Mask: Episode 3

Seok-hoon’s plan swings into action, and while we still may not have a clear idea of what he’s up to, he’s ferociously committed to bringing Ji-sook and Min-woo in line. Though they try to make their own decisions, both are trapped into compliance whether knowingly or unknowingly. But though it’s not what they want, this marriage could be what they need, if they can find a way to band together and make this situation work for them rather than against them.

EPISODE 3: “Best Choice, Worst Choice”

“Wake up.” Ji-sook hears a voice, and opens her eyes to see Seok-hoon standing over her hospital bed, looking stern. He gets right to business, ordering her to write down the phrase If your creditor dies, your debt disappears. It’s the only way. Ji-sook doesn’t understand, but complies, and Seok-hoon takes the piece of paper from her.

He tells her hurriedly that her name is now Seo Eun-ha, and that she fell into the pool at her fiance’s house and is suffering temporary memory loss. He tells her that Eun-ha’s parents are on their way, and instructs her not to say a single word to them.

Ji-sook asks what happened to the real Eun-ha, but Seok-hoon is in no mood, and growls at her that he’ll do all the thinking from now on. Her job is simply to obey, not to think.

Min-woo relives his hypnotic memories of strangling Eun-ha with her own purse strap and seeing her fall into the pool. He’s still certain he couldn’t have done such a thing — he had no reason to attack her. Mi-yeon says it’s okay not to be okay, but he’s not fooled by her sisterly act and tells her to get to the point.

She asks him not to go through with the wedding, claiming to be scared he could attack Eun-ha again. But he knows that Mi-yeon’s real fear is that the marriage’s business perks could convince their father to choose him as his heir. He says firmly that he will be marrying Eun-ha.

Mi-yeon’s expression hardens when Min-woo tells her he’s going to see Eun-ha now, so she can tell him herself if he’s really the one who attacked her. Mi-yeon asks if he’ll still go through with the wedding if she says he did it, and Win-woo confirms that nothing will change.

Eun-ha’s parents arrive to see her, and Ji-sook obediently pretends to be confused and speechless. Her father, Congressman Seo, tells her to rest and let the doctors take care of her, and leaves to take care of some official business. In the car, the congressman says that “Eun-ha” didn’t seem herself, but his wife (her stepmother) attributes that to the fact that he barely spends any time with her. She says they’ll create new, good memories with her.

Seok-hoon becomes harsh again once they’re gone, and tells Ji-sook to dress quickly. His henchman (who has a large scar behind his ear) wheels in a gurney and Seok-hoon tells Ji-sook not to scream, and from under the bed, Scar rolls out Eun-ha’s body. Whoa.

They follow behind as Scar pushes Eun-ha’s covered corpse through the halls, and Ji-sook thinks fast, feigning illness to get to the bathroom. It’s too far a drop to jump out the window, so she actually drinks a discarded bottle of face mist. When Seok-hoon drags her out again, she vomits, and ends up back in her hospital room.

Seok-hoon lets her stay, but holds up a baggie with her bloody keys from when she stabbed the loan shark, and reminds her that she drove the car with him in it off a cliff, and now he’s got a note in her handwriting saying that if her creditor dies, her debt is gone. It’s pretty damning, and Ji-sook knows it.

Min-woo parks at the hospital, and for a moment he nearly lets it slide that he didn’t park perfectly straight, but he can’t stand it and goes back to fix the issue. When he gets back to his car, he sees a suspicious figure hide behind a van, but he can’t see that it’s Scar with Eun-ha’s body.

Before he can get too curious, he gets a call from Seok-hoon, telling him that Eun-ha has woken up. He doesn’t see that Seok-hoon is actually watching him from a balcony. Seok-hoon breaks the news that Eun-ha has some memory loss and tries to get Min-woo to go home, but Min-woo is determined to see her.

Ji-sook pretends to be asleep when Min-woo comes in, and Seok-hoon tries again to get him to go home. Min-woo wants to know if he really attacked her, so he says he’ll wait until she wakes. He tells Seok-hoon that he won’t do anything to her, and Seok-hoon is forced to leave or else draw suspicion.

As soon as he’s gone Min-woo says he knows Ji-sook is awake, asking how much she remembers. He nervously asks if he did anything to her, but when Ji-sook stays silent, Min-woo snaps. He tears off her covers and grabs her, screaming in her face to say he didn’t do it.

Seok-hoon runs back in to tear Min-woo off Ji-sook, and tells him to go. It’s scary how fast he flips from his concerned expression towards Min-woo, to snarling at Ji-sook behind his back.

Ji-sook’s family stay up late, worried that something may have happened to her. Eventually, Ji-hyuk gets her text with the video she recorded while hanging off the cliff, yelling at them all to get their lives straight. Mom and Dad seem upset, but Ji-hyuk assumes it’s a drunk-text.

Seok-hoon takes Ji-sook to Eun-ha’s apartment, where she gapes at the size and the fancy furnishings (and larger-than-life self-portrait, which frankly says a lot about the kind of person Eun-ha was). Ji-sook complains that it will be difficult to live as someone with such a different background, but Seok-hoon says it’s not impossible since Eun-ha lived a pretty isolated life.

Seok-hoon gives Ji-sook Eun-ha’s engagement ring, ordering her ominously to make everything hers. She remembers seeing Eun-ha that day at the mall when the ring had rolled to Ji-sook, which now seems like foreshadowing, and slides on the ring. Interestingly, though it never fit Eun-ha even after multiple resizing, the ring fits Ji-sook’s finger perfectly.

The Choi house butler and maid clean Min-woo’s room, taking pride in getting everything perfect. But a glass of juice is accidentally overturned onto the carpet, and the crybaby butler bursts into tears (which seems to be a habit). Butler Nam-chul tells maid Yeon-soo dramatically that it’s his fault, and promises to watch over her after he’s fired, but she breathlessly counters that she’s young and pretty, and can find a new job easily. HA, these two are totally living in a melodrama of their own.

They prepare for the ax when Min-woo arrives, but he waves them away to be alone. Through the window he sees the apparition of a body floating in the pool again, then spots the stain on the carpet which seems to spread like blood. He gulps down several pills, and his vision blurs and he falls to the floor gasping. But instead of calling for help, Min-woo drags himself to retrieve a book which has a key hidden inside.

Seok-hoon is instructing Ji-sook on some things she’ll need to know as Eun-ha, like foreign phrases and music. He gives her Eun-ha’s school yearbook to study, and she sees a note that Eun-ha wrote inside: “If you wear a mask, you’ll never be happy.” She asks how Seok-hoon knows so much about Eun-ha, but he deflects by saying threateningly that he knows much more about her. He starts to leave, but when Ji-sook realizes he’s leaving Scar to watch her, she objects.

In answer, Seok-hoon pins Ji-sook to the wall by the strap of Eun-ha’s purse. He makes it clear that she’s only alive as Eun-ha by his grace, and that if she wants to be Ji-sook and die, he’ll be happy to take care of that right now. He frees her at her nod, and says there’s no going back now — it’s already done.

Ji-sook bravely says that she’s not thinking of going back, and tells him again to take Scar with him. This actually pleases Seok-hoon, who says that Eun-ha would have insisted on getting her way, too. Both men leave, and Ji-sook holds her tears in until she’s alone.

The two remaining loan sharks comb the beach, more upset about the loss of the money that was in the car than the loss of their partner. Director Shim wails at the sky, screaming that he’ll make Ji-sook pay every penny back, and doesn’t even notice when the police arrive to arrest them both.

Ji-sook is locked into the apartment, and a quick look off the balcony reveals that Scar is still there, watching from outside. She tries to make a call, but the phone’s been ripped out of the wall. Meanwhile her family still can’t reach her, and are starting to think they should call the police.

In a secret room Min-woo writes in his journal, asking why these things are happening — did he really see his mother, and strangle his fiancee? Is he crazy? He looks longingly at a photo of his dead mother, and begs her to say it’s not true.

Ji-sook rappels off the balcony on a rope of sheets, and Scar miraculously doesn’t seem to notice. She manages to get all the way to the police station, but the memory of Seok-hoon promising an obscene amount of money to pay her family’s debt gives her pause. She decides to talk to a cop anyway, but he’s distracted by a call, and she staggers to see her face on his computer screen.

Ji-sook steps back, right into Seok-hoon, who looks at her with threat in his eyes. She picks up the baggie with her bloody keys that he dropped, but remembers his threat that he’s got all the evidence against her, and hands them back. He’s ushered into a special room, and leaves Ji-sook with a creepy smile.

She has no choice but to go back to the apartment, where Min-woo and his nervous assistant are waiting to talk to her. She asks Min-woo to leave so she can rest, not ready for this confrontation, but he rips off the scarf she’s wearing to hide the marks from the purse strap.

Min-woo backs off, shaking and assuming that he made those marks on her neck, and tenderly ties the scarf back on her. He apologizes while Ji-sook just stares, not knowing what to think of this man who grabs her one moment then is so gentle the next.

Seok-hoon thinks on previous conversations with Min-woo’s doctor, who is confirmed to be in on the gaslighting of Min-woo. Doctor Kim told Seok-hoon that memories are easy to manipulate — now we see Min-woo’s hypnosis from the outside, where Doctor Kim had planted the memories of him attacking Eun-ha. I knew it.

Doctor Kim also instigated the moment when Min-woo thought he saw his mother, where Seok-hoon paid a woman to wear the necklace that triggered Min-woo at the mall. At the memory of the doctor saying Min-woo sees his mother when he sees the necklace, Seok-hoon himself remembers giving Eun-ha a necklace which she’d been wearing when she died.

On the cliff that Ji-sook drove over, Seok-hoon takes one last look at Eun-ha’s body, gently removing that same necklace. He actually cries at his loss, but doesn’t hesitate to throw her body into the ocean.

Ji-sook’s family eventually report her missing, and the police believe Ji-hyuk’s theory that she was just out drinking all night. But the news comes in that a woman’s body has been found, and the family confirms that it’s Ji-sook. Dad is struck silent, while Mom sinks to the ground in grief.

Ji-sook and Seok-hoon watch the news, where it’s reported that the note she wrote about debt disappearing when your creditor dies was found. It’s assumed that she killed the loan shark and herself, to free her family’s debt. Ji-sook is distraught that she killed a person, but Seok-hoon actually comforts her that Ji-sook did that, not her.

Min-woo’s and Eun-ha’s families meet to discuss the marriage, and it’s awkward and uncomfortable all around. Ji-sook gulps down two glasses of wine in quick succession, prompting questions about her well-being after the accident. Min-woo’s father squashes any discussion of the accident and brings things back to the wedding, but Min-woo suddenly says he can’t go through with it.

He politely explains that he doesn’t have the confidence that he can maintain a happy marriage, and stands to leave. His father barks that if he leaves this room, his chance at the family business is over. He asks Ji-sook what she wants to do, and the whole table waits nervously for her response.

Ji-sook repeats out loud the quote that she saw in Eun-ha’s yearbook: “If you wear a mask, you’ll never be happy.” She also stands, and says that wearing a mask and pretending to love someone she doesn’t love, won’t make her happy. So she’s decided to live while truly loving Min-woo.

She says she just wants to live, loving her family, and sadly the words seem to come from Ji-sook herself. This gives everyone pause, including Min-woo, and the marriage matter is settled.

Min-woo goes to a club after dinner, where his bachelor party is being held. He doesn’t seem happy, and has to fend off some leeches who pretend to be his friends to make a business connection. They get nasty when he refuses, and mention rumors that Min-woo is gay because he never dates. He stays calm until one of them starts bashing his fiancee for sleeping around, and he pushes the guy down and breaks a chair over a table.

Ji-sook goes to talk to Min-woo in his hotel room, where he’s apparently trying to dispel the gay rumors by drinking with a pair of scantily-clad partygoers. She asks what he wanted to talk about,and sits as far away from him as she can manage. But Min-woo is itching for a fight and gets all in her personal space, and tells her the story of the scorpion who begged a ride across the river from a frog.

He pushes Ji-sook down and climbs on top of her, reciting how the scorpion betrayed the frog and stung him halfway across, and they both drowned. When the frog asked why he stung him and killed them both, the scorpion just says he had no choice but to act according to his nature.

Min-woo backs off and orders Ji-sook to call off the wedding, or just not show up — whatever it takes to make this marriage not happen. Otherwise, he’ll end up killing her. He tells her to go, smashing his crystal decanter in an effort to scare her off. It works for now, and he even offers to pay compensation for breaking off the marriage.

Now that Ji-sook has been blamed for killing the loan shark, Director Shim and his other lackey are set free. They go directly to Ji-sook’s funeral, where Director Shim meanly sneers at the family that Ji-sook probably didn’t go to Heaven.

Nearby, Ji-sook is preparing for her marriage to Min-woo, but seeing another bride with her attentive mother makes her long for her own mother. She takes a risk and calls her mother’s phone, but a family member answers because her own mother is sobbing over what she thinks is Ji-sook’s body. Ji-sook doesn’t speak but can hear her mother’s cries, and she runs out of the wedding venue.

Scar sees her go and calls Seok-hoon, who leaves the wedding hall. Ji-sook stops down the street from her own funeral, witnessing her casket being loaded into the hearse and her family crying. She starts to go to them, but a hand grabs her wrist — it’s Seok-hoon.

Min-woo stands at the alter and the bride is called, but she doesn’t step out. HA, the Are you kidding me?! face that Min-woo shoots the officiant when he suggests Min-woo sing to call his bride, is unexpectedly hilarious. But just as Min-woo thinks he’s off the hook, Ji-sook steps into the wedding hall accompanied by Eun-ha’s father.

Ji-sook’s mind is on her family as she walks down the aisle, remembering the threat on Seok-hoon’s face and her decision to go through with this for her family, when she witnessed the loan sharks taking away the condolence money.

Her family cries over Eun-ha’s body, unaware that this is a doppelganger and that their real daughter is now living another life, and marrying a stranger.

Min-woo takes Ji-sook’s arm and warns her one last time, “I’ll kill you.” Ji-sook only calmly replies that when the river overflows, the frog is too scared to cross alone. She says they’ll tell people that she slipped and fell into the pool, and that Min-woo had nothing to do with it.

Surprised, his head whips around, but Ji-sook only says that they’re family now, and family should always be on your side no matter what. Trapped by their circumstances, Min-woo and Ji-sook are married, allies now for better or for worse.


Oh, Mask is just so delicious. The conflicts are being laid out so beautifully, and I find myself intrigued by all of our players, even (or possibly especially) Seok-hoon. I know he’s the villain, but he’s so layered and difficult to read, and I’m dying to know what’s motivating him. It’s easy to assume that he’s driven by power, and greed for his wife’s family business — but if that were the case, then wouldn’t Eun-ha’s death, and the loss of the two families’ alliance, have benefited him more? After all, this marriage seems to offer Min-woo his best chance to inherit the business, so why is Seok-hoon so invested in making sure that the marriage happens? I’m positive that he’s got another agenda which we’re just not privy to at this point. But whatever it is, it’s enough to push him to do anything he has to do to force Ji-sook into his little scheme. Discovering Seok-hoon’s true intentions, and watching him inevitably develop feelings for the woman who he’s already realizing is very like the Eun-ha that he loved, will be delightfully fun.

But he’s not the only one whose motivations are unclear, and I have a hard time reading Min-woo as well. He’s such a contradiction — you can see that he’s not a bad person, and he desperately wants to be sane and normal. But all the evidence proves otherwise, and he’s so afraid of himself that he actually acts out in an effort to push people away and keep them safe. It’s a conundrum: if you’re going to do the time, you may as well do the crime, so he has nothing to lose from his violent outbursts since (he thinks) people already believe him a killer. But I don’t hear his threats to “kill” Ji-sook as true threats, only warnings that he’s not a safe person to be around. I don’t believe for a moment that he has any conscious intention to hurt her, but at this point he’s been so convinced of his own murderous outbursts, that he’s doing what he can to get her to leave him and save herself.

Min-woo is a wonderful character because, though he thinks of himself as a dangerous and violent man, he has those flashes of tenderness and compassion. When he nearly attacked Ji-sook to rip off her scarf, then seconds later gently tied it back on, I legitimately swooned. Those glimpses of the gentle, loving man he could be, if only he could break away from his family and their efforts to undermine his sanity, are so touching. They turn what could be a scary and off-putting character into someone vulnerable and lost, and you just want to pull him in and comfort him. And Ji-sook is already noticing this, and responding to it. I think she knows deep-down that he wouldn’t hurt her, and that now that her own family is lost to her, she has a chance to form a new family. She’s not on board with Seok-hoon and whatever he’s planning… but she’s stuck, so she may as well forge a new family and try her best for a second chance at a life filled with love. It’s what I like most about her — above all, she just wants a family to love, where she can trust and feel safe.

I love the two parables that Seok-hoon and Min-woo tell, both putting Ji-sook in the position of the innocent frog. First Seok-hoon compares her to the frog who doesn’t know any better, and gives up the golden throne to jump back into her pond, calling her stupid for not knowing the smart thing to do. Then Min-woo again draws a comparison with his frog-and-scorpion story, making Ji-sook the trusting and naïve frog to his dangerous scorpion, warning her that he can only act according to his nature and will be her downfall. But it was wonderful how Ji-sook turned that around on him at the end, saying that the frog isn’t stupid or naïve, but can also only behave according to her nature. She just knows that when the water gets too high, you find a friend and trust them to take care of you. Even if you get stung in the end, it’s better to try to live a life of love than to live it alone.


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I really love it when I watch a drama not expecting anything, only to be sucked into it against my will. I had great expectations for Producer and Warm and Cozy but I can't really seem to get into them. This drama had me at hello. Excellent cast and great story.


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me too.. this drama reminds me of Secret. i only started Secret after it finished air since i dun really interested at first. and what happened, i finished everything in one night.

i hope this drama will be a success. :D


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Both have same writer.


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oh i didnt know. thats great...


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As I expected - and what happened with Secret - this drama is already jumping up in the ratings. From 13th to 5th in Seoul, 15th to 8th nationwide.


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Yes, you get addicted with the plots and storyline eventhough it's sorta typical melodrama


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I did da same with Secret...watched it a month or so after it finished airing and I was sucked into it almost immediately...binged watched da drama coz it was so damn addictive!

I so wanna watch mask, but I hate da waiting bit between episodes...So I'm just biting down for now and reading recaps....and it sure is killing me! I'll start watching when atleast 8 episodes have aired...


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Same. Cozy and Producer were real disappointments - this was just the opposite. Now that Grapevine is over, this is the only one I really look forward to.


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Totally agree!


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same here..Producer was a huge disappointment for me..i jumped ship to Mask..cant wait to see more of it :)


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I so agree with this. Same for Warm and Cozy, though. I didn't expect anything from both Mask and Warm and Cozy, but i ended up watching and liking them both


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This drama is deliciously addictive.


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ikr, it made me impatient to wait for next episode.


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So true!


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Thanks very much LollyPip! Great recap!

I was thinking that the lighter, funny times are very scarce now with the 'loss' of Ji Sook. I liked her interactions with her colleagues and the initial meeting with Min Woo where she threw up on him :D Although this is supposed to be a melodrama, the funny was part of it from the beginning and they go surprisingly well together, without one mood jarring upon the other.

However, I'm hoping that not all the funny parts will be gone and that our OTP interactions will not just be serious and romantic (must be sweetly romantic, show, you hear? to make up for all the horror poor Ji Sook has to go through) but that the lighter times with the mistaken identity will resurface, lots and lots.

At the moment, we only have our cry-baby butler (it's beautiful so I cry! LOL!) and melo-maid to give us comic relief, but they do it with such a serious look on their faces, it's hilarious.

This has been a great first few episodes so far and I'm looking forward to lots more!!!


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I'm so excited to watch it unfold!!


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I like your analysis on Min Woo. He wants to be a good boy, he desperately wants to, but his family determines his sanity and therefore he comes to believe he's not good at all, he's dangerous, thus he builds a wall surrounding him that I believe only Ji Sook can break. It was horrible how the doctor inserts a false memory there (Inception, anyone?) and at that time I just want to hug him and tell him it's okay, you're not a murderer.
But after knowing it's not Min Woo who strangles Eun Ha, here comes one question: How and why Eun Ha is murdered? I believe it's Seok Hoon's doing, so why did he do it? Why bothers to change Min Woo's memory? Like LollyPip said, he desperately wanted the marriage to happen, which is only plausible if he's not the murderer. Seok Hoon got so many layers, I don't know if he's the true evil one or not.
Hoping for more Yoo In Young-Yeon Jung Hoon's scenes. They are deliciously evil.


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The only other scenario if Seok Hoon didn't murder Eun Ha, is that either his wife or the evil step mother did it. Neither one of them wants Min woo to progress and be left the company when dad passes on. It appears Min woo is "the bastard son", while Mi Yeon is the legitimate child. Who is clearly discriminated against because she's female. What I feel is equally repulsive as brainwashing Min woo that he's a violent psycho, is that the evil, unethical doctor convinces Min Woo his mother is still alive, when she's clearly dead.

I just find it difficult to accept Seok Hoon didn't have a hand in Eun Ha's death because he's clearly in cahoots with the doctor to shift the blame to Min woo. So he must be in on it. Seok Hoon is playing some deep game.

Bring it on, show.


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I would like to know more about Eun Ha's background - that might explain why someone had to get rid of her. Perhaps she knew too much? It has to be something important to the bad guys, or they would not be going to this much trouble for this whole charade.


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Agreed. Or maybe they found she could not be easily manipulated and wouldn't be a pawn in their game, so they got rid of her.


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If that was their reason, they went from bad to totally bad. She is definitely not your usual doormat that so many dramas portray women as.


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I liked the Frog and Scorpion story the most.... really really beautifully added :)


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That is actually an old Aesop's tale. But it fit the situation perfectly.


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The other thing I love from the show is the metaphors. Frog and Scorpion, frog in the pond, heaven and hell, wearing mask, people who have power always tell the truth, etc etc.


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Wow! This drama! I have no words for it as in words won't suffice. It is so addicting, entertaining, exciting, ... Each episode starts with a bang and goes on with a cliffhanger. I love Seok Hoon as a formidable foe, bring it on Protagonist, bring it on! Brainy is the new sexy! :D Please, don't mess it up Show! We needed a clever and cunning enemy to liven up dramaland after Liar Game. As you can see, at this stage I'm much more invested in the villain than the good guys, but the evil mastermind and the adventure to take him down extravagantly makes a melodrama watchable. ;) Thank you so much for the recap!


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I agree. This show has got me guessing every step of the way! I am so excited for the next episodes :))))

Seok heon REALLY good at his role and his evil side kick as well (evil looking face..right? )


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Hahaha! Yes, yes, you're definitely rıght! His sidekick is very loyal to him and they have a really good rapport! Especially at the scene where the sidekick was wheeling the dead Eun Ha into the car and got almost caught by Min Woo and the security guard, hence Seok Heon helped him by cajoling Min Woo to go home but actually making him want to go inside and distracted the guard by shouting Min Woo over. That was super good because he used reverse psychology technique on Min Woo effortlessly. During this ordeal, the sidekick didn't get nervous, just believed in his master's or mastermind's, hur hur, skills to save him out of that dire situation. Wow! As I stated above, brainy is the new sexy! I find Seok Heon's character intimidating, dangerous, threatening, overwhelmingly controlling, manipulative, scheming, but I adore his intelligence and mind event though it is dirty! I hadn't realized I was this much into the baddie! Usually, I ship the main leads with each other, but here it's not even about shipping, I just admire his cool demeanor and high intelligence even though he may or may not be a killer.


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What I love most about this drama (and I said the same thing about the characters from Secret, which is a hallmark of this writer) is that the characters are believable . They are thinking, reasoning fellows, not merely puppets who act without any rhyme or reason.

Ji Sook tried multiple times to break away from the situation, she did not merely accept it, but fought it until she had no recourse but to submit to the inevitable. She's no candy girl, or wilting flower wringing her hands waiting for a guy to rescue her. She stands up bravely for what she believes in and rescues herself. I hope she remains equally strong throughout the whole series.

First she swallows chemicals in the hospital trying to buy time and an opportunity to escape. Secondly, she insists that crazy, psycho bodyguard leave her apartment even after being stangled by Seok Hoon (I think he strangled her to intimidate her and to make her more believable as Eun Ha). Anyone else would have been too intimidated to utter a word. I know I certainly would.

Then she climbs out the window and runs to the police station to reveal everything and get help, unfortunately, it didn't pan out well. She even tries to call her parents for help. She makes one last attempt to flee just before her wedding but the sight of those goons forces her to go back. She's definitely a heroine I can get behind. Can't wait to see how love will blossom between Ji Sook with her inner strength and resilience, and Choi Min Woo who appears weak, and beaten down by life. I predict she will end up being a haven for him, and a protector from all the dishonest sharks who surround him and want to eat him up.


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Now if we can just get a complicated strong second female lead (I'd hate to waste that actress in a stereotypical role), this drama will really float my boat.


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Typically at this point is about where the super strong heroine starts morphing into a doormat - but if this is anything like Secret that will not happen.

My guess right now is that she will team up with her forced hubby and things will start unraveling.


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I didn't expect to believe in this melodrama, but they are doing a great job of selling it.

At this point, I can believe everything about this show other than the sheer fantasy of there being two women in Korea with eyes as beautiful as Su Ae.


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And her slightly husky voice is pretty hypnotic. I've only ever seen her in 9 End 2 Outs, but now I'm noticing how different and unique her voice sounds compared to other K-actresses.


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Omo didn't realise till now it's the same person from 9 ends to out,she's aged well only difference is her face is rounder and she's curvier, time to Google ,love her.


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Same reaction. Couldn't believe it's the same actress.


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I'm in love with her voice. It's like listening to a fairytale whenever she talks.


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I'm all in for the brainy, complicated -- and sexy -- villain. For me, he kinda leaves Min Woo in the dust. Still, it's early days yet...


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Yes, a part of me feels the same way. He's dark, intense and magnetic, but Min Woo is so unpredictable that I can't help but be drunkenly drawn to him, especially in ep 4 where his deeper emotions/observations are surfacing in subtle ways. They're both complex and unpredictable, but SH is more intentional and calculating whereas MW has multiple personalities -- he's the undeveloped, dysfunctional child w/ two extra bipolar sides (good and evil) and all three are constantly fighting against each other to find clarity and meaning. I definitely find MW fascinating.


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Min Woo is the wounded child traumatized by his mum's death and the child who is trying to win the approval of his dad, against all the family who are arrayed against him. Because of his 'illness' he has so much more to prove, not only to dad but to himself.

He thinks he wants to be the person who is able to wear a mask to appear 'normal' and happy and accepted.

He is fearful that he is not able to keep that mask on.

He needs to find out (through Ji Sook) that his real self is just fine, that he is good and dependable and trustworthy as he is.

Then, he can be healed... over time.


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Agree. Seok Hoon is deliciously evil. So delicious it feels theatrical. But his actions are pretty much predictable. He'll go wherever Jisook goes and prevent any mess she tries to make.
Min Woo, on the other hand, is unpredictable. I can't read his mind. What drives his actions? Guilt? Rage? It's interesting to see his development


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I am so completely invested in Ji Sook that I spend every episode on pins and needles, just hoping that somehow she will find someone to be on her side. She's trying so hard, and I completely agree w/ Adal's comment about how much I love that she's believable in the way that she DOESN'T just accept the ridiculous melo situation she's in. She keeps trying to get away and that just makes me root for more because that's what I always want to see in these sorts of setups. This scary dude is threatening her into this ridiculous plan and if it goes bad, she's gonna be screwed-- why would she just go along with it?

I know it's too early for Min Woo to fall for her, storywise, but I'm so impatient for them both to have the thing they most need-- someone with power to help her and someone to help him know what reality is.


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@ CR
Although it's early days for full romance, it's great that the show has put in place that Min Woo has started to sense something different and good in Ji Sook. When she entered the house and was in awe... he gave her that puzzled stare. And when she was just being herself, he wanted to know if she was always kind and friendly... even telling his dad she seemed genuine.

When he helped her find her mum, he was such a kid in reminding her that she clearly said she'd do whatever he wanted if he helped her... and looked like he at least believed her that she would keep her word. So it's soo great to see their relationship on the brink of growing and soon blossoming from now on.

I just hope we are not constantly frustrated by 3rd parties and other tropes. :)


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I'm so addicted to this already! why doesn't the week only consist of Wednesdays and Thursdays?!


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oms yes i want everyday to be Wednesdays and Thursdays ❤


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I think that Ji Sook will not take long to start figuring out ways to bring this whole House of Evil down. She is so unlike so many of the usual doormat candy girls (with a warm heart of course :D ) that I just cannot see her going down without a fight.

And I might be wrong, but I suspect there is still some kind of backstory there about them maybe actually being twins.

Well, EP4 is just up, so I am off /wave :)


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Be prepared for more real shockers in EP4...


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This drama has some huge problems. Like HUGE. Some are very clearly visible in the episode 4 - like how the whole things is pulled off etc. Or, just as an example, dumping the body of Eun-ha; it was clearly shown her body hit the rocks while falling down. This would have caused damage to the body which should have baffled police.


I couldn't care less. As Lollypip says, conflicts are so great, characters feel so interesting and layered, there's so much mystery going on with 2 main guys - bah to those problems, says I. I am totally in to this drama!


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Didn't she supposedly die in the car wreck, which would account for various injuries?

Of course in real life any decent forensics would figure out that she was dead long before she hit the water/rocks, but hey not many dramas really get into that unless it is part of the plot, including most US dramas. In fact I find that US shows like "Nikita" are even more full of plot holes.


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Thank you for the recap LollyPip. Mask — another hour of entertaining television. You continue to throw down the gauntlet with each episode. Therefore I say...

Bring It Own!
Show me what you got!
Go for it!
Do your best!


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Mask feels like I'm watching Liar game with Shin Sung rok 2.O.


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I've never watched Liar Game. I'm not a big fun of japanese dramas or dramas based on japanese series, but you excited my curiosity. Is really Liar Game similar?


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If I may ... the similarity (if it can be considered that) is in the villain being so in control of the game/events, so able to deceive/wear a mask of his own, so able to manipulate people like pawns to achieve the desired results.

However Liar Game was really set in a game (made up of many games) and ultimately, although players were told not to trust anyone, it was only in trusting the right persons/in the right circumstances that evil could be defeated. This story is set in chaebol machinations, but I guess it's a game of sorts too, just as serious as the game in Liar Game, since there is a lot at stake and the good guys cannot afford to lose.


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Exactly everything @Growing beautifully said, the similarity is in the villan and also both shows are strangely addictive.


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This is what I call makjang done right. It's got all the right ingredients for a crazy drama, but the plot execution, the subtle details and the superb acting is really making this drama work.


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+ 1


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+1 :)


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Thanks for the recap, LollyPip!

This drama is getting better with each ep. Just so intense and makes you wonder what makes the characters tick, especially SH. I'm really curious what got him into this political marriage in the first place, his relationship with the real EH, and why he is going to such lengths to have JS impersonate EH.

Really rooting for JS who is the kind of person who is resilient and determined despite her circumstances. She fought hard even with SH's threats and his sidekick's creepy guarding. I was surprised she'd even risk her life by drinking that face mist just so she could stay in the hospital.

So, MW IS being manipulated by SH and the evil doctor. I think I'd be crazy too if everyone around me really IS out to get me. It was good to see how his conflicting emotions play out--wanting to know the truth by pulling away JS's scarf and then tying it back gently upon realizing that he might have really tried to kill her. =( I'd bet SH strangled JS with the purse strap not only to scare her, but to also make it more believable that she is EH. Otherwise, it'd be suspicious if she didn't have the neck marks.

Loved the frog/scorpion analogy. I hope that MW will slowly let down his guard and let JS in. He's the only one she can cling to right now with her "we are one family" mindset, and in turn, I hope he can learn to trust and count on her since he knows his real family doesn't care about him as a person at all.


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I now live for Wed and Thurs, and when they're over, I wonder where they have gone! Oh Mask, how can you be so good?!


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Count me in<3 goodneesssss i'm addicted to Mask it's sooo good how am i supposed to wait for a whole week!! i'll probably end up re watching the 4 episodes again and again!


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The writer is so good. I loved the ending scenes, with the juxtaposition of the wedding and the funeral. The part that I really liked, was when jisook was going to head to her family, but saw the loansharks taking away the condolence money for her family's debts, and headed back to the wedding. That was so well written and explains so muchabout ji sook's motivations to leave that miserable life behind, and try to start a new one.


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@ Emmy
I felt the pathos of the wedding contrasted with the funeral/cremation. Never did the words ... "that they’re family now, and family should always be on your side no matter what." as spoken by Ji Sook sound so desperate and so powerful as at that time.

These were very similar words that Mi Yeon said to Seok Hoon in Episode 1/2 - ..."no matter what I do, you have to be on my side!" But what a difference in tone and attitude and effect these similar words have in these 2 situations.


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I like mask so much. It is so dramatic and interesting for me. I love Soo Ae acting and i hope Ji Sook can be safe when she live in Min Woo's house. Good drama, thanks to cast to bring a good drama for people.


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The being safe part is now rather tricky since Seok Hoon has sent out the order to have her killed (we see henchman trying to mow her down with his car). SH will try to frame MW for any harm that comes to Ji Sook, so our OTP had better get together with enough revelations towards each other, and quickly, so that SH will know to keep an eye out for JS and they can take SH down together.


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I was watching again bits of Episode 1 (bad memory, what to do?)... and noticed that there's a repeat and variation of one person falling on or pushing and ending on top of the other LOL!
Episode 1:
Ji Sook fell on Min Woo
Seok Hoon got passionate with Mi Yeon.

Episode 4:
Min Woo pushed Ji Sook down on the settee.
A game of intimidation for the guys and just plain drunkeness for the girl? A repeated theme shown in physical action about control and manipulation?

Did I miss something or is this a plot hole (entirely forgivable but a hole nevertheless???) - Did Ji Sook leave her keys blood where Seok Hoon could get it? I thought she with all her belongings were in the car when it went over the cliff and into the sea. Even her phone seems to be intact??? That was definitely in the car with her when she spoke to Seok Hoon and recorded a msg to her family... so super retrieval of phone from the dark sea and super repair of said phone??? :)


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Adding on to that theme of one-on-one - Doc Kim puts in false memories of Min Woo jumping on top of Eun Ha at the poolside and strangling her.

Since it was a lie, to backup the story, Seok Hoon took the opportunity to pretend-strangle Ji Sook too. If he had not done it, he might have got henchman to do so, to add credibility to the false memory.


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I meant Episode 3 not 4... don't worry... no spoilers here!!!


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That's right.


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I am confused about the keys too but about the phone, it is obvious she got a new one. When she was going through her family photos, it looked like an online blog or something which probably is hers' or her brothers'.


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I love it. One melo to deconstruct all the others. The route of the plot does not exactly go where I expected and that element of unanticipated is always great in television. I believe like in Secret the main theme was "responsibility", here we'll explore the issue of "truth". Is truth overrated? Is lying always reprehensible? And all that in a fun package.


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Yes, one of the main themes here is truth as depicted by the mask. Is one to wear a mask to be happy (or like Min Woo says... pretend to be happy) or is it that because one puts on a mask, one cannot be happy (Ji Sook's interpretation of Eun Ha's words)?

Then we have Min Woo telling his father that Eun Ha appeared genuine and might have really been trying to help him. He also asks if she is really always kind and friendly... meaning he is wondering which is the mask and which is the real face.

I'm so looking forward to their growing into believing in relinquishing the mask for the truth and trusting in each other and in real family.


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When does Min Woo tell his father that Eun Ha appeared genuine? I completely missed that scene


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I think @gb is talking about epi 4.


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Wow....didn't expect it will be so addictive. What a great cast. Definitely tuning in.


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Lol, with Kim Ji-min playing the "pretty and young" maid, we are sure to have at least one funny moment in every episode


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I thought that was her,but I wasn't sure.I also saw that lady that does the Nami and bung bung skit in the department store, she had on the same clothes as Eun ha, I also enjoyed Lee soo Ji in Falling for innocence, she was so funny in it.wow gag concerts comedians are taking over dramaland, love it.


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