Twenty Again: Episode 7
by girlfriday
I know, you didn’t think it was possible, but the pettiness escalates. And this time, Grumpypants is matched measure for measure by our heroine, who decides that two can play at this game and dishes out just as much sass as she’s getting. If all Nora wants to do is relive her youth, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t need college for that—she can just hang out with Hyun-seok all day and they’ll automatically revert to high school, in all its immature, mortifying, youthful glory.
한살차이 – “숨길 수가 없어요” (Can’t Hide It) [ Download ]
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Hyun-seok is floored to hear that Nora isn’t dying after all, and grabs her in a giant bear-hug of relief. Nora somehow manages to free herself from his vice grip, and he tells her how hard it’s been for him to be around her, feeling everything from anger to disbelief to pity.
He gets mad at her for not telling him right away that she wasn’t dying, and she rightly points out that he never asked. He agrees that none of that matters now, and she wonders how he found out about her not-cancer in the first place. He starts to explain about her notebook, but she gets called back to work before he can finish.
I love the smile on his face as he just plops down on the sidewalk, still reeling from the news that Nora isn’t dying. He returns to his office to meet with a TV producer, who wants to film him during the pre-production for his stage play. Hyun-seok doesn’t love the idea, but promises to consider it.
Nora spends her shift at the convenience store thinking about Hyun-seok, and now realizes that his sudden turnabout from meanie professor to chummy friend was because he thought she was dying. She chuckles to herself, “Cha Hyun-seok, you must’ve been really shocked.”
Sang-ye asks how things went, and all Hyun-seok can do is sit there and smile like a goof. He says he’ll explain later and heads up for a nap, saying that he suddenly feels the tiredness coming on, now that his anxiety has lifted.
He lies down still grinning, but then he realizes that there are things that don’t add up—why didn’t Nora confront her husband about the cheating if she isn’t dying, and why is she working a part-time job?
Nora clocks out and takes out her phone to call Hyun-seok, but has a better idea and goes home to start cooking. She makes a whole stack of kimbap lunchboxes, and Woo-chul is taken aback when she says they’re for Hyun-seok.
Woo-chul snidely says that she must be very grateful to Hyun-seok for helping her go to school in secret and childishly dressing up like high-schoolers for fun. He reminds her again not to let word get out about their relationship, and reminds her to think about his proposal for the divorce.
He casually asks if one of the lunchboxes is for him, and Nora replies matter-of-factly that he doesn’t eat her cooking. Woo-chul tries to play it off like she would’ve wasted her efforts, then sneaks all the kimbap tails when she leaves the room.
Min-soo contemplates Mom’s campus map and starts to think better of her after their high school uniform run-in at the elevator. He imagines Mom getting caught between him and Dad on campus, but then a giant “Hye-mi” chyron starts bopping Mom on the head, I guess to remind him that he can’t be caught with Mom in front of his girlfriend?
Hyun-seok rides his bike to school and today he whooshes by Nora coldly without a word. Back to Professor Grumpypants so soon? She calls out to him, but he just continues on.
Hyun-seok keeps watching her, of course, and sees her getting ignored by her husband and scoffs that she’s a moron for letting him treat her that way. He gets his own petty revenge by darting out in front of Woo-chul’s car.
Nora stalks her son in the library, then decides that leaving him a lunchbox would be breaking their rules. So she seeks out Hye-mi instead and gives her two lunchboxes to say thank you for telling her about the classroom the other day.
Then she takes to stalking Hye-mi, and chides herself for breaking her promise to keep away from Min-soo. Still, she can’t bring herself to stop now, and tiptoes behind her. Meanwhile, Woo-chul and his girlfriend Yi-jin make a date to meet at their usual bench.
Min-soo marvels at Hye-mi’s kimbap lunch, wondering how her cooking skills skyrocketed overnight, and she says that her mom helped. Nora peeks at them from behind a tree with the sweetest smile on her face, just happy to see Min-soo happy.
She decides that’s enough stalking for today and heads off in a chipper mood, but stops in her tracks when she sees Woo-chul approaching. Nora runs back just as Min-soo is lying down in Hye-mi’s lap, an awfully incriminating position to be caught in by Dad.
Nora grabs Hye-mi and makes a run for it, leaving Min-soo stunned. But two seconds later, Dad arrives behind him. Then it’s Woo-chul’s turn to be scared, while his girlfriend Yi-jin sees what’s happening and spins on her heels. Ha, it’s awkward lies from everyone as Woo-chul and Min-soo casually part ways.
Min-soo is on pins and needles waiting to see what Mom said to Hye-mi, but is pleasantly surprised when Hye-mi says that the unni just saw that she had some buttons undone on the back of her dress, and wanted to fix them for her. He breathes a sigh of relief.
Meanwhile, Woo-chul and Yi-jin each return to their offices embarrassed and terrified, and text each other excuses for why they couldn’t meet.
Nora meets with Soon-nam and Seung-hyun for their theater group project, and laughs to see them shoveling their faces with kimbap as if they’ve never tasted any before. Soon-nam says he’s never had any this tasty, and Seung-hyun says it’s just been so long since she’s had home cooking.
Min-soo surprises her with a text asking where she is, so Nora goes to meet him, darting her eyes back and forth on the way. He asks if she’s known all this time about Hye-mi, and Nora says she happened to witness their public fight in front of the library.
He’s stunned to realize that Mom knew about his relationship before he caught her going to school, and that she saw him when he caught her with her dance club. He asks why she didn’t say anything to Dad about his girlfriend, and why she protected him today at lunch.
Nora knows that Dad would ship him off to army if he found out about his girlfriend, and she says that it made her so happy to see him with Hye-mi. It doesn’t matter to her if it’s Hye-mi or another girl—she just likes seeing Min-soo dating. She says that all she wants for him is to live according to his age, doing all the things he can because today will never come around again.
Min-soo just gapes and asks when Mom became so articulate. He asks why she didn’t bring up Hye-mi when she knew he’d tattle on her to Dad, but Mom reacts as if it’s blatantly obvious that she wouldn’t want him getting caught. It’s like he sees for the first time that Mom doesn’t even think twice about putting him first, and looks at her with awe.
As Nora walks away, she thinks to herself, “My loving son, my college friends, all living their youth while studying and dating. My old true friend who’s thankful that I’m alive. It’s a lovely day. I’d like it to always be like today.”
Nora arrives at Hyun-seok’s place for her last kimbap delivery of the day, but he receives her coldly as he sets the table for a party. He says it’s with his “real friends” that he ignored while he was wasting his time with her (ouuuuuch). He tells her not to come back here anymore since he just pretended to need her help because he felt sorry for her. Augh, Hyun-seok!
He says it was all a show because he pitied her, and doesn’t even let her call him by name anymore. He tells her to call him professor, and not to acknowledge him outside of class anymore. Nora’s hand balls up into a fist and she says it doesn’t make sense—no matter the misunderstanding, they spent all that time together. “We’re friends. We made up,” she entreats.
She asks why he’s acting like this, but he just tosses back, “Why do I have to make you understand? Do you think I understand you?!” He gets angry at her for all the time he wasted on her, and screams at her to return to her precious home and her husband because he doesn’t want to see her anymore.
Nora takes this in with a stricken expression and walks out solemnly without a word. But she’s only two steps out the door before her anger mounts, and she storms back inside to argue right back: “What are you to tell me to come and go?” I love the look of shock on his face when she dishes it back to him.
He stands there stunned as she yells at him for doing all this stuff that no one asked him to do, then raising a big stink about it now. Nora: “You were so sensitive and petty in high school! As if that would change! Cha Hyun-seok is Cha Hyun-seok!” LOL.
Then she gets just as childish and petty, insisting that she REALLY doesn’t like him, and she HATED it when they met again, his class sucks, and she was dragged to the movies against her will. She says he deluded himself, put on a show, and is acting like an ass about it now.
It stuns him speechless, and she whirls around so that he can’t see her crying. She storms out and he calls out after her just to get the last word in, that she’s the careless one who dropped her notebook. He finally notices Sang-ye standing there, and says it’s true—Nora isn’t dying.
Nora gets down to the street and declares that acting like perfect strangers suits her just fine. She takes another look back at his building and calls him a jerk.
Sang-ye asks why Hyun-seok is so angry when he should be relieved that Nora isn’t dying. He scoffs at that, and flashes back to last night. So his curiosity did get the better of him, because he shows up to Yoon-young’s dance studio to pick a fight with her.
She admits to having some fun with him, and doesn’t see what’s so bad about a little misunderstanding when they all got to enjoy a trip down memory lane. She says that he saw Nora’s bucket list and must’ve noticed how it was filled with such small, everyday things. Nora had to skip out on her youth, and Yoon-young just wanted to help give some of that back to her.
Hyun-seok just gets mad and asks why Nora lived that way then. Yoon-young points out the obvious—that she became a mother at 19. Hyun-seok argues that that was then, but why is she continuing to live with a man who doesn’t let her go to school, makes her work a part-time job, and didn’t even know when she thought she was sick.
Yoon-young: “Because he’s Nora’s universe.” She says that Woo-chul has been her entire universe since 18, and she’s lived for twenty years only looking at him. She adds that Nora even went to college for Woo-chul, and Hyun-seok stews even more thinking that all of this was for Woo-chul.
He asks angrily if she’s going to just continue living that way, thinking in his head, “even if he’s cheating on her,” but can’t say it out loud. Yoon-young almost says something about the divorce but bites her tongue, and just tells Hyun-seok not to think he can judge Nora because he hasn’t lived her life.
He heads home and scoffs bitterly at his list of things to do with Nora, and rips the page out and crumples it up. Back in the present, he tells Sang-ye to send his finished report to Woo-chul so that he can wash his hands of the couple for good. Sang-ye notes that he and Nora seemed like high-schoolers when they were arguing earlier, and he acts like it’s Nora’s fault for bringing out his childish side.
Nora studies at home, still fuming over her fight with Hyun-seok. She mutters, “What, does he think I’ll die without him?” and vows to live even better without him in her life.
Hyun-seok has his theater friends over for dinner, where they all rib him for not calling lately. He says he was busy doing something pointless, and acknowledges Sang-ye’s hard work in helping him. They all tease him and Sang-ye for seeming like a couple, and encourage them to date already.
Hyun-seok arrives at school the next morning seemingly fueled by newfound pettiness, and marches right up to Nora at her locker and demands that she get her stuff out. She makes a face at him and asks if he can’t see she’s already doing that, and he actually gets mad that she beat him to the punch. Ha.
The only thing he can do is yell at her to hurry, and she kicks the door shut with her foot before hauling her mountain of books away with a hmph. He goes to the locker and finds her phone inside, and gleefully gets his revenge by locking it in there and stealing the key. You ridiculous manchild.
Nora goes to dance practice, and Soon-nam meets with the club officers to discuss the upcoming performance at the campus festival. The groups were already arranged before Nora joined the club, and he worries about her feeling left out (awww).
She overhears them and assures the guys that she’s cool to help out behind the scenes this time. She’s just happy to be part of a club at all, and tells Soon-nam not to worry about her. He runs to help her with her books and says that she’ll at least get to enjoy the festival this way.
She bows respectfully to all her sunbaes as they leave, and Soon-nam bows back, calling her “hoobae-nim” in jondae. He whispers to the club president that it’s kind of cute how she does that, while the prez finds it super uncomfortable and would rather her just use banmal. Soon-nam says absolutely not—they can’t break the club rules. Oh, just admit that you like her!
Nora finally realizes that she lost her phone, and manages to track it down inside her locker. The problem is that she no longer has the key, and Hyun-seok isn’t in his office. She chases him out to his car, and he purposely slows and starts over and over so that she’ll keep chasing him.
He refuses to go back to his office to give her the key no matter how much she pleads, and she asks him to bring it to class later then. She gives his car a kick as he drives away, and he gets worried for a second that she could’ve been hurt, only to see her flip him off in the rearview mirror. Hee.
He fumes and gets even madder that she’s able to get mad at him, but can’t say a thing in front of Woo-chul, who actually deserves the hate. Yeah but you deserve a little of it too.
Woo-chul arrives to his meeting with Hyun-seok and argues that his proposal isn’t anything like what they discussed. But Hyun-seok points out that he never said he’d accept any of Woo-chul’s suggestions. He makes it clear that it’s just a formality and he never intended to actually work together on this.
Woo-chul asks if this is because of Nora, and calls Hyun-seok out on being interested in his wife. Hyun-seok says that he isn’t anymore, and Nora can live a nice long life with her husband like she wants to, because he doesn’t care.
Nora eats on her usual bench and remembers the porridge that Hyun-seok brought her back when he thought she was dying, and instead of finding it sweet, she regrets eating it. And all throughout class that day, Hyun-seok and Nora are busy exchanging angry glances at each other.
She chases him down after class to ask for her phone back, and he doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he accidentally-on-purpose left the locker key at home during lunch. She asks if Sang-ye will be there so she can go pick it up, but he says that she’s not even allowed to step foot in there anymore, and that Sang-ye will drop it off to her tomorrow.
Nora is so hurt by his coldness that she cries in the bathroom—not a sad cry, but a petulant cry after a petty fight with a friend. She wails that he’s so mean to her, and Yi-jin happens to overhear her and comments aloud that a man isn’t worth crying over.
Nora peeks her head out and the two women are both embarrassed to have been overheard by the other, and Yi-jin scurries away, leaving her phone behind in the process. Nora finds it and chases after Yi-jin to return the phone, just as “Cousin Oppa” is calling.
Of course “Cousin Oppa” is Woo-chul, who freezes when he sees his wife talking to his girlfriend fifty feet away, and runs in the other direction. At the same time, a flower delivery boy matches Nora to the picture of her on his phone and hands her a ginormous bouquet red roses.
Nora has no idea who they’re from, and Yi-jin is super curious too, guessing that Nora isn’t married if she doesn’t know who sent her flowers. She opens the card, which just reads, “To the person I wanted to watch over.” Does someone have a secret admirer?
A minute later, Hyun-seok gets a text on his phone that his flower delivery has been completed. He freaks out and asks in a panic, “Sang-ye, did you not cancel that flower delivery?!” Hahaha. It was you! He gets all mad at Sang-ye for coming up with the idea, when really he’s just utterly mortified.
Yi-jin watches Nora leave with her arms full of roses and follows behind her with a heavy sigh, suddenly feeling a little jealous at the public display of affection that she can’t have. Woo-chul hides behind trees watching the two women with a terrified look on his face, wondering how they know each other.
Nora looks down at her flowers and thinks back to all her birthdays, when Woo-chul would thoughtlessly give her mall vouchers year after year. She puts the flowers in a vase at home and sighs that they’re pretty, and leans in to smell them.
Woo-chul meets Yi-jin at a gallery for their date, and they reminisce about their first meeting here. She had nearly fainted in front of a painting once because she was so moved by it (pffft), and he caught her. These two. I’m glad they’re at least really funny.
They sit at the same table now where they sat for nearly four hours the first time they met, and Yi-jin sighs that it’s been four years but they still can’t hug and kiss in public. Woo-chul reminds her that he has a contract, and by June it’ll all be over.
He can see that she’s upset and asks if anything out of the ordinary happened today, and Yi-jin says that she has an older student in her class who got a bouquet of flowers at school today.
Woo-chul struggles to hide his reaction at the news that Nora is in Yi-jin’s class. He heads home that night and hovers by Nora’s bed as she sleeps, trying to hypnotize her into quitting school by repeating, “Quit school” over and over. I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.
Hyun-seok and Sang-ye get buried in applications, and he tells her to find someone to help her out. She points out Nora’s phone that’s been ringing all morning, and says he’s taking it too far.
He sees that Woo-chul has been calling repeatedly and asking to have lunch with Nora, and Hyun-seok feels a tinge of remorse, wondering if this is the husband’s attempt to patch things up. He gets all swept up in the guilt, wondering if Nora might miss her chance to make up with her husband because of him. Aw, it’s nice to see that you would do the right thing in the end.
Hyun-seok bolts up and runs out the door to go return her phone, and runs smack dab into Nora on her way in. He gives her the phone and tells her about the missed calls, and when she hurriedly answers the next incoming call, he mistakes it for excitement.
Woo-chul uncharacteristically takes Nora out to a nice lunch, and she asks warily why he’s being like this. He says he gives up, and that he had no idea how much Nora wanted to stay together.
She asks if this means he’s okay with her going to school, but it’s the opposite. He takes out a form for her to drop out of school, and offers, “Drop out of school. Then I’ll cancel the divorce.” What? Oh so you can stay married and keep your mistress?? What the?
He says that school is his work life, and he’d rather stay married to her and see her at home than to see her at school. She makes him repeat it just so they’re clear, and he says—as if he’s being magnanimous, by the way—that he’ll drop the divorce if she drops out of school.
But to his utter shock, Nora says tells him to go ahead… and notarize the divorce papers, because she’s staying in school. YESSSSSSS.
Part of me is sad that Sweet Hyun-seok has left the building (you’d better come back, ya hear!), but it’s pretty hilarious to watch him and Nora in this new dynamic, where they’re so caught up in the game of one-upping each other that it doesn’t even matter that what they’re mad about makes no sense. Hyun-seok knows full well that he created this whole drama and misunderstanding in his head and has no one to blame but himself, but he’ll never admit that what he’s really mad about is Nora loving a guy like Woo-chul.
And in this case, he’s not that different from us, watching Nora with increasing frustration as she endures this seemingly unbalanced relationship at the cost of her liveliness and what makes her her. I can’t hate him for that, even though he’s totally taking it out on her the stupid wrong way. But Yoon-young was right to say that it’s not Hyun-seok’s place to judge when he didn’t have to make the sacrifices that Nora did, and it made sense the way she saw it—that Woo-chul became Nora’s entire universe at 18, and she’s led a very sheltered life. Clearly the idea of divorce terrified her because it would’ve separated her from the only two people she has in the world.
But I love where we are now with her character, after she’s experienced a little more of the world, reassessed her life, found friends, and reclaimed a little of her old self. She’s now confident enough to choose school over marriage, essentially choosing herself over Woo-chul. And THAT puts the biggest smile on my face, to see her putting herself first. It’s especially gratifying because Woo-chul doesn’t see her worth and has been putting her down for twenty years, and it’s a complete reversal for her to tell him she values her education over being married to him. I like that Woo-chul made it an active choice to have one or the other, because it sets her up for the perfectly empowering I-choose-me moment. *fist-pump*
And really, it’s the only answer that would’ve been satisfying in that moment, because this is obviously Woo-chul’s way of having his cake and eating it too. He either figures he can maintain his relationship with Yi-jin on the sly if Nora isn’t on campus, or he intends to push the divorce on her in June anyway, even after she drops out. It’s insulting that he thinks this is a real offer, just because he assumes he’s kept the affair a secret. At least Min-soo is showing some signs of change, because that kind of treatment from her husband is fine if it pushes her to divorce, but she deserves better from her son. He has a lot of snottiness to make up for, but he seems to at least have an inkling now that Mom is actually the cool one, and that she might have some things to teach him about life.
It’s so nice to see Nora enjoying her day-to-day life so much, and truly appreciating every little moment with her new friends. It’s too bad that Hyun-seok is pooping on the party with his grumpiness, but I find it pretty adorable that they’re now both obsessed with letting the other know they’re mad, and trying to win their childish fight. I don’t even know how you win—more snazzy comebacks? Because if winning is not caring, then Hyun-seok already lost ten times over. I don’t know how he’s fooling himself when his entire day still revolves around Nora. But hey, the longer he remains in denial, the more petty antics we get, and that suits me just fine.
- Twenty Again: Episode 6
- Twenty Again: Episode 5
- Twenty Again: Episode 4
- Twenty Again: Episode 3
- Twenty Again: Episode 2
- Twenty Again: Episode 1
- First love trauma gets reawakened in Twenty Again
- First love and husband reunions in Twenty Again
- Frowns and frolicking for Twenty Again
- Laughter and dimples at Twenty Again’s script read
Tags: Choi Ji-woo, Choi Won-young, featured, Kim Min-jae, Lee Sang-yoon, Twenty Again
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1 aranea
September 18, 2015 at 8:18 PM
Woo-chul is up to his old tricks! Do you really think that he would cancel the divorce after Nora dropped out of college? No way!
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September 18, 2015 at 8:45 PM
You are right. He's been cracking his brain to find a way to get her to drop out, like 'hypnotising' her when she is sleeping. So this is the Brilliant idea he's come up with. He must have thought it'd be a sure win. He can get Nora to do ANYTHING w the promise of cancelling the divorce. SURPRISE, jerk!!!
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September 18, 2015 at 9:09 PM
Bastard is one of those oh so many people that think they are really cool, and they can lie and cheat to everybody for as long as they want. The problem is that once the other people start to analize their speech or simply find an incongruency, they start to suspect about the rest of the house of cards.
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
September 18, 2015 at 10:41 PM
Definitely no!
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September 19, 2015 at 5:22 AM
I just kept saying (yes I was talking out loud to inanimate object) contract. Get a contract or he will deny everything, especially since he loves making contracts so much.
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2 news
September 18, 2015 at 8:19 PM
Does anyone know the name of the quirky song at the end of each episode?
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September 18, 2015 at 8:41 PM
It's the "nana" song: nana nanananana nana nanananana ! ;-)
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September 18, 2015 at 9:12 PM
lol. Hahahaha. Nananana~
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September 18, 2015 at 10:14 PM
Lol, I was calling it the 'Wooo hooo" song.
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September 19, 2015 at 1:36 AM
Have you ever played the Sims? A 'Woo Hoo' has a completely different meaning there. Although in this case it is something the viewers will be looking forward to by the end of the drama!
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September 19, 2015 at 11:52 AM
Never heard of it, but I looked it up and maybe it does apply here too ;-)
September 19, 2015 at 12:05 PM
Pwahahaha, that's hilarious. Will there also be barking? Fingers crossed.
September 19, 2015 at 7:04 AM
It sounds like a jannibi song, they also did the tracks for "Ex Girl Friend Club" and "Let's Eat 2".
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September 19, 2015 at 7:06 AM
Sorry Jannabi*
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September 19, 2015 at 8:21 AM
i've been looking for it too! since ep 1 and desperate. but, turns out its not released yet. and yes, it's by janabi.
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September 19, 2015 at 11:45 AM
@ Katzlove
I didn't watch “Ex Girl Friend Club” and “Let’s Eat 2”, but how awesome that you made the connection. Thanks!
@ alcoholicbubbletea
I searched everywhere! Glad I'm not the only one. At first, I didn't know if I liked it, but whenever I hear it now, I just feel like getting up and dancing.
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3 Prudence
September 18, 2015 at 8:34 PM
Thank-you, for posting this!
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4 aranea
September 18, 2015 at 8:34 PM
In the comments for episode 6, gogummaa had referred to Hyun-seok as a “Prince in a white horse “. I then replied with the following:
IMO Hyun-seok can more accurately be described as a Princely Ninja Seonsaeng driving a white car (Peugeot). His character is much more than just a mere Prince. Let me explain. His actions are certainly those of a traditional Prince. However, his method much more resembles a Ninja. He works totally behind the scenes, undetected by anyone other than his secret colleagues. He wants no credit or attention for his good deeds. Nora’s joy is his only reward. I chose Seonsaeng, which I hope means “teacher” in Korean, because his ultimate goal is to put himself out of a job. This probably sounds funny, but a teachers goal is to give the student the knowledge or better yet the ability to gather knowledge to successfully perform in their field of study. A Seonsaeng wants his student to grow. A Prince would not teach you how to wield a sword, but Hyun-seok did. He put a USB in Nora’s hand. In this case that USB was a modern day sword used to vanquish the pervert professor. He helped her become stronger by giving her the tools to fight her own battle. He also allowed her to decide if fighting the battle was worth the risk of losing. He then went to extra step and secretly made sure that Nora won the battle. A good Seonsaeng protects their students until they are ready to face the world on their own, graduate. As for the car I just happen to recognize the Peugeot insignia. I wonder if they chose white on purpose?
However, after viewing episode 7, I would like to amend my description to Immature Princely Ninja Seonsaeng. I believe no explanation for the change is needed.
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September 18, 2015 at 9:51 PM
LOL. I completely agree with you.
Yes, your amendment is self explained. ^^
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5 KDaddict?JCW
September 18, 2015 at 8:42 PM
I'm back to not like HS. He is way too volatile. I get it that he is jealous, as he thinks Nora wouldn't, can't leave her husband even when she knows he is in an affair. But a more mature person would take more of a 'wait and see' attitude. Sure, he can cool down somewhat in his dealings w her, but is it nece to go all out and tell her they aren't friends anymore?
Just imagine if Nora were in a relationship w him, and they ever have if tiff, he'd act this way and be all petty and immature, to the extent of starting and stopping the vehicle just to get her to run after it! It may be fun when you are 18, but I doubt that at 38 going on 40, Nora would find that kind of a partner all that attract.
Is it becos he is an artsy-fartsy type that he is so damned emotional? He can easily be mistaken for being bipolar 7 eps in!
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September 18, 2015 at 9:13 PM
Dear KDaddict, nice to meet you again!!!. If HS were more mature, this wouldn't be an optimistic comedy but a straight divorce melodrama.
Just my 2cents ;) .
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September 18, 2015 at 9:20 PM
You asked for material on ESL. I compiled it and sent to the email address u gave. Did u check it?
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September 18, 2015 at 9:37 PM
Dear MS. KDaddict: yes, it was really useful. I fell in love with the BBC webpage... silly me I didn't know they had something like that!.
Also thanks for pointing me to the Grammar reference. In academics (at least in my country) first person is not used in hard sciences, I don't know if that's the case with soft ones.
Thanks again,
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September 18, 2015 at 9:48 PM
Funny you never even acknowledged receipt of it.
September 18, 2015 at 10:32 PM
Sorry again for that ^_^U .
September 18, 2015 at 9:39 PM
BTW, sorry for the delay in my response. ^_^U .
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September 18, 2015 at 9:21 PM
I just think it wouldn't be as much fun.?
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September 18, 2015 at 9:19 PM
:-) Artsy-fartsy, bipolar.... sounds familiar!
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September 18, 2015 at 10:50 PM
I guess this spate of immature antics is to allow both Nora and HS to recover their missed opportunity at behaving like teenagers in love/courtship/hate. They both had arrested development in the area of their romantic lives
So we have both mother and son going through the same dynamics. In a way, it's quite poignant, HS and Nora both allow each other to be petty and free to be immature. I guess that's why they call this show Twenty Again.
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
September 18, 2015 at 10:51 PM
If CHS is to be mature enough like that, then this story will not be as fun as this. I am sorry ,not to offend you, but if you want someone who is more mature person and dealing with this situation in more mature way,this drama is not for you. You should see melodrama I guess. Plus this drama is at epi 7, we have plenty times for CHS to deal with all that with maturity.
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September 18, 2015 at 11:56 PM
You guys are right. It is for the sake of making the show funny. But he is being really mean and hurtful:
"I was only taking pity on you. I wasted my time on you, and ignored my real friends. Don't come here again, etc."
Reply erroneously posted at 9.3 below.
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September 19, 2015 at 12:24 AM
HS (poor uninformed/misinformed HS) is just outwardly frustrated that No Ra is so hung up on a husband that she knows is cheating on her and he's also subconsciously frustrated because he is jealous and he wants her but he can't have her. If No Ra's bestie had just spilled the beans about the divorce, HS would have probably been over the moon and making plans to date her even before the ink dries on the divorce papers. lol
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September 19, 2015 at 3:48 AM
Exactly! It's definitely not the right way to go about it, but, in the end, I can't hate his immature antics precisely BECAUSE it isn't out of pure jealousy. If she were with a guy that deserved her, I don't think he'd act this way. It's because he thinks she's resigning herself to living with a guy that doesn't value her, like Woo-chul, that he's doing this. And I can't hate him for that :)
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September 19, 2015 at 9:36 AM
HS makes me laugh because his behavior seems to be in response to a very particular set of circumstances - his general reputation is good, he's a good teacher and a sought-after producer, and he treats everyone pretty well... other than Nora.
There's clearly something in their history that broke HS's heart when she suddenly disappeared, and it's seeming more and more likely that he looked after Nora's grandmother after she left - that's a lot of baggage. He's horrified that she went from a smart, outgoing, fierce girl into a timid Joseon housewife, so I'm guessing he'd been telling himself that she'd gone to Germany and lived a wonderful life. His first reactions to her were hugely immature, but also kind of understandable.
Then he thinks she's dying and wants to be her fairy godstalker who can send her off with the gift of the most fulfilled life possible, but then he realizes she's NOT dying and his view of her goes back to one of a timid woman who's willing to let her domineering husband control her and even have an affair. He can't intervene directly because she's married, and he's outraged she's allowing herself to be treated that way, and he's taking it out on her because he can't believe she won't stand up for herself.
It's such a narrow set of circumstances that I think we can write off his behavior as a Nora-specific fluke. If any element were different, HS wouldn't be so frustrated and unable to act. But it's clear his emotions for Nora run very, very deep, that he wants her to live well, and it's driving him absolutely insane to see her allowing herself to be controlled. But actually talking to Nora about her marriage would be... inappropriate. So he's stuck.
It also makes me laugh that Nora is so baffled by his schizo behavior because he really is coming off as seriously unbalanced. I enjoy the whole thing because it doesn't seem permanent; as soon as HS understands what's going on with Nora's marriage he'll be relieved (if outraged) and once Nora gets more independent they'll both feel better.
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6 Lizzy4e
September 18, 2015 at 8:45 PM
I luff this show!
Thanks for the recap.
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September 18, 2015 at 8:45 PM
Mr grumpypants better have a valid reason for his mean act. I'm dying to know the reason. (what happened with Nora's grandma and HS)
I love how childish cute fights they have are really petty(mobile incident-HS that was just cheap but you can make anything cute ).
I would be happy if they end the grumpy act at this stage because I really miss the sweet HS..
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September 18, 2015 at 10:44 PM
How about frustration? When Hyun-seok thought that Nora was dying, he could do anything consequences be damned. He did not have to concern himself that she was a married woman. Now he has to face the possibility that she still loves her husband enough to tolerate his cheating behavior. This is just too much for him. It hurts his heart and reopens the wound caused by the loss of his first and only love Nora. May be this is his coping mechanism? If she is not willing to leave her cheating husband, he must drive her away to avoid the pain of watching her suffer.
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September 19, 2015 at 9:41 AM
I think this is it. He was able to tell himself "even if the past 20 years turned my lively Nora into a meek Joseon housewife, I can send her off in the best way possible" while he thought she was dying, but now he's stuck considering that Nora might just allow her crappy husband to have an affair right under her nose and still continue controlling her. So Hyun-seok thought he had broken Nora's cycle, only to realize she's still stuck in it.
He can get away with three months of curiously awesome events, but at some point it would look indecent to be doing all this stuff with a married woman, so he'd have to stop and he doesn't think Nora will do them herself. He's furious that she would allow herself to keep living that sheltered life.
And I think he sees Nora as her own worst enemy. The Nora he knew was awesome and confident, and this Nora is like a body-snatcher who came in and tied old Nora down. So in many ways he IS angry at Nora, because he's furious at the part of her that is preventing his old friend from coming out and being awesome. He's just expressing it in a hilariously petty way.
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September 18, 2015 at 10:51 PM
The name of that floral arrangement was the "Consequence Be Damned Bouquet"...
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8 aranea
September 18, 2015 at 8:50 PM
Does it bother anybody that Hye-mi took credit for Nora's lunchbox? For some reason, I just do not trust her.
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September 18, 2015 at 8:57 PM
Good catch.
I don't think we are supposed to trust her. That way when the day comes for her and MS to break up, we'll be alright with it.
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September 18, 2015 at 9:14 PM
I wasn't surprised. I expected her to do that. Yeah, my expectations of her are pretty low.
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September 18, 2015 at 9:23 PM
Haha, me too! As soon as No Ra gave Hye-mi the lunchbox, I thought, "Okay, kiddo--how quickly are you gonna go and lie to your bf? Should I time it?"
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September 18, 2015 at 9:18 PM
Yeah, it did, but in character? I never trusted her since ep1 so... also not a significant character that I care about, or at all.
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September 18, 2015 at 9:59 PM
Yes, I noticed that too!!!!
It's yet another aspect of a crappy character that I don't like already...jeez.
But I expected Min-soo to figure out it was his mom's cooking though. Isn't that normal?!
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September 18, 2015 at 10:21 PM
I know right! I was waiting for familiarity to register on his face. Sort of made me feel like No Ra really has been underappreciated. Seems like dad isn't the only one who doesn't eat much at home.
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September 18, 2015 at 11:42 PM
Sheesh you guys all jump on the pretty girl because she lies about who made the kimbap. Anyway, she has to lie about it, because Min Soo already asked how much she knows the older student. If Hye Mi tells the truth, then it opens up the problem of Min Soo not trusting his Mother. And as we now know, the whys of their relationship aren't important to the story, but that they have one, and Min Soo and Mom will get close because she helps them keep their relationship secret and so he doesn't end up going to military school. I'm wondering if Hye-Mi knows about that part -- Oh well, not important whether she does or not.
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September 19, 2015 at 9:45 AM
Well, she lied about the kimbap, and she also started dating Min-soo in a really targeted way. I'm still on the fence about Hye-mi because she generally seems okay (though a bit clingy) but you never really know why she's saying or doing things. Both the kimbap and the targeted dating are examples of her not being genuine - she's taking credit for things in a way that's manufactured to make her look better.
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September 19, 2015 at 12:59 AM
I feel bad for Na Eun. She keeps getting the raw end of the character stick in this drama. This is totally the writer's fault. I don't even think that her acting is all that bad. It's just that her character is so horribly presented, making people want to criticize even the performer.
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September 19, 2015 at 10:44 AM
It bothers me more that he is lying about his mom. He knows that Hye Mi knows her to a certain extent. If he is serious about her, he should at least tell her the situation. Of course, before he talked to his mom he may have thought that she would tell on him, but he could have been honest and just told Hye Mi to keep it between them until things were out in the open. Lying about your mother because you are embarrassed and/or trying too hide your dating life vs. lying about a lunchbox to try to impress your boyfriend is worse. By the way, I'm not defending her actions. I just think we are also ignoring his questionable behavior.
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9 KDaddict?JCW
September 18, 2015 at 8:56 PM
"If all Nora wants to do is relive her youth, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t need college for that—she can just hang out with Hyun-seok all day and they’ll automatically revert to high school, in all its immature, mortifying, youthful glory."
Very much so. I'd just change one word, the one at the end:
' all its immature, mortifying, youthful "silliness"'.
Hindsight is always 20/20. When we look back, everyone is prone to feel that they've been immature and silly in their youth. We hope that we learn and grow in life. I'm curious as to what HS has learned in 2 decades? So he is a successful producer and professor, but what about patience, empathy, understanding, giving benefit of the doubt, gentleness? It'd be nice if he has learned to be more even tempered at 38 than at 18. I'd like to see some of these qualities in him as we go forward. I wouldn't want Nora to be swapping a self-centred, insensitive jerk for an immature, emotional wreck. Fingers crossed.
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September 18, 2015 at 9:18 PM
Dear KDaddict, as always a pleasure to chat with you. Do you have some people in your life that makes your blood boil?, a friend you revert to high school with?; if you are (were) single, a person you can't (couldn't) utter a complete and reasonable sentence even to save your dear life?. If so, you can understand the dynamics easier ;) .
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September 18, 2015 at 9:23 PM
FGB, See comment 5.11
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September 18, 2015 at 9:41 PM
Yes, and yes, thank you!!!.
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September 18, 2015 at 9:23 PM
Good point. But I think his moodiness is proof that only Nora can throw him off-kilter into a "silly" teenage boy again because she was and is still his first love. Dramas take misunderstandings and emotions to an extreme because it's more endearing and comedic from an entertainment perspective.
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September 18, 2015 at 9:47 PM
All of you are correct: The silliness is done for comedic effect and entertainment value. Point well taken.
Maybe it's just me, (being a fuddy-duddy?), I like drama chars to be relatable and understandable, esp. if they are the leads. I love it if at times they do things that make me laugh or cry or shake w fear, depending on the genre, but it is better if basically they ring true as viable members of society most of the time, and human beings who don't seem in immediate need of psychological counseling, when they are being themselves. I neither need nor want heroes and heroines to be comedians (comediennes) thru out each ep for all eps.
There are comedies that go all out for easy laughs, like She was Pretty, at least in the 1st 2 eps that we've seen. It belongs to a popular type of comedy, but it makes me cringe so bad; I can't stand that kind of behavior, so I can't sympathise w her, much less root for her. Thank goodness Twenty Again isn't like that!
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September 19, 2015 at 4:21 AM
I get what you mean. But I guess I still actually find Hyun-seok's actions relatable and understandable. I know that he's supposed to be Nora's friend, but, in the end, if you have residual (and likely now reignited) feelings for someone you think is happily married to someone (who treats them horribly), then sometimes you have to choose yourself over that person. That's the only way to save yourself the hurt. He might not be dealing with it the right way, but I think he isn't doing it solely out of jealousy, but because he doesn't know how to handle the Nora that's willing to live life bending to the will of her undeserving husband. And that's what makes me forgiving of him. Even though I, of course, wish he would just talk to her for once about whats going on in her life...
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September 19, 2015 at 8:34 AM
You've a point about him having to save himself from hurt. However, in my book, it is not okay to hurt someone else just cos you need to save yourself.
My view on his reaction is more in line with Tara's in #20 below, esp. paragraph 3.
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September 19, 2015 at 12:02 PM
I completely agree that you shouldn't hurt someone else in the process and I certainly don't condone his behavior. It's immature, and even he knows that. If he's trying to cut off their friendship before he gets in too deep, then there are certainly much better ways to go about it. Like just having an honest conversation with her!
But he did choose to give her phone back at the end with a genuine hope that she could reconcile with her husband. I consider that a pretty selfless, if misguided gesture. He doesn't want to "accept" her life as it is, but, in the end, he can't help but want her to have it if it makes her happy. That's why I think I enjoy immature and petty Hyun-seok- because he's so ineffectual.
August 25, 2016 at 1:42 AM
His behavior irritates me so much that it's no longer funny. He's too prideful and immature to be a male lead, especially for a kdrama. He needs to understand the virtue of being a consistent human being. Jeez doing something nice out of pity is one of the worst characteristic qualities.
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10 Chandler
September 18, 2015 at 8:59 PM
Yessss! Best ending yet! I've been waiting for her to choose herself over Woo-chul and finally she did it. Can't wait to see where things go from here.
LOL, Nora and Hyun-seok are pretty much the most immature, adorable couple ever at this point and I love it. I did like that he ultimately became sincere at the end again though and actually became concerned about her reconciling with her husband. It made me forgive him for being overly mean at the very beginning.
Ahhh, I really love this drama.
Thanks for the recap, GF.
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11 sammi
September 18, 2015 at 9:00 PM
Ok, talk about being impatient, I waited 4 hours for the sub and it was pretty torturous in my head space.
Yes, I'm also a bit sad that GrumpyPants is back, but at the same time amused at their pettiness. He's what the Japanese would call a tsundere. I love their petty bickering battles, not even at the high school level, but middle school. He's literally the kid who's hurt that his crush doesn't love him back.
Also wth, Yoon Young? You told Hyun Seok like 90% of Nora's business and then held back the last 10%, the most important bit btw, and claimed that you want to respect her privacy?? Er. It's a little late for that don't you think, when her stalker crush totally read her diary without her permission? I suppose it was a convenient plot device to stir up misunderstandings and hijinks. BUT since the silly bickering IS cute, and seems very temporary according to the preview, I'll turn the other way.
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12 pancchi
September 18, 2015 at 9:03 PM
I love this show!!
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Caryn Lum
September 19, 2015 at 4:10 AM
+1 !
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13 susan
September 18, 2015 at 9:20 PM
This show is so well done!
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14 star
September 18, 2015 at 9:28 PM
I can tell you really love this show - from the speed you recap the episodes ^^
I am pleased with the story plot of the drama so far, especially the progress of HNR re-discovering her true self and living for herself now. I don't think she has wasted her 20 years of youth... soon her son KMS will know how awesome his mom had been and is now, and KWC will realise how much he has overlooked the gem in his ex-wife. As for CHS and HNR, I think in ep8, they will be friends again. But I am curious to see how their friendship blossom into love. He missed the chance 20 years ago. I bet he will seize his final chance. It's Now or Never, I think :)
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15 extracheeseplease
September 18, 2015 at 9:32 PM
I'm really not liking mean HS. It's not that I don't understand why he's upset--he's frustrated because he thinks No Ra's going to stay with her ratfink of a husband...and also he's jealous, of course. It's just that his meanness is disproportionate to what's happening.
What makes it even more unacceptable is the fact that HE'S HER PROFESSOR. Acting so mean and petty with a student is not just unethical, it's unprofessional.
I guess what I'm saying is: I miss nice HS and I want him back!
Last note: One of the most tragic things about this show is the fact that, because she was a particularly sheltered housewife, she didn't have an opportunity to build connections outside of the home. MS and her jerk husband have been all she's had for a long time, and this impending divorce is threatening to leave her without a support system.
She can use all the friends she can get, and if HS really cared about her, he would be there for her.
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September 19, 2015 at 10:05 AM
I don't think we're supposed to like mean HS (even he doesn't like mean HS, based on some of his second-guessing) but it is kind of understandable why he is the way he is: he's stuck in the impossible position of being incredibly emotionally involved with a woman who is also his student and is also the wife of his colleague who is cheating on her with the daughter of the chairman... He can't really take action here, the only person who can is Nora, and she's not doing it (that he can see). So HS is kind of losing his mind that the Ha Nora he remembers and loves and is still in there somewhere is being stifled by dutiful Joseon Nora whose husband doesn't even deserve her.
In some ways, his anger and frustration are aimed at the right target, since Nora's the one who's allowed herself to get controlled. But of course expressing that like a teenager is not HS's finest hour.
As for the professor thing - eh, the unethical thing slides a little if there's no age gap and no romantic entanglement, I've seen tons of professors treat a student harshly for a lot of different reasons. If he grades her poorly based on personal stuff, that's the real issue.
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16 jillian
September 18, 2015 at 9:41 PM
I should hate HyunSeok for being an irrational jerk. But his pettiness is absolutely adorable. He just had to vent out his frustrations and jealousy.
I absolutely love Nora! Go Nora! Dont let your self-absorbed jerk of a cheating husband back in ur life. Divorce him. You are better off without him.
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August 25, 2016 at 1:40 AM
Not really. Its not funny and kinda prideful its getting annoying
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17 Denile
September 18, 2015 at 9:45 PM
Hahahaha...Mr. Grumpypants is back but he's met his match. And the preview for the next episode had me rolling my eyes and shrieking 'Tsundere!' (as someone in the comments above already pointed out, he is acting like one)
Ah, Hye-mi, Hye-mi....*fastforwards*
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18 olivia
September 18, 2015 at 9:46 PM
He would keep company with her, if she was just a friend.
Because he still likes her
maybe he's keeping his distance from her.
she is not divorced even though she's not good with her husband these days.
if their love starts before Nora's divorce, their moral will be reproached.
I agree with this;
what he’s really mad about is Nora loving a guy likeWoo-chul.
she acts obediently to woochul, in his sights she still likes or wants her husband
while she doesn't seem to have any feeling to him but as a friend
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September 18, 2015 at 10:03 PM
Dear Ms. Olivia, speaking about Nora's meekness in front of Woo-Chul, in Spanish we have a Mexican song that states "es verdad que la costumbre es más fuerte que el amor" (is true that habit is stronger than love).
I think that as Yoon-Young said, her husband and her son has been everything since she was 18. Think also about the classic Korean "In" concept, where you define yourself not as an individual yearning for liberty and completion (a very modern view of the person that we usually take for granted), but as person with a set of relations that includes a set of obligations (you are you husband's wife -so you must obey him-, you are your son's mother -so you must become an example for him and also educate him-) and you have a very lost Nora, who has lived with these old values and at the end of the day those has been proven pretty obsolete.
She is discovering and embracing not only herself, but also new and empowering values.
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September 18, 2015 at 11:36 PM
thank you FGB4877
I just wanted to say that she just thinks of HS as a friend. HS thinks of her not as a friend as school times.
HS can't be her friend staying closely and improving his feeling for her. he can't flirt her just because he saw her husband was cheating. A lot of couples don't divorce hough a spouse's cheating.
about her meekness, I agree about the classic Korean concept.
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September 18, 2015 at 11:38 PM
thank you FGB4877
I just wanted to say that she just thinks of HS as a friend. HS thinks of her not as a friend as school times.
HS can’t be her friend staying closely and improving his feeling for her. he can’t flirt her just because he saw her husband was cheating. A lot of couples don’t divorce in spite of a spouse’s cheating.
about her meekness, I agree about the classic Korean concept.
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19 mjfan
September 18, 2015 at 9:53 PM
oooooooooooooh , I love this show so much
am opposite you guys , am happy that grumpypants is back coz it gives us all those funny petty battles which I enjoy the most , there is still so much time for caring HS to come back
am also soooooooo proud of Nora this episode , I want her to get rid of this cheating husband so she can freely love HS
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20 Tara
September 18, 2015 at 9:55 PM
I suppose the giddyness of the feels from ep 6 couldn't possibly last...oh well :(
So we are back to Hyun-seok being a petty, immature jerk. I like to say he's crankypants rather than grumpypants (sorry, GF!) because something or another seems to make Hyun-seok cranky, whether it is his fault or someone else's (99.9% his, of course). I just didn't expect him to be so freakin' asinine. Jeez. It's just like No-ra said: she wasn't the one that made him to make it his life quest to fulfill her bucket list! -.- Sometimes I even wonder if it's been twenty years, what maturing he did mentally. As if he reverted back to his high school ways -- nah, he's still a cranky teenager!
His pettiness seems to stem from what he perceives No-ra 'standing by her man' even though he's a cheating scumbag -- but does it really? In what way does it seem like she's doing that? Just because she won't tell Woo-chul things? *headshake* Tsk tsk, Hyun-seok.
Woo-chul, on the other hand, is even crappier than expected. Trying to 'hypnotize' No-ra in her sleep...some psychologist he is! -.- I absolutely loved it when No-ra stood up for herself in the end, and choosing herself and her education over his skeevy self and their 'marriage.'
As for Hye-mi...I knew that she'd take credit for supposedly making the kimbap! That girl...argh. As if being annoying wasn't enough! I was surprised that Min-soo couldn't recognize his mother's sohn-mat, though. Weird, because I would think any child would recognize their mom's cooking.
And are the man!! I loved how he was trying to get the Bounce prez from omitting her from the performance, sticking by her with her jondae, and how he devoured her kimbap -- heehee, looks like he's becoming her fan! :P
Is it too soon to wish cutey-pie Hyun-seok to be back?
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September 19, 2015 at 12:43 AM
Don't be too harsh on Hye mi hahaha I think it was necessary for the writer's part to let her take credit because if she told him the older unni made it and passed to her, Min soo may have been bothered and told her not to eat it, then Nora can't see him happily enjoy her cooking.
I am guessing he and his father have not been eating her cooking lately or often, because how can Woo chul not know she makes great kimbap?? In the previous episode they did such a cruel thing to see her prepare such a big breakfast but leave the house without even thanking her for her time and trouble too... >.<
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September 19, 2015 at 3:52 AM
nah, i think it's better if hyun-seok now gets jealous of soon-nam too....
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September 19, 2015 at 6:58 AM
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21 mjfan
September 18, 2015 at 9:57 PM
and I soooooooo love soo nam , I was expecting for him to be her partner when they said she has none , I want them to dance as a couple faaaaaaaaaaaaaast , listen , show
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22 gaeinalee
September 18, 2015 at 10:00 PM
Oh HS, my dear-immature-halfway in love HS.. how can't I not love thee? No, don't try to decipher your feeling: mix emotion and reaction to NR yet. I don't want your mind blowing pettiness and childishness to end yet.. Keep it going, HS, for my enjoyment ofc. ^^
Thanks for the recap, GF~!
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23 whitewire
September 18, 2015 at 10:00 PM
No current kdrama can get more hilarious and heartwarming than Twenty Again. Tho I have given She Was Pretty a good chance, its 2 eps cannot compare to Twenty Again's eps 1 and 2. Gosh I have missed this style in kdrama.
Hyun-seok and the flowers. Can anything get more adorbs than that?
(Part of me wants Soonam to make a move on Nora. And maaaaake HS utterly jealous. HUHU a student's concern over a student can actually move a professor's heart. Tbh.)
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September 19, 2015 at 12:10 AM
I saw intently the moment HS stares between Nora and soon nam.
And I like the scene when after HS said to sangye "Nora is in my hand", Nora flew into his arms.
"the person is in my hand" is 'I know his pattern very well' 'he's in my area' And she really was.
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24 lolalarue
September 18, 2015 at 10:24 PM
I hate the husband so much, I'm going to have to abandon this if they get back together. Please no.
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September 18, 2015 at 10:29 PM
If they get back together (heaven forbid), it'd be at the very end, then you'll have no chance to abandon show, and everyone would be throwing things at the computer! That'd be our worst nightmare.
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September 18, 2015 at 10:35 PM
Yes, but considering Conservative Korea (TM) it is a very real endgame possibility.
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September 18, 2015 at 11:29 PM
This is what scares me. I'm trying not to get invested in these guys but No Ra and HS are just adorable and cute together. But we are at episode 7 now and there's no turnaround in the husband's character and interest in his wife. I think if they're meant to be endgame the writers wouldn't make him so unlikable for so long. Right? Please?
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September 18, 2015 at 11:31 PM
Excellent point...
September 18, 2015 at 11:32 PM
I don't think this is the kind of story TVN will go for... unlike that last year's theme of divorce stories like Emergency couple where couples that have called it quits suddenly become magically ok again...
I have nothing but contempt for Woo Chul. He has never respected nor appreciated his wife, hence his son never respected her while he was growing up. I hope even his girlfriend/mistress will leave him in the end. She seems harmless enough and I do hope better things for her than this selfish b*stard who only thinks of himself.
There has been no redeeming quality at all!
And our dear grumpypants who is in denial about why he is doing crazy stuff for his 'not-first-love'... I can't wait for him to find out about how wrong he has been and has to grovel to get back into Nora's good graces again....
20 again is about second chances at a new life... This ship MUST SAIL! IT MUST!
Thank you so much for the recap! I can't wait for tonight's episode, which I can only watch tomorrow... aaaaaah... I think I need to watch it RAW.... XD
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Jon G.
September 19, 2015 at 4:18 AM
There is no way in hell -- not even in K-drama -- they will reunite those two for endgame.
I'm 100% certain on that. I'm not really invested in the show, but I'm confident enough to tell you that the way the show is written so far, the only way they go for that ending was if the current writer dies (together with all output, outlines and so on) and is replaced by an intern who has never written any kind of fiction before and who hasn't even watched a K-drama in the last 15 years.
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September 19, 2015 at 1:02 AM
If that happens, then I guess I'll hate this show more than I hate Big.
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September 19, 2015 at 7:39 AM
I have faith in this writer ,Reuniting her with her husband will never be the end game.
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25 nellebean
September 18, 2015 at 10:31 PM
I need more Soon Nam! I was pouting over HS locking up the cell phone, but then I had Soon Nam putting a smile on my face when he admitted that he thought No Ra was cute when she addressed him as Senior. Ack! More admiration for No Ra! This woman needs love- give it to her! ??
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September 18, 2015 at 11:08 PM
Yeh! More Soon Nam please!
More adoration for Nora too!
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September 18, 2015 at 11:15 PM
I love him too! Seems like he has a little tiny crush on Nora.
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26 ⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
September 18, 2015 at 10:40 PM
Regardless how immature CHS is, I still really love him.????
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September 19, 2015 at 12:02 AM
Agree. it makes him cuter that way hahahaha
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27 sargevee
September 18, 2015 at 10:43 PM
"I like that Woo-chul made it an active choice to have one or the other, because it sets her up for the perfectly empowering I-choose-me moment. *fist-pump*"
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September 19, 2015 at 12:02 AM
As an undergrad, I dated sb who was in the last year of medical school, became an intern, and then a full-fledged doctor, a surgeon. On my graduation day, he proposed.
I said: But I'm only 22, not at all ready to marry, plus I'm going to grad school.
He: No wife of mine is going to grad school, to be surrounded by other guys. Marry me and stay at home, or we break up. (This was in L.A., but he could have been from Joseon).
I said: You are asking me to choose between you and I. Isn't it too easy a choice? Bye.
I threw his bouquet of roses on the ground and walked away. It took my mom forever to forgive me, cos I kicked away a Surgoen! Ha.
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September 19, 2015 at 12:50 AM
@KDaddict I say good for you!
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September 19, 2015 at 4:02 AM
Hee hee, that was b4 I discovered KD, or I might say, "Yes, yes, Let me just stay home and watch KD all day every day."
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September 19, 2015 at 10:52 PM
Lol! XD
September 19, 2015 at 1:00 AM
You should tell him " No husband of mine is not going to Hospital to be surrounded by Nurses" btw you did a great job :) *claps*
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September 19, 2015 at 4:05 AM
He was incredibly insecure and possessive to feel threatened that way, wasn't he?
I wouldn't want to marry anyone I can't trust, u know. ?
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Jon G.
September 19, 2015 at 4:12 AM
The good thing about boyfriends is that you can get rid of them when their ideological world-view is incompatible with your own. It's a little bit more complicated with mothers, though ...
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September 19, 2015 at 5:36 AM
Lol! So true about mothers.
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28 olivia
September 18, 2015 at 10:48 PM
I hate those who fall in love easily with a married person.
I think his behavior keeping away is good. besides he felt disappointed in her.
HS shouldn't be the same with woochul who was not restrained himself during marriage.
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29 Momopeach
September 18, 2015 at 11:16 PM
I wonder why DF doesn't have it up yet.
Was a little annoyed with Hye-Mi's lie, but it's nice to see her and Nora getting along. Was much more annoyed at Hyun suk.
" Oh, just admit that you like her!"
I would love to see something with that, even for fun like in a skit i class. Would love to see everyone's faces.
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30 yumii
September 18, 2015 at 11:53 PM
Thanks for recap.
I love that confusion and hilarity ensues now that the real NoRa has come out again.
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31 mjfan
September 19, 2015 at 12:01 AM
I have a question
Is woo chul that Ji sung secretary in kill me heal me ?
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September 19, 2015 at 12:06 AM
Yes he is. haha
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32 Diana
September 19, 2015 at 12:17 AM
What is the name of the song that is played at the end of this drama? It starts with "la la la la.." Thanks :)
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33 jingyo
September 19, 2015 at 12:52 AM
Hmm, methinks soon nam is developing a little crush on No Ra. Did you catch the look he gave her while she was at the dance practice? And the way he rushed to take her stufg when she walked into the officers' meeting? :) excited where that will lead :)
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34 dramalover95
September 19, 2015 at 12:59 AM
The very last line of the preview 'Be well, Cha hyun seok'. Omg, is Nora dropping out of school??? I hope not! I hope that her son will side her in this matter instead of helping his dad to convince her to drop of school, since she was so supportive of her son's relationship with Hye mi...
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35 earthna
September 19, 2015 at 1:00 AM
The whole episode, I just wanted Nora to punch Hyunseok in the face. That's just beyond childish. It's hella annoying.
Not enough Soon-nam! He just wants her to keep the jondae coz he finds her cute. HAHHAHA. I need more!
So glad that the son is slowly but finally!! understanding Mom. He should join that side by now. And why can't Hyemi just say that she got the food from Nora. What a liar. On such a small thing too. Ugh.
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36 fantasy
September 19, 2015 at 1:10 AM
Another great episode specially the climax :) btw what is the average age of getting married in Korea in case of men???
Sometimes I wonder CHS was so much in to his first love that he did not think about dating or marrying in last 20 years??? Even when No Ra was completely out of his sight?? I cant believe he feels betrayed that he doesn't believe in love anymore (or whatever) !!!!
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37 KDaddict?JCW
September 19, 2015 at 1:30 AM
You know who I think is the most amazing, atypical char in this drama?
She is obviously interested in HS. She is his assistant, his sec, his slave; she does all this work for him; has been waiting patiently for him, and one day his old flame appears, and she has to watch him go nuts over her, around her. In any other drama, she'd have been running interference. But here, she goes along cheerfully, to help him help her accomplish her bucket list, and has to take the blame when the flowers aren't cancelled?!
I haven't seen such a benign and magnanimous one-sided crush in all the KDs I've watched. Have you? ???
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September 19, 2015 at 1:48 AM
@KDaddict?JCW I'll have to disagree with you here my friend. The only reason SY was so willing to help HS fulfill NR's bucket list was because like HS, she thought NR only had a few more months to live. To her, someone who's about to die isn't much of a threat.
If I recall correctly, right before she found out that NR was supposedly terminally ill, she actually threw a mini-tantrum about HS' attention directed towards NR. That kind of possessiveness, acting like HS' is hers just rubs me the wrong way. I bet it won't be long before the greened eyed monster makes an appearance.
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Jon G.
September 19, 2015 at 3:43 AM
What about the roses? The way she reacted when she was blamed for not cancelling the whole thing strongly suggested that she did this intentionally. I forgot about the timing here: Did she already know about the terminal illness being a misunderstanding at this point?
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September 19, 2015 at 6:38 PM
I agree, I think she left the order alone to keep him from backing out because she can tell that Hyeon Seok has a crush on No Ra.
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September 19, 2015 at 4:42 AM
Whhhaat. Have to say, completely disagree with this. I think Sang-ye has been wonderful so far and that she will continue to be so. Even if she has some sort of feeling for Hyun-seok, I believe she knows that that's not the nature of their relationship. She's shown genuine care for Nora countless times and didn't even think of treating her differently after she found out the truth(see: the flowers, seemed amused when they weren't cancelled). Sure, maybe a little jealousy will crop up at some point, but I think the drama won't let it affect her character too horribly. She's already been so awesome so far that I just can't see it happening.
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September 19, 2015 at 6:01 AM
idk but from the 1st episode i love interaction betwen HS and SY. Liar Game effect maybe? i love them in Liar Game
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September 19, 2015 at 1:50 AM
Specially when it is a girl but I still can't believe dramas so i will wait for some more EPs to see if she remains the same sane girl :)
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Jon G.
September 19, 2015 at 3:47 AM
The male lead in "A Perfect Neighbour" (2007). On the female side though ...
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September 19, 2015 at 3:56 AM
@dramapenchant, Long time no see. Where've u been? ??
I was ok w that bit of possessiveness u mentioned, cos she has been lying in wait for him for years, so it wash;t too overboard; plus it's a telltale sign for us of where her heart lies.
@fantasy is right.
So far Sang-ye has been quite sane. We'll see what lies in wait for her in future eps and for us.
I won't be surprised if I've spoken too soon.
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September 19, 2015 at 10:10 AM
I really like the way SY is being handled too. She comes across as someone who views HS as someone who's right on the verge of friendship and dating, but she's not actually looking to push on that boundary. If he suddenly said "let's date" she would consider it, but otherwise she's happy to be his friend. Seeing him so interested in Nora, SY appears to be happy to try and help out, since it's so important to HS and she's his friend.
I hope that dynamic doesn't change because it's a very real one in the world: the Girl Friday who could have been the girlfriend but never was, and is way too cool to get knotted up about it and just continues being an awesome friend.
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38 SuziQ
September 19, 2015 at 2:21 AM
I'm glad they're finally got the "dying" part over with. Hyun Suk's reaction of grabbing her and being so happy was heart warming, but he reverted to his "grumpy pants" personae to poor No Ra. She can really push his buttons even after 20 years.
The car chase was cute. I liked especially when No Ra gave him the "nasty" hand gesture when he drove away. Feisty No Ra has returned from her meek mousy self.
I was frustrated that Min Soo's girlfriend took credit for making of the kimbap. She should have told the truth and just said a friend gave it to her. Why is Min Soo so dense he doesn't even recognize his Mom's food? He's eaten it for 18 years. I'm waiting for Hye Mi to get tripped up in her lies.
Woo Chul is despicable. He has been cheating on No Ra for 4 years. Now he thinks he can have No Ra and his mistress at the same time. "Fist pump" when No Ra told him to take this life and shove it.
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39 scully
September 19, 2015 at 2:43 AM
"It’s pretty hilarious to watch him and Nora in this new dynamic, where they’re so caught up in the game of one-upping each other that it doesn’t even matter that what they’re mad about makes no sense."
LOOOL my thoughts exactly!
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40 dedeact
September 19, 2015 at 2:47 AM
Can't say more, I am becoming addicted to this series. Just love it. But curious why the rating is so low? I mean some of the dramas hit 10% or more, if not mistaken it is around 4,..%/5,..%. The rating not align with the people preference?
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Jon G.
September 19, 2015 at 3:39 AM
The ratings are fantastic for tvN, being a cable channel. Behind "Misaeng" and and "Oh My Ghostess", its the most successful show for this company. It's definitely over-performing rather than under-performing.
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September 19, 2015 at 4:26 AM
They made ratings promise on 3% rating before starting the show (meaning even reaching 3% is great). Now they are 4, 5% -which is awesome.
This is what Lee BumSoo said about his drama 'Last' which just ended-
"Our drama (Last) had about 1.7% ratings but this was the first time I did the cable, so I could not guess how popular that meant. Interesting thing is that I got the same feedback as the time when I did the main station dramas. This was only 1.7%, but young guys came screaming 'He is Kwak Heung-sam!' and asked me to sign for them. The response was even better than when I did 'Iris' or 'Triangle'. I was so very happy."
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September 19, 2015 at 4:29 AM
The scene Woo-chul hovers by Nora's bed, repeating 'Quit school' over and over made me laugh loud. I had a co-worker who said he chanted/repeated 'Leave home' hovering on his grown daughter when she was sleeping.
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September 19, 2015 at 10:42 AM
lol I'd be the one person going "HOLY CRAP IT'S VERSAILLES YOO!"
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41 HotIce
September 19, 2015 at 3:15 AM
This drama actually has pretty high ratings for a cable channel
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42 Jon G.
September 19, 2015 at 3:36 AM
"Twenty Again"? More like "Still Twelve" ...
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September 19, 2015 at 4:46 AM
Pffffffffft. This comment. Just great.
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September 19, 2015 at 4:59 AM
+1 :D
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September 19, 2015 at 7:18 AM
+1 :)
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43 plumwine
September 19, 2015 at 5:04 AM
Yes! Yes! YES!!! She agreed to the divorce instead of quitting school! I'm soooo happy! (why- when this is just a show?). Now to read the recap.
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44 growingbeautifully
September 19, 2015 at 5:35 AM
Thanks GF!
Awww... I thought this would be the episode of many dimples *sob!* So quickly they disappeared and Hyun Seok has to go around looking like he pooped in his grumpypants! *big frown*
My fave scene: the almost meeting of Woo Chul with Hye Mi, and of Min Soo and Yi Jin, and the consternation of Woo Chul and Yi Jin. In fact I loved all the times that Woo Chul was taken aback by close calls and driven by desperation to be a stalker and to try to cut a deal with his wife. Serves him right! :D
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45 plumwine
September 19, 2015 at 5:52 AM
Thanks GirlFriday for your speedy and excellent recap. I really enjoyed your comments als.
I have to say I like that Hyun Suk has returned to being grumpy. Besides the antics, I think it leaves NoRa completely on her own. This means that she is making the decision for getting a divorce without any support besides her one girlfriend. She has no idea her son may be coming to realize what an awesome person she is. She has no 'hero' in the wings ready to rescue her. No connections for jobs or work. Yes, Soon Nam and the other students are being nice, but in no way are any of them in a position to help her emotionally or financially. So, as a plot point and to live up to the title (although Jon G. May be right about 12) I am glad Hyun Suk is being petty. Although I do look forward to the sweet returning.
I'm just really glad she agreed to the divorce.