Twenty Again: Episode 6

Aw, I love this episode, which is all sorts of feel-good and satisfying. I love a drama where most of the characters are decent people who come through, and it’s especially satisfying to see that Nora has more people who’ll come through for her than she’d thought. And it’s better still to see that more than saving damsels in distress at key moments, this drama’s really more about giving those damsels the tools to help themselves. Maybe it’s the less dramatic option, but ever so much more useful in the real world.


Yoo Sung-eun – “오유야유” from the Twenty Again OST [ Download ]

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Nora sees her husband with his girlfriend at the theater, and is stunned speechless. She watches Woo-chul carrying Yi-jin’s purse and sliding his around her waist, and then Hyun-seok arrives and claps a hand over her eyes.

Not that it helps, because she’s seen enough to realize the truth. She pushes Hyun-seok aside and goes back for a second look, and it’s unmistakable.

Nora hurries out before she’s seen, and Hyun-seok follows her outside. She’s so stunned she barely registers him, making up an excuse about needing to meet Yoon-young.

Nora leaves deep in thought, thinking to the incident in 2011 when Woo-chul had brought up, seemingly out of the blue, how ill-matched they were as a couple. He says she must be tired of trying to match his preferences, and although she replies that it isn’t difficult for her, he asks, “Can’t we split up?” He’s tired of always teaching her everything, and while he credits her for trying hard, he but feels they’re ill-suited.

Then we jump to 2013, after the couple finally decides to divorce upon Min-soo’s university enrollment. Yoon-young speculates that Woo-chul has another woman on the side, but Nora doesn’t think so—he’s never spent a night out, and he’s always answered his office phone at night, even when she called from a pay phone. Nora sighs that he must really just be that tired of living with her ignorance, while Yoon-young exclaims that it’s his fault she never went to college.

As Nora walks home, Hyun-seok follows slowly in his car, watching in concern when she suddenly bursts into laughter. He worries that the shock made her snap.

Yoon-young calls and hears the story, and is appropriately angry on Nora’s behalf. She asks why Nora ran away, though, and Nora confesses that she was afraid of confronting Woo-chul—her husband and son have been her whole world since she was eighteen, and the idea of being all alone terrified her. Nora breaks down in sobs, and Yoon-young is on the verge of tears herself. Behind them at a distance, Hyun-seok watches.

He’s in a stormy mood when he returns to his office. Sang-ye apologizes for stepping in and guesses that Woo-chul is having an affair. Hyun-seok says he’d wanted to let Nora die with her love for her husband intact, upset that he couldn’t make that happen: “How could I make her die the world’s most pitiful woman?”

Sang-ye asks what they can do now, and he replies that he has to help her do everything else on her list.

Woo-chul sits Nora down at home that night for one more attempt to get her to quit school and divorce him. He hands her an envelope of the month’s living expenses, explaining that he will continue to provide for her until June, when their contract stipulates that they divorce. But her tuition—that, he has no intention of paying.

He reminds her that if she breaks the contract, she won’t get the store they own, which they’d agreed to give her in the divorce. On the other hand, if she quits school and fulfills the contract, she’ll get the store and the apartment initially agreed upon. She glares and thinks privately that she knows why he’s doing this, while Woo-chul speaks in an infuriatingly calm, reasonable tone about how Nora should do the practical thing.

As Nora pounds away at a dried fish in the kitchen, Woo-chul starts in again about how this is all for the best and how she shouldn’t cling foolishly to water that’s already been spilled. She asks pointedly if he’s having an affair, which puts him on the defensive. Flustered, he just complains about the fish nobody’s going to eat, and she snaps, “I’m going to eat it!” Furthermore, she says she’ll think over his terms and dismisses him firmly, and her assertiveness isn’t something he’s used to seeing. I love that knowing the truth is making her sassy.

In the morning, Hyun-seok watches Nora arriving at school, with her husband and son each arriving separately. He approaches Woo-chul and asks how he and Nora liked the performance last night, pretending to think they went together. He balls his fist when Woo-chul lies that he gave the tickets away, but sees Nora in the distance and cuts the conversation short.

He finds her at her locker and asks about last night, but she gives a vague answer and excuses herself because she’s on cleaning duty for her dance club. He follows her there (of course he follows her—I mean, he’s adorable, but also totally a stalker now) and assumes she’s taking out her frustrations by working, which makes him worry about her health.

Hyun-seok calls Yi-jin as she’s on her way to school, asking to see her right away and making her wonder at his continued interest all of a sudden. Her father, the important school board director, sees Hyun-seok as potential match material for Yi-jin, whom he’s pressuring to marry, even if Hyun-seok’s family background is a little lacking for his tastes.

When Hyun-seok greets them, director dad asks if he’s still unmarried, and Hyun-seok plays along as though he’d be happy to be set up on a date. Dad asks what his ideal type is, and Hyun-seok looks at Yi-jin for a pointed moment, and then answers that she’s married to Professor Kim Woo-chul. Haha. He says that was in the past and they’re just friends now, sighing that he missed his chance to pursue her in high school.

Min-soo finds a note tucked into his book at the library, which turns out to be Nora’s map of campus that she’d been using to avoid running into both Min-soo and Woo-chul. She tells him she won’t get in his way and tells him not to worry, apologizing again.

In the marriage class, the photos from the homework assignment are shown, and Nora takes particular interest in Hye-mi, now that she knows she’s Min-soo’s girlfriend. She thinks proudly that her son did well on that front, though I’d beg to differ.

Yi-jin explains how in making them simulate couple scenarios, the class encountered issues real couples face, like disagreeing on preferences. She explains that the next partner assignment will focus on the differences between men and women. After class, Min-soo arrives to meet Hye-mi, and casually asks about the older student in the department. Hye-mi just says she’s not very close to her or interested, and Min-soo doesn’t ask further.

Nora finds her new friend Seung-hyun looking up part-time jobs, and is amazed to hear that she works three jobs and is putting herself through college. She asks if there might be any jobs open to people her age.

Hyun-seok calls Yoon-young to ask for her help, and explains how he saw Nora’s notebook and the will she wrote to her son. He wants to help her fulfill the items on her bucket list, and Yoon-young realizes that he must not know that the diagnosis was wrong. And like the awesome best friend she is, she decides, “I’ve got you now.” Muahaha.

Nora arrives on campus wondering why there are so many high school uniforms around, just as she spots Yoon-young waiting for her—dressed in her old high school uniform. She drags Nora off to change too, since April Fool’s at college means the students wear their high school uniforms, and she’s a proper college student too.

Better yet, waiting for them is Hyun-seok in his own uniform, looking uncannily like his teenage self. Oh, this is so great. They are too cute for words.

Yoon-young plays this off like it was her idea, saying she threatened Hyun-seok into participating. Despite her embarrassment, Nora lets her friends lead her away to have fun for the day.

As they head out, Woo-chul drives in and stares at the trio, agog. Hee, I love that Hyun-seok makes eye contact as he purposely slings an arm around each friend, and Woo-chul’s eyes bug out of his head.

Hyun-seok takes them to their old high school, where they’re met by a fourth classmate—Dong-chul, who used to eat off their plates at Grandma’s ddukbokki restaurant (and who, I believe, runs the ddukbokki stand now).

Nora looks nostalgically at her old school, imagining her teenage self here in the hallways. Hyun-seok gets caught in a memory of his teenage self being berated by the teacher for being too unconventional, then pushed around by other students. Adult Hyun-seok follows Teenage Hyun-seok outside to his old resting spot, which is also where the girls had their hair-pulling fight.

Teenage Hyun-seok had been reading here when he’d seen that fight, and had been ready to step in when Nora had stood up for herself just fine. He’d been impressed with her pluck, and had taken to visiting Grandma’s shop regularly.

He’s pulled out of his flashback by Nora, who calls him over to pull childish pranks on him. In a flash, he imagines them as eighteen again, laughing over silly jokes, insisting he was just letting Nora think she tricked him. While Dong-chul fluffs his ego by saying he grew up really impressive, Nora sneaks up behind him to trip him.

They take a series of the most adorable sel-cas ever, and then walk through the neighborhood looking for Nora’s grandma’s old restaurant. There’s been so much change that she’s worried won’t be able to find it. But when she rounds a corner, she sees the old location (albeit transformed into a modern high-rise) and is flooded with memories.

Flashback. Teenage Nora assures Grandma that once she starts school, she’ll bring all her classmates here to eat, but it’s Grandma who tells her to keep their relationship a secret. She’s heard that a lot of Seoul arts school kids are rich brats, and doesn’t want Nora to suffer for being poor. Grandma tells her to pretend she doesn’t know her, to Nora’s horror, and says that the eyes and heart can say what the words can’t.

These thoughts spur tears in Nora now, but Hyun-seok lightens the mood by poking her face and leading the group away for the day’s finale event.

Woo-chul is distracted through his drive with Yi-jin, and his preoccupation has her in a snit. When he suggests driving to a certain location, she asks pointedly, “Why, does your legal owner like it there?” She also asks why he never mentioned that Hyun-seok and Nora were friends.

Woo-chul assures her that he’s never had an interest in his wife’s friends before, and Yi-jin sighs that it feels like their future plans are growing farther away. Woo-chul declares that he’s putting all his focus on the matter… just as his mind drifts to Nora looking chummy with Hyun-seok.

Min-soo accompanies Hye-mi to a club, not knowing that farther back in line, his mother’s waiting to get in as well. Hyun-seok unsuccessfully tries to convince the bouncer that Nora is really a freshman, and even a bribe gets rejected firmly. Nora wonders why Hyun-seok is so insistent on getting in, and Yoon-young replies, “You wanted to go” before covering up for her slip.

Nora suggests they just go somewhere else, but Hyun-seok insists, “No, you have to do the things you want to now, or you might never get to.” She agrees with that, and Dong-chul suggests a different place.

On the dance floor, Hye-mi gets all into the dancing while Min-soo feels uncomfortable and excuses himself to hang out at the bar. That leaves Hye-mi dancing by herself, and when a boy comes up to her, she shoots the boyfriend a huffy glance and continues dancing, to Min-soo’s ire.

Ha, Dong-chul takes them to a much less hip club, but it’s blaring old-school ’90s kpop, and they jump into the dancing. This was totally a better choice anyway, I’m just sayin’.

Back at the trendy club, Min-soo is pretty drunk by the time he decides to get on the dance floor, and when Hye-mi suggests they leave since he clearly doesn’t enjoy dancing, he insists he’s going to dance. He watches dancer boy’s feet closely and mimics the movements, and finds that he can follow along pretty well after all. Hye-mi lights up and joins him in the dance. I still really don’t care about this couple, but better dancing than acting, I say.

Club Old-School ends on a high note too, and the four friends head to the bus stop feeling great. Yoon-young and Dong-chul are insistent on taking the bus home like proper high schoolers despite the embarrassment, and head off together.

Nora and Hyun-seok take the next bus, where their uniforms draw strange looks from the other passengers. Nora shuffles behind Hyun-seok to hide, and when the bus suddenly stops, she grabs him in an inadvertent back-hug to keep from falling. She apologizes and quickly lets go, though he sure doesn’t seem unaffected. Then he watches her reflection in the window, noting how she smiles in contentment.

At home, Woo-chul eyes the clock darkly and wonders why Nora’s so late. He thinks back to seeing the three friends leaving school, and wonders what Hyun-seok’s smirk meant.

As Hyun-seok walks Nora home, she sighs that today being April Fool’s must be why the entire day felt “like a lie.” Not fake, but like something unreal. She wonders wistfully, “Will I have another day like this again?” She tells him that she remembers everything now, and that she must have been suppressing those memories: “It would just make me long for those days again, and go back. All this while, I…”

She finishes the thought in her own head: “Living was so overwhelming, and lonely, and difficult.”

Out loud, she just thanks him for the day. He says gruffly that he didn’t do it for her—he wanted to do it, and she just got roped into it.

Nora adds that of everything, he’s “the most like a lie”—he changed so much. He asks, “I got really cool, didn’t I?” She shakes her head, saying, “No, twenty years ago, when you were directing you were cool.”

He looks at her curiously. Nora says, “Whether you wanted to do it or not, to me, it was an unforgettable gift. So I’ll forgive you for being mean at first.”

She thanks him again for the day and skips inside happily. Watching, Hyun-seok says she ought to have lived like today the whole time.

Nora arrives at the elevator just after Min-soo does, and he gapes at the sight of Mom in her old uniform. He’s nervous enough about himself, since he skipped studying to go play, and together mother and son go tiptoeing inside. They get caught together, heh, and Woo-chul is startled at the sight of them sneaking in together.

Nora explains that it was uniform day, and when Woo-chul asks where she was, she says plainly, “At a club.” Min-soo’s shocked too, and she tells him to try clubbing because it’s really fun. When Dad balks, she replies, “Playing for one day doesn’t ruin the whole year. There’s a time for playing, too.”

Hyun-seok flips through the photos shot today and wonders sadly, “Are you… going to die like this?”

Nora, meanwhile, draws more cartoon additions to her notebook, this time drawing Hyun-seok all cool in his sunglasses and uniform. She flips back to the angry picture where he’s being punched in the face and realizes that she hasn’t asked him yet why he was so mean to her at first. Then she figures that it just matters that they’re friends again.

The next day, Nora gets busy on her job hunt, though she gets turned down when she tells them her age up-front. On the upside, Seung-hyun calls asking if she’s still looking.

Over at Dong-chul’s ddukbokki shop (which bears the same name as Grandma’s shop from back in the day), Hyun-seok chides Dong-chul for being inattentive to the sauce. Which, by the way, was Grandma’s secret sauce, which he credits for getting him out of debt. Dong-chul sighs that he wants to go back to acting though, and Hyun-seok encourages him to pursue what he loves until Dong-chul reminds him that it would mean giving up the shop and never tasting Grandma’s ddukbokki again.

Dong-chul asks why Hyun-seok didn’t tell Nora about the shop or Grandma’s funeral. Hyun-seok just replies that the truth will become known in due time.

Hyun-seok calls Nora to his office for work that evening, and lays out the ddukbokki in preparation. Aw, that’s cute. But when he calls, she’s busy at her new part-time job and forgot about their meeting. He demands to know where it is, and storms into the convenience store where she’s being trained on clerking, grabbing her wrist and pulling her outside.

She’s utterly confused as he faces her with frustration, saying that he really intended to let her go without asking anything. But why is she spending her time working—and why does she have to work in the first place—when she’s short on time already and should be filling it with all the things she wants to do?

She finally gets some idea when he says she only has six months, and that pancreatic cancer is really painful. He admits that he knows, and asks why she’s doing all this.

Nora replies, “I’m not dying!” His eyes widen. “That was a misdiagnosis,” she explains.

His mouth drops open. “You’re not dying? You’re… not dying? You’re not dying?

His eyes get bigger and bigger and he bursts out, “Ha Nora, you awful girl!” He grabs her arms and goes through about a dozen emotions at once, looking upset and tearful and exasperated, while all she can do is say she’s sorry.

But then he breaks into a relieved smile and grabs her in a tight hug.


All together now: Awwww. I love Hyun-seok so much. So much! At the outset he certainly acted like a jackass, but I have to give him a ton of props for the way he’s handled Nora’s (supposed) terminal illness, and for putting herself first, always. And his reaction to the truth was both hilarious and nicely understated for the lack of drama involved. I cracked up at how many emotional miles he traveled in that last thirty seconds, going through frustration and disbelief and irritation all the way through to relief and gratitude in superspeed, and was gratified that in the end, all of that melted into just plain ol’ happiness. Because at the end of the day, Nora’s not dying, and that’s what matters.

I love that we got the friends together for the trip down memory lane, because it just adds to the reminder that Nora was once a totally different, vibrant person. I like that Hyun-seok draws that person out of the current Nora, but it’s nicer still to see that she still has a gang. It’s not just one person who loves her—she has a whole circle.

Her fear at confronting her husband about his affair rang true, because she’s only been a housewife for twenty years and has very few friends. But she’s building herself a support system, and that, to me, is more valuable and important than if Hyun-seok were to swoop in and solve her problems. It’s the whole teach a man to fish lesson in action, and that’s what makes him such a good friend. I mean, I’m sure I’ll love him as the love interest too (frankly we haven’t seen much of that yet—get on that, Twenty Again!), but this episode was particularly gratifying for the friendship angle, and for the small steps she’s taking to establish independence.

It’s important, too, that Hyun-seok sees Nora for herself, and that doesn’t mean just the person she presents to the world but all the stuff underneath and in between the lines. Not that I think that others are at fault for not seeing what Hyun-seok sees—he has additional information, while people in Nora’s current life don’t. We can take issue with Woo-chul for a lot of things but I don’t blame him for feeling distant and unconnected to Nora all these years, because she hasn’t been showing him her true self—and given that she got pregnant during something of a fling (they weren’t dating, hadn’t known each other for long), I doubt Woo-chul has ever truly known Nora. Nor has he cared to try. It’s no wonder the recent changes are keeping him off-kilter, because as far as he knows, this is all coming out of nowhere.

It’s Hyun-seok who sees the bigger picture, seeing how she’s lived in a state of emotional stasis for twenty years, suppressing everything about herself because she valued her husband and child more. I was almost about to be annoyed that he wrist-grabbed her out of the store at the end (I know Korea still finds wrist-grabbing romantic, but by god, I refuse to give in on that score), but I found his outburst touching because it was, again, motivated by doing the best thing for her. I believe that if it were possible, he’d fulfill all of Nora’s wishes without her ever knowing of his existence, completely out of sight if he could swing it, like the world’s crankiest fairy god-stalker. Well, I suppose he may have to give up the stalking now that he knows the truth. If he doesn’t have to sneak-help her anymore, can they just skip straight to the smoochy bits? They’ve got twenty years of catching up to do! Chop chop.


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yes! thank you!

each episode just gets better and better! i loved the last episode already, and this one was even better! cha hyun seok is just so touching in his gruff, but secretly caring way. now that all the secrets are out, i can't wait to see what will happen next! :D


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Ah! lee sang yoon when he is grumpy his eyes are awesome & when he smiles his dimples kill me(in his uniform I was laughing & couldn't resist his charm) ,That is for look . The difference in his acting the way he handles woo chul outright saying that he just interested in nora & not his marriage & Yi-jin ,I couldn't stop laughing when he said to her father that his ideal type is woo chul's wife haha.

i was annoyed the way woo chul break out on nora like that but when she started beating the fish instead of crying & his reaction to that as if he is beating him was hilarious. Love all the characters (Except for son & his girlfriend ,I don't even care to hate)

PS - I missed sam-soon for this episode but Lee sang yoon pretty much filled the gap (not to mention all of their hilarious dancing)


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as if she * is beating


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i'm just beginning to realize the potential her son has as a comrade as he begins to live his college life and she begins to catch up to hers and they sneak around together in solidarity against the dictatorial father/husband. it's made for hilarity! xD i can see them totally bonding as besties in face of the unreasonable authority figure :D so glad this drama is living up to its cracktastic potential. the writing has not disappointed me once, all its painful build ups are now paying off and how :D


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This show just leaves me with a big dumb grin on my face every time. I love (most of) the characters so much.


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I am so thrilled that this show is progressing so rapidly. Now that most of the misunderstandings are out of the way we can continue with NoRa's reawakening and the development of NoRa and Cha Hyun Seok's relationship. I assume this will take some time because No Ra has never realized how awesome he is, but hopefully she will soon.


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hmm Nora knows Hyun-seok is awesome~ she just never knew he was interested in her in high school. I just want them to be together asap! Forget conflict~ gimme the cute childish couple. I hope we get lots of romance from this show and not the "they get together in last episode happy ending" thing. Though honestly I wouldn't mind watching Nora grow an be strong again like she was as a teen, instead of the meek person she turned into. But it helps when you have an adorable friend/stalker like Hyun-seok helping her.


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and be strong*


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Yes! I like that she nonchalantly told him she already knew he's cool. That was a mini revelation that probably made Hyun-seok fall for her even more.

But Nora has so much to sort out on her own before she can love again! I'm torn too since I also really want them to get together already. That sweet accidental back hug and reflection watching scene was too cute.


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same here... never expected a kdrama to resolve all its misunderstandings so quickly instead of milking it for 3/4ths of its length.. this is simply refreshing, just 5 eps down and already there's hardly any secrets left, how will they generate any drama going forward?! lol but i am totally loving this - the writing, the cast, the direction, the whole package. thank god for tvn :D


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I love that the whole misunderstandings solved so quickly! Actually, I loveeeee this episode period. In addition that the young couple didn't get that much air time, which is also a huge plus for me! I like that the son and mom sneaked back in together, that was really funny!


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Thanks for the recaps!


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I second that!!!


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haha +1!!!!!!!


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I KNOW! I want to binge watch it, but I have to wait every week instead. It kills me! I keep counting down the days every week.


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Lol, I keep thinking that! I want to stop watching so I can watch it all at once, but I can't keep myself from watching!


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Lol, yup, I'm stuck on the recaps because of it...


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I KNOW right?? If TvN got its own pay channel in the US with subtitles I would sign right up.


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I lost it when he started shaking... I mean, dancing. He's way too funny. And do we even have to talk about him wearing that uniform and sunglasses? Someone call the doctor!

That ending was so cute! I so agree! At the end of the day, what matters is Nora's not dying and you can see that on Hyunseok's face. Ahh, if it's not love, what is?

So glad that Nora's experiencing everything that she missed in the past 20 years. Can we just get the divorce over with now? I'm gonna strangle Woochul, like really. He cheats on his wife for 3 years and now he's being overprotective coz Hyunseok's in the picture? As if he just wants Nora to be left aalone so he's not happy that Nora actually has people who loves her. Pft.

Thanks for the recaps, javabeans!


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Lee Sang Yoon dancing is the cutest thing ever


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this drama is honestly so cute; it might not be complex or whatever but it definitely explores the intrinsic relationships in families and in love!

+ choi ji woo slayed me in suspicious housekeeper so it's interesting to see her portray someone clumsy and carefree and just ugh feels.


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This episode makes me so happppyyyy!

I really do love the approach to this drama, and I really love how things are progressing. I appreciate that the little steps Nora is taking to be more like herself again, and I'm so grateful for her budding support system.

And Hyun-seok! He's so adorably grumpy with the mushiest marshmallow heart, I swear. I love the way the reveal was done, and I do love how Hyun-seok reacted. So much win.

Thank you JB and GF for the recaps! I'm looking forward to next week! <3


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Hehehehehehe...I've been stuck in a permanent giggle fit since I finished this episode 5 hours ago. Someone tell me how I'm supposed to wait until next week. Not gonna lie, I'm pretty crazy in love with this show right now! It's literally happiness to me.

Hyun-seok, just what are you?! How can you be so awesome and adorable! Ahhhh. And No-ra is just coming to life again and it is the loveliest thing to see. The pain in this episode was all a necessary stepping stone for her to begin grabbing hold of her own happiness and I can just feel that it's only going to get better and better from here.

Now just more Soon-nam next episode please!

Thanks for the recap, JB.


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Her pain in this ep...

She finds out her husband has been having an affair. Personally, I don't think it should come as that much of a surprise or pain, cos they said a couple times that they've been "living as a divorced couple for 2 years now". Well, I'd expect a husband who is not sleeping w his wife, and is constantly urging for divorce to have a gf somewhere.

First, she finds out he has a gf; then she has to find out who it is. Might piss her off big time.

Precious Son also needs to find out, one or both of these facts, so that he can see his father for what he really is. I guess that awe and respect he has for his prof dad might shrink a little or a lot. He might even come over to his mom's side then. Wouldn't that be nice?

Yi Jin will also needs to find out who his wife is. That Nora is pretty, sweet n cool. Shouldn't that throw a monkey wrench into their affair? HA.


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Well, I think the drama did a good job of portraying why it was still shocking and painful for her. She even pretty much explains why she's been in denial these past few years, so it makes sense to me. She expected that he might have another woman at first, but his behavior convinced her that he might not, and she probably just wanted to believe in that.

Really, we can see that she's been mentally protecting herself from a lot of harsh realities for a while now. I think what really upsets her is that the affair is his biggest reason for ruining her chances of going to college, and that's what really hurts. It's one thing when he wanted a divorce, but now he actively wants to ruin her dream, in order to preserve the perfect plan for his life without her. That shows such a lack of consideration on his part, that it's pretty unforgivable for me.

I hope the writers have Min-soo find out everything soon because right now it's his obliviousness that's preventing him from real growth. I think that's the biggest reason why I can't connect or feel for his character.

Lol, yes! I can't wait to see the fall-out with Yi-jin. We can already see that things are going to go way south for them!


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Wait... Does Yijin not know that Woochul's wife is Nora? I had always assumed she did which made me wonder how she could keep her interactions with Nora so civil.


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no she doesn't know. to her nora is just a strangely old student. she's only knows woochul's wife from his own accounts


Can I ask? What is the point of Min-soo and Hye-Mi storyline? Seriously, what?

I have seen some say that the son's relationship is supposed to show us how he grows since Min-soo's role model in how women should be treated has been his father and we all see how his father treats Nora.

But the son and his girlfriend are one of the most annoying aspects of this show...I wonder if it would have been better if the son was dating that girl (the one who recorded the pervy prof) who always helps Nora. I just do not know


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(Though in all seriousness, I do wonder if this relationship would be more effective if it were better acted. They're just so bad.)


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Just changing the actors would solve the problem.

What is Jisoo played the role of the son.



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true the character is believable and you can begin to see the glimmers of potential for growth, but the boy and his gf's acting is really stiff.. very unnatural, and the dialogue delivery cringeworthy. so all the hate goes to the characters, which is only fair, since actors have responsibility for their characters


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Hye-Mi = Yi-jin
Seung-hyun = Nora

Min-soo will end up with Seung-hyun...


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I would like that....but that only depends on his character development because I would rather ship Seunh-hyun at this moment with Nora's male partner (the one from the dance club) coz the son is truly annoying


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Hye-Mi = Yi-jin
Seung-hyun = Nora

Min-soo will end up with Seung-hyun-----

I see tha

but I'm not sure Hye-Mi has earned YiJi hypocricy as yet.

I see Min-soo as NoRa then I see
Hye-Mi = WooChul and
Seung-Hyun and Hyun Suk


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Both Hye-Mi and Yi-jin are manipulative and controlling. Hye-Mi setup her photo shoot where she knew Min-soo would she them taking pictures. The pictures were deliberately over the top to get his attention. The fight was staged to force him to concede to her demands. A normal girlfriend would have talked honestly to her boyfriend and come to a reasonable compromise. Yi-jin very much controls Woo-chul sometimes even using subtle threats. She states in the restaurant that her father could close it down if they lied to her that fish was fresh caught. She controls him by dangling the carrot of "success" in front of his greedy eyes. She has everything planned out.

Seung-hyun is the student Nora would have been if she had been able to attend college at twenty. She is diligent, honest and hard working. She has three part-time jobs. Nora would have had to work her way through college the same way. She was the only one gutsy enough to video her fellow students being harassed. This was somewhat similar to the spirit shown during the "hair" fight.


My wild, crazy idea is that Min-soo's romantic relationship is meant to parallel his father's. He will make the correct choice in the end and will be happy. His father will make the wrong choice and will be miserable.


I don't think your insight that Minsoo's relationship is meant to parallel his father's is far out or crazy. It's a parallel that often happens in stories. I see that, and I also see that his relationship can parallel either parent's romantic choices. And because 2ndx20 is NoRa's story, that parallel caught my attention a little more.

So both analogies work for me.

I see only one works for you.

While I'm not particularly impressed with MinSoo he strikes me more as naive and sheltered than conniving and manipulative, which is how I see WooChul.

I really like the Seung-Hyun's sense of fair play and down to earth nature. Therefore to me she can be seen as either NoRa or Hyun Suk, because those characters have highly developed sense of fair play and are generous in their relationships.

I see Hye-Mi as being very focused on what she wants, which is not a bad characteristic in people. NoRa would have been better off is she had kept her personal ambitions in sight. But when focused on without consideration on how the affect your partner, you have a potential WooChul or YiJi.

That's all I meant.


Now I see said the blind man...

I was not sharp enough to understand the short version, but thanks to your expanded explanation I now see your point. Sorry for the bad pun. I had only seen the one analogy, but now agree they both work for me too. Thank you...





I think I put my brain on autopilot when their scenes come on. Naeun's acting was bearable up until last episode where she had the emotional fight with Minsoo and then I just could not make excuses for her anymore because it was so not emotive. Minsoo ... at least he doesn't have any strong emotional beats, but his character is seriously lacking. I think a college student should have more respect for his parents by this point, so no excuses for his poor treatment of his mom!

But less them and more Hyunsuk/Nora please.


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The boy who acted as Min Soo can't really act either...he's pretty cringeworthy. I mean they chose such good young actors for the young No Ra and the gang, how come...how come..?


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I think that they will serve a purpose for Nora's storyline.

I expect that by the end of the show - she will teach her son a value that is opposite to his father's - that college is not just job prep. It's meant to be enjoyed as well. This was the foreshadowing at the beginning with the performances.

Because the son mirrors the father and his girlfriend mirrors Nora, there is an opportunity to 'change' the course of a somewhat similar relationship. So, this will be symbolic.

My guess is that the mother and son will bond over dancing.

In gaining her son's respect, Nora will find value in her decisions of 20 years ago - even if they created pain in her life now.

And, somehow the sacrifice of the grandmother and the sacrifice of Nora will bear fruit in a happy son. There's a little mystery here surrounding the grandmother. I look forward to seeing what it is.

So basically - I think that the son/girlfriend arc and its effect on Nora's growth could potentially be the gravitas to balance her playful love story.

That's what the set-up looks like to me...


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Hi Susan ??

I was thinking that Min Soo's ability to pickup dancing is the innate talent he got from his mum. I'd really love for them to discover the love of dance in each other and to bond. From the way Min Soo fears his dad's disapproval and had that college contract with him, I get the impression Min Soo didn't have much of a carefree youth. I agree with you and feel that mum will be the one to show Min Soo the way to enjoy college.

There are 2 mysteries that I can think of.

1) Why does Min Soo not even try with his mum? I've noted so many shows where kids are shown to be attached to their parents, no matter how unworthy of attachment they are. What is it that No Ra apologises for so much.

2) What happened to her grandmother when she got pregnant and moved to Germany. I am thinking Hyun Suk would have run over to grandma's to look for No Ra when she first disappeared and may have kept in touch with her. He would also have been around when Dong Chul took over the ddukbokki restaurant. But he seems to be keeping this from No Ra.

Aren't we glad to have a nice show, full of engaging characters with lots of potential growth and everything looking so well placed and well paced. :)


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I will try to give you my perspective on these 2 mysteries.

1) Nora apologies because Woo-chul has brain washed her into believing that he settled for her because it was the honorable thing to do. She got pregnant and he married her. Remember she was nineteen, pregnant, virtually alone and in a different country. He was destined for greatness and she was an uneducated burden. By the time Min-soo was old enough to understand, Nora's status was set in stone. Min-soo learned to how to treat his mother from his father's horrendous example. Nora had become relegated to the status of blood-related servant.

In reality, Woo-chul married Nora not because he was honorable. He married her to protect his image. In addition, a "Duke/Gong" needs a servant to care for his needs and an heir to propagate his line. NOTE: Please blame Wikipedia if a Korean Duke is not a Gong.

2) I do not have a clue, sorry.


I agree with Areana. Sons learn how to value their mothers based on their fathers' treatment of them. There were two paths open to Min Soo - a protective stance toward his mother in response to his father's behavior or a dismissive stance that emulates his father's behavior. Because Min Soo's father appears outwardly upright and successful, it is far more likely that Min Soo would develop a dismissive, rather than protective, attitude toward his mother.

For Min Soo, and for most young people, college represents a first foray into the adult world - a place where opinions may easily diverge from a parent's or a high school's approbative norms. He'll learn to value his mother because he'll learn to value himself and other differently.


" Aren’t we glad to have a nice show, full of engaging characters with lots of potential growth and everything looking so well placed and well paced. :) "

Why, yes we are!! Great suggestion.


"...From the way Min Soo fears his dad’s disapproval and had that college contract with him, I get the impression Min Soo didn’t have much of a carefree youth. I agree with you and feel that mum will be the one to show Min Soo the way to enjoy college..."

Yes, I totally agree with this. Here is how I see it, Kim Woo-cheol will find out about Min-soo's girlfriend Oh Hye-mi. (although I too would prefer Min-soo choose Park Seung-hyun).

Woo-cheol will demand Min-soo honor the contract and go into the army, wherein Ha Nora will defend her son. She will have researched the matter and argue that the contract is void because Min-soo signed it while a minor and therefore lacked capacity to enter into a contractual agreement. Further, she, Nora is also guardian to Min-soo and he can't go into the army without her permission. Both Min-soo and Woo-cheol will be blown away by the tower of strength that Nora has become, and the son will learn to admire his mother.

I am hoping that Woo-cheol will grow away from his father's influence, especially the need for a plastic arm-candy relationship with women. As I said before, I would like to see Wee-cheol with Park Seung-hyun...but a pairing of Na Soon-nam and Park Seung-hyun would be great too.

Sang-ye will express her love for Cha Hyun Seok which will add some competition for the professor's relationship with Nora.

Just my $0.02.


Thanks, Susan, I agree on all counts!!!


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I like your perspective on everything else, except I don't see Hye-mi mirroring Nora at all, but maybe it's just me.

She seems self-entitled, somewhat manipulative, and doesn't appear to have a passion for her dreams or a strong moral compass. Also, she isn't the submissive one in the relationship since she's the one actively pushing Minsoo to spend more time with her because of insecurity. Her manipulation does inadvertently makes him a better person by forcing him to lighten up. I agree, being in a relationship even if it's imbalanced and immature right now might teach Minsoo a valuable lesson in compromise, so it's not completely pointless. I guess most of us feel like their screen time is not worth it even if it DOES incrementally give Minsoo character growth.

I do hope that his appreciation for dance will become a starting point with Nora. That'd be a really sweet bonding interest between mother and son because it's so closely tied to her past and where her passion lies. I will only give Hye-mi 5% credit for being a catalyst if this happens. Haha. :)


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You are, of course, very right about her Hye-mi not being much like No-ra.

When I said that she mirrored No-Ra I meant it in the sense of Hye-mi being a free-spirited match to Min-soo's seriousness in the same that No-Ra was a free-spirited match to Woo-chul's.

And, like father like son, Min-soo made an effort to have Hye-mi conform to a dating style that matches his career ambitions in the same way that Woo-chul had Hye-mi conform to a lifestyle that matched his career ambitions. This self-righteous selfishness in both men is what turns us off.

But there is a point to this...

"I guess most of us feel like their screen time is not worth it even if it DOES incrementally give Minsoo character growth."

Of course, ALL of the characters are there to promote No-Ra's arc. So, you shouldn't think of Min-soo's development as important to Min-soo. It's actually important to No-ra. The entire point of the side characters are to create the setting for the protagonist's (No-ra's) journey. You could argue that it's also for Hyun-suk's journey as well. But, beyond those two, everyone else is a plot device to aid the No-ra and Hyun-suk story arcs.


The son's character really irritates me.. He is like a mini version of his father... Especially in the way he treats his girlfriend.. Like he expects her to listen to all his wishes, thats about the only thing i like about the girlfriends character, the fact that she does'nt give in to him... I skip all their scenes to be honest


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Javabeans, I agree totally. I do believe if both the characters were played by better actors, they would have been able to convey their purpose, the need for them to have so much scene time in this drama. Basically now, we as the audience have to assume and come up with the reasons of their importance in the storyline.

Most likely, besides coming into their own person, they are also partly reflections of certain adult characters. I would say, they are in the process of becoming similar to the adult versions that is if they choose not to change and continue to ignore their current behavior; emphasizing that the people and environment children are exposed to do influence greatly the person they become. Change can happen when these young adults are exposed to different perspectives and reflect on their own actions which is probably written as their character development arc.


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I don't think that the acting is a problem -- sure Min Soo is a bit wooden. But it seems that the writers haven't really spent much time fleshing out these characters. We actually know a bit more about Hye Mi than Min Soo. All we know about him is that he idolizes his father, and he thinks his mother is a door mat. We also know that he was sickly as a child, and I'm guessing that No Ra spoiled him because of it. So that's why he doesn't respect her right now. Still, it would help if the writers spent a little bit of effort at giving him more cues that would show his motivations better.

Like why does he not respect his Mother more? They haven't shown us the disconnect. Similarly, they haven't really shown us why Hye Mi likes Min Soo so much and what she expects out of their relationship. Nor do we really know much about why she chose her major, etc. All I found out in this episode is that she seems embarrassed to admit to knowing No Ra and that she likes to dance, and that she's a pretty good dancer. I wonder if the actress that plays Hye Mi has some sort of performing arts background like the fictional No Ra.

Anyway, in my opinion, the relationship seems so boring and not part of the plot because the writers haven't given us anything. For example, if Hye Mi was written as someone who used No Ra as a role model or friend, it may give more interest into the relationship. What if she came to No Ra for dating advice. That would be interesting.


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I think you're missing something crucial here, probably you're young and can't relate (oh, dear God! The time came for me to write such an awful thing) with the 40- with kids. The son lived in a family where the father was the irrefutable "leader" of the family. The father is the bread-winner and the "educated" of the family, therefore the child is bound to respect and idolize him. Nevertheless I doubt the son or even the husband is the point of the drama. The writer, who by way is a woman, asks the fundamental questions: is there love after the divorce? Can we re-invent and improve ourselves even in our fourties? Is there life after your child becomes a grown man or woman and stops needing you?


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@Brian, @Korini

Reading your comments as well as commentary above, I'm struck with the importance of considering an audience's experiences when writing.

Writers never show or tell everything in a drama - there's always a little shorthand in alluding to things that it is expected an audience would immediately infer. However, if your audience spans several generations, you can't assume that what is obvious to someone over 40 is equally obvious to someone younger. The reverse is true as well. It's important to guide your audience to all having the same understanding of the underpinnings of plot and character. It's just a little more work if you have a multi-generational audience - but how great to have one!!



Love what you wrote! This is so true. Though I'm still pretty young, I'm usually pretty good at putting myself in a character's shoes and coming to understand them that way, no matter how old or young. But often I feel like I'm doing all the work and the writer isn't doing enough to make me come to an even better understanding of their motivations.

So far, I actually think the writer has done a pretty good job with No-ra, Hyun-seok etc., but there's been just a little something missing with Min-soo. I feel like most of my understanding of him comes from me filling in the blanks, rather than from the written scenes. This is why I enjoyed him sneaking in with Nora this episode because it makes me feel like his relationship with his mom will be explored much more in upcoming episodes and that should go a long way towards making me understand him better.


korini --
I hope you're not referring to me, because I've been around since Lyndon Johnson was the President of the United States. But if you are, then sure, the son will idolize the father, but during his most critical years, who was taking care of him? His mother, that's who. The writer doesn't mention exactly why he has zero respect for his mother, sure she's a pushover, but like I said, it didn't show the disconnect where suddenly his mother has nothing to do with his life.

My point is, that the writers haven't delved into Min Soo's past except as a baby, so we really don't know where he's coming from, and that's why it's difficult for us to connect with his character. Just like you assumed I was young, we can only assume things about him that they don't really talk about.

Anyway, like you said, he's not really important in this drama, nor is his girlfriend for that matter. All of the backstory and characterization is about No Ra and Hyun Suk. And that's fine with me, as it's what I'm focusing on anyway.



Thanks! :-)

" I feel like I’m doing all the work and the writer isn’t doing enough to make me come to an even better understanding of their motivations. "

What a great way to put it. If a writer doesn't fill in the holes, she/he obliges the audience to do it. Some people like this, some don't. However, once we do the work to fill in the holes, it's disconcerting when later in the show, the plot and characters go off in a different direction than we imagined.



"However, once we do the work to fill in the holes, it’s disconcerting when later in the show, the plot and characters go off in a different direction than we imagined."

Yup. This has happened to me many times. In fact, that is probably the most frequent cause of drama-dropping for me.
But just like there are those instances, every once in a while you'll have a show that does the opposite. Sometimes I'll form my expectation, only to find that the place the writer takes a certain character or plot is even greater than I imagined. That can be particularly satisfying :)


I believe all our comments are a bit premature, we're still in episode 6. Maybe things will unfold as we expect or maybe not. Unfortunately we're not writing the drama, someone else does.
@Brian Sorry, I thought you were younger. You're right about the figure of mother in a family and the respect she deserves.
I think here the issue is how Nora gains her self-respect and therefore the respect of the others. A child usually gets to know his/her parent as a person, and not as a mother/father who nurture him/her, after reaching adulthood. But I think the casting of the particular actor in the role. at least to me, says that the mother/son relationship is not the point here. And this is why I like the drama so far. It deals with "melo" stuff (unfaithful spouses, divorce, lack of communication with offsprings, late blooming) with lightheartedness and humor.


@ Brian
I like what you wrote and how you have suggested how the 'hole' of the Min Soo-Hye Mi relationship might be filled by giving Hye Mi more of a role.

My thoughts were that she would find out about No Ra's relationship to Min Soo, and like the self-centred child she is, go out to win over No Ra's good will and affection (her future mother-in-law after all). She would want No Ra on her side as well as a buffer against Min Soo's father who is against any entanglements for Min Soo.


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Can I play devil's advocate?

What if Min-soo begins to like his mother, but Hye-Mi is uncomfortable with her? I don't think the show will go in this direction, but what if it did? How would No-ra and Min-soo overcome this?


@ Susan ??

We'd have the boyfriend/husband torn between sweetheart and mother trope, but with the sweetheat being the more demanding party. "Choose between me and your mother" ... But No Ra already accepting that her son is an adult will just let him go and she has already accepted Hye Mi in a way, anyway. Min Soo then starts to compare the style of No Ra with the controlling style of his father and Hye Mi. Then he has to choose. :)


@Susan and GB

Hmm, for some reason I don't think they'll go here. Hye-mi may be demanding, but she isn't that ridiculous (I'd hope). Although, the way they both seem ashamed of knowing her right now, I suppose it could very well happen. But, who knows, by the time she finds out, Nora might already be super popular on campus from her awesome dancing (this will happen right?). Honestly, I feel like soon both of them will be on mom's side and, when that happens, we'll probably all warm to them pretty quickly, even if we never completely love their characters or their loveline.



Ah... I didn't think of that - you're probably right that they would go for a trope. I was imagining the possibility for something deeper in an alternate Kdrama universe.


I agree. I don't think they'll go in the direction I suggested. Sometimes I just wish things would be a little more unpredictable! :-)


I've been around since Dwight D. Eisenhower was president. ;)

I'm still hoping that Min-soo's character develops and that his relationship with his mother improves.

I too think Nora's eventual romance with Cha Hyun Seok will be great, but I also think she is a fantastic mother, and I'd love to see that part of her be acknowledged by her son.


They're so bad. Why can't they just have the son on the side without love interest. Delete all of the gf's part and have the other girl ( the one helping No Ra) be the gf in the future.


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Life is never what we like - it's what happens. And dramas emulate life (somewhat). :-)


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John Lennon said, "Life is what happens when we have other things planned."

...rings true with Korean drama too. :0


I think both the MS and HM characters are being used to show the beginning of a relationship and the possible route the relationship can take. And, consequently, the persona that each person, in the relationship, can be become.

HM can become a submissive doormat like NR; choosing the family over herself. Or, she can be true to her wants and needs, by voicing her complaints. However, we know that it's a fine line in being assertive and being demanding.

I wonder if the message will be that neither NR or HM are correct in how they've handled their relationship. And, that, in a good relationship, one should compromise based on care and concern for the other person.

(Oh yeah, better actors in the MS and HM roles would definitely help.)


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^ THIS. I really hope what you described happens because that would be wonderful. I'd love if the writer could take this somewhat annoying loveline and give it some depth and narrative resonance.


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I think that Nora likes Hye-Mi because Hye-Mi is getting what she wants, and that's exactly the opposite of Nora. I think she's assuming, based on his bold declarations by the bench, that he's totally in control of himself. But actually, I think there's also the chance that Minso and Hye-Mi will just be a genderflipped version of his parents, just with her controlling and him sort of reined in. We'll have to see....


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Good point! It's great to see him becoming more like his mom, but I'm worried he'll become too much like her in his relationships too. My biggest problem with Hye-mi is that she manipulates him sometimes to get what she wants and, in that way, she reminds me more of Woo-chul than No-ra. Her influence is ultimately better than his, but her nature is somewhat similar. That's why I wonder if the relationship with her is really going to work out.


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Exactly! They're just getting worse by each episode! And the acting just adds more salt to those wounded scenes :/


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But at least Minsoo can actually dance LOL


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Maybe MinSoo will join Bounce and learn who his mother is as a person.


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I think his realization that he can dance in this episode will make him feel more connected to his mother come time when he finds out he got that gene from her.


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I do wonder if it'd improve Minsoo's love line AND character if he hook up with Nora's college friend. But the point is moot since it's unlikely that she gets written out of the story because she's an idol actress.


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I can only think one reason. You can appreciate lights after experiencing darkness. Min Soo and Hye Mi's relationship must be intentionally made to look sooooo baaaad and boooooring..... so that you'll crave for HS and NR more. If it's Ji Soo playing Min Soo... well, I might change my thought.


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I think the drama just went a bit overboard with the son just to show No Ra as being completely alone and downtrodden. I can understand Min Soo being embarrassed of his mom but to be outright rude and uncaring seems a bit much. Now we all have to suffer watching the day to day activities of a douchebag and his girlfriend. At least the other douchebag (Dad) is kinda funny. If the drama had given me a glimmer of affection from Min Soo towards No Ra or at least a good reason why he is like that (other than the like father like son adage), then I would have probably cared.

Yes, the acting is pretty bad. Score another point for the idol-actors can't act side.


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The Min Soo-Hye Mi pairing is the most unbearable part of this drama too watch. Both actors are Sooo bad in their parts. Hye Mi is such a controlling schemer.. that if dumb Min Soo ever ends up marrying her, he would be under her thumb forever. As everyone was commenting, Min Soo should wake up and ditch her for Seung Hyun who seems to be a nice, responsible and hard working student. Hye Mi seems that it's always about ME,ME, ME... When does he have time to study?
Woo Chul was even more of a creep. He was really talking down to Nora about their divorce, but she still can't stand up to him.I liked the way she was pounding on the dried fish (her meat head husband). I wish she had hit him with the fish instead, but maybe later?


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no wayyy! seung hyun deserves better. cant she be with soon nam instead? i lubb him!


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I'll 2nd a SH and SN relationship. LOL


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LOL, see this is part of the problem with HM and MS's bad acting and how they've have been written. We're inevitably comparing them with Noh Young-hak (Soon-nam) and Jin Ki-joo (Park Seung-hyun) who are completely outshining them on so many levels right now...


Oh yes, I hope it works out for SH and SN, both role model students; hard working, respectful and considerate. Hope they get more air time cos they look good and suited for each other.??????


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SN respectful?, not in the earlier episodes.


I actually think I'd prefer Soon-nam with Sang-ye. I'm not sure why, I just think they'd be cute together for some reason.


For some I feel that him and the video girl might actually happen ( probably in the final episode). His relationship with Hye Mi is so incredibly shallow, I feel that it is only there to show why Woo Chul and No Ra could never work out. You can't build a long lasting relationship based on hormones alone.


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I was super annoyed by Hye-mi too - her needy demands of dating over studying and her stalkerish pursuit of some good looking guy who was KNOWN to be a study-nerd. After her contrivance to meet, and talking over his study schedule/college career plan, she pout and twiddles that he's not running around playing with her?? Girl, you know he's not available for playing, why purposely mess with him and start whining about your 'fun-time'? UGH

But after some comment from the last episode, I think it's the contrast for Min-soo to grow up. Like growing aware that other people have feelings and wants, annoying girlfriend, submissive mom, stupid selfish dad. The past year may have been centered around him (as he studied for college entrance exam), but life isn't Min-soo's exciting adventure.

And maybe the youth B-side is a peppering of 'this is what current youth are like!' hi-jinks to the really sweet endearing Choi Ji Woo and Lee Sang Yoon couple.


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I hope the coming weeks we can see Nora to start to fall in love with Hyun-Seok! Please promise me that she won't end up with her ex-husband!


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I promise you she won't end up with her ex-husband.


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Did Min-soo have a "Footloose" moment? Kevin Bacon would be very proud. I wonder if there is a dance off or may be a dance club membership, with mom, in the future?

Min-soo was exactly like dad in the beginning, but is he starting to become more like mom as time goes on?

As javabeans stated Min-soo's current girlfriend leaves something to be desired. Seung-hyun seems like a younger version of Nora. How interesting would it be if as Min-soo grows as a person learning to truly appreciate and respect his mother. He also became interested in Seung-hyun romantically.

Just some things to yhink about...


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The last episode, at their date, Yi-jin's character slipped up:

She said that she ordered this dish, it was freshly caught from somewhere that day.
Woo-chul says "pshaw, not likely. It was probably farmed."
Yi-jin goes freezes a bit and says "No. It wouldn't be. They wouldn't tell me that if it wasn't so. Not if this restaraunt wanted to keep its doors opened."

Not taking the possibility of a joke or of a lesser product, she is fully aware of her clout as a 'daughter of president/ or whoever' and wants to indulge in its monetary influence.


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the high school scene was hilarious~


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This drama makes me so happy it's ridiculous. tvN is seriously killing it with the dramas lately!

Excited for next week because this show just keeps getting better and better!


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Great Episode! Loved the chemistry between Nora and Hyun Seok! However i was a little bit surprised at Nora's reaction to finding out that her husband was cheating. She was well, pretty calm - only showed her 'rebellious' act at pounding the dried fish in the middle of the night.. . Was she just suppressing her feelings like she always used to, or maybe she just didnt realise that she probably has stopped loving her husband sometime ago...


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I enjoyed NoRa listening to WooChul's well reasoned BS with informed ears. For the first time she has most of the information can can see how she is being played.

I may be a little slow on the pick-up, but I'm not 100% sure that NoRa realized that it was HS who tried to cover her eyes so that she couldn't see YJ and WC. I'm just not 100% sure that NoRa saw that HS saw.

I'm also unclear if NoRa recognized that WC's companion was YJ.


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Based on her conversation with Yi-jin after class, I do not believe she knows. Nora would have behaved differently. She was too comfortable and relaxed.


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It would also have wasted a future source of excellent conflict. Nora is in a marriage course with the female professor who has been having a three year affair with her husband. Seems like an excellent opportunity for some well deserved payback. I also believe that Yi-jin does not know Nora is Woo-chul's wife. He is not known for his honesty.


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I think that conflict will play out later, but I agree that at the concert hall, Nora didn't know that the woman was Yi-jin. The point of having her costumed with sunglasses and a floppy hat indoors at a evening concert....seemed inelegant of her character, so it was probably placed by director to denote that Nora doesn't know it was Yi-jin.


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Fairy god-stalker, most accurate description! Hee.

As much as I would love to see the romantic side progress, I don't think it'll be mutual until Nora untangles herself from her messy divorce, and figuring out how to pay for college. I do hope to see more more one-sided romance from Hyun-seok in the next episode. He's got it bad for her.

I don't hate WC, but I do blame him for their lack of communication that led to their divorce. I agree the rift was there in the beginning since both of them never had time to get to know each other. She was going through the motions of being a young mom in a foreign country, and I suppose he's in the same boat of trying to be a young father while going through college. HOWEVER. He is still the one that took advantage of Nora's weakness and good nature in their later years of their marriage after he got his college degree. While Nora knows his work schedule down to a tee, he on the other hand has no idea what she does at home all day. He just assumes she does housework and has no dreams nor ambitions of her own. I don't sympathize with him nor his frustrations because he had a chance to let her in or at least be honest with her, but he kept her at arms length because he felt superior to her all this time. I do enjoy watching their conflict unfold because they manage to keep the tone so petty and comedic. It's less burdensome than an outright shouting match and emotional dump that most divorce dramas have in almost every episode.

On a side note, this drama must be doing really well since the Eng sub gets release almost within the day of its release. That's even faster than the Chinese sub. I'm ridiculously happy and grateful that the wait is short. The sad part is having to wait another week for the new episodes again!


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You have said everything I find irritating about Woo Chul. He says that they have nothing in common, but he never once bothered to communicate with her properly or treat her as a spouse and equal. It honestly irks me.
I've seen couples go through arranged marriages with less in common, but with communication, shared activities, and a certain level of respect, they were able to overcome their differences and start having more things in common. He really has no excuse. And because he always looked down on her, Min Soo learnt that from his dad and treats his mom as nothing more than a live-in house maid.


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Lee Sang Yoon, you're so so cute. I totally love that selca taking moment and the club dancing, i could not stop grinning all the way


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I was rolling around laughing at all the selcas! :D


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I am so inlove with this drama. Especially this episode. I could keep on watching it all day!
I am in Nora's side all the way!
I do hope that Minsoo will lighten up on his Mom though. I surely hope that slight spark when she defended clubbing in front of Woochul will lead to bonding moments between mother and son.
I dont like his gf though. I prefer SeungHyun. Oh well.
It goes without saying I love Mr Grumpypants Cha Hyun Seok so much! Go get you girl! I wish happiness for you and Nora!


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The dancing hyun seok. OMFG!


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I love, I love, I LOVE this show!

I stil don't give a damn of Min Soo and Hye Mi and whatever they're doin. But I want him to see his mama dance in Bounce and witness the greatness of her, so much that he has to take his dropped jaw off the floor. Yeah... watching that would be freakin' delicious! Yummyy!!

Lovesickness is slowly growing on Mr. Grumptpants. Can't sleep because your mind kept thinking of her? somehow get so affected by the accidental waist grabs/back hug? hehehhe... and I love that all his emotions were blatantly shown in those last seconds.

Now.. can somebody tell me how to survive the wait until Friday?


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Haha...I have no idea! I'm trying to survive too.lol


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The best episode so far!!!

I agree that the marriage had problems and both of than are to blame , but Woo chul is to selfish towards the "mother of his child".
Woo chul is planning a whole new life for himself, new wife , new kids , everything. He thinks that he has the right to change his life and be happy but Nora has to stay unhappy and at home.

I want to see Nora with Hyun seok!!!!!!


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Thanks for the recap. Great episode.

"Fairy god stalker" LOL
I often wonder how anyone in Korea got anything done with all the stalking that is woven into the plot of k-dramaland.

[I also often wonder how anyone keeps a job in k-dramaland when any random elder can call any person out of work to discuss whatever crap they need to tell them to thwart that person's happiness.]

I was very surprise to see such a western come here on HS hand. I thought that was considered rude.


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"I was very surprise to see such a western come here on HS hand. I thought that was considered rude."

I thought that too. Maybe it's excused since he's lived overseas and all.


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AHHHHHADSFJ. After this episode I'm left with a goofy smile and listening to the OST nonstop waiting for next week to come faster. Thank you so much for the recap, and I love the screencaps from today!!!

You go hyun-seok, the world’s crankiest fairy god-stalker!


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me too :)


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AAAAAWWWW!! Loved this episode so much! I hope going back to their school would bring back her spunk as she did back in the day. It's nice to have Hyun Seok be there to make her realize how great of a person she was and she still is.


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Love this show!! LSY and CJW are perfect in their roles! The scene where HS observes No ra in the window reflection was so well shot, looks like Mr grumpy is falling in more n more in love with our tenacious heroine;)
Thanks again for the great recap Javabeans;)


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This show is my happy pill right now. I just got fired from my job and I needed something to take my mind off it. Thank you Lee Sang-yoon and Choi Ji-woo for being ridiculously cute and helping me not be sad.


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Hi five !!! you got fired and I am jobless for almost 4 months now, looking for a suitable job and applying almost everyday, waiting for interview call.... life sucks :(


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All the best @ Ek Ladhki Thi and @ fantasy!!

I hope you get a chance to watch many good shows while job hunting, and that you get awesome jobs that enable you to make use of your talents. :)


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+100! @ Ek Ladhki Thi and @ fantasy I hope you both find jobs very soon!

Have you thought about doing a blog or a curated instagram or something creative to take your mind off things? It can be really satisfying!


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I think the final scene in this episode gave me an appreciation for the fact we are getting a chance to watch experienced, quality actors. The emotional roller coaster Hyun Seok's face goes through shows the quality of acting Lee Sang Yoon provides the drama. Choi Ji Woo's No Ra is right up there and even the second leads have moments of acting brilliance. Park Hyo Joo is one of my favorite actresses.
This is probably part of the reason the Hyi Mi and Min Soo storylines seem so glaringly terrible. It certainly makes me enjoy watching a drama with an older cast. I hope we get to see more of these in the future. Go Twenty Again!


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That was my favourite scene too. It was so funny that he was so traumatised, while I was laughing the whole time because it was just so damn comical. He's furious and hurt that she's wasting her last few months working at a convenience store, and the exasperation is so real for him, but comic gold for the viewers.

Hyun-Suk is completely in love with No-ra, can't wait for the romance to start, Lee Sang-Yoon is so broody and hot!


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Haha, ditto that. But I am trying not too get too excited in case the writers end up playing it safe. My heart can't take Hyun Seok getting heartbroken a second time! Please drama writers, don't break our hearts!


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I honestly think Min Soo is a badly written character and Naeun's character both is useless and badly acted. I like Min Jae (the actor playing Min Soo) but I think his character is written without a lot of thought, and so when he acts it, it comes off a bad acting and ruins the show. With Naeun, it's a worse situation where she's both awful AND her character has no purpose. I feel like the writer wrote out all her characters beforehand, and was like "okay, here's our main characters, and I want her to have a child right, for plot movement and also to explain why she is stuck in this marriage, because the son is really just an extension of our main character's background and trajectory, etc, etc..." And then, some producer from tvN was like "okay, also we want to cast an idol. Soooo, which person can we idol cast," and the writer was like "fuck this shit, I'm writing a whole new character who has no worth so up yours," and thus, the girlfriend was born. She's so useless, and also, REALLY ANNOYING AND OVER DRAMATIC, and I'm sitting here like, "min soo, break up with this bitch and date the awesome girl who brought down the sexually harassing director, whom I sure will not encourage you to skip classes and cry when you fall asleep while watching a movie with her because she will understand that this is college and you are tired from studying so someday you can be employed and make money to survive in this cold, corporate world." I mean, seriously. Anyone else feeling me here? Or am I alone in this?


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see & above. I agree...


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this drama is so awesome!! i really like nam
woojin ㅋㅋㅋ upps...hyungseok oppa...hahhaa... i feel glad he knows that is misdiagnosis.. i hope nora realized that like woochul is wasting and become happy with hyungsuk oppa..ㅋㅋㅋ i wonder... if jisoo come as cameo... maybe as bounce sunbae beside soon nam and try to get attention from nora.. hahahhaaa.. lol..
go bokdongiee.... miss u....


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I absolutely LOVE this show! I have been on dramabeans for a couple months as a silent viewer ooh-ing and aww-ing with all the commenters and recappers, but drama is making me literally laugh and squeal at every adorable moment.

I was afraid that CHS would become angry at the fact that she wasn't dying or him not knowing that she wasn't dying but the turn of events was so smooth I really applaud the writer. Hopefully this will/has sprung up a realization that it was LOVE all along not a mere want for CHS to wish a happy end to NoRa's life. LOVE HER WITH ALL YOUR DIMPLY SMILES HYUNSUK!!!!

I can't wait to see what more antics are up CHS's sleeves and how much more we'll see NoRa develop as a strong person and return to her roots.

I also don't like her son too much either, but I do see a progression of his character too. After NoRa leaves the map she used to avoid him and a note and after hearing NoRa talk back to her husband about going to a club, there seems to b a different look in the way he sees his mom. *crossing my fingers* Plus, I thought it was a bit adorable to sneak in a question to Haemi about NoRa. This in no way excuses their childish relationship but I just want to see a bright side hehe :)

Btw has anyone else noticed the peculiarity of Ha NoRa's name? Kdrama character names usually have some significance to their character, so at first I thought "Oh, her name literally translates to 'you can do it' or some variation of it" But it kept on bothering me for a bit, and I realized that the writer may have based NoRa's character off of Nora from A Doll's House!! Maybe I'm reading too much into it (and I truthfully surprised myself that I remember anything from English classes in high school), but it fits! The subservient, obedient wife who breaks away independently at the end!


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I do agree that this episode is the beginning of a dynamic shift between mother, father and son. For me, it was the way they snuck in together. I think there's definitely going to be more of that down the line. Also, as much as I don't like Hye-mi and Min-soo as a couple, I do think the dancing in this episode has a nice symbolic meaning. He's beginning to appreciate the things his mom did and, once he finally takes the time to learn more about her, he will realize how cool she is and be proud of being her son.


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