Mask: Episode 14
by LollyPip
Seok-hoon is losing control over Ji-sook — and to make matters worse, his wife is going rogue, and she’s got the ability to hurt them more in one day than Seok-hoon has done in months. It’s going to take a lot of work on Seok-hoon’s part to get her back under control, but it won’t be easy — I’m sure that his victims losing their fear is the worst thing a villain can imagine.
EPISODE 14: “A Spear and a Shield”
Min-woo tears up the marriage contract and declares it null and void, and asks Ji-sook if she will be his real wife. But before she answers, Mi-yeon interrupts them, having driven all the way out here intent on telling Min-woo that his wife isn’t who he thinks she is. She ignores a call from Seok-hoon, so he calls Ji-sook and has her hand Mi-yeon her phone.
Mi-yeon listens silently, then hangs up and walks away. As she drives home we hear that Seok-hoon had warned her darkly that if she does what he thinks she’s about to do, it will ruin their relationship for good. He’d warned her to take action only if she was certain she could handle the outcome.
As Min-woo and Ji-sook walk back to the others, Ji-sook tries to answer Min-woo’s question. But he stops her, and insists that she think it over before answering.
They get back to find a thoroughly drunk Manager Yang whining about having to work with someone who frustrates him, but Ji-sook placates Min-woo that he must be talking about someone else. Until he calls the person “awkwardly tall,” and says he’s jealous of their beautiful wife, and she’s all, “Never mind, he’s talking to you.” HAHAHA, Min-woo’s face.
They find Yeon-soo passed out drunk in their room, and Yeon-soo wakes up and freaks right out at Min-woo seeing her in bed. He points out that it’s their room, but they look for another place to sleep.
Ji-sook is worried Min-woo won’t be able to sleep on the floor, but he counters every one of her suggestions for heading back home. His stomach is upset from his bad cooking so Ji-sook massages a pressure point in his hand, but the contact makes him nervous and he pulls away. She pricks his finger to relieve his indigestion instead, and when he laughs at his wussy response, she snaps a picture — she’s decided to take photos of him whenever he laughs, to remember his smile.
Seok-hoon is awfully cranky when Mi-yeon arrives back home, and as usual, they talk in circles around the real issue. He asks if she’s ready to give up on them as a couple, but she says she won’t give up that easily, asking if he knows what she’s done for him. It’s Mi-yeon’s turn to say that he needs to trust her, even when she’s lying to him.
Seok-hoon agrees to trust her, but warns her not to do anything like this again. She takes a page from Ji-sook’s book and says nope, she’ll do as she pleases. He’d told her to be sure of what she wants before acting, but she won’t know until after she acts. With a sweet smile, she says that surely something interesting will happen tomorrow.
Min-woo watches Ji-sook sleep, and sits up to look at the pictures she took of him today. He lies down facing her, tucks her hair behind her ear, then gives her a tender kiss on the forehead. He falls asleep smiling at her adoringly. ~melts~
When Yeon-soo wakes in the morning, she’s horrified to realize that she slept in the same bed with Chang-soo. They both scream when she wakes him, and she sprays air freshener into his open mouth until he passes out, HA.
Min-woo complains that he didn’t sleep very well, because something is wrong with his heart — it kept beating fast all night. Oh man, his cheesy lines are getting worse. They both gape at Yeon-soo escorting a crying Chang-soo out of the bedroom, assuring him that nothing happened.
The group heads out to a fun little outdoor shopping center to scout new recipes, and today it’s Min-woo’s turn to take pictures of Ji-sook. Catching onto the lovey-dovey atmosphere, Chang-soo offers to leave them alone, and Min-woo takes him up on his offer.
Ji-sook puts sunscreen on Min-woo’s face for him, and the close proximity of their faces makes him twitchy again. When she does the back of his neck, she draws a little heart in the cream before rubbing it in, awww. There’s an old wives’ tale that a couple who walks down a certain path will never break up, and Min-woo suggests they walk it together. So they walk, and it’s adorable how Min-woo almost puts his arm around Ji-sook, then chickens out.
Ji-sook’s new coffee shop, the one her family runs, is doing bustling business. Myung-hwa thrives in her new job, and seems much happier than she was at the department store. Mom even declares that she feels much better with a fun job to focus on. Ji-hyuk says there’s a meeting today regarding the interior design, and that the parent company will be paying for the renovations.
It’s a bit confusing, but there are actually multiple coffee shops, and Ji-sook and Min-woo check up on the renovations in another location. They’re surprised when Mi-yeon arrives with the franchise owners for the interior concept meeting, and Ji-hyuk sees Ji-sook and quickly tries to hustle Dad out of there. Ugh, Mi-yeon planned this on purpose, didn’t she?
Ji-hyuk begs Dad to just stay calm and he’ll explain everything later, and of course Dad thinks that’s actually Ji-sook talking to the other franchise owners. Ji-hyuk says to just pretend nothing is wrong, but he draws attention anyway when he crashes into another man and falls right in front of Ji-sook.
She’s shocked, but goes to help him up, and Mi-yeon watches and gleefully anticipates a scene. Thankfully, Dad does as Ji-hyuk asked and just thanks her, though he can’t look her in the face. Ji-sook goes to the restroom to calm down, and trembles as she remembers yelling at her father for his burdening the family.
Ji-sook plans to give a speech the next day in support of Eun-ha’s father’s presidential bid, and the whole Choi family is planning to be there. Seok-hoon has something up his sleeve, and whatever it is it’s so bad that even Scar seems nervous, but Seok-hoon says that he must stop Mi-yeon.
Seok-hoon visits an elderly man in the hospital, and the man appears to be able to hear him, but can only communicate through blinking. This is Seok-hoon’s father, and Seok-hoon speaks to him fondly and seems to treat him gently. He even puts a pair of gloves on him, and we see where he’d lost his fingers in that long-ago accident that cost him his job.
Seok-hoon takes his father out for some fresh air, and entreats him to stay healthy long enough to see Seok-hoon get his revenge. They have a system of communication where Seok-hoon can point to a chart of letters and Dad blinks for the letter he wants. He spells out a word, “happiness,” then spells out “forgiveness,” but Seok-hoon rejects this message.
Ji-hyuk tells Ji-sook not to worry about their father — he told Dad she was just a doppelganger and not to mention this to Mom. Ji-hyuk asks if she plans to return to being Ji-sook one day and she nods yes, so Ji-hyuk says not to worry about the family too much until then. Then he demands some allowance, ha.
Mi-yeon needles Min-woo that evening, asking how Ji-sook could ignore her “nanny’s” family like that. Min-woo doesn’t bite, saying she’s probably in a tough situation, and can’t talk about it (Mi-yeon: “Why can’t she talk about it?” Min-woo: “Because she’s in a tough situation.” Mi-yeon: ~GLARE~).
He admits he’s messing with her, but seriously warns her not to pull a stunt like that again. Mi-yeon chides him for not at least asking Ji-sook about today, and he admits he’s an idiot who sees and hears nothing — a lot like she was when she first met Seok-hoon.
Apparently Ji-sook is still insisting on sleeping on the couch, so Min-woo brings Butler Nam-chul and Maid Yeon-soo in to show them the “ink stain” on the couch, which is really just teensy heart that he drew, HA. He claims that stain is bothering him so much, and orders them to throw out the couch. He comes back to find they’ve simply replaced it with a nicer couch, whoops.
In their bedroom that night, Mi-yeon asks Seok-hoon pointedly, “Don’t you miss [her]?” When he asks who she’s talking about, she plays it innocent, that she was asking if he missed her when she went to talk to Min-woo. He softly says that he does miss “the person I love.” (With the Korean language’s way of dropping pronouns, it could be interpreted that he means Mi-yeon, but it’s obvious that he means Eun-ha.)
When Ji-sook arrives home, she finds Min-woo stretched out on the new couch, and she creeps over to cover him with the blanket. She remembers Eun-ha’s diary entry saying that Seok-hoon will kill Min-woo, and recalls meeting with the lawyer from the card stuck in the book.
He’d remembered meeting Eun-ha before, who had said she planned to divorce Min-woo before the presidential election. Ji-sook had asked if she can divorce him sooner than that. As Min-woo sleeps peacefully, she starts to make a list of things she wants to do with him like making him fresh juice every morning, exercising, and doing a duet.
When Min-woo wakes later, Ji-sook has fallen asleep in the chair next to him, and he reads her list. She wakes and hides the list, but he asks if she’d like to start making juice tomorrow morning, and she brings up exercising together. He proposes they do the duet together now, but she complains that there’s no piano.
Instead he gets his violin and stands behind her while instructing her how to hold it, but as he shows her how to play it’s obvious she’s enjoying the close contact too much to care about the music. As they sway together, Ji-sook recalls writing in Eun-ha’s diary that in order to protect Min-woo, she will divorce him. But before then, she wants to do whatever she can for him.
The family gets ready to go to Congressman Seo’s press conference, and when Stepmom tells Mi-yeon to prepare, she smirks that she’s already got everything prepared. When Ji-sook gets nervous about her speech, Min-woo steps in to give her advice and encouragement. He tells her not to worry about memorizing anything, but just to say what she wants to say.
Seok-hoon can tell Mi-yeon is planning something, and urges her not to do it, whatever it is. She tells him not to do whatever he’s planning either — or they can both enact their plans together. Director Shim shows up, and from his expression, I swear Seok-hoon is trying to kill him with his brain. Seok-hoon says this is a bad time with a flick of the eyes towards Mi-yeon, whispers for Shim to wait for him in the parking lot.
Instead, Seok-hoon goes to the press conference and sends Scar down to meet with Shim. He brings several thugs with him, and they quickly surround Shim and his lackey.
Ji-sook gets up to present her speech, and since it’s televised, her mother nearly sees her on the television set in the coffee shop. Dad quickly shuts off the TV, saying it’s annoying to customers.
At first Ji-sook follows the prompters to the letter, but after her first few sentences, the words change to say, “I’m Byun Ji-sook, not Seo-Eun-ha. I’m a fake.” To her horror, the prompter goes on to make mention of her family, and Ji-sook starts to stammer.
After a long uncomfortable silence, she remembers Min-woo’s advice to say what she wants to say, and she starts again. She says that she wants to talk about her father, how he’s always been sorry that he couldn’t do enough for her, and for her mother. The words are vague enough that they could apply to Congressman Seo — though we know she’s talking about her real father.
She tells a story of falling off a bike as a child and getting a scar on her knee, and that she was angry with him for letting her fall. Later she found out that he had quickly learned to ride a bike just to teach her, and that now she understands why he was always sorry — because he loved her. Ji-sook says that Congressman Seo knows how to love his family, and he knows hwo to love the citizens. She asks for their support, and says one last thing: “Father, thank you for raising me well. I love you.”
The room erupts in applause, though Congressman Seo looks unsettled. And in the back room of the coffee shop, Ji-sook’s real father watches the broadcast on his phone, and recognizes her bike story. He cries as he understands that this truly is his daughter.
Disgusted that her plan backfired, Mi-yeon tells the aide who helped her with the prompter to play a USB that she hands him. She meets Min-woo on her way back into the auditorium and tells him to stay, that there’s something he needs to see, but he needs to take care of something and leaves.
After he’s gone the lights suddenly go down, and on the projector screen, a CCTV video of the family’s pool area starts up. Everyone sees Mi-yeon striding towards a staggering Eun-ha, but suddenly the lights come back on and the video stops. Mi-yeon tearfully asks Seok-hoon how he could do this to her, and he just reminds her that he told her not to do whatever she had planned.
Ji-sook realizes that Min-woo is gone, and he’s not answering his phone, so she goes looking for him. She becomes worried when she can’t find him quickly, but she does overhear Seok-hoon on the phone just as he says the words, ”Kill him.”
Of course Ji-sook thinks he’s just ordered a hit on Min-woo, but he was actually telling Scar to kill Director Shim. He finds them in a wooded area nearby, Shim and his lackey deep in a hole in the ground with the thugs all around them. On Seok-hoon’s order, the thugs start to shovel dirt into the hole.
Ji-sook gets a call from a nearby hospital that Min-woo was hit by a car. But she finds him safe and sound, only a bit banged up, and he’s confused as to her level of worry.He asks what’s the matter, and she takes a deep breath: “I love you. I’m saying I love you.” Min-woo takes this in and smiles at her endearingly miserable expression. As they leave the hospital, he moans that he has a meeting he can’t cancel, and asks if he heard her wrong before.
She pouts at his teasing, but he swears he’s just trying to figure out if it really happened. In answer, she promises to tell him everything at home later, and that if he still feels the same way after she does, then she’ll say “I love you” again.
She sends Min-woo off to his meeting, but the buyer he meets with seems confused at the papers that Min-woo hands over. Min-woo takes them back, and instead of the documents he intended to give, it’s the fingerprint results that he never looked at. He opens the results, and they show that the fingerprints that he took from the items in his safe belong to someone named Byun Ji-sook. With the fingerprint results is a copy of Ji-sook’s resume from the department store, along with her photo.
Ji-sook waits at home, twisting her wedding ring and smiling, ready to tell Min-woo the truth and unaware that he already knows.
Well damn, I guess it was too much to hope for that Min-woo would find out about Ji-sook from Ji-sook herself. I wanted that for them as a couple, but narratively that’s naive of me, since it wouldn’t make for a juicy reveal. As much as I’d love to have seen Ji-sook confess and Min-woo accept her, it’s much more dramatic for him to find out about her true identity through someone else. Hopefully, the fact that she already told him that she wanted to tell him some hard truths will count in her favor, and he’ll understand that she was going to tell him the truth. Min-woo isn’t an unreasonable man, nor does he have a hot temper, so I’m crossing all my crossables that he’s willing to listen to her explain.
I’m sure this means we’re heading into the final angsty stretch of the story, and I’m not looking forward to a possible falling out between Min-woo and Ji-sook just when they were finally admitting their true feelings, but I still hope they can at least move through it quickly and head off Mi-yeon and Seok-hoon in whatever they each have planned. It’s in their favor that Seok-hoon and Mi-yeon aren’t working together, and are in fact at odds with each other right at the moment when everyone’s plans are at their most vulnerable. If things go as I hope, Min-woo and Ji-sook will work out their issues, and be able to pull a divide-and-conquer with Seok-hoon and Mi-yeon. It’s hard to guess what may happen though, since I still don’t know what either of our baddies have planned other than “kill Min-woo” and “destroy Ji-sook.”
I said in my previous recap that I was worried what Seok-hoon would do now that he’s lost control of Ji-sook — and to make matters worse, now Mi-yeon has just bucked his control and told him she’s planning to be a loose cannon. He’s gonna go supernova, isn’t he? Well, he will if we’re lucky, because I have a feeling that the uber-controlled Seok-hoon going completely out of control would be a wonder to behold. Unluckily for Min-woo and Ji-sook, the less control Seok-hoon has over the situation, the more unstable and unpredictable he becomes — so while it would be fun to watch as a viewer, it’s bad news for anyone around him who’s trying to, you know, stay alive.
Unfortunately, Mi-yeon’s one-eighty-degree turnabout from potential ally to outright opposing force against Seok-hoon has the opposite effect on me as it did when Ji-sook did the same thing, and I find her much less sympathetic now. I could understand her when she was lonely and love-starved, and would go along with Seok-hoon in the hopes of winning his love. But when she knows the truth about Ji-sook then actively sets out to ruin her life? After her brother asked her not to ruin his happiness? Well, now she’s just a bitch.
I would have thought that discovering that Ji-sook is not her nemesis — not the woman who was planning to steal her husband and in fact not connected to Eun-ha at all — would make Mi-yeon more likely to soften towards her and possibly even help her. So I admit I don’t understand what Mi-yeon has against Ji-sook that she’s going after her with such vehemence when she didn’t even attack her this badly when she thought she WAS Eun-ha. I don’t understand what made her go from the misguided but basically sweet woman who said she wished her brother happiness in his marriage, to this vicious harpy who does what she can to destroy his life. Especially since, when she wished him well, she was wishing him well with the woman she thought was having an affair with her own husband.
My best guess is that she was hoping for him to find happiness with Eun-ha so that Eun-ha would leave Seok-hoon alone. But once she discovered that Eun-ha is dead and it’s really an imposter in her place, all that tamped-down anger and hurt, and sorrow over the “loss” of a baby, came bubbling up to the surface. She’s likely realized that she never had Seok-hoon and probably never will, so she’s got nothing really to lose. And to see Min-woo and Ji-sook falling in love so obviously, you know she’s got to be jealous to death. So the only thing I can think is that she’s doing all this to destroy Ji-sook and Min-woo, simply because she can. Let’s hope that their happy moments are strong enough to pull them through.
Tags: featured, Joo Ji-hoon, Mask, Su Ae, Yeon Jung-hoon, Yoo In-young
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1 heidi
July 11, 2015 at 9:10 AM
I feel a lingering unease amidst the cute couple scenes that despite knowing Seok Hoon is a murderer, she still does not report him. Not for reasons of revenge, or getting him out of the way, but for actual justice itself.
Isn't it turning a blind eye to outright crimes, even being an accomplice to the crime itself? I know it could be that she is uncertain about her situation, worried about her family etc etc, but in these episodes, it seems fine to her that the murder is fine/convenient, as long as it doesn't involve her brother being the murderer itself.
As much as I like the couple stuff, I still can't get support fully a heroine who does not report murder(s) -- the beginning of the show, not only Seok Hoon orchestrated the murder of the other loan shark, but the loan sharks themselves admitted to murder.
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July 11, 2015 at 9:48 AM
coz the writer says so.
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July 11, 2015 at 9:52 AM
Well it's kdramaland, what do you expect? ;]
But all kidding aside, it was shown earlier that Ji Sook had gone to the police station to to try to report the situation but was stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Seok Hoon there, who appeared to be on friendly terms with the police. Not exactly reassuring knowing that the person you want to report is someone who is well connected. She knows full well what Seok Hoon is capable of and was blackmailed into submission by the threat of being revealed as a murderer. And now? Well, she's considered an accomplice. It's not that murder seems fine to her but rather that she is still somewhat powerless as she's trying to save her family and Min Woo. Besides, who wants a crazier Min Yeon on her ass? We all knew that despite knowing her husband is a cheating murderer, she's still absolutely crazy for him and will probably lose any hold on sanity if something were to happen to him.
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Jon G.
July 11, 2015 at 10:11 AM
You cannot bother with being a morally strong citizen -- with murder and fraud and such pettiness -- when you are busy romancing your husband. A woman has to have priorities ...
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July 11, 2015 at 10:17 AM
Exactly Jon G., where would we be if didn't get our priorities right!
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July 11, 2015 at 10:16 AM
Her silence may also hinge on the fact that SH could turn the tables on her and she gets slapped with the murder charge of the dead loan shark. There is also the disproportionate influence he has as a prosecutor and all the usual cover up that can take place and backfire on her and her family.
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July 11, 2015 at 1:00 PM
im sorry but what kind of idiot would ji sook have to be to essentially put her (and by proxy her family and even minwoo) in harm's way just so she can report a man she KNOWS is well connected with law enforcement and has a veritable fuck ton of dirt he can use against her at any time? the only reason he HASNT is cause she also has dirt on HIM. so her only trump card now is the knowledge that he is a murderer. not to mention lest we forget the men seok hoon murdered were both HORRIBLE men who abused ji sook and her family. and yet ji sook should sacrifice everything and everyone she holds dear just so she can report their murderer? who will probably get a reduced sentence at best?
like...cmon now. would YOU do it if you were her? if u say yes u is a liar lol.
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July 12, 2015 at 9:49 AM
Yes I would actually, that's why I find myself unable to be swept up completely in the romance.
The thought of other murders that might be committed for convenience would haunt me. What sort of life would that be?
Or at least, couldn't it be shown that these murders were in her mind too? The very day itself she was shown in a romantic scene with MW. For a character-driven show like 'Mask', I would be more caught up with the romance, if there is strong character foundation and build-up, reasons for everything, even if morality is ambiguous. Right now it does seem like inconsistent characterisation. I have seen so many fans screaming at her passivity, running around like a headless chicken and I try so hard to reason that I would do the same in the given situation, but it was so much a stretch of the imagination that I feel it does not do justice to the plot.
I don't expect machinations at the level of 'Punch', but if the writers could show her trying to use money to get the loanshark to kneel to her family (something that didn't sit quite right with me still, was that revenge or a core principle of having dignity even if poor?), it does show that she is not above using the resources at hand to achieve her goals. Her goals at this point, only seem to revolve around her family and friends, as along as none of them get hurt, the rest can murdered.
And the concept of 'justice', is not utilised strongly enough, only brought up in flashbacks, but supposedly the show meant for it to be an over-arching theme -- the dramatic irony in SH being the monster he wanted to take down. Unfortunately that struggle is not bought across more strongly, he seems to struggle more in resolving his jealousy over JS.
I still enjoy watching this show, but I do hope that the plot and characterisation could be tightened, so that we could really feel involved in the takedown of SH...because he is evil? Because the heroine is JS and that's why we need to feel satisfied? Or the takedown of the SJ group?
Actually you know what, I watch it for the fanservice romance more now, and I want the heroine to be someone I could really root for and stand behind whole-heartedly for the happy ending to be satisfying!
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July 11, 2015 at 5:28 PM
I'm with you on JS's morally compromised position not being good recommendation for a drama heroine. Like you, I often watch dramas rationally. Then (sometimes) I catch myself, and tell myself that rationality has little place in drama-verse. So I watch w one-eye closed and go along for the time being, but can't kick the underlying nagging feeling.
Like the others say, the story is set up in such a way that it is not possible or helpful for JS to be a morally upright citizen at the start. Hopefully it'll be rectified in the end.
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2 dRiger
July 11, 2015 at 9:13 AM
well.. thanks for recap... i didn't start this... but i think it will be a nice one...
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July 11, 2015 at 10:15 AM
Just go for it! it's a great drama :)
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July 11, 2015 at 11:09 AM
thanks for recommendation... i will start it as soon as i got some time.... actually now a days i am busy in I REMEMBER YOU and HEALER... after completion of both i will surely start this...
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3 nidi
July 11, 2015 at 9:16 AM
this is one of my favourite k drama .. thanku javabeans for the recaps .
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July 11, 2015 at 10:16 AM
It's my favorite too and the recap is by our dear Lollypip :)
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4 gaeinalee
July 11, 2015 at 9:20 AM
That scenes, the still 1st and last pics above.. Oh, heart be strong..
Thanks for another wonderful recap, LollyPip~!
Love this ep! A smitten-awkward and cheesy MW is always entertaining and make me smile as big as Waikiki.. ^^
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5 hibeautiful
July 11, 2015 at 9:30 AM
Yeay finally! Been waiting this recap, thank you Lollypip :)
There are many favorite scenes from this episode. Especially when MinWoo drew the hart shape on the couch, which I didn't see it coming from him hahaha. He's so freakin' adorable! and he's getting cuter on each episode!
I don't know how many times I melted while watching the OTP cute moments and went back to life, only to melt again LOL.
I knew the storm would come since the writer gave us (too) many lovely scenes for the main leads. I just hope the problem will be resolved neatly at the end.
Love MY's USB btw :P
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July 11, 2015 at 10:12 AM
I loved the parallels that happen now and then like the heart shape drawn on MW's neck that he could not see and the heart drawn on the couch which JS did not see.
It's an "I love you, but I'm not letting you know it too definitely" message... until we have JS's declaration. But it appears that she is already planning to make an exit, and that's why she decided to speak fast before something worse happens to MW. Oh dear... I hope they have a chance to talk it out nicely and not in the circular way that SH and MY speak. :)
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July 11, 2015 at 11:41 AM
OMG the tinnnyyy heart..LOL MW wins the most chessiest lines ever... Gahddd I lovelovelove this couple so much I dont want this to end!!
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July 12, 2015 at 6:43 AM
@cupkate that tinny heart on the couch killed me that man is adorable i just can' heart always melts with his unpredictable cute behavior <3
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July 11, 2015 at 2:28 PM
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July 12, 2015 at 6:43 AM
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July 11, 2015 at 10:36 AM
i died at the tiny heart on the couch. the way he picked up that pen and looked at it, i thought he was going to do something that was, y'know, actually destructive, like breaking the pen and getting ink everywhere but nope, just a (practically microscopic) heart drawing lolol
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July 11, 2015 at 10:47 AM
@Growingbeautifully I loved how you pointed out the parallels =] That's one of the reason why this show is addictive. Even the smallest thing still has meaning.
And yes, I hope they have a chance to talk it out nicely too.
@bean I know right! and the maid was all 'we dont see anything' 'Its nothing' (something like that lol)
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6 ara
July 11, 2015 at 9:39 AM
Let’s hope that their happy moments are strong enough to pull them through.
let's hope together
anyway we only have 1 week left, no more seuk hoon gaze T.T
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July 11, 2015 at 10:08 AM
Umm, this drama has 20 episodes so theres 3 weeks left.
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July 11, 2015 at 10:29 AM
I did forget that apparently, I always though it is 16 ep
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7 KDramaNewbie
July 11, 2015 at 9:40 AM
And she has taken over someone else's life, lying to her doppelganger's parents and basically carrying out complete identity theft of a chaebol. You can't be OK with that too right? Lol that is why this is makjang
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July 11, 2015 at 1:12 PM
It is not something she did by choice. But yeah, makjang.
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July 12, 2015 at 9:52 AM
I know right, even when I was trying to rationalise her actions, I kept thinking, waitaminutewaitaminute, do I actually want to support her actions?
Or does the show want to paint her as an anti-hero protagonist? Yet it doesn't seem clever enough to be that sort of show. =\
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Camille W
July 12, 2015 at 11:18 PM
But here's the 5hing guys. Was JS ever OK with this lifestyle? The lies? The deception? We knw from the first eps how painful and difficult life was in that cold place they called a home.
She doesnt like her situation in the least but ehe realized somewhere down the line that she really had to wear her Mask. One wonders what good that did her. But we can all agree that the situation was an extremely complicated one. There were times when watching I thought, boy, she is in between a rock and a hard place. We do at least understand JS. I don't believe that JS will really leave with SH still at large. I recall she had said to him that if others got a hold of the usb they wud both go down. She even said that "then the lies would stop" (or sumthing like that). I don't put it past her to not expose SH at the end of the drama. And im sure she'd willingly go to jail if it meant keeping SH and his crazy wife from hurting ppl.
Wait. Did I just argue a case fot noble idiocy....? This show has me wrapped around its finger....
Anyway, I really did feel unsettled when she withdrew the money out of EH's acct for her family's debt, no matter hw bad things were. I felt unease in the pit of my stomach. Something abt it was right. There are those moments when I wonder if JS is aware of hw far she has been pushed. But yep, welcome to the makjang. Everybody is complicated and has to battle their own issues. I cwnt talk abt character w/o writing a paragraph. That means that our characters were thought out pretty well, iI'd say (despite obvious flaws and irrational choices and thinking).
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Camille W
July 12, 2015 at 11:24 PM
Aishh so much errors darn it! *Something abt it WASNT right...* That's wat I meant in my 4th paragraph.
Plz excuse all the other mistakes chingus...
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8 KDramaNewbie
July 11, 2015 at 9:41 AM
I meant to reply to HN...
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9 korini
July 11, 2015 at 9:50 AM
So, the soundproofing problem of the mansion resolved. Table turned and now, violin playing and no one from the family barged in.
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July 11, 2015 at 10:08 AM
+1 exact thoughts exactly! LOL!
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10 klmeri
July 11, 2015 at 9:50 AM
All Mi Yeon's painful truths have been exposed to the one that mattered most to her. There is no more hiding how much her marriage is based on lies. Perhaps by showing her brother the truth of his own marriage - which is also based on the lie that Ji Sook is Eun Ha - she thinks she is doing what's best for everyone... sort of skewed by the fact she also knows it will ruin his happiness. I have no doubt she is no longer in her right mind (if she ever was). To her way of thinking, no one can be happy in their family. It is a selfish way to be, but there is some truth to the statement too.
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July 11, 2015 at 5:33 PM
Thank you for this comment.
It's been bugging me that MY wants to expose JS so bad and I have no idea why, esp. when you take into acct that exposing JS would also lead to exposing herself as EH's killer.
Well, often times, we have to remind ourselves that drama chars aren't rational human beings, or else there'd be no makjang. And that writers aren't always good, therefore motivations aren't always clear.
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July 11, 2015 at 6:55 PM
@ KDaddict?JCW
I love conjecturing when things characters do don't make sense to me (us).
Let me think it out...
- MY crazy desperate woman that she is thinks that being pregnant will somehow give her a position higher or closer to SH than Eun Ha's, and is prepared to believe his lies/not take action against his infidelity, as she sees it.
- She discovers that Eun Ha is actually dead and that she is not pregnant. Then she finds out that the doppelganger is a nobody that SH has put in place for some nefarious reason and her brother has fallen in love with the fake EH.
Good reasons to out Ji Sook
- save the brother and the family from a gold digging nobody. Errr .... I can only think of 1 good reason.
Bad reasons
- MY is just a sore loser and if out-ing JS will bring SH down, then she does not care what happens to the family. (SH, unless he has prepared a shield, will be expelled... politician father-in-law will no longer support the Choi family and their business will go under... MY will face hard times.)
- MY is jealous, if she cannot have a husband who loves her, neither should JS
- MY says she does not know what she wants... like a totally spoiled loose canon, she's going to just try anything and everything to see what 'feels good' and not care about the consequences.
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July 11, 2015 at 7:57 PM
That last 2 paragraphs are so true. But the rest of it, Wow. That kind of reasoning is so warped that I can't wrap my head around it, try as I might. But then of course anything coming from MY would be that warped.
She must have thought that having a child would bind her to SH for good. Of all her delusions, that's got to be the biggest one.
Save her brother and her family from a gold digger? She might pay lip service to her brother's happiness, but I don't get the sense that she cares that much about anyone but her own delusions.
Is she trying to bring SH down now? It's weirder than weird, right?
As many of us have been saying, she's gonna end up in an institution, or if the murder is exposed, prison. Either way, she is already imprisoned in the labyrinths of her own mind.
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11 growingbeautifully
July 11, 2015 at 10:07 AM
Thanks again LollyPip!
"...Ji-sook placates Min-woo that he must be talking about someone else. Until he calls the person “awkwardly tall,” and says he’s jealous of their beautiful wife, and she’s all, “Never mind, he’s talking to you.” HAHAHA, Min-woo’s face."
... and Ji Sook's face!!! Practically fell off the chair laughing!
Well the sweet couple times were great and there were quite a lot of them while they lasted, and therefore it's time for the angst! However, unless MW thinks JS's impersonation is meant to hurt him or his family, I feel it should not go too badly, after the initial shock and all that... The memory of how she did no harm but good, how he saw his reflection in her eyes and felt her honesty, etc, etc should count for something with MW who was a trusting soul to begin with (that's how he got under lousy doc's thumb for one thing).
Anyway, show, bring it on, but don't forget the inadvertently funny scenes like trying to bury Shim alive LOL! Poor actors had earth in their mouths!!! *sputter! cough! cough!*
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bbstl 🧹
July 11, 2015 at 10:27 AM
I hope MW does a "pro" and "con" list with the "pros" being just about every actual interaction he's had with his wife since their marriage, especially her figuring out his doctor was drugging him. The "cons" would be stuff like, oh, who was allowing the doc to drug him in the first place, who was causing his mom to run away with him in a panic in the first place (that caused her death and his trauma), why are so many drugs available in that house anyway(LOL)? Dude, definitely choose the one that is NOT your family.
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July 11, 2015 at 2:01 PM
Seok-hoon is finally doing something right by burying the loan sharks alive! I'm getting sick of seeing Shim's wig LOL
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July 11, 2015 at 5:17 PM
LOL - BURN the wig!
In all honesty, there's nothing stopping those men from crawling out of the ditch. Just because they are buried alive, doesn't mean they have to die there! Their hands and legs were not bound afterall. I've seen men crawl out of similar situations (in Bad Guys) though I don't know how realistic it is. My guess is that Loan shark and his buddy won't die. They'll keep turning up like the proverbial bad penny...or evil Chucky...whatever, you know what I mean.
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July 11, 2015 at 7:01 PM
@bbstl, Giegie, Adal
+10 LOL! I was imagining those characters saying, yeah toss more earth into this corner so that we can climb out by ourselves. LOLOL.
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July 12, 2015 at 4:47 AM
Oh dear! So it's not the end of Shim's wig yet? LOL
In Bad Guys, Wong-chol's gangster hyung did not really intend to kill him when they buried him alive so it's not a surprise he was able to save himself. Unless Seok-hoon's men do a lousy job at burying Shim and his lackey we won't be seeing them in the future. It would be annoyingly fun to see them survived though. :D
I don't think Shim can save his ass though, as he is so busy flipping and removing dirt from his hair. ?
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July 12, 2015 at 9:58 AM
So maybe Seok-hoon won't kill Shim, but will shave his head?
(and all the k-drama audience cheers!)
July 12, 2015 at 4:12 PM
@Giegie and Wag_a_Muffin
Heheheh! then I'd like to see Shim resurrected with a whole new hairdo LOL!
Camille W
July 12, 2015 at 6:31 PM
@Way_a_Muffin Haha! That wud be worth keeping him alive to see!
12 luvKdramas
July 11, 2015 at 10:08 AM
Thank goodness for the recaps, perfect timing! I need a dosage of mental relief. I found myself holding my breath throughout this episode and of course a few 'awww' moments. Love that heart on Min Woo's neck, he probably felt it was a heart shape or maybe just a ticklish.
The truth has to come out eventually but unfortunately it didn't come directly from JS. MY, you just have to beat JS to it. :( It's not just Min Woo that will be affected by all of this charade but JS' mum, EH's parents and not to mention Min Woo's parents as well. I am anxious to seeing how it will unfold.
Seok Hoon only has his best in mind even thought he tried to stop MY from whatever plans she has up her sleeve. It's creepy that he has JS' photo in his wallet.
When JS found Min Woo at the hospital, she told him that she loves him. That was unexpected on his part and I thought that the writer would at least throw in a hug but nope. It was a bit cold though.
JS is definitely preparing for her departure and looks like Min Woo will be served with divorce papers soon. Poor man, one curve ball after another. Their love and trust will be the foundation of their acceptance and healing process.
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13 Layla
July 11, 2015 at 10:11 AM
It might seem far-fetched to make this assumption... Could it be that MY thought JS had collaborated with SH on purpose? Considering that MY did discover JS' photo in SH's wallet. Or maaayyyybe MY jumped to the erroneous conclusion that SH was in love with JS? I mean if I were to find another woman's photo in my husband's wallet, it is a pretty damning evidence of him cheating.
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July 11, 2015 at 10:42 AM
oooh thats an interesting take—idk why that didnt occur to me. i was struggling with mi-yeon's change of character bc it just didnt make sense to me, so its interesting to read a few different interpretations of her character's motivation in messing up her brothers relationship
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July 11, 2015 at 1:31 PM
Mi Yeon has the right to start gunning for Ji Sook. Ji Sook is, after all, making a fool out of her family (especially her kid brother) by being a fraud. Too bad Mi Yeon is not thinking clearly right now since outing Ji Sook means outing herself as a murderer.
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14 fishfingers_fb
July 11, 2015 at 10:17 AM
"I don’t understand what made her go from the misguided but basically sweet woman who said she wished her brother happiness in his marriage, to this vicious harpy who does what she can to destroy his life."
It's also guilt. Because now she's hyper-aware that she's responsible for real-Eun-ha's death, which is a triple-blow: not only is it that she drugged Eun-ha and let her drown, but also, Seok-hoon's obvious grief over her death...and he knows Mi-yeon did it. And she knows better than most people what her husband is capable of, so basically, her choices are abject terror or full-on attack. So...full-on attack it is. It also means that if she's constantly engaged in plotting and machinations, she can avoid dealing with her emotions - the guilt, the anger, the horror, the fear and the jealousy.
I don't like her anymore either, though. I think when she chose the path of persecuting Ji-sook instead of taking responsibility, it sort of sealed her character. She's not one to take the high road, eh.
Speaking of Seok-hoon, I actually found he became more sympathetic. His reaction to Eun-ha's death at the beginning was difficult to read - was his grief real or perfunctory? But now he's cracking, his grief is so apparent and close to the surface. And when we got to see him with his dad, that made him seem even more vulnerable. I actually don't think he confuses Eun-ha and Ji-sook at all. If he had trouble separating them before, I think as time has gone on, he's more and more affected by how much Ji-sook isn't Eun-ha.
I'm finding the excessive PPL annoying. The pace of this week's episodes was almost agonisingly slow: despite how enjoyable the cute was, I felt the drag. Hopefully next week wraps everything up just right!
Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!
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July 11, 2015 at 3:00 PM
I think she's also seriously jealous. She thought at least Eun-ha was dead so her husband's heart had no where to go. Then she saw the picture of Ji Sook in his wallet and realised that he's got some emotional investment there. So she went postal.
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15 growingbeautifully
July 11, 2015 at 10:18 AM
Question: Isn't this supposed to be a 20 episode drama? I see comments saying it's going to wrap soon?
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July 11, 2015 at 10:26 AM
It is a 20 episodes drama.
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July 11, 2015 at 10:52 AM
oh, whoops. When I checked weeks ago, it said 16!
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July 11, 2015 at 10:50 AM
Yes it's a 20 episode drama. We are now past halfway through and i'm already sure that i'll miss this drama badly. Still 3 weeks to go with Mask and it feels like the first episode was just shown yesterday :)
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July 11, 2015 at 11:23 AM
Buh..I think this was also a 20-ep drama? Now I'm confused..
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16 wackycashew
July 11, 2015 at 10:30 AM
Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!
More OTP moments to squeal about! Teehee~ MW watching JS sleep and taking pics of her smiling; JS drawing a heart while putting suntan lotion on MW's neck; and moments like MW encouraging JS before her speech and how much she worried about him when she heard he'd been in an accident. The "I love you"s were so sweet and genuine. Love MW's expression and reaction when he heard it.
Like you, I'd also hoped MW would find out first from JS, but yes, that would've had less dramatic impact. Now, I just hope that he trusts his heart and knows what he has experienced with JS are not based on lies. The only thing that was untruthful was her identity.
I was really wondering what would happen with MY doing everything she can to out JS. So, when I saw the pool CCTV... I was like: Damn! SH is not gonna lie back and just let MY do what she wants--HE has the final say what will happen... So, she can definitely see whose side he's on now even if she's his wife... Nothing will get in his path...
More CS cuteness and are we getting a pairing with him and YS? =P
I'm glad JS's dad got to wash her speech and realizes that she's still alive, and she's no longer upset at him the way she was when he was in the hospital... She loves him and is proud to be his daughter...
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17 amie
July 11, 2015 at 10:30 AM
Oh, whatever, this is where it all gets complicated so let's just wait and see what happens but what a way to confess your feelings, Ji Sook, it was so unromantic, you could have just hugged him and didn't utter those useless words, just saying.
Oh, but that evening dress is so very elegant! that would really be a great graduation dress to wear to the grad ball but I don't have Ji Sook's slim physique (sigh) , that dress was made for her. I wish koreandramafashion would be more active in recapping more kdramas especially this one coz there were a lot of nice outfits here on Seo Eun Ha.
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18 Jon G.
July 11, 2015 at 10:31 AM
Okay, I understand that SH is just there for comic relief and is not supposed to be taken seriously as a villain, but ...
Could he -- just once -- do something that isn't diametrical to his goals? I mean, we are already in the third act and he still hasn't started to do a single thing.
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Jon G.
July 11, 2015 at 10:33 AM
He should learn from his wife: She is twice as crazy, but that doesn't stop her from being five times more intelligent and a thousand times more purposeful than him.
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July 11, 2015 at 10:55 AM
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! It says nothing, on the other hand, about a man, right? :-)
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July 11, 2015 at 10:58 AM
give seok-hoon a break! i mean, his plan is obviously a well thought out long running scheme for revenge. he has to kill his former mistress' new husband and ruin his wife's family's company and uhh avenge his father somewhere in there. that shit takes time! and... yeah, no, he's pretty ineffectual.
i suddenly had this thought—why did seok-hoon need ji-sook to cosplay as eun-ha? like, was that really necessary to his plan? we've already learned that the real eun-ha wasn't necessarily down to follow out seok-hoon's murderous intentions towards min-woo.. and seok-hoon knew that eun-ha might decide not to help him (the whole birthday dress thing)/. he was apparently planning to just kill min-woo himsef if eun-ha wouldn't.. so when she was in coma or braindead or whatever why did he even decide that he absolutely needed her doppelganger to take her place... like, her involvement in the plan wasn't even a sure thing at that point. and yea, ok obviously we'd have no drama without that inciting incident, but.. am i missing something?? s there another reason he needed eun-ha (even a fake one) to stick around?
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Jon G.
July 11, 2015 at 1:45 PM
It makes no sense at all. But it's not like SH cares about his own plan anyway.
Yes, so far there is ZERO reason for him to have JS involved in the whole thing. There is -100 reason for him to kill random people just so JS's cover is not blown. If he can poison random people just like that, why didn't he poison MW by now?
Yeah sure, originally EH was supposed to take control of MW's wealth, either by divorce or after his death. But that's not an option anymore anyway.
I mean, instead of actually getting his revenge and stuff, he is fully occupied with trying to protect JS's cover. That is all he does. Despite the fact JS is irrelevant to his plans.
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July 11, 2015 at 7:45 PM
@ Jon G.
Do you have any idea why a show with so many things 'wrong' with it, is managing to keep intelligent viewers tuning it to it with bated breath?
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Camille W
July 12, 2015 at 6:19 PM
It really is a wonder Gb. We really shouldn't like this so much, where logic is concerned. But who cares? It does the things that matter so well, I dismiss the potholes where they cum, tho I scratch my head everynow and then. The more I think abt MY's thought process re: JS, the more confused I get. But boy does she make for a great challenge for SH?
July 12, 2015 at 7:02 PM
@ Camille W
Yes, ignoring those plot holes and contradictions and inconsistent characteristics of characters.... I believe that we viewers are mainly emotional beings and probably romantics ... when the right emotional note is struck with our couple, many other things are forgiven.
The other thing is that the plot holes although big, are somehow not as ridiculous as in some other shows. Here we have people being inconsistent and making mistakes but they are not bumbling idiots, and so maybe we are also more forgiving, since then we don't have to tolerate idiocy but accept human error, which is a mite more palatable. :)
Jon G.
July 12, 2015 at 9:49 PM
No, that's not it. Both SH and JS are bumbling idiots, and MW is at least pretending to be one.
Camille W
July 12, 2015 at 6:28 PM
@bean ur soooo right! SH could've just gone along and framed MW for EH's death while claiming insanity, which wudve gotten this heir out of the way. Then he could seize control and yay successful plan. How is EH so contingent to the plan, that he'd blackmail her poor doppleganger and threaten her constantly so she cud play tne part of his beloved but dead EH? It just doesnt make any sense. Its as if he was role playing his plan bc he decided that his plan MUST go exactly as planned and nothing will change. But hey, watevs its not like plot points must be well thought out. Just make it awesome and no one will care. Do u hear my sarcasm?
Well it ttly worked haha. ;P
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bbstl 🧹
July 11, 2015 at 1:41 PM
I just love that about this show ?
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bbstl 🧹
July 11, 2015 at 1:45 PM
By that, I mean - I just love that really, nooooothing makes any sense except maybe SH's original motive for revenge.
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19 Small Birdy
July 11, 2015 at 10:57 AM
IMO, MY is going crazy because she has realized that SH not only loved EH before but now seems to have projected his love onto JS(evidenced by his stash of JS photos). Even with EH dead she cannot get her hubby's love. It's devastating especially when you consider that she was already deprived of love for so long and holding out for her hubby to come back to her. Her going over the edge is understandable. She just doesn't care who she needs to destroy. This is like those big showdowns where no one comes out unscathed.
Lastly, like everyone here.... How squee worthy is our OTP? And this with only one kiss and not much skinship. Well played on the writer's part. He/she sure knows the way to the fan girls and ahjumma's hearts :) I heart all of their moments together!
Have to say the writer has done SA and JJH a great service with such great characters. Hope this gets them even better projects later. Especially JJH, he deserves a break.
Fingers crossed there's no noble idiocy and amnesia like someone commented earlier.
Mask, Hwaiting!
Thanks recapped!
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July 11, 2015 at 3:24 PM
"IMO, MY is going crazy because she has realized that SH not only loved EH before but now seems to have projected his love onto JS(evidenced by his stash of JS photos). Even with EH dead she cannot get her hubby’s love."
Totally agree with you here! I was, and still am, of the same opinion when I first watched this episode.
And it's telling that SH, though depicted as somewhat of a crazy villain, hasn't actually been all that crazy in his dealings with EH/JS. His words and anger no longer hold the same bite as they did in the earlier eps, and she also seems to be getting away with a lot, considering they go against his plans. And I think this is where he's perhaps starting to blur the lines between his first love and someone who looks like her. It also puts him under a more sympathetic spotlight compared to MY over the last couple of eps - quite an interesting turn around, that's for sure!!
The way he looked at her during the press conference revealed an admiration which he perhaps saw in EH too - either way, it carried way more emotions than his usual calculating approach as the plain dealing villain!
Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!! It was a pleasure to read!
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July 12, 2015 at 5:23 AM
+1 :)
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Camille W
July 12, 2015 at 6:14 PM
+2 ;)
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20 cupkate
July 11, 2015 at 11:35 AM
I'm so trusting MW to continue being awesome and hear from JS directly and let her exlplain the circumstances why JS had to do it-crazy as it seems but hey your life was hanging on a thread -and just see how sincere JS is regarding how she feels. And I hope he gets to see the collage she made for him. Ugh bracing myself for the storm to come as we are hitting the intense part of the story... MAsk fighting!!
Btw Thank you Lollypip for the recap. Also melted at the forehead kiss - totally swoonworthy and so much squealing was going on while I was watching it. Sometimes the next door thinks I'm crazy..teheee
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21 Dahlia
July 11, 2015 at 11:47 AM
Thank you for the recap! :)
I wonder if Miyeon's gunning for Jisook isn't a combination of a few things. Yes, there's definitely some scorched earth "if I can't have a happy marriage, no one can" going on, but I think there's also still a vague streak of protective older sister going on; wouldn't you want your brother to know if he was married to a liar and a fraud? I also think she's doing it intentionally to mess up Seokhoon. She's shown before that she enjoys playing with him a bit, like with the watch, and I was surprised that she was practically taunting him with the fact she killed Eun Ha ("don't you miss [her/me]?"). Maybe she's trying to make him as unhappy as she has been, potential pregnancy aside, and taking down Jisook is part of that. (I think she's gonna get herself killed by Seokhoon if she's not careful though.... Especially since signs point to him heading towards a messy meltdown.)
Our main couple has been so cute these past few episodes that we knew it couldn't last.... Minwoo's probably going to feel rightly betrayed, especially considering how many other people in his life have lied to him (and gaslighted him and drugged him...). I hope they'll reconcile quickly though, and I'm curious to see how the writer starts to wrap everything up in the end.
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22 sonia
July 11, 2015 at 11:49 AM
I think i lost track of how many times i have watched the OTP scenes in this episode...
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Cuteness Overloaded ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
It's a first for me to fall this hard for a married couple in Kdramaland. I'm so engaged in this pairing i feel so happy watching them together...all the funny and smiley moments at the trip, taking pictures...aww they are so natural around each other! drinking healthy juice and teaching her in their room how to play violin (Min woo is so darn charming), the heart drawing on his neck, their heartfelt gazes wow these simple yet wonderful moments gave me so many feeeels and literally every single word and every single moment they share is so meaningful....So now that he knows the truth about her identity i hope nothing am thinking of happen next. After all she did for him he better gives her the chance to explain herself or else i'm gonna flip some tables :D
I also loved very much the interaction between MY and Seok Hoon in this episode. What an insane couple lol??!!!
I enjoyed how both were attacking each other like raging dogs so intense hehehe let's see who's gonna fall first....
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23 brightsept
July 11, 2015 at 11:56 AM
I dont get it either why mi-yeon wants to let ji sook's identity to be known, because if everyone knows that she isnt eun ha, and eun ha is dead, whos the one killing eun ha? Shouldnt this be a cover for her?
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⭐ Sera The Ms Temper ⭐
July 12, 2015 at 11:15 PM
thats right. shes so crazy i think. haha.
but i think she is madly in love with her husband, and thats why she cant think straight.
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24 Camille W
July 11, 2015 at 12:09 PM
Way back in ep 12 when we found out that MY was responsible for EH's death I had already kicked the dresm team idea to the dust. Ive just lost the sympathy for her, tho I'll admit I felt for her when it was revealed that she was in fact not preggos.
As for my otp I really don't knw wat to expect from MW nxt wk. The shw has proven that it does watever it wants. We nvr really knw wat to expect. I really can't predict anything, save for the identity reveal cliff hanger. But no one even knew when thaf wud be. I can only hope that my otp will keep going strong, tho I knw (?) that in makjang style MW will be hurt. Think abt it. Not only is it revealed that the EH he's fallen in love with is someone else but its also revealed that the finger prints belong to the woman he trusted. He'd nvr wanted to find out. But nw wat will he do? Perhaps he'll stay out later than the meeting, go home and fine JS waiting. But basically reject her attempts to speak to him, while questions are swirling in his head. Then order a background check. Who knows? Its cud really go any way. But im sure most of us are hoping that some of that unconditional love will make a reappearance.
Almost forgot to mention, how swoon worthy were the otp scenes this ep?! My favourite has to be the bed scene. Or the scene with the drunk Manager where JS was all "yep its got to be you he's talking abt." Or how abt JS worry for hubby MW and her admissson (both to him and her) that she was in love with him. She was adorable.
And chingus, we killed two birds w one stone (sorta). We got our bed scene and a semi-acceptable kiss b4 the storm, right? It wasn't done the way I wanted but I'll take it.
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July 11, 2015 at 1:52 PM
I want a real kiss though. :D
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July 11, 2015 at 1:56 PM
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July 12, 2015 at 6:34 AM
I can't wait for a real passionate kiss too between our Otp<3
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Camille W
July 12, 2015 at 6:13 PM
Can anyone? Every time I see sweet otp moments im just waiting for a kiss. Im sure most of us were hoping and thinking that MW wud kiss JS after she confessed to him. This is me: plz for skinship? Okay. Wat abt a little skinship writer-nim? Urgh can we get any skinship porfavor writer-nim? PLZ WE'LL TAKE ANYTHING CHAEBAL?! Okay. Im exaggerating but...yh. I mean, how cud he just sit there?! Perhaps when HE tells her that he loves her too, then we'll get a kiss I dunno.
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25 Sh
July 11, 2015 at 12:23 PM
- I think Jisook will report the syringe murder right after she make sure that she and everyone dear to her are safe (including Minwoo of course) the stone is still rolling... she can't stop at the moment
- Can someone explain to me why Seokhoon keep the photo of JISOOK and not EUNHA in his wallet? does he consider her as surrogate or something?
- I do think the notion that Miyeon will 'become Jisook's ally once she find out that she's not Eunha' is somehow--- and is it possible that she tried to reveal Jisook to Minwoo because she CARES (a bit) for his safety? I mean, Jisook is basically an IMPOSTER (the kind one, at that, but Miyeon doesnt know) and she already knew that Seokhoon has something to do with this...
- The fact that Jisook has planning to leave Minwoo as soon as possible struck me. She doesnt have any plan to stay Eunha forever... she wants to be normal happily.
- The burial scene makes me think of how many murders had gone unknown in this world... people can be disposed so easily and untouched by the law...
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July 12, 2015 at 10:02 AM
re: Jisood's pic in his wallet: Seok-hoon is nuts. And crazy people don't have rational reasons for doing anything.
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