Mask: Episode 6
by LollyPip
Min-woo and Ji-sook are beginning to trust one another and opening up… but Ji-sook is shaken to the core when she’s forced to reject her family, and it will take a strong supporter to help her through the emotional aftermath. Let’s hope Min-woo is up to this first real challenge as a husband.
EPISODE 6 RECAP: “Family, That Heartbreaking Memory”
Min-woo and Ji-sook dance as if they’re alone, until a voice breaks through their daze: “Noona!” Ji-hyuk stands staring at Ji-sook, and for a long moment she’s too shocked to respond. Everyone waits to see what she’ll do, and she finally says in a quiet voice that she doesn’t know who this man is. Ji-hyuk is escorted from the room, calling frantically for his sister.
Ji-sook is still rattled the next morning at breakfast. Mi-yeon pretends concern as an excuse to pepper her with questions about Ji-hyuk, assuming he’s someone Eun-ha dated, but Min-woo again rises to Ji-sook’s defense. Mi-yeon won’t drop it, so Seok-hoon offers a convenient excuse that possibly he was a stalker.
After the meal Seok-hoon finds Ji-sook to threaten her again for putting his plan in danger, but he quickly takes on a friendlier tone when Mi-yeon joins them. She offers to find out who the “stalker” is, and though it’s clear she’s mostly being nosy, her pretense of wanting to help means Ji-sook can’t object.
It’s Min-woo’s first day as Director at SJ Group, and before he even gets to his new office he’s hit with a challenge. Three employees gossip in the elevator about the new director, and it’s apparent that word has gotten out about his perfectionist tendencies. Supposedly, he’s also fat and bald and sees a psychiatrist from the stress of counting all of his money. HA.
He passes this first test by not mentioning it, and making a speech to his new team that he’s worked hard to get here and he knows it won’t be easy, setting up a team mindset from the beginning. The employees from the elevator nervously watch as Min-woo compulsively straightens his desk to his liking, causing him to get self-conscious and shut the blinds on them.
The moment Min-woo stops to take a breather, a smile starts to curve his lips as his thoughts drift to his wife. But the real Eun-ha’s words that she’s going to keep dating her lover after they’re married intrude on his happy thoughts, and he shakes some sense back into himself.
Mi-yeon and Stepmom get some information back on Ji-sook’s mother, and when Ji-sook comes to talk to them about an exhibit, they can’t help but mention that she’s supposed to be the art expert. Mi-yeon sneers that maybe the information in the envelope will jog her memory, but Mi-yeon snatches away the envelope, saying that giving everything away so soon would be no fun.
Mi-yeon instructs Ji-sook to be in charge of cleaning at the gallery, pretty much relegating her to janitorial duties. Ji-sook asks why Mi-yeon dislikes her so much, hoping to find a way to fix it for the sake of the family, but Mi-yeon isn’t interested. She makes it clear that they are not family, only people who make nice because they want something from each other.
She spells out her feelings clearly — she hates Ji-sook so much, she would kill her if she could. Once Ji-sook recovers her memories, she’ll know why.
Ji-hyuk has found the gallery, having not given up on speaking to this woman who looks like his sister, and he catches the tail end of this conversation. Mi-yeon sees him there and says, for him to hear, that Ji-sook will start her cleaning duties with the bathrooms.
Ji-hyuk leaves, running into Mi-yeon on her way out. He initially resists her offer to give him information, but curiosity wins out. Over coffee he asks why Mi-yeon is pretending to be helpful, since he can see they’re not close.
Still assuming he’s an old boyfriend, Mi-yeon prods for information, and Ji-hyuk is smart enough not to tip his hand. I gotta admit he’s more insightful than I gave him credit for. He agrees that she’s on the right track (ha, he calls her “ajumma”) and asks Mi-yeon to tell Ji-sook that he’ll keep trying until he talks to her.
Mi-yeon assumes that he wants to get his old girlfriend back, and tells him they have the same goal. She’s totally wrong, but it gets Ji-hyuk the access to Ji-sook that he needs.
Min-woo is so distracted by the thought that his wife has another man, he spends his entire first meeting composing texts to her about it and immediately deleting them. He sure is putting a lot of effort into acting like he doesn’t care, ha. He finally leaves the meeting, frustrated, and gives a CCTV camera the evil eye on his way out.
Min-woo decides to address his concerns in person, and finds Ji-sook in the gallery scrubbing toilets. When he tells her to stop and she refuses, he forcibly tears the brush out of her hands. She argues that she’s nobody special to be above cleaning, but Min-woo asserts that it would make him look bad if word got out.
He takes Ji-sook to lunch to talk, and he takes her sadness over seeing Ji-hyuk as guilt, assuming he’s the man she loves. She does admit she loves him, but says sadly that she shouldn’t see him anymore. When Min-woo gives her permission to see him, since it was a condition of their marriage, Ji-sook happily asks if it’s okay and Min-woo reminds her not to get caught.
Ji-sook talks to Seok-hoon before meeting with her brother, arguing that she may as well or he’ll cause more disruptions. Seok-hoon slams an envelope on his desk, then grips Ji-sook by the neck to look at them — it’s the DNA results, and it’s a death sentence to them both. Luckily he switched the results before Stepmom got them, but it was a close thing.
Seok-hoon reminds Ji-sook that if it comes to that, he will kill her before she can take him down with her. He releases her and gives permission to see Ji-hyuk, but only to end this.
Min-woo takes his disappointment out on Ji-sook, complaining about her leaving her clothes out. When she stares at the clothes in her closet and says they don’t look good on her, he takes her literally and throws a fit, tossing the clothes angrily around her dressing room. Aww, he’s really hurt because he thinks she’s in love with another man.
He takes a nervous Chang-soo out for a drive, and gripes about how crazy it is to get married. He complains about Ji-sook’s nightmares and her unwillingness to stand up for herself to his family, claiming not to like anything about her.
Butler Nam-chul and Maid Yeon-soo help Ji-sook clean up her dressing room, but they let slip that Min-woo didn’t send them, but Seok-hoon. Ji-sook wonders how he knew she needed help, and starts looking for a hidden camera.
She’s right, and Seok-hoon is watching her from his laptop but telling Mi-yeon that he’s going over work documents. She has a secret of her own, as she flips through photos of her husband giving that diamond necklace to Eun-ha.
The next day, Min-woo tells Ji-sook to come to work with him — he arranged for her to help him instead of going to the gallery from now on. She says she has an important meeting, so he tells her to come to his office that afternoon for an interview, and to make sure to wear her wedding ring.
Ji-sook’s meeting is actually with Ji-hyuk, and she keeps her sunglasses on to hide her eyes. As Seok-hoon and Scar watch from a distance, Ji-sook takes on Eun-ha’s persona and says that she looked into this woman who supposedly resembles her. She says she had a DNA test done and there was no relation.
She gives Ji-hyuk a check for the family’s debt and asks him to quit bothering her, but he stops her before she can leave. He brings up things they used to do as children, hoping to get her to admit she’s really Ji-sook, but she blows up at him instead and says she was only curious. Her words are harsh, but behind her sunglasses, tears well up.
Ji-hyuk says he’ll believe her if she lets him see her eyes, and he reaches to remove her sunglasses. She almost lets him, but then bats his hand away. She says she’s not his sister, and tells him to take the money — but instead, Ji-hyuk tears up the check and says he’d only take it if it were from his sister. He leaves, saying he’ll never bother her again.
Later Ji-hyuk, battered and bloody, brings another haul of money to Director Shim. Shim is impressed by his collecting prowess, but Ji-hyuk has no intention of making a career of it — he just wants to pay his family’s debt and get out.
He asks for jobs with larger dollar amounts, but gets a little mouthy, and after he leaves Shim says he needs to teach him a lesson. But Ji-hyuk gave him the idea to get into bigger deals, and he also remembers Scar offering to buy out a large number of their accounts, and how they got off so easily from the cops that time. I… think that Director Shim, thinking, is a Very Bad Thing.
Even though Min-woo warned Ji-sook several times not to be late, it’s cute how he’s all It’s only been five minutes! when Chang-woo offers to call her. She arrives still looking morose, and can’t manage to play the role of the happy wife during the interview. For his part, Min-woo smiles and says they’re in love, and not in an arranged marriage like the rumors say.
Ji-sook does help by elaborating on Min-woo’s boring telling of their fabricated meet-cute story, but when it’s time for pictures she can barely bring herself to smile. She suddenly stands and excuses herself, and Min-woo follows her out.
Ji-sook cries that all the lying is getting to her, asking how he can stand it. In answer, he makes a call and cancels the article they just interviewed for, then says that from now on they’ll be honest with each other.
The first thing he wants to know is where she went this afternoon, but Ji-sook declines to answer since they promised not to get involved in each other’s private lives. Min-woo says that’s fine, but she keeps involving him. How could he not get involved when his wife sits next to him, with that expression on her face?
Ji-sook tries to remind him that they married for business reasons, but Min-woo admits that
he doesn’t want her throwing that up at him anymore. He says they have to leave or they’ll get home too late — he has an event to go to.
Min-woo seems disappointed when Ji-sook doesn’t ask where they’re going, and the conversation in the car is awkward. Min-woo calms down and tells her not to be upset by what he said about involving him, so she rewards him by saying she ended things with “that man.” She knows he’ll interpret it that she broke up with her lover, which is sweet.
Butler Nam-chul reports back to Dad that Min-woo did well on his first day at work, and that the employees like him. Dad relaxes with a cup of tea, but when Stepmom enters the room to discuss Min-woo’s interview, he suddenly blows up and screams that she scared him. Well okay then. Stepmom checks the date, realizing why her husband is overreacting.
She meets her daughter at the bar and orders a shot, and Mi-yeon says she’s drinking her wine with a straw because she gets drunk faster. They’re both furious at their husbands, and Stepmom grumbles that Dad is still like this after twenty years. She tells Mi-yeon that she’ll go nuts if Min-woo gets control of the company, and Mi-yeon remembers what day it is.
Min-woo and Ji-sook stand in front of his mother’s urn — it’s her memorial day. Min-woo says that he wanted his mother to meet his wife, which, AWWW. He says that he can’t remember her very well anymore, and that he wishes he had more pictures, and promises Ji-sook that they’ll see her biological mother soon.
It spooks Ji-sook when he asks her mother’s memorial date, since he’s unaware that her mother is alive and well. She goes out for some air, but she stops at the door when she hears him playing the violin. He’s not overly talented, but he’d said his mother loved his playing, and it’s a sweet and vulnerable moment that doesn’t escape Ji-sook’s notice.
She sits by a river and admires her wedding ring, saying that her mother would have been proud of it. She tries to take it off and accidentally flips it into the river, so she wades in to find it. When Min-woo sees her knee-deep in water, his own fears of his mother’s drowning rush back to him.
He offers to buy Ji-sook a new ring if she’ll come out of the water, but she can’t imagine just leaving a diamond ring like that. Luckily she finds it quickly, but slips and falls into the current anyway. Min-woo acts fast and grabs her hand, pulling her out of the water, but her ring is swept away.
Ji-sook is more upset about the ring than her fall, and it’s obvious that Min-woo’s screaming is more from worry than anger. But she’s distraught that her wedding ring is gone, which takes the fury out of him.
As he drives home, Min-woo expresses surprise that the ring meant that much to her, and she mutters something about the giver’s sincerity, then counters that she didn’t know he played the violin. He says he used to be good as a child, but these days he only plays for his mother. Suddenly the car jerks and stops, stranding them on the remote road.
Min-woo looks at the engine, quickly determining that someone tampered with it. Of course there’s no cell phone service where they are, so they set off on foot to get help. Min-woo notices Ji-sook’s clothes are still dripping wet, and suggests she take them off and squeeze them out so they’ll dry faster.
He finds a large boulder for her to undress behind, and she orders him not to come near while she changes. HAHAHA, she totally catches him peeking, and he pretends to be stretching. Because that move ever fooled any girl ever, hee. It flusters Ji-sook enough that she puts her belt on backward, and her offended face is hilarious.
Min-woo gets right up close to comment that her lips are purple and she appears to be running a fever. He gruffly suggests they go back to the car because it’s too cold out here for her, and Ji-sook seems touched by his grouchy concern.
Mi-yeon drinks a lot with her mom, and Seok-hoon finds her in their bedroom stuffing her face with leftovers. She says she’s hungry no matter how much she eats, and ooohh, I bet she’s pregnant. Seok-hoon grudgingly asks what’s wrong, and she asks if he loves her.
Seok-hoon claims to have married her for love, and while I don’t think she truly believes him, Mi-yeon says she loves him too. But she adds that she loves Min-woo too, and hopes that things work out with his marriage and that they truly fall in love.
Apparently Mi-yeon has been playing matchmaker, and Min-woo’s taking Ji-sook to meet his mother was Mi-yeon’s idea. Seok-hoon looks angry for a moment but schools his expression, and listens as Mi-yeon babbles about a man and woman stranded on an island and falling in love. She confesses to have messed with Min-woo’s car, telling Seok-hoon that she stranded them on an island.
Seok-hoon is angry that they could get in an accident, and he tries to call both Min-woo and Ji-sook but gets no answer. He starts out to find them, but Mi-yeon stops him, “Don’t go. If you love me, don’t go.” He tells her that he sincerely loves her, but he goes.
Back at the car, Min-woo apologizes to Ji-sook for getting her into this situation. He shows surprising awareness of her situation when he says it must be isolating for her, in a place she doesn’t know anyone. He even admits that he understands how scared and lonely she must be.
He reveals that when he was a child he lived with his mother, not his father — in fact, he didn’t even know he had a father. And even now, after decades, he still feels like a stranger in that house. Ji-sook teases that he said he always gets sentimental at night.
Min-woo notices that Ji-sook is shivering, and he says with all innocent intentions that she should take her wet clothes off. She argues that she’d only be colder, and when Min-woo says he’ll go look for help again, she asks him to stay. But then, she passes out.
Seok-hoon comes racing down the road towards them, screeching to a stop in front of Min-woo’s car. He sees Min-woo and Ji-sook in the backseat, and it’s obvious that both of them are naked. Misinterpreting the situation, Seok-hoon remembers telling Ji-sook that if she can make Min-woo trust her enough to want her physically, she can control him.
Seok-hoon sees his plans getting closer to fruition and smiles, as Min-woo wakes to see him standing in the road, staring at them.
Seok-hoon is such a mystery. I actually believed him when he told his wife that he loves her, and I think he truly does, on whatever level he’s capable of loving another person. But I also believe that he loved Eun-ha, and that his distorted emotions are now coming to rest on Ji-sook. I just think he’s someone who doesn’t let his feelings get in the way of what he wants, and right now he wants Min-woo to go down. I still don’t entirely understand why, but I believe that Seok-hoon is committed to this plan so fully that he’s willing to lose people he loves to see it come to fruition. It’s just so sick and twisted to see him conflicted over his feelings, yet willing to put someone he loves in harm’s way in order to get his way.
I’m happy that, even this early on in the relationships, Min-woo at least is admitting that on some level he cares for Ji-sook. He’s still couching it as “how could I not care since you’re my wife,” as if he would be this way no matter who she was, but we all know that’s just an excuse. Even though he only lets his guard down when he’s alone, little moments like his tiny smile when he thought of dancing with Ji-sook, are starting to give him away. If he’s not careful, those unguarded solitary moments are going to start happening in front of Ji-sook, and he won’t be able to bluff anymore. He’s already showing small signs of vulnerability, such as when he backed down about not involving him in her life, and when he took Ji-sook to meet his mother. He’s softening towards her, and it shows on his face and in his actions.
I’m a little disappointed that the plot line of Min-woo being gaslighted into thinking he’s crazy seems to have been dropped. I initially found that element of the story one of the most compelling reasons to watch, since it was a major part of the family’s (I think it’s at least Seok-hoon’s, or possibly Stepmom’s) plan to keep him out of SJ Group. But for some reason, since the wedding, there hasn’t been any indications of their drugging and machinations to keep him weak and powerless. And while I’m enjoying seeing Min-woo find his footing and his strength, I wish that his confidence were being shaken for a bit longer. I feel like the master plan was much more complex early on in the story — medicate Min-woo and get a doctor to make him think he’s mentally unstable, set him up to think he’s dangerous, then marry him off to a woman who can continue to undermine him from the inside. It was evil and brilliant, and it seemed to be working.
But now, none of that is happening, and it’s my one small disappointment in the way the story is unfolding at this point. As soon as Eun-ha died and Ji-sook was tagged in, and the wedding took place, all of that just… stopped. No more drugs, no more nefarious doctor, no more suspect situations orchestrated to undermine Min-woo’s confidence. And aside from lots of threats not to get caught, Seok-hoon isn’t even having Ji-sook do anything. He’s vaguely said “make sure Min-woo doesn’t get the director job,” but when Min-woo got it anyway, I expected Seok-hoon to come down on Ji-sook like a tornado. But yet… nothing. Come on Seok-hoon, don’t let me down, you’re badder than this!
I’m hoping that, now that Seok-hoon thinks that Ji-sook is getting Min-woo under her spell by making him want her physically, that the nefarious plots will resurface. They’re what made this story interesting, and though the burgeoning romance is sweet and I’m enjoying seeing Min-woo and Ji-sook develop feelings for each other, let’s face it — I’m here for the crazy plotting. The show set up my expectations for a lot of that, so two episodes of none of it feels like a bit of a letdown. Hopefully next week we’ll see an upswing in the crazy!
Tags: featured, Joo Ji-hoon, Mask, Su Ae, Yeon Jung-hoon, Yoo In-young
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1 Javabeans
June 13, 2015 at 12:12 PM
You must be cold! Let me warm your naked body with my naked body!
Muahaha, I don't even care that it's a plot contrivance, contrive away!
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June 13, 2015 at 12:27 PM
+1000, miss Java!
Thank you for the beautiful recap, miss LollyPip!
I have two very crucial questions after having watched both the episodes this week:
1. How on earth did they manage to have a DNA test done? With what genetic material and how did they obtain that?
2. The more important (lol!!) question is how did they manage to waltz while the orchestra was actually playing a tango?? It's a mission impossible, I think :-)
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June 13, 2015 at 12:46 PM
As for #2, obviously LYn was serenading them in their heads so the tango couldn't even be heard, LOL.
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June 13, 2015 at 12:54 PM
Oh dear, silly me! And there I was worrying that JS'd trip on her gown! :-D
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June 14, 2015 at 3:14 AM
Question #3, lol!!!
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June 13, 2015 at 12:56 PM
Not really hard to get a DNA test, all you need is a couple of hair samples.
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June 13, 2015 at 7:36 PM
With whom is Ji Sook's DNA being compared with? With Eun ha? with the so-called nanny? with the brother? Not quite clear on this too.
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June 13, 2015 at 7:58 PM
With her mom whom they imagined might be her real mom instead of a nanny.
June 13, 2015 at 1:29 PM
I wish I had a Chebol husband whose idea to warm me up involved him strpping down and cuddling.
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June 13, 2015 at 1:53 PM
HAHAHA...well, to be fair, body warmth is the best supply of heat in emergency settings when no fire is available.
I watched a snow landslide video, where the father place his son's foot (which is blue) onto his tummy to provide warmth to prevent the foot from having frostbite.
In Tristan and Isolde, Isolde and her maids stripped and hug the unconscious and hypothermic Tristan.
So, this scene is quite relevant. In fact, I was expecting it ever since he said she was having fever.
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June 14, 2015 at 12:10 AM
i'm definitely reminded of The Day After Tomorrow in which Jake Gyllenhaal got a huge hug from Emmy Rossum to warm up.
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June 13, 2015 at 9:46 PM
Don't we all??
+10000000000 for JavaBeans
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June 13, 2015 at 4:41 PM
LOL When you're stranded, all you got is body heat. ;)
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June 13, 2015 at 6:15 PM
His multiple efforts to get rid of her clothes his episode, EPIC!
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❤TurkishRose Healer❤
June 13, 2015 at 6:38 PM
Lol or how he wonderfully looked back at her while she was undressing and then quickly gave a kick when she discovered him rofl :) :D I seriously LOVE miwoo
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June 13, 2015 at 10:48 PM
just started watching. no desire to marathon straight to ep 6 though. even if they do things like that, I am sort of annoyed at all the mistakes - camera angle, directing, continuity, just convenience. a lot of things feel way too unnatural and unlikely. not sure yet, if the couple chemistry and mystery is enough to get me stick to this drama.
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June 14, 2015 at 1:57 AM
LOL, miss RF! We had all these in Secret as well. It was so addictive that we did see beyond all those mistakes (even a no-good "rape" kiss, for that matter). I tried to avoid the obsession this time and I gloriously failed. If you marathon it you'll get my point ;-)
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June 14, 2015 at 3:18 AM
I already tried, but I cannot keep my attention and just start doing or watching something else. and btw I skipped more tan half te scnes in Secret
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June 14, 2015 at 9:13 AM
Oh,redfox! *snif* Not part of the cult, right?
Never mind, it's either you like it or not, I guess. You'll probably face the same problem with this one! Perhaps it's better if you don't get too obsessed. Have I had the chance, I would have done the same. However, it's too late for me now...I'm ruined :-)
Odessa Jones
June 14, 2015 at 9:37 AM
@RF: Understandable. Who knows where the plot will go, but it definitely won't get any less "unnatural." This writer channels the OTT Gothic spirit unmixed by any of that twentieth century documentary realism stuff. If you don't love the artifice, it'll just irritate you!
@ kalel: I don't consider the artifice a mistake, though, but a deliberate choice of style. (I even think the notorious ep 12 kiss in Secret was meant to be just as horrifying as it was.)
With the Secret writer on board, we're guaranteed characters who live entirely for their emotions. No rational thought will enter into this story at any point, I hope. I'm loving the crazy!
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June 14, 2015 at 10:37 AM
We have to admit that this one is over-directed; in some scenes it's too obvious, even more than Secret where the diagonal cuts and the close-ups were waaay too many , in my opinion ( and yes,you're absolutely right, that kiss was horrifying intentionally!)
I understand it's director's choice since he works with actors who are able to deliver their emotions that well.
Nevertheless, I think less is more sometimes. It's true the cast of Mask are nowhere near mediocre nor expressionless but at the same time a more cinematic shooting with a less complexed perspective would do wonders for such a drama.
To make the long story short, a compelling plot, a genius writer and a talented cast could do just fine without putting too much emphasis on directing. This is not Heirs after all :-)
June 18, 2015 at 7:16 PM
I am not really liking this semi-rookie writer's M.O., which is making stupid heroines. It's the one thing that infuriated me when I watched Secret and it looks like the writer is at it again. lol
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2 jomo143
June 13, 2015 at 12:21 PM
Thanks for the recap. I love JJH in this. He gets to be funny and naked. What is better than that?
As far as the crazy thing stopping, I think losing the real Eun Ha was the problem. If she had died, like they had wanted, MW would have taken the fall and he would have disappeared. When their piece de resistance failed, they gave up that strategy.
Plan B was inserting a person who could spy on him and make his life miserable. Only problem is SH can't control her as he'd wanted. Though I do wonder why he thought he could completely control her in the first place.
I haven't liked Hoya in this role up until this episode, mostly because I didn't like the brother. Then, he convinced me he could protect his sister now by staying mum. That is what she needs now not a rescue. That will come later.
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June 13, 2015 at 12:57 PM
I think putting in the double was a desperate last minute thing. If he had really had time to think it through he might have come up with something different.
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June 13, 2015 at 1:20 PM
I agree. By Plan B, I didn't mean they thought about it. Just that they needed something.
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June 13, 2015 at 1:24 PM
LOLOL, right?! Literally every episode I can expect at least 2 things to happen: Joo Ji-hoon to be hilarious and Joo Ji-hoon to be shirtless. It's a good deal, gotta say.
I also thought Hoya's character was pretty perceptive this episode and that was definitely awesome to see!
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June 13, 2015 at 2:29 PM
Hahaha, so true! :--D
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❤TurkishRose Healer❤
June 13, 2015 at 6:40 PM
@Chandler omg rofl so true, we haven't seen him shirtless in a couple of episodes..I was starting to worry if his OCD was cured lol :P
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June 13, 2015 at 7:09 PM
So THAT's why everyone is missing his drugging and his OCD! Silly me. :D
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❤Turkish Rose❤
June 14, 2015 at 12:27 PM
lol you caught us redhanded @kdaddict
June 15, 2015 at 11:39 AM
I know that I thought that every time he spilled something we'd be getting shirtlessness...
3 kororo
June 13, 2015 at 12:26 PM
I love, despise, and am completely fascinated by Seok-hoon such a well rounded antagonist character. And seeing him crumble a little bit when he sees JS or EH in JS (0_O) makes things that much more interesting, yet he is still so evil !! I'm looking forward to see how things are going to go now that Min-woo is the head of the company, how are Seok-Hoon or the step mother going to make him step down ?!
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4 Juana love
June 13, 2015 at 12:29 PM
I soooo love this drama??......
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June 14, 2015 at 4:32 PM
Me too like a looooot <3
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5 Jennifer Calabrese
June 13, 2015 at 12:51 PM
I don't think she's pregnant but eating to try to fill some void of loneliness... But if she is, that baby could seriously be looking at Fetal Alcohol Syndrome with all that wine she was sucking down!
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June 13, 2015 at 12:58 PM
She is the one character I have not figured out yet. She seems to be inherently a totally evil bitch, but not sure what she expects to gain from all this.
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June 13, 2015 at 1:05 PM
I wish the writer would give her something to do besides being crazily obsessed with sexy evil husband. I don't even like the actress much but I don't get she was evil, more like she became evil after being cheated and manipulated by him. She probably just expects to gain his full attention like she must have had before her marriage.
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June 13, 2015 at 6:34 PM
Poor girl gets such a woman for a mother. How can she not be warped, bored and alcoholic? Her mom is just being the archtype Evil stepmom. We aren't given any reason why she is that way. I guess we don't need it. She just IS.
The role being played by the go-to actress for an evil-mother in KD is just...... I haven't seen that actress play anything else. Have u?
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❤TurkishRose Healer❤
June 13, 2015 at 6:43 PM
@kdaddict omg lool so true I swear that actress is probably like the sweetest person in real life and that is why she constantly plays that same evil character every single time lil :)
June 13, 2015 at 9:47 PM
KDaddict?JCW and ❤TurkishRose Healer❤
That was my observation too,... the rich, spoilt, bratty and conniving mum or older sister role seems to be about the only one she plays. But I did hear her co-actors say that she's actually a nice person. :)
❤Turkish Rose❤
June 14, 2015 at 12:31 PM
GB I've noticed that in actors who play the villans, they turn out to be so sweet in person. :)
June 18, 2015 at 7:24 PM
@TurkishRose Healer There was an episode of the variety show Happy Together where she and a few other actresses specializing in playing evil moms were guests. She was so funny and bubbly, you'd think she was a teenager.
June 13, 2015 at 6:03 PM
I think she is hopelessly in love w her husband, and she found out earlier the he was in love w Eun Ha. It frustrates the hell out of her that "Eun Ha" is now living under the same roof, and her husband runs to her ever to often. That's why she hates "Eun Ha" so much that she makes her clean the toilets, just to humiliate her. But it seriously rankles me that JS actually goes ahead and scrub those toilets w relish. Anyone w an oz of sense would refuse, knowing the kind of woman she is impersonating wouldn't stoop so low. Thru out this ep, I want to shake JS to tell her to shape up.
Mi Yeon has told her mother she has no bad feelings re her brother. She doesn't seem ambitious. I doubt that her heart is in the business end of things that much.
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June 13, 2015 at 9:53 PM
I was re-watching that toilet cleaning thing... her overall demeanour now is tiredness, practically indifference... I felt that she just could not be bothered... just do whatever was easiest.
From the beginnning, she was never able to put on the facade of being an entitled Miss in front of others and Seok Hoon never schooled her in it, but only told her to take over the real Eun Ha's things... So he was pretty superficial too... as if owning the things of a person made her similar to that person!
In the last 2 episodes, after the scare over her mum and now the break with her brothers, she's just getting more depressed. I felt she was scrubbing the toilet out of frustration and to have an outlet. She did not care (or even think about) how it looked to outsiders until Min Woo came.
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June 14, 2015 at 6:50 AM
June 15, 2015 at 11:45 AM
I'm really invested in this show right now and I rewatched the first four episodes before going on to this episode. I think she killed Eun Ha on impulse, and the mom covered it up with help from the psychiatrist who was helping them gaslight Min-Woo. At one point she even says to her husband something like, "Even if I killed a person you should be on my side because you're my husband" and and it's just shortly after that when he hears the maids scream and runs outside to find Eun Ha floating in the pool and dives in to rescue her. At the time I hadn't quite understood what all was going on with Min-Woo; in hindsight he was having like a post traumatic stress disorder breakdown from the drowning. But in that first episode it was hard to separate his actual problems from the ones being forced on him. Really, rewatching those first couple episodes were very enlightening.
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June 13, 2015 at 6:16 PM
I don't even think she's evil now. I mean, what EVIL has she done? Bullied Eun-ha. Nothing else. Yes, that is very mean behavior, but I wouldn't call it evil - evil is something worse than sniping at the person who is your enemy (and Eun-ha WAS her enemy - she isn't wrong in this, she doesn't know it's not Eun-ha). Because we know it's really Ji-sook and not Eun-ha, we see it as Min-yeon abusing a poor, innocent woman who isn unable to defend herself. But she isn't, not from her perspective, as I said. Real Eun-ha would be more than well equipped to defend herself and would definitely put Min-yeon down.
I mean, I do not excuse her behavior, it is wrong. But it isn't evil and it isn't caused by her inherent willingness to hurt others but stems from her pain. It's so very, very common for women to hate their husband's lovers instead of husbands (and there are logical reasons for this).
I do wish they'd give her some backstory with Seok-hoon. But I also think her doing nothing is part of the story. Because she is a woman, she is still not seen as a suitable heir - even a crazy person born to the lover is better than a sane woman born to legally married wife! (Unless that crazy person goes totally cuckoo, that is.) And yet Min-yeon doesn't hate her brother. I actually found her admitting this rather touching.
I just feel mostly sorry for her. There must be a reason why she is so hooked to Seok-hoon. It doesn't look like she'd gotten much love from daddy dear nor does the mother seem particularly affectionate. She doesn't really treat Min-yeon like a daughter but rather like an accomplice: Min-yeon must inherit or else the mother will go crazy. It's about her, not how Min-yeon feels.
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June 13, 2015 at 1:08 PM
Yeah, she is definitely nor pregnant. High risk of malformation to the baby
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bbstl 🧹
June 13, 2015 at 2:52 PM
Oh, but it would increase the mak factor so nicely to have her be pregnant and then miscarry. Better yet, pregnant by another man :)
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June 13, 2015 at 9:54 PM
Ooohh @bbstl ... sounds like a makjang fanfic plotline. :)
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6 Gemoos
June 13, 2015 at 1:34 PM
I don't know about you guys, but don't you think that at the last scene, not only was there a "smile" of victory in Seokhoon's eyes but also a clear hint of jealousy? Look at that picture above or replay that one part over and over. Yeon Jung-hoo was superb in portraying both in one glance!
I mean, he only sees AND calls Ji-sook as Eun ha. Twisted as it is, there seems to be an attraction that will probably develop from " you are gonna do what I said or else you'll die" to " you are mine and mine alone!"
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June 13, 2015 at 1:45 PM
I was thinking this too. I think MiYeon has probably caught on too (as evidenced by her pictures of SeokHoon giving real EunHa the necklace). This is probably why MiYeon doesn't like EunHa/JiSook as EunHa.
I also think he's already half way to the "you are mine and mine alone" as evidenced by his possessiveness (Do as I say, watching every move with hidden cameras, etc)
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June 13, 2015 at 3:20 PM
>This is probably why MiYeon doesn’t like EunHa/JiSook as EunHa.
The woman had an affair or something close, with her husband and later got into an arranged marriage with her brother, nobody would like her though I doubt any of us would just be sneaky about it and plot ways to mess with her. :)
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June 14, 2015 at 12:21 AM
To be honest if there's someone who had an affair with my husband, and later got into an arranged marriage with my brother, and is now living under the same roof as me, I would definitely snipe at her and plot ways to mess with her.
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June 13, 2015 at 1:46 PM
Totally agree! He conveyed two warring emotions all in one glance and it was so fascinating to see!
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June 13, 2015 at 1:58 PM
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June 13, 2015 at 3:33 PM
Agreed! It was an amazing moment.
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June 13, 2015 at 6:06 PM
I'm waiting to see him go nutso w jealousy when MW publicly display his growing affection for JS. He's the one who gives JS the task of winning MW's body, to thereby win his heart. Let's see how please he'll be when she accomplishes it! That should be fun. Oh, and in the process, Mi Yeon won't be able to find a straw large enough to down her wine fast enough either.
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❤TurkishRose Healer❤
June 13, 2015 at 6:46 PM
@@kdaddict yes I can't wait for his rage when his jealousy hits full speed. He is such an amazing actor, especially playing the villain.
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June 13, 2015 at 7:07 PM
@TurkishRose, Hi Hi,
I love Yeon Jung Hoon playing this role. Don't think I'd be this invested if it wasn't for him. Come to think of it, I also loved him in his previous drama Can love become money, which was a non-sensical story. I enjoyed watching him in it tho. It's good to see a man (not a flower boy) playing a leading role from time to time. ;)
❤Turkish Rose❤
June 14, 2015 at 12:42 PM
omgg exactly my thoughts while watching. I'm like wow it's so hard to watch a kdrama without seeing so much makeup and lipgloss/lipstick (eww and gross) on the male leads. So its very refreshing to be watching to men act like men lol :P
❤TurkishRose Healer❤
June 13, 2015 at 6:53 PM
At first he was happy when she had obliged and gave in to his orders (for having minwoo's body) but I think he unexpectedly felt jealous because she has the same face as the woman he loved.
I love that contrast in his character so much.
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June 13, 2015 at 11:12 PM
My thoughts exactly! The image of the couple cuddling up and her face sleeping in another man's arms felt a bit like he was cheated by EH, right?. A small thorn in his heart, maybe??
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❤Turkish Rose❤
June 14, 2015 at 12:43 PM
Kalel yes, I can't wait to see how he will react with his rage and jealousy. And I think from the previews, he was so angry as to enter her room and sit on their bed to threaten her.
It's going to be so fun :D
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June 14, 2015 at 9:01 AM
I love the last scene and think both actors play the complex mix of emotions and undercurrents of tension very well. Seok-hoon smiles slightly, his evil plot to have Ji-sook win Min-woo with her body is working as planned. But then it quickly changes to both jealousy and regret. It is as if Ji-sook is becoming Eun-ha in his mind. She's dead but she's in the arms of another man. He doesn't know about the whole hypothermia thing; it looks to him like the couple has decided to stave off the inevitable boredom of being stuck in the mountains to engage in a perfectly legitimate night of wedded love making. They are legally married after all.
But it's Min-woo's very ambiguous look up at Seok-hoon with the naked and unconscious Ji-sook in his arms that most fascinates me. His eyes are hooded and relaxed, as if he has just had a very satisfying time. A slight smile is on his lips as he stares directly at Soek-hoon. He still thinks Ji-sook is the real Eun-ha but it is as if he is saying to Seok-hoon that he knows she has been Seok-hoon's lover and now she's in his arms. This is a very sexy and adult scene which is played with a couple of naked shoulders peeking from a jacket and the eyes of the two men. One of them thinks the couple has just made love and other is enjoying the fact that his rival thinks they've just made love. Great job by both actors, neither of whom I find particularly sexy, but in this context, just WOW!
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Odessa Jones
June 14, 2015 at 9:41 AM
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❤Turkish Rose❤
June 14, 2015 at 12:47 PM
Wow LINDY you described it so beautifully. Their face expressions said it all. And It's interesting to see how they will be able to handle their emotions towards the same woman.
Jisoo is so oblivious to the fact that Minwoo is falling for her, and she is also oblivious to the fact that the man who is threatening her, might actually start falling for her.
I think we saw his soft side (a tiny bit) when he allowed her to cry in the car. This villan actor is so phenomenal, and his character is written so well, that I can't wait to see what else happens to him.
Remember his quote in the beginning...
Love is the worst emotion, because it destroys everything..
so can't wait for all his plans to unravel when he starts falling for her. :)
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June 14, 2015 at 4:29 PM
+1 post!
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June 14, 2015 at 6:35 PM
I had wondered if Seok Hoon's letting Ji Sook cry in the car was him softening toward her or if it was merely a medicine-after-death scenario in which he could afford to be generous and benevolent after she had done what he wanted. I don't know which, with Seok Hoon, it's hard to read him.
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7 Chandler
June 13, 2015 at 1:44 PM
Honestly I'm still really confused about what SH is trying to achieve by bringing in Ji-sook to replace Eun-ha, simply because I don't understand why he didn't just let Min-woo get framed with her murder. That was clearly going to happen had he not brought her into this. It actually makes me think that there has to be more to his plan and we just don't know it yet.
I don't think that they would just drop the gaslighting plot completely. Perhaps this is the calm before the storm? Or maybe the point was just to get him to think he's crazy and dangerous? It could be that going overboard with the gaslighting could lead him to figuring out what they're doing to him. It's better they quit while they're ahead and they reached their goal with the Eun-ha incident.
But I'm confused about one more thing...SH obviously didn't have anything to do with Eun-ha's death and yet I'm wondering about why he was involved in the gaslighting? (He was right? Or am I remembering wrong? So confusing!) I know he's at least involved with the doctor. I feel like someone needs to reexplain to me what SH is complicit in and what he isn't...
Anyway, Min-woo is still wrestling with his implanted memories so I definitely think that this can't be the end of it and eventually the nefarious doctor's deeds are going to have to come to light. I think the drama just wanted an episode or two to focus on some other elements of the story. Still, I do hope to see them continue with the gaslighting plot soon because him regaining his sense of sanity is what got me so invested in the first place and I definitely don't want to see them brush over it.
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June 13, 2015 at 3:23 PM
>That was clearly going to happen had he not brought her into this.
I thought about it too but who would testify against him? He really didn't push or attack her, his memories are false, the video which would prove his innocence wasn't there but there was also nothing to prove him guilty.
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June 13, 2015 at 6:22 PM
Seok-hoon was involved in creating the false memories for Min-woo of him killing Eun-ha. However, it doesn't yet quite prove that he is also behind poisoning Min-woo. That might be step mother's doing. She and Seok-hoon might be in cahoots in this or they might be working separately doing some similar stuff as neither one of them wants to Min-woo to inherit but Min-yeon. And poor Min-yeon is is just a tool for both of them - well, ok, not just, I do think both have some feelings for her, but she is still at least partly a tool, too. (I do believe Seok-hoon does love Min-yeon on some level, as Lollypip says.)
As you say, I do not think gaslighting has been abandoned either. I'm sure it'll come back in due time.
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June 13, 2015 at 6:48 PM
SH is the most intriguing char in this drama. He may be 2nd lead since he doesn't get the girl, but w/o him, there'd be no drama!
On one level, he is in league w Stepmom, who wants to take away the company from MW at all cost. But she isn't naive enough to believe that SH getting the company = her daughter getting it. She wants it for her daughter, but doesn't have a prayer, since her daughter isn't capable of running it, nor does she seem interested.
If Stepmom is the one spiking MW's drinks, then SH has got to be in on it. Or he ordered it himself.
They only need to make MW AND his father believe that MW is crazy, to undermine his ability to work, and his father's confidence in him. They don't really need to frame him for murder, plus they can't fabricate the evidence for it.
Why marry Eun Ha into this family, and then get JS to replace her? There is no answer for it, from the plotters' view, right now. I hope it'll be given to us down the road, or else this'd be the biggest plot hole ever, and we've all been sucked into a drama that shouldn't be. Let's hope not.
So far, it looks like SH wants the company. If revenge is involved, then he is out to ruin things for that family. How does having JS there help him achieve this? What we all know is that having her there will actually derail his plans.
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❤Turkish Rose❤
June 14, 2015 at 12:52 PM
Chandler I agree with Kdaddict about this. So far his only motive seems to be money and power driven. Considering his poor background, sometimes it brings the worst in people. And he seems to have that in him.
He married the rich girl not because of love, but to move up the social and economical ladder. However, he is not hating all the rich people (because obviously he loved Eunha who was rich).
He told Jisoo in the beginning "when you are poor, your words become lies, and when you're powerful your words are the truth" so he does have that weakness in regards to what he wants to achieve.
But, there are still some points undiscovered yet. So we will see what happens with him. He is definitely one of the most fascinating characters in this drama, and I love every time he is on screen :D
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8 Khule WY
June 13, 2015 at 1:50 PM
This show....what you do to me.
My one complaint and you guys have to agree the violin playing was totally cringeworthy, so much cheese augh and also the music and the movement of his hands did not match at all,atleast make the effort to make it look real, it was just so off.
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June 13, 2015 at 1:55 PM
I closed my eyes on that scene. HAHAHAHA. cause I couldn't stand it
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June 13, 2015 at 2:07 PM
LOL, the only reason I let it slide was because he supposedly doesn't play very often. Haha, and I always make sure not to pay attention to their hand movements!
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June 13, 2015 at 9:58 PM
I thought that violin playing was done as a slo-mo and therefore the movement was not meant to correspond to the music! LOL.
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June 14, 2015 at 1:40 AM
My thought, too, but who are we kidding? :D
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❤Turkish Rose❤
June 14, 2015 at 12:53 PM
haahaa lol, but I thought it was sweet guys :P
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June 14, 2015 at 4:28 PM
it was actually sweet at least to me too :)
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June 14, 2015 at 4:28 PM
by the way he looked so HAWTT in that scene !
9 Dorotka
June 13, 2015 at 2:02 PM
I had the same reaction about the drugging of Min Woo... I sort of missed it :--)
Also, why is Min Woo not noticing the total change in Eun Ha's behaviour? I somehow thought he would get to the truth soon and form a super strong team with Ji Sook, fooling everybody...
Still love the show... and its humour :--)
Oh, Min Woo, trying to peek ;--)
Thanks for the recap.
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10 Hearherstories
June 13, 2015 at 2:09 PM
It's quite late into the night BUT this show is vskahdoqndvidjosvdbskabsosj *totally gobsmacked* *needs to vent*
This is the first time I've shipped -
1. Heroine with TWO heroes. Basically want her to have both of them. Her chemistry with both men are OFF THE CHARTS. *fans herself*
2. Heroine with the main antagonist. He is such an interesting character! I get that he's evil. At the same time, I'm also...kind of rooting for him. Is that weird? Am I evil? D: But seriously, the last scene in which he smiled? So delicious! I also felt like he was feeling quite conflicted seeing her lying naked across another man.
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June 13, 2015 at 3:31 PM
Why does the show make him grab her and talk really close to her face every episode? Yes, it is weird because she plays it like she is just scared so we should NOT feel any of the sexual tension but the intended result is exactly that. The villain is doing his job so well he gets it accross even if it's violence and not any form of flirtation.
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June 13, 2015 at 6:38 PM
I honestly don't know why anyone would think Seok Hoon's violence towards Ji Sook hot. It's truly baffling why anyone would find sexual tension with the way he is always violent towards Ji Sook and goes out of his way to intimidate or threaten her. It's NOT cool at all, and it is certainly NOT hot. Why anyone would ship them together beats me.
It screams abusive relationship to me.
Now the tenderness and caring that Min woo displays towards his wife... that is most definitely HOT.
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June 13, 2015 at 6:57 PM
It screams abusive relationship alright. Some sexual relationships are abusive. Angry sex? S&M? It's unhealthy to the core, but it is erotic in nature. Viewers are by definition voyeurs (of pretend situations).
I think what ppl are responding to is that SH's roughness w her has no bite; it's just a cover for his desire for her?
...tenderness and caring that Min Woo displays.....
We know that Not all sexual relationships are healthy and ideal like that.
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June 14, 2015 at 12:10 PM
Yes, besides the husband is not all niceness. People must have forgotten how he threatened to kill her, threw her in a couch, left her without a cent in middle of highway, messed her clothes, makes her sleep on the couch. I know he doesn't even get close to the villain but he is no prince.
June 13, 2015 at 10:06 PM
@ Lixie, Adal, KDaddict?JCW and Arawn
I'm beginning to think that because Seok Hoon is drawn towards Ji Sook, despite himself, he takes every opportunity to bully or intimidate her physically as well as verbally and mentally. He wants to touch her, but because he is not supposed to care for her, he can only justify touching her if he is roughing her up. That undercurrent of yearning is what makes it delicious for us voyeurs LOL!
Will he, won't he give in to the desire.... how will it be manifested... will he be able to kill her actually... will he one day decide it's too difficult and abandon the whole evil plot. It's probably this (as well as the sexual overtones) that attracts viewers even if we don't think what he does is right and wouldn't ever want to be in Ji Sook's position. (*or would we? wink*)
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June 14, 2015 at 7:32 AM
Omo, exactly what I've been thinking about the whole day! No doubt, he's an Evil Mastermind (so important to capitalise) but his interaction with Ji Sook is so fascinating to see. I'm also drawn to him more because, unlike with the rest of the family in front of whom he's always worn a mask, with her, he's shown his true (evil, yes) self which again is an interesting thing to see. Coupled with the fact that she's a dead ringer for his ex, it's a constant battle for him to not give in to his desires. (At least, that's what I have discerned so far)
But yes, her chemistry again with Min Woo is also so fun and sparkling! Which is probably just testament to the fact that all three actors are amazing LOL. Can't wait to continue watching this!
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June 14, 2015 at 12:07 PM
@Growingbeautifully and @Tbees
You said it all, it's like he can't not grab her every chance the lunatic gets. Being honest if she got angry at him I'd probably be shipping them by now, as it is, with her being so scared, I just want her to slap him. My crush is on him and her but being apart.
June 14, 2015 at 4:41 PM
@Tbees and Lixie
This is what suddenly hit me as I was responding to another comment below... which also explains why we are so interested in the interplay between Seok Hoon and Ji Sook.
Unlike with everyone else, (except his henchman) Seok Hoon does not need to hide what he is doing with Ji Sook. So ironically, he is more at ease with her (his victim-partner) in a sense. They cannot trust each other but the main Mask of their motivation and of who they really are is not one of those masks among many that they wear with each other. Whereas Ji Sook cannot entirely take off that mas with Min Woo yet.
No wonder we find Seok Hoon and Ji Sook as a couple just as fascinating, as Min Woo and Ji Sook as a couple! How will wearing/removing the different masks play out in their coming together or growing apart? :)
June 13, 2015 at 6:26 PM
Yes. Yes. I so ship her with BOTH of them. Both guys are very passionate behind their masks and oh boy would Ji-sook be in for a ride with either of them. You know what I mean... Well, she will be with Min-woo, but in my fanfiction reality she'd hook up with Seok-hoon and they would escape together to the sunset. Or something. Doing sexy things. Ahem!
I know he's evil. But... look at that chemistry!!
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June 14, 2015 at 7:34 AM
I know, right!! I ship them even more cause of my inner 13 year old who took to FF and wrote terrible one shots on Draco/Hermione. Hahaha.
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11 susan
June 13, 2015 at 2:10 PM
I didn't catch that plot hiccup with the drugs and craziness.
I did notice that the OCD now seems manageable - which I found a bit annoying - how could such a serious character trait disappear?
And the original mystery - why did Eun Ha die?
All of that said, I suspect that the plotting will get less coherent as the series moves on. However, the two leads are so compelling together that I suspect that audience interest will stay strong.
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June 13, 2015 at 3:26 PM
I miss his OCD much more than the drugs, though they were great. :)
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June 13, 2015 at 6:27 PM
Ditto. Now that he's over needing to rip off his clothes at any hint of dirt, he's moved on to being fascinating with his wife's clothing.
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12 cayl
June 13, 2015 at 2:14 PM
jjh naked? I'm game with that for every
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June 14, 2015 at 4:26 PM
and we get to see him shirtless in every episode how awesome is that! DRAMA I LOVE YOUUUUUU ♥♥♥
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13 Dahlia
June 13, 2015 at 3:31 PM
Thank you for the recap!
I was wondering about the drugging and gaslighting of Minwoo too; I keep thinking it'll come back, especially if Seukhoon later tries to play off any suspicions Minwoo may have about Jisook's real identity as "crazy" but it is odd how it's vanished into the void for now. Perhaps it's a calm before the storm and he wants to make sure Jisook has time to properly "seduce"/charm Minwoo before Seukhoon pulls the rug out from under him.
I love/hate Seukhoon and his villainy, and I assume he has a long con in mind, but I wish we were a little more privy to it. His goal can't be to only take out Minwoo, otherwise he would have just let him take the fall for murdering Eunha. (Right, writer?) I wonder if he's trying to take down the company *and* figure out who murdered Eunha at the same time, because while murder is clearly not beyond him, he's not the one behind Eunha's death. I also don't think his wife is pregnant and is just overeating because she's depressed/bored, sort of the same reason she drinks so much. I thought her comment about not hating Minwoo or wanting the company was interesting, though. It seems the only thing Miyeon really, really wants is Seukhoon's heart (too bad it's dark and shriveled).
Despite the couple of plot holes and question marks (and tropes), this is probably my favorite drama on the air right now. The cast is killing it and I don't even mind the tropes because of how everything knits together. Can't wait to see more. :)
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June 14, 2015 at 12:46 PM
I agree on MY not being pregnant. I think she was stress-eating because of her guilt over messing with MW's car and worrying about her husband's heart. Increased appetite is more typical of second and third trimester. Lack of appetite and morning sickness symptoms such as nausea and not being able to keep anything down/throwing up is what we'd be seeing if the show wanted to hint that MY was in the early stages of pregnancy.
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14 ck1Oz
June 13, 2015 at 3:33 PM
I was bored with my current dramas so came5to read5the recap. This show and the viewers comments makes it sound crazy. Now I have to backtrack to ep 1 to 5. And check the episode count. It sounds kinda makjang and a melo. Is it?
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June 13, 2015 at 4:46 PM
It is makjang, but celebrating it, and it is definitely melo. Nobody will be happy for a long time, and they will yearn early, late and often.
The writers put in every possible cliche with a wink and a nod. The actors seem to be playing it tongue and cheek one moment, then, BAM, hit the audience with real emotion the next. It's awesome.
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June 14, 2015 at 4:25 PM
Just go for it! you won't regret it
The drama is DEABAK ♥
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June 14, 2015 at 7:12 PM
I've seen both of your tastes on DB re drama choices. I don't have the stomach for true melodramas. Too chicken.
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15 KDAddict
June 13, 2015 at 4:37 PM
I want to know how Brother-in-law is able to threaten and abuse JS so much when he's the one who needs her for his nefarious plan. My biggest problem is that JS has no backbone to demand things of him in order to comply or stand up for herself with MY.
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June 13, 2015 at 5:25 PM
Yes, me too. :) I think writer wants us to believe that he could frame her for the loan shark's death and nobody would believe a word she ever said just because she is poor. However her similarity to EH is too easily proven and the press would love her story too much, I hate that kind of cheap logic but I'll go with it because there are others things I like on the show.
I understand why others don't find her weak but I'm still not believing completely someone can shift moods so quickly, sometimes she is cheerfully buying groceries so I don't believe that she is depressed, sometimes she is able to defend strangers or slap the villain in middle of a party and talk about killing him, and later she is letting him grab her and push her around again. I do believe it's that old theory about kdrama female leads always being able to defend the weaker people but not themselves but I still wish she was more the girl from the 1-4 eps.
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Odessa Jones
June 14, 2015 at 9:52 AM
I think she's even tougher in eps 5 and 6. They're showing her depression in a pretty realistic way. It's situational. When she's in public, like visiting the market, or when she has to confront people, her mood picks up (reactive/atypical depression). But when she's in her room with just Min-Woo, she feels totally hopeless and too exhausted to even speak. I sympathize. I don't think she's weak, because it takes an enormous amount of strength to even stay upright when your whole body is telling you to give up. Strength comes in many forms.
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June 13, 2015 at 6:15 PM
That's why I'm real mad at JS for being so afraid and timid. She should have said to SH:
Hey, buddy, you need me as much as I need you, maybe even more. I don't know what game you are playing with this family, but you need me desperately, so show me some respect, or else your plan will go poof!
As it is, JS is shaking in terror, and is dim to boot.
Case in pt:
My wedding ring is so pretty; mom will be so proud if she gets to see it. Let me take it off while I'm sitting by this fast running stream to admire it, and see if it'll be flung into the water!
I can't complain too hard as it got JJH naked in the end, but still the logic of that action is totally absent!
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16 wackycashew
June 13, 2015 at 5:05 PM
Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!
I love how JJH gets to be funny and sentimental as MW. ^^ Again, I loved all the moments involving him and JS in this ep. From his tiny smile when thinking about their dance, to his jealousy and all the deleted texts, to telling her to stand up for herself for the toilet cleaning... The significant moments were taking JS to see his mom and realizing how much the ring meant to JS as he saved her. LOLed at him trying to peek as JS got changed and then helping to keep her warm after she lost consciousness. ;)
I actually really liked that moment when JS seemed mesmerized by MW's violin playing. It echoed the moment in ep. 5 when JS entered the party and MW saw how beautiful she looked in her dress. The couple is beginning to notice each other more and more, and starting to open up to each other. MW understands exactly the fear and loneliness that JS must be experiencing. That's why those moments of softness (like when he carried her to his bed in the last ep) really stand out. Even though they're supposed to be just business partners, he can't help caring and protecting this woman who is his wife, especially when she seems so different than what he initially thought she was like.
SH is such a layered character. But I wonder, must he scare and threaten JS every time in order for his plan to work? Can't he see that this method doesn't really work since JS is obviously being very supportive of MW right now rather than being controlled by SH? That last scene, YJH did an awesome job portraying SH's conflicting emotions. On the one hand, he thought his advice to JS to seduce MW worked; on the other hand, that visual of JS who is a dead ringer for EH lying undressed with another man definitely didn't sit well with him. I can't wait to see SH in more emotional turmoil as his plan unfolds and he falls for JS as well.
I'm always amused by MW's OCD and the scenes with those employees were funny. I'm also curious if the team will be bringing back the drugging and gaslighting. If so, I definitely want JS to pick up on the signs so she can help MW. She was smart to pick up there's a hidden camera in her room. Hope she will figure out it's MW's laptop.
I thought JH did a good job of picking up MY is definitely not on good terms with his noona. So, it was perceptive of him to just go along with the ex-lover story for now to get some info. I hope he can help watch out for JS, even if it's just behind-the-scenes for now.
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17 myhan
June 13, 2015 at 5:42 PM
I have a feeling she gonna be strong like EunHa. She's still doesn't know SoekHoon is the other man.
In Kdrama they rarely match the hands with music intrusments, so I don't expect much. But Intersting things both of them like the same music. Wasn't jiSook has it in her head that music when being scolded by her superior?
Yes, and I think MiYeon is pregnant. And I hope the baby ok, that might change her to be more lovable.
And the scene at the river, I thought MinWoo remember EunHa floating in the pool. Feeling guilty and doesn't want it to happen again, so he overcomes his fear of water to save her ?
The Loan Shark guy, suddenly I feel worry for SoekHoon, isn't his hand full already? Now add this loan shark guy to deal with. SoekHoon is evil alright but I really don't want him to have people killed. He was a prosecutor, I have high expectations. If you're smart enough you can bend the law but not breaking them.
Did anyone see the preview, I thought SeokHoon crosses the line when he's in MinWoo's room, on MinWoo's bed talking to JiSook.
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18 Daehoney
June 13, 2015 at 6:14 PM
I initially came to say: THAT ENDING! Hug me, JJH, hug me!
But I agree with what LollyPip said. I miss the crazy MW. It looks rather plain without MW's constant worrying.
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19 gadis
June 13, 2015 at 6:30 PM
I kind of like the way all the misunderstanding played a significant part to our lead's romance. Such as when Jisook told Minwoo that she love Jihyuk (as a family) but he misinterpreted it as a lover and make him felt a liiitle troubled (or maybe jealous?). Or when Seokhoon keep met Jisook to remind her about their deal and Miyeon misinterpreted that as an affair, and her litle revenge plan end up push our two leads to face their own feeling. And that epic final scene!! Oh god, is that... like what I think? Are they...??
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20 ❤TurkishRose Healer❤
June 13, 2015 at 6:49 PM
I'm in love with this show, and I'm beyond repair now :P
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June 13, 2015 at 6:59 PM
Me too♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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June 14, 2015 at 1:38 AM
Dear friends, once more, it's OK, it's the "Secret effect"syndrome. Some of us have already suffered a chronic condition anyway ;-)
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June 14, 2015 at 5:51 AM
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June 14, 2015 at 1:33 AM
Me, too. ^^ I know I love the drama when I start rewatching the episodes while waiting for the new ones to be aired.
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❤Turkish Rose❤
June 14, 2015 at 12:56 PM
lol guys glad to not be alone in this. I wish i was here when SECRET was LIVE at that time, but I came after. Nonetheless, It had become one of my favorite dramas, even with all that melo :)
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June 14, 2015 at 4:24 PM
Me threee ♥♥♥♥♥
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June 15, 2015 at 5:54 AM
Me threeeeee! And I love it that you all love it! Double Win with this drama. ;-)
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♥Turkish Rose♥
June 15, 2015 at 8:46 AM
Fabbbb you are watching it too? awesome :D
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