween and telling people to be "more Most-like" while Shin Hyuk assesses whether he wants to do something by whether it's fun enough.
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October 31, 2015 at 1:28 PM
Me too, I'm betting on Chief Editor being Ten, and Shin Hyuk the nephew. It would explain the unenthusiastic expressions we see on his face whenever Ten is mentioned in his vicinity, as we were told by Chief Editor that her nephew rarely ever gives her the time of the day.
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October 31, 2015 at 9:03 PM
Yeah the thing that makes me think Shin Hyuk can't be the nephew is how he seemed very willing to leave the magazine when he was heartbroken-- all of those mysterious conversations in English. And if someone is the heir to the throne, I don't think the'd want to skip out on their own company over a crush gone wrong.
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October 31, 2015 at 10:12 PM
or... he can just leave Most Korea and go back to Most HQ because he's the heir?
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7 Viki
October 31, 2015 at 3:40 AM
Eeek, I read this terrible theory made up by Kfans and translated by Allkpop. :(
Hoping for everything to sail smoothly for our characters and also a HAPPY, HAPPY ENDING!
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8 bubblegumscent
October 31, 2015 at 3:48 AM
okay sung-joon, you had me in this episode, my heart's still with shin-hyuk but man you had me in this episode with all your cutesy side. acting all cute and sweet, ack! also, *shakes fist* @leaving phone behind, of course you'd get a call from leonard of alllllll times. ;__;
all this mystery behind who is who. reveal your mystery selves already please.
ten - kim ra-ra ?
neph - shin-hyukkkk ?
btw, there was not enough shin-hyuk this episode *cries* </3 oh and also, propose to her no matter what sung-joon, even if MOST doesn't succeed. you bloody propose to her still.
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October 31, 2015 at 3:52 AM
Yes, I felt that a proposal should not be conditional on a success of something so outside the relationship or close family matters... He really needs to propose because they are meant to be together forever and not only if MOST hits number 1. What does it say about their relationship if MOST does not succeed and therefore he does not propose????
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October 31, 2015 at 7:09 AM
Yes! I totally agree. Your professional success should not influence your relationship. So what if MOST is not no1? that would not change that Sung joon and Hye Jin should be together.
In fact, quite frankly I prefers that MOST got shut down, then Sung Joon would work with Hye Jin's dad in his small printing/publishing company. Working in a big flashy company is not a guarantee for personal happiness.
I think the stress is too much for Sung joon anyway. He needs some family loving, not cold corporate rules.
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November 1, 2015 at 12:08 AM
While I agree on the idea of Sung Joon working with Hye Jin's dad, I'd prefer if he resigned from his position after The Most become no 1. It would be very disappointing to have all the hard work goes in vain.
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October 31, 2015 at 5:08 AM
we got a lot for SH in ep 12, so i was happy to get lots of SJ and his cuteness.
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9 growingbeautifully
October 31, 2015 at 3:49 AM
Thanks again LollyPip.
My guesses to the mystery identities:
TEN = Chief Editor because the rumour is that TEN is a Korean 40-something year old ahjumma and the rumour could be true. Also Chief Editor is hinting that TEN means "here it is" or maybe 'here she is"?
Chaebol nephew = Shin Hyuk who does not want his identity to be revealed, so he was dressing like a hobo while actually living in a hotel suite. Now he's back at Most and dressing up nicely, maybe preparatory to taking over as Director. As a chaebol, he might also have more ways to be connected to Leonard Kim and so have been able to know about Kim's video.
The reason I feel that the Chaebol nephew cannot be Sung Joon - Chief Editor has a crush on Sung Joon but she obviously treats her nephew as an aunt would on the phone and in the restaurant.
So much fun guessing.... now waiting impatiently to find out if I'm right or wrong! :)
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inked air
October 31, 2015 at 4:39 AM
I agree that Sung Joon is probably not the chaebol nephew! When the Chief Editor visited SJ in the hospital, she should have treated him as her nephew given that she should have been under the impression that only SJ and her are in the room. But she still treated SJ like how she does in the workplace, addressing him by his title and all...
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October 31, 2015 at 4:53 AM
i feel like she knew there was someone the cupboard
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October 31, 2015 at 4:45 PM
Hi @GB!
Yes, it's so fun playing this guessing game, although I'm pretty sure we're heading for a storm in the next episode after the calm in these last episodes. I hope it will be a minor storm, though, and not a full hurricane lol
My guess is that Ten and nephew is Shin hyuk and Joon woo, in no particular order lol I feel that both of them are hiding something behind their antics. As for the chief editor, yeah, she could be Ten, but I don't know, I feel that it's too obvious and I'm not sure that the writer will take the obvious route. Although come to think of it, it's also very obvious that Shin hyuk is no hobo and the word "chaebol in disguise" is written all over his face throughout the show, so maybe he is NOT what we think he is? LOL this is fun! :-D
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November 1, 2015 at 12:46 AM
What if Joon Woo is actually both TEN and the nephew, and he purposely mislead everyone so that people will not suspect him? Maybe his aunt (Ra Ra) told him to do so?
Btw, this learnord kim is too important a character in MOST's survival - i am hoping for Ji Sung's cameo as him HAHAS.
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November 1, 2015 at 11:22 AM
That would be lovely!!!!
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10 lolalarue
October 31, 2015 at 3:58 AM
Okay I have to admit that episode 12 simultaneously bored and irritated me, what with the near misses and Shin Hyuk not letting go. But episode 13 was very sweet and I absolutely love how cute he finds Hye Jin's antics.
I thought the fact that the nephew was always ten minutes late was a hint that he was both the chaebol and the author Ten. I found the way the subtitles read when the Chief Editor called her nephew very confusing. To me it made it seem like he wasn't currently employed at Most? Did I misunderstand, wasn't she asking if he was coming back and taking the Chief Editor spot? Or was she simply saying he was coming 'out' about his relationship to the Chairman by taking the role of Editor in Chief?
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11 Ai
October 31, 2015 at 4:09 AM
I am now more interested to know who is Ten. Suddenly he/she feels like someone important in completing the plot. At first I want Shin Hyuk to be the nephew, but after seeing he is very good in the field, it make sense if Shin Hyuk is Ten. The nephew can simply be someone we never expect.
I don't mean to kill the cute and sweet mood. But the ending speculation is bothering me. A lot. Now I am all melancholy. Pls show. No death pls pls pls.
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October 31, 2015 at 7:38 AM
Right? There was never a doubt in my mind that this show would end happily and it'd be the best drama ever, but this week I'm just anxious for what's to come. I need to stop reading articles about it.
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October 31, 2015 at 4:07 PM
me too i need to stop reading about predictions!!! omg....
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12 mistress
October 31, 2015 at 4:17 AM
People are so imaginative, how could someone have thought along that line. I hope it's not true though.
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13 mistress
October 31, 2015 at 4:20 AM
This was meant as a reply to @iamprettytoo
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October 31, 2015 at 4:27 AM
yeah i know right? lol how do people come up with these ideas
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14 Sophia
October 31, 2015 at 4:30 AM
In the car scene Sung Joon was telling Hye Jin he lived with his aunty before going to college. Could Sung Joon be the secret Chaebol?
But then again at the hospital scene Kim Rara nearly let slip while talking to Sung Joon that her nephew is very capable.
They better reveal this plot bit. I would go insane if they didnt when the show ends. ?
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October 31, 2015 at 5:00 AM
I thought the same, ra ra is kind different in her action when it comes to sung joon, she gave him a dress to wear at the meeting, she always giving him kisses and hugs, and she is the only one who cames to visit him at the hospital besides hye jin and poong.
and i remember she complained before he never had meal with her. sung joon is just a coffee fan.
don't know. it is a puzzle
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15 civilsecret
October 31, 2015 at 4:49 AM
i loved ep 13, it was too damn cute and sweet, cause my heart was fluttering and melting and i was blushing over SJ and HJ adorkableness. its like they are making up for lost time, 15 years. and so true about how SH teases HJ and how SJ teases HJ. understandable the staff was angry and SJ realized he made the mistake as well of not telling them when he was reflecting. and it warms my heart how he went to every team member and got them back. as for SJ ahhhh this man, i loved him this ep and PSJ comic acting was on point. also can i say HJE is awesome in comic acting as well, she always makes me laugh especially during the cupboard scene where our little troll SJ was giving her a hard time of being a kiss maniac, you sure SJ HJ is the kiss manic lol.
PSJ is really a wonderful actor you could feel how much pressure he was in and the toll it was taking on him especially in the car park scene, my heart sank a little seing him tear up at HJ's words, it must have felt soo good to hear that and such a relief as well. PSJ portrayed that beautifully. ok can i say i loved the car park scene hug, that was one hell of a good hug, it felt really intimate.
also its awesome to see how at ease both SJ and HJ are with each other, how they can talk for hours and hours. i loved all the hugs, kisses and skinship. and i fell off my chair when HJ was screaming at her sister after hye rin said she would tell her parents HJ and SJ were dating. but what got me was the family scene, and SJ face at dinner made me a little sad, he must miss these kind of family stuff and feeling welcome and loved. it must be nice for him. also love HJ family.
as for most shutting down, i think it makes sense, their other branches must performing really well but the korea branch maybe holding them back and could be making them lose profit. it happens companies and factories shutdown if they arent performing up to task, also maybe it just that expectation as well to be no.1 since they might be everywhere else.
oh im glad HR apologized as well. and gosh im still unsure who the nephew is and 10. SJ was talking about his aunt this ep, is that clue that KRR is her aunt. also i felt like KRR knew someone was in the cupboard and she really seemed to care about SJ as well, i love how she is with him though, its cute. im really itching to find out who's who. also KRR was hilarious this ep as well.
dont worry from what i hear a le soompi lol there are twists coming our way in the next 3 eps. a storm seems to brewing possibly after this happy ep so im assuming most shutting down isnt the only thing to worry about. im scared but hope the final is a happy one.
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October 31, 2015 at 7:27 AM
Yes about Park Seo-joon's acting. He was amazing in the parking lot scene where Hye-jin was giving him support. The welled-up eyes showed so much of his stress, and the invisible pressure that was on his shoulders disappeared when he let out his breath. We've all had moments like that when we just want to be little kids and cry about our problems, and he looked so much like a little kid. That hug was honestly one of the best hugs I've ever seen in dramas.
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October 31, 2015 at 6:13 PM
It was such an good hug! Awesome scene.
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16 aramint
October 31, 2015 at 5:34 AM
These 2 episodes made me wanna give Sung Joon a loongg and biggg hug.
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pastmidnite ?
October 31, 2015 at 7:29 AM
Me too!
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October 31, 2015 at 10:07 AM
So do I...
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October 31, 2015 at 9:59 PM
me three, just wanna wrap a warm blanket around him
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17 Miranda
October 31, 2015 at 5:44 AM
"But they’re interrupted by a serious-looking foreign man"
I laugh every time this guy pops up onscreen. He's been in King 2 Hearts, Secret Garden, a few others - and every time I wonder "who is that Australian guy and how did he randomly wander onto set?" I'm always amazed by Korean casting decisions (not that the US is remotely better - quick, I need an Asian to play a Korean, any Asian will do!)
Oh, and based on accent, Sung Joon's evil overlord on the phone is Canadian. He said one word with that weird midwestern vowel and I hissed "Canadian!" at the screen.
Plot-related: I'm kind of mystified that the Serious Looking Foreign Man asked for "the copywriter". That is not remotely an editor (and would be an insult if it was used to indicate an editor, and is not even a particularly status-aligned writing position. Is Sung Joon a low-level writer at Most International who got one shot at the big leagues and saving Korean Most is it?
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October 31, 2015 at 6:36 AM
a+ to your comment.
i also noticed that this guy has been on other dramas before, and his acting has always been pretty bad.
actually every westerners' acting, that we see in drama,is pretty bad.
does the casting director randomdly pick them out of the street, or at some itaewon bar?
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October 31, 2015 at 12:15 PM
One thing it's almost impossible for someone to gauge (unless they were actually raised in the culture): cultural dog whistles. For instance, in King 2 Hearts there was one guy playing some high-ish military role and while he somewhat looked the part, his mannerisms were... not military. I'm not saying my gaydar is that good, just that this guy set it off and that is an unusual thing to find in a military man (basically, no matter what their sexual orientation, guys with effeminate mannerisms tend not to gravitate towards the military life).
The Canadian accent thing is nuance that is almost indistinguishable, but always entertains me because it's usually an "American" saying nasty things and then suddenly the vowel warps and I yell "you CANADIAN!" This entertains only me, obviously, and is rooted in a totally meaningless rivalry.
Sung Joon's English is obviously nowhere near what you'd expect of someone who moved as a teenager and worked in a language-centric industry, but you can look past that. It's when the bit players are miscast and stiffly reciting bizarre dialogue that I have to wince and look away. The bit players should be enhancing the Korean actor's position as foreign-established!
Siwon, meanwhile, is impressive.
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October 31, 2015 at 7:36 AM
The day Korean dramas cast an actor who is supposed to be American and sounds American and doesn't overact and is actually good is the day I stop watching Korean dramas.
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October 31, 2015 at 10:11 AM
@Tapioca pearl: haha I laugh, literally...
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October 31, 2015 at 9:07 AM
i assume they just pick random people that they know who happen to be foreigners living in Korea.
One wonders how Sam Hammington ended up becoming a celeb in S korea, but there you have it, i've seen him around in a few shows and varity shows. He seems to be having fun and the korean audience love him for embracing the korean culture (and the food) so happilly.
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November 1, 2015 at 7:34 PM
Sam at least comes across as engaged in the scene, like he's actually part of the show - in Warm and Cozy he was speaking Korean too, which helped.
The other day players really do seem like they're in their own universe - but they're in this weird middle ground where they're supposed to be playing a foreigner in Korea who doesn't understand Korean, but end up seeming like ACTORS who don't understand Korean. Like... they're acting like they don't understand, versus actually not understanding and being 100% focused on other stuff.
I'm phrasing this oddly, but when you're in a foreign country where you don't understand the language or customs, all of your outward attention is spent being hyperaware because you have to work overtime to pick up on cues. In these dramas, frequently the Western actors end up projecting a weird wall that makes them totally disconnected from the rest of the scene. (The writing doesn't help.)
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October 31, 2015 at 4:55 PM
LOL, "the serious looking foreign man". Yeah, I cringed watching that scene.
My sub said that he asked for the "copy editor", and my immediate guess was that the actual (Korean) script was "chief editor" but the one translating it to English translated it to "copy editor", OR, the actor read the script and said it wrong :-D
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18 MagMag
October 31, 2015 at 5:56 AM
Ep12 made me a fan of Choi Si Won and now Ep13 made me a fan of Park Seo Joon. Am going to watch Witch's Romance now so I could get a daily dies of Park Seo Joon ???
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bbstl 🧹
October 31, 2015 at 9:06 AM
Oh, do it! And Witch's Romance will make you a fan of Yoon Hyun Min so then you'll have to watch Cruel City which will make you a fan of Jung Kyung Ho and then ...
at least, it happened to 'my friend' that way ☺️
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October 31, 2015 at 12:51 PM
Haha, this always happens to me too. It's just an endless cycle.
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bbstl 🧹
October 31, 2015 at 12:58 PM
And we love it ?!
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October 31, 2015 at 1:16 PM
YES! It happened to me just this way too! Cruel City (Heartless City) is one of the BEST dramas I've ever seen and Witch's Romance made me a big fan of Park Seo-joon when it aired, which made me want to watch Kill Me Heal Me, which then made me a SUPER-fan of Ji Sung, which made me watch Secret Love, which then led to the film 'My PS Partner' (OH my - x-rated!) which then led me back to Kill Me Heal Me and being SO MAD that Ji Sung lost out on the 2015 Korean Drama grand Daesang award to Kim Soo-hyun last month!
Now She Was Pretty has made me a super fan of Super Junior's Siwon - and I just love love love how all these dramas lead on to more wonderful discoveries!!!
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pastmidnite ?
October 31, 2015 at 4:05 PM
Hi @Lunatic4KD!
SWP made me a new fan of PSJ, and I've been hunting for all of his projects!
Siwon is hilarious, and I love him in this, but PSJ has this kind of subtlety in his acting that I love and admire. And those puppy eyes *melts
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October 31, 2015 at 10:01 PM
November 1, 2015 at 7:06 PM
+ 1
Camille W
October 31, 2015 at 11:02 PM
What?! Ji Sung lost?! Where is the justice? I love KSH but there is no way JS should have lost based on his fantastic acting on KMHM. But I guess that's life.
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October 31, 2015 at 4:27 PM
hahahahahahahahahahaha , so true , vicious circle
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October 31, 2015 at 4:21 PM
Ohhh, Witch's Romance, the drama where I finally became a true fan of noona romances.
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19 Beverly A
October 31, 2015 at 6:28 AM
I have the feeling that TEN is someone we know who'll save the day.
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November 2, 2015 at 7:34 AM
One possible guess is that TEN is Ha-Ri's long-absent mother who suddenly appeared out of nowhere now that she is established.
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20 cs
October 31, 2015 at 6:28 AM
while i loved episode 12, episode 13 was a downer for me.
nothing major happened, and that cliffangher with the missed phone call at the end was predictable...
the problem is that all major plot lines about the characters have been solved by now. So we're left with dragging mysteries about who's ten? who's the heir? and will The Most survive... , which are all a bit meh.
Again i am sure if we would have had episode 14 following up right away, episode 13 would have felt better to me.
Gotta love the scene with Seung joon and Kim RARA, at the hospital. it just made me laught so much!!! i love that woman!
It was a nice surprise that seung joon proposed in the end.
but honestly, what's up with the condition that he would do it, only if he managed to save THE MOST magazine?
hell no, that last condition kind of killed the whole romantic vibe of the moment for me.
not gonna rush to watch next week episodes.
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October 31, 2015 at 6:46 AM
Not all major plotlines of the characters are solved. All of their futures are pretty much uncertain.
Hye Jin has a deadline at Most, and so does Sung Joon. Shin Hyuk also has to leave soon and Ha Ri still hasn't fixed hers.
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October 31, 2015 at 6:59 AM
yeah i think i'll stick around to know that will happen to hari an shin hyuk.
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October 31, 2015 at 7:22 AM
I don't see the proposal as something conditional in regards to Most's success. I don't see the proposal as relying on only the success. I interpreted as motivation to succeed. Like, he'll propose regardless of what happens, but tying it to Most's success is his determination to get first place. It's not like he said if Most succeeds, I'll propose. If not, then I won't. It was more of a "when" situation.
I don't know if I explained that nicely :/
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October 31, 2015 at 10:03 PM
thats how i saw it as well, it didnt feel conditional, just something he needed to get through to the end. he will propose regardless
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Camille W
October 31, 2015 at 11:06 PM
Pretty sure everything will work out in the end. SJ's proposal won't be in danger because Most will be saved anyway. This drama can't end on a low note because that would be extremely disappointing and basically a drama massacre.
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21 tapiocapearl
October 31, 2015 at 7:11 AM
There I was, watching this episode on Viki, and interpreting Sung-joon’s clumsiness as a side effect of being in love, and the commenters were all talking about how he was going to die! Now, I strongly believe that this show will have a happy ending because it’s a rom-com, and in Dramaland, death does not exist in rom-coms. But I have to say that I’m feeling a bit anxious about the ending. The ending of this particular episode was weird. It seemed foreboding, and when Sung-joon was staring at Hye-jin at the lake, I felt uneasy. I mean, I’m pretty sure he was just realizing how much he loved her in that moment, but it was still weird. I’m chalking that up to this being an odd-numbered episode that wouldn’t normally have been a cliffhanger.
But anyway, I love how normal Sung-joon and Hye-jin’s relationship is. It’s built on the small moments between them. Yes, they’ve had their Big Moments, sure, but it’s really the small moments that carry meaning for them. Things like the onion (I especially love how they’ve never mentioned the onion verbally to each other and just acknowledge it as their “thing”), her getting tea for him, him helping her sleep on the bus, her hugging him in support, him bringing her fish pastries in the middle of the night, them talking on the phone while doing mundane things and then talking all night in the car—it’s all very normal. In dramas, we never see the normal aspects of couples once they get together because most dramas are really about Big Moments, so I’m appreciating the cute, normal stuff. In that sense, I don't mind that there is no more romantic tension. Let them be cute and happy together!
Also, I predict that Ten is Shin-hyuk, who will reveal his true identity after the failure to interview Leonard Kim and save Most.
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October 31, 2015 at 7:18 AM
yeah that lake scene i feel is like the calm before the storm. It's it just us?
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October 31, 2015 at 8:17 AM
I think reading commenters on Viki, which I normally enjoy doing, in this episode contributed greatly to my interpretation of the scene.
I honestly think that the foreboding feeling does just come from the fact that he is missing the Most important interview to be with Hye-jin, and that is another thing to face next week. And like I said above, the placement of the episodes is throwing off the narrative a bit. I totally plan on watching this whole show again in its entirety once it's done to iron out these transitions.
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October 31, 2015 at 9:32 AM
I got that feeling too when watching ep 13. SJ is not happy. he's always look to me like he's on the verge of collapse. it's just the tone of the drama whenever SJ is around HJ. that scene at the lake feels ominous. I think that book written by ten, memory, is about one of them remembering this person whom he/she loved. this is going to be a tearjerker so brace yourselves.
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October 31, 2015 at 10:17 AM
The lake scene and the meal at HJ's house scence... But, no. It's a rom-com and a sad ending is a hell no...
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bbstl 🧹
October 31, 2015 at 3:36 PM
Waaaaah, in both those scenes SJ was so inappropriately somber. When I think of everyone in the family putting food in his bowl like that and him not being happy about it, my stomach just sinks.
I am inappropriately agitated about what might happen ? and really need to get a grip!
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October 31, 2015 at 7:46 PM
I was hoping the reason he was sad was because he missed his mom and wished he had a real family like hers.
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November 1, 2015 at 11:22 AM
I was thinking that he was unwilling to eat so much food, there are hints about an eating disorder.
November 1, 2015 at 1:01 PM
Errr no. SJ has eaten normally with HJ on their business trip etc
So now being overwhelmed by the love of her family is actually now a sign of his hidden eating disorder? which I guess makes unworthy of love or something, lol.
SH is the only pure-hearted perfect dude on this show, right? So after finale HJ will become obsessed and mentally ill for marrying SJ to SH shippers. Hee.
I'm getting Harry/Hermione flashbacks.
October 31, 2015 at 10:07 PM
i felt the same at the lake scene, i was happy but at the same time there was this ominous feeling. im scared as well.i though dont think they will do death especially cause of the reaction to the rumour of it by everyone.
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22 dkaoru
October 31, 2015 at 7:16 AM
I'm getting very worried reading some of the comments about possibilities of this turning into a makjang melo fest. I don't know if I'm imagining it but I've been getting weird vibes from Sung joon. I feel his emotions are too intense and I can't help thinking that maybe the twist is he's dying. Everytime he looks at Hye jin with such longing, I feel so sad and i feel it's like he knows he doesnt have much time with her.
Although the comments here mentioned that it might be Hye jin who dies.... I think i'll be pissed as hell if anyone dies. Simply because the tone of this drama doesn't call for it. I didn't sign up to watch a makjang. Stay a romcom, please! pretty please.
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October 31, 2015 at 7:32 AM
I hate that we are even entertaining these possibilities! And the production crew wasn't really helpful either, saying that there was going to be a new development, and whether it's a sad or happy ending, the viewers will be satisfied. I'm like, NO, my satisfaction of this drama is only dependent on a happy ending, so please don't even try to do it any other way!
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October 31, 2015 at 7:39 AM
I knoww righttt?!! I just went to Soompi to read all the crazy theories. I shouldn't have.
Come on give us a happy ending! I don't know this writer's past works (apparenty known to give unexpected endings?), but for this one just don't do it!
We want our Happy ever after fairytale ending!!!
Don't care who TEN is or who the nephew is, just don't kill anyone!!!!!
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October 31, 2015 at 1:23 PM
It makes me worried that Sung Joon keeps walking into's like an indication of a brain tumor or something, nt just being distracted...and now that I've read these death rumors for the FIRST TIME here in the comments (oh gee -thanks) now I'm worried. I just can't imagine turning this beautiful, satisfying drama into a weeper - although I must admit if it's done well, really really well - it could be MOST beautiful. But,!!!!!!!!!!! I want to see a wedding with all the families and the MOST crew dancing and drinking and Siwon up on the stage singing in the final scene! Yes, please!!
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October 31, 2015 at 10:13 PM
i know the crews comments, im like why you playing with our feelings like that. nah man the only way i'll be happy is if it has a happy ending. no deaths. who knows maybe everyone is just getting carried away with a sad ending possibility.
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October 31, 2015 at 5:16 PM
Okay, I have to stop reading comments about predictions. Skipping them. Maybe a little too late, already read about tumors and deaths and honestly it's freaking me out.
I was also getting weird vibes from Sung joon. Like when he couldn't find Hye jin, but I assumed that it was because of his huge love for first, before I read all these predictions!
My next step is: avoid Viki, Soompi and maybe avoid twitter? I can't avoid DB, LOL
But then again, if it DOES go all melo on us in the end, at least we'll be prepared! Kind of...
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23 karensummer
October 31, 2015 at 7:42 AM
Am I the only one who thinks Seong-joon's obsession over Hye-jin is not healthy anymore. Like when he thought she left her when she was only gone for a second. Or that he already thought of proposing after a few dates. Yes, he may have "loved" Hye-jin for all those fifteen years but Hye-jin wasn't exactly obsessing over him all those years like he did. And he didn't even consider that. I don't know but something just seems off for me. I watched the last episode three times, and as much as I loved the sugary stuff, something just doesn't seem right. I really really ship Seong-joon and Hye-jin but even if they end up together, I don't think I'll be able to believe that they will be okay in the long run. Seong-joon seems to have a more serious mental problem than he knows.
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October 31, 2015 at 8:11 AM
This is an example of How I Met Your Mother's Dobler-Dahmer Theory, which states that the actions of one partner is either stalkerish or romantic depending on the the other partner's reaction. Hye-jin accepted his non-proposal, so I think it's safe to say that she, too, is where he's at in their relationship.
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October 31, 2015 at 10:35 AM
Agree with Tapioca. It would only be seen as negative if Hye Jin did not feel that way at all for Sung Joon, and if it was harming her emotionally or physically in any way. From what we have seen, she has been willing to be his "umbrella" since they were young, and even now she wishes to be that kind of person to Sung Joon.
I'm not sure what Sung Joon is suffering from. I don't want to say it's a mental health issue (because it could just be stress from work, from his weight loss or the trauma of losing his mom), but if he does have one, then he needs support. He needs someone like Hye Jin to keep him on track. Saying Sung Joon isn't deserving of a friend or even a love interest all because he's shown signs of some mental health issue is wrong and mean.
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October 31, 2015 at 12:48 PM
I agree. I don't know where this idea that only people of sound mind can be in relationships came from, that people with mental health issues don't deserve support and love. It's just wrong and completely insensitive.
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October 31, 2015 at 10:50 AM
You're not the only one who thinks it's not healthy:
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October 31, 2015 at 11:12 AM
Isn't that the tumblr that "predicted" SH was the actual male lead? lol
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October 31, 2015 at 12:07 PM
yep, same one
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October 31, 2015 at 11:14 AM
Si Won fans getting bitter as hell now. Soon we will have a post about how Hye Jin being either "toxic" and not deserving of their uber-duber-speshul Shin Hyuk or is battered by Sung Joon smth.
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What even
October 31, 2015 at 12:49 PM
Yeah but that tumblr user is obviously being very ridiculous and stupid - loving Siwon so much they're trashing Ji Seong. I don't want horrible people like that being fans of this show.
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November 1, 2015 at 12:55 PM
I quickly skimmed it but it's obvious that this person is heavily biased towards SH to the point that they're willing to bring down and overlook SJ's good motives to bring SH further up. They fail to see that SH is not perfect either. He's done things that while ppl would think would be nice, would be annoying and bothersome to others. And no matter how you look at it, no matter how many times SH says "you're gonna come to me", it's just not gonna happen. She could break up with SJ, but her coming and being with SH? Nuh-uh.
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October 31, 2015 at 1:03 PM
+1 to both tapioca pearl, 23.1 and Jackie 23.1.1.
I'm so sick of the non-stop pathologization and demonization of Seong-joon's character (and sanctification of Shin-hyeok's character) by those undergoing SLS. And also the underlying implication and straight-up comments about how his trauma over his Mom's death makes him undeserving of being with Hye-jin is so uncompassionate and doesn't even make sense with regards to the story when his breakdown is what made them be friends in the first place?
It just comes across as plain biased and irrational.
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October 31, 2015 at 1:08 PM
Um oops, that was supposed to be posted in reply to 23.1, but funnily enough this blogpost completely exemplifies the whole -- irrational and biased comments wrongly pathologizing Seong-joon -- I'm talking about.
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October 31, 2015 at 1:23 PM
Allow me to add to your comment. (Disclaimer: this has been a long time coming).
I'm all for viewers to personally ship who they want, but at least be reasonable and mature about it.
Throughout this show, there've been two main arguments why Hye-jin shouldn't be with Sung-joon:
1. He was mean to her early on.
2. He is not mentally fit to be in a relationship.
I call bullshit on them. For #1, I will concede that what he said was truly hurtful, but geesh, we've all said terrible things to people we care about. We apologize or show we're sorry and forgive and we move on. Stop being saintly and preachy. Let. It. Go.
And for #2, well that's just ignorance at its finest. Have a heart.
So now let me list why Hye-jin shouldn't be with Shin-hyuk:
1. She has no romantic feelings for him.
2. The End.
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October 31, 2015 at 1:42 PM Daphne : Agreed. People are getting in way over their heads over Shin Hyuk because of the man behind the character who's playing him. Character wise, yes Shin Hyuk is perfect! He's fit, and (secretly? could be?) rich! But all that means nothing to the girl he's trying to woo. Hye Jin never once loved him as a man. She only ever saw him as a friend. So I see why people feel so sorry for him, but I never did as much because Hye Jin from the start always made clear (in her actions and words) that he would only be a friend. He should've stopped then. tapioca pearl : I agree, and even if Shin Hyuk and Hye Jin got together, let's be honest it would be unfair to both of them. I can see Hye Jin accepting only because she feels sorry for Shin Hyuk, but that's not fair to him either. He's being loved out of sympathy? No we don't that.
October 31, 2015 at 1:45 PM
+ 1
The thing is, I do think Sung-joon was more unkind than he needed to be. The male lead initially being unkind to the female lead is a drama trope we need less of, imo. We need more male leads who are kind from the get-go! That being said, I don't think shipping Hye-jin/Shin-hyuk (or any female lead with the male second lead, for that matter) is the answer because, as you say, she doesn't have romantic feelings for him. Shouldn't that matter? Why are people so willing to cry over the second lead and prioritize his feelings over the female lead's?
"But she's only a drama character!" people might say. That's true! But the second male lead is also just a drama character - so if you're willing to view him as human/real, and care about his feelings, why not her? I don't get it. Besides, second leads are often presented as the better/nicer option but usually act just as (if not more) entitled to the female lead's love than the male lead does, but that's always glossed over.
But yeah, this is a tl;dr way of saying that the demonizing of Sung-joon and sanctifying of Shin-hyuk totally boggles me. Shin-hyuk is funny and Siwon and Hwang Jung-eum are enjoyable together, but I don't understand why people are so worked up over him. It seems excessive for a drama that's generally so light and upbeat.
October 31, 2015 at 4:01 PM
Seconding everything ? in this thread, but especially this from adia:
Seriously. Thank you for saying this.
The super-empathy for and over-prioritizing of Shin-hyuk and his feelings to the complete blindness of and downplaying of Hye-jin and her feelings to the extent that some folks say that they now HATE HJ for not liking him back -- or that they're baffled or confused by her not picking him over SJ is so ridiculous to me.
I wonder why this overflowing compassion for the second lead at the expense of actually caring about the female lead almost never happens gender-flipped?
And I've seen this happen many times, often by otherwise pro-feminist people too. Is it just the case of people thinking of the female leads more like self-inserts (what would I do?) and less like actual characters? Such as in the way some people read romance/YA books.
Camille W
October 31, 2015 at 11:19 PM
YESSS! Preach it TP! I've been feeling the same way since these 'ship wars' began. We need a drama where its only one love line. No need for romantic second leads at all. But that's a fantasy world where there's one couple and everyone is friendly. The whole shipping concept bogged down Producer and School 2015. I'm tired of it but its so ingrained in me that i cant help it sometimes.
November 1, 2015 at 1:45 AM
@Daphne, @Tapioca Pearl, @Jackie, @Adia, @Perra: You all have said what I wanted to say very well... Thank you, guys...
November 1, 2015 at 11:38 AM
Imo Hye Jin hasn't shown romantic feelings for none of the leads so far. She said that JS was her first love and after his coming back to Korea she was impressed about his looks and what he has achieved in life.
She was unsure about herself, not only bc her appearance, the job and academic situation, she's always broke... Not easy to take HS hitting on her seriously, specially because he always seems to be making fun of her. With time she ended believing he was being serious, but by then her story with JS had progressed too much, involving family and BFF Ha Ri.
Actually I haven't seen Hye Jin glancing lovingly at any of them, only afraid of JS most of the time and having fun with HS whenever they are together.
It's a one sided love from JS, better said an obsession... I don't think she's reciprocating heartily.
November 1, 2015 at 12:57 PM
Yeah so I don't really comment at all, but your (Mensissan ) comment was so WTF-inducing to me that I had to unlurk.
Are you trolling? Or just delusional? How does your opinion go pretty much against whats actually in the drama?
I know second Lead Syndrome is a thing but what the hell? Girrl.
November 3, 2015 at 2:26 AM
@Daphne, @Tapioca Pearl, @Jackie, @Adia, @Perra: agree with you girls :) . I wonder what will happen if SH was played by a different actor :p . Would people still think the same ? :p .
SJ's 'jerk' behaviour is a standard main guy character in romcom (which is one thing that I don't like in this drama. Too bad). I think every drama has it, so I don't understand why it becomes a big issue here for some people.
Regarding no 2 (SJ was not mentally health for a relationship),haha ... The girls that I mentioned above have said it pretty well. SJ never forced HJ to accept his feelings. And if he needs her when he is stressed, then I'm going to ask this : have you ever feel really stressed at work , so stressed that you want to scream and scold everyone who makes you feel annoyed?? Well, I have, and I did yell at people (by email or by phone, luckily :p .. ) who did stupid things and didn't do their homework right.
And at times like that, one of the things that I do is to chat with my friends or to ask them to meet , then pour everything to them. SJ doesn't have anyone, so I can understand his feelings and conditions very well . That's why, he needs HJ .. coz she is his friend, his lover, and the only thing he has. Plus, judging from his character, I don't think he is close enough with his Dad, so he can't talk to him either.
November 1, 2015 at 1:16 PM
Sorry for being rude, but that comment was literally mind-boggling to me. Like people above said it better than me, this is the total willing blindness of HJ's feelings. The whole drama is about HJ loving SJ and viceversa. She's shown her love for SJ and lack of interest in SH all through the show.
And yes this always only happens with female characters, never male ones. It's straight-up sexism imo.
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November 2, 2015 at 4:51 AM
yeah i agree, with you, pretty sure there were plenty of moments where HJ looked lovingly at SJ, i mean for example when he was asleep after getting knocked out from alcohol.