Yong-pal: Episode 7
by gummimochi
Injuries need time to recover, and this episode slows things down so that hearts can heal before they’re broken once more. I’m talking about our hearts, because this show continues to take us on a never-ending emotional ride.
It helps to know people in high places when you need medical attention, because hell if anyone scheming to claim Yeo-jin will give up on her doctor. Someone get that guy an emergency X-ray—stat.
Kim Tae-hyun – “한걸음 한걸음 (One Step by One Step)” [ Download ]
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Down in the basement level, nearly everyone is shocked to learn that they’ve been transporting a dummy instead of Yeo-jin, who’s been pronounced dead moments ago. Much to Do-joon’s confusion, President Go chuckles in response, however, saying that they begin negotiations now.
Unable to bear the pain from his bullet wound, Tae-hyun collapses to the ground. He struggles to get back into the elevator and hobbles down the hall, clutching his bloody side.
Meanwhile, the operating team hurries to prepare the operating team for Tae-hyun’s return. The anaesthesiologist worries that they’ve missed their window of opportunity, but the head nurse is convinced Tae-hyun will follow through.
And Tae-hyun shows up after all—that is, following some self-treatment and injecting himself with adrenaline. He isn’t deterred that it’s been over twelve minutes since Yeo-jin’s heart has stopped beating, and settles in to begin surgery.
When the ICU tries calling in Chief Shin about how the female Hanshin Electric factory worker has just gone into cardiac arrest, he tells them that surgery is too risky for that patient before abruptly hanging up to resume his night out.
The crew is able to temporarily revive her, but Nurse Oh has had enough and orders that Tae-hyun be called in for an “emergency X-ray” aka surgery.
Back in the operating room, Tae-hyun grits through the pain to continue operating. He ignores the team’s concern about him bleeding through his scrubs, telling them to focus instead.
When Nurse Oh comes barging in, Tae-hyun tells her to ready the room next door. Thinking back to his promise to Yeo-jin that no one dies on his operating table, he works quickly, then looks to the monitors, which register nothing.
Looking desperate, he asks the anesthesiologist to deliver another dose of epinephrine, even though the latter has tried four times already. Tears fall from his eyes before Tae-hyun gets back up to start manual CPR.
Memories of Yeo-jin and his determination to save his ailing sister fill his thoughts (from his sister’s words to his willingness to serve under the hospital director and Chief Lee—bah, we’re knee-deep in live-shoot territory now, aren’t we?) as he keeps giving chest compressions.
He keeps at it, fighting tears and the operating team telling him that it’s no use. A few more emotional minutes pass until Tae-hyun finally passes out. His tireless efforts are worth it, however, because Yeo-jin’s heart miraculously starts beating again.
Over in the adjacent operating room the patient flatlines, and Nurse Oh’s attempts to revive her are unsuccessful.
President Go and Do-joon share a drink in the VIP suite, where the former believes that they can still spin a win-win situation out of Yeo-jin’s “death” — they’ll have the public believe that she’s still alive and equally divide her stocks between them.
Do-joon doesn’t see why he should agree to such a deal, and chuckles at the proverb of destroying one’s own supplies for one last stand and hope to be victorious. He points out that President Go has lost everything in this battle, but the older man corrects him—it was Do-joon’s supplies that were lost.
While Do-joon was solely focused on reducing the inheritance tax (which he’d get upon procuring Yeo-jin’s wealth), President Go has done his part toward the company’s ruin: If they were to publish Yeo-jin’s obituary as soon as tomorrow, the public would know about Hanshin’s ratio of total debt.
President Go can guarantee that the numbers will take Do-joon by surprise, and Hanshin stocks will certainly crash as well. Furious, Do-joon clenches his glass and has to restrain himself when asked if he’ll reconsider the offer to go halvsies now.
“So your plan was to get rid of Yeo-jin all along?” Do-joon asks. He’s told that situation would have played out differently had Yeo-jin been in President Go’s possession, and thanks to Do-joon’s little intervention, now the older man can wipe his hands clean of any responsibility.
Do-joon can only let out an empty laugh at the offer to join forces and wipe out any common enemies. It grates at his nerves when President Go laughs victoriously in return.
Yeo-jin opens her eyes only to find them covered with bandages. She can barely see while being told of her “new identity” as the factory worker who is believed to still be in a coma. Nurse Oh figures the role will be a piece of cake for someone like Yeo-jin.
Nurse Oh simply introduces herself as a fan of Tae-hyun’s, whom she explains is currently being operated on because of Yeo-jin. He’s lost a lot of blood, and Yeo-jin should prepare herself if he doesn’t make it.
Chief Shin is the man for the job, since he returns to operate on Tae-hyun, and is surprised by how long the bullet wound has been left untreated. We enter Tae-hyun’s dreamscape during the surgery, as he imagines himself waking up in a beautiful meadow.
He walks through the peaceful scenery and sees Yeo-jin there as well. She turns around and smiles warmly at him.
Chief Lee wheels “Yeo-jin” back to her suite while Chae-young looks on, fuming. He stops in his tracks upon seeing President Go, but doesn’t appear any more relaxed when told that Do-joon has joined forces with President Go.
Do-joon peels back the sheet to take a gander upon the dummy, and then a bloody fist grabs his hand. His mind imagines a pale-looking Yeo-jin looking up at him and muttering “Devil” before he snaps out of the hallucination.
He downplays the moment of momentary psychosis, though the brief episode doesn’t escape Chief Lee’s notice.
Down in the morgue, the head nurse verbally confirms that the dead woman is Yeo-jin (though in reality, it’s the factory worker), and agrees not to speak a word of tonight’s events. As far as anyone else is concerned, Yeo-jin is still presumably alive.
Time for a comedic break: Doo-chul and his lackey have survived last night’s fight with various injuries. Their greatest threat? The inept nurse who somehow screws up his pain medication. Hahaha.
Chief Shin and the other residents check in on Tae-hyun during morning rounds. Even though Tae-hyun’s not in great shape, the chief is hopeful that he’ll pull through. He does cheer up, however, to see that who he thinks is the factory worker is doing just fine.
But when they reach to remove her bandages, Nurse Oh puts a stop to it, citing that the VIP floor is now responsible for this patient. That gets Chief Shin to scoff at how ungrateful those fancy doctors are, but backs off anyway.
Moments later, Chief Lee and Do-joon arrive to check in on Tae-hyun. Yeo-jin is awake for this conversation, and when Do-joon says that he’s in Tae-hyun’s debt, she wonders what that could mean.
Chief Shin tries to score some brownie points in mentioning how he operated on Tae-hyun, only to be teasingly-ish told how that also makes him responsible if Tae-hyun should die. Do-joon’s eyes fall upon the adjacent bed where Yeo-jin lays, and he winces upon being told what we can only assume is the factory worker’s story.
Do-joon has another visit to make today—his wife Chae-young, who pulls up her airhead cover with ease. She gets teasingly upset when he interrupts her story about the all the ruckus here last night, and when Do-joon says he loves her, she verbally returns the sentiment.
“No,” he corrects her. “You don’t love me.” Ack, did anyone else just get chills? “We both know that you don’t love me.” But now he’s truly become the owner of Hanshin, will Chae-young genuinely love him now?
Chae-young keeps up the dumb innocent lamb act, telling him that he’s scaring her. “You probably find me laughable,” he replies. He doesn’t miss her curled lip she gives in response, then rises to tell her that she can keep pretending for the rest of her life but she won’t ever be able to leave his side.
Once he’s gone, Chae-young says aloud, “I pity you, my dear. I wonder what it’s like to love someone who has never loved you in return.”
Detective Lee looks like the happiest boy on Christmas morning when he overhears a gangster talking to Man-shik about “that quack” who let his stitches get infected. He sits Man-shik in the interrogation room, and tries playing the sympathy card on him—why, he was only deceived by Yong-pal, wasn’t he?
Man-shik keeps his lips sealed though, and so Detective Lee encourages him to say anything before it’s too late. Soon, they’ll rip through his phone records. Reminded of Doo-chul’s threats to keep his trap shut, Man-shik doesn’t spill.
Detective Lee seems pleased when his partner walks in with the phone records in hand; however, all of the so-called numbers lead to burner phones. But he doesn’t lose hope and asks for the general location, which does point to a certain hospital—Hanshin.
Chae-young is told that it’s a relief she wasn’t in her room during last night’s fiasco because someone bursted into her room, too. She’s told that Tae-hyun is still in critical condition, but had asked after Chae-young’s safety last night.
So she runs down to the ICU where Tae-hyun lies unconscious, realizing that he was trying to keep her safe last night by sending her away. She scolds the resident (who had sweetly asked to take care of Tae-hyun) for not doing anything, then tells him to call over anyone and everyone to save him.
As for Yeo-jin, she’d been transferred to another room with restricted entry, but is still somewhat near enough Tae-hyun.
After Nurse Song squeals that Tae-hyun has a bright future ahead of him if he ever wakes, Tae-yong joins in on the case briefing on Tae-hyun, which apparently includes practically every physician in the hospital.
Chae-young keeps a watchful eye as the staff cares for Tae-hyun, saying in voiceover that this is only the beginning of the many things she can do for him. She agrees to head back upstairs per Chief Lee’s suggestion, but has him promise her that they’ll save Tae-hyun.
The days pass by until one night Tae-hyun rises out of bed and gazes upon the bandaged Yeo-jin lying in her bed on the other side of the glass. Er, how d’you know that it’s her? You kinda passed out before they covered her up.
In any case, Tae-hyun walks over and sets down a lavender plant before sitting on the edge of her bed. Scared, she asks who’s there. He playfully replies a person in a coma shouldn’t talk lest she be caught. She smiles, utterly relieved.
He plays soothing music for her, and we see more of Tae-hyun’s dream: Yeo-jin walking through the grass barefoot, surrounded by nature. Tae-hyun’s dream self awakes in that meadow, then trails behind Yeo-jin. He recalls walking towards her along the wooden path on top of the algae-filled water, at which moment Yeo-jin turns towards him. They exchange warm smiles.
In the present, Yeo-jin sheds a tear while Tae-hyun watches over her. Just outside the door, Nurse Oh smiles at the sight of them.
Now that he’s awake, Tae-hyun’s also feeling a bit spontaneous. He sneaks Yeo-jin out to the patio, where he unfurls her bandages. He tells her to open her eyes, and Yeo-jin takes in the outside world for the first time in over three years.
She hardly listens to him talking about how one can’t really see any stars in the city, and gets up out of her wheelchair instead. Despite her slightly unsteady gait, Yeo-jin puts one foot in front of the other to walk toward the railing, her eyes still fixated on the view.
Her eyes fill up with fresh tears and she looks up and out into the cityscape. She breaks into a smile, and the look of happiness on her face just warms my heart. She hobbles along, tears falling from her eyes, until her legs buckle from under her.
Tae-hyun rushes to her side, and her eyes are filled with tears of joy and gratitude. “Thank you, Tae-hyun-ie,” she tells him.
A little later, Tae-hyun tries and fails at explaining the constellations she can hardly see because of the city lights. Yeo-jin still smiles even when Tae-hyun expresses his frustration toward her, but then they’re interrupted when Cynthia spots him.
She had heard that he was in critical condition, but he must be feeling a lot better if he’s out enjoying late-night dates. She’s here to pick up her things and to say her farewells (nooo, don’t leaaavve) because she’s headed back to the States for her studies.
She’s received her payout from President Go, and Tae-hyun was paid with a gunshot wound. Cynthia takes in the sights and takes note of the woman sitting nearby. When asked if she’s his girlfriend, Tae-hyun refers to Yeo-jin as his patient.
Cynthia peers over to say hello, and Yeo-jin turns her face half-way to nod in response. As a last request, Cynthia asks him for a cup of coffee—surely he can do that much if he betrayed her earlier.
He steps aside, albeit with some reluctance, and Cynthia sits down next to Yeo-jin to ask if she’s his girlfriend. When Yeo-jin denies it, Cynthia says it’s a pity because Tae-hyun seems the best out of all the men she knows.
She encourages Yeo-jin to grab hold of him if she can, because Tae-hyun forfeited a great sum of money all because of one woman. He had wanted the money to pay for his sister’s medical bills, but that’s men for you—they can be such fools when they’re head over heels in love.
Tae-hyun may be naive, but that’s also a part of his charm, Cynthia tells her. Oh my god, Cynthia’s the best wingwoman a guy could ever ask for. “So if you have the opportunity, make him yours… Han Yeo-jin.” Oh snap.
“He’s the best kind of man for you if you are to spend the rest of your life in hiding,” Cynthia finishes before getting up to leave.
Tae-hyun returns with coffee in tow and wonders where Cynthia has disappeared off to. He picks up on Yeo-jin’s startled expression, and when he asks if something happened, she answers. “What have I done?”
It may have been a slower hour pace-wise, and yet Yong-pal still continues to hit all the right emotional beats for me. I’m always a fan of action and dramatic tension, but when a show can pull me in its quietest of moments, that’s when it has my heart. And you guys, this show has stolen mine, flaws and all.
How sad then that we’ve been seeing the early signs of strain of the infamous live-shoot system for Yong-pal. There have been the editing mistakes (which I still hope is the result of a rookie editor who fell asleep on his mouse), and now we’re starting to see the flashback fillers via our characters’ contemplative moments. But first things first: even if Tae-hyun spent at least three-quarters of this episode lying unconscious in a bed, I’m just so glad Joo-won got some sleep because Lord knows the actor could use some rest from all those consecutive all-nighters he’s been putting in for this show.
So even with the show’s booming success with viewers both in Korea and abroad, I worry about how the whispers of an extension (whether it will happen or not) will affect the actors’ health, especially when we suspect the show hit live-shoot territory early in its run. Speaking of which, I truly hope that this show doesn’t a ruin a good thing by taking any plot point—especially the central revenge—that needn’t be extended to account for any possible additional episodes. I understand that dramaland is a money-makin’ business, and yet, I can’t help but cry out in protest, “Preserve the story! Preserve the characters!” So drama gods, hear my plea!
Turning back to the episode, I’m glad that we got a bit more insight into President Go’s dealings with Do-joon. His character is useful in making a formidable challenger to Do-joon, and it was amusing to see Do-joon cornered into a reluctant partnership, especially after he thought that he won at the end of the previous episode. I keep getting the feeling that Jo Hyun-jae is having so much fun playing Do-joon, and perhaps isn’t as much of an evil mastermind as we might’ve been initially led to believe. But then again, it’s always possible that he has other cards to play in this game of Hanshin Group acquisition.
So it’s also nice to see Tae-hyun and Yeo-jin temporarily removed from those politics so that we can see their relationship deepen and blossom. I love that Yeo-jin was the one who feared for Tae-hyun in this episode, even when there was nothing she could actually do for him. His dream sequence was a lovely display of how much Yeo-jin means to him that extends beyond their business partnership, and the way they smile at each other both in the dream and in reality is heartwarming.
Now we have Chae-young beginning to care for Tae-hyun as well. It’s both intriguing and a bit sad that Do-joon knows that his wife doesn’t love him, and that she knows he loves her. If you can call his crazy possessiveness love, that is. But what’s important is that Do-joon knows that Chae-young is putting up an act with him, so it’s as much a battle between them while they’re also fighting over Yeo-jin.
Speaking of whom, it doesn’t surprise me that Cynthia was so sharp and tactful in letting Yeo-jin know she knew who she was. But now it makes me sad that she’ll be leaving, and leaving the sluggish minds to crack the puzzle. Maybe you can forsake your medical studies mid-way through the semester, and come back to be Tae-hyun’s wingwoman again. Or live happily ever after with him. No pressure… just come back soon.
Tags: featured, Jo Hyun-jae, Joo-won, Kim Tae-hee, Yong-pal
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1 Mallow
August 28, 2015 at 3:07 AM
I absolutely love this drama ^^
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August 28, 2015 at 6:50 AM
I'm just sad that it's Shinshia's last episode... :-( Also, the Westlife song during the dream garden scene felt like an MV... haha... a very pretty MV.
Has any of you noticed that the actor who's playing the role of the anesthesiologist in this drama is the same one who was also an anesthesiologist in the drama Golden Time?
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August 28, 2015 at 5:29 PM
Yeah, I was surprised to see that Shinshia was leaving after this ep. as well (or the beginning of the next one, since in Kdramas, they often start the new ep. with a few last scenes of the previous epi.) I too was hoping that she would be there longer. Maybe she will be back? We can only hope...
I love the Westlife song!!!! I have heard it before, however I didn't know who was singing it. Now I know. And I love the lyrics of the song, I feel that they reflect well on YJ's possible sentiments.
This ep. left me scratching my head during certain scenes, and I was curious about other commenters possible thoughts:
1-How long is one supposed to administer CPR? (when does one stop?) I guess it was OK for TH to keep going and going, and going, since eventually, YJ's heart started beating again? 2-I feel like this drama is asking me to suspend belief: really, TH who has been shot, and who was supposed to have been bleeding, could go back upstairs and perform surgery? I know he injected himself with adrenaline, but still... It seemed to me that he had been downstairs for a long time. 3—Who sewed up Young Ae/YJ? The other people in the room, I am assuming?4—Why doesn’t her brother try to see her body (YJ's)? 5-Why is she calling him “jagiya” if they are married? (DJ's wife) I thought she would call him "Yobo" (sp?) 6—“He has a history of surgery donating liver” meaning? I might have missed it, did TH try to donate his liver to his sister, and her body rejected it? 7—When did TH get the chance to tell his fan nurse about YA? (she knew to switch bodies/identities).
And yes, we must be in live-shooting mode. JW's bags under his eyes are showing.
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August 28, 2015 at 6:51 PM
1 and 2. just suspend disbelief. This drama takes the medical facts and stretches them for all their drama worth. Some of the stuff may be right here and there, but in general, it's not precisely accurate.
3. I think the other intern probably sewed her up. after the major surgery, I think closing up a wound is something an intern can do.
4. It was probably an oversight on his part not to go himself, but Do Joon did send a lackey to check the body for him (should have given the guy a photo of Yeo Jin, but whatever). And Do Joon had Chief Lee kill Yeo Jin and declared her dead and his secretary was there witnessing the facts, he probably doesn't feel the need to recheck it himself. Though Do Joon is sticking with the story that Yeo Jin is alive. Maybe if he went down to the morgue to check himself it'd be suspicious?? It's his hospital, but maybe people would find it really weird if he started checking out dead bodies of random people. Plus, he seems to have a guilty conscience about Yeo Jin , maybe he didn't really want to see her body.
5. don't know. isn't it similar?
6. Yes, Tae Hyun donated part of his liver to his sister, but her body rejected it. He said so some episodes back during the radiactive scare.
7. I think it was Head Nurse (Ahjumma nurse) the one to put Fan Nurse up to speed with the whole Yeo Jin thing, since Head Nurse is probably the one that came up with the idea of Yeo Jin switching places with the dead woman, too. Since Tae Hyun was passed out, I think Head Nurse saw an opportunity and took the initiative.
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August 28, 2015 at 7:24 PM
1. TH should have stopped administering CPR since it appeared the body was not going to be revived and that is why the other nurses/surgical personnels in the room repeatedly tried to stop him/urged him to stop because it was over. Miraculously YJ was revived from the dead when the other patient died? 2. Magical mind-boggling things are possible in dramaland, haha. 3. When the chief left after he pronounced her dead he told the other surgical personnels to take care of the rest/finish things up aka sew her up because technically you can't bury a body with its dissected parts left as is. 4. Good question, i wondered that too since that would be a dead giveaway that she's still alive. Inconsistencies. 6. Yes it was mentioned that TH sister's liver was the organ that initially failed, leading to her eventual kidney failure. Her body rejected the transplant they said. 7. I am assuming the other parties in the OR in on the deal informed her, as they needed a dead body to switch Young Ae with. Makes me wonder what they would have done about the missing body if they were not lucky enough to have that other body flat line.
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2 prettysup
August 28, 2015 at 3:09 AM
Only in kdramas that a 3 year coma patient can get up and walk immediately.. and a critically ill doctor can buy coffee and stride across the bench at the rooftop? Well at least shuffle his feet a little..
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Kim Hyung
August 28, 2015 at 4:30 AM
Nahh... in previous episode ... the 3 year coma patient had some physical rehab first from yongpal
Yup and the criticaly ill doctor did shuffle his feet a little haha
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August 28, 2015 at 7:36 AM
Nah that wasn't rehab at all, he just massaged her legs a bit, she didn't even leave the bed in that VIP room!
He should shuffle his feet and walk slowly when he brought her the coffee, but instead he actually lifted his legs and strided over the bench! How could he have done that? Maybe I was looking at Joowon too much.
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August 28, 2015 at 7:35 AM
Haha, that was weird. Just last week she was struggling to move her feet 3 inches off the bed. This week she can sit up and walk. I rolled my eyes at all the inconsistencies, but I think they are here to stay.
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August 28, 2015 at 12:11 PM
I didn't see her sit up and walk. I think he lifted her into a wheelchair/carried her.
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August 29, 2015 at 3:39 AM
It's all because of adrenaline! hahahaha
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August 28, 2015 at 10:42 AM
It's also a universe where large gaping surgery scars across a person's neck turn invisible.
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August 28, 2015 at 3:34 PM
No. If you look closely, there's a bandage over her neck. It's just nude/skin colored so you can't see it well.
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3 Camille W
August 28, 2015 at 3:13 AM
The recap is here finally! Yay! I rather enjoyed this ep contrary to other opinions. Anyway, off to read...
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4 hibeautiful
August 28, 2015 at 3:13 AM
Stephanie Lee has left the show. She wrapped up her finale scene before ep 7 was aired. For me this drama won't be the same anymore without her..but I just hope this drama stays good until the end (although it disappointed me on so many ways with this week episodes ?)
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August 28, 2015 at 1:29 PM
Another fan of Cynthia here. :D
I want to be like her: hanging around stylishly in flats and with cat-eye make up, but ready to rip the skirt and fight some thugs when necessary, ambitious and smart but also showing a big heart. Is it possible to be more awesome? Cynthia don't go!!
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August 28, 2015 at 5:58 PM
? That's the dream, "hanging around stylishly in flats and with cat-eye make up."
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5 Jyc
August 28, 2015 at 3:19 AM
Why is Stephanie Lee out of Yong-pal? I haven't read anything concrete as to the reason why! :(
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August 28, 2015 at 5:10 AM
I know right?! There is no reason for her to leave! (well, her character is much more intriguing than other female ones there, IMO) and her agency doesn't explain much why she left >.<
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August 28, 2015 at 7:38 AM
I would like to know. She's one of the more enjoyable characters in this drama. Plucky, smart and unpredictable. I really wouldn't mind if they left her in the show and took out the female lead. Other than damsel in distress pretty, she really hasn't been doing too much for the show.
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6 meme
August 28, 2015 at 3:27 AM
I enjoyed it, too... even the "Angel" MV... ^^
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7 lilly
August 28, 2015 at 3:37 AM
So sad shinsia isn't in this show anymore. But I like Kim tae hee as she is. She has a very beautiful smile.
Stephanie Lee left most impression in my heart.
Shinsia fighting!
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August 28, 2015 at 5:07 AM
Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure somewhere in the show, someone had called her "ShiA". As in Shin Shi-A. Lol.
Or was it herself? "I'm customer relation's Ms Shin".
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Camille W
August 28, 2015 at 5:51 AM
Lol. I think Tae Hyun was the one who had a problem pronouncing her name when he first met her. But I think she did call her name Ms. Shin didn't she? And chief Lee called her miss Shin at one point too :)
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August 28, 2015 at 8:57 AM
Tae Hyun still called her Shin Shi-a in the last scene :D
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8 Lizzie
August 28, 2015 at 3:37 AM
did that park scene remind anyone else of the meadow scene in Twilight?...lol it was just so odd to me..but I guess its needed to help us ship them..? Is that what the writer was going for..? I would have liked their relationship to develop more in the real world..but whatever.
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9 hallyumint
August 28, 2015 at 3:42 AM
I find it amusing how D wasnt afraid of killing his sister
But afraid of her ghost
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10 Matt
August 28, 2015 at 3:44 AM
I love this drama, really. But as much as I love it, I hate admitting it that the romance really feels a lil bit rushed. I don't mind actually because Kim Tae Hee and Joo Won really work their chemistry together and I am everytime delighted by their moments, but I would be a lot more contented if they gave them a little more time to bond. For example, the time that passed between ep 5 and 6 isn't specified so I'd love them to show us, you know, these scenes with OST overplaying and them talking or laughing or Taehyun sneeking in with some food for Yeojin or looking at one another when one's asleep, anything to not make it look like they fell in love in a span of a week. I don't know if you know what I mean, but I'm going to believe that that was truly a case and look at their romance from that angle.
And now that I think about it, I can actually see Yong Pal as a modern retelling of a fairytale disguised as a medical drama and if I think about it like that, their love doesn't seem as rushed but epic instead.
Apart from that, this week was surely slower than the last three, but I have a gut feeling that it's an intended slowdown. I feel like the writer is giving their love a push to develop another storylines after episode 8 which I will not spoil. :D I felt like he laid fundaments for a future happenings and I'd be really happy if this came true.
Sorry for a lon rant, had to spill my thoughts somewhere.
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Camille W
August 28, 2015 at 4:12 AM
Your not alone @Matt. Seeing ep 8 the pacing is a problem. Had the writer combined both episodes in one episode, I think it would have translated better. Ep 7 gave me an emotional high but in ep 8 I felt like something was missing. There were somre serious discussions on Soompi regarding the romance between the otp. Some of us didn't know where the characters' deep feeling had come from. Others thought it was logical.
in the end, I concluded that viewers' interpretations of TH's actions were probably different from what the writer intended. Personally, I thought TH's previous actions were purely based on friendship or doctorly concern so it makes sense that I was surprised.
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August 28, 2015 at 4:20 AM
I also feel the romance is too rushed.... I dont see the process of how suddenly now they fall in love with each other? Scratches head...
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August 28, 2015 at 5:05 AM
I prevented myself from writing a comment for episode 8, but you all have just done it here. well, I want to ask a question, has the writer just filled the latest episodes with the lead's romance story because of the extension until 20 episodes? (or I read somewhere it becomes 24. So confused)
I'm afraid this one will be Mask 2.0 ; but I hope I'm wrong!
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August 28, 2015 at 8:31 AM
She was in awakened coma for 3 years, i think she now over her dead fiance. And no i don't think it's rushed. We just get used for usual push and pull romance in kdramas, but it's not normal in real life. Love happens, get over it.
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August 28, 2015 at 7:20 AM
I agree with the romance being rushed. In episode 8, we're reminded of how deeply she loved her deceased fiance(?). So it was really strange that all of a sudden, shes now falling for YP. I understand if there's an admiring going on but their romance escalated real fast. With YP as well, all we saw was his care for her as a physician and friend. The romance seems too forced and I'd rather watch her journey on revenge with him as a companion first.
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August 28, 2015 at 7:39 AM
I don't get the romance bit either. She was sleeping for the first four episodes, they meet in episode five, they bicker a bit and he saves her life for money, and now they're going to be in love, so soon??
It's a pity, because I loved how their relationship was building up and would have liked to see more of that development instead of having the romance rushed.
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August 28, 2015 at 12:48 PM
Same here.
I could see the romantic tension growing in the couple of times that they met, ok. I was waiting to see them spending more time together from now on, and falling in love. That could have been great. The set up was so good, the haughty princess saved by our awesome doctor-hero. So many possibilities for a good romance development!! I was looking forward to it.
But they completely skipped that part and made them a couple in no time. This is unrealistic even for a drama. They have spoken 3-4 times. And now what are we going to watch? Where is the tension, the excitement? Honestly I do not get what the intend with this turn of events...but I feel they will ruin the show, hope I am wrong. We will see next week.
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August 28, 2015 at 7:15 PM
Yes, there's so much more dramatic tension that could be developed if they had put off the romance for a few episode more. Considering this show just got a 4 episode extension, I am wondering if everything after this point is going to be Yeo-jin vs. Do-joon since there's not that much more story left.
Oh, and we need to get back to Tae-hyun's sister too to find out how her super urgent life saving surgery is going, if the scriptwriter finally remembers her.
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August 28, 2015 at 7:59 AM
Yes Matt, the romance does feel rushed. Very rushed imo. I feel that the writers are shoving the romance down our throats. I must have missed a few episodes, when did Yong pal progress from doctorly and friendly concern to being head-over-heels in love? They could take their time and pace it through the 20 episodes to make it feel more real. Maybe they met in the dream world and made their romance there (I'm being snarky) otherwise I don't understand why they spent so much time showing them gazing at each other in dreamland.
Too many flash back scenes in this episode. It felt hugely like a filler one. If it continues this way the ratings will eventually drop. But I have faith in the writers and production team, that things will pick up. They should tone the flashbacks though.
As for the lavender and the song played on the ipod, cheesy much? I actually cringed at the level of cheesiness. What was the significance of the lavender plant anyway? I have to confess that this episode and the next one felt oddly disjointed, with each other and with the rest of the drama.
My other pet peeve - if the writers are saying that the motivation for Do-Joon's evil is because his wife doesn't love him and he's trying to earn her respect and love, I will feel that motivation is a total cop out and the writers could make his motivation more original. I have had my fill of characters whose explanation for their evil deeds is "so and so didn't love me enough so I chose to do evil things to get their attention" (here's looking at you Secret Hotel and other dramas).
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August 28, 2015 at 8:55 AM
Tae Hyun gave Yeo Jin the pot of lavender because he deduced it from her Swiss account password 'Did the lavender bloom in Provence" (ep 5)
Do Joon's "evil" is not just because his wife doesn't love him. It stems from insecurity, low esteem and the overwhelming desire to prove he is the worthy heir of Hanshin Group. Years of being sidelined, slighted and considered as inferior to Yeo Jin made him hell bent on seizing power, even if it means killing Yeo Jin. There's probably more but these are what's been revealed so far.
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August 28, 2015 at 9:00 AM
Thanks for clarifying about the lavender. It makes sense now.
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August 28, 2015 at 7:12 PM
Just wondering where he found the time to buy that pot of lavender, given the circumstances... Hahaha... Oh, the beauty of dramaland where not all things have to make sense.
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August 28, 2015 at 11:19 PM
TH does not need to act alone. He has a fanclub now, remember? Head Nurse, Nurse Oh, cute resident hoobae and Doo Chul. I think he got one of the nurses to buy for him
August 28, 2015 at 10:01 AM
As for me, it feels too rushed because I personally start to like them together as friends. Their bond has just created at that 'friend-stage'. It's true that they share same things/ similarities with the mom's story or perhaps the kimchi stew? (or other things which I can't remember), or they literally need each other to get out from the messy stuffs, or YongPal sacrifices himself and looks sooo eager to save her from the real death..but It doesn't work for me to root for their romance immediately...simply does not work. I mean, not now. The heroine hasn't done anything big (or so moving) yet, so where is this love come from? Come on show, you can be better than this!
I can accept fast pace of romance though (such as what's in IOTL), but for this one, I simply can't...yet.
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August 28, 2015 at 10:24 AM
I respect your opinion, but I going to have to disagree. The romance is not rushed. Tae-hyun and Yeo-jin fight for survival daily. When you future looks bleak and uncertain you make certain of what you want because you might not have the chance later on.
We need to account for the personalities of the characters, the events that have taken place. They both had a recent life and death experience allowed them to be ever so certain of each other. Tae-Hyun was certain when he was doing cpr on her, thinking he might've lost her. Yeo-jin was certain when Tae-Hyun was being operated on for his bullet wound. It's very unique that both characters had the experience of being the victim of events and the watcher.
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11 redfox
August 28, 2015 at 3:47 AM
I tried to watch, but I just cant keep torturing myself with the medical images. if only they didnt cut people. cant I like censor spots in videos I watch putting flowers on them or something? I just cant, I freak out.
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August 28, 2015 at 4:53 AM
I practically skipped those scenes since the very first episode.
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August 30, 2015 at 4:42 PM
I think I really surprised myself by actually eating my lunch during the beginning of this episodes. Then again it was my lunch break at work and I had no choice.
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12 pancchi
August 28, 2015 at 4:04 AM
Oh no! Why did she quit this show??
*sad face*
I liked dream sequence, it felt odd, but it was nice to my eyes!!!
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13 No1
August 28, 2015 at 4:06 AM
That's what i thought when i saw Tae Hyun played the song
I didnt expect to meet westlife in a Korean drama
My favourite band all the time even if they have broken the bandddd
And finally in all these old episodes Yong Ae slept but in this episode our Yong Pal slept almost all the episode except at the last bit
And thank you for the recaps always
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14 Mia
August 28, 2015 at 4:17 AM
umm what happened to Yeo-jin's injury? and Tae-hyun's? At least you can imagine his under his clothes but her huge neck bandage just disappeared.
I totally see that they have a connection, but love? I feel like they're light years away from that.
I didn't realise that the hospital was right next to gwanghwamun square...
booo for shinshia leaving :(
well I enjoyed the 15% of the episode that wasn't flash backs and plotless dreams
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August 28, 2015 at 5:08 AM
Uh... no? The neck bandage just became a more convenient nude-coloured huge band-aid.
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15 Salt
August 28, 2015 at 4:18 AM
I didn't get it lol. I feel stupid for this but... How is it that all the those hospital personnel are cooperating with taehyun? And how is it that dojoon is in love with his wife? He lets her have all those affairs. And he didn't seem in love in their other interactions. Argh i feel like i missed an episode :(
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August 28, 2015 at 4:37 AM
Those hospital personnel? You mean Head Nurse(or Hacker Ahjumma as she is better known), anesthesiologist and resident Dr Hoobae? These people have seen the real Kim Tae Hyun beneath the money grubber facade as well as admire his skills as a doctor. In a hospital filled with less than desired people, at least we have some good ones. I am sure it was Head Nurse who told them of Tae Hyun's plan.
We just got to see a hint that things are not what they seemed to be with regards to Do Joon's relationship with his wife. There will be more revelations in the next episode. And it makes sense but I won't spoil it for you.
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August 28, 2015 at 5:33 AM
Good questions! My big one is how much PRE planning went on, (we're going to trade the princess with the jumper because we know she's gonna die from her injuries, so we'll send her to "X-ray" at the same time) or how much was "luck" (Okay, we've revived her. Now where do we hide her--oh my gosh. Here's a dead girl just the same approximate age and size. Let's wrap Yeo-Jin's face in gauze and put her in the dead jumper's bed.)
I liked this show, but I'm so confused. (And not in a good way.)
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August 28, 2015 at 6:43 AM
I don't have an issue with these things as long as I don't have to take huge leaps of logic. If drama has to show every step for viewers to see, we would need more extensions
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August 28, 2015 at 9:31 AM
That was just luck (well, it wasn't lucky for the girl that actually died, but it was convenient for the others). If the girl hadn't passed away, then they would have found some other way of hiding Yeo Jin in the hospital or sneaking her out of it. Unknown patients, unidentified corpses and mix ups in hospitals aren't so out of the norm.
And I actually liked there was some point to the suicidal girl from last episode. I find it ironic that she died because of Do Joon bad handling the company and her identity is then used to help Yeo Jin hide from her brother.
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16 heyvkj
August 28, 2015 at 4:18 AM
Gah i LOVE the two leads, so much chemistry!! And so so sweet during the rooftop scene! Why does Cynthia have to leave though. I want more of her badassness
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17 prettysup
August 28, 2015 at 4:18 AM
I hope they wont add episodes just for the sake of ratings and drag out the show's pace. If it aint broken dont fix it! And btw how i miss Cynthia...
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18 Camille W
August 28, 2015 at 4:25 AM
Thank you gummi for the recap! I love hearing your take on each episode. And anneyoung chingus! There were some great scenes and performances this episode:
1) TH putting his all out there to save YJ (it was so heartbreaking to watch!),
2) The scene between DJ and CY. It was really intriguing and it added another layer to DJ's character.
3) The moment TH gets up and goes to YJ's room. It was a lovely moment. I loved the scenery in the dream sequence. There were some beautiful shots.
4) The otp bantering on the rooftop AND the moment YJ gets out of her wheelchair (albeit with difficulty) and tears well up in her eyes. It was the second moment when everything had felt worth it. The first being when YJ's heart started beating again ofcourse. I was so relieved.
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19 klmeri
August 28, 2015 at 4:42 AM
I was kind of bothered by the way the show repeated a few scenes, almost like there was time to fill. This episode did not really deliver a punch of anything but I guess every drama can get away with at least one slower episode. But more than one and I might change how I feel about the drama.
Also the connection for the two leads is just not there for me yet. Felt weird that TH followed YJ around in his coma-dream. I did appreciate the rooftop scene though. That was more sensible.
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August 28, 2015 at 8:19 AM
I do believe they really were repeating scenes and flashbacks because they needed filler. I'm guessing here... but I do think that they need more time to get the next lot of scenes (hopefully with plot) down and they needed a hiatus. But since they couldn't stop airing, they gave us long, slow scenes where nothing much happened. I feel sorry for the whole crew (and for us!!!) but what to do?
Team Yong Pal ... FIGHTING!!!
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20 klava
August 28, 2015 at 4:48 AM
The first half was so full of tension and yet nothing was happening fast enough for me,the tension is good but i couldn't keep waiting, i fast forwarded through most of it to get to the good part.
I'll ignore the fact that she can walk, all it took was one rehabilitation session after three years in a coma.
The romance feels like they skipped an episode, I get how kim tae hee 's character could fall in love with him,saviour and all but Tae Hyun's doesn't make sense.
I will miss shinshia,hope she reappears.
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August 28, 2015 at 4:50 AM
I really am liking this drama! But i also fill a kind of gap with the progression in TH and YJ relationship like ep 8 really fast forwarded it. None the less i still like the plotline because its still there and even though its bittersweet i really don't want them to extend the show. PS. could anyone fill me in on the live shoots sorry i just don't know what it means. Is it like the scene from Kill Me Heal Me where they had real life viewers as audience or what. Sorry but if y'all could tell me it would be much appreciated. Thank You!
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August 28, 2015 at 4:57 AM
Hi Taz! Dramabeans has discussed it a few years ago. Here's the link:
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August 28, 2015 at 8:22 AM
Thanks for this link @Lei... I did not even know that it was here somewhere. Very likely and insightful and explains so much. So knowing this, we might cut our shows a little more slack maybe?
By the way, how did you know of this article or find it?
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August 29, 2015 at 7:16 AM
I read this a few years ago. It was a highly entertaining and informative read, so it sort of stuck in my mind. Lol.
Anyway, upon reading Taz's question, I remembered the article so I searched for it and shared it. Hahaha.
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22 growingbeautifully
August 28, 2015 at 4:58 AM
Thanks a bunch @gummimochi!
I am so amused by how many people have 'fallen in love' with Tae Hyun this episode. He has his own veritable fan club in the hospital.
There's Chae Young, Nurse Soon?, Doo Chul, the Intern Doctor and of course Yeo Jin. I'm glad that Joo Won also may have received some care with lots of literal shuteye!
With so much love and much needed rest, what say we rename the show? …
My Healer Love Yong Pal
The Time We Loved Yong Pal
Falling For Yong Pal
Love Me, Heal Me
Superhealer Yong Pal
Healed and Sleepy
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August 28, 2015 at 5:08 AM
LOL. I was also amused with that. It's really nice that a lot of the hospital folks know who/what the real Taehyun is - a kind and considerate humanistic doctor.
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Camille W
August 28, 2015 at 5:18 AM
Haha! I think your a genius. These names are hilarious.
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August 28, 2015 at 7:29 AM
best comment award! I choose My Healer Love Yong Pal! <3
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August 28, 2015 at 7:16 PM
Here's another for you:
The Doctor Who Works In The Night.
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23 cassio
August 28, 2015 at 5:00 AM
this ep is bit slow but we see how will be the next episode...
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24 UmbrellaLei
August 28, 2015 at 5:03 AM
Oh my goodness. If they have to resort to using flashback sequences now, what more in the future episodes? I don't want to be too negative, but I'm starting to feel afraid with the show's pacing. (Particularly on episode, though I'll tackle more of it on that episode's recap.)
Anyway, I just find it too unbelievable how quickly Yeo Jin has recovered and how she can walk. I don't know much about science, but will anybody enlighten me as to its level of realness? Can a coma patient of three years really recover as quickly as she has?
And oh. Goodbye Cynthia! :( You will be missed. :(
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August 28, 2015 at 5:06 AM
Anyway, I'll still be optimistic because there's still too much to love about the show. Ahjumma nurse! Fangirl nurse! Doo Chul! Everyone is showing excellent acting performances, so at least there's still that. :D
Yong Pal, Hwaiting! ^_^
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Marie Balangue
August 28, 2015 at 8:42 AM
Can a patient walk after 3 years in a coma?
I'm a physiotherapist and the answer is NOT SURE, given the technological advancement in Yeo Jin's Princess Room. Nurse Hwang may have applied neuromuscular electrical stimulator on her religiously and Yeo-jin's diet must have incorporated a " moderate amount (25-30 g) of high quality protein with each meal". Also take note of a Yeo-jin's mind activity and the neuroscience research on thoughts and energy.
One thing about Korean medical dramas to point out - Koreans seem to have the next best health system compared to the USA, as most refer back to US medical schools. Only the best care is afforded and accorded by and to the VVIPs.
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August 28, 2015 at 9:06 AM
Thank you :D
Here's my take on the medical "absurdities" which some here pointed out. I don't think the production team skip their homework and simply created "miracles".
They did do their research and maybe they are guilty of stretching the limit. Like, can a patient in Yeo Jin condition be revived after 12 minutes? The correct answer may be 10 minutes. So they did go beyond but not by a mile as we thought. I took note of this detail because anaesthesiologist even stated that it's impossible after 10 minutes and YJ has been out for 12 mins. If they did not do their homework. they probably wouldn't even have mentioned it in the first place. Just go ahead and revive her.
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August 28, 2015 at 9:18 AM
They lowered her temperature so I think it's possible to revive her after 12 minutes (I've seen a medical UK series very accurate where a boy was revived after a longer period of time after he drowned in ice-cold water).
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Linda Palapala
August 28, 2015 at 10:41 AM
They have to do this at some point, either to give the actors a break (which they really need!) or because of budgetary restraints. I forgive them, plus I enjoy the flashbacks cuz I get to see more Joo Won.
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25 fantasy
August 28, 2015 at 5:45 AM
I really tried to like these two episodes but I am sorry I am not so satisfied. Upto ep 6 Yong pal was giving me solid cliff hangers but ep 8 doesn't really make me to wait for next week.
But I must say one thing, Yong Pal is the most UNPREDICTABLE show I have seen , I really never can guess what would happen next?? I don't want make comments about ep 8 , waiting for the next recap, it is still the only show I am interested about.
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Jon G.
August 28, 2015 at 6:17 AM
That's weird. For me, it's the opposite: one of the most predictable shows I've seen so far. Future plot-twists are repeatedly discussed beforehand or telegraphed with the ever-same story-telling techniques. I love predictability in a story (remember Vonnegut's rule #8), but it's hard to take a show seriously that tries to sell the inevitable as a "plot-twist".
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August 28, 2015 at 6:43 AM
Ha ha I may be new to dramaland, and actually I am not sure about the aim of the show, I mean what they are gonna show next week, they have extended it to 24 episodes,they have enough time to set the plans, romance, develope the characters but for me they are rushing in everything, spending least time to explaining some matters, so I am just wondering what they were going to show next ep, I hope next EPs won't be draggy, full of repeats or flashbacks.
Moreover, I am confused about Yong Pal's actual profession, I mean okay, police is after him, but now it seems YJ is his only priority, not even his sister ( I hate it) , where is Yong Pal anyway?? I am seeing only Tae Hyun now, only police and I are missing Yong Pal :P
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August 28, 2015 at 7:29 AM
I mentioned this elsewhere, but what I found strangely conspicuous by its absence was a scene in which TH visited his sister. He was able to be up and about, and his sister was supposed to be in a bad way waiting for a transplant. She should still be in the hospital. With all the time to fill with filler, I thought a sweet brother-sister scene would be nice before he goes AWOL with YJ.
I really think the live shoot thing is taking its toll on this show. The editing team is also probably going crazy trying to get it all together and making sense sequentially.
If they had had time to prepare at least 6-8 episodes in advance, it would really have started fulfilling it's potential by now.
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August 28, 2015 at 7:39 AM
My take is that Tae Hyun cannot see his sister in his current state, it would frighten her and make her worried. I guess he called her and made some excuse about being tied down with work. Probably the drama expected viewers to deduce that but they could have included a short scene of him calling his sister. It will definitely help.
August 28, 2015 at 7:50 AM
okay but they had shown the dream sequence twice, but never showed about his thoughts about his sister !!!! that is odd !!! the only and only person he is concerned in these two episodes is YJ , which is fine but I cant stand when show introduced a character as an important one then forgets about them in crucial moments !!!!
Then come to Chae yeon, I dont understand her, I mean she is introduced as a clever in a disguise of innocent one. But she suddenly fell for Tae Hyun because someone told her, that she THOUGHT Tae Hyun saved her, and in episode 8 she was talking personal stuffs, (so early!!!!) that is also odd.
then the departure of Cynthia *sigh*
August 28, 2015 at 7:36 AM
Watch ep 8 and you will find your answers.
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August 28, 2015 at 7:40 AM
which answer?? about his sister??? I dont find that satisfactory :P
August 28, 2015 at 8:01 AM
this is meant to reply @fantasy at her post below.
His sister needs the money to live and not him being by her bedside. This is a major reason why he went all out to save Yeo Jin. So that he can get the money to save his sister. And of course, he sees Yeo Jin as more than a source of funds by now. By being Yong Pal, it would take him years to get the 2 million needed to save his sister.
And between being Yong Pal and saving Yeo Jin, of course Yeo Jin's situation is more pressing.
In ep 8, he has secured his sister the treatment she required.
August 29, 2015 at 7:37 AM
Ahhhh! They extended it to 24 episodes? Now I get it. That's what happened with the writing. The writer didn't have appendicitis or food poisoning or a panic attack and get replaced with an intern for 2 eps. They had to extend. And since you extend from the middle in a plot-driven piece - it's a bear!
Every single planned out episode concept from 7 - 20 would now need to be reworked. AND they would have to write episodes for the live shoot at the same time. So, we got music videos and mummy scenes and a BBC-esque dinner party for 2 eps while they retooled everything else.
Okay.... I can accept that. It would be mind-numbingly hard to make all those changes and do top notch writing in one week. Something had to give.
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August 28, 2015 at 6:57 AM
I really wanted to see the "PAWN" game for some more time, wanted to see Yong Pal to get crazy after money and to see YJ and SH to be used, suddenly SH disappeared, Tae Hyun is not so concerned about him, he became too courageous, I remember how he knelt in a fraction of second before Dr. Lee.... I was not expecting these changes in ep 8, did not foresee actually....
somewhat disappointed, 'cause I am practically watching nothing besides this, I just hope the show to not lose it's grip like Mask
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