Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 11
by javabeans
Our good guys are starting to head in the same direction, which is promising, though there’s still work to be done getting them all on the same page. Or rather, getting them to realize they’re on the same page—but trust is a long game, and takes a while to build. Luckily for us, the episode balances out the seriousness of recent weeks with a dose of cuteness, which has been missed and is a welcome addition. Because we all know how this story’s gonna go—we’re just here to enjoy the ride, and I’d much rather enjoy it with laughs and smiling than torture and self-sacrifice.
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With her father dead and her family gone, Yang-sun finds herself on the top of a cliff, contemplating throwing herself from it. Sung-yeol finds her there and asks if she means to kill herself. Yang-sun answers that she doesn’t know why she should continue to live, nor does she want to.
In the palace, Yoon mulls over Sung-yeol’s direction to find him at the gibang if he wants Prince Jeonghyeon’s diary. The king has a plan to fight Gwi without the diary, but Sung-yeol’s offering it outright…
Gwi decides it’s time for the prince to choose whether to serve him, and has a test in mind: The prince must marry the woman Gwi chooses for him. The king’s attempt to take more time is overridden, and Gwi declares that the queen-to-be will be the prime minister’s daughter, Hye-ryung.
Sung-yeol takes Yang-sun from cliff’s edge to water’s edge, and explains that this is a place where souls wander; they’re unable to move on because they are held back by concern over their loved ones. Perhaps her father is one of the souls, he suggests. He tells her to look out at the land, sea, sky—gifts her father gave his life so she could have. Which is why, even though it will be agony to continue living, she must do it, if only to think of her father’s sacrifice.
Then he surprises her by admitting, “I also lived in this way.” He tells Yang-sun to let her father go so he can move on, and she does so tearfully, wishing him rest in a better place.
Sung-yeol does the same, bidding Myung-hee goodbye in his heart, thinking,
“Myung-hee, I too will send you on now. I’m sorry. I thought I would only keep you in my heart for the rest of my life. Going to join you was my only reason for living. But I have embraced another woman in my heart. The end will come someday, but I cannot ignore this girl. I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry, Myung-hee.”
Night has fallen by the time they’re walking back, and Yang-sun is nearly swaying on her feet from fatigue. Sung-yeol drops down to offer her his back, and as he carries her, she asks if she’s too heavy. He replies that it’s not as heavy as her heart is, which I swear would be unbearably cheesy but for his matter-of-fact delivery.
Sung-yeol takes her home and shows her to the room where she’ll be staying now. Su-hyang starts to follow them with that perpetual look of jealous hurt on her face, while Ho-jin holds her back. Gah, why does the woman sidekick always have to be jealous, while the guy gets to be sweet and emotionally supportive?
Yang-sun starts to protest that she can’t impose on Sung-yeol further, but he points out that she has nowhere to go and is in no condition to leave. And then, to take the romantic bloom off the proceedings, he holds up her slave papers and says it’s not in her power to refuse: “From today, your owner is me. Without my permission, you may not leave this place.” God, drama, will you cut out the romantic mood music already? This is not swoony. He adds, “Without my permission, you may not be hurt or cry. You are mine now, and you may not treat your body carelessly.”
Yang-sun asks if he found the diary per her father’s dying words, and he confirms it. She calls it her father’s last possessions and asks to see it, and also what makes it so dangerous. Sung-yeol explains that it contains the secret method for ridding the world of the bloodsucker that controls the palace, which Eumlan Seosaeng had written about.
She wishes him luck in achieving his goal and to avenge the injustices suffered by everyone Gwi victimized. She returns the book, saying that she wishes she could keep her father’s last possession, but he’ll need it more. At that, Sung-yeol takes out the decorative box—her half of the pair gifted by the prince—and gives it to her to hold onto, since it is also part of her father’s possessions.
He asks if she recognizes it, and she replies that she doesn’t, although later as she looks it over, she recalls Yoon telling her about the pair of matching boxes.
Seung-yeol’s team wonders why Yang-sun’s biological father raised her as a boy, which is something they’ll have to look into. Moreover, they’ll have to look into the first clue in the diary, whether or not the prince joins them in the mission.
Unable to sleep, Yang-sun wanders into the library and marvels at all the books. She notes that most of them are antique texts and wonders if he has any romances, which is when he arrives to direct her to the next shelf to find what she’s looking for. She explains that she was looking for a book to help her sleep, teasing that those antiques are just the thing.
Sung-yeol joins her with a book and they sit down to read, though Yang-sun spends some of that time stealing glances at him while pretending she’s not. A while later, he’s still reading but she’s nodded off, and Sung-yeol smiles as he watches her sleep, seemingly in a pleasant dream.
He tucks her into bed, but her dream turns distressed as she starts to fidget and break into a cold sweat. We see the nightmare she’s reliving, of her newly turned father biting her in the shoulder ten years ago, and she jerks awake and claps a hand to her old scar. She tells Sung-yeol that she’s recently started dreaming about being bitten. Must be a new occurrence, since we know she hadn’t previously been able to remember her childhood.
Su-hyang worries that Yang-sun’s memory will be jogged, and asks what’ll happen if Yang-sun remembers being Jin, and that Sung-yeol, regardless of the good intentions, killed her father. What if she discovers he’s a vampire?
Sung-yeol replies flatly, “She would leave. I know this well.” She urges him not to give his heart when Yang-sun will leave in the end, and Sung-yeol replies that dreams always come to an end. But to himself, he adds that he wants to treasure Yang-sun while the dream lasts.
The next day, Yang-sun takes to her new role with gusto, insisting on sweeping and cleaning despite Ho-jin’s protests. Sung-yeol tells him to let her do as she wants for now, though it’s not long before Ho-jin goes running back to complain at how terrible her housekeeping is (“She must have learned it all from books!”). He wails that he’s scared of her and her inedible cooking, but she smiles that angelic smile and he can’t even be angry with her.
Sung-yeol takes this in with amusement, and even eats her obviously wretched cooking without complaint, complimenting it to boot. He adds that she shouldn’t overdo things—she’ll figure out her reason for living in due course.
Gwi calls the prime minister before him to inform him of the plans to marry Hye-ryung and the prince. The prime minister protests that it’s too early and that he’s still out to prove that the prince is Eumlan Seosaeng, while Hye-ryung coolly counters that Eumlan Seosaeng was caught and killed—the priority is to catch Sung-yeol, who likely has the diary now.
There’s palpable tension between father and daughter, though the prime minister isn’t about to stand up to Gwi and reluctantly leaves upon dismissal. Gwi is entertained at the idea of a daughter hating her father and wanting to rise above him. Wouldn’t it be better for her to be Gwi’s woman, he suggests, rather than the king’s? She just replies, “I wish to be a human with power.”
Sung-yeol puzzles over the name-clues in diary, which is when Yang-sun sneaks up and peers over his shoulder. Seeing the list of names, she wonders if he’s writing a novel—she recognizes that list as a family tree for a novel’s characters.
Based on that pattern, she identifies the first two names as husband and wife, with the third as their daughter. From there, Sung-yeol fills in the rest of the blanks: the fourth name is the daughter’s husband, and the fifth name is their daughter.
And thus, the clue comes into clarity: it’s a matrilineal family tree.
Yang-sun asks if this was helpful, and he pats her head and smiles that her novel-writing came in handy.
The prime minister is furious to hear that Yang-sun was sold, and the man who did the selling is retroactively full of apologies, having been swayed by the huge sum given to him. When shown a drawing of Sung-yeol’s face, he confirms that this was the man who bought her, and says he frequents a certain gibang. The prime minister orders the prince watched and Sung-yeol investigated, while one of his men eavesdrops at the door. Hm, are you a mole too?
Sung-yeol takes a look at Scholar Seo’s old house, which has fallen to shambles in the past decade. He poses as a prospective buyer to the estate, and the broker tsk-tsks over the old misfortune. Sung-yeol asks what happened to the child, and the man replies that there was a massive search at the time to find the corpse, which was never found.
Sung-yeol notices that there’s an urn with burnt incense sticks, and asks if anybody comes by the house. The broker replies that one man does come by every year on the death memorial, surmising that he has some connection to the family. All he knows is that he’s a tiger hunter who goes hunting in the mountains.
The king asks Yoon why he isn’t busy making wedding preparations. Yoon replies that marrying the prime minister’s daughter is tantamount to marrying the enemy—she will report on his every move to her father and Gwi. The king says that it’s a test of his loyalty, and that Yoon must do what the king has done for years: conceal his true purpose from those closest to him.
Yoon asks if they can accomplish this on their own strength, and broaches the idea of joining forces with the man who has been helping him in secret. But the king is firmly against trusting another vampire and quashes the notion. He hands over a list of five names, saying, “Before the hunt begins, secretly gather the hunters.”
On the list is the name of a former official who was close friends with both Crown Prince Sadong and Scholar Seo. Accused of treason, he hid his identity and has been living as a hunter. Ah, okay, I see where we’re going.
Yoon makes an unannounced visit to see Hak-young, who is thrilled to welcome him, saying he has been waiting. All of one episode, but okay, it’s still a sweet bromantic reunion. Yoon apologizes for making him wait, explaining that although he appears to have caved on the outside, his spirit has not. Yoon asks his friend to find somebody for him, though it looks like Sung-yeol beats him to the punch by arriving at the hunter’s hut in the mountains.
The hut is empty, or so it seems until a blade appears at Sung-yeol’s neck. It’s the hunter, Baek In-ho (aw, Han Jung-soo, are you destined to chase Lee Jun-ki around forever?), who asks if he’s a thief or a ghost. Sung-yeol gives Scholar Seo’s name and that gets him to put the sword away, though not without cutting into his skin. He draws blood.
Baek In-ho sees the cut heal over right before his eyes, though he doesn’t react. He says that he was best friends with Scholar Seo, who was killed by a vampire dressed in black—he has been living all this while for the day he could get his revenge. He accuses Sung-yeol of being that vampire and launches into an attack.
Sung-yeol keeps him at bay, and when the fight flings them outdoors, Baek In-ho realizes he’s a special vampire to be out in daylight. Sung-yeol warns that he would have already killed him if that were his goal, but Baek just goes after him with renewed vigor. Sung-yeol dodges the daggers readily, but even he’s not faster than a speeding bullet and the shot lands in his arm. Sung-yeol runs off, and Baek vows not to let him get away.
Sung-yeol makes it back home, and his team leaps into action to tend to the wound. Yang-sun is alarmed to see him bleeding and weak, but they usher her out quickly as Su-hyang takes on the task of removing the bullet and tending to the injury. Sung-yeol weathers the pain, which triggers his vampire impulses and makes his eyes glare red.
Su-hyang tells a worried Yang-sun that he’s fine, and to ensure she keeps out of the way, she instructs that Yang-sun help out at the gibang tonight.
Baek In-ho doggedly follows Sung-yeol’s trail, deducing that the vampire’s home is located nearby. He hides as Yang-sun and Ho-jin walk by on their way to the gibang… and one look at Yang-sun in men’s clothing triggers recognition.
Yoon arrives outside the gibang, considering Sung-yeol’s offer to come to him to get the diary. But the king’s warnings win out, and he decides not to go inside, turning to leave instead. As he does, he passes right by Yang-sun, who doesn’t notice him on her way in, and he decides to follow her inside.
Once inside, she sees him in the distance and recalls his harsh words from their last encounter. Not wanting to encounter him, she hurries away before he can find her in the crowd, and Yoon has to head out empty-handed. He’s followed by the spy ordered to watch him… but then his spy is attacked by the other spy, who stabs Spy 1 in the gut. Just to keep things straight: The prime minister has spies out to watch the prince and Sung-yeol, but already in the prime minister’s household is another spy, who may or may not be looking out for the prince’s interests. Basically, we should assume everybody’s being followed.
Sung-yeol drinks blood to restore his strength, and Su-hyang surmises that this hunter is quite a formidable adversary. But Sung-yeol doesn’t feel Baek In-ho is an enemy.
When he hears that Yang-sun was sent to the gibang, he bolts up in alarm, declaring that the gibang is the worst place for her to be—if the prince were to find her there, she’d be in danger.
For now, Yang-sun finds a spot out of the way and examines the decorative box. Thinking over what she’s recently learned of her parentage, she wonders if it could be true that she’s the old friend Yoon was looking for.
Sung-yeol bursts in and finds her here, equal parts relieved and upset. He reminds her that she wasn’t to go anywhere without permission, and I kid you not, they have a literal “Who’s your master?” “You are” exchange right then and there. Gack.
Sung-yeol leads her away, and she leaves the box behind (really? Your father’s dying possession?), to be found later by hunter Baek In-ho.
On the walk home, Yang-sun asks if he’s angry with her because she did something he didn’t order her to do. He replies that he’s not keeping her near to make her work, and when she asks why, he replies, “Why do you think?” Orrrrr you could just tell her. Girl’s not really the best on the deductive reasoning front, haven’t we established this already?
She goes through the possibilities, like he’s worried or doesn’t want to waste his investment in her. She can’t quite say the last possibility out loud, thinking to herself, “Because… you love me.”
She won’t tell him what she’s thinking, but he replies that whatever that third option is, that’s the correct one.
Ah, the spy’s spy turns out to be working for Hye-ryung, and he reports that the prince has not yet made contact with Sung-yeol. She decides she’ll have to act before her father does.
Late that night, Yang-sun sees Sung-yeol’s light still on and sits close to his door, thinking over his non-confession earlier. Sung-yeol sees her shadow nearing and watches from inside, smiling.
The next day, Hak-young brings hunter Baek In-ho to meet the prince, who receives his former martial arts teacher warmly. Baek In-ho hands over the box he’d found at the gibang, which Yoon recognizes as belonging to Jin. Baek explains that he’s found Jin, and thinks that (s)he’s being held hostage by the same vampire that killed his father. Moreover, Baek knows where that vampire lives.
Meanwhile, over at Sung-yeol’s, the team worries that the lack of contact from the prince indicates that he’s fallen in line with Gwi. And of course, without the royal’s cooperation, that super-secret master plan to defeat Gwi is useless. Sung-yeol wonders if he’s misjudged Yoon, and grarrrr, won’t somebody clear up the misunderstanding? Hearing of Baek In-ho’s past service, he deduces that Baek was aligned with Sadong’s goals to defeat Gwi, and may even know of that secret plan.
Yang-sun comes by with a feast for Sung-yeol, at least in terms of quantity. Based on his reaction it’s no better than the last time, and he has to choke down a bite because she’s watching so expectantly.
Just then, he senses something in the distance and heads out. In the woods nearby, Baek In-ho leads the prince and Hak-young as they approach the house, and excuses himself to scope out the premises first. Sung-yeol watches from the perimeter and approaches when Yoon is alone, approaching with hostile eyes—he’d given Yoon the opportunity to prove he wanted to fight Gwi, but Yoon didn’t seek him out and now comes with backup.
“Did Gwi send you?” he asks. Yoon replies that he’s here to take Jin back, and that Sung-yeol was the vampire to kill Jin’s father. Sung-yeol retorts that Gwi was the one to cause the man’s death, but Yoon cuts him off and says he can’t trust a vampire.
“I am different from Gwi,” Sung-yeol declares, calling Gwi his enemy too. But Yoon can’t believe him, asking what he’ll do after defeating Gwi. “I will end this beastly life myself,” Sung-yeol replies.
Yoon sneers, saying that Sung-yeol could change his mind and decide to subjugate the weak humans, like Gwi. He provokes Sung-yeol’s temper enough to prompt the red eyes, and Sung-yeol grabs him by the throat, lifting him high into the air.
Yoon pulls out a dagger and holds it to Sung-yeol’s throat. “You do this, and say you are different from Gwi?” he scoffs.
“I am! I have a person’s heart!” Sung-yeol says. “And to keep myself from forgetting that, I have suffered such agony the likes of which you cannot even imagine.”
And that’s when Yang-sun arrives in the clearing, calling out to Sung-yeol. With a grunt of frustration, Sung-yeol lets go of his hold, tossing the prince aside.
I’ve resigned myself to the expectation that this drama is just going to take its sweet time getting all our good guys on the same mission, so it’s not a surprise to have Sung-yeol and Yoon at odds and mistrusting each others’ motives. I do like the addition of the hunter, who gives us another link to the past and has already provided more movement in connecting Yang-sun to Jin than the other characters have done all show long. Mostly, it’s good to see the prince back in action after seeing him shun his faithful followers for the sake of the greater plan, and even though the swiftness of the turnaround almost undoes the big angst of the rift, I’m just glad to have him back with his best buddy and actively planning to fight Gwi.
Mostly, I was glad to have Yang-sun and Sung-yeol back together again, even if I’m forcing myself to forget that whole gross “I am your master” speech. Whatever, Neanderthal Scholar. I know that he doesn’t mean it in the way it sounds, but that’s the thing about words and the power of using them in certain ways, and I am not gonna smile and swoon when you doublespeak your way around your love confession by reminding your girl that you legit own her. Blech.
Oh right, but I was saying that I actually liked them together, now that Sung-yeol is past the denial phase and able to recognize that he does in fact love this woman and that it will probably end badly, but that he’s human enough to want to live the moments of happiness while they’re in front of him. It would be nice if he could actually express that a little to his beloved instead of assuming that “Number three” is the same as saying “I love you.” But I suppose it’s been a long road of acceptance, so I’ll cut him a little slack for not being ready to say the words.
The humor is what I’ve been sorely missing from this drama, and it wasn’t until it made a reappearance that I remembered how much better it is when it’s being cute and playing off the couple’s rapport, rather than building the angst of their separation. I love Sung-yeol choking down her terrible food and giving her space to figure out her new place in life (and recognizing that her housemaid duties were not about accepting her slave status but about finding a purpose to her life), and it was nice to see Yang-sun be useful in return by finding the pattern to the names in the diary. She’s adorable and plucky as a character, but good golly could I do without her needing to be saved every five seconds. I like being reminded that she actually knows things, and that she could contribute actively to this plot. Let’s see more of that, shall we?
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 10
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 9
- Dramabeans Podcast #29
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 8
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 7
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 6
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 5
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 4
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 3
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 2
- Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 1
Tags: featured, Kim So-eun, Lee Jun-ki, Lee Soo-hyuk, Lee Yubi, Scholar Who Walks the Night
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1 calicali
August 12, 2015 at 8:13 PM
On tonight's episode of Vampire Idols who Walk the Night Rising from the East, Mukadil realizes he's being upstaged by not one but two men who are just as pretty as him. Because there can only be one Prince, he decides to try to get rid of at least Changmin, since he just knows Jun Ki is either going to run away for two weeks, chase after him with a gun for many years, or turn into a clown and make fun of Mukadil and his Loki hair. So he knits himself a cape just like the mini one he made Bbabba and declares himself the new Bbabba of earth. He decrees that everyone RAPIPI but no one does that since they don't speak Vampiritusian.
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August 12, 2015 at 8:14 PM
And Yang Sun is a descendent of Mukadil and Beon Gae and has time lord like powers because she was born in the Vampiritus spaceship while they were entering a wormhole on their way back. Yup.
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August 12, 2015 at 10:20 PM
I just want you to know that because of these posts I finally got around to watching Vampire Idol, and I'm so in love with Mukadil it hurts. That is all.
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August 13, 2015 at 8:19 PM
It's a terminal disease. Just like my love for Song Jae Rim.
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Chanelboy loves Jang Ki Young Argh
August 13, 2015 at 12:50 AM
Sorry riding your comment, but is this show worth watching?
It's done halfway, but I'm still hesitate to jump into ride.
Tbh,maybe I just want to see Jun Ki in romcom wearing sharp suit acting as a womanizer loner jackass while licking ice cream. LOL.
I just can't stand seeing oppa suffer more from bloodpool, blade, and scars!
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2 heyitschristina
August 12, 2015 at 8:19 PM
That I am your master speech did not have the swoon inducing effect the writer was going for
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August 12, 2015 at 10:27 PM
it most definitely did not and I most certainly called him an ass..multiple times this episode..
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August 13, 2015 at 10:30 AM
I may or may not have screamed with righteous indignation at my tablet while watching this scene.
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3 0live13ranch
August 12, 2015 at 8:24 PM
I find Sung-yul's speech about life at the beginning very moving, and so true. Last episode, I thought he would give her a cheesy reason to live (such as: "I will be your reason to live from now on.. blah, blah.."). It's the hardest thing to move on after you lose a loved one, to realize that you have to live when it seems like there is noone beside you, nothing to keep your heart beating for.
Aldo, despite Su-huyang's jealousy, Sung-yul is very lucky to have two minions who are so loyal and efficient like her and Ho-jin.
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
August 12, 2015 at 9:12 PM
I feel sad SH's love wont be returned, but glad despite all of that, she still has loyalty and didnt turn out to be villain, so far..
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August 12, 2015 at 10:00 PM
That's just a matter of time.
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August 12, 2015 at 11:17 PM
Yea it's coming, just like everything else that we have predicted way before it happens.
It's too bad because she is pretty smart and she gets the ball rolling on Sung-yeol's camp while our hero is busy strolling the woods with our heroine.
She is jealous which is understandable but she gets things done anyway. She should fake the damsel in distress sometimes and maybe he will pay attention to her lol.
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August 12, 2015 at 10:11 PM
I am introduced to kdramas not a long time ago, but so far what I have watched, I can not recall a lady 2nd lead or love interest who is you know GOOD, I mean for who I can feel sad or can say "oohhh she should get the boy" like we do for male 2nd leads.... why the lady 2nd leads have to be bitchy??? cant we have one very pleasant and we feel sorry that she cant have the guy??
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August 13, 2015 at 10:30 AM
Oh My Ghostess has one! I recommend checking it out :)
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August 13, 2015 at 10:49 AM
I agree, Oh My Ghostess has a really great 2nd lead. Highly recommend that drama too :)
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August 13, 2015 at 11:05 AM
My theory is that for dramas to appeal to an audience, they need to present characters that somehow feel familiar to real life experience. We've all known people who are underhanded to get what they want. And we've all known women who are consumed by jealousy and treat their perceived rivals horribly. (Just less and less of them as we age.) So it's an easy character for the drama to deliver. I'm not saying it's a good character, just an easy one.
My 90+ year old grandmother used to follow a couple of soap operas faithfully. I asked her how she could stand the characters, when they were so ridiculous. It all came down to having a character that's easy to dislike and talk about (in agreement) with her friends.
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 2:15 PM
there are quite a few great second lead women in kdrama, even ones we would rather see with the male lead.
Lee Yubi herself played one such character in Gu Family Book, then there was Kang Sora in Dr Stranger, and among Lee Jun-ki's own costars there was Jeon Hye-bin in Joseon Gunman and Lee Young-ah in Iljimae. And now of course, Oh My Ghostess.
And there are a lot of great female second leads who are loved and who aren't into the main male lead at all.
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August 13, 2015 at 2:58 PM
Jeon Hye-bin is a 2nd lead scene stealer. I'm kind of sad that she is not attached to any project right now.
pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 8:09 PM
@Kiara - see, that's the perpetual injustice of second lead woman - even the great ones hardly get acknowledged for how good they are.
She did have great chemistry with oppa in Joseon Gunman too, enough to make me wish he'd turn and look at her instead of going for the Mary Sue. So much strength and nuance, it was gorgeous.
August 13, 2015 at 8:58 PM
@pogo shipping them irl too :).
4 Ice
August 12, 2015 at 8:31 PM
Our hero has finally let go of his first bittersweet but life goes on. I love the sweet & tender scenes like the night walk leading up to the light scene and then that beautiful song comes romantic but sad! This is exactly what I had been missing the past few episodes and the charm of this drama....the cutesy....ohhhh......awhhhhh.
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5 pigsnout
August 12, 2015 at 8:51 PM
last time he treated her like a gisaeng to be bought for the night, this time he pretends his caring for her is only because he owns her but at least says that in a slightly nicer way.......he would not even admit to himself last ep that he loved her so is there any hope he will say that he did it because he cares for her, to YS herself?
and Gwi is really attracted to Hye Ryung and not even hiding that from her, wow.
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August 12, 2015 at 9:03 PM
I was surprise that Gwi allowed Hye-ryung to marry Yoon without fulfilling her end of the bargain. Does he have short term memory loss when it comes to Hye-ryung?
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August 12, 2015 at 10:00 PM
I'm sorry, what were you saying?
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August 12, 2015 at 10:20 PM
She was suppose to lure Sung-yeol to him in exchange for the crown princess position.
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August 12, 2015 at 10:46 PM
Yeah, they kinda completely dropped that whole story line. SY already moved past his first love in this episode before they could leverage his angst with Hye-Ryong at all. I'm sure it will turn up again at an important moment even though it would make no sense for the character at this point. sigh.
August 12, 2015 at 10:49 PM
:-) yeah.... I was just kidding about the memory loss...
August 12, 2015 at 11:01 PM
@Susan Lol I have no brain cell left.
August 13, 2015 at 1:56 PM
@Pearl~ai88 yes, kind of like Sung-yeol's emotional display after meeting Mung-hee's doppelganger. The writer kind of forgot about that until 3 or 4 eps later lol.
6 LY
August 12, 2015 at 8:54 PM
Acck! Grim Reaper Mu Yeol meets the Magistrate Eun Oh again in this sequel of Scholar Night. (only for this time they are both in different roles as bounty hunter and vampire) Heheh!
The coordinator and stylist must have an eye of flowery hanbok motifs for LJK in this drama. :D
Love it! :D
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August 12, 2015 at 9:17 PM
Han Jung-soo must love playing the ultimate sageuk hunter. Chuno- slave hunter, Arang- soul/ghost hunter, Scholar- animal/vampire hunter.
Watch out pretty boys. There is a hawt manly man in town <3.
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7 helloalexysmile
August 12, 2015 at 8:57 PM
Gwi's "Wouldn't being my woman be better?" was more swaying than the slave-master thing, because I want a larger development in Yang Sun. Maybe I like that Gwi actually asked Hye Ryung about her decision lol
Does no one like that ship? I wonder if I'm distracted by the tension between super pretty Kim So Eun and Lee Soo Hyuk.
I miss the banter between Lee Yoon and Yang Sun already, sigh.
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
August 12, 2015 at 9:03 PM
i ship Gwi-Hye Ryung too! now its clear that Gwi has a feeling for Hye Ryung. i want to know Hye Ryung's feeling. i know she cares about Crown Prince but i still wish she has a little feeling for Gwi. Coz Gwi is quite pitiful (i know he is bad, but still.....)
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August 12, 2015 at 9:28 PM
I'd ship them but this writer will sink it in the next episode. I'm still bitter that Yoon and Yang-sun's ship was completely wrecked. I miss the playful and adorable banter between them too.
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 2:00 PM
I so wished they'd had an encounter at the gibang....
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August 13, 2015 at 3:04 PM
Only this time she gets to kick him where it hurts before he marries Hye-ryung lol.
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August 12, 2015 at 11:59 PM
Ohhh may I join the club???? *happily excited* :D I am shipping them from the start and screamed in almost every recap for a kiss between the two :)
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August 13, 2015 at 12:41 PM
Let's not forget what happened to the last woman Gwi got involved with. I'd say marrying the Crown Prince is a much safer option.
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 2:03 PM
hey, Gwi might have asked Hye-ryung if she'd be his woman (I never thought he'd openly proposition her that way, honestly) but then he himself was the one who told her what happened to his last woman.
They are really hot together in a way that would probably lead to hates*x if they were both human, but she secretly fears him and is more into Yoon. Whom she'll probably marry, so there goes that ship.
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8 ⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
August 12, 2015 at 8:57 PM
it wud be better if the time he wants to let go his first love, it has some flashback of he and myung hee moments...but i still wish he wont let her go completely....because it was his reason to live from beginning, just now he found that YS is a reason that he wants to continue to live.
err actually im not watching this epi yet.
Btw, Tq for your recap. Now i can figure what parts im gonna see. :D
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9 susan
August 12, 2015 at 9:08 PM
Yawn! The writing's getting wonky.
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August 12, 2015 at 10:49 PM
I thought this episode was more entertaining and moved the plot along better than the last couple of weeks. Maybe I was just blinded by the cute? I do like that they introduced a new (active!) character.
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August 12, 2015 at 10:51 PM
They're tweaking. The show is moving off in a different direction than the set up. It will end up becoming more caricatured bc they won't have time to develop all the new characters and threads...
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10 MissChiVyous
August 12, 2015 at 9:09 PM
Thanks for the recap, javabeans! I've been waiting. ;)
For a moment there, I thought Sung-yeol went into the forest to barf out all the inedible food he had consumed....talking about a bad case a bulimia! >_<
Yang-sun was super cute in this episode, and I'm thankful for all the cute scenes. Ho-jin was eager to show off his wood chopping skill just to have his disciple almost behead him with an ax. haha I hope Ho-jin and Su-huyang will get to have their history with Sung-yeol revealed.
A few questions did come to mind in this episode:
1) Why did the bullet do so much damage when it's not created from hawthorne?
2) Why would souls necessarily roam around that lake that Sung-yeol lead Yang-sun to?
3) If Hye-ryung became Gwi's woman, would she have to turn into a vampire? Is that why she wanted to be a "human" with power?
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August 12, 2015 at 9:41 PM
I love Ho-jin. The wood chopping scene was hilarious.
1- it was a silver bullet and silver has the same effect as hawthorne on vampires. It can hurt or kill them.
2- I think it's an old folklore belief.
3-obviously Gwi will have to turn her into a vampire to avoid his first mistake from happening again.
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August 13, 2015 at 10:37 AM
Ooo Thanks for the clarification, Kiara! It irks me to be bogged down by confusion.
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August 13, 2015 at 1:21 PM
MissChiVyous I'm still confuse with vampires and the rules here so you are not alone :).
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August 13, 2015 at 11:10 AM
Re: 3
Oooor, another alternative would be, he could just treat the mother and child well, so the child wouldn't want to kill him.
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August 13, 2015 at 1:08 PM
I like it :). Have them sign a contract or pinky swear not to eat daddy no matter what lol.
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 2:09 PM
Ho-jin is totally a Yang-sun/Sung-yeol shipper, but the amount of distress her book-learned incompetence causes him is just too funny.
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11 Marcellina Chiazor
August 12, 2015 at 9:09 PM
This is the real beginning of the show. it started with this episode.
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12 Gidget
August 12, 2015 at 9:10 PM
"“From today, your owner is me. Without my permission, you may not leave this place.”"
But I thought that was the swoony thing to do!!! She's young and has been nothing but trouble because of a consistent refusal to stay put. She's always thought it's better to follow her feeeelings than to listen to the cautionary advice he's given. She's cocky because she was able to run a minor underground book selling operation. But she's in over her head and doesn't appear to realize it. At this point, continuing her 'normal' behavior would be a certain death sentence. And it would put SY at the same level of risk because Gwi is now using her to flush him out.
So because advice doesn't help, he's trying to find a way to work around her obvious limitations (kinder than upbraiding her). Letting her know he bought her contract and reminding her of the limitations mandated by her legal status was the right thing to do. She needs tough love. And saying it in that context also protects her from 'oopsie' bad advice given by jealous sidekick unni.
So I'm ok with it all in the context of how they've sketched the characters and the stakes. And because sometimes the most loving thing you can do for someone involves walking with them through difficulty. Love isn't always puppies, butterflies, unicorns, backhugs and kisses.
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August 12, 2015 at 10:33 PM
I agree with both Javabeans and you. I don't like the whole slave/master language, and like JB said words have power, but I also understand that Sung-Yeol is saying it with the best intentions. He never once treats her like a slave, he is just reminding her of where she stands, like you said, and also giving her another reason to live (she doesn't just belong to herself so she shouldn't hurt herself) and to follow his instructions so that he can protect her (he has actual legal authority over her).
The first scene where he explains this is not so bad. But the second one where he runs out to find her and then makes her verbally confirm he's her "master" is just cringe-inducing. I understand he is upset, but really.
It's all in the clunky execution. Instead of letting us feel a little uncomfortable with the situation or at least down-playing it, the drama plays it up as the height of romance, with horribly cliched dialogue to boot. I've never read the SWWTN manhwa, but I've seen this kind of thing in many a shojo manga, and I would assume the story is betraying it's roots here. In contrast, I remember JB and GF talking on the podcast about Mandate of Heaven where there was a similar situation with the second leads, but they didn't find it creepy because of how it was presented.
Since there is nothing wrong with the actual situation- buying her was the best option to get her out of there and SY is not taking advantage of it in a bad way- I will just blame it on the writer and shojo tropes and continue to love Sung Yeol. LJK's wonderful delivery also helps minimize the cringiness. And did I mention Lee Jun Ki?
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August 13, 2015 at 3:13 AM
Perhaps they are going the 50 Shades of Scholar route with the Slave/Master references? ?
The second instance was cringe-inducing, though I do agree with the reasoning above for the those S/M posturings by SY, even if I find it wonky character-wise. However, since I am enjoying the drama despite all those writing and plotting misses, shall have to overlook this as well so as not to dampen the enthusiasm.
(I trust that these dialogues were most probably inspired by Shoujo stories as mentioned by another poster here).
On another tangent, LJG's Hanboks in this drama has totally changed my view on men's Hanboks. Have never thought them to be stunning on a man (or vice versa), but I suppose LJG will always be the exception to the rule. ?
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 11:26 AM
the costumes in this drama are absolutely stunning, I love how the leads' costumes (apart from Yang-sun's since she wears shabby peasant clothes) incorporate creative twists on the hanbok and accessories.
Whether it's Sung-yeol's floaty floral hanboks (seriously, they look so good when he fights, and the flowers just accentuate Lee Jun-ki's beauty even more) or Soo-hyang's almost ballgown-inspired skirts and intricate floral hair accessories (not to mention Hye-ryung's layered hanbok skirts and braids, or even Yoon's muted jewel-toned hanboks), they're great. I hope MBC gives the costume department of this drama a bonus, they've earned it.
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August 13, 2015 at 12:30 PM
I agree! Usually I don't care for the modernized versions of historical dress. But these are done with just the right amount of understatement to hit the sweet spot.
What I'm also loving about the styling is that they've toned down the makeup (particularly the lip coloring) on LJK. But while nodding to his usual flower boy image by putting actual flowers on his hanbok. LOL.
Trading off a plain hanbok with heavy makeup for a flowered hanbok with a more masculine natural face has been such a good move. It made him go from being attractive in an objective sort of way, to attractive in a way that makes the heart beat faster. :-)
pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 12:54 PM
@Gidget - yeah, the literal 'flowers for the original flower boy' thing is really cool. Normally, guys' hanboks apart from the Satto uniform don't interest me because sageuks don't really do much with men's casual hanbok costumes apart from having them in bright colours.
But the flowers are a genius touch, and I think you're right when you say they soften Lee Jun-ki's look enough that they don't have to use as much makeup on him. Though the eyeliner game still remains A++++ (sure, sageuks don't do PPL but oppa's eye shape is THE most perfect ever for showing off eyeliner, I want to know what they use on him).
August 13, 2015 at 12:13 PM
"But the second one where he runs out to find her and then makes her verbally confirm he’s her “master” is just cringe-inducing. I understand he is upset, but really."
I understand what you're saying, but I wonder, what else can he do? I don't think he used that messaging because he was upset. He did it because he doesn't want to see her die or to continue putting himself at risk while the stakes are escalating. The safest place for him to do for her would actually be to lock her up. Instead, what he's trying to do is put her under an arrangement similar to house arrest; but wherein she can roam the house and grounds as châtelaine. So from that perspective, chastising that her slave status mandates obedience to what he tells her to do - BUT coupled with what he's telling her to do - is light handed. He's tried to reason with her and it hasn't worked.
As far as the slavery issue is concerned, I'm willing to let the drama live and breathe within the context of it's historical setting. And I'm happy it isn't overtly enforcing a 21st century perspective on the setting. I like the fact the drama is doing it subtly.
First, the drama is making it clear that he isn't reminding her of her new class to demean her. In fact, within the household he's actually elevated her status by giving her the kind of access and attention normally reserved for a wife. (I think that's the point of the whole food a newlywed husband has to eat a young newlywed wife's bad cooking and complement her for it. LOL)
And in a broader sense, if the drama is reinforcing the messaging that to be a 'good' human being, you have to treat other human beings as having inherent dignity, regardless of their status. Because so far, the drama has portrayed that the 'good' characters treat slaves well. And in the instances where we've seen slaves being mistreated, the drama has portrayed the perpetrators in a very unfavorable light.
So that's why I'm ok with what they're doing.
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August 13, 2015 at 12:49 PM
“But the second one where he runs out to find her and then makes her verbally confirm he’s her “master” is just cringe-inducing. I understand he is upset, but really.”
I saw the second time as him telling her to listen only to him. Specifically she doesn't need to take orders from Su Hyang or Ho Jin, especially if they try and tell her to leave.
This places her as second in the household and not last - as she seems to think she is.
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 1:58 PM
I agree, I don't like the slave/master language (though domestic Yang-sun is super cute, like a puppy chewing shoes and then leaving them for its master as presents) but I kind of get how for Sung-yeol, it's another way to try to take care of her while trying to avoid saying the actual words about just why he did it (like No. 3).
And I agree with whoever said that she might technically be a slave, but with all her attempts to take care of Sung-yeol, prepare his food etc., she's more like a young wife than a slave.
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13 aurora
August 12, 2015 at 9:27 PM
So the order will be like this:
Yangsun sees Sungyeol choking Yoon - He escapes from the scene, not wanting her to know his true identity -Yoon brings Yangsun to a safer place - Yoon tells that Sungyeol is a vampire, also revealed the fact that Sungyeol killed her biological father - Yoon insisted that Sungyeol is dangerous but Yangsun is torn between believing Yoon's words or following her own heart (I really want her to dream once again, to the moment when she was bitten by his father then realizing that Sungyeol was the one who saved her)
I'm not sure about Sungyeol leaving her behind but it will be better because she will know the truth immediately eventhough she will be poured with Yoon's words of jealousy. If it goes like that, then, there will be a huge mess because Yoon will continue confronting Sungyeol until he gets what he want which is Yangsun/Jin and Gwi may joins to the scene too.
Applause to the script writer. This is not right, okay?
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August 12, 2015 at 9:41 PM
I'll place a bet that it will go down quite a bit differently:
Yang Sun will approach Sung Yeol. Yoon will try to warn her against Sung Yeol and tell her outright that Sung Yeol killed her father. She will look hurt and confused, and will either stay with Sung Yeol and reject Yoon (the stronger stance for the writer) or will try to walk away from both (the cliched stance for the writer).
If she walks way, Sung Yeol will try to follow her, but will somehow be prevented from doing so by Yoon's men or a combination of Yoon's men and additional circumstances. In this case, she will go back to the castle with Yoon. This will necessitate Sung Yeol rescuing her. If he's successful, this silly arc will end. If he's not, then she'll meet Gwi.
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August 13, 2015 at 12:29 AM
Yours have a bigger possibility than mine, but I'll push all my luck to make yours happening. Yangsun face to face with Gwi will be more interesting -- he may spoils her so many thing and it leads her to another confusion and pain. We still have 4 weeks to go though ~
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August 13, 2015 at 7:36 AM
Yang-sun is still pissed off at Yoon. Sung-yeol still have the upper hand, that is if she doesn't find out he is a vampire yet. I think it's going to drag out for 2 or 4 more episodes. Hopefully the new writer will cut it down to one.
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14 mido
August 12, 2015 at 9:31 PM
In my opinion this drama is getting better from 10th episode but ratings are dropping continuously, i don't know koreans taste but this is favorite of mine, Lead couple has good chemistry. Next time i wish LJK will act modern era drama. He is so talented actor he can act anything.
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August 12, 2015 at 9:56 PM
The writing is getting worse... this drama was silly and funny, but that wasn't really a problem. It was fun to watch the unintentional camp. Now it looks like they're trying to fix it, which is messing up the tone. Hence the audience that liked silly and funny is leaving, only it's too late to add an audience that likes convoluted plotting.
On top of that, to change direction, the writers is underplaying characters they've spent time developing and tossing new ones in willy nilly. The problem is that there isn't time to develop all these characters well, so the show will become even more caricatured while losing its charming tone. This equals lower ratings.
It's a shame - Lee Jun Ki is doing a marvelous job of carrying the whole drama. Poor Lee Soo Hyuk has a remarkably flat character to bring alive... And Lee Yoo Bi has had her character undermined so thoroughly by the the changes in writing that she could be played by a stuffed animal at this point.
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 1:04 PM
seriously I would kill at this point for Lee Yubi to get to do anything besides 'be bright and cute' and 'damsel in distress'.
She was showing brief flashes of something more in earlier episodes when Yang-sun occasionally had to tap into a deeper emotion (like telling Yoon to leave her alone with the loan sharks in ep 3, or begging Sung-yeol for help in episode 2) but right now Yang-sun is pretty much a cuddly toy with a huge crush on Sung-yeol and a tendency to wander off alone and get in trouble.
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August 12, 2015 at 10:05 PM
I agree, but now its too late to get the attention of audience if the writer was good this would have been the no 1 in ratings, such a waste of good casting, but still LJk carrying it, but this seems internationally popular, I hope poor Jun ki won't be depressed after the drama.
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August 12, 2015 at 10:45 PM
This writer was my biggest worry before the drama started.
Jun-ki and the rest of the cast are working their ass off to save this show but there is only so much they can do.
I bet grandpa Lee can't wait to for his character to die so he can get the heck off this drama.
Oh well, I said that I'll watch the hell out of this till the bitter end for Jun-ki.... Hopefully I won't be the only one left here lol. *Looks around for pogo*
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August 12, 2015 at 10:53 PM
If nothing else, we can watch for the cute Yung Seol costuming. Really, the costuming is the absolute *best* part of this drama!
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August 12, 2015 at 10:53 PM
Or Sung Yeol. :-)
August 13, 2015 at 5:40 AM
I love all of the hanboks on both the ladies and the gentlemen but Hye-ryung has been wearing the same hanbok since episode 3.
I guess we can look forward to Yubi wearing some pretty hanboks in the future.
August 13, 2015 at 12:46 AM
With the fact that Yongpal is their new rival after Mask probably the reason why the writer suddenly starting to make such frustasing plot. But it ended making the rest who watched this for the sake of Lee Joon Gi starting to feel uncomfortable. I'm feeling sorry for him for doing his job flawlessly despite the lack of ability of the script writer. He even said sorry to the fans (found out he also read all the supportive comments which is really sweet). Yoobi also struggling the same thing but worst (ugh). I don't understand what was on the original creator's head for agreeing to sign the script. Why would she ruin her own work..........?
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August 13, 2015 at 1:12 AM
@Cara he said sorry to fans??? Why???
August 13, 2015 at 5:52 AM
He posted a picture in his instagram and said sorry but didn't state the reason.
pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 11:13 AM
@Kiara - hey there!!! I'm still here, it's just that the delay in subs+having to be at work in my time zone means I get to the recaps late.
And yeah, I'm in it to the bitter end too. Though I can't guarantee I won't die of the extreme cheese first, if nothing else I will want to complain about what hacks the writer and production staff are (bouncy torture sticks! Overwrought voiceovers! Damsel-in-distress heroine!) and all.
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August 13, 2015 at 1:01 PM
It's funny, because usually I can't stand damsel in distress heroines who are mostly the source of their own problems. But for some reason LYB has made me love her character -- despite needing to cathartically yell at the screen when she's doing something foolhardy.
At this point, I'm really hoping that her character is being modeled along the lines of Marianne Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility. All heart and impulse, but needing some hard knocks to make her grow up into someone thoughtful and reasonable.
I also've liked the chemistry between LJK and LYB. And it's enough to keep me going to the end. But to really sell the pairing, I do wish that the drama would explain why he's attracted to her given all the trouble she causes. Sure, on the surface she's adorable; but the sheer amount of trouble she brings would make the bloom of that fade quickly. So what was his deeper need and why does she fill it? Have I missed it?
pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 1:29 PM
That's a good potential comparison, to Marianne - I remember wanting to yell at her through half of Sense and Sensibility, but she was just so sweet that you end up feeling bad for her when her heart is broken.
and yeah, I am another one who can't stand damsel-in-distress heroines (stupid ones) or aegyo, and Yang-sun is a textbook case of both. If this was a book, I'd want to throttle her about once a day, but I don't know by what sorcery Lee Yubi is stopping me from having that urge here.
As for why Sung-yeol is into Yang-sun, we've not really got much of a reason so far beyond her appeal to his protective instincts. And I don't think we'll get any more, either. Somehow in the moment, Lee Jun-ki and Lee Yubi manage to sell their characters' chemistry, but if we want the story to give us an explanation, we're not getting it.
August 13, 2015 at 2:23 PM
@pogo Yay! I knew it. Hopefully we wont end up in a mental institution after this show haha.
Lee Jun-ki you big babe you! I can't even quit even if I wanted to lol.
pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 8:05 PM
@Kiara - yep, we're ride-or-die here. Nothing less for oppa!
Though I suspect, like you, that this will end with us wanting to tear our own hair out haha.
pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 8:10 PM
and oops, sorry for the double comment but I will be late to today's recap too since work. But I'll see you in approximately....12-14 hours?
August 13, 2015 at 12:08 AM
I too love LJK, but the lower ratings may have something to do with how slow this story has been moving with the bad writing, together with new competition from Joo Won and Kim Tae Hee starting up in Yong Pal on another network at the same time?
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Kalyasiri Tan
August 13, 2015 at 4:10 AM
Me too I love LJK . Rating doesn't mean anything ..... just like SKKS . Rating very low but loved by netizens around the world. AATM too ....
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August 13, 2015 at 6:26 AM
Ratings may not mean much to us viewers but it does to those who are part of the show. Higher rating means more money from commercials, more appeal to the overseas market etc.
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 11:21 AM
not to mention more and better work offered to the actors afterwards.
I'm not so worried about oppa since he is held in such high esteem by critics and viewers as a leading man and actor (and is getting the credit for the watchability of this drama so far), but I'm more worried about Yubi - she's the newbie here and getting way too much crap and not enough credit for what she did with her role. She's not perfect, but she is far too good to be relegated to second lead again - I hope she gets a better project next time.
August 13, 2015 at 1:12 PM
@ pogo
Promise I'm not stalking you...just gelling with what you're saying here today. :-)
What are the complaints being leveled at LYB? I've really enjoyed her character, so I don't get that at all.
pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 1:49 PM
@Gidget - no sweat lol. Lee Yubi got a lot of crap from both Korean netizens and international drama fans about her casting, largely because some sites were really irresponsible about reporting/translation on the casting process for the female lead of this drama.
I also get the feeling that a lot of We Got Married fans had the knives out for her because she, a rookie, got the lead over Kim So-eun who is far more popular/better known (conspiracy theories have Sidus and Yubi's mother somehow influencing the production to give Yubi the role.....and create a second role for KSE. Why they would do this is a mystery, but fits the conspiracy nicely). But since the drama started, some people have started to grudgingly accept that she's actually a pretty decent actress especially given the material she has to work with here, but from a lot of people, the carping has just not stopped.
I found it really unfair, especially considering how she's actually not bad at the acting and is working through a major injury.
August 13, 2015 at 2:39 PM
@pogo I think Yubi will be ok. She is doing a great job with what she's given. She is not perfect and still have room to grow but she's getting more love now than before.
pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 8:03 PM
@Kiara - amen to that! I agree, she's not perfect but the very fact that she's at least getting some acknowledgement of her acting skills, is encouraging.
(I hope to god her next project is better)
August 13, 2015 at 4:38 AM
The drama got bogged down by it's own convoluted machinations of a plot that frankly, I think not a lot of people care about. Personally, they could have just gone with a fun love square between Sung Yeul, Yang Sun, Yoon and Hye Ryung, and I would have been a happy camper. The writer kinda sucked the fun out of the drama by treating the whole "kill Gwi" plan way too seriously. lol
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 1:00 PM
I love the mini Arang reunion happening here but I do hope Han Jung-soo's only in for a cameo instead of being a full-fledged new supporting character. We've already got enough protagonists/antagonists to deal with here, without adding another.
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August 13, 2015 at 2:45 PM
Han is just doing a cameo but I want him to stay because I'm just too greedy lol.
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15 aurora
August 12, 2015 at 9:36 PM
So the order will be like this:
Yangsun sees Sungyeol choking Yoon - He escapes from the scene, not wanting her to know his true identity -Yoon brings Yangsun to a safer place - Yoon tells that Sungyeol is a vampire, also revealed the fact that Sungyeol killed her biological father - Yoon insisted that Sungyeol is dangerous but Yangsun is torn between believing Yoon's words or following her own heart (I really want her to dream once again, to the moment when she was bitten by his father then realizing that Sungyeol was the one who saved her)
I'm not sure about Sungyeol leaving her behind but it will be better because she will know the truth immediately eventhough she will be poured with Yoon's words of jealousy. If it doesn't go like that (Sungyeol brings Yangsun with him back to the house), then, there will be a huge mess because Yoon will continue confronting Sungyeol until he gets what he want which is Yangsun/Jin and Gwi may joins to the scene too.
Applause to the script writer. This is not right, okay?
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16 aurora
August 12, 2015 at 9:37 PM
so apparently my comment posted twice ugh sorry
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17 ⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
August 12, 2015 at 11:36 PM
The problem with this drama is the script and storyline. the casts are good, but seems to be wasted. Gwi for eg, we didnt see much of his development yet. HY, despite her little appearance at least show a bit fan of sageuk but the feels i got by watching this drama is quite similar with Night Watchmen. Excited at the beginning, but after few episodes all becomes boring. Maybe if this concept is in modern drama, then it can attract many more.
thts y its dropped in rating . im not sure if internet rating is good, but still YP is way ahead at the moment. plus the only strong cast here is LJK.
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18 cmak
August 13, 2015 at 12:03 AM
Seeing Han Jung Soo on my screen just made me want to watch Arang all over again. Such high hopes for this drama only to turn in weekly out of drama habit and love for my LJK. Thank you for the ever diligent recaps!
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August 13, 2015 at 10:35 AM
haha Funny you pointed this out because I've already done that while waiting for new episodes be posted! :P
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 12:28 PM
watching Arang and then watching this, I'd just get depressed at the difference in the level of writing and world-building :(
I heard they brought in new writers for SWWTN from Jun-ki's older drama Time Between Dog and Wolf, but now that makes me wish they nabbed Jang Yoon-jung, the writer of Arang (and Misaeng) she knows how to write a solid fantasy and stirring romance.
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August 13, 2015 at 2:48 PM
I started rewatching Arang again last week. This show is making me do crazy things I tell you lol.
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19 Lisa
August 13, 2015 at 1:01 AM
done hoping the storyline to get better, just continue watching to see LJK being dolly up in his flowery hanbok thats all~
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20 goodytwoshoes
August 13, 2015 at 1:27 AM
Oh well, I won't be needing an angel to tell me that the daughter in the prince's diary is Yang-sun. Or why else is she suppose to disguise as a boy for the rest of her life. And dramagods, I know you've been vague on how to destroy Gwi by saying it is 'people' that can only destroy him. Please, don't go into a lengthy story of "how until the people come together with love in their hearts blah blah blah, then Gwi will die" because I will flip a table and cut someone.
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August 13, 2015 at 1:27 PM
No need for flipping tables...
It also can be interpreted as "a person". My guess is that the point of introducing the matrilineal family tree is to set the stage for an eventual revelation that she's Gwi's granddaughter and has the power to kill him. (References to her mother have been conspicuously missing from the drama.)
And that sets us up for two possibilities:
If she's human and somehow immune to vampirish influence, I hope they'll echo the mythology of Arwen/Aragorn in Lord of the Rings. With their relationship having the ability to restore SY's mortality, so the OTP can have a normal happily ever after.
Or if she also has vampirish immortality (again, the females in that line were either killed or are mysteriously absent), that could set them up for a happily ever after too. But, ugh, if that's what they do.
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August 13, 2015 at 6:27 PM
That's what happens when we have the Prince of vague (Sadong). He could've just told Sung-yeol that it's Jin instead of the..seeeecrreeet issss a
So we have the Prince of vague, the diary of vague and Gwi's child of vague.
Since we have new writer there is hope that you won't need to flip anything :).
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21 mido
August 13, 2015 at 1:32 AM
Poor Jun Ki i hope he will choose good script next time, other victim is ha ji won, but that that's okay, every one has falling so don't bother, despite the script Jun Ki's acting is great.
regarding the best script "punch" is the best and kim rae won did a great job, but he did't get a single award for that. sorry mentioning it irrelevantly. feel sorry about him.
Jun ki Fighting!!!! :)
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Kalyasiri Tan
August 13, 2015 at 4:12 AM
Rating is nothing .. read all the comments from netizens ... around the world ... korean love modern drama than sageuk ...
LJK doing a good job ...
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22 mido
August 13, 2015 at 1:41 AM
Poor Jun ki i hope he will choose a good script next time, other victim is ha ji won, every one has falling so don't bother, despite of poor script Jun Ki's acting is awesome.
I think "punch" is no 01 in script writing, kim rae won did a great job but he didn't get a single award for that, sorry about mentioning irrelevantly, but feel sorry for him.
Fighting Lee jun ki !!!!, i'm watching to the end for your sake. :)
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August 13, 2015 at 1:43 AM
sorry i thought first one didn't post i had to redo it, but both are there sorry about that. :)
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Kalyasiri Tan
August 13, 2015 at 4:13 AM
I think this drama is loved by netizens ... not korean. Rating doesn't represent anything ....
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23 Jannie
August 13, 2015 at 2:56 AM
I've read comments from the Baidu forums that new writers are coming on board from Ep 12 onwards. They are supposedly from Time Between Dog and Wolf and Liar Game. Has anyone else heard anything about this?
So, the hunter has finally appeared in the drama, but the adorable young hunter from the manhwa has turned into an ahjussi, LOL!
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August 13, 2015 at 3:12 AM
where can i read the manhwa?
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August 13, 2015 at 8:06 AM
I have hunted them down since the beginning of the drama too, and the best I have found so far is in Russian lol.
But if you are up for just the picture here is how to search. the_vampire_of_the_east
there are 5 vol in total now, in Russian
Bameur Geonneun Seonbi
밤을 걷는 선비
Have fun!
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August 13, 2015 at 5:18 AM
Haven't heard about this Jennie but I like the writers from Jun-ki's old drama Time Between Dog and Wolf 100x better than this current writer. It's a good move but it might be too late. We've passed the halfway point already and it's not a 50+ episodes drama like Jumong. It went through a couple writers but it didn't affect the show.
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August 13, 2015 at 10:41 AM
For those still watching, it's not too late. With LJK's lovely face, I'm still on board! :D
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24 Time
August 13, 2015 at 3:36 AM
Ship them too. Actually I almost skip whole episode and watch only Gwi part lol. Don't know why I can't swoon over main couple. Gwi couple is much sexier? And mystery? Even what they do are nothing and all Gwi did in almost every episodes is sniff for the blood smell? Hahahahha
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25 Wonland
August 13, 2015 at 3:47 AM
Gwi HY couple is interesting and their tension is higher. I really wanna know what is HR plan. She know that Crown prince has a plan to get rid of Gei for sure and she lie to Gwi. If she is on the vampire slay boat, I wonder what's actually her deal.
Btw, Gwi is turned down and he look a bit crushed. Too bad too bad. Really like him though and he show up like 2 mins?
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August 13, 2015 at 1:38 PM
She wants as much power as she can have. Of course she'll get on the vampire slay boat! Probably die for it too, since he'll feel more betrayed by her than the others.
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August 13, 2015 at 3:57 PM
If you go back and read comments from earlier recaps you might find your answer there.
I'm too lazy to type so I just copied my comment from the last episode.
"Hye-ryung will be more useful to Yoon than Yang-sun at this point. Daddy Choi is trying to outs Yoon as the real Eumlan Seosaeng so he can become king. Hye-ryung is not going to let that happen because she wants to be queen.
I believe Hye-ryung is going to cover up the fact that Yoon is the real Eumlan Seosaeng. I think she likes Yoon but at the same time it feels like he’s just part of her plan to get rid of her father."
The reason why she hates her father the most is because he gave her (his only daughter) to Gwi as a servant against her will and her mother's in exchange for the prime minister position. That also drove her mother to lose her mind that she can't even recognize her own daughter.
I won't be surprise if Hye-ryung stays on the vampire slayer boat and help Yoon because as long as Gwi is around no one will have any real power in the royal household including her.
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26 Kalyasiri Tan
August 13, 2015 at 4:04 AM
Thks for recaps JB ... LOve U
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27 Kalyasiri Tan
August 13, 2015 at 4:04 AM
Why people are so Fast ??? I mean I still can't watch with Sub ??? Viki doesn't work in my country ... LOL ... any suggestion ??
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28 Kalyasiri Tan
August 13, 2015 at 4:06 AM
Oo this Episode is so sad .... KSY ... things got complicated ......
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29 Ice
August 13, 2015 at 5:12 AM
I'd call LJK "Master" everyday. Just sing to me and stare at me intensely. Totally love this guy's acting abilities!
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August 13, 2015 at 6:11 AM
I'll call him oraboni like Mung-hee, the older formal version of oppa (romantic oppa version :)).
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August 13, 2015 at 6:53 AM
I'm so much older than him though :( LOL
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August 13, 2015 at 7:14 AM
This is a part fantasy drama so age doesn't matter lol.
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August 13, 2015 at 9:18 AM
It's definitely a fantasy...hehehehe. :)
August 13, 2015 at 10:38 AM
haha Don't forget that he's 120 years old in this storyline. You're a baby in comparison.
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August 13, 2015 at 1:41 PM
pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 12:24 PM
there's no way you're older than him, he's 120 years old here after all.
Unless you are a secret Guinness World Record holder for the title of oldest human being alive, of course :)
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August 13, 2015 at 4:01 PM
Plus 24yrs as human. He is technically 144yrs old lol.
30 bizzare
August 13, 2015 at 8:03 AM
I am actually not surprised by I am your master/ I own you line considering how this is adapted from manhwa. I have come across so many mangas/manhwas in which the bratty main lead says I own you line.
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31 fantasy
August 13, 2015 at 9:12 AM
I feel LSH and KSE's screen time is getting shorter and shorter in every episode :( :( but I m happy to see that there are fans like me who ship them based on two or three minutes, dialogues and glances :) ... I am not a fan of LJK like others, I watch it for KSE and LSH was bonus but I am starting to get disappointed now :(
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
August 13, 2015 at 7:28 PM
me too..
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32 endz
August 13, 2015 at 9:20 AM
Thanks for the recap.
I only go to DB because i just want to read the recap. The comments section is too smart for my taste. I mean. i feel like every person here aims for perfection in every drama.
TSWTN is a good drama for me. Low ratings? Maybe because koreans were not into Vampire thingy. or maybe there are other drama's who's better. international audience like me loved this. but criticizing every details? i find it unfair.
After all, this is manwha. Who reads manhwa? Young adults. Who watched drama's in korea? the middle aged people.
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pogo - sailing HMS Queen of Tears and HMS Sailboat Lovely Runner🍉
August 13, 2015 at 11:31 AM
er, ok?
and trying to find justifications for the various flaws of this drama is fine, but trying to pin critical commenters as 'unfair' for offering up critique in the first place is just immature.
We're also fans of the actors but we don't enjoy the fact that this drama has so many flaws that even we can't ignore them and have to point them out. Partly because we believe this cast deserves better.
And also, some of the problem is just that this production is incompetent. I mean, a torture scene showing a victim being beaten with "sticks" that.....bounce? Come on. Do we have to excuse every single way in which the producers/PD mess up?