Yong-pal: Episode 12

Tae-hyun’s penchant for helping the hopeless gets him into some serious trouble this hour, but that same optimistic and inherently humane spirit is also what saves him. You don’t get to be a quack without making a few friends, and he’s definitely made some good ones. Yeo-jin is one lucky girl to have someone like him on her side, but methinks she knows that already—she’s the one about to marry the guy, after all. Granted, having your wedding on the same day as your funeral isn’t a thing most people would get to do, but that’s half the fun.


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Do-joon’s secretary doesn’t kneel when Yeo-jin commands him, instead commanding her to prove that she’s worthy enough for him to kneel before her.

Yeo-jin holds up the One USB left by her father, and the secretary instantly knows that Hanshin’s secret accounts are inside. Just like her father predicted would happen, the USB gives Yeo-jin great power, enough to make Do-joon’s secretary kneel.

While Man-shik accosts the chief of security at the airport for Yeo-jin’s passport (but under whose orders?), he calls Do-joon’s secretary, who puts him on hold as he addresses Yeo-jin—but mostly, he addresses the One USB, which he calls the royal seal of the Hanshin Kingdom.

He urges her to trust the One USB to him, and Yeo-jin warns him about being too arrogant with her before she tosses it to him. Wait… what? Please, please tell me that’s not the real USB and/or she has a copy. Why does no one in dramaland know how to make digital copies?

In return, the secretary tells the chief of security to hand over the passport to Man-shik. He also pledges his loyalty to Yeo-jin and asks for her next order.

Turns out Man-shik was operating under Tae-hyun’s orders, since he finds Tae-hyun waiting outside and gives Yeo-jin’s passport to him. Unaware that Scarface is tailing them, Man-shik asks Tae-hyun who the passport belongs to, since the girl in the picture is so beautiful.

“She’s my bride,” Tae-hyun says almost sheepishly. Man-shik balks that someone so pretty would want to marry him, and practically gags when Tae-hyun says it’s because they’re in love. “Love? Yong-pal knows how to love?” his loan shark scoffs.

Tae-hyun flashes back to Yeo-jin’s impromptu marriage proposal and the kiss he gave her as his answer. We also see what was said afterward, with Yeo-jin instructing him to register their marriage the following morning so that he’ll be her legal guardian.

If not, Do-joon would still be the one making decisions for her, and her fight with him would end with her back in a coma or worse. Tae-hyun didn’t need any convincing from her, despite her acknowledgment that their marriage would be one of convenience—for him, it’s love.

She’s having to put all her faith in Tae-hyun getting their marriage registered in time, since she reveals to Do-joon’s secretary that she’ll be attending her own funeral tomorrow and wants everyone who’s anyone to be there. As long as he tells them she has the secret ledgers on the One USB, they’ll all come.

Her new secretary warns her against such a foolhardy move, worried that she’ll reveal herself only to be put back under Do-joon’s control as her legal guardian. Yeo-jin just tells him to do as he’s told, while thinking to herself, “Tae-hyun will definitely come.” He’s not going to make it, is he.

Just then, Man-shik takes a call from some customers in need and volunteers Yong-pal for the job. Tae-hyun is adamant that he doesn’t do house calls anymore, but Man-shik incentivizes him with guilt and money.

Scarface tails them to the warehouse where Yong-pal will be treating the gangsters, while Yeo-jin watches her father’s video message again—especially the part about her fiancé—and bitterly thanks her former lover for his betrayal, since it’s freed her from reliving the same car crash nightmare over and over again.

The warehouse is full of injured and bleeding thugs, and Yong-pal sets to work stitching up each and every one on his impromptu operating table. But one is unresponsive, and Yong-pal rushes into action to bring him back from the verge of death with a saline solution while he bandages the really gnarly gash on the man’s leg.

While President Go begins to wonder if Yeo-jin is alive after finding out about her passport being taken by Tae-hyun, Yong-pal makes it out of the warehouse without a single drop of blood on his pristine white shirt.

He makes Man-shik nervous by thanking him for his hard work this whole time, even allowing him to keep the day’s earnings, which makes it sound like a true goodbye. Tae-hyun even calls him a friend, which makes Man-shik visibly uncomfortable.

They fail to notice Scarface nearby, whom President Go orders not to kill Tae-hyun until he leads them to Yeo-jin. He then goes to Do-joon to report his suspicions about his secretary, believing that Yeo-jin might still be alive.

Much to his surprise, Do-joon just laughs in his face. Funny that President Go should mention SECRETARY MIN (he finally has a name!), since he appears from behind Do-joon. He’s told him everything and even given him the One USB, so either he’s acting as Yeo-jin’s double agent, or he betrayed her.

Do-joon waves the USB in front of President Go’s face, bragging about how all the power is his now even though his father left it to Yeo-jin—but because of Secretary Min, he has it. Secretary Min can’t help but smirk victoriously at President Go, who he’s finally bested in the quest for Do-joon’s affections.

Though Yeo-jin managed to escape from Secretary Min’s watch, Do-joon isn’t concerned, since he knows she plans to show up at the funeral tomorrow. After ordering Min to only allow those who’ve pledged their loyalty to him to attend, he grits, “We need to show Yeo-jin who the real king is.”

Since President Go’s secret ledgers are also on the One USB, the scales of power between them are now tipped heavily in Do-joon’s favor. President Go has to beg for his understanding, which makes Do-joon feel even more like a king. And his first decree entails killing Tae-hyun, regardless of how his wife might feel about it.

President Go texts the order to Scarface just as Chae-young’s maid reports the contents of the meeting to her. Props to her for being the only one at least mildly surprised by the news that Yeo-jin is alive.

Since Hanshin Hospital is just an open thoroughfare, a thug masquerading as a nurse sneaks into Chief Lee’s hospital room and injects something terrible into his IV. Nurse Oh’s arrival scares him off, but a weakened Chief Lee begs her not to call the guards, since he knows they’ll be of no use.

Man-shik’s guilty looks and nervous attitude toward Yong-pal gets an explanation when he suddenly blurts, “Run away, quickly.” He doesn’t understand at first, until Man-shik confesses that he told the police on him in a moment of weakness and apologizes.

They’ll be coming to the warehouse soon to catch him, but if he runs now, he might be able to escape. All the gangsters have to escape too if they don’t want to be caught, but Scarface pushes past them to get inside.

He stabs Man-shik in the gut for resisting him, and though Tae-hyun witnesses it, he has no choice but to run for his life. Not before putting a Stunt Cap on, of course.

He tries hiding in the warehouse, but Scarface bursts through the wall to tackle him head-on. Tae-hyun scrambles up the stairs after their scuffle with Scarface in hot pursuit, while the police arrive on scene. Detective Lee finds Man-shik on the floor, who urges him to hurry and save Yong-pal from the man trying to kill him.

Tae-hyun edges along an outside ledge of the warehouse, closely pursued by Scarface. When they both jump down to a platform below, ready to square off, a gunshot interrupt them—it’s Detective Lee.

He orders both of them to freeze as he makes his way down, though Tae-hyun looks like he’s weighing whether to flee or not. But Detective Lee’s obsessive fascination with Yong-pal comes back to bite him, since he’s too occupied with gloating to fend off a sudden attack by Scarface that sends him flying.

Detective Lee has only to look at Yong-pal to know that he’s not going to help him, and while he and Scarface fight, Tae-hyun makes his escape. But he’s stopped by the sound of Detective Lee’s body crashing to the ground as Scarface throws him off the platform.

Approaching sirens send Scarface running, and Tae-hyun’s presented with a moral dilemma: run and save his own skin, or save Detective Lee. As expected, he rushes to Lee’s side, instantly recognizing the signs of a collapsed lung.

He needs to poke a hole into his lung and fast, so he uses a piece of broken glass for the incision and a hollowed out pen for the tube. It’s not perfect (or anywhere near sanitary), but it’s enough to keep Detective Lee alive—and with that, Tae-hyun rushes off.

Chae-young is the first to track Yeo-jin down just by making one very easy phone call to the nurse’s station, and pays a visit to her in her hospital room. Yeo-jin’s not even surprised, and takes off the bandages she’s been using as a disguise.

The two women are surprisingly civil as Chae-young tells her sister-in-law not to go to her own funeral, since Secretary Min betrayed her and gave the One USB to Do-joon.

Not one shred of emotion passes over Yeo-jin’s hardened expression as she scoffs at Chae-young’s claim that she wouldn’t be in this position if she’d been in her hands—she knows she would have just been locked up somewhere else. Chae-young doesn’t refute her claim.

But she still urges Yeo-jin to flee, telling her that her stubbornness won’t solve this problem for her. Yeo-jin just levels a look at her and reminds her of her place: “Have you forgotten who I am?” If Chae-young doesn’t want to side with her, then she better stay far away—or if she chooses her side, Yeo-jin claims she’ll free her from Do-joon’s clutches and spare her family as well.

Before Chae-young agrees, she asks what Yeo-jin’s relationship with Tae-hyun is, becoming visibly relieved when Yeo-jin says he’s just someone whose loyalty she bought. “Okay, I will stand by your side and do whatever you want,” Chae-young says. “In return, I’ll take Tae-hyun.”

“As you wish,” Yeo-jin keeps her poker face extra poker-y as she agrees to the deal, but only when she’s alone does her expression turn grave as she takes up a pair of scissors…

…But instead of taking them to her neck as she would’ve done once, she shears her hair short. “From this moment on, the former Han Yeo-jin is dead.”

Everyone prepares for the funeral as if preparing for war, with the chief of security locking the place down so that only approved guests can enter. Chae-young hires a team of stylists to doll Yeo-jin up for her big day.

After a long night, Tae-hyun finally makes it to the county office first thing in the morning to register his marriage to Yeo-jin. (That’s why he needed her passport.)

President Go doesn’t know what to do when important guests start arriving at the funeral earlier than planned, but his emergency call to Secretary Min goes ignored.

That means that Do-joon doesn’t find out about the unexpected guests until he arrives much later (well, technically on time), only to see a bunch of dour-faced VIPs waiting impatiently inside. They’re the guests Yeo-jin had initially instructed Secretary Min to invite, and they are not happy.

Chae-young wheels Yeo-jin out of the hospital, sporting a new bob and sunglasses to disguise her. “Kim Tae-hyun, come quickly,” Yeo-jin thinks to herself, as we find Tae-hyun filling out their marriage certificate, only to be interrupted when Detective Lee and his partner slap cuffs on him. His desperate pleas to be allowed to finish in order to save someone’s life go ignored as they throw him in the back of the police car.

Do-joon finds out from President Go that the unwanted guests came thanks to a text message supposedly sent by him, though he thinks Yeo-jin was behind it. Judging by Secretary Min’s intense look, I’d say she wasn’t the only one in on the scheme.

With Tae-hyun riding in the backseat, Detective Lee gets an unexpected call from the car closely tailing them—it’s Doo-chul ahjusshi, come to save the day. “Aren’t you being too hard on your savior?” Doo-chul tsks over the line, causing Lee to remember how Tae-hyun’s emergency procedure saved his life only hours earlier.

Doo-chul offers a deal for Yong-pal’s release: he’ll gift the detective with a murderer so heinous that his capture would skyrocket Detective Lee to a promotion. But if that’s not enough, Doo-chul has only to add that he’s the same criminal who threw Lee off the roof last night.

“So release Yong-pal, who saves lives, and catch the killer who takes lives,” Doo-chul says. He’s even paved the way for him by catching Scarface for him, so when Detective Lee asks how he can trust him, all he has to do is pull over and open his trunk. In it, he finds Scarface wrapped up like a present. Best. Ahjusshi. Ever.

Chae-young manages to wheel a semi-disguised Yeo-jin past the threshold where her funeral’s being held while the detectives take Tae-hyun back to the office so he can finish his marriage registration in handcuffs.

“This is as far as I can take you,” Chae-young tells her sister-in-law. “You’ll have to face this fight on your own. I’ll bet on the winning team in the end.” She still wheels Yeo-jin down the aisle toward her own funeral altar, until Yeo-jin raises a hand to stop her.

Remembering Tae-hyun’s words about how she couldn’t sit on the throne unless she could walk to it, she rises from her wheelchair and takes slow, unsteady steps forward. Chae-young slips away as Yeo-jin ascends the stairs, then and only then removing her veil and sunglasses.

She turns around to face the crowd then, right in front of her own portrait. Everyone but her own brother reacts in shock, though he’s certainly not happy, either. And then he tries to play it all off with a lame: “Yeo-jin-ah! What happened?”

“Why?” she shoots back. “Are you surprised that the person you killed has come back to life?” Do-joon still plays dumb, even when Yeo-jin accuses him of claiming that she was dead when she’s obviously alive and well. Instead he turns the blame onto whoever mistakenly pronounced her dead, taking some satisfaction when Tae-hyun’s name is called.

Do-joon then claims that she’s too frail to be outside, and needs to be hospitalized immediately. They’ll hear the rest of the story later. Really, Do-joon? I want to give you more credit than this, but you’re making it really hard.

Before the guards can reach her, Yeo-jin calls out to the police chief she made sure to invite, asking for protective custody. “Han Do-joon has held me captive illegally for the last three years, and used the fact that I was unconscious to control the company.” To her, that should be enough to get protective custody so her brother can’t confine her again.

But the police chief says there are formal steps that need to be taken, giving Do-joon an opportunity to step in and claim that he kept Yeo-jin’s mental state under wraps in order to save the company’s image, but asserts that she isn’t of sound mind.

Yeo-jin continues to stand tall as she addresses the police chief, this time saying that she’ll submit to a physical and mental checkup as long as it’s not at Hanshin Hospital.

So when Do-joon gives the police chief a psychiatrist’s fake diagnosis to the police chief from Hanshin Hospital, you’d think that would be a red flag…

…But the police chief believes his bull, even going so far as to acknowledge Do-joon’s claim that he’s her legal guardian and will do what’s best for her. Is no one else in this room actually watching what’s going on? Are we going to have to take it on faith that Do-joon’s claims are so clever and foolproof that not one person sees through this? Really?

Really. Do-joon has only to issue a veiled threat to bring the police chief in line, leaving Yeo-jin stranded at the altar. As he sends his sister a vicious smirk, Yeo-jin thinks, “Tae-hyun-ah, come quickly.”


This show has asked us to buy a lot so far, and I’ve been happy to shell out my hard-earned mental dollars for some of the more outrageous things as long as they proved to be entertaining and fun. I applaud Yeo-jin’s preparation for the opposition she knew she would face, and can actually understand now why her marriage to Tae-hyun was so essential, especially when only a select few people in this dramaverse see reality for what it is.

It’s not like we need a mathematically precise level of logic in our shows, but there are some things that can’t be ignored when they fly in the face of basic human nature. Things that we see but inherently can’t believe because that’s just not how stuff works—and while I can accept that I’m not well versed in Korean custodial law, and even if unlawful power of attorney over an adult can be granted if just one psychiatric report is fabricated, it’s just so patently ridiculous that Yeo-jin can face a roomful of people who presumably haven’t all been bought off by Hanshin and clearly state her accusations against her brother, only for said brother to still be able to assume control over her.

And he did so using a psychiatric report from the hospital that he owns, which happened after she stated she’d submit to a mental check at any hospital except Hanshin. Even if she were a raging schizophrenic, any of the multiple people of great power she assembled there would have to only say one word to take even the most cursory glance into Do-joon’s bizarre family affairs—but of course that won’t happen (yet) because his schemes wouldn’t hold up to even the lightest scrutiny.

That’s an all too common problem with a lot of drama baddies, and it can be pretty frustrating when you have a villain that gets to operate on a plane of existence that just doesn’t exist, especially when the only way for him to do so is by dumbing down everyone else. That scene could’ve worked if Do-joon had been painted as a competent usurper who’d gotten one step ahead of Yeo-jin, but right now it feels like she’s one of a handful of sane people facing a world of lunatics. Which really, really sucks for her.

So despite harping on Do-joon—I really do have an obsession with villains and just want them to be good at their job—if the idea was to feel Yeo-jin’s helplessness and despair, they certainly succeeded. She came to her funeral so prepared, and the fact that it still wasn’t enough would crush the average person. Heck, I feel crushed for her, even though I know she’s got a backup plan en route in the form of Tae-hyun.

And with any luck, she has another backup plan in Secretary Min, because I don’t think my puny brain could take it if she really did give him the One Copy of the One USB with just a hope and a prayer. The Yeo-jin that rose from the dead to face her greatest enemy, the Yeo-jin who boldly asked the man she loved to marry her, the Yeo-jin who’s still standing after finding out that everything she thought she knew was a lie is better than that. Am I basing that on the fact that there was a computer in that hospital room? Maybe, but a little wishful thinking can’t hurt.


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It’s really great for Joo Won to have such a high rating drama before the enlistment. WOW! What a huge hit, the ratings are just fantastic. Online ratings are amazing too. It’s the highest rating drama for the whole year, congratulations to the whole team and especially to Joo Won, his acting in this drama is great, love his character so much.


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I'm very happy for him too, but more than anything else, what I see are his huge eye bags, his greyish complexion, and his whole face that betrays a lack of sleep, like for a week or so!


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Well, I actually think he’s very handsome in this drama. The lack of sleep is the price for a lot of screen time; we all know how drama’s shooting works in Korea. Joo Won works hard to let us to enjoy his performance and I sure do it. And it’s great that this hard work is appreciated by high ratings.


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I should have added an extra sentence or 2 in my previous comment:

And my heart breaks to see him suffer so making a drama with a lot of action scenes under the live-shoot system! His acting is wonderful and it's great that the drama gets such high ratings.

Still, I wish they'd let him get some sleep, so that he can shine as his usual even more dazzling self than what we see on screen now.


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I agree! Did you see his vcasts? The first one he could barely keep his eyes open. I wondered why his company ask him to do a live show on top of his drama and/or why he would agree. The second one he seemed a little more rested and it was fun to see him and Kim Tae-hee walking around chatting even if I only understand a word or three. Still... clearly sleep deprived. KTH not so much - she seemed more rested.


He really did look tired in this sp. Poor guy. I love my action but I want JW to get some rest. Ah, the dilemma. He really did a lot this sp but strangely I feel like his screen time has lessened. Am I the only one who feels like this?


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Nope, I feel it too. I think it may be because he has all the action and outdoor scenes. Even the surgery scenes takes a lot more time to prepare and film than say a conversation at a table.


Definitely the highest rated weekday drama, far from the highest rated of the year, Those Accolades belong to Bluebird House and What happens to my family (multi-year). But I am proud of Joo Won and his success with this drama, with hopes they keep up the good work and end on a high note even though it is not among my favorites


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that was such a roller caster episode ...
I am still wondering about the fact that yeo jin must sign the marriage papers ...


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I think it's pretty established that in Korea, the bride does not need to be present for the registration to be done. Just the groom will do as long as he has the necessary documents.


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Oh wow! All those stupid KD heroes of melo romance dramas! What they should have done is to steal the woman's passport and seal, and Voila! She is not only his to turn into a Joseon wife, (like Ho Nora), but also his legal possession, I mean guardie.


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I must admit I find this whole "I am your legal guardian because I am your older brother/husband" thing slightly bizarre to me. But I recognise it to be a cultural thing. Confucian principles are still very strong in Korea among all the CJK communities around the world, but it's refreshing to see too how KDrama is pushing those boundaries and limits with strong female characters like YeoJin, ChaeYoung, XRay Nurse, Nurse Ajumma.


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X-ray nurse, i love it! excellent name...


I agree. I'm surprised that all it takes is a passport. So just steal a woman's passport and get married to her. :/ No signed letter of authorisation with the matching signature in the passport is needed?


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Agreed. I think it works both ways too, meaning the bride can registers the groom as long as she has his passport.
Anyway it's just a cert that the non consenting "spouse" can always contests. Very interesting.


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it is plausible and perhaps more so in dramaland hahaha! dont forget that in Playful Kiss, the main lead guy registered his marriage to his wife without her knowing too. And vise versa she wanted to register their marriage with his drivers license only to find out that it was already registered by him. So it's not the first time that this occurred in k-drama. Maybe in Sth Korea you can do this. Im not sure but def its possible in drama world hahaha!


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Hmmm. If my memory serves me right... Same happened in Mary Stayed Out All Night except the female character's father registered her marriage to the second lead without her knowledge. Anyways it's kdrama, they can create their own version of reality.


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also was it just me or like...i totally didn't understand whether yeojin anticipated what her brother would do??? like i wish she'd have thought of a more... stable plan that depended less on taehyun getting the marriage license? bc he has cops and people all over him all the time like... honestly not the most reliable person (he can't help it ofc) but i just really wish she'd done something that wouldn't leave her in a position of weakness like she was in at the end of the episode... even if she still had the usb, it would be better than this???

anyway i hope yongpal comes in next episode and kicks ass and everything becomes right with the world again


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Yongpal is originally meant for 16 episodes. There were rumors of extension to 20 episodes, but there was no confirmed source that states 20 or otherwise. Koala's site was misleading.

The drama's pace has always been fast, albeit episodes 9 & 10 where the leads take time to heal from their injuries, and strengthen their love. I love Yongpal for its unique and unpredictable storyline, and 16 episodes is just perfect.

Things are picking up now. Anything can happen. So excited for next week!


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It's interesting you mentioned koala's site. The wrong info certainly created lots of disgruntlement though it's not a big matter to me.

Theres been lots of unpleasant comment building up on some other sites on dramas, actors and actresses. It's very depressing after reading those comments *shudder*

I will stick to balanced and mature sites like dramabeans etc


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Now I'm really hoping that it is 20 episodes. Things are just moving so quickly not that's an issue. But if it really ends in the next four episodes I'll be sad. If it is 16 Eps, the pace is actually just right.


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There's a new press release from SBS. Yong Pal is extended with additional 2 episodes. Two reasons for extension that were:
1. High ratings. (I guess, SBS can't help but to milk on their cash cow?)
2. The writer intended to write 16 episodes but was able to complete his piece with 18 episodes. (I was thinking 16 would be perfect but he managed to finish it with 18, so I can just hope for best. He's always been ahead of me anyways and I guess if not all, of most of the viewers as well. We'll see.. Yong Pal, fighting!)



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I cannot imagine the drama behind the drama.

This is not from official sources but I read that he wanted to do 16 eps and after the announcement just days ago, I thought he won the battle. Seems like the big boys got their way in the end.

If this was decided at such a late stage, I think it will be nothing short of a miracle if he pulls it off. I am very impressed with what he has done so far and if he finishes this well with the extension, I will be in awe.


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Yes, there was a previous press release about that where they said that station, production company, writer, and management have deliberated and many have disagreed and concluded that the extension is unreasonable to begin with. And that to force the extension will not be neat, in having 16 episodes they will achieve a successful conclusion..


Me too, so far I'm really satisfied with what the writer has been delivering. So I guess, all we can do for now is root for him and hope for the best.


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Omg! 18 eps!!! Chincha! I would be thrilled to the point of tears, lol! @Vgy7*uhb


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Affie, vgy,SS
Though I hope it's not too stressful for the crew and actors, I think 18 episodes would be a more reasonable length for an action-packed drama. Cramming so much things into 16 episode drama feels a bit rushed for me.


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there was an article that this drama would aired up to 24 episodes, then suddenly 20. Then lately its been confirmed that it would only aired up to 18th episode. I'm really hoping it would reached up to 2oth or more. This drama is kinda interesting, so far one of the best drama thar i've ever watched since my love from the star. Joo woon's acting was great..just hoping they got lot of awards though!!!


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Oh you're doing back to back eps now @HeadsNo2?

As for why that room full of people are not questioning whatever's happening, I think they still think that it was Do Joon who sent out the text blackmailing them perhaps on the slush fund and so were unable to do anything. But, I am hoping our concerns will be addressed in the next episodes especially about that One USB and why YJ gave it to Sec Min and why she trusted him.

Do Joon was definitely prepared to counterattack YJ since Sec Min purposely informed him of YJ 's plan (which I think was indeed YJ's plan). The look of surprise that perhaps we were expecting from Do Joon and Director Go was not shown, although it would have been nice. For Do Joon, perhaps he had a fit of rage but then Sec Min showed up with the ONE USB aka royal seal to Hanshin company and that trumps over knowledge of Yeo Jin's survival. Which is why he was in a good mood. For Director Go, he already had an inkling that Yeo Jin may be alive afterall and had his suspicions confirmed by Do Joon.


I was waiting for your take regarding the Hanshin Electric Bus that was shown in passing and who might be in there. I think that it would serve a purpose next episode and hopefully help in Yeo Jin's fight to reclaim the throne.


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Same here. I'm also wondering who is/are inside the bus. I can't wait for next week's episode.


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@ mah

Yes I agree. The roomful of people might be skeptical as YJ has been MIA for three years and DJ has been running the organization and furnishing documents bearing her seal.

And YJ needs to entrust the USB to sec min otherwise he wouldn't release the passport.
Perhaps the chief nurse told her of a hidden USB so she might have prepared a blank USB. But I doubt so and I would go with Sec. Min was instructed to duplicate some contents so he could remain at DJ's side as Spy Min.

As such, I would like to believe that Sec. Min has fully transferred loyalty to her. When she tossed him the USB, the look on his face was precious. As if he found the well of everlasting life. He knows his days are numbered under Do Joon so YJ is his only ticket to survival. The reason he demanded YJ's status is because switching allegiance is gonna bury him ASAP if he made the wrong move.

The Hanshin coach might be arranged by YJ for the factory union to stage a protest in order to disrupt the funeral and possibly to buy time for TH...


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Regarding the One USB:
She take it out of an unlocked compartment that is in plain view. How is that safe?
We clearly see that there is only One USB in there. So Daddy couldn't have hid another one in there.
Even if she has had time to make a duplicate, why would you give it to Sec, who can pass it on to DJ? The one given to Sec should be a fake. Has she had time to do a fake?

So DEEP!?!? So puzzling!


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That USB was safe. No one found it in three years till it's real owner came along. Trying to find that USB in Yeo Jin's room in Hanshin Hospital would have been like trying to find a classified document in Fort Knox.

so are you gonna watch the next episode to find out if she had aof the USB or otherwise? ;)


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A copy^^


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Dongchul ajusshi is so jjang!! TH has a lot of ppl on his side to save his ass every time he's in trouble! Am realy excited for 2morrow


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I hope Yeo-Jin has something else up her sleeve aside from depending on Tae-hyun. As much as I get the logic in him being her legal guardian through their marriage, it would be great if that wasn't her only big plan seeing as that just puts him in deeper trouble then he already is. I also feel like this plan won't make much difference with Do Joon being able to refute all of her previous claims as being mentally unstable. I was really expecting something real bad ass on Yeo-jins part from her mentioning that the "former Han Yeo Jin was dead" but didn't really feel it.. Anyways I guess we still have some more episodes to go so here's hoping! Thank you for yet another amazing recap :)


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I know. As smart as she's supposed to be, surely she isn't only depending on Tae-hyun getting there on time. But with 3 full episodes to go (last one is usually to tie things up, right?) When she said in her mind for him to please and get there, that was worrying. This show has been pretty good with the twists and turns though. It's been like a fun ride on a roller coaster.


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I'm thinking that Tae-hyun's status as a doctor who is known to have been caring for 1.Yeo-jin for some time - and 2. other "important" people, like the (Police Commissioner?) that got him released a couple of episodes ago might carry as much weight as being her husband. Right now Do Joon has power over the men in the room whether they believe his claims or not. Money (financial power) speaks a lot louder than right. YJ would probably know that better than TH. We'll find out!


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But Tae Hyun was the one who confirmed her dead ironically. So I don't know if his status as a docter will hold up.


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I binge watched all 12 episodes in 3 days. Yong Pal is so good. Now I have to wait another week. :(

Till now it's in my opinion the best drama of the year. Although I haven't watched that many this year, because there were not that many that caught my interest.


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I know. I've been doing the same. I need company as I do my assignments... Woe is me... I so badly want episode 13 to come, but that also means my deadlines loom closer. Pfft.


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have faith! Yeo Jin has a plan. she knew she would be betrayed. why else would she have contacted all those "bribed" officials? she had tasked Director Min to contact them. she knew he would not! remember there is a Hanshin Electric bus speeding toward the funeral. they are on strike and hate the Chairman. this makes them excellent, trustworthy allies. this QUEEN has the looks and the BRAINS to protect her kingdom!

just a thought, but Yeo Jin handed over a USB. the USB that her brother knew about and wanted. however, her father was exceptionally smart. he anticipated what would happen when he died. just may be there was something more valuable in the drawer that Do Joon does not know about? we only think we saw the whole video, but i suspect that her father gave her more than just a single USB...

there is another explanation for Director Min's "betrayal". may be Yeo Jin directed him to give her brother the USB. the best spy is the person your enemy trusts the most. until Do Joon received the USB he had lost faith in Director Min and was working very closely with President Go. for the moment at least President Go has lost a lot of power. we might have seen only a portion of Yeo Jin's conversation with Director Min. just a thought...


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@ aranea

I agree. My gut feel is that the 'betrayal' is part of YJ's plan. There will be more that we'll be privy to later... since we see a Han Shin bus barreling along (and no reason for it from Do Joon or Go's point of view, it is likely then to be Yeo Jin's bus) and know that Tae Hyun is at the marriage registry, there are more parts to her plan. :)


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My thoughts also - even in k-dramas, she can't be all that dumb to just give everything away because some sleaze bowed down. There has to be a lot more behind this ploy.


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That's was great episode - I had inkling that getting married to yong pal was half of the battle one but I am so excited to see how it works out next week...

I love the gangster boss!


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Thanks once again Heads!

"Yong-pal makes it out of the warehouse without a single drop of blood on his pristine white shirt." LOL! my thoughts exactly. He was obviously not allowed to 'get married' with a soiled shirt. Must dress right for such a grand event! Even after fighting scarface and being man-handled by Det Lee, his shirt still looks OK. :D


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He's very skilled. Pristine white shirt attests to that fact! ;)


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Ha, I laughed pretty hard at that. White shirts in dramas drive me nuts. Besides impromptu surgery, I'm also always amazed that drama people eat jjajangmyun with white shirts on and don't get them dirty. I practically have to wear an apron to eat jjajangmyun.


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HAHAHA this part of the recaps made me laugh so much. Suspending logic on all levels.


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I can't, I just can't.... If not for Joo Won I would have dropped this drama long ago.. Kim Tae Hee is a brick in the literal sense, I can't get anything from watching her act in this show. I don't really understand the draw of this drama or why it has such high ratings, I guess it's the Joo Won effect. Not knocking anyone who enjoys the drama.


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At least part of the high ratings are due to lack of any real competition.


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@Windsun33 13.1
I beg to disagree. I don’t think it’s because Yongpal has no competition.

Earlier this year, on Wed-Thurs time slot (same as Yong Pal) these 3 dramas were head to head at most of their airing dates: Healer; Hyde, Jekyll, Me; Kill Me, Heal Me. And these are their average viewership ratings for their whole broadcast as per AGB, if you combine them all, it’s 24.2%:
Healer – 8.6%
Hyde, Jekyll, Me – 5.5%
Kill Me, Heal Me – 10.1%

Currently, Yong Pal, Scholar Who Walks the Night, and Assembly has the following average viewership ratings as per AGB, if you combine them all, it’s 30%:
Yong Pal – 17.3% (average of episodes 1-12)
Scholar Who Walks the Night – 7.4%
Assembly – 5.3% (average of episodes 1-18)

There’s a difference of 5.8% percent in total viewership ratings of each drama clusters. So it’s not that Yong Pal has no competition, it’s just that there’s more people who really loves to watch it. Were were those 5.8% when Healer, JHM, and KMHM were airing?

Don’t get me wrong, I was able to watch all the first three, I liked Healer and KMHM, I wished they had higher ratings but too bad they didn’t.

I'm happy for Yong Pal and how the show is being recognized by its viewers.


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@ vgy7

Good analysis.
Since episode 8 or the kiss, people on this drama thread have been complaining about everything. They just wouldn't give up on criticizing:
- the kiss, the hugs etc
- KTH sleeping, KTH's acting
- the medical plot
- the plot holes
- the ratings
- the drama

Virtually everything. I felt like a broken record trying to explain the same thing again and again.

SS is correct. Either there are much higher standards being applied for this drama or people just wanna criticize because there are people who like this show ....

I just gloss over them for these past two episodes' recaps coz I think they either wanna irritate those who like it or to show they know more stuff or they are just frustrated coz people like the stuff they hate.....

Tired of all the negative complaints.... Zzzzzzzzz


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Come to think of it, it's the double standards that bother me, not just higher standards being applied.

We read so many comments saying that Yong Pal has plenty of plot holes, inconsistencies and basically asking viewers to watch putting aside their intelligence. Yet, when asked to state these instances, they are often due to viewers' lack of understanding, missing some details or nit picking. Sometimes, they are also facts or developments which are shown in the next episodes.

I seldom comment in Dramabeans but I do read recaps and comments of dramas I watch. So, I was surprised that Yong Pal got so much flak for things which were far worse in other dramas.


True that! And some of the plot holes they claim are either too shallow (at least for me) to be concerned about or they missed some crucial detail that if they just had noticed/understood then they wouldn't have had considered it as a plot hole. And yes, the show is not perfect, I've read some that in my opinion were validly raised as plot holes. But this is a drama, and I would gladly favor a better "story" over a better "logic". Though of course I wouldn't discount the facts that it would be best to have both. But I won't be greedy to ask for both at all times from this show or from any other drama ever. I’ll just enjoy what I enjoy with the show, and forgive what I don't.

It also did surprise me on how bad the some of complains were and for some I would end up laughing and asking myself if that person really just complained about this and that. But I understand (more of decided to overlook and just let pass) them for nitpicking or not liking the show. Because liking something or even someone has always been subjective. Even if we try to be objective and give them detailed scenarios or dialogues that fills their so-called plot holes or show them a different subjective point of view, at the end of the day, their taste is their taste and their opinion is their opinion, and they will stick to that. And no matter how hard we try, they wont be silenced. Ever.

And I guess same thing is true for us, we'll be sticking to our guns and continue to support Yong Pal.


Omo!!! @Vgy7*uhb! I am so impressed!

I knew that it wasn't because Yong Pal had no competition but I just didn't think of analyzing the figures. I am very glad that you show proof that Yong Pal's high ratings is not due to lack of competition.


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I hear you. I've been reading those complains and stuff and decided to keep mum until recently. Somehow, I understand them for nitpicking or not liking the show or any aspect of it. Because for me liking something or even someone has always been subjective. Even if we try to show them a different subjective point of view, at the end of the day, their taste is their taste and their opinion is their opinion. And no matter how hard we try, they wont be silenced. Ever.

And that what prompted me to try to be objective this time and show them some stats. They may not buy this too, but now I can say that at least I've also tried.

Good thing ratings have stats and lack of competition issue can be justified objectively.


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If I outright dislike a show, I wouldn't continue watching, read the recaps, much less comment that I dislike or hate it.

If I like a show but more and more plot holes appear, I may rant once or twice, then I just lurk silently before dropping it or watched to the end, read recaps and keep my rants to myself. This happened to me for another drama on another forum. I liked the show in the first half. Then more and more things didn't make sense. I brought up some of those problems I had for discussion and rant a little but when I found that most were still enjoying it, I just kept my opinions to myself.

I know I shouldn't expect people to be like me but I find it harder to understand why so much time is spent picking on a show compared to time spent raving on what one likes about it.


True, I don't get that either. Why waste your precious time on something you don't like, right? And worse, why make others feel bad? Yes, they are entitled to their own opinion but somehow, at least they should know what to say and not what to say, and when to stop.

But I guess they find satisfaction at that, when they see others being vulnerable because of their harshness, and that's the reason why they don't stop? I dunno.

The fact that they keep on coming and commenting even though they've said that they don't like the show and they're dropping it is deeper of a plot hole for me than their plot hole complaints on the show.


@Vgy7*uhb, SS & Shuerei... thanks so much for the ratings breakdown! And yes... apart from the higher standards, the double standards are just ugh, lol! I laugh out loud at many of them. Hahaha! Like its entirely up to you to decide a dress is navy blue, even if its black.

with the Kim Soo Hyun comparison in the Man from the Stars, of cos, KSH and JJH's star power played a significant role in ratings... but theoverall eentertainment value of the show was thru the roof! It had well-conceived supernatural and time-warp elements! It was simply a well-cast, visually appealling, fantastical eye-candy kdrama extravaganza! Of cos, it was gonna average 24% per ep! Lol. Every percent was earned. Audiences are fickle enough as it is, I'm just happy when a drama makes a large no. Of people happy...


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Indeed, Kim soo hyun and jeon ji hyun really did a good acting in mlfts. The whole drama was really amazing and even got a high ratings and awards as well. The ost was great and nothing less i could say. I have watched all kdramas of soo hyun and so far all his dramas are all rated well. He is a total package.hehe. Meanwhile joo woon is a good actor too, And i think yong pal is all about him. HIs portrayal gathered so many viewers, im wishing for it to have a happy ending.


What do all shows with high ratings have in common?

I'll answer: Likeability, relatability, heart, and entertainment value

what do all shows with low ratings have in common?

Me again: Not enough likeability, relatability, heart and entertainment value

Forget logic and believability. They are not the end-all in people's desire to watch shows otherwise watching paint dry would be a global pastime. It's the hard truth.

Its an unmistakable combination... what do the people like, what can the people relate to, who do the people love/desire to see/watch, even if they are wearing sand bags, lol... and what will make people care and be entertained... if the other shows would up their L, R, H and EV,
they would be 'real competition' for Yong Pal. Truly.


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I might beg to differ. High ratings do not equate to quality (case in point : Heirs). Ratings are simply how popular a show is. I saw some pretty entertaining dramas this year that sadly never got to 11%. But was it because they weren't good? Its debatable. But any seasoned kdrama watcher knows that ratings are not always a measure of quality.


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@Camille W. I didnt say anything about 'quality' in my submission. I listed four parameters and not one if them was 'quality'. You may go back to refer... Heirs which had high ratings, happens to be one of the shows I disliked the most. Ill let u in on other highly rated shows I couldn't stand... BOF, The Moon that Embraces the Sun, Secret Garden and Pinocchio.

But im not going to misunderstand WHY they had high ratings because it was obvious people LIKED what they were watching, others could relate to the material, people were sent to emotional highs and they were hella entertaining...

this is all im saying. Everyone can like what they like without having toexplain themselves countless times over. But when you see sosomething become 'popular', be aware that it struck the jackpot in combining the right elements for it to be attractive to the majority of people.

I kinda skipped this last element; becos its not always foolproof but yeah... SUSPENSE... that also helps. :)


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I really like what you write.

There are a lot of people who gripe that the show they like is really good or of high quality but didn't get good ratings. I, too do this at times. Then again, the question is what exactly constitutes quality? An answer that comes to mind is interesting story, well written plot, well directed and produced, rounded off with good casting and acting. Others like genre and style depends on individual preference. But all these do not explain the ratings a show gets. The factors you point out make it easier to see why some shows get high ratings and why some don't.

Let me try to apply them to Yong Pal.

Likable - the writer managed to pull off a delectable mix of action, medicine, melo, comedy and romance to put together a coherent story. Much of the credit also goes to Joo Won for making Tae Hyun such a likable character. He's done his magic again, turning a less than perfect guy into a hero you empathize with even before you see all his goodness. There's an amazing supporting cast as well for characters like Doo Chul, Chief Lee, Chae Young, Nurse Hwang, Cynthia and Nurse Ahjumma. What make it stood out is we have feisty female lead which is not common in dramaland.

Relatable - someone posted a Korean article which spoke of doctors operating like Yong Pal in South Korea. I think beyond the fact that a character like YP possibly exists, the Koreans know better than anyone the weaknesses and unfairness of their healthcare system. Issues like the Chinese migrant worker and TH's Mom are not shocking to them. The hallyu star case also mirrors some similar scandals that took place not too long ago. Loansharks too seem to be a fixture for people with no access to legal borrowings.
TH the underdog, surviving a brutal and unfair system is also easy for the viewers to relate to and root for.
YJ, the chaebol heiress with all the other 'rich people' problems are what they read of in daily news.

Heart - this drama has so much heart. Most of it inspired by Tae Hyun. But all characters take their turns to shine and show that one need not be deaden by obstacles and systems. The human spirit is always far greater and worth celebrating.

Entertainment value - with these much thrills and spills, twists and turns, what can I say except 'Daebak!' on this score?


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@SS. The admiration is mutual, lol. I also absolutely love everything you write. And im definitely talking about RATINGS here cos people don't seem to realise that it's really just an equation. If the right elements are combined properly, there's really no reason producers wouldn't have a proper hit in their hands...even if it doesn't appeal to everyone... it will appeal to a substantial number. Lol.

my list may not be exhaustive... but off the top of my head, I realised those are the main virtues that draw me into a drama...

Likeability- I'd never seen Joo Won or KTH in anything before this but I was immediately pulled in by his portrayal of YP from day one...even when he looked like a grimy money grubber! I liked his facial expressions and other nuances. I like KTH's acting too. I find her believable as a helpless heiress that needs to 'woman' up and take her throne. Also, I like cutie-patootie actresses and she is such a cutie. Lol.

Relatability - Believe it or not, I can relate to this story. I'm not a Korean chaebol but my dad is a wealthy high-ranking government official in the country I'm from. I'm an attorney in his company and im going to inherit a lot of real estate from the business someday. The guy I'm currently engaged to be married to came from nothing. He was unemployed and I got him a job in my father's company. I'm the one with the expensive apartment, luxury car and more money in the bank in our relationship. But he is such a good guy with a stellar character, I can't help feeling he's the right choice for me. I dated an extremely wealthy guy before this one, who I was totally smitten with, but he turned out to have no compassion towards others and used shady deals to make all his money, so I left despite being sooo in love with him.

My siblings and I are close. And we are all accomplished but I'm the closest one to my dad. Sometimes, my sibs think my dad loves me the most and has the potential to leave me with everything when he passes on and it causes friction between us sometimes. At times, it makes me wonder where all our love as little kids went...? I pray for my dad to live rly long cos I cant imagine whats gonna happen when he is gone!

So yeah, I can relate to this show on a number of levels...

Heart - I just love all the compassion and selflessness I see in this show. These virtues are rare nowadays.

Entertainment Value - Well, @SS, I'm just gonna join u and say... Daebak! :D


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Awww...@Affie, thank you for sharing your story. My best wishes to you and your fiance for a blissful marriage :D

With regards to your family, maybe estate planning could be useful to preserve harmony.


are you sure Yongpal is not the story of your life @Affie ? If you ever have a 'Kim Tae Hyun' in your life, then continue to grab him and make him yours. (lifted from Cynthia's dialogue to Yeo Jin *wink*)

I love what you guys said @SS @Affie @Vgy7*uhb ! *highfive* Yongpal has always been an interesting mix of everything. And it clicks with the 17.3% of the Korean TV viewers and I think 30-40% online TV viewers? (I was trying to look for the actual values but I apologize that I cannot find it). While Yongpal may not be perfect, you cannot deny that it is entertaining and intriguing and almost always one step ahead, well for me at least. But to say that it does not deserve its ratings, or that it has no other competition is unfair to the drama, to the competing dramas and to the viewers. If it was me and there are no shows which I find worthy to be watched, then I would rather not watch anything at all. But that is just me and we know that liking things is very subjective.

As for the 2-episode extension, as long as things are kept nice and tight, and that the story won't be draggy then I am fine with it. I am hoping that because there were already talks of extension early on, that the writer was able to properly extend the drama. *crossesfingers*


Oh man after reading this story maybe Yong Pal is based on the story of your life :) Jokes apart, I hope the best come in your married life. Siblings friction is always there whether you come from a privileged background or not, so don't worry about that and have a happy life with your family.


@SS. Aww, thanks so much! Great advice :)


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And I haven't thrown out all logic and believability with this show. I still consider it one of the most logical kdramas in my entire repertoire...

of kdramas. Cos I mean, we're talking about kdramas here, right? Not Game of Thrones, huh?


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Though both Joo Won and Kim Taehee have star powers, and not to mention Joo Won is really amazing in this drama (well, in every drama that he's been), I can't say that the drama's high ratings is all just because of his "effect".

If I may compare it with The Producers of Kim Soohyun, definitely Kim Soohyun has a bigger fan base compared to Joo Won. Then add Gong Hyojin, Cha Taehyun, and IU's to that. I don't think Joo Won, Kim Taehee, Jo Hyunjae, and Cha Jungan's fan base can match up to theirs. Not that I'm belittling the fan base of the later 4, but I guess even without providing statistics, that can be assumed as a fact.

Having said that, the average rating for all the episodes of The Producers as per AGB was only 12.5%. And 17.3% for Yong Pal's episodes 1-12. Shouldn't Kim Soohyun have the Kim Soohyun effect for The Producers, he had it for You Who Came From The Stars which had an average rating of 24% for all its episodes?

SS and Affie pointed out some other factors to consider. And I also believe they're additional reason why Yong Pal is receiving such high ratings. And kudos to the team for being able to deliver and satisfy those 17.3% (and even more).

But I can understand that you don't understand the draw of this drama and it's ratings, because liking something or even someone has always been subjective. Even if we try to be objective and give you statistics or show you a different subjective point of view, at the end of the day, your taste is your taste and your choice is your choice.


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@ SS, affie, vgy

Thanks for all your hard work. I find all your points very relatable, very logical and very insightful.

Now I am sad yongpal is gonna end at 16th episode....


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This may brighten your day.. There’s a new press release from SBS. Yong Pal is extended with additional 2 episodes. Two reasons for extension that were:
1. High ratings. (I guess, SBS can’t help but to milk on their cash cow?)
2. The writer intended to write 16 episodes but was able to complete his piece with 18 episodes. (I was thinking 16 would be perfect but he managed to finish it with 18, so I can just hope for best. He’s always been ahead of me anyways and I guess if not all, of most of the viewers as well. We’ll see.. Yong Pal, fighting!)



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I think I can safely say you are right about Joo Won's fan base being less than Kim Soo Hyun. You are probably also right about the rest of the cast. I never once thought that Joo Won would be a huge draw to a drama compared to stars like Lee Min Ho or Kim Soo Hyun.


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@SS. I agree. Star power is major too. I responded to the KSH angle a little upthread... and Park Shin Hye is another example.


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I can't help but agree. Joo won is not so popular compared to Lee min ho or Kim soo hyun outside korea. But acting wise kim soo hyun and joo won are better actors the lee min ho. Lee min ho has a huge girlfans because of his look i just hope he stop playing the role of a highschool rich son and challenge himself to portray another stuff like joo won in the good doctor and kim soo hyun on dream high and producer. I wonder what he looks like> haha..just my two cents anyway.


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The Producers started out with a format that's completely alien to kdramas. (Plus, longer episode length, which not everyone will have cared for.)

The average viewer isn't keen on this kind of stuff, so the chance of getting amazing ratings despite star power were not high. Many people prefer easy, familiar entertainment – that's why generally books like Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey top bestseller lists.

Producers did then switch to a more traditional style, but it still wasn't very predictable in terms of the OTP, in fact, it was more open-ended than kdrama tradition would generally have – it didn't neatly tie a bow with two couples, it only gave us one and not even a wedding!

IMO, there are many factors that influence ratings, from dramas airing in same time slot & in other time slots, cast, quality of writing & directing, budget, promotions, plot familiarity, originality, time of year a drama airs, drama genre etc etc etc. Generally, though quality writing and skilled actors are lower on the last than popular actors and plot with familiar elements (a traditional chaebol/candy heroine romance remains popular).


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I love this drama, srsly I hope Yeo Jin have a bigger plan to beat her evil bro. Anyway, I'm curious about the Hanshin Electric's Bus. What was that mean? Does it a part from DJ's plan or from YJ's plan. And.... I'll give my warmest hug to savior of the day, Doo Chul !!!


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I love Doo Chul ahjussi!


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Hey, do yoy guys think it is a little rash for Tae Hyun to dare marry Yeo Jin while his sistee is in the hand of Do Joon?


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He's marrying her because (1) he wants to save her too and (2) he's in love with her. Right now, I don't think his sister is on DoJoon's radar yet cos no one actually knows about his relationship with YeoJin. Until then, this plan works best for all involved.


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I think there's nothing much TH can do to protect his sister except to bring Yeo Jin to power as soon as possible. As long as DJ is in charge, his sister will always be in danger.


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How come Detective Lee, with that collapsed lung the night before, come running after YongPal in the morning already? He's a cyborg.


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I checked and apparently a small pneumothorax with air removed with a chest tube would need 1 or more days of hospitalization. Surprisingly, it's not as bad as I thought but still he's pretty crazy to be up and about the next morning.


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Yeah... he's so desperate to get YongPal, it's an obsession. Now that YongPal has saved him, what's he to do? Will he still go after him? Afterall, didn't he start of hot on YongPal's tail as a way to get to DooChul? But now with DooChul's "gift", what's going to happen? I wonder. Was watching Ep 12 again and noted the contemplative look he gave TaeHyun as he watched him fill up the marriage register. I didn't like that they didn't remove the cuffs completely when TaeHyun filled up the marriage form though. Poor TaeHyun...


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I can't even be sure if Tae Hyun will make it to the funeral. If drama has just one more episode, I would say it with confidence but there's still four more episodes which means anything can happen.

Tae Hyun really cannot ignore a call for help, can he? I mean if he hadn't agreed to go with Man Shik, this wouldn't have happened. This is something which Yeo Jin must accept and I am glad that she saw this side of him in ep 9 when he left her behind and rushed the mother & baby to hospital.


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I know... I keep thinking too he just might not make it, but then again... That's what I love about this show - it's really a 50-50 chance with every decision making scenario. But I want to believe this marriage is done deal sealed. Even the deal with ChaeYoung is then off - I don't see what other use YeoJin has for her allegiance actually...


I never felt so keenly the need for more reply buttons :D

Yeah... this show is really one step ahead of its viewers. It's quite hard to figure out what's going to happen next. It does a really good job at keeping you on the edge. This episode's cliffhanger had so many frustrated viewers who didn't want to wait a week to find out if TH will arrive in time.

I have learnt never to assume things have gone off the edge just because I cannot understand or it's not revealed. I usually get my answers in the next episode or as the story progresses.


ikr?! You can never be too confident about anything in this show. You think TH will make it but the show doesn't have to do that. Anything can happen. I thought Mask was unpredictable but it holds no candle to Yong Pal.


The marriage will save both TH and YJ. Even his sister. There is no guarantee that DJ wouldn't kill his sister as well so it's better they wrest away any power and financial means at his disposal.

Somebody is clearly not gonna be happy - chae young but she would have to admit it was a good plan. But DJ might be hopping mad but at the same time he would be amused that his beloved wife's supposed "toy" ended up YJ's husband.

Having TH is a triple blessing for YJ.
1. He is a doctor so he can also dispute any fake medical reports.
2. He would assume guardianship over her but would never lust after her position
3. He truly loves her and she knows it


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Agree! Agree! The priority must be to wrest power out of DoJoon's hands - pronto!


Gangster Ahjusshi!!


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Does anyone know the song that played during Th-YJ kissing scene flashback???
I really love this episode, it's so intense..Tae hyun ah...palli..come quickly..please writer nim don't let DJ send YJ back to hospital...with 4 more episodes really can't predict what will happened next since we didn't see th come at the end of episode.


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Do chul rocks! It is indeed very handy to have both gangster and detective on your side. Cant wait for next week!


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Fairy Mob Father Doo Chul! I missed you! And thank you for saving the day! Tat was a nice surprise! ^^


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Does anyone else find it strange that President Go wants to kill everyone that knows Do Joon "killed" Yeo Jin, yet Cynthia is the only character that somehow gets off scotch free, I mean wouldn't President Go want to erase that knowledge too? Also allow me to fantasize for a moment how awesome it would have been if Cynthia, Tae Hyun and Chief Lee were all fighting the baddies.

Also maybe I didn't catch this but was the reason why Yeo Jin didn't give Tae Hyun the money for his sister because she didn't have it? Or because Tae Hyun wanted to appear as though he was still aligned with Do Joon?

Finally, minus all the holes, I love that Yeo Jin is taking action in these few episodes, so awesome to see a heroine that's not cardboard!


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He likes her? Just kidding. I mean it could be possible that he only wants to get rid of those who were under Do Joon - Director Byung, Chief Lee, Tae Hyun and Nurse Hwang. His plan was to get Do Joon to think that it's necessary to kill all those that there's less people on DJ's side.

At the moment, there is no need for YJ to give TH the money. You are right that TH cannot possibly reject DJ's money and still send his sister for treatment. That would surely make DJ suspect something is amiss.


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@ rainbow, SS

He doesn't kill Cynthia coz she is not one of the pyramid builder. Pyramid builders are those who drugged and killed YJ whereas Cynthia was brought in to release and rescue Yeo Jin.

Cynthia was not privy to President Go's other motives. Also he may keep her alive so she could testify that he wanted to rescue the princess. It was actually CY and TH who figured out Pres. Go's motives. Cynthia may be aware of Pres. Go's true intention after being alerted by TH but she is smart enough to keep quiet about it.


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I think the answer to not killing Cynthia is simpler than that. Her character was simply not needed anymore hence she's written out of the script by being sent abroad. Stephanie Lee did say that there was suppose to be a love triangle involving herself and the otp. But the writer decided not to explore that.


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@Camille W, I think we have to rationalize this within the drama.


Did Stephanie Lee say that? She *was* at the official press conference launch so she must've originally been a key character... I'm still wondering why they wrote her out...


it might be writer's original plan, but later on they decided otherwise. i will be glad if Cynthia is back later, but i just hope she will not be in a love triangle with OTP. it will be better if her character has more significant, for e.g back as a doctor and will be helping their case.


I could nitpick with all the absurdities in this drama, but for me it has several things going for it that make me gladly suspend disbelief. First of all, Joo Won, of course, but secondly I find the music incredibly well done and enhances the mood and excitement. I especially loved the funeral music. This show is exciting, fun and hopefully a nice romantic ending. The fact that it's only 16 episodes has made the story tighter too, though if it had more episodes (20 for instance) the backstories of some of the minor characters and Do Joon's story could have been interesting, but it would have slowed the action down and would have been less fun.


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I am starting to love do joon in this drama. And somehow want to see him to be more evil villain.


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Thanks for the recap and calling out this weird truth in dreamland.

"Why does no one in dramaland know how to make digital copies?"


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And apparently they have never heard of the cloud either. Or emailing a copy to yourself and/or dummy account. Or any of a dozen other ways to make a copy/backup.

Yet they almost always fail to do that, despite Korea being the most wired country in the world.


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