Scholar Who Walks the Night: Episode 10

It’s a turning point in the romance and the plot, though the plot half of that is debatable when we’re talking about this show. Don’t get me wrong—stuff totally happens. It’s just that Scholar’s plot has a way of introducing new information that’s a lot like the old information, dressed in new information clothing. Thankfully there are strong character beats that keep us grounded in the emotional journey, especially when the stakes are life and death.


The Daisy – “사랑한단 말은 안해도” (Even If I Don’t Say I Love You) [ Download ]

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Yang-sun wails over her father’s body as Sung-yeol watches from a distance, anxious to get her away to safety. But Prince Yoon rounds the corner and discovers her there, and Sung-yeol is forced to retreat. Urg, at this point couldn’t you just whisk her away and be done with it?

Yoon asks his guard what will happen to Yang-sun now, and he’s told that she’ll become a slave. Sung-yeol returns home and tells his people that he’s going to rescue Yang-sun, and they worry that he’ll expose himself to Gwi that way. All you people do is worry. Imma call you the Worrywarts from now on.

The Worrywarts think it’s conspicuous enough that Yang-sun was allowed to live, but Sung-yeol is determined to save her. Now you’re talking some sense. Su-hyang sees that he won’t budge, and offers to look into a quieter way to get Yang-sun out.

Sung-yeol goes to the temple where Yang-sun said the diary was hidden, and FINALLY gets his hands on Prince Jeonghyeon’s diary. He opens it up carefully once he’s home, and gets emotional as he reads the prince’s words directed at him, thanking him for being his friend and confidante.

The diary doesn’t offer much in the way of clarification, and says that the way to kill Gwi is “people.” Still vague. But there are names listed, and Sung-yeol wonders if maybe these people are the secret plan. If you tell me that we now have to track down six more century-old diaries, I will flip a table.

Advisor Noh tells the king that the prince’s men all took medicine and died willingly without hesitation. And Hak-young? Where is he? The king regrets losing more lives and wonders if there really is any hope of defeating Gwi, and Advisor Noh suggests that the other vampire who released the consort-vamp into the palace yesterday might be helping them in secret.

The king decrees that Eumlan Seosaeng and his followers have been captured and punished, though the prime minister insists to Gwi that it’s a cover-up to protect Yoon, who’s the real Eumlan Seosaeng. Gwi is too angry about the diary to listen though, and is only focused on what Dad said about passing it off to someone else before dying. What if that person is Sung-yeol?

The prime minister is disturbed to see his daughter Hye-ryung walk right into Gwi’s lair, though he notably doesn’t protest when the evil vampire demands to be alone with her. Gwi calls Sung-yeol foolish for loving a human, and tells Hye-ryung to keep a close eye on Yang-sun, because Sung-yeol is sure to be nearby.

Yang-sun is made a slave and told that she’ll have to work herself to the bone to pay for her traitorous crimes.

Sung-yeol tasks the Worrywarts with tracking down the names in the diary, and Su-hyang reports that Prince Yoon has undergone a complete change—he’s now acting like a Noron puppet. She says that Hak-young was declared innocent and released (phew), but Yoon personally dismissed him from office.

The king warns Yoon that he’ll have to convince Gwi that he’s not Eumlan Seosaeng, and Yoon says he’s learned his lesson about being unprepared. He vows to keep his head down and play the part until the time is right.

Hak-young comes up to Yoon, who looks at his old friend coldly. Hak-young just wants to know if Yoon really exiled all the Soron followers and Sungkyunkwan scholars who were once on their side, but Yoon says that he needn’t answer since Hak-young no longer has a post here.

Yoon pauses at Hak-young’s side as he passes and adds, “The Eumlan Seosaeng you served is dead.” But Hak-young turns to him and replies, “Just look ahead and go forward on the path you’ve chosen. Everyone says that you have changed… but I don’t believe that.” Don’t make me cry, Hak-young! Agh, the bromance!

Yoon tries not to betray a reaction as Hak-young says with certainty that he knows Yoon has a reason for dismissing him from office and letting Yang-sun become a slave. Hak-young bids him farewell with a pledge of loyalty: “I will always remain in the same place, waiting for you.” He bows, and Yoon steels himself and walks ahead.

Yoon seeks out Yang-sun, and is stricken with guilt to see her limping along after being so brutally tortured. He approaches her but can’t even say anything, so she asks, “Are you sorry? You should be. You should be a thousand, ten thousand times sorry.”

She almost calls him “hyungnim” out of habit, but corrects herself and says with daggers in her eyes that he can never wash away the wrong that he did to her. But then she tells him, “Take that guilt you feel and save the country and the people. Because that is what Eumlan Seosaeng needs to do.”

That surprises him, but she adds in no uncertain terms that she never wants to see him again. He agrees to never appear before her, and shocks her by saying that he was momentarily bewitched, but all the wicked traitors have been punished now, so she should know her place.

Yang-sun is so taken aback by his sudden change that she drops the jar of salt in her hands. From a distance, Hye-ryung watches this whole exchange with a dark expression. She was expecting to find Sung-yeol in Yang-sun’s orbit, but she’s now realizing that Yoon cares for her too, and looks at Yang-sun jealously.

Sung-yeol hands over the deed to an enormous plot of land in exchange for Yang-sun’s slave papers, and asks his contact about the prime minister. The man says that there are all sorts of rumors about the prime minister offering up his only daughter as a bribe to rise in power, and that his wife is ill because of it.

The prime minister demands to know what Gwi said to Hye-ryung, and when she ignores her father as usual, he tells her not to dream of becoming the prince’s wife. He plans to depose the prince himself, and tells her that Yoon is Eumlan Seosaeng—he will prove it somehow and make Yoon kneel at his feet.

Hye-ryung comes to the gibang to purposely run into Sung-yeol, and mentions seeing Yang-sun. She notes Sung-yeol’s interest in the girl and says that the prince seemed extremely interested in her as well, and stopped to talk to her for a long time.

Yang-sun is berated for spilling the salt earlier and tasked with moving a giant mountain of rice sacks, when she can barely manage to stand upright. She drags them one by one across the courtyard and falls, but she tells herself that she has to endure for Dad’s sake, to take care of their family in his place. She struggles to stand up again, but faints from exhaustion.

Hye-ryung comes home that night to find her mother crouching outside looking for flowers. Mom is clearly mentally ill, because she speaks of her daughter lovingly, and yet looks right at Hye-ryung and doesn’t recognize her. Hye-ryung swallows back her tears as Mom asks repeatedly where her daughter is.

Sung-yeol reads over the diary again, confused as to why Prince Jeonghyeon’s instructions are so vague. To prolong plot? He flips through the pages again and discovers a blank page, and thinks to pry apart the paper.

Sure enough, there’s a hidden page that says that the guardian vampire (so that’d be his sire Hae-seo, and now Sung-yeol) and the one who has the gift and talent to become king are the key. Wait, did we really need a diary to us that Sung-yeol and Yoon have to work together? ‘Cause DUH.

Sung-yeol remembers now what Hae-seo said to Prince Jeonghyeon—that he exists to rid the world of Gwi, but without human will, he is of no use to them.

Ho-jin turns over proof of Yang-sun’s slave ownership and is allowed to take her, though the man scoffs that he’s made a bad deal because she’s nearly dead already. Alarmed, Ho-jin rushes into the storage shed where Yang-sun has just been left to die, and pleads with her to hold on just a little longer as he leads her away.

The hidden page in the diary also makes mention of a maternal line, and Sung-yeol wonders if maybe the names in the diary are connected by maternal lineage. He decides to go see Yoon, but Ho-jin bursts in with Yang-sun on his back and cries that they might be too late—she’s barely breathing.

Sung-yeol takes her in his arms and asks for a bath to be drawn, and Ho-jin has to hold Su-hyang back from interfering. Sung-yeol carries her into a back room (they had time to light candles?) and gets into the tub with her, and hesitates before undressing her to check her wounds.

Then he takes his hawthorn dagger and slits his wrists, letting himself bleed into the water. Ahhhh, now I see why they’re in the tub. I just thought they were being randomly sexy. He bleeds so much that it weakens him, but the water turns red and heals over all of her wounds.

He holds her close and caresses her face as he washes away her scars with his blood. He thinks to himself: “I’m afraid of you. I live at the cost of the one I loved, and I’m not a person… but I fear that I might want to live like a person, by your side, looking at you, touching you.”

His blood heals over all of her scars except for the one she’s had since childhood, and he remembers what Dad told him about him saving her as a child. She starts to stir a little, and he pulls her into his arms. And outside the door, Su-hyang sheds tears silently.

Yoon goes to the temple to see his mother, and is shocked to see Hye-ryung praying in memorial for Eumlan Seosaeng and his men. He yells at her that this is a dangerous thing for her to do, but Mom says it was her idea.

Yoon asks Mom if she knew what his father wanted to achieve, and Mom suddenly worries that Yoon might be Eumlan Seosaeng. She asks him outright and begs him to say no, but instead of answering, Yoon asks to sleep here tonight because he hasn’t slept in so long.

Mom can tell that the answer to her question is yes and begins to cry, and outside the door, Hye-ryung listens in and confirms that what her father said is true. Hye-ryung’s bodyguard worries that Yoon will become suspicious that she approached him on purpose, and Hye-ryung decides she’ll have to make it so that he can’t suspect it.

Sung-yeol watches over Yang-sun as she sleeps, and when she opens her eyes, she reaches up to his face and says it’s cold. She warms his face with her hand, and when he starts to pull away, she clutches his hand and asks him not to go.

She asks him to stay by her side like this, and to my utter shock, he leans down and says with a sweet smile, “I won’t go.” Really? Really, really? And you’re not going to say it’s a dream or anything?

She confesses, “I love you,” and Sung-yeol can only answer in his thoughts: “I… too…” He leans down to kiss her gently on the forehead and then on the lips, and tells her, “This is as far as I can go. You and I cannot be together.”

She asks why, and he says with a smile that she’ll find out the reason for herself someday. He tells her to rest, and she makes him promise not to leave her side as she closes her eyes again.

Later that night, Sung-yeol tells Ho-jin to prepare a boat to Tamra tomorrow, and Ho-jin dares to ask if he really needs to send Yang-sun away. He says that even he can see it plainly—that Sung-yeol cares for her. Ho-jin: “You’ve lived as if you were dead for a hundred and twenty years. Isn’t it okay for you to be a little happy?” Aw. That’s what I’m sayin’. But Sung-yeol says that his sole reason for existing is to rid the world of Gwi, and once that work is done, he’ll cease to exist too.

Yang-sun’s mother prays for her husband’s memorial rites and asks the monk at the temple to continue the rites that Dad had observed every year (for Yang-sun’s birth parents).

The monk says that Dad was a good person and will be rewarded for taking in a child that wasn’t his own. This is news to Mom, who always believed that Yang-sun was Dad’s child out of wedlock, and she now realizes that she must be the child of Scholar Seo.

Yang-sun dreams of being bitten by her father as a child, and wakes up in a cold sweat. Dam hugs her sister in relief and thanks her for coming back to them, and Yang-sun cries as she apologizes for not protecting Dad and bringing him back with her. Dam says it’s not her fault, and that they’ll start over in Tamra, because Sung-yeol is putting them on a boat today.

Sung-yeol decides to go see for himself whether Yoon has switched sides, and Ho-jin asks if he’s really not going to see Yang-sun before she gets on that boat. Yang-sun hangs around outside Sung-yeol’s room hoping to see him, but he remains hidden until Ho-jin leads her away.

Mom asks Su-hyang about Yang-sun’s bio dad Scholar Seo, and cries to hear that he was killed as a traitor aligned with Crown Prince Sadong—it means that his child would be considered a traitor too.

When Mom returns to the house, she slaps Yang-sun across the face coldly and tells her that she’s not her daughter—they’re not related by blood, and she isn’t even Dad’s child. She tells Yang-sun the truth about her parentage, and refuses to let her family come to more harm by being associated with traitors, basically blaming her for getting Dad killed.

Tears spill down Yang-sun’s face as she takes this in, and despite everyone’s protests, Mom refuses to get on that boat if Yang-sun comes with them.

A gust of wind blows through the palace, and when Yoon looks around and back down at his book, suddenly Prince Jeonghyeon’s diary is before him. He asks to speak face-to-face, and this time Sung-yeol shows his face. He introduces himself as Prince Jeonghyeon’s friend who became a vampire, and shares what he’s discovered about the way to kill Gwi.

Sung-yeol takes the diary away before Yoon can actually get his hands on it, and says that he’ll give it to him if Yoon has the will to fight Gwi and seeks him out to show that they’re on the same side. They’re interrupted when the king is announced, and Sung-yeol disappears in the blink of an eye.

Ho-jin comes running up to tell Sung-yeol that there’s a new complication, and back at the house, we see that Yang-sun finally gives in and tells Mom that she won’t go with them. Su-hyang tells her that if she doesn’t run away to Tamra, she could be caught as a slave again, but Yang-sun walks away, leaving her sister in tears.

Sung-yeol returns to hear that Mom and Dam left without Yang-sun, and Su-hyang is upset that Sung-yeol already knew about Yang-sun’s parentage (why does it even matter to you?). When he hears that Yang-sun wandered off alone, he rushes out after her.

The king divulges a bit of his plan to Yoon, and shows him the new palace that’s being built specifically as a means to fight Gwi. He remains vague on the how, but tells Yoon that they’ll devise their own way to fight Gwi without Prince Jeonghyeon’s diary.

Hye-ryung asks Gwi if Yoon has a chance at being king if he might be Eumlan Seosaeng. Gwi says that if it turns out to be true, he can’t let him be king, and sees that Hye-ryung is already worrying about Yoon.

She says that she doesn’t care whether Yoon is king or not, as long as the queen’s place is hers to occupy. Once her father offered her up to Gwi for power and her mother went crazy because of it, she decided that her only goal in life was to rise higher than her father so that he could never have power over her again.

Gwi calls her smart and says that he’ll have nothing to worry about once she’s queen. He muses that she reminds him of someone else—a smart and ambitious woman. She asks if he loved her, and he admits that she was the first woman he’d ever loved.

Hye-ryung: “What happened to her?” Gwi: “I killed her. I couldn’t help it. She had my child without my permission.” OH. OH. Secret weapon, anyone? He says that a child born between a human and a vampire will kill vampires, and guesses that the child died since it’s been over 200 years.

Yang-sun walks through the forest numb from the shock of being abandoned, and all she can think about is the last time their family was together, laughing and talking about how great life would be for them in Tamra.

Sung-yeol runs all over town looking for her, and he winces from the pain in his wrist as blood continues to seep out. Wait, he’s STILL bleeding? Ack.

Yang-sun edges her way toward a massive cliff, thinking about how she let Dad die, her vow to look after their family, and Mom’s cruel words that she killed her father. She inches forward, prepared to die, when Sung-yeol grabs her wrist and whirls her around to face him.


Well thank goodness one of you is thinking straight. Okay, I do feel terribly for Yang-sun, who’s been utterly abandoned when her love for her family was the only thing keeping her alive through all this. What a horrible thing to have your mother drive home the guilt that’s already eating away at you. I’m still disappointed that it drove her to suicide though, because she’s shown herself to be made of tougher stuff—hell, she endured multiple rounds of torture for crying out loud. I just like the story best when our heroine is strong, even if it’s in a silently enduring or noble way, though of course it’s best when she’s feisty and forthright.

It was nice to see some of that in her conversation with Yoon, where she doesn’t let him off the hook for just standing by as her father died in his place. Frankly he deserves worse (I know, he’s the prince and his life is more important in this war, but come on), and I was impressed that she was able to tell him to use that guilt to save the country for the greater good. I trust that Yoon won’t lose sight of that, but it did hurt to see Hak-young and Yang-sun’s pledges of loyalty received so coldly (especially when Hak-young’s was so earnest). Couldn’t you pass along a secret note that you’re just pretending to go dark side? Why didn’t Eumlan Seosaeng have a secret handshake? It would come in really handy right about now.

I pretty much expected this to happen, but I almost couldn’t believe how little we learned from Prince Jeonghyeon’s godforsaken Diary of Vague. I cannot dwell on the fact that we spent ten episodes looking for it, because if I do, I’ll throw something. The one thing that really bothers me is that if Sung-yeol has really spent the last 120 years looking for a way to kill Gwi and THIS is as much progress as he’s made, it doesn’t speak well of him. We learned more from Gwi’s sudden confessional to Hye-ryung (which was frankly out of character for him to just give up such crucial information willingly) than we’ll ever get out of that damned diary. Now we just need our heroes to catch up and find the Spawn of Gwi, which I’m sure will take the next ten episodes to do.

What saved the episode was the emotional step forward from Sung-yeol, who finally lets himself indulge his feelings for a day. Okay, like half a day. He’s so guarded that he can’t even admit that he loves her in his own interior monologue, even though it’s quite obvious that he does. What moved me was his admission that he’s afraid of wanting to live a human life because of her. Of course, we’re all with Ho-jin and asking why he can’t just let himself be happy, but there’s no arguing that there’s a simple happily ever after for someone like him, even in the best of scenarios. For now, I’m just pleased that he isn’t lying about how he feels anymore, and all I want for the near future is for him to stop trying to put Yang-sun on a boat to Tamra. Also, that smiling thing—more of that, please.


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I think it doesn't take one to be Sherlock Holmes to guess that Yang Sun is probably is the one in Gwi's family lineage


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Yes! I'm thinking of that theory too!!! Especially when Gwi's so interested in finding Yangsun because of her smell. She must be his family. Another thing I thought is that, when Gwi mentioned how Hyerung reminds him of a smart and ambitious and THE woman he once fell in love with that got pregnant. I have a strong feeling that woman was MyungHee (Sungyeol's fiancé). MH must be smarter than she appears in front of SY and she must have known about Gwi for quite awhile. So perhaps she's also quote ambitious and only showed a different (perhaps fake?) Side towards SY....now I'm thinking she either must be planning to destroy Gwi by getting pregnant. Remember how Gwi says HR's smell is so sweet to him? Perhaps he loved MH back then...now HR is just a reincarnation of MH. All this sexual tension between Gwi and HR must mean something! Lol

Oh and I love our main OTP, I'm still loving this show (easy watch) and I'm finding LJK and LYB's chemistry are off the roof :)


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Interesting theory but it doesn't add up imo. Mung-hee was in love with Sung-yeol and even died to save him. That kind of sacrifice is too pure for a two timer lol.
Gwi said that it happened 200 yrs ago. Mung-hee has been dead for 120 yrs. I could go on and on but I'm too lazy to write an essay it :).


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That's true, I just couldn't think of why HR and YS is so important to him..,haha


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It's obviously Yang Sun. Because the former Crown Prince was hiding "Jin" and dressed her as a male all her life, because the diary had something about the maternal-line of the royal family. Her father also feared he lost his daughter if people found out about the journal.

Gwi's former flame might have been one of the "women of the king".

Mung-hee has nothing to do with it, yeah. That was 120 years ago.


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this make sense


I like yoir theory lets do that


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First, the mystery child could be Sung Yeol himself. If not, who cares, it's too late in the game to be showing up like some hero. If only I'm not so distracted watching our OTP, and thanks show for making an effort to make that bathtub scene really sweet and sexy, hotdamn, my imagination ran wild!
How to defeat a 200+ years old vampire, who stays in his lair for the whole day, those kings never figured out that the sun can destroy him, does he not sleep in the morning? what about Sung Yeol, he is the more gifted one so why can't he think of luring gwi in the morning sun more often not just on one encounter coz duh, you had 120 years to do that. what's with the freakin diary? just some lineage bs? the king should have organized a hundred soldiers and ambush gwi in the morning, can he really fight them all off? nobody even tried to just chop his head off when they are in close proximity, why dragged this on for so many decades,why?

you know what,show, you can do whatever you like, dragging this issue for however long you like, just give us more kisses, oh,sweet kisses in the moonlight.

Yook Sung Jae,we all know you are fab and all but when you sing like that, we love you more and more. even after BTOB, you have a bright future ahead of you.

Lee Jung Ki, third time's the charm. I like you, coz well, you are one pretty guy but I tend to forget, distracted by so many other actors with their own unique charms. see, this is the third time you are in a sageuk drama of sorts.
In Arang, you didnt do much but look pretty, although I remember the drama as funny entertaining, I can't remember anything significant about your character.
then there's Joseon gunman from last year, I was so happy to see your pretty face but it got so boring and you dont have any chemistry with that actress, you are too pretty for her so...I was wishing your next drama would be in a modern setting, a romcom perhaps but alas, it is another sageuk, yea,so you get to play a vampire, big deal.
but yes, kinda like a big deal, coz this time around I know that you are really something special, I'm likin you so much here. I wonder where the crow's feet went from the Joseon gunman days, coz your face here is much smoother, like filtered but I'm guessin you're using the best make up.
before I get lost in my ramblings, lemme just say this is the best ever Lee Jung Ki show!


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It's funny but i think Gwi never tough of the posibbility of that the decendent of his own blood could harm him,he said his child must be already long dead being something old(as time when it happened so dead by age),pretty funny if this little detail that slipped him will be his desmise,aka beliving that only his direct child(he said if a mix child is born is the desmise of the vampire)is possible from his own decendents bloodline( aka YS now) that continues to be very much alive,not that pure as the first yet still alive...in the end the secret i bet lays on the two identical brush cases(inside more than sure) the King passed down to YS and the Prince...it would have been epic if YS had the resemblance of Gwi lover,to know over time his own decendent with the appereance of his once lover ends his life,that would be one badass karma,also curious if the thing is available only from women blood(ying/yang),as Gwi did bite YS father and was fine(or must ingest a bigger portion hmm)


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I've always known Gwi is slow. He left the vampire world as he was dumb and went to bully the humans who are weaker than him because he would never amount to anything in his own world. How stupid was he to share his weakness to a human, and let her realize he's always had no clue of what's happening around him.


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Yep I am still watching it..I dunno everyone felt blood bath was romantic ..where as it gave me creeps .. Jeeper creeper ?


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It was outrageously inefficient, that's for sure. You know what I do when I get topical medicine? Immediately dilute it in thirty gallons of water! It is most effective that way.

What is he, a homeopathic vampire doctor?


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Seriously ..I was like ohhhhh no..you did not do that ...ewwwwww get away from me (background sounds)

Guy you ain't no doctor (not even homeopathic..?)

Bloody bath


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O.M.G LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL my belly hurts!! LIKE hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah you are amazing!!


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Oo don't care effective or not ..... the bath scene was so sexy LOL !!!


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It's not sexy if your partner passes out on you due to blood loss!


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Hahaha .... but passed out with .... sorry I can't help my mind wandering ....


@Miranda true one is alredy passed out and other one passes out due to loss of blood .. What's sexy about it ?

Do not try this at home it's suicidal ?


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which episode is that on? time to catch up!


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I didn't see it as romantic. She was almost dead so I think he was trying to do a full body heal without having to undress her.

This giddy 13yr old writer strikes again. She thought it would be romantic also but it came out rather creepy. She should have stuck with the manwha or make it ground on reality based on the character's real feelings. I hate it when Yang-sun is always half conscious, half asleep, drunk etc during their romantic scenes.


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I mean, the visual of them together in the tub full of red water is gorgeous, and it is SO OBVIOUS they are playing Sung-yeol's bloodlust as a metaphor for sexual frustration (which I can get on board with).

Like you said, the bloody tub is for pragmatic reasons and not sexy ones, but in itself, it's not actually sexy because she's practically out like a light! Wound-dressing/healing scenes can indeed be charged and sexy (see Jun Ji-hyun and Ha Jung-wo in The Berlin File for that), but honestly, they'd have succeeded more in mining that vein of accidental sexy if Yang-sun was actually conscious.


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I like the bed/kiss scene. Even though she was half asleep it was great to see him being honest with his feelings for once.
I just hope that he will stop trying to ship her off to Tamra lol.


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yeah, that was a sweet scene. I was surprised he actually kissed her while she was conscious (ok, sorta) and let his feelings be known.

Honestly, they should let Yang-sun be more awake during stuff like this - the bed/kiss scene was tender and totally fluttery but this romance is not going to really come into its own until Yang-sun is allowed to have her wits about her during love confessions/skinship incidents, and more importantly, until she finds out the truth about Sung-yeol (and maybe gets to be something other than a damsel in constant distress, but I feel like that may be a bit ambitious of us, even if she did get to tell off Yoon this ep).


On tonight's episode of Joseon Gunman who Walks the Night, Satto decides to suppress his desire to shoot everyone for being dumb, not realizing that suppressing his feelings is also making him dumb. Mukadil is bummed his band is breaking up without even debuting. Yoobi-chingu thinks that if she dies she'll reincarnate as a rabbit and be able to eat popcorn and play with kids and wear awesome wigs and hoodies all day.


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Side note, who's the lucky lady who got to have sex with Gwi?


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Could be Myung Hee ???


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Reincarnated woman-version of the chicken Kko-kko?


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even more canon than beon-gae/ mukadil


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Could it be Seo-Hwa from Gu Family Book? She is the only Joseon woman to have done it with a supernatural being.
We could say that Heo-so saved her life after evil Jo severely injured her with his sword. Then he brought her to Hanyang and that's how she met Gwi.


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nah, more like Yubi-chingi thinks that if she reincarnates as a rabbit she'd like it better......because then her vampire boyfriend would only be a slightly dumb dork who can't figure out that it's her, his crush,under the rabbit head, instead of a full-on tortured WE CANNOT BE TOGETHER sunbi-nim who's more focused on a book.

and also when it comes to second male-lead-induced jealousy, I think making fake googly eyes at Soo-hyuk/Mukadil is far more efficient on Woobin-chingu......with Satto, her second lead prince isn't even a factor, especially now that he let her be tortured and she told him to take a hike .


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Like I didn't suffer enough in this life, LJG made it even more unbearable. Just bite and take me.


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So True ... LJG ... unbearable .... Fantasy !


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I know! It's torture.


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where is the like button *_*


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:) He's beautiful...but I love him because he is so talented!


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Hahahahahahahahaha! Breath Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

“Since long ago, there was a story that said a baby born between a human and vampire can kill a vampire.”

Hahahahahahahahaha! Breath Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

Oh, buffet!

I hardly know where to start with such a stunning presentation of mockable dishes! :-)

Seriously - who knew that it was entirely unnecessary to formulate a plan over 200 years (Guardian Vampire) and give it to careless prince (Crown Prince Junghyun) so that Sung Yeol has to scurry around for another 120 years to find the prince’s journal, when all anyone had to do was send some random girl down for a heart to heart with Gwi and just ask! . LMFAO

The best part of this, of course, is that it’s some story - some folk tale that nobody in the palace, town or pretty much all of Joseon has ever heard. If they had then, by now, Sung Yeol who has reportedly read every single book in Joseon and had 120 years for random chat with gisaengs, would have come across a clue by now. Who knew it was as easy as shtupping some lovely and using your offspring to rid the world of the ‘super sexy vampire’? http://www.soompi.com/2015/07/02/lee-soo-hyuk-is-an-evil-and-sexy-vampire-in-scholar-who-walks-the-night-stills/

Of course, Gwi doesn’t seem like the smartest dancer in the all male revue. First he keeps Crown Prince Junghyun’s diary (only to have it stolen later) and now he casually explains to his girl minion that, well yes, in fact there is a way to kill him. Mind you, this is after he’s pretty much gone on a bloody rampage to get the diary back. Does Darwin’s law apply to vampires?

So, now we’ve got Gwi’s plan to kill Gwi, Crown Prince Junghyun’s plan to kill Gwi, and even the king is working on a plan to kill Gwi. Poor thing, just as he was moving on from all his candle crafting into learning how to draw. Given another decade or two, he might have gotten good!


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Gwi is the smartest person on this show, which is amazingly not saying much since he's so dumb. I think he's full of hubris and boredom, which makes him vulnerable, but at least he's not quite as full of crap as the far derpier humans. I mean, I'm getting absurd Gu Family Book vibes where everyone on that show spent the whole damn show looking for a book that ended up not amounting to anything significant, nor did anyone actually care once it was "found" aka Kang Chi went to a monastery and was like "oh hey a book" and a monk was like "here ya go did you want it or something?" And then he just hung out being immortal for 400 years anyway.
I sense this sort of stupid shenaniganery going on here too. Only this show has Lee Soo Hyuk so I can't complain as much ;P


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Wait! Didn't you like the book's super special, hard to find, definitely won't end the wrong hands hiding place? Nothing says stealthy like shoving a book in a drawer.


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Lol at the clue to the draw. Left 3 below one. What the hell was that? Blue's clues?


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For the past 10 episodes, I couldn't help but wonder if the book actually mattered in SWWTN. Relieved now that Sung-Yeol was finally able to get his hands on the Crown Prince's memorandum - albeit 120 years later.

For a while there, SWWTN had me worrying that this might turn into another Gu Family Book situation. Where early on finding the book is presented as a big deal and priority but as the episodes progress the story-line is abandoned and totally irrelevant except for as the title of the drama.

For all its faults, at least Gu Family Book introduced me to Choi Jin-Hyuk.


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That is true. At least this drama didn't forget about the book and take detours into rapey villains and Lee Soon-shins and random Japanese traders. We were focused on a book, now we got the book!


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oh, my stomach hurts and I'm starting to feel sorry for the actor who played Gwi, whose only fault is that- he does look like a vampire in real life, a pretty one now since his PS. The way his character is being "bashed" in the comments section is just so funny.
and what's with the warddrobe Gwi? being true to Count Dracula's fashion?oh, he doesn't conform to fashion but catwalks back to lair,lol! yea, occupation hazard, he can't help it, the world is a runway show.


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Oh Good Lord! If seducing a vampire to have an offspring was the key, instead of wasting the last 10 episodes in looking for Gwi's offspring, why can't Sung Yeol and Yang Sun make their own? They'll wait, like 15-20 years, but at least I know we'll all be happy if that happens!!!


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wow good idea, i never thought of this. instead of trying to decode this prince memorandum, yangsun and sungyeol might as well spend some loving time making babies aka weapon. then we get the famous killing two birds with one stone


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Favorite scene:

Sung Yeol "running" to find Yang Sun. Bc, let's face it, Lee Jun-ki runs like a goof! I want to play Roadrunner sound effects and turn it into a gif!! Meep meep!


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The loss of blood could make our hero do funny things. It wasn't just the way he runs that made me laugh but his face too.


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So well put.

Only a little bone to pick with your comment :

-Who knew it was as easy as shtupping some lovely and using your offspring to rid the world of the ‘super sexy vampire’?-

Do the quotation marks meant to imply Gwi is NOT indeed super sexy?
Because he totally works for me, super sexy ex-carpenter....


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Oh, no - he is indeed super sexy! The quotes are from the article in the link - it's amusingly fawning and refers to Lee Soo Hyuk giving his all to his performance as the legendary 'Super Sexy Vampire.' Give it a read - it's unintentionally hilarious!


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I was just looking at the photos on the AsianWiki site and I noticed that he had much better hair 120 years ago. He was also in a better mood back then (saving Sung Yeol).

Maybe all this current bloody rampaging is just a bad hair day?


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He = Gwi


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Alternate theory for Gwi's pissiness with Sung Yeol:

Sung Yeol has better clothes.


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I'll take 'Sung Yeol has prettier clothes' for $400 Susan


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That blood bath thing was interesting. First I thought he was trying to warm her up for some reason, then I thought her clothes might be stuck to her with blood and he had to soak them off her to tend infected burns, and then he slits his wrists and... hmmm, okay.

The imagery was compelling (if you leave out the weirdness of the candles and who filled the bath and the courtesan crying outside), but practically, why the hell did you just do that Sung-yeol? That was a LOT of water to dilute your blood, and it's not like she was stabbed, so most of this would've been topical. Wouldn't it have made more sense to get her into the empty tub, then bleed into a much smaller basin of water, then dab that solution over her wounds? Because now you're weak and that was a lot of wasted blood.

I can't believe I spent so much time concerned about the actualities of Yang Sun's injuries and the dilution of vampire blood. But with absolutely no idea what the Grand Anti-Vampire Plan actually is, I don't actually have anything else to focus on, so Vampire Medicine Man it is!


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Half Watching ... and Half Fantasy !!!


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Agreed.. Too much water! He must have cut his hand a couple of pints because the water looked really red. This must be a PG version of taking a bath. Don't you take off your clothes? Someone told me that you would stink afterwards with all that blood, so don't they need a second rinse off?
Actually, what befell Yang Sun was her going back to get her damn shoes. If she had gotten on the boat to Tamra Island the first time, all the bad things would not have happened to her and her adopted dad and she would not want to commit suicide..
Anyway, I suspect that she is the devil (Gwi)'s spawn...so she has to get revenge on Gwi.


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girls, don't forget her body was totally deturpated during the torture (she could barely walk due to the hot iron wounds)...with this bloody bath he totally healed her without having to undress her and heal each wound!..immagine how much wasted time...and then it would have been a really inimaginable sscene for a kdrama...well this one was indeed totally new for a kdrama too...


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C´mon, you are thinking too much or not thinking at all, if he weren't used the bath it wouldn't be sexy, with all this wet skin *o*
Besides, he needed to warm her, and clean her, she was working as a slave so, is logical she were all covered with dirt, dirt is not safe for wounds, your mami didn't teach you that? LoL
and, is a so relevant thing to show who filled the bath for showing on the screen?, it would be interesting to watch a person filling a bath in a time where there was no plumbing and had to use a bucket? (it would be boring to watch).
Sometimes your arguments to mock this drama are too ridiculous.


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Totally agree with Momoyan. Who cares about the particulars? Our hero is always denying his true feelings, so it's a THRILL to see him actually overflowing with emotions, for once. I think this scene is just meant to show how much he truly cares for her.


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Yes .... Totally Agree ....


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Yang Sun didn't only have external wounds. Because of the torture inflicted during interrogation, she's likely badly hurt internally as well. When the Crown Prince met her at the slave's den, she was dragging her right foot at such an angle that it could either be severe sprain or broken too. Even Ho Jin said that a doctor wouldn't be able to heal her.

So I do understand why Sung Yeol chose to immerse her in water filled with his blood. Of course, the scene was kinda sexy too. I'm not complaining.

The amount of blood Sung Yeol has 'donated' to Yang Sun, one would think she'll be a vampire by now. :)


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I'm guessing she's already part vampire. The books suggests to me that vamp blood travels down the maternal line. It is probably why dad-scholar was turned when he was bitten but Yang Sun was not when dad-vamp bit her on the shoulder.


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Spot-on about the internal injuries, she's suffered torture and severe physical and mental stress, and now overwork on top of that. So diluting his blood made sense because it was the only way to get his healing blood over all her injuries without having to fully undress her. I don't think I find it sexy, but it definitely caused me a few flutters, haha.

(and I can't forget that poor Lee Yubi is still nursing a severe back injury plus is in the middle of live shoots.....some of that pain and exhaustion probably isn't faked at all)


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I didn't even watch the episode just read the recap.

Can the girl have a more substantial role to play? Instead of simpering about love. It will be awesome to see her with a backbone and a will.

She is just there. In-between, the damsel to be saved. I hope she can be more.

And I don't think the Prince can be forgiven, that doesn't even make for an interesting an interesting love triangle.

I hope it improves.


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I am like 99.9% sure that the secret to defeating the vampires is sheer "will" of the people. They even mentioned its power since episode 1.


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The vampire-human baby doesn't necessarily need to be Gwi's offspring.

It could be the offspring of any vampire-human.


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If only Sung-yeol knew all he had to do is makes some babies in the the past 120 years...


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Sung-yeol is still a virgin and that's his real grudge. Getting rid of Gwi is just an excuse for him to look for Prince Jeonghyeon diary which contain the secret plan on how to find his woman of vitality.


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Hahaha I love this subtle reference to Oh My Ghostess!!! ?


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LOl I like this logic XD hahaha


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Nah, that stray-cat was prowling around Myung-hee's room on a regular basis. No way he never showed her his strut.


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ROFL!!!! :D :D


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I know how he can kill Gwi! Just have a baby with Yang-sun, wait 20 years for it to grow and kill Gwi, then live happily ever after :D
No? I'm sure its more likely that Yang-sun is half vampire and she'll save the day in the end. I don't know~


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Or... just send Bella and Edward's spawn to kill Gwi :)


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Lolol I'm loving these references ?


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Once again LJK has nailed it again- new black sheery flower hanbok! Aw man...he keeps me glued to the TV each time he changes his outfit. If they do make & sell a doll dressed in these hanboks of LJK- I'd buy it!

And the entire tub of bloody water scene has gone to a waste making him weak at the end of the day. Sungyeol has turned into Dr.Vamp- Medicine Man of the day.

And the memorandum- the dang book! After 120 years of searching, that's it? Ah... I need to get back to read the manhwa again.


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May be he showed his unveiled love for her shedding his blood,because she gave up her breast wrapper to dress his wound which was most important to a woman that time.


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Agree. LJK in Hanbok looks amazingly Stunning ........
Btw , did any body notice the different between Junki here and Junki as Magistrate ( AATM ) ??? JUnki here has " Fatherly ... Touch or a little bit Fatherly LOve " to Yoobi .... AATM more like Lover . Maybe because of Age different ???

Well, Is it only me feel that way ???


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Probably because there is a 9yr gap between LJK and LYB. for SMA in Arang- she's only 2 yrs younger than him.

Anyway- he makes my day! I really hope to see him in real person in Seoul one day.


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May be his love is sincere he would't care to marry her even he wants it so badly because he is a vampire, all he need is to protect her and allow to live her without suffering.he knows his love is another pain for her.


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LJK is so sharp in his flower hanbok! He's hardcore but the flowers give his look a softer edge.


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the solution is right there! SY and YS needs to make babies! lol the babies can kill Gwi!


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My god, i watched the episode blood bath scene is really touching, jun ki is super sexy, and the song which played at the moment also really nice. i really like this drama.

what i noticed in the blood bath scene jun ki had nose bleeding (where he slit his wrist and poured blood) but when he hug yu bi at the same time it wasn't, first i thought it was for drama, bu i think it was real bleeding since he had nose injury, he must be still recovering.


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Maybe he had a nosebleeding by unleashing the ribbon of her blouse hahahaha
There is no nosebleeding, is the shadow of his cutie nose.


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Thanks very much for your recap, girlfriday! I'm enjoying this drama despite some moments of eye-rolls and disbelief at some of the silliness with some of the storyline and scenes.

I thoroughly enjoy reading your comments---some have me keeling over laughing my heart out...

"...having time to light candles..."

"...really, really, really..."

Best one... "OH. OH. OH. Secret weapon anyone?" ...PRICELESS!!

Absolutely love your wit! ?

Thank you for providing such wonderful recaps!!


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light candles, huge bucket of water is normal in asian drama it's allready serve by the housekeeper(hongyi pr su hyang) before because they already have a fixed time to take a bath, just watch chinese drama prince of lang ling or other ancient time asia drama from this 3 country: korea, japan, china.


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Thks For the nice recaps GF ! LOVE U !


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I so enjoy reading everyone's comments. At this so much more interesting that the drama.


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Haha .... the commentators here are very critical .... but can read some Good Points too ...Well, you can find more than 1300 nice comments @ myasiantv .com . Sometimes nearly 2000 comments ...

But well, I really like GF & JB recaps .... That's why I always read the recaps here ... watch the VDO @ myasiantv.com

THis Drama ... though some controversy ...really loved by the netizens ... many netizens around the world are addicted to this drama .... just read their comments @ myasiantv ...or youtube ....


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Btw , Why everybody so Fast ??? I can aonly watch this drama without English Text ??? ( MY asian tv .com - viki.com is not work in my country ) ....

DRive me crazy LOL !!! Any suggestions ???


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I love this Eps .... Ep 9 slightly boring ....


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Bath me too Sungyeol.. hubba,hubba. lol


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Yubi is one lucky girl. I'm hating on her a little lol.


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You're just jealous. like me. lol


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First of all, I love drama beans recaps (the best)!
Now onto this drama which has got me hooked because of the great acting of our leads, seriously the emotions we get from this pair just make this drama bloom.
So about this book: seriously that is all we get from the book, this precious book that even put YS and her papa's life on the line.
Come on writers! This episode was useless, the romance was the only thing that saved it.
Also why does it feel like dramaland is no longer giving us anymore adequate second leads, how can I root for Yoon when he is such a whimp, seriously, there is no hope for a love triangle so I'm over that now and I'm just hoping Yoon can redeem himself and actually act, DO SOMETHING!!!
Please dramaland writers make the next episode speed through all these random step backs in the plan to kill Gwi and lets get SY and YS to make some babies?


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I understand why the prince can't do anything to protect the citizens like his grandfather said (even SY said he'd sacrifice YS to save the ppl) but yeah, I don't feel the love triangle at all. The prince was always more like a friend to Yang Sun. In fact, I even have a hard time feeling the connection with YS and SY. I'm still in this just to see what happens to Gwi in the end.


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the prince and Yang-sun had adorable chemistry when she was still just his buddy (that was all down to the actors really) but now that ship is totally sunk.

I mean, he did let her father die and her be tortured and enslaved in his place.....and even as a slave, she feels betrayed and hurt enough that she told him to basically gtfo and leave her alone.


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I understand that his hands were tight but it would have been great if he did something secretly to ease their pain and suffering. You know, like our Scholar-nim. He may act like a cold ass but he takes care of his people and their families.

I am disappointed that they totally sink this ship because it was so sweet and adorable. They had great chemistry without getting all physical and I like it when stalker Sung-yeol gets all jealous.

Based on their childhood friendship I think there is a tiny chance that Yang-sun will forgive him but I don't think I'll get on that ship again lol.


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true. I get that he's faking the cold and haughty prince act right now out of a need to conceal his Lustful Scholar identity from Gwi, but damn if that ship didn't get totally and completely torpedoed and blown to bits.

I still like their scenes together, like the one where Yang-sun gives him the sageuk version of the You Suck speech (I suspect that is also partly because I liked seeing Yang-sun finally get to play something that didn't involve either giddy fangirling/swooning over Sung-yeol/damsel in distress and weeping).

and now that that ship is done for, I think its main impact going forward might just be on a possible Hye-ryung/Yoon ship, I mean we did see her look a wee bit jealous of Yoon going to talk to Yang-sun. I wonder if they'll do something there, it could be interesting.


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Hye-ryung will be more useful to Yoon than Yang-sun at this point. Daddy Choi is trying to outs Yoon as the real Eumlan Seosaeng so he can become king. Hye-ryung is not going to let that happen because she wants to be queen.

I believe Hye-ryung is going to cover up the fact that Yoon is the real Eumlan Seosaeng.
I think she likes Yoon but at the same time it feels like he's just part of her plan to get rid of her father.


yeah, I liked that we got to see more of Hye-ryung this ep, beyond Gwi creeping on her.

She's rather enigmatic, clearly has her own agenda and is still playing her cards very close to the chest, but thank god Kim So-eun has the skill to actually communicate something of a character's thoughts and feelings even before the big dose of exposition we got here. I like having at least one female character who's actually maneouvering things instead of just reacting to them.

I'm with you in thinking she likes Yoon (otherwise she wouldn't look as bothered by him talking to a slave i.e. Yang-sun) but at the same time knows she needs to use him for her own ends.

There's an interesting potential for conflict in that- obviously secondary to the main plot, such as it is, but I like the idea of Hye-ryung wanting him to care for her at least a little, while simultaneously trying to carry out her plan and maybe trying to convince herself it's all about the plan only. A bit like the genderflipped version of the typical 'cold hero trying not to fall for heroine in an arrangaed marriage' thing.


(though I wouldn't say Yoon and Yang-sun don't get physical - for a second lead ship, there's quite a lot of accidental skinship and personal space invasion going on there, and I loved it when Sung-yeol got jealous and whisked her away. It wouldn't have been nearly as satisfying if Yoon/YS hadn't had the chemistry, because otherwise Sung-yeol being jealous would have felt pointless)

and yeah, I'm with you in wishing Yoon had been able to act more behind the scenes, I get that he is under far more scrutiny than Sung-yeol but you know, he did live a double life for years, surely they can let him engage in a small bit of that duplicity to help his friends out now?


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That's right, forgot about those accidental skinship and how he found out that she is a woman.


They might want to develop the Gwi->Hye Ryung->Yoon triangle.


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I agree with you, Girlfriday, the plot is getting recycled in this episode. I think the writer is running out of material. I guess I should lower my expectation from here out. Thank you for your speddy recap.


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Personally I think Sung-yeol should just find a way to to turn Yang-sun into a vampire like him so he can love her, but that's just me.

I don't understand the king's plan, unless this new palace is secretly Voltron, Space Runaway Ideon, or Optiumus Prime I'm not sure how it's supposed to help fight Gwi, maybe it's all skylight.


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Sung-yeol hates his life as a vampire and wouldn't bear to make someone he loves a vampire. His plan is to get rid of Gwi and then end his miserable life. I wish there is a way for for him to become human again without going through the reincarnation route.

I have to give the current king credit for trying even though his plan may fail and cost him his life. It'll be interesting to see what he is going to do.


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Yes i do think yang sun is in gwi's lineage. Mayber her mother.. Her real mother.. Is the one gwi talking about, the only person he ever loved. Or maybe her grandmother.. Dunno. Cos maybe thats why her blood is so interesting for gwi!


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Gwi's lover would be over 200yrs old. She can't be Yang-sun's mom or grandmother.


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This drama is making me crazy!

I do hope next week it will be more interesting! I hope they will extend this drama cos its only for 16 episodes!


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It's a 20 episode drama.


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hesitates before undressing her to check her wound

LJK has surely done a 360 degree turn
In episode one he was openly watching her change and did not hide it

I find the contrast in behaviour amusing


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Junki can undressed woman only by his eyes ....... LOL


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hahahahahahaha, the only comment with sense that I've read in this thread. You are right!!


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that time she was another woman to him, but now she is someone he loves sincerely , that is the difference.


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Why does prince yoon have to leave yang sun as a slave.
Cant he secretly help her?


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He is too busy pretending to be a cold ungrateful jerk.


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Actually I already guess the book is vague ... becoz it's 20 Eps . No surprise at all ..... Some secret ... must still be revealed ....
Gwi back ground ... maybe still related with Myunghee and ... Hyerong motivation ... etc .


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Ahhhh, now I see why they’re in the tub. I just thought they were being randomly sexy.

Hahaha this! I was thinking the same thing too considering how many random sexy times they had on this show already. Thanks for the laugh GF! :D


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Oh wait! If Yang-sun is Gwi's daughter then it would make Sung-yeol his son-in-law if the two ever get married? And Yang-sun would be like 200 years old already? I think that can't be.


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Haha ... so true. Well, I think YS is Gwi lineage .. not daughter . In the past the King great grandfather tried to get rid of Gwi by offering a woman to Gwi ... and she is pregnant ... after knowing this Gwi killed her .... maybe the kid is not die but have another daughter .... so I think YS is his great great grand daughter ... and the one has his half Blood will be the key to kill Gwi ....

Sorry if I'm wrong ...


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Ahh that can explain. If that's the case, whoever saved his child must have gone great length to maintain his lineage and keep the secret for 2 centuries @@


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"Diary of Vague"....
: D


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Hahahahahahahahahahahha did you guys see the part where Sungyeol was running looking for Yang Sun? I totally lost it with the sound and all!!! I laughed so hard because it looked so hilarious hahahahahahahaha still can't get over it


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I have to admit I was secretly sniggering when he was running around because it didn't look like the normal way guys run... his legs seemed to be scampering around like a hamster..?! I can't get over it either hahaha


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You see where I'm gettin at??? Hahahahhaa still laughing


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oh god, yes. He's supposed to move super-fast, but that doesn't mean he has to be the Vampire Roadrunner!


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"Ahhhh, now I see why they’re in the tub. I just thought they were being randomly sexy."

I laughed at that out loud way too much, LOL! When he mentioned about the hot water, I was thinking "wait now this is not the time for a sexy scene she's barely alive!", while at the same time thanking the drama gods for putting in such a scene for me to squeal over.
AND THEN he slit his wrists and I was like OH LORD. NOW I SEE IT. That was so smart!

And honestly though, I'm just guessing that Yangsun is from the maternal line, meaning that she's a direct descendant of Gwi from his lover? (Which just makes it slightly creepy that Gwi desires her/her blood lol).

And more of the Hakyoung-Yoon bromance, please! In fact, I'll take more of any romance I can get, thank you very much drama gods!


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As always LJK looks stunningly gorgeous with hanbok


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The memorandum reveal was disappointing. I was expecting a who and where but in the end it's still a mystery. The Night Scholar book was much more interesting, lol.


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This recap and comments made me LOL XD

Thanks for keeping it fun ^___^
