Yoo Jae-suk heads to JTBC for new variety show
by girlfriday
javabeans: Yoo Jae-suk (Infinity Challenge, Running Man, Happy Together) is doing a new program on JTBC! Do you think the cable executives are throwing a party and celebrating the get? Maybe while singing neener-neener over in the direction of KBS-MBC-SBS, who seem to be bleeding all their talent to cable these days?
girlfriday: It certainly feels that way, what with PDs and writers leaving in droves for tvN and JTBC. Now that “national MC” Yoo Jae-suk is among them, there’s no advantage that the Big 3 hold.
javabeans: In my imagination, every time they lost a star PD or writer, the broadcasters would say, “It’s okay if Na PD goes, we still have Yoo Jae-suk.” Except now, their biggest fish is checking out that other pond too.
girlfriday: To be fair, the talent doesn’t have to belong to one station like a PD does. Na PD is under contract, while Yoo Jae-suk can have a show on every network under the sun (which he’s going to have, pretty soon). It makes the move less of a killing blow. Just a sock to the gut, maybe.
javabeans: More than anything, it’s an extra stamp of legitimization to the fledgling cable outlets, that everyone wants to be on them despite the lower exposure and ratings. Already cable is gaining the reputation and cred for high quality programming, but if they steal all the talent away too, will broadcast have any advantage?
girlfriday: Maybe it’ll be a kick in the pants to step up their game. I’d like to see more variety in variety shows, more innovative formats, and less of the stock studio stuff. That said, JTBC has done a good job of putting its own spin on variety and talk shows, even in the studio format.
javabeans: I actually think JTBC has better variety programs than it does dramas. Not that their dramas aren’t good, but they have more variety at the moment, such as Abnormal Summit, Witch Hunt, Crime Scene, Hidden Singer, I’m Going to School…
girlfriday: Yeah I like their variety shows. Yoo Jae-suk is pairing up with PD Yoon Hyun-joon, who worked with him on KBS’s Happy Together back in the day. PD Yoon’s recent shows are Abnormal Summit and Crime Scene, so I’m hoping that they continue the hot streak with a great new show. The concept is still undecided, of course, so it could really be anything.
javabeans: It’s crazy how nothing is known about this show, yet just the fact that Yoo Jae-suk is moving to cable is enough to make it the top news story of the day. It’s even crazier still that the show has no concept in place but has a launch scheduled, for August.
girlfriday: I’m pretty sure that if you have Yooneunim (Yoo-god), you don’t even need a concept.
javabeans: I would almost say yes, but in variety, you really need more than one awesome star. Remember I Am a Man on KBS? Or half of Kang Ho-dong’s newest programs?
girlfriday: No, nobody remembers those shows because nobody watched them. (Okay, maybe I watched them, and they were bad). Speaking of Kang Ho-dong, it’s funny how now all eyes turn to him, because he’s the last one left on broadcast TV. There are actual stories being written speculating if/when he’ll jump too.
javabeans: The bigger question is: tvN or JTBC?
girlfriday: It’s gotta be tvN, just so he can continue his friendly rivalry for “national MC” crown with Yoo Jae-suk.
javabeans: Or they can both be on JTBC and share the crown.
girlfriday: Poor tvN.
javabeans: More like, poor KBS-MBC-SBS.
Via DongA
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1 bjharm
June 1, 2015 at 8:27 PM
all I could think of was..ow so that why he thought of as the perfect husband..he is never home!
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June 1, 2015 at 8:38 PM
Yeah that's I was thinking about while reading too! Wonder how he has time to do anything besides work...hmm. He's good at what he does for sure, and you never know when tides turn so might as well do what you can while the nation loves you.
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June 1, 2015 at 9:08 PM
I believe he has weekends off. And filming doesn't take all day - might it be comparable to a 40-hour work week?
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June 1, 2015 at 10:35 PM
I do remember that they have shown once his filming schedule in ic, 30 hours straight. notable is that, there is an 8 hour straight filming within that time frame in a coal mine with CSW. He really is dedicated to his programs, but I wish he can take it easy at times.
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June 2, 2015 at 2:44 PM
that's actually kind of sad for him and his family, lol
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2 katasu1996
June 1, 2015 at 8:35 PM
Comment was deleted
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June 1, 2015 at 8:54 PM
I did watched a few of kang hodong shows after the scandal and he did open all that shows just like 2D1N. I thought it was funny tho, different shows with the same opening.
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June 2, 2015 at 12:49 AM
I like Kang Ho Dong to be honest. Especially the old school generations interact with him. He let others to hit or being rude with him just like him do with them lol. I mean, with him, the guests seem closer. Never judge the book by the cover.
I'm hoping Yoo Jae Suk and kang Ho Dong would have chance to work together again.
JTBC got Shinhwa when SBS wanted them so badly. So, it's no surprise they got Yoo Jae Suk too this time. JTBC always produce more educative programs. Their dramas also very well made. Among all cable channels , JTBC is my favorite.
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June 2, 2015 at 2:30 AM
KHD is palatable in smaller doses like when he is just one of a no. of MCs/leaders like in "X-Man."
Otherwise, his over-exaggerated expressions and yelling gets to be a bit much (like when he was the singular host on "Love Letter."
KHD doesn't have nearly the wit/cleverness of YJS, so it is more difficult to carry a show by himself.
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June 2, 2015 at 4:35 AM
But Kang Ho Dong did well in Love Letter though. It depends on the variety show concepts too
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June 2, 2015 at 1:47 PM
While LL was a fairly popular variety show (actually liked it better before they changed the format), I would cringe whenever KHD went overboard w/ his antics.
Didn't watch LL for KHD, but watch pretty much every variety show w/ YJS a great bit for YJS (LL would have been fine w/ an MC other than KHD, while shows like FO would not have been the same w/o YJS).
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June 2, 2015 at 4:36 AM
And as I remember Yoo Jae Sook doesn't has any show that he carry the show alone. He has several hosts beside him even though he's the main host. While Kang Ho Dong did for Love Letter season 1,2 and 3.
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June 2, 2015 at 1:50 PM
KHD really didn't do a lot in LL, the guests did most of the "work."
KHD would just do the MC part in introducing them (in his usual over-exaggerated manner), but unlike when YJS was the MC for X-Man, wasn't particularly handy w/ the witty quips (basically, aside from is MC duty, it was KHD just laughing at the guests' antics).
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June 2, 2015 at 11:49 AM
I still like him and his style. I think KHD lacks versatility like YJS, but he's perfect for shows that require a lot of energy. He's perfect for Cool Kiz, which is a sports show, and Star King has gotten better after his return. I think the failure of the show has more to do with the concepts and the PDs are more at fault.
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June 4, 2015 at 4:44 AM
I watched some parts of Cool Kidz on the Block. His screaming is so irritating.
I think his biggest strength is to interact with civillians, when he is speaking and talking normally. That's when he is most charming and when he shines, and when I feel his MC skills are very good. He should find a show concept that allows him to do this.
When I see him interacting with his castmates like underlings, screaming and bullying and throwing tantrums, then it gets annoying.
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3 kanz
June 1, 2015 at 8:58 PM
I think it's quite clear Happy Together will be axed and YJS simply needs to move on.. to cable..
If Happy Together was axed, I'd be so sad, the show is entertaining for me, but the ratings didn't help.
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June 1, 2015 at 10:58 PM
Yeah, happy together is on it's way out, I kinda' feel it coming too... Which is sad because some of the episodes are really fun. Even though YJS is brilliant I always feel like it's the team that comes with him that makes things work or not . Cable is talking all these talented people under it's wings poor kbs, sbs and mbc. But that should be a good opportunity to start thinking about putting other mc in the spotlight or finding original concept and stop copying each other. YJS-JTBC fighting !!!
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June 2, 2015 at 4:57 AM
Oh noo I like Happy Together. I used to really love the late night cafeteria concept.
I hope his new show will do well! Yoo Jae Suk fighting!
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June 2, 2015 at 12:09 PM
Me too. I used to love the late night cafeteria, but I think it disappeared as higher level cooking was showcased on on other shows. It's hard to compete with in programs like Take Good Care of the Fridge that has top chefs competing with each other. I still want this concept back.
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June 2, 2015 at 6:25 AM
I used to watch Happy Together like clockwork every week until they took away the cafeteria segment at the end. That was usually my favorite part!
I haven't watched it in weeks now. I will watch the big Bang episode, but I have no desire to watch the rest.
I absolutely HATE SeHo & Kim ShinYoung on the show. They are completely unnecessary and annoying. I always fast forward through their guest introductions.
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June 4, 2015 at 4:47 AM
Agree with all your points. I stopped after Late Night Cafeteria ended and only went back when the guests are people I want to see.
The 2 yellow clones are terrible.
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4 Khule WY
June 1, 2015 at 9:01 PM
Wait,he's still doing running man right?forgive my ignorance I don't know how this works is he just doing one show for cable and continuing other shows on national or...
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June 1, 2015 at 9:13 PM
yea he's still doing running man. Right now he's doing 4 shows at the moment. Running man/Happy Together/Infinity Challenge/Same Bed Different Dreams, so he's just adding one cable show.
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June 2, 2015 at 1:42 PM
Yeah it's common for people to do multiple shows at the same time in Korea. There are people that do more shows than YJS.
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5 Cocoboo
June 1, 2015 at 9:12 PM
Wow, the headline surprised me and made me feel like this is big news.
I really like Yoo Jae Suk. My favorite MC! Hope his new variety with JTBC is a success.
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6 Sajen
June 1, 2015 at 9:39 PM
I have tried quite a few variety shows in my 4 or 5 years as a drama watcher, I can't remember which, and I've made a discovery. If a show has Yoo Jae-suk, or kids, I'm 90% more likely to like it than otherwise. I did like the the first season of 1N2D though and that has neither.
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7 KDaddict?JCW
June 1, 2015 at 9:51 PM
K dramas have been so bad lately; Been watching a lot of K variety programs, and enjoying them tremendously. Yoo Jae Suk seems to be in half of them. No wonder he's the Nation's MC. He's much smoother than Kang HD.
I relish not having to pull out my hair like I do watching KDs where the writing, the acting, or the directing is sub-std or plain nuts.
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June 2, 2015 at 2:32 AM
If you haven't already, should watch the 1st season of FO (Family Outing) w/ YJS, Hyori, etc.
To this day, think it is one of the funniest and heartwarming variety shows (don't bother w/ season 2 w/ an entirely different cast).
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June 2, 2015 at 6:42 AM
yeah that was a fun show, sadly the theme been so overused since. Never understood the hate Hyori used to get, to me it seemed she was brought in the be co MC and like RM in the future they all had set roles to play in the show.
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June 2, 2015 at 1:58 PM
That was just some of the netizens who were too stupid to realize that Hyori was acting as the "protagonist" in order to be the counterbalance to YJS (loved, the cat sound effect when Hyori would lash out).
The part when Hyori ended up hitting YJS in the you know where w/ a bamboo pole during the time they were acting out a fight scene in the bamboo woods still cracks me up (w/ YJS rolling on the ground and muttering - Hyori, oh, Hyori; felt really bad for YJS, but at the same time, it was so funny).
Overall, think Hyori got more popular showing the goofy, down-to-earth side of her (she's really is more of a jeans/t-shirt gal than dressing up to the 9s).
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June 2, 2015 at 8:32 AM
That was my first K-variety and my favorite to this day. I loved the environment and the 'family'; they all seem so genuine with each other. Chunderalla, Dumb and Dumber Bros, Lee Hyori was awesome, etc. I miss it so much
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June 2, 2015 at 2:01 PM
Yeah, really had that family feel (not many variety shows had the depth of emotions as for Chunderella's and Sweet and Savage Yejin's last taping; tho they did come back for the finale).
Also liked it b/c really got a sense of the personalities of their celebrity guests (some guests who you wouldn't think would be, were totally hilarious).
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June 2, 2015 at 9:25 PM
Family Outing friendsss!!!!
*group hug*
8 lovehaydn
June 1, 2015 at 9:52 PM
I'm a HUGEEEE jTBC fan, as are my parents. We're devoted to Abnormal Summit and Please Take Care of My Refrigerator (best show IMO LOL) as well as My Friend's House (which I LOVE bc of the traveling!) ^^
I've also watched I'm Going to School as well and found their variety shows much more to my liking than regular broadcast shows.
I hope they also do something interesting and fun w/ YJS - i haven't liked any of his shows since Family Outing :( - with the exception of a few Infinity Challenge episodes. (he needs to get back w/ Hyori. LOL they were the ultimate combo)
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June 2, 2015 at 4:18 AM
where do you watch the shows?? i've been trying to find Please Take Care of My Refrigerator with English subs for ages! Tell me your ways and I'll be forever indebted to you! thank you!!!
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June 2, 2015 at 12:12 PM
I love Take Care of Fridge! It's my favorite variety show right now. I've always loved cooking shows and this show provides me high level cooking. I'm not sure if this show is being subbed. Because I can understand Korean, I'm watching it raw. I'm sure there's certain episodes with popular idols that have been subbed.
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9 Lizzie
June 1, 2015 at 10:03 PM
but! not many JTBC variety shows are actually subbed!! *crying inside* I really liked abnormal summit and the few witch hunt eps I've watched.. but since its Yoo Jae-suk maybe their will be more interest in subtitling it??
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June 2, 2015 at 7:47 AM
*in tears* I knowwww...even Abnormal Summit, I'm always wondering..is this the last episode to be subbed?
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10 jam
June 1, 2015 at 10:25 PM
oooo this will definitely be an interesting shift in korean tv broadcasting. i, too, have lost interest in a lot of the current kdramas and have been searching for varieties instead. no matter what the concept is, i'm all in for yoo jae suk :)
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11 CrazyRedHairMireu
June 1, 2015 at 10:40 PM
Lately I've been hooked on JTBC's Crime Scene and Abnormal Summit. It's crazy to think the same PD was responsible for them. A combination of that PD and YJS has the potential to be a real knockout. I'm excited!
Honestly if JTBC produced dramas like Heartless City on a regular basis I'd be loyal to them for life. I don't think anything I've watched since has struck me as hard as Heartless City did. The darkness of that show and its character just struck all the with chords with me. Here's to hoping for more quality JTBC variety shows and dramas!
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12 cpc73
June 1, 2015 at 11:23 PM
I remember there was that episode on Running Man where they called someone (a gues, of which I don`t remember, heh) `cable`s Yoo Jaesuk`and Yoo-nim joked `that`s why cable networks don`t call me; there`s no space left for me!` or something along those lines.
Heh, I`m excited for whatever he`s doing though. And even more since it`s cable, so wider allowance and less restrictions~ Although methinks the same as the rest-one of his shows is going to be axed soon (and it aint RM or IC or the new SBS with Kim Gura-looking at you, KBS) for him to accommodate one more show in August.
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June 2, 2015 at 9:53 AM
Yes I remember that episode too, that's the first thing that comes across my mind when I read the headlines... Mayb JTBC called him after watching that episode? Lols
I've never known who YJS is until I watched Running Man (it's my first k variety show) and at first I was wondering why he was so famous (u started from scratch from ep1) and oh man... He's the kind of person who gradually captivate you that you slowly fall for his MC-ing style. Glad I checked out RM and I would definitely check out this new variety show just for him... Hope it's a fresh interesting concept
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June 2, 2015 at 12:53 PM
that'd be funny, jtbc thinking, well there you go, the signal to get Yoo-nim! ^^
I've been a long k-variety fan, although longer drama fan. But Yoo Jaesuk is the type of persona that allows him to adapt to the changes in television trend, which is also a secret to his long-lasting success, if you may. And he does the changes so subtly you won't even notice. Plus he has a winning personality, so he wins either way. :)
Family Outing Season 1 is a fave of mine. I think you'll love him even more there :)
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13 earthna
June 1, 2015 at 11:26 PM
Jtbc's been doing so well with variety shows. Abnormal Summit is just awesome. I wish they have an actual idea on what variety show they're going to do though.
P.S. I actually enjoyed I am A Man and was surprised it wasn't a hit coz it was hella funny to me.
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June 1, 2015 at 11:41 PM
OMG I'm happy I'm not the only one who enjoyed that show IAM was great, I was so happy it was on KBS because we were able to get the full episode sub !! JTBC variety shows are really good, so I have no worries for this new project even if we don't know what it's going to be yet.
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June 2, 2015 at 6:13 AM
IKR .... I'm enjoying IAM too honestlyyy ! I think its just so funny , althought its true that they must have funny guest to make the show happen haha
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June 3, 2015 at 7:49 AM
Awhhh glad i have a fellow here.
i really like the concept of IAM, it was like sneaking to your boyfriends private chat-group. Brutality! :D
My fave eps with Baek Ji Young. Oh my, i can't stop laughing. :'D
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14 Angélina Eang
June 1, 2015 at 11:53 PM
I remember that in Running Man, he joked that because there were too many "Yoo Jae Suk of the cable networks", he couldn't be in one of them XD. Well, I guess it does though.
But like others, I am really concerned for his health and his family. I mean, it's great to have a lot of work but yeah', it's sad that he doesn't spend much time at home. Well, Happy Together might be axed so, I get it but yeah', I am kind of worried.
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15 lovekdrama
June 2, 2015 at 12:17 AM
From the same producer as Abnormal Summit and Crime Scene?!
My reaction: YES!
Other than Running Man, the only other variety shows I watch are on JTBC. They are great in the variety field.
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16 brightsept
June 2, 2015 at 12:20 AM
It's always nice to see you guys discussing things like this together. If only I have someone who like the same thing like I do. It will be nice if I have a partner to discuss things as well.
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June 2, 2015 at 5:19 AM
but your blog looks great, it makes me wanna discuss with you about such topics ^^
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June 4, 2015 at 3:46 AM
let's do it! but how...? any idea? email perhaps?
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17 bd5
June 2, 2015 at 2:34 AM
Figured that the national MC would eventually make his way over to cable.
A lot of talented PDs now working for the cable networks and I'll bet that YJS gets more say in production and maybe a bigger piece of the pie (not that he is overly focused on $$).
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18 Tiffany
June 2, 2015 at 2:40 AM
GOGO JTBC. They have the best variety show nowadays. I have been crazily following abnormal submit, please take care of refrigerator, where is my friend home and witch hunt.
If YJS is really coming to cable, please work with JTBC Prince - Sung Si Kyung and Yoo Se Yoon. It would definitely fun to watch them as they are more likely to open up their talk since it is cable.
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19 red_risen
June 2, 2015 at 2:41 AM
I know it's a stretch but I hope he guest on Crime Scene. It would be such a hoot.
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20 owl 🦉 🫰
June 2, 2015 at 5:30 AM
I am a Man was so random, but I'm still wondering what that 4th thing out of five was that guys hate about women (animal prints, pink jogging suits, boots, leggings AND ??). Jeasook had his hands full with that panel of male hosts. Nothing was worse than Invisible Man, though, speaking of variety and HoDong. I am intrigued by Korean variety and am pretty sure that if my life depended on it, I couldn't explain the concept of any one show that would make sense to someone who'd never seen it,
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21 miricia
June 2, 2015 at 5:51 AM
Yes! Every program that has YJS in it will be BIG. Furthermore, with PD Abnormal Summit, I can't wait.. Abnormal Summit just beat Running Man in recent Baeksang, and I really love that show so much.. It's just too bad not many people interested in it, and the subber is only 1 person.. Orz
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owl 🦉 🫰
June 2, 2015 at 8:25 AM
AS is so interesting with various informed perspectives from around the world. I love it. I should do a flow chart of the shows that some of the members are now on as guests or cast.. So fun!
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22 sf fan
June 2, 2015 at 10:40 PM
Are girlfriday and javabeans both US-based? If so, how are they watching all of these Korean programs on so many different networks? Which cable subscription do they have? I only have Comcast (no premium stations), so I only see KBS World. Please tell me which plan I should go on, so that I can see all of these programs.
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June 3, 2015 at 12:39 AM
Raw torrents perhaps.
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23 carolies541
June 3, 2015 at 12:53 PM
Out of his shows, I love Infinity Challenge the most and I'm hoping that cable show will be as creative as IC. I'm hopeful, since they have better chance at being more creative at cable channels since they're usually more daring to try new things.
Anyways, best of luck to my favorite MC.
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