Twenty Again: Episode 8
by girlfriday
Are we friends today? You never know at the start of the day whether our leads will be mortal enemies or bestest friends forever, but at least it’s fun to watch them seesaw. And because they’re both good kids at heart, they might be quick to fight, but they’re pretty quick to make up too. It helps that Hyun-seok hasn’t quite given up being Nora’s fairy godmother despite himself. Don’t fight it, Hyun-seok. Be one with your inner Santa.
Pinokio – “사랑과 우정 사이” (Between Love and Friendship) [ Download ]
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Nora shocks her husband by saying that he can go ahead and file their divorce, because she has no intention of dropping out of school. She rips up the university dropout form to make her point crystal clear.
Woo-chul can’t comprehend it and repeats the offer to stay married to her if she drops out. He threatens to take Min-soo and move out, and Nora counters that he’d have to move out alone: “Did that woman say she would take Min-soo in too? When you’re not even divorced?” Kerpow! One point, Nora.
She finally says it out loud—that she knows Woo-chul has a mistress—and he’s so taken aback that he can’t speak for a moment. He calls it preposterous and acts like she’s just grasping at random theories, but she describes his theater date with Yi-jin in perfect detail.
She says that Yoon-young saw them together, and his meager defense is that he went to the show with some colleagues. But he has no excuse for the purse-holding, nor the handholding.
She gets up and walks out on him, so Woo-chul has to chase her down the street. He simply returns to scolding her like a child though, and says that she’s mistaken for thinking that he wants to divorce because of another woman.
He says that IF he were to meet a woman… then changes his position mid-sentence to say that he did meet a woman. But he says it’s only been two months, and it happened after their living-as-divorced arrangement was inked. Well that’s just a flat-out lie, butthead.
Nora just nods and agrees in a perfectly nonchalant I-couldn’t-care-less way, and cuts him off again to say that in any case, she’s not dropping out of school. She jumps on her bus before he can get another word in, and Woo-chul stands there wondering why she didn’t say anything all this time if she’s known since the theater. On the bus, Nora wonders what she just did.
Meanwhile Hyun-seok is dying of curiosity, as always. He can’t understand why Nora would want to stay with a bastard like Woo-chul, and decides that she must just be brainless. He wonders why Woo-chul called Nora so many times today, and Sang-ye catches him saying all this out loud.
She asks if he’s not more worried about Nora, and thinks that she might get the brunt of Hyun-seok’s fight with Woo-chul. He acts like he doesn’t care, but the worry starts to niggle at him.
Woo-chul tries to wrap his head around the situation and determines that Nora doesn’t know that Yi-jin is his girlfriend. He still doesn’t get why she’d be willing to divorce just to go to school, and thinks back to Nora’s questions about why they couldn’t stay married and have an open relationship.
Hilariously, his conclusion is that Nora has no intention of divorcing him, and is so in love with him that she’s willing to let him date around to keep him. He wonders if he’s that hard to let go of.
Nora calculates her monthly pay from the convenience store and sees that it hardly makes a dent in her tuition. She realizes now why Seung-hyun runs so many part-time jobs all week long just to make ends meet.
She comes home to find Woo-chul sitting on her bed, contracts in hand. He asks her to just forget their lunch conversation, and says that they’ll stick to their original agreement to end things on June 2. Boo, I thought we were going to speed up the divorce train.
Nora reiterates her stance on school, and he’s suddenly very compliant. He just reminds her that if she doesn’t meet the June 2 deadline, she’ll lose the store in the divorce.
Hyun-seok waits in his car until he sees Nora arriving at school, and calls her madam like you would to a professor’s wife. He asks how her date went yesterday, and if she got permission to go to school. He’s still dying to know why she’s working a part-time job, and she just says it’s to experience every single facet of being a college student.
He mentions dissolving his collaboration with Woo-chul, but gets no reaction out of her. Nora guesses that Hyun-seok is the one who sent her the flowers yesterday (a hundred of them, apparently), and muses that they must’ve cost a lot. He scoffs, “What flowers? Am I crazy? Why would I send you roses?”
Nora: “I never said they were roses.” Pwahaha. She leans in and taunts him, turning “professor” into the least respectful banmal version she can (like “hey you, professor-dude”) as she asks why he’s speaking to her when he’s the one who told her to stay away.
She blames him for missing a call about a second part-time job she was hoping to get, and though he pretends not to care to her face, he seems to worry about it later.
Nora sits in the back at Bounce practice today, because they’re practicing the routine for the festival. Her feet are itching to join in, and she imagines her teenage self dancing with them way up in the front.
Soon-nam joins her and says she can practice with them, but she doesn’t want to disrupt the festival routine. She tells him that he’s a good choreographer, and asks if that’s what he’s going to pursue after college. Soon-nam says it’s hard to make a living that way, and plans to become a civil servant instead. Nora nods in understanding, but sighs that he’s good at choreography.
One of the dancers twists her ankle during practice, and Nora is quick to treat her. Soon-nam notes that she’s really good at this, and Nora muses that she must not have forgotten everything about being a dancer. He tells her that the body automatically remembers technique.
Hyun-seok pops in on Yi-jin to drop off the latest script for his play, and is surprised to hear that Woo-chul didn’t update her on the fact that he’s no longer collaborating on the project.
Sang-ye pops in on the ddukbokki store to pick up a portion for Hyun-seok, and his friend Dong-chul asks how long Sang-ye is going to nurse her crush on Hyun-seok and just wait for him. She doesn’t deny it, but says that she’s by his side because she respects him as a director.
She brings the ddukbokki back to his office and he groans at the mountain of work they have piling up. He decides that they should take next semester off from teaching, and Sang-ye gets really excited at the prospect.
He stares at the ddukbokki and suddenly darts out with it, and then waits outside Nora’s class to hand it off to her as trash. You are so transparent, it’s adorable. She looks at it and says it hasn’t even been opened, and Hyun-seok says he threw it away, so he doesn’t care whether she eats it or throws it away.
Then he adds that she’d regret it if she didn’t eat it… not that he cares. At all. She takes it to her bench and eyes the ddukbokki suspiciously: “Did he poison it?” She carefully takes a bite, and then her eyes light up in surprise. She eats another to be sure, and is amazed that it tastes just like her grandmother’s ddukbokki.
She calls Hyun-seok to ask where he bought it, but he refuses to tell her and hangs up. He warns Sang-ye not to tell her either, because he doesn’t want Nora knowing about that ddukbokki place.
He thinks back to all the time he spent with Grandma, eating with her in her little shop and asking for more stories about her granddaughter, while pretending not to know that it was Nora. Aw, when Grandma learns that Hyun-seok’s mom passed away and his father remarried and left, she shares her dinner with him like a real grandma.
Nora runs to his office to ask for the ddukbokki place, but Hyun-seok refuses to tell her. She gets mad and says he must know what that ddukbokki means to her—it’s why he gave it to her. But he asks coldly if she even has the right to miss Grandma’s ddukbokki, and how someone like that could not show up to her own grandmother’s funeral.
That stuns her, and she asks Yoon-young if Hyun-seok was at Grandma’s funeral. Yoon-young says he was there all three days. In flashback, we see him there crying, and he gets mad as he asks Yoon-young how Nora could just not show up and leave the whole thing to her.
Nora realizes now that Hyun-seok must’ve known Grandma well, and that he had a reason for being mad at her from the very start.
Min-soo gets upset when he sees another guy offering Hye-mi a coffee with his phone number, and they get into a ridiculous fight about her not wearing skirts anymore. At least Hye-mi has the sense to challenge his warped logic, and asks what he’ll do if she keeps getting attention while wearing pants.
Dad calls Min-soo away for lunch and says he’s doing his best to get Mom to drop out, but needs Min-soo to step in and convince her. But to his surprise, Min-soo says he’s okay with it if Mom keeps going to school.
Yi-jin asks Woo-chul why he didn’t say anything about being pushed out of the theater project, and explains that Hyun-seok told her directly because he has a little crush on her. Ha. Woo-chul scoffs that that isn’t possible, and quickly amends his statement to say that Hyun-seok couldn’t dare look at someone at her level.
Woo-chul has washed his hands of Hyun-seok’s project, but Yi-jin is insistent that he has to participate somehow—it’s the best way to get his name on her father’s radar, and show that he’s got marriageable merit even as a divorced father.
Min-soo starts to enjoy clubbing and says he didn’t know he’d love dancing this much. It’s in your genes! On their way home, Hye-mi asks why Dad has such a hold over him, and he explains how much he respects and looks up to his father. He says that Mom used to be really frustrating, but lately that’s changed.
Woo-chul sits in the dark wondering if he’s supposed to bend his pride to go work on Hyun-seok’s project, then decides he can’t do that and starts to change the university name on Hyun-seok’s proposal. Uh-oh, what’re you up to?
Nora trims her roses and sighs that they’re already wilting when they were so recently beautiful, like a lie. She’s grateful that she received them, thanks to Hyun-seok, and goes to check that one off her bucket list.
She realizes that she’s done a lot of these things, and as she circles them one by one, it dawns on her that Hyun-seok made them all happen: the midnight movie, the street food, the flowers, the high school friends, clubbing. She pauses at the latest one—Grandma’s ddukbokki—and circles that too.
The next morning, Hyun-seok is stopped in his tracks when Nora calls out his name cheerily like an old friend. She’s standing up above on the walkway waiting for him to arrive, and smiles at him brightly.
She shouts down at him: “Thanks for showing me the midnight movie! Thanks for lending me the locker! Thanks for putting on a show with Min-soo’s dad so that I could go to school!” He tells her to stop it, but then she says the next one in a shaky voice: “Thank you for going to my grandmother’s funeral!”
He’s stunned, and she continues: “Thank you for taking me back to high school! Thank you, so much, for being my friend! Thanks for returning as my friend for a short while, even if it was pretend, even if it was because you felt sorry for me, even if it was pity—I’m thankful for that heart. I was really happy, though you might not know it.”
She says that she knows now why he hated her, and that he has every right to. She’s going to treat him solely as a professor from now on, and says one last goodbye to Hyun-seok as a friend before waving at him. He agrees and says it feels great to be rid of her, but certainly doesn’t look happy about it.
He storms into his office in a snit, repeating the frustrating situation that Nora is in. But this time his anger is directed inward, as he wonders aloud why he’s so petty. He knows better than anyone how hard things must be for Nora, and he berates himself for making her life even harder.
He sighs that he forgot about the debt he owes Nora, and tells Sang-ye about her recognizing his talent and believing in him back when no one else acknowledged him.
So that night he shows up unannounced to Nora’s part-time job and grabs the crate she’s carrying right out of her hands. The manager just stands there stammering as Hyun-seok introduces himself as Nora’s friend and keeps carrying crates in.
He tells her to quit this job and come work for him because he needs more people and the pay’s way better anyway. Oh, you. He says it’s his way of making it up to her for holding her phone hostage and making her lose that other job. Nora says it’s not necessary, and points out that he’s the one who wanted to be strangers.
He tries to be all nonchalant as he grouses, “What, do friends just not see each other anymore because of one fight?” Pfft, smooooooth. He tells her boss that she’ll be quitting (dude, not your decision!) and leaves so she can finish her shift.
Nora follows him out to ask if he needs her, and he asks warily what that means. She says she doesn’t want his pity if that’s what this job is about, and he assures her that he really does need more help in the office, and she can check with Sang-ye if she likes.
She asks why he’s not mad at her anymore, and he mutters, “If you keep making me think about it, I’ll die of embarrassment from the stuff I did, so let’s not.” Lol, at least you know it. Nora tries to hide her smile, and agrees to work for him.
He offers his hand out for a shake and she takes it, then cutely asks how much he’s going to pay her. She tells the convenience store manager that she isn’t quitting her job, because she plans to work both jobs and earn lots of money. Good for you.
Sang-ye is shocked to hear that her new assistant will be Nora, and isn’t too keen on the idea of having an older assistant that she can’t freely boss around. She was happy to help her out when she thought Nora was dying, but calls this overkill. Hyun-seok knows but says that Nora’s his friend, and asks Sang-ye to go with it for his sake.
Nora meets with her theater class group and notices Seung-hyun’s dark expression. Seung-hyun says that she had to quit her waitressing job recently because she hurt her wrist, and the manager there cheated her out of pay by cutting hours here and there. Apparently this happens to everyone there, and there’s nothing anyone can do about.
Nora is appalled and offers to go back there with her to try and get the rest of her pay, but Seung-hyun doesn’t seem optimistic. Soon-nam arrives a few minutes later, and Nora asks if he owns a suit. Oh, this is gonna be good.
Then suddenly the three of them are at Hyun-seok’s place, with Soon-nam in a suit and Nora dressed to the nines like a rich society wife. Hyun-seok stares at them curiously as Nora swears that she’s a good driver, and plucks the car key out of his hand.
Woo-chul arrives just as Hyun-seok’s car pulls away, and he assumes that Hyun-seok has a new girlfriend. Woo-chul saunters into the office unannounced and says he’ll be participating in the project after all. Basically he plans to take credit for it either way, whether Hyun-seok lets him help or not. He’s followed the project’s progress online enough to know that auditions will be held soon, and says he’ll be there.
Team Nora pulls up to the bar, and Soon-nam gets out of the driver’s seat to open the door for Nora like a bodyguard-driver, complete with earpiece. Nora makes quite the entrance, all blinged out and looking chic, and demands to speak to the owner immediately.
She tells the driver to check and see how long the lawyer and reporter will be, and demands the rest of the pay that’s owed to “our Seung-hyun.” The owner asks if madam is Seung-hyun’s mother, but Nora just cuts him off and says she’s not here to chitchat with the likes of him: “Shut up and bring me your ledger.”
Soon-nam says that the lawyer and the reporter will be here in fifteen minutes, and the owner tries to call it an accounting error, while sweating bullets. Nora asks if he raises his own children by stealing his employees’ salaries, and Soon-nam and Seung-hyun marvel at Nora’s ballsy performance.
Next thing you know, the three of them are walking out with money in hand. They do a giddy cheer when they’re in the clear, and Seung-hyun thanks her. Soon-nam asks where she learned how to do that, and Nora says she learned it from dramas.
They say their goodbyes there, and suddenly Soon-nam calls after her, “Noona! Nora noona! See you at school!” He gives her a huge smile and a thumbs-up. Ermagerd, he’s so cute.
Nora spends the coming days busily cramming for her midterms while working her part-time jobs, and studying all day in the library with Seung-hyun. Midterms come and go, and then it’s time to celebrate with the campus festival. Nora spots Min-soo and Hye-mi together and beams, but makes sure to stay out of sight as she passes them.
Hye-mi convinces Min-soo to sign up for couple games with her onstage, which he agrees to because he doesn’t know that Dad is stopping by the festival with Yi-jin and their colleagues. They play the Peppero game with churros and become finalists.
Nora does her part to help Bounce set up for their performance, and cheers them on brightly before taking a look around the booths. At the same time, Min-soo and Hye-mi are just about to win the couple game, when Min-soo spots Dad at the back of the crowd.
He reacts quickly enough to spin Hye-mi around so that their backs are to the audience, and just narrowly misses being discovered. And at the back of the crowd, Yi-jin gets a little daring and holds Woo-chul’s hand, though Woo-chul quickly disengages.
Nora sees her classmates running a food booth and cooking everything badly, and decides to help out. Hyun-seok takes a group of students and stops at Nora’s booth to eat, and looks plain stupid-happy at the sight of her.
Soon-nam has a dance crisis when he notices that the girl who twisted her ankle was lying about her recovery, and overworking her injury all day to practice. He checks her foot and sees that it’s still very much injured, and glares at the group for letting this happen.
He runs like a madman over to the booth where Nora is (and where Hyun-seok has spent the afternoon just staring at her), and runs off with noona, holding her by the hand. Hyun-seok watches curiously.
Soon-nam pleads with Nora to take the girl’s place in the routine, which she says she can’t possibly do. He knows she knows all the steps, and begs her to help him out because this is his last performance as a college student. But Nora insists that she can’t do it, and runs off in fear.
She runs right into Hyun-seok, who’s already overheard their conversation like a proper stalker. He asks why she’s not doing it when dancing onstage is on her bucket list. She says that was when she thought she was dying, and he asks if living somehow negates the thing she wanted to do.
He eggs her on to do it and stop having regrets, and she admits that she’s embarrassed to be older than the other students, and thinks she’ll be made fun of if she gets on that stage and makes a fool of herself.
She says by way of dismissing the idea that no one would want to see her dance, but Hyun-seok asks, “Can’t you dance for me?” Awwww. Do eeet! Dance for Hyun-seok!
He says that he’s never had the chance to actually see her dance on a stage outside of school, and reminds her that he missed out on their poolside performance because his father died then. She still hesitates, but he complains that this is nothing compared to all the stuff he did for her. Hyun-seok: “If you’re doing something you want to try, what difference does it make if you’re twenty or thirty-eight?” Hear, hear!
She seems to seriously consider it, and he doesn’t waste any time getting an answer. He just unties her apron (pretty much hugging her to do it) and leads her back to the tent.
Min-soo wants to stop by and see the Bounce performance, and Hye-mi is surprised that he’s interested in the hip-hop dance club. Are you being a supportive son? Of course Yi-jin and Woo-chul stop by too, because it wouldn’t be fun otherwise.
Nora takes to the stage with her club, and at first she blends with the rest of them, but then the music changes and she’s center stage leading the show. Hyun-seok smiles, and Min-soo gapes to see Mom dancing like that.
Hye-mi recognizes her as the unni in her department, and Yi-jin recognizes her too, just as Nora flips her hat off and struts down the stage, to Woo-chul’s utter shock.
And as Nora dances, everything seems to go in slow motion for Hyun-seok, who looks up at her suddenly feeling very differently.
Aaaaaah, he lurves her! I mean, he’s obviously been obsessed with Nora this whole time, but I think now he finally realizes that it’s a problem. He feels feelings, and he thinks she’s happily married to the love of her life. And to complicate matters even further, I wonder if that’s just surprise on Woo-chul’s face, or if he’s falling for Nora all over again too. That performance that Hyun-seok missed when they were eighteen is the one where Woo-chul saw Nora dancing and fell for her instantly, and it would be an interesting development to have those feelings rekindled too. I’m not too worried about that though, since Nora is a different person now, and he has Hyun-seok to contend with. I mean, how can you compete with the guy who pushes her to be the best version of herself, and encourages her to be fearless?
I just about died when she said no one would want to see her dance and he asked her to do it for him. And because the characters really sell the emotional beats, we understand right away how much Nora shines when she’s on a stage, like it’s where she truly belongs. When she was young dancing was all she ever wanted to do, which makes me even sadder to think how long she spent denying herself the one thing that brings her joy. I knew I’d love seeing her dance with Bounce, but this was even better because everyone else in her life got to see it too, and it felt vindicating for her to show off her awesomeness. It makes me wonder how much more she could accomplish with someone like Hyun-seok by her side, shutting down her self-doubt and daring her to chase after what she wants in life.
It’s so rewarding to see Nora spread her wings at school, and make real friendships with Soon-nam and Seung-hyun beyond just getting along at school too. I love their little trio and how every little adventure melts Soon-nam little by little, until he’s just noona’s number one fan. And how could he not be, really? Her snobby act to get Seung-hyun’s pay was so hilariously endearing. It also goes to show how much I just see Choi Ji-woo as Nora, that it feels weird to see her dressed like one of her other drama characters.
What really got me in the heart today was her thank-you speech to Hyun-seok. I like that no matter how much they argue and do childish things to each other, both Nora and Hyun-seok are good people at heart and have a decent barometer for when they’ve gone too far. And though it’s always after having been really immature for one reason or another, they do try to make up for it in real ways, by being a good friend when it counts. Nora must’ve had a reason for not making it to her grandmother’s funeral, but that guilt is clearly something she carries with her, and she understands right away that Hyun-seok would’ve been hurt if he loved Grandma too. It’s telling that rather than explain herself, she’s just grateful that he went to Grandma’s funeral and was there for her. I just wish he’d consider Nora’s pain at losing her grandmother instead of being mad about it.
It’s gratifying to have Nora acknowledge everything that Hyun-seok did for her, and big of her to thank him so sincerely when he’s been a jerk to her lately. But it was actually moving for her to thank him for being a friend to her even if it was out of pity, because she just loved having friends again that much. I just wanted to shout at him, Hurry up and tell her it wasn’t pity, stupid! But he was quick to make up with her and be friends again, so he’s forgiven. Plus, he’s clearly got some romantic angst coming his way, so he has my sympathies. I mean, everybody’s gonna be in love with this girl now, right?
- Twenty Again: Episode 7
- Twenty Again: Episode 6
- Twenty Again: Episode 5
- Twenty Again: Episode 4
- Twenty Again: Episode 3
- Twenty Again: Episode 2
- Twenty Again: Episode 1
- First love trauma gets reawakened in Twenty Again
- First love and husband reunions in Twenty Again
- Frowns and frolicking for Twenty Again
- Laughter and dimples at Twenty Again’s script read
Tags: Choi Ji-woo, Choi Won-young, featured, Kim Min-jae, Lee Sang-yoon, Twenty Again
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1 Dodo
September 19, 2015 at 8:18 PM
i'm so so so happy that No ra are finally coming out of her shell and is showing everyone who she truly is. and the expression of her husband at the end was priceless!!
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September 19, 2015 at 8:20 PM
forgot to say Soon-nam calling No ra noona was so cute.
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September 19, 2015 at 9:29 PM
I nearly had a heart attack when she casually mentioned Min-soo's name in front of her theatre classmates when getting the car keys from Hyun-seok. Then I remembered that Min-soo is a pretty common name.
But still, won't they know that she's at least got a kid now? Nora, be careful!
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September 20, 2015 at 12:24 PM
Hey, that's a really good catch!
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September 24, 2015 at 6:54 AM
Not only that they are not supposed to know her friendship with Hyun Suk, and she kept talking in Banmal!
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September 20, 2015 at 3:48 AM
I know! Ah, this show is so good because everything comes in the right order. Not too slow, not too fast... Just the most natural and rightful pace. I am glad I decided to watch it! :)
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2 halo120
September 19, 2015 at 8:21 PM
The scene where No-Ra is thanking Hyun-Seok, his face looks as if she is breaking up with him and he's devastated. Such a great scene and I can't believe I got a bit choked up at his reaction. In last scene, whether HS realizes he still loves her or that he is falling in love again, whatever the case the two leads' acting is awesome and has drawn me in!
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September 19, 2015 at 8:25 PM
High school HS telling Grandma that his mother passed away and his father re-married while NR's father passed and her mother re-married ... please tell me the show isn't gonna go all makjang right?
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September 19, 2015 at 8:38 PM
Nora's mother would have shown up to her mother's/Nora's grandmother's funeral, probably with her husband, so Hyun-seok would know if things were twisted like that.
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September 19, 2015 at 9:05 PM
But didn't HS's dad die when he was 18, that's why he missed the show where NR and WC met? I assume the mom completely detached from the family else HS or YY would not have been the ones responsible for staying at the funeral for the 3 days. In any event you are probably right and I'm going to give the writers the benefit of the doubt that they wouldn't cheapen the show this way.
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September 20, 2015 at 6:04 PM
I just rewatched the episode, the funeral part. One of his friends at the funeral says that both of his parents passed away at some point after Nora left, which definitely makes the makjang impossible!
September 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM
I love that the 2 guys are falling in love w her all over agin. I want them to fall hard, like face on the ground, teeth in the dirt hard!
I also love to see the 2 actors playing stupid little twerps in the beginning of the ep, but I can't say I like the chars being stupid little twerps. That's cos I like my guys more grown up than 12 year olds, even in dramas. ?
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September 20, 2015 at 12:26 PM
Someone has to be silly in a comedy!
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September 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM
The thank you scene is my fave. Didn't notice that I was already crying. She's just so thankful for having a friend.
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September 19, 2015 at 9:37 PM
Me too!!! I cried.
Thank you scene is daebak!!
The emotional feeling is very great.
Choi ji woo delivered that moment perfectly.
Love this drama :'D
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September 19, 2015 at 10:45 PM
I haven't seen the episode yet as I've been very busy lately but I'm catching up through the recaps. Am I weird for being so teary eyed reading the part about her thanking HS? hahaha
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September 20, 2015 at 1:35 PM
I watched it raw and without understanding it I teared
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September 20, 2015 at 5:10 PM
She's really a great actress...
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September 20, 2015 at 5:32 PM
Very much so! And Lee sang yoon did well just with his dimply facial expression....can't wait!
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September 19, 2015 at 9:24 PM
The scene where No Ra thanks HS almost brought tears to my eyes. She was so thankful for his friendship, even though she believes him when he said it was out of pity. And did I see HS tear up as he realizes she's saying thank you and goodbye to their friendship?
As she circled items from her bucket list that HS made possible, I was so glad her self-esteem and self-worth is being restored. If not, and she was written as depressed from years of being ignored, dismissed, and unappreciated, she could have felt that after doing all these things she wanted to do before dying, she could say goodbye to friends old and new and withdraw from life, possibly considering suicide.
Instead we have her embracing new friends, rediscovering herself and what gives her joy, standing up for herself with her narcissistic jerk of a husband, and living in a way that is full and fulfilling! Yay show! Thank you writers!
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September 20, 2015 at 6:39 AM
I was surprised to find my eyes damp during the thank you scene. It was when she was talking about her Grandma when it really hit me. I think it shows how much she thought of him as a friend.
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September 20, 2015 at 6:59 AM
Yes, it is a journey for No Ra to rediscover herself. While Woo Chul still thinks No Ra goes to college because of him, the end has become means for No Ra now. Going to college connects No Ra to her old and new friends. Rediscovering her passion in dancing is also life-changing and empowering for No Ra too =)
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September 19, 2015 at 10:01 PM
I've been watching dramas for five years, but Lee Sang-Yoon in that last shot... it was the first time I looked at my screen and said, "Oh, oppa!" Not even the magnificent pornstache of Kim Nam Gil has made me say that.
The acting in that last shot as he went from adoration to realization and then heartbreak because he thinks he's in love with a married woman-- that was masterfully done. I will now watch everything he's ever been in. Should get me through waiting for the next episode of Twenty Again.
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September 20, 2015 at 6:37 AM
I'm with you. His face said it all.
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September 20, 2015 at 10:09 AM
Ugh, yessss. You said it.
Lee Sang-yoon is really coming into his own here. I've never been this affected by a performance of his before! This drama, this character, it's just perfect for him.
That said, if you're going to check out his older stuff, Liar Game is the best place to start. My Daughter Seo-young is written by the Twenty Again writer, but it's a family drama and I had a love-hate relationship with every character, including his. One moment they would be really awesome, the next, they would bother me.
I LOVED him in The Duo though (pretty much watched it for his character).
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September 20, 2015 at 9:15 PM
I think Lee sang Yoon is the best in The Duo
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September 21, 2015 at 10:59 AM
Thanks for the suggestions!
I'm starting with Liar Game, which is pretty cracktastic viewing. I love the direction and LSY is badass. I feel like he's 10 seconds away from bursting into tears or beating the crap out of someone. So many pent up emotions. I can see how his acting in that drama would lead to his role in Twenty Again.
I can't find my Daughter Seo-young on viki or dramabeans, so I guess the Duo is next in my queue.
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September 21, 2015 at 7:45 PM
You can watch Daughter seo-young which is available on
Happy watching ???
Nam Joo-hyuk is Tall
November 17, 2015 at 11:55 AM
That look on his face drew so many emotions from me. You knew exactly how he felt in that moment, and it couldn't help but break your heart, even among No Ra's triumph.
It was similar to the change in emotions he had on finding out No Ra wasn't dead. That was handled masterfully, as well. I have been so impressed with him this series.
He's so straight-faced in Liar Game (the only other thing I've seen him in, I'm about half way through) that he feels almost like a different actor in this. I'll be following his dramas now on, for sure.
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September 20, 2015 at 6:31 AM
That's the part where I choked up almost seemed like No Ra was really saying goodbye, and Hyun Seok knew it. I'm glad these two make up very fast. Their friendship is endearing.
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September 20, 2015 at 11:34 AM
i got choked up too...twice! first was when I watched it raw and then when I watched the subbed version. I can just imagine how sad Nora was when she lost her grandmother and how gulty she must have felt not being there for her funeral. And how thankful she would have been to her friend for loving her grandmother and being there when she couldnt...and how sad guilty she would have been when she realised why her friend was being too heard on her all these time. That thank you speech was too much for my weak heart and her wistful smile and moist eyes just tugged at the heartstrings.
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September 20, 2015 at 11:36 AM
*and how sad and guilty she would have been when she realised why her friend was being too hard on her all this time.
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September 21, 2015 at 2:18 AM
I had tears falling down my cheeks. I wanted to hug her really.
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3 Sammy
September 19, 2015 at 8:22 PM
This is my first comment on this website even though I've been using it for like... 3 years?
I JUST finished this episode and it was so satisfying that she ended up doing what she's always loved and her husband saw and ahhh, I can't wait for the next episode. I can't believe it's a whole damn week :(
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September 19, 2015 at 8:23 PM
Also, some extra points:
1. I sort of feel sorry for Sang Ye. She obviously really likes the professor and he only seemed to have eyes for Nora when they were eating.
2. Soon Nam calling No Ra noona was super cute. He's so adorable.
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September 19, 2015 at 8:49 PM
Since Sang Ye has been a decent person so far, I'd like for her to get out of Dodge and find her own happiness soonest!
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September 19, 2015 at 8:58 PM
And also Seo Dong-Cheol. Just before Sang Ye showed up at his shop, he was trying to screw up his courage for something.
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September 19, 2015 at 9:15 PM
To go back into acting...
September 19, 2015 at 11:09 PM
... I guess since the recipe belonged to Grandma, the true heiress to the Ddubokki recipe and hence the Restaurant is Nora.
September 20, 2015 at 3:42 PM
Does anyone know that that shop is that Woo Chul keeps talking about leaving to Nora?
September 20, 2015 at 3:42 PM
what that shop...
September 19, 2015 at 9:21 PM
I'm worried about Sang-Ye. She's great just as she is, the unrequited love who is strong enough not to get bent out of shape by it. I really hope the writers don't turn her into a territorial loony who screws things up between Nora and HS.
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September 19, 2015 at 9:36 PM
+1 Exactly! I so agree. Sang Ye is a supportive assistant producer whom HS respects and relies on. Writers, please keep her a sympathetic character. Please keep her being cool when she realizes "he's just not into you." Maybe give her a new awesome love line like Lee Phillip got at the end of Secret Garden.
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September 20, 2015 at 3:23 AM
Some of the guys in Bounce are pretty cute, and they all seem nice. Maybe one of them? :)
September 20, 2015 at 6:46 AM
Yes to this a million times. I got slightly worried in that one part where she was really against Nora working with them. She did say the reasoning was because she didn't want to boss around an older person but, obviously, to me, her liking HS had something to do with it.
I really hope she stays supportive. She's been really sweet so far.
bbstl 🧹
September 20, 2015 at 1:21 PM
That would be great. Didn't it seem like one of the other theater guys at the dinner party was already trying to poach her at least professionally? I worry about her too, she's just too placid or something.
September 19, 2015 at 9:18 PM
I've reading the recaps and news for years and rarely comment due to fear. Since we're both "new" and I'm trying to overcome my fear of rejection, here I am sending a comment. Thank you for posting ^^
I'm really enamored with this drama, the story is heart strumming and the leads are relatable. waiting for the next episode is like eternity.
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September 20, 2015 at 12:31 AM
Congrats on coming back to post @J3.
I'm crazily happy about this drama too! Wish I could spend more time just being here and re-watching and reading comments. LOL!
Have a nice weekend or day!
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September 20, 2015 at 6:48 AM
Hello, fellow reader. Now that I've finally commented (it was easier than I thought it would be) I feel like it'll become a daily thing.
Thank you for commenting too, it's nice to have encouraged someone.
And yes, this drama is really captivating at the moment. I can't wait for the next episode. Ugh.
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4 ultramarineblue
September 19, 2015 at 8:27 PM
Thanks for the recap!!
OMG SQUEEEEEEE!!! Hyun Seok don't let her go!! She's already legally separated; ah but he doesnt know that :(. No Ra needs to keep a copy of that divorce contract handy so she can get rid of Woo Chul once and for all. Hopefully his pride and Yi Jin will keep him from trying to cancel the divorce...
Im thinking that Woo Chul will send Hyun Seok's material to the other university so they can claim plagiarism--after all he had very little to do with the project.
Can anyone recommend other dramas to watch during the week while waiting for next weekend? It's gonna be a long week ;___ ;
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September 19, 2015 at 8:50 PM
Im watching She was Pretty during weekdays. I dread waiting for the next episode as well.
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September 19, 2015 at 8:51 PM
Yi Jin is gonna be a pest, and this guy is a weasel. So his pride is either cheap or a pretence in front of those he can lord it over.
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September 20, 2015 at 6:43 AM
He has really low self esteem, that's why he belittles his wife at every turn.
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September 20, 2015 at 7:12 AM
I am happy to see Woo Chul being the undesirable one in his relationship with Yi Jin. He faces his own karma.
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September 21, 2015 at 7:55 PM
If u like something light, a bit of comedy, silliness and romance, only 12 episodes, try virtual bride or in some website its labelled eccentric daughter in law (at It's now at ep11 so u can hv a marathon session without having to wait for the final episode which shld be out by tomorrow (my time) ... Not sure where u r located ???
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5 Sue
September 19, 2015 at 8:35 PM
This is the only show I have ever watched raw in its entirety before watching it subtitled. I just can't wait for it. I actually manage to figure out most of it, but it is so satisfying to know the actual meaning of the words. Go No Ra go!
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September 19, 2015 at 9:32 PM
Same here! Isn't it crazy? Just love this drama! Excellent casts especially the, I even decided to pay premium on "dramafever" when I was fine watching for a year without a can I wait a week?
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September 19, 2015 at 9:54 PM
Haha, right there with you.
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6 Zara
September 19, 2015 at 8:42 PM
Thanks for the recap!
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7 sammi
September 19, 2015 at 8:43 PM
I LOVE your recaps GF. You noticed all the same little details about HS and pointed them out as you're watching along, and I'm right there with you! The apron hug. So. Cute.
Ok, I'm oddly shipping Soon-nam and Nora now like he's a fanboy falling for his goddess kind of way. The way his little face lit-up when he called her noona was absolutely adorable. I have reservation about WC falling infatuated with Nora again. Like, we've been through this? She's obviously too good for you, you took her for granted, and it's too late now. Please go away forever.
I'm also glad that Min-soo is able to see the real side of Nora and have even come to understand her a bit more. I just don't like that he found her "frustrating" all this time. Like, who did he think endured all of this abuse just to raise him? Still an entitled brat, imo.
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September 19, 2015 at 10:03 PM
Ah, Min-soo is a kid. It's okay for him to be growing up still. :) At least he gets to see his mother growing up at last, too, which is more than some kids ever see of their parents.
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September 20, 2015 at 3:26 AM
Min-soo is frustrating, and I hate to say it, but Nora is partially to blame for that. It's great that she loves him so much but it seems like she pushed her personality down so much he never got to know who she was. She acted like she was just there to serve him and his dad, and although I think the dad hacked away at her self esteem, Min-soo is a product of his environment.
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September 20, 2015 at 8:41 AM
I dunno, Min-soo is 20. I guess I'm judging him based on my own maturity barometer. Me and my friends were pretty mature by that age. We all were working and living independently on our own while going to college. My parents started treating me like an adult and no longer a child. We'd have deep conversations about life and the world. I guess it's different in Korea where they don't go away to college per say, so they're still a "kid" and not an adult just yet.
And IA with the comment below that Nora might be partly to blame because she babied him, but so did WC. However, I WON'T victim blame her for not speaking up and having low esteem. Because as explained before, WC and MS were her whole world. If that's all she knew most of her life, she wouldn't know any better. Again, the blame is all on WC because he does know better, and he took advantage. Min-soo I felt on some level shoulder the blame too for never speaking up for his mom because he would know better from an academia level. Not only that, but he actually disliked her for being weak. I don't know. At what point are you no longer a child too afraid to speak up against your parents when you know that they're wrong?
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September 20, 2015 at 9:42 AM
I wasn't trying to victim blame. I meant that Nora's interactions with Min-soo reinforced his father's behavior for him. I think she was emotionally abused, but I don't think Min-soo is at fault because he grew up with a father who taught him he was better than his mother and a mother who seemingly submitted to that idea.She probably did so because she was isolated and constantly subtly told she wasn't good enough, but if Min-Soo grew up witnessing that I don't think he'd know any better. I read the other day that children who witness an abusive relationship can have a form of Stockholm Syndrome where they believe the abuse is warranted. Some of them even join in. So perhaps I should have said "the way he saw his mother and father acting made him think he should treat his mother that way" instead of "Nora is partially at fault." And I think Min-Soo is probably 18 or 19 international age, and a recent high-school graduate and new college Freshman. This is the time when he would start developing the broader viewpoint you were talking about.
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September 20, 2015 at 10:40 AM
Yeah, I do see that Stockholm Syndrome is at play. I have a hard time sympathizing with this character because I'm equally frustrated by his previous views of her, and also impressed that he's been taking her new development in stride. You're right, he's being more open-minded and gaining a more worldly view through college, so I don't outright dislike the character. He's still just a brat at the moment, although I say that with a bit more affection now than before. :)
September 20, 2015 at 10:46 AM
I'm hoping the little glimmers of a more likable Min-Soo will keep developing until he's not a brat anymore.
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September 20, 2015 at 11:09 AM
Yes, I finished my BA a month after turning 21. It's different for everyone, living with parents or not. I agree that most of the responsibility rests with WC. Min-soo is just now becoming able to think about why things have been as they were....
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September 20, 2015 at 12:38 PM
That's true, it's different for everyone. I started my BA at 25 and one of my favorite dorm-mates was an 18 year old Junior. I had traveled all over the country and so forth, but college was still eye opening for me.
September 20, 2015 at 11:43 AM
How did he just see his mom as a frustration? Ungrateful brat. So selfish too - he is only seeing her now in a new light when having her around is convenient for him?!?!?! I wish he finds out that his mom is dying and doesnt find out that its not actually true. He should also get shipped to the army so he can experience not having his mom around.
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8 Lizzie
September 19, 2015 at 8:45 PM
You have no idea how nervous I am for Hyun-seok now... That last scene had me excited for like a sec and then came the dread for the angst sure to come.. Him struggling with his feelings for Nora is one of those things I am going to hate/love Cannot wait for next week.omg.
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9 MikoD
September 19, 2015 at 8:46 PM
I just love this drama. So endearing. I'm rooting for my cutie-pie college trio. That scene with Nora as big, scary noonim was awesome! Even more awesome was Soon-nam calling her Noona. She's won his heart. Gosh... there's gonna be some heartache there, I'm sure.
Woo-chul is such a loser. Yi-jin has no shame. And Hyun-seok is the cutest thing ever, even when he's grumpy. I was a little taken back by how quickly he repented, but not mad about it one bit. I love his relationship with Nora and just about squealed when his expression changed seeing her on stage. It's dawned on him that his feelings for her are ever-present. Can't wait for him to find out about the divorce that i'm praying to come sooner than later. I need more skinship between these two.
Umm, is Sang-ye really a factor, because I really don't see it...
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September 19, 2015 at 8:51 PM
Yeah, I find myself not really seeing Sang-ye as a threat, nor do I pity her. She's nice and a good ally for now, but I don't think she'll go full out evil once she realizes Hyun-seok's crush on Nora. It's also obvious that Hyun-seok only thinks of her platonically as a hoobae so that's also how I see her in the drama too.
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September 19, 2015 at 10:18 PM
Yes, that little headshake Hyeon-seok makes at the group dinner. I think he really wants her to grow and succeed in theatre, but not to date her.
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September 20, 2015 at 5:54 AM
I really hate when people do that. I had the same experience a long time ago when a female co-worker and I kept getting teased by other co-workers that we should be a couple. It made for a really awkward work environment.
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September 20, 2015 at 7:25 AM
I think she's already fully aware of HS's feelings for No Ra. You would have to be an idiot to spend that much time with him and not realize it. I think that's why Sang Ye protested the idea of No Ra working there; she doesn't want to see HS fall even harder for a married woman.
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September 20, 2015 at 8:44 AM
Hmm, I'd say she has her suspicion, but is still keeping her hopes up. Maybe hoping that she can still win over his heart. Otherwise, she wouldn't have given in to his requests so easily, or keep running little errands for him outside of what she's supposed to do professionally.
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September 19, 2015 at 8:59 PM
I hope Sang Ye won't turn into evil, cold b*tch later and I even cheer for her to meet someone as good or probably better than HS.
So far she's being supportive and care for HS and Nora. I would like her to be friend with Nora.
She's awesome and cool sidekick so far!!
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September 19, 2015 at 9:24 PM
I am going to get seriously ticked off if Sang-ye throws obstacles in the way. She's good as she is! Don't make her a jealous lunatic!
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10 passionfruit
September 19, 2015 at 8:46 PM
Thank you for the recap!!!
It's so rare to find a show that I love EVERYTHING about. I even find Min-soo and Hye-mi endearing in their own way. And I just have endless heaps of love for Hyun-seok and Soon-nam, who are pretty much two adorable puppies.
But even more than the pretty boys, I feel immensely proud of Nora in her growth towards becoming her own person. I was practically cheering when she sassed Woo-chul and danced onstage.
Also, it is SO RARE for me to cry during shows or movies, but Hyun-seok and Grandma's scenes brought tears to my eyes. Seriously, I just want Nora to find out how sweet he was to her grandmother so she can fall in love with him already!
Can't wait for next week!
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September 19, 2015 at 8:52 PM
The actor playing Min-Soo is good looking, but has a hell of a lot of learning to do re acting, compared to some actors his age. I hope he'll other chances and will improve quickly.
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September 19, 2015 at 10:51 PM
Actually, Min Soo and Hye Mi are the characters I wish were written out in particular Hye Mi who I find to be deceptive and annoying. No Ra deserves a better future daughter-in-law than her. I thought it was shady of Hye Mi to claim that she made the kimbap instead of telling Min Soo that she received it from a fellow female student as thanks. No need to lie so blatantly.
I find Hye Mi to be self-serving and not a great person. I personally don't care if Min Soo ends up with a twit, but I don't No Ra to end up with a daughter-in-law like her, especially one who disregards No Ra until it serves her self-interest and purpose.
Otherwise I agree with everything else you wrote. I'm enjoying the show so far and happily so.
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September 20, 2015 at 6:38 AM
Hye Mi's comments bother me too...I just don't get it, why wouldn't you admit to your bf that there's this awesome older student who gave me this kimbap? Or that she stood up for me when there was a sleazy professor being all inappropriate? I just don't get her. Like you said, she's a self-serving woman, one I hope No Ra wouldn't end up having as a daughter in law.
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September 20, 2015 at 11:44 AM
made for each other those two were
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bbstl 🧹
September 20, 2015 at 1:32 PM
I found it depressing that Min Soo didn't recognize the unique taste of his own mother's kimbap (that everyone else raved over).
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11 mvjhart
September 19, 2015 at 8:46 PM
This is such a good review. I LOVE reading your thoughts about it.
Thank you so much for sharing it and making my day brighter!
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12 Egoz
September 19, 2015 at 8:47 PM
really fall in love with this drama..
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13 Min
September 19, 2015 at 8:51 PM
ove love this drama!
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14 WintermelonT
September 19, 2015 at 8:52 PM
Noooooooooo now I you wait another week for the next episode!
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15 lsy
September 19, 2015 at 8:53 PM
I don't think Woo-chul was changing Hyun-seok's proposal. I'm pretty sure he was changing his own proposal (there's a scene in either the first or second episode where Hyun-seok gets to read Woo-chul's proposal). It looks like he was changing who the proposal was being submitted to, so maybe he's seeking different funding or a way to carry on with a similar project in competition with Hyun-seok (since they can't collaborate).
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September 19, 2015 at 9:26 PM
I have a sinking feeling that he's doing something creepy like changing and submitting Hyun-Seok's proposal as his own to another group, and will then claim to be the original author. Either that or he'll get Hyun-Seok's proposal blown out of the water by claiming he's two-timing the university. Either way, his ego is enormous.
That said he just retyped the text directly next to the university seal and didn't delete the seal, so maybe he's not the mastermind he thinks he is.
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September 19, 2015 at 10:29 PM
I certainly hope that is the case...,
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September 20, 2015 at 6:27 AM
It's his own proposal, yes. He never got Hyun-suk's proposal electronically and you can actually see his name there (minute 32:30)
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16 lolita
September 19, 2015 at 8:53 PM
ugh. if the husband falls in love with no ra again cause of the dancing and try to win her back or something, i want prof cha and no ra to kick his butt.
---> in the end, the son would probably know that his dad was cheating and... it's going to be mess.
the husband's so obnoxious for trying to deny his affair.
want to see no ra and prof cha's cute moments.
i loved the dancing scene.
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September 20, 2015 at 11:47 AM
i cant understand why the husband is feeling stifled with Nora in the same university when his son is also there! The probability of him bumping into her is the same as him bumping into his son!
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September 20, 2015 at 2:29 PM
And the arrogance of his thinking that MS should be upset with his mother being at college but he should also be available for lunch whenever his father calls.
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17 kanz
September 19, 2015 at 8:57 PM
I love Soon Nam and his crush to his "Noona"
Soon Nam calls Nora Noona must be the cutest thing ever!
*dies happily*
I predicted just before the performance that ofc Nora would perform on stage and everyone will watch her. The looks on her husband's and Min Soo's faces, priceless!!
Really love this episode!! It maybe the best episode so far.
Ha No Ra fighting!
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September 20, 2015 at 6:10 AM
That scene made me hardcore squee. After he called her noona I was hearing "noona neomu yeppeo, michyeo, replay replay replay" in my head. I want him to have a crush on her, but I also dont want to see him get hurt. What to do?!
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18 scully
September 19, 2015 at 8:59 PM
This episode was incredible!
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19 Tara
September 19, 2015 at 9:00 PM
The angst of yesterday's ep (thanks to petty Hyun-seok) was incredibly fixed with today's ep. SQUEEE!!! Cutie-pie Hyundai-seok is back!!! (I especially loved seeing him grin with that beautiful dimple-y grin--stupid happy really aptly said by GF!) It really was big of No-ra to thank Hyun-seok in the way that she did--it brought tears to my eyes and obviously, it moved crankypants enough for him to realize how crazy stupid he was to be so petty. I just assumed he was so mad at her solely for becoming pregnant/marrying Woo-chul and moving away--but to see the backstory of him becoming close with Grandma and even staying at the funeral all 3 days like a family member would--makes him that much more endearing. Even if he was being such a jerk to No-ra.
Soon-nam calling No-ra Noona was the cutest thing ever!! You can just see how much more and more he's falling for her...squee for the admiration state he gave her after the trio got the money from Seung-hyun's boss (that was so awesome!). I was also hoping, as other Beanies have said, that Soon-nam would hopefully lead Hyun-seok to become jealous and realize he lurvesss No-ra--but the ending scene of No-ra dancing may just prove to be the moment of realization.
But, that may also become the moment of realization that Woo-chul is falling for No-ra again. Boo. I don't ever want them to get back together, but I do want him to realize that he lost the best thing that ever happened to him -- and how he took her all for granted.
And it was great to see Min-soo stick up for his mom--I do think the past few eps have shown him that Mom is much better (and cooler!) than he ever realized. His comment in ep 6 about how he never knew she could be so articulate? Just goes to show how much Woo-chul made her into such a meek, supposedly uneducated and thus, unable to hold a 'proper' conversation that her own son didn't think she could be like that. Tsk tsk. But at least now he's realizing how much of a dominating hold his dad had over his mom that she couldn't even hold a conversation like a person possibly could.
Absolutely loving how each of the past few Saturday's eps have continued to top each other in awesomeness that it's squee-rific!! ????
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September 19, 2015 at 9:02 PM
Oh thank you, autocorrect. Did not catch how you corrected Hyun-seok as Hyundai-seok ?
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September 20, 2015 at 5:02 PM
Ahhahaha. Hyundai-seok!!
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September 20, 2015 at 5:07 PM
I thought you were trying to make a joke which I did not get.
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20 gaeinalee
September 19, 2015 at 9:00 PM
I love the last scene. Watching HS as stalker is fun, as petty-childish ex friend-professor is my pleasure. But watching his face in the last scene is soooo aww.. As if time is frozen. He has his eyes glued over NR and can't think of anything else except his tumultuous feeling.
Now, I have to wait for 6 days to know what will happen.. How I wish this drama to be a daily instead. >.<"
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21 WaNa
September 19, 2015 at 9:05 PM
I damnly in love with all the positive vibes from this drama... Korean first love story never fail me to melted... haha go CHS!!!
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22 apluszee
September 19, 2015 at 9:09 PM
I have a feeling that she's probably in labour or something when grandma passed away... that's why she couldn't come to the funeral.
But this is sucha cute episode! Nora is finally living her life!
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September 19, 2015 at 9:28 PM
I'm wondering if it's the first real instance when Woo-chul started putting his foot down. Either that or she tried to come back and something went wrong with Min-soo and Woo-chul's held it over her head ever since.
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September 19, 2015 at 10:14 PM
Yes--it could even be as simple as his not wanting to give her the money. :( Long way from Göttingen to Seoul and back.
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Jon G.
September 20, 2015 at 9:30 AM
He was in Göttingen? For some reason I thought he was a professor at the FU Berlin ...
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September 20, 2015 at 11:13 AM
Hmm, I think his degree is from Göttingen. I caught the bit on the admission sheet that says "Gttingen" [sic]. If he taught in Germany, too, I missed it! Isn't Min-soo still toddler-sized when they return?
September 19, 2015 at 10:56 PM
I was under the impression that she didn't know that her grandma died -- because of her reaction to Hyun-seok when she asked him where he got the tteokbokki.
...but that itself raises more questions: 1) how long ago did they come back to Korea, 2) why hasn't she tried to look for her then, 3) did she not remember where her grandma's shop is (it seems as if her classmate took over at that very location), 4) did Woo-chul make her cut off all contact (hence that's why she didn't know). I mean, it seems as though she died soon after she left with Woo-chul, because Hyun-seok took leave from military duty to attend to her funeral. It was the early age of the Internet then, too.
If Woo-chul made her cut off contact, like the domineering control freak that he seems to be, then that's gross. But it would be even further gross if he put his foot down, like you suggested -- shoot, I can just imagine his pompous self going, "you stay here and take care of me and Min-soo because that's your purpose in life." <~ partly what I would think why she became so subservient and meek, especially if he kept hammering this to her all the time.
Just my 2 cents!
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September 20, 2015 at 5:52 AM
Idk, Yoon-young did mention to Hyun-seok that Nora couldn't come back... and Hyun-seok was mad as to why Nora asked Yoon-young to handle the funeral instead.
Her grandma was a pretty cool person. She didn't seem to want to hold Nora against anything, and to just go and live her dream/life accordingly.
Altho I'm sure they'll unfold this later but I'm so curious about it.
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September 20, 2015 at 7:19 AM
I am so curious about the reason too. If thistle12 is right, that would make Woo Chul such a cruel person. Not that he is any good as to how he is portrayed till now.
September 20, 2015 at 10:47 AM
@apluszee, you can see how it would happen - the ticket's expensive, she'd only be there a few days, Yoon-young could handle it, grandma doesn't have many friends in Seoul, Min-soo needs his mother, they're on a student's budget...
Woo-chul's very good at ruthlessly listing reasons for him to get his own way. I also wouldn't be surprised if status has something to do with it; while Nora's high school friends truly didn't care about her grandmother's status, Woo-chul is exactly the sort of person her grandmother had in mind when she told Nora to hide their relationship.
Woo-chul constantly ranks propriety and status over emotion and fulfillment, so I have absolutely no problem believing he manipulated Nora into missing the funeral and it kind of broke her a little - if she can't even manage to attend the funeral of her only family, how is she supposed to succeed in smaller ways Woo-chul opposes?
I don't think he's totally evil, by the way - I just think that he is narcissistic and pays no attention to the wishes of others, and thinks he's successfully arguing them round to the "right" way of thinking.
September 20, 2015 at 11:48 AM
Maybe Nora was in Germany illegally. And she couldn't leave because that would mean she wouldn't be able to return to her son.
September 19, 2015 at 11:27 PM
I think that it's because Woo Chul didn't let her return cos Min soo was too young. Or he knew about the death but didn't tell her until it was too late. i wouldn't put it pass him to do something like that. He's so incredibly selfish and self-centred. And he deserved Yejin. She's so self-righteous and delusional.
I would love to see them married... imagine WC's horror when YJ refuses to do his laundry or do the dishes, and expects him to do it! Nora hit the nail on the head when she said that YJ would not appreciate MS living with them!
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September 20, 2015 at 9:39 AM
Also, Nora did say that Min Soo was very sickly as a child; he could have been too young to leave behind, but too ill to travel. I missed my brother's wedding for this very reason.
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23 SoyJade
September 19, 2015 at 9:18 PM
That very last scene with the husband and HS 's love struck faces worry me. My mother in law, after watching just a few episodes said, "Please don't tell me how it ends, I already know!She will end up with her husband, he will fall in love in love with her again, and will be reunited at the end." Me:??? She also said that Korean dramas seemly don't tend to break up families. She said that they even have a son together, they won't show her in a new relationship or married to some else!.
Me: "...but, it's TVN, maybe they'll break convention"
SAY IT SO, Joe!! (I couldn't come up with an example to refute her point) Does anyone know or think my mother in law is right based on Kdramas clichés or tropes?
Thanks. I'll be really disappointed if my MIL is right on this one.
I'm really, really loving this drama.
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September 19, 2015 at 9:54 PM
Yes, oh la la couple... I haven't seen it and is not in anyway interested to watch it...I would be very unhappy too if Nora goes back to her awful husband...I will really cry a bucket which I have not done in my lifetime...I'm 99.9 sure that won't don't worrying! We'll trust Tvn..
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September 19, 2015 at 11:12 PM
nope. she wont go back to the husband.
the first lead is prof cha (confirmed in wiki)
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September 19, 2015 at 11:35 PM
I personally don't support divorce...but if Nora goes back to WC, I'll be terribly upset.
Frankly, I feel that WC never loved Nora. He fell in love with the way she expresses herself when she dances, but not who she is really is. The one person he really loves is himself. he doesn't even love YJ -he just loves the idea that she is intellectually his equal; they share the same passion for arts; and perhaps that she is well-connected.
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September 20, 2015 at 7:20 AM
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September 20, 2015 at 11:18 AM
Yes, I agree. How he meets Yi-jin is almost the same: sublime art moment.
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September 20, 2015 at 3:47 AM
Please nooooo!!! In TVN we believe! I have faith that this show won't be a crap like that.
Nora say goodbye to jerk of a husband and enjoy her school days, get her a job that she likes, lead a productive life and ends up with her soulmate Hyun Soek someday. That's my prediction about how this show ends.
As for Soon Nam, he has a tiny little crush on his noona, but just it. Exactly speaking, admiration, not romance. He and Seung Hyun are just like young Hyun Seok and young Nora to me. They will end up together at first place.
Speaking of the husband... Who cares?!
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September 20, 2015 at 6:49 AM
Soon Nam and Seung Hyun would make a cute couple! :D I would love to see that happen, and maybe No Ra noona can help a bit with it ;)
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September 20, 2015 at 6:45 AM
NOOOOOOO!!! I hate OLL couple with so much gusto BECAUSE of the ending (which I refuse to see, cause I read the recap before). TVN, please nooooo!!!!
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September 20, 2015 at 7:35 AM
There are two reasons why Nora will never get back with Woo-chul. They are as follows:
1) Nora has experienced freedom for the first time since she married Woo-chul. She would never willingly go back to her past life, unless it was for Min-soo's benefit. Nora knows that Min-soo would certainly be upset with his parents divorce, but would ultimately understand. He is at an age where this type of protection is unnecessary. This is supported by Nora willingness to sign the divorce agreement. If anything, this belief has been strengthened by her observations of Min-soo at university. He is becoming his own person. Woo-chul also broke their marriage contract, something that she holds sacred. Nora is not concerned with the details of his infidelity, the fact it happened is enough for her. She could never go back.
2) Woo-chul would lose everything he holds sacred if he went back to Nora. After wasting four years on him, do you think that Yi-jin would just let things drop. She would do everything in her father's power to destroy him. The writer made this extra clear with the scene in the restaurant. That scenes main purpose was to establish Yi-jin as a woman who was very vindictive. Woo-chul knows he could never get away with crossing her. He is part cockroach having an inherent instinct for self-preservation. If you look up the word egocentric in the dictionary, you will find a picture of Woo-chul.
I believe that the writer has established that a reconciliation between Nora and Woo-chul is not possible. The viewer just has to piece together the clues.
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September 20, 2015 at 12:38 PM
Yeah, I think the writer made it pretty obvious this is about Nora finding herself and that self doesn't belong with Woochul. So far, I haven't seen any scenes that would suggest Nora ending up with Woochul again. Maybe a conflict near-end where she "had" to go back to his family or choose or something but certainly not endgame.
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September 20, 2015 at 5:13 PM
"If you look up the word egocentric in the dictionary, you will find a picture of Woo-chul." LOL
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September 21, 2015 at 6:15 AM
That's an awful lot of projecting onto the writer's intent. :-)
Guessing a writer's concept of the inner workings of characters is always a bit of a challenge because the script only provides a few scene directions and dialogue. At this point, the director decides about the visual storytelling concept and the actors create their own backstories and interpretations for the characters.
For example - have you seen several interpretations of a Shakespeare play? I've seen Romeo and Juliet countless times in different settings from a stage set in ancient times to a modern film, and while the words are the same, the differences in setting, visual storytelling, and actor's performances give it all a new a fresh take. In short, we understand the play differently.
There are lots of possibilities for understanding the relationships between the main characters here (Twenty Again) - thankfully, because that's what makes it fun! Tons of insights into human character are possible because of that.
I enjoyed reading your ideas of what might be going through the character's minds. They were pretty far afield of what I saw there. It was interesting to consider a different possibility.
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September 21, 2015 at 5:14 PM
I had no idea the viewer was not allowed to look at a character's previous behavior to predict that character's future behavior. I had believed that it was the writers job with a "few scene directions and dialogue" to provide the actor with the information necessary to bring a character to life. What further confuses me is that the talented staff writers at dramabeans examine a character's previous behavior all the time. They sometimes use it to determine how consistent or well written a character is. They even sometimes use it to predict a character's future behavior. I am sure they would welcome your insight into the practice. What makes your assertion all the stronger is that you managed to mention Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet in your example. This was very clever for two reasons. The first is that Hyun-seok's students had used Shakespeare in their scene, which was a modern, Korean interpretation of the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet. This fact does seem unrelated to the topic at hand, but does tie it back to the show. The second is that any literary argument can be made stronger when the Bard is mentioned. A belief that I do not happen to share. I will also keep your sage advice if I ever decide to interpret the entirety of one of Shakespeare's plays. I happen to prefer his comedies. I am a penny-stinker at heart.
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September 21, 2015 at 8:35 PM
I think you misunderstood the point of my post.
You wrote of the the writer's intentions and the inner thoughts of the characters quite definitively and then said "The viewer just has to piece together the clues."
My point is that there is a collaboration and layering of character that comes from the writer, the director and the actors. Just like in real life - we don't what they are thinking unless they tell us - and you're right, Dramabeans staff does an excellent job at recapping and imagining the possibilities of what might be going though the characters heads.
September 20, 2015 at 9:43 AM
MIL is right, even if the husband is the next best thing to an axe murderer (OohLaLa Spouses, I'm looking at you) the Korean version of a happy ending is reconciliation of the husband and wife, no matter if you see disaster looming around the next turn (Secret Hotel, I'm looking at you). I hope it isn't true here, or I will blast this show on the boards to kingdom come.<